Mused 1 (1)

The Valentines Day Contest was fast approaching and I had no ideas at all. Last year I had one early and placed in the contest. This year my Muse was off on a holiday somewhere having a ball while I sweated bullets over a cold keyboard. That was the way the little redheaded bitch was and there was nothing I could do about it.

With a deep sigh, I picked up my glass of Jack and water and downed half of it. If I ever got my hands on that little redheaded bitch, I would tie her up and spank her naked ass until she couldn’t sit down. I grinned at that thought and took another long drink.

One more chug and the glass was empty. I eyed the glass for a second and then got to my feet. “This will never do,” I said aloud as I turned and stumbled over my office chair.

Wobbly, I staggered on toward the kitchen. A refill was in order.

Ice I had plenty of, water I had plenty of, Jack, now that was another story. I squinted at the bottle with one eye half closed. It didn’t help a bit. There was still only an inch in the bottle. That would never do, if I were going to write a contest winning story. An inch was less than nothing, I ponder as I fixed another drink. Something had to be done about this situation.

I realized that I was too drunk to drive, so I picked up the phone. Thank goodness for speed dial, I thought as I punched three on the phone. 1, was my ex girlfriend, 2, was the corner grocery, 3, was the liquor store, 4, was…. Well, we didn’t need to go that far. Anyway, I always lost bets I made when I was drunk.

“Hello, Friendly Liquor, how can I help you?”

“Hey, I’m a friendly licker myself,” I told the lady with a laugh.

“Evening Mr. Tex, what are you out of this evening?”

“Ideas and Jack Daniels,” I said with a chuckle. “Send over a dozen of each and my little redheaded Muse, if you happen to see her.”

“Ideas I have plenty of but probably not any you want to hear or my husband would approve of,” the woman said with a giggle. “How about two bottles of Jack and a redheaded delivery girl?”

“Right now, I’d be open to most any idea. I have a deadline and nothing to write about.”

“Sorry to hear that. That last story you sent me has damned near killed my husband several times.”

“I’m happy for both of you but that ain’t getting a story written now. That is if you don’t have pictures of you half killing your husband. Those might ignite the writerly juices.”

The woman giggled and said, “Tex, you’re a funny, funny fellow. I’ll have your order on its way in a few minutes.”


A little while later, I was sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar staring into an empty glass. The empty bottle of Jack got a frown ever so often also. “How do they expect a thirsty man to write stories when he’s…. Uh…. Thirsty.”

The doorbell rang and I looked at the chimes on the wall. About the third time they rang, I made the connection between them and the door. Leaving my empty glass on the counter, I stumbled to the door and opened it.

I had to blink several times before my eyes focused on the short, cute little redhead with a fifth of Jack under each arm. Somewhere in my mind, a switch clicked and I grinned. I reached out and pulled the bottles from under her arms.

My eyes focused on the deep cleavage at the top of her green sweater and I licked my lips. “I don’t know where the hell you’ve been but it sure helped your boobs,” I said and licked my lips again.

“What?” The young woman with the bright red dyed hair asked with a confused look on her pretty face.

“Your boobs, they’re twice as big as they used to be,” I told her. I reached out to see if they were real but a bottle of Jack already occupied my hand. I turned and walked back to the breakfast bar to set the bottles down.

As I crossed the room, I heard my muse say, “What the fuck are you talking about. I don’t know you and certainly have never showed you my boobs.”

I chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, you’re the same little bitch you’ve always been. Come on over here and have a drink. I have an idea for a story all of a sudden and I need to talk it over with you.”

“Pay me for the booze and I’m leaving,” she said flatly.

“Don’t be that way. You know I always pay you for your ideas one way or another. Anyway, I owe you a spanking for being gone so long and not being here when I needed you.”

“You are one crazy motherfucker,” the young woman whispered to herself. To me she said, “Pay me so I can go.”

I walked back over to the door, bent suddenly, and lifted the woman across my shoulder. I turned carefully to avoid hitting her head on the door and carried her inside, closing the door behind us.

“What the fuck?” she yelled, struggling to get down from my shoulder.

“You’ve gotten heavier and bigger. You used to sit on my shoulder with no problem,” I told her.

“Put me the fuck down,” she yelled, struggling ever more.

I sat her on the barstool. “There’s no reason to yell.”

She jumped up and headed for the door. I grabbed her around the waist and tucked her under one arm. “Put me the fuck down,” she yelled again as she beat on my back with both hands.

“You’re repeating yourself,” I said as I carried her down the hall to my office.

“I’ll rip your dick off and feed it to you,” she yelled almost frothing at the mouth with anger.

“This will never do,” I said as I stood in the middle of my office with her struggling under my arm. My eyes came across a pair of my pajama bottoms lying on the floor. I put my foot on them and pulled the drawstring out of the waistband.

“This should do the trick,” I said as I sat down on the bench of my workout machine with her across my lap. I used the cord to tie her hands behind her back. When she kicked her legs, her tight short skirt rode up to show the bottom inch or so of her bare ass.

I slid her across to the left on my lap and moved my right leg to trap both of hers. My left hand held her upper body in place as I pulled the skirt up higher. She wasn’t wearing panties but then again my Muse never did. I ran my hand over her firm warm ass for a moment and then grinned. She was in the perfect position for that spanking I had visualized earlier.

“When in Rome, do as the Roman’s do,” I said with a grin and then frowned. “I think that only pertains to orgies.”

“When in Dallas, do Debbie,” I said next and then added, “I think that has to do with porn or something.”

“When you have a bare ass on your lap, spank it,” I said and then grinned.

“That’ll work,” I said as I raised my right hand and then brought it down solidly on her left ass cheek. The young woman yelled and struggled harder. I grinned at the red handprint on her pretty white skin and added one to the other cheek.

“That’s beautiful,” I whispered as I admired my handiwork. Two beautiful white ass cheeks and two pretty red handprints.

“I’m going to kill you,” the woman yelled.

“Maybe you will but you won’t be sitting down for a while,” I replied as I raised my hand.

“No!” she yelled as my hand fell. After that she was just yelling incoherently and then she was crying by the time I stopped spanking her now red, hot ass cheeks.

I ran my hand over the hot red skin and heard her moan softly between sobs. I rubbed her ass a moment longer and then dipped my hand between her thighs. Her small round pussy was slippery and wet. I explored the folds until I found her clit. She struggled but she also moaned even louder than before.

Rolling her clit around with varying degrees of firmness caused her hips to jerk and the moan turned into a cry of passionate release. I plunged my finger into her pussy and fucked her with it slowly. Her hips bucked and jerked against the intruding finger. When I added a second finger, her hips jerked even harder.

Her body was down to a quivering shiver by the time I pulled the fingers out of her pussy. She lay still with just her hips slowly working up and down as she made a soft whimpering sound deep in her chest. I looked at my slick shiny fingers for a second and then stuffed them in my mouth.

She had such a marvelous sweet, earthy taste. I sucked on my fingers until the flavor was gone. She tasted even better than the Jack and water and I wanted more of both. I carried her back to the living room and then into my bedroom. I dumped her on the bed and pulled a box out from under it.

The woman made a soft moaning sound and rolled over on her side about the time I pulled a set of ankle cuffs out of the box. Her eyes got wide and she wiggled toward the side of the bed. I grabbed her nearest ankle and held onto her as I tried to put the cuff on her.

I had always thought of my Muse as feisty but this was something else. I had to get up on the bed and sit on her back to get the cuffs in place on her ankles. Luckily, I could reach the box on the floor without let go of her or falling on my head. A strap around each post at the foot of the bed held her feet and legs as I untied her hands.

She kept moaning, “No, no, no,” over and over as I place cuffs on her wrists and strapped them to the posts at the head of the bed. I moved back to admire my handiwork again. Her skirt was up around her waist and her ass was still red. Her sweater was halfway up her back.

For a moment, I wondered how I was going to get her clothes off now that she was tied up. A pair of scissors on the nightstand answered that question. I cut the sweater up the middle of the back and then up both sleeves until it fell away. Her pure white skin looked bright against the dark blue of my bedspread.

“No, please no. Don’t hurt me,” she whispered in a trembling voice as I cut the skirt up the center.

“Hurting you is the last thing I want to do,” I told her as I traced the crease of her ass with the smooth cold metal of the scissors. She gasped loudly and then shivered. “Eating your pussy until your head caves in shouldn’t hurt. Just the opposite in fact.”

The woman struggled and yelled, “No! Let me loose. This is rape!”

“Rape? How can I rape a figment of my own imagination? Some people have some silly ideas.” I told my Muse as I caressed her warm red ass cheeks.

With her lying on her stomach, getting to her sweet pussy could be a problem. After I stuffed two pillows under her hips, her ass tilted up just right to present her wet pussy and the darker pink of her anus.

