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I woke up before my alarm went off again. I must be wound up.
I really don’t want to leave my warm blanket. I wish I was a cat. I could just roll over and keep snoozing.
Fine, I can’t fall back asleep anyway. I guess I better get up. Okay, okay.
Damn, where are my slippers now? To the bathroom!
I need to get myself together. (Brush your teeth and wash up)
I need to take charge of myself. There is work to do and no going back.
When will I stop exploring? Either way, living a peaceful life is not in the cards.
My armor of choice is business casual. I should get a badge so I can proselytize to people on the street.
(Make breakfast)
As usual, I almost forgot to eat something. A hot dog on the go won’t be enough today.
Not very appetizing. I should have made something yesterday. I never want to cook in the morning.
A bottle of milk (to get the fast Food achievement, you need to choose noodles or a hamburger, but you will lose a piece of the story and some interesting scene)
I just need some cereal.
Hurray! There’s a bit left. Enough for a couple more meals.
Time to go. No more excuses.
That’s probably the neighbor. It would be rude to call a taxi while she’s here. I’ll have to wait.
Hi! Did something happen?

Oh, thank you. I’m glad to hear someone still reads the paper besides me.
Certainly. (Damnit, I should have read the article before it was published)
Was there an address in the paper?
Don’t worry about it.
No problem.
Say hi from me.
What if that wasn’t your neighbor, but someone who just looks like her? You’ll have to stop by later.
Fast as always. They probably hang out nearby.
Bill’s Hardware. Know the place?
Perfect. Are you okay with quiet?
I just need to concentrate on something.
Damn neural interface. Why can’t I disengage the commentator in the free version?
I’m not at work. Leave me alone.
Which you distracted me from in the first place! For your information, more than half of what you say goes in one ear and out the other.
(Take a deep breath)
Ah, now you all have neural interface scanners too?
Same to you.
Hi. Not yet.
I decided.
You understand that you won’t be able to influence the company’s work without a controlling stake, right?
I am quite surprised that anyone would think investing in physical immortality is pointless.
I would love to see the moment of your rebirth – to witness the surprise and disbelief on your face.
Well, there’s no need to draw this out any longer. It’s all for the future.
In the end, you’ll see that we both need this equally.
Thank you. Oh, did you already call me a taxi?
Later, partner. (get in the taxi)
To the airport.
The plane landed a long time ago, but he’s not here. Weird.
Did he get lost again? Where is he? Or he left already. And he won’t answer the phone.
Hi! How are things?
No, I wanted to know about you. How are you?
Okay, tell me everything.
I had no doubt you would handle that fine.
So, you piqued his secretary’s interest.
It’s a good thing I try to explain everything to you.
It’s not a very original approach, actually. Science fiction came up with it a long time ago.
And you…
So, you basically told him everything I said?
You did everything right.
Why did you decide that?
But he doesn’t only do space
And I thought he was a nice guy.
Too bad. But I had no illusions about him.
I agreed to HIS terms.
There is no one more serious.
We have no choice.
Maybe you don’t care that we took mafia money, but I do.
He’s not giving us money so he can survive.
I don’t know. I hope he’s only interested in profits. At least that’s what he said.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
Yes, it’s a trilateral agreement. Can you do that today?
Be careful.
Do you even know where to go?
And when were you going to ask?
Everything is fine. I’ll send the address to your phone.
Of course. There, I sent you the info.
Not many people know about it. But if I didn’t have a phone everyone would know. I spent a lot of company money on it. Do you think a certain someone would like that?
I’ll have to try that.
It’s like talking to yourself. But I set all of its operations for the morning. I just put up with it for an hour and then I’m free.
Good luck! Don’t speed!
To the café
Hi, Lucy. Yes, I need to gather my thoughts.
No, I just haven’t been sleeping well lately.
I am starting to understand you.
Thanks. I’ll try to live up to that.

