Governor and Daughter 2 0 (0)


The ordeal of a kidnapped governor and his 23-year-old daughter intensifies. Poor Michaela watches her father shocked to the point of passing out, but her own problems are just beginning. As Hakim shows interest in taking her in the ass, the girl begins to panic. Hakim, though, isn’t the only man holding her and her father captive. Soon Michaela meets her second captor, a man with appetites that might just make Hakim’s depravity look almost tame by comparison.



The condemned warehouse about fifty miles northwest of New York City crouched like a giant, moldering time capsule. Its boarded-up windows hung thick with cobwebs and dust. Its massive aluminum walls and rafters overlooked rows of rotting pallets and rusted equipment. It was a place time had forgotten. Humanity too. And that served the perpetrators of the kidnapping of Governor Mick Ucomo Werdan and his daughter, Michaela, all too well.

Her father’s screams echoed in Michaela’s ears.

“Please stop!” she shrieked, frantic, screeching until her voice grew hoarse. She saw her father jerking in his bonds, bound naked to the metal chair as the wires attached to his nipples and testicles conducted electricity to ravage his body. The electroshock seemed to last for an eternity, though it probably hadn’t coursed through him for more than 30 seconds.

Finally, Governor Werdan sagged in his bounds, lifeless, unmoving, even as the electroshock continued to surge into his loins.

The naked Middle Eastern man, Hakim, at last turned down the dial on the panel to the battery which was shocking the poor governor. The governor’s head hung forward. As far as Michaela could tell, he was… no, oh please, she thought, it can’t be. But part of her was certain of it. Her father was dead. This evil, sick psychopath had electrocuted her father to death.

“Is he…?” She couldn’t force out that last horrific word. Was he truly dead?

The masked captor chuckled. “Stupid bitch. No, your father is not dead. He just passed out. I guess he couldn’t handle a little shock to his balls.”

Michaela was a gorgeous young college graduate, only 23 years of age. She had long, straight chestnut brown hair that matched her adorable eyes and which framed a cute, finely chiseled face with a delicate nose. She should have been celebrating with her friends in Rehoboth Beach right now, but at the last minute she had decided to take a detour on her road trip and spend a night with her family in New York. That had proved to be a fateful mistake. When armed intruders had burst into Daddy’s mansion with flash grenades in the middle of the night, they had caught everyone completely by surprise. The rest was a blur, until she’d woken up here…wherever ‘here’ was… in what seemed to be some type of underground bunker.

Now, the slender girl found herself opposite her father, standing naked with her wrists chained above her head. Their captor had already raped her in front of her father, but that wasn’t even the worst of the horrors. Seeing her dad suffer was like having knives carve her from the inside out. And Michaela had a feeling that there was worse to come…

“Mmmm. Looks like it’s just you and me right now while Daddy takes a nap,” Hakim said huskily. Her captor leaned down, sucking on each of her breasts, while his hand dipped down between her legs. Two of his digits wormed their way into her ruined, cum-soaked pussy. She squirmed and groaned for him to stop.

“UGHHH!! Please, I’m so sensitive down there. Please!” she begged.

His head tipped upward, leaving her breasts alone for the moment, and he stared at her, their faces barely inches apart. She felt his fingers stroking inside the walls of her aching, sticky cunt.

“You think I don’t know that, pussy? I know very well how sensitive you are. I just raped you, remember? But if you think you’re sensitive NOW, just wait, my sweet girl. Wait until I have another wire with its gator clip attached to your oh-so-sensitive CLITORIS, you little whore. Then you will know true sensation. Yes… you can discover some newfound empathy for what your poor father just experienced having his balls shocked. Think of it as a bonding experience, yes? You two will know endless pain and torment together before I let you die.”

As he said this, Michaela felt her heart skip a beat. Terror turned the blood in her veins into glacial crust. For the first time, Michaela had to consciously think about the fact that she and her father might not survive this. Now Hakim removed his fingers from her pussy and walked around behind her. His hands cupped and proceeded to stroke her supple tits, occasionally giving them a savage squeeze, then pinching her nipples roughly.

“AAAAYYY!” she squealed as he pinched them so hard that a fiery sting lanced through her sensitive cones.

“Mmmm. That pain will feel like a tender love tap compared to what I will do to you once you father wakes back up. Hmm. Speaking of which, it seems that my electro-torture of your father’s testicles has reawakened something in me. You feel my cock hard again, little slut? Yes?”

Micaheala shivered. She did. She felt the length of his hard shaft pressed against her lower back. He had raped her less than 15 minutes ago, but already his manhood was reinvigorated and ready for more. This sick bastard was inhuman in more ways than one. She thought about trying to kick him. Her legs were free, after all. But the thought of resisting, knowing what he could do to her father if she put up any resistance – that took the fight right out of her. Sagging, defeated, she felt fresh tears slide down her face.

“Aww. Now don’t cry, bitch. I can think of another fun thing we can do together until your daddy wakes up.” Abruptly, Michaela felt one of the hands on her breasts slide to her backside. Then, just as before, she felt him probing her anal opening with his index finger. Her sphincter muscle locked up, valiantly trying to keep out the invading object.

“Please stop!” she groaned.

“I’ll have my cock in there, bitch. You may as well get used to one measly little finger,” he warned her. “Try to relax your ass muscles. Let me in. Think of this as training for what’s to come.” When he tried to prod his finger into her anus again, she tensed up and tried to keep him out. He smacked her in the back of the head.

“Are you hard of hearing, whore? I said LOOSEN your ass for me. RELAX.”

Through a fresh torrent of tears, she tried. The sexy brunette tried to relax her muscles to follow her captor’s command as best she could, but it was an exercise in futility. At last, disgusted, Hakim seemed to give up. Yet before she could even begin to sag with relief, instead she felt something with a much larger diameter now pressing up against her rosebud.

“There’s no use being gentle with you, is there, cunt? I may as well just rip into you, break you in all at once. Don’t worry, I coated my shaft in saliva just for you. Don’t say I’m not considerate.”

Michaela’s entire body trembled. No, this couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be happening!

“Please Master, not my ass!” she groaned. “Please!” she said, panic rising. She instinctively wiggled her ass, preventing the cock from hitting its target, defying him without even thinking about it. They struggled for a few moments, the naked 115-pound girl and her considerably heavier and more muscular assailant.

“Hold still, bitch,” he hissed. Putting her in a headlock, he nearly choked off her air, making the edges of her vision turn black, when a loud noise interrupted them.


It sounded like a heavy door slamming shut. Next there came the hurried tromping of boots descending concrete stairs. Then Michaela saw another man stride into the concrete chamber.

“Salib, what took you?” Hakim called out.

The new man was wearing no mask, but he did have on a black shirt and pants and boots. His eyes were penetrating, like a falcon’s, and the deepest shade of chocolate-brown. He was considerably taller than Hakim, more than a few inches, and probably just as muscular.

“What took me?” the newcomer growled. “You started without me.” He grunted then, amused. “I see you wasted no time with the father. Ah, and the daughter is every bit as breathtaking as you said.” Salib prowled up to the girl and gave the side of her cheek a deceptively tender stroke with one hand as he stared into her pretty eyes. “Torturing this beauty will be a true pleasure.” Hakim’s hands had returned to their familiar resting position, cupping and fondling Michaela’s breasts. Now, though, Salib swatted his partner’s hands away.

“Stand back. Observe for a while, my friend. You’ve had your fun. Now it’s MY turn.” As he said this he stalked over to the nearest corner, where a series of various wicked-looking tools and implements hung along a metal rack. Soon he was clutching the handle of a leather whip with a beaded tip. He stalked back toward the girl.

Michaela’s frightened eyes zeroed in on the cruel-looking whip.

“I could hear your father’s screams from all the way upstairs, girl. Let’s see if you can sing as beautifully.”

As he said this, Salib brought his wrist back and flicked it, sending the whip hurtling forward.

“NO!” was all Michaela had time to shout as the lash of the whip hit her directly in the tits. “AAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!” She screamed so loudly and shrilly that her own ears were soon ringing.

The next lash of the whip snaked around her left leg, leaving a striped welt that would take some time to heal.


“Dance for me, bitch. Sing and dance!” Salib shouted. Punctuating each of the girl’s cries was the hiss and crack of the whip and Salib’s exhortations. Hakim stood back and merely watched, just as his companion had asked. The next ten minutes or so were filled with Michaela’s plaintive wails and cries as Salib worked her over with the whip. In his own way, though, he was judicious about it. He only struck her breasts twice, and her back three times. Most of his blows were aimed at the girl’s hips, thighs, and knees. When he was finished, Salib’s brow was slick with sweat from the exertions of wielding the whip, but the flushed skin of his face also bore a mark of satisfaction. Michaela was sobbing and whimpering, a babbling mess of helpless femininity begging for mercy, by the time he was finished.

Salib put the whip back in its place and came up to her.

“SSSH. Don’t cry, cunt. I will soon warm your insides with my cock. You will get your reward for your excellent ‘singing’ in a few moments,” he taunted her.

He stepped up to her and gave the girl a full-on kiss. His tongue explored her, dove deep and playfully coiled around hers. Meanwhile, his hands moved to cup her perfectly sculpted ass cheeks. One hand pressed right where the whip had bitten across her ass, causing the girl to squeal and flinch. That made his cock even harder, and he knew that it was time. He took a step back and proceeded to strip out of his black clothes and boots, until he stood as naked as Hakim, more so even because he hadn’t bothered to wear a mask. Yet Hakim’s voice interjected before Salib could go any further.

“He’s starting to wake up.” Hakim hurried off and returned with a bucket of water. “Hold up, Salib. Don’t start on the girl just yet. Don’t put your cock in her until the father is fully awake. He needs to see every arousing second of this.” Saying this, Hakim dumped the bucket of cold water right over Governor Werdan’s head. Mick’s eyes snapped open. His body stiffened. He awoke to find himself still tied naked to the metal chair. Michaela…his incredible, beautiful, talented little girl, was standing naked with a naked man looming right beside her. This newcomer was much taller than Hakim, but just as ruthless-looking.

“Ughhh…” Governor Mick Werdan felt exhausted, like he’d been stampeded over by a thousand bulls.

Hakim’s gloating now trailed in his ear.

“Welcome back to the party, old man. You’re about to watch your daughter learn to take a second COCK. Oh, and do you notice anything different about her? You missed out on some of the fun.”

Staring, the governor finally realized what was different. Michaela’s breasts now sported two nasty, striped welts, with another welt across her smooth belly and nearly two dozen more striped, angry-looking red welts recently formed on her legs and thighs. The sick bastards had whipped her! Outrage and despair vied inside the governor for dominance. He couldn’t protect her. He couldn’t protect his own daughter. He let out a bellow of anguish.

“You sick fucks. Let her go! Keep me, just let her go!” Tears formed in Governor Werdan’s eyes.

Meanwhile, Salib had decided that he had waited long enough. Standing behind Michaela, he lined up his cock with her sex and slowly sank into her hot, intimate depths. As he felt his cock begin its rape of a helpless young pussy, he clenched both of his hands along her waist, holding her in place, fucking her with a steady rhythm.

“Ahh!!! Your daughter’s fuck-hole is very slimy still with the cum of my brother-in-arms,” Salib growled. “She’s like the perfect cock-sleeve, taking me deep each time. You should be proud of your girl. She knows how to take cock like a little western SLUT. Uhhh!!”

Michaela could only hang her head in shame and feel the pulverizing thrusts of this second cock raping her pussy, violating her to the core. In some ways this second rape was so much worse than the first, because she knew that with each ejaculation inside of her, her chances of getting impregnated would grow. It was a strange thing to obsess over, though, especially given Hakim’s words earlier. Clearly, he had no intention of ever letting them go free… of letting them live, even. Yet the idea of somehow staying alive still clung stubbornly to her every thought. Maybe this other man could… could be convinced to talk his psychotic companion out of killing them.

As if her feminine instincts had latched onto that hopeful shred of a thought, the sexy brunette now began to push her ass backward to meet Salib’s thrusts. Michaela threw her hips back each time she sensed him about to sweep forward now. She helped impale her pussy on his raging hard-on, participating in her own rape for the second time. Salib’s eyebrows crinkled in surprise.

“This cunt is fucking me back. Do you see that, old man? Your daughter loves taking Arab cock.”

“Y-yes Master,” Michaela said dully, forcing the words out. “Please fuck my pussy. Please fuck me.”

Salib and Hakim laughed in unison.

“I know why she’s saying that, Brother,” Hakim mused. “She just doesn’t want you whipping her again. Yes, she’s eager to please now. I may have started her training, but I think you’ve accelerated it quite nicely.”

The same as he had earlier, Governor Werdan couldn’t tear his eyes away from the horror in front of him. He looked at his daughter getting raped. He watched as Hakim swatted her tits mercilessly, as the girl’s body shook from the hard plunges of Salib’s cock ramming into her from behind. He watched all of this because he felt he had to… because all of this was undeniably HIS fault. He should have arranged for better security at the mansion. He had grown complacent, soft, as governor. He had assumed that his security detail had everything well in hand even though his chief of security had been out sick for the past two days. Why hadn’t he gotten a replacement? But he knew why…he had become so used to living in a bubble of safety for so long that he’d forgotten how vicious a place the world could truly be. And now, now his beloved daughter was paying the price.

“UHH!!! Fuck, your daughter’s slimy pussy is still gripping me good, old man. She’s a true fuck-slave now, and she knows it. She’s nothing but a fuck-hole to satisfy my cock. Isn’t that right, whore?”

“Yes, Master,” Michaela said dully – too dully, apparently, for Salib’s liking. He smacked her in the back of the head.

“What was that, bitch?”

“I said Yes Master! I’m a… a fuck-hole to satisfy your cock!” she corrected herself.

Governor Werdan finally tore his gaze away. It didn’t do him much good, though. He couldn’t avoid hearing every awful moment of what came next. The sound of Salib’s body smacking together with Michaela’s. The sound of Michaela’s grunts and gasps, Salib’s growls and exertions, the primal music of fucking between rapist and victim dovetailing and melding into one, until they were just two rutting beasts, their genes striving to replicate, Salib’s sperm anticipating the monumental journey to find and fertilize one of Michaela’s eggs.

Hakim watched with satisfaction as Salib’s rough pelvic thrusts became even more savage. Smack-smack-smack. The sounds of his cock flying into the girl was now a constant drumbeat, his balls slapping against her body as his cock lanced into her. Then he was groaning like a dying man, a man dying of sheer happiness.

“Oh fuck. Feel it inside you, bitch. Oooohhh, governor, your bitch is about to get her womb sprayed with so much cum. Ooohhh!!!! UGGHHH!!!” Salib’s head snapped downward. His entire body stiffened, his cock twitched and exploded, and huge ropes of cum shot into the cunt of his 23-year-old victim. Michaela’s snatch felt the thick, warm barrage of stickiness coat her insides. It was almost as if she could feel the sperm seeking out and finding one of her precious eggs, impregnating her for certain. Of course that part of the experience was simply her horrified imagination running wild, but it felt real to her nonetheless. As Salib’s cock spasmed its last and completed its final twitch to empty its precious sperm-blasts into her, Michaela wondered if a new life would soon be growing inside of her. She wondered if that life would even have the chance to grow, though… if she would even survive that long.

Meanwhile, Salib finally pulled his sated cock out of the sexy young woman. He idly fondled the girl’s sweat-slick ass and watched the excess rivulets of jism seep from her well-fucked pussy. The girl was panting. Her whole beautiful body was sheened in sweat, and now Salib leaned forward to affectionately lick the nape of her neck, savoring the taste and smell of her. His glistening, semi-firm cock smeared leftover remnants of their combined sexual fluids along the crack of the girl’s ass while he embraced her from behind.

“Mmmm. You make the perfect rape-pet. Maybe I’ll try to convince Hakim to keep you alive for a little while after we’ve disposed of your father.” Michaela shivered as Salib laid soft kisses along the side of her neck. It made her sick, feeling the warmth of his naked body enfolding her. This man, he was no better than Hakim. Along with that realization came a fresh surge of despair.

Now Hakim pushed Salib out of the way.

“Enough. I think you’ve caught up on the fun. Now, I promised this sweet young imperialist bitch that she would be able to truly empathize with her father. Let’s get her clit wired up. You thought you saw this cunt dance with your whip? That will be as nothing compared to the shocks I’m about to give her sore and sensitive little PUSSY. Let’s get to business so Dad can watch.”

“No! Please… I’m trying to cooperate. I’ll fuck you! I’ll suck your cocks. You can fuck me in the ass even!” Michaela babbled frantically. “You don’t need to torture me. I’ll cooperate. Don’t you understand?!?”

“Oh, we understand, slut. We just don’t care. Your pain is your father’s pain tenfold, and his pain…well, that’s our ultimate pleasure, bitch.” Saying this, Hakim took a new wire from the battery and extended it all the way to the trembling and naked girl. Salib held her in place while she tried to struggle. When she flailed all the more violently, Hakim slapped her in the face four or five times, stunning her with the last blow. Then, as the dazed girl stood pliantly in Salib’s arms, Hakim attached the gator clip to Michaela’s clitoris. Next, they tied the girl’s ankles together so that she couldn’t flail quite so much, and finally they raised the chains so that her wrists were forced even higher, making her dangle just off the floor.

“Please don’t do this…” Michaela whimpered. “Please…”

Salib detached the red ball-gag which had been resting beneath Michaela’s chin and tossed it aside. Salib now proceeded to stuff a phallic-shaped pink ball-gag into the girl’s mouth instead and fastened it tight. “We don’t want you to bite off your tongue, now do we,” he taunted.

