We will soon make an erotic game about cyborgs 0 (0)

Hello everybody! It’s again me – Dworkin! And my a bit late report about the developing our sex games. This time I will not to tell you any abstract stories and other. Today only about the games and nothing else. If anyone likes previous way of reporting – please, write it in the comments. I would be pleased to talk with you.
At the moment we are developing 2 game directions. It’s a big and small games. And both of this direction will be like a TV series. But they are different in sizes and in scripts as well

First one – the Cybergenic series

Fantasy about the human’s future, erotic and sex. The protagonist – captain of the interstellar ship, of course he is smart, brave, but has not so much experience. You will investigate most complicated and conceal case in the last hundred years together! And along the way you will get acquainted with cute girls 😉 The script of the first part – for the the prequel to the series, is ready for 95 percent. Not so many thing left – conclusion, some logic and achievements. What about this game? I will not tell you. Because it’s a first 18+ game for our team. What can be new in the first game and weren’t in previous? Everything, everything is new! For us. Hope you will find many interesting and and fascinating things! I can tell one thing – there is a branched story and if you will choose the wrong decision you can miss many interesting things 🙂


Second one – the Sexy witch series

Why does it named this way? I don’t know, I didn’t make it up 🙂 Ask about it the Stranger! I’m starting to work with this story only now. I haven’t wrote even one word. Now I’m trying to build in the mind the details of the plot. But the main plan I’ve already made up for myself. But it very easy change according to your wishes. It will be small stories-sketches, simple and fun, with some part of humor. The storyline is happening in a fantastic fictional kingdom in the middle ages (in case of the middle ages was the central water supply and sewerage). At this story will be main character as well, but, I think, about who is in charge in this series will be good to argue!
That’s it. Have a good week! See you!

Erotic games in March 0 (0)

A picture of a porn game that will be released in March 2018Today I wanna tell you my future plans about creating our adult games and I gonna tell what will release in the March. I always think – which way is better. What is the better – create a couple big games during of the year or many short games? How I told you in the article about types of the erotics games, I decided to choose a combined way. It’s means that we will creating a big games and short games as well. The short games will be for free and let you check the quality of our games. And if you will like our short games and if you’ll support us on the PATREON site, then you’ll get access to our toll games. Per month we will releasing one free porn game. How I told, mainly it will be games from the Sexy witch series.
At this moment I finish with a pictures for a game from the series about witch Zenny. This game – “Fight witches”. The coding has written a long time ago. The text of the game has translated to English. Now need to put the phrases in English in the coding. The game will released on the site in the March. Our friends who support us will get the access the first. Later, probably in one month, the game will be free. But may be I gonna make access to another game from this series – “Strip game”.
Also at this weekend Dworkin will write the script for one more short adult game. What is this game – I don’t know. He gonna tell us about this game later. Any way, this game will be much interesting than games, which I have wrote.
In according with this my intentions, the work with the Prequel a bit stopped. Last week I haven’t made a new pictures of the games. I just made a some little corrections after the Dworkin’s game checking. If everything will go how I want, I will continue the work with prequel in this weekend. The new texts has written and the coding finished. Now need to create a new pictures for the games.
In the beginning of the March the Yandex searcher lowered the Russian version of our site in the lists due to useless information and advertising. I hope our articles are not useless for you and you reading our news with interest. That’s why I have removed the pop-up advertising from the corner of the site. I guess, I will help. In my plans, the main way of the earning money from the site is supporting us our followers on the PATREON site.
So that’s why I don’t worry about earnings from this advertisement.
So this is today’s article. And tell us about your opinion. We really want to know what are you interested for.

Cybergenic Universe Prequel (Report #3) 0 (0)

Hello! And it’s again me – Dworkin! So, a new weekly report about our developers team.
In Russia 23th of the February is day-off. Everyone is celebrate a national holiday. It’s mean, at the day before it, 22th of the February is short workday and celebrations is starting in the offices. And, we did it too!
Actually, before it, I never thought about meaning of this celebration. In Russia it’s day of the mans.   Usually womans to congratulate mans at this day. And during the congratulations they told the history facts about this celebration and I’ve listened properly what did the womans-coworkers tells.
And you know, actually, 23th of February it’s a Day of Red Army and In this year is 100 years anniversary. As for me, it’s pretty strange – to celebrate this date – Day of Red Army.
We had a national holiday – Day of October revolution, now the government has renamed this date to Day of nation unity. But the government didn’t change this date –  Day of Red Army. I’m asking myself – why? May be Russian peoples very loves army? And may be it’s just “ohh it’s Russian mysterious soul!” I don’t know. Actually, official mans day is 19 of November, but in Russia nobody knows and don’t celebrate it. That’s it.
The writing the script of the game is going with a some time lag, but I will finish with it in the first days of March. And I hope in the end of March you’ll see full version of the game.
We have a some reworks of the script and in some cases we have a disagreement but, I hope very soon it will resolve.
The script about game on the ship is ready for 2/3 part. We have got a first completely sweet erotic scene. And with double passing of this scene! And I’m sure, you’ll not get bored when you’ll be play our game second time. I hope, your fantasy about something somewhere will be satisfied with 100%:) And of course, The Stranger will provide a amazing pictures and I gonna provide interesting and considered dialogs.