Is there something you’re not telling me?
Everybody is unique in their own way.
I usually hear stories like that from taxi drivers…
Yes, I do. Wealthy people are usually very busy and value their time greatly.
They like driving cheap cars all day? A lady once drove me in a Maybach. I’d believe that about her, but she didn’t say anything.
Then what brought you to this wonderful place?
Have you ever dressed up as a granny?
My neighbor… Never mind. Why did you tell me that anyway? Even if it is true.
That’s very affirming. But you know what you could do instead?
You know what you could do?
Be honest about everything and fund me.
And now do you believe me?
And you’re ready to sponsor our company?
Why am I not surprised? All those stories end the same.
What do you mean?
What if he’s a criminal or alcoholic?
But will his love for you change?
I’m a realist. Even though my work looks like magic to many, it’s actually quite the opposite.
Let me guess. Now they hit the clubs together?
Is quitting smoking easier than starting?
So, it’s easier to not go to the club?
People just like doing that. Not because it’s easy.
No. I am a scientist because I like to use my head. And I actually do work with my hands, by the way.
Yeah. I didn’t even notice I finished my coffee.
If I didn’t love coffee so much that wouldn’t have happened!
Girls never go to the bathroom alone?
(go to the restroom)
I’m glad to hear that. They even put cameras in dressing rooms now.
I hope it isn’t a virus that will steal all of my plans.
A video of what?
That’s so sweet, but… It’s not a video of you, is it?
Now I feel awkward.
(If you chose a hamburger or noodles, you will get the fast Food achievement, and then you will choose the next location)
See you soon. (call a taxi)
(choose a Job for the possibility of achieving the achievement of Bureaucracy, but you lose the achievement of Irresponsibility)
To the church
I don’t know why, but this place calms me.
I don’t even want to change anything here. I’ll leave everything as it was.
But now I have replaced the pastor. Can I kindle the light of faith in my mission?
Although, if they sold they church, I guess things weren’t going so well for it.
The same thing could happen to me. Failure. And there I go to the welfare office. My business is already on the chopping block.
I better relax and meditate a bit before things get started.

Lucy? Did I sleep through everything?
I had a nightmare. A memory. I was late for a test.
Yes, but it was horrible. I had literally ten minutes to answer.
You’re right.
Wise woman.
I can’t believe no one came but you.
People used to show up…
Simple science? How can science be simple?
Thanks for the support. (stand behind the pulpit)
Hello everyone! Thank you for deciding to attend my talk! And thanks to those who watch the recording later.
There will be no barriers to science in the future!
Humanity does not abandon its own.
The future starts with us! It starts with what we do!
We know that time travel is possible.
The issue of time paradoxes has been resolved.
It starts with us.
Eternal life can be ours!
Thank you for your attention. And remember – humanity does not abandon its own!
Turn off cameras remotely. A neural interface really comes in handy in isolation conditions. I don’t care what they say.
Well, how did you like my speech?
Achievement “Orator”
Thanks. I prepared for a long time. I even have flash cards.
Well I would care more about getting first-hand knowledge than how it was conveyed.
Why are you here, anyway? Usually people don’t think about death at your age.
What happened to them?
Why did they do that?
I’m very sorry.
Yeah, or to a bar. I haven’t decided.
I’m sick of the nine-to-five.
I don’t know. I’ll think about it in the taxi. Where are you headed?
Fine. Bye for now. See you tomorrow?
(call a taxi)
(to get the “Saviour” achievement, select the Bar location, but the “Kill Bill” achievement will disappear”)
To the bar
Alcohol demand has a pronounced weekly seasonality.
It’s easy. It’s not like anyone is trying to bed me.
I’ll have your finest wine. Today was a big day.
But you still keep the booze flowing, yeah?
Is that all you can say?
Then what good are you? Pouring drinks is all you do and you’re refusing me?
I’m a scientist! I make the world a better place!
I’m proud of what I do.
What is it?
Sure, I’ll try it.
(take the glass)
Thumbs up.
Yeah, make me another.
If only someone would inspire me…
We’re not getting along. I can’t help offending him all the time.
Because he does everything wrong.
People forgive their loved ones. I don’t think he loves me anymore.
We do talk, but he always ends up storming off.
No. Suspecting someone of betraying you is a betrayal in itself.
Thanks for the compliment.
You should have been a therapist. I wanted to get drunk and unwind. Instead I’m leaving sober and even more stressed. Thanks.
Go away.
Take me home.
Skipped lunch again. Good thing dinner was delivered to my door!
I can finally kick off these shoes. Why aren’t I taller? I could wear boots.
Maybe I should take all my clothes off and eat dinner naked?
I’ll iron it or put on something comfy! (set the box down and take off your clothes)
First the skirt. It’s so tight and makes it hard to walk.
For some reason people don’t go out naked, even in the heat. And, as far as I know, they never have.
These bras are like a yoke around the free woman’s neck. Why are nipples sticking through your blouse so arousing for men?
(Put the food in the microwave)
(take out your food)
Uncle Bo always makes great food.
Time for the second course! (take out the noodles)
Am I supposed to only taste the sauce? I’ll wash it all down with some milk and hit the hay.
Damnit! Good thing I undressed beforehand, or I would have ruined my blouse.
I better clean myself off. I don’t really want to mop the floor.
(go to the bathroom)
HEY!!! What are you doing here?
But how did you get here?
Well, yes. I didn’t know the Ganges River was purified by the huge quantities of silver in it.
Fine. A wish. What do I need to do?
Your wish is my command.
You try to relax me, if you can. I’ve just been a bundle of nerves lately.

