Hi everybody. This week I made pictures of the battle with wolves and pictures of the sex scene with Shani. Yes, we almost finished the quest with her. The screenwriter has completed the scheme to the end, I will soon finish the pictures of the sex scene and the epilogue. I think 3-4 days will be enough for me.

Here is the result of the battle against the wolves.

I decided that there should be no image of blood in the game. Firstly, because blood is difficult to depict. Secondly, our game is not about blood, but about love.
Now that we have completed the quest with Shani, I told the screenwriter to make descriptions of several characters. These are Merten, Dora, Fiona, Amrinn, Milenka, Glenna and Lockhart. I think if we make their descriptions, clarify their habits, behavior, appearance, it will be easier for us to make replicas and quests for them.
I made 210 pictures in a week. The flowchart looks like this.

Thank you all for your support. You are the best!