His Youngest Nubile Daughter Part 3 0 (0)


Daddy has already corrupted older daughter but now wants her youngest one to eat and enjoy

Lilly could hardly believe what she saw through the keyhole.

“Jeez,” she whispered to herself, her eyes widening, “Mom’s… Mom’s putting her hand on Daddy where it’s nasty! Wow, I gotta see this!”

Inside the room, Curt was giving in fast. He grinned at Karol and said, “Okay, baby, I’m convinced.”

She smiled as she pressed her hand deeper into his jockey shorts, unwittingly providing her young daughter with an increasingly erotic view. She moistened the surfaces of her lips with a dart of her tongue as she spoke.

“You mean I’ve finally convinced you the girls aren’t anything to worry about?” she asked.

“No, just that I’m getting such a hard-on for your hot juicy cunt that I’ve gotta have some of it — daughters or no daughters!” he exclaimed.

Lilly watched in awe as her father upended her mother in the middle of the bed and made a grab for her blouse. The move caused her hand to come out of his shorts, but now it was Daddy who was being the nasty one in her place. He was unbuttoning Mom’s blouse and getting up in bed with his knees over her prostrate body.

Lilly put her hand over her mouth in amazement, squelching the words she was about to whisper. She couldn’t take a chance on getting caught at a time like this.

Wow, she thought to herself, there’s… there’s Daddy’s thing! Just sticking right out where, you can see it, too… every bit of it. Once a long time ago when I saw him in the bathroom peeing, it didn’t look anything at all like — it’s so big now!

Lilly felt a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked on. At first it was fear, fear at seeing for the first time some of the things that went on in her parents bedroom… things that she had never thought of before. But then the feeling in her stomach changed. For a minute she thought she might be going to get sick. The sight of her father with his big, red penis exposed was too much for her. But no, it wasn’t a sick feeling in her stomach, exactly, she realized. It was really strange though, and different than anything she could remember. It was all funny and kind of… fluttery. Sort of a warm, fluttery sensation that somehow seemed to embarrass her and at the same time to make her feel good. It was a little bit scary, somehow, yet she wanted to keep watching and letting her stomach feel that way. She glued her eye to the keyhole and watched with fast-beating heart.

“Here, lover,” Karol said, “let me help. This is too slow. I want my tits naked for you right now.”

She quickly sloughed off the blouse and Curt feasted his eyes on her tight-fitting bra. The soft, smooth flesh of her big tits overflowed the cups and created sensual wrinkles of plump skin at the top of the straining undergarment.

“Then here’s what you were after, honey,” he said, coming out of his pants and underwear. He tossed them off the bed and stood kneeling in front of her with his stiff prick waving like a big stuffed knockwurst. He was red in the face.

“Yeah, baby,” she cried enthusiastically. “That’s what I wanted, okay.”

As she spoke she reached behind her back for the clasp of her brassiere strap and jerked it loose. Her bounteous jugs came bursting from their confinement.

Jeez, thought Lilly as she looked on, them are really big ones. I must have seen Mom with her bra off before sometime or other, but I didn’t notice how big her boobies were!

Now they weren’t talking. But the things they were doing to each other made their young daughter’s eyes pop.

Curt hugged his wife’s tits tightly against his chest and planted his lips on hers. She immediately opened her mouth and let him inside, presenting her hot tongue to his. But she wanted more of him, more of him and more of him fast.

She moved her hands in frenzy across his chest and nailed the top button, then quickly took care of the rest. The sight of his curly hairs made her more eager than ever. She pulled the garment off and crushed her naked tits to his now-naked torso. The two of them clutched each other firmly and wrapped their arms and hands back as though they couldn’t stand to be even that far away. All that covered Curt’s body now were his pants around his lower legs. Karol took care of that in short order and Lilly looked on as her father lay buck naked on the soft resilience of her mother’s curves.

She still had her lower clothes on, but not for long. Curt snaked them off fast, leaving her in nothing but her panties. He was damned glad she wasn’t wearing panty hose — he was to the point where he wanted the feel of her naked skin against his legs and even the sheer sexy material of panty hose would have been too much.

“Go on, lover,” Lilly heard her mother moan. Then some words she could barely make out. Something about how she “couldn’t wait” and something about “panties” and “your big beautiful prick” and once she even heard her mom say the words “hot, sweaty cunt” and “a good thorough fucking.”

When Lilly heard that she grew red in the face and slapped her hand over her mouth in amazement. She’d only heard that word a very few times and every time it had been naughty, older girls that said it. She knew it was a terrible word and couldn’t believe that her mom would speak such language.

Now her dad was on top of her mom and had his big thing between her legs. Lilly could see the thick shaft of it and the twin weights of his curly-haired balls every time he raised up. He had his knees between her mom’s legs and was working his body up and down, letting his big swollen thing… my gosh, he was jamming right between the lips of her mom’s naked cunny — and she was letting him do it and was wiggling her bottom around on the bed like she wanted him to keep on doing it more and more!

She saw how wet the exposed skin of her parents’ organs had become and marveled at it. The only time her tiny little cunny ever got that wet was when she was in the bath tub. And even then it wasn’t so red-looking like her mom’s was. She watched her dad’s body rise up and down over the shamelessly naked form of her mom, and saw how the two of them were sweating. Big drops of sweat ran down his ass and down the slopes of her mom’s big boobies and off the smooth skin of her stomach.

Lilly saw how thick and furry-looking the hair grew between her mom’s thighs and mentally compared it with her own barely pubescent little mound. Would she ever have a cunny as covered with hairs as that, she wondered? Unconsciously she dropped a hand between her legs and touched herself in the crotch, aware that she sported only two or three hairs there. She had her clothes on, so all she did was graze her fingers across the tight material of her clothes that stretched tautly over her young pussy. But even that was enough to confirm the utter childishness of her organs compared with those of her mother — it would be an awfully long time, obviously, before she sported a big muff of womanly hair between her slender thighs.

Her dad was hunching faster in the bedroom. Her eyes were transfixed by the sight of his fat instrument sliding in and out between the damp, smooth columns of her mom’s legs.

“Oh… oh Jesus, Curt,” moaned Karol. “You’re filling me full of it, you’re giving me just what I need. Come on, lover, come on and… ahhh, that’s the way, push it all the way back to my guts — you won’t hurt me, go ahead and shove it in… oh… oh God!”

“Don’t worry, baby, I’m gonna ream your out good and proper… here, how do you like this,” he cried, baring down on her. “How’s this feel back in there where your cunt’s so damned hot and horny, huh? How does that do you?”

Karol’s curvy body was plastered so tightly to his that Lilly couldn’t even see any space between her breasts and Curt’s curly chest. Her mouth was open but her lips just seemed to hang loosely as his strong shaft plunged in and out of her juicy fuck hole. The only sound coming from her lips was a continuing, low moan punctuated from time to time by a few sharp gasps.

In their mounting passion, Curt plowed her body deep into the bed with every stroke. Finally the motion managed to turn them sideways on the bed till Lilly was presented with an entirely new view. Although she could no longer make out any words they were mouthing, the new angle gave the youngster plenty to occupy herself with. Her mother’s feet spread widely apart, the soles toward the door, and her father’s muscular ass bobbed up and down farther up, between her thighs. Lilly had a perfect view of the angry, reddened shaft of his big prick as it surged in and out of her mother’s moist cunt.

She saw that the lips were flushed and shiny with moisture, and that they seemed to quiver violently every time her dad sunk his strong tool between them. His big balls were now exposed from the back, and she could see them swing against the tightly compressed crack of her mom’s asshole.

Wow, Lilly thought, I knew there was some kind of secret stuff they did together in the bedroom but I had no idea it was… was like this! It… it gets me all funny in my cunt to see them do things like they’re doing. I gotta try to sneak a peek as often as I can. Maybe I can catch them at it again if I…

But her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of Kelly’s footsteps entering the house. Lilly took one last desperate look through the keyhole, then dashed down the hall and into her bedroom before Kelly had a chance to catch her.

Inside the master bedroom, Curt and Karol grunted and twisted their heated bodies together just as before. The absence of Lilly at the keyhole was totally irrelevant to their spirited fucking. She grabbed him hard around the neck and rubbed her tits against him so hard they almost bruised. She caught a look at his screwed-up face and knew he couldn’t last much longer. Gripping his thighs between her calves, she clinched her excited pussy tighter against his swollen cock and brought herself nearer and nearer to release.

Oh God, she thought frenziedly to herself. I’d love to have that beautiful hunk of meat in me for another hour, but if he’s about to shoot off in there I’m gonna get my cookies too!

She started her ass moving under him faster and faster. Pretty soon her juicy cunt was slapping the sides of his cock with the speed of an outboard motor. Curt felt the spunk swell up from his balls, then the tension built up at the base of his prick and he sensed the quick, maddeningly pleasurable pressure of an oncoming orgasm. He grunted like a bear and let it happen. He climaxed like a rocket and felt the tip of his hungry cock erupt with a thick stream of spunk.

Karol felt the steamy come shoot against the insides of her ravenous pussy. It was all she needed to bring her to flash-temperature — she bit her lips and came like a bitch dog in heat.

Even as his cock began to subside from its rock-hard state, she continued to ram her plump cunt around it for several seconds, milking the beloved instrument of all possible pleasure. A smaller, secondary orgasm filled her groin and when it hit, she fell back on the bed exhausted and wonderfully satisfied.

Later as they lay getting their wind back, Karol took his cock in her hand and patted it affectionately. It was soft now, but it had done its job well.

“Damn it, honey,” she told him, “you don’t know how bad I’ve been needing that. It didn’t seem to bother you all that much not being able to get in each other’s pants while we were up camping, but it sure got to me. I was really hot to have this nice little thing swell up and ream my cunt out for me.”

Curt thought he heard a thinly disguised complaint in her voice. He couldn’t have her suspecting that he didn’t have as much time for her as in the past, because of how much pussy he was getting from Kelly on the side.

“I don’t know what makes you think I wasn’t missing it just as much as you were,” he was quick to say.

He leaned up and licked her naked nipple. “Don’t you think I got as hot as a bastard seeing you around camp and not being able to fuck you as much as usual? Remember, we both decided we better lay off because of how close the girls were to us. It wasn’t just me.”

His claim of desiring her made her feel better. Strictly speaking, what he said was true. It was just that she had the idea he wasn’t quite as interested in fucking her as he used to be. She smiled down at him as he caressed her nipple with his tongue.

“Well, you have to admit I gave you the next best thing to a good fuck when we were up there,” she said.

Curt recalled with pleasure the night she had mouthed him off, putting her lips around his cock and working on it till he came. She did it that way so they wouldn’t make enough noise for the girls to hear from their bunks in the tent next door.

“You sure did, honey,” he admitted. “And you know how much I love to have you go down on me, too.”

Karol beamed under his compliment. She looked down into his eyes as he playfully toyed with her nipple. She knew, all right. But she happened to like giving a suck job about as much as he did receiving one from her. And speaking of sucking, his lips were beginning to feel awfully good on her taut, sensitive nipple.

He saw her start sinking into a mood of deep languor, so he stopped short and kissed her on the mouth. Then he hopped from bed.

“Hold on, baby,” he chided. “Don’t go getting yourself all worked up again, now. We’ve already been in here a long time, you know. The girls are going to be getting hungry pretty soon. Me too, as far as that goes. Don’t you think you better get some dinner cooking?”

Reluctantly, Karol agreed. They both enjoyed a nice shower and she set to work while he hit the refrigerator for a cold beer and turned on the television. She started to kid him about how easy he was having it, but held back. Tomorrow when he had to go back to work, it would be his turn to be on the short side of things and her turn to enjoy relaxing in front of the television set.

Karol called the girls to help her with a few things but only Lilly showed up. She said that Kelly had gone over to a girlfriend’s house. To Jeannie’s, she thought. Curt overheard and yelled to his wife.

“It better be to Jeannie’s,” he said. “She better not be trying to meet that hippy boyfriend of hers again. She knows damn good and well she’s only supposed to see him twice a week.”

Karol told him to keep his shirt on, there was no reason whatsoever for them to think Kelly had gone to meet Rex. As Lilly helped around the kitchen, Karol thought she caught the girl eyeing her sort of strangely but she dismissed it from her mind. If she had had the slightest idea that young Lilly had been spying on her and Curt in the bedroom, she’d have known the reason for the expression on the girl’s face.

After dinner Kelly called home to say she was at Jeannie’s house. When Curt asked why she hadn’t told them where she was going before she left, Kelly said, with a trace of acid in her voice, “Because I couldn’t find either one of you, Dad, that’s why. You were both off in your bedroom if I’m not mistaken.”

Curt understood the reason for her barbed comment. She was a little bit jealous of him making love to Karol. Actually, it kind of pleased him for her to react that way. It meant she loved the cock he was giving her every once in a while and that she would give him lots more in the future. When she asked if she could stay at Jeannie’s a lot later, he gave his permission.

“But not all night, young lady,” he warned her.

“Oh Daddy,” she answered. “What’s wrong… afraid I won’t be around for you to feel up if you manage to slip away from Mom for a few minutes? Is that it?”

Even though Curt knew that Karol couldn’t possibly hear Kelly’s words, he froze when he heard them. If she was talking from Jeannie’s house… but no, Kelly was undoubtedly out of earshot from any of them. She knew better than to be so careless with her mouth.

He recovered his composure. “Just be good,” he told her, “and come on home by midnight or so.”

He started to hang up but her voice was still on the line. The little minx. She was teasing him on purpose, knowing he could hear her but her mother couldn’t.

“Oh, I’ll be good, Dad,” she cooed sweetly, “I’ll be good and when I come home you can give me a little kiss for getting home in time, huh? A little kiss, and maybe a little feel, Dad, too. Right? You can stick your hand under my blouse and give my tits a nice working over when Mom isn’t looking. Or if we’re really lucky, we might even have enough time for you to sneak your fingers into my panties and give me a little attention there… in my pussy, Dad… how would that be?”

Then she hung up the phone. He grinned to himself. The little tease. She knew damned well it got him hot as hell to have her talk like that. Especially when he was in a situation where he couldn’t do a damned thing about it.

He glanced around uneasily to see if Karol was anywhere near him. She wasn’t and he let out a sigh of relief. His cock had swollen as Kelly talked on, and he didn’t relish the idea of having to hide it from Karol as they ate. He made a quick trip to the bath room and washed the head of it in cold water to make it deflate.

But while the rest of the Carson family ate dinner, Kelly was occupied with matters a long way removed from eating. She had called from Jeannie’s house, all right. That much had been true. But she wasn’t going to be there until midnight. She was actually going to be spending those few hours with Jeannie’s boyfriend, David. To her surprise — and carefully concealed delight — he had dropped by to tell Jeannie he couldn’t take her out that night as planned. He had to help his uncle move, he told her. When Kelly heard that, she suddenly became interested in getting back home fast. Could he drop her off, maybe, Kelly asked Jeannie?

Unaware of her devious plans, Jeannie asked David to drop Kelly off in his car and he complied. Hmmmm… maybe a little too fast, in fact, Jeannie thought to herself as the two of them walked down the driveway. Oh well, he might try to get fresh with Kelly — but Kelly wouldn’t let him get far. Rex was her boyfriend. And besides, Kelly was one of her best friends. Even if she wasn’t going with anyone in particular, Kelly wouldn’t make a play for the boyfriend of one of her closest girl friends. Jeannie didn’t realize, however, that she knew Kelly far less than she thought she did.

They were hardly a half block away in David’s car when he turned to Kelly and asked her if she had to be home right away for real, or if it was a gag.

Kelly was indignant. “What do you mean, a gag?” she asked.

“Don’t get shook,” he grinned, his strong white teeth flashing. “I just now told Jeannie a little fib myself — I don’t really have to help anybody move tonight. I thought you just might have been feeding her the bull yourself.”

Kelly claimed she had done no such thing. She really did have to be home soon. But when she asked David why he had lied, he turned to her with a confident smile and baldly replied, “Oh, just thought I might get a chance to be alone with you for a while. I’ve been wanting to know you a lot better than I do, Kelly, that’s all. But you’re always with that dumb klutz, Rex.”

She was flattered by his open admission he was interested in her, but she didn’t want to admit she felt the same way about him. She denied his innuendos and talked back to him.

“So Rex is a klutz, huh?” she said. “And I guess you’re a big Romeo, right? Is that the scene?”

He loved the way she looked when she was coming on haughty like that, with her long hair down her shoulders and her nose imperiously stuck in the air. He bet she was really a looker underneath her clothes where it really counted, too.

“I’ll never tell,” he smugly retorted. “There might be a few girls around who’d say that, though. If you didn’t have to run home to Mommy so soon, I might show you and let you make up your own mind.”

In one way his superior air irritated the hell out of Kelly. But in another way — in the deep core of her femininity — there was an almost magnetic attraction. Rex never talked that way, was never that sure of himself. David was definitely a different kind of guy. But the question was, did she want to find out just how different? And the crack about her having to get home to Mommy made her blood boil. She’d play his own little game, she decided.

“Ha!” she chortled. “What makes you think I want to know you any better than I already do? For your information, Mr. Smart Ass, I don’t have to ‘run home to Mommy’. If I wanted to, I could just call up and tell my folks I’d be a little late.”

She wouldn’t have him know she’d already made the call from Jeannie’s house.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he answered. “I just can’t believe you’re that much different from other girls. I mean, I don’t usually get exactly what you’d call the cold shoulder from most chicks.”

His arrogance was pissing Kelly off but she had to admit that what he was saying was true. It was mainly the way he was saying it that turned her off.

“I’ll admit I’m no different from most other guys,” he went on, keeping on the same subject. “So why should you be different from most other chicks? I mean, hell Kelly, when I take a good look at your bra and see how well you’re put together, or when I get a break and get to see up your skirt a little ways higher than usual — I get really turned on. Just like any other guy does when he sees the same thing. You aren’t going to tell me you don’t know what a sharp-looking chick you are, now are you?”

His line was insidious. She might have even begun to fall for it if it hadn’t been for that reference to her bra. She didn’t like guys getting that personal with her so quickly.

“Oh yeah!” she exclaimed. “When you ‘take a good look at my bra’, huh? Well, it just so happens I’m not even wearing a bra today. So I guess that means you just don’t know what you’re talking about. And as far as copping a look up my skirt, I…”

“No shit?” he blurted, cutting her short. “You really aren’t wearing a bra underneath your shirt? Come on, you gotta be. No chick’s got a pair that nice without having a little support and shaping. You telling me you’re naked all the way under there?”

His compliment was so unexpected and sincere that she was taken back. She was quite proud of her adorably shaped, high-pointed tits — but she’d never had a boy be so effusive and so… so sexy about the way she talked about them. Yet there was an implied challenge in his words. She couldn’t let him think she was wearing some kind of damn falsies under there.

Quick as a wink, she pulled her shirt up and exposed the succulent mounds of her juicy young tits to his eyes, then jerked it back down just as quickly. He had his eyes on the road and barely got a peek at them before she had them covered again.

“Well,” she asked, her voice bright with pride, “see any sign of a bra over ’em?”

He slowed the car and pulled up a side street as he spoke. “Come on, Kelly,” he cried. “That’s not fair. Jesus, you can’t just up and show those things off to a guy while he’s driving — with no warning — and expect him to get a look at them. If you aren’t afraid, let’s see ’em again. Now I can look at ’em without crashing into a telephone pole or another car.”

He stopped the car behind an old garage. It looked dark and quiet all around, like nobody would be coming by. It made Kelly feel sexy to be there with him.

“Or are you still sweating calling your Mom?” he said. “You have to check in with her if you’re going to be a few minutes late?”

She laughed softly. “Well, I’m not afraid… no. I showed them to you once, didn’t I? Wasn’t my fault if you can’t drive good enough to keep the car in the road and look at them at the same time, is it? And don’t worry about me calling my folks. That’s cool. Just worry about your eyes if you can’t see any better than that.”

It was David’s turn to be on the defensive. She was certainly a sharp-tongued little number, he was finding out. But he liked the direction their cat-and-mouse game was taking. He was getting the hots for her so bad he could taste it, too.

“Maybe I didn’t get a very good look at them,” he exclaimed, sliding across the seat toward her, “but you better believe I’ll sure feel ’em good.”

He ran his hand adeptly under her loose-bottomed shirt and was rewarded with a handful of some of the smoothest, firmest titty-skin he’d ever felt.

“David!” she exclaimed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, anyway? You just better…”

But he cut her short. “Hey, wait a minute, love,” he told her, his voice rich and sexy, “aren’t you the chick that just said she wasn’t interested in me? Honey, if you mean what you said then you ought to be able to let me put my hands on you without even getting the least bit hot and bothered — right? Of course, on the other hand, if you are beginning to go for me a little…”

He was confusing her. And not only with his words. He had a full hand on one of her tits now and she still hadn’t done anything about it. And with his other hand he was already unbuttoning her shirt!

His handsome face was looming over her now, just inches away from the smoothness of her cheeks and lips. Her voice was quieter this time, and tinged with an edge of frank arousal.

“Can anybody see us here?” she asked guardedly. “Will there be anybody passing by here?”

Her lips were soft and moist, only inches below the hard lines of his own mouth. He raised his forearms, spreading the front of her shirt wide open, and put his other hand on her other tit.

“Not a chance, baby,” he said huskily. “Not a chance. I know this place well.”

And his lips fell on hers. She stubbornly kept them closed, even going so far as to make them firmer. The only result was that her cute little turned-up nose became even cuter than usual. The heat and wetness of his lips on hers was too much for her to fight for very long. Gradually she felt her lips begin to tremble softly, as though unable to withstand any more contact without giving in and doing what they wanted to do. The trembly feeling floated down and seemed to take control of her entire torso. She felt her sensitive tits shake under his firm grip and knew a brand new thrill, different and more exciting than when her dad touched her there.

Her long lashes fluttered as she felt him draw her in. The hard buttons of his shirt pressed into her succulent, pneumatic tits and suddenly his arms were behind her, forcing her closer to his body. But force was becoming less and less necessary. The little plan she’d worked out in the back of her mind was coming true — at last she was getting the thrill of having new hands on her young, naked curves. And they were the hands of a handsome guy her own age instead of her lecherous father’s hands. It felt great to have Dad’s there usually — but the feeling of having a strange male touch her secret places was even more exciting than that.

She allowed him to squirm facing her. He buried his face in her neck and the sensation of his hot, wet lips kissing her up and down its length was fantastic. If she hadn’t been completely sure before, she was becoming so very rapidly. But she was still holding out for what she wanted. She wasn’t about to let David call all the shots — even if he was the second male to ever get her this hot in her entire life.

She felt his mouth open against her skin before she heard his words come out.

“Sonofabitch,” he whispered passionately, “I take it all back, Kelly. You got the finest set of jugs I ever had my hands on. I mean it… Jesus, are you ever built!”

It was dark in the car but Kelly knew in her mind’s eye what he was talking about. She should have. She had spent enough time staring at the naked beauty of those same tits herself. It wasn’t that they were so gigantic, she knew, but rather that they were so perfectly formed that they stood high and proud on her chest with the fullest succulence and the tautest, prettiest little nipples imaginable.

David dropped his face lower down her torso, past her collar bone and still heading south. She knew damned well he must be about to plaster his mouth on one of her beauties and couldn’t wait to feel it. In seconds his tongue was avidly working on a hard, hot little nipple.

To his surprise, she not only allowed it but urged him on. He felt her hands on the back of his head, firmly but gently pressing his face to her damp skin. But just when he was enjoying an entire mouthful of tit, he felt her hands pushing him down still farther.

Astonished at her actions, he balked for a second.

“Hey, what gives?” he asked.

“Now that you’re in my clothes,” she breathed huskily, “I want your mouth on more of me than just my tits, David. What’s the matter — haven’t you ever eaten a chick out before?”


Her words galvanized him on the spot. He hadn’t expected her to be so experienced. David thought he was pulling something over on the girl by getting his mouth on her tits, and here she was insisting that he lick her snatch for her!

It galled him that she had turned his challenge back at him and accused him of being afraid to do something.

“Sure, baby,” he said, trying to get back the upper hand, “I’ve eaten plenty of chicks out. I was gonna get to that in a minute. But shit, first I want to…”

“Why wait around?” she demanded. She had him going now and she loved it. “You must not have done it to too many chicks if you can’t tell when one wants it.”

David had been stretching the truth when he said he had licked a lot of girls’ pussies. Now Kelly went him one better. Before he could reply to her she said, “Most guys can tell a girl wants to have her pussy licked without her having to say it. Can’t you smell it, Romeo? Most guys get a yen to go for it as soon as they smell it… I know you must be able to smell it ’cause I’m so hot and juicy I’m about to boil over down there.”

It was a bald-faced lie. The only male to ever have his lips on her cunt was her own father. But she sure did love it. That part was the truth for sure.

David wasn’t about to let himself be made a fool of. He had really only done it twice in his life before — his usual practice was to get a girl’s sweet lips on his organs. But this was no time to quibble. He could smell it, all right, and the sweet, slightly acrid scent was wafting up from between her legs like a heady gust of perfume. His prick was quaking like an animal inside his pants and dying for some attention, but it would have to wait.

He let his face fall below her tits and go down her tender stomach as he mumbled and kissed her thoroughly. At her navel, he slowed down and rasped, “Come on, lemme get your clothes off and get you naked. Spread your legs and lemme get your jeans down.”

She was loving every second of his mouth and tongue on her body. She wanted to play it for all it was worth.

“Huh uh,” she disagreed. “Do me a little through my jeans first and then go inside.”

David was humiliated. He certainly didn’t intend to lick the crotch of a chick’s pants for her without even getting his lips on her meat. Not even one as cute and sexy as Kelly. He started to protest but she squelched it.

“Never mind,” she said, feigning irritation. “You probably don’t even know what I’m talking about. I guess Jeannie never taught you how to do that to her, huh? She probably wouldn’t even let you do it if you did know how. What do you two do anyway, just sit around and fingerfuck each other? I thought you were a real man. I thought you really knew how to satisfy a chick.”

That did it. He was ready to eat out the crotch of her jeans immediately… if necessary he would chew up the cloth and swallow it just to get to the sweet, wet folds of the aromatic snatch he smelled underneath her jeans.

“Okay, honey,” he confidently told her, his words creating a warm breeze on her soft belly. “Just didn’t want to scare you by doing something you never had done to you before. Looks like you know the score pretty well, though.”

She giggled at the success of her ploy and also at the wonderful tickling sensation that had started up in her crotch. Even her dad had never done this before. She just made it up on the spur of the moment because she wanted a nasty new thrill. And David was eating it up! The idea, that is, as well as the thick crotch of her jeans. She bent forward and let the hard tips of her nipples press against his back. She took off his shirt so she could feel his warm skin against them and heard him sigh at the touch. He had been feeling them up so thoroughly earlier with his fingers that he could picture just what it was against his naked back.

His chin pressed her soft skin at the level of her pants top while he tongued out the cute little cleft of her navel. Then she felt his face slide gradually down, down, till at last his mouth and nose were flush against the upper front of her pants. She was wearing the button-fly style and this allowed a strong scent of her wet pussy to pass through to his nose.

“God damn, I can smell it now,” he blubbered. “Your fucking cunt must be wet as a fish in there. Jesus, just wait till I get my mouth on it, honey. You’re gonna know you got something going on between your legs when I do!”

She knew the scent was really getting to him now, that he was really wanting to suck her off. She knew what the sexy smell must be doing to him because she’d smelled it herself a few times when she got herself especially hot from masturbating. Yet the strange new thrill of having him work on her through her pants was too much fun to cut short. She wanted more of that before letting him in to the ripe, sweating folds of her panty-covered pussy.

“Just take it slow, please,” she cautioned. “What you’re doing now feels groovy. Lemme have more of that before you go sticking your mouth inside. And go lower, will you? Right down to where you feel my pussy bulging tight from underneath.”

David was getting caught up in her weird little games. He enthusiastically dropped lower. He put his lips on the fat swell at the very apex of her pants crotch.

“Oooooo,” she crooned, giggling. “That’s it. Oh, right there, David, right there is where I wanted to feel your mouth on me. Ummm… ummmm… yeah, that’s good.”

David got down on his knees in the floor of the car so he could have more room. He put his hands on her knees and separated her slender legs, snooting his mouth into even closer contact with her pubic bulge. Now he could feel the definite protrusions of each individual pussy lip through the material of her jeans. He applied his open lips and tongue to the area industriously, causing her to giggle more and begin moving her ass around restlessly on the car seat. Now he could even feel the pulsations of her blood running through her firm, pooching little pussy lips.

She felt the sweat break out on her forehead.

“Oh… oh… I think you better go ahead and open me up,” she sighed, beginning to want him inside next to her. “Unbutton me now and go ahead and do what you’ve been want…”

He acted so quickly he made her stop herself in the middle of her very words.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, needing it more every minute.

David had been anticipating getting her pants down for a long time, so the mere suggestion was enough to spur him toward his goal. In seconds he had her unbuttoned and was snaking the top of her jeans over her beautiful thighs.

His prick jumped at the sight he beheld. As her tanned stems became naked all the way to her knees, David thought, Wow, what a fantastic pair of legs. Sonofabitch, I could get my nuts off just from looking at them.

But there was something much better a little higher up. He raised his eyes from the sensuous curves of her tanned thighs and knees, and found himself staring at her newly revealed panties. The light blue silkiness of the wispy undergarment was stretched skin-tight over the swollen mound of her cunt. He could even see the vertical line of depression that split the mound into two firm halves.

Kelly saw him looking at her with hunger in his eyes and she wondered how he would have liked her the way she and her little sister had been back at the park — without a trace of undies underneath. If it were that way, he’d be looking straight into the wet slit of her hot little snatch this very moment. She was glad she was wearing panties, though. She wanted him to lick and suck them too, like he’d done with her outer garment.

He made a move toward the elastic top, but she put her hand on his to intercede.

“Not yet, not yet,” she whispered, her voice low and sultry. “Gimme a little panty-sucking first, okay?”

“Huh?” he responded, irritated at being held off still longer from what was underneath. “What do you mean? Listen, I’m dying to strip you off all the way and get my mouth straight on your naked pussy so I can lick it.”

“I know, I know,” she begged. “Me too, I want you to… Jesus, I’ll let you suck me dry if you want to — but first can’t you just plaster your tongue on the crotch of my panties and give me a nice lick-job through the crotch? Look at ’em. They’re so thin down there, and so damp from my pussy juice that you can darn near see right through them anyway.”

Having his head between her naked thighs with her scantily covered cunt in his face was too exciting to make him refuse her anything. He pressed his lips and tongue at once to the smelly, wispy-thin material that covered her pulsing snatch. He worked his nose and mouth around like a pig rooting for persimmons. He’d been smelling her cunt for a long time — now he could actually taste it, and the sensation of its flavor on his tongue made him crazy to lick and suck her as much as she would let him. His cock throbbed in his pants as he continued madly working on her.

“Oh… oh yeah,” she cried, “that’s what I want. You’re making me so juicy and so hot… keep it up. Oh God, I love it!”

She reared back against the seat and her glistening tits stuck out high and proud from her chest as she dug her heels into the floorboards of the car and got more leverage. She took one of his hands and raised it to a tit as he worked away on her tightly pantied morsel. Finally she even ran her hand between his legs and felt for the swell of his cock. It was there all right, stiff and thick, just as she expected it to be.

“Go ahead, David,” she sighed at last. “Strip off my panties and get my pussy out where it can get some air. It’s suffocating in there, wow, believe me.”

With his hands trembling, he peeled the wet undergarment off the smooth skin of her pubes and gazed at the shock of thick black curls that greeted him. He still had his hand on her tit and she saw him lick his lips for a few seconds before ducking below to the treasure just uncovered.

Then he darted his free hand to the black bush and parted it in the center. Two rosy-colored, moisture-laden pussy lips were suddenly exposed. The sight of her beautiful wet meat after the way she’d been tantalizing him and making him wait, made him crazy for her. He dropped his face once more to her crotch, this time entirely free of the stricture of any bothersome panties, and slid the hot flesh of his lips along the juicy curves of her waiting cunt.

“Ummm,” she cried, “oh God yes… do it, David, please… lick my pussy and suck it for me till I come all over myself! Oh Jesus, that feels sweet!”

He greedily slurped the juice from her naked lips and felt her thick curls tickle his nose and cheeks as he kept it up. He could feel her sliding her ass around on the seat and knew she was getting as big a charge out of it as he was. She clamped her thighs around his head and urged him I on.

“Now your tongue, lover!” she panted. “Your tongue… stick it way in deep and really let me have it, will you? Here, I’ll get your cock out and give you a nice hand job.”

He eagerly complied with her request and was rewarded with the touch of her fingers on his zipper. She reached past his busy head and managed to bring his cock out of his fly in short order. It was so dark she could only see the sheen of its shiny red head, but the feel of it in her fingers excited her anew and made her cunt quiver with passionate longing. David pushed the end of his tongue deep inside, along the velvety folds of her moist channel, and worked his lips on her outer flesh at the same time.

She gave him a few slow jacks and then stepped up the pace, slipping her nimble fingers up and down the hard shaft in time to the rhythm of his active tongue.

“Oh wow,” she cried, “I’m really getting there now, I’m really getting there!”

David ripped his mouth from her cunt just long enough to say, “Me too, baby, keep jacking me just like you’re doing and I’m gonna come all over your legs!” Then he slapped his mouth back to her cunt.

At another time Kelly might have been revolted at even the thought of having a boy shoot off on her legs, but she was so hot it served only to make her more excited. She’d hoped he wouldn’t hold out for sticking his cock into her pussy at the last moment because she was so close to her orgasm she didn’t want to change the rhythm. His words made her feel free to come off strictly by way of his tongue.

The juice was flowing fast and furious now, and David knew it would only be seconds before he shot his wad. From every indication, Kelly was as close as he was. At that moment the headlights flashed on the side of their car. Kelly saw it but was so near to getting her jollies she didn’t have time to think straight. In fact the danger of being suddenly discovered by some stranger with a boy’s mouth going to town on her pussy seemed to increase her excitement.

“Suck honey!” she cried, her voice rising. “Oh Jesus, suck me good, I’m coming… tongue it for me, lover, tongue me good, that’s the way, that’s the way!”

Then the end of the hard cock she was holding spewed out a stream of hot thick fluid that flew all over her shins and knees. The fountain of sperm was accompanied by a deep groan of pleasure from David and she knew he’d hit his climax. She was wildly stimulated by the feel of hot spunk running down her calves. Already his tongue had her cunt hot as blazes, and the feel of his splattering wad was enough to put her over the top. She hugged his head to her cunt in one final spasm, and whimpered like a baby as her pussy pulsed with a heated climax of pure, unadulterated bliss.

She collapsed back into the seat and as David wearily crawled up from the floor, she remembered to glance back outside for the car. Not only was it no longer in sight but its headlights had already passed far out of the range of visibility.

She breathed a sigh of relief and told David what had happened, laughing at her mistake. He grinned and said, “It’s a damned good thing no one did drive past here. You had me so fucking hot I couldn’t have stopped licking your snatch for a thousand dollars.”

As they tugged their clothes back on and drove off, Kelly said, “You can’t fool me. You might have been grooving on licking my pussy quite a bit, but I’ll bet the main thing that made you shoot your nuts off was a certain little thing I was doing with my hand.”

“Maybe so,” he grinned, conceding the point.

Just before they reached her block, David asked when they could get together again. It was quite obvious to Kelly that he had fallen for her pretty hard. Remembering his earlier bragging, she decided to throw it up in his face.

“Who said anything about us getting together again?” she coldly answered. “Not me. I have other fish to fry. The only reason we’re together now is just because I needed a ride home, remember? Besides, from what you were telling me earlier you have so many girls you barely have time for them all.”

He got red in the face and tried to back down but she wouldn’t have it. He even begged her to go out with him again but she still wouldn’t commit herself. She thought he was good-looking all right, but had decided he was too stuck on himself to be much fun. As she got out of the car she couldn’t resist a little barb.

“See you around, Romeo,” she cooed. “Who knows, maybe the next chick you ball will even let you stick your cock in and fuck like a man.”

And she was away from the car in a flash, leaving David smoking with rage over her insult. Actually she had enjoyed what he did to her tremendously and wanted a suck job instead of a regular fuck — she could always count on good old Dad for that. But she knew that her slam at David’s manhood would infuriate him and just did it on purpose. She giggled to herself as she walked down the sidewalk. She hadn’t even let him touch her pussy with his cock — only with his mouth. She mentally patted herself on the back. She had done pretty well, she thought, considering how David had been just the second lover she’d ever had.

It made her think again of her boyfriend, Rex. Handling David so well made her want to do the same thing with Rex. And he wasn’t nearly as aggressive as David. She amused herself by considering all the sexy things she could probably succeed in getting Rex to do if she worked it right. She’d have to keep the idea in mind.

In the house, her mother asked how it had been at Jeannie’s house. Since she made it home so early, Curt wasn’t peeved at all. He also asked about her evening.

“It was fun,” Kelly said. And when they asked her what she and Jeannie had done, Kelly calmly replied, “Oh, we just sat around and talked about stuff.”

On the way to her room, Kelly almost doubled over with suppressed laughter. If only her parents had known the truth, especially her dad — that the only sitting around she had done was on the front seat of a boy’s car with his mouth in her panties, and that most of the talking had been groans and moans of pleasure. She started to shower before bed, but Lilly was using it. The water was running so she didn’t hear her big sister approach. The girls had their own separate bathroom, which joined their two bedrooms so they were accustomed to seeing one another semi-nude or from time to time, nearly all the way naked.

But when Lilly noticed Kelly outside the glass door of the shower stall, she became angry. And her older sis knew at once why — she had accidentally caught Lilly in the act of very closely examining her barely pubescent young pussy.

“So what are you doing sneaking around peeking in the shower while I’m using it,” the trim little blond demanded.

“What are you so uptight about?” Kelly answered, knowing full well the reason. “You didn’t used to get shook when I happened to see you naked. And for gosh sake’s, I wasn’t peeking — I’m just standing here waiting to take a shower.”

Lilly came out of the shower and grabbed a towel around her wet, slender body.

“None of your business why,” she replied. “Heck, I’m not uptight. Can’t a girl have any privacy?”

Kelly grinned. Apparently, her little sis was in the process of shedding her tomboy traits and beginning to be concerned about her feminine appearance.

“Couldn’t be because I happened to catch you looking over that peach fuzz between your legs, could it? That why you’re sore?” Kelly asked, baiting her.

Lilly finished drying herself and slid into a fresh pair of panties, turning her back to Kelly as she answered.

“For your information, it is not peach fuzz anymore,” she said, ignoring Kelly’s charge that she had been all caught up in examining her pubes. “I have hairs there, not fuzz. And it’s none of your business, anyway.”

She stalked out of the bathroom toward her bedroom, her cute little ass wiggling under the towel. As she left the room Kelly noticed that the little bee-sting titties Lilly had been sporting for a few months seemed to be somewhat larger. That was it okay. Lilly was finally growing up. And maybe just a wee bit jealous of her older sister’s ample tits and of her furry bush.

Kelly stepped under the shower and began lathering herself down. She applied copious amounts of thick suds to her tits and underarms and to the curly swell of her cunt. As she washed her gleaming body, she thought fondly of how Lilly had been checking her meager-haired little pussy for signs of new ones about to pop out of the skin. She remembered so well how she had done the same thing herself when she was about that age, and how important it had been to her when she discovered a new one sprouting up. And when her titties had begun to swell, as Lilly’s were doing now, she remembered how she carefully observed them from all angles every time she got the chance.

She hadn’t been such a tomboy as Lilly. She had welcomed her developing femininity and had been eager for the swell of her titty to finally require a brassiere. She glanced down at the high tips of her fat nipples and was grateful that her little beestings had turned into such fully packed, perfectly shaped tits. She remembered the first time she ever played with her pussy and idly wondered if Lilly ever did such things. She giggled to herself as she combed her long black hair. The thought of her skinny little sis feeling around between her legs and fingering her nearly hairless pussy was somehow funny.

Kelly powdered herself with talcum, her usual procedure, and went to bed at once. Before long she was asleep. The release provided by David’s mouth on her cunt a couple of hours earlier had made her very relaxed and ready for sleep.

In the master bedroom, Curt crawled between the sheets before Karol entered the room. When she got naked and slid in beside him, she threw her arm affectionately over his side and let her hand fall dangerously close to his soft cock. He gave no reaction, so she moved closer to him, pressing her naked tits against his back.

“Not tonight, honey,” Curt said sleepily. “I got a big day ahead of me tomorrow at work.”

Karol accepted his word. She rolled over to her side of the bed and lay quietly until she heard him snoring. Then she delicately placed her fingers between her thighs and worked on herself till she was nice and wet. Burying her face in the pillow so as not to wake Curt up, she frigged her juicy cunt for several long, delicious minutes. Finally she slipped her fingertips up to the shaft of her aroused clit and, applying herself to her lust, brought herself off. She lay for several minutes enjoying the relaxing lassitude which followed.

Before going to sleep she thought to herself about her sex life. If Curt wasn’t ready to service her whenever she needed it from him, there were certainly other ways of getting the job done. And masturbation was only part of it. He knew she did that once in a while. But he’d no idea what additional activities his wife participated in to relieve her considerable appetites. And he wasn’t ever going to find out, either. If he ever did, there was no question in her mind but what he’d divorce her. Gratified by her own fingers and keeping her secret safe within her head, Karol soon drowsed off to sleep.

But in the third bedroom of the Carson’s house, the occupant was still very much awake. Young Lilly had a few things to concern herself with before she was ready to go to sleep. Making sure that her door was securely locked, the youngster stood in the middle of her room and judged herself critically in the mirror. She had never been very interested in her appearance until very recently, but now she was making up for lost time.

She had already changed into her shorty pajamas, so her arms and legs were covered. But being a very long-waisted girl, her pajama top failed to touch the waistband of the bottoms by a couple of inches. There was a band of honey-colored skin visible just above her protruding hip bones.

Compared to the other kids in her class at school, Lilly thought she was at least above average in looks and maybe even one of the prettiest two or three girls of all. But it wasn’t her classmates she was concerned about. It was her big sis and even — since the keyhole affair — her mom. She had suddenly decided she was very deficient in the titty department, or “ninnies”, as she sometimes called them. And she couldn’t wait to have a nice pair the size of her mom’s or of her sister’s.

She turned this way and that, but no matter how she stood she couldn’t make the points of her small titties show up through the top of her pajamas. Still looking at herself in the full-length mirror, she stepped out of her bottoms and regarded the long, slender legs that disappeared under the hem of her pajama tops with only an inch or two of panties visible. She honestly thought she had pretty good legs for her age, even if they did tend to be a little skinny. She turned and pranced in place, extending them and twisting them every which way. She liked what she saw.

And apparently a few other people did too. She’d noticed a couple of the older boys she played softball with take an awfully long look up her skirt if she happened to be wearing one when she played in the park with them. When she wore pants they didn’t seem to notice her as much. In the past she had thought things like that were dumb, but now that she was changing her mind about a few things she could remember other guys who had looked at her in a funny way.

One was an old guy that lived near her school. Whenever she walked by on her way home, she would often see him trying to sneak a look up her skirt if the wind was blowing. If someone his age tried to see what she had under her skirt, then she reasoned she must be growing up. And she had also noticed that the boys who bagged groceries at the store had started paying attention to her if she happened to be wearing a tank top that showed her budding ninnies.

She sat back on the bed and unbuttoned her pajama top, letting it fall behind her. Now her titties were naked. She carefully examined them with her fingers. Each one had a pert berry of a nipple at its center and was supported with a firm little mound of titty flesh about as big as a fat strawberry. Maybe Mom would get her a bra soon. She touched them gently with the tips of her fingers and noticed that when she tickled them just right the tips got harder and stuck out more. It was sort of like the way they looked in the winter when she got cold. But she’d never noticed she could have them get hard by just touching them.

Lilly then swung her feet off the floor and lay backwards onto the bed with her toes in the air. She caught a shot of herself in the mirror and stuck her tongue out at herself, then slipped her thumbs under the elastic of her panties and skinned them off over her legs. She tossed them aside and let her feet fall to the floor again. She glanced again at the door and, assured once more she was in complete privacy, she spread her slim thighs. She put her hands between her legs and carefully manipulated the twin halves of her nearly hairless pussy lips.

No, there didn’t seem to be any sign of new hairs yet. But the ones she had been secretly so proud of were very much in evidence, she was pleased to note — three golden strands that curled up from the pad of flesh at the top of her pussy. She delicately ran her fingers up each one to measure its length.

Lilly kept examining her pussy and thinking about how it compared with her mom’s and her sister’s. They both certainly had huge muffs of hair on theirs — coal black, too. Hers was bright blond and she wasn’t sure if it would turn black one day like theirs or if it would stay blond because the hair on her head was that color. She’d have to take a little peek the next time she was in the girl’s rest room at school and see if older blonds had light or dark pussy hairs.

Just then a fleeting motion caught her eye outside the bedroom window. It was a man’s face. He was looking right at her and seeing everything she had. She screamed and hopped behind the bed.


His Youngest Nubile Daughter Part 1 0 (0)


Daddy has two daughters and he loves younger one more

“S’cuse me,” came a man’s voice suddenly from behind her.

Karol Carson gave a start and furiously buttoned up the front of her blouse as she turned around. It was a very hot day in the park and she had been working around camp with the thing carelessly flapping in the breeze. A crimson flush suffused her face as she whirled to face the man, her fingers barely managing to fasten the last button in time.

“Didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized. She saw his eyes veer away from the top of her blouse where a bit of her firm cleavage was still visible. He pretended not to notice what her fingers had been doing only moments before.

“Name’s Jim,” he said, smiling generously. “The wife and I have been noticing your camper parked here for the last couple of days and been meaning to stop by and say hello. Ours is the little blue and white job parked down by the bridge. Maybe you’ve noticed it on your way past.”