“Perfect,” I said to myself. I also noted that her arms and legs were spread even wider now that her butt was lifted. She definitely was not going anywhere soon but that did not keep her from struggling.

“Let me go! I’m not who you seem to think I am. I’m the delivery girl for the Liquor Store.”

“Yeah, the Licker Store,” I said with a grin as I caressed her ass. “I think a drink is in order. Then we can get down to business.”

“No! You don’t need another drink. You need to let me go,” the redheaded young woman yelled.

With a frown, I reached into my toy box and pulled out a ball gag. “This should keep the noise down,” I whispered as I climbed on the bed.

It was a bit of a struggle but I got the ball gag in place. Now all I heard from my Muse was muffled mumbling. “Much better,” I told her as I climbed off the bed.

I stood beside the bed, my eyes wandering up and down her lush body. I caressed her hot pink ass and then dipped a finger down to stir the juices at the opening to her sex. “You sure have ignited my imagination since you returned. Just like the old days.”

She was trying to yell around the gag but only loud mumbles reached my ears.

I moved my finger up and teased her anus. She jerked and mumbled even louder as I pressed my finger tighter to the ring of muscles guarding her rear. Her hips flexed down as far as the pillows allowed but I kept the pressure on until my slippery finger broke through and sank to the first knuckle.

“You’ve sure tightened up on vacation. Must have been one boring spot where you went,” I said off handedly as I reached into the toy box and pulled out a small bright red butt plug. “But I know how to fix that.”

The girl’s hips jerked as I teased her slippery opening with the plug. It slipped into her pussy easily. I left it there for a second and admired the contrast of colors between the bright red of the plug’s handle and her coral pink slit.

“You are more beautiful than I remember,” I muttered as I pulled the plug out of her pussy. I took a sniff of the plug and then a lick. “You smell so sweet and taste even sweeter.”

When I pressed the end of the plug to her asshole, she jerked downward with a loud muffled yell. The long tapered plug opened her ass easily for the first half of its length. Then I had to work it in and out slowly until it popped into place. Once it was in place her hips flexed up and down rhythmically.

I grinned and arranged the t-handle on the butt plug to line up with the crack of her ass. “So pretty,” I whispered as I turned and headed for the living room and another drink as my thirst was back.


A ray of sunshine through a crack in the blinds in my living room awoke me to an all-familiar tune. A special edition of the Anvil Chorus with my head between the anvil and the hammer. A throbbing headache that was in tune with my heart. How much had I drank?

When I sat up in my old recliner, the headache got worse and my stomach did a flip-flop. When did I go to sleep in my chair? I did not even remember sitting down in it. The last I remembered I was in the office staring at the computer screen.

I stood up wobbly. I still felt drunk. A full fifth of Jack, along with a three quarter one and an empty stood on the bar. Now I was confused. I only had one bottle when I started drinking the night before. I started to shake my head but thought better of it.

Maybe a shower and a bottle of aspirins would clear some of the fog out of my head. On unsteady legs, I headed for my bedroom and the bathroom.

I was half way across my bedroom when I realized there was someone on my bed. I stopped and turned that way. In the dim light, I made out a pale white body tied spread eagle over a couple of pillows. “What the hell? Who the hell?” I asked aloud. The young woman appeared to be asleep from her slow regular breathing.

Now, I definitely needed a shower because I did not remember anything about this young woman. What had I done? What had we done? I shuddered at the first question and shivered at the last. If I did not remember that, I needed to quit drinking.


Four aspirin and a long hot shower later, I returned to the bedroom for a clean shirt and a pair of slacks. The clothes I’d had on smelled like a three-day drunk from just one night. As I buttoned up the shirt, I stood by the bed looking down on the beautiful redheaded lady.

I shook my head slowly as no memory from the night before explained her. I moved to the foot of the bed and leaned in to inspect the butt plug closer. I could see her anus contacting and relaxing around its base. Her opening moved in unison.

For a moment, I wondered what she was dreaming about. For the first time I noticed that her clothing had been cut away. What the hell had gone on last night? With a sigh, I headed for the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Maybe I would get some answers when the woman woke up.


I was working on my second cup of coffee and trying to decide if I should try to eat something for breakfast when a muffled mumbling sound drew my attention back to the bedroom.

When I approached the side of the bed and came into the young woman’s view, the muffled noises got louder and sounded angry. The fire in her eyes made me pause as I reached for the strap on the ball gag. I knew trouble was brewing but eventually I would have to undo the gag.

As I removed the gag the young woman yelled, “Let me go, you asshole. I’m going to make a bowtie out of your balls.”

I took a step back and said, “That’s not much incentive for me to let you go, now is it?”

The woman glared at me but before she could yell again, I asked, “Who are you and why are you tied to my bed?”

“I’m the delivery girl from the liquor store and I might ask you the same question on why I’m tied up. You did it,” she replied, her anger just under the surface.

“Uh…. I don’t remember you. In fact, I don’t remember much about last night at all. I don’t drink often for the obvious reason that I don’t handle booze very well.”

The woman made a growling noise and struggled with her bindings. “You picked on the wrong chick this time,” she said, anger strong in her voice. “And what the fuck is a muse? You kept calling me that.”

“Uh, I’m a writer and a muse is an imaginary character that sits on my shoulder and whispers naughty things in my ear for me to write.” I explained. “She is the source of my inspiration so to speak.”

Struggling again the young woman yelled, “I’ll give you some fucking inspiration when I get loose. Not to mention a split fucking head and….”

My hand landed solidly on her bare upturned ass. She gave a yelp and stopped struggling. “There is no need for that kind of language,” I told her.

“I thought you liked naughty words.”

“Naughty, not vulgar. Sexy and sensuous would be even better.”

The girl struggled again and then stopped suddenly. Changing tactics, she pleaded, “Please. Please let me go.”

“You’re still too mad for me to do that.”

“Keeping me tied won’t make me any less mad.”

“Probably so, but I’ll feel safer,” I said softly. It was true but I was also stalling for time as I tried to figure out how to let her go and save my balls at the same time.

“Sorry about your clothes by the way,” I said in way of apology.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take the cost of them out of your ass when I get free,” she growled at me.

“That doesn’t sound good,” I said under my breath.

“I don’t guess there is any way of bribing you, is there?” I asked as a silence stretched on.

“You could promise to kill yourself after you untie me.”

“Not likely. It would be a lie in any case.”

“No, it would be murder as soon as I’m free,” she whispered softly as she pulled on the straps hard enough to make my old bed creak.

To change the subject I asked, “I assume the butt plug wasn’t your idea.”

At the mention of the butt plug, her hips flexed just enough to draw my attention to her superb ass. “You do have an outstanding ass, I must say. I can see why I was attracted to it and that red plug looks gorgeous against you white skin.”

Her hips flex slightly again, as she said, “I don’t allow anyone to mess with my ass. I don’t like it.”

In spite of myself, I grinned. “From the way your hips keep moving, it sure looks like you do like it. Maybe I should work it in and out a few times just to test the theory.”

“No!” the young woman said sharply. Then she struggled again as she yelled, “Let me go!”

I sighed deeply. I had gotten myself into a pickle this time for sure. I wasn’t sure which was going to be worse, her beating the crap out of me or prison. Did they allow inmates to have laptops? So many question and so few answers.

With another deep sigh, I said, “Look, I’m sorry for what happened to you. In fact, I don’t remember what might or might not have happened to you. As I said, I don’t drink well. What if I said, I would never drink again. Would that satisfy you?”

“Not hardly!” The young woman yelled as she struggled with the straps. “You won’t get the chance to drink in prison.”

“I won’t get to write either unless they allow laptops in there. And probably not the kind of stories I like in any case.”

The woman rolled to the side slightly and looked up at me. “Are you someone I might have read? Someone famous?”

“No, not hardly. Writing is my hobby, my creative outlet. It started as a way to relieve boredom and now it’s an obsession.”

“An obsession? Like tying up women and molesting them? Now there is your obsession.” The woman fumed. “There is your muse. I’ll bet you’re a child molester in your spare time.”

“Hey now, there is no need to be rude and vindictive. I love children; I would never hurt one for the life of me. As for molesting you, I can’t remember but I think the only thing I did was… uh… stick that butt plug in your ass.”

“How about the spanking and sticking your fingers in my pussy? Making me come my brains out. Cutting my clothes off and then sticking that damned thing up my ass. Not to mention talking out of your head and threatening to eat my pussy.”

“That explains the pillows under your hips,” I said thoughtfully.

I stood there looking down at the young lady and then sighed deeply. “Yeah, that all sounds about right for my thinking when I’m drinking but I’ve never acted on them before.” I shook my head slowly as I added, “It had something to do with the contest coming up shortly.”

