Tracey’s first job whilst still at school Pt2


So Saturday the weekend was finally here,Tracy had just left school and she was really looking forward to starting work so she could help her mum financially at home, when she arrived at home after school her mum was out shopping and her boyfriend was home, she was so excited to be starting work that it’s all she talked about to him. He made her some dinner and told her to get changed so he could wash her uniform ready for next week, she stepped out of her skirt and blouse in front of him, his mouth dropped and he just stared, she looked at him and told him he’s seen it all before but he said, you have no underwear on, she told him she doesn’t wear it anymore as it makes her feel more sexy and also that the teachers enjoy it in class, he laughed at her and Calle she’s a slut, she giggles and asked him if that’s what she really was, he walked over to her, held her hands, walked her backwards to the wall, put her hands above her head and told her to keep them there, as he let go of her hands she stayed still, he told her to spread her legs, she immediately did as she was told, he looked at her and laughed, he said yes you are definitely and obedient slut, he kissed her and fingered her pussy, she started to get wet so he knelt down, pulled her forward so she was arched right back and begin to eat her pussy, he looked up and told her she tasted so sweet and would love to carry on but that she best get dressed before her mum gets back, she kissed his cheek and told him that one day soon she’d let him fully have her, then she went to her room and put some comfy clothes on.

Tracey came down when her mum arrived home, she asked Tracey if she was excited and looking forward to her new job, which she was and couldn’t wait to start, her mum told her all of her new uniform had been washed and ironed and was in her wardrobe and that she needs to make sure she has a shower tonight before bed so she smells nice and clean for her boss tomorrow, Tracey looked at her mum and smiled, she thought to her self, if only she knew what I had to do to get this job, mind you she’d probably like it because I’ve seen and heard her in bed and down stairs on the table, in the kitchen, in the shed, she knew what her mum was like and she wasn’t quiet about it either, she came out of her daydream and just said ok mum I’ll go up in a bit. She finished off her dinner and helped her mum wash up, her mum said she was going for a coffee with her friend over the road she’d be a couple of hours then she left, Tracey said she was going for a shower and would see them tomorrow night after work.

Whilst Tracy was showering her mums boyfriend snuck in, he was completely naked and got into the shower with her, he told her he had locked the door so her mum couldn’t get back in, he started to kiss her, his hands were all over her body, he was like an octopus, her pussy was wet and her nipples hard, he spun her around and finger blasted her from behind, she was moaning loud, he got faster and faster then she almost collapsed when she came, he held her right around her waist to steady her but carried on, the juices were squirting in bucket loads, he finished and slowly let her sink to her knees when she then see his hard cock right in front of her face, he looks down and told her to be a good girl, she knew what to do, she looked up, opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and he guided his 6” cock into her mouth and started to fuck her face, slowly at first then he built up a steady rhythm, holding her hair at the back of her head and under her chin with the other hand so he got good access, his cock got further and further in until he was balls deep and down her throat, she was choking, he wouldn’t let go, he was turned on and in a frenzy, he pumped and pumped until her saliva was dripping over her breasts and down to her pussy, he looked down and told her that her mum was a slut just like you and enjoyed doing this, a few more thrusts and his body stiffened, she felt his cock harden even more and grow a little, he then pulled out and told her to keep her mouth and eyes open, he wanted her to watch him cum all over her, he pulled back and forth a few times then he exploded over her face, about 7 large ropes of thick white sticky cum shot over her face, into her mouth, over her hair, up her nostrils and over her tits, he’s stuck it back on her mouth and told her to clean it up which she eagerly obliged, once finished he got out and thanked her and told her to clean up which she did as she was told.

Once out the shower he was waiting for her by her bedroom door, he told her that one day soon she would be his obedient little slut and he would take her and her mum on holiday somewhere hot by the sea and they would have just the one family room so that he could see her naked everyday, Tracey just smiled and said that would be nice, she walked into her bedroom left the door open and dropped her towel and spun around for him to ogle at her, she slowly put her pyjamas on giving him a good view of her pussy and tits, she then climbed into bed and he closed the door and left.

