Hi everybody. Two weeks have passed since the release of the latest news. During this time, I moved about 2,000 kilometers with the computer. Now I work temporarily from my parents’ house. Which means it’s harder for me to do racy scenes.
According to my calculations, I will release the next update of the game in the second half of February. The screenwriter finished writing the dialogues. Now he has to add achievements for some girls to the script.
I made 150 pictures in these two weeks. Part of the pictures is a small sex scene with Fiona’s friend. Since in order to continue the story with Fiona, the player needs to completely finish the story with Amrinn, we decided to finish the story of this girl first. And then we will continue to develop Fiona’s story.

The flowchart has increased. New blocks have been added to the location of barracks, port, Merten’s house. Now the scheme looks like this. If you want to see the flowchart in all its details, then it is available to subscribers of the “Get more” tier.

Here’s the news for today. Thank you very much to everyone who supports us.