“Contest? What fucking contest?”

“Uh, the Literotica Valentines Day Contest. I need to have a story finished by the thirteenth of January and as of right now I don’t have a clue what to write.” I paused a second as my eyes ran up and down the young woman’s body. “Maybe I do have an idea or two….”

“Don’t even think about it,” the woman growled.

“Between your ass sticking up like that and that red butt plug sticking in it, it’s hard not to think about,” I mumbled more to myself than in answer to her growl.

“Untie me and I’ll gladly get my ass out of your sight, believe me.”

“I still need my muse and a story,” I protested.

The young woman sighed and asked, “What kind of a story do you need? Maybe I can play the part of your muse since you thought I was her last night. Anything to get me out of here.”

“A little self-serving but it is nice of you to offer,” I told her as I thought about what kind of story would be good.

“Me? Self-serving? Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.”

Distracted and deep in thought, I replied, “I’ve only done one, no, two interracial stories. Good ones are hard to write. I need something quick and easy with a big punch to it.”

“Untie my arm and I’ll give you a big punch,” the woman muttered.

“Since you are already tied up and have that butt plug up your ass, maybe something in the D/s category would be good,” I mutter back.

“What the hell is D/s?”

I looked at the woman and sighed. “You don’t know what D/s is? You are not going to be much help in that case.”

“I’m the only help you have,” the woman pointed out.

“Uh, that is true. By the way, what is your name?”

“Kerry, but you can call me Death Without Mercy,” the woman said sarcastically.

I did a double take and then laughed. A moment later, I said, “You are funny, do you know that? In a droll sort of way that is. I’m too serious most of the time. My stories need more humor, or so I’m told.”

“Then write a comedy of errors. That’s what you have going here anyway.”

“That’s true, isn’t it,” I said with surprise in my voice. “Only thing is, you will have to bring me up to date so I can make notes. I don’t remember, remember.”

Kerry sighed and said, “It all started when you answered the door, took the two bottles of Jack from me, and made comments about my boobs. About how much bigger they were.”

“Hold on right there. I need my laptop and a chair. I’ll be right back.”


Once I had a chair, a TV dinner tray, and my laptop set up, her dictation of the night before was easy to get down on paper.

“And then you disappeared and I fell asleep. That’s about the gist of it.”

I nodded as I scanned back over what was written on the screen. Off handedly I asked, “Had you ever came from being spanked before last night?”

“I had never been spanked in my life before last night. My parents did not believe in corporal punishment, for God’s sakes, much less spanking someone’s naked ass,” Kerry said hotly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that either of your parents would spank you bare assed or otherwise. I needed to know for some back-story. A first time spanking for someone is different than one for someone who likes spankings and gets them regularly, so to speak.”

“Who the fuck likes spankings, regular or not?”

“Obviously you do since you came like crazy when I spanked you,” I said softly.

“Uh….” Kerry whispered and then shivered as her ass flexed slowly up and down.

“I was out of my mind with fear and shock,” she whispered a moment later, her ass once again moving up and down slowly.

With a grin, I got up from my chair and walked to the end of the bed. When my fingertips trailed lightly over her ass, she gave a jerk and yelled, “Don’t even think about it,” as she struggled with the straps that held her spread-eagled.

“And you would stop me how?” I asked softly. “From the looks of the dampness around your opening, I think the thought of that spanking is turning you on. Not to mention me standing here looking at you spread out in all your glory.”

Kerry’s ass wiggled side to side as she struggled again but there was a slight rocking motion at the same time. I reached between her spread thighs with my left hand and massaged the long bundle of nerves just above her clit. She growled and struggled harder.

My right hand landed solidly on her right ass cheek. She gave out with a gasp and stopped struggling. I continued to massage the nerve bundle as I whispered, “Much better.”

A moment later as her hips moved to press the nerve bundle tighter to my finger, I added, “Your milky white skin takes a nice handprint. I’ll bet that it stings so nicely.”

Kerry made a soft whimpering sound and lifted her hips taking the nerve bundle out of my reach. My hand landed solidly on her ass again. She made a gasping whimpering noise and lowered her ass back to where it had been. I went back to the massaging right above her clit.

“Is the sting even better now?” I asked as I ran my palm over the red spot on her ass.

She nodded and then quickly said, “No.”

I stopped rubbing her ass but continued to massage her pussy. “Your damp pussy and head nod tells me different.”

Her hips quivered and then she whispered, “I wish you wouldn’t rub me there. I have to pee and that is making it worse.”

“I can fix that easily. You are not the first to be tied up and have to pee,” I said as I turned and walked toward the bathroom.

Kerry rolled up on her right side and watched me for a moment. As I reached the bathroom door, she asked, “Aren’t you going to untie me?”

“No need,” I told her as I went through the door.

A moment later, I returned carrying a small porcelain chamber pot and a damp washcloth. “I keep this for just such occasions,” I told her with a grin.

“I can’t pee in that thing in this position.”

When I reached the foot of the bed, I removed the cover from the pot and held it between her legs. She gave a jerk as the cold porcelain touched her skin. “Yes, you can, just relax and let it go,” I whispered softly.

“You’re watching,” she protested.

“Yes I am and yes I will,” I said with a grin. “Watching a young woman pee is so intimate, don’t you think.”

Kerry groaned softly and then gasped as I pressed the pot up closer to her sex. “Go ahead and pee,” I told her sharply. “If you pee on my bed you really will get a spanking. One even harder than last night.”

Her ass flexed up and down but she did not pee. I slapped her hard on one ass cheek and then the other. She shivered hard and then groaned as she started to pee.

When I whispered, “Very nice,” she stopped peeing. With a louder groan, she started again. I let her finish without another comment.

I sat the pot on the floor and used the damp cloth to wipe her sex. The cold of the cloth made her jerk and then shiver as it worked over the outer surface of her hairless sex and then in between the folds.

“That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” I asked as I picked up the pot and headed for the bathroom.

Kerry did not look at me but she did shake her head.


I returned from the bathroom but this time I had a Hitachi vibrating wand in my hand. I laid it on the TV tray while I went to get an extension cord from the kitchen. When I returned, Kerry was looking at the vibrator.

“What’s that for?” she asked softly.

“Something to keep you entertained while I get those notes into a working story” I told her.

“Turn me loose and I’ll help you.”

I grinned and said, “No, I don’t think so. Maybe a little later.”

Kerry growled in frustration and struggled with the straps. My handprint on her left ass cheek stopped that quickly. I used three short straps from my toy box to secure the Hitachi wand to her right thigh. After moving it up until the large round head barely touched her outer pussy lips, I plugged it in.

With a grin, I pressed the switch on the side of the wand for low. It started to buzz and Kerry gave a jerk and then flexed her hips trying to get away from the vibrations. She soon discovered that moving her hips up pressed the head even firmer to her sex and that she couldn’t move far enough down to get completely away from it.

“You play with that and I’ll write,” I told her as I patted her ass gently.

“Asshole! Get that damned thing away from me!” she yelled as her hips flexed and jerked several times.

I walked around to the side of the bed and got the ball gag off the headboard. “Do I need to use this?” I asked sticking it close to her face.

Her eyes got big and she shook her head sharply.

“Good because I might have questions as I go along.”

Kerry made the growling sound she used for displeasure as I turned and walked over to sit down at my makeshift table.

“Mused, Chapter one, Page one,” I said as I started to type.


By the time, I finished the rough draft from the notes about the night before, Kerry was whimpering softly on the bed. Her hips would jerk ever so often and she would whimper even louder as she pushed her hips down and held them there. Then she would either tire or forget and her hips would rise. Her hips would jerk again and she would whimper louder. It was a cycle.

I got up and stretched before I walked over to the foot of the bed and pushed down on the end of the Hitachi’s handle. This pressed the large round head tighter to her pussy lips. Kerry gave out with a soft yell and flexed her hips wildly. When I let go of the handle, she moaned and then groaned.

Loosening the straps, I moved the head farther up until it was just below her clit. When I tightened the straps, her hips jerked and then moved wildly again. There was no getting away from the vibrations now.

“You’re torturing me,” she yelled and then moaned loudly.

“And such sweet torture at that,” I whispered with a grin as I reached for the butt plug.

I worked the handle slowly back and forth and then pulled on it gently. Kerry went crazy as a monster of an orgasm washed through her body. “Oh yes, you do like that butt plug,” I whispered to myself.

Releasing the butt plug, I lowered the zipper on my slacks, and pulled my hard dick out. I stroked myself as I watched Kerry’s hips jerk and twitch. As they calmed, I walked around to the side of the bed.

Kerry’s hips were down to the quiver and twitch mode by the time she opened her eyes. They seemed to focus on nothing for a moment and then they locked onto my slow moving hand. Her eyes got big before she glanced up at my face, and then returned her gaze to my hand and dick.

