Hi everybody. Our next game update is almost ready. The screenwriter has even started writing a script for the next version of the game. I have already made the code for all the moments in the plot. All I have to do is create pictures for the final sex scene with Amrinn. Hopefully I’ll do it next week. And in those seven days I created 124 images. Basically it’s a small sex scene with Amrinn at the harbor.

The flowchart now looks like this.

Also this week I have been inserting sounds and music into the game. I made two mini-games: earning money in the harbor and pumping charisma in the church.
I have already started testing the new version, looking for bugs in it. And still I won’t be able to find all the bugs in the game without your help. That’s why I’m always waiting for your comments on this.
That’s the news this week. Thanks to everyone who supports us. You are the best!