Prequel to a series “Сybergeniс”


Cassidy is an industrial planet world dawn of the new Millennium. The climate is temperate on the whole surface of the planet. Star – yellow dwarf, very old. The planet’s surface is a plain of volcanic activity have not been identified. The main item of export – cheap, simple and reliable circuits for robots class ХХ20… and their modifications. Endemic animals have been no detected, the rich flora. Terraforming was completed 80 years ago. Tourism is poorly developed, throughout the planet there are only three hotels of the interstellar class. There is one spaceport for cargo ships and one for the space yachts.

Sporting events – race on the spacecraft. Every family which has a industrial plant in the property. Considers it necessary to participate in this sport. The big Industrialists are the elite of the local society.

The average standard of living on the planet relative to the galaxy. Every inhabitant of the planet receives modular housing, as well as the necessary means of transportation, electronics and food.

On the planet, equality of the sexes. The most common occupation – factory worker and farmer. There is a guild of mechanics and a guild of engineers. The sphere of education is developed. The planet fully provides itself with everything necessary. The main product import luxury items.

The worst punishment for the inhabitants of the planet – the loss of reputation. If the worker does not do his job well, he becomes unemployed and lives on a minimum guaranteed consumption. Workers look with disapproval at people who have made mistakes. Therefore, the main migrants are masters in their profession, who are innovators, but whose ideas were erroneous. These people gladly take a research expedition and the worlds lab.

The place of rest and recruitment of commands for spaceships-carriers is the portside bar “Tavern of the Future”. If a person is looking for work, then he must sit down at a free table and order two drinks. One stands before him, the second – in front of an empty chair. The more necessary a person to work, the stronger is the drink. They say the tradition was taken from the mother planet of all mankind – the Earth.

Tavern of the future, rum, shot, drinking, dining, history, cybergenica, future

The captain-pilot spacecraft “The creeper” makes last flight together with his mechanic Igor. Igor – a middle-aged man and looking for peace. Cassidy was perfect for him – a man with vast experience and a respectable track record.

The captain needs to find a new crew member and a good partner for transporting goods to a New Jupiter…

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