Looking back up to my face, she took a deep shivery breath and asked, “What…. What do you plan on doing with that?”

“Other than giving myself a little taste of pleasure, I haven’t decided yet.” I told her softly.

When she went back to watching my hand and didn’t say anything, I added, “I could stuff it in your sweet, sopping wet pussy, or up your tight little ass, or….” I let the sentence trail off and then asked, “Want a taste?”

There was a clear drop of fluid on the end of my dick. Kerry eyed it and then shook her head sharply.

“Too bad, I was hoping you might.”

Kerry shook her head again and then moaned softly as her hips jerked from the vibrator still happily buzzing away on her sex.

“Ah yes, the sweet torture continues,” I whispered as I used a fingertip to collect the drop.

Reaching forward, I smeared it on the young woman’s lips before she could turn her head. “Asshole!” she yelled and rubbed her mouth on the bedspread. A moment later, she turned her head and asked, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Just collecting information for more of the story. That and allowing myself to taste a little of what it is like to be a Master. I have written a lot of stories about Masters and slaves, Masters and submissives, but I have never actually tried any of it for real. Just play time with ladies I know who are into such things.”

“I am not submissive or a slave,” Kerry said as she struggled again. The vibrator moved and brushed her clit. She gave out with a gasp and froze as a shivering shake ran up and down her body.

“You say that now but I wonder….”

“You wonder what?” Kerry asked after a long moment of silence.

“I wonder if all your yelling and anger are just a cover for something else. Your hair is dyed red but you are not really redheaded. Is it real or is it all a front. How to find out, that is the question.”

Kerry looked at me hard. “The hair dye is for shock value.”

I grinned at her and then laughed. A few seconds later, I said, “A hot, red, stinging ass from a spanking is shock value. Dyed hair is a cover up or camouflage. Little old ladies dye their hair blue. Nothing shocking there, just a bad dye job.”

“Mine is not a bad dye job. I wear mine red, green, blue, even purple, when the mood strikes me. It makes people look at me. Some are shocked, some are envious depending on their age.”

I nodded. “You have this need to be the center of attention.”

“What! I just like fucking with peoples heads.”

“Interesting,” I said as I walked over to the makeshift writing table and sat down.

When I started to type, Kerry asked, “What are you writing?”

“I’m just bringing things up to date. You just relax and enjoy the vibes,” I said with a grin.

Kerry growled deeply and started to wiggle but quickly thought better of it.

I typed steadily for a half hour and then leaned back and stroked my dick. Kerry was moaning softly, her eyes closed as little quivers in her hips from the vibrator told a story all their own. I wonder briefly what would happen if I fucked her with the vibrator still in place. She would go absolutely nuts.

With a sigh, I let go of my dick and tucked it back into my slacks. Then another thought crossed my mind. “Time for lunch,” I said aloud as I stood up.

At the foot of the bed, I paused and tapped on the handle of the wand and then tapped the handle of the butt plug. Kerry growled deep in her chest at the first and whimpered loudly at the second. I used one finger to trace the slippery opening to her sex. She whimpered softly and slowly lifted her hips.

The vibrator brushed her clit as she did. The resulting explosive orgasm had her hips jerking and bucking. With a grin, I jammed two fingers into her pussy and massaged her g-spot. That was like adding gasoline to a volcano. Kerry gave out with a long, loud, drawn out yell as her inner muscles grabbed and held my fingers tightly.

As the yell died, her hips collapsed back onto the pillows and she lay motionless. Her inner muscles still quivered and pulsed around my two fingers. I was still grinning as I slowly eased my fingers out of her sex. “That one is going to live in her memory forever,” I whispered softly.

I looked at my shiny fingers for a moment and then sucked on them greedily as I turned the vibrator off. After a minute or so, I popped the fingers out of my mouth. “Talk about a tasty lunch,” I said aloud as my eyes roamed over her very wet sex. “That looks like more but….”

Un-strapping the vibrator from her thigh gave me more room but it still wasn’t right. Anyway, she was out of it so that took away the pleasure of hearing her moan and groan. Maybe it was time to move things elsewhere. Then I remembered the set of old handcuffs and leg irons I had in my toy box. The leg irons had a two foot chain between them and another chain connected the cuffs to the middle of the leg iron chain.

“That might just do the trick if I can get her into the living room and onto that old straight back chair,” I said talking to myself.

Untying her wrists was easy enough and then I saw the leather cuffs on her wrists. “Perfect,” I said as I clipped them together behind her back. I clipped the ankle cuffs together also. The four straps were still on the cuffs. I used one strap from her ankles and one from her wrists to hogtie her.

I stepped back to admire my handy work. As I did, she moaned softly and fell over on her side and off the pillows. I moved the pillows over out of the way. There was a large wet spot on the top one. With a grin, I headed for the kitchen to refill my coffee. Then I needed to get that old metal straight back chair from the back porch. There had been a change in my plans.


Kerry was mostly dead weight as I carried her into my office. I sat her down gently in the old metal straight back chair and tied a wrist to each of the back legs. Then I moved her feet back along the side of the chair and tied the ankle straps to the back legs. This spread her legs. Her ass was right on the edge of the chair seat. I could see the red butt plug and her open, very wet pussy easily.

I hurried back to the bedroom for my toy box and a pillow. When I returned, I used another strap to tie her upper body to the chair back. It ran just under her breasts. The pillow was stuffed under her back for support. I stepped back to admire my handy work.

About then, she opened her eyes and groaned softly. She looked around quickly and pulled at the straps. “Hey! What the hell?” She said sharply. Then she struggled hard enough to rock the chair. “Let me loose,” she yelled loudly.

I got the ball gag out of the box and moved around behind her. As the gag came down in front of her face she yelled, “No!”

Lowering the gag until it rested on her upper chest, I said, “I won’t if you be quiet and behave.” I buckled the strap and left the ball gag around her neck.

When I came back around in front of her, she just glared at me. If looks could kill, I would have been flat on the floor dead. With a shivery sigh, I got a blindfold out of the box and went back around behind her. She kept moving and shaking her head to keep me from tying the ends.

After a moment, I gave up on tying it and reached over her left shoulder to pinch her left nipple firmly. She gasped loudly and said sharply, “Ow, ow, ow, that fucking hurts!”

“Then be still while I put the blindfold on.”

“I don’t want to be blindfolded!”

With a soft chuckle, I said, “I wasn’t asking you, I was telling you.” Then I gave her nipple a little more pressure and a slight twist.

“Oh shit!” she yelled as she squirmed in the chair. A few seconds later she said loudly, “Okay, okay.”

I released her nipple and tied the blindfold over her eyes. “See, that wasn’t so hard, now was it?”

She shook her head and then whispered, “I thought you said you weren’t going to hurt me.”

“It seems pain is a good way to control someone. I had always thought so as I wrote about it but this is the first time I actually put it into practice,” I told her.

When she did not reply, I asked, “Does your nipple still burn?”

She nodded her head slightly.

“That is something else I had right,” I said more to myself than her as I walked around to stand in front of her. Her left nipple was larger and harder than the right. She gave a jerk when I flicked her right nipple up and down with my nail. That nipple grew larger and harder.

“Interesting,” I said as I walked over to my office chair and sat down.

I thought for a moment and then asked, “You’ve never been blindfolded before, have you?”

She shook her head.

“This should be interesting for both of us. You from the fact that this is something new and for me to see if I can make it worth your time.”

“What?” She asked as she tilted her head to the side. “You are one crazy mother fucker.”

“Isn’t fowl language what got your ass spanked last night?” I asked.

“Uh, no. Your muse being gone so long and my struggling to get away from you is what got my ass spanked,” she replied quickly. “Over my language, you just threatened to spank me again.”

I chuckled. “I was testing what you told me earlier.”

“You think I would lie to you? For what purpose?”

“That is a good question that I don’t really have an answer for,” I replied. “Lets just say I’m a little paranoid where you are concerned.”

Kerry frowned and whispered, “More like scared shitless than paranoid.”

My hand shot out and the three middle fingertips caught the end of her breast sharply. She gave a jerk and gasped loudly. Her upper body rocked back and forth slowly. Was she waiting for another slap on her nipple or what, I wondered?

I was out of my element, I realized. I had no idea what to do next. With a deep sigh, I leaned forward and took the blindfold off her. She blinked a couple of times and gave me a confused look. I sighed again and asked, “What would you really do if I untied you?”

A murderous look crossed her face and then she looked down at the nipple I had slapped. “I, uh,” she said and then looked at my face. “I don’t really know.”

“What happened to mayhem and murder,” I asked softly.

“I’m not sure. This being manhandled thing makes me mad on the one hand but,” she paused to shiver. “It excites the hell out of me on the other.”

