His Youngest Nubile Daughter Part 4



His Youngest Nubile Daughter

Lilly peered fearfully out the window at the Peeping Tom. Just before he turned and ran, she saw something strange. The man had his… his big thing in his hand, and it was very hard and big, and all red, and he was jerking his hand up and down it quite fast. She stared at the window with her mouth open wide, the picture of the dirty man still clear in her mind. She realized that he had apparently been observing her naked body for some time and that what he was doing to himself with his hand had something to do with him getting to see her without her clothes or pajamas on.

When Curt came dashing into her bedroom to answer her scream, she was still behind her bed. Her face was red with shame at what the man had seen and she was trembling a little from fright.

She blurted out what had happened to her dad and he went dashing outside in his robe with a flashlight in his hand. In just a few minutes he came back and told her the man had been nowhere in sight. He pulled her shades closed and told her everything would be all right.

In her fright and panic, Lilly had neglected to even cover herself. When Curt hugged and patted her to calm her down, he could hardly help noticing that his younger daughter he was comforting in his arms was well on the way to becoming a maturing teen-ager. As her scared little body trembled in his arms, he could feel the tiny pressures of her two taut little nipples pushing into his thin robe. He changed positions, suddenly ashamed of how aware he was of his young daughter’s body.

But she was entirely oblivious of anything being wrong with their embrace. It wasn’t, of course, for her. But her younger daughter legs and her titties were producing effects on Curt he didn’t even want to admit, much less dwell on. He told her to get back into her pajamas. As she was putting them on, he found he was looking at her very closely. That’s when he caught sight of the few strands of golden hair between her legs just before she pulled up the pajama bottoms.

He assured her that the man wouldn’t be back, that he was undoubtedly some “old creep that runs around town trying to look in people’s windows”, and that he had probably scared him off for good. Lilly was embarrassed and ashamed to tell her dad what the man had been doing when she saw him standing there. She didn’t quite know all the words. And besides, she was afraid her dad would ask her what she was doing messing around in her room completely naked. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and patted the covers around her neck. Inadvertently — he tried to tell himself later — his hand brushed across the covered point of one of her titties.

After a little while, Lilly went to sleep. But she couldn’t help thinking about the man and how dirty he had been to come and try to see her naked.

Curt took a bit longer to go to sleep. He explained what had happened to Karol, who was still groggy, and she had turned over and gone back to sleep almost immediately. But Curt was very aware of a certain thing that kept him from going back to sleep. Ever since he had left his daughter’s bedroom, his cock had been stiff as a board. He hated to think it was possible for him to be attracted to his younger daughter. The fact that Lilly was his own flesh and blood wasn’t all that important to him — hadn’t he been screwing his older daughter for three years now? But she had been all mature when it began, almost a woman. It made goose pimples pop up on his skin to think of letting himself get that worked up over a girl so young.

When Curt finally went to sleep that night, his dreams were full of ugly things he didn’t want to remember afterwards. But on his way to work they kept coming back to him — shameful pictures of his watching Lilly undress, or kissing her on the mouth and strange visions of the girl appearing before him with fully grown breasts and her clothes half off, a precocious leer on her face and her panties down around her trim ankles. It was noon before he finally got control of himself and convinced himself there was nothing to be ashamed of. He had simply been excited by her scream and the presence of the man outside her window, and his state of emotional upheaval had made him react to her nakedness the way he did.

It was something that might happen to any man, he told himself. But getting himself to believe it was something else again.

I might be guilty of incest, he thought to himself, if they want to call it that. But I sure as hell ain’t no damned pervert molester that gets his kicks from feeling up young teens!

For a couple of days things went smoothly in the Carson household. He went out and played cards with the boys as he did every Tuesday night and on Thursday, Karol went to her bowling league.

But on Friday, something happened to Lilly on the way home from school that was to wind up having an effect on the entire family. She was walking home with a classmate named Gwen and the subject turned to their families. Gwen happened to be the little sister of David, the boy who had taken Kelly home a few nights before. When Gwen found out Lilly was Kelly’s younger sister, she grinned and said, “Really? Wow, you’re lucky to have a big sis like that. My brother David says she really swings.”

“All I’ve got is a little sister and my big brother,” Gwen went on. “You sure are lucky to have such a swinger for a sister. Listen, does she ever tell you anything?”

Lilly didn’t know what she meant. She said so, but the precocious young redhead grinned widely and spoke again in a conspiratorial voice. “Aw, come on, Lilly,” she begged. “You can tell me. Aren’t we best friends?”

Lilly still professed innocence. And as a matter of fact, she was innocent. She didn’t have the slightest idea what her little freckle-faced girl friend was talking about.

“You know,” said Gwen, playfully poking her in the ribs as they walked along the sidewalk. “About making out and things like. What she does with guys and when she goes on dates. Stuff like that. Doesn’t your big sister ever tell you things like that?”

Lilly said that she didn’t. It had just never occurred to her to ask such things. They got to Gwen’s house and she invited Lilly in, saying her folks weren’t home and they could go on the back porch and talk undisturbed.

“Boy, my brother sure tells me stuff,” Gwen said. “Heck, he tells me about screwing and everything.”

“Wow, about… about screwing?” repeated Lilly. She was properly impressed. “Your brother.”

“Sure,” said Gwen.

It made Lilly feel nasty to talk about such things, but it also gave a feeling of excitement and glamour to things. Gwen suggested they take their blouses off and compare titties. Hers were just starting to grow too, and she wanted to see what another girl’s looked like. Lilly was very reluctant to go along with her friend’s strange idea. She said they seemed to have titties about the same size and there wasn’t any use looking at them. But she suddenly remembered something she wanted to know.

“Tell me something, will you?” she asked, whispering into her friend’s freckled ear. “Do you… do you have hair on your thing the same color as on your head? Is it red like that or is it blonde like mine is? Or is it black?”

Gwen surprised her by simply throwing her legs apart and pulling down her panties. “Look for yourself, I’m not scared to show you my pussy! That is what you mean, isn’t it? You called it a ‘thing’ when you said it.”

