Hi everybody.
Unavailability of the site
This week, the site with porn games was unavailable for several days. The reason for this is moving the site to another hosting. On the old hosting, payment was possible only through Paypal. And since Paypal does not work in Russia, it was impossible for me to pay for hosting services. Therefore, I decided to move to another hoster a month before the end of the hosting period.
And it was connected with small problems. At first I took a cheaper tariff, which I thought would cope with the load. But I was wrong. My several sites used server resources beyond the norm. Therefore, you have seen frequent errors when accessing the site. The site was permanently unavailable. Then I changed the tariff. I had to move all the site files to the new server again. This action took almost the whole day. As a result, my sites are located on a large separate server and their speed is pretty good. Now there are no problems with the unavailability of sites.
You may notice some errors in the operation of the site. Be sure to let me know about it. And when transferring sites, some of the comments disappeared. They can no longer be restored. But I am sure you will write new interesting messages.
The Witcher Hunt News
This week I created a poll about the game development plan. Let me remind you that there are two options: we can create several girls with their quests, or we can create many girls who will not have quests yet.
The poll showed that this topic is interesting to a few patrons. As a result, we decided to create a lot of girls who will not have quests yet.
While we were waiting for the results of the poll, we made another sex scene in a brothel with a prostitute. To date, the flowchart looks like this.

In total, I made 90 pictures this week. All these images are a sex scene with another sexual libertine.

I also made a test picture with the interior for the prostitute Amrinn. One of the quests will be connected with this girl.

One of the patrons told me that one method of making money is not enough. We need to make a few more ways to fill the wallet with coins. I want to ask you about it. What ways of earning money would you like to see in the game? Write about it in the comments.
That’s all the news. Many thanks to everyone who supports us. You are the best! Let your dick be big and hard!