I nodded. “I understand both sides of that from what I’ve seen.”

“So why did you stop?” she asked softly.

The question shocked me somewhat. “I, uh, realized I didn’t know where to go next after I slapped your nipple.”

She gave me a funny look and grinned. “Slap the other one. Lick and tease the one you slapped with your mouth and tongue. Use your imagination. If I yell stop, make me come one more time. Jesus, do I have to think of everything.”

My mouth was hanging open as I stared at a real live Muse.

Cupid Has Lost My Address 0 (0)

“Cupid has lost my address, I’m sure.”

“Oh, cheer up. Bad enough that you were all ‘bah humbug’ at Christmas time. Now it’s about to be Valentine’s Day. You know that your biggest problem is loneliness. This is the perfect time to do something about it.”

“Or just accept the fact that I’m unlovable.”

“A big teddy bear like you? Of course you are lovable…”

“…yeah, sure, I know, I ‘just need to find the right woman’. Well, I’m no misogynist, I respect women, but I’m pretty sure that I’ve had my innings in that game.”

“Not only do you respect women, but you are the biggest, sloppiest, romantic guy I know.”

“Assuming you are right, then it is only in rom coms that women really end up with that sort of guy. In real life, they seem to end up with real jerks, or those “bro” guys who end up after the wedding going back spending all their time with their buddies and ignoring them. Guys like me end up in the ‘friend zone’. I’m so tired of being told ‘I love you like a brother.’ Fuck, forgive my cynicism. I don’t want to rain on your parade if you like roses and chocolate and all that shit that’s all great. Just no longer for me.”

“I get why you feel that way. Even Hollywood doesn’t do rom coms like they used to. But since when is real life like the movies?”

“Gee, thanks for the sort of pep talk.”

“I give up! It is impossible to help you if you refuse to open your mind and your heart.”

“If this was a rom com, you would leave and I would suddenly realize that you were trying to tell me that you love me, and the solution to my being love lorn has been right in front of my nose all the time, I’m just too dumb to see it. I would spend the rest of the movie trying to get together with you, as various obstacles get in our way.”

“Ending in you racing through an airport, no doubt.”

“On Valentine’s Day. Except that’s been done to death.”

“No doubt someone said that about Shakespeare’s stolen plots too. Like him you just need to add the poetry.”

“Roses, chocolate AND poetry – you don’t ask for much, do you?”

“Maybe you just have a lot to give. To the right woman.”

“Now we get back to the core of it – the ‘right woman’- meaning, not to you.”

“Now who’s sending mixed messages? What would you do if I suddenly suggested that I think I AM the right woman for you, that I may have secretly loved you from the day that we met, or maybe I’ve just been in denial of my true feelings all these years. That my dozen boyfriends, two failed marriages, and uncountable random one night stands have all just been searching for what has been right in front of me the whole time?”

“I’d think that you were parroting bad lines from a thousand rom coms. That no matter how much you might want it to be true, because for some strange reason you want me to be happy, it isn’t real. But I’m not enough of an asshat to actually say that. Or to act on it. I know you love me like a brother, and brothers don’t do that to sisters. Pull their pigtails, sure, but not ruin their lives.”

“You’ve never even seen me with pigtails, asshat.”

“There you are – the real you. Not some fake rom com imitation.”

“And the real me still believes in cupid and his arrows.”

“After all your misadventures in love?”

“More like looking for love.”

“I think that lyric ends with ‘in all the wrong places’.”

“Don’t you know it. Heck, you were there for me through all of them. My shoulder to cry on. My holder of hands. My bringer of tea and sympathy. Not once did you laugh at me or tell me ‘told you so’. But each of them served a specific purpose, even though I didn’t realize it at the time. Like if I hadn’t married Harry, I would never have become preggers with Hannah, the real light of my life. And Ralph was the world’s greatest stepdad. Too bad he lost interest in sex so fast. Though of course that was mostly because he lost interest in me. I think he should just have admitted that it was Hannah he truly loved – not in a creepy incest way, but like a kind gentle Dad.”

“You are awfully generous talking about him like that — he left you for a grad student who was Hannah’s babysitter.”

“And didn’t even fight me for custody. Even though I was her bio mom, and he was just the stepdad, he was by far the better parent. Especially when I went off the deep end, started fucking every guy in sight, like somehow that would make us even.”

“You still never fucked me, even then. I think that tells us all we need to know about whether you find me attractive or not.”

“You were my rock, my anchor. I couldn’t afford to fuck that part up.”

“I was right there, if you had wanted me.”

“Oh, so you admit that you would like to fuck me?”

“Pigtails or not, you have always been the hottest woman I have ever known.”

“I’m waiting for the but…”

“The butt? You want me to fuck you in the ass?”

“No, silly, I mean the part where you say ‘but it would be too much like fucking my sister’.”

“Hey, you’re the one who loves me like a brother. I would never compare you to my sister. You are way nicer.”

“Also hotter I hope?”

“A deep freeze is hotter than MY sister.”

“Not much of a compliment there. Anyway, I don’t have a brother to compare you to.”

“Which is why you treasure me as a surrogate? The brother you never had?”

“Maybe I’ve come to realize that you are the lover I’ve never had. And Lord knows, I’ve had a few.” She giggled. “More than a few.”

“So, I’d just be another notch in your bedpost?”

“No one has bedposts anymore, silly. Unless you’re thinking that you’d like to tie me to them.”

“Then posts could suddenly appear?”

“Sure, I’m a witch. I’ll just twitch my clit and they’ll magically appear.”

“You have a clit that twitches?”

“Just like all good witches.”

“Now I feel like I’ve wandered into a Literotica Halloween contest entry.”

“Silly, it’s Valentine’s Contest season.”

“Which is where we started – no way I can write an entry this year. Cupid has…”

“…lost your address, yeah, I get it. But Lit readers don’t care how you really feel. You can just fake it.”

“No, I think only women can fake it.”

“Ouch, I walked into that one. But you must be thinking of some other lover.”

“Other lover? For a lover to be ‘other’, we would also need to be lovers.”

“I’m trying to seduce you, so you get inspired to write that Valentine’s entry, silly. And maybe, just maybe, to show you how much I love you, hoping that you love me back. So, yes, we should be lovers.”

In spite of my bitterness about the whole concept of love, something warmed up inside my chest, and I felt the heat travel through my belly, stiffening my ancient aching cock.

“Oh, something likes that idea,” she laughed. “But you better tell it I mean ‘lovers’ in the ‘whole lotta love’ way, not just some cheap fuck.”

Without another word, she dropped to her knees and fished my half hard cock free from my pants. As her warm breath bathed my flesh, she turned it slowly, examining it.

“After all these years, you’d think I would have seen this monster at least once, but you never shared. If you really were my brother, I probably would have had a glance when you got out of the shower or something.”

“I think that too only happens in Literotica land.”

I suppose that you think this is also the stuff of fiction.”

Her tongue teased the slit. When she pulled her face back and smiled up at me, I saw that her lips were glistening with a trace of precum. The spongy cock head was coated, until she licked it clean. She had the most gorgeous full lips. How had I never noticed that before?

“I love how you taste,” she moaned as she paused, the underside of my helmet still poised on her lower lip. “But I think it would be even better to taste you after we fuck.”

“Shouldn’t you woo me first? Chocolates? Roses?”

“I’ve spent decades trying to woo you, silly, now shut up and enjoy this.”

She used my cock like a lollipop, licking all around the head as she fisted the shaft. Her tongue traced along the vein on the underside. The tip teased my balls and curled up toward my taint. A finger reached underneath me, probing my anus.

My hips responded, thrusting my cock over that pendulous lip into her cheek. She closed her mouth loosely around my shaft, allowing me to stuff my cock into her throat. Her fingers were cupping my balls, rolling them in their sack. She took each testicle in turn into her cheek, making them dance with her talented tongue.

Her oral skills were different than anything I had experienced before. The phrase ‘a loving touch’ cut through the cynicism in my brain. My cock throbbed in appreciation.

She smiled up at me briefly as she came up for air, then dropped her chin, swallowing me whole in one gulp, lips closing around my root as my pubes tickled her nose.

Without warning, a spurt of splodge erupted from deep within, flooding up through my shaft, out my slit, and filling her mouth. She swallowed without pause or protest, until the last splash of seed seeped out from her lips, dribbling down her chin. She spat my cock out, wiped her chin with the back of her hand, and then licked that clean.

My cream coated her tongue and glistened on her teeth as she grinned up at me.

“Your turn,” she suggested.

“I even wore special lingerie for Valentine’s Day.” she giggled, “because, silly, I dressed and came here with the intent to seduce you. I was getting tired of waiting for you to notice what you truly should desire.”