Lilly was very embarrassed. She hadn’t expected such a bold reaction from Gwen. Also, it embarrassed her to use words like pussy and tits. She usually called them “ninnies” and preferred to refer to her little cunt as just her “thing”.

But sure enough, there it was right in front of her. Gwen’s tiny patch of pussy hair was red as the hair on her head and then some. That answered Lilly’s question and she felt relieved when Gwen pulled her panties back up and her skirt down again. It made her uncomfortable to see the secret parts of someone else up so close like that.

Gwen suggested that if Lilly didn’t want to compare titties, they should tell each other their deepest secret. That would be fun, she said. Given the choice of showing off her naked titties, Lilly thought she’d better participate in the exchange of secrets. She knew that Gwen meant something sexy though, and that her secret would probably be something really wild. She didn’t want to feel left out, so she told Gwen all the details about what she saw her mom and dad doing through the keyhole. Gwen seemed impressed and kept asking her details before eventually being satisfied.

When it was Gwen’s turn to talk, she made Lilly cross her fingers and hope to die that she’d never repeat her secret to a soul. Lilly did as she said. She couldn’t wait to hear what it was.

“It’s about my brother and me,” she whispered. “Sometimes when our folks are gone, we play nasty together.”

Lilly had heard of girls doing things like that before, but never with anyone in their own families. She was flabbergasted. And her brother was ten years older than she was, too! She wanted to know what they did.

“Lots of things,” Gwen said, a big grin on her face. “He takes my panties down and fools around with my pussy for a while. It really feels super to have somebody do that to you, you ever had it done to you? Then he lets me get his peter out and wow, you oughta see it, it’s giant! I get it out of his pants and jack it off for him.”

She had to interrupt herself and explain to Lilly what “jacking off” was, and when she finished Lilly still wasn’t really sure she understood. She hadn’t learned how to do fingering, so how could she understand doing it to someone else?

“And sometimes if he has time, he even holds the end of his cock against my pussy,” she continued ecstatically. “He says when I get big enough we can screw. Wow, I sure hope I grow fast! And another thing — we’ve been doing things together for two or three years now, but ever since my tits have started growing lately he likes me more and more. It’s really a groove to have a older boy finger ’em. Too bad you don’t have a big brother, Lilly.”

By this time Lilly saw that her secret paled in the light of Gwen’s. And hearing her tell the things her brother did with her filled her head with thoughts that made her ashamed of herself. She said she’d better go home, that she’d stayed too long.

As she walked down the street alone she was deep in thought. She was thinking about what Gwen said about her brother liking her better now that her titties were growing. She had some as big as Gwen’s were. But she didn’t have any brother. A dirty thought came to her mind. She did have a daddy.

For the next few days she started being aware of her dad. When Curt would be sitting in his easy chair reading the paper, Lilly would make a point to sit across the room with her skirt high. The results thrilled her. Unless she was badly mistaken, her daddy noticed what she was showing off and took the trouble to glance several times in her direction. This made her feel very grown up and she loved it. She kept it up.

When he would be standing at the refrigerator she’d find some excuse to squeeze past him in the narrow kitchen hall and make sure he got a feel of her soft front… sometimes her newly developing ninnies and once in a while even her thing. He always pretended not to notice but she was sure he did.

The biggest charge was once when she knew he was in the shower. She dashed past her mom and went in to borrow some of their shampoo. Curt was just stepping out and for a few seconds she saw him naked… even the big peter between his legs. When he saw her looking at it, he got kind of a funny look on his face. And after she left with the shampoo in her hot little hands, she kept thinking for a long time about the way that big long thing had looked hanging down over his two round, hairy-surfaced balls.

Another time she even caught him peeking at her when she didn’t even know about it. She was all sprawled out on the porch swing just after he came home from work one day, and Karol and Kelly were both inside. She was wearing a regular little skirt that wasn’t especially short, but the way she had her legs lying she might as well not have been wearing anything. Curt noticed her as he walked by and stopped quietly so she wouldn’t know he was there.

Gazing between his daughter’s slim little legs, he could see her panties all the way from her crotch to almost the elastic at the waist. And there between her firm, tanned young thighs was a swelling that made the thin material of her underwear bulge. She shifted her position slightly, which scared him, and he cleared his throat and mumbled a quick greeting to her before going on into the house. When she looked down and realized how she had been lying, she knew he couldn’t have missed seeing way up her legs and maybe farther. And the way he acted when he thought she had seen him was a dead give-away.

Thursday night was when things got hot. Karol took Kelly to her bowling league with her, leaving Lilly and Curt alone in the house. Curt had been planning all week for a nice little session with Kelly that night, since he knew Karol would be gone. Thursdays was the night that they had often found time to knock off a piece in the past. But Karol wanted her to go because it was Mother and Daughter Night at the bowling league so Kelly couldn’t get out of it.

Curt caught her alone for a second in the hall and said, “Damn, I sure have been looking forward to getting you in the sack tonight, Kelly. It’s been so long I’ve been really missing that hot little cunt of yours. Isn’t there some way you can get out of going to the bowling league?”

“Guess not,” sighed Kelly, “but I’ll be thinking about your cock all night while I’m there. I’m hot for it too, Dad… real hot.”

She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and a hug that pushed her soft tits against him, then they broke up and separated. After Karol and Kelly had been gone for just a few minutes Curt headed for the kitchen and took down a bottle of gin. Usually he just drank beer but he had to have something to take the place of the fine piece of ass he’d been counting on.

Lilly had been playing in her room the whole time but when she heard him slamming bottles around in the kitchen she came out to join him. It was a hot night and she had been wearing just undies — which for her meant only panties — and a housecoat. When she hit the kitchen, Curt was already on his second drink. He had entirely forgotten about Lilly being in the house till she popped up at his elbow.

“Daddy,” she asked entreatingly, “how come I don’t get to go to the Mother and Daughter thing — I’m Mom’s daughter just as much as Kelly is. Isn’t that right?”