Karol wasn’t all that pleased to have people come dropping in just because they happened to be camping in the same vicinity. Privacy was one of the main reasons the Carson’s had decided to spend their vacation camping in the state park. But she managed to be civil to the stranger, even cheerful. She told him her name and added, a little too quickly, perhaps, that the rest of the family was fishing down by the creek and due back soon.

“Oh, your whole family along?” he said. “Little ones, too, huh? Me and Tillie left our three with their grandma. We get a kick out of being all by ourselves up here. Gives a couple a little more freedom, you know.”

“Ours aren’t exactly ‘little ones’,” she said. “Our oldest daughter, Kelly, just turned eighteen, and Lilly is younger one. They love it up here. They wouldn’t have stood for it a minute to have us go off and leave them behind.”

“You’re kidding,” Jim exclaimed. “You got a kid eighteen years old? You can’t be old enough to have one that age.”

Here comes the flattery, she thought to herself. But it was nice to hear. She knew damned well she looked awfully good for her age but it was always great to have some comment on it — especially a man.

He had won his first real smile from her. “No, I can assure you it’s true,” she said. “Of course, Curt and I were pretty young when we got married. I hadn’t quite turned seventeen then and Curt was just eighteen going on nineteen himself. You can figure it out yourself how old we are now.”

This Jim looks to be around forty, she thought. He was a big man, broad shouldered and hovering a bit over the six-foot mark. And his iron-grey hair added a certain air of sophistication that was otherwise lacking in him. She caught his eyes on the vee of her blouse again, but he averted them before he spoke.

“You sure don’t look it,” he went on. “Hell, if you have a daughter eighteen, you ought to be on one of them TV ads with her… you know, the ones that show a mother and daughter that look like twins?”

Again she was flattered. But it occurred to her that she was allowing this man, who was after all a rank stranger, to get a little too personal with her.

“Well, I really have to get on with this cleaning up,” she said, busying herself once more. She could tell he wanted to hang around but hoped he’d take the hint. As he stepped away and headed back toward the road she had a pang of regret. After all, he hadn’t really come on too strong. It was just that she could tell that he wanted, to, and that he had it in him to do something about it if she gave him half a chance.

“Good-bye,” she called after him, “tell your wife hello.”

He turned around and eagerly returned her good-bye. “Sure will,” he yelled. “Maybe we’ll see you folks later on. Come on by our camper any time you’re down that way and bring your husband with you.”

Now that was a stupid thing to do. She shouldn’t have encouraged him at all. Oh well, maybe she was imagining things, maybe his interest in her wasn’t all that intense. She’d certainly had plenty of other men take a long look at her and fail to do anything more as a consequence, even though she could see in their eyes their thoughts were zeroed in on her full breasts, the tightness of her skirt across her ass, or maybe the hem of her mini-slip showing from under some super-short skirt she happened to be wearing at the time. She glanced at the casual pants she was wearing and wondered how Jim would have reacted if she’d been wearing a skirt. In spite of a quite nicely developed set of tits, hers weren’t at all gigantic, she knew. Ah, but her legs were a different story.

She was well aware that her long, curvaceous legs were far and away her best feature. She’d had plenty of compliments on them in her life, and that only emphasized what the full-length mirror showed her in the privacy of her bedroom. And apparently it was hereditary. Although young Lilly wasn’t yet old enough, quite, to be anything but slender and gawky as a colt, her sister’s legs had grown to be terribly sensuous and curvy. Karol was far from over the hill, but she had to admit to herself that the sight of Kelly’s lithe young limbs made her a bit jealous. The girl’s legs reminded her of her own when she was that age, supporting the ass high and pertly, and making her look fantastic in anything she wore that showed a lot of skin below the hem.

Karol smiled to herself as she puttered about. There was no reason for her to be envious of Kelly’s finely-turned underpinning. Except for the loss of just a slight bit of muscle tone, inevitable due to the years that separated them, Karol had legs every bit as attractive as her pretty daughter’s. She’d seen the girl a few times lately in panties and bra and knew that comparison of their bodies above the thigh was a different matter, however. Oh well… among women her age, Karol was a knock-out and knew it.

She glanced behind her to make sure Jim was gone, breaking from her reverie, then unbuttoned her blouse again to let some of the cool breeze inside next to the straining confines of her brassiere. This time she only loosened the top three buttons. She had learned her lesson. She felt the hot mugginess of the day pour through her clothes like thick, lazy smoke in spite of the half-open blouse. There was so much moisture inside the tight-fitting bra she could feel her nipples pressing wetly against the inner surfaces of her size C-Cups.

Jesus, she thought, my tits are so hot and uncomfortable in there I’d like to slip this damned thing off and get some air on them, but some fool would probably drive by and get an eyeful if I did.

Karol’s discomfort wasn’t limited to her superstructure. The heat of the sun had caused her to begin feeling a few droplets of sweat roll down the smooth-skinned columns of her inner thighs as well. She irritatedly put a thumb and forefinger to the leg of her pants and pulled the material away from the area as she worked. The girls had certainly been smart to go off in their shorts. She was sure they were both much more comfortable than she was, or had any hopes of being as long as she kept on the clothes she was wearing.

Roughing it in the outdoors was fun all right, but she sure wished there was access to a nice shower. Curt had said they could bathe in the creek at a deep little hole he’d found. Karol had her doubts about such an arrangement, especially for the girls, who were used to caring for their hygiene in much more civilized surroundings. But she was willing to go along with Curt’s back-to-nature bit for a few days if it didn’t require too much hardship.

She pushed her long black hair out of her eyes for the seventeenth time and stooped down to clean the big frying pan they’d used the night before for fish. If it were strictly up to her, she would have probably cut her hair some months before, thick and lustrous as it was. But Curt liked it long so well that she knew he’d have a fit if she touched it. It was four or five-inches below her shoulders, much longer than most of her friends wore theirs.

As Karol scoured the frying pan she squatted low, supporting herself on the balls of her feet and giving the metal surface hell with a piece of steel wool. She felt the inseam of her pants stretch tightly across the insides of her full-fleshed thighs and shifted her weight to relieve the pressure. But her pants were too well-fitted to the firm curves of her bottom. Soon they were bothering her again, this time pulling tight over the soft ridge of her cunt. She could feel the thin fabric of her underpants slip into the warm, wet slit. It was too much for the sensitive skin to take. She stood up and twisted her pants back and forth on her ass till the offending pants were out where they belonged. The moist flesh of her cunt still tingled from the pressure.

Damn it, the hot sun was bad enough. Having her cunt chaffed by a pair of tight pants was the last straw. She finished what she was doing and sat back in a canvas chair, letting the rest of the work go. There wasn’t that much more to be done anyway, and when the rest of the family got back one of the girls could handle it. Relaxing in the shady comfort of the chair, she grinned as she felt the soft folds of her cunt still tingling. Now it almost felt good, she noted mischievously. If it were in that condition from having Curt’s fingers between her legs it would have been fine, but to get all hot and bothered just from tight pants on a hot day sure was a big waste. She wished they were back from their fishing jaunt, and the girls would occupy themselves with something so she and their daddy could be alone for a little while.

Their camper was a huge one, with two bed rooms. But she still was never quite sure the girls couldn’t hear the noises she and Curt made sometimes at night. Consequently she only liked to make love when they were parked on the road at a place where the girls could be well out of earshot. She was especially concerned about Kelly. Lilly was too young to know what was going on, or at least to worry much about it. But Kelly, at eighteen, was a different story. Karol hated to think of her older daughter lying in her bed at night and being able to overhear even the faintest sounds of their lovemaking. She was now a young woman, not just a kid anymore, and Karol had special reasons for feeling embarrassed if she thought Kelly could hear anything.

She knew it was silly to tease herself like this but, as she sat in the shade she let her mind roam and indulge in a little fantasy. What if Curt showed up without the girls, what if Kelly and Lilly had found something of interest along the way that made them want to stop a while? That would be swell. They hadn’t gone at it in the daytime for months and months. She could meet him with a big kiss, could press herself against him and rub her tits back and forth on his hard chest, let them show him how bad they wanted to be out of the brassiere and have his hands on them.

Karol shifted restlessly in her chair. The heat building up now in her cunt wasn’t from the sun.

She knew he’d love to feel her big jugs pushing against him; he had told her again and again how much he loved to get them naked and play with them. But that’s not all she’d do. She’d play it straight with him, not fool around a bit. While he had his arms around her and was being treated to the fat pressure of her straining tits, she’d squirm her clothed but eager-to-be-naked cunt against his hard groin. She’d make it clear to him she was offering more than just a few nice feels and hugs.

Maybe she’d even put her lips to his ear and say something really hot to him, something nasty and sexy like she sometimes did when she was hot enough to get the nerve. She’d tell him that her poor, hairy little cunt was getting awfully hot and sweaty inside her underpants, and that she was just dying to have him lay her on her back and jerk them off. Then she’d reach down the front of his pants to see how big his cock had got. She’d maybe work on it some through the material, then when she got the old cock as hard as a pop bottle, she would put her fingers on the zipper of his fly and…

Karol, jerked out of her reverie, sat up straight in the chair and saw that a rock had been thrown against a tin can close to the camper. A glance down the road showed the family coming back from their fishing trip.

“Did you see that, Daddy?” Lilly jubilantly shouted. “I hit it. I hit it! Ha ha! Scared Mommy out of her wits, did you see her jump up in her chair?”

She was living up to her reputation as an irrepressible tomboy. Lilly was constantly throwing things and climbing trees. Except for barely noticeable bumps that stuck out on her chest, there was very little about the youngster that was feminine. She was at the age when the budding curves of pubescence only just begin to assert themselves on her slender frame. And since sex had not yet reared its lubricious head in her chaste young life, her mind was entirely innocent of the naughty delights her body was gradually getting mature enough to enjoy.

“Careful, Tommy,” warned Curt. “You might have hit your mom with that. Calm down, will you?” It was a long-standing family joke for him to call her Tommy, in reference to her tomboyish-ness. He usually called her by her right name like the rest of the family, but he often applied the masculine name to her when she did something to particularly call attention to her lack of femininity.

Karol was glad the kid had thrown the rock. She had been so engrossed in her little fantasy that she was afraid she just might have had a finger up her cunt as she sat in the chair with her eyes closed. A very strange condition for them to have found her in.

“Look what we got, honey,” Curt said to her as they walked into the camp area. He pushed a string of fish at her and gave her a perfunctory kiss.

“I’ll take this,” Karol said, surreptitiously feeling his pecker while pecking him back with a kiss of her own, “but not these.”

She pushed the fish away and turned up her nose in mock-disgust. She wasn’t outdoorsy when it came to handling fish or game.

Curt laughed and handed the fish to Kelly, “Here, hon,” he said, “you fix and clean them, okay?”

Although not as bad as her mother, Kelly was far from crazy about such activities herself. She accepted them but said, “Okay, Dad, I’ll do it if Lilly will help out.”

“She’s scared to do the icky part,” teased Lilly. “She’s scared she might get her clean, white little fingers dirty!” But she set about helping out as requested.

Just as Lilly was always being kidded about what a little tomboy she was, Kelly was teased by the family about her fastidiousness. Especially by Lilly, who, without quite realizing it, was somewhat jealous of her elder sister’s fully developed body and her striking good looks.

Karol was still pretty excited from the reverie she’d been letting herself indulge in and the quick feel of Poppa’s prick, but she let herself cool off as fast as possible, Karol didn’t want to let it get the best of her. Exit Curt’s presence made it more difficult. She could tell by looking at him that sex was the last thing on his mind, but that didn’t keep her from appreciating the hard lines of his handsome face and body.

Well, here he is, she thought, just like I was pretending to myself before they all walked up. Now if only Kelly and Lilly were elsewhere…

But she managed to push the thought from her mind.

The girls pranced around, their firm young bottoms tightly encased in the shorts they wore, and busied themselves with their chore. Their long, tanned legs flashed in the sunlight as they moved about the camp and their eyes sparkled from the fun of being finally away from the city. Curt and Karol had been promising them the trip for a long time and they were both enjoying it immensely.

Karol told Curt about the stranger’s visit to their camp, and about his invitation for them to come by some time. Curt wasn’t much more interested in doing it than she was. If he happened to meet the guy in the area, he’d stop and pass the time of day with him, he supposed, but he wasn’t interested in making a big social thing out of it. Then Karol added the part she had purposely omitted — about how her blouse had been open and Jim’s reaction to it.

“Hell, honey,” Curt rejoined, “don’t hold it against a man for wanting to take a look at you when he happens to catch you like that. You got an awfully nice set of jugs hiding under there, you know.”

She grinned acknowledgement of his compliment, but she secretly wished he’d perhaps shown just a little bit of jealousy instead of being so Goddamned magnanimous about another man sneaking looks inside her blouse. Curt didn’t used to be so easy-going about such things. Now she almost wished he was like he’d been back then. At that time it was a bother to her to have him flare up once in a while with a strong dose of jealousy, but now she would feel differently.

“I’ll have to admit I’d do the same thing if I walked up on his wife and caught her with her blouse unbuttoned,” he went on. It peeved Karol a little that Curt seemed so willing to stay on the subject.

“Oh Curt, really,” she chided, “you’re terrible. You haven’t even seen his wife. She might be ugly as a mud fence for all we know. You might not even want to see inside her blouse.”

He gave no response, intuiting that Karol was getting a little worked up over the conversation. “Oh hell, honey,” he told her after a few minutes, “whatever she looks like, she couldn’t hold a candle to you. Don’t you know I think you’re the sexiest woman around?”

She was made to feel better by his compliment, light-hearted again. She leaned over to him and said, “If the girls weren’t around I’d give you a demonstration. I’d give you a taste of how sexy I am, lover.”

Curt grinned. “Is that a pun?” He was well aware of how much Karol enjoyed having him use his mouth on her when they were making love.

She returned his grin. “Take it any way you like,” she replied, her eyes twinkling.

The girls took their attention then, calling to Karol from a few yards away.

“Mom, will you please come tie my hair up for me?” asked Kelly. “It’s really making me hot.”

Karol rose to do it but Lilly yelled, “I’ll do it for you, Kelly. Here, just a minute.”

“Oh no you wont!” exclaimed Kelly. “Not with all that fish gunk on your hands. That’s why I’m not doing it myself. Think I want to smell like a garbage pile?”

“Oh, I forgot,” retorted Lilly. “You have to keep yourself all spick and span so the boys will like you, don’t you?”

“Any boyfriends I have are none of your business, little miss,” shot back Kelly.

“Now girls,” Karol interrupted, “that’ll be enough.”

She tied up Kelly’s hair as they went on cleaning the fish. “You know, Lilly,” Karol continued, “it wouldn’t hurt you to take a little more interest in the way your hair looks, either. Not to mention the way it makes you so uncomfortable in weather like this. Mine was bothering me even before noon today. Here, let me pull yours up too, honey. I know it must be bothering you.”

Lilly allowed it against her will. “Heck, it doesn’t bother me any,” she bragged. “I’m not as persnickety as some people. So what if it does make your neck sweat a little when you wear your hair down? What does that matter?”

Curt said, “I guess this hot weather does make it a little hard on you girls, but you all sure do look pretty with your hair long like that. So much better than if you had it short, believe me.”

Lilly only frowned and shrugged her shoulders but Karol gave him a big smile, as did Kelly. They both knew how well he liked women to wear their hair long and were pleased that he noticed how long and thick they kept theirs.

They were a family of extremes. There was as much difference between Curt’s hair and Karol’s as between daylight and dark. Hers was coal black and his was blond as could be. And their daughters had taken after them with no reservation — Kelly’s hair was every bit as dark and thick as her mother’s, yet Lilly was golden blond like her father. Since she was so much younger, hers was a very clear, bright color that Curt no longer possessed. Kelly’s hair reached past her firm breasts all the way to her navel and Lilly’s, although not as long as her big sister’s, still struck her far down her back. When she pulled it around in front, the tip of it fell well below the pert little beestings of her juvenile young breasts.

The girls offered to fix dinner and set to work while Karol and Curt sat back under the shade of a big tree and watched the proceedings. After their continual arguing, it was pleasant to see them working together and being halfway nice to each other for a change.

The sun beat down on them mercilessly. “Mom,” Kelly complained, “it’s really hot. Mind if I dash into the tent for a sec and shuck my bra? Nobody’ll see me way out here in the woods.”

The subject of Kelly going around with no bra had from time to time been a matter of heated debate. She claimed all the girls her age were doing it and she should be allowed to join them, while Karol maintained that no daughter of hers was going to run around in public with her tits flopping like a cow. The decision had finally been that she could go around without one at home even when she had friends in, but that in public she had to keep in harness.

This was neither home nor public. Karol paused. “Well, I don’t know…”

“You don’t care, do you, Dad?” she asked him, putting the responsibility on his shoulders. She smiled innocently, thinking how much more comfortable she’d be loose and breezy under her shirt than all trussed up in the stricture of her bra.

“Oh, I guess it wouldn’t hurt if…” he began, only to be cut off by Karol.

“Now wait, honey,” she pressed. “What if a car would drive by on the road there? We’re just a few yards from it. You want some guy to see your daughter flopping around with no bra?”

Before he could answer, Kelly spoke up. “Mother,” she cried in exasperation, “I do not flop around! Jeez, you’d think I was built like an old milk cow to hear you talk!”

It was true, Karol knew. She had been exaggerating. And maybe deep down she resented that Kelly didn’t flop, she admitted to herself. Because, even though her own breasts were great for her age, she was nevertheless quite aware of how much firmer and more succulent those of her daughter were. She knew that she at least jiggled some without a bra, while Kelly’s were solid as fresh fruit.

“Honey, I’m not just trying to be hard to get along with,” Karol said. “If Lilly wanted to take hers off, it’d be different. Don’t you see? But you’re a young lady now, you’re so mature that I just don’t know if…”

“Waddya mean, if I wanted to take mine off?” butted in Lilly. “Heck, I don’t even wear one yet. Remember?”

Karol realized she’d used a very poor example. It was true: their younger daughter had yet to be fitted with, her first training bra and couldn’t care less about the matter.

Kelly was standing right in front of her parents now and since she was a little upset, she was breathing harder and making the front of her shirt puff out with each breath. The thread on the buttons down the front was getting a real work-out.

“I mean, may be I… maybe I bounce a little once in a while,” she persisted, “but I sure don’t flop, Mom!”

She pouted prettily and her face reddened from talking about such things in front of the whole family. Lilly thought the entire episode was funny and just remained back by the work area giggling.

Karol was being swayed. “Well, okay,” she relented finally, “go ahead and take it off if you want to. I guess it can’t hurt anything way out here. But if we hear a car coming by…”

“Don’t worry, Mom,” said Kelly, already heading for the privacy of the tent. “If anyone drives by, I won’t let them see anything they shouldn’t.”

“You know, speaking of Lilly,” Karol said, turning to her husband, “it is about time I had her fitted for her first bra. I was just thinking about that the other day but I guess I let it slip my mind. Look at her. She sure has been growing awfully fast this summer. See how the front of her little shirt’s pooching out there? I probably should have got her one long before this actually — I’ve seen girls around town with less development than she’s got, and their mothers have them all decked out in bras. What do you think?”

“Huh?” said Curt, as though he hadn’t quite been following the conversation. “Oh, I don’t know. I hadn’t noticed. It’s up to you. I think that’s your department.”

“It sure doesn’t seem like she should be growing up that fast,” lamented Karol, “but I guess she is.”

“She’d probably be a lot happier if you bought her a baseball mitt instead of a training bra,” Curt said wryly.

He drifted away from where they’d been sitting when Lilly asked Karol to help her with something. Kelly was still inside the tent. When Karol headed back to her chair she saw Curt standing around toward the back of the tent. She paused and took a closer look… he appeared to be — no, that was impossible. Karol put it out of her mind. He wouldn’t do a thing like that… Peek in on his own daughter while she was taking off her brassiere!

He suddenly glanced up and saw her looking at him. He walked back to where they’d been sitting.

“Curt,” Karol scolded, “there’s a back window in the tent — it’s a wonder you didn’t scare Kelly to death standing back there so close to it just now. She might have thought you were trying to look in and see her undressing.”

Curt quickly came back to the chair under the tree where Karol was standing. “There is?” he asked. “There’s a window in the tent where I was standing? Why, I didn’t even notice it. I was just looking back in the west there at those thunder-clouds. Looks like it might rain some if they blow this way.”

For a fleeting second, Karol thought she saw a flicker of guilt in his eyes. But then she looked to the west and, sure enough, there were some dark clouds. She must have been mistaken about him looking in at the tent window. For reasons that were her own affair, she kept talking to him about it though. She reminded him how shy both their daughters were and how they should both be careful about their privacy.

Curt said he’d never noticed them being any more shy than other girls their age. He reminded Karol he’d planned for the whole family to bathe in the creek, pointing out that he certainly didn’t intend for them to do it with their clothes on.

“Oh, that’s different,” Karol claimed. “Taking soap and washcloths to the creek and taking a bath is a long way from one of the girls seeing her daddy stare through the window while she gets out of her clothes.”

“But I told you I wasn’t…” he began.

“I know. I’m sorry,” she apologized. “Actually I was thinking it would be especially healthy for the girls to be naked with us in the creek. I mean, you know, we’ve both seen them without a stitch at one time or another around the house. At least when they were younger. And I’m sure they’ve both seen us naked at one time or another. But not on purpose and for as long a time as we’ll do at the creek.”

He seemed surprised. “Really?” he asked. “You really think it’ll be good for the kids?”

“Sure,” she replied, “don’t you?”

“Yes, but I didn’t think you would.”

“Why not? Since when am I such a big prude?”

“I don’t mean to say you’re a prude, just that I thought you might think the whole thing wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Well, you were wrong,” she told him, leaning closer and lowering her voice so the girls wouldn’t hear if they hadn’t already. “And it’s a good thing you didn’t try to claim I’m a prude, mister. ‘Cause that’s when I would have reminded you of a few little things you like for me to do in bed with you. No woman who does all the things you like could be called a prude.”

He smiled. “Okay, honey,” he said to her, his voice deep. “But don’t try to make me believe you don’t love that stuff as much as I do, will you? I know better!”

She started to answer but at that moment Kelly walked past them from out of the tent. She was smiling and looked much cooler and more refreshed. And she also happened to look much more provocative as well — the twin globes under her shirt now jounced solidly on her chest with every step she took.

“I almost forgot about you,” exaggerated Lilly. “What took you so long? Thought you just went in to take off your bra.”

She leaned close and spoke softly in her little sister’s ear. “I did,” she confided, “but that’s not all I took off. I decided while I was in there, I’d just get rid of a few more clothes while I was at it and make sure I was cooler. Mom and Dad will never know, so what’s the diff?”

Lilly tittered. “Aw, did you really?” she asked. “Did you take off the rest of your undies too?”

“Sure did,” she whispered. “And it sure feels great to be naked under my clothes too, I can tell you that. This sun was really getting to me. I figured if I was going to get rid of my bra, I might as well do the same with my panties. Boy, I’m glad I did!”

“Hey, I want to do it too,” exclaimed Lilly, suddenly inspired. “I’m going to go do the same.”

“It shouldn’t take you very long,” teased Kelly. “You only have one thing to take off. Heck, all you have to do is just stretch the elastic and skin your panties off over your knees. You could almost get away with it without even bothering to go in the tent. You could just stuff them in your pocket.”

“Oh yeah?” cried Lilly. “Just because you’re a lot older than me and have big boobies, you think you’re something, don’t you?”

“Pipe down,” cautioned Kelly. “Want Mom and Dad to hear you?”

“What if Mom and Dad find out?” Lilly queried. “You’re cool ’cause you’ve already got Mom’s permission, at least for your bra. But I’m going to be doing it without asking. You’re too big to get spanked but they’d tan my bottom good.”

Kelly said disdainfully, “How’re they ever going to notice? Mom and Dad don’t go around looking at your panties, do they? Besides, you aren’t wearing a skirt, remember? Neither one of them could ever tell you were without panties in those shorts you’ve got on.”

Kelly was right, Lilly realized. She headed for the tent to get rid of them, passing her parents on the way without a word. They seemed to be engrossed in conversation and she certainly wasn’t about to rattle their cage.

“But Curt,” Karol was saying, “we’ll only be here two nights, then back home to spend the rest of our vacation there, right? The girls will be awfully disappointed if you don’t take them up to the ranger station tonight like you said.”

Curt told her he was simply too tired after their fishing trip. The girls had run him ragged, lie said. He joked and told Karol she had to remember he was getting older. She agreed she would take the girls up to the ranger station herself after dinner — if he’d promise to wait up for her in bed and not go to sleep. He grinned, seeing how anxious she was to have his hands on her, and agreed to her idea. It had been three or four nights since he’d made love to her anyway. Not that it had been that long since he’d balled someone… but that was a quite different story, and one definitely not for Karol’s ears, God forbid.

After a big fish dinner, the women put the camp back in order while Curt had a cold beer. As the sun started behind the trees, Lilly started badgering her parents about the trip to the ranger station.

“You can see all over!” she chortled. “Stars and everything. It’s not smoggy like back home. How far is it, when are we going, huh?”

Karol explained that Curt was too bushed to go, but that she’d take them herself. It was only about a mile up the hiking path. She told them to change clothes, “so the ranger up there won’t think I have a couple of little harlots for daughters,” and they’d start out as soon as it got dark.

Kelly was indignant. What in the world was wrong with the clothes they were wearing? Karol said she thought full-length pants like she was wearing were much more appropriate. The shorts showed off too much leg, she said. By the time they were ready to go, Kelly begged off. She said that her stomach didn’t feel too good and she wanted to stay behind and take it easy. For a second, Lilly thought that meant the trip was off for her too and started yammering. But Karol said they’d go by themselves and “leave you two casualties here.”

Karol and Lilly were barely out of sight when the first “casualty” opened another can of beer. He took a long swig and glanced eagerly into the tent where Kelly was lying, on her cot. She was barefooted and he could see up her legs, in the position she was lying, almost to the line of her shorts. He walked to the tent flap and stuck his head in.

“Stomach not feeling too good, huh?” he said in a teasing voice. “I think you ought to let your dad check it over for you, don’t you?”

Kelly looked up at his beer-flushed face with an expression on her pretty face that was anything but daughterly. She parted her generous lips and said, “I thought you’d never ask.”


Family Ties 1 (1)


The daughter and family.

Glenn Marks faced her, his huge prick throbbing fiercely in his pants. The redhead’s eyes smoldered on the obvious bulge of his crotch, her ripe lips wet and slightly parted. Her luscious tits rose and fell to a rapid, panting rhythm in her tightly clinging summer dress. For a moment the only sound was the traffic roaring by their motel room on the outskirts of town.

“Kneel down and unzip my fly,” Glenn said in a hoarse voice.

Her green eyes widened with shock. She couldn’t have been more than twenty-one or two, and they’d met just twenty minutes before, but it wasn’t her age that bothered Glenn. What he really craved was a lush, blonde like his on beautifully curved daughter, Becky. Glenn quickly tried to push that thought aside as too dangerous. But it clung fiercely like a burning obsession.

“Go ahead,” Glenn said harshly to the redhead.

Moving hesitantly, the redhead came over to where he stood by the bed. She slipped off her heels and, trembling wildly, knelt in front of him. Her fingers shook as she groped with his fly, slipping a soft warm hand in to clutch his hot coiled meat. Glenn sucked in his breath as she brought his hard prick out, her fist already beginning to stroke gently. She stared with fascination at the tiny white drop oozing out of his red knob. Glenn gripped her shimmering hair in his hands.

“Lick it up,” he urged.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she nudged her mouth forward and her pink wet tongue shot out to lap up the salty drop. A soft moan of excitement came from her throat, and she quickly began sliding her warm mouth back and forth on his pulsating cock. Glenn grunted loudly with pleasure and stared down at her heaving tits as she began blowing him in earnest, her excitement soaring at the size and heat of his rigid prick.

She was clumsy and inexperienced, but she was trying hard. She could be trained, and that’s what Glenn was searching for – a hot, eager girl who could be taught the strange and bizarre tricks he demanded. Hell, he didn’t even know her name yet! She’d come into the auto agency where he worked as sales manager and asked for a demo ride. The redhead was openly intrigued by his powerfully muscled build and easy, smiling good looks, and he’d deliberately had her drive out toward the motel he always used for horny, impatient women.

“Jesus, that’s enough!” he grunted suddenly as she sucked feverishly on the head of his urgently throbbing prick. He didn’t want to come in her mouth yet. At thirty-seven, Glenn could easily get his rocks off twice in a row, and the original sight of her plumply curved ass and long legs had given him an immediate hard-on. A juicy ass that like deserved something better than a few passionate squeezes.

With a lingering suck of her burning mouth, the redhead stood up facing him. Without a word, they both began undressing, watching each other strip. Seeing her huge white tits spring forth, naked and big-nippled, Glenn wondered if any man had had enough sense to fuck her in those magnificent mounds. Damn, if only he’d had more time. An hour, an hour and a half at the most was all he could manage away from the agency without arousing too much suspicion.

“Oh God, you’re big,” she moaned, standing naked before him, her eyes gleaming on his massive cock. Glenn put out a hand and rubbed her silky copper cunt-hairs. She shuddered, and he drew his fingers away, soaked with her burning cunt-juices. All she needed was a taste of his hot meat to turn her on.

Whimpering, she lay back on the bed and spread her milky thighs wide. Her drenched, tiny cunt-lips were already making lewd sucking motions between her reddish pussy-hairs.

Glenn got on top of her and she immediately seized his long prick in her fingers, her other hand fondling his swollen balls. While she guided him into her tight, juicy slit, Glenn clutched a big creamy tit in both hands and sucked on the bright-red nipple with obscene pleasure. A moment later, he almost sank his teeth into it viciously.

She’d eagerly jerked her hips up to meet his fat prick and the fiery, silken tightness of her hot cunt caught him by surprise. Not a cherry – couldn’t be, at her age – but Christ, what a madly sucking pussy!

“Oh Lord, that’s – oooooh – that’s good,” she squealed, beginning to thrash her heavy ass wildly on the bed. “It – aaaagh! It hurts, but I love it! Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me!”

All his life Glenn had prided himself on his staying power, on his ability to fuck for at least twenty minutes before coming, but this wild, passionate surprise was trying to drain his load out of him like an electrified cunt. Her soft hot body quivered and jerked furiously beneath his pistoning cock, and even though he had only two-thirds of his throbbing meat rammed into her, she was already raking his back with her slurp fingernails. She squirmed and thrashed her boiling pussy-flesh on his organ with frantic moons, raising her legs high to urge more of his gorged prick deep inside her.

“Easy,” Glenn gasped as her nails tore violently across his shoulders. How in the hell would he explain those battle scars to his wife, Sheila? From the way the passion-crazed redhead was twisting and grinding her maddened hot cunt on him, either she was an insatiable nympho or she hadn’t been laid in a long, long time. Now she was sinking her teeth into his shoulder with delirious groans and locking her ankles around his, her lush ass swinging frantically in his hands.

“Gonna come!” she gasped. “Oh, Jesus, I’m coming, coming! Love it! Love your big prick! Yes,yes! You come too! Eeeeeeee!”

Beneath her juicy squirming cunt-flesh, Glenn felt the last of his control slip away. With a series of furiously fucking strokes, his bunting cock battered deep inside her hot narrow pussy to make her scream with joy. For a full minute he shot his boiling load into the trembling walls of her frenzied cunt.

“Kee-rist, what a wild cunt!” Glenn gasped as the redhead clamped and squeezed her lustful slit on his dwindling prick, eager to coax out the last burning drop of his gushing load.

Even after he collapsed on her sweating, heaving nakedness, she continued to hug his cock in spasms, moaning happily all the while. With care, Glenn slipped his limp prick out and she whimpered in protest.

“Time out,” he panted. He reached on the bedside table and got his cigarettes, lighting one thoughtfully. For a minute, he watched her eyelids flutter with her receding orgasm, absently pinching and caressing her creamy hot tits. Long-term or quickie? he wondered. The smooth-talking car salesman had more than his share of quickies, but they were usually bored housewives. A housewife had as much to lose as he did since both of them were married with families, but single girls like this eager redhead were always risky. There was always the chance they’d fall in love and blow the whistle on him, so Glenn chose them with great care. He was, after all, a respectable upstanding community citizen with a beautiful wife and two handsome children, a daughter and a son.

“Again,” the redhead whispered, loving his deflated cock with tender fingers. “Give it to me again, darling.”

“Turn over,” Glenn ordered. Quickly, she obeyed, and Glenn ran a finger caressingly along the crack of her lush, creamy ass-cheeks. He teased her for a while as he finished his cigarette, pondering his problem. He’d deliberately left his briefcase back at his office, locked in his desk. In the briefcase was a set of manacles and chains, and a short leather whip with nine trailing thongs on it. The manacles and whip had brought a great many searing, unforgettable orgasms to a great many girls and women. As well as a few vivid memories of pain that would last a lifetime. His wife knew nothing about that, of course. Completely square and beautiful, Sheila moved through life like the dutiful wife, smiling, still sexy enough to turn heads on the street, still the perfect wife and mother.

Glenn dipped his fingers down beneath the crevice of the redhead’s plump, trembling ass and spread some of her freely flowing cunt-juice on them. She shivered with excitement. Then he trailed his sticky fingers back up along the crack of her ripe ass-cheeks. He tenderly lavished her pussy-juice on her tiny puckered brown asshole, and the redhead shuddered with delight. She didn’t have the faintest idea of what was coming, of course, and for a minute Glenn teased her anal slit lovingly. He dipped a finger into its juicy narrow heat to make her moan with joy.

“Oooooh, that feels funny, but good,” she whispered.

Wait till you see what’s coming, Glenn thought dryly. He’d deliberately ordered the redhead to blow him earlier in the harshest way, a sort of test.

And even though they were strangers, he’d gauged her right. She obeyed. If she obeyed him without knowing him, there was no telling how far she might go for him. She might even be a temporary solution to his long-term problem.

Glenn had lost his last long-termer, a voluptuous blonde nurse at the local hospital when she’d married a doctor. That was only a month ago, but already he was growing maddeningly impatient for a new sex-partner who would obey his every command. A stacked, wildly passionate partner who wouldn’t pose any danger to his status in the community. Possibly like the redhead, now moaning and jerking her creamy soft curves beneath his probing fingers. God, what an ass! Only Becky’s plump, satiny ass appealed to him more than any girl’s he’d ever known. And Becky was his own angel-faced daughter. That’s why the blonde nurse was such a loss – she’d reminded him powerfully of Becky, only a taller, ripened version with proud hot tits and a pussy like blazing wildfire.

“Please fuck me now,” the redhead begged beside him, stroking his blood-gorged prick in her eager fist. “Please?”

No chains and whips for her the first time, Glenn knew from experience. Next time she’d learn what coming really was. But, damn, if only she reminded him of Becky, the way the nurse did!

“When’s the last time you’ve been laid?” Glenn asked her.

“It’s been a year,” she sighed. “I’ve been so busy with classes and, well, I didn’t really feel like it until today. Until I met you. God, I’m hot! Please!”

Glenn mounted her lush naked body from behind, and she quickly folded her knees under her so that her creamy ass-cheeks hovered in mid-air. Kneeling between her parted legs, Glenn grabbed a hot cheek in each hand and spread them wide. Her tender asshole peeped out at him, utterly helpless. Once more he slipped two fingers into her tight cunt to moisten them, and the redhead shuddered her pussy-flesh happily on them. This time Glenn spread the sticky fluid over the head of his crimson prick.

“Hurry,” she whimpered, undulating her plump ass. “Oh hurry!”

Carefully, Glenn placed the knob of his pulsing meat squarely against her vulnerable asshole. Then, in a brutal driving lunge he pierced her tiny anus almost to the hilt.

“Aaaaagh!” the redhead screamed, almost fainting with shock. She felt the breath pushed out of her lungs with sheer white-hot agony as his immense meat drove deep into her helpless ass. She’d never imagined such fierce pain existed, but each time she tried to wrench free, his huge gorged prick only inflicted new spasms of pain racing along her narrow hot asshole.

“Oh, yeah,” Glenn grunted, not moving for a minute just to savor the boiling sensations of her tender asshole. “That’s hot! That’s one wild ass, honey. Mmmmmmm! Just relax and it’ll feel great in a minute, baby!”

She squirmed her lush ass in sudden pain and a new sheet of thrilling fire rippled along the length of his pulsating meat. Gripping her velvety cheeks securely in his hands, Glenn began pumping in and out of her juicy asshole to a steady powerful rhythm. Her sharp cries of anguish had given way to soft low screams as he pistoned his long prick savagely in and out, squeezing her soft ass-flesh lewdly in his hands meanwhile.

Long-term for sure, Glenn thought feverishly as he fucked her naked ass with joy. She was great in front, fabulous in the rear, and all he had to do was train her to give a decent, leisurely blow-job and he had what he wanted.

“Killing me!” the redhead cried, hardly daring to move her helplessly impaled ass. “Stop! Oh, God it hurts! Aaaagh!”

Quickly, Glenn slid one hand beneath her ravaged asshole and found her drenched cunt-lips. He slid two fingers deep inside her pussy and began fingerfucking her while he raped her anally. Her maddened screams rapidly became soft moans of pain-pleasure, the growing thrills in her hot pussy mingling with the waves of agony in her brutally gorged asshole.

“Better!” she gasped after a minute, still clawing deliriously at tile bed beneath her. Her dazed mind could no longer distinguish between the searing pain in her ripe ass and the driving, fucking ripples of intense pleasure in her tingling pussy.

“Beginning – ooooooo – starting to come!” she whimpered. “Yes! Oh, good, oh, wild! Fuck me harder! Aaaaa! Hurt me, fuck me, I’m too hot!”

She swung her ass to a frantic pitch of lust now that Glenn had rammed her fiery asshole to his very hilt. His bushy crotch slammed loudly against her hot ass with each forward drive, and he could feel his load building up eagerly in his swollen balls.

“Coming!” the redhead screamed. “Oooooh, Jesus, tear me in two with your big prick! Gimme your cum! Now, now, now! Uuuuuungh!”

Her creamy naked ass shuddered in a frenzy of lust from side to side as Glenn’s exploding jizz burst deep into her squirming asshole. He clenched his teeth and held tightly onto her hips as wave after wave of his stinging cum brought loud screams of passion from her lips. She hugged the base of his defating prick fiercely in her asshole, the intense pain only adding fire to her wanton excitement.

Gasping for breath, Glenn tore his cock free from her greedy tight slit and rolled over on his back. The redhead stayed in position, her beautiful naked ass still twitching with its strange mixture of agony and bliss.

Glenn glanced at his watch and decided he had time for one more cigarette. He smoked it in silence, listening to her shaking sobs with a perverse pleasure. She would be perfect for a long-term, he decided. She could be trained like a seal, and the day would come quickly when she’d crawl on her hands and knees and beg him for the whip and the chains, cry for the privilege of being brutally fucked in the ass by his immense cock. But, he thought, it was only a temporary solution to what really ate at him.

He wanted Becky. No one, he really knew, could ever satisfy him completely except his own lovely daughter. Just the other morning she’d forgotten to lack the bathroom door, and he’d walked in as she was getting out of the bathtub. Her long golden hair framed the face of an innocent angel, but beneath that innocence was the tenderly curved nakedness that kept him awake through tormented nights. Sweet, hot tits with big dusky nipples, skin like tanned satin, softly rounded belly and perfectly curved hips. And that golden nest of pussy-hairs like a halo around her tiny pink cunt.

“Oh my God,” the redhead finally gasped and rolled over on her back. “No one ever did that to me before. Thank God the worst is over with,” she sighed with a faint grin.

Glenn grinned back at her. Hell, if she thought that was all he had to offer, she was really simple. Very, very sexy with those fully rounded tits and ripely curved ass. And suddenly the image of the three of them in bed – himself, the redhead and his daughter flashed in his mind. His prick stiffened to a rock-hardness in seconds at the wanton idea, and the redhead’s green eyes grew huge with excitement. She nestled her swollen tits to his shoulder.

“I’ll go down on you again if you want,” she whispered, stroking his pounding meat in her moist palms.

“No time,” he said. It wasn’t really her, in spite of her wildly eager pussy and delicious ass, that had gotten him up again. It was the image of Becky’s golden nakedness, her delicate tender cunt glistening with wet readiness. And the sexy redhead’s smooth white flesh crushed to Becky’s as they kissed and then devoured each other.

In less than thirty minutes, Glenn was back at the agency, ignoring the envious smirks of the other salesmen who knew his reputation. In less than twenty minutes, he’d sold Marge Whitaker – the redhead’s name, he finally discovered – a brand-new expensive Chevy convertible. She’d been so gloriously happy to finally get laid so thoroughly, she signed the papers without a murmur. Nor did she even argue about the price. There was normally an eight-hundred dollar pack – a sum added to the usual selling price, that the salesman could remove by degrees if the customer argued – and in this particular case, Glenn would keep the entire pack, plus his usual commission. He cleared twelve hundred dollars that afternoon and had gotten the redhead’s luscious body thrown in as an additional bonus.

“Are you sure you can afford this?” he asked her as he handed her the keys. Her seductive mouth, so eager to go down on him an hour earlier, widened into a superior grin.

“Don’t worry about that,” Marge retorted. “My parents can afford it.”

A rich, horny college kid, Glenn thought with pleasure. He watched her cute bouncing ass sway above her shapely legs as she walked toward her new car, got in, smiled and waved at him and lurched out into the traffic. He’d promised to call her later in the week for another session, and he intended to keep the promise, but he’d bring his briefcase this time.

To celebrate, Glenn took the afternoon off early and went out for a few drinks. He sipped his Scotch moodily in the bar, thinking about his daughter. If he had the guts, he’d get to her before some high school kid did, because he was certain sweet Becky was still a virgin. Why let some clumsy football player or rock musician get to her tender hot cherry before he did? For years, he’d watched her slender body ripen and fill out with tantalizing promise, knowing she’d be a tall, strikingly sexy blonde someday.

“I’ll do it,” he said aloud, his heart hammering with excitement. He ignored the bartender’s stare as he gulped down his drink and ordered another. What the hell, you had to take risks for practically everything you did in this world, so why not go all the way? Why not introduce her to the greatest thing in the world himself? Suck her pussy until she screamed with happiness, then drive it home until she fainted, that was the procedure.

At the first opportunity. It came just a few hours later and it changed all their lives drastically.

As usual, dinner was a talkative affair at the Marks’ house, with Becky doing most of the talking. Jim simply ate and ignored her, while Sheila Marks smiled and laughed in response to Becky’s comments. At thirty-five, Sheila was still graciously slender with high, full tits and long shimmering brunette hair.

She’s still a great lay, thought Glenn, but she doesn’t dream of the trips I’d like to put her through. All these years she’d been the faithful loving wife while he’d played the field and screwed almost everything in sight. Poor, square Sheila. If she knew what he was thinking about their daughter at this moment, she’d faint.

But by the same token, if Glenn Marks knew what his own wife was thinking at that moment, his sleek grey hair might turn white in his astonishment.

On the surface Sheila Marks had everything – brains, beauty, friends, a handsome and charming husband, two healthy children. But through it all the statuesque brunette felt a gnawing, desperate lack until, just a few weeks earlier, Sheila knew what the lack was and decided to do something dangerous about it. What her seemingly wholesome, healthy life lacked was simply excitement, wild thrills she’d never had before. Now she had a lover for the first time in her life, but no ordinary lover. This was a deliciously guilty secret that started a hot glow in her loins everytime she thought about it, spreading its wet passion down her smooth full thighs with sticky heat, there at the family dinner table.

“Okay, what’s the schedule for tonight?” Glenn asked, pushing his plate away. “Becky?”

“I’m staying home, Dad. I’ve got homework, darn it.”

“I’ve got basketball practice,” Jim said. “I won’t be home until eleven, maybe twelve.”

He looked toward his wife, whose luminous dark eyes seemed to flicker with some inner excitement. “The P.T.A. is holding a special meeting tonight,” Sheila said. “Sorry, darling, but you can stay home and keep Becky company.”

He shrugged, feeling his blood pound. Alone with Becky and an erection that hadn’t gone away since that afternoon when he’d decided to act. He’d have at least three hours alone with her, and he told himself he would spend every possible minute of that time sucking and fucking his own virgin-daughter. Risky or not, he couldn’t turn back now.

Upstairs, Sheila took a quick shower, her fingers trembling on her hot, heavy tits. Poor, square Glenn, if only he knew! When she’d finished showering, she stood naked before the full-length mirror and slowly applied a dab of perfume behind each knee, on each ripe ass-cheek, all around her silken tangle of cunt-hairs, on each inner thigh and then on each taut wine-colored nipple. She put on a sexy bra and panties, chose very high heels, a simple snug dress and was getting into her own car ten minutes later.

Half an hour after that, the night began to explode with action for almost the entire Marks family. The trouble with the Markses, a neighbor once complained, was that the whole damn family was too good-looking for its own good. The father could charm the feathers off a vulture and sell them back to the dumb bird, and the mother was a knockout who had to be getting propositioned constantly, the boy was already looking like his father and even the blonde girl was blossoming into a raving beauty.

On his porch now, the neighbor leaned back and lit his pipe, wondering what the Markses were doing tonight. He’d watched the mother and son leave, which left the father home alone with the daughter. No problem there, of course – Marks was a gentleman, whatever else he might be, and he’d have to be a little crazy to even think of screwing his own daughter. But there was a neighborhood rumor that Marks had a cock like an overstuffed salami, and that it hardly ever went down. Lucky bastard. Lucky wife, too.

Better a salami than a pork sausage, the neighbor thought with a sigh, and went back to his paper.

Glenn found Becky in her room, studying. She’d taken a bath and was now wearing a yellow terry-cloth robe. She sat cross-legged on the bed, smiling up at him. Glenn lit a cigarette, closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed, resting his fingers gently on her tawny leg.