Her fingers undid the top button of her dress, red for the occasion of course. She slowly undressed, pausing after each button before undoing the next. The hesitation built the suspense until with a simple shrug of her shoulders, the dress fell to the floor, exposing her near nakedness, which was so much more sensual for being not complete nudity.

The lingerie lived up to her description of being special. The red lace panties were cut high, so her athletic hips were bare. Although her quim was well covered, the V shape of the sheer fabric emphasized what awaited beneath. The black lace trim matched the bra, which supported her breasts, but barely covered the nipples, exposing half the areolae, and an eyeful or two of succulent firm bosom, including the entire curve of cleavage, accentuated by the way the bra pushed the two tits together and up, almost screaming with their desire to have me bury my face between them.

“Oh, somebody is happy to see me. Here I was afraid that you might have trouble recovering enough to fuck me after coming in my mouth.”

She took hold of my hardness and led me over beside the kitchen island. With her free hand she released the bra clasp, shrugging her shoulders and allowing it to fall free. She giggled again.

“I’ve never seen a guy’s eyes look so hungry. Like you’ve been walking across a dessert, and my tits are the oasis.”

She grasped the sides of her dainty panties and nudged them into a puddle on the floor. With balletic grace, she hooked them on a toe and sent them flying.

“You can keep those as a souvenir when you find them later.”

She leaned back against the counter, feet spread wide. I could smell the scent of her sex, and a few droplets dripped onto the hardwood.

“Show me how you really do love me.”

That command startled me and I stopped for a moment. Then she giggled, reached up, and pulled my face to hers. Our lips met, her tongue thrust past my teeth, sharing my own flavour with me. She held me there until I pulled back panting for breath.

“Show me,” she whispered.

I fell to my knees. She took two handfuls of my hair and pressed my nose against her belly. First, I kissed her navel then I ran my flattened tongue down her downy tummy, stopping just above the opening of her gash, where just a trace of neatly trimmed hair sparkled from her seepage. I felt her fingers release their grip. A quick upward glance showed that she was kneading two firm handfuls of breasts, topped by erect dark reddish brown nipples.

“Do me,” she moaned.

I kissed her outer labia, leaning back to watch her gash spread open like the petals of a flower. One finger then two spread her further as I breathed softly on her clit, which stood out proudly and stiffly. A shiver ran through her entire body. Wetness coated her thighs. Her scent took on a musky tone.

My fingers found that nubbin, twisting and twirling it playfully.

She groaned.

Another glance revealed that she was tugging on her nipples, much more fiercely than I was teasing her love button.

“Harder, more.”

I slid my fingers lower, but used my thumb to bobble her nubbin. The fingers I thrust deep into her opening, until they were buried almost to my wrist. The force bumped her against the wall, making her cry out.

I paused again.

“More damn it.”

Flattening my tongue, I slurped all up her slit, enjoying the spunkiness. Her clit danced as the flat of my tongue passed along it, but I did not want to focus there just yet. Instead, I licked along her swollen labia, teasing them with my teeth, continuing to gingerly fuck her as she writhed in ecstasy.

“Stop teasing,” she begged. “Show me how much you love me.”

I was too far along to stop and protest. I just closed my lips around her pearl, sucking it into my cheek until her passions softened to purring. Then I started to bobble it with just the tip of my tongue. After a moment, or an hour, who knew, time was irrelevant, I began teasing it gently with my teeth.

All that time, I continued finger fucking her twat, which was making squishing sounds.

Suddenly, she cried out. I bit her bobbin a bit harder just for good measure.

“Commmiiinnng. OHIFUCKINGGAWD, you must really love me to make me climax this fucking hard, without even fucking me.”

I could feel the waves of her orgasm flooding her body until her knees weakened and she slumped in stillness against the drywall.

As much as I wanted to say she was confusing love with lust, I just could not bring myself to ruin the moment.

Just as my poor old knees were beginning to ache, she grabbed handfuls of hair again, but this time it was to pull me upright, drawing my face to hers, kissing me deeply, her tongue hungrily tasting her own juices inside my cheeks. My unexpected erection was throbbing against her hip, unrestrained since I had neglected to tuck my cock back into my pants.

She ran her hand down between our bodies, palm pressing against my hardness. More blood surged to my loins until I was solidly stiff. Her erect nipples threatened to penetrate my flesh as she squirmed against me. The scent of sex surrounded us like a cloud.

“Is that Cupid’s arrow trying to pierce me?”

I felt her fist try to encircle my shaft, but her dainty fingers could not quite reach around my circumference. She gave it a single pump.

“This thing feels fully loaded.”

“It does seem to like you.”

“Like a heat seeking missile likes a blast furnace. Hurry up and fuck me. Fuck me like you love me. Fuck me with Cupid’s arrow.”

“Something tells me that you’ve got this backwards – if I’m Cupid, how do I get to be the one to fall in love? It seems like you already are.”

“Shut up and kiss me.”

Her tongue pierced between my lips, and past my teeth, stabbing – just like Cupid’s arrow.

My hands found her buttocks. She leaned her hips back against the wall, making it easy for me to lift her, and lower her soaked gash right down onto my stiff cock, piercing her pudendum in a single stroke. Then I held her there for a few heart beats, feeling my prick pulsating within her depths, the tip teasing her clit. Her muscles clenched my meat tightly, and then released their grip.

She groaned as I broke our kiss and nibbled her left earlobe. My tongue ran from there down the side of neck, and then along the line of her collarbone, out to the tip of her shoulder, which I chewed slowly while I felt her beginning to lever herself against the wall, fucking me.

I licked back across her chest, pausing to pay attention to the divot at the base of her throat. She groaned as she grabbed two handfuls of my hair and pushed my nose down into her cleavage. She shook her tits around my face, seeming to enjoy the friction created by my beard – at least, the way that she started to hump up and down along my shaft suggested that I was doing something she liked.

One hand ran down her flank, following her well toned curves past her waist along her hip, and then pausing to squeeze a buttock. That allowed my fingers to roam down into her anal cleavage. My thumb probed her rosebud. There was nothing reluctant about her sphincter – her anus opened eagerly, welcoming the intrusion. Her whole body shuddered.

“Oh yessss,” she moaned, fingers twisting my hair fiercely, abdominal muscles clenching around my cock. “Do more of that, please. I love a man who isn’t intimidated by anal play. After you recover from filling up my cunt, will you fuck me up the ass?”

I was too busy plunging my cock deep into her womb, while adding a couple of more digits into her anus, to answer right away, but eventually promised, of sort.

“First, though, I want to eat the cream pie.”

Her ass was clamping around my invading fingers as tightly as her cunt was kneading my shaft. Her groans had turned into grunts as she levered harder against my groin.

Suddenly, she stiffened.

“About to…come… again..’ she gasped at the same moment that I felt the waves of her climax ripple through her body and through my cock into my core. We were frozen there for a moment, which was odd, because that usually only happens to me when I shoot great gobs of goo. That had not happened yet.

She seemed to have noticed that.

“Pump your cream into me. Fill me up.”

She paused, giggled.

“Sorry, I’m just a greedy little slut. Your greedy little slut.”

Another giggle.

“I hope you like it slutty. That’s just how I am. How I’ve always been. I was always so shocked that you never noticed it. I used to put on my sexiest lingerie under my ordinary student street clothes before our study dates, just in case. I made me feel so horny acting the part of a ‘nice girl’ while secretly being a slut. I would get so wet in anticipation that they would soak right through, and I’d worry about my jeans getting wet, but still you were oblivious. I was wishing that you would rip my clothes off, but sometimes I was tempted to just rip your clothes off and get right to it. I wish that I had. I love your cock inside of me almost as much as I love your mind. All that time that we missed when we could have been fucking.”

Another pause, as she thrust her groin hard against me, grunting.

“Now we need to make up for lost time.”

She grabbed my hair and dragged my mouth to her lips. Our tongues twisted together hungrily, our teeth clacking together as we mashed mouths. Our groins remained locked tightly, my cock throbbing inside of her while her muscles clenched and relaxed around my shaft then repeated. Her nipples pressed hard against my chest. I felt my balls tighten up against my taint.

I slid my fingers harder and faster into her anus, fucking her from both ends. She pulled my head back, our mouths parted just enough that she could gasp for air as she screamed again. I could feel the strength of this climax flow through our joined flesh. Her energy seemed to run through my cock up into my spine, and then exploded in my brain.

Each aftershock thumped inside my skull, as I thought about the fact that I had not yet shot my load. In metaphoric terms, if my cock was Cupid’s Arrow, it had pierced her flesh, and caused her what the French call “la petite mort”- the little death – but still had not completed its mission. Probably because it pointed in the wrong direction. If she was to be believed, she had hidden her love for me for a long time, just choosing this fake holiday to let me in on it.

