Category: 2-News

A sex scene with a ghost. News 07/21/24. 0 (0)

Hello everyone. This week I did pictures of a sex scene with a ghost who had taken on flesh. And the body turned out to be very sexy. There are four positions in the sex scene, one of them anal. After a while, Triss will join in on the action. All in all, I made …

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We’re exploring the dungeon again. News 07/13/24. 0 (0)

Hello, everyone. This week you and Triss and Oliviera are looking for the remains that belong to this ghost. After fighting a small monster in the graveyard, you realize that the remains are not there. Oliviera leads you to another elven dungeon. There, after a short wandering you stop in front of a chasm. To …

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Double blowjob. News 06.07.24. 0 (0)

Hey, everybody. It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update. I had a lot going on in my personal life that distracted me from working on the game. I spent two days on the train, rested in nature, went to the hospital for treatment. And in general, while it’s summer, you should enjoy it, …

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New girls in the secret room. News 06/16/2024. 1 (1)

Hi, everyone. This week I spent most of my time creating pictures of sex scenes with the new girls in the academy’s secret room. Two more money making porn scenes will appear there. The screenwriter wrote very little this week. You and Triss went to the elven ruins and walked inside. I created a total …

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Triss plays with the scepter. News 06/09/24. 3 (1)

Hi everyone. This week I’ve been making code and pictures for a new adventure with Triss. After you and she completed the rectoress’ assignment, you didn’t get what you wanted. It turned out that the rectoress herself needed the ingredients that Triss asked for. In the end, to solve the problem of the academy and …

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Update 0.17 of the game “Witcher Hunt” has been published 0 (0)

Hello everyone. I have great news – another update of the game “Witcher Hunt” has been published. Here’s what’s new in the update: – you will begin your adventure with Triss Merigold, – you’ll complete Oliver’s final quest and increase your dexterity to 10, – you’ll be able to have sex with two more girls …

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Glenna wants to warm up to Triss. News 05/26/24. 0 (0)

Hey, everybody. This week I’ve been doing pictures for a little sex scene with Glenna. You and her were waiting for Triss to finish the ritual in the barracks. But Glenna didn’t want to wait six hours and offered to speed up the process. She suggested that you warm up Triss with your naked bodies. …

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Oliver’s latest task is complete. News 05/19/24. 0 (0)

Hi. This week I finished the pictures for the sex scene between the chancellor and the secretary. After this scene, you get the chancellor’s panties and you can give them to Oliver. In exchange for them, the janitor will teach you his coolest technique and you’ll pump your dexterity up to level 10. This is …

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Chancellor and secretary have fun with your dick. News 05/12/24. 5 (1)

Hey, everybody. This week I’ve been creating pictures for a sex scene with the rector and the secretary. You went to the rector’s reception to fulfill Oliver’s last assignment. After successfully passing the secretary’s barrier, you made your way into the chancellor’s room. Suddenly, you heard the voices of these women and hid in a …

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We continue with Triss to look for places of magic. News 05/05/24. 0 (0)

Hello everyone. This week I continued to create pictures of Triss’s adventures. After finishing the ritual at the brothel, you went to the next place the secretary pointed out to you. It was the barracks. While searching there, you met Glenna. She was very interested in the detector and wanted to help in your search. …

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