Witcher Hunt News 08/19/23


Hi everybody. This week I corrected the errors you found in the new update of the Witcher Hunt porn game. This activity took up my time and I didn’t make as many pictures as usual. I was also setting up a new location for a sex scene. This is a secluded corner where two lesbians make love. This sex scene is a continuation of the janitor Oliver’s quest. The panties of one of these pretty girls should be taken to him.

The screenwriter and I also discussed quests that will be published in the next update. First of all, we will create a quest of the main storyline. You and Fiona will need to explore your house to find some clues that reveal the secret of the player’s parents’ relationship with Merten.

I’ve updated the Witchhunt wiki a bit this week. I added a walkthrough of Dora’s story.

The flowchart hasn’t changed much, so I’ll show it next week.

That’s all the news. Thanks to everyone who pokes at sponsored links.

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