Nicky tries a Different Path Pt. 02 0 (0)

It had been almost a week since Nicky had unexpectedly fulfilled a fantasy and had an experience with a woman, the feelings from that night had played on her mind since including how horny it made her that Dawn’s husband had probably watched the whole thing.

She was shopping in Asda and distracted with cheese when a voice said from behind, ‘fancy seeing you here.’

Nicky turned around to greet Dawn, and they kissed, a very friendly kiss, but not one that would attract attention in a public place.

‘Been thinking about you a lot this week,’ Nicky said.

‘Funny that, I have had you on my mind too,’ Dawn replied with a knowing smile.

Nicky laughed, then said, ‘we really must repeat Saturday night, I enjoyed it a lot.’

‘Thought the same, in fact this weekend if we can,’ said Dawn.

Nicky was caught off guard by that, she had not expected such enthusiasm, but was really pleased it was there. She thought for a moment before saying anything.

‘I would love to,’ she said, ‘any chance we can get your husband to watch, or join in?’

Dawn looked surprised at that, then smiled as she said, ‘I am actually glad you said that, because I wasn’t sure about telling you this, but I challenged him after you left on Saturday and the sneaky git did watch us.’ She paused, then continued, ‘I am sure he would be up for watching, not sure you will want him to join in though, he is a boring lover, he has a massive cock, and relies on that to do the work, if you know what I mean.’

Nicky laughed, she did, every woman had been with a man like that, ‘Well providing we only use him for the last bit when you need the long pole thing, it should be fine, ‘ they both laughed, probably a little too much for Asda.

‘Right,’ said Dawn, ‘I will speak to him tonight, and text you, but 8pm Saturday come to ours for drinks.’

‘Deal,’ said Nicky starting to feel a little excited.

As Nicky walked up to the door, she felt the same excitement she had the day before in Asda, she looked good in her stockings, leather skirt, white blouse and leather jacket. Her mind went to her underwear, that was her favourite and she knew she looked sexy in her black lace.

She rang the doorbell, suddenly feeling a little nervous, but she was here and ready, she stood there with a cold bottle of bubbly that had been in the fridge all day in one hand, and her phone in the other. Thankfully she did not have to stand there too long, Dawn opened the door and greeted her with a kiss.

‘Come in,’ Dawn said, ‘I will take that to the kitchen, and pour you a glass of what we have open.’

‘Thank you,’ said Nicky as she entered, Dawn indicated though the living room.

Nicky walked through, and John was sitting in there watching Saturday evening TV, he turned to Nicky and the look of his face said he was ready for tonight.

‘Good Evening Nicky,’ he said, ‘nice to see you again.’

‘Hello,’ she said back, as she sat down, ‘Don’t let me disturb you.’

John smiled and said, ‘you might disturb my dreams after tonight, but that is the only way you will disturb me.’

Nicky laughed, she removed her jacket and john jumped up, ‘I will hang that in the hall for you,’ he said as he reached for it.

‘Thanks,’ said Nicky as she relaxed into the seat and watched Dawn walk through with the glass of Prosecco.

‘Here you go,’ smiled Dawn and sat next to her, and then she picked up her glass up off the coffee table in front of them.

They both said, ‘cheers,’ and drank, then the conversation moved into small talk, and Nicky started to relax, the nervousness in her stomach slowly disappearing. She was not sure if that was the wine, or because she was becoming more comfortable.

When Dawn returned with the third glass of bubbles, Nicky decided it was time to ask the important question, ‘So how is this going to work?’

Dawn laughed and said, ‘funny you should ask that, I have been thinking about it all day. I think we should disappear upstairs and pick up where we left off last week, and then half an hour or so after, John comes up and joins us?’

‘That sounds good to me,’ Nicky said.

Dawn snuggled up to Nicky and slipped her hand inside Nicky’s top, she pushed her hand under her bra, and found a hard nipple that she played with. Nicky relaxed into this, there was something very exciting letting this happen while her husband watched, but she was not sure she could let it go much further just yet.

After a minute Nicky did start to feel quite horny, and said, ‘you want to go upstairs then?’

Dawn’s answer to that was to stand up and grab her glass, ‘come on then,’ she said, looking eager.

Nicky followed Dawn out the door and straight up the stairs, she looked back to see a look on John’s face that was somewhere between disappointment and anticipation.

Dawn lead the way into a bedroom, it was a large, tasteful room with light, almost violet walls, and a dark purple feature wall, the furniture was all solid oak, and the king-size bed look substantial and slightly imposing, the thick curtains matched perfectly the feature wall. The room was warm and actually with the mood lighting provided by three lamps quite inviting.

Dawn hopped on the bed, downed her drink and placed the glass on the nightstand, Nicky followed, but placed her glass which was slightly less than half empty on the side. As soon as her attention returned to the bad Dawn kissed her, a kiss that started very gently, but progressed to more passionate, and then before Nicky knew it Dawn’s tongue was in her mouth and they were embraced in a full French kiss. Nicky kissed back, the arousal she had felt downstairs came flooding back, and she put her arm around Dawn pulling her in.

Slowly buttons were undone on Nicky’s and Dawn’s tops, and Nicky’s skirt got unzipped, nicky pushed her skirt off, and slipped her arms out of her top, and found herself kissing Dawn in her underwear and stockings. Dawn stopped kissing her, jumped off the bed and slipped her Jeans down and threw her top off, she had no knickers on, and was left wearing just a black bra that look far too flimsy to control her ample breasts.

She jumped back on the bed with a grin on her face, and she pulled Nicky down to lay on the bed with a bit of giggle. Nicky’s hand almost by instinct, slipped between Dawn’s legs, she could feel the warmth of her pussy before she touched it and found the moist lips waiting for her. Nicky gently started to massage those lips as Dawn kissed her again, and then pulled aside Nicky’ panties.

Nicky was not surprised then Dawns fingers slipped into her warm wet pussy, she expect to be wet she was so excited by the thought of naked Dawn. Dawn moved her fingers inside as Nicky relaxed, which felt good, she had to refocus on Dawn and moved the massaging to her clit, gentle flicking, rubbing, and teasing. Dawn moaned as they kissed, Nicky used her free hand to unclip Dawns Bra, and slip it off, and enjoying the feel of Dawn’s bare breasts pushing against her skin. Dawn removed Nicky’s bra in the same manner, and their breasts came together, there was something very erotic in Nicky’s mind from that. Dawn moved and started massaging Nicky’s clit in the same way as Nicky was playing with hers. It was clear to Nicky both of them were not only enjoying this but that they were heading for an orgasm.

Dawn flicked just right, and Nicky felt the rise of the feeling of warmth spread through her, the electric twang spreading from her clit causing tiny muscle spasms across her body. One of those spasms was her hand and she pressed harder than she had on Dawn’s clit and Dawn shook, Nicky giggled at that, they could see that whoever climaxed first would through a slight lack of control push the other over the edge too. They were both close, and Nicky started to think about tasting Dawn’s pussy again, her mind flicking back to the previous Saturday and that moment her tongue first touched another woman’s pussy, that thought repeated in her head, and the little spasms started to become bigger, then Dawn changed the rub, and added a movement that sort of twisted Nicky’s clit. It took moments, for the effect to rush across Nicky, it was as if a match had been lit under her clit the fiery heat across her body, lost in a kiss with Dawn the world melted away around her, she was only vaguely aware of the pressure she was putting on Dawn’s love button.

As Nicky returned to a more aware state of her surroundings, she realised that on autopilot she has was circling the head of Dawn’s clit, squeezed between two fingers, Dawn was shuddering and tensing, and Nicky could see the relieve wash through her as she stopped. It was a good 30 seconds before Dawn spoke.

‘I didn’t think you were going to stop then, I actually wondered if it was possible to die from an orgasm,’ she said, still breathless.

Nicky laughed, ‘sorry, should I have stopped a little earlier?’

‘Part of me wanted you to stop because I could not take anymore, and part wanted you to continue forever,’ Dawn smiled back.

They kissed, and cuddled into each other, Dawn undid Nicky’s bra and slipped it off, and Nicky pushed her knickers down and kicked them off, they stroked and played with each other’s bodies enjoying the soft warmth.

Dawn slowly got up and moved to kneel over Nicky facing the wrong way, and pushed her pussy towards Nicky’s face, and then laid down in a 69 position. They were laying diagonally across the bed and Nick’s head was at the bottom corner, she could see the door if she moved her head, but her focus now was the wet pussy right in front of her. She put her arms around Dawn’s legs and pulled her down, just as Dawn’s tongue bounced off her clit, Nicky gasped and moved her head in an involuntary way, she saw the door and noticed that John was standing naked in the hall watching them.