All the while, Governor Werdan sat there, stone-faced, barely managing to deaden the hurricane of emotions inside of him. Through watching his daughter’s deepening ordeal at the hands of these two psychos, he felt almost as if he was hovering above it all, watching it all detached, in an out-of-body, surreal way. Had he turned off his emotions to keep a shred of sanity still intact? Maybe. Eventually, though, the dam seemed to break, or the floodgates somehow opened.

“You fucking monsters! Get away from her!” Writhing in his chair, Governor Werdan struggled so much that he tipped his chair forward, falling on his face. There was laughter, Hakim’s, and then two sets of hands were yanking his chair upright again. He met his daughter’s eyes. He saw the terror there, the pleading, the ‘Please Daddy help me!’ shining in those windows to her shattered soul, but he could do absolutely nothing.

‘Please forgive me,’ Mick Werdan seemed to beg his daughter with just an unspoken look. Meanwhile the naked, whip-battered girl trembled in her bonds and squeezed her eyes shut as if she could somehow will herself to another time and place. And in the next moment Hakim turned the dial up and an impressive jolt of electricity tore into the sensitive nerve bundle of Michaela Werdan’s clitoris.

Filipino Fun 3 0 (0)

Filipino Fun 1

Filipino Fun 2


Another day south of Manila.

It was Saturday night after a busy day with my new friends. Crissy the mom was wonderful and a special lady. She was a strong woman and smart. She had a good life busy supporting her family. The sex was great. She had great tits for a Filipino woman and long hair. And her two daughters Michelle 24 and Richelle who was years younger were just as great as mom. I was worn out by all the great sex. And expected to get a good night’s sleep.

I was awakened from a sound sleep. Looking at my phone it was 3:30am local time. Someone was playing with my cock. I rolled gently onto my back. Soon I saw a face under the sheet. It was Crissy. She had her naked body above me with her big tits in my face. Mom want my mouth to suck on her nipples. I was happy to do it. I loved sucking on and playing with her breasts.

Crissy was moving all this time to position her pussy over my hard cock so she could ride it as she done before. I was happy this woman liked riding me. This was my favorite position. Crissy’s movement were enough for her pleasure, but quiet so she wouldn’t wake her daughters. I was still sucking on her nipples. Looking into her eyes I could see she was getting exactly what she wanted. In a few minutes she was ready. I nibbled on her nipple and Crissy gushed her juices all over my cock. With a big smile on her face Crissy kissed me and slid off my cock. She went into the bath to get ready to go down to the café to prepare for the breakfast.

After Crissy had kissed me again and headed for the bedroom door, I could feel movement in the bed. Richelle was next to me. She had her hand firmly around my hard cock. Richelle came up to my face and kissed me long and hard. This very young lady had learned allot during her first day becoming a complete woman. She whispered in my ear (her sister Michelle seemed still asleep) that she wanted my cock deep inside her pussy from behind. Richelle turned her bare ass to me. Within a few seconds I was fucking her newly unvirgined pussy. She turned to motion me to pound her ass harder. I did. Soon she was cumming hard and trying to be quiet. But Michelle was awake now. Richelle headed for the bath and Michelle moved into the position to take my cock in the same way. I was deep inside Michelle’s pussy and pounding her for less than two minutes when she had her orgasm. Michelle told me to sleep for 2 more hours. Then she would come up to get me for breakfast.

At 6:30am my phone rang. It was Michelle asking if she could help wash me in the bath. I invited her to join me. She wanted to do everything. And I let her. She washed my body head to toe. For the longest time she washed my cock. And she told me she and her sister wanted me to stay with them for as long as I want. Forever she wanted. She knew her mom loved me already. And she and her sister knew mom would share me with them. We hugged and I loved the feel of her voluptuous body against me. Michelle and her mom had great bodies. I loved a full figured, big tit woman. I helped wash Michelle’s hair and body and we fucked again. She had three orgasms.

We went downstairs. It was 7:30 am. Sunday at the Café was different. A light breakfast, limited menu was available for takeout. And the family with a few close friends would eat together before going to church. I was dressed in my light khakis and Michelle was in the normal light rap around dress women wore. The fabric was so light a man’s eye’s could easily see the body outline. Crissy had two local ladies who would do most of the cleaning and lanudry.

As Michelle and I got to where everyone else was, a young lady came up to her for a big hug. Her name was Wena. She was the older daughter of Clara who I met the day before, and who rode my cock to orgasm. Clara and her two daughters were invited to join Crissy’s family for breakfast. Wena had just come back from her college. She had short hair, a little cubby, and nice tits. She was on break. And the same age as Michelle. Kenize was Clara’s other daughter a year and half older than Richelle. She was finishing her last year of high school.

Clara came up to me and hugged me for a long time. She whispered “thank you” into my ear. Kenize hug me too. Kenize had long black hair and had small but nice tits. We all sat at a big table for breakfast. Crissy’s cook and two helpers served us and then themselves. Arra and her sister Beya, Richelle’s friends were also we us.

The conversation was lively and focused on the kids and education. Beya came over close and whispered she wanted me to teach her about sex. Beya’s long black hair ran over my shoulder as her nice tits brushed up against me. Kenize was smiling as well. Crissy hug me and said, “looks like your day’s appointments are filling up.” I looked at her, and quietly asked, “are you sure this is ok.” Crissy asked me to join her for a short walk. We went outside. The sun was out, it was warm but not hot or muggy like it usually is in the Philippines. As we walked Crissy said, “Mike you are the perfect man to teach these young women what a good man is like. You are having a wonderful positive effect here. So, yes this is Ok.” Then Crissy said, “Mike, just between you and me, my name for Richelle and her friends is “the big tit club.” I laughed. Most Asian are small in height and with their breasts. Filipino Asians tits are usually average or less. Crissy seems to have found many in her community who were larger than average. “C” was larger average, with Crissy and Michelle even bigger.

We were soon back with the others. Crissy announced Clara, Michelle, Wena and the workers would be going to church. The younger girls would be staying behind with her and I. I assumed we would be conducting another sex education class.

Richelle came over to hug and kiss me. It was a long kiss on the lips to show Arra, Beya, and Kenzie who I belonged too. Then she announced to all that “Po” (dad) was going upstairs.

I had a nice line of ladies accompanying me upstairs. Crissy and Richelle were leading us, with Arra, Beya, and Kenzie following. The bed and bath were nice and clean for us. Crissy hesitated for a moment to see if Richelle would lead. Richelle took control.

She asked all of us to get naked. And wanted me on my back in the center of the bed. Arra had the one-time experience, Beya and Kenzie none we thought. As soon as Crissy and Richelle were on the bed the other two girls joined then and offered to use their tongues to please. Richelle directed Beya and Kenzie to watch her and Arra work on my cock which was already standing at attention. Crissy began her instruction. Telling the girls about a man’s anatomy and reactions. Richelle was licking her mom’s pussy. I asked the girls to look at Richelle for a minute to see what she was doing. Kenzie said, “Mike we have been giving each other oral pleasure for a few months now, just after our sex education class at school started.” Then Beya said, “And Mike, Crissy we hope you don’t mind we have watched you two play on cam a few times. It was very exciting.” Crissy and I both laughed, and Crissy said, “I am very happy.”

Richelle said, “Mom we still need all that you have shared with me over the pass day and a half. We want to be good lovers for both of you. We know there is allot to know. Crissy continued with her instruction. Richelle was lowering herself down on my cock as Crissy was tell the girls about controlling their own pleasure. Richelle allowed Arra to go next. Crissy was watching and started to finger her daughter’s pussy. Arra was not going to last long. I nibble on her nipple and her body shook in orgasm. At the same time Richelle cried out as her orgasm started. Crissy and I could see the wonder in Beya’s and Kenzie’s faces.

Richelle told Beya to mount my cock. And I the same time Richelle started licking Kenzie’s pussy. Arra was down between Crissy legs and licking her pussy. I could see it on Crissy’s face she loved the sensations she was feeling. It was all she could do to continue giving sex instruction to all that was happing. I could see and feeling what was happening with Beya. Within a minute her juicy pussy was gushing cum all over my cock. Kenzie was dripping wet from Richelle’s mouth. But Richelle stop licking her and told her to climb onto my cock. I could feel another juicy pussy as Kenzie lowered herself down on my cock. Her long hair and skinny body moving slowly at first then faster and faster. I looked over and saw Crissy ready to cum. I smiled at her as she exploded in ecstasy. Beya immediately moved to Richelle to kiss her and lick cum off her face. Just then Kenzie had her first intercourse orgasm spraying her juices all over my cock. Then Beya and Richelle were on my cock licking and sucking. I asked them to stop.

Crissy asked, “Mike are you ok? “Babe, I need to cum.” Crissy said, Well let’s make sure we can make this happen.” “Ladies Mike is going to cum inside my pussy and you are going to watch. Crissy got on her back and I assumed the missionary position. Crissy was instruction now. I slowly entered her pussy with my cock as she told the girls what she was feeling, and I helped with a few comments. I was enjoying the sensation of fucking in this position because I had not had the chance so far. The girls were all around us looking and touching. At times I could feel a hand on my shoulder, back, or my butt. I could feel hot breath on the same places. And fingers and hot breath near my cock as it went in and out of Crissy’s pussy. Crissy watched my face and knew I was ready. “Watch now girls Mike is going to cum.” I pumped my load into her, as she asked me not to pull out. Then Crissy instructed the girls to watch as I pulled out and told them one by one take some of my cum into their mouths. Each of them licked and tasted. Then all licked to clean my cock. Richelle licked her mom’s pussy until Crissy had an orgasm on her daughter’s face. The other girls took turns licking cum from both mom and daughter.

Crissy had us all step into the bath. Crissy grabbed this bag as we all were inside the bath. Richelle took control of the water. Crissy’s device had been around for decades. (I remember seeing one hanging in my parent’s shower when I was just a kid.) A rubber bag would be filled, a small hose with a plastic end having holes.

I asked Crissy to let me help. She held the bag, hot water entering from the Richelle pouring it in. All the girls were watching. I was down on my knees in front of her, holding the hose ready to put the end inside her pussy. My other hand just above her pussy, using my fingers to help spread her pussy lips. Of course, her clit was being rubber in the process. The plastic tip went inside, I was moving it in and out and around. Crissy was loving it. I was flushing her pussy of my little swimmers, my cum, and getting her off all at the same time. It didn’t take long for Crissy to have another orgasm. The girls wanted to try it. Crissy and I stepped out of the bath and let the girls get each other off with the devise. Lots of moaning and giggling from the bath keep us smiling.

We dried off and got back into bed. Crissy and I watched TV.

Filipino Fun 2 0 (0)

Filipino Fun 1


Next day and more fun.

Crissy asked the girls to shower and dress to go out. Her and I waited in bed. Soon Michelle and Richelle were out of the bath and Crissy and I went in. As I bent over to get the water from the bucket, she grabbed my ass. “Mike you are still hard, and I want your big cock deep inside me now.” Crissy bent over and I shoved my cock into her. Pounding her hard and fast until her pussy gushed cum. We then washed each other, dried off and dressed.

Richelle and Michelle were waiting for us went we got downstairs. Crissy announced “we are going to show Mike Cavite and then go to Island Cove, Glenn was outside with another friend, two jeepneys for the whole family.

They took me around and thru the major and minor parts of their town. Then we ended up in Island Cove which was a resort and amusement area. The kids had fun on some rides. Crissy and I had a long talk with Michelle and Richelle about love and emotion. Both were very curious about human relationships. By 5 in the afternoon we were back at the house. The girls fixed a nice dinner and we watched one of the three English speaking channels on the TV.

Richelle was on one side of me, Michelle on the other, both close and cuddling. Crissy called me into the kitchen. She introduced me to a girlfriend of hers. Clara had two kids one the same age as Michelle and the other the same age as Richelle. Her husband had left them 5 yrs. earlier. This was way too typical for Philippine men. And the government and Catholic church did nothing to force those men to support their children. Clara was one of Crissy’s helpers in the Café. We were sitting at the kitchen table. Crissy asked me if I could go with Clara into the next room. Clara had a big smile on her face. I followed. She closed the door. “Mike, Crissy says you are a wonderful man and a wonderful lover. I just showered for you.” Clara unwrapped her clothes showing me a small set of “B” cup tits. And a shaved pussy. “Mike, may I help your cock get hard?” Clara was on her knees in front of me undoing my pants. In seconds Clara had my growing cock in her mouth. It didn’t take long for me to be hard as a rock. Then Clara asked to sit on my lap and ride me. She lowered herself down on my cock and started to move. Slowly at first, then faster and faster, she was rubbing her tits on my chest. Her orgasm came and she shook for a minute. “Oh, Mike thank you very much.” As Clara climb off my lap, she said Crissy ask me to ask you to just stay here. Giggling she said, “I think she wants your cock too.”

Crissy came thru the door closing it and asked me if I had fun. Just looking at Crissy as she pulled out her big tits, I said I rather have your big tits rubbing against my chest. In a few seconds a naked Crissy was on my lap and riding my cock. Her much bigger tits rubbing my chest. It didn’t take long for her gushing orgasm. She said, “Mike, I wish you could stay here forever. Do you want my daughters to join you?” Ask Michelle if she wants a quick fuck. But I want Richelle upstairs for an hour, just her and I. “That sounds wonderful, I will make it happen, Crissy said.”

Michelle came in and was naked sitting on my lap very quickly. And very quickly she came. I told her not to move, just be still. We kissed and I sucked on her tits for a few minutes. She started to move her ass. Slowly at first. Her body told me she was enjoy this second time more. Michelle’s nice tits were still in my mouth. After a few minutes, her movements became aggressive. Her second orgasm, the gushing of her juices and the shaking of her body lasted for over a minute. Michelle licked her juices off my cock them kissed me before she left the room.

As I opened the door and joined everyone, Richelle came up to me with a big hug. “Po. I want to go upstairs with you.” I followed her upstairs. In seconds we were naked in the bath. We kissed. Our hands exploring each other. My mouth moved from hers to her neck and then to her nipple. Richelle’s moaning increased. I sat on the toilet and she climbed on my lap. I was still kissing her all over. I leaned back giver her more of my hard cock. She used her hand to guide it into her pussy. I could feel myself slowly going inside her. My hands moved down to her ass to help her move up and down on my cock. She was riding me like mom and sis just did. Her orgasm made her whole-body shake. “Oh Mike”, she said with breathless passion.

We kissed again as Richelle kept riding me. Her movement were more confident. She wanted this, she wanted pleasure, she said. Her next orgasm was wild, dramatic and lasted a long time. I just held her, my arms around her. We kissed deeply.

I asked her if I could wash her hair and body. Richelle smiled and handed me the shampoo. As I washed her, she made the comment that it had been years since her mom help washing her. As I continued to wash, I inserted two fingers inside her pussy. I was down on my knees sliding my fingers in and out. Her hands were on my shoulders. She came. Then I wash her back and butt. Sliding my still very hard cock into her pussy from behind. She had two more orgasms.

She got towels for us, we dried each other off and laid down in bed. I went down on her pussy and began licking and sucking on her pussy. Her moaning, the sounds coming from her reminded me of Asian porn movies. She had two more orgasms. Just after her second one we heard a slight knock at the door.

Michelle came in to join us. She saw my face in her sister’s pussy. “Mike may I take your place there?” Richelle said, “Yes sis, please. I think Mike will have something hard for your pussy.” Michelle pealed of her clothes and moved onto the bed with us. I rolled to the side and she kissed my cock as she took my place to lick Richelle’s pussy. Michelle kept her ass up in the air welcoming me to get behind her. The sounds of Michelle’s mouth and tongue lapping at her sister’s pussy and Richelle’s moaning filled the air. I added to the sounds with a grunt as I shoved my hard cock deep into Michelle. She made a yelp sound into the pussy she was eating. I knew Michelle would cum quickly, but I wanted both of them to cum together. I adjusted my movements to accomplish this goal. The sound guided me. They both came together.

I gave them a moment to catch their breath. Then asked them to change positions. Richelle immediately responded “yes Po.” She was taking the lead. As she went down on Michelle’s pussy. She said she could taste some of my pre-cum. I was behind Richelle spreading her butt cheeks to lick her pussy a few times. Then I backed off to position my cock to enter Richelle from behind. I was still thinking of her newness, so I slowly entered her. Once deep inside, I pulled back out just to shover my cock all the way back into her. I hit bottom and Richelle’s body began to shake. During her orgasm I could hear her sucking strongly on her sister’s clit. And soon both young ladies were shaking in orgasm.

Just at that time Crissy joined us in the bedroom. I was smiling and ready to have two mouths on my cock and cum. Crissy could tell. She asked, “daughters would you mind me riding my boyfriend’s cock and cumming before you two suck him to orgasm?” “Yes mom, said both of them in unison. The girls moved to the side and a naked Crissy mounted me. As she did, she handed her phone to Richelle saying you have a message. As Crissy lowered herself down on my hard cock, I took a nipple into my mouth. “Mike, I love that when you do me, riding your cock as you suck on my nipples,” Michelle said. “Me too,” Richelle said interrupting her phone call.” Crissy’s pussy was getting wetter and wetter. I could feel her juices under us on the bedsheets. I noticed Richelle was off the phone. And Crissy’s movements were getting wilder. I nibbled on her nipple and she had an orgasm. Her body shaking as much or more as her daughter’s during their orgasms. We kissed deeply. And Crissy moved to lie next to me.