He told her she could go to the next such event, since Kelly had attended this one. That seemed to satisfy her and she plopped down in the dining room with a magazine in her hand. Curt could hardly help noticing what she was wearing. The little housecoat was a few years old and frayed around the hem and at the shoulders. It made the poor girl look like a raga muffin, he thought. But the age of the garment had a different effect also. The height at which it struck her thighs made it painfully obvious that she had been much younger when it was purchased for her. At that time her legs had been much shorter, but now they were so long the garment failed to serve its purpose. When she walked across the floor it rode up only a few inches below her saucy little derriere. Now that she was sitting down…

He asked her when her mother had last taken her shopping and said it was time she had a few new things — mainly a housecoat. But she claimed she liked that one because it was “comfortable”.

She glanced down from her magazine and automatically closed her legs and tugged at the hem when she saw how much it showed.

“I wouldn’t wear it around company or anything, Daddy,” she explained. “It’s too ratty looking for that, with all these frayed places on it.”

It wasn’t the frayed places that Curt was referring to — it was what you could see underneath the frayed places. But he let it drop. What he needed was another drink. It wasn’t exactly healthy for him to concern himself at the moment with what was or was not visible under his daughter’s scanty clothes. As he mixed his third gin and tonic, Lilly asked if she could have some. At first he looked at her like she was out of her mind but she quickly reminded him he’d promised her a little taste of hard liquor some time. Both the girls were permitted to sip beer on occasion at home, and he had told her she could try something more potent some time. Kelly had already been permitted to do it and now Lilly would squawk if she was excluded.

He mixed her a sweet drink with a little gin in it and lots of ice. She went for it and drank it pretty fast. When she asked for another it was only because he was on his fourth drink that he gave in and mixed her one. Sitting at the table with her coltish bare knees high in her chair, however, was not the most ladylike position for a teen of her age to assume. And Curt was quite aware of it. There was only one problem. He was now looking at the delectable sexy thing through the veil of four stiff drinks.

He asked her if she sat like that around boys and she said she didn’t pay much attention. She usually wore pants when she played in the streets so it didn’t make any difference how she sat, she told him. She saw him looking at her legs and grinned. It was a very coquettish expression, but she was too young to realize how it looked.

“Why, Daddy,” she asked, “does it bother you for me to sit like this in front of you? Heck, you’ve seen me ever since I was real little so you’ve seen a lot more of me than I’ve got sticking out now.”

She glanced down at the tattered holes in the garment and giggled. The alcohol was beginning to effect her.

“Yeah, but honey,” he answered, “that’s just the thing — you were real little then. You’ve gotten big enough now to…”

“To what, Daddy?” she innocently posed, interrupting his words and flashing her legs as she re-crossed them.

Her young half-naked body and her touching innocence were too much for Curt to handle. Something snapped inside him. He was drunk enough to discount her extreme immaturity and even the fact that he was her father.

“C’mere, Lilly,” he beckoned, his words slightly slurred. “C’mere and give Daddy a kiss. I’ll show you what you’re big enough for.”

She happily unfolded her long legs from the chair and started for where he was sitting. To her surprise, she staggered a little. The gin was taking its course. He met her halfway and caught her in his arms and both of them laughed.

She gave him a peck on the cheek, the kind of kiss she was accustomed to giving both parents when she told them good night. She smelled his strong, masculine shaving lotion and felt his arms sweep her up from the floor.

“No, sweety,” he said to her, his voice thick, “you’re big enough now for a real kiss. Like this.”

And for the first time in her life Lilly’s lips were covered and wetly bussed by a man… not her father, but a man who accepted her as a pretty if quite young female, a girl and not a daughter. The feel of her inexperienced lips under his was incredibly exciting to him. He felt like a monster somewhere deep inside beyond the pale of gin, but his body relished the delicious youngster in his arms too strongly for him to hold back.

He turned her around the room in a kind of drunken dance, his right hand supporting the firm I globes of her hard little ass and his left hand at I the nape of her neck under the silky abundance of her long, blonde hair. When he tore his lips away from her and looked into her eyes, he found her surprised but obviously quite receptive to his outburst of passion.

“Daddy,” she said softly, her voice sleepy with drink, “show me more. If I’m big enough for you to kiss me like that I must be big enough for a few more things.”

Curt felt his blood race at her words. He ran his hand under the thin cover of her housecoat and took I her slender thigh in his fingers, massaging it from her knee upwards.

“Sweety,” he said, “you’re big enough for lots more… just lots more things. But not here. Not here in the dining room.”

She put her mouth to his ear. “Daddy, take me somewhere else then. I want to have you show me… I don’t know the words, but you know what I mean, don’t you? Take me… take me in your room, will you? Where you and Mommy sleep?”

In her mind flashed visions of nasty things she knew she shouldn’t think about but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t help remembering what she had seen him doing with her mom the day she looked through the keyhole and watched them in bed.

Curt stumbled through the empty house and paused at the door. On it hung one of Karol’s nightgowns. The sight of the garment stopped him for a second and made him remember what a hideous thing his body was driving him to do. Lilly saw it too.

“Daddy,” she said, wily beyond her years, “I… I won’t tell Mommy. I won’t tell anyone what you show me.”

The alcohol in her young veins, with her eager, blooming desire for the warm arms of the man held her, was making her act older than her age. Her words were just what Curt needed to hear to continue the mad act.

He pushed on through the doorway and deposited her on the bed, hair flying and limbs awkwardly askew. She lay in the darkness and heard him breath heavily as his clothes fell to the floor.

“What… what are you doing, Daddy,” she asked, a trace of fear in her voice. Her heart was beating faster.

“I’m taking off my clothes, honey,” he said. “You don’t have to bother with yours though. I’ll take care of them in a minute. You said you wanted to have me show you everything, and that’s just what I’m gonna do.”

It was dark in the room but she could see his outline. He fell beside her on the bed and reached across her warm body, pulling her to him and finding the bottom of her housecoat with his searching fingers. She felt a strange and wonderful new thrill course through her body as his fingertips made contact with the slim length of her thigh.