Much as John watching them was turning Nicky on more, she knew she had to focus on Dawn’s pussy, she had only caught a grimace of John’s cock, but it looked massive, her husband Simon was not small, but John dwarfed it. Nicky sucked Dawn’s clit into her mouth as she thought about that, squeezing it between her teeth gently, flicking and twisting it, feeling the warm responses of Dawn their bodies locked together. Dawn was doing much the same to Nicky, but in addition she had at least three fingers in Nicky’s pussy, moving, rubbing, looking for the reaction of the g spot. As with last week it did not take her long, and Nicky jerked as Dawn pressed, she continued with it for a good few seconds before removing her hand. Dawn seemed distracted from the lick for moment, and Nicky felt the pressure that had been building drop away slightly, Nicky focused on torturing Dawn’s clit, and inserted fingers and searched as Dawn had, hoping that she would get the hint.

Nicky suddenly became aware of a silicon dildo with a pronounced curve being pushed into her pussy, along with one of Dawn’s fingers, it distracted her from what she was doing and Dawn’s clit slipped from her mouth. Dawn found Nicky’s G again, and pushed the dildo onto it, then as she withdrew the finger, made the dildo buzz. The sharp vibrations on the inside and the pressure Dawn’s tongue on the outside caused Nicky to moan very loudly, that felt amazing.

It took Nicky a moment to calm enough to reapply her tongue to dawn, and start activity with her fingers, although she could not concentrate, the orgasm that was raising was going to be intense.

Nicky pushed her feet into the bed, lifting her back and Dawn as she did, the spasms and tensing were sharp and overwhelming, but Dawn kept a tight grip and Nicky’s clit continued to be excited, the ecstasy started fog Nicky’s brain, she was lost, she fought to break the source moving as sharply as she could trying to break the pressure on her clit, but Dawn hung on. Nicky knew she was moaning, or gasping, or maybe screaming, but she could not grasp the noise that she was making, her whole world was focused on the pleasure that was now bordering on pain that was her pussy.

Nicky was slightly concerned, she had lost track of reality for the second time in a few minutes, her body felt weak from that last orgasm, she had never experienced anything like it, she could see that John had entered the room, and from what she could see, it appeared that Dawn was about to start sucking his cock. Nicky realised she had not made Dawn come, and pulled her back to her mouth sucking up her clit for, Nicky was not sure if it was the second, third or fourth time tonight.

Nicky slipped her tongue under the hood of Dawn’s clit, and pushed feeling it flick between the skin tension and her tongue. Dawn moaned, she had a slight rock to body now as she sucked John’s cock. Nicky slipped the fingers of one hand into Dawn’s pussy, playing and looking for that reaction that said she had the right spot, she kept up the pressure on the clit as she did it, and felt that warm response from Dawn as she moved towards that climax that Nicky wanted to give her.

Dawn flinched, that was it, and Nicky focused her pressure with her fingers in that spot, Dawn moaned again, louder, and with a shudder from her body. Nicky’s tongue was applying all the pressure it could to Dawn’s clit, which appeared to be working, then the rocking stopped and Dawn’s weight on Nicky increased as muscles tensed and a carnal moan escaped from Dawn. They lay there for a moment, Nicky flicking at Dawns clit before Dawn got up, and laid down next to Nicky, waiting for Nicky to move before she could extend her legs.

‘Do me like you did last week,’ Dawn said, and smiled.

Nicky got up and onto all fours, wrapping her arms around Dawns legs and pulling her in. Nicky’s feet hung over the end of the end, and she was aware of John moving around to behind her. Nicky sucked up Dawn’s clit into her mouth just as she felt the tip of John’s cock against her wet lips.

Nicky let go of Dawn’s clit, and gasped as John thrust in, it just seemed to keep on coming, way past the point that she was used to, and when he stopped her had never felt so full.

Dawn laughed, and said, ‘unfortunately that is his only party trick.’

‘You never complain,’ said John as he slowly withdrew from Nicky.

His thrust back in was as powerful as the first, and Nicky rocked forward right onto Dawn’s clit. She held herself there and started to lick hard, it was not long before she felt her licking fall into a pattern with John’s thrusts from behind. As with last week, Nicky pulled Dawn’s clit up and in, squeezing it between tongue and the back of her teeth, and began to roll it across her teeth.

‘Oh god that is good,’ Dawn moaned, as her hands came down onto Nicky’s head.

Dawn pushed Nicky’s head in gently, and Nicky released one leg to enable her to insert fingers into Dawn. The rhythmic thrusting from behind felt good, the last inch or two a surprise with every thrust, and Nicky was loving how that made her feel, she lowered herself just a little to create a better angle and John’s cock started to rub in just the right place.

Nicky felt Dawn’s legs tense, she was almost there, Nicky drove her clit into the back of her teeth, closing up her mouth slightly to create more pressure, Dawn’s hands started to push Nicky’s head away rather than pull it in. Nick removed her fingers and grabbed the free leg, pulling Dawn in.

Dawn started to fight as the more carnal noises escaped her mouth, and she started to shudder. Nicky was determined that Dawn would remember this one, and pulled her in tighter, ensuring her clit stayed firmly within her mouth, Nicky twisted it almost completely around, and Dawn screamed in pleasure, now really struggling to get away, but Nicky held on. From the pulsing thrusts from John Nicky knew he was enjoying watching the orgasmic fight between the two lady’s, and she knew he would come soon, but she was not quite finished with Dawn yet.

Dawn was close to convulsing now, as Nicky reduced the attention her clit was getting, her loud shallow breathing started to return to normal, and Nicky released her, still licking to ensure this orgasm continued for a few more seconds. Nicky focused on John and moved again to really make sure he hit the spot, she thrust she arse back into John, riding his cock to her own climax, she knew he was about to blow, and said breathed in a heavy voice, ‘Keep going, I’m almost there.’

John took this as the encouragement he needed and rammed hard into Nicky, that was it, she could feel the right feelings, sparks started to bounce through her as all of John’s massive dick went in, she felt his balls bounce off her pussy almost touching her clit, and moved her hand back to rub, this took only moments to send her over the edge. The climax was far less intense that Dawn’s but she felt her pussy tighten, and that caused John to start.

Johns cum sprayed into Nicky, she felt the warm liquid fire against the inside of her pussy, as his piston like cock continued to fill her, her orgasm spend she collapsed forward onto dawn.

John seemed contented, and Nicky and Dawn cuddled up, feeling the glow from one another, as John left the room, Nicky said to Dawn, ‘Well that was a positive evening, I vote we do that again!’

Nicky tries a Different Path Pt. 01 0 (0)

A friend asked me to write this one, it is not my comfort zone, and the story is driven from her request.

Nicky stood at the bar waiting for the drinks, she watched them being loaded onto a tray, it was a long time since she had seen a tray in a bar, let alone used one. Actually it had been a while since she had been in a bar, but tonight her friend Jane had dragged her out with 4 of her mates from work, and they were out to have fun. Nicky looked back at the table, they all still had some drink left of the last round so at least she would not be mobbed when she got back, her gaze lingered just a moment longer on Dawn than the others, Nicky had met Dawn for the first time tonight, and they seemed to have a connection, she could see Dawn becoming a good friend.

Nicky looked back as the barman, a man she thought was seriously hot, and he made her have very bad thoughts, he placed the last drink on the tray, ‘£29.70,’ he said.

Nick handed over £30, she would be pissed by the time everybody had brought a round, so one £30 round was not bad. To be fair she was pretty much getting there now, on four drinks, there was no way she would have flirted with the barman the way she had when waiting for her drinks if she wasn’t.

Nicky arrived back at the table, and passed around the drinks, and sat back next to Dawn, before she left to get drinks they had been talking about how useless their husbands were, as she had got up Nicky had said, ‘To be honest I only keep him around because he knows how to fuck me well, providing he keeps doing that he is safe,’ they had both laughed.

Dawn said, once Nicky was sat comfortably, ‘so your husband knows what he is doing in the bedroom then?’

‘He is better than most I have had,’ Nicky replied, ‘you not got that?’

‘No not really, he tries, but I fake it a lot more than half the time. Not going to lie, it has caused my eyes to start wandering, looking for something more satisfying,’ Dawn confessed.

‘Oh I have never faked it, but I have wandered, met a guy that was thrilling, took my mind places it had not been before, and he had magic fingers,’ Nick laughed as she said that, her mind going back to the first time he had made him cum with that three finger trick of his, that she could not replicate herself.

‘Naughty girl,’ Dawn laughed, ‘wish I could find somebody to excite my pussy like that.’

‘Wasn’t just the pussy,’ Nicky put in, ‘his anal was amazing, only man to make me come from anal with no assistance, if you know what I mean’

Dawn looked at her, eyes wide, then said, ‘really?’