Michelle moved to my cum covered cock to lick it. Richelle spoke up. “Po, mom, my friend Arra wants to come over now. Mom you know she is a dear friend and mom, her and I have been intimate. Po will you help me make Arra a complete woman like you helped me?”

“Well so much for me getting off,” I said. Crissy added, wait my lover, Arra is a very nice young lady, her watching my daughters getting you off can be part of her sex education.” “I am going to call her, she can be here in 5 mins Po,” Richelle said. All this time my cock was Michelle’s lollypop. Her mouth had my cock nice and clean.

We were all talking and covered when Arra came in. Richelle got up naked to hug her friend. Crissy welcomed Arra and asked her if she was ready to get naked with us. Without hesitation Arra removed her clothes. She had long black hair, was shorter than Richelle, and had slightly bigger tits, almost as big as Crissy’s and Michelle’s.

Crissy told her about sex vs. love, emotion and discretion. Crissy asked about Arra’s mom and sister who was Michelle’s age. “Mom and my sister know I am here Crissy. They are hoping to meet Mike tomorrow at your Café.”

Crissy continued. Tell Arra she is to watch Richelle and Michelle lick and suck Mike’s cock to climax. The girls started working my cock, while Crissy narrated and taught her new student. I am passive, just lying on my back and enjoy what I see and feel. I was having trouble giving Crissy time to teach, I wanted to cum. But it was worth waiting, Arra added a third mouth on my cock. Her mouth seemed to be wider open and had more of my cock inside her mouth. I signaled to Crissy I was ready. And as I heard her say, “Arra, Mike is going to fill your mouth with his juices.” I shot all my cum into her. Crissy told her not to shallow, to keep it in her lips closed as she takes her mouth off my cock. Then Crissy asked her to spit it out into her hand to see my cum. All the girls looked. Michelle and Richelle licked-up some of the cum. Crissy kissed me.

Crissy then told Arra a man needs some time to recover. She asked Arra to lie down on her back so the girls could give her pleasure. Richelle immediately was kissing her friend on the mouth to taste more of my cum. Michelle went down on Arra’s pussy. I leaned over and started to suck on one of Arra’s nipples. While Crissy was working my cock with her mouth. Two each my hand’s fingers were inside the pussy’s of Crissy and Richelle. They each were doing all the moving using my fingers to get off. Lots of moaning created a chorus of sounds.

Richelle and Arra had orgasms at the same time. Crissy was close and she had my cock almost ready. Michelle moved towards my cock and Richelle took her place between Arra’s legs on her pussy. Crissy’s body started to shake with her orgasm. And she smiled at her oldest daughter giving her permission to mount my cock.

Crissy began again Arra’s sex education. She asked Richelle to let Arra watch her sister ride my cock. Like what happened that morning with Richelle, Arra watched Michelle slowly lower herself down on my now hard cock. And again, Crissy explained how a woman can control her pleasure. Also, Crissy explained each woman being different when it comes to how their body / pussy responding to a man’s cock. She told Arra to watch Michelle’s face and body. You can tell when she is going to cum. Just then Michelle’s body shook, and she gushed her juices. Love the feel of my cock swimming in a woman’s juices.

Richelle encouraged her friend to join her licking and tasting those juices all over my shining cock. After a minute Crissy told Arra it was her turn to be fucked. Arra moved above my cock. With Richelle’s help she was soon fully impaled on it. She was smiling. As she keeps moving her body moments and sounds increased. We all watched her getting wild as her body shook in orgasm. The shaking continued. I moved to take a nipple in my mouth and suck which kept her moaning and shaking. After a full two minutes of orgasm Arra collapsed on top of me.

We all talked for a while. Arra went home. We showered and went to sleep.

Filipino Fun 3

Filipino Fun 1 (1)


A mom and her daughters, and their friends have lots of sex with an American guy.

I was in Manila doing research for my next book. Still single after two years. On occasion I would use dating websites. I was on a site late in the evening. A Filipino dating sites. I had found many Filipino single women with kids.

In my search I came across a profile for a woman named Crissy. I was interested. A nice photo of her on a bed with her in a sexy red nightgown. The site limits non-paying members. So, I could just leave a single word: gee mail. Crissy understood. And responded. We soon were on our gee mail accounts chatting.

The first thing I found was I was chatting with Michelle who said she was Crissy’s oldest daughter, age 24. I asked her if she had a cam so we each could see and hear each other. We did. Michelle was nice looking; I heard some background voices and saw other people. Michelle showed me her mother, Crissy in their café doing a few things before they all would be going to bed. Crissy had a great smile and looked like a woman I could be attracted too. I like big tits.

Soon Michelle and Crissy were on their way upstairs. Michelle holding her phone, so I was watching her mother’s butt moving as she took the stairs. Michelle asked where I was from. I told her I lived in California, but I was in Manila. Michelle told her mom. I heard Crissy say, “Invite Mike to come for breakfast in the morning.” Michelle asked me what I was looking for. I told both of them I was single and looking for a life partner. I saw two big smiles. I could see them both move into a bedroom and behind Michelle Crissy was taking off her clothes. I said to Michelle, “I get a strip show before I sleep Michelle?” She turned and saw her mom and giggled, telling Crissy I was watching her and enjoying the show.

Michelle propped up the phone and then I saw both of them doing a strip show. Crissy came up close as she removed her bra. Crissy said, “do you like these Mike.” Her tits were at least full “D” and very round. Then Michelle did the same. Michelle’s were almost the same. Crissy said, “Come for breakfast in the morning and stay with us if you like.” I was given the location, which was about 90 mins south from Manila. I told them my hotel and was told they would send transportation for me.

The next morning early a young man in a jeepney was waiting outside my hotel. His name was Glenn, and he was Crissy’s son. I sat up close to Glenn and he told me the background of his mother and family as we drove. Glenn was the oldest, then Michelle, and there were 4 more. The father had left them many years earlier and had recently died.

As we pulled into their town center, I could see many people around Crissy’s Café. Within a few seconds Crissy, Michelle, and her 16 yr. old daughter Richelle had come outside to greet and hug me. It was a warm welcome. Crissy had gone back inside. Michelle and Richelle, with big smiles, and both in low cut tops took hold of my hands and guided me inside telling me to sit at a nice, reserved table and to order my breakfast. Michelle had run her hand across the bulge in my pants. Richelle saw her do it and giggled. Then she kissed my cheek.

Michelle and Richelle took my order into the kitchen. Mostly women and kids were having their food. Lots of smiles toward me, a tall American man.

Crissy came out into the restaurant with my food. She sat at the table with me. As I ate Crissy was wanting to know everything about me and to share everything about herself. I told her what Glenn had shared. She had told me an older American man who she had just an online relationship with helped her and the family build the house and give them a better life. Then he just stopped all communication. It had been a few years. There were a continuous stream of Crissy’s friends coming to the table wanting her to introduce them to me. At one moment when we were alone Crissy giggled some and said Richelle had told her friends I was coming so the crowd this morning was larger than usual.

Michelle came to the table as I finished. Taking my dishes, her and Richelle told Crissy they would finish up so “mom you are free to take Mike upstairs.” Soon I was following the same butt I saw on cam up the stairs. Crissy said she wanted to take a quick shower before she “fucks me good.” I said, May I join you?

We were both naked and in the shower. In many 3rd world countries’, a shower is part of the bath area which included the toilet (often just covering a hole in the ground with no flushing), and a bucket or two with fresh water for showering and a central drain. Crissy’s shower was nicely tiled.

Crissy asked me to come close to her as she sat on the toilet to pee. She soon had her soapy hands on my hardening cock washing it. She told me it had been an awfully long time since she had sex with a man. But she had not forgotten. I was thoroughly enjoying this. As Crissy rinsed my cock off, now extremely hard, she put it into her mouth, and I enjoyed the licking and sucking.

I helped Crissy to stand. I filled my hand with soapy water, got Crissy to spread her legs, and started to wash her pussy. I was slow, careful, and deliberate. She was moaning and had her first orgasm quickly. “Oh my god Mike, I needed that.” I smiled and kept washing. Now putting two fingers up inside her pussy. Crissy raised one foot to the toilet giving me more skin to work with. Her second orgasm was stronger than the first. I rinsed off her pussy and moved closer to her. I love the smell and taste of a freshly washed pussy. My tongue licking began slowly. Crissy clit was hard, and I put my mouth fully around it. Sucking her clit until she came so hard, she sprayed her juices all over my face.

“Mike I am so sorry”, Crissy said. I told her not to worry, I loved it as I stood, and she kissed me on the mouth. She smiled saying it tasted like my fingers after she masturbated. We kept kissing and washed each other with soap and water. I was behind her washing her back and bottom, she reached behind her and guided my hard cock into her pussy. My hands were on her hips and I was pounder her from behind. It didn’t take long for her to cum again. We rinsed again. Got towels and headed for her big bed.

We were holding and kissing completely naked and heard a slight knock on the door. A voice, “Mom, it is Michelle, Richelle is with me.” “Wait please”, came out of Crissy’s mouth. She pulled a light sheet over us and told the girls to come in and join us.

Michelle and Richelle walked in, closing the door behind them. Richelle was acting shy, halfway hiding behind her older sister. “Mom, did you and Mike have a good time?” Michelle asked as they both giggled. Then Richelle spoke up. “Mike, after my sister Michelle told me about you on cam with her and mom last night, and that you were coming this morning, I made this just for you. Richelle turned her phone towards us to see a video she had made.

Michelle moved to the other side of me to watch. Richelle was on the bed in front of Crissy and I under the sheet. The video was of Richelle totally naked fondling her breasts and her pussy. I squirmed some under the sheet, Crissy’s hand was around my hard cock. “I hope this is ok mom.” I responded, “Richelle you are a very beautiful and sexy young lady!” “Thanks.”

The video clip stopped. Mom and Michelle were surprised and happy Richelle made it.

I moved up a little putting two pillows under my head. “Richelle it is very special that you shared this with me and your mom and sis. Can I ask why you made it and wanted to share it with me.”

Mom and Michelle said you seemed to be a nice man and I am ready.

Richelle are you asking me to help you become a complete woman? “YES!”

Richelle is it ok with you if we all talk about this? I would like to hear from your mom specifically. And if you do not mind your sister Michelle sharing her thoughts.

Mike, I want us all to be family. You are “po”, dad now to me. And I want all of us to love each other and support each other.

Michelle spoke first. Looking directly at her, “Sis you know I had my son at the age you are now. I made a mistake, not protecting myself. Sis you can do better. I want you to do better and I want to help. I feel Mike is a good man.

“Thanks sis”, came from Richelle.

Crissy had my cock rock hard in her hand under the sheet, she said, “Mike is a good man.”

Richelle said, “Mike may I ask . . . “anything Richelle.” “Does mom have her hand on your cock under the sheet?” “Yes, Richelle”, she does.”

Mike can I see it? As soon as the words were said, Michelle pulled the sheet away. Richelle facial expression was wonderful, a mixture of surprise and wonder.

I asked Michelle to take her sister into the bath and freshen up some. Michelle used a wet cloth to wash her and her sister’s pussies. At the same time Crissy was licking and sucking my cock.

Richelle would you like to have your sister or mom help you with learning about a man’s cock? Yes, Michelle can help me if it ok with you and mom. Sure Richelle, I can keep mom busy.

Quickly, both of the girls were touching my cock. Michelle had experience. I asked Michelle to carefully explain everything she was doing to her sister so she could learn.

I had Crissy’s nipple in my mouth as the two sisters were stroking and then licking my cock. Soon my fingers had Crissy’s pussy dripping wet.

Po can I see what you are doing with mom? Sure, Richelle come close. Mom is very wet. Wetter than I am. Can I see how wet you are Richelle?

Crissy helped Richelle position herself, as I moved to be between Richelle’s legs and close to her pussy.

Michelle positioned herself to be under me and had my cock in her mouth.

Mom and Richelle now close together. Crissy started to tell Richelle what was going to happen. I looked up and smile at both of them. Then I was back down and breathing hot air on my little girl’s pussy.

Po that feels good.

I put my nose up into her hairy but trimmed mound. Richelle moved and slightly closed her legs. Crissy saw this and told her to relax. I could feel her body relax some and I touch her with my mouth for the first time, kissing her inter-thigh. Richelle giggled and moved as I continue kissing her legs.

Oh, Mike that tickles a little. “You like my mustache.” “Yes.”

As I heard her say that I licked her leg with my tongue. She giggled again. The kept kissing and licking getting closer and closer to her pussy. I used my hands under her butt to feel her body. Her body told me to keep going or to slow down. At the right time I licked Richelle’s pussy. She moaned out loud. The sound and watching her daughter’s body caused Crissy to cum. Richelle was surprised.

All this time Michelle was working on my cock. I had to stop. And I asked Richelle to help Michelle and watch. Soon two tongues were licking it. Richelle you are going to see a man have an orgasm. As I was ready to cum, I told the girls to share what was going to come out. I watched the girls share my cum. Richelle’s face showed her surprise. She was in her world of wonder and curiosity.

I asked Richelle to watch me. I went down on Michelle’s pussy. Licking and sucking as she moaned louder and louder. I showered Richelle the wetness on my face, then went right back to licking and sucking. Richelle turned to see her mom sucking my cock back to life. Crissy explained to her about how a man comes and how to get his cock hard again. Crissy knew how to do it right. Soon I could see and feel Michelle getting close. She came on my face. I asked Richelle to kiss me. She did. And I asked if she tasted her sister. Michelle was still on her back. Richelle looked at her sister and move to go down on her, saying, “I want to taste.”

As Richelle got down and kissed Michelle’s pussy, I put a finger gently into Richelle’s pussy. She squirmed and moaned but kept her mouth on her sister’s pussy.

I then moved to begin again licking Richelle. Michelle moved some so this would be easy. I could tell Michelle liked her little sister licking her cunt.

I was fully inside Richelle’s pussy with my tongue. I could feel her clit, it was hard, so I sucked it. Her moaning got loud, and her mouth came off her sister. She lied back on the bed enjoying my mouth. Telling her mom, she was having electricity going thru her body. Then she had her first orgasm. I felt her juices on my face. She screamed as the orgasm went thru her body. And asked her mom about what just happened. Michelle came up to me to lick her sister’s juices off my face.

Crissy had me get on my back and used her mouth to get me really hard again. As Crissy mounted me, she explained what she was doing to Richelle. “In this position Richelle the woman can control her pleasure. Richelle we will show you all the different positions in making love.”

Crissy was on top riding me. I loved her big tits in my face. I would have one nipple in my mouth, then the other. In a few minutes Crissy had an orgasm. Richelle was watching everything. Michelle asked Richelle if she could ride me next. Michelle was on top of me in a few seconds. She was slow in lowering herself down on my cock wet and shiny from her mom’s juices. Soon Michelle was moving fast, and her orgasm was quick. Crissy moved in to lick all the juices off my cock. Then she guided Richelle to mount me. Telling her to move slowly. Richelle had her hands on my chest. “Po, I want this, thank you,” she said.

Richelle slowly and carefully lowered her body. Michelle helped guide my rock-hard cock to the correct position. I could feel Richelle’s pussy lips part across the head of my cock. Soon the head was inside. Then slowly she lowered herself more. Inch by inch until Richelle pussy was completely surrounding my member. Crissy told her how and how much to move. My hand this whole time were on her sides. As she started to move, I moved my hands to her breasts. Richelle smiled down at me. I opened my mouth and licked my lips. Richelle formed her mouth giving me permission to suck. As she continued to move her pussy around my cock, I took one nipple into my mouth and she had an orgasm. She had her hand up to muffle her scream. We all were smiling. Michelle kissed her sister.

Richelle was still riding my cock. Her movements now more deliberate now. Faster. My hands on both of her breasts. I was watching her face. She was going to cum again. I squeezed both nipples which sent her into ecstasy. Her orgasm was tremendous. Her body jerking. Her sounds heard but muffled. It made all of us happy again. She collapsed on me and hugged me completely. “Mike thank you so much, I love you!”

Crissy then announced it is early in the day. Let’s get cleaned up and show Mike around.

Filipino Fun 2

Filipino Fun 3

My gay seduction. 1 (1)


One thing leads to another….