The answers which I’m writing in each dialogs are logical and consistent. But this does not mean that you need to play only in order to maximally please Stella and get deal with her. But what about funny achievement for the failures? Plus it with a pictures. Also don’t forget, that development framework is interactive, but not every time (I said to you like a secret:)…

P.S. For those, who follow us – the pain in my teeth has stopped next morning without any help. And it’s a miracle! I’m incredibly afraid a dentists.

Sex game – Lucky Neighbor 4.5 (4)

We created another porn game about Zenny. This game is called “Lucky Neighbor”. The plot of the game is very simple. Zenny invited you to clean all her holes. To get to the sex scenes, you need to look for hot spots on the image.

Make sure that you have cookies in your browser.

Number of images – 96.
Number of sex scenes – 1.
Developer – Virtual Passion.
Browser game.
The game of 2018.


Cybergenic Universe Prequel (Report #2) 0 (0)

Hello everyone, it’s again me, Dworkin! And the some news for a friends, who interested in me and what is going on with our project.
First week of the February I was outside of my city, I’ve visited the another city. I have got tired and have got rest in same time! The way to this city by the train is around 60 hours and during this journey I have read 2 books (The Hugo’s Laureats 91, 92’s years) and I’ve been thought about many things. Off course, I’ve been thought not only about our game, but about the whole our life.
Very soon I gonna have a birthday and I will get 30 years. And it’s seems now time to realize what I’ve reached for my life. I very hope, our project will be interested to all of you. And until to day of my birthday I will be able to mark the points in the list of my successes.
There are people, they said I born too early and that’s why I’m still flying in the clouds. I’m talking about different impossible things in modern time and getting lazy when doing routine, how I think, which doesn’t demand the creation. May be, sometimes they are right. I really wanna live in times when exist the teleportation or at least space journey. What can be more ordinary and more interested in same time then a new discovery. It’s not a everyday shaking in the bus on the way to job with a headache about be late even for one minute.
The universe in our big games exactly about it. About the world with a some dream. My dream. And, I hope, not only my dream. Actually it’s a scream of my soul: “Hey, you above us! You made something wrong! Let’s live all together right there!”
The story is writing in pauses of … The story completely in my mind and if it try realize on the paper (display) it’s pretty difficult. And one moment, not so long time ago I’ve realized, I waist of time for a paint frames and lines instead the writing a story! Ohh, shitty block-schemes.
At this moment one third of the story about Captain and Stella’s journey on the space ship is finished. At the end of the February z want to completely finish with this part of story. And it’s mean for the next is coming a huge work with a new huge story, which will bigger then this story in 4-5 times.
Watch for the news, guys!
P.S. Horribly got pain in my teeth. How do you think what to do now? Go to the dentist or wait and check, may be I’ll have got better without a doctor?


Virtual date girl Jennifer 5 (3)

Another erotic story from the developer of pon games VDG. This time you need to take the girl to the store or to the city center. You should take a walk in the park, take a photo session. You can order pizza and she naked will open the door to the courier. You will have a great time with this girl and at the end of the evening you will have sex with her.

Endings – 1

Images – 347

Videos – 26

Sound files – 324



Cybergenic Universe Prequel (report #1) 0 (0)

One of the heroines of the Cyberenic cycle, adult games, charming and cunning girl StellaHello everyone! Hopefully, you remember me! It’s me again, not so lazy Dworkin. In Russia, New Year and Old Style New Year passed (yeah, we have two of them) and Ortodox Christmas as well. The holidays are over, let’s go back to business!

It’s perishing cold, -20 degrees Celsius. People watch Putin bathing in the ice hole on the TV, pre-election race is on, lots of commercial breaks.