“Becky, I think it’s time you and I had a serious talk, honey. Grown-up talk.”

She laughed. “Oh, Christ, Dad, Mom already gave me that one, about two years ago. You two ought to get together. About sex, right? Petting, VD, promiscuity, etcetera.”

Glenn took off his jacket and tie, tossed them on a chair, and settled beside her. His voice was serious as he spoke, and his fingers stroked her tanned legs moving very slowly upward toward her inner thighs.

“Becky, are you still a virgin?”

She nodded solemnly. “Yes, Dad. Honest. Boys have tried, but I just turn ’em off. I just haven’t found one as slick and handsome as you,” she added with a grin.

Glenn shifted back on the bed, so that his back rested against the headboard. He spread his legs and patted the spot between them. “Come sit over here, angel.”

Becky shifted up so that she crouched between his thighs, facing him. “Like this?” she asked innocently.

“No, turn around, Becky.” Glenn felt his blood singing with excitement as his daughter snuggled between him, with her back resting against his chest. He put his arms around her waist. “Feel good, sweetheart?”

She nodded happily. “Feels wonderful, Daddy. You haven’t cuddled me for years. Big handsome lug.”

He moved his fingers cautiously up over the bottom curve of her hot tits, hot even through her robe. “Becky, when you lose your virginity, it’s going to hurt, baby. Especially if someone clumsy does it.”

“I’ll be careful,” she said. Her breath was coming faster as his fingers gently squeezed a tit in each hand, his fingers slipping inside her robe. Becky made no move to stop him.

“Dad… Dad, what you’re doing, it’s getting me hot,” she whispered. “Daddy, I’m getting aroused.”

“I don’t want you to be hurt,” Glenn murmured in her ear as he felt her tiny nipples grow hot and fat in his fingertips. “I want it to be done with loving care, so you’ll enjoy it as much as possible, Becky. So you’ll look back for the rest of your life and say, wow, that first time was so terrific, I had no idea it could be so wild and wonderful.”

One of his hands slid down over her rounded belly-flesh and stroked her inner thighs as he talked. The adolescent was breathing rapidly now, her swelling tits panting, her hands clutching her father’s.

“You-you want to be the first, don’t you, Daddy?”

“Yes, Becky. But no one can ever know, especially not your mother. You understand that?”

Becky nodded eagerly. “I want it to be you, Dad. I used to have fantasies about you taking my cherry, honest. I guess all girls do if they really dig their fathers. I-I want to see if it’s true what they say about your penis, Dad.”

Glenn pawed, startled. “What who says about my cock?”

“The girls at school.” Becky twisted her head around to stare into his eyes, her on blue ones gleaming with excitement. “Everyone says you’ve got the biggest cock in town, honest. I think a neighbor’s daughter started it. She said she heard her father telling a friend of his about it, and the word got around. Is it true, Daddy?”

“Find out, for yourself, honey.”

Timidly, Becky’s hand went behind her to pope for his crotch. Her heart began to hammer with excitement as she stroked its cramped, throbbing length. “Oh, Lord, that’s a monster! Daddy! How could you possibly get that in me?”

“It won’t hurt,” Glenn said hoarsely. His fingertip was rubbing her hot juicy clitoris now and he could feel his daughter’s body tremble from head to toe against him. Her excited juices were seeping eagerly onto his gently fucking finger, almost gushing with her newly-awakening lust.

Christ, I’m masturbating my own daughter, Glenn thought with a twinge of shock. And she loves it – if I turn her on too wildly, she might go crazy with passion, might start demanding it constantly.

“Let’s undress,” he told Becky, pushing her gently off. In a single movement, the blonde slipped out of her robe. Her high naked tits panted as she watched her father strip, her eyes widening in disbelief as his gigantic shaft quivered out above his huge balls.

“Oh, Daddy, my God! It’s true! No wonder Mother is so crazy about you.”

He knew it seemed considerably bigger to her inexperienced eyes, but he couldn’t help feeling a thrill of pride. It wasn’t every day that a beautiful girl gushed over her own father’s colossal prick. His flushed knob was already oozing its milky thick juice in a huge drop.

“Lie back on the bed, honey,” Glenn told her. He used none of the harshness he’d used earlier that day with the redhead. He was going to be so damn good to Becky she’d be spoiled for life. He was going to suck her delectable pussy with all the expertise he could muster before he took her cherry.

On the bed, Becky lay naked and trembling with a mixture of fear and fierce excitement as her father approached. He might tear her in two with his monstrous cock, so long and thick and powerful, like a battering ram. She could see thick purple veins surging along its length, above his distended hairy balls. But the feel of her own father playing with her breasts and masturbating her was the most exciting sensation she’d ever experienced, and she wanted more. There was an urgent throbbing in her virginal cunt, a pulsing ache that tingled throughout her soft naked flesh.

“Don’t – please don’t hurt me, Daddy,” she whimpered, shutting her eyes as his powerful naked body embraced her.

“Don’t worry, angel,” Glenn Marks told his daughter tenderly. “After this, you’ll never be the same.”

With those words, Glenn Marks began the torrid sucking and fucking session with his own adolescent daughter that would change her destiny forever.

Twenty minutes after she left the house, Sheila Marks nervously rang the doorbell in the plush apartment building. On the second ring, the door swung open.

“You’re a little late,” the tall blonde said. There was a cruel, mocking twist to her sensual lips as she smiled and swung the door wide for Sheila to enter. The ripe-breasted brunette had only met the blonde stewardess twice before, but every time she entered her apartment, eerie thrills raced up and down her spine. The ravishing blonde poured drinks for both of them and handed Sheila hen, her lustrous blue eyes smoldering up and down on Sheila’s billowing tits and shapely legs, drinking in her curves hungrily.

Carol looked very feminine and sensual in her black negligee, and it would have taken an expert to guess she was an ardent switch-hitter who could handle either sex with ease. She’d become a stewardess at twenty-one and had been turned on by another wanton stewardess who’d shared a hotel room with her one night in Hong Kong. Carol quickly learned that such affairs between stewardesses were common, especially on short notice where no appealing men were available. Carol swung either way, but whichever way she went, she threw her greedy lips and gorgeous body into the session with naked fervor. If she had a single ambition, the seductive blonde wanted more than anything to be the most terrific lay in the world. Almost all the men and women who’d been at the receiving end of her mouth and fingers and madly sucking pussy would say she succeeded.

When she’d first met Sheila two weeks ago at an informal party, she immediately sized up the beautiful brunette as an extremely horny housewife who wasn’t certain what to do about it. She probably wasn’t getting enough from her husband, Carol decided, and the reason was obvious. With his looks he was getting enough action on the side to keep him busy if not exhausted. He would have little time left for his wife. So now the sexy housewife was searching the room with desperate eyes, probably looking for an affair with someone else’s husband.

Carol moved in quickly. Frustrated housewives were her specialty, along with frustrated husbands.

But would Sheila Marks go for her brand of sex? Carol had a hunch the lushly curved brunette would go for anything that resembled excitement. And hell, Carol told herself, she had nothing to lose. She could always get all the men she wanted with her sultry looks. But beautiful women were a challenge.

Smoothly, Carol got on very friendly terms with Sheila before she suggested they get together at her apartment for coffee later that week. Sheila hesitated, then agreed as Carol knew she would. Women like Sheila who were tied down with families were always fascinated by stewardesses, by their aura of adventure and travel and swinging nights in strange places.

Later that week when Sheila showed up at her apartment, the blonde stewardess had her in bed in less than an hour and three drinks. Carol knew that women like Sheila wouldn’t even dream of such brazenly shocking acts unless the timing was just perfect. And she’d gauged the sexy brunette’s desperation to perfection. Sheila Marks wasn’t just hot – she was on fire from the hot spongy tips of her superb tits down to her wild, insatiable cunt. Once Carol burrowed her hungry mouth to Sheila’s burning pussy, there was no let up for a solid thirty minutes as the moaning, thrashing brunette came again and again, her hot juices spewing into the blonde’s eager mouth, her long legs locked feverishly around Carol’s waist. The stewardess was always exceptionally nice to her partner – the first time around.

The second time had been slightly different. Carol used a dominant tone to her voice and began giving the passionate housewife orders. At first, Sheila bridled but then gave in.

This time, the voluptuous blonde decided as she stared at Sheila’s body, she would really go all out. Tonight Carol wore sheer black stockings beneath her negligee and five-inch heels to emphasize her stunning legs.

First, she would get her hotter than a firecracker, although it was clear that the brunette was already excited. She gulped her drink down nervously as Carol approached her. The stewardess stepped behind Sheila and undulated her pussy to the housewife’s plump ass in a lewd fucking motion. For a minute she hefted and caressed Sheila’s big warm tits to bring a soft moan from her throat.

“Undress me,” Sheila urged. “I’m so damned horny, Carol. And I can’t wait to see your surprise for me. Mmmmmm, it can’t be better than the fantastic way you eat my pussy, darling. Nothing can. Please hurry.”

The surprise could wait for the right moment, when Sheila would be ready to beg for it. Slowly, lasciviously, the tall blonde unzipped Sheila’s dress and tossed it on the sofa. Site removed her bra from behind, cupping and massaging her delicious hot tits in her fingers to make Sheila groan with impatience. Then she knelt behind the aroused brunette and inched her panties down, trailing her long wet tongue along the back of Sheila’s beautifully rounded ass to make her shiver. When Sheila was totally naked, Carol stepped around to face her. She took off her negligee and moved close to Sheila, their naked silky tits touching. Still keeping her black sheer nylons and heels on, Carol darted a hand down to tease Sheila’s hotly soaked pussy.

“Want me to suck on your tits and play with your pussy for a while, darling?” Carol murmured. “Fingerfuck you before I go down and eat you half to death? Like that?”

Sheila’s face flushed. Since meeting the hungry stewardess, obscene words excited her tremendously. “Oh yes, darling. I’d love it. With you, I don’t ever want to stop coming, Carol.”

“Then why,” Carol said as she squeezed her palm hard on Sheila’s throbbing cunt to make her shudder, “why haven’t you eaten me? Do you think I’m an electric pussy-eating machine? All I ever do is give. The farthest you’ve gone so far is to suck on my titties and fingerfuck me until I come. It’s your turn now, you know that, don’t you?”

Sheila’s face turned crimson in spite of her feverish lust. She knew the truth as well as Carol. She secretly felt that as long as she didn’t go down on the wanton blonde, she wasn’t really doing anything awful or shocking. She was only the recipient of a beautiful bisexual’s attentions, and that was enough to give her a delicious sense of guilt and shame. Like tasting forbidden fruit without actually eating it in the respectable housewife’s mind, there was a boundary line she wouldn’t permit herself to cross.

But now Sheila’s passion was at a frantic pitch as Carol lewdly stroked and rubbed her drenched hot cunt and rubbed her ripe tits to hers with obscene care.

“You’re right,” Sheila whispered. “I’m selfish, darling. I’ll do it to you, too. I’ll eat your pussy, Carol. Now, right now.”

“I knew you’d see it my way,” Carol grinned. She wrapped her arms around the brunette and ground her pussy to hers as she gave her a passionate French kiss, her hot tongue searching deep. Before she finished with Sheila Marks tonight, the sexy housewife would be hooked on her brand of thrills for life. Sheila released the trembling brunette, and went over to her dresser. From a drawer she removed two items – a two-foot length of rope and an enormous dildo, its ten-inch length covered with tiny pimples. But this was no ordinary spiked dildo. Carol had gotten it in Copenhagen, where such items were on display in store windows. This monstrous prick did more than simply hum and quiver violently when it was switched on. There was a separate button on bottom, which when pushed delivered a ten-volt electric shock. Whoever invented it was a genius, Carol thought, because the shock was just enough to increase the thrills to a maddening pitch of excitement.

In fact, when Carol first bought it, she locked herself in a hotel room for twenty-four hours and had the time of her life. She finally came out dazed, exhausted and with a fierce, satisfied glow in her loins that lasted for almost a week. She’d gotten so carried away, she’d damn near driven herself insane with the shocking prick.

The naked brunette took a startled step back when she saw the dildo. Her eyes widened with fear.

“Don’t worry,” Carol assured her, “it won’t hurt. In fact, you may end up loving this more than me.”

Sheila looked doubtful. “What’s the rope for?”

“Just a game, Sheila. I want to tie your hands behind your back. That’s to keep you from clawing me to death once we get started. I don’t want to end up in a hospital tonight.”

A tremor of frenzied fear and excitement raced through Sheila’s voluptuous naked flesh. Could any sensation possibly be that exciting?

“Turn around,” Carol ordered, and the panting brunette eagerly obeyed. Carol tied her wrists behind her, then spun her around to face her again. Sheila had a sudden panicky feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was helpless, utterly helpless like this, and the burning hunger in the blonde’s blue eyes had a crazy tint.

“I don’t think I can do this, Carol,” she said in a shaking voice. “It’s too bizarre. I’ve changed my mind. Please untie me. Please?”

“Like hell,” the stewardess said with such viciousness Sheila felt faint. Carol seized Sheila’s tits in her fingers and squeezed harshly, making Sheila cry out softly.

“There’s no way out now, darling,” Carol said, grinning. “This is it. Now get on your knees. Get on your knees!”

Slowly, feeling totally weak and submissive, the naked housewife sank to her knees before the statuesque blonde. Dazed as she was, Sheila Marks knew she would never be the same after this night.

At the very same moment the bound housewife fell humbly to her knees before the obscenely smiling stewardess, her daughter lay trembling in bed, watching her naked father approach her. His crimson-crested prick seemed impossibly huge, but there was as much excitement as fear in Becky Marks as he lay down beside her and stroked her tawny naked curves.

“Won’t hurt,” Glenn promised her. “I’m going to suck your cherry first, angel, and you’re going to love it.”

He kissed her passionately on her mouth, then slid his lips down to suck on each hot tit in turn, very gently biting the lust-fat nipples to make Becky moan feverishly. It was all Glenn could do to keep from coming in a violent burst as he trailed his mouth down over his daughter’s softly rounded belly. He spread her hot thighs wide and hunched between her legs, gazing down at her juicy pink cunt. It peeped out between her sparse golden fringe of pussy-hairs, wet and palpitating with Becky’s wild excitement.

Glenn never particularly cared for eating pussy. He indulged his wife occasionally, and once in a while he used it as a reward for a partner who was an exceptional fuck, but he preferred straight relentless fucking.

But now, with his tingling mouth only inches away from his own daughter’s delectable virgin pussy, he wouldn’t have traded the position for anything. Already the moaning blonde was jerking her cunt upward in a mute plea, and she raised her legs high to place her feet on his shoulders, exposing her tiny slit to the fullest. Glenn clutched her satiny hot ass-cheeks in his hands and pulled the pink rosebud closer.

Then he began sucking off his daughter.

With the very first lap of his tongue on her swollen clitoris, Becky’s naked body rose in a high arc off the bed and she screamed.

“Oh, Daddy, Daddy! Oh God, wonderful! Eat me, eat me, eat me!”

Slowly, Glenn increased the long leisurely sucks of his lips and tongue on Becky’s virgin hot cunt. For a few minutes he nibbled on her succulent clit-bud, then rammed his tongue deep into her tight burning slit. His daughter squirmed under his assault, shuddering from head to toe. She twined her fingers in his hair and tugged ferociously as shattering thrill after thrill tore through her quivering virgin-cunt. Tears of breathless joy gushed down Becky’s cheeks from the intense lustful sensations racing through her tender loins as her father kissed and sucked and lapped her pussy with uncontrollable greed. Her sweet honeyed cherry-juices trickled hotly and profusely into his mouth, and the bed creaked violently beneath her savagely thrashing ass.

“Daddy, I’m-I’m gonna explode! Oh, I love it!”

Inspired by her blissful screams, Glenn dug deeper and harder with his frenzied tongue, snaking it as far as it would go into her luscious cherry-cunt. He twirled it around in mad circles around her silken walls, and Becky sobbed and clawed at his shoulders with sharp nails. His daughter was coming, he could tell, even though she didn’t know it.

“Yes, yes, yes, daddy. suck me, eat me! Oooooooooo,Jeeeeezus, I’m -it’s on fire!”

For five minutes, Glenn burrowed his frantic tongue into her juicy cunt while the shuddered and thrashed her sweating ass in a fury of joy. More of her honeyed fluid seeped into his mouth and he swallowed it with obscene relish. His own beautiful daughter was coming wildly in his mouth and her delirious passion was so contagious he had to fight the urge to shoot his load all over the bed.

She clung to his hair fiercely when he tried to pull his mouth away, and he had to use force.

“More, Daddy, more!” Becky gasped, sobbing and heaving her naked curves in spasms of lust. “Eat me more, Daddy! I love it. More!”

“That’s enough,” he panted, wiping the hot juice off his cheeks with the back of his hand. It was time to take her succulent cherry. Her eyes had a wanton glazed shine as she stretched out her hands to seize his throbbing prick. She tried to ram it toward her pulsating cunt with low moans of lust, but Glenn prevented her.

“I’ll just tear you up that way,” he told Becky. “Come on, angel, let’s sit in the chair and I’ll cuddle you while I take your cherry.”

Eagerly, the panting girl leaped off the bed and followed him to the overstuffed chair facing the bed. She climbed onto his lap facing him. Her knees folded under her, and then Becky rammed her tongue into his mouth while she used both hands to jerk his thick cock. For a minute, Glenn let his daughter play with it while he kissed and sucked her tawny tits.

“All right, turn around, sweetheart,” he told Becky in an urgent voice. “Now be careful – go very slowly or you’ll be sorry, Becky.”

The blonde scrambled around. She placed her feet on his thighs above his knees, with her luscious hot ass poised over his lap. Her throbbing cunt hovered just above the glistening crimson knob of his pounding meat. Carefully, Glenn lowered her hips in his hands, until her burning pussy made contact with the head of his stiff rod.

“Very slow, now,” he cautioned his daughter. “Real careful, Becky. Ahhhhhh, that’s it, yeah, just squirm a little on it. Mmmmmmm, good, baby, very good. Oh, that sweet pussy!”

Squealing with delight, Becky just managed to get his huge knob jammed between her cunt-lips. Even those two inches made her gasp at the gorged fullness of her tight slit. Heeding her father’s warnings, she cautiously began to swing up and down on his immense meat, feeling its searing bulk inch deeper by fractions into her throbbing cunt.

“Ooooh, Daddy, I like this! I – oooooooh! I like to fuck! Kiss me, Daddy! Play with my titties!”

Sucking in his breath at Becky’s virginal hot slit pulsing around his cock, Glenn rubbed and caressed her naked tits. Becky twisted her head around to kiss him, slithering her tongue into his mouth like a hot little whip of pleasure. The blazing, juicy feel of her cherry hugging his prick was incredibly exciting to him. And one of her hands had reached down to squeeze his balls and jiggle them eagerly in her fingers while they Frenched.

Only his wife’s electrifying pussy could arouse him like this, twenty years before. And here was Becky, his own daughter, giving him her cherry as her mother had done. Christ, history does repeat itself, thought Glenn as Becky suddenly yelped.

“It hurts!” she gasped, freezing her ass in mid-air. “I think you broke my cherry, Daddy!”

“Keep swinging,” he groaned urgently. “It’ll hurt less in a minute. Keep fucking, angel!”

The feverish blonde obeyed. Not even half of Glenn’s massive rod pierced her narrow pussy, but already Becky felt as if she would burst with joy. Her own father, her own sweet Daddy was making love to her with his beautifully monstrous cock, and it was so fantastically wonderful Becky already felt an urge to tell her closest girlfriends.

“Better now,” Becky moaned, “oooh, much better, Daddy! I love fucking you, I could do it all night. Can we, can we? Aaaaaaagh! Oh, it hurts beautifully!”

Becky hunched over with her long hair trailing down over her face so she could see his gigantic prick pumping in and out of her cunt. With a thrill of pride, she saw his thick rod was covered with her blood, and the sight excited her so much the adolescent began slamming up and down on his shaft in a frenzy of depraved pleasure.

“Jeesus, what a cunt!” Glenn blurted. His powerful body shook with lust as Becky’s fiery cunt squirmed and twisted and gyrated on his meat to spark shattering thrills in his loins. “Oh, Becky, that hot pussy! Oooh, baby, I’m gonna – ungh! Gonna come, angel!”

Becky craned her neck around to issue frantic animal bites on his shoulder as she jerked her hips with passionate abandon. At the same time, Glenn’s hand groped between her thighs until he located her tiny clit-bud, and he quickly began fingerfucking it. Low screams of bliss coming from her throat, Becky’s ravaged pussy seemed to explode as a boiling gush of come began spattering her walls like stinging fire. If only she could get all of his beautiful prick rammed inside her! For Becky, it seemed both of them would never stop coming. Torrents of his thick molten load flooded her boiling cunt for what seemed like an eternity, until she felt his cock begin to grow limp, until the flood became a trickle.

For a few minutes, Glenn caught his breath while Becky still squirmed and twitched on him, her golden soft skin covered with a film of perspiration.

“Oh, Daddy,” she sobbed, “if only we could do that all night, every night.”

“I think your mother might object,” he said, but his prick had already begun to surge with irresistible power at the possibility. “That was terrific, Becky, just fantastic, honey. Are you sorry now?”

For a reply, she hugged her pussy so tightly on his trapped cock, Glenn winced in pain.

“I think,” Becky said, “I might have to tell Mother about this, though.”

Glenn froze with fear. “What? You don’t mean that, Becky, for Christ’s sake!”

“I do mean it,” she said seriously. “Unless you promise to eat my pussy every single day. And do this to me every single day. Twice, Daddy.”

Looking into her tear-stained eyes, Glenn Marks had the feeling that his daughter might be serious. He’d turned her on, all right. There was an almost crazed glint in her baby blue eyes, an insatiable gleam that sent shivers up his spine.

“You know that’s impossible, Becky,” he said in his father authority voice. “Someone is almost always home.”

“It doesn’t have to be here, Daddy. There are motel rooms. You could get a van to drive from the agency, a camper. Oh, Daddy,” she said with sudden excitement, wriggling her ass eagerly on his naked lap, “that’s a terrific idea! Get a van and we can go fishing all summer, right? Every weekend we can do this for hours. Okay?”

Hell, it wasn’t a bad idea after all, Glenn had to admit. Becky had always been smart. They would be safe and private locked inside a van, parked almost anywhere. He would equip it with a tape-deck to muffle her lewd screams and cries. It was sounding better by the minute. The campers slept four, but all he needed was accommodations for three. Himself, Becky and Marge.

“A whooping idea, angel,” Glenn agreed, kissing her golden tit. “I’ll get one tomorrow, in fact. Now get up, Becky.”

She stubbornly refused to budge. “Why?”

“Because, baby, I want to wash the blood off my cock.”

She threw back her head and laughed with delight. “Well, why didn’t you say so, silly? I’ll do it for you, Daddy.”

She climbed off his lap and knelt between his legs. With a look of adoration in her eyes, his daughter tenderly lifted his limp prick in her fingers and reverently began to lick the blood off his cock with the pink tip of her tongue.

Oh Christ, thought Glenn, if Sheila could see us now.

“Now lick the other thigh,” Carol told Sheila, staring down at the helpless brunette who knelt, her wrists bound, between the half-naked blonde. With one hand on her hip and her legs clad in sheer black nylon and high heels, Carol seemed infinitely exciting and powerful to Sheila.

Two weeks ago, Sheila Marks was a frustrated but respectable housewife. Tonight she meekly submitted to the beautiful blonde’s commands like a fantasized sex-slave out of some lurid story. And she loved it. Sheila Marks loved the feeling of utter helplessness, of having her will seem like jelly as she responded eagerly to Carol’s obscene orders.

“Lick my thigh, Sheila, but don’t touch my pussy yet. Ummmmm, that’s wonderful, darling. Now the other thigh. Now start sucking me off. Suck!”

Burying her nose to the stewardess’s fragrant pussy-nest, the housewife’s tongue lashed out to lick at the pussy-flesh. With a shock, Sheila realized she liked the taste. It was sweet and sticky and delicious. Low sounds of hunger in her throat, the kneeling brunette began to lap Carol’s luscious cunt eagerly.

“Oh wonderful, Sheila, beautiful. Oooooooh, you’re born for this, darling. God, what a cunt sucker.”

She began to jerk her pussy against Sheila’s greedy mouth, her hands gripping the brunette’s head to slam it toward her with each grind of her hips. Christ, she was beginning to feel so good she wanted to sixty-nine, fingerfuck Sheila’s juicy asshole at the same time.

“Enough,” Carol gasped. “Onto the bed, Sheila. Come on!”

Carol lay down on her back first and the panting brunette quickly followed. She too had sixty-nine on her mind and she reversed her naked body over the blonde’s, crouching on her knees over Carol’s waiting lips. She burrowed her face into the stewardess’s steaming cunt and without a moment of hesitation, Sheila started sucking her pussy feverishly.

Carol quickly drew her knees up to squirm more of her tingling cunt against Sheila’s frantic lips and tongue. A moment later, she seized the brunette’s curved hips and lowered them until Sheila’s lush slit was pressed squarely to her mouth. This was the position Carol loved more than any other sex act, a lascivious contest to see who could make who come first and more furiously.

Dazed with lust, Sheila sucked and licked with maddening delight at the blonde’s hot pussy. She craved more of the burning pussy-honey trickling down her throat, more of the strange new sensations of eating another beautiful woman’s cunt.

For ten minutes, the naked brunette and blonde rocked and swung passionately on the bed, their stinging mouths locked in a frenzy to each others’ frantic cunts. Only when it was almost too late did Carol realize she didn’t want Sheila to come, not yet. But the brunette’s sweet boiling pussy was slamming frantically against her mouth, already beginning to erupt in orgasm. Carol hastily averted her mouth, letting Sheila’s frenzied cunt squirm against her cheek.

Even though Sheila issued a low loud moan of protest when Carol stopped eating her, just when she was on the verge of her first orgasm, Sheila continued to suck furiously at Carol’s erupting pussy. She loved the feel of the blonde’s hot fluid smeared obscenely over her cheeks as she devoured her soaked cunt, although her own slit was aching fiercely.

After three intense orgasms, the moaning blonde decided she had to stop then and there or she’d let Sheila eat her all night. For a beginner, the housewife showed enormous promise, her wild mouth sucking with delirious hunger.

Finally, Carol managed to scramble away from Sheila’s insatiable mouth. The brunette stretched out on her side, still jerking her hips with urgency.

“Why didn’t you let me come, Carol?” she begged. “I ate you, didn’t I? Please, don’t torture me like this!”

Carol picked up the dildo and got back onto the bed, nudging Sheila over on her back. To ease the pressure of her tied wrists behind her, Carol propped a pillow under Sheila’s ripe ass-cheeks. Now her vulnerable pink pussy, its fleshy lips pulsating with eagerness, was fully exposed between its bushy fringe.

“Don’t hurt me with that!” Sheila gasped.

Carol grinned up at her from between her spread thighs. “Honey, when I get through with you, you won’t have it any other way. Hang on!”

Carol switched on the massive spiked dildo and carefully nudged its prick-shaped head between Sheila’s waiting cunt-lips. Immediately, the naked brunette cried out with joy and began to carefully and slowly fuck the spiked shaft.

“Oh yes, it is fantastic!” Sheila cried out. She locked her ankles behind Carol’s back, moaning and twisting as the giant dildo eased its path into her hot cunt. The humming spikes shot violent thrills through her trembling cunt-flesh, and when the blonde suddenly twisted the dildo sideways in Sheila’s frantic pussy, the blend of pain and lust made her moan softly.

Carol watched, fascinated, as she eased more of the spiked giant into the brunette’s hotly sucking slit. What a delicious pussy Sheila had! Sweet, fiery, sucking with passionate ardor back at anything that touched it. Carol’s thumb went beneath the dildo to the red button. She pressed the button for two seconds.

“Eeeeeegh!” Sheila screamed, her ass jerking high in the air. Her mind reeled under the impact of the shock. It seemed like an electric shock to her dazed mind, but whatever it was, painful or not, she was even more excited.

“More,” she panted to Carol, her naked flesh shuddering madly. “More prick! Shove it in, darling, deep, deep, oh, God yes! Fuck me!”

Carol had hit the button again, for almost five seconds and Sheila’s trembling body rose in a high graceful arc. No matter what she thought was an orgasm before, Carol thought, after this they’ll all seem like a tickle. She worked another inch of the humming giant into Sheila’s eager hot cunt. Then she hit the button again, for seven seconds this time.

“Can’t take it – can’t take it!” the sobbing brunette cried. She couldn’t stop coming. She felt as if she were trapped in an avalanche of lust, helplessly rushed along. The thrills racing through her impaled cunt were so intense she tried to faint. Was it white-hot pain that shot through her shuddering naked body or pure ecstasy? Every few seconds the shock tore through her delirious cunt with greater effect. Sheila had never been hotter in her life nor closer to losing her mind.

“Stop, stop!” she screamed at Carol. But her frenzied hips continued to lunge as she savagely fucked the spiked dildo, her loins exerting a greater will than her mind. Thrill after shattering thrill blazed through her boiling pussy as the spikes squirmed and teased her crazed cunt-flesh. If only she could faint!

And then the shock lasted ten, twenty, thirty seconds, and with a long low eerie scream, Sheila shook from head to toe like a leaf under the onslaught of searing pleasure before she fainted.

The blood pounding in his immense cock, Glenn Marks stared down at his daughter as she lovingly slid her wet lips back and forth on his rod. From licking her own cherry-blood off his prick, Becky had cunningly gotten him rock-hard again with her hot tongue. She stared up at him.

“Daddy, let me give you a blow-job, please? I want you to come in my mouth too. I want to see what it tastes like. It looks like pure cream. Please, Daddy?”

“Go right ahead, angel. But don’t bite too hard. Just suck and nibble, like it was a lollipop.”

The blonde held his rigid prick in one hand, gazing at it in awe. “Lord, I hope I don’t choke on it,” she murmured. Then she opened her mouth wide and sucked in the entire knob. Her father grunted with pleasure as Becky whirled her tongue around the throbbing head, before clutching another two inches of his hard-on deep in her mouth.

Then she began to blow him in earnest, stunning him with her imagination. If he didn’t know better, he’d say Becky had gone down on her entire high school for practice. She used her teeth in a gentle teasing bite along the trunk of his pounding prick. She wobbled her head from side to side, her tiny mouth jammed with half his cock, then wriggled it up and down rapidly to make him groan with excitement.

My own daughter, Glenn realized with pride, a beautiful natural-born cocksucker! His pride swelled when he realized that she loved what she was doing. After all, how many girls and women did he have to nearly force down on his cock? And even a lot of chicks who’d wasted no time in gulping his prick in their mouths still refused to let him come there. Not only did sweet Becky offer to blow him, she was eager to swallow every drop.

“Terrific!” groaned Glenn when his daughter suddenly slipped her mouth away from his prick, held it high in one hand and began sucking lewdly on his hairy balls. All the while she jerked his pulsing rod in her tight hot fist, thrilled at its surging power.

The vivid realization that she was blowing her own father only spurred Becky’s excitement to a new intense pitch. She grasped as much of the hot meat as she could in her mouth and slammed her face forward, gagging as the gigantic knob battered her throat. Come on, Daddy, come! the girl pleaded silently, desperately wanting to taste and swallow the hot thick juice.

“I’m gonna come, Becky,” gasped Glenn, cupping her blonde head. “Oh that wild mouth, I love you, angel. Yes! Suck it, honey, suck it. Mmmmmmmmmm!”

In a frenzy of lust, Becky jerked the trunk of his bursting prick in both hands while she sucked fiercely on the pounding hot meat. A deep moan came from her throat as the first few boiling drops gushed into her mouth. Quickly, Becky tasted it with her tongue, marveling at its salty maleness. Like her father, it was hot and strong and powerful. Then the flood burst forth, and the girl made a wild puffing sound as she swallowed it greedily, craving an endless flood of her father’s come.

“Oh, baby,” Glenn sighed to his daughter, “that was unbelievable! Come up on my lap.”

But Becky continued to suck hungrily at the last few drops, sending wild new thrills through Glenn’s limp cock. At last she jumped up on his lap, smacking her lips with relish.

“Next time, I want us to go down on each other at the same time, Daddy. You know what? I’m going to dream of your beautiful prick all night long.”

He was about to scold her for her language when he realized how ridiculous that would be, after eating his daughter’s cherry, then ravaging her virgin-pussy, and finally letting her blow him and swallow his jizz.

“Well, I’m going to dream of your hot pussy all night long,” he smiled down at her, stroking and teasing her ripely curved tits.

Her beautiful face suddenly became dead serious. “Daddy, promise me something.”

“Anything, angel.”

“Promise me that when I’m eighteen, you’ll divorce Mother and marry me.”

For a dangerous moment, Glenn Marks almost reared back his head and burst into roaring laughter. Then, with a shock, he realized she was serious.

“We’ll talk about it later,” he told her.

“The hell we will,” Becky said ominously, sending a shiver of fear up her father’s spine. “We’ll talk about it now, Daddy. You’ll get the van tomorrow, right?”

“In that case,” Becky whispered, hugging him so that she squirmed her hot silky tits against his chest, “pick me up after school tomorrow. We can have a wild hour before we come home. We haven’t done sixty-nine yet, you know.”

Downstairs, they suddenly heard the front door slam.

They both leaped up and moved as fast as possible.

When Sheila Marks regained consciousness, she discovered her hands were untied. And, mercifully, the spiked giant was not ramming her aching pussy. But the ache wasn’t urgent this time. It was a burning deeply fulfilling glow that spread outward from her tingling cunt to every inch of her naked hot flesh. Carol was staring down at her, leaning on her elbow as she lay beside Sheila.

“God, I thought I’d die if I didn’t stop coming,” sighed Sheila. “My mind was almost unhinging.”

“You’ll get used to it,” the stewardess said. “You’ve got to be careful, darling. You can get hooked on that thing.”

Sheila glanced at her watch and quickly sat up. “Oh Christ, I’ve got to get along! I don’t want my husband worrying.”

She dressed hurriedly while Carol watched her with hungry eyes. It amazed her how quickly the brunette housewife could arouse her. If only they could spend the entire night together, so Carol could suck her honeyed sweetness dry before allowing Sheila to take her turn with the dildo, tormenting Carol.

Fully dressed, Sheila came over to the bed and kissed the stewardess passionately on the lips and then on each rounded tit in turn. They made a date for the following week, early.

“I went all the way, didn’t I?” Sheila said proudly as she rose to go. “I didn’t leave out a thing, did I, Carol?”

“AS a matter of fact, you did, Sheila.”

Carol turned over on her stomach on the bed, her creamy white ass hovering up obscenely. “You forgot to lick my asshole. Do it, darling. For just a minute.”

Irresistibly, Sheila felt herself drawn to the tiny puckered brown hole. Pressing her nose to the crack of Carol’s hot ass, Sheila plunged her tongue deep into the narrow slot. The taste was strong and delicious to her, almost fragrant in its burning juiciness. In less than a minute, Sheila found herself aroused to a wanton pitch of lust at the strange new thrill. Quickly her fingers darted up to the blonde’s drenched pussy and began probing the hot cunt passionately.

For ten full minutes, the housewife lewdly fingerfucked the moaning blonde stewardess, while she wriggled and squirmed her long tongue deep into Carol’s blissfully swinging ass. After a series of wild orgasms, Carol wrenched away from Sheila’s hotly fucking fingers and greedy tongue. Talk about a turn on!

Sheila left in a rush when she checked her watch. Stretching out on the bed, Carol sighed happily. She would sleep like a baby tonight. She turned out the lights, crawled between the cool sheets and began to doze off. When she moved her arm her fingers brushed something on the bed, and her eyelids flew open instantly, as she gripped the dildo. She’d forgotten about it.

Slowly, Carol lifted the dildo to her lips and began licking it in long dreamy strokes, savoring Sheila’s dried pussy-juice. She wouldn’t fuck herself with it, of course, not tonight. She’d come plenty of times beneath the brunette’s devouring hot mouth. No, she definitely wouldn’t. Absolutely not.

Two minutes later, the sheets thrown back, the sexy blonde began lunging her cunt on the massive spiked cock with deep low moans of passion. With each inch she worked in, she inflicted a five-second shock by hitting the red button. Jesus, it felt fantastic! Another inch, another five beautifully shattering seconds. Then ten seconds. Then fifteen.

“You’ve got to be careful, darling,” her voice mocked her. “You could get hooked on that thing.” The warning to Sheila Marks had been sincere.

Because no one knew better than Carol how hooked a girl could get on the giant electrified prick. Deep down, the stewardess knew she’d deliberately hooked herself on it, had gone at it gladly and lustfully.

Because Carol knew she had to die someday, and it was the only way she could be literally fucked to death. And that’s how she planned to go. All this was only practice.

“Fuck me!” her voice rang in the empty bedroom. “Fuck me!”

Three of the Marks family lay awake in the early hours of the morning, all of them preoccupied with their thoughts.

In her bed, Becky Marks sighed again and again, her fingers daringly toying with her own hotly throbbing pussy. God, her father had been beautiful! What a lover! She deliberately refused to brush her teeth that night so she could savor the final lingering traces of his jizz in her mouth.

Her own Daddy had taken her virginity, and she felt so gloriously excited about it she knew she had to tell someone. But who could she trust? Who would share in her blissful happiness, her delicious secret? Who would understand? Certainly not her brother, Jim.

A faint throb began to pulse in the girl’s loins when she thought of her brother. She’d seen Jim naked just a month or so ago. He was coming down the hall on the way to the shower, and not knowing she was home, he was naked. Lord, he had a long cock! It dangled down over his balls like a hose. He couldn’t compete with his father, but it was easy to see he’d inherited an impressive head start. Funny, she’d never thought of Jim sexually before. Her father, yes, in fantasies, but never her brother. He was really very good-looking, Becky realized.

The adolescent began to imagine giving her brother a blow-job, astonishing him with her hunger and skill. Then she would sit on his lap and give him an unforgettably furious fuck, one that would shame those dumb girls he dated.

Becky drifted off to sleep, determined to seduce Jim at the first chance it was the right thing to do, she knew, because anything that brought a family closer together was good.

Beside Glenn in bed, Sheila’s regular breathing told him she was asleep. Groping in the dark, he lit another cigarette. Hell, it was easy to see why he couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t every night a respectable father went down on his own daughter’s virgin-pussy, then took it and then encouraged her to perform what the law called an obscene act in certain circumstances.

The thing that troubled him was Becky’s age. She was now madly in love with him sexually, a lot different than the father-daughter version. And there was no telling how she might act now. Sure, Becky had been a terrific piece of ass, hot and juicy and thrillingly tight, but now that his lust was temporarily sated, he began to weigh the possible hazards.

Glenn Marks had the funny feeling he was treading on thin ice. Very thin.

Next to him, Sheila pretended to be asleep. Again and again, she went over her lewd, violent affair with Carol that night, trembling with remembered passion and excitement. Was the reason her husband was still awake was that he suspected?

What bothered her even more than her sense of guilt and shame, though, was the fact that ever since her hot wanton night with the beautiful stewardess, she’d begun to look at girls and women with different eyes. Very often hungry eyes, accompanied by wild forbidden thoughts.

Just tonight she’d found herself staring at her daughter, Becky, across the dinner table with the most shocking thoughts, thoughts that made her face now turn crimson. Her own lips kissing and teasing and sucking Becky’s lovely tits. Then every silken inch of her whole naked body, pausing greedily before her tender cunt, dipping swiftly down to lick at Becky’s sweet asshole before devouring her with breathtaking excitement.

Terrible, absolutely horrible. How could she ever think such things about her own daughter? If Glenn knew, he would possibly kill her for such depravity, even imagined.

Because Glenn adored their beautiful daughter. Becky couldn’t have a more kindly, loving father.

Far more loving than Sheila Marks suspected.

The entire family finally slept, unaware they were on a collision course with lust at the helm and disaster straight ahead.

As her father had promised Becky, he’d gotten a new van from his agency the next day. Copper-colored, with drapes and every conceivable accommodation, the van was a motel room on wheels, with even greater privacy. Glenn wondered why he hadn’t thought of it before. It was the perfect answer for quickies without the cost of a motel room or the risk of being spotted.

The idea was such a stroke of genius on Becky’s part that her father rewarded her that first afternoon by screwing her three times in a row after school. Glenn was glad he had the good sense to park the van in a secluded spot on the outskirts of town, though. Even with the tape deck turned up to a near-deafening level, his daughter’s shrieks of wanton ecstasy seemed to carry a mile.

Glenn knew now that his wildly aroused daughter would do anything he wanted, and that Friday evening he called the redhead’s number. The idea of a torrid threesome with the two girls had kept his cock throbbing urgently for days. He discovered, with disappointment, that Marge had gone away for the weekend to visit her parents.

The weekend was usually a social whirl for the Markses – dinners with friends and neighbors, an invitation to his boss’ house, social obligations that couldn’t be avoided. Glenn and Sheila were tremendously popular.

Saturday night they left the house at seven to attend a dinner party, leaving Jim and Becky home alone. Jim had a date with a plump, but rich, college girl at nine. Becky had turned down two dates. After her lewd and violent sex-episodes with her own father, high school boys were almost laughably ridiculous to Becky.

At seven-thirty, Becky stripped and put on her terry cloth robe. There was a smoldering gleam in her wide eyes as she knocked on the door of her brother’s room.

He opened the door, looking annoyed. “What is it, kid?”

Kid! If Jim knew, he’d keel over in shock. “Do you want the shower first or what, Jim? I mean, I know you’ve got a hot date with that fat-assed college broad and you must be rarin’ to go.”

He looked at her with a cool grin. “Listen, you keep your comments to yourself. She’s a nice girl. Besides, she’s rolling in money.”

“But she’s a lousy lay, right?” Becky smiled. “I’ll bet that dumpy ass of hers lumbers like an earth-moving machine. Is that the best you can do?”

Jim stared at his sister in surprise. It was common to hear kids Becky’s age use profanity, but it was surprising to hear angelic Becky talk like this. She seemed different somehow tonight. The belt of her terry cloth robe was loose and he could see her tits almost to the nipple. His sister would be an absolute knockout in a couple more years, and already her lush promise was blossoming overnight.

“I can do a hell of a lot better,” he retorted. “But tonight I work on my bank account, got it? I’ll take the shower first. Now beat it.”

Becky grinned, nodded, and went back to her room. She lit a cigarette from the pack she’d stolen from her father’s room, and calmly waited. Ten minutes later, Jim walked down the hall to the bathroom. Her heart beating wildly, Becky stubbed out her cigarette, slipped out of her robe and walked down the hall stark naked.

Without knocking, she opened the bathroom door and walked in. Her brother stood before the mirror with a towel draped around his waist. He had his electric shaver in his hand but hadn’t turned it on yet. He looked at his sister in astonishment, blinking his eyes.

“Jesus Christ, Becky! Are you crazy?”

“No, Jim. Just horny. For you, brother. We’ll shower together, okay?”

Jim gaped at his sister in disbelief. For a wild moment, the latest rage of movies about demonic possession flitted through his mind, and he wondered if Becky was suddenly possessed. Then he realized she wasn’t Becky any more. She was already tall for her age and her silky tits were ripening quickly, with fat lush nipples that tilted upward, as if begging to be kissed and sucked. Beneath her narrow waist, her hips curved out in sexy fullness. And the golden tangle of her pussy-hairs above her softly rounded belly triggered an immediate surge in his long cock. He quickly pressed his hard-on against the sink to hide his reaction from her.

“I don’t know whether you’ve been smoking grass or what, kid,” he shook his head, “but you don’t know what you’re doing. You’d better beat it, Becky.”

“Grow up,” she said with a sneer. “We’ll shower together. Take your towel off, Jim. I want to see your prick.”

“Now listen, kid, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but…”

Becky reached over and ripped his towel off. His long pulsing cock sprang forth and she sucked in her breath. “Oh, beautiful,” she murmured. “Oh, Jim, that’s a hunk of meat!” Her eyes went up to his, shining wildly. “Be honest with me, brother. How many times can you come in one night?”

“Jesus Christ!” Jim exclaimed, shaking his head. “Becky, are you sick? This isn’t like you at all, honey.”

“How many times?” Becky whispered, stepping close to her lean, powerfully muscled brother. She grasped his hard-on in her fingers and stroked it tenderly, and for a wild moment Jim thought he would burst his load on the spot.

Sister or not, crazy or not, possessed or not, a beautiful naked blonde was playing with his prick and was driving him crazy. “How many times?” she demanded.

“Four, maybe five,” Jim said hoarsely. “Listen, Becky, if you don’t stop playing with my prick I’m gonna come all over the place.”

“Would you like me to give you a blow-job, Jim? Would you like to come in my mouth the first time?” Becky panted, jerking his cock in her hot fist with a lascivious smile.

She is crazy, Jim thought with awe. Could his sister be a raving nymphomaniac? But hell, he realized quickly, did it matter? His own beautiful sister wanted to make it with him in the most vulgar possible terms, and the message in his urgently pulsing rod was achingly clear. He had to decide quickly. He was about to come from sheer excitement, from the electrifying feel of her hot fingers.

“Okay, okay, Becky,” he gasped. “We’ll shower together. Come on, honey.”

They both stepped under the warm spray. Both of them were fiercely excited as they faced each other, naked. All the years of joking and playing and taunting each other, all the wholesome brother-sister love they’d built up, all these feelings only served to add a fiery fuel to the lust both teenagers felt at that moment.

“We’ll soap each other down,” Becky said. She began by stroking suds on Jim’s broad chest, moving her fingers down to his flat belly and the thick dark bush above his quivering prick. Becky avoided lathering his cock and balls, though, and instead reached around to stroke suds on the crack of his hard-muscled ass. She pressed her hot tits into his chest as she did so, grinding her pulsing cunt to his huge erection.

Jim’s lips found hers and almost at once her wet tongue slammed into his mouth urgently. His fingers lathered her satiny ripe ass meanwhile, then moved up to soap her beautifully formed tits, pinching gently on her taut nipples.