I was in his apartment. He was older than me by a few years and I suspected he was at least bi-sexual but he was a nice guy and it was just to watch the game on his big-screen, so no big deal.
Had a few beers and the game ended.
“Feel like watching a dirty movie?”
“OK, sure. “
I was pretty comfortable but I’d only watched a porno with other guys once, at a stag party when there loads of other people there. The conversation then was bravado and bluster. This would be different.
More different than I realized when the movie turned out to be all-male.
“Do you mind?”
“It’s not what I usually watch”
“Did you ever watch gay porn?”
“No, never.”
“But, do you mind?”
“I guess not, if you like it.”
He started talking about sex as we watched.
“So did you ever do anything with another guy?”
“Nope…. no… nothing.”
“Don’t believe you”
“….a friend of my brother jerked me off once”
“how old were you?”
“and him?
“I dunno… 25?”
“Did you like it?”
“I guess so, I like when chicks do it.”
“did you do him too?”
“Yes, a bit. Mostly, he rubbed up against me.”
“did you both cum?”
“yes, he was jerking me off from behind. Rubbing his cock against my ass. When I came he shot all over my ass.”
“Did you like it?”
“I liked cumming and when he came it was exciting.”
“You liked feeling him rub against you?”
“And that’s it? nothing else?”
“I bet you think about it”
“Yeah, sometimes, but I like girls”
“so you never wanted to do it again?”
“Not really”
“why not?”
“I’m not gay”
“That’s OK, it doesn’t make you gay, it’s just getting off, right?”
“I suppose”
He reached over and his hand was on my leg, stroking my thigh.
“I could get you off if you’ll let me…”
“Yeah, while you watch the movie.”
“Um, I don’t know…”
“You don’t have to do anything for me if you don’t want to.”
“OK, I guess.”
He reached over to me and undid my jeans.
I stood and he slid them down over my legs, along with my underwear. They were around my ankles.
“No hair down there.”
“No the girl I’m dating likes it that way.”
“I do too. Kick those clothes off, so you can be more comfortable. Don’t worry. It’s all cool.”
I did as I was told and then sat back on his couch. Watched the TV.
“Relax. I’m just going to make you feel good.”
I felt his hand back on my legs. Up and down, closer to my cock, but not touching. Felt my cock hardening with his teasing.
Looked down to watch him stroking my thigh and rubbing himself through his clothes with his other hand.
“Take your shirt off.”
I did. I was sitting in the nude watching a movie where two men were taking turns fucking a youth.
His hand stroked up and down the length of my thigh. Teasing. Teasing. My hard cock throbbing. Needing. Wanting to be touched.
“You like me touching you.”
I didn’t want to admit it. Said nothing.
“Don’t worry. Relax. Enjoy it.”
I said nothing, just let him stroke my leg.
“Admit it. You like this.”
Still no words… instead, I moved down on the seat cushion and opened my legs wider. Inviting him to touch me more intimately.
His hand reached down and cupped my smooth balls. Caressing the tight, smooth skin.
“I want to touch you all over.”
I wanted him to. I wanted to feel his strong hands on my body. It was very erotic.
“Come with me”
He stood up and beckoned me to do the same. I stood facing him in my nakedness. Hard cock pointing at him. Looking up into his eyes.
“Don’t worry, come on.”
He took my hand. Led me to his bedroom.
He lay a big towel on the bed.
“Just lie back on my bed and relax.”
I complied.
“I’m going to get naked too, OK?”
Watched him as he stripped. Saw the tent in his boxers. Watched his ass as he bent to remove them. Saw his erect penis as he straightened up….
“I’ll give you a nice massage.”
“Just a massage though”
“Well let’s see how it goes.”
“Just a massage.”
“What about a happy ending?”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“Maybe I’ll show you.”
He stood beside the bed with massage oil.
Bent down and dripped oil on my naked body.
Dripped oil on my chest and belly and started rubbing it in. Strong hands kneading my flesh.
Teasing my nipples.
Onto my legs, massaging from ankles to the tops of my thighs.
His erect cock occasionally touching me briefly as he bent over me. His hands sliding up my legs occasionally making contact with my balls. Back to my stomach… drifting down to the bald pubic area. Leaving me yearning for his intimate touch. Finally, finally…. touching my cock.
“Do you like me touching you?”
“Do you want to touch me?”
He laid down on top of me.
The oil on my skin allowing him to slide himself up and down my torso. His hard cock rubbing against mine.
Leaning down.
“Do you like it?”

My hands reached up and went to his shoulders. Holding him to myself as he moved above me.
Humping against me.
Cock on cock.
Pecs against pecs.
Slippery. Belly on belly. Sliding.
Cock against cock. Rubbing me. Humping me.
“Spread your legs.”
I opened my thighs and he slipped between them.
His cock rubbing against my smooth slippery balls and shaft.
Humping his cock against me. My hands on his shoulders snaked around his neck. Keeping us tightly together.
He whispered again.
“Turn over.”
He could sense my reluctance.
“Don’t worry. Relax. Let me give you pleasure.”
I turned over.
He straddled my legs. Drizzled more oil on my back. As he leaned forward to massage it into my skin I could feel his hard cock resting against my ass.
Rubbing his hands up and down my back.
I was tense from the situation. His hands were relaxing me.
The feeling of his cock riding up and down along the crack of my ass was exciting.
He lowered himself and his entire chest and hips were in contact with my back and bottom. Rubbing himself against me.
I could feel his cock pushed harder against my crack. He was using the insides of my cheeks to give himself pleasure.
The sensation of his body and cock rubbing my ass was making me even more aroused.
“I’m going to massage your ass now”
“mmm OK”
He sat up, still straddling my legs. His hands went to the cheeks of my ass and kneaded the muscles. So exciting. So intimate. I wanted more of his touch. Lifted myself an inch.
Felt his thumbs slip between my cheeks as he massaged me. Up and down the crack. Tickling my anus as his thumbs slid past.
Up and down. Tickling, Teasing.
It made me want to feel him touching me there.
I lifted my ass again. I tried to time it with the moment that his thumb-tip passed over my asshole.
Giving him a message.
His hand stopped where I wanted it.
Pressed against my opening. Tight, but willing. Wanting to feel him press into it.
He moved on. Teasing.
“You like that?”
“It feel nice.”
“Against your little asshole?”
“Do you want to feel my finger there?”
No reply. Ashamed that he was making me want a man to penetrate me.
“You have to tell me.”
“You know the answer.”
“But you have to say.”
“I want you to touch me there.”
“On my ass.”
“And I want to feel your finger go into me.”
“Yes. But gently.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you like it.”
His fingers slipped down between my cheeks and I felt a fingertip touch me there. Sensitive. Sensual.
Pressed against me.
I lay still. My ass slightly lifted from the bed.
Pressing his fingertip into my ass.
It felt big. Just a tip. Big in my ass. Felt so good. I lifted my ass more. Inviting him.
“Like this?”
“Do you want more?”
“Yes. Yes.”
He pushed his finger deeper into me. His other fingers folded over were separating the cheeks of my ass as he penetrated me to the second knuckle.
“Still like it?”
“I’m going to give you more pleasure then…”
Started moving his finger in and out of my ass. Lying down alongside my naked body. His hand at my ass. His finger inside me. Gently moving in and out. Fingerfucking my ass. His mouth at my ear.
“You like this. You never knew before, did you?”
My face turned away. Hiding my shame.
“Yes, I mean no. I mean yes I like it, no, I never knew”
“would you like to try more?”
I did. I wanted more, but I didn’t want to say so.
Instead I just said “Go slow…”
He gradually withdrew his finger. Left me feeling a desperate desire for him to put it back.
Then the pressure on my anus returned. Only, when I felt him penetrating me again, it stretched my ass more.
So big. Stretching.
“Relax. It’s just a little more. Relax. Enjoy it. I won’t hurt you. Enjoy it.”
He pressed inside me. Two fingers. Deeper than before. Almost to the third knuckle.
Whispering into my ear…
“You love it. You like having something in your ass.”
Turning to face him…
“Yes. It feels so good.”
I moved my ass to meet his hand as he continued to move his fingers in and out of me.
He locked me in his gaze. A third joined the two fingers already in me.
Staring into his eyes as he fucked my ass with his fingers.
“is there more?”
“I think you want more.”
We both knew what he meant. And I knew I wanted it.
His hard cock was rubbing against my hip. I moved my hand and took him in my grasp.
“You want my cock.”
“I’m not gay.”
“I know. It’s OK. It’s cool. You’re not gay. But you want my cock, don’t you?”
“Tell me”
“I want your cock.”
His fingers slipped out of my ass. Leaving me feeling empty. Teased the opening. Tickling.
“Ohhh in my ass. I want your cock in my ass. I want you to fuck me.”
He climbed back on top of me. Rested his cock against the crack of my ass once more. Humped his body against mine.
I squirmed under him
Raising my ass. Trying to catch his penis against my anus. Desperate now. Desperate to feel his cock enter me.
“Fuck me. Fuck me. Stop teasing. I want it. I want it inside me. Fuck me. Please.”
He moved and grasped the shaft of his cock and aimed it at my little hole. Rested it against my opening.
I lifted myself. Felt the head of his cock open up my ass.
“Like that?.”
“Yes yes, like that. Put it in me. Fuck me.”
Moving my ass back to try and engulf his cock.
He pushed himself deeper into me
Much deeper than his fingers.
Leaned down. Breathing on my neck. Strong hands curled up under my shoulders, pulling me onto his cock.
Pushing deeper. Grunting as he thrust into me.
“Yes. Yes fuck me.”
Feeling his weight squash the meat of my buttocks as he ground his cock as deep as he could.
“Lovely cock. In my ass. Fuck me! Fuck me!”
He moved back and withdrew. Then down into me again. Over and over, fucking my ass.
I bounced on the bed, meeting his pounding cock.
Frenzied with the sensations. Feeling filled. Fulfilled.
“More! More!”
He went faster. Breathing heavily.
Hot breath on the nape of my neck.
Pounding, pounding, against my ass.
Stretching, slipping, sliding in and out.
I matched his rhythm, raising myself to meet him. Being hammered by his strong thrusts.
Then I felt myself reaching orgasm.
“I’m going to cum. Your cock in my ass… making me cum.”
Tensing. Tightening my ass round the shaft of his cock.
Shooting my cum onto the towel below me.
“Oh god. So intense.”
Cumming from his cock inside me.
“Yes, sweet ass baby. Cum while I fuck you.”
No hands.
Big cum. I soaked the towel.
Then I felt him shove himself deeper and faster into my little ass.
“Now it’s my turn.”
“Yes. In me. Cum in my ass.”
I wriggled under him. Trying to help him.
Banging into me Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, slamming his body against my ass. Ramming his cock into me. Faster and faster.
Grunting. Grunting.
Feeling him tense. Feeling his cock grinding so deep into me. Feeling the twitches as he shot.
Open ass. Cock in deep. Cumming in my ass.
“So sweet…” he breathed, “sexy boy. You love being fucked”.
“I didn’t know.”
“Now you know.”
One last shove.
“Yes!” His body twitched again. Jerking into me. Squashing my butt-cheeks.
He stayed on top of me as his cock began to shrink. Popped out and rolled onto his back.
I felt the cum trickling out of my ass.
My bare ass.
This was the start, I knew. I wanted men to have my bare ass again. And soon.



Family fun with Natalie, Jenny, their Daddy, and a Doberman.

Natalie flipped the bed covers off her head in frustration. “Jen, it’s late. Can we please turn off the light?”

“Just a few more pages,” her sister Jenny insisted, thumbing over to the next chapter. Natalie gave an exaggerated sigh. She didn’t normally mind sharing a bedroom with her older sister, but her habit of staying up late, curled up with a book, was a common source of dispute between the two otherwise close siblings.

“What’s so fascinating about this one?” Natalie inquired with a hint of sarcasm, peering across the small room to her sister’s bed.

“It’s on hypnosis,” Jen replied, not breaking her concentration off the page.

Natalie scoffed. “That’s all nonsense,” she proclaimed. “I bet you couldn’t hypnotize me and make me do stuff I don’t want to.”

“It doesn’t work that way, little Miss Smarty-pants,” Jen countered. “You can’t hypnotize someone who doesn’t want to cooperate. And you can’t make them do something they don’t want. It’s more about overcoming the person’s fears and reluctance to do the things they really want to do anyway. Like I couldn’t make someone honest go out and steal, but maybe if they really want to quit smoking, hypnosis could help them out.”

Jen was the older of the two siblings by only a year, but liked to consider herself wiser and more educated than her tomboy younger sister. “Whatever,” Natalie rebuffed. “I still say you couldn’t learn to hypnotize me from just reading about it in a book.”

Giving up, Jenny closed the book. Flipping aside the covers, she rose from her bed. Pausing to pick up a pencil from the desk, she crossed the room. Backlit by the single lamp on the desk, her shapely body was outlined through her thin lingerie nightie. Her full, firm breasts were clearly visible through the gossamer-thin lace, and the short, swishing hemline only halfway covered the tiny crotch of her panties, displaying a generous cleft of plump camel toe in the tightly stretched silky material. Long blonde hair spilled in curls past her shoulders, gently swaying in synchronous motion with the alluring roll of her sultry hips.

Natalie stared wistfully at her older sister. She felt so plain in comparison, although friends and relatives always insisted that she was “just cute as a kitten.” However, that didn’t seem to count for much when she compared her flat-chested A-sized breasts and petite build to her older sister’s sensual looks. Clad in just an oversized fraying sweatshirt, Natalie brushed a stray lock of brown hair from her eyes as she swiveled to sit at the edge of the mattress. Her sister moved in closer, kneeling down next to the bed. “Here, let me show you,” Jen offered. “Just focus on the shiny part around the eraser.” Rotating the pencil between her fingers, the glow from the lamp reflected off the polished metal, glinting as the facets slowly turned. “Now just concentrate on the flashes of light. You’re feeling calm and relaxed. Focus on the sound of my voice. Let the barriers in your mind fade away. Free yourself from the limits you place on yourself…”

Natalie’s distracted gaze instead focused on the intimate view down her sister’s low-cut lingerie, admiring the deep, inviting cleavage. Jenny continued to slowly twirl the pencil, her soothing voice trying to lull the younger girl into a slumbering state of mind. Natalie suppressed a grin. While Jenny’s amazing tits offered an undeniable mesmerizing effect, the trick with the pencil was producing no results at all. But she decided to have a little fun with her know-it-all older sister, pretending she was hypnotized, just to see what Jen might tell her to do. “Relaxed…” Natalie murmured in agreement, letting her eyelids droop with a fake flutter. “Fading… No limits…”

After a moment, Jenny put the pencil aside, leaning in close to peer into Natalie’s unfocused eyes. She waved her hand in front of Natalie’s face, but the younger girl didn’t flinch or respond, only sighing as if lost in a trance. “Now reach into your subconscious,” Jenny coaxed in a hushed tone. “Tell me what you really want to do…”

Natalie paused, wondering what she could say to really throw her sister for a loop. After a moment, a wonderfully wicked idea jumped to mind. “Want to… to kiss…” she whispered, purposely trailing off into a murmur.

“Kiss? You want to kiss someone?” Jenny prompted as her interest perked. “Is there a boy you’re sweet on? Come on Natalie, you know you want to tell me.”

“Want to kiss… you,” Natalie breathed in an almost inaudible tone.

Jenny flinched in surprise and Natalie fought to choke back a case of the giggles. Her older sister leaned in closer, asking Natalie to repeat herself. Once again the startling confession was made, clearer and more certain. Their faces only inches apart, Jenny felt a shiver of excitement rush through her. There had long been an underlying sexual tension between the two sisters — unspoken and never acted upon, but always present and undeniable. Jenny gazed deep into Natalie’s eyes, looking for some hint of a mischievous joke. But the younger girl maintained a steady, unblinking expression, letting her tongue run over her soft, pouty lips as she subtly leaned forward.

Completely stunned, Jenny let the moment happen. Their lips touched, tentatively at first but then with growing passion. Jenny’s mouth parted and Natalie’s tongue slipped inside, interlacing with her older sister’s wriggling oral appendage. Jenny’s fingers tangled in Natalie’s hair, pulling her in tighter. The stunning blonde girl’s ample breasts pressed up against the petite tits of her younger sister, nipples perking into an erect state of arousal as the fleshy tips dueled and rubbed, separated by their clothing. Finally, with a gasp, the two girls pulled apart, breathless. Their minds raced as their once-plutonic sisterly affection had suddenly entered unknown realms.

Jenny broke the silence, her heart pounding as she worked up her courage. “Do you… ah… do you maybe want to kiss… me somewhere else?” she asked shyly, embarrassed at the strangely husky tone in her voice. Jenny couldn’t help but notice that Natalie’s gaze had once more settled on her ample breasts. Subconsciously, she straightened posture, adding a slight arch to her back, lifting her amazing chest closer to her sister’s face. Her nipples hardened further in response to the forbidden thought of her younger sister’s lips lovingly caressing the tender flesh of her heaving tits.

Natalie let the tension build, wondering how far she dared to push her little prank. “Maybe…” she breathed, running the tip of her tongue in a sensuous caress over her moist lips. She turned her gaze towards the floor, pretending to be overcome with shyness.

Jenny’s finger slipped gently under her chin, raising the girl’s gaze. “Tell me where,” she encouraged, jittery with anticipation. “It will be our secret.”

A prolonged quiet blanketed the room as Natalie pretended to wrestle with her answer. “On your… bottom,” she finally admitted, struggling to halt her laugh as she pushed her little joke to the next level.

Jenny sat back on her heels, mouth agape, stunned into silence. She swallowed uncomfortably, but then rose to her feet, turning away from Natalie’s gaze. The little brunette thought Jen might now walk away in a huff, having finally seen through the prank. But then Jenny pulled the hem of her lacy lingerie up over one hip, exposing a glimpse of a firm and creamy rump cheek. She coyly looked back over her shoulder. “You mean my butt?” she inquired with a tremor of disbelief and eagerness in her voice. “You want to kiss me on my butt?”

Natalie slowly shook her head. Jenny’s expression turned into a frown of disappointment. The thought of her younger sister’s tender lips nuzzling kisses on the creamy flesh of her shapely rear had an undeniable appeal. “Tell me,” Jenny urged, unable to hide her urgent curiosity. A shock raced through her as her younger sister whispered an almost inaudible reply. “What?” Jenny rasped, feeling her throat go dry.

“On your… your butthole,” Natalie repeated, struggling to keep an unemotional monotone to preserve the illusion she was hypnotized. “I want to kiss your pretty little asshole.” Once more an almost irresistible smirk threatened to fight its way onto her lips. Surely this would at last push things too far, causing Jenny to finally crumple and admit defeat.