As for me, I am writing a script for our prequel for Cybergenic universe. Hopefully, you’ll like it and the universe itself. It’s all about people like us, living in future like we live now. Although they fly spacecraft instead of driving cars, they feel and build relationship the same way. And what’s more significant than new emotions and impression? Nothing under the sun! And, let me tell you a secret: they produce new people as we do, after all the engineering achievements done. No need to change good and pleasant things after all.

Now I have written an intro for our game with a separate description of emotions and entourage. Stranger showed me a couple of screenshots, I can tell you, they look wonderful! I worry a little bit that the plot will not worth the art. Considering my poor eyesight, I never see such bright images in my real-life experience! ) But I won’t indulge in self-criticism too much, because Stranger thinks that my writing is absorbing.

The bar scene, where we met Stella for the first time (or second, if you have read my posts) is ready. Stella is our new main character. You can succeed in the things in this scene: enter files with limited access, and enjoy searching a new crew member.

See you soon!

Yours, Dworkin

News about the first game of the Cybergenic 0 (0)

After resting on New Year’s holidays, we with fresh forces started creating new games for you. As you know, the first game in 2018 was the game “Sex toy dealer.” This is a game from the sexy witch series. The second game was another one of a series about the witch Zenny. It is called “Strip game”. This game is available for those who support us on PATREON $5.

Cybergenic News

I’m glad to inform you that Dworkin started writing a script for the prequel games from the Cybergenic series. A demo version of this game will be available to all. In the full version will be able to play only those who paid for access to it on PATREON. At the moment, the text for scenes on board the shuttle and in the Tavern of the Future is written. Pictures from these places I show below.

The picture from first game of the Cybergenic

Strip Game 5 (3)

These are the rules: we take turns throwing a die and the one who rolls the smaller number removes a piece of clothing

The loser has to pleasure the winner with their mouth and fingers


What kinds of erotic games are present in our website? 0 (0)

There are different kinds of erotic games: browser, flash and online games. We develop browser-based online adult games, playable on mobile devices, PCs and laptops. They don’t require installation in your operation system. All the pictures are either photorealistic or tend to this. There are lots of anime games like this online but few porn games with realistic graphics. That’s why I believe, that such graphics diversifies your choice of online games.

There are 3 kinds of our erotic games in terms of duration:

  1. Short porn games
  2. Intermediate erotic games
  3. Visual novels

Let’s learn more about each kind.

Short porn games

Such a game has a simple or, let’s say, non-existent plot. Sex starts either from the beginning of after a short sequence of introductory pictures. No need to pass anything, use your brain, or solve quests. Just click on specific points of the picture of words and go to sexual scenes without any problems. Mostly, I want to make these games for “Sexy witch“. Main character – sexual witch Zenny is familiar after first game “Sex toy dealer“.

They are similar to Christiesroom porn games. But Christiesroom makes flash games, not playable on your mobile. Most of our games like this are free.

Intermediate erotic games

These games have plot, but it’s not so long, erotic scenes are not long to appear. In these games, you need to use your brain and think what you do. “Surprise for the husband” is an example of this kind. It has dialogs, needed to make the girl undress and spread her legs. Or maybe, you prefer another way to shag her.)

This kind is similar to “Lesson of passion”, but browser and playable on iPads, Android and most mobile devices.

Visual novels

These are long love stories, where not sex, but growing relationship comes to the fore. They take time to play, maybe even more than half an hour. Development and creation of these visual novels takes a lot of time as well. That’s why they will be uploaded to our website less often. The example is “Angelina – the story in the hospital.” BBut most of these games belong to “Cybergenic” series.

These futuristic sex games involve space and cyborgs. The main character of these games is Emma Sweet, sexy girl with braided ginger, almost red hair, and freckles on her face. Dworkin will be main scriptwriter of “Cybergenic” series. You could see his writing talent in posts where he described main characters: Stella and Emma.

One of the heroines of the Cyberenic cycle, adult games, charming and cunning girl Stella

Sex picture on which a seductive girl poses on the camera

As you understand, nobody’s gonna make games for free. That’s why advertisement on the website allow us to earn. Money is the main incentive to continue developing the game. Your comments are also helpful. Besides advertisement, we earn due to games in paid section. To access it, you need to be our patron in PATREON. Premium section will include most “Cybergenic” games, visual novels. Short porn games и and Intermediate erotic games will be placed in paid section almost 50/50.

Here’s the way I classify our games.

Play our games, leave comments. They are important and useful for us.