A moment later Becky had slipped out of his grasp and dropped to her knees, deep moans of excitement coming from her throat. She clutched his rigidly pulsing prick eagerly in both hands, aimed it at her tingling mouth and shoved it in.

“Becky! Oh, wow, Becky! Sin, it’s wild!”

Jim Marks had a girl go down on him only once in his life, briefly, awkwardly, and as a simple mechanical prelude to screwing her. This was unbelievable! Under the warm spray of the shower, his own sexy sister was passionately sucking him off with such artistic hunger, Jim’s mind reeled. While one of her hands jerked the base of his quivering prick, the other squeezed and fondled his balls. And all the while her burning mouth sucked and coaxed, her lashing tongue whirled and flicked against the tip of his knob to make him groan in surprised pleasure.

Just when he thought he was going to spurt his load into her electrifying mouth, the blonde adolescent released her lips and began licking and sucking on his balls for a new thrill. Jim cupped her head in his hands, grinding his hips, dazed at his sister’s lustful eagerness.

“Oh, shit, sis, that’s fantastic, honey. Gooooooood! At, Becky, I wanna come now in your hot mouth, baby! Yes, oh YEAH! Ummmm! WOW, WOW!”

Becky was in a state of pure rapture as she devoured her brother’s burning prick. Sweet Jim’s cock tasted utterly delicious to her, not nearly as gigantic or thrilling as her father’s, but still fabulously exciting! She loved the hot pounding feel of his meat surging in waves in her fist and mouth, the sensation of his creamy come building up for a delicious explosion.

With a thrilled shock that only fired her runaway lust, the girl realized that in just the past few days she’d lavished hungry blow-jobs on both her father and her brother, and she loved it with all her fiery soul. She loved eating her daddy’s thick molten cum, and now her brother’s gushing flood was starting to explode in her frantically sucking mouth. Low frenzied moans issued from Becky’s throat as the boiling juice spurted forth, hotter and sweeter than her father’s. The jizz streamed down her throat in enormous bursts, wave after searing wave while Becky sucked and jerked on his quivering rod.

Becky realized she was now addicted to going down on men. She craved oral sex, daydreamed about sucking cocks at idle moments during the day, had exciting erotic visions of them in her sleep. Her father’s immense, powerful prick had sparked this new hunger and there were moments when she fantasized going down an a dozen boys in succession, smacking her lips and savoring each new fountain of cum.

And once the idea even occurred to her it might be fun to try a girl sometime, just to see what it was like. The prospect of blowing another girl filled her with a weird anticipation, an excitement that left her lusting and breathless.

The last few drops of her brother’s creamy jizz seeped into her mouth and with a last ravenous suck, Becky released his deflated rod and stood up, panting.

“How was it, Jim? Did you like it?”

Jim shook his head, speechless. Her innocent mouth had given him the roller-coaster ride of his life and now she asked him if he liked it! But staring at her beautiful face, a sudden twinge of jealousy struck Jim. Where had she learned to give such an incredible blow-job? The thought occurred to him that his own sister might be the most eager cocksucker in town, the laughingstock of school behind his back.

“How many guys have you done that to, Becky?” he asked.

“Just one, honest. You might say I’ve got a natural flair for it, Jim.”

Jim wondered if he ought to ask who, but decided it wasn’t any of his business yet. They got out of the shower and dried each other down. The feel of his sister’s hot satiny tits and sleek legs beneath his fingers quickly sparked a new powerful hard-on for Jim. He realized Becky had done him a bigger favor than she knew by sucking him off the first time. He hadn’t been laid in almost a month and his urgency was so fierce he would have come in two seconds if he’d rammed it into her juicy cunt. At least now he had some staying power.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Jim. Have a nice night, brother.”

She started to leave the bathroom when Jim seized her wrist. “What do you mean, sis? Hell, I’m not through!”

She smiled maliciously. “What about that dumpy-assed date of yours? Aren’t you going to keep it?”

“Screw her,” Jim said heatedly. “I want to spend the night with you. Come on!”

Becky chewed her lip, pretending to think it over. Already she was beginning to realize the power of her lips and tongue and pussy and she hadn’t even let Jim have that yet. Once he got it, Becky had a strong feeling she could wrap Jim around her little finger like a ribbon. They could suck and fuck at her whim, whenever she felt like it. And ever since her handsome father had turned her on a few nights ago, the girl felt as if her pussy was on fire. Sex was all she thought about, dreamed about, looked forward to, breathed.

“I don’t know,” Becky said coyly. “You promise to do whatever I ask?”

“Yeah, sure, anything,” Jim said hoarsely. Christ, she was a wildcat! If her tight pussy was half as exciting as her mouth, it would be a night to remember for life.

“Okay, brother,” Becky grinned. “My room. And bring a joint, a good one.”

There was no sense in denying he had grass, since Becky knew he smoked it, like almost everyone else in high school. He went to his room, ***ed two thickly rolled marijuana cigarettes and padded, naked, to Becky’s room. She lay casually sprawled out on the bed, one knee drawn up, her glistening pink cunt like a tiny kissable mouth.

Jim lit one joint, dragged deep and handed it to her. They smoked the entire reefer in silence, Jim’s long cock growing thicker and hotter by the moment.

“Ever eaten a girl’s pussy?” Becky asked huskily.

“No.” Jim laughed, feeling very high. “I never found one that looked appetizing enough.”

“Well, look at mine, brother. Because you’re going to eat it, nice and slow. Then we’ll fuck, Jim. We’ve got at least three more hours alone and I want to spend every minute of it sucking and fucking. How does that grab you?”

Again, he was shocked at the obscene words rolling so casually from her lips. There was an aura of tremendous lust and excitement in her eyes, a glow of sex reeking from her tawny naked body that suggested she was the greatest piece of ass in the world.

“Suck on my tits first, Jim. Nice and easy, though.”

He got on top of his sister and cupped a golden hot tit in each hand. His mouth sucked hotly on one swollen nipple, bringing soft moans from her lips, before he turned to the other tit. She didn’t have to coax him down – he’d already begun burrowing his lips down in her warm belly, curious about eating pussy, especially his beautiful sister’s cunt. He placed a hand on her stomach and pressed back so that her luscious pink cunt was fully exposed.

“Eat it, eat it, eat it,” Becky chanted, seizing his hair in her fingers. “Kiss my cunt, Jim darling, mmmmmm, suck me off, brother. Ooooooooh!Yes! Eat my hot cunt! Oh, God, Yes, Jim, unnnnnnnngh! Oh shit I love it!”

Without any gentleness or foreplay, her brother launched into the act by lashing his tongue deep into her succulent slit and licking up the honey that began to spew forth. It never occurred to him that going down on a girl could be so arousing. The fact that this was his own sister’s pussy, sweet and fragrant and juicy, was an inspiration. He wriggled his tongue up and down, sideways, back and forth, paused to suck lustfully on her tiny clit to make her scream with bliss. He was hardly aware that Becky was tugging painfully at his hair and that her feet were digging harshly into his back, or that her burning soft thighs were locked crushingly to his face.

“Suck it faster! Oh, brother, I love it! Gonna come! Unnnnnnnngh!”

Her tawny ass swung up and down in a fury of lust as her first orgasm rippled through her madly sucking pussy. It was quickly followed by another, hotter series of thrills as her brother’s greedy mouth sucked in a frenzy.

“Shit, it’s too much, too much!Yes, daddy, daddy, yes! Daddy, I love it, love you,love your mouth, your prick!”

Jim froze. She’d said Daddy! Jesus, he thought, dazed, our own father ate Becky’s pussy? Was that who she gave the first blow-job to, where she learned those fantastic tricks? His train of thought was shattered when Becky abruptly pulled his head down with violence, crushing his mouth once again to her hot quivering cunt.

“Don’t stop, dammit! Eat it, suck it!”

A few minutes later, Becky released his head with a long happy sigh.

“Beautiful,” she sighed to Jim. “Just yummy, brother. Let’s smoke the other joint, okay?”

Jim lit it, thinking hard. She could have just wed the expression Daddy, just a phrase in the heat of passion. Or maybe she was fantasizing about their father. Some girls did that. Hell, Jim decided, his father couldn’t possibly do such a thing, no matter how sexy and beautiful Becky was. What kind of a father would eat his daughter’s pussy? Or have her give him a blow-job?

It was impossible.

But he had to admit to himself that when Becky came on to a man, she was also impossible to resist, the hot mink.

“Hell, let’s screw,” Jim said urgently, feeling his built-up come like a blazing fire in his loins. “I’m as hot as a pistol, sis.”

Becky squinted at him through the marijuana smoke. “No.”

Jim blinked at her in disbelief. “What?”

“I said no. N-O. I changed my mind, Jim. I don’t feel like it any more. I’m happy and relaxed now. Try me in an hour or two, okay, brother?”

Jim’s temper was slow, Becky knew, but very dangerous once it got rolling. His face was turning red with rage now, almost as crimson as the head of his throbbing prick.

“What the hell do you mean, no? You said we would, you let me eat your pussy until you came and now you want to just lie there stoned, leaving me high and dry!”

She smiled at him arrogantly, but her heart was hammering wildly in her chest. Only last night she lay awake in bed, her pussy throbbing, her mind whirling with thoughts about sex. She found herself wondering what it would be like to be raped, to be brutally, savagely raped. To have a hot massive cock angrily ram her tight-burning cunt with thrilling power, piercing her by force. To feel completely helpless as a strong male pinned her down and took her in a fury of lust.

In school, a lot of teachers found Becky Marks annoying because of her intense curiosity. She was always asking questions that were hard to answer, unusual questions that irritated their limited minds. Now the girl’s intense curiosity about sex had awakened and she wanted to experience everything, no matter how twisted or seemingly strange.

She’d thought of provoking her father into raping her, but she knew he wouldn’t, not with her anyway. He was a stud, a bull, but a kind bull, she thought innocently. Jim was horny and headstrong. And right now he was glaring down at her with a chilling light in his steel-blue eyes.

“Why don’t you keep your date with dumpy ass?” Becky taunted him, stretching out on the bed so that her cute tits rose invitingly high. She deliberately toyed with her pussy hairs, drawing his attention there. “Why don’t you fuck her, brother? She can’t be that bad, can she?”

“Now listen, Becky!”

“Beat it. You bore me.”

The fury darkened his face like a cloud. He was suddenly on top of the girl, seizing her wrists in a vise grip. One of his knees kept her legs parted as he tried to ram his prick into her pussy. A stab of tenor shot through Becky. This rape wasn’t what she imagined. He was hurting her. She began struggling ferociously, with surprising strength.

Suddenly Jim managed to jam both knees between her thighs, exposing her pink cunt-lips. A few seconds later he slammed forward and his hot cock immediately pierced his sobbing sister. Jim began to fuck her with driving brutal strokes, pistoning his prick in almost to the hilt to make her cry out.

“Hurts! Damn, Jim. Unnnnnnnng! You’re killing me! Aaaaaagh! More of your prick! WANT MORE OF YOUR HOT COCK!”

Quickly, Becky started swinging her hips to a frenzied passion as her brother’s long rod began to batter her eager pussy with thrilling violence. The lust-crazed girl sank her teeth into his shoulder viciously and clawed his back in a fury of obscene excitement.

Jim was already beginning to falter beneath her hotly sucking cunt. “Oh, shit, sis! Hot, mmmmmmm! Hot ‘n tight! Jesus, what pussy!Wowwwww!”

Becky went into a reverie of delirious fucking, wrapping her legs around her brother’s waist and swinging her silken ass in powerful thrusts. His thick battering prick gorged her narrow slit until it was painful, but Becky enjoyed that too. While her brother’s cock wasn’t as huge or as thrilling as her father’s, or as tasty, Becky discovered when she’d given him her ravenous blowjob in the shower, it was still long and hard enough to make her come.

“Love your hot prick, Jim! Oh, brother, that’s wild,wild, wild. More of your big prick. Aaaaaaaaaagh! Shoot it in me! Ram it to me! Fuck me harder!”

With her hot, silken body squirming against his in a wanton madness, Jim felt his rod being coaxed and drained by her boiling cunt with electrifying excitement. Her hot ass-cheeks quivered in his hands in lustful spasms. Her swollen tits rammed into his chest while her hand reached around to the crack of his ass, grasping his balls, urging his fiery load.

“Gonna come, sis! I’m coming, sis! Jeez, what a cunt!”

“All of it,” his sister panted fiercely. “Gimme that hot cm! Shoot it hot and deep, brother! Oh Lord I wanna fuck all night!”

Five minutes later her brother collapsed against her, but still Becky writhed and squeezed his soft cock. The urgent fucking motions of her soft hips finally began to subside, but already she’d started stroking and massaging his balls, craving more.

Jim rolled off Becky, heaving for breath. He stared down at his sister in astonishment. Her wide eyes shone lewdly on his prick and her sultry lips were parted and wet, still murmuring obscenities.

“Oh Jim, that was a great fuck, darling. Oh, brother, I didn’t know what I was missing all these years! Listen, I want to try something different.”


Becky nodded eagerly. She rolled over on her stomach and placed her folded knees under her so that her tawny naked ass hovered lasciviously in the air.

“You mean dog-fashion?” Jim asked.

“No,” Becky panted. “I want it in my ass. Every burning inch, brother. Ram it in all the way! Lord, I’m so hot I could faint. Come on, Jim, shove it in. Hard.”

“Christ, Becky, it’ll hurt. You sure you can take it?”

She shuddered her beautifully rounded ass impatiently. “Don’t worry about me. Just ram it in! Go ahead!”

The mere sight of his sister’s succulent ass triggered a new rock-hard erection in Jim. Whoever else she might be, this wasn’t the shy sweet sister he’d grown up with. First she’d given him the wildest blow-job imaginable, greedily gulping down his juices, then she’d taunted him into raping her and now she was pleading for it in her tender asshole!

Whoever had turned Becky on had started a bonfire in her loins. Jim would try to find out later.

He kneeled upright between the blonde’s legs and spread the crack of her burning ass-cheeks. Her anus looked small beneath his big throbbing prick, tiny and utterly helpless.

“Maybe I ought to get some Vaseline,” Jim suggested.

“Put some of my pussy-juice on it,” Becky panted. “Put some on the head of your cock, too, brother. Then ram it home! Let’s do it!”

He dipped his fingers into her drenched hot cunt and rubbed her freely-flowing pussy-juice around the puckered slit of her asshole. Then Jim spread some on the head of his pounding prick. Hunching forward with her silky ass firmly gripped in his hands, he shoved the red knob of his cock directly against her quivering asshole.

Then he lunged forward with all his might.

“God Almighty!” Becky screamed. “Tearing me in two! Jeeeeeezus Jim! Oh, my ass! Wooowww!”

The stunned blonde gasped, trying to catch her breath. The gigantic boiling pressure in her ravaged asshole felt like a blazing baseball bat rammed to the hilt. Her brother’s thick hot prick throbbed fiercely in her narrow tunnel, surging with power, stinging like fire.

“Oh, shit, that’s nice!” Jim groaned, digging his fingers into the tender flesh of her ass-cheeks. “Ooooh, sis, your asshole is terrific!”

Jim began pumping his gorged rod in steady strokes, each forward thrust bringing a cry of anguish from his sister’s throat. It was impossible to be still, but with each slight movement of her naked ass, Jim’s long prick inflicted new bolts of pain in her tender asshole. An idea occurred to Becky and she quickly darted her fingers down to her soaked pussy. She found her clit and began stroking it furiously, hoping the obscene thrills she got from fingerfucking herself would take her attention away from the pain.

Then something odd happened. The burning ripping pain pounding savagely in her hot asshole began to merge with the sharp thrills in her searing cunt. Sobbing, the blonde shoved a finger up her pussy, then two fingers, and began fucking herself eagerly. Both her tender slits were now crammed with pounding excitement.

“Yes, brother, yes! Harder, faster! Fuck my ass harder, brother!”

Jim didn’t need urging. Her juicy tight anus boiled around his thrusting prick, squirming and wriggling to spark hot thrills along the length of his meat. The feel of his sister’s tawny hot ass trembling madly in his fingers fired his excitement tremendously. What a hell of a way to spend Saturday night! The night was still young and so far he’d screwed his sexy sister in three different places, all of them wildly sucking on his cock.

Becky’s naked body thrashed wildly on the bed as she furiously stroked her fingers in and out of her throbbing cunt. She was as excited by the idea of having her own handsome brother ravage her anally as the maddening experience itself. In her state of lewd delirium, she could no longer tell the difference between the gorged blazing sheets of pain rippling through her asshole and the lustful thrills racing through her soaked pussy. She felt completely crammed full except for her mouth. Lord, if only she had a cock to ram in there, too!

“Coming, sis! Oh, your hot wild ass, honey. Wow! Oh, that juicy asshole, mmmmmmmmm! Here it comes! Oh, baby swing that ass!”

In a fever of passion, Becky swung and jerked her naked ass with loud moans of joy. She felt her bowels tinge madly as her brother’s load began to spurt deep in her asshole.

“Oh, yes, shoot it in me! Shoot it in my ass, brother! Ooh, Jim,love your prick up my ass! Fuck me darling! aaaaaah!”

He was coming in great molten gushes in her burning anus, spurts that flooded her churning ass in torrents of wet fire. She masturbated to a frenzy as he came in her impaled ass, her blazing cunt exploding with thrills. She flexed her anal muscles powerfully to drain her brother’s load, swinging her cheeks up and down frantically.

When Jim suddenly pulled his cock out with a grunt, Becky shuddered from head to toe. Then she stayed in position, waves of delight coursing through her ravaged ass as Jim’s burning come trickled and tingled. She slowly undulated her ass with obscene pleasure, moaning low and deep.

“Jesus, what do you do for an encore after that, sis?”

“Don’t worry,” Becky sighed, rolling over on her back, “I’ll think of something, Jim. You just keep that beautiful rod ready to go, brother. Mmmmmm, that hurt gloriously. Do you suppose Dad ever did that to Mom?”

“Nah, I don’t think so. Mom is too square. Now you tell me something, sis. Who took your cherry and turned you on? I mean, whoever he was, I gotta hand it to him.”

Becky lit one of the cigarettes she’d stolen from her father’s room. “Well, if you like,” she said lazily, “you can congratulate him when he gets home tonight.”

Jim’s eyes widened. “Christ, you mean Dad?”

“You bet I mean our father. And brother, is he hung! To think that Mom has been getting every loving inch all these years,” Becky sighed, stroking her brother’s limp cock with her hot fist. “I’ll tell you something else too, Jim. Your father could give lessons in pussy-eating. His cum is saltier than yours, too. But he doesn’t have as much,” Becky consoled her brother.

“I’ll be damned,” Jim muttered. He knew his father had a reputation all over town for being a stud, but fucking his own daughter! Well, what the hell, he reminded himself sheepishly, she’s my own sister too.

“Ever think about making it with Mom?” Becky asked him.

“Well, the thought occurred to me, but hell, you know Mom. She’d be shocked out of her wits. She’s still got a fantastic body, especially her gorgeous tits.”

“Don’t be so damn sure about that,” Becky said thoughtfully. “Mom isn’t as square as she seems. I think it’s an act, the respectable housewife routine. I’d almost be willing to bet she’s making it with someone on the side. You know what, Jim? I wouldn’t mind making it with Mom myself.”

“Are you kidding?” her brother said, startled.

“Hell no, I’m not kidding,” Becky laughed. “I don’t suppose you’ve seen her naked lately, but I have. She’s as sexy as anything around. I’d like to suck on those fabulous tits for an hour before I’d eat her pussy until she faints. Mmmmmm, I’ll bet she’s delicious!”

Jim stared at his sister in awe. No wonder his father had found the temptation irresistible. Becky was so wildly sexy with those smoldering eyes and high, ripening tits and tawny ass and legs, he’d have had to be blind to resist the urge. And the idea of sultry Becky going down on their beautiful mother sparked a hot strange excitement in his loins. That would be an unforgettable scene, almost as exciting as the prospect of screwing his own voluptuous mother.

At the same moment the girl felt a stab of lustful urgency as she too pictured having sex with their mother. She wondered if she ought to sound out her father about it first. If anyone could persuade their mother to give it a try, he could. Glenn Marks could talk almost anyone into anything. Well, maybe she could talk him into that, too. After all, her father had a limited number of hours he could screw, and he spent almost every stolen moment with Becky, unable to get enough of her hot pussy. Becky suddenly laughed out loud.

“What’s so funny?” Jim asked, his prick erect once more.

“I just wondered if there’s a bed in the house big enough to hold all of us,” Becky grinned. “Let’s cut all this talk and get down to business, brother. I’m horny. Let’s sixty-nine.”

A moment later Becky’s eager mouth slipped down to seize her brother’s burning meat. She began licking and sucking with lewd moans, pausing to lap at his balls every so often. With her steaming crotch over Jim’s mouth, brother and sister rocked and jerked with spasms of lust as they devoured each other. Only after they came in each other’s greedy mouths did they lay back, temporarily sated.

Becky’s ass felt excruciatingly raw and tender, but she liked the warm erotic glow spreading outward from her hot ass-cheeks. Tomorrow she’d get her father to spank her, to renew the lustful sensations. Strange, how pain could feel good. She’d gotten Jim to screw her anally not only out of curiosity, but as a sort of practice session. If she could take Jim’s long prick without fainting, she ought to be able to take her father’s immense cock. She knew he adored her cute ass, fondling and stroking its velvety heat constantly with powerful fingers. She knew he’d thought about fucking her in the ass, although he never mentioned it. She looked forward to the surprise and pleasure on his face when she offered her nakedly rounded ass-cheeks to him.

How many girls loved their fathers enough to offer them their helpless asses for pure pleasure?

Her mother had to be next, Becky thought restlessly. There was no one else left in the family.

What instinct prompted Becky to search her parents’ bedroom the following day, she didn’t know. Just a sharp curiosity about her mother’s seeming innocence. She had to have a secret somewhere, Becky sensed as she went through her mother’s closet. She found a pair of panties in the laundry hamper and sniffed her mother’s pussy fragrance with excitement. She moved next to the dresser. In a bottom drawer, beneath a set of folded towels, she found two items that left her dazed with astonishment.

One was a gigantic dildo with dozens of soft rubber spikes on its prick-shaped length. Becky fiddled with the red button on the bottom and almost dropped the humming cock as a sharp electric tingle raced through her fingers. The other item was a Polaroid snapshot, in color, of a beautiful naked blonde.

Becky sank down on the bed as she gaped at it. The blonde was tall, high-breasted with huge pink nipples and long sleek legs. She lay casually on a bed, her thighs slightly parted so that her pink pussy shone through her curly cunt-hairs. The expression on her face was lewd, her eyes smoldering, her sensuous lips curved in an inviting smile.

The snapshot was signed: All my hottest love, darling, Carol.

“Incredible,” Becky murmured out loud. “Too much! Oh Mom, did you have me fooled!”

Becky tried to imagine a dozen different reasons for the dildo and the obscene snapshot to be in the drawer, but only came back to one answer – her mother, the cunning bitch, was having an affair with a beautiful blonde! For a long time Becky stared it the dildo and the photograph in turn. Her father couldn’t know. Suddenly Becky realized she had the upper hand completely over her mother.

All she had to do was blackmail her sexually. Becky went back to her own room, bringing the dildo and the snapshot with her. She smiled slyly as she went to take a bath. Her father had promised, in front of the family to take her to see a special movie tonight. Meaning they were going to make it again. But there was another hidden meaning in his eyes she couldn’t fathom, a sort of amused secret, accompanied by an I’ll-tell-you-later look.

Well, now Becky had a surprise or two for him. She would keep the evidence hidden from her mother and look as innocent as possible for a day or two. Her sexy mother might crack from the tension of not knowing who took them, but it was just this sort of tension that would make her a pushover at the right moment.

Again Becky stared at the seductively naked blonde in the picture. So her mother was a real swinger, a raving switch-hitter!

Maybe, Becky thought with a soft hungry tingle in her lips as she stared at the blonde’s ripe curves, I inherited some of that. Mom and I could make a real team.

Becky Marks felt like the horniest girl in the world as she slipped into the steaming bathtub. But if her own father and his surprise couldn’t fix that, nothing could.

The surprises began coming fast and furiously as soon as Glenn and his daughter drove away from the house.

“The thing is, Becky,” he said as he drove, “I, ah, had this date tonight with this redhead, see? I sort of wanted you to meet her. She’s anxious to meet you and I was, ah, hoping you’d like each other.”

Becky laughed. “I’m not a dummy, Daddy. You want to make it with both of us, right? You want to play threesies.”

Glenn glanced at his daughter, partly startled, mostly with pride. Very sharp, as well as a terrific lay. He’d been meaning to broach the subject by degrees, carefully, but his beautiful daughter was so laughingly open about the subject of sex, she’d probably thought of it as soon as he did.

“You won’t object, angel?” he asked.

“Any way you want to swing is all right with me, Daddy. I just hope she’s sexy.”

Glenn grinned. “Don’t worry about that, Becky. She says she’s never done it with a girl before. But she’s willing to try, especially when I showed her a picture of you. The one in your pink bikini, where your tits almost spill out of the top. As a matter of fact,” he added smoothly, “I thought we might play a few games with Marge.”

“Games?” she said excitedly.

“Tie her up, tease her a little, get her all hot and bothered. Then torment her a little bit before giving her more pleasure.” He figured Becky may as well find out about the whip and manacles in his briefcase now. She wasn’t exactly the timid type when it came to sex, he thought.

“Well, in that case, I’ve got just the thing, Daddy. Look.”

She took the dildo from her straw purse and held it up. Glenn gawked and the car almost skidded on the road. Becky explained about the electric-shock button on bottom.

“Where in the hell did you get that?”

“I think you’d better park for a minute, Daddy. This is going to blow your mind, I’m afraid.”

He parked the car, and Becky handed him the snapshot of the sensuously naked blonde stewardess. Thea she told her father where she’d found the dildo and the picture. For a long minute Glenn stared at the picture, stunned.

“I’ll be Goddamned,” he muttered, shaking his head. “I’ll be a sonofabitch. Sheila? Sheila playing around on the side with another woman? Christ, I wouldn’t have believed she had it in her. My own wife a switch-hitter!”

He suddenly felt ridiculous. Here he was bringing his own daughter along for an orgy with himself and another woman while he was seething with anger over his wife. But if only she’d told him years before! To think of the time they’d wasted when they could have had terrifically exciting threesomes!

His eyes went to Becky’s jutting tits and smooth legs. Well, they could still have threesome; his wife, his adolescent daughter and himself, couldn’t they? And if Sheila was tormented in the process, well, hell, she deserved it, didn’t she? Glenn shook his head and started the engine. Becky coughed.

“Uh, there’s one more thing, Daddy,” she said with a smile.

“What now, angel? How can you possibly top that news?”

“It’s, uh, about Jim, Daddy.”

“What about him? What’s he done?”

“Well, it wasn’t what he did. It’s what we did, last night while you and Mom were out. I couldn’t help it, Daddy, I was so darn horny and you were gone for the evening.”

Glenn shook his head, dazed, and turned the car engine off again. Becky no longer seemed little. He knew Becky did the actual seducing, knew how lust-crazed she could get when she was turned on. “All right,” he said finally, “how was the kid in bed?”

“Oh, great, Daddy,” the blonde girl beamed. “For his age, that is. I mean, he’s not hung like you, but he’s not exactly a boy scout, either. You don’t mind, do you, Dad?”

Glenn patted her ass-cheeks affectionately. “No, I don’t mind, Becky. As a matter of fact, I’d rather Jim came to you when he was worked up than some scatterbrain in school who’d make him spend money first or else give him the runaround. You know, we’re all going to have to be careful, Becky.” His voice was serious. “If anyone in town found out about what’s going on in the family…”

“Daddy, when can we get Mom for a threesome? Or a foursome, with Jim?” the blonde asked excitedly.

“Soon,” he promised. “Very soon.”

He drove off again, suddenly overwhelmed by all the wanton possibilities presenting themselves among his own family. This first threesome with his daughter was only a prelude. He knew Becky liked games, and if he could get her to like them enough with other girls, he could teach her to lure other teenage girls into threesomes or even foursomes. As for his wife, she apparently was doing fantastically well on her own, he realized with irony. The naked blonde in the picture was a knockout.

His wife and daughter could get all the girls he wanted, for himself and Jim. A whole dazzling new lifestyle of excitement opened before his eyes, all because he’d decided in a moment of irresistible lust to take his daughter’s virginity. There was risk there, danger, but, hell, that made the game all the more worth the effort, didn’t it?

The redhead Glenn had sold the new Chevy convertible to the week before was waiting outside her apartment building. Becky’s heart began to beat with excitement as Marge got in the car beside her. Glenn introduced them and he could see the rich college girl was immediately taken with Becky’s soft loveliness. She was nervous too, her lushly curved tits rising and falling rapidly with her breathing.

Becky laughed, thinking of the colossal dildo in her purse. The gadget fascinated her, especially the shock button. It wouldn’t be long before the redhead found out just how mischievous the blonde actually was. And how wantonly exciting.

Glenn used his usual motel, owned by a friend whom he gave liberal discounts on a new car every year. This insured his silence, but even so Glenn carefully cautioned Becky to stay down in the back seat until she could slip in the motel room safely. When he was registered, Becky followed him and the shapely redhead into the room.

Glenn took a fifth of Scotch from his briefcase, and made three drinks, deliberately making Becky’s weak and Marge’s very strong. Glenn waited a few minutes for the liquor to take effect on the nervous redhead. His prick had been hotly pulsing ever since he’d left the house with his blonde daughter. And it was Becky who broke the ice.

“Look, gang,” she giggled, “we can’t just sit around all night. I’ll strip first, okay?”

Without the slightest bit of self-consciousness or shame, the blonde removed all her clothes. Her eyes blazing with eagerness and curiosity, Becky walked up to the trembling redhead. She put her hands on Marge’s heavy tits, squeezing gently, aroused at the strange feel of another girl’s warm tits in her fingers.

To Glenn Marks, the sight of his daughter passionately feeling up another sexy girl was tremendously exciting. Marge was beginning to melt already, fascinated by Becky’s boldness and lewdly searching fingers.

“Take it off now,” Becky whispered to Marge, rubbing her wetly throbbing pussy against the redhead’s warm crotch. “Take it all off and I’ll lick your pussy. This is a first time for me, too, Marge, so don’t be nervous.”

Her fingers shaking, the college girl obeyed. She barely took her eyes off Becky, Glenn noticed, as though hypnotized by the woman’s vibrant lust. As she stood naked before Becky, his daughter seized her creamy tits with a soft hungry moan and began sucking on one of the nipples.

“Oh, that’s exciting,” Marge gasped, putting her arms around the girl, feeling Becky’s warm soaked pussy grind to hers. “Oh, you’re getting me hot, Becky. Mmmmmmm.”

Glenn quickly stripped, watching his daughter eagerly French-kiss the redhead. Her fingers groped Marge’s fully rounded ass. Becky was fiercely, wildly excited at the soft sexy feel of Marge’s naked flesh. It was so different from her father’s or her brother’s hotly thrilling cock, so deliciously guilty and forbidden.

Becky stepped back from the college girl, panting, and looked at her father. He delved into his briefcase, talking to Marge meanwhile.

“Becky and I want to play a little game, Marge. Don’t worry, you won’t get hurt. We’re just going to tie you down on the bed with these manacles, see?”

“Why?” Marge’s eyes mirrored fright.

“A game,” he said patiently. “It’s more exciting this way, Marge. A little teasing, that’s all. Right, Becky?”

Becky nodded quickly, her eyes blazing with anticipation. “Just a game, Marge,” she said, stroking the redhead’s hot ass. “Come on, be a sport. I’ll give you the time of your life if you do. I’ll eat your hot pussy until you faint with joy,” she whispered lasciviously in Marge’s ear, snaking her wet pink tongue into it. Becky felt on tire with lust, driven by an overpowering curiosity. “I’ll lick your asshole,” she promised. “You’ll love it, Marge.”

Glenn marveled at his daughter’s cunning, at the way she deliberately used obscene words to arouse the redhead. She rubbed her golden-haired cunt to Marge’s crotch as she talked, until Marge breathlessly nodded, her eyelids fluttering with excitement.

Quickly, Glenn manacled her wrists and ankles to the four bedposts. She lay naked and spread-eagled, totally helpless, her lush tits panting with fear and desire, panic welling up in her eyes for the first time when she realized how completely helpless she was. Her gaze went from Glenn’s massively throbbing cock above his swollen hairy balls to his daughter’s mouth.

Eagerly, Becky got the grotesque dildo from her purse, Marge’s face turned white with tenor.

“Oh my God, you’re not going to – you’re not going to use that thing on me, are you? I’ll scream!”

“We’re situated in the far rear of the motel,” Glenn told her. “The adjoining room is vacant. I don’t think anyone will hear you, Marge. Besides, I’ve got a funny hunch you might just fall in love with that gadget.” Sheila obviously loved it and Glenn was curious to know why.

“Let me eat her pussy first, Daddy,” Becky implored. “Let me suck her off. She looks so damned yummy!”

Glenn grinned at his daughter. “Okay, angel. But don’t let her come. I want her so hot she’s smoking.”

The blonde hurried to climb on top of the nakedly trembling redhead. For a few minutes Becky sat astride her plump hips, so that their burning cunt-lips were in contact. Moaning softly, Becky passionately squirmed her aching pussy to Marge’s, creating a delicious friction between their tingling crotches. Her hands stroked and massaged Marge’s hot tits meanwhile, loving their fat nipples.

“Oh, I, I like that, Becky. Ummmmmm, oh, it’s making me so hot, faster, please?”

Marge forgot her fear as the silken-skinned blonde triggered dreamy thrills in her throbbing cunt. Glenn sat on the side of the bed meanwhile, watching his beautiful daughter arouse the redhead to a feverish pitch. Now Becky was sliding down, clutching Marge’s round hips as she traced circles on her soft belly with the point of her burning tongue.

A soaring excitement shuddered through Becky’s naked flesh as she hunched between the spread-eagled girl’s milky thighs. With a tentative motion, Becky flicked her long tongue out to taste Marge’s pink wet pussy. It was sweet and juicy, unlike anything resembling a hot prick. The blonde took another taste and then another, entranced by the honeyed rife oozing out of the redhead’s silken cunt.

Then, with a moan of lewd delight, Becky dove in. She began sucking the crying girl’s boiling pussy-flesh with ravenous lashes of her tongue, sucking deep and hard.

“Oh, Mother, ooooooo! Oh, God it’s – oh, Becky, eat me, darling! Ohit’s wonderful!”

“Don’t let her come!” Glenn cautioned his daughter. His long pulsing rod leaped at the sight of his naked daughter ravenously going down on the helpless redhead, lapping and sucking in a frenzy of hunger. Christ, he couldn’t just sit here and watch! Not while Becky’s lush ass twitched and jerked to her frantic pussy-eating. He debated rapidly with himself – the college girl’s helpless mouth or his daughter’s luscious hot pussy? Its tiny pink cunt-lips were shiny with her juices, already sucking with desire.

Nor had Becky forgotten his warnings. Sensing Marge was about to have an orgasm, she dipped her mouth down a couple inches to the crevice of her burning ass. The blonde’s tongue shot into Marge’s asshole to wriggle and squirm for a minute, causing the bound girl to shiver with obscene pleasure. Becky was suddenly aware that her father was mounting her poised ass from behind.

“Yes,” she gasped up at him urgently. “Fuck me, Daddy. Do it to me dog-style! Give me every inch. YES!”

Every time Glenn Marks fucked his daughter, he marveled at the tight, electrifying juiciness of her hot cunt. It writhed like a starving animal on his ramming prick. Kneeling behind her, Glenn could watch his daughter lewdly suck and kiss and lap at Marge’s pink throbbing pussy while he lunged deeper and deeper into her thrilling slit.

In spite of her own wanton urgency, every time the naked, spread-eagled college girl came close to a fever of orgasm, Becky, pulled away her frenzied lips and tongue, kissing and licking Marge’s hot thighs instead. Now Becky slammed her soft ass back furiously to meet her father’s powerfully pumping cock, hearing his big balls slap loudly against her ass-cheeks with each plunge.

“Fuck me, Daddy!” she cried happily. “Ooooooh, more of that hot prick! More, Daddy! Unnnnngh! Shoot me your load now, now, now!”

Less than a violently jerking minute later, Glenn Marks felt his burning cum literally sucked from his loins by Becky’s madly wriggling cunt. Wave after wave of thrills shot along his bursting meat as Becky thrashed and gyrated her erupting pussy on his cock. Panting with satisfaction, Glenn climbed off his daughter. His initial urgency was gone now and he could settle down to business with the redhead.

Becky sat up, catching her breath. She wiped at the wet pussy-juice on her cheeks with her fingers, licking them dry with obscene relish. Beneath her, Marge continued to sob in a torment of pent-up lust, nudging her pussy in Becky’s direction with pleading spasms. For Marge, the ordeal was just beginning.

“Don’t leave me like this,” Marge begged. “Please, Becky, I’m so worked up I could die. Please, darling?”

It wasn’t the first time Marge had her pussy sucked off, but it was the first time she’d been devoured with such thrilling lust, such wildly sucking passion. And it was the first time a beautiful girl had ever aroused her. From the tips of her aching hot nipples to the soles of her feet, the helplessly bound college girl throbbed with need.

Becky picked up the dildo. “Let me rape her with it, okay, Daddy? I’m dying to see how it works. Oooh, please?”

Glenn nodded, grinning. After that last piece, he couldn’t refuse his luscious daughter anything. Intensely excited, Becky placed her naked ass on Marge’s lush tits and leaned forward, face down to the redhead’s eagerly pulsing cunt.

“No, no, no,” Marge sobbed, trying to twist away from the hovering monster. She tugged fiercely at her chains, tenor shivering through her hot flesh. She wondered if she ought to scream but then realized if she was heard and someone called the police, her wealthy parents would undoubtedly hear about it. And how would she explain an orgy with a beautiful girl and the girl’s father?

Marge bit her lip to keep from screaming. Her breath panting on Marge’s steaming pussy, the blonde pressed the knob-shaped head of the immense cock to Marge’s cunt-lips. She switched the on button and breathlessly worked the giant cock-head into the college girl’s trembling cunt. As the piercing dildo quivered and hummed in Marge’s hotly aroused pussy, the rounded spikes began shooting intense thrills into the redhead’s loins.

“Oh, God, that’s exciting!” the helpless girl gasped. “Oooo, Becky, that’s fantastic! Oh, easy, easy, it’s gorging me! Aaaah!”

Deeper and deeper, the blonde adolescent shoved the buzzing massive prick inside Marge’s now-fiercely sucking pussy. She experimented by twisting it, which made the redhead’s nakedly helpless flesh leap off the bed, quivering madly. When she had three inches rammed in, Becky nudged her mouth forward and found Marge’s swollen clit-bud, wet, and exposed. She sucked on it hungrily to give the spread-eagled girl a new series of shattering thrills.

Then Becky pushed the red button on the base of the dildo.

“Aaaaaargh!” screamed Marge, shaking her head wildly from side to side. “God! No more! Please Becky, too exciting! Eeeeee!”

The electric jolt that tore through Marge’s impaled pussy left her gasping for breath, totally dazed at the violent new sensation. She tugged ferociously at her manacles, forgetting for the moment she was bound. Between her creamy dripping thighs, the girl watched in fascination as she worked another spiked inch into Marge’s hotly soaked cunt. Becky was getting hotter and hotter as the obscene prick squirmed and wriggled in Marge’s pulsing cunt-flesh. Each time she pushed the red button – only for a couple seconds – the redhead responded with a maddening moan and a shuddering leap off the bed, with her big ass-cheeks bouncing furiously.

Digging her hot tits into Marge’s belly, Becky inched her ass backward until her own boiling cunt was crushed to Marge’s mouth. Delirious with lust, the redhead didn’t hesitate. With a deep moan, she began licking and sucking the blonde’s fiery wet pussy. She rammed deep with her frenzied tongue to lap up Becky’s hot juices. She crushed her nose to Becky’s fragrant asshole so she could plunge her tongue even deeper into the succulent, burning cunt-flesh.

At twenty-two, the college girl had no idea such maddening, nerve racking sex-thrills even existed. The humming spikes vibrating against her pussy flesh made her feel as if her rammed cunt was going to explode momentarily. Again and again Marge came, each orgasm more intense and shattering than the last.

And each time Becky pushed the red button, the redhead almost fainted with the blend of pain and sheer ecstasy. The sharp current that tingled in her ravaged cunt was driving her literally insane, she felt.

“Can’t stop, oh God! Can’t stop coming! No more, Becky, please! You’re fucking me to death! Coming again! Unnnnn!”

Her muffled cries from between Becky’s hotly dripping thighs only spurred the naked blonde to inflict new jolts of current into Marge’s lust maddened pussy.

All the while, Becky’s father watched with intense curiosity. The sight of his daughter raping the helplessly spread-eagled redhead with such obscene pleasure filled him with pride and a fierce lust. Any reservations Marge might have had about eating Becky’s pussy had long since vanished between the thrilling dildo and Becky’s eager lips on her clitoris.

The sight of his naked daughter’s boiling crotch jammed to the redhead’s helpless mouth hardened his long meat until it quivered impatiently. His mind explored the current lewd possibilities quickly. He could sit on Marge’s face, raping her in the mouth while he hoisted Becky’s naked ripe ass up, with her legs on his shoulders so he could eat her hot pussy at the same time. He could mount his naked daughter from the rear and assault her tender asshole while Marge devoured her. Or he could, even though it might be a little awkward, position himself so that he could rape the redhead’s vulnerable asshole while Becky continued to ravage her drenched cunt with the dildo.

The view of his daughter’s luscious naked ass shuddering with delight over Marge’s face decided for him. His fat prick surging with lust, he crouched next to Marge’s head. His powerful hands lifted Becky’s soft hips up high in the air. A loud wail of protest came from Marge, whose eyes were gazed with wanton hunger, her face smeared with the blonde’s hotly trickling cunt-juices.

Glenn carefully positioned himself over the redhead’s eager mouth, planting a folded knee on each side of her face. Crouching over her head, he leaned forward and rested Becky’s upper thighs over his shoulders, so that her hot ass was crushed to his face. Already his naked daughter began to eagerly squirm her ripe ass-cheeks to his face. The hot breath of her boiling cunt hit his face like a blast of steam.

With one hand, Glenn guided his huge burning prick into the helpless redhead’s mouth beneath him. Immediately a long low moan of passion came from her throat as she gulped as much of his pounding meat into her mouth as she could. A moment later Glenn began sucking and kissing his naked daughter’s delicious hot pussy while he fucked the madly moaning college girl brutally in the mouth.

“Ooo, Daddy!” Becky cried out with lewd delight. “Ooo, eat it, eat it! Oh, Daddy, I love it! Suck me faster!”

Squirming her cunt lustfully to her father’s mouth, Becky was in such a fever of excitement she plunged the quivering spiked dildo savagely into the helpless redhead’s frantic pussy. Then she pushed the red button and forgot to release it.

Jolt after jolt of blazing thrills rippled through Marge’s bursting cunt, driving her into a delirium of passion. She whipped her mouth up and down on Glenn’s massive hot prick with feverish abandon, yearning for his thick molten juice. The giant head of his dick battered her throat cruelly, but the fiercely aroused college girl was beyond pain, leaping and thrashing on the mattress with insane excitement.

Now the wanton blonde was sucking fiercely on her clit to intensify the shattering thrills in her exploding cunt. Becky locked her burning thighs savagely to her father’s face as she writhed and fucked his stroking tongue. The girl was starting to come, a wild fiery orgasm that tore through her silken flesh in a flood of lust. There was blood on the spiked prick, she saw with lascivious pleasure. Marge’s pussy-blood. Eagerly, Becky licked it off the humming dildo. Her legs scissored violently behind her father’s head as a long spasm of ecstasy shuddered through her hotly sucking cunt.

The college girl feared she was losing her mind beneath the madly raping cock gorging her bleeding pussy, but at this moment, she couldn’t care less. She twirled her tongue in a frenzy around Glenn’s rock-hard prick, using her lips to suck his hot jizz with all her might. The smell of his hairy, sweating huge balls in her face only fired her hunger. She issued a long low scream in her throat that was incoherent, but the message was clear come in my mouth now!

Glenn dug his fingers harshly into the silken flesh of his daughter’s ass as she came in his mouth, her sweet hot juices pouring like liquid lust. The redhead’s crazed mouth sucked so greedily on his prick, he could feel his cum tingle like a knot of explosive lava in his loins. He jerked up and down in urgent lunges, grunting in great burning gushes in her eager mouth, fucking the helpless redhead’s lips in a fury of excitement.

Marge gulped down the boiling liquid as rapidly as she could, draining his softening prick with ravenous moans, as though his fiery thick juice could quench the maddening fire in her quivering cunt.

Heaving for breath, Glenn gently lowered his naked daughter’s ass away from his face and climbed off the sobbing redhead. Only Becky could inspire such a wild, frenzied blow job from the normally timid college girl. Without thinking, Becky lowered her hotly glowing cunt onto Marge’s face – and immediately was sorry. Feverish animal sounds coming from her lips, Marge began sucking the naked blonde off with savage laps and kisses, her mouth insane with insatiable passion.

Becky quickly jerked her crotch away from the redhead’s lust-maddened mouth. Then, with a final ten-second jolt of the red button that shuddered Marge’s trembling hot flesh from head to toe, the blonde carefully removed the spiked dildo from her ravaged cunt.

For a few minutes, Marge twitched and gasped on the bed, undulating her big ass in slow, lewd circles.

“Fuck me more,” the redhead panted feverishly. “Fuck me again! again! Don’t ever want to stop coming! Eat me again, Becky, oooh, suck me off, darling! Fuck me, suck me, don’t just sit there. Want more!”