The next morning Tracey woke early, had a wash, brushed her teeth got her uniform on minus the underwear quickly had some breakfast and off to work to start her new job, she arrived 10 minutes early but Linda was already there on her own, she told her to go up to the board room, Linda locked the door behind them and followed her up, once inside the board room Tracey see a massage table, she looked at Linda, Linda explained that if you’re selling massage oils etc you have to try them so you can see how they feel and smell, it was nice and warm on the office so she told Tracey to remove her clothes and get onto the table facing down, she did as she was told, she was now laying naked on this bed, her face between the hole, she could hear Linda playing about with some stuff but just assumed she was getting things ready, Linda had stripped and was now naked to, she poured a lot of oil over Tracey’s back and started to rub it in, all over her back and up and down the backs of her legs then slowly begun to massage her gently and softly, Tracey was enjoying it as she has never had a massage before, Linda then moved to her legs, massaging up and down them whilst at the same time opening her legs to get a good view of her tight smooth pussy lips, as Linda was reach the top of her thighs her fingers were gently brushing over her lips, each time Tracey’s hips lifted instinctively to give Linda better access, her fingers dived underneath her pussy to give it a good rub, it was silent apart from the soft moans from Tracey’s lips, then Linda pushed in 1 finger to fuck her with then 2 fingers and she started to pump away at her pussy, with her other hand she worked a butt plug with a crystal end over her tiny bum hole, she told Tracey to relax as she eased it in, Tracey moaned a little louder with pleaser, Linda then told her to turn over, she then pulled Tracey down to the bottom of the bed so her arse was on the edge and Linda put her feet onto make shift stirrups to hold her legs up and wide apart, Linda told her she looked gorgeous and George would appreciate the view when he got there in another 15 minutes, she massaged her front, gently over her small breasts whilst her thumbs tweaked her nipples until they was nice sensitive and erect, she then moved down to her legs, putting one on her shoulder and gently massaging it, again her hands brushing over her wet pussy, then the other legs doing the same, Linda put her feet back and this time tied them to the device, she walked behind her and cuffed her hands together and then with some rope pulled them above her head and tied them to the legs up the other end of the bed, Tracey now couldn’t move, was fully exposed to be used by Linda and her new daddy, Linda went between her legs, pulled up a chair and gently began to lick and slurp away at Tracey’s pussy, pushing fingers in and curling them up, making her squirt, but because tracy was tied she couldn’t move apart from her hips, so Linda tied a rope tightly around the bed and her hips to keep her still, then another around the top and bottom of her breasts squeezing them tight, then a ball gag in her mouth, Tracey was now completely helpless, Linda went back down and carried on for a few minutes until George walked in to the most amazing site, he walked over to Tracey pussy and slapped it hard with a whip that was beside her making her scream but it was useless as it was all muffled, he slapped again then another and then another 5 times, her pussy was red, he told Linda to lick it and kiss it better whilst he stripped, once naked he pushed Linda to the floor and told her he need to cum so he could last longer inside Tracey’s tight virgin pussy, she got on her knees on a chair and stuck her arse out and in the air opening her legs and told him to take which ever hole he wanted, he eagerly obliged and ducked her pussy whilst his thumb worked her arse, then he slid into her arse and fucked her deep and hard, all the time her was smashing her hard he was looking at Tracey’s face and down to her red pussy, telling her that her turn would be soon, as he was about to cum he pulled out of Linda and pushed her to her knees and told her to open her mouth, he thrust his cock down her throat and she could feel him cummin, she swallowed every bit until he pulled out and shot 2 ropes of cum over her face, she leant forward and cleaned his cock up then scooped it from her face and eat it whilst licking her lips, Linda went for a quick shower then came back and got dressed, on return George was eagerly eating her pussy and arse for everything he was worth and Tracey was moaning like a whore, Linda walked out and locked the door behind her, she needed to open up and greet the other workers and to tell them that the boardroom was locked due to Tracey’s induction.