“Daddy,” she asked softly, “kiss me again… kiss me like you did before. It makes me feel all funny when you hug me and kiss me at the same time like that.”

He pressed his lips to hers for a few delicious seconds, then moved on to her cheek and the soft skin of her neck. He heard her make a little gasp as his mouth pushed on through the sweet-scented tresses of her clean blonde hair and made contact with the tender shell of her delicate ear.

“Ever had anyone kiss you here before?” he asked, tenderly bussing the lobe and outer shell of the ear.

She giggled drunkenly. “Daddy, I’ve never had anybody kiss me anywhere. You know that. Heck, you and Mommy would spank my bottom if I ever did things like that with anybody.”

The emphasis of her completely innocent, trusting virginity hit him and fired his loins with lust. He needed to be very careful with her, to go slow and not scare her, to introduce her tender organs to the delights of fucking very gently and slowly. Yet his straining manhood pulsed hot and hard between his legs demanding its due.

“Lilly, this little bottom of yours, this sweet little ass of yours, is good for a lot more than spanking,” he said. “Now lemme get your clothes off and I’ll show you.”

He felt her stiffen a bit in the darkness. “Are you scared, sweety?” he asked. “Are you scared to be naked with everything out in the open where Daddy can see how pretty you are?”

Put in those terms it was a little easier for her to accept but she still had certain qualms in spite of the alcohol. “No, I’m not scared,” she hesitantly replied. “I’m… I’m just afraid you won’t like me because my…”

Her voice faded out into an inaudible, embarrassed kind of mumble that made him eager to hear the rest of her words.

“What, honey?” he entreated. “What did you say? Your what?”

In a small voice she answered, “I’m afraid you won’t like me because my… my ninnies aren’t big yet. And because my… my cunny doesn’t have much… you know…”

She halted at last from embarrassment.

“Because your little cunt does not have pubic hair. You will have… you will have before too long. But I think you’re awfully cute just like you are, Lilly. Your daddy loves your little titties and pussy just like they are.”

She smiled and threw her arms around his naked shoulders. Her housecoat flew open and gave him a quick feel of one of her hard little nipples against his chest.

“Then go ahead, Daddy,” she told him, her voice soft and thrilling, “… go ahead and make me naked then. Heck I’m not wearing much anyway. Only thing I’ve got on under my housecoat is…”

“Are you just wearing panties under there, you little devil?” he laughed, already slipping both hands under her tattered housecoat. “Well, I’m gonna have your little cunt and tits out in the open awful damned quick, then.”

He passed his hands up the long lengths of her coltish thighs, marveling at the incredible softness of her creamy skin, and touched the leg-bands of her panties. She giggled, half from actually being ticklish on her thighs and half from nervous anticipation of what was going to happen to her.

He unbuttoned her housecoat and deftly removed it from one arm. She willingly assisted him, withdrawing her other arm from its sleeve and shrugging it from her shoulders. In the moonlight shining through the bedroom window, Curt feasted his eyes on his young daughter’s pouting tits. They stood up taut and rosy-tipped from her unblemished chest like a pair of exotic little fruits, just waiting for the touch to release their tasty flavor.

He brought his fingertips to one of them and caressed it gently. Its tip hardened and seemed to stab into the air more sharply and saucily than ever. He heard her catch her breath.

“Like that, honey?” he asked, his palms sweating.

“Ummm yes,” she enthusiastically responded. She squirmed on the bed and in his other hand he felt the sweet pressure of her thighs lock on his fingers. She drew them apart quickly. She hadn’t realized just where his other hand was, only that it was barely touching the leg bands of her panties once in a while. She was embarrassed at being so bold with her careless thighs.

Fire shot through his groin at the smooth touch of her leggy trap. “That’s okay,” he urged. “Leave your legs there. Go ahead and trap my hand, it’ll make you feel good to have something between your legs. You ever have anything there before… you ever play with yourself sometimes in bed at night?”

“No,” she answered honestly. But she was thinking of her little friend, Gwen, and thought she probably did.

“Lemme show you how, then,” Curt told her. He rubbed his forefinger against the damp crotch of her undergarment and continued to gingerly manipulate the swollen tip of her aroused nipple. She moved her body languorously under his touches and he could hear little increases in her breathing. She was quite obviously enraptured by what he was doing to her and was beginning to enjoy the thrills of having foreign hands on the parts of her body she had always thought were nasty.

She clamped her upper thighs more tightly around his hand now, shamelessly showing him she wanted more. He slipped a finger under the leg band and tweaked the crack of her asshole, then brought it up and forward to the pouting lips of her juicy pussy.

“Ooooo!” she squealed.

“Feel good?” he asked.

“Whew… it sure does,” he said.

“How’s this,” he pressed, “… a little better?” He had mounted the top of her protruding organs and was about to enter the tight slit of her virginal, secret little canal.

“Ummmm,” she eagerly answered, “a lot better.”

His cock was throbbing with lust as he looked down on his daughter’s warm, responsive body. All she had on were her panties and there was no longer any use for them at all. The only reason he left them on this long was so she could see how it felt to have her young snatch rubbed through their fabric. He drew them down her legs and felt her squeeze his hand between her calves as he passed between them. He eagerly pushed upward past her knees and along the long columns of her thighs till he was back again at her pussy. This time she opened her legs and gave a little push toward him with her ass before he even touched her.

When he put his finger in her slit again it felt warmer than before and he could detect a lot more moisture there. He softly fingered her, allowing more and more of his finger to enter the tight crack.

“Daddy,” she innocently asked, “is this… is this?

“No sugar,” he replied, excited anew by her words. “This is just frigging. A girl can even do this by herself.”

“Then when are you gonna screw me, Daddy?” she innocently inquired. “When are you gonna do that? You said you’d show me everything.”

The sound of such words in his barely pubescent daughter’s mouth sent a searing spark of lust through Curt’s swollen prick. He was ashamed of himself for the way it made him feel, but not nearly enough to keep him from continuing with the pleasurable business of her seduction. He spread her undersized pussy lips a bit wider and dipped deep enough to get a little juice on the end of his finger as he answered her.