“She’ll be all right, won’t she, Daddy?” Becky asked her father with concern. The college girl’s eyes were glazed over with shock and lust and her creamy helpless flesh shook with lingering spasms.

“She’s just a little crazy with excitement,” Glenn said. “She’s stopped bleeding, anyway. She just couldn’t stop coming. I think we could use a change of pace. Give me a hand, Becky.”

Glenn unchained her wrists and ankles, but the redhead was raving softly and she barely seemed to notice. They nudged her over on her stomach and manacled her again, with her luscious round ass now helplessly exposed.

“More?” Marge whimpered. “Oooooh, more? More big cock? Yes, fuck me!”

“I think what we need is some shock therapy,” Glenn told Becky, “Too many thrills, too fast, too hard. A little punishment will bring her out of it.”

From his briefcase, Glenn took his short leather whip. Becky stared at it in fascination. The short things were vicious-looking, black and shiny and almost alive.

The naked blonde remembered her wanton desire to have her father spank her, but at the moment she was more interested in the helplessly chained redhead on the bed. Marge’s asscheeks were lush and creamy, trembling excitedly. She was barely aware of what was happening, Becky noticed, her wet lips raving softly, dried blood caking her softly sucking cunt-lips.

Glenn trailed the thongs gently over the velvety white surface of Marge’s ass, his long rod already stiffening again. When the smooth milky skin turned a bright crimson, he would savor the redhead’s hot beautiful ass – but not before then. When her naked buttocks were fiery with punishment, they would be hottest against his bushy groin.

Glenn suddenly twitched the whip sharply and the thongs lashed out savagely on Marge’s naked ripe ass. She yelped sharply arid quivered. Again he lashed out with the whip and a low scream came from the bound girl’s throat as her white ass bounced and jerked.

“Hurts!” she sobbed. “Don’t – aaaagh! My ass! My ass is on fire! Ooooooo, Christ!”

Becky watched with rising excitement as the pearl-white flesh began to turn bright red beneath the stroking whip, a beautiful crimson hue that spread all over her soft hot ass. The college girl jerked wildly at her manacles, her yelps becoming sharper with each brutal stroke.

In minutes, the burning glow in Marge’s nakedly thrashing ass began to fuse with the hot fire in her pussy. Each white-hot lash of the whip started an intense sensation in her squirming ass-cheeks that raced to her ravaged cunt, until she began to plead for more punishment.

“Yes, hurt me! Don’t stop! Shove it up my ass!Rape me, pleeeeeze!”

Becky watched, amazed at how the chained redhead had gone from agony to shivering excitement in minutes. She stared down at the spiked dildo in her hand, awed, understanding now why her mother used it. Now that Marge’s creamy ass was a glowing crimson, Glenn laid aside the whip. His prick hovered out from above his huge balls like a battering ram, its knob oozing out a milky drop. He dipped his fingers into Marge’s wetly drenched cunt and spread her fluid around the head of his throbbing meat.

Then he mounted her from the rear. Eager to help, his daughter crouched close, spreading the redhead’s quivering hot ass, until Marge’s tiny brown anus was exposed.

In one violent thrust, Glenn rammed his massive prick deep into the helpless college girl’s burning ass.

“Unnnnnnng! Tearing me up!” she screamed.

Glenn began raping the helpless redhead’s hotly glowing ass with deep groans of pleasure. Each time she squirmed her hips in a vain attempt to free herself, juicy new thrills from her fiery bowels raced though his pounding rod. Her narrow slit was incredibly juicy and tight, obviously a cherry.

Deeply aroused at the obscene spectacle of her father’s huge prick slamming into the chained girl’s helpless ass, Becky climbed onto the bed. She lay on her back between both of them, her face up between their thighs. Inching upward, the panting blonde craned up her mouth so she could suck on her father’s massive hairy balls while he thrust powerfully into Marge’s ripe ass.

Becky brought the spiked dildo to her eagerly waiting pussy and raised her knees high. She switched it on and plunged in the head, moaning in surprise. Sharp hot thrills began throbbing in her sucking cunt as she rammed another painful inch of spikes in. And another.

Becky began to fuck the humming invader furiously, all the while sucking and licking her father’s swollen balls with lustful hunger. Her hips jerked and swung savagely as she inched more of it in, thinking she was going crazy from the hot, lewdly grinding monster cramming her pussy.

Then she remembered the red button and pushed it.

Good God! Becky thought deliriously. No wonder Marge went insane! The jolting current that rippled through her wildly sucking cunt was so shatteringly exciting she almost fainted. She opened her mouth wide to clutch one of her father’s hot balls in her mouth and sucked lewdly, daring to push the red button again.

And again Becky’s tawny nakedness shuddered wantonly as the electrifying huge prick rammed deeper and hotter, cramming her tight slit to the bunting point. Oh Lord in heaven, Becky thought feverishly, I could fuck myself to death with this loving monster!

Above her madly sucking lips on his balls, her father was losing his stamina between his daughter’s tingling mouth and the redhead’s writhing juicy asshole. Marge was sobbing deliriously now, slamming her hips up to meet his pistoning hot prick, imploring him feverishly to come. The bolts of agony piercing her tender asshole were almost pure bliss in her lust-maddened state. Even the pain of the manacles on her bound wrists and ankles added to her frenzy of joy.

“Fuck it harder!” she begged, “More of your big cock up my ass!Rip me in two with it!”

Her burning tight asshole clasped and squirmed on his throbbing meat like a fiercely sucking mouth, until Glenn began to spurt powerfully into her juicy slit. Becky was lapping at his bursting balls with ravenous greed meanwhile. Even after his last molten drop was drained by her greedily sucking anus, the crying redhead begged for more, twisting her hot naked ass in a furious plea.

Between their thighs, Becky moaned incoherently as she fucked herself with the jolting monstrous dildo. She realized even, in her torrent of lust she had to stop now, or she’d go on until she fainted from sheer exhaustion. With an effort, the shaking blonde pulled out the humming giant and lay panting for breath. Long after her father had climbed off the frantic college girl, Becky rubbed her palms over her steaming crotch with obscene sighs of satisfaction. Becky was still so hot, she felt enveloped in a sheet of fire.

She rolled over on her stomach, spread Marge’s twitching pink ass-cheeks with her fingers and plunged her tongue deep into the redhead’s fiery asshole. Eagerly, Becky began to lap up her father’s trickling hot cum from Marge’s squirming ass, shuddering with delight.

The college girl could only moan and rave beneath this new delicious sensation, greedily shoving her ripe ass up in Becky’s face.

It took almost half an hour for Marge to calm down. Nothing in her secure, sheltered life had prepared her for a long violent night like this. The shattering thrills and sheets of pain that tore through her vagina and anus that night left her in a state of numb shock.

“I don’t want to go home,” she mumbled as Glenn drove toward her apartment building. “I want to spend the night with you two. I want to suck and fuck and get raped all night long. I want to eat Becky’s hot pussy and suck your big cock, Glenn. Let’s go back.”

“Do you have any tranquilizers at home?” he asked sharply.

“I suppose. Why?”

“Take two and go straight to bed,” he ordered. “You’ll get over it in a day or two.”

“Hell, I don’t want to get over it,” she retorted. “I’m horny, dammit! I want to go out and get laid.”

“Jesus,” Glenn muttered in disgust. Too much, too fast, too wild, that was the trouble. All he needed now was an unpredictable college girl on his hands. She was on a sex binge, obviously, triggered by the dildo and the whip. And, of course, Becky’s madly sucking mouth. He didn’t like the wild gleam in the redhead’s eyes. Again he’d made the mistake of turning on a girl too thoroughly and too violently. She knew his phone number, and she’d have no trouble finding his house if she wanted to. And that would be a hell of a scene.

Before he let her out of the car, Glenn forced her to drink some Scotch straight from the bottle, hoping it would calm her down.

“I’m okay now,” she said, sighing. “I’m exhausted anyway. I guess I’ll go straight to bed.”

“Don’t call me, I’ll call you,” Glenn warned her. They watched her shapely curves bounce and sway as she entered her apartment building.

Glenn had an uneasy feeling as he drove himself and Becky home. His daughter cuddled next to him as he drove, her fingers fondling his cock through his pants.

“What’s wrong, Daddy?” Becky asked. “It was a terrific night, honest. I loved it, every minute of it.”

“I don’t know,” he said, shrugging. “I don’t trust Marge. She changed too fast. Maybe she was a little unbalanced to begin with. You never know about those quiet types. They can explode like a dormant volcano.”

“Shell be okay,” Becky said casually, with the certainty of youth. “Daddy, will you spank me sometime? And use the whip on me? And put your big beautiful cock up my ass?”

Amazing, Glenn thought, how her mouth could utter such obscenities so nonchalantly. She took to hot raw sex like a duck to water. And why not? She was a chip off her mother’s block. Recalling the seductively naked blonde in the snapshot, Glenn realized his whole family was brimming over with surprises.

Well, he would have a surprise for his beautiful wife soon, when he got rested up from the torrid session tonight. Hot Becky would have a surprise or two for her swinging mother as well. And her son, Jim, a chip off his block.

But the biggest surprise of all for the outwardly wholesome, clean-cut Marks family would come roaring into their lives in less than forty-eight hours like a freight train.

None of them, from passionate, hot-lipped blonde Becky to her secretly swinging mother had the faintest notion it was coming.

There was an air of seething tension around the breakfast table the next morning. Sheila Marks, her voluptuous face taut with fear, glanced at her husband and son and daughter in turn. Which of them took the picture of naked Carol and the dildo Carol had loaned her? Which of them knew her shocking secret? Her fingers shook as she pecked at her food.

Becky’s innocent face revealed nothing. But when her mother wasn’t looking at her, the blonde raked her eyes over her mother’s high, luscious tits recalling the sweet hot taste of the redhead’s mounds the night before.

Jim shot smoldering glances at his sister, their Saturday night orgy still vivid in his mind. That business of her going to the movies with their father last night was pure bull, he knew. His father was getting Becky’s hot pussy any time he wanted it, while Jim had to wait in line.

Glenn Marks kept up a cool, casual front while he ate. He could see the panic in his wife’s lustrous eyes over the missing dildo and obscene picture. She’d find out what happened to them soon enough. One thing he’d made up his mind about – the blonde was a switch-hitter like his wife, and he was determined to get both of them in a wild session soon.

But first ripe-breasted, long-legged Sheila had to be severely punished for her bizarre secret. She didn’t know about the whip and the manacles, just as he didn’t know about the sexy, luscious blonde lover his wife had on the side.

“I want everyone to stay home tonight,” he announced as he pushed his plate away. “Important family conference.”

Sheila’s face went chalk-white. Would he dare to expose her wanton sex life in front of their own children? Was that the reason for the meeting? She bit her lip, realizing she could only wait in nerve-racking suspense until tonight.

Becky’s eyes smoldered with anticipation. A family party! Oh Lord, Mother, she thought passionately, am I gonna eat you tonight! And vice versa. Becky shivered with an eerie excitement at the prospect of torrid hot sex with her own gorgeous mother.

The long day passed with agonizing slowness for all of them.

At one point in his routine work day at the automobile agency, Glenn had a phone call from the redhead.

“Meet me after work,” she urged him. “I’ve got to see you, Glenn. I don’t know what you two did to me last night, but I’m horny. Come on, honey, I need it!”

“I can’t tonight,” he said irritably. “I’m tied up with my family.”

“You really mean you’re going to tie your family up,” she laughed, a slightly crazy sound that stirred his uneasiness. “Come on, lover, Marge is so hot she’s frantic. A quickie, okay? Wham, barn, thank you, Ma’m. Bring a friend if you like, as long as he’s hung.”

Christ, she was still raving, he thought with disgust. The turned-on college girl was getting to be a real problem, a serious one. Stall her.

“Tonight is out of the question, Marge. Maybe tomorrow night, okay?”

“Dammit, by tomorrow night I’ll need the fire department to put out what’s going on in my pussy! Don’t you understand? I’m so hot I’m going crazy! At least let me borrow your sexy daughter for an hour or two.”

“Go to a whorehouse,” Glenn snapped, and slammed down the phone. Almost at once he regretted his burst of anger. He should have soothed her somehow. Hell, there was no telling what she might do, or who she’d do it with. Goddamned rich neurotic college bitches anyway, he cursed, pushing her out of his mind with an effort.

In their living room after dinner that night, the Marks family had gathered, silently waiting for Glenn to speak.

“Before we start this family meeting, I have to have a few words in private with your mother,” Glenn told Becky and Jim. “You two will wait here until I call for you.”

White-faced, the tall brunette followed her husband upstairs to their bedroom. She panted nervously as she faced him.

“You know about Carol, don’t you,” she whispered, averting her eyes. “I don’t know why I did it, Glenn, honestly. I wanted excitement, something different, a new kick, new thrills. Do what you like with me,” she shrugged, tears in her eyes. “But the children mustn’t know, not ever.”

“New kicks, hmmm?” Glenn mused dryly. “Take off your clothes, Sheila.”

The trembling brunette obeyed, shame burning her face. Maybe he just wanted to have violent sex with her, to take out his rage. That was a healthy enough reaction. She stood naked before him, her proud velvety tits thrust out, her ample curves still strikingly sexy at thirty-five.

It was hard for Glenn Marks to look at his naked, sensuous wife after all these years and not feel a sharp tingle in his heavy cock. Until his own lusty daughter came along, Sheila had been the wildest, hottest piece of action he’d ever known, her silken hot cunt capable of remarkably passionate sucking and squirming.

“Lie down on the bed and stretch out your arms and legs,” he ordered Sheila.

She swallowed hard, chills running up her spine. “Why?”

“Because I said so,” he said sharply.

Slowly, fear tingling in her blood, the trembling brunette hurried to obey. Glenn had a slow but extremely vicious temper. If she had to be punished for her bizarre secret, she would rather it was his massive beautiful prick that did the punishment.

To Sheila’s astonishment, Glenn opened his briefcase and took out a set of chains and a whip.

“Where in God’s name did you get those?” she whispered.

“We all have our secrets,” he said sarcastically. “As they say in the movies, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Hold still, dammit.”

In two minutes, he had her chained helplessly on the bed. For the first time, terror raced through Sheila’s naked flesh. He was going to whip her! Of all the cruel, sadistic things imaginable!

Glenn went to the top of the stairs and called for Jim and Becky to come up.

“For God’s sake, Glenn,” the horrified brunette cried, “you’re not going to whip me in front of the children! That’s-that’s obscene! You wouldn’t dare!”

Glenn laughed harshly. “Tonight, my dear wife, your eyes are going to be opened as never before. After this, you’ll never keep another secret from me, especially not a sexy, switch-hitting blonde. From now on, this is a sharing family.”

Their son and daughter filed into the bedroom. Jim’s eyes widened on his mother’s luscious naked body. Christ, his mother was a knockout! His eyes went from her huge panting tits down to her thick, silky cunt-hairs, and at once his long rod began to powerfully rise.

Becky’s eyes gleamed with hunger on her mother’s ripe flesh. The redhead was child’s play compared to her own statuesque mother. Oh, Mom, Becky thought with lewd tingles, you can sit on my face anytime!

Sheila stared at Jim and Becky in horror. “Don’t look at me, children, please. Your father’s crazy with rage, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Jim, leave the room!”

“Jim stays,” her husband said crisply. “Get undressed, kids. This is the family meeting I called. Your mother is going to be punished, and you’re going to help me, both of you.”

The dazed brunette’s horror turned to sheer shock. Why would he have them undressed to punish her? She wrenched at her manacles, wincing in pain.

“Children, leave, I beg you!” she sobbed. “Becky, Jim, don’t listen to him!”

“Oh, grow up, Mother,” Becky said impatiently. “For Christ’s sake, what do you think has been going on in this family lately? Stop sounding like a Victorian play. We know about your blonde on the side and the dildo. Jim and I have made it, Daddy and I have made it, and now we’re all going to make it with you.”

Sheila’s mouth dropped open, “What? What did you say?”

Naked, Becky sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her mother’s hot ripe tits lovingly. “Ooooh, Mom, I can’t wait to suck on these. Only I’m not a baby any more, dig? I’m going to suck off your beautiful pussy, Mom. And Jim’s going to ram his long cock up there as far as it will go. And I don’t know what Daddy is going to do, but I’ll bet it won’t be a picnic. So let’s make the most of it.”

The brunette gaped at her daughter in numb disbelief. This wild-eyed creature couldn’t possibly be her own sweet daughter, not with those incredible obscenities rolling from her lips.

Jim stepped up to the bed, his rock-hard prick oozing a drop of semen. “Can I fuck her first, Dad?” he asked eagerly. Most of the girls Jim had screwed had been clumsy and inexperienced, except for his own sister. This was a real woman, lush, fantastically sexy and at the moment very helpless.

“Not yet,” Glenn said, himself naked, his blood-gorged prick hovering out. “Get the dildo,” he told Becky.

“The dildo?” his wife whispered. “No, no, it’s too dangerous! Glenn, you’ve got to get the kids out of here. This is insane! Hurt me any way you like, but don’t let them watch, please?”

Becky brought the spiked monster to her father. Her tits heaved eagerly as her eyes burned on her mother’s nakedly helpless flesh.

“I’ll give you the first ten minutes with her, Becky,” Glenn told his daughter. “Just to warm her up.”

With a low moan of wanton excitement, the blonde climbed on top of her mother’s spread eagled body. She dug her own hot tits passionately into her mother’s silken orbs and ground her aching pussy to the brunette’s. For a minute, Becky snaked her tongue into Sheila’s burning mouth while she used dreamy fucking motions against her mother’s warm pussy.

“Christ, you’re sexy, Mom,” Becky panted as she slid her tawny body down to suck on her mother’s huge-nippled tits. She bit gently and sucked fiercely on the hot mounds for a minute, before she snuggled further down. In a teasing ritual, Becky traced lewd kisses around the brunette’s bushy cunt.

“No, no, no,” Sheila whimpered, closing her eyes. But in spite of her shock. The feel of her daughter’s naked ripe flesh crushing to hers, the lustful kisses Becky’s hot, mouth teased her pussy with began to arouse her intensely. Because it wasn’t so different from the blonde stewardess’ lascivious lovemaking.

It was, in fact, far more exciting because Becky was her own beautiful daughter. And the loving way the girl was now teasing her tingling cunt surpassed anything the stewardess had done to arouse her.

And also because Jim was watching his sister with burning, wildly excited eyes. Jim was almost an exact replica of his father twenty years ago, with his long bristling cock and lean, muscled body.

“Dad, I can’t wait,” Jim said urgently to his father. “Can I fuck Becky first? Her cute ass is driving me crazy!”

“Go ahead, son,” Glenn told him, eager to watch his daughter in action any time. The sight of the girl’s sensuously curved ass madly swinging was like a shot of Spanish fly to him.

“Becky, Becky, darling, don’t, don’t! Uuummmmm, oh, Becky, honey, you don’t know what you’re doing! Aaaaaah! Ooooooo, God, that’s good! Oh, faster, honey,faster!”

The carefully built walls of rigid family structure collapsed in a crumbling heap as the blonde began to suck her mother’s fragrantly soaked cunt with ravenous lust. The chained brunette was already swinging her ass to an eager rhythm against her daughter’s searing lips and tongue. My God, Sheila thought deliriously, she can eat pussy! Becky’s inspired tongue lapped and snaked and slithered deep into Sheila’s hotly throbbing slit, loving her sexy mother with unashamed fervor.

Her ass poised in the air, with her knees folded under her, Becky was suddenly aware that Jim was mounting her from behind. His hands gripped her hips tightly. His boiling cock-head banged hard against her asshole and Becky gasped. Still the naked blonde didn’t miss a stroke of her furiously lapping tongue in her mother’s trickling pussy. She pushed back on her mother’s soft belly to fully expose her pink clit. Becky began sucking and whirling her tongue around the swollen bud to make Sheila cry out with passion.

Suddenly her brother’s throbbing prick slid into Becky’s tight slit and she moaned wildly at the blazing fullness. Lord, this was heaven! She was eating her gorgeous mother’s hot sweet pussy while her handsome brother was fucking her with loud excited groans.

But the girl’s real inspiration was a contest. She wanted, at any cost, to outdo the voluptuous blonde her mother was having an affair with. She yearned to give her sensuous mother the time of her life, to weld the happiest family unit in the world. The prospect of sleeping with her mother and father every night made Becky’s mind whirl with wanton excitement. When Becky darted her tongue down to plunge it into the sobbing brunette’s tender asshole, Sheila almost leaped off the bed.

“Oh, Becky, baby! Yes! Oh, lick it, darling daughter, oh, your hot tongue! Ooooooo, yes, yes, eat it!”

Glenn had almost completely forgotten the punishment he had planned for his spread-eagled wife. His son was fucking his daughter to a savage rhythm, plunging his red prick in and out of her juicy cunt with hammering power, while Becky ate her mother with ravenous delight. And Sheila wasn’t missing a thing. Her burning eyes watched the naked couple intently, all the while she squirmed and crushed her inflamed pussy to Becky’s devouring mouth.

“Oh, darling Becky. Sweet hot mouth, baby! Yes, daughter, oh, God, yes! Oh, suck me harder!Unnnnnnn!”

The very last of the madly aroused brunette’s shame and inhibition dropped away as she began spewing hot pussy juice into her daughter’s greedy mouth. Her stewardess was an expert at it, a cold, mechanical expert, but sweet Becky was an artist, inspired by love. And the sight of her handsome son plunging his hardened rod lustfully into Becky’s tight cunt, his face contorted with passion, filled the chained brunette with a strange lewd pride.

“Fuck her, Jim,” she whispered, “be good to her! Oooo, Becky, baby, you’re starting in again!”

Raising her juice-smeared cheeks, the blonde suddenly began to fingerfuck her mother so she could devote her attention to the blazing thrills her brother’s hotly pounding prick was inflicting on her squirming cunt.

“Shoot,” she urged her brother fiercely.

“Shoot your load, Jim! Aaaah,I’mcoming, brother! Fuck me, gimme your hot jizz! Now, now, now, eeeeeee!”

His creamy come bursting in a blazing gush, Jim grunted with wild excitement as his sister’s furiously sucking cunt squeezed his cock dry. All the while he watched his mother’s lush body quivering passionately on the bed, a ripe, full-blown version of Becky. But could anything be wilder than Becky’s fiercely sucking slit or her hot swinging ass?

“Dad, can I fuck Mom now?” he asked eagerly as he slipped his limp prick out of his sister’s steaming pussy.

“You’d better wait a few minutes,” Glenn told him. “So you’ll have something to screw her with.”

Slowly, her cute ass twitching with her lingering orgasm, Becky climbed off the bed. She darted her tongue out to savor her mother’s honeyed cunt-juice on her lips.

“Gee, Mom, that was delicious,” she panted. “Au hot and wild and yummy. Dad, can I sixty-nine with her?”

“No, not yet. How would you like to play a little game with me, Becky?”

“Game?” Her eyes gleamed with excitement.

“The game goes like this, Becky. Your mother deserves punishment for what she did. Not so much for what she did, but because she didn’t offer to share with us. This is in the nature of a lesson to her. How much punishment she gets is up to you, Becky.”

“Me?” Becky glanced sympathetically down at her chained mother, who lay with her swollen tits panting, her eyes closed. She was listening intently, though.

“It goes like this, sweetheart,” Glenn explained, picking up the whip. “You go down on me. Every thirty seconds your Mom gets one of these.”

Abruptly the whip stung viciously across his wife’s soft belly. A sharp scream came from the helpless brunette’s throat and her ass shuddered high off the bed.

“One of those,” he continued calmly, “until you can make me come, angel. Now the faster you can do it, the less punishment your mother will get. So it’s up to you.”

“Oh you bastard,” Sheila sobbed, tears stinging her eyes. Crimson welts appeared on her softly rounded belly. “That hurts! It’s cruel, heartless.”

“Don’t worry, Mom,” Becky said quickly. “I’ll get his rocks off in no time. You’ll see.”

The truth was, Becky was far more excited about the challenge itself than in saving her mother from severe punishment. She hurried to kneel on the carpet before her naked father’s massive red prick.

“Can I use my hands, Daddy?”

“You can use anything you like, angel. But don’t touch until I say go.” He studied the second-hand on his watch. “Mark, get set, GO!”

In an instant Becky had grasped the thick trunk of her father’s hardened meat and began jerking it in her hot fist. The next moment her wet mouth seized as much of his cock as she could manage and the blonde began sucking greedily. Glenn had already wondered what he would choose if it came to a showdown between Becky’s thrilling hot mouth and her juicy tight cunt. Moaning happily, Becky flicked the tip of her wet tongue across his knob for a few moments before whirling it around furiously. She jerked his burning meat in both hands as she whipped her mouth back and forth in a fever of lust.

The whip lashed out and Sheila shrieked, lip ripe flesh shuddering in her pain.

Now the kneeling girl felt a sense of urgency. Her blow-job became a ravenous race with time, but she took a few precious seconds out to tease the blazing head of his prick with her sharp teeth. Then Becky licked at her father’s huge balls for five more seconds before she resumed her fierce sucking on his meat.

Spread-eagled on the bed, the sobbing brunette watched in an agony of suspense as her lovely daughter sucked and licked and kissed her husband’s prick and balls. Jim, too, watched in fascinated suspense as his beautiful sister raced ahead in her frenzied blow-job.

Again the whip came down and Sheila’s scream echoed throughout the house.

“Hurry,” she urged Becky, “Oh God, honey,hurry! Make him come! Suck, darling, suck!”

Glenn had never had such an urgent wanton blow-job, sensing that Becky was enjoying the game as much as he was. In fact his chained trembling wife on the bed even seemed to be enjoying it, the suspense humming in her sexy nakedness like a dynamo. Low moans came from the blonde’s throat as she exerted all the hot silken pressure her tight mouth could on her father’s immense prick.

The whip came down more viciously than ever on Sheila’s soft thighs and she could barely scream this time, almost fainting.

Now Becky could feel her father’s boiling load begin to quiver in his hard meat. He was jerking his hips, meeting her eagerly fucking mouth with powerful thrusts, gazing down at his naked daughter with lust. Glenn remembered to glance at his watch. He raised the whip ominously.

Shuddering wildly on the bed, Sheila arched her lush curves and gritted her teeth. But even in her tenor she was deeply aroused at the sight of her luscious daughter whipping her sultry mouth in lewd thrusts on her father’s enormous prick. God, they were beautiful together! Sweet Becky had turned out to be such a passionate swinger, so exciting Sheila could hardly wait to try everything on the hot blonde – fingerfucking her while she held Becky on her lap, going down on her with ravenous delight, licking her darling ass, cuddling her cute tits all night.

Before the chained brunette could even see it, the whip stung her trembling thighs like blazing fire. Sheila tried to faint, but couldn’t.

Come on, Daddy, come! Becky silently urged her father. The massive throbbing cock in her mouth was swelling even bigger and hotter, getting ready to burst. Becky’s tight fist jerked as she sucked in a frenzy, her other hand squeezing his immense balls. The idea of saving her helpless mother from further punishment didn’t inspire her half as much as the prospect of her father’s boiling cum exploding in her mouth.

Again the whip raised, directly over Sheila’s naked crotch this time. She shut her eyes tightly and held her breath, bracing herself for pure agony.

Then Glenn shot his load into Becky’s madly sucking mouth. Blazing thrills erupted in his loins as his prick throbbed intensely, pouring great gushes of thick jizz into Becky’s eager hot mouth. His daughter swallowed the fiery liquid in frantic gulps, loving its pungent creamy taste, wishing, in her frantically aroused state, she had a gallon of the hot fluid.

Sheila opened her eyes, shaking with relief. Becky was milking the last of her father’s juices from his soft cock with her hot fist, moaning with greed.

“Thank you, darling,” Sheila whispered. “Oh, thank you, angel. Please release me now, Glenn. You’ve tortured me enough.”

As Becky rose from her knees, Glenn laughed. “Come on, Sheila, that was only a warm-up. You’re not going to get off that easy. I’m sure you know the way the procedure runs, from that sexy blonde you’ve been biding. A little pain, a little pleasure, a lot of pain, a lot of pleasure.”

The spread-eagled brunette began to tremble with new terror. The depths of her own husband’s wicked mind were alarming. What could he possibly do to her that was more agonizing than that cruel whip? But Sheila knew. She didn’t dare think about it.

“You did beautifully,” Glenn told his daughter, squeezing one of her luscious ass-cheeks. Becky glowed with pride.

“Dad,” Jim said hoarsely, “can I fuck Mom now?” The boy’s long cock was hovering out eagerly, crimson with blood.

“Go right ahead, son,” Glenn told him. “She deserves a break right now.”

His blood singing with excitement, Jim climbed on top of his mother’s hot naked body. The feel of her velvety full tits squirming into his chest, the sensation of her moist warm pussy throbbing beneath his hard prick filled him with a terrific excitement.

Sheila gave her son a long torrid French kiss, then bit him on the lips. “Fuck me, darling Jim,” she whispered in his ear. She undulated her steaming crotch to his fleshy rod with lustful promise. “Give me all of your hot cock, Jim. Be good to your mother, ram it hard and deep, sweetheart. But make it last!” The fiercely aroused brunette wanted to postpone her coming torture as much as possible.

Awkwardly, Jim poised his shaft over Sheila’s soaked, throbbing cunt. His knob found her pussy-lips and he slid into her fiery slit with a long groan of pleasure. At once the brunette’s silken cunt clasped and squirmed and wriggled with wanton excitement on her son’s bristling meat.

“Oh! Oh, that’s good, Jim, nice and big and hot! Fuck me slow, now, son. Aaaaaaaah, yes, Jim! Oh, I’d love to blow you, you darling boy. Mmmmmmm! Harder, deeper, YES! Oh, your mother loves you, ummmmmmm!”

So wildly aroused he was afraid he’d come almost at once in his mother’s hotly sucking cunt, Jim lunged his long prick cautiously. Sheila fucked him with slow, dreamy gyrations of her hips, snaking her tongue in his mouth, then his ear, lustful moans of passion coming from her throat.

If his sister was a wild, frenzied piece of ass, his gorgeous mother was determined to get the most out of his hot prick. She swung her ripe ass in wide circles, then up and down, then side-to-side to feel every inch of his cock in her eager pussy.

“I’m getting hotter, Jim!” she panted. “Kiss my tits, honey. Suck on them, squeeze them. Ahhh, yes, yes, oh you sweet fucker, oh my darling boy. Ummmmmm, oooooooo!”

Quickly, Jim hunched down to suck on one of his mother’s fat nipples, caressing the lush tit in his hands. It was getting harder to control his tempo now, because Sheila’s blazing cunt was sucking back at his meat with lustful power, writhing on it with sticky urgency.

“Christ, Mom, I think I’m gonna come!” he gasped.

“No! No!” Instantly Sheila hugged his rod fiercely in her juicy cunt and Jim clenched his teeth in pain. But the savage grip stopped him from ejaculating.

“Slow and easy,” his mother panted to him. “Be good to me and I’ll go down on you later, son. I’ll give you a blow-job you’ll never forget. Fuck me slow, aaaaaaah, like that, sweet boy, mmmmmm. Yes!”

While the helpless naked housewife crooned obscenities in her son’s ear, her husband and daughter watched the lewd spectacle avidly. Becky fondled her father’s cock meanwhile, feeling a sharp thrill as it began stiffening in her fingers.

“Gee, Daddy,” she murmured, “they’re beautiful together, aren’t they? Mom has the sexiest tits and legs in the world. You think we might be able to get that blonde of hers over here for a party some night?”

“I don’t think,” Glenn chuckled. “I know.”

Glenn realized with a stab of ironic amusement that his handsome son was more than a chip off the old block – he was the only motherfucker, literally, that Glenn knew. And Sheila was having the time of her life with him, draining every morsel of obscene pleasure she could from her son. She fucked Jim with leisurely passion, lifting her naked ass off the mattress a full six inches each time Jim stroked to the hilt in her wet cunt. She urged the boy to suck on her ripe tits, then to squeeze her wriggling ass, then to bite her lips.

Now Jim was having a hard struggle to keep from shooting his load. His mother’s boiling pussy was sparking molten thrills along his burning meat. In spite of his promise, Jim began to lunge faster and harder into the chained brunette’s juicy cunt.

“Can’t help it, Mom,” he gasped. “Gotta come! Your pussy’s too hot! Oh, what a great fuck!”

Sheila’s own lust had soared to the point of unbearable excitement as her handsome son rammed his prick in and out like a brutal piston. She met his urgent thrusts with maddening spasms of her blazing pussy.

“Then come!” she sobbed. “Give me your juice, darling! Ah, love it, fuck me, son! Stick your finger up my ass, Jim! Now, now!”

Jim probed and quickly found his mother’s hot asshole. He rammed his middle finger deep into the boiling channel to make Sheila cry out with obscene passion. Swinging her naked ass furiously, the brunette’s orgasm erupted just as her son’s outpouring of thick jizz spattered for a full minute into her wildly squirming cunt.

“Oh wonderful!” Sheila moaned. “Oh God, beautiful! Oh, my darling boy, ooooooooh, I could fuck you all night! Lord, your hot juice feels good, oh your hot cream, Jim! Ummmmmmmm, if I only could eat your come! Yes, yes.”

Heaving for breath, Jim slowly climbed off Sheila’s trembling flesh. His mother’s praise filled him with a glowing sense of manhood and pride. But more exciting than that was the fact that less than a week ago he’d only had the dumpy college girl to lay. Now he had, at his fingertips, his own insatiably hot sister and his voluptuous mother available every night. And if he had to choose between Becky’s madly sucking cunt and his mother’s fiery, silken pussy on any given night, he would have a problem.

“Well done,” Glenn told his son. “Now you know what to give her on Mother’s Day.”

The manacled brunette still jerked softly as Jim’s come trickled deep into her tingling pussy. With a shock, Sheila realized she’d just had raw wanton sex with both her daughter and son.

And she’d thrilled to every moment of it. Now Sheila braced herself for the worst as she watched her husband’s mocking smile and the way he hefted the gigantic spiked dildo in his hand.

“Daddy, can I use it on her, please?” Becky asked eagerly. “I’ll be good to her, honest.”

“That’s the trouble,” Glenn said. “You’ll be too good to her, angel. Your mother still has a harsh lesson to learn. Tell you what, though, Becky,” he added with a look of thoughtful cruelty that made his wife’s blood run cold. “You can use it on her, but I’ll tell you where to use it.”

“Okay,” the blonde said eagerly. She took the dildo from him. His wife, his son and his daughter waited in suspense for their next lesson in lust.

“This is going to be a family affair,” Glenn announced, his huge prick tingling with anticipation. His fingers played with Becky’s satiny ass as he talked. “Now, Becky, you can’t join unless you do exactly what I tell you.”

“I will,” she promised fervently. “Don’t leave me out, Daddy. I’ve never had so much fun in my life!”

Glenn wondered just how long his naked daughter’s girlish enthusiasm would last once he got his enormous pounding meat rammed up her tawny, cute ass. No matter how much it hurt her, it was impossible to resist the urge, not after watching Becky’s luscious hot ass take its sexy shape for years. Jim, Glenn saw, was almost ready to go again.

“Here’s the drill,” he told them. “Becky, you can sit on your mother’s face. I’ve got a hunch she’s going to love eating you. At the same time, you can go down on Jim. But here’s what I want you to do.”

He leaned over and whispered in Becky’s ear for a minute. An eerie look of excitement and horror crossed the girl’s face, and Sheila shivered with fear. Then the chained brunette felt her flesh crawl as Glenn handed Becky the whip along with the monstrous electrified cock.

“Whatever it is, don’t do it!” Sheila pleaded. The sharp memory of the maddening giant prick wielded by the blonde stewardess made the helpless brunette shake from head to toe. She could lose her mind if it was used too lustfully. And the vicious whip at the same time.

“Don’t worry, Mom,” Becky said, coming over to her and kissing her tenderly on the lips. “I’ll try not to hurt you, honest.”

Becky placed the whip and the dildo on the bed between her mother’s parted thighs, only inches from Sheila’s exposed pink cunt. Then Becky climbed on top of the shivering brunette’s spread-eagled body in reverse, with her folded legs on each side of her mother’s face. Becky’s golden cunt-hairs poised over Sheila’s mouth, her satiny nakedness hunching forward in a sixty-nine position.

The burning fragrant whiff of Becky’s succulent pussy wafted into Sheila’s nostrils like a hot summer breeze. She forgot her terror for the moment. Her lips tingled with lewd anticipation as her daughter gently lowered her ass-cheeks, until her rosebud cuntal-lips pressed squarely to the eager brunette’s mouth.

At the same moment Becky crushed her mouth to her mother’s cunt and gave her the most lascivious, unforgettable pussy-kiss of her entire life. The tip of the blonde’s tongue traced the rim and slit of Sheila’s hot pussy with loving tenderness.

Sheila would remember that passionate cunt-kiss vividly, because every moment after that was tinged with a nightmarish quality.

While her mother began sucking and lapping Becky’s juicy slit with her torrid lips and tongue, Becky drew her mouth away and picked up the dildo. Precisely as her father told her, she switched on the spiked cock and nuzzled the vibrating knob against Sheila’s steaming crotch. Instantly the brunette whimpered and nudged up her pussy, craving more than this initial teasing.

She got much, much more than she ever bargained for.

Although Becky watched in fascination as she tantalized her mother’s trembling pussy-lips with the immense prick, taking care only to get plenty of honeyed juice on the knob, her mouth was free. Jim had only to figure out how to get to it.

There was only one practical way, her brother decided. He sat between Sheila’s parted thighs facing Becky. By sprawling his legs out over and on each side of his mother’s thighs and leaning back on his elbows, he could ease his eager rod into Becky’s waiting mouth. It was awkward at first, but he managed, until his bristling cock was within reach of his sister’s lips. That was as far as he got. Becky’s mouth quickly leaped forward like a starving animal and seized Jim’s hot meat in a tight gasp.

For a minute Glenn watched the three-way spectacle, feeling like a successful movie director. While Sheila sucked and moaned blissfully on her daughter’s tender crotch, Becky teased her pussy with the humming prick-head, squirming it thoroughly around the chained brunette’s eager wet cunt. Sheila was jerking her hips up, craving more of the tingling dildo, but her naked daughter deliberately held back, as she was told.

And while mother and daughter sucked and fucked, Becky had begun one of her passionate, frenzied blow-jobs on her groaning brother. Which left Becky’s irresistibly cute ass completely vulnerable.

Glenn leaped into the fray with a hot expectant surge of his huge, fleshy rod.

He climbed onto the bed, kneeling behind his naked daughter. There was barely room for him between the headboard of the bed and Becky’s wiggling ass, but he made it. In this position he could observe everything – his wife devouring his daughter’s squirming hot cunt, his daughter passionately sucking off his son, and, best of all, Becky teasing Sheila’s tormented pussy with the monstrous quivering cock.

At the head of the bed, Glenn felt the dominating satisfaction he had at the head of the dinner table. Only this family feast was a hell of a lot more exciting.

He probed with his fingers down beneath Becky’s ass-cheeks to spread her warm pussy-juice on them. She was literally dripping honey from her mother’s lapping long tongue. Then he rubbed the fluid over the red knob of his cock, saving some for Becky’s tiny puckered brown asshole. Seizing his daughter’s hips, he inched his pounding prick forward until it met her tender rectum.

Then he slammed forward brutally.

Becky knew it was coming, but this didn’t diminish the blazing, tearing shock. Her naked ass suddenly felt as if it had been ripped open by a burning sledgehammer. A deep scream rose in her throat, but it was muffled against Jim’s pumping meat in her mouth. She almost snapped her jaws shut in painful reflex, and when her teeth bit down on her brother’s quivering cock, he let out a raging protest.

“Oooooow! For Christ’s sake, sis, suck it but don’t chew it!”

Glenn held his trembling daughter’s hips fiercely in his hands so she couldn’t move. For a moment he savored the delicious, blazing juiciness of her squirming asshole, letting his meat throb massively in her hot ass. Jesus, what an exciting fox his darling daughter was! No matter which part of her hot silky body he shoved his prick into, it was on fire with lust.

Slowly he eased his thick cock back and began lunging in and out of his daughter’s ass with groans of pleasure.

Just beneath his ravaging prick, his wife was torn between obscene joy and pure torment. She wallowed happily in the sweet, exquisite taste of her daughter’s hot squirming cunt, writhing all the more lewdly with her ass impaled by Glenn’s torturous big rod. But Becky was driving her insane with her merciless teasing. The giant dildo hummed on her trembling pussy-lips but refused to enter her aching cunt. Each time Sheila jerked violently up to clutch it in her crotch, Becky drew it back.

Just as the manacled brunette began sobbing with frustration, her teasing ended. With the most painful ripping agony she’d ever experienced in her life. Sheila never knew if she actually fainted or not, but she knew she tried with every fiber of her luscious nakedness.

In spite of the blazing pressure in her tender asshole, which blotted almost everything else out for a few minutes, Becky remembered just in time her father’s precise instructions.

She drew her head back so that Jim’s hot prick slipped out of her mouth. She ignored his loud protests, burying her head down into her mother’s steaming valley. Then she lowered the spiked dildo a couple inches so that its fearful head located Sheila’s naked asshole. And with both hands, the panting blonde shoved the quivering monster deep into her mother’s narrow brown slit.

The scream that rolled forth from Sheila’s mouth was ear splitting, even though it was muffled by Becky’s dripping cunt. Her reeling mind could only comprehend the agony by thinking someone had shoved a bonfire up her exploding ass. With all her strength, the chained housewife wrenched at her bonds, her helpless flesh rising off the mattress in a high arc, quivering like a bow.

The spiked giant rammed up her boiling rectum was pain beyond pain, so shatteringly intense any slight twitch of her ripe flesh was a thousand times worse than the whip. The thought that her own daughter was raping her tender ass so viciously sparked an instant retaliation. Only her strong mother’s instinct prevented her from sinking her teeth maddeningly into Becky’s writhing cuntflesh.

Instead, the raging brunette darted her mouth up to the soft rim of her daughter’s hot ass and bit into the tender ass-cheek in a fury.

Now Becky cried out in double pain, shuddering from head to silken toe. Her own father was raping her in the ass and now her mother was eating it, damn her! And on top of everything else, Jim had gripped her hair and pulled her head up, trying to ram his cock back into her mouth!

“Come on, sis,” he panted urgently, “suck me off!”

“Minute,” Becky gasped, trying to get her bearings. The buzzing dildo was jammed securely into her mother’s quivering ass and it was time for the next phase. Becky picked up the whip. She placed the thick round butt of the handle against Sheila’s soaked cunt-lips and, with an extra stab of fury because of the painful bite on her ass-cheek, she rammed it into her mother’s slippery cunt. Now she had her bearings. The gigantic dildo was plunged deep into the wailing brunette’s helpless asshole and the whip handle was wedged firmly in her trembling pussy.

There was only one final step. The grasping blonde placed a finger on the red button at the base of the humming monster jammed up her mother’s hot buttocks. She pressed it once for three seconds. Sheila’s ass shuddered so violently she almost dislodged the raping invader. Good, thought Becky. Now I can finish blowing my brother.

Strange lewd sounds echoed loudly in the Marks’ household that night. Sheila’s muffled screams of agony, Glenn’s obscene groans of pleasure, Jim’s panting comments and Becky’s whimpers of pain and delight all created an orchestra of lust.

In a few minutes the boiling pain in Becky’s gorged asshole became mingled with the thrilling waves in her throbbing pussy, inflicted by her mother’s lust-inflamed mouth. Her bowels ached for the gushing feel of her father’s spurting cum, stinging deep. Gee, Becky thought with girlish excitement, this is really weird and beautiful. Here I am being fucked in the ass by my handsome Daddy, having my pussy eaten by my beautiful mother and I’m blowing my own brother, all at the same time! Wild! The thought inspired her to apply fierce suction to Jim’s prick, making him groan happily.

And in response Becky pushed the red button on the spiked rapist for a full ten seconds.

By this time Sheila was in a state of depraved incoherent shock. The sheer intensity of the electric jolts shattering through her ass in periodic waves had not only become bearable, but the helplessly chained brunette was beginning to crave them. She would always associate the fierce agony rippling through her gigantically impaled asshole with the utterly sweet, oozing cunt-flesh of her own lovely daughter, crushed to her sucking mouth. And in spite of the white-hot sheets of pain pounding through her ass-cheeks, the squirming whip handle rammed up her pussy was triggering the most violent orgasm of her life. And she thought the stewardess was exciting!

“Ooooo, shit, coming, shit!” Jim grunted as Becky wriggled her mouth urgently on his swelling hard prick. He cupped her head in both hands and tugged as he slammed rapidly back and forth in her tight sucking mouth. Each time he had frantic sex with his eager sister, it was more wild, more thrilling, more lewdly exciting. Now the moaning blonde was gulping so much of his bursting meat she savagely battered the back of her throat with his cock-head.

When his hot load spurted, she almost gagged on his cream in her greed to swallow it all. Because the only time Becky felt vividly, gloriously alive was when she was sucking and fucking with every ounce of her fierce will and sleek nakedness. All the other moments in her day were now pale in comparison.

Becky had already decided her destiny. She was determined to be the greatest, hottest, sexiest switch-hitter of all time when she grew up. The blonde stewardess would be a girl scout compared to her.

So inspiring was her goal Becky pushed the red button on the humming giant for almost twenty seconds before remembering to release it. As she told her shaking mother later, it was Sheila’s fault really, because the brunette was sucking and kissing her exploding hot cunt so furiously Becky couldn’t stop coming.

And to crown the madly aroused girl’s moment of glory, her father began bursting his juices deep into her churning bowels only seconds after Jim began coming in her ravenous mouth. Now she was overflowing with family love, gagging on her brother’s come, wriggling her ass in a frenzy to flood her asshole with her father’s spurting cream, removing the whip from her mother’s squirming cunt to dip her mouth down and lick greedily at her juices.

