Category: Teen

Olga. Shameless redhead 4 (1)

We met by chance.I work at night and so I stopped by the store to buy a beer, relax. I took a beer, thought about it and attached a whiskey. I approach the checkout, it’s morning, there are no people and therefore one cashier works. In front of me there is such a big cart …

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Grandpa Ahoh and Tanya (translated) 5 (1)

In one far, far city, where it was almost always summer and cherry blossoms bloomed, there lived, trying to stretch from retirement to retirement, a gray-haired, puny grandfather Ahoh. He lived alone and only a canary in an old cage pleased him in the morning with its trills. But grandfather did not starve, and when …

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Dominant Daddy Needed 3 (2)

It was the start of the summer holiday, mum and dad were going on holiday as dads work always closed down at the end of July for 2 weeks, this year I didn’t really want to go and they said my aunti would pop in and see me every day to make sure I was …

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Adventures of a horny teen babysitter 4.5 (15)

It was the school summer holidays and I was doing some babysitting to earn myself  some money, I was at school with their son, we were both 14, there son I was looking after was 10, he was a nice boy, well behaved, the mum and dad were really nice, I think the dad enjoyed we …

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Holiday adventures of a teen slut 5 (3)

I am a 14 year old girl, very sexual since I lost my virginity on my birthday 6 months ago to my 19 year old boyfriend, since then I have been very active and always dress to impress the young men we hang around with, yes I am enjoyed by some of them. My mum …

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My meeting with the Demons 5 (3)

I was 18 years old, I had been with my boyfriend for 4 years, he is 10 years older than me, he goes to gym 6 times a week, has an amazing body, lovely blue eyes, dark hair, amazing pecs, gorgeous six pack and a lovely 10” cock, the first time I took his cock …

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The older boy 1 (1)

The older boy that i thoroughly enjoyed ☺️ It was summer of of 1993 and I was 14 years old, young, impressionable and starting to notice boys, I was thinking I liked them older as they would have more experience than the 15/16 year olds that just wanted one thing. My mum and dad hardly ever …

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Me and my Uncle Pt1 5 (1)

This is a fictional story, or is it lol  My dad is an architect and runs his business with his brother in law, they both designed their own homes and both are quite open planned. One evening we was all at home, dad was throwing a BBQ as they had just won a contract so …

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First year at Senior School 0 (0)

This is a story about my first year at senior school, losing my virginity to my P.E Teacher, this is my fist story so I hope you like, if it’s good and you would like part 2/3/4 let me know in the comments. I was in my first year of senior school, it was an …

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Farewell Lunch 1 (1)

[URIS id=2678] Introduction: Playing green light/red light Chapter 1 Red Light – Green Light Diana’s office was anything but uptight. It was the Eighties and everyone was still enjoying the sexual revolution, so things were pretty loose around the office. Women in the office environment were shedding the dusty image of the 1950’s receptionist and …

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