“That is so…” Jenny stammered, her words faltering to nothing. Natalie braced herself, waiting for the accusation that would finally send her into a fit of overwhelming giggles. So ‘sick’, ‘disgusting’, or ‘perverted’? So utterly repulsive?

“Oh god,” Jenny breathed. “That is so… hot!”

Natalie watched in shock as her older sister hooked her thumbs into the string-like waistband of her skimpy panties, pulling downward. Wiggling her sexy hips, she dragged her underwear down to mid-thigh, exposing her naked rear. The almost subliminal hint of wet pussy in the air blossomed into a heady perfume as Jenny’s naked cunt was unveiled, peeking out from between her shapely thighs.

Seemingly with a mind of their own, Natalie’s trembling hands reached up, daring to softly caress the flawless flesh of her sister’s beautiful ass. Thoughts of maintaining the joke faded as Jenny took a step in reverse, presenting her butt only inches from Natalie’s face. The younger girl’s hot breath washed over Jenny’s naked rear, raising goosebumps on the skin. Exploring fingers squeezed the firm globes of flesh, thumbs subtly creeping into the deep cleft. A gentle tug spread the soft cheeks, revealing the first glimpse within. Natalie groaned, her eyes drawn shamelessly to the cute, wrinkled pucker of her sister’s sweet little anus. A surreal sensation of light-headedness swept over Jenny as she could almost feel her little sister’s unwavering stare boring into her secret nether portal. The older girl widened her stance, further spreading her ass for Natalie’s obscenely intimate investigation.

The pretty blonde shuddered as Natalie’s thumbs slipped in deeper, prying those delicious ass cheeks open. Another wash of warm air breathed from Natalie’s lips, washing across the tender, puckered skin. The wrinkled little orifice of Jenny’s anus puckered back and forth in anticipation, presenting an irresistible lure. Natalie’s mouth watered at the sight and she licked her lips, unconsciously leaning forward. Her nose eased into the crack of Jenny’s ass, causing both girls to shiver with forbidden lust. “Hurry,” Jenny urged, bouncing lightly on her toes, giddy with excitement. Natalie steeled herself, closing the distance, determined not to be the loser in this incestuous game of chicken. It would just be a quick kiss, after all… Nuzzling her cute face into the deep cleft of Jenny’s quivering ass cheeks, she closed her eyes as if that might somehow separate her from this obscene act. She unerringly found her target, soft lips intimately brushing her sister’s crinkled, star-shaped pucker. At first contact, Jenny flinched, but then unexpectedly pressed herself eagerly back, transforming the tentative oral caress into a more urgent pressing of flesh. A brief touch was all Natalie intended, but once committed, her lips lingered, nuzzling and exploring. The crinkled flesh was so tender, and the dimpled crevice seemed a perfect, natural fit for Natalie’s pursed lips. The saliva from her open-mouthed kiss painted a glistening sheen to her sister’s quivering anus. Natalie groaned, clutching hands drawing back on her sister’s hips while pressing her lips in harder.

“Use your tongue,” Jenny shamelessly begged, feeling strange flutters ripple through her rectal tract. “Please, Natalie, stick your tongue deep into my tight little shitter!”

Any lingering thoughts of playful pranks dissolved into a mental fog. Lustful lesbian urges, long held in check, came to fruition as Natalie eagerly complied, diligently applying pressure and feeling Jenny’s tight rear portal slowly give way. She ran her tongue in a slow circle, exploring just inside the tight muscular rim. Then, heart fluttering with anxiety, she dared to dig her fluttering tongue deeper into the hot, steamy depths of her sister’s wonderfully snug asshole. Jenny groaned, her rectal tract instinctively tightening down around the oral invader, squeezing in a lustful embrace. Wet, slurping noises arose as Natalie rapidly drove her stiffened tongue in and out of Jenny’s gaping anus. Saliva oozed down her chin, hanging unnoticed in dangling strands as she dug fingers firmly into Jenny’s fleshy ass cheeks, spreading them wide open.

A tingling in Jenny’s pussy began to build. Trembling, but not yet ready to abandon herself to the sensation, she pulled her ass away from Natalie’s tantalizing oral explorations. Natalie’s hands reluctantly slipped from her sister’s hips. A shiver raced up Jenny’s spine as she felt her younger sister’s talented tongue retreat from her clutching anal grasp. She turned as Natalie eased from the bed, positioning herself subserviently on her knees. Exploring fingers crept up Jenny’s legs, finding the tiny panties still spanned between the girl’s naked thighs. She quickly dragged them downward as Jenny stepped from one foot then the other, allowing their removal.

Natalie bunched Jenny’s panties into a ball, her fingers gently rubbing the delicate white lace. She raised her hand, bringing the moist undies to her nose. Eyes closed, she inhaled deeply, savoring the intoxicating fragrance of her sister’s steamy twat. Jenny smiled and pressed her moist loins forward, breaking Natalie out of her reverent worship of the cunt-scented undergarment. Natalie’s pretty face turned upward, meeting her sister’s grinding, naked pussy. Once more that talented tongue extended, this time delving deep into Jenny’s silky fuck slot. She gasped, wrapping her hands around her younger sister’s head, pulling her face tight into her dripping snatch. Natalie’s lips nuzzled the ruffled pussy lips, then nipped at Jenny’s clit. The blonde responded with a squeal of surprise and delight as her sister’s as teeth gently closed down on the pulsing nub of hyper-sensitive flesh.

A sharp rap sounded on the bedroom wall, causing both girls to flinch in shock. “Hey! You girls quit your giggling and rough-housing in there!” came their father’s gruff, muffled voice through the common wall separating their bedrooms. “It’s late and past time for bed!”

Jenny stifled a naughty giggle, pressing her finger to her lips and making a shushing noise. “You hear that?” she chastised in a whisper. “Daddy says you have to be quiet if you want to eat my cunt.”

Natalie looked up, feigning irritation as the lower half of her pretty face shimmered with a coating of slippery vaginal juices. “I’m not the one making all the noise,” she hissed in response. Jenny had to acknowledge the point. It was difficult for Natalie to make much sound, given that her tongue was so busy licking out wet twat.

A moment passed, stretching into eternity, but no further warnings issued from their daddy’s room. The crisis averted, Natalie’s hands caressed the naked cheeks of her sister’s trembling ass, pulling her in tight. Wandering fingers explored, easing their way into the deep, inviting cleft of her butt. Jenny closed her eyes as delving fingertips teased their way ever closer, finding the recessed dimple of her anus and zeroing in on the prize. “Yesss…” she hissed, offering up enthusiastic permission for her sister to dig a finger deep into that tight little rectum. She groaned, throwing her head back in passion as Natalie’s middle finger overcame the tight resistance and sank into her nether fuck tunnel, buried to the third knuckle in a single, graceful stroke. Jenny’s hips bucked in response and she tightened her grip on the back of her sister’s head.

Spurred on by a deeply digging tongue and finger, Jenny felt a bubbling sensation in her tummy grow. But with it came a more urgent feeling of familiar pressure. She squirmed, trying to deny the ill-timed sensation, but it was no use. Her desperately full bladder would not be denied. “Oh, god, I’ve got to pee!” she confided in a whisper after several moments of futile squirming and clenching. Jenny began to pull away, anguished that this inconvenient call of nature might spoil the magic moment.

“So do it,” Natalie mouthed silently, pulling her sticky tongue from that tight twat just long enough to flash an encouraging smile up at her sister. Jenny’s mouth gaped open in shock, but her shaking head went unnoticed as Natalie burrowed her pretty face right back into the girl’s juicy snatch.

“Nats, I’m not kidding, ok. I mean it, I really gotta pee!” Jenny protested in a desperate undertone, attempting to squirm free of her sister’s grasp. Natalie’s free hand placed a restraining grip on Jenny’s hip while the insertion of a second finger up her hot little ass suggested she wasn’t inclined to let her sister go anywhere. The two digging fingers only added to the building pressure, causing the girl to moan as both digits sank in to the hilt, twisting and digging in her anal tract. Natalie opened her mouth wide and sealed her lips tightly against her sister’s pussy, her tongue probing deep into the clutching vaginal folds of flesh. The wriggling tip of the oral digit found Jenny’s pee hole, probing but unable to squeeze itself inside the tiny opening.

Jenny issued a stifled squeal of protest, feeling the last of her resistance slip. “No, no, no…” she pleaded. She clenched her thighs in a futile effort, feeling the first shameful trickle begin to flow. “Oh, you naughty little cunt!” she protested with a resigned whimper, realizing Natalie was not backing away.

With a mouthful of sticky sibling twat, Natalie’s proud smile went unnoticed, but the glitter in her eyes revealed that she took her sister’s remark as a compliment. Then the trickle became a torrent as Jenny’s trembling pussy delivered a prolonged gush of golden fluid jetting right into her sister’s open mouth. Natalie swallowed, her throat working desperately to consume the overwhelming tide. Her cheeks bulged and steaming girl nectar frothed from her lips. A wet stain spread rapidly across the front of her rumpled sweatshirt, plastering itself tightly to her nubile form. With the floodgates opened, Jenny abandoned herself to the moment, surrendering control over her rebellious bladder. Hot urine poured from her quivering pussy without restraint. Natalie reveled in the savory flood, letting it gush into her open, eager mouth. More excess bubbled over, spilling across her cheeks and chin, finding any remaining dry patches on the front of her soaked shirt. She uncoupled her lips from that tasty pissing pussy and maneuvered herself lower, letting Jenny’s gushing golden flow pour into her hair, matting it down as the excess trickled down her back.

The seemingly endless stream finally began to falter. Natalie wormed her tongue back into the silky smooth depths of Jenny’s dripping snatch, which was all the extra stimulation needed to push the poor girl over the brink. With her little sister’s two wriggling fingers buried to the hilt in her ass and a talented tongue energetically working its magic on the depths of her cunt, Jenny’s prolonged pee session rolled right into a cunt-wrenching orgasm. Her hips bucked in rapid succession. Biting her lower lip, she fought to contain a squeal of passion. Her thighs shivered as muscular contractions raced through them, spreading upward into her loins. Her tight tummy rippled as series of lustful grunts escaped her lips. Her hips thrust forward as her hands desperately clutched at Natalie’s head, forcing her sister’s face hard into her pussy. A gush of vaginal fluids erupted from the depths of her cunt as one orgasmic spasm after another took hold. Jenny’s entire body shivered and sticky twat sauce oozed, pouring over Natalie’s fully inserted tongue and down into her waiting mouth, setting taste buds ablaze. With a final shudder, Jenny’s hips twitched and she finally eased off the pressure on the back of Natalie’s head. Her sister’s lips peeled off her dripping cunt as the younger girl heaved in a desperately needed breath. Panting, she gazed up at her sibling with unrestrained love and lust, strands of glistening pussy slime spanning between lips and drooling twat.

Jenny looked down at her sister, offering a loving smile. Her fingers rose to the front of her nightie, finding the loose ends of the two bows that tied it closed. With a gentle tug, the lingerie was undone, letting those amazing tits spill free. With a shrug of her shoulders, the thin covering was discarded, fluttering to the floor. Natalie rose to her feet, hands grasping at her pee-soaked shirt and dragging it up over her head. Both girls stood naked, eyes lustfully caressing each other’s form. Jenny’s hand found Natalie’s, fingers intertwining as the older sister urged her sibling to the bed.

Natalie lay back on the sheets. Jenny maneuvered herself between her sister’s spread thighs, weaving her shapely legs between those of her sister. Holding hands, the girls scooted closer together, squirming until their wet pussies aligned. Both cunts were in an advanced state of arousal, fleshy pussy lips swollen with excitement, ruffled and unfurled, exposing the pink wetness within. Natalie drew in a sharp inrush of air as her loins made contact with Jenny’s, slippery twats grinding together. Jenny carefully maneuvered her pretty pussy, bringing her large throbbing clit to bear on Natalie’s vaginal lips. With a roll of her hips, the clit wormed its way into her sister’s fuck slot. Natalie’s fingers tightened their clasp on Jenny’s. She closed her eyes and swiveled her hips in response, savoring the intimate sensation of a clit-fucking. Vaginal lubrication trickled from both sweet little cunts as their motions became more frantic. Jenny ground her hips in a circle as Natalie churned in the opposite direction. Pussy mashed tight together, vaginal lips kissing as their clits throbbed in unison under the grinding friction.

Natalie’s hips jerked. Her fingers slipped from Jenny’s grip, both hands clutching desperately at the bed sheets as she bucked her hips and thrust herself hard against Jenny’s naked cunt. Alarmed, Jenny’s hand shot to her sister’s mouth, clamping down firmly just as an orgasmic scream threatened to burst from Natalie’s lips. Only a muffled squeak escaped as the young girl’s eyes widened and her nostrils flared. She lunged again with her hips, her grunts of passion stifled by Jenny’s hand. Pussy lips slithered together, tender flesh sliding easily on a glistening sheen of natural vaginal lube. Natalie’s tummy rippled as her orgasm flowered to full bloom, her loins rubbing desperately against her sister’s as the two girls scissored frantically.

At last Natalie collapsed, panting urgently as her sister’s hand pulled away from her mouth. She lay coated in moist dew of perspiration, a steady trickle of spent pussy cum spreading a sticky stain down onto the bed sheets.

With a sigh, Jenny let herself topple backwards onto the bed. She untangled herself from her sister, spreading her legs in open invitation to Natalie’s hungry gaze. “Fuck me.” Jenny mouthed in a silent come on. Happy to comply, her sister scrambled onto her hands and knees, maneuvering between Jenny’s open legs. Tentatively she reached out, gently stroking her index finger up and down the length of Jenny’s tight, slippery fuck slot. The older sister purred, slowly squirming. As the girls gazed deep into each other’s eyes, the finger slipped into the welcoming depths of the eager cunt, enveloped in a tight, clutching embrace.

Natalie stiffened her finger, forcing herself inward. Jenny grunted, feeling her incredibly tight pussy stretch to accommodate the invasion. Natalie twisted her wrist, crooking her finger to explore every nook and cranny of that sweet little twat. She withdrew, added her middle finger, and pressed both digits back in. Jenny groaned, rolling her hips in an attempt to adjust to the stretching sensation. With an effort, both fingers were buried to the hilt as trembling pink flesh constricted tightly around them. A twisting of the wrist caused the older girl to moan as a sensation of fully stuffed satisfaction washed over her.

The fingers slipped out, trailing a steady trickle of syrupy twat sauce with them. The slimy trailed oozed downward, seeping into the pucker of Jenny’s anus before dripping down onto the bed sheets to start a fresh telltale stain. Three fingers returned to Jenny’s pussy, straining against the resisting tightness to force their way inside. The girl’s hips jerked in response, her fingers reaching down to capture Natalie’s hand at the wrist. “Too much!” she insisted in a hush. Patiently, the younger girl left the three fingertips embedded, reaching up with her thumb to gently stroke her sister’s rigid clit. The pinky finger slipped lower, tickling Jenny’s tautly clenched little asshole. After several moments of loving caresses, the older girl sighed, her body relaxing.

Natalie gave an experimental push, gaining a bit more penetration. Jenny bit her lower lip, shaking her head. “It’s too tight!” she pleaded softly. “I can’t take any more!” A gentle twist of the wrist, accompanied by a flexing of the fingers stretched that uncooperative cunt just a little bit. The three digits slipped deeper, much to Jenny’s alarm. Natalie withdrew ever so slightly, bringing a look of relief to her sister’s face. Then, with loving persistence, the fingers slid back in, claiming just a tad of new territory before the clenching cunt once more brought progress to a halt. Back and forth they worked, relentlessly, until Jenny gasped, begging for mercy. But all three fingers were now buried full depth.

“No more,” Jenny pleaded quietly. Natalie looked up, meeting her sister’s concerned gaze. Unspoken sibling communication took hold as a smile crossed Natalie’s lips. Both girls knew this wasn’t stopping here. “Oh god,” Jenny moaned, coming to grips with her fate. The fingers slipped out of her pussy, then returned. Jenny felt four fingertips tickling, teasing the fleshy lips of her steamy pussy. What the poor girl didn’t notice was the subtle addition of Natalie’s thumb, tucked in alongside the other four digits. Gritting her teeth, she nervously looked at her younger sister and then slowly nodded. The four finger tips slipped in first, then the tip of the thumb. Jenny squirmed, propping her hands underneath her and elevating her hips to give her sister easier access to her straining cunt.

Natalie reached up, her other hand finding and closing on one of her sister’s beautiful tits. She squeezed, causing Jenny to inhale sharply, arching her back. Exploring fingers found a fleshy nipple. She gave it a prolonged pinch, rolling the sensitive nub between her thumb and forefinger. Jenny whimpered, drawing up her hands to cup both her breasts, pressing them together. With all the attention on her chest, Jenny was distracted from the growing strain on her pussy. Natalie relentlessly kept up the pressure. Suddenly there was a flash of intense sensation, a feeling of incredible stretching. The widest part of Natalie’s fist was lodged in the trembling grip of Jenny’s obscenely stretched cunt lips, struggling to overcome the final hints of resistance. Jenny’s hands flew to her younger sister’s wrist, locking down in a desperate grip. Natalie paused, afraid she had taken things too far. But then a smile crossed her face. Jenny, her breaths coming in short, ragged bursts, slowly began to pull at her younger sister’s wrist, urging her towards the full insertion of her fist that both girls desperately wanted. With a look of concentration, Natalia resumed pushing, timing her thrusts to match her sister’s shallow, rapid breathing.