“Honey,” he explained, “I don’t know yet if my cock will fit in your hole. You might be too young and tight for me. That’s what screwing is — a man putting his cock into a woman’s cunt and pushing it in and out of her. But even if my cock’s too big to fit you, I’ll still show you how and tell you about it.”

“A woman’s?” she asked, omitting the nasty word her father had used in his explanation. “But I’m not a woman, I’m just a teen girl …” she stopped herself and changed it — “I’m just a girl. Can’t… can’t a girl be screwed too, like a woman can? Or does she have to…”

“Sweetheart,” Curt broke in, “if it’s humanly possible to do it, you can bet your sweet little ass I’m gonna do it. Jesus, I’m so sexed up now from the way you’re talking about it I’m about to pop. If your cunt’ll get hot enough and wet enough to let my cock squeeze into it, I assure you I’ll screw you. I’ll split your little cherry for you real nice and easy so it won’t hurt much, and then I’ll give you such a screwing you won’t know what to do with yourself.”

His answer pleased her. “Yes, I will know what to do with myself!” she cried, giggling. “This!”

She raised up a bit off the bed and threw her arms around his neck as before. But this time both of them were completely naked. The exciting pressure of her warm little tits and arms on his bare torso made him shiver with desire. He accepted the moist, gin-scented lips she offered him and crushed her frail body to his chest with gusto. She scooted her ass closer toward him and he responded by increasing the penetration of her pussy with his forefinger.

“Ummm,” she moaned softly, “that feels so good when you do that, Daddy. This frigging you’re showing me is… whew, it’s better than I ever even suspected.”

He raised to a sitting position and enclosed her in his arms, feeling up her naked ass cheeks with one hand while masturbating her with the other. He saw beads of sweat begin to appear on her smooth forehead and felt her press her tits harder into his chest. Lilly was plainly excited and she showed it by rubbing her hands all up and down his naked chest and arms. He saw her shyly looking below at the spear of his stiff cock sticking up from his hairy crotch.

“Go ahead and touch it, honey,” he invited. “It won’t bite you. Put your hand on it if you want to.”

She timidly laid her hand on it as though it were a fence post. She had no idea how it was done.

“No,” he corrected, rubbing her pussy and titties as he talked. “Slide your fingers up and down it slow and gentle if you want to make it feel good for me.”

She did as he said. She soon learned that the feel of his big prick in her hand had a strange effect on part of her own anatomy. Something about the pressure of its warm, strong shaft made her pussy tingle and itch. The sweat on her face was now running down her neck and over the plump little tips of her tits. She could smell a strange new scent coming up from between her legs, something she’d never smelled before at all.

He saw she was really getting hot and the sight of her slender, moist body naked and writhing made his cock start pounding. He told her to take her hand off for a minute or he’d shoot his wad. She asked what that meant and he said she’d learn very soon. He asked how her pussy felt and she just sighed and clamped her legs tight around his busy fingers in reply.

He told her she might be big enough to take his cock after all. From what he could tell from fingering her, she was blessed with a pretty good-sized little cunt. She grinned and hugged him closer.

“Oh boy, Daddy,” she whispered, “does that mean we can try? Huh? Can we try it and see if it’ll go in?”

“We sure can, sugar,” Curt said, “right now. The way you’re jimmying your ass around on the bed I can tell you’re wanting it bad enough… we’ll soon see if you can take my prick. Lie on your back.”

She did as he said.

“Now spread your legs wide, sweety,” he told her.

She did it.

“Take a look at this,” he said, pointing to his throbbing big prick, “think you can open up wide enough for this?”

She was now so excited with desire and drunk from the gin that she didn’t even talk. She just nodded her head. He saw the way her eyes opened wide when he presented the full shaft of his cock in front of her and it gave him a thrill to see her so impressed by it.

Slowly he rubbed it on the inside of her thighs, straddling her and stooping slightly to accommodate her prone position.

“Uhhhh,” she sighed. “Oh wow, Daddy… ooooh… lemme feel it on my cunny.”

They were both drenched in sweat now and her three golden pussy hairs curled from the mound of her young cunt like wet, finely spun gold. Her rosy tits were engorged with blood and the area around her nipples was almost crimson. The pale inner surfaces of her thighs gave way to a deep tan in front and back, although the rising hillock of her pubescent pussy was pale and blue-veined from having been protected by her panties at all times.

He drew the head of his prick up her inner thighs till it touched the bottom of her pouting cunt, then gradually pressed the instrument into the crevice of her little fuck hole. She wiggled her ass and made it clear she wanted it deeper. Her hand reached for it.

“Lemme touch it again, Daddy,” she gasped. “Please. I wanna hold it in my fingers.”

A difficult request to turn down. He didn’t.

Curt was pleased to find the inside of his daughter’s cunt so juicy and hot it wasn’t difficult at all to press the bulb of his glans inside her.

Plop, it went, entering her just past the head. He was afraid to push any deeper till he saw how she took it.

She took it all right. “Oh my gosh, Daddy!” she cried. “Oh wow… more, please, please… it’s making me so hot and funny in there I can’t stand it!”

“I’ll be Goddamned,” he gasped, the sweat pouring off his brow and splattering on her titties. “You were built for fucking, honey, just built for it. I know good and well it must be hurting you a little, ’cause your pussy’s so tight it’s about to make me shoot my nuts off right now. And you’re begging for more of it. Jesus Christ, sweety, I’d have stuck this thing in your pants long before this if I’d known what a hot little bitch you are.”

He pushed it a half inch deeper, barely able to contain himself, and saw her jerk her wild blonde hair from side to side in growing frenzy. She had her eyes shut and was rubbing her hands up and down the shaft of his cock in a shameless attempt to sink it deeper into her hungry little cunt. Curt was breathing like a bellows. He knew he couldn’t last much longer at this rate but he was intent on busting through her cherry if he could. He wanted it to be easier fucking for next time — he was already thinking about that in spite of how low he thought of himself for considering it.