Long after Jim and Becky and Glenn fell back exhausted, Sheila Marks moaned and twitched and shuddered against her chains. Oh God, would she ever recover from the excitement?

“Oh my ass,” she sobbed. “Oh Lord, that Goddamned evil dildo! I love it!”

Tenderly, Becky unsnapped the manacles binding her mother. She turned the whimpering brunette over on her stomach and reverently licked and kissed her mother’s ripe, inflamed ass, slipping her tongue into Sheila’s ravaged asshole to soothe her.

“Oh that’s so much better, darling,” Sheila sobbed. “You’re an angel. Even if your father,” she added bitterly, “is a prick!”

“Just a lesson, Sheila,” he reminded her. “I hope you learned it well.”

He looked at all of them sternly. “Remember this, gang. This family shares their action with each other. That goes for all of you. Jim, tonight you sleep with your mother. Whatever you do, I suggest you, leave her poor fanny alone. Becky, you’ll sleep with me, angel.”

“But not on my stomach,” Becky said, rubbing her raw ass-cheeks tenderly. “I love you, Daddy, but I can’t say I trust you.”

He grinned. “You’ll learn to love that, too, honey.”

Glenn Marks received the long distance call at his automobile agency at three o’clock the next afternoon. The caller was a man. When he told Glenn his name, it took almost a minute to register.

Then icy beads of sweat broke out on Glenn’s forehead. He fumbled for his cigarettes with shaking fingers. He listened intently for fifteen minutes, breaking in only a few times, very briefly in a tight, hoarse voice.

When he finally slammed down the phone, it almost flew off his desk. “Sonofabitch!” he snapped. He smoked another cigarette in rapid, nervous puffs, thinking.

The crazy bitch. That Goddamned spoiled neurotic. Why in the hell hadn’t his usually trustworthy instincts warned him about this one?

Here the town was seething with gorgeous ass, most of them sweet and sane, and he had to pick a pampered rich brat who threw an insane tantrum when she was frustrated. Oh, well, he might as well go home and tell his family.

It was Monday and they had to be out of town permanently by that weekend.

Without even bothering to tell his sales staff, Glenn left work at once. He drove home nursing a fury, recalling that every redhead he’d ever screwed always created problems. Not of this magnitude of course, but still redheads had been poison for him.

Jim and Becky were home in bed but Sheila didn’t arrive until five-thirty. They assembled in the living room quietly. Then Glenn told them about the phone call.

Marge Whitaker had, it turned out, flown to her parents’ home in another state only an hour after she’d called Glenn at his office and been brushed off by him. She’d been drinking, something she evidently couldn’t do very well. In her parents’ house, she first tried to seduce her father by getting him into her bedroom, taking off her clothes and attempting to perform an unnatural act on him. Unnatural act, Glenn explained in a sarcastic voice to his family, to wealthy people but known to peasants like them as a blow-job.

Shortly after that episode, the half-drunk, half-crazed redhead tried to seduce her mother in the bathroom while she was taking a bath. Again she tried to perform an unnatural act, called this time by the imposing name of cunnilingus.

And when that failed, she tried – and almost succeeded – in performing the same imposing act upon her sister, who had been under psychiatric care for some time.

Under sedation and with the help of a psychiatrist, the whole story of Marge and Glenn and Becky, and the whip and the spiked dildo, came out the next morning. The redhead’s father was a powerful politician who did not mince words.

The only thing that kept him from hounding and prosecuting Glenn was the possibility of a public scandal that might seriously hurt the politician’s wholesome image. But, he told Glenn in a voice of cold rage, he might do it anyway and to hell with his public image. He accused Glenn of destroying his daughter’s character, corrupting her for life, and wasting thousands of dollars of psychiatric treatments.

And since his daughter would be returning to college in this town, Glenn Marks and his depraved family would not be in even the remote vicinity. They would be out of town by that Saturday, never to return. Or he would prosecute to the utter hilt. Meaning, he told Glenn, he would ram it so far up Glenn’s ass his ears would wiggle. Was it clear?

It was, Glenn assured him, crystal clear.

They would have to do the heavy moving and sell the house via third parties, but they could leave by Saturday. Glenn could always get another job, easily with his glib sales ability. He was thinking of San Francisco, a wide-open swinging city. Did they all agree?

They all agreed.

“You know what I think?” Becky said. Her face was serious. “I think her father and her mother and her sister were stupid for not taking her up on balling them. Because maybe Marge was neurotic, but she was really something when she got worked up.”

They all burst out laughing, and the tension broke.

“What’s for dinner?” Glenn asked Sheila.

Becky broke in with a suggestion. They’d had so much family fun the night before, why didn’t they do it again before dinner? Without the rough stuff, she added hastily as her mother’s face turned white. Then, instead of Chinese food, tonight they could order Italian food. Ravioli especially. And eat it all sprawling on one bed. Why should some crazy redhead ruin their love lives?

“Family fun,” Becky said with her eyes shining warmly, “is the most important thing in the world. As long as we all love each other, I don’t care where we go or what we do. Right, gang?”

Sheila hugged her daughter tightly, Glenn kissed her on the forehead, and Jim squeezed her tit fondly. Then they went upstairs, Glenn fondling his daughter’s ripe ass, Sheila caressing the bulge in her son’s crotch.

The End

The fiery Doctor part 1 0 (0)


A young doctor with a tough past learns to love again

Chapter 1

Here she was yet again, walking through a village in Afghanistan with the Marine unit that she was attached to. She was a navy corpsman and damn proud of it. She also filled the role of the unit’s FET member and also was sort of the unit’s good luck charm. On this morning, they were on a routine patrol when out of nowhere a single shot rang out. Just ahead of her the unit’s commander had just been hit through the neck and she was there in a second. For not only was this the very well-liked commander but he was also her fiancé and they were due to be married in six weeks when they both were rotated back to the states. When she got to his side, she grabbed his uniform and pulled him to cover which was quite an accomplishment being that he was six-two and two hundred twenty pounds plus his combat gear. She put a pressure dressing on his neck hoping, preying that it would save the man that she loved more then life itself, but knowing that he was as good as dead. He knew it too when he reached up and put his hand to her check, told her that he loved her, begged her to move on after him and to find someone else that could make her happy. She leaned over to kiss him one last time and as they shared that last kiss, he died and she just stood up because there were other calls that needed her attention.

This is where she woke up as she always did, in a cold sweat. It was three AM. She sat up in her bed and started cursing. She knew from previous experience that she wouldn’t be able to go back to bed. This memory was formed eight years ago and was still as sharp and painful as the day it was formed. During this time, she had graduated medical school and became a trauma surgeon. She was known to work impossibly long hours and even with her strawberry blond hair was known as an icy bitch because, she would never show emotion at all. Many of her actions came off as extremely cold and at first glance as uncaring even through, they would prove to be the right call. So just like every other time this happened she did what she did best, she got up, fixed a snack, put on comfortable underwear, everything sexy had been thrown away long ago, her scrubs and went to work at the local hospital.

This was the life of Dr. Emily O’Neal. Twenty-nine years old, reddish-blond hair and emerald green eyes. She stood at six foot even, one hundred forty pounds of muscle, but still had curves in all the right places with her perky breast between a C and D cup and the rest of her forming a perfectly symmetrical hourglass. She played volleyball all through high school, and had kept that figure through her time in the Navy and college. Recently she had been putting on a little extra weight, but she didn’t give a fuck because she was sick of the attention she got from almost every guy and a large number of women that seen her. The guys wanted to get into her pants and the women were either jealous of her, would lust after, or wish that they looked like her.

At work, it was more of the usual: couple of car crashes with minor injuries, an older lady with heart trouble, some teens that had been stupid. It was now almost two in the afternoon and Emily was getting ready to go home when there was an explosion and everything in the hospital shook. This had made her dive to the floor thinking that she was in combat again. It didn’t take long to figure out that she was safe. One of the nurses, Cindy, probably the closest thing the Emily had to a friend came over to make sure that Emily was OK.

“Ya, I’m good, the only thing hurt is my ego. For a second there, I thought I was back in Afghanistan, and that begs the question, What the bloody hell was that?” Replied Emily

This got a bit of a giggle from Cindy. Cindy was everything that Emily wasn’t. She was a very likable outgoing lady who had raven black hair, skin of charcoal, a loving husband, and two adorable kids.

“Hell, if I know what happened but we will probably find out in a bit.” Cindy told her.

Cindy then gave Emily a hand to get back up. As Emily got back up, she was able to look over Cindy, for she was only five three, and see the emergency entrance. There was somebody there and he was obviously excited by something. Emily watched the cop tell the receptionist something and run out. Now more curious then she had felt in years Emily told Cindy,

“Let’s go see the receptionist and find out what all that was about.”

As they walked up, they could see the receptionist was on the phone and they could hear it was the hospital administration. Whatever was going on was big. Looking at each other Emily and Cindy shrugged knowing that getting excited before getting news didn’t due anyone any good. After the receptionist hung up, Cindy asked,

“What’s up?”

The receptionist turned around in her chair and Emily and Cindy were taken aback. Looking at the receptionist, Sammy as she liked to be called, it looked like they were looking at a ghost. There was no color in her face and her eyes showed a look of absolute fear. Seeing this, both ladies grew very concerned very quick knowing that whatever was going on was going to be bad and when they heard the news, they were not disappointed.

“Sammy what’s wrong, what’s happening?!” said Emily in her cold tone

Cindy added “Ya Sammy what’s going on? I’ve known you for twenty years and never seen you like this.” Sammy just looked at the two ladies and appeared to get even whiter. In a hard, flat tone that nobody even knew Sammy possessed Sammy said,

“That explosion we heard was the oil refinery blowing up. That cop that ran in here told me to alert everyone to expect the causalities to start arriving shortly and don’t bother holding out hope for anyone we might know there. From the looks of things, the cop said that he wouldn’t be surprised if the refinery was sabotaged.”

At this Cindy just collapsed and started crying for her husband, Ben, worked there as a firefighter. Emily on the other hand almost instantly transformed back into a Navy corpsman and she knew what had to be done. First thing was to get Cindy out of shock and into action. After trying to calm her down Emily knew just how far out her friend was and what had to be done to bring her back. She brought her hand back and smacked her friend as hard as she could across the cheek.


Cindy just looked at Emily oblivious to the red mark forming on her cheek. She was dumbfounded. Nobody had ever heard Emily talk or act like this.

Emily just crouched so she was down at eyelevel with Cindy. Emily gave her a small, warm smile and said:

“Come on Cindy, we have work to do.”

At this Emily grabbed Cindy’s hand and stood up. This pulled Cindy to her feet again and the two of them rushed off to start getting things ready. What followed could only be described as a sneak peak of Armageddon. People coming in with limbs torn off, some had most of their skin melted, some didn’t even look like people, they were just odd shapes of charcoal that happened to move. All through this Emily cold temperament kept the trauma teams glued together and kept everyone’s minds on their work. After almost twelve hours of putting people back together, they were done and absolutely exhausted.

Chapter 2

Emily was at the nurse’s station finishing paperwork, Cindy was with her husband, who although burned bad and missing both legs was alive barely. Emily was so involved with her paperwork that she didn’t see a young lady walk up.

“Excuse me ma’am. Can you help me find someone please?”

Looking up Emily was stunned by this young lady. Not only had she surprised Emily, but she looked like an angel with long golden hair, baby blue eyes, and standing about five foot seven.

“And just who are you looking for young lady?” asked Emily slightly cross.

“I’m looking for a man by the name of Mark Schneider.” answered the lady sweetly.

After checking Emily found the man in question and told the young lady, “I’m sorry only immediate family could see him, but that she was free to sit in one of the waiting room.”

“You know that he has many names he responses to?” asked the young lady “some call him boss, some Mark, some call him an Asshole, but I call him Dad. I’m his daughter, Katelynn Schneider”

This stunned Emily. She remembered the man in question and there was no way that this lady was his daughter. Seeing the look on Emily’s face Katelynn continued,

“I know I don’t look young enough or he doesn’t look old enough to be my Dad but he is. I was born when he was 16 and I’ve got the paperwork to prove it. And before you ask, I’m 14. So, what’s his room number please?”

Emily looked it up and turns out that he had been moved to ICU. After she gave the directions to Katelynn, Katelynn thanked her, gave her a warm smile and walked off to find her dad. Emily sat there still in a bit of shock. Here was a young teen that sounded and acted like someone who was four times her age. Shaking her head Emily finished up her paperwork, gathered her stuff, and got ready to leave. As she was leaving a thought stuck her like a freight train. This thought puzzled her but she went with it anyway and turned around and walked back into the hospital. She went up to the intensive care to check on Mark and his daughter. Getting off the elevator she went to the nurse’s station to ask about his condition. Walking up she almost burst into laughter. Sitting there was one of the new RN’s, Sean; he was constantly trying to pick her up, bragging about all the things he had done and how good he was. He had his nose taped and two black eyes.

“What the hell happened to you?” giggled Emily “One of your marks finally got tired of your bull and punch you?”

He didn’t answer so one of the other nurses did, she didn’t like him either.

“No one of your patients did that. Took everything we had to restrain him until his daughter came in and calmed him down in three words. Sean is still sulking because he tried to hit on the daughter and she called him out, in front of everyone, as a weakling and told him to move and let a lady show him how to handle this patient.”

After she was sure that she could stay on her feet because she was laughing so hard, Emily asked,

“Which patient?”

“Mark Schneider”

“How did his daughter calm him down with just words, we had to pump him full of drugs?”

“She just walked in and said in a calm but firm voice “Dad, calm down.””

‘Damn she’s a hardass.’ thought Emily

With this thought she walked down to Mark’s room and knocked.

“Come in.” said the sweet voice

Emily came in and got a nod hello from Katelynn, but her attention had already shifted to Mark. He was already awake and complaining that he had to get back to work, but this isn’t what made Emily stop in her tracks. It was Mark’s reaction to her when he seen her. He looked at her with the same kind eyes that his daughter had and with a confident smile that told Emily that he knew that he would be OK even though he had third degree burns over half of his body and was freshly missing a leg. The last time she seen a smile like that was on her fiancé, when they left her parent’s house, after announcing their engagement. To say her parents were pissed with her choice was an understatement. What also got Emily’s attention was that Mark’s eyes never once left hers. This she wasn’t use to, usually men’s eyes looked at every other part of her but her eyes. Through her thoughts she heard Katelynn

“Dad shut up. You’re not going anywhere for a while.”

“But” Mark said

“No, and stop arguing. I know that I’m only 14 but until you have recovered you WILL listen and obey me. Got it.”

“Yes” groaned Mark giving in to the inevitable. His daughter, he knew was just as stubborn and smarter than he was. He also knew that she had only his best interest in mind. Through this exchange Emily stood there with a stunned look on her face. If she had tried that with her parents, she wouldn’t be able to sit for a year and would have been grounded for another one. Mark then turned his attention to Emily.

“I’m in your debt, doctor. The nurses told me that if you hadn’t been here on what was supposed to be your day off that I most likely wouldn’t have made it. Thank you.”

Katelynn added, “Yes, thank you doctor.”

Emily could feel her cheeks blush in a way that they hadn’t done in years. All she could do was to way off their complements and say,

“I just did my part, but there was a lot of people that saved you.”

The identical looks that she got from Mark and Katelynn said everything, ‘Bullshit’ but neither said anything. Emily shook her head and started to ask the standard questions. The answers surprised her. Mark figured that he could get out in a couple of days. His daughter just laughed at him.

“With the amount of burns you have plus missing a leg you will be lucky to be out of here in a month.”

Mark just shrugged, “Had to try.”

Emily just giggled as she walked out. For some reason their exchange had put her in a good mood. As she came out of Mark’s room, she seen Cindy leaving down the hall.

“Wait up Cindy.”

Cindy stopped and looked at Emily as Emily hurried to catch up.

“How’s Ben?”

“They’re not sure that he’s going to make it. I’m on my way home to get the kids when they get off the bus, get some food, and bring them back so they can say bye to their father.”

This was like a bucket of ice water in the face to Emily. She knew exactly what Cindy was going through even through Emily had never spoke of it. Feeling like she had to do something Emily offered,

“I’ll go get the kids so you can be with Ben.” Cindy declined explaining

“I think that that I should pick them up mostly to have something to do instead of waiting.”

“OK but if you need anything all you have to do is ask. OK?”

Cindy just nodded.

As Emily drove home her mind was running at light speed. Her only friend becoming a widow with two kids to raise. Then there was the maturity and friskiness of Katelynn, and finally Mark. As soon as thoughts of him popped into her head all other thoughts stopped. He reminded her so much of the fiancé. Not physically, her fiancé had the same charcoal color skin as Cindy: but in manners, the looks he gave her, intelligence, and stubbornness. With these thoughts she drove on autopilot until she was back at her apartment. She was so exhausted that she didn’t even bother to eat. She just stripped down, showered, and collapsed into bed. She didn’t even bother to pick up her dirty clothes or put on her night clothes which was a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.

Chapter 3

She woke to her phone ringing. Confused, she noticed that it was the next day. When she looked at the number calling her heart sank and her stomach went to her throat, it was Cindy. She had a feeling what it was about. She picked up.


“Ben died about fifteen minutes ago.” Cindy said with no emotion at all.

“I’m so sorry Cindy. Is there anything that I can do for you?”

“No, not right now. I think I’m still in shock. I’ll call you later when I will need help. OK?”

“Ok Cindy. Talk to you later.”

The rest of the day Emily just moped around her apartment. Not really feeling like doing anything, and reflecting on everything that had happened to her. Her parents were always disappointed in her no matter what she did. They were pissed about her engagement and take every effort to point out all his flaws: from being the wrong color, to the wrong religion, from being a soldier, to having no real family. They had even cut her off financially. After he was killed, they were more of good riddance and offered to help hook Emily up with a “proper man”. This was the last time Emily had talked to her parents. Now another man had entered her life that amazed her. While her fiancé had been dark and six-two, Mark was only six foot, one hundred and eighty pounds, light tan, and blond hair. As different as they were physically that was how close they were in most other ways. Both men carried a quiet confidence with them, and even though they both projected a nerdy appearance, there was also another look that said that they had been through a hard life and would beat anyone that threatened them or the people that they cared about. She suspected that in Mark’s case as well as her fiancé’s case that the nerdy appearance wasn’t just an appearance, but that he was very intelligent.

As the weeks past Cindy slowly came back to world of the living with help from Emily. Often Emily would help with Cindy’s household chores, or just be there to be a shoulder to cry on. As Emily was helping Cindy, she found that she was being drawn toward Mark even through she kept telling herself that it was a bad idea. Mark, she found out had continuously ran back into the burning buildings of the refinery to pull out trapped and injured workers. Even with his burns he kept at it until he collapsed and had been rushed to the hospital where he lost his leg. That explained why they had so many problems with him, he was stubborn as hell and had been running on pure adrenaline. She also found out: he was very witty, clever, intelligent, and as she expected he had had a hard life. She didn’t realize just how hard Mark’s life had been.

Three weeks after the explosion, Emily walked into Mark’s room to find him sleeping and his daughter sitting there working on school work.

“Good afternoon, Emily.”

Emily stopped, stunned. She never used her first name around patients so how did she know.

“Hello, how did you know my name?”

“Well while I’ve heard it whispered by the staff, you just confirmed it, plus trauma surgeons don’t usually keep checking up on patients continually for three weeks. So, what’s up Emily?”

Emily just stood there with her mouth open. How had this teen seen right through her? How much did this teen know about her? What has she been telling her dad? Emily blushed a bit at this last thought and hoped that Katelynn had missed it. She didn’t.

“Thinking about my Dad and I’m guessing not as a patient?”

Emily just continued to stand there.

“I take that as a yes.” Giggled Katelynn.

This snapped Emily out of her trance.

“I’m sorry Katelynn, but your dad reminds me of someone very special to me.”

“First off its Kat. Only if I get in trouble or if someone needs my attention bad do I get called Katelynn.”

“OK Kat. You said first off so that suggest more.”

“That’s right, please put up a seat, us girls need to have a chat while my Dad’s sleeping.”

Cautiously Emily sat down in the other chair, in the room. Kat got up quietly, closed the door and returned to her seat before resuming.

“I know that you’re attracted to my Dad; and just so you know as long as you don’t hurt him, I’m all for you two dating. I also know that you have had someone ripped out of your life and now you are worried that if you open yourself up again that it will happen again.”

Emily was stunned. She had never told anyone about the things that this teen was guessing about her. Her stunned feeling would continue when Kat continued.

“I’m guessing that growing up nothing you did could please your parents. It didn’t matter what you did, you were never good enough for them even through you really couldn’t get better. Let’s see here, after high school you went into the military as much to grow as it was to get away from your parents, right?”

Continuing when Emily nodded.

“You did very well in the military as a medic. Seeing the look on Emily’s face. “Sorry corpsman.” Seeing her surprised look Kat continued.

“During your time, as a corpsman, you seen a decent amount of combat and during one of those encounters you lost someone that you cared for deeply.”

At this Emily was starting to get pissed and growled,

“I lost a lot of men that I cared about.”

“Yes, you did, but one of those meant more to you than any other. Fiancé I’m guessing. Right?”

Emily stood up and went to leave.

“Please stop, Emily.” Kat asked in a tone that sent chills up and down Emily’s spine.

Emily slowly turned around and asked;

“How do you know all that about me?”

Kat just smiled,

“It’s easiest to think of me as a cross between a lie proof lie detector and Sherlock Homes. I knew you were in the military by the way you walk and talk. You’re a doctor, so that probably meant that you were a medic or something. You are always putting in long hours and are always making sure that you’re the best doctor in this place. That’s how I figured that you could never please your parents. I knew you lost someone very special to you because of the faint marks on your wrist where you struggled to kill yourself. I tell you all this not to embarrass you, as I swear that nothing we talk about will ever be repeated to anyone unless you want it to. No, I tell you all this about you so that you will believe me when I tell you something about my Dad.”

“I admit Kat that I have thought about your Dad. It seems like he has some skeletons in his closet.”

“He does and if you’re as interested in him as I think you are, then you should know about some of them. I say “some of them” because I don’t think that even I know about all of them.”

“Are you sure that your Dad would want you discussing his life with me?”

Kat just gave Emily a look and Emily gulped and nodded.

“My dad lost his parents when he was ten years old, in a car accident with a drunk driver, and he became a ward of the state. His foster parents were pure evil. They would beat him for no reason at all, and before he was burned you could still see the scars on his back. They would burn him with cigars, they would break his toes and fingers. For years they would beat him until one day when they brought home a slightly older girl. Then he would have to watch as the girl was beaten, just as he had been. If she did something wrong my Dad would take the blame so that she would be spared the beating. He would put medicine on her wounds, that he stole, to keep her from getting an infection for they lived in absolutely filthy conditions. One night when his foster parents were drunk and high, he was forced to rape her, unprotected, while being filmed. These forced rapes continued even after she got pregnant. My dad tried to hide this fact, knowing what would happen to her but after about five months their foster parents found out. She was beaten so brutally that she had a miscarriage and ended up in the hospital. One of them stayed with her at all times, to make sure that she couldn’t tell anyone what really happened to her. When they brought her home, my dad knew what was going to happen to her and what he had to do. It was going to be her or them. They brought her home, put her to bed and preceded to get drunk and high. Their usual before filming. This time instead of forcing my dad to rape her, they gave him a gun with one bullet and told him to kill her. When he refused, they told him that it was either going to be him or her. What they didn’t know was my dad had hidden a knife under the mattress they were using. He turned the gun on his foster dad and shot him. Before his foster mom could react, he had pulled out the knife and stabbed her.”

Hearing all this Emily thought she was going to faint; all the color was gone from her face. This was far worse than anything she had imagined but the look on Kat’s face told Emily that the story wasn’t over yet.

“I’m not done so don’t faint yet.”

Emily looked up and the look on Kat’s face was harder than anything Emily had ever seen before. Clearly the part coming up affected Kat as well.

“After the investigations, my dad was cleared but now he had another problem. Nobody wanted him in their home. The girl was given some help, but nowhere near enough and she ended up committing suicide. On the anniversary of her death, my dad still goes to where she is buried and spends the day with her, no matter the weather. It took two years of bouncing between homes for him to land in one where he could stay. It was an older couple who couldn’t have kids of their own so they always took on troubled foster kids. After he settled in, he met my mother in school. They got along very well but her parents hated him. Well, as you can guess she got pregnant with me. My dad picked up extra chores around his foster parents’ farm, as well as a part time job at a fast-food place, and he collected and sold scrape metal to earn the money he would need to take care of my mother and me. They hide the pregnancy from her parents for almost six months. Her parents found out when my grandmother seen my mother with her shirt off and shit hit the fan. Her Dad beat my Dad badly despite my Dad not fighting back and trying to resolve things peacefully. Her Dad got himself arrested for assault but because he had a shit load of dirty money, he was able to buy his way out. My Dad made sure that he was there, for my mother, when she gave birth because her mom couldn’t be bothered to take time out of her social schedule to be there. My grandparents then moved away once my grandfather got out of prison to keep my parents apart. Since my Dad’s name was already on my birth certificate, my grandparents couldn’t keep him from me permanently, but they tried like hell. For the next four years I would visit my dad a couple of times a year. As time went on, he noticed that I was becoming malnourished and when he looked into it, he found that my dumbass mother was away partying at college and my grandparents were watching me. However, they rarely fed me enough food, rarely kept me changed, and rarely bought me clothes that I needed. After my dad gathered these facts, he fought tooth and nail to get sole custody of me. At this time, he was working two full time jobs and he wouldn’t have gotten me if his last foster parents hadn’t left him their farm when they died, when he was nineteen. He was awarded full custody of me on his 21st birthday and from then on, we never looked back. No matter how busy he is he will always make time for me. He always goes to all my school functions, he makes sure I have my homework done, and he always takes time not only to teach me many life lessons but why I need to learn them. If there is anything I need he will make sure that I have it, and yes that includes tampons. I truly love him and I would love for him to have someone in his life to give him happiness in ways that I can’t.”

When she had finished Kat bowed her head and quietly started crying as if a massive weight had been taken off her shoulders. Emily just sat there dumbfounded and more than a bit embarrassed. Here she thought that she had a hard life and had even tried to kill herself but compared to this man her life had been rainbows and unicorns. A harder sob from Kat snapped Emily out of her trance. Without thinking about it she stood up walked over to into front of Kat, and held her hands down. When Kat took them, Emily picked her up and hugged her tightly. This caused both of them to cry. When they were bout cried out Emily put Kat down, turned and walked out of the room. Before she knew it, she was back home. She didn’t remember leaving the hospital, the drive, getting home, undressing, showering, or making dinner but the evidence was all there. Checking her phone, she seen that she had a voicemail from Cindy. Fortunately, it was just Cindy checking on her. Apparently, Emily caused a bit of a stir when she left work. After calling Cindy back to check in, Emily laid down to go to sleep. Laying there her mind drifted to Mark and without even thinking about it she started rubbing herself. This was something that she hadn’t done since her fiancé had been killed. The more she thought about Mark the faster she went until she exploded soaking herself and her bed, but she didn’t care. She cam so hard that she had stars in her eyes and couldn’t even move for almost half and hour. As she came back down to Earth she drifted off to sleep and she slept the best that she had since before her fiancé had been killed.

Chapter 4

When she woke up the next day, she felt more clear headed then she had felt in years. As she went about her morning routine, she kept thinking of ways that she could tell Mark that she was interested in him, but nothing seems right. Either she had ethical concerns or she sounded desperate and she didn’t want that. Eventually she just decided to wing it. After she got done with her shift, she went up to see Mark and was surprised to see him dressed and bags packed.

“Hi doc, guess what? I’m being released today. Just waiting on Katelynn to get here.”

Even through she was going through a lot of confusing emotions she didn’t let on, instead she chose to keep things casual.

“Katelynn is your ride? I wouldn’t have thought that she would be old enough to drive.”

“She is just coming to help me. We’re taking an Uber.”

“I just got off and I could drive you two home.”

“I couldn’t impose that on you, doc.”

“You’re not imposing, I’m offering. It would be a lot cheaper then taking an Uber and with your condition a lot safer. “

“Well Ok doc but only because you’re so insistent.”

At this moment Kat walked in, hearing only the last sentence.

“What’s the doc so insistent on?”

“She volunteered to drive us home this evening, Kat.”


“But before we go, I need to take a leak. Excuse me ladies, I’ll only be a minute.”

As Mark limped to the bathroom Kat was giving Emily a calculating look.

“Kind of taking the hard way to find where we live, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Ya whatever. It’s your story.”

Mark came out of the bathroom and grabbed his bag and swung it onto his back.

“We ready ladies?”

“Just waiting on you, old man.”

“Kat, I’ll remember that when you want to borrow the car keys in a couple of years.”

Kat just rolled her eyes and Emily giggled as they both headed for the door after Mark. Just before leaving Kat stopped Emily and gave her a piece of paper.

“What’s this?” asked Emily

“Just take it. It’s my phone number. I figure that since the anniversary of your fiancé being killed is coming you might need someone to talk to. Also, if you ever went to go out for coffee sometime, just call.”

“Thank you, Kat. We better catch up with your Dad. He’s moving fast for someone who just lost a leg.”

“Yep, that’s my Dad. No matter what he won’t let himself be slowed down.”

The way to Mark and Kat’s place was quiet with just directions being spoken. Emily wasn’t surprised to find them pulling up in front of a farm house. No what surprised her was just how nice things were kept up around it.

“Nice place you have here Mark.”

“Thank you. Would you like to go on the tour?”

“You offer tours? I’d love to.”

In Emily’s rear view mirror, she could see Kat struggling to keep from falling over laughing. At this Emily just gave her the bird and Kat gave her a thumbs up.

During the entire tour Emily was in awe. Not only was the outside of the house beautiful with it’s many flowering plants, warm brick sides and metal roof that set off the bricks perfectly. But the inside was just stunning with its: wood floors, warm wood paneling, the fireplace in the living room, modern kitchen, large bedrooms each with an attached bathroom and walk-in closet. The living room had an actual stained-glass window, that when the sun shined in lit up a rock waterfall that was not only beautiful but also helped regulate the humidity, in the house, as well. The tour continued through the full basement with its open space for parties and a safe-room for bad weather or break-ins. After the basement Mark had to excuse himself because he was getting tired. Emily thanked him for the tour and left wondering if she had just made the biggest mistake of her life in not telling Mark how she felt about him.

As the months past her fantasies involving Mark evolved from a fairly plain sexual type to vivid romantic ones that even she knew were outlandish. As her fantasies grew, her work started to slip. Finally, on a Friday afternoon about six months after she had taken Mark home, she was called into her boss’s boss’s office. Emily knew that this wasn’t good. The woman she had been summoned to see was named Ethyl and she was a real old school hard ass.

Ethyl: “Dr. O’Neal do you know why you are here?”

Emily: “No ma’am”

“Your work is slipping and this hospital now has two lawsuits that name you in them. Are you aware of this?”

“I knew about the one but not the other. But if it’s the case that I’m thinking of there is no way that anyone in this hospital is at fault. The guy was almost dead when they brought him in and it’s actually a miracle that he lived as long as he did. But the wife was irate and claimed that I killed her husband. Furthermore, she claimed that I killed him because he was a black man. Anyone who actually knows me knows that’s a load of bullshit. My best friend is a black lady who is studying to become a nurse practitioner, in this hospital, and my fiancé was a black man but he was killed in Afghanistan almost nine years ago.”

“Emily, I know these lawsuits are bogus but hospital rules dictate that I put you on administrative leave until the cases are reviewed by the board. I really wish there was a way around this because you are one hell of a doctor, but with the political climate like it is right now, people hear race and they stop thinking and my first responsibility is to this hospital. I’m sorry but I’m going to need your ID badge please. I’m hoping to get this back to you as soon as possible.”

Emily left her badge on the desk and walked out, stopping to tell Cindy what was going on. Cindy just shook her head like it was only a matter of time before this would pop up.

Saturday morning, Emily is looking around her apartment wondering what on Earth she is going to do. She doesn’t even have a TV. She had a laptop but knew that watching movies that way was a pain in the neck. Looking around and thinking, she remembered that she had Kat’s number on her phone. Emily figures that a fifteen year old teen might have an idea on what Emily could do. So, Emily figures what the hell and calls Kat.


“Hello Kat, its Emily.”

“Oh hi. How you doing?”

“A bit bored to tell the truth. I got put on administrative leave yesterday.”

“Ouch. Lawsuits?”


“Well listen, Dad and I are going fishing this evening. You want to come along?”

“I’ve never fished before.”

“Don’t worry about it and don’t worry about your license we’ll take care of that.”

“Ok, sounds good. When should I get there?”

“Anytime before three PM. You can come over now if you want. I’ve got just a couple of chores to finish then we could hang out for a few hours.”

“What should I wear?”

“Light clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit dirty. Might want to bring some swim stuff with you in case you get too hot and want to go for a dip in the lake.”

“Well I will have to stop to get a new bikini. I haven’t bought a new one since I was in the Navy.”

“Why don’t you come by and pick me up first then I can help you pick one out?”

“Ok. See you in about 30 minutes?”

“Sounds good, bye”


Emily stood in front of her closet and dresser and just looked at her clothes. What seemed good yesterday was now horrible. Most of them were scrubs or clothes that just hung off of her. She decided that she would have Kat help her with a new wardrobe since it always seemed that she was dressed well. With that thought she just threw on a shirt and shorts and left to go pick up Kat, then her new clothes.

Chronicles of Succubus High, Ch. 1 0 (0)


Author’s Note & Disclaimer: This story is the first installment of what I intend to be a series of interrelated but mostly independent short stories. This story contains graphic depictions of arguably non-consensual sex and coercion, and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters depicted in any sexual situation are over 18, and all events and people described are entirely fictional. Copyright 2021, Quiver. All rights reserved.

Chronicles of Succubus High

by Quiver

Chapter 1: Window Dressing

1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he’d caught a student nodding off during class.

At least this group was his senior class. The freshmen he taught during the other four periods were a lot more rowdy. Such a weird mixture of childish pranks and teen drama to contend with, always some new issue he didn’t care about but somehow became his problem when it happened in his classroom. Definitely not his favorite aspect of teaching. But, with the seniors, the biggest problem he had to overcome was apathy.

He didn’t really blame them for not caring about his class. He’d been teaching the same two math classes at Emery for the past 12 years, and he knew senior calculus wasn’t the most exciting subject for a bunch of 18-year olds who just wanted to spend time with their friends before graduation. He had been 18 once. Probably. But it was his job to make sure these kids were ready for their college classes next year. His job to bore them every day after lunch, knowing they were counting the minutes until they could get out of this place.

A lifelong bachelor, Tom Purcell really hadn’t given much thought to dating. He’d gone on a few dates when he moved to town when he started working at Emery, but nothing really came of them. He did have a little bit of a crush on the English teacher who taught a few classrooms down from his. Ms. Davis. Miss Davis? Natalie, he was pretty sure. She seemed nice enough. He hadn’t had many interactions with her. It was a big school. He barely even recognized most of the faculty, much less remembered all their names. But Ms. Davis seemed intelligent and friendly. Pretty too. But honestly, he just wasn’t that motivated to try to see more of her. He was pretty content to go home and watch the news, do a crossword, have some tea and go to bed. Routine was nice, and sex and romance just seemed too complicated to be worth it.

Tom really did enjoy teaching though. He’d gotten his master’s degree in applied mathematics, and applied to a few engineering and programming jobs after he graduated, but had fairly quickly stumbled into a substitute teaching gig that made decent money. And he found he had a knack for explaining things, and when a permanent position opened up, he saw no reason not to take it. He saw a lot of himself in some of the nerdier kids, and it made him happy to see them start to understand the material, especially after they struggled a while with it. But it was tough most of the time. High school kids generally didn’t really care about what he was trying to teach them. It was rare to find anyone who actually wanted to learn. The freshmen he taught algebra to were often too immature, and the seniors in his one calculus class mostly just wanted to leave. But at least he had his crossword puzzles, and that occasional kid who actually wanted to be there. Over all, not a bad life.

“Hey Mr. P,” Jeffrey said as he entered Tom’s classroom. Jeffrey was one of the good ones. Not top of the class or anything, but at least he stayed awake. He’d even ask a question or two when Tom was left with a room full of silence. Seemed like a good kid. And he always said hello. It made Tom feel like a real person instead of just some humorless old man these kids had to endure. And at 38, he wasn’t even that old.

“Good afternoon, Jeffrey,” Tom replied. After Jeffrey broke the ice, Tom received a few more half-hearted “Hi Mr. Purcell’s” as the rest of the students filtered in.

Tom waited a few more minutes to make sure all the stragglers had a chance to find a seat.

“Okay, happy Monday everyone,” he started, waiting for the few mumbled responses. “Let’s get started. This week, we’re continuing our discussion of limits and moving into derivatives. Who can tell me the general formula for a derivative as a limit?”

There was a long pause, most of the students had glazed over by the time he got to the word “Monday”. But a few were thumbing back through their notes from last week looking for the answer.

Tom was about to start writing the answer on the board as the classroom door swung open again. Another late student, Tom thought. He glanced over and saw Bree Stevens quietly slip into the classroom and into the last remaining desk at the edge of the front row.

Tom didn’t know much about Bree, except that she was doing alright in his class. He didn’t think she had been a student in one of his freshman classes, but he taught so many students it was hard to be sure. He did know that she was fairly popular and athletic. She was clearly involved in several school sports, because she was nearly always in some kind of uniform. Today it appeared to be field hockey.

Tom considered for a moment whether to comment on Bree’s tardiness, and he decided that he probably should say something. “Bree, please try to be on time to class,” Tom said, “It is very disruptive and is not fair to your classmates.”

“Sorry Mr. Purcell” Bree responded, looking not at all sorry. But she wasn’t being openly defiant, so Tom decided to move on.

“Anyway, as I was saying,” he continued on, writing the limit equation on the whiteboard as he discussed the relationship between limits and derivatives. He could practically hear his students’ eyes closing as he continued to lecture, and for the next 45 minutes he droned on to his silent and bored audience.

As the lecture was wrapping up, Tom glanced around the room and noticed, as usual, that Jeffrey was fairly attentive. Though he was clearly sharing something amusing with Clay on his phone. Oh well, Tom thought. It’s basically the end of class, no point confiscating any phones at this point. As he continued lecturing, he glanced over at Bree and noticed that she too was being particularly attentive today. She didn’t seem to be taking notes, but she wasn’t nodding off like the rest of the students.

The bell rang.

Raising his voice over the shuffle of papers and backpacks, Tom tried to remind the students of their homework assignment, practically yelling “Don’t forget, odd numbers from section 2.5 for tomorrow!” The students barely seemed to hear him, suddenly completely alert and basically climbing over each other to get out of his classroom.

Tom walked back to his desk to put his lecture notes from today back in order. As he was opening up his file cabinet, he heard that there was still a student in the classroom. He turned his head, and noticed that Bree was still there. Perched, legs crossed, on top of her desk in the front row.

“Miss Stevens,” Tom started to say, “ehm, Bree.” He wasn’t sure what caused him to use her last name. The protocol at Emery was relatively relaxed, and teachers usually called students by their first names. “Is there something I can do for you?” Tom continued, hoping to move past his odd form of address.

“I just wanted to apologize for being late,” Bree said. She hopped off the desk and walked toward him.

Tom sat down and continued to put his papers away. “Oh, that. It’s okay, Bree. I would just appreciate it if you tried to be on time in the future. It really is disruptive.” He had honestly already forgotten about it, but really had better things to do right now than assuage the guilt of a mediocre student.

Bree reached the edge of his desk and leaned over with her arms pushed together. Tom glanced up and finally met her eyes. Such intensity there. Fucking hell. He had never noticed how insanely hot this girl was. In that plaid field hockey skirt she looked like every Catholic school girl fantasy. Bree, with her long, straight but flowing hair. She was clearly naturally brunette but had professional layers of added highlights, creating varying subtle shades of golden blonde. Bree, with her thick thighs and toned calves, her tight ass and the ample cleavage currently threatening to burst out of her way too small button-down top. Bree, with that sun-bronzed silky smooth skin and her amber eyes. Bree. Wow. She was a vision. Always had been. Tom had no idea how he had managed to get through the lecture today with this beautiful creature sitting in the corner, but he was impressed with himself.

“I know, Mr. P,” Bree responded after waiting a few seconds for Tom refocus his eyes. “It was so unfair to disrupt your lecture like that, I feel so bad about it.”

Her voice was so mesmerizing, Tom could barely understand what she was saying. He could almost feel her words caress his face, tingling behind his ears and down his spine.

Bree stood upright and walked behind Tom’s chair, grazing his collar with her hand as she moved by. She leaned forward over against the window and gazed through the glass. Tom, sitting back in his chair, could see the curve of her ass where it met her upper thigh and couldn’t help himself from staring. He saw no hint of underwear or shorts underneath that skirt.

Bree was fairly short for an athlete. But otherwise she had the classic sporty look, especially those legs. Thick thighs, muscled but with enough softness to grab into. Tom felt his cock stirring in his pants as he gazed over at Bree. He probably shouldn’t do anything about it right now, though. He grabbed a notebook and placed it in his lap to cover the fabric straining from his erection.

Bree seemed to notice the move, but didn’t comment on it. Instead, she stayed focused on the ground outside the window. “I have practice out there this afternoon,” she said. “I had no idea there was such a good view of the field from this side of the building,” she continued. And she was right, Tom noticed. Looking past her briefly, he saw that the field hockey field was almost immediately adjacent to the main high school corridor where his office was. He’d never really had much of a reason to look outside during a school day.

“Mr. Purcell,” Bree said with the slightest hint of a whine in her voice, “I’ve never seen you at a game before.” She paused. “Have you ever seen us play?” she asked.

“No,” Tom responded. “Never,” he continued. Bree had turned back around and was now seated on the window sill facing him.

“You should stay late after school today and watch us practice,” Bree said coolly. “It would mean so much to know you’re watching me play. I think I’d play better knowing you were watching me.”

Tom felt his cock twitch at the repeated phrase “watching me”. He had to tilt the notebook a little further away to keep his dick from knocking into it. “Sure, I could do that” Tom said, knowing deep in his soul that he would like nothing more than to spend his evening alone in his office watching varsity girls’ field hockey practice. He was starting to get a little out of breath thinking about it.

Bree shifted forward on the window sill, thrust her hips forward and her knees out to the sides, and placed her hands on her inner thighs, running them up her thighs and slightly lifting the hem of her skirt. She made a show of stretching her hip flexers as she leaned left and right, sticking out her already voluptuous chest as she let out a sigh. “I’ll make it worth your while,” she said, seeming to drop all pretense. “Promise.” She leaned toward him as she lifted herself off the low window sill, lightly brushing her knee against the notebook in Tom’s lap as she stood up.

Tom’s eyes rolled back into his head at the slight pressure near his crotch. Bree ran one finger along Tom’s shoulder as she moved past his chair and made her way toward the door. She grabbed her bag and slung it over one shoulder as she left the room, fingers lingering on the door frame as she gave Tom one final knowing glance.

Thankfully, Tom had a free period after his senior calculus class. For one thing, it was probably lucky that no freshmen had entered the room while he was having his interaction with Bree. But it also gave him some time to recover before he needed to resume his teaching. He walked around his office, trying to shake off his arousal and clear his mind before his next class. He ended up pacing the hallway a couple of times, and splashed his face in the water fountain.

He somehow managed to stagger through his last class. The freshmen in his final period were even more rowdy than usual, and so he really didn’t need to do that much teaching. His mind was elsewhere, and he basically just went through the motions. He gave out a couple of detentions, and maybe some extra homework. He wasn’t really sure. He was too focused on this afternoon.

After the last bell rang, the students made their usual clamor for the door, and Tom immediately collapsed into his desk chair. He had about half an hour before practice began. He thought briefly about going home instead, but as soon as the thought became clear in his mind he knew he wouldn’t make it past his door before he needed to return to his classroom window. So he stood up and leaned against the wall staring onto the empty field below as his eyes glazed over.

He was jolted out of his daze by some movement on the field below. He glanced up at the clock in the back of his classroom. 4:30 already? Tom could have sworn he had leaned over against the window only seconds before. He must have dozed off or something.

He looked down onto the field and saw several senior girls in field hockey skirts carrying their sticks and bags to get ready for practice. He thought he recognized a couple of them. There was a good chance they had been in his freshman math class a few years ago, but he didn’t remember their names. A short, middle-aged woman, Coach Cassidy, if he remembered right, was carrying a large mesh bag with what looked like a bunch of small practice cones and a variety of other sports equipment. Tom didn’t see Bree anywhere.

Still searching for the subject of his desire, suddenly Tom felt a bristling in his pants. Awakened seemingly of its own volition, his cock began to pulse and tighten, swelling beneath the fabric of his slacks. Sure enough, as he glanced down, Bree Stevens had emerged into view and walked onto the field, her field hockey stick resting easily on one shoulder, skirt swaying as she walked confidently across the grass.

The team seemed to be ready to start practice. A few girls were stretching on the side of the field, when Coach Cassidy blew her whistle and said something to the girls. Alone in his classroom with his window closed, Tom couldn’t really hear anything except the whistle and some vague voices. But the coach must have told the girls to start running laps, because they quickly grouped together at the edge of the field and began jogging along the sideline. They must have to practice running with those sticks, Tom thought, because almost all of the girls were still carrying their field hockey sticks as they did their laps around the field. Bree led the pack of girls, knees bent at the ready, constantly moving her stick back and forth as if she were actually dribbling a ball with her. It was clear she was the leader, probably team captain, especially since it was her senior year. Tom had never really seen the appeal of sports before, but Bree’s skillful grace was genuinely enthralling to observe. He absentmindedly stroked the growing bulge in his pants as he watched Bree deftly twist the stick back and forth in front of her as she ran her laps.

She had said she would make it worth his while. If this was the only thing that happened all practice, Tom thought, he’d be more than satisfied with the show.