After a while of intense orgasms and squirting, George stood up, his cock was rock solid, he looked down at Tracey, his heart racing, he wanted this tight young virgin, he wanted to see if he could squeeze his thick piece of meat into her tiny pussy, he could se her lips closing up and her clit sinking back in, he looked down at his cock, precum oozing from the slit, he moved forward until his cock was touching her pussy, he moved forward more but pushed his hips backwards, he held his large cock and rubbed it up and down her lips, slowly opening them, as he rubbed over her tiny hole and her clit he would hear her moan with pleasure, he told her he was really going to enjoy this, as he pushed forward a little she could feel his large head penetrating her tight pussy, she breathed in and held her breath and let out a muffled squeal, he told her to try and relax and take deep breaths, as she did as she was told, he pushed really hard to force it in a little more, as the head slipped and and a small length of his shaft she was trying to scream but it was all muffled, he split her tiny cunt open, as he pulled back slightly he could see the blood on his cock, he looked down and told her he had popped her cherry and she was no longer a virgin but he still had to make her a lady by slowly fucking her, she was trying so hard to tell him no but nothing was coming out of her gagged mouth, just cries of muffles, he held his cock there for 5 minutes so she calmed down, then all of a sudden to her surprise he started to slowly penetrate her tiny pussy, he was a qtr of the way in and told her she was lovely and tight, tears were now coming down her face but she was tied so tight to the bed and her legs tied spread wide that she really couldn’t move and she realised it was totally pointless struggling as he was going to take what he wanted no matter what, he slowly pushed in a little more and was half way in, he looked down and could see her pussy stretching over the girth of his thick manhood, he pushed a little further and could now feel the walls inside her pussy, he laughed and told her he was only just half way in and she was already full of thick man meat.

He held it there for a minute or 2 whilst he fondled her tiny breasts and played with her nipples whilst watching her body wriggle and listening to her moans and cries, he then slowly pulled his cock out whilst looking at her blood soaked pussy until he could see the head of his cock, he slowly pushed back on listening to her moan and pulled out, he did this for a while nice and slowly to let her get used to his cock, he then started to build up more speed and a steady rhythm, he could feel she was so fucking tight for massive cock and he knew if he sped up to much he wouldn’t last long, he slowed a little to make it last but as he looked down at Tracey she was trying to moan and wriggle so he released the gag and he could hear her loud moans now so he sped up a little, she looked up and asked her daddy to fuck her that it felt so good but she could feel it stretch every part of her tiny opening, so daddy being daddy just started to fuck her harder and faster, the more he did this the more she moaned, he told her she was a nasty little whore and she was going to get used all the time by members of the management, she just begged for it now, she was truly broken in and locking daddy’s cock inside her, he pushed and pushed to her more in but her pussy was to small, he told her when he breaks her arse in tomorrow morning he will push it all in, she needed to learn to take it hard and deep on both holes for when they go away on conferences and shows as the regional managers are always there and always horny for a nice young bit of pussy, as he continued to fuck her he pulled out, her pussy squirted a little and he shot about 10 large ropes of thick white sticky cum over her, he shot so hard it reached past her head and hit the wall, went in her hair, over her face, tits, tummy and over her pussy lips and dropped down over her arse, he stroked himself until he was fully empty then started to pick it up with his fingers and feed her, she eagerly ate his cum and licked her lips.

As she finished her meal she noticed all the blood on his thick semi hard cock, she looked shocked and asked if she was still bleeding, he said no that she had stopped a while ago but they will both need a shower, he slowly untied her wrists and ankles, untied the ropes around her body and tits, you could see the rope marks that had been holding her down. He asked her if she had enjoyed her first induction and was looking forward to tomorrows, she blushed and told him that it really hurt at first and it made her cry but after 20 minutes or so she really enjoyed the feeling of his big hard cock penetrating her tiny pussy, he told her she was a good girl and helped her off the bed, she was a little unsteady so held her up as they walked to the shower room, the shower was big enough for the both of them so he walked her in and turned the water on until it was nice and hot, he soaked her all over and was gentle over her tense pussy until she was clean and refreshed, then she cleaned him up and stroked his cock clean.

After they had got dressed they tidied up the board room, put the bed away and was now ready for work, she could walk properly so he told her he would train her on her till for the rest of the day.

All day he was patting her arse, lifting her skirt to get a good view of her used pussy and tiny arse and kept telling her he was going to enjoy that in the morning, they rest of the Sadat went well and at the end she told him she had a really good day and was looking forward to meeting daddy again tomorrow morning, he told her to be in nice and early again for 7am so they have a couple of hours before anyone gets in.

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