Jenny bucked her hips and a flash of pain surged through her. Her breath rushed from her lungs as if she had been punched in the gut. When she opened her watering eyes, she saw Natalie’s stunned expression, staring in wonder at Jenny’s impossibly stretched cunt. Ruffled pussy lips trembled, wrapped in a loving embrace around Natalie’s embedded wrist. The girl’s entire fist was stuffed into her sister’s juicy twat. Natalie experimentally tugged her arm in reverse, causing tender pussy lips to flare outward. Jenny choked off a squeal of protest as her vaginal mound bulged obscenely. Her sister’s fist was locked in the loving embrace of her tight fuck slot and Jenny’s pussy was obviously going to have to undergo some serious stretching before the hand could be pulled free. This revelation didn’t seem to distress either girl and they cautiously went to work.

Slowly Natalie rotated her fist, clenched knuckles grinding a wonderful friction into the clutching folds of her sister’s hot little twat. A fist-shaped bulge in Jenny’s firm tummy revealed the depth of penetration. She squirmed in response, rolling her hips in a sexy, circular motion. Her overstretched cunt mound swelled as the fist pulled back. Then, gracefully, Natalie slid her hand deeper into Jenny’s straining fuck tunnel, watching those gaping cunt lips slide just a fraction of an inch past the crease on her wrist. It wasn’t much of a motion, but it was certainly a start. The fist rolled, right then left, and then pulled back and eased in, drawing a sigh of passion from her older sister. The springs on the bed frame gave a gentle creak as the cunt-stuffing fist bottomed out, driven ever-so-slighter deeper. Another muffled metallic squeak issued as Natalie drew back. Jenny’s hands tapped lightly on Natalie’s wrist, begging for a moment of reprieve. She shifted the position of her hips, biting her lower lip as she felt Natalie once again twist that fully buried fist. Nodding, Jenny encouraged the younger girl to continue and she lovingly forced her fist like a piston back into her sister’s sweet vaginal sleeve. Slowly a rhythm began to build — squeak, creak — back and forth, the younger sister fist-fucking her sibling’s juicy cunt, slightly deeper with every twat-wrecking stroke.

In the hallway, outside the bedroom, the steady creaking noise carried out the open door, bed springs subtly grinding in a rhythm. It was quiet enough that no human ear would have been alerted. Yet in the hallway, a sleepy eye opened as the sound intruded. A furry head raised, searching for the source of the disturbance. Other senses awakened and a curious snout was raised, sniffing the air. An amazing odor wafted across the discerning canine nose, the black nub of flesh pulsating as it drew in a deep breath. With a quiet whine, the huge Doberman lumbered to his feet, head held high as he continued to sample the air. Unerringly he turned, following the source of the intoxicating scent to the nearest doorway. He peeked through the opening, pausing as his eyes adjusted from the hallway gloom to the light of the girls’ bedroom. Unmistakably, the alluring smell issued from within. A low grumble of a growl came from the doggy’s throat as instinctive urges arose. The spore of wet cunt in heat was in the wind, irresistibly luring the big dog onward.

On nearly silent feet, the Doberman padded undetected across the carpet, reaching the edge of the bed. He cocked his head sideways in curiosity, observing the scene being played out before him. The light-haired girl lay on her back on the bed, panting as if under great exertion. Her legs were splayed open wide, bent at the knees. Her hips bucked, slowly picking up speed and a sense of urgency. Firm, rounded tits rolled with her motions, jiggling delightfully. Between her legs, the dark-haired smaller girl knelt on her hands and knees, thrusting her hand repeatedly into her sister’s loins. The subdued creak of shifting bedsprings kept time with their movements. Both girls seemed swept up in passion, oblivious to their surroundings. The Doberman didn’t understand what was going on, but the smell of moist pussy was almost overwhelming, causing his jowls to water with anticipation.

Carefully he stepped onto the bed, surveying the situation from behind Natalie. Again his head tilted to the side, his nose working energetically. There was no female dog in sight, yet the overwhelming scent of wet cunt hung heavy in the air. As he watched, a glistening strand of syrupy fluid oozed from between the smaller girl’s legs, dangling on a lengthening strand. The drop swayed from side to side, finally adhering itself to the inside of Natalie’s naked thigh. The long loop of slippery vaginal fluid continued to swing, tantalizing, calling to the canine. With a tentative motion, he carefully leaned in, extending his long tongue and capturing the silvery strand. The delicious taste of sweet cunt cascaded across his taste buds and he licked his chops until the savory sensation was consumed. More dewy wetness clung to the fleshy gash between the girl’s legs and as the Doberman watched, another glistening pearl of delicious sauce oozed from her, hinting at the feast that lay within. He stepped closer and ran his rough tongue along the length of Natalie’s juicy fuck slit, gathering up the drips. The girl’s head jerked up in shock, eyes wide as she turned to look behind her. The Doberman paid her no heed, burrowing his snout into the fleshy fuck slot and digging his long tongue deep into her oozing twat. The huge dog had never sampled human pussy before, but at first taste, he was an instant convert.

“Roscoe is licking me!” Natalie hissed in desperation. Jenny’s eyes flew open as she contorted to one side to get a better look. Roscoe, the family Doberman, hunkered down between Natalie’s legs, driving his snout deeper into her accommodating pussy as his talented tongue plundered the depths of her cunt. “What should I do?” Natalie pleaded in a whisper.

A wicked grin crossed Jenny’s expression. “Spread you legs so that fucker can really get in there,” she advised. Natalie replied with a naughty giggle, thinking that was just a peach of an idea. With her fist buried deep in her sister’s snug little pussy, she realized that all pretense of modesty had been long abandoned. She had drank her sister’s piss, and finger-fucked her up the ass, before moving on to the fist-fucking currently underway. With that realization, letting the family dog lick out her quivering twat suddenly didn’t seem like that much of an additional infraction. She smiled, spreading her knees out into a wider stance and rolled her hips up higher to give the greedy canine easy access.

Encouraged, Roscoe went to work, digging his tongue far up into that delicious pussy. He slipped out, slobbering doggy spit and vaginal juices over the girl’s upturned rump. The dimple of her asshole winked at him, drawing his attention. It was a tight squeeze, eliciting a stifled squeal of surprise from the girl, but with dedicated effort, the wriggling doggy tongue managed to gain access to her anal tract. He chuffed with delight, savoring the musky sensation as his rough tongue eagerly rimmed her little shitter. Her hips bucked in response, her inner thighs beginning to quiver. But while the girl’s puckered asshole proved to be a tasty treat, the Doberman realized that her juicy pussy was the more desirable option. The dog withdrew his tongue, zeroing back in on her slippery twat and the fresh flow of tasty girl goo trickling from her shimmering vaginal pocket. Natalie sighed with passion and turned her attentions back to thrusting her fist in and out of her sister’s naughty pussy. With each stroke of her hand, the clutching tightness of that twat faltered further, finally allowing several inches of cunt-stuffing motion with every loving thrust. Jenny mewled with passion, reaching down to hook her hands under her knees, drawing up her legs and hips to shamelessly offer her sister unrestricted access to her eager fuck slot.

Roscoe savored the seemingly unending flow of vaginal juices pouring from Natalie’s trembling vagina. Nature’s call was not to be denied however, and the canine soon felt a powerful urge as his cock began to harden, slipping from its fleshy sleeve and extending to an alarming ten inch length. Precum oozed from the red tip as the huge prick pulsed and throbbed. The doggy whined, unsure how he might get some relief. But quickly the realization came to him — the girl kneeling before him was positioned in an ideal stance for mounting! It hadn’t dawned on the Doberman until now that this little human bitch going into heat meant she was desperately in need of his hard doggy cock. To think, he had almost snoozed through the happy event while napping in the hall. Well never fear, my dear, Roscoe the Doberman is on the job!

He tugged his tongue out of Natalie’s silky twat, licking his dripping chops one last time before rearing up and mounting the young girl. She grunted, almost collapsing underneath him as his weight settled on her back. At one hundred pounds, the large black dog outweighed the petite lass by ten pounds at least, and she was no match for his massively muscular build. “Roscoe! No! Bad Doggy!” she hissed in dismay. Roscoe clamped his front paws around her rib cage, her protests falling on deaf ears. She cried out as his rear paws raked the back of her naked thighs as he scrambled for traction. The skin was unbroken, but angry red welts rose on the tender, creamy skin.

Flying blind, Roscoe attempted to angle his huge cock into the girl’s pussy. She thrashed underneath him in a futile attempt to dislodge the horny canine. Jenny also cried out as Natalie tried to extract her fist from the clutching confines of her sister’s pussy in a bid to make her escape. But that tight snatch wasn’t yet done being fucked, and had no intention of loosening its feverish grasp on that wonderfully buried fist. Roscoe’s cock skimmed up through the grasping lips of Natalie’s unfurled pussy and along the crack of her upturned ass, just off the mark for achieving a proper penetration.

Undaunted, the canine pulled back his furry haunches and line up for another try. Natalie rolled her hips and the dog’s prick thrust too low, slipping into the soft embrace between her naked thighs. The canine seemed to grin, enjoying the fight as his bitch put on an act of shy reluctance. He wasn’t concerned, and the outcome was inevitable. He drew back and made another frantic lunge. This one again was aimed too high, but happened to coincide with a downward roll of Natalie’s bucking hips. A perfect alignment was scored and the thrust of his oozing cock tip found the pucker of Natalie’s puckered little anus. The huge cock socketed perfectly into the recessed dimple, gaining a critical bit of traction. The thick, fleshy shaft bent painfully as Roscoe lunged forward. The girl’s tight little asshole struggled to resist, but instinct took over and it began to pucker back and forth, helplessly responding to the stimulation. The Doberman hugged himself tight around Natalie’s chest, drawing himself in. In the end, it really wasn’t any contest. The powerful beast was bound and determined to sink his cock into an accommodating hole. And any girl’s asshole can’t long resist the sensation of a burrowing cock tip. With a sensual groan, Natalie abandoned her attempts at resistance. She swiveled her hips, grinding herself back against her canine lover. Her tight rectal gateway fluttered open, eagerly welcoming the dog cock up her shitter. The first few inches of his cock slid in. The fleshy shaft throbbed, driven by the rapid beating of the canine heart. Natalie could feel each pulse, transmitted through the tender flesh of her clutching anus. Her own beating heart responded in kind, sending rapid shudders of pleasurable contractions along her anal tract that pulsed into Roscoe’s prick.

Victorious, Roscoe pushed, sinking nearly half his cock into Natalie’s tight little ass. She sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks, but it was unclear even to her if the emotional outburst came from pain, shame, or the fulfillment of every girl’s natural urge to take a huge cock up the ass. Friction burned in her rectal tract as the Doberman pulled back. Slippery precum spilled from the tip of his butt-fucking cock, adding much needed lubrication to her ravished rectal tunnel. The dog’s powerful haunches surged forward, burying all ten inches of canine cock in Natalie’s quivering rectum. Furry balls slapped up firmly against her pussy and she hissed in response, speech slurred but with a sound that came out similar to “YESSSSS!” Roscoe stroked back and then punished her tight little shitter with another agonizing thrust. With a thump, the headboard of the bed rebounded off the bedroom wall.

Natalie regained her senses, whimpering in anticipation as the Doberman cycled back, muscles in his haunches tensing. Matching his timing, she pulled back on her fist in Jenny’s cunt. Roscoe hammered in and Natalie thrust deep, forcing a squeal of passion from her older sister as the plunging fist plowed to uncharted depths. The headboard thumped again, all three lovers oblivious to the sound. Natalie clenched down tight on her rectal tract, capturing Roscoe’s fully embedded cock rod in a loving embrace that caused the canine to whimper with delight. He adjusted his stance, forcibly drawing back against the restraining grip of the girl’s bowels. Natalie spread her knees to a wider stance, wriggling her upturned rump suggestively. The canine drew back almost full length and lunged, forcing a gasp of delight from her lips as she one again drove her fist deep into Jenny’s oozing cunt.

A pounding rhythm was established, with Roscoe the lucky Doberman setting the pace. Each ass-wrecking cock stroke was matched thrust for thrust with Natalie’s fist plunging ever deeper into her sister’s aching pussy. Half her forearm glistened with shimmering vaginal wetness as she withdrew, a testimony to how much fist an enthusiastic girl really can take up her cunt. The headboard hammered like a machine, the drumming noise steadily gaining speed. Roscoe’s tail corkscrewed like a propeller and his tongue hung from his jowls as he desperately panted for breath. Jenny squirmed frantically at the bottom of the pile, her pussy beginning to convulse. Natalie’s inner thighs trembled as the first shivers of an anal orgasm came to a boil. Vaginal juices poured steadily from her gaping twat, trailing downward in numerous dangling threads.

Roscoe lunged in without mercy, pressing Natalie’s firm ass cheeks flat against his haunches. His cock knot swelled, causing the girl underneath him to squeal in protest as her tight little ass was stretched to it limits. She bucked her hips in a seemingly half-hearted attempt to dislodge the ass-fucking Doberman, but the sensual wriggle that followed only served to assure that the massive doggy cock was firmly lodged in her puckered shitter. Both the girl and the canine trembled with expectation, feeling the fleshy knot expand to its maximum girth, fully corking the young girl’s tight little butt. Roscoe raised his head towards the ceiling and unleashed a prolonged howl.

All the pent-up orgasms broke loose. The frantically panting doggy sank his cock in deep, furry haunches pressing hard against Natalie’s compressed ass cheeks. His ball sack, nestled in the wet embrace of the girl’s gaping cunt lips, contracted in a spasm. His cock swelled and hot canine cum blasted into Natalie’s bowels. She joined the Doberman in a lustful, bestial howl of passion. Jenny squealed as her sister’s rolling fist tickled the opening to her womb and she bucked in mindless spasms, taking the plunging fist ever deeper. Roscoe’s haunches pulled back, causing Natalie’s rectal pucker to bulge as the cock knot retracted. But her clutching anal grasp held firm, keeping the dog’s huge prick fully enveloped in her clutching rectum. The canine thrust forward with an ass-plundering stroke, thundering his spewing cock home. Natalie groaned as her tummy swelled. Then a frothing eruption of cum began leaking from the clutching seal of her cock-gripping asshole.

And that was how Larry, the father of two girls, found them. Trying to get to sleep, the pounding of the headboard against the bedroom wall had roused him from his slumber. Annoyed, he made his way down the hall, his frustration growing as the ruckus from the girls’ bedroom grew to a fevered pitch. “What is going on in…” he demanded as he stepped into the room. The sight that greeted him stunned him into silence. The girls, both locked in the throes of their orgasms, didn’t even notice his arrival. The Doberman turned to his head to greet him, a proud look on his face as he serviced his new bitch up the ass. Then he turned back to the matter at hand, furry haunches furiously pumping as he continued to ream out that sweet little shitter.

Larry could do nothing but look on in dismay. He had tried to be a good father and teach the girls right from wrong. But as a single parent, caught between his job and other responsibilities of life, he just couldn’t devote as much time as he wanted. Appalled at the scene of lesbian incest and bestiality playing out before him, he realized his efforts had fallen horribly short.

The damage was obviously done. Oddly, a smile crept across his face as he watched. Life had gotten so busy since the divorce that his social life had fallen completely by the wayside. He had no time to pursue a girlfriend and frankly, the sexual frustration he felt was at times overwhelming. But Larry was a practical man and realized that the obvious solution was staring him in the face. Right under his own roof he had two fine looking young ladies. And given the overwhelming evidence, both were shameless little whores without a hint of moral conscience.

The fragment of an old saying crossed his mind. “Spare the rod and spoil the…” Well, since the blood normally fueling his brain had been redirected to his rapidly swelling cock, he forgot how the rest of that well-worn adage went. But of one thing he was certain — he intended to dispense some fatherly discipline with his big cock rod. There was no sense in letting prize pussy like this go to waste on the technicality of family relations.

A shadow fell across Jenny’s face as she writhed in the grip of her powerful orgasm. Grunting, she bucked her hips frantically, meeting Natalie’s cunt-stuffing fist thrust for thrust. A mewl of lustful satisfaction slipped from her lips, transforming into a shriek of horror as her dazed eyes opened to see her daddy standing next to the bed. Natalie turned, eyes flaring wide in fear as she too grew aware of her father’s presence. “Daddy… no…” she pleaded, as if wishful thinking might undo the reality of the situation. The Doberman mounted on her back gave a happy bark of greeting, then reasserted the clamp of his front paws back around Natalie’s naked torso, continuing to fuck her asshole unabated. The younger sister looked down, flushing red with shame as she worked to tug her fist from the stubborn grasp of Jenny’s still quivering cunt. With a wet slurp, the buried hand finally pulled free, revealing the gaping wreckage of the older girl’s fucked-out twat. Jenny looked up at her daddy, her heart hammering in fear as to what punishment he might have in mind. Unable to meet his eyes, her gaze dropped. Then a shy smile brought the frightened quiver of her lower lip under control. The front of her daddy’s boxer shorts tented out dramatically, doing little to conceal his massive, throbbing erection lurking within. Perhaps the impending discipline might not be so unpleasant after all.