As the other girls started to show signs of fatigue, Bree seemed even more energized. She dashed ahead of the group toward a cluster of balls the coach had set up in the middle of the field, raised her stick in a big swing, and slammed one of them into the back of the goal cage. Tom could hear the metal clang of the ball hitting the cage from inside his classroom. Impressive strength, he thought.

After she swung the stick, Bree seemed to stumble a bit. It seemed a little out of character, based on her previous graceful movements, but Tom was still a bit concerned. Bree had a slight limp in her gait as she walked over to the coach and said something with a few gestures. Tom obviously couldn’t hear what was being said, but from what he could tell, Bree was telling the coach that she had hurt her leg, and seemed to be asking to go sit down. Odd, Tom thought. Didn’t she want him to watch her practice? She didn’t seem that hurt. Why would she go sit down? Was she actually injured?

Bree walked carefully back toward the edge of the field near the bench with all the water jugs and bags belonging to the players, with a noticeable but not overly dramatic limp. Once she reached the sideline, she paused and looked toward the overlooking school building. He didn’t quite catch her eye, but Tom had the definite impression that she was looking for him. From her expression, she definitely didn’t seem injured. She had a smug look on her face, like she was getting away with something. Not unlike a cat who had just snatched the family bird into its mouth.

Bree leaned over to look at her supposedly injured right leg, and, still facing toward the building, lifted her right foot to rest on the metal bench as she began to press and massage the skin around her knee.

Tom’s breath caught a bit as he watched Bree continue to rub her injured leg. Her skirt was hitched, but still covered her crotch, barely. He still couldn’t make out any hint of fabric under that skirt.

Just thinking about what might or might not be underneath Bree’s field hockey skirt got Tom hard as a rock. He firmly grasped his stiff cock through his pants, tugging more insistently as Bree continued to massage her leg.

It wasn’t clear exactly where Bree was supposed to be injured. She had started at the knee, but was now moving down toward her ankle, and what she was doing could hardly be called massaging anymore. It was more like caressing at this point. Maybe she was trying to stretch her hamstring? But her knee was bent at an angle that made that not very likely. Tom didn’t really care, he just wanted her to keep doing what she was doing.

As Tom vigorously rubbed his cock through his pants, he noticed a growing wet spot where a pool of pre-cum was leaking through. Oh god, how he needed release.

Bree was now moving her hands back up her leg, this time past the knee in the other direction. She pressed deeply into her quad muscle as she worked up her leg past the hem of her skirt. Now with both hands, she seemed to be performing a deep tissue massage along the entire length of her thigh. She reached up to the inner groin and pushed with both thumbs back down toward her knee.

Tom couldn’t stand it any longer. He fumbled quickly with his belt and pants, desperately wrestling with his zipper so he could retrieve his pulsing cock from above his briefs. He gripped his dick with both hands and held them still for a moment, relishing the sensation of skin on skin. He knew he would finish quickly if he wasn’t careful, and he wanted to make sure he got to enjoy the full show Bree had planned for him. Oh, the thought that Bree was down their performing just for him made his cock jump up, aching to cum for her.

Bree slowly stood back up, her hand still resting on her thigh, as she lifted her leg off the bench and put it back on the ground. She stood and stretched her arms up toward the sky, lifting up on her toes and tilting backwards. Again, her skirt came dangerously close to a full reveal, but stopped just shy of what Tom was increasingly sure was a tight, bare pussy. Her jersey did lift up above the waistline of her skirt, revealing her taut abdomen as she arched her back. Tom let his hand slowly glide up the length of his shaft as he watched her, imagining that she was right in front of him, that he could slide his hand up her shirt and thrust his cock into the wetness between her legs.

As Bree relaxed from her stretch, she turned back toward the field, giving Tom a beautiful view of her delicately muscled figure, her legs still slightly spread apart. Tom continued to stroke himself, still slowly, to prolong the intense pleasure he was experiencing. Without warning, Bree quickly leaned forward, reaching toward the ground with her fingertips to reveal her bare ass as her skirt flipped up over her back. Fucking Christ, Tom thought, quickening his pace. This was better than he could have imagined. Her flexibility was impressive. She was practically kissing the ground between her feet as she held the stretch. With her legs spread apart, she tilted her pelvis slightly, presenting the puffy pink outer layers of her cunt. Tom could just imagine slipping the tip of his engorged cock into those tight folds. He could practically feel the wetness of her as he ran his hand across the head of his cock, lightly thrusting his hips forward with increasing urgency. He was practically already inside her. He wanted desperately to fill her with his seed. But something in him kept his orgasm at bay. He knew that Bree wasn’t done with her show.

After what seemed like forever, Bree stood up again, depriving Tom of the glorious view of her ass and pussy once more.

She turned away from the field again, and walked a few feet toward the building. Gently, she sat down in the grass, still facing the building, and lied down on her back. Her knees apart, Tom was able to get a full frontal view of that beautiful pussy at last. Now that he had a better view, Tom realized that despite the soft pink skin he had seen from behind, her pussy was not completely bald. She had a neatly trimmed landing strip of dark hair leading down to her slit, which now lay open, glistening in the evening sunlight. Mesmerized by the view, Tom tugged again at his cock, moving into a steady rhythm. He could feel the impending spasms building up as he jerked himself harder and harder. He felt his balls tighten, preparing for the release he desperately needed.

Finally, Bree sat up, skirt still hiked above her exposed cunt, legs spread out in a nearly full horizontal split. She stared at the building, her chest heaving, finally giving Tom permission to cum. At her nod of approval, he erupted, grunting loudly as his first shot hitting the window in front of him with a powerful thud, and continuing to splatter the glass with thick ropes of cum. The orgasm seemed to last forever, as he pumped himself through spasm after spasm. Even past the point of overwhelming sensitivity, he continued, desperate to shower Bree with every last ounce. Finally, complete, he slumped over to his desk and collapsed into his chair, utterly and completely drained.


Bree, facing the broad side of the main school building, legs spread wide in a deep stretch, eyes closed and shoulders back, felt the potent rush of sexual energy flood through her being, feeding her deep need. Christened with orgasmic release, she opened her eyes and looked over the building in front of her. Twenty-seven classrooms faced east toward the field hockey field, thirteen of which were inhabited by male teachers. As she surveyed the building facade, she counted thirteen fresh white splatter patterns decorating the windows.

Bree Stevens smiled to herself. Good job boys, that’ll do nicely.

End of Chapter 1

The card game. Sex story 0 (0)


My colleague Paul had come round. He’d been having a hard time of it lately at home and at work so a few drinks and games of poker were on the cards for the evening.

Beth was kindly keeping out of the way, giving us the space for a lads only night. She popped her head in “do you boys need drinks?” She asked. We agreed and she returned shortly after with two cold beers.

“Why don’t you join us?” Paul said, pointing to the chair between us.

“Oh I’m not much good at cards, plus this is your night, I don’t want to cramp your style” Beth responded.

“Nonsense, cards are better with more players plus I’d rather have you to look at than his ugly face” he gestured towards me and the two of them laughed.

“Maybe just a couple.of games then” and she sat down.

An hour later, Beth had played with pure beginners luck. She’d won almost every hand and was clearing up.

“Want to make it more interesting?” Asked Paul.

“What dyu mean” I said.

“Well, seeing as your wife here is winning and we’re running our of money, why don’t we play for dares”

“Like what?” Beth replied curious…intrigued almost.

“Well, If I win, I’d like you to do a dance for me…a sexy dance” Paul smirked.

“Are you joking?!” I said, annoyed at the cheek of it.

“She’s been winning all night, you don’t need to be worried”


“No babe it’s fine, I think I can take that bet.” Beth replied. “and if I win, you two play the next round naked” she laughed.

“Deal” Paul quickly responded.

Without checking what I wanted, Paul began shuffling the cards and dealt. The game was going well until a last minute shift in luck, and Paul pulled out the winning hand. A large grin crept across his face and I looked at Beth in shock.

Surely he wouldn’t make Beth go through with it…would he? After an awkward silence, there was no let up, no easy pass given by Paul, so Beth stood up silently and made her way upstairs.

Moments later, Beth reappeared, walking down the stairs. We both looked over to see her long legs stretching out, coming down one step at a time.

As she got further down it was clear she intended to keep the bet. Dressed to impress, Beth rounded the bottom of the stairs and walked towards us. Our mouths dropped open.

She was dressed in a black lace body that ran high on the waist, showing off the full curve of her hips. The lace wove intricately over her body, her breasts cupped in lace, perfectly round and firm.

Her nipples were erect and pressing through the material, thin straps reached up to her delicate shoulders. The lace cut low and the neckline dropped below her breasts, showing off her incredible cleavage.

As she walked towards us, her black stiletto heels clicked on the floor. Her legs seemed to be endless and the lace pulled tight between her legs, barely covering the shape of her mound and lips .

Her hips swayed as she walked and her breasts bounced in time. It was hypnotic to watch and we both sat speechless watching her approach.

“A bet’s a bet” she said, and giggled at the sight of us both open mouthed. “Im gonna need some music though” as she turned to walk away.

As she did, Beth’s ass was revealed in all its glory. The lace body sat finely between her cheeks, barely there. Her perfectly round ass looked incredible as she walked, the heels adding more length and shape than ever before.

She turned on the music and then dimmed the lights. She walked towards Paul and began to slow her movement in time with the music. She’d chosen a slow sexy number and she was really working it.

As she got close, she rested her hands on his knees and leant in to whisper in his ear “is this what you want?” She said quietly and began to dance for him. Slowly at first then she started to really warm things up.

Her hips began to gyrate and she turned around giving him a full view of her ass. Paul let out a sigh and rubbed himself through his jeans. Like me, he was enjoying the show and was clearly finding the restraint difficult to maintain.

Beth bent over and grabbed her ankles, the material between her legs strained and slid in between her lips, giving Paul a perfect view of her married pussy. I could see she was wet as the dim light glistened on her mound.

She slowly stood up, then lowered herself backwards onto Paul’s lap, her hips still moving to the music. Clearly working the spot, Paul let out a groan and his hands found his way to Beth’s thighs.

Expecting to see my wife stop the innappropriate touching, I couldn’t believe it when her hands joined his and moved them towards her inner thigh.

She leant back into him and continued to moved slowly to the music, getting him off him through his jeans. Paul’s hands made their way up her legs, grabbing at her thighs and pulling them apart.

Beth’s legs obeyed and opened further and his hands found her wetness. She gasped as his fingers began rubbing her lace covered pussy.

Making no attempt to hide his moves anymore, Paul slid his fingers under the thin lace and began massaging her lips and clit, his fingers thick and wet with my wife’s juice.

Beth’s movements slowed and she reached behind to pull Paul in closer, pulling him by the neck. He started to kiss her as he slowly finger fucked her married hole.

I looked on completely stunned yet aroused. My cock was so hard as I watched my wife and my friend together.

Then without warning, Beth stood up and made her way over towards me. She looked so incredibly hot, so confident, so sexy. She rubbed a hand on my crotch and felt how hard I was. Reading my mind, she said “you like this don’t you?” and I couldn’t say a thing.

“Dyu think Paul is enjoying me, dyu think he’d like to see more of me?” She asked, but didn’t wait for a response. With one last grab of my hard cock, she stood upright and swayed back to Paul, this time sitting straight down on his lap facing him.

Beth leant in and began deep kissing him, their tongues were exploring each others mouths, her hands on the back of his head.

Paul’s hands reached up and began grabbing at Beth’s breasts, hard and rough. Beth groaned at his forcefullness and began grinding his cock harder through the material. One of his hands moved down and started to unbutton his jeans, all the time the kissing continued, getting harder and deeper.

His jeans were undone and he had no underwear on, his long hard cock stuck up above the waistband. Beth’s grinding was on flesh now and she could feel it.

As her pussy lips pressed out either side of the lace, they began to slide up and down the top of his pole, sharing her married wetness with him.

Both of Paul’s hands worked to pull his trousers lower and his full cock was now on show. He sat there less than a metre away, half naked whilst my horny wife went through the motions of fucking him.

Paul’s hands then found Beth’s pussy and began pulling at the clasps that held the crotch of her underwear together. As if by magic the material came undone and Beth’s pussy was completely exposed.

The contact between the pair was electric and the grinding intensified. Despite the lack of penetration, the two of them looked close to climax.

I could make out the large shaft of Paul’s cock now, glistening with the juice from my wife’s pussy. I could make out her swollen clit and mound, engorged from the stimulation. The two of them were going at it hard, as if I wasn’t even there.

Paul grabbed Beth’s ass and started lifting her higher. Beth’s grinding got harder as the tip of Paul’s cock found her clit and rubbed against it. Still he lifted her higher and the grinding continued.

I could no longer see his cock and it was hidden between her legs. He started to release her, slowly lowering her back down, and then it became clear what he was doing. Unprotected and with intent, he was going to enter my wife right here and now.

Beth had no idea what was happening until she felt the tip press against her hole, then in it went and she let out a moan. She tried to protest “no” she panted “don’t…” she couldn’t finish her sentence, as more of Paul’s cock entered her, stretching her tight insides. “Don’t….don’t stop” she managed, as she sat almost all the way down on him.

From there it seemed like Beth was in control. Paul sat there violently grabbing at her breasts and ass as she fucked him hard. He was deep inside her and Beth was beyond the point of reason now. She was consumed by the sex.

The two of them were breathing heavy, kissing harder and deeper. The grinding got quicker and Paul’s hands grabbed furiously at her ass.

The two of started fucking with increased vigour and they began moaning together, clearly getting close.

“Yes, yes!” Beth screamed, and she dug her nails into Paul’s back.

“Oh fuck” came Paul’s response.

“Im gonna cum” Beth cried “cum inside me” she panted.

The two of them were fucking like a machine, hard and fast, then, with a great cry, Paul came. Pulsing seed deep inside her womb, filling her, his hands grabbed her hard and pulled her tight. Beth came shortly after and the two of them sat there hugging tightly as their genitals pulsed together, soaking up every last moment of the climax.

The night ended shortly after that and the next hand of cards was never dealt.

At the farm – part 1 0 (0)


*This story has been uploaded to other sites in swedish. As that implies, I’m not a native speaker and the story takes place in Sweden during the 19:th century, which was a time when many swedes left the country for looking for better opportunities. I hope the foreign setting doesn’t obstruct too much.

Lisa nervously adjusted her skirt as she waited in her new patrons dining room. She had traveled for three days in a horse-drawn carriage to get here and had never met the great farmer Karlsson herself, for whom she would now work. Her father and two sisters were currently on their way across the sea to the New Land, defying wind and water for the chance at a new life. But the money had not been enough for the whole family, so her father had written to Sigvard Karlsson, a friend since childhood. Lisa had gotten her hands on the letter before sending it and had sobbed as she read the desperate words from her father, who was practically asking on his bare knees for a job for Lisa. Karlsson’s answer had come quickly, with a promise of work and housing for as long as Lisa needed it. And so she was here now, dusty and tired after a long journey.

She heard footsteps outside the door and made one last attempt to straighten a tangle in her curly blonde hair. When the door opened, she stood with her fingers firmly in her curls, and with blushing cheeks she clasped her hands in front of her belly and nipples, her gaze on the floor.

“Ah, welcome, young Lisa,” said the master farmer with a friendly smile. “I hope the trip was gentle?” He was a tall man with broad shoulders shaped from a life of hard work. While many peasants struggled during these times, life had been good for Mr. Karlsson, who wore fine, clean clothes and looked to be in good spirits. Next to him stood a younger man, perhaps only slightly older than Lisa herself, and on the other side of the farmer stood a young girl of Lisa’s own age — eighteen or at most nineteen years old. She was struck by how beautiful and clean they all were. All three seemed to be well-fed and freshly bathed and she felt a scent of soap spread in the room. She herself had not seen a glimpse of a bathtub for several months and the last time she washed herself had been a couple of days earlier in a cold river at the side of the road. Her blush deepened.

“The journey was pleasant, but long, Mr. Karlsson,” Lisa said without raising her eyes.

“I understand that,” said the farmer. “And I really think a bath would be nice, right? And maybe a hot meal?”

Lisa’s stomach churned in response and the farmer’s warm smile widened, though she could sense something sad in his eyes. “Let me introduce my son, David, and Sara, who also works as a maid here. You two will share a room and I expect you to be good friends. Right, Sara?”

“Yes, Mr. Karlsson,” the young girl replied in a low voice.

“Sara, why don’t you take young Lisa and help her pour a hot bath and we’ll start preparing the food in the meantime?”

“Yes, Mr. Karlsson,” the young, blonde maid answered, taking Lisa’s hand while leading her out of the room. Lisa felt both the patrons and David’s eyes following her when she left.

Sigvard Karlsson grunted happily when the door closed behind the two girls. “Beautiful girl, right David?”

David blushed and avoided Sigvard’s eyes. “Yes,” he said. “Very.”

“Beautiful” was an understatement. The girl was as sweet as the sun, with her light curly hair and shy manner. When Mark had sent the letter, he had mentioned his daughter’s obedience and willingness to work, but completely missed that he had raised an angel the last eighteen years. Sigvard felt something move between his pants and he sensed that David was struggling with the same thoughts. Sigvard smiled inside – when he hired Sara, the idea was to lure his son out of his shell, give him a chance to grow out of his shyness. But while Sara was a beautiful, young girl, it quickly became clear where her interests lay. And it had not been with David.

Sigvard got harder when he remembered the knock on the door that night when Sara first visited him. She had been wearing a thin nightgown, her pale skin glistening in the moonlight as her bare feet slowly walked toward his bed. Without a word, she crawled up among his blankets and sheets and nestled in between his arms. Her nipples were hard through the thin fabric.

“I’m scared, Mr Karlsson,” she said with her face close to his. She shifted so she sat with her pale legs on either side of his hip.

“How do you mean?” Sigvard asked harshly.

“The devil has a grip on me. Every day and every night it burns.”

“Burns where?”

With glossy eyes she took his hand in hers and brought it up between her legs, towards the soft cleft. Her juices spread on his fingertips when he felt how wet she was, how open she was already to him. He tried to muster the willpower to ward her off. His wife was gone over the summer and his marriage was a happy one, but her horny eyes enchanted him.

“Every day I have to walk away, away from all watching eyes, so I do not go crazy,” Sara continued.

“And what do you do then, when you are alone?”

“I touch myself, hard and fast, until my sex is tender and face is glistening from sweat. But it is not enough. Sometimes I rub myself against things, pretending it be a man under me. But it is not enough either. I have tried everything – even hitting with the hairbrush where it burns the most. But the pain only makes it… warmer.”

Sigvard’s cock pulsed in his underwear. He now knew that he would never be able to push her away, not when she made her will so clear. And that made him angry, not at her but at himself. That he, with all he had accomplished in life, so easily lost the battle against a girl not even half as old as he. His hands gripped her hips, his fingers drilled into her buttocks through the thin fabric.

“It’s called being horny,” Sigvard said. “Everyone is sometimes, but some are born with more of it than others. It can very well be a curse.”

“How do I get rid of it?” she gasped as his hand fondled her buttocks.

“You can not. You can only give in. You are a slut, made to please others.” He may have been angry with himself, but he directed his anger at the girl.

“I am not!” said Sara, but her moan betrayed her as his hands reached under her nightgown and parted her buttocks.

“You are. Cursed to be a horny slut for the rest of your life, to suffer in shame. But I can help you if you want.”


“You can not get rid of it, so you have to give in. I can satisfy you and it will give you rest. I can train you to deal with it and learn to steer your horniness in the right direction, but in that case you have to do as I say, always. Is that understood? “

Sara, this eighteen-year-old girl who had only lived on his farm for a couple of weeks, nodded. “I will do as you say. I will be your slut.”

“Good.” Without warning, he pulled off her nightgown and she gasped as her body was exposed. Still angry at himself and his weakness, he twisted her nipples. Not hard, but determined. She moaned in pain-mixed pleasure as he embraced her firm, full breasts with his hands. He threw her onto bed and she bounced softly on the mattress. She watched with wide eyes as he pulled his cock out off his underwear. It rocked in all its glory, almost as wide as her arm. It must have been a terrifying sight for a young virgin like Sara, but she did not back down as he brought his limb to her lips. “Open your mouth.” He knew his voice was hissing. The anger that burned in him spurred on his lust, made his hands shake as he grabbed her head and pulled her towards his pulsating member. He moaned loudly as her saliva-soaked tongue touched the sensitive top of his cock with tentative strokes. The primal part of him wanted to thrust himself to the root, into her throat, filling her completely. But he resisted the impulse. No matter how horny he was – and no matter how much this was her fault – she was still young and inexperienced. He would take his time with her, train her, make her his. And when Maja, his wife, returned in a couple of months … it was a problem to be solved at a later time.

He let her get used to the feeling of the hard cock, let her tongue and lips become more confident in his movements before he pulled out.

Sara breathed heavily, catching her breath. He might have been tougher on the team than he realized. “I did not know you could do that,” she gasped. “With your mandom… in my mouth …”

“You will learn a lot more than that,” said Sigvard, and she gasped as he pulled her around so that she was lying on her stomach between his blankets. He pulled up her hip with his hands and enjoyed how warm and soft her skin was. He caressed the buttocks, parted and slapped them lightly. “You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” she said shyly.

SLAP His palm left a slight red blush over her pale buttock. “How long have you had these desires? How long have you not been able to control these wicked thoughts?”

“For several years, since I was very young,” she mumbled down to the pillow. She squeked when he slapped her again. “I have been punished for it before,” she continued. “I told the village priest how I felt, how it always burned between my legs and how my breasts were always hard, despite my infertility. I wanted him to understand so I let him feel, first on top of my breasts and then between my legs … Oh! ” Sigvard’s hand struck her bare buttocks again and the blush spread.

“What happened next?”

“He got upset, so he told me to get over his knees, pulled my dress up over my ass and punished me like my master does now … But worse, harder.”

“But it did not help,” said Sigvard. SLAP

“No,” she moaned between the hits. “It only got worse. I felt his limb beneath me, how hard it got, and the longer he held on, the more it burned. I parted my thighs as I lay over his knees and begged him to touch me. He slapped me harder, but I kept begging and finally … He stuck touched me with his fingers and rubbed them against my sex. Something went through my body and after a while I screamed loudly while something wet shot out of me. It stained his clothes and … ah! ah! ah! “

Sigvard slapped her several times in a row, varying between the two buttocks.

“And that’s why your family sent you here, right?”

She nodded quietly into the sheets. “I could not stay in the village after that. The priest threatened to destroy for father and mother if I did not leave immediately, so …”

Sigvard let his fingers caress the red lines over her ass. Suddenly he felt pity for the creature beneath him. She could not help her feelings – she was created differently, and it did not have to be an evil thing. God was not prone to mistakes, after all. “You are not created wrong, Sara,” said Sigvard. “You are just cast in a different way. It will take a while, but eventually you will find your way in this life. But you do not have to be ashamed of who you are.”

“But it’s so hard!” she said. “Even now, when you punish me, I feel how it burns in my whole body and it takes everything so that I do not let go of everything and rub my fingers between my legs.”

In response, Sigvard let his own finger round the bend that separated the butt from the pussy. She was hot and wet and her labia were parted around his fingertips. Sara let out a desperate moan and itched her hip against his hand.

“I will teach you to take care of yourself. At the same time as I teach you to take care of me. And when one day you find your own husband, you will pass on what I have taught you. Sounds good?”

She was silent for a few moments. “Do you mean it?”

“Yes.” Sigvard continued to caress her pussy, letting two fingers slide back and forth over her wet cave. He pressed his thumb lightly against her second opening. It had been many years since a woman let him take her from the behind, but he still remembered the tight embrace around his cock, how his semen always shot hardest after an ass fuck. Oh, that he missed the early years of his youth. He had been much like Sara, with desires that could hardly be controlled. But unlike Sara, he had been lucky enough to encounter a like-minded girl early on. Together they had explored all that the primal world had to offer. They had traveled together and found others like themselves. It had been good years. “I will teach you. And train you. But it will have to wait until another day. Tonight I will only show you one thing.”


In response, he straightened his cock and pressed it against her leaking pussy. He heard her gasp as his broad glans parted her labia and pressed into her. And quickly, without warning – he knew she would endure it – he bumped, taking her innocence in the time between two heartbeats.

Sara howled, but mainly of pleasure, a lesser part of surprise and an even lesser of pain. The anger had subsided, but the energy it evoked still burned strong in Sigvard and he began to fuck Sara hard. To someone else, he would have been softer and more gentle, but he recognized Sara’s for what she was. A gentleman would never be enough for her – she needed fire. And Sigvard had plenty of it.

With both hands around her hips, he thrust his cock into her. His balls hit her pussy and Sara emitted muffled sounds in time with his cock.

“Oh- oh- oh- oh-” She buried her face in a pillow, trying to muffle her moans of pleasure.

SLAP Sigvard resumed his blows with the palm of his hand. Every fifth thrust was followed by his palm, which left an increasing redness on her buttocks.

“Oh- oh- oh- oh- oh- * Smack * Oh! Oh- oh- oh- oh- * Smack * Oh! Oh- oh- oh- oh- SLAP Oh! Oh- oh- oh- oh- SLAP Oh! Oh! Oh- oh- oh- oh- SLAP oh! Oh- oh- oh- oh- SLAP oh! Oh- oh- oh- oh- SLAP oh! Oh- oh- oh- Oh-“

Her pussy was the tightest he had ever experienced. It tightened and twitched around his cock, while her ass followed his movements in perfect thrusts. She formed such a beautiful and arousing sight beneath him, where she tossed her head back and forth, moving as wildly as his hands and cock allowed while the ecstasy was building inside her. He felt how the climax started to build inside him, how the seed was gathering, but he had no plans cum before her. So he increased the speed of both his palm and his hips.

SLAP “OH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP AH! oh- SLAP OH! Ah- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP AH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- Harder! SLAP OH! oh- SLAP OH! ah- SLAP OH! oh- SLAP OH! oh- HARDER!”

Sigvard was not slow to obey.


She came with a loud howl and her body twisted spasmodically between his hands. The cramps in her pussy pushed him over the line and he pulled out his cock just as the first jet of semen shot out of his tip. He came over her back and red buttocks, leaving sticky traces over the smooth, blushing skin.

Sara lay with her head over her crossed arms and breathed heavily. Sigvard imagined that this was the first time she had ever been completely satisfied. That it was the first time it did not burn between her legs.

He sat down on his knees next to her. His cock, still semi-hard, dangled at her open eyes and without prompting she raised her head and took it between her lips. He stroked her hair as she cleaned his cock and wondered how the taste of both cum and her own pussy juices must hit her. But she just smiled with tired eyes and smacked her lips when she was done. She was that mix of sweet and beautiful that Sigvard was always drawn to – reasonably innocent on the outside, but everything else on the inside. His cock started jerking again.

“Oh,” Sara said as she felt his cock grow in her hand. She caressed the top with her thumb and jerked him slowly. “Does it usually go so fast to get hard again?”

“Only when it is properly motivated.”

“And I motivate it?” she asked with innocent eyes.


With a smile, she took the cock in her mouth again. A few minutes later, with his fingers intertwined in her hair, he came with deep thrusts into her mouth. A thin stream of semen flowed from her full mouth. She swallowed, again without prompting. Twenty minutes later, she rode him as he fucked her for another orgasm, which ended with their lips locked in an intense kiss.


Sigvard realized that he was standing and daydreaming. His mind returned to the hall where his son was waiting for him. “I must have started thinking about something else.”

“If you say so,” David said. There was something suspicious in his voice, but he let it be. “I hope the new girl is as good a worker as Sara.”

“Eh …” The thought that struck Sigvard did not follow David’s meaning, and he forced himself to push it away. But it returned quickly and suddenly he was stuck with the picture of Lisa and Sara on his bed, naked and curled up, while he approached with his cock on high alert. “Eh, we can only hope, my son.” Jesus! Sara thought she had a problem with her desires! If she only knew- His thoughts stopped. If she knew, she would most likely do everything in her power to make it a reality.

Maybe it wasn’r such a far-fetched idea after all? Not with Sara as a conspirator by his side?


The Tightest Girl In Class 0 (0)


My first erotic story! This was something I’d fantasize about when I finished university and I couldn’t help but notice the lack of cream pie stories on here. I’m not sure if I’ll write more but this was a fun way to destress! Let me know if you’d like more though! Or any feedback would be awesome!

It was late. Foxy was working on her essay in the computer lab. She was nearly finished, just needed to do some editing and she was free to head home to her boyfriend, Bruce, to watch some TV and relax for the weekend

Not the greatest essay I’ve ever written, She thought to herself. But still, better than nothing.

As far as she knew, the only ones in the building right now were she, the security guards who were checking in on her from time to time, and a group of boys from her acting class: Wilson, Gabe, and Ian. She hadn’t spoken to them much, like most boys, they weren’t interested in talking to her if she wasn’t single. Not that she wasn’t good looking, she had been on plenty of dates in High School before she got together with her dimwitted yet scary looking boyfriend. But she was mature for her age, something that scared some boys away but drew in some like the performance teacher who subtly had his eye on her much more than the other girls in class, though maybe she was just imagining the sexual tension between them.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, it made her jump more than she should have. She would have heard the creaking door of the computer lab, but she had headphones on.

“Sorry, Foxy!” Wilson smiled apologetically. “You’re still here?”

“Yeah, working on that stupid essay.” She groaned. “Shouldn’t you be working on it too?”

“No, all done. I’m working on that assignment for that performance class with the guys.” He smiled. “Speaking of, would you mind coming in and looking at our piece, give us some feedback?”

“Me?” She wondered if the late night made him crazy or something. He usually ignored her unless he had to talk to her.

“Yeah, you’re all done, right?”

“In a minute, yeah. I just need to email my essay.” He smiled wider.

Foxy had to admit, Wilson was pretty good looking. He had long light brown hair that he tied back, and matching eyes that seemed to be all business and kindness, until he wanted you to see otherwise. She hadn’t seen this look for anyone else except on stage and the few quick glances he’d give her if they were doing a scene together, which again, was the extent of conversation.

Wilson waited patiently as she sent off her essay. Then he told her to put her scarf over her eyes. She didn’t question it, they had plenty of projects that involved getting the audience involved in doing some weird things like being in the dark.

Wilson took her hand and lead her to one of the performance rooms, she recognized the familiar smells and sounds.

“You got her!” It sounded like Gabe, laughing in joy, as if he couldn’t believe Wilson got Foxy to follow him. Gabe had beautiful tan skin and black hair, he always dressed the nicest of the two between he and Wilson, but his over confident personality usually turned most people off. She could feel all three boys surrounding her.

“Oh, yes.” She could hear a smile in Wilson’s voice.

“I don’t know if we should do this, guys.” Ian was one of the smartest guys in their class, and one of the better looking ones with his piercing blue eyes that would make any woman weak in the knees. She thought it was weird that Ian would be grouped with these men, he seemed like the black sheep, but he appeared to be a little close with them outside of class.

“Oh come on, the guards told us to lock up, they’re not here, and if the rumours are true, we’re doing her a favour. And you won’t tell, will you, Foxy?” She could feel a hand on her face, a thumb on her lips. She had to admit, she was the slightest bit turned on, but she was also confused.

“Um, can I take my blindfold off?” She asked, reaching up to grab it, but she felt hands on her wrists putting them down, pinning them behind her..

“Oh no, leave it.” This time, the same hand that was on her face moved down to her neck and chest where her heart was.

“She’s trembling.” Gabe was holding her hands, almost laughing as he heard her breathing and felt her hands shake. Goddamn her body betraying her, most never got this close to her to notice.

“Her heart’s beating a mile a minute.” Wilson smiled. “Something tells me you like being touched while blindfolded, don’t you Foxy?”

“Wh-what?” What scene was this? What were they doing?

Wilson took his hand off her chest and pulled her close, she could feel his breath in her ear.

“We have this experiment going on.” Wilson whispered. “We’re wondering, who has the tightest pussy in class. Ian says that according to your friends, you said only ever been with one man, if that’s true, I think that might make you our top contender.”

Foxy only had to tell her friends that to tell them why she was uncomfortable doing a makeout scene with her friend, how would Ian know that?

“Wh–” He put his hand over her mouth.

Wilson moved his other hand down, just grazing her breasts, and put his hand down her pants. He felt outside of her panties first.

“Someone’s warm.” He whispered. Then he pushed aside her panties and put one finger inside. “Hmm, you’re wet, but I think we can do better.”

Foxy wanted to fight and scream, she squirmed and tried to get out of Gabe’s grip and be heard, but they were strong and determined. Wilson took his hand out and put it on her face, she could feel how wet she was.

“Shut up,” Wilson said. “You can try all you want to pretend you’re this sweet, innocent, mature girl who’s dedicated to her boyfriend, but I bet, you’re depriving the rest of the world of that sweet pussy of yours, and you’re really as sex crazed as we are.”

Wilson’s hand was taken away for a second until a piece of cloth went around her mouth to gag her.

“Where should we start, boys?” Wilson asked.

“I’ve wanted to see those tits of hers for the past three years!” Gabe said.

Foxy shook her head, no, this couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t be showing her breasts to another man, let alone three!

Gabe pulled her hands back, her finger tips now grazing where his hard cock was over his jeans, as Wilson unbuttoned her shirt.

“For an innocent girl who doesn’t want to be seen, you wear a lot of low vnecks.” Gabe whispered, nibbling her ear the slightest bit, forcing her hands to touch his bulge even more. “Don’t be shy. Touch it, I know you’re curious.” He grinded against her hands, she could feel the size, he was definitely bigger than Bruce.

She heard scissors cut her bra open. Good thing she didn’t spend too much on her underwear, Bruce was too used to her body to care about whatever was over her breasts and pussy.

“Oh my god,” Ian gasped. “Fuck you’ve been holding out.”

She felt Wilson step aside as Ian grabbed her breasts, squeezing them tightly.

“See, Ian?” Gabe said. “We told you this would be a great idea. This experiment is going to go so well.”

She could feel Ian’s tongue on her right breast, licking and sucking the nipple so gently. Foxy knew Ian probably didn’t have as much sex as Wilson and Gabe, but she could tell he’d done this before.

“Let me have a turn.” Gabe said. “Wilson, take my spot.”

“Actually…” Foxy could hear something metal clanging. Wilson was looking through her bag and found her magician’s handcuffs. “Why did you have this?”

“For a skit!” She tried to say through the gag. She finished that skit months ago, she must have forgotten to take them out of her bag.

“Like I said,” Gabe chuckled. “She’s holding out on us. Let’s chain her to the bar.”

The boys lead her to the ballerina bar with the mirror. She felt each cuff going on each hand and the bar. Now there was definitely no escape.

She felt each boy take a turn fondling her breasts, teeth grazing the nipples every so often. She was somewhat grateful for the gag since it would quiet her small moans.

Foxy had somewhat of a rape fantasy, and though she was terrified right now, and Bruce’s face flashed before her as they fondled and kissed her, she was still enjoying herself even a little. Being worshipped and praised, and used.

She could feel her pants at one point being pushed down with her panties.

“Lay her down.” Wilson demanded as Ian and Gabe stopped, laying her on the floor, still chained to the bar, as Wilson took the rest of her pants off.

“Gabe, tell me what you think. Think she’s wet enough?” She could hear Wilson’s own pants unbuckling and being taken off as Gabe’s fingers found their way into her pussy once more.

“She’s so wet,” Gabe moaned. Then she suddenly felt his tongue on her pussy.

Foxy wasn’t used to being eaten out. Bruce barely did since it often took her a while to cum. But Gabe knew what he was doing, and it was clear he loved to eat pussy.

“She tastes so good.” He said, putting two fingers into her pussy as he continued to lick her clit. She squirmed and screamed in pleasure, but tried to make it sound like she wasn’t enjoying it.

“You know,” Wilson said. “The more you pretend not to like it, the more turned on I get. Why do you think I didn’t ask nice?”

She felt the gag come off as Wilson’s cock replaced it. He was huge. Much bigger than Bruce, she could barely fit just how thick he was in her mouth. Foxy wondered how long it was, would it even fit in her pussy? Would things go that far? She wouldn’t let herself want to find out.

“Aww, she can barely fit me.” Wilson said. “I wonder how small that boyfriend of her’s is.”

“Wilson, come on.” Ian spoke. “Quit hogging her.”

“One second,” He said and took his cock out of her. She coughed a bit before the blindfold was taken off and Wilson squeezed her mouth in his hands. “You’re on the pill right?”

“What?” She tried to say, her eyes adjusting to the light. He squeezed harder.

“You have protection?” He asked again. “We weren’t planning on fucking you earlier and it’s not like condoms are just lying around.”

“Um… IUD.” Foxy said. Wilson smiled, this smile was evil. She could almost feel like she knew what he was thinking.

“Perfect.” He said. Before she could protest, Ian put his cock in her mouth. He wasn’t nearly as big as Wilson, or as big as she assumed Gabe was, but he was still a bit bigger than Bruce, who she still couldn’t totally fit in her mouth or pussy.

Gabe stopped eating her out and looked at Ian.

“Switch. She’s so wet now, it’ll be no problem.” Gabe stood up and took off his pants as Ian went down to her legs.

“No! Stop!” Foxy whimpered. “Please! I won’t tell anyone! Just please don’t!”

“We’ll use you as much as we want tonight.” Gabe said, squeezing her mouth the same way Wilson did, pushing is pants down with the other hand. “And maybe after that if you’re good.”

She was expecting Gabe to put his cock in her mouth next, but instead, they looked at Ian and her face. They wanted to see her reaction, see the moment that they won, see that their experiment, that their theory of her having the tightest pussy, were true.

“Please, Ian!” Foxy pleaded one last time. “Ian, you’re better than this!”

Ian stopped for a second, looked at her, then looked at her exposed breasts.

“Sorry, Foxy.” He smiled and grabbed one hungrily. “It’s for science.”

He slid his whole cock then and stopped, his face in shock for a second and pounded into her as he laughed.

“Fuck! Oh my god, she’s so tight,” She chuckled. “Fuck it’s like my cock is being held by a vice grip! I bet a dildo would just slide out!”

Foxy wanted to cry, whimper, but this felt so good. Being fucked by another man, she didn’t think this would ever happen, that any man would want her like this.

“Stop,” She kept saying. “Stop, I don’t want this!” She sounded less convincing this time.

“Too late,” Gabe said as he shoved his cock into her face. “Use that long tongue of yours and take it.”

She obeyed, telling herself it was for survival but she also kind of wanted to now. Being used by three men at once that she thought had no interest in her, now wanting her body, needing it, craving it.

“Oh my god,” Ian moaned. “I’m getting close!”

“Just cum inside her,” Gabe said. “I know I will when I get to fuck her.”

Foxy squirmed, she’d never been cum inside before. She didn’t know how effective the IUD would be against one load, never mind two. Did they all plan to cum inside her?

“Oh yeah,” Ian moaned. “We’re going to use this fucking pussy over and over.” He nibbled at her breasts, one of Foxy’s weaknesses. She couldn’t help but moan.

“Cum, Ian.” Wilson said. “Cum inside our new personal cum slut. Be the first to fill her up with cum.”

Ian stopped, Foxy could feel his cum filling her up. When he pulled out, she could feel it dripping.

“Holy shit,” Gabe said as he pulled out of Foxy’s mouth. “That’s the most I’ve seen you cum.”

“Clean up in her mouth.” Wilson demanded, taking Foxy’s hand and putting it on his huge cock. She was still to scared to look and see how big it was, but it felt long. “Get hard again, we’re going to put loads inside her. One after the other.”

Gabe didn’t waste any time before shoving his slightly bigger cock into her, pushing Ian’s cum deeper inside her. It was painful, she squirmed and tried to stop him from going any deeper, but he kept pushing, his cock barely at the base.

“Fuck! She’s still so tight!” Gabe moaned as he thrusted deeper inside her.

“Yeah, that’s right!” Wilson said, “You’ll love being our little cum slut. Our little fuck doll.”

He took her head away from Ian’s cock, giving her a chance to breathe for a second and turned it to take his massive cock. She closed her eyes as he did.

“Open your eyes,” Wilson said. “Look at the camera and say you’re our little cum slut.”

Foxy opened her eyes and saw the phone, he was recording this! She screamed, but he pushed his cock deeper.

“You fucking love it.” He said. “Our little fuck doll.”

She tried to push away, stop everything! How could she have let things go so far? Her reputation was at risk! He could put this anywhere, Bruce could see, her professors could see!

“I think she got wetter from seeing you recording,” Gabe moaned. No, it was impossible! She couldn’t be getting turned on by this! “Yeah, you like me pushing Ian’s cum deeper inside you, huh?” Gabe continued. “Then Wilson’s gonna put a load in you and push our cum in. You love that, don’t you, Foxy? You love being used?”

Wilson took his cock out, putting the camera in her face.

“My friend just asked you a question.” He said.

“I…” Was all she could say. Wilson slapped her lightly.

“Say you love being fucked.” Wilson said.

Foxy couldn’t speak, she refused and shook her head.

Wilson slapped her harder.

“Say it.” He said.

She was quiet still, Wilson raised his hand.

“I love… being used!” She said. Gabe thrusted faster, he liked what he heard.

“Say you love being fucked by Gabe’s big hard cock.”

To avoid another slap she complied.

“I love being fucked by Gabe’s big hard cock.” She cried. Gabe thrusted harder.

“Fuck, I’m so close!” Gabe moaned. “Say you want my cum!”

“You heard him!” Wilson demanded.

She was quiet for a second, realizing that she did want his cum. She wanted to be filled up, continue to be filled up and used, but she couldn’t let them know.

“Say it now!” Gabe moaned louder.

Wilson raised his hand to slap Foxy.

“I want your cum, Gabe!” She moaned.

He came. She could feel the streams of cum in her pussy filling her up with Ian’s cum. Gabe and Ian now both had loads inside her, and it scared Foxy how much she loved that fact. She’d never been a creampie girl, even when watching porn, but she loved the feeling.

Gabe got out of her pussy, the two men’s cum dripping out of her, and Foxy felt she needed a break. She also wanted to avoid Wilson’s huge cock she still hadn’t seen completely, never mind feel inside her.

“Please,” She moaned as she licked Gabe’s cock clean, willingly now. “My pussy can’t be as tight as before. Just let this be the end of it!”

“That’s what you think.” Wilson moved where Gabe was and handed Ian the camera. “Why do you think we started with Ian before me?” He chuckled. “Look at it.”

Foxy looked at his cock. It looked like the kind you’d just hear about, see porn videos of and assume it wasn’t real. It had to be almost a foot long, and it was so thick, no wonder she struggled to take it all.

Wilson shoved his fingers into her cum filled pussy as she looked.

“Oh yeah,” He moaned. “You know, you’re the first girl we’d cum inside like this. Our first cum slut. But, I know when a woman’s turned on from my cock.” He lined up his cock with her pussy then. “And you have no excuses to not take it all.”

He pushed slowly, taking his time and enjoying the cum filled pussy of his friends. Foxy whimpered, but as he got deeper she started to scream from the pain, and Ian took her mouth and shoved his cock inside.

“Get your mind off the pain,” He said. “You’ll enjoy it soon enough.”

She nodded and tried to concentrate on sucking his cock as she used her other hand to jack off Gabe. They stepped closer as she tried to please them both at once, both Ian and Gabe moaned. Most girls probably didn’t do this for them.

She could hear Gabe take the keys from the handcuffs and take them off. She was submissive to them now, no reason to run.

Foxy let her mind go blank, enjoying being filled, enjoying pleasing these two men. She wanted to give in to the pleasure, to let the pain and her other fears subside.

“Foxy,” Wilson moaned as he stopped. They all looked at him. “You are the tightest girl in school.”

Then he thrust, taking his cock completely out then back into her again. Slowly at first, then gaining speed.

Foxy moaned, she didn’t care anymore. Taking in all of their cocks in her mouth and her pussy.

“Fuck!” She moaned. “Oh my god fuck this is so good!”

“You like being filled?” Ian asked, camera in her face.

“Yes!” She screamed, taking in his cock in her mouth.

“You like the fact I’m pushing Ian and Gabe’s cum deeper and deeper inside you than anyone ever will with my big thick cock?” Wilson said, pounding harder and deeper. They pulled her hair back to answer.

“Yes! Oh my god yes!” She went back to sucking his cock.

“Our cum belongs inside your pussy, right?” Gabe asked. “Deep inside your pussy, so deep we’re putting that little IUD to the test?”

She just nodded, trying to keep from screaming, she was so close to cumming.

“You want me to shoot my cum deep inside you?” Wilson asked as he pounded harder and deeper than before. “You want me to fill you up to the brim? Over flowing with my cum and my friends’?”

She whimpered.

“Say it.” He demanded. “Say you want to be filled with our cum, you tight cum slut!”

The boys could tell, she was so close to cumming. They pulled her hair back.


He thrusted harder than he had before, moaning loudly as everyone could hear the squish of Ian and Gabe’s cum eventually mix with Wilson’s. Foxy screamed in ecstasy, from the feeling and thought that she had three men fill her pussy with cum.

Wilson smiled and got up, grabbing Foxy’s head and making her lick all three of the men’s cum from his cock. She loved this taste. She loved this feeling.

Foxy wondered what was going to happen next. Were they going to leave her there? What about the video?

“Uh oh,” Ian said, taking the camera to her pussy. “Looks like a bunch of cum came out.”

“Looks like you gotta replenish it.” Wilson smiled.

“WHAT?!” Foxy said, before moaning as Ian thrusted back into her, ready to fill her up again.

“We’re going to have some fun with you.” Ian smiled, grabbing her breast again, showing his cock in her pussy to the camera. “Look at that, all three of our cum inside this pussy.” Now she could see his smile, the evil inside him that made him the perfect match for Wilson and Gabe’s gang.

“What do you say?” Wilson said. “You wanna be our little cum slut? Let us fuck you when we say? Fill you when we say with loads of cum?”