You can’t imagine everything I’ve gone through for my invention.
It’s incredibly hard. You have to think completely different.
I told you!
Exit from the sex scene in the phrase “Hug her”
I usually don’t feel emotions, I just pretend to, but not now.
I know.
Today was a great day. I hope tomorrow is too…
Achievement “Home delivery”
I can hardly stand… (fall asleep)
Hi! You’re my coffee guardian angel, how could I not pick up?
I think I saw her briefly in the café.
I hope this doesn’t scare me.
I’m fine. I just woke up.
What’s going on?
I feel like the eye of the storm has passed and I’m back in the blizzard.
What!? Untie her immediately!
So, what is this? A presentation about what’s in store for me? You know, I’m not into that, and I have a boyfriend, so, you understand.
None of this makes me very happy. I don’t need any of this.
No one is asking you.
Okay, spill it. What does Bill have to do with any of this?
I want to hear about Bill. What does he have to do with it?
I’m not talking about him.
Listen, I don’t care about any of that. You’re staying right there until you answer my question.
Why are you telling me this?
And we can help you. We have open spots on our team.
Tell me your terms.
If your information is useful, you can be my secretary.
What might not work out?
What can I do from here?
I’m not psychic. How do I know what you want?
Understood. Grab her…

Getting out of a sex scene in the phrase “Do as she says!”
No problem. I had fun too. Tell me what you know.
I won’t say.
Thanks, Lucy, for the historical context.
I think he used you. Only sex can connect you two, nothing more.
That’s impossible. We’re a great couple. He does everything I ask him to.
That is insane nonsense.
God damn traitor.
My neural commentator is next. What a terrible start to the day. Damnit. I can’t believe Ramon is such a bastard!
I’m no proper lady, I’m a complete moron! Where is that damn password for that damned safe. Where did I put it?
Why did I do that? I don’t remember that at all.
How do you know? Don’t you only work in the morning?
Fine. But where did I hide the pieces?
Wow. There is no point in getting angry. That’s not very productive. I need to find a way out of this situation.
Search for pieces of paper with a password.
I just need to. (Go to the safe)
Watch. (Open the safe)
And the notebook in the desk?
Rrramon. I’m going to see Bill.
Open up, it’s me.
Am I talking to the door?
Why won’t you open the door?
What? How dare you!
You’re afraid of me. Is that why you won’t open up?
I care.
I just wanted you to do everything correctly.
Yes, yes, speak your mind. Bad arguments are still arguments.
Maybe you should see a therapist.
And what did she tell you?
Fine. We’ll continue this discussion later. I have one more thing to ask you.
Oh, Ramon. Was everything really so bad?
That’s impossible. I’m always nice.
Did he tell you that?
You’re such an idiot.
Achievement “A bad compromise beats a good lawsuit”
See you later. (go to Bill)
Bill! What’s going on? Did you decide to screw me on the very first day of our partnership?
It’s a secret? Don’t change the subject! A child could discover your secret!
I already saw Ramon.
As if you don’t know. He already came to you and signed the papers.
You may be right. But he and his mistress told me all about your machinations.
You turn everything on its head…
Exact? Well, fine. Did you give yourself a controlling stake?
You want directness from others while you tell lies.
But it’s my idea and my work. Do you think it’s fair that you should tell me what to do?
You could have just been honest with me about your terms.
I don’t know. I would have thought about it.
And you think I’ll finish this project now?
My company.
And now you need my notebooks. So that’s who was in my home.
Well, well. And what next?
And if I don’t agree?
And that’s it?
But why do you need me at all? Everything is nearly ready. One more month and all the final issues will be resolved.
Everyone has their thing, and Bill’s is money. I know how you made your money.
I don’t need that. I’m not like that. I’ll use my money to buy our technology for those in need.
I know where the door is.
Seemed pretty big. What, did I spoil your mood?
Fine, fine. I’m going.
Dang, it smells rotten again. What a day.
How can I remember all this stuff? Can’t the trash just take itself out?
I don’t want to go out again. I’ll do it tomorrow.
I guess I’ll turn on the neural commentator. Actually, maybe not. I better go lie down.
And now what do I do? My inventions and Bill…
Then everything will depend on your choice here.
If “I need to give everything to Lucy.”, then this will lead you to the achievement “Terminator” and the secret code.
If “Let’s do it your way, Bill” and you were not in the bar or your conversation with the bartender did not work out, then you will come to the achievement “Kill bill”, and if you were in the bar and the conversation went well, then to the achievement “Savior” and the secret code.
If “I’ll destroy it all to hell.” and you did not visit the work, you will get the achievement “Irresponsible”, and if you did, you will get the achievement “Bureaucracy” and the secret code.

You can play the game in a different way, getting new knowledge about the world in which Emma once lived. And in which, perhaps, later on, we ourselves will live.
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