Larry paused, struggling with his moral issues. Jenny was untroubled by such complications and squirmed off the bed, kneeling before him. Deft fingers nimbly tugged down her daddy’s boxers, allowing his raging erection to snap free. The pretty blonde wrapped her loving fingers possessively around the base of his cock. Her other hand nestled in next to the first, fingers closing down around the fleshy shaft. Several inches of hard cock shaft still remained exposed, presenting a lustful target for Jenny’s pretty lips. She dropped one hand to her pussy, slipping two fingers into her dripping wet snatch. Her other hand skimmed along the length of her daddy’s cock as she slipped the head of the shaft into her mouth. Her tongue fluttered on the underneath side of the prick, drawing an appreciative groan from her father. Remaining reservations slipped away as his daughter’s cheeks hollowed and a lewd sucking sound arose. Larry pressed forward, feeling the fleshy head of his cock press up against the tight opening of his daughter’s throat. She looked up at him, lips splayed wide around his rock-hard shank, pretty eyes wide and pleading. Instinctively her nostrils flared, taking in a deep breath. Larry slowly eased his hips forward, beginning his unrelenting push down her throat.

Nearby, the bed springs once more began to creak. After a panting rest on Natalie’s back, the Doberman was getting a second wind. His knot began to shrink, freeing up his cock. The canine drew back on his still rigid prick, drawing a gush of hot cum from the little brunette’s puckered ass. She shuddered with delight, rolling her hips and clenching down tight with her talented rectal grip. The retreating canine ground to a halt, new life pumping back into his dick. Experimentally, he eased back into Natalie’s asshole, delighted to feel a responsive throb from his shaft. The girl replied with a purr, her hips twitching. Roscoe pulled back, finding his movements in her cum-lubricated back passage to now be smooth sailing. His cock engorged back to full hardness, ready for another rectal romp. He cycled his furry haunches and the petite girl underneath him expertly thrust back, taking him with a grunt of satisfaction. Roscoe once more tightened the grip of his front paws around her chest and energetically began to savage her receptive little pooper.

Larry looked over to the bed, observing his youngest daughter taking a second helping of the Doberman’s huge doggy dick up the ass. The red canine cock rod drew out, exposing almost its entire ten inch length, then thrust back in. Larry shook his head in grudging admiration, realizing the canine’s impressive cock almost matched the size of his own. Jenny gave a strangled gargle as Larry indulged in one final throat-fucking stroke of his prick. He drew back, spit and precum trailing from Jenny’s lips. His cock slipped free of her mouth and the girl drew in a desperately needed gasp of air. Fisting his cock, Larry fed the head of his prick back into her eager lips, groaning as her talented tongue went to work. “Do you want to be Daddy’s sweet little whore?” he inquired.

Jenny flinched at the term. But with her daddy’s prick in her mouth, the label was difficult to refute. She offered a muffled “ummmm” in reply as her cheeks drew inward with a lewd sucking noise.

“And do you want your daddy’s huge cock up your tight asshole?” he offered. Jenny slipped her soft lips further down the shaft of his prick and looked up, eyes widening. She nodded as a shiver of anticipation raced through her. Larry pulled his cock from her mouth. A gush of juices drained from her parted lips, spilling downward to splatter on her impressive tits. He crouched down next to her, whispering in her ear. Jenny turned towards Natalie and the Doberman on the bed, listening to her daddy’s instructions as she nodded. A lustful expression spread across her shimmering wet smile.

It took a bit of maneuvering, but it was soon sorted out. On her back, Jenny wormed her way underneath her younger sister. Natalie was still positioned on her hands and knees, her entire body jolting and quivering delightfully with each ass-pounding cock stroke the Doberman delivered. Jenny looked up, seeing Natalie’s tantalizing pussy directly above. The unfurled fuck slot was a gooey mess, long strands of vaginal fluids swinging freely as her hips rolled in dance-like precision with her canine lover. Trickles of sticky doggy cum oozed from her straining asshole, only adding to the allure of the visual feast. Jenny licked her lips expectantly, wrapping her hands around Natalie’s surging hips and drawing her face up into her younger sister’s juicy cunt.

Meanwhile, Larry was getting Jenny situated on the other end. Lifting one shapely leg and then the other, he grasped on ankle in each hand, lifting her hips and spreading her legs before him. Her elevated cunt was presented directly to Natalie’s pretty face and the younger sister wasted no time in delving her tongue into that now familiar fuck slot. Her tussled and matted dark hair brushed against Larry’s naked stomach as she made a meal of her sister’s pussy, offering a delightful tickle as he eased forward. Natalie brought a helpful hand into play, stroking her fingers along the length of her daddy’s throbbing prick and then artfully guiding the slippery tip into the cleft of Jenny’s ass. Larry groaned as Natalie rubbed the fleshy cock head up and down until it found its way into the inviting dimple of her sister’s anus. With a mouthful of wet pussy, Jenny could only mewl a muffled squeal, but her toes clenched in anticipation and she squirmed her hips, making sure the huge prick was firmly seated.

Larry pressed forward, cock and asshole straining as Jenny tightened down with instinctive resistance against the incestuous anal invasion. He sighed, marveling at the incredible tightness of her anal pucker. The girl shrieked in protest as the relentless pressure built. Resistance finally faltered, transforming into a clutching embrace as he finally forced the head of cock inside. Larry’s now-ex-wife — good riddance to her — had never tolerated any anal antics. But his blonde daughter frantically lunged with her hips, revealing she had inherited none of her mother’s prudish reservations. Emboldened, Larry abandoned his strategy of a slow, gentle insertion. Jenny’s lustful howl of delight proved his instincts right and with a forceful, unrelenting push, Larry sank every inch of his throbbing cock meat into his blonde daughter’s quivering rear passage. He held himself fully embedded, savoring the hot, clutching grasp of her rectum. Then he stroked back, generating a delicious friction. Jenny sobbed with unrestrained passion, her shapely thighs quivering. Her father drove his cock mercilessly into her tender anus, a wet slap of flesh on flesh arising as his loins impacted the firm cheeks of her ass. He drew back and thrust again, feeling the girl’s tight backdoor tunnel begin to loosen.

The thought crossed Larry’s mind that a parent should never show preferential treatment to one sibling. So he pulled his throbbing cock out of Jenny’s ass and fed it straight into Natalie’s eager lips. She sucked him down like a pro, her throat constricting around her daddy’s cock as her cunt-slickened lips nuzzled his balls. He indulged in a prolonged moment, stroking in and out. Then, well lubricated with her saliva, Larry freed his rigid prick from the younger daughter’s pouting lips and thrust himself right back into Jenny’s neglected, pouting asshole. Natalie’s pretty face returned to Jenny’s fragrant pussy as Larry’s prick plowed into her sister’s rectum. With her deeply delving tongue, the girl could feel the surging movement of her daddy’s prick through the thin wall of flesh separating Jenny’s cunt and asshole.

The sweet scent of wet cunts simmered, hanging heavy in the air. Feverishly panting, Roscoe the Doberman picked up the pace, pounding Natalie’s upturned rump like he was churning cream into butter. Likewise, Larry hammered the older daughter’s clenching asshole like a pile driver, sending tremors through the writhing conglomeration of canine and human flesh. Wriggling tongues delved deep into quivering pussies, triggering a flood of female orgasms. Man and dog held out as long as they could, but were unable to withstand the convulsive pleasure as tight female rectums contracted with frantic spasms around their throbbing cocks. The Doberman’s cock knot once more swelled to massive proportions, locking him tight in Natalie’s twitching anus. He unleashed his signature howl, thrusting hard and blasting load after churning load of scalding doggy cum deep into the little vixen’s puckered pooper. Larry was hot on his heels, letting out a bellow of lust as he sank his spewing cock shaft hard into Jenny’s eagerly gripping anus, his hips bucking frantically as he emptied his aching balls deep into his cum-dumpster daughter.

Finally spent, the Doberman collapsed on Natalie’s back, his flanks heaving desperately for breath. The canine’s cock knot throbbed, hopelessly swollen and locked in the grip of the young girl’s squeezing anus. The doggy and his bitch were obviously destined to stay coupled for a while. His weight caused the exhausted girl to falter and she fell down onto her sister. With his still hard and twitching cock rod clenched in the loving grasp of Jenny’s rectum, Larry tumbled forward into the delightful pile of girl flesh. Arms and legs slowly squirmed, caressing, savoring the aftermath of the orgy. Larry started to withdraw his cock, but a muffled, plaintiff whine of protest from Jenny changed his mind. Leaving his cock fully buried in his daughter’s ass, he absently caressed soft female flesh, drawing a sigh of satisfaction from somewhere within the tangle of bodies…

… The remainder of the night was but a blurry memory for all, but fragments of memories suggested that daddy and doggy cocks had been coaxed back to life repeatedly. Then exploring tongues and fingers had been pressed into service when spent pricks could finally perform no more. No eager orifice or twisted perversion had been left unexplored. Alas, after much incestuous and bestial pleasure, eventually even those seemingly insatiable twats were at last worn out. With a tired whimper, Roscoe had retreated off the bed and curled up on the rug, his poor prick raw and tender from the hours of girlish attention. Jenny, Natalie, and their dad awoke in a tangle the next morning, groaning and bleary-eyed with exhaustion. Larry rose from the bed, claiming paternal first rights to a much-needed shower. The girls stayed in the sheets, giggling about the night’s events.

“You know,” Natalie confessed as they cuddled. “I was never actually hypnotized. I just wanted to see what you would do to me.”

“I know,” Jenny admitted with a smirk. “I only got to the start of chapter two in that book. I have no idea how to hypnotize anyone. I was only curious to see how you might react.”

Both girls laughed, marveling at how their practical jokes had blossomed into such wonderful revelations. Roscoe gave a tired bark, joining the two girls on the bed. He squirmed in between to them, his tail thumping a lazy beat of contentment. A rush of steam from the shower spilled into the bedroom, suggesting their daddy might still be a while cleaning up. Roscoe whined, feeling Jenny’s soft lips gently slip around his flaccid cock. The tired canine rolled over on his back, offering up his tummy for a sensual belly rub. Natalie complied, her fingers slowly working a pattern downward toward the canine’s furry nuts. A twitch of life stirred in his prick as Jenny’s talented tongue plied its trade. Canine cock meat slowly began respond as the renewed scent of tingling wet pussy wafted through the air. The Doberman’s spent libido was slow to respond, but the girls were determined. It was Saturday after all, so the family had the whole day to play together…

Educating Cathy – Chapter 03 0 (0)

Educating Cathy – Chapter 01

Educating Cathy – Chapter 02


I continue to satisfy my wife’s fantasies.

Cathy engages in a 69 and enjoys the toy I bought her. This led to a visit to the sex shop.

Sunday morning we slept late and had brunch. Normally we would rush off to the shops but it was more relaxed this day. I was sure she was still thinking about last night. I know I was. The thought of her with another woman excited me. Not being involved, just watching them make out. So erotic. We finally got our shopping done and had a snack when we got home. It was hot and Cathy said she needed another shower. I decided to try to spur things along. I got up a lesbian video and hit pause. I listened at the door until I heard her turn off the shower. I rushed back to the laptop and hit play. A couple of minutes she came out just wearing a robe. The wheels were in motion.

“What are you doing honey” she said as she walked up behind me. “Oh shit” I said “you caught me”. Of course that was the plan. She looked at the scene. “My god you are looking at porn” she exclaimed. But her eyes were fixed on the screen. I moved my chair back and pulled her onto my lap. “Don’t be angry” I said, feigning embarrassment. “I am not angry” she said “I am wondering why you are looking at that”. “Well we guys like the idea of watching women making out together” I said and slipped my hand inside her robe and fondled her boobs. Her nipples were already hard. I wasn’t sure if it was the video or the shower that had her turned on. She gave a low moan. Yes it was the video.

“How did you find this?” she asked. “Someone at work told me about this site” I said, lying through my teeth. On the screen one woman had put on a strap-on and was pounding the other one. Again I heard her moan softly. I moved my hand down to her crotch and she shifted a bit and her legs opened. I felt her pussy. She was already getting wet. I began to finger her and she moaned louder. Her eyes were fixed on the screen. I began to rub her clit and even when she came she keep her eyes on the video. Finally she said “take me to bed darling. You have me so horny” but I doubted it was me. I could see how the video had got her blood boiling. The sex was fantastic. I headed off to work on Monday knowing she would be looking at videos. I was sure she would seek out lesbian ones. I saw how it turned her on.

Things settled down a bit over the next week or so. I didn’t want to push it. The other thing that excited me was her reaction to the guy peeving at her in the sex shop. There was no doubt that it had affected her. We had a long weekend coming up. It meant she wouldn’t be working Saturday and I wouldn’t be working Monday. I suggested we head down to the coast as it appeared the weather would be quite warm. She agreed so I booked a hotel. Then I told her she should by some new clothes. She agreed, so after work I took her to a shopping centre. We looked around and went into a shop. We browsed and she picked up a halter top dress. “What about this?” she asked. “Isn’t that a little young for you?” I said. “What do you mean” she said, sounded annoyed. “Oh nothing” I said as she stormed off to try it on. She came back, said it fitted perfectly and she see wanted to buy it. She even grabbed another, same design different colour. I smiled. Telling her it was too young for her make sure she bought it.

Back home she put it on to show me. “You can’t wear a bra with that honey” I said. She agreed and took the bra off. She looked stunning. “Oh yes I was wrong darling. That looks great” I said. She smiled, thinking she had won. She didn’t even suspect I had tricked her. She put the dresses in the wash and we had a late dinner and ended up in bed. It was me who was horny this time. I imagined the looks she would get on our holiday. And she didn’t suspect a thing. We packed a few things Friday night. I asked about a swim suit. She had one from years ago. She really wasn’t into the beach or even the local pool. Apparently she had a bad experience, almost drowning when she was young.

We woke up early Saturday, packed the car and headed off. We got to the hotel around 10am, checked in and unpacked. “How about a stroll before lunch” I suggested “put on one of your new dresses”. She looked at the dress and I could see she was concerned. “Come on sweetheart. You can’t buy two dresses and not wear them” I said. She relented and slipped into the dress. “You look so beautiful” I said, trying to ease her mind. “Really?” she said and looked at herself in the mirror. “Yes” I said “really beautiful and sexy”. She smiled and said “let’s go”.

We wandered down the street towards the beach. I could see her nipples were pronounced. The dress was turning her on. I got hard just thinking about how sexy she looked. I saw a couple of guys eyeing her off as we walked. It gave me an idea. “Let’s have lunch somewhere” I suggested “there’s a pub. Will that do?” She said yes and we went inside. It had been quite warm outside but inside they had the air conditioning turned up. Her nipples reacted immediately. I smiled as we sat down. The poor waiter couldn’t take his eyes off Cathy’s boobs, even when he took our order. After he left she whispered “he is ogling me honey”. “I know” I said “I told you that you looked sexy. Every guy in here is staring. Does it turn you on? Being peeved at?” She smiled and squeezed my leg.

We got back to the hotel and she was so turned on. “Fuck me Neil” she whispered as soon as we reached the room. What could I do? I had to please my horny wife. I started to rub her pussy but she was adamant. “Don’t mess about. Hurry up and fuck me”. She moaned, she groaned and she clung to me as I did my best to give her what she wanted. Afterwards I asked what had got her so excited. I knew the answer of course. “Those guys were looked at me. I could see they were thinking they would like to have sex with me. That waiter actually got a hard on. I saw the bulge in his pants”. Her eyes were sparkling and she sounded genuinely excited. “Of course they wanted to have sex with you darling” I said “you are one very sexy woman”. “You aren’t upset?” she asked. “Of course not baby. They want to fuck you but I get to do it”. She laughed. “You are so nasty” she said.

Then rest of the afternoon we lazed by a hotel pool and then decided to go out of dinner. I knew what she was thinking when she said “let’s go to that pub to eat”. She was starting to enjoy the looks she was getting. I pretended to suggest somewhere else and she started to insist. I kissed her and said “OK let’s go”. We walked in and the place was packed. Obviously it was the go-to place in town. The staff had changed and a cute waitress served us. We had a nice meal and a bottle of wine. Cathy wasn’t a big drinking but I conspired to have her drink most of the bottle. She was getting tipsy. I noticed the waitress coming over several times to ask if we needed anything else. Cathy leaned over at one stage and whispered “she is nice honey. Would you like to see her and me together?” I looked at her and smiled “that would be so cool” I replied.

Later back in the room she made a joke of it but the fact that she had even thought that had me horny as hell. We had a particular hot session, first in the shower and then on the bed. Although she was drunk I was sure that what she was saying was true. What was also true as the way she demanded I lick her clit while fingering her and then demanding I fuck her doggy style. Obviously she had seen that in her video viewing and the way she squealed and moaned she obviously liked it. The next morning she was a little hung over but a good breakfast and three strong coffees had her feeling better.

Educating Cathy – Chapter 02 0 (0)

Educating Cathy – Chapter 01


My wife is obsessed with porn. I want to make it a reality.

Neil starts to educate his wife Cathy but because of the porn she had been watching in secret he wondering how much education she needed.

Having suggested a “69” I wondered if she knew what it was or wasn’t she feigning ignorance. She certainly seemed eager. Now naked we climbed onto the bed. She was still pretending not to know what it was. She certainly had seen it on video, either man and a woman or two women. I went along with her lack of knowledge. “Just lay on the bed on your side” I told her. Then I laid down in the opposite directing. “Open your legs darling” I said to her and pushed my face into her crotch and began to probe her pussy with my tongue. She moaned and then began to suck my cock. Yes, she knew what it was alright. Her moans were stifled by my cock in her mouth. Mine were stifled by her crutch and her very wet pussy and clit.

