Hello everyone. This week I’ve been making pictures for a scene in a church. There were some nuns missing and I had to interview the remaining one about what happened.

When I completed this mystery quest, it was time for the final duel for the title of a true witcher. Only the one who wins all the fights will be worthy of this title.

The creation of this update is coming to an end. The scenarist has written all the text for the new tasks. I’ve done all the code for the future update. All I have left to do is finish the images. In total, I made 100 images this week.
New locations will be added to the game in the locations Nearby Forest, Academy, Joly’s House, and Sewers. The flowchart of the game looks like this.

After making all the pictures, I will insert music and sounds into the game. After that I will start checking the game for bugs – I will go through the game several times. And the final stage will be inserting translation into the game. From this update in the game will be a variant of the text in German (machine translation).
That’s all the news for now. Have a good week ahead.