“It might hurt you if it… ungh… if it goes much deeper, sweety,” he grunted. “You’ve got a little cherry in there that needs splitting before you can take the whole thing.”

“No it won’t, Daddy,” she gasped. “It won’t… it won’t hurt me any. How could it hurt when it’s… unh… ooh… when it’s making me feel so good right now?”

“You asked for it,” he groaned, “here it comes!”

With a steady but frantic push, he plowed deep into his daughter’s virgin cunt. He felt the sides of her hot canal give way before their first contact with a prick, and when he was only about halfway buried in it he felt the wet, warm mass of her cherry at the end. Her eyes were opening and closing and her blonde head was rolling back and forth like a rag doll.

“I… ungh… ooooh… my…” she began, barely able to be coherent. “My cunny’s… whew… ooooh… oh just screw me, Daddy, screw me screw me screw me… oooooooooh!”

Curt threw caution to the wind and gave a big hunch that ruptured her tender cherry and let his prick go sliding on into the hot, moist recesses of her virginal young snatch. A flood of sensation wracked his body as he drove it on in as far as it would go, then all the way out again and back inside once more to her depths. He saw some blood on his shaft, but wonder of wonders, Lilly didn’t seem to be having much pain at all. Some teens were lucky about such things, he knew, and his young daughter was apparently one of them. He remembered that Kelly had bled like a stuck pig when he busted through her cherry and hell, she’d been older than Lilly.

He put his fingers to her cunt and started rubbing the sides of her clitoris. He didn’t know if she could come or not on the very first go at it, but he was going to make every effort to let her get her cookies off if it was humanly possible. He tried to slow down his crazy-hot cock but it was no use. He felt the spunk building up fast and knew he was going to shoot his load any second. He knelt lower and took her face in his hands, kissing her wildly as he pumped in the cock. She gratefully threw her legs open as wide as she could get them and wriggled her ass like a tadpole.

“Get ready, baby,” he cried out, his voice cracking under the strain, “I’m gonna… oh shit, I’m gonna fill you full of it!”

He stepped up the pace and dropped his mouth from her face to her neck. Just when he reached her red, sweaty little nipples he came off like a steam boiler and shot a thick wad of come into the farthest reaches of her palpitating cunt hole.

She was amazed at the feeling she got from the rich, white load that filled her canal and slopped out the front as he removed his prick. She was also so near to having her first climax she didn’t know whether she was coming or going. All she knew was that she was dying to have her dad keep on feeding the cock to her when suddenly he yelled, grunted, shot a wad of stuff in her pussy and rolled over onto the bed with his prick hanging limp as an old piece of rope.

In a few seconds when he recovered from his orgasm and saw how worked up and tense she was, he set about fixing things.

“Sonofabitch, sugar,” he grunted, “you’re needing to get yourself off, aren’t you? Your very first time, too! Here, lemme show you what I’ll do. I’ll be damned if I’ll let such a hot, sweet little pussy as this go without relief!”

Curt ducked his head past her sweat-streamed belly and she couldn’t imagine what he was up to. Then she saw him put his face right between her legs.

“Daddy, what are you going?” she cried, a little scared. “Daddy, that’s nasty, that’s… ooooooh Daddy!”

Her tune changed as soon as she felt his mouth on her little pussy lips. She still thought it was terrible for someone to put their mouth on a girl’s cunny but it felt so incredibly delicious she didn’t have time to do anything but just lie back and enjoy it.

Curt was normally not especially keen on licking a girl’s pussy, but he was so impressed by her precocious sex hunger that he was impelled to satisfy it any way he could. There were a few smears of blood on the front of it but outside of that he found her cute little cunt to be as clean and sweet as a daisy. He lapped it like a dog drinking water and lolled his tongue all over the shiny surfaces of her twin lips in pure pleasure.

Lilly felt shivers run up her spine and her heart seemed to pound so fast it would burst open.

“O-o-o-o-h, Da-daddy,” she wailed, her voice trembling. “What are you do-doing to me… I feel like som-something’s gonna ha-happen to my cu-cu-cunny!”

“Just ride with it, sweety,” he cried out, his words garbled by the juices of her flowing pussy. “Let yourself go. You’re about to come… pretty soon you’re gonna feel…”

“Whew… I feel it now, Daddy,” she interrupted. He felt her jerk her ass faster and faster under his attentive mouth, and twist her torso like a bitch dog in heat. “Whatever it is it’s… oh my gosh, Daddy… oh ooooh… it’s coming now… ungh… ungh… oh… oh… oh… my cunny, oh my sweet cunny… oh oh… ahhh… aiieeee aiilleeee!”

The youngster completely lost herself in the throbbing waves of her very first orgasm. She lay moving her pussy up and down in rhythmic little motions long after Curt had brought his face from her crotch. He looked down at the smile of satisfaction on her tender young face and knew the extra loving he gave her was well worth his effort. Also, he looked down at her simply because it struck him that this pretty, blonde-haired girl — his own daughter, — was extremely erotic to feast his eyes on.

As she lay there stretching and twisting her skinny torso and her long, gawky legs he couldn’t resist going back for a little more nosey from her hive. He ducked his head between her lovely thighs for a few seconds and sucked in a few last drops of pussy juice, then traced his tongue northward over the sharp slopes of her hips, the gentle depression of her navel, across the tips of both swollen pink nipples, and finally to her mouth where he gave her a hot French kiss. Lilly eagerly opened her rosebud mouth and returned his affection, pushing her plump little red tongue into his mouth and twining it around his arm questing organ.

She could feel his limp-but-heavy cock dragging across her legs and tummy as he wrapped his arms around her for one last kiss.

Hmmm, she thought to herself, recalling the pleasure she’d just had from it, wonder what it would take to make it get big and hard again? I bet I know!

But just as she started to slip her open fingers toward his prick, through the bedroom window came the noise of a car stopping in front of their house. The two of them both sat up and looked at each other in panic.

“Is that…” Lilly began, her eyes huge with fear.