I could feel myself getting close and moved my head to tell her. In muffled tones she told me not to stop. “Make me cum darling” she mumbled. “But I am going to cum” I said. I swear she took more of my cock in her mouth and sucked harder. I resumed my oral administration and she let out a muffled squeal and climaxed. That was it for me. I began to pump cum into her mouth. She never hesitated but began to swallow. I renewed my efforts on her clit and by the time my cock was drained and limp she had cum once more. I quickly spun around. There was no cum on her lips or chin. She had swallowed every drop. We hugged and kissed. “Now you know what a 69 is darling. She smiled “I don’t know about you honey but I loved it” she whispered.

We lay in each’s arms on the bed coming down from our mutual high. “I wish you could hard quickly sweetheart because I want a fuck” she whispered in my ear. “Well play with my cock and make his wake up” I replied. It took a few minutes but she got all excited. Can we do it with me on top” she asked. “You mean cowgirl?” I asked, knowing full well she knew. “Is that what they call it” she again played dumb. We got dry and got onto the bed. “It might take a while before I cum again” I said. She gave me this wicked grin and mounted me. I reached down and my thumb began to massage her clit. That really set her off. She was so hyped up that I thought I counted three orgasms before I rolled her over and went to town on her and came with a groan. It was something special.

I began to wonder what else I could do to match her obvious obsession with porn. I didn’t want to push too hard. Just enough to take her out of her comfort zone and into her fantasy zone. I had seen several videos involving toys, either solo or with males or females as partners. I decided to start simple and see where it led. I rang and told her I was working late. I would be home late. The truth was I was visiting a sex shop on the way home. I bought a 7” vibrator. I didn’t want to get one bigger than me. It was black with 3 speeds. It was bedtime and I went and cleaned it and put batteries in it. When we got into bed I just said “Wow, look what I found”. She started at the vibrator, then and me and then back at the vibrator. “What are you going to do with THAT? She squealed. “Well honey” I said “the girl in the shop said it will make you cum and cum. You can even use it when I’m not here”. She tried not to smile but I could see she was excited. “Would you like to see if it works” I said.

“Oh please” she said and I started to rub her nipples with it. They immediately got erect. I began to run it around her naval and then back up to her nipples. She moaned and grabbed my hand holding the toy and pushed it down and between her legs. “I want it honey. Fuck me with it” she said and then gasped as I began to push it into her pussy. Then I pulled it out and ran it over her clit. She began to wriggle around. “Darling that feels so nice” she moaned and I pushed it all way into her pussy and her squeal echoed through the whole house. “Please fuck with it baby” she cried out and began to rub her clit as I worked that toy. When she came she shook all over.

I pulled it out and mounted her. She was still shaking as I buried my cock in her. “Did you like that sweetheart” I said but her face told the story. She had lust in her eyes as I groaned and orgasmed. We lay there hugging each other. Finally she said “that was so amazing. You are so bad buying that without taking me”. I thought “mmm she wanted to come with me to the shop. That will be my next adventure in my quest to find her boundary. Looking at videos was one thing but just how far was she prepared to go in real like? That was the mystery to be solved. For now I would play it cool and see what happened with the vibrator.

I had planted the seed saying she could use it solo. I carefully placed it in the drawer so I knew where it was. We used it a couple of times, especially on Sunday afternoon. I placed it in the drawer and checked Monday night. It was in the drawer but not exactly how I had placed it. I knew she had used it on her day off. I wondered if she watched videos while masturbating. I checked the computer history and sure enough, new entries. My darling wife was getting her rocks off. A couple of the videos were women solo but another was two women pleasing each other. How to make that possible but by accident. I sure wanted to see her having fun with another woman. Time to start planning.

Cathy had said she was upset that I went to the sex shop without her. My plan was to first take her with me to the shop and let her look at what they had with the girl in the shop there with us while we decided. That would get her excited, I thought. That would be stage one of my plan. I knew the shop opened late on Saturday so I said I would pick her up and we could go shopping. I didn’t say where. She didn’t ask. Maybe she thought we would do our grocery shopping or something. I picked her up from work and drove to the sex shop. As soon as she saw the shop she wanted to go home. I reminded her that she had said I should have taken her when I bought the vibrator. I win.

We got out of the car and went into the shop. The girl was behind the counter and there were two guys there, one with his wife, wandering around. The solo guy looked her up and down, basically undressing her with his eyes. She squeezed my arm. I didn’t know the significance until later. We wandered around and the others began to leave. The girl behind the counter obviously recognised me. “Hello Sir” she said “what can I interest you in this time”. We had gotten to the clothing section. “Hi I am Sue” she said the Cathy “is there anything here you like? You can try clothes on. We have a dressing room at the back”. Cathy said she wasn’t sure but then saw a red bodysuit. “Oh I like that” said Cathy. “That would look so good on you honey” Sue said and they both giggled. I immediately got a hard on. This was going better than I thought.

“Could I try it on” asked Cathy. “Yes, of course. Actually it is closing time but that’s ok. You try it on while I lock the front door” and she headed off. Cathy looked at me. “Do you like this” she asked, holding it up. “Yes darling it will look great. Even Sue said it would look great”. Cathy disappeared into the change room and stripped off. She put on the body suit and stepped out. She looked so sexy. Sue came up and was so excited. “That looks fantastic” she said “just let me adjust the shoulder straps. She brushed Cathy’s shoulder. Cathy’s nipples were swollen and very prominent. When Sue began to adjust the shoulder straps Cathy gave a little moan. She was turned on. So was I. Maybe this would be easier than I thought.

We bought the body suit and Sue said we can come back anytime. We got into the car and Cathy said “did you see that guy look at me?” she asked. Of course I knew what she was talking about. “He was staring at my tits” she said “I was glad you were there”. I laughed “were you afraid he would try something? I said “I think Sue was more likely to try something”. “She is really nice” she said “really nice”. “Oh yes babe, and you liked her touching you” I said. “Don’t be silly” was the reply. But once home she couldn’t get me into bed quickly enough. “Yes babe, you liked it”.

Educating Cathy – Chapter 03

Educating Cathy – Chapter 01 0 (0)


I marry a sweet girl but she has secret desires.

Cathy and I (Neil) married in our early 20s. She was a virgin and I had sex once before we married. So it was a journey of discovery. We didn’t have much of an idea of foreplay and intercourse lasted maybe 5 minutes. I was happy and I assumed that she was too. When she had her period sex stopped dead for three days. In retrospect we were boring. Gradually we began to explore each other. I would run her pussy and when she moaned I would stop thinking it was hurting. She sometime played with my cock but not often. When it was “that time” I would jerk off.

I worked Monday to Friday and she worked Tuesday to Saturday so our only time together was Sunday. We would do the shopping and clean the house and, in fine weather, I would be in the garden. Saturday night was sitting in front of the TV as she was too tired to go out. As I said, we were boring and actually thought it was all good. Or so I thought.

Stuck home alone on Saturdays I would be on the internet checking emails, etc. We had been married for probably 18 months. One Saturday I pressed the wrong button and the internet history came up. I was about to delete it when I noticed a series of porn addresses. I was so surprised as I really didn’t look at porn. I clicked onto one and this site came up and had couples screwing. I continued clicking away and there were lesbian sites and something called cockold. One had a woman being fucked by two guys while someone, supposed to be her husband, watching. I couldn’t believe my seemingly straight laced wife was looking at this sort of stuff.

I decided not to delete anything with the intention of checking what she was looking at. Sure enough, the next Saturday, some more sites were added. It seemed that every Monday she spent a large part of the day looking at porn. Although shocked and angry I didn’t say anything but looking at these sites had me jerking off thinking that maybe she was masturbating to them. I started to notice subtle changes about that time. One night while engaged in the usual foreplay I noticed her crutch was hairless. She had always kept it trimmed but now it was bald. I was rubbed her clit and then stopped ready to mount and she whispered “don’t stop darling, I love that”. Moments later she moaned loudly “oh yes I am cumming” she mumbled and was shaking. She kissed me and said “thank you sweetheart”. The following sex was so good – for both of us.

I began to realise that my wife was looking at the porn videos to learn more things. As the weeks passed her video watching was getting stranger. First it was toys, then lesbian ones, S&M and gangbangs. Sex was getting a little wilder and I started to wonder what she was willing to try. Getting her off with my fingers became our normal thing. I decided to see what SHE was prepared to do. She stared her period and I whispered “I am horny darling. Play with my cock”. I thought she would say something like “don’t be disgusting” but she grabbed my cock and started to jerk me off. I gave a groan and had a delightful orgasm. “Oh yes baby” I said, sort of mimicking those videos. She looked at me “did you enjoy that honey” she asked. I said it was fantastic. She did the same thing the next two nights. My mind was racing. What else was she prepared to do?

A couple of nights after that I got bold. I had seen what couples were doing in those videos. I cuddled up to her and said “you pussy likes so nice bald darling. Would you like me to lick it?” She looked shocked for a minute but didn’t say anything. I didn’t wait for an answer. I slipped down the bed, pulled up her nighty and buried my face in her crotch. “What are you doing” she cried but at the same time spread her legs. Seconds later she was moaning. “Oh Neil that is nice” she mumbled “lick my clit”. I did just that and I had her squealing. She came and begged me to stop but I didn’t and got her off again. She lay there shaking and screamed “fuck me honey”. That was the first time she had said that word. I mounted her and pounded the hell out of her and all the time she was moaning and groaning. I controlled myself and it was maybe 10 minutes before I came. She clung to me and said how she loved it.

The next couple of nights I repeated the oral stimulation and each time she would cry out how she wanted me to fuck her. It was turning me on but I also knew about her video watching. It was a Sunday and it was pouring rain. Shopping was a quick dash to get bare essentials. We got wet racing to the shops and back to the car. I suggested we needed a shower – together. She giggled and said I was bad. I told her it would be fun and finally she agreed. Luckily the shower was large and we both fitted easily. I souped her up, paying lots of attention to her boobs and crotch. She was humming. “Now do me” I said. She started slowly but warmed to the task. I was already hard and as she washed my cock I told her to do a good job because I wanted her to suck me.

The look on her face was priceless. “You want me to suck your thing?” she exclaimed. “No honey” I said “I want you to suck my cock. Now say it”. She hesitated and then said “yes I want to suck your cock” and right there in the shower she squatted down and, tentatively at first, she began. I moaned and she stopped. “Did it hurt?” she asked. I looked down at her “no baby at feels so good” I said and she started again. I have to admit it was my first time having my cock sucked and I wondered how long I could last. I didn’t want to cum as I wanted to fuck her. I was so turned on and I suspected so was she. That proved correct when she stood up and shouted “fuck me right now”. She leaned over, her back to me and her hands against the wall and I fucked her sort of vertical doggy style. I was sure she had seen that scene in her videos.

Later that day we were sitting in the lounge and she asked me if I liked her sucking me. “Yes honey” I said “I liked it very much”. She came over and sat in my lap and kissed me passionately. “Honey there is things I want to try. Can you help me” she whispered, as if it was something she didn’t want anyone to hear. “You just tell me want you want and we can do it” I replied. She kissed me again “I don’t really know darling. I was hoping you had ideas” she said, throwing the planning to me. I had seen the sort of stuff in those videos she had been watching. The problem I had was what she wanted to try and what were just fantasies that she saw but didn’t want to do for real. This would take some planning on my part. I didn’t want to creep her out or push too far too soon.

“Honey, do you know what a 69 is” I asked, knowing full well she did. “I am not sure” she replied. “Well come on honey. Let me show you” I said and led her into the bedroom. “Let’s get undressed and start your education my love” I said. I had barely got the words out and she was stripping. “This is going to be so much fun” I thought to myself.

Educating Cathy – Chapter 02

Educating Cathy – Chapter 03

Katie’s Discovery 2 0 (0)

Katie’s Discovery 1

She slowly moved closer to me and then landed a kiss on my lips. I did not hesitate. I began to kiss her back very slowly. Her lips were so soft. The taste of bubblegum lip gloss in my mouth. We kissed slowly for while, then started to pick up speed. She bit my lip. I let out a small moan. I bit hers back. She grinned and proceeded to slide her tongue in my mouth. We swirled our tongues around each other for a good time before we pulled back and looked at each other.

“Wow..I can’t believe you went along with it.” She said to me.

“Well..It just so happens I was also scared about a time like this.” I replied.


“I always wanted to do something like this..but In my mind, it went more like this.”

With a confused look on her face, I grabbed her hand and put it down to my crotch. I slid her hand in my thong and rested her hand on my now dripping wet pussy.

A look of shock came across her face.

~PART 2~

“Katie..” she said shyly.

Without a word, I put my finger over her lips. I wrapped my hand around hers and rubbed my pussy with her fingers. The feeling was nothing I could ever imagine. I have never felt the touch of a women before. Knowing my wetness was all over her hand made me horny in ways I couldn’t explain.

She started to rub faster on her own. I slowly slipped my hand out my panties and took them off. Leaning back, I spread my legs, widening my pussy for her. She ran her finger around my clit in circles very fast.
Moaning, I yelled “Faster! Faster!!”

“Shh! You’ll wake your parents up!”

Knowing she was right, I shut up. Her fingers were amazing. Soft to the touch. She rubbed my clit faster and faster, swirling my juices around it, making it very slippery. After a while, she stopped and started kissing me passionately.

“Katie, I’ve always wanted to do this with you..I just..”

In mid sentence, she started to rub my clit again.

“I just was so scared that something like this would ruin our friendship..” she said quietly.

“…-moans- it’s okay now..we’re already -moans-..”

I could barely talk.

Jamie smiled and sat up off and climbed off the bed. She slowly took her shirt off and threw it to the floor. I couldn’t keep my hands off my dripping wet pussy ; I played with myself as she undressed. Her grace and sexiness amazed me. Even her undressing got me hot. She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them to the ground along with her panties. She looked stunning. Her blonde hair gliding over her shoulders, covering one of her breasts slightly. Her tits were that of perfection. Perky and just the right size with the cutest small pink nipples.

“ You’re beautiful..” I said in envy.

“So are you, sweetheart..” she said, leaning over to my ear.

She began to lift my shirt up slowly, waiting for me to put up my arms. My best friend is undressing me. The thought of that just got me more riled up. She was in for a treat tonight.

She took my bra strap off my shoulder and gently kissed my shoulder all the way down my chest, then up again to my other shoulder. She unhooked my bra and threw it to the floor, leaving me only in my thong. She began kissing my neck while leaning over. I cupped my hands on her breasts and massaged them slowly as she kissed my neck. I felt her nipples get hard in my hand. Rubbing them slowly, she began to let out moans in between her kisses.

She kissed slowly down my chest after finishing my neck. Down my collar bone to my tits. I started to shake a little, knowing what was about to happen. My pussy wetter then ever, I reached down and got my fingers wet, having an idea of what she was going to do. I brought my hands up and rubbed my juices all over my nipples.

A giant smile came across her face. I could see how desperately she wanted to taste me. She started to lick my nipples softly, getting them hard. Faster and faster she went, massaging my other breast with her hand.

“Jamie..oh my god..”

She grinned evilly in a sexy way as she licked my nipples faster, even so much so as to nibble on them a bit. She took both my breasts and shook them in her face.

“You taste amazing, Katie. I WANT MORE!” she exclaimed.

“it’s all yours.” I said, spreading my pussy open for her to see.

Smiling, she kissed down my stomach and situated herself between my legs. She spread them wide as I held open my pussy.

“You’re dripping wet..your fingers and soaked.” she said in a sexy voice.

“All for you and because of you, love.” I said

Without a word, she moved my hands away from my pussy and she herself spread it. Before even licking my clit, she went down to where the dripping was coming from and slurped up my juices. I moaned as loud as I could into the pillow. She kept licking up my juices over and over. My clit was throbbing, needing attention. I ran my hand down to my clit and started rubbing it as she licked me clean.

“No! You just lay back, I’m doing all the work.” she said sternly.

Moaning, I shook my head in agreement. She moved up to my clit and put it in her mouth. She sucked licked it for a good 10 minutes. Swirling her tongue around it, getting me wetter and wetter. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to cum.

“Jamie, reach under my pillow and get my vibrator. I want to cum so badly.”

“No, no vibrator. I’m going to make you cum on my own.” she replied.

“But how? It’s hard for me to cum just from getting eaten out.”

With a look of an idea on her face , she got up and sat between my legs. She got into a scissoring position. Smiling, she got closer to me, pushing her pussy close to mine. She was dripping wet along with me. Knowing I got her wet sent shivers down my spine. I never thought I’d be able to do something like that to another woman.

She started to rub her pussy against mine very slowly. I felt her clit rub against mine. I started to moan loudly, not being able to cover up the sheer pleasure I was feeling. I forced myself to stop, though so I wouldn’t wake my parents. As our wet, slick pussy glided back and forth on each other, I couldn’t help but think how much fun I was going to have with her in the future.

“Fuck me, Katie! Fuck me like I know you want to.” She exclaimed.

I did what I was told. I grinding against her pussy with as much force as I could. I was about to cum.
“I-I’m about to cum!! Ohhhhhh!!!”

Without warning, I started to squirt. I was in pure shock because I never was able to squirt before. The squirting went on for a couple seconds, splashing all over our pussies and bodies. I moaned as loud as I could, forgetting it was the middle of the night.

Jamie got up fast as I was squirting. She leaned over and started to drink my cum, rubbing her tongue over my clit back and forth really fast as I gushed all over her mouth.

As she was in the middle of it, my door flew open.