“Just imagine,” Gabe whispered. “After class, Wilson takes you, fills you with cum. Later, Ian does. During break of one of our lectures, I fill you up.” His hand slowly creeped down to play with her pussy as Ian thrusted, feeling all of their cum mixed together to lubricate her pussy. “Come on, Foxy, what do you say?”

101 Days of Lockdown 0 (0)


“It doesn’t mean anything and it doesn’t need to. We both know what this is and what we both want. These are extenuating circumstances. As far as I’m concerned we’re not blood relatives, barely even related. We’re just an emergency fuck.”

WE ARE A HUNDRED AND one days into a weird sort of totalitarian lockdown. A hundred and one days without going out, seeing friends, going to school (never thought I’d miss that) or going to the shops. A hundred and one painfully long, boring days unable to do anything remotely normal, all because someone actively chose to scran a bat and introduce the world to novel coronavirus.

Thanks for that.

Well, that’s if you choose to believe that bullshit anyway. The only certainty about this whole weird alternative world we’ve found ourselves in is that however it started it has fucked it for the rest of us. We have to wear masks. We wash our hands a hundred times a day. I use hand sanitizer like my life depends on it. There’s a daily death report on the 5 o’clock news each night that we’re all absolutely glued to watching, to the point that it has become a rote part of daily life. A ‘new normal’ in a weird new world that George Orwell wrote about back in 1948 with an almost frightening degree of accuracy. Big Brother was indeed watching, albeit it he donned a ridiculous hairstyle and struggled to string a sentence together most of the time. Now this all could have come about because of a dodgy bat from an illegal food market in Wuhan, but it could also have been because some bright spark decided to experiment with strains of deadly diseases in a ‘secret’ biological facility, and one of them managed to infect themselves and it got out. If it were to come out that China (Chyyyna, if you’re a thumb with hair that managed to get elected President) had been secretly testing on the SARS virus all along I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest.

It’s 2020 after all…

The other certainty that’s become extremely apparent in all of this is that my stepsister, Tia, seems hell bent on making my life a living hell throughout lockdown…

Well at least it gives her something to do, I suppose.

Tia is fifteen. She has dark purple hair and she is in that ‘discovering herself’ phase. She is a couple of years younger than me and we’d never seen eye to eye at all. We don’t like each other. She’d come into mylifeyears before when my Dad married her Mum. He moved in to their house and I chose to live with Mum. I saw Dad on the weekends but rarely stayed. But, since the lockdown I have been uprooted because Mum is high-risk and is self-isolating, and so I came to live with Dad temporarily, which automatically puts me on the back foot. I’m stuck in a small three bedroom terraced house with the world’s strictest parents and a step-sister who hates me. This is her back yard. Naturally, a fifteen-year-old only child and a seventeen-year-old only child now forced to live together was never going to be easy. For the most part we ignore each other. Any argument I lose anyway so I find it best to stay out of the way. She screams even if she is at fault. Dad shouts at me irrespective just so that he can keep the peace with Julie. I’m a quick learner. Any fault is my fault in this place. We don’t get on so I keep to myself and stay out of her way… life is easier that way.


IT’S MONDAY AND I’M up early even though there’s fuck all for me to do, but I don’t get to use the bathroom for nearly ninety minutes because Tia is in there doing some sort of ‘beauty regime’ which is code for God knows what, and whenever I even think about knocking on the door to see how long she’ll be I get screeched at. It’s a warm and sticky morning and I’m woken by the sun peeking in through my blinds as if to tell me that I’d slept too long and that I need to get up. After all, I have a busy day of doing not very much ahead of me! At this point I’d probably spend the next half an hour stroking my rock-hard teenage wood that was currently pitching a tent in my shorts but I’m bursting for the toilet so it kills the mood.

The news today is about the ongoing lockdown and if they’re going to extend it. Infection cases are still on the rise even though everyone is meant to be under a ‘stay at home’ order and the consensus from the administration was that a further extension was needed in order to get the R number down and decrease the rate of infection. I try and make sense of it but I get bored of the stats and endless commentary so I switch off.

I head to the bathroom door and try and listen to what Tia is doing in there, but it’s just a mass of phone noise and the occasional buzz from either a razor or an applicator or whatever else she’s up to. I’m busting to use the bathroom but telling her that would only make her slow down so I stay quiet and I just wait on the fringes until I can’t take it anymore. Part of me just wants to burst in there but it’s not worth the inevitable backlash.

Eventually she surfaces, and I hear the door unlocking from the inside so I spring to attention and race to the door before anyone else can “just nip in” and take up another chunk of time I don’t have. Tia opens it in a world of her own and is taken aback at my presence, jumping startled and a weird shrill sort of noise escapes her lips. She’s only in her underwear and for a minute I’m taken aback too and we’re just sort of eying each other up.

She’s wearing a cute little white number and I’m in awe at how she looks. Her hair is tied into a tight, slick ponytail that bobs at the back of her head so her face is fully on show, her eyes sparkle with something but it’s masked behind the shock and panic. She’s wearing a white-laced bralette from Oh Polly!, which leaves nothing to the imagination. Her abs are defined and on show and she’s got a slender, lithe physique and a really voluptuous, tidy body. She’s a hardbody allright. She’s wearing a silky white thong with lace at the sides and it clings to her frame. The thong is tight against her and I can see the outline of her labia through the material. Her legs are a golden brown from the fake tan regime she does, and they seem to go on forever.

Fuck knows what she has doing in there but I can imagine and right now I am doing.

Through the lace’s bralette I can see her puffy nipples and her areolas and I feel myself stirring a bit in my pants. My morning wood is very much back. I’m topless because I’ve just got up and not yet showered and I’m wearing some baggy sweats, which is good because looking at her makes me growin my pants.

She regains some sort of composure and stammers, and she catches me eying her up. Her eyes are unreadable but from her expression mine really are not. She can read me like a book.

“Why are you staring at me, perv?”

That brings it back down to reality and I snap out of this trace.

“Don’t flatter yourself you selfish cunt,” I spit out, even taking myself aback at the venom in my tongue, and she’s visibly surprised at my vicious reaction. “You’re not the only one who lives here.”

“Fuck you.”

“You’re not even fit anyway,” I lie as she barges past me, covering herself a little too late and she slams her bedroom door behind her.

I go into the bathroom and close the door; a normal conversation to start the day.


It’s a warm morning anyway and now I’m sweating. I drop my pants and take a look at the erect cock that springs out. It’s just over seven inches, and pretty thick. It aches upon release and for a minute I just look at it trying to compose myself. She looked pretty fucking hot. I’m a little confused mentally because she’s my younger stepsister, but seeing her like that stirred things inside me. I was not expecting that. I try and compose myself and attempt to use the toilet but I fail miserably.

“Fuck,” I say again.

I play back what I’ve just seen and my cock swells to capacity. I’m sat on the toilet, thinking about my stepsister, nursing a throbbing hard on. It’s something I never thought would happen but here we are, we’re rolling with it. It’s intense being stuck within these four walls 24/7. No privacy. No escape. Gone are the days when I could go to the park and ogle at girls in their summer dresses and short skirts. My Dad is always walking into my room whenever he feels like it so trying to wank off in this environment is such a challenge that even when I do get the chance the moment is gone as there’s always that thing in the back of my mind telling me I’m going to get caught. People are always around. I’m seventeen. I need to release. And being stuck around the same three faces everyday is killing me. Tia and I never speak. I’ve never given her any consideration until now, but seeing her stood there in her underwear, the tightness of her body and the way her ass and cunt are packed into those panties… I find myself masturbating, my cock groaning out in appreciation at this uninterrupted ritual. I cum quickly and I cum hard. I have to stifle a groan because it comes so overwhelmingly I involuntarily start moaning out into the room.

Hormones are fully flowing now and I have no other means of release. Being stuck in the same confined space is difficult, and she may be a twat but she’s attractive and when Tia is walking around the house in just her panties things happen. It’s not like I have anyone else to stare at. Thinking about her tight little body gets me hard again. I play back seeing her labia through her thong. I think about what’s between those lips, if she’s clean-shaven or whether there’s a landing strip. I picture her pussy clean-shaven, wet and warm and then I’m playing with myself again. My hand strokes my shaft smoothly up and down, the tip of my head groaning to be inside of her. Jesus, I need to get out of this house. Suddenly needing the toilet is at the back of my mind as I stroke another one out thinking of my stepsister and her tight cunt. My groan is louder this time and I cum hard again.

The bathroom is next door to Tia’s bedroom and there’s a good chance she’s heard me but I don’t care. I finish and I jump in the shower to clean up. I try and think about what she was doing in here for so long but I can’t, my head is shot. I clean up and head back to my bedroom for a bit of privacy and to try and make some sort of sense of what had just happened.

Tia avoids me for the rest of the day but the image of her in the white lace stays with me for the foreseeable. I manage another quick wank in the afternoon thinking about her on my bed, legs spread and my tongue between her legs. I chalk it all down to being stuck in the same house as her for weeks on end, with nobody else to look at. Sure, I talk to mates and stuff but it’s not the same as physical face-to-face contact. I am safe in the knowledge that I won’t be the only one who has these sort of fantasies, and so long as I don’t go shouting about it from the rooftops then things will be fine.


IT’S 2AM A FEW days later and I’m watching porn in my room when everyone is asleep. I groan out as I run my fingers up and down my thick shaft and I’m mid tug when I’m disturbed by a creak outside my bedroom door. My pants are down by my ankles, cock being firmly tugged away whilst on the screen of my laptop a young girl is being given a perfunctory railing. I stop wanking and listen as the floorboard outside my room creaks again.

Someone was listening.

“Shit,” I stammer.

On the laptop the girl moans out loudly as she orgasms.

I stop, flustered, and scramble for the pause button. By the time I have managed to get my still erect cock shoved back into my shorts and reach the door, pitching a tent between my legs, whoever was outside has gone. I fling my door open fully, just in time to see the tail end of a door closing at the other side of the corridor.

I feel my face glowing with embarrassment.

“Fuck,” I say to myself. It was Tia. I approach her room but it’s silent inside and I retreat, face still glowing red. My room isn’t the most private. It’s the spare room and between the door and the doorframe is a big enough gap to see through. If she was stood outside looking in she definitely saw me playing with myself. This is just more ammunition for her, I think to myself as I close my door. I’m suddenly limp and I shut off the porn on my laptop and take out my phone.

I start having a browse on the social media sites to take my mind off what has just happened. I’m watching some stories on Instagram, and seeing what boring shit people are posting at this sort of time. I don’t follow Tia, but I follow a few girls that do and one of them has shared her latest post and there’s a link telling people to go follow her. I have to do a double take when I see it. She’s in the same white laced set from the other day, on her knees with her legs open and she’s pouting into the camera. There’s a link at the bottom that one of her friends has included along with the comment ‘follow here’ and I click it. It takes me to another profile, a modeling one, according to the bio and I stare at it in awe.

You’ve got to be shitting me, I think as I stare at it.

She must be one of those wannabe Instagram influencers or something. The profile is littered with bikini and underwear shots and the sight of her in some of those outfits is enough to get me hard again. Now I know why she takes so long when she’s in the bathroom. I have flashbacks to that morning I saw Tia coming out in her white lace and I start to stroke my memories again as stare at the pictures on the screen in front of me. I find one of her just stood in a towel barely covering her. She’s laid on the bathroom floor with it just about covering her nipples and her sex, and everything else is on show. I find another of her in some almost transparent Lounge underwear and I start pumping faster and harder. I’m groaning out into the room. My hand still clutches my phone and I accidentally like the photo I’m looking at.


I carry on anyway because I’m close to reaching an orgasm and I start pumping faster and groaning harder when I hear the creaking coming from outside my room again. I throw my phone down, put my cock back in my shorts and race for the door. I open it and clearly catch Tia off guard as she takes a sharp intake of breath and jumps a step back. She’s in a pair of short bed shorts and a strappy vest and she’s without makeup. She looks kinda cute stood there, cast between the glows of her bedroom light and mine but I’d never tell her that.

“Shit,” she mumbles.

“Can I help you?” I ask matching her step out into the landing. She’s silent so I preempt her answer and say “what do you want, Tia?”

“Why are you stalking my Instagram?” she spits out.

“Why are you stalking me?” I retort. “Like what you see, huh?” I add with a smirk.

She looks flustered.

“Shut up,” is all she has to offer.

“Enjoying watching me, yeah?”

“Perv,” she throws back at me.

“Oh pick a new one, Tia,” I hiss. “Have you got no other lines or is that just your go to, huh? You’re the one spying on me.”

“Wanking over your stepsister, yeah? That’ll go down well won’t it?”

“In your dreams, Tia, but watching me wanking … twice. Who’s the real perv here? Besides, I’m sure you modeling account will go down a treat when your Mum sees what’s on there.”

“Oh fuck you,” Tia hisses and starts to walk off.

“What’s your fucking problem, Tia, huh? What’ve I ever done to you? You’re such an uptight bitch. You think you’re all this don’t you? You’re not fucking special,” I say, following her into the landing. “You’re just a silly little girl with a big fucking head, way too much self importance and far too much vanity. What? You think you’re better than anyone else because you get your tits out on Instagam for a few thousand followers? Get a grip.”

“You don’t know a fucking thing about me,” she spits. She turns to me, makes up the distance between us and then hits me hard across the face. There’s some force in her slap, which is more of a punch by the end as I’m knocked off balance, and my cheek stings painfully from her hand afterwards. She says nothing and she just stands there glaring at me disdainfully. I can’t tell if she’s on the verge of tears or not.

“Bitch,” I spit, and then with both hands as an almost involuntary reaction I push her back against the wall. It’s not far or hard and I cover the distance she moves angrily although I don’t know what I’d do were it to come to anything. I’d never hit a girl. Tia is really testing me though. She groans as she goes into it and for a moment we just stare at each other, barely any ground between us. All you can hear against the silence of the early hours is our increased breathing and the motors in our heads turning. I’m not entirely sure what happens next but suddenly Tia has grabbed me and we’re kissing. She’s up against the wall, and I’m pressed tightly against her, her hand clamped around my head, nails in my hair and my hands firmly against her waist, searing her skin with my touch. For a moment the only sound is of our kissing, sloppy and frantic, tongues wresting with each other. She starts to push me off and I push her back, and she moans out into my mouth as she’s stuck against the wall, our mouths still locked as if her lips were the air I needed to survive. My hands are against her side, teasing with the waistband of her shorts. We break off after another minute of kissing and I look at her partly stunned. She stares back, with unreadable eyes masking her true intentions. I try and play it back.

“What the fuck…” I go to say.

“Shut up,” she says, breathlessly, and she grabs me again and pulls me back in.


MY COCK HAS SWELLED to capacity and I don’t think either of us is thinking rationally as we make out in the hallway of our terraced house. Her hands claw at the back of my head, mine are scratching at her side. Her nails against my scalp turn me on immeasurably. Her mouth is warm and inviting, and I can taste the sweetness of the cherry lip balm on her soft, small lips. Her tongue energetically plays with mine as my hands move to her tight little ass, cupping her cheek and feeling the firmness of her buttock against my hand. She responds well, drawing me into her.

We need to get off the corridor so we fall back into my bedroom. She pushes me back onto my bed and then she’s on top of me, straddling me so that our groins are touching, and she grinds against my shaft as we resume kissing. The only things separating our naked groins are the thin bed shorts she has on and the boxers I’m wearing. My cock throbs against the warmness of her loins. I have a burning lust for her that I can’t explain or control. It’s been well over a hundred days since I last had sex, and I can’t speak for Tia but I’m guessing it’s similar, and right now the beast within me is taking firm control of the situation.

I flip her over and a squeak leaves her lips as I move on top of her. She’s on her back, eyes looking at me with part lust part innocence as she loses control. I waste no time. Her top has ridden up a bit exposing her navel so I start moving down her body, planting precise kisses on her chest and side. My hands find the sides of her shorts and I start to pull them down. She lets me. Tia arches her back to give me ease of access and I slip the pink cotton shorts from her body. I can smell the musk of her cunt as soon as I remove the fabric. She’s clean-shaven, her lips are open and I see the film coating of moisture coming from them, and then between that the inner entrance to her desire. The smell of her cunt fills my nostrils, sour and sweet all at once, like nectar to a bee. I run my tongue between her lips and she shudders and moans out and her hands scrape my hair. She has that gentle, bitter taste that I can’t seem to get enough of and as it touches my lips I become addicted. I spread her legs further apart, hands squeezing at her thighs and nails scratching at her skin as my tongue probes her cunt. I suckle at her clit, which has swollen in the moment, and I flick it with my tongue causing squeaks of pleasure to elicit from Tia’s parted lips. I caress the form of her vagina with my fingers, tracing her lips up to her clit and then down to her entrance. My hard-on is throbbing with urgency but I had to concentrate on this first.

Tia’s eyes are pressed shut and she claws at the bed and at herself as I eat her out. I put one of my hands on her stomach to steady her and she breathes deep. I part her thighs more apart and I flick my tongue up and down the lips of her sex, savouring the flavour of her desire. I take her clit between my lips and suck on it, and Tia arches her back, pulls at my hair and convulses hard. Her gentle moans fill the room. I stop teasing her lips with my finger and I slip it inside her. She groans out and sucks in air through her clenched teeth. She’s tight, and I start pumping my finger inside of her, adding a second and moving in and out, deeper and faster. She responds with increased breath, and her walls start clenching against me. She’s so wet I easily slide into her now, thrusting and pulling with ease, sucking at her clitoris even harder until she climaxes hard, her walls contracting and squeezing my fingers against her. Her hands come behind my head, pressing me into her, and her back arches. She’s shaking, my tongue still flicking and suckling her clit and my fingers still working into her. She bounces and writhes but I held her down with the hand on her stomach, fingering her ever faster with the other.

I give her no time to compose herself. As she rides the wave of her orgasm I remove myself from my boxers and pull off my top, my cock aching with longing, throbbing with an unknown urgency. I take the tip of my cock and move it between her lips, coating myself with her expressed juices before entering her. Tia arches herself as my thick cock slips inside her, offering no resistance to my intrusion. She’s tight but that only adds to the pleasure as my tip passes her entrance and slips deep into her. I remove myself after a couple of inches and then slam myself fully into her. She cries out and then clasps a hand over her mouth so as not to wake our parents. With a free hand I grab her side, and then I fuck her. I can feel my orgasm building almost immediately but I try and put it off as long as I can. I slam into her, and she arches her back to let me in deeper, wrapping her legs around my back. I’m taken aback by her energy and urgency. She pulls me into her, her tongue in my mouth and her nails clawing at my back like a wild animal. The room is filled with the sound of my balls slapping against her ass and she cries out into my mouth. She’s rough and aggressive, her teeth biting my lip and drawing blood, her nails carving into my back. I break myself from her lock, force her down with one hand and pound into her. She’s moaning from her throat now, an almost deep gargle as she’s railed by her stepbrother. And then it hits me all at once, the orgasm I’ve been suppressing. It starts as a tingle in what feels like my toes and then like a champagne cork being ejected from the bottle I’m releasing inside of her. Without warning I’m blasting ropes of pent up semen into her tight little cunt. I keep her held down, even as she writhes under me. Four, five, maybe six strong blasts erupt from my member into her, and she’s convulsing too, I’m not sure if from orgasm or from this sudden blast of liquid firing into her, but I fall onto her and her hand comes around my head and she holds me against her. I can taste the saltiness of sweat on her neck. Her breathing is harsh and irregular. I can feel her heart pounding in her chest.

I fall asleep quickly, not a single word spoken between us throughout the entire activity. I wake up around six and Tia is gone. I almost think it a dream until I find her pink shorts at the bottom of my bed. I bring them to my nose, and I smell the scent of her cunt on the inside. I can still taste her on my lips. I’m not awake long, and I sleep again until mid morning.


IT’S 10 O’CLOCK AND I drag myself out of bed and head across to the bathroom for a shower. I run my hands through my hair, still processing the events of earlier that morning. Thinking about it makes my cock stir. I hear my Dad and Step-Mum downstairs talking but I don’t pay attention to what they’re saying. I’m still in that period between being awake and aware and as I go to close the door Tia interrupts me, pushes me back into the bathroom and closes the door behind us.

She locks it.

I go to speak but she covers my mouth with one hand, and reaches for my cock with another. She shakes her head and says, “Shhhh. don’t speak.”

She’s in a thin silk dressing gown, which is loosely tied, and she’s got nothing on underneath. She removes her hand and then pulls her hair into a high ponytail, securing it with a bobble on her wrist. She drops to her knees without another word and pulls down my boxers. I’m already hard at the thought of last night playing back in my head, and she responds by taking me in her hand. She teases me with her hand for a beat, slowly moving it to the base of my shaft and then up to the tip, teasing the head with her fingers. As I groan out she takes me in her mouth, flicking my helmet with her tongue before taking all of me. I’m surprised at how well she copes, taking all of my eight inches inside her. I reach the back of her throat but she doesn’t gag and something tells me this isn’t her first rodeo.

“Fuck,” I explain into the room. My hands find the back of her head and I pull her further onto me. I hear the sloppy noise of my inside her, and then she withdraws, a string of saliva connecting my tip to her lips. She takes breath and then goes to work, her hand pumping mu shaft as her lips tease my head. She’s bobbing up and down, slurping my length and then I feel my orgasm building up. I warm her and she responds by going faster, pumping me harder until I groan out into the bathroom. My hand on the back of her head pulls her onto me as I cum in her mouth. She’s good at this, and she swallows my load with ease. Her hand still pumps, and my body starts shuddering, triggering a second mini orgasm that cripples me. My legs ache and shake. She withdraws me from her mouth and I fall back onto the toilet seat.

“What… the fuck,” I say.

She’s still on her knees, watching me from the middle of the bathroom.

“What?” she shrugs. “You were too eager last night. You didn’t let me have my fun.”

A laugh escapes my lips. “Hah.” Then. “I’ve heard about double orgasms but I’ve never had one before.”

A mischievous smile forms on the corner of her lips.

“So how about we get you cleaned up?” she says, stripping from her dressing gown.

Ten minutes later I’m inside her, her hands up against the glass side of the shower, my balls slapping against her ass and her moans masked by the noise of the water falling from the shower head.


QUARANTINE IS TOUGH. THE house is cramped. It’s not the biggest, just a normal sized terraced house on a working class street so we’re constantly getting under each other’s toes and tempers flare easier than normal. I haven’t seen Tia since that morning in the bathroom and I’m wondering how long this grace period will last with her. We haven’t properly spoken since we started shagging; we’ve just let the aggressive nature of the act do that for us. It’s mid afternoon and I’m walking upstairs thinking about it when Tia appears at the top, grabs me and pulls me into her bedroom. We’re kissing as soon as the door is closed and I push her up against it.

“I want you inside me,” she moans and I’m not going to argue. I’ve been in a perpetual state of hardness since last night so I’m going to take advantage of this as much as possible. We transfer to the bed and shed our clothes. Tia is in a black-laced bodysuit and she’s already wet. She gets onto her hands and knees and turns away from me, thrusting her butt up at me and wiggling it around in my face. She rolls over and pushes me away with her feet. I start jerking my cock, keeping myself hard as I masturbate myself to the hardbody on the bed. The bodysuit has a clasp between her legs and she lifts her legs high into the air, spreads them, and unclasps the lace. The fabric parts and I see her parted lips, glistening with moisture. She sheds it slowly, keeping me at bay and then once naked, she’s lying back on the bedding and inviting me in. Julie and Dad are in their bedroom across the hallway, Dad is decorating and Julie is putting some clothes away. They are oblivious to the fact their kids are naked in Tia’s bedroom and about to fuck.

Tia’s legs – well worked out and muscular – are spread and I’m on my knees going down on her whilst playing with myself. In the time I’ve been eating her pussy out she’s already come once and she’s on the verge of a second, and her cunt is tight and warm and wet for me. She’s moaning out into the room, trying not to be too loud in case our parents hear, and I keep her legs spread open, fingering her with one hand and maintaining my hard on with the other. Tia convulses and writhes against the bedding and I hear her say “I want you to fuck me now.” She pulls her legs back as I straighten up, spreading her vagina, fingering herself and making me suck her fingers, her nails with their purple varnish are coated with the juices from her cunt and they glisten in the late afternoon light that comes through the window. She rubs it over my lips and she has that addictive bitter taste that I can’t get enough.

I move her to the edge of the bed and then slide my dick gracefully into her, kissing her mouth hard and thrusting into her with long, slow strokes. She tastes herself in my mouth. My hips work into her on their own, stuck on autopilot moving on their own desirous momentum. I feel my own orgasm triggering so I pull out and tell Tia to bend over. She’s done this before because she turns onto all fours, dripping for me. Her back is arched, breasts flat to the bed and her butt raised towards me. I jerk my dick at the sight in front of me and then I put my tip at her hole and slip back in. I start to groan out and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself groaning fully into the room. Her luscious pink butthole looks back at me, ripe and tight and virgin. “Not today,” she says as if reading my mind and I push the vision to the back of my mind. I place my hands on her hips and then start fucking her hard, with long, fast strokes. My balls slap against her and she screams out into the bedding as I rail her tight, wet cunt. I take a handful of her purple hair and wrap it around my hands and then I pull it tight, her head arching up as I fuck into her. She’s red in the face as she contains her screams of pleasure and I leave it until the very last minute before letting go and she moans and cries out into a pillow, biting at the bedding as she comes all over my dick, which is fucking her deep from behind. I’m ready to cum when she moves herself so I fall out of her and it takes all of my will power to not blast ropes of cum all over her bed. She manages to get herself up and she pushes me onto the bed. I’m on my back when she straddles me, impaling herself on my cock and riding me to a tsunami of orgasm. My hands grab at her perky little tits, feeling her hard nipples as I thrust up into her. She tenses her muscles and milks every last drop of cum from inside my balls. I shudder, cry out, swear, and claw at her tits as I ride this powerful wave. She slows down, still riding my cock and then once it is settled and my breathing is more stable, she climbs off me, my cock plopping out of her along with ropes of my semen. It trickles down her leg and onto her bedding.

She grabs a fistful of tissues from the box at the side of her bed, puts them between her legs and then she comes and lays down next to me. We don’t speak for a good five minutes. I look up at the patterns on her roof. My mouth is dry and I want a drink.

It’s Tia who breaks the silence eventually.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she says eventually. “I enjoyed it the first time so I came back for more. It doesn’t mean anything and it doesn’t need to. We both know what this is and what we both want. There are extenuating circumstances and we don’t need to talk about it. No heart to heart. No declaration of love. No “I thought you hated me” bullshit. No debrief.”

I don’t look at her; instead I look at the roof and just process what she’s saying. I almost have to pinch myself so that I know I’m not dreaming. She’s rote, clinical and to the point. This is a business deal I can get behind. She continues. “Your Dad is fucking my Mum. That’s it. We’re not blood relatives. We’re just two horny teenagers who like fucking and who happen to be stuck living together for God knows how long. Yeah?”

I couldn’t have put it better myself. “Yeah,” I say. “Absolutely. We help each other out and there’s nothing else to it. Mutually beneficial. Nobody’s getting hurt and we’re both satisfying a need.”

“Exactly. And I don’t know about you but I quite enjoy it. It’s a natural instinct, it’s what we’re designed to do. End of. We don’t need to ever talk about it again once this is over and done with. As far as I’m concerned we’re not blood relatives, barely even related, so we’re just an emergency fuck.”

She looks at me and I look back, and laugh. “You’re full of surprises.”

“So are you. Very…pleasant surprises. And who knows, after this, maybe we’ll stay as an emergency fuck.”

I look around her room. There’s clothes strewn everywhere, makeup pallets and nail varnishes and perfumes litter her dressing table. Posters and pictures cover her walls. Friends, family, what I think might be a boyfriend. I glance over at it and she shrugs. “Facetime doesn’t cut it and he definitely doesn’t fuck like that.”

I laugh.

“Let me ask you something,” she says. “Do you really think that’s all I’m about? Getting my tits out on Instagram?”

I look at her. “I mean, they’re very nice tits.”

She laughs. “Hey I do Tiktoks too!”

“Fucking Tiktok,” I laugh back. “Jeez.”

She looks at me for an answer. “No,” I say. “I don’t really know anything about you, you’re right. And you don’t really know anything about me.”

“We know the other can fuck,” she shrugs. “That’s all we need to know for now.”


WE’RE ALL DOWNSTAIRS WATCHING the news by 5 P.M. The Prime Minister is making a ‘big announcement’ that the country is on tenterhooks for. The usual commentary team are on spouting their usual nonsense bullshit and thankfully they’re cut off mid way through by the broadcaster announcing the arrow rival of the PM. The shot cuts to a mop with hair approaching the lectern in some big Downing Street briefing room and he begins his speech. It’s facts and stats and figures that don’t really make sense and then it’s done. “So I am once again asking you to stay home,” he says, “so we can protect the NHS and save lives.”

Lockdown extended. Another twelve weeks of being stuck in this three bedroom terraced house. We collectively sigh.

“I’m going upstairs,” I say directly the speech finishes.

Tia looks over at me licentiously. Her unreadable eyes flash salaciously.

“Me too.”


Hardcore High Ch. 03 0 (0)

Hello, hello! Third chapter for this story is here! I hope you all enjoy! Let me know if you have any suggestions and I’ll see if any stick.




“Okay, everyone open your textbooks to chapter three, please.” Miss Banks instructed, waiting as the students all pulled out their books and flipped to the page. “As you all can see, this chapter will be covering sexual positions. A few examples include missionary, cowgirl, or doggy style. Today, we’ll be going through a few various positions, and I’ll be having you demonstrate them in pairs. Does anyone want to go first?”

Sunny’s hand shot into the air and she waved it around, eagerly.

“I’ll go first, Miss Banks!” she offered.

“Okay, Sunny.” Miss Banks waved her up. “David, why don’t you join her. Both of you come to the front.”

Sunny and David made their way to the front of the room and Miss Banks pulled out a blanket, spreading out on the ground.

“I’ll have you two demonstrate the cowgirl position. Not to be confused with reverse cowgirl, standard cowgirl features the female facing her partner. The two of you may begin.”

Sunny smiled at David and pulled him over to the blanket.

“Take off your pants, David.” She urged. “And then lay down.”

Undoing his pants, David dropped them and stepped out of the legs, yanking his shoes through. Sunny was already kneeling on the blanket and she excitedly patted the spot where she wanted him to lay down. Crouching down, David rolled onto his back and stretched out, his erection already standing straight up in the air. As soon as he was ready, Sunny bent down and engulfed his cock in her mouth. She eagerly slurped down his whole length, taking all of him into her throat. Extending her tongue to lap at his balls, she swirled her soft, pink appendage around on his sack, making him moan.

“Class, come gather around so that you can all get a better view.” Miss Banks said.

The students all rose from their seats and moved to the front, forming a loose semi-circle around the two students on the ground before them. Not pausing her blowjob, Sunny pulled back to the tip, sucking on his head firmly and inhaling through her nose. Glancing up at David’s pleasured face, she gently took one of his hands and brought it to her head. Taking the hint, David placed both of his hands on the back of her long, blonde hair and began to guide her up and down on his dick.

Sunny let him take over, pushing and pulling her head to his heart’s content, directing the pace and depth of her blowjob. Of course, she didn’t need any help to give him a stellar blowjob, but it gave her a thrill to let herself give over control and simply have her mouth used for his pleasure. David gradually became more and more eager. His grip on her tightened and he began to thrust up into her mouth, bumping his crotch into her nose. Having a lot of experience with oral, Sunny took it all in stride. She gagged very sparsely and let her muscles go limp, allowing him to use her like a fleshlight.

Not wanting him to finish too quickly, Sunny tapped on his side, signaling for him to let go, and pulled off of him, smiling with saliva covering her chin. Rolling over, she shimmied her stockings and panties down over her long legs and kicked them off. With her wet pussy uncovered, she quickly jumped over to straddle David, who moaned as her hot slit pressed into his shaft. Biting on one of her fingers, Sunny began to grind her lips over his hardon, her juices and spit combining to form a slick mess between them. Raising herself up, she reached down and lifted his cock and guided the tip to her pussy, teasing it against her entrance.

His testosterone pumping, David’s hands came up to Sunny’s wide hips and tightened, surprising her. A second later, she shrieked as he pulled her down, hard, forcing her to bottom out on his cock. David’s seven inches were certainly not the largest Sunny had ever taken, but being a cockslut like she was, she loved dicks of all shapes and sizes. That coupled with the sudden shock of being penetrated, and her eyes were rolling back, and she was biting her lower lip as his rock-hard length spread her hole open.

Moaning and letting herself adjust to the instantaneous insertion, Sunny threw her long, blonde hair back and began to bounce on David’s cock. Her hands found their way up to her chest and she groped her breasts through her shirt, her large bust overflowing her fingers. Tossing back her head to cry out freely, her speed increased, and she moved up and down with more urgency. David’s hands gathered up her skirt and pushed it up to her waist, bunching it out of the way so that he could get a clear view of their connection and his cock disappearing into the beautiful blonde.

Shifting her hips to adjust the angle of his penis inside of her, Sunny whimpered as his cock slid across her G-spot. Each time that she would come down on him, his tip would poke against her sensitive internal spot, sending electricity through her body. It wasn’t long before she was shaking and quivering, right on the cusp of her climax. Another few seconds of slamming her rear down on him, and she went over the edge.

Sunny’s orgasm was visible and vocal. Her whole body quaked and shook, and she shrieked. Her hands dug into her boobs, squeezing and kneading them tightly. David groaned, feeling her pussy clamp down around him, her muscles spasming and fluttering. Although her timing was off due to the intense sensations, Sunny kept riding him, yipping each time he contacted her G-spot, driving her peak higher and higher.

Coming down, panting and her legs now tired, Sunny stopped bouncing and switched to a twerking technique. Her juicy ass shook and jiggled as she worked her hips back and forth, grinding on David’s crotch. With this technique and angle, the effect on her G-spot was even more pronounced, and Sunny groaned and gasped with each movement. Even though she had just cum, she could already sense herself climbing the hill towards a second climax.

As Sunny’s muscles became increasingly worn out from the constant exercise, her speed slowed down, incrementally. Feeling the slower pace and full of energy himself, David decided to take things into his own hands. Reaching up, he wrapped his arms around Sunny’s torso, pinning her arms to her sides and pulling her down until her chest was flat against his. Letting out a soft ‘oof’ as her large breasts squished between them, she relaxed and let him take charge.

Holding Sunny tight to his body, David began to thrust up into her. His pelvis powered up off the ground, driving his hard cock into her depths over and over. Sunny gasped into his shoulder, her body limp and helpless as he pinned her against him. He cunt was dripping, and she was incredibly close to another climax. Every stroke felt so good, but there was just something more that she wanted. Something a little extra that would throw her right over the edge. Shifting her head, she looked up at her teacher.

“M-Miss Banks…” she panted. “C…Can you spank me? Please…slap my butt. Just once. Please!”

Concealing her smile and maintaining a mask of tranquility, Miss Banks walked over, her heels clacking until she reached the blanket. Bending over, her posture accentuating her curvaceous body, she drew back her hand and delivered a firm smack to Sunny’s jiggling ass. Sunny cried out and moaned.

“Again!” she gasped. “Please!”

The second smack sent her over the edge. She screamed and closed her eyes, shaking with her climax. Her mind went blank momentarily and she forgot where she was, until she caught a breath and her eyes rolled back down from in her skull. Sunny’s walls clenching down on him was the final straw that broke the camel’s back for David. Grunting and tightening his grip on the blonde, he slammed himself to the base and opened the floodgates.

Feeling the first hot stream splash inside her, Sunny pressed herself firmly against David’s crotch, not even a millimeter separating their pelvises. She bit her lip and shivered, the sensation of being stuffed with steamy boy cum one of her favorites in the entire world. She kept herself pressed into him throughout the duration of their collective orgasm, her internal muscles milking him further into her tight, hot depths.

Both of them heaving and basking in the afterglow of their finale, David finally released her from his embrace. Catching her breath for a bit, Sunny raised her hips, whimpering as his softening length slid out of her hole. A stream of semen followed and dripped past her lips onto his waning erection. Licking her lips, Sunny scooted down David’s body and breathed in the potent, masculine scent of his arousal. Extending her tongue, she went to work cleaning him up. She licked all along his cock, swallowing down every drop of his cum that had escaped her. Wrapping her lips around him, she slurped down his soft penis, sucking every last bit of their combined juices until he was bare of any remnants of their tryst.

Uncrossing her arms, Miss Banks gave a clap, encouraging the other students to join her. They all gave the two of them a round of applause for their performance, making Sunny smile and David blush now that he was in his post-nut clarity. Handing a clean towel from her stock to Sunny, Miss Banks raised an eyebrow.

“Very well done!” she praised. “Both of you did excellent. Great start from you Sunny. Your pelvic motions are superb when you’re on top and you even cleaned up afterwards. And, David, the way you took control when she got worn out was just beautiful. I’m very impressed by your work. You should both be proud. There is always room to improve, but I think I speak for the whole class when I say that that was a hot performance. The two of you can get cleaned up off to the side while we get our next pair up here. Hmm…let’s see. Andrea, let’s have you and…Chris. You two will be demonstrating the doggy style position.”

Andrea’s mood soured as she heard that last sentence. Doggy style was the last position she had hoped for. She would have much more preferred some simple missionary or maybe some spooning. Something sensual and evocative of a connection. Hell, even cowgirl would have been better. But doggy style? She hated doggy style. It was so…degrading! Even just the name was demeaning. Doggy style?! What girl wants to be bent over like some animal and rutted as though she were just a bitch. She was way above doing something as debasing as that!

Still, not willing to draw the ire of her teacher, Andrea reluctantly stalked out into the center of the blanket and dropped to her hands and knees. After waiting for a minute, she looked back over her shoulder and realized that Miss Banks was standing next to a pants-less Chris, expectantly. Her teacher stared her down with crossed arms and a tapping toe.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, Miss Andrea?” she demanded.

Andrea looked back, confused and unsure what she was talking about. Sighing, Miss Banks lifted a finger and traced the outline of her immaculate, red lips before pointing to Chris’s erect penis. Realization dawned on Andrea and her mood darkened even further as she remembered that she was expected to prepare Chris to fuck her.

She spun around on her knees and Chris stepped up to her, his cock bobbing and striking her face, making her flinch. Tentatively taking his dick in her tiny hand, Andrea pulled it down to where her mouth could reach it and she wrapped her lips around it. Still pathetic at performing oral, Andrea was a far stretch from what Sunny had accomplished. Fuming at being made to kneel before Chris like some servant, Andrea bobbed her head, rigidly and in an uninspired manner. Her hand lightly rubbed up and down his remaining shaft as she had been chastised neglecting for in her first test, but it was without vigor or skill to speak of.

Chris didn’t care, though. He could tell that the stuck-up Andrea was hating this, and it made it all the sweeter to feel her mouth around him. He knew that no matter how pitiful her blowjob was, her pussy would be all his momentarily. Miss Banks, however, was not amused. Her eyes narrowed and her brow furrowed. She was about to open up and berate Andrea’s performance, but Chris acted first. Placing his palm on Andrea’s forehead, he pushed her away and spun her around all in one move, pushing her down until she fell to her elbows.

“That’s enough of that.” Chris sighed, dropping to a knee behind her.

Reaching beneath her skirt, he felt around her waist in a vague attempt to locate the hem of her undergarments. Andrea scowled as she felt him groping and feeling up her butt, but she bit back her anger. A thought coming to him, Chris faked frustration at not being able to locate the top of her stockings. Instead, his fingers grasped the fabric covering her crotch and, with a quick flick of his wrists, he tore the thin material, creating a large hole. Andrea gasped, indignantly, as her stocking were ruined by the brute behind her. She whirled her head around to glare at him over her shoulder, but a look from Miss Banks kept her quiet.

Chuckling to himself, Chris pulled her tiny panties to the side and slid his finger over her slit. To his further amusement, she was already moist down there. Despite her hatred of this treatment, she couldn’t hide what her body was saying, and it was saying that she liked it. Probing into her with his finger, Chris smirked when he heard her gasp, confirming his suspicions.

That was all the invitation he needed. Lining up his cock, he gave a few teasing prods at her lips. On the fourth poke, he kept going and sank his thick cock into her depths. Andrea yipped as he entered her, her tight walls spreading out around him. Inch after inch pushed into her, splitting her wide and making her groan. She had only ever experimented with her fingers and some assorted household items in the past. Chris was far, far bigger than any of those, and she felt it. She couldn’t see him, being in the humiliating position that she was in, but he felt positively enormous in her tight, little cunt. Every time she thought he had given her everything he had to give, he would push another inch past her lips, making her yelp.

Finally, Andrea felt his tip connect against her cervix and his groin press against her butt, signaling that he was fully inside of her. Andrea felt absolutely stuffed. She was a tiny girl at just five feet tall, and Chris had a truly big dick. She whimpered as he shifted around in her and pulled back, his thick length dragging along her slippery walls until just his bulbous head, which still felt large, was left in her. A cry left her lips as he drove back in, a bit speedier this time, until he smacked into the back of her pussy somewhere deep inside of her.

Andrea could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, despite her best efforts not to. Her cheeks flushed with shame at being put in this disgraceful, misogynistic position. Who in their right mind like being fucked like a dog? It’s so degrading! Well, Andrea found out that apparently her body like it, because she was drenched from the sensation of Chris’s cock sliding in and out of her. Within minutes, she was moaning like a kitten in heat.

She yelped as Chris’s hand wrapped itself in her hair, yanking her head backwards. How dare he! She wasn’t some piece of meat to treat however he wanted! Who did he think he was, pulling her hair like some toy for him to do as he pleased?! That was what the rational part of her mind was thinking. The lustful part, however, was currently overriding any rational thought, and she moaned and shrieked as he used the leverage gained from grabbing her hair to slam into her harder. Shuddering, she slipped over the edge and came.

This orgasm was far more intense than any she had achieved through solo masturbation. Her eyes rolled back, and she screamed loudly. Her arms went limp and she would have fallen forward, if not for the handful of hair that Chris had, holding her up by her brown locks. Andrea’s entire body shook and trembled, her cunt clenching and convulsing as Chris kept pounding into her, not giving her any respite during her mind-shattering climax. By the end of it, the proud and haughty Andrea was reduced to a drenched, drooling mess.

Even as her climax was winding down, Chris began to speed up. Her tight hole felt magnificent around him, especially when she was clenching down during orgasm. Eager to feel her tighten around him all over again, he grasped her hair more firmly, using it to pull her tiny body into his thrusts. Her lower lips gripped him all the way down to the base, physically encouraging him to drive his penis all the more quickly, which her obliged, groaning in satisfaction when he heard Andrea shriek.

Spurred on by Chris’s increased movements, Andrea’s second orgasm arrived less than a minute after the first one. She gasped and moaned, her eyes crossing and her tongue hanging out of her open mouth, dripping saliva down onto the blanket below. Her internal muscles fluttered and spasmed, tightening up her walls around him. She still couldn’t believe that she was cumming from being treated like nothing but a cock sleeve, but by now, her brain was way past processing that kind of moral dilemma. Instead, she was busy being overwhelmed by the wave of pleasure that was assaulting her consciousness and steadily driving her crazy.

Pushing Andrea’s skirt up onto her back, Chris gazed down at her toned rear. She didn’t have nearly as much volume to her butt as someone like Sunny or Samantha, but her ass jiggled deliciously with each collision of their hips. Raising his hand, Chris brought his palm down onto her stocking-clad ass, making a loud slap ring out through the classroom which was joined moments later by Andrea’s yelp. Her cheek stinging, Andrea shrieked again as she was spanked for the second time. Unable to vocalize her objections in her current state of mind, she just hung there in Chris’s grip as he rained down smack after smack onto her rear, drawing more squeaks and yips from her. It was humiliating! It was degrading! It was…incredible?

Andrea had been skeptical at best when Sunny had reached orgasm from being spanked by Miss Banks, but now she understood exactly what had taken place. The combination of Chris’s engorged cock pummeling into her along with a series of stinging slaps to her butt was a disgraceful yet somehow intoxicating mix. Each successive smack pushed her closer and closer to that third peak, something she had never expected to be possible with a man. After the sixteenth slap, Chris groaned as he felt Andrea tighten up around him again.

When orgasm number three struck Andrea, her mind dissolved into jello. She hung there, limply, nothing but putty in Chris’s hands, unable to talk or moan or even breathe as her climax tore through her. This was only heightened when she felt a hot rush of liquid splatter her insides, indicating the arrival of Chris’s own orgasm. He gripped her hair and waist tightly, holding her against him as he flooded her insides and painted her pussy white with his goo. Every spasm and clamp down of Andrea’s walls only served to milk an additional shot of jizz into her snug cunt, as it was biologically engineered to do. If not for their required birth control pills, she would definitely be knocked up several times over from the sheer amount cum that he spewed into her.

Andrea’s head slumped down onto the blanket when Chris released her hair, cross-eyed and cum drunk. Sighing contentedly, he let go of her hips and pulled out, leaving her frozen and shuddering in her face-down, ass up position. Accepting the towel from Miss Banks, Chris stood and wiped the collective fluids from his cock, drying himself off. Miss Banks walked around and bent over, peering down at Andrea’s blank expression, and glazed over eyes. Pulling the girl’s panties back in place to contain the cum before it leaked out and fixing her skirt so that her rear was covered, Miss Banks turned to Chris.

“Great job, Chris.” She praised. “Unfortunately, it seems Miss Andrea has been fucked silly. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please carry her to the back of the room and help her collect her wits? Thank you.”

Chris buckled his pants back up and leaned down, grabbing the tiny teen, and scooping her up in his arms. Cradling her small, limp form, he strode to the back of the room to the couch that was located in the back and sat, holding her until the time when she had her mental faculties about her. The students all watched in shock at the state of the normally arrogant, egotistical Andrea until Miss Banks cleared her throat, getting their attention.

“So.” She said, looking from face to face. “Who’s next?”