Category: School

Babysitting for a horny student 5 (1)

Michael sat at his desk, staring blankly at the equations scribbled across his notebook. Higher mathematics was no joke, and he was struggling to keep up. He looked over at Agnes, his 25-year-old babysitter, who was trying her best to explain the concepts to him. “Look, Michael,” Agnes said, exasperated. “It’s not that hard. You …

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Date night with a much older guy 4.4 (7)

My name is Kirsty, I’m 18 years old, a virgin, 5.4” 34DD 32 36, I have some lovely curves that I enjoy showing off and I am not lacking the attention from both sexes. I am very active with myself and my toys, I love to play on the shower, my bed, on the sofa …

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The tales of a Teen girl torn between right and wrong 4.4 (14)

My name is Mandy, I’m 13 years old, 5.2” 26” hips and waist 28AA breasts, yes I’m a tiny teen girl, I live with my mum, dad & 2 older brothers, we have a big 5 bedroom home in its own land not overlooked, our closest neighbour is about 1 mile away, we have open …

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Tracey’s first job whilst still at school. Pt 1. 5 (1)

Tracey was a good friend of mine when we grew up in the 70’s and into the late 80’s early 90’s, she was a beaut young lady but always told me about some of the things she had gotten up to in her early teens with older guys. Tracey was 15, a few months before …

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Grandad and Me 4.1 (7)

This is a story told to me by a friend, is it true, who knows, but knowing my friend lol Me and my granddad have always been close, every since I was born until now I have always been his little princess, he has dotted on me and always given me everything I have wanted …

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Grandpa Ahoh and Tanya (translated) 5 (1)

In one far, far city, where it was almost always summer and cherry blossoms bloomed, there lived, trying to stretch from retirement to retirement, a gray-haired, puny grandfather Ahoh. He lived alone and only a canary in an old cage pleased him in the morning with its trills. But grandfather did not starve, and when …

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Dominant Daddy Needed 3 (2)

It was the start of the summer holiday, mum and dad were going on holiday as dads work always closed down at the end of July for 2 weeks, this year I didn’t really want to go and they said my aunti would pop in and see me every day to make sure I was …

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Adventures of a horny teen babysitter 4.5 (13)

It was the school summer holidays and I was doing some babysitting to earn myself  some money, I was at school with their son, we were both 14, there son I was looking after was 10, he was a nice boy, well behaved, the mum and dad were really nice, I think the dad enjoyed we …

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Come on Over . . . and My Mom Will Teach Us 5 (1)

[URIS id=2678] Introduction: Amanda begins our tale with the most erotic dream sequence that takes place at school. Things increase in intensity, as Mike arrives at their home, having been drenched by a quick rain storm, and then Amanda’s Mom begins to give them lessons. The Night before His Visit Amanda jumped into bed . …

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Honestly earned five 0 (0)

[URIS id=2678] Field, Russian field, The moon is shining or snow is falling… What’s the moon like when it’s a white day? And where does the snow come from in the middle of summer? Well, it’s not exactly midsummer, but it’s not winter either. June. But the field is there. A field without end, from …

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