“No,” snapped Curt, “it can’t be. It can’t be Karol and Kelly yet. They aren’t due back for at least a couple of hours.”

But then they heard a car door slam and heard footsteps tripping toward the front door.

“Hightail it to your bedroom!” he yelled to Lilly, tossing her housecoat and panties to her as she hopped off the bed. “And run jump in the shower so you won’t look like some little girl that just lost her cherry, will you!”

Curt leaped from the bed and straightened it up some, then jumped into his clothes and headed for the kitchen. He was still feeling a little of the effect of the gin, but he was sober enough to know he’d better hide it back in the cupboard. It wouldn’t be easy to explain to Karol why so much had been drunk in one evening, and especially why he had let Lilly drink so much.

Just as he finished slamming things into their proper places, he looked up to see Kelly standing in the doorway. She glanced around the room and asked, “Where’s Lilly — is it safe?”

For fleeting seconds an expression of guilt crossed his face. The mention of Lilly’s name sent a pang of terror through his heart. But he soon realized Kelly was talking about something very different.

She dashed to him and threw her arms around him. “Aren’t you proud of me, Dad?” she happily beamed. “I managed to have Mom drop me off… now we can…”

“You mean she isn’t with you?” he asked, dazed at the situation. “Karol didn’t stop out front with you?”

“Yes, Dad,” said Kelly, “but that’s just it — all she did was stop and let me out. The others were going on to a restaurant after the bowling thing and I begged off.”

He regained some of his composure. It had been a close call with Lilly in the bedroom but now it was all explained. He mopped his brow and returned her kiss.

“Phew!” she exclaimed. “Been having a few drinks, haven’t you? You smell like a brewery.”

“No,” he corrected, “a distillery. That’s gin you smell. I’ve been having a few gin and tonics.”

“Mmmm,” she said, “I love the smell of liquor on your breath… makes you smell sexy.”

For a second his mind raced and he thought she said simply that he “smelled sexy”.

“I… I do?” he asked. He was thinking Kelly could smell the sex-smell left on his body from having just been in the sack with her little sister.

“Sure you do,” she said, hugging him. “Here, wanna smell something sexy on me? See how you like my newest perfume.”

He understood what she had said before, and breathed another sigh of relief. Kelly stood grinning mischievously and pulling the top of her blouse away from her body.

“This ought to be a good place for you to take a whiff, don’t you think?” she teased.

She knew he loved to jam his nose down the front of her clothes and breathe in the scent of her body even when she wasn’t wearing perfume. This would be a treat for him.

He stuck his nose in as directed and was met with a delicate, fruity scent that made him want to plunge his face inside her dress and lick her body from stem to stern. She was eager to hop into bed.

“Come on,” she said, grabbing his hand. “We’ll have an hour-and-a-half before Mom gets home, easy — maybe more.”

They went toward her bedroom and she glanced around to make sure Lilly was nowhere in sight. She heard the shower running and looked at Curt quizzically.

“That’s funny,” she said. “Lilly’s usually in bed by now. Wonder why she’s in the shower so late?”

Curt shrugged his shoulders.

“Oh well, just so she’s occupied,” said Kelly. “She knows better than to come into my room without knocking. She’ll think I’m still gone with Mom anyway if we’re lucky.”

“She won’t catch us,” Curt said. “She never has, has she? And we’ve been playing our little games for a few years now.”

Kelly led him into her bedroom and closed the door behind them. She turned to him and laid a big kiss on him. “We sure have, Dad,” she sighed. “And it’s been so long since I’ve had you give me a good going over I’m dying for it. Aren’t you proud of me for coming back early so we can sneak in some loving?”

“Damn right I am, honey,” he responded. But his heart wasn’t in it, he was only covering. He was having last-minute second thoughts. It suddenly dawned on him that it had been less than twenty minutes since he had fired off a load into the pussy of Kelly’s little sister — was there enough left for her too? This soon afterwards? Yet he had gone on so about how horny he was for her body just before she left for the bowling league that he could hardly beg off on some lame excuse.

She was already slipping out of her clothes. She knew it pleased him to watch and she always got a thrill from seeing his cock swell under his pants as he looked on. First her shirt, then her short miniskirt around her trim, shapely ankles. Next came the little half slip she wore so the lunkheads at the bowling alley wouldn’t get to see too much when she rolled a ball down the lane. Now she was wearing nothing but her bra and bikini panties, plus a pair of sandals.

Curt was in a bad place. She looked just as good as she ever did to him but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it when it came time. She grinned at him with a sexy expression on her face as she unhooked the bra and let it slide to the floor, revealing her fully packed tits.

“I’m getting to the part you like, Dad,” she told him. “How come you’re so slow with your clothes. You usually have yours off before I even get started.”

Curt grinned sheepishly, mumbled some excuse and took his shirt off. She was already down to her panties.

“Here’s the part you like best of all, Dad,” she said, sticking a forefinger in the elastic band and giving a little tug.

She kicked off her sandals and deftly hit the bed back-first, raising her legs in the air and stripping off the wispy panties. She tossed them across the room and lay with her long, beautifully tanned legs provocatively half-crossed. Her hairy snatch was hidden by the position of her thighs.

The sight of her lying there was enough to make him stiff as a poker — usually. But not, to his chagrin, at that moment.

He stepped out of his pants and moved toward the bed, keeping his shorts on. There had to be a way out. So far his cock didn’t show any signs of perking up at all. The scene with Lilly plus the gin and tonics had simply been too much for him.

He ran his hand over the smooth, expansive flesh of her naked tits and stooped to kiss her. After a little Frenching, he ran his hand on down to the black fleece of her crotch. She slid her legs against one another, drawing one velvety thigh past the other, and brought one knee above the other one. Now the hidden moist meat under her curly black ringlets was exposed to his view. She smiled seductively, offering her dad possession of the juicy treasures now laid naked before his hot, nervous eyes.

But Curt’s eyes weren’t nervous for the usual reasons. They were nervous because in spite of the sexy, naked charms of his daughter, his cock remained only half hard inside his pants. How he’d love to jump between her pretty legs and drive it in till she begged for mercy, to fuck her and fuck her pulsing snatch till she came all over herself! But he could tell it just wasn’t going to be possible unless things changed drastically. The way things were going, he’d be lucky to raise a hard strong enough even to gain entry.

He toyed with her hairs, played with her moist pussy lips and the inside of her damp thighs, and started masturbating her springy little clit. Getting a little desperate, he grabbed a big handful of tit and started working her over with both hands at the same time.

“Ummmm,” she cooed, her mouth going soft, “you’re getting me crazy, Dad. Oh I wish you knew how good that felt!”

She was doing fine, he could readily see. But as for him, his tired prick still lacked the necessary muscle. He knew better than to bring it out into the open and let her see how puny it still looked.

“I’m glad I came home early,” she said, her voice low and whispery with desire. “I’ve been wanting you to fuck me awful bad, lately, Dad. I’ve been needing a pussyful from you bad.”

She stretched her slender, curvaceous body and ardently pressed the hot hollow of her groin forward against his hand. She might only be eighteen, but she had the burning needs of a much older and more experienced woman. The incestuous attentions of her dad had awakened her to the full appreciation of what a hot, satisfying fuck can be like and her young cunt needed a stiff cock up it as bad as she needed food or water.

Curt could see she was getting awfully restless and needed more at this point than his hands on her. In a last-ditch effort to service her properly, he dropped his head on her tits. After licking each hard tip to the point of nearly bursting, he kissed her damp stomach and pushed his face toward her excited cunt.

“Oh Dad, you’ve got me really going now,” she moaned, writhing her hips as she felt his mouth approach her slit. “You don’t have to eat me out, go ahead and lemme have the cock. It’s okay… I’m plenty ready for it… come, gimme a cuntful of that big sweet prick of yours right now, will you?”

Curt had no other choice. He simply didn’t have anything to honor her request with, so he had to plant his tongue in her snatch fast and just hope to hell she’d forget about his cock. He ignored her words and slapped his mouth straight on down to her hot hole.

“Whew!” she exclaimed as she felt his wet lips touch her cunt. “Oh… that’s it, Dad… work on me… work on me good, I’m so damned hot I need it bad!”

Maybe this is gonna work, Curt thought to himself, his mouth avidly sucking her sweaty cunt. She sure does seem hot for a fucking — hope a good tongue-fuck will make her get her cookies and forget about my cock.

Curt could have simply told her he was too tired to fuck her without giving her the full details why, but his vanity was too great for that. He couldn’t stand to have her know he was unable to attain a big hard-on like he usually had for her.

“Ummm,” she cried out, her voice shaky with lust, “go ahead and eat it… that’s the way, just like you’re doing… that’s it… now my clit, right on my cli-i-i-t… oh! Oh! Aiiieeee!”

And with that his darling daughter humped her ass against the mattress and hit her screaming peak.

He raised his head but she abruptly jammed her hands on his neck and pushed his face back into the steaming meat. She’d had her climax all right, but she wasn’t quite ready to relinquish the hot tongue that gave it to her. She was still working her ass up and down a little — much slower and more relaxed than a few seconds before, but enough for him to know she was in the throes of some little after-orgasms. He allowed her to keep him there.

Damn, he thought to himself, exhausted from his efforts, for once I wish my horny daughter didn’t have such hot pants. I’m in no shape for this kind of shit. And now that it’s over, what a smelly cunt she’s got here… shit, she must have creamed all over the inside of her whole snatch from the way it smells!

She finally finished off and took her hand away from his head. She was lying on her side now with the sweat running off her lush curves and her thick black hair in a mess.

“That was great, Dad,” she said. “You got me so darned hot I couldn’t even wait for your cock. Sorry.”

“That’s okay, sweety,” he magnanimously replied. “I love to bring you off once a while by using just my mouth.”

That was close, he thought to himself. For all I know she might be pissed at not having me feed the meat to her. I’ve lucked out with her, it looks like.

“But Dad,” she said, “how about you? Usually I at least give you a good hand job so you can get your nuts off some way — this time I guess I was just so darned hot for having my cunt sucked that I completely forgot about taking care of you.”

Before he could answer, she reached for his cock and almost had her hand in his shorts before he could react. He couldn’t let her grab it and find out he hadn’t shot his wad unless it was hard. And it was far from hard.

“That’s okay, Kelly,” he blurted, a sickly grin on his face as he hopped out of her reach. “I… uh… you got me so worked up from the way you were carrying on that I shot off in my shorts without even having it touched.”

She was pleased and a little flattered at the reaction he described that she didn’t push the issue. To enforce his lie, Curt jumped back into his pants and headed out the door.

“I better go up and wash off,” he told her, “wouldn’t do for Karol to find my shorts full of come, would it?”

She hopped up from bed and dashed to the door, her fully packed boobs rocking heavily on her chest and her long legs flying.

“Wait — a big kiss before you go!” she cried, planting a wet tongue in his mouth. He gave her a big hug and patted her firm, tanned ass as she twisted her naked tits against him during the kiss.

“I better get out of here now,” he warned. “Karol’s liable to come in any moment.”

A few minutes later after he had showered and brushed his teeth, taking care to get rid of the remaining gin-smell, he heard Karol come tripping in. He pretended sleep. He even snored. After all the earlier excitement, he had to make damned sure she didn’t want to be fucked along with the rest of the family!

After she was in bed, he felt her moving in a quiet little rhythm. Soon he could even make out the faint splat splat splat of her fingers as she — I’ll be damned, he thought to himself, she’s giving herself a fucking hand job! Well, better that than expecting me to do her any good tonight. The idea of his wife playing with herself was exciting to him and would have been more so if he had been less exhausted.

After a few minutes of feeling the bed in motion from her movements, he was surprised to hear her slip out of the bed and leave the room.

How about that? he thought to himself. Guess she was afraid she might wake me up, so she’s heading for the bathroom to finish herself off there. He rolled over and soon fell asleep, even before Karol returned to bed. So there was no way for him to know how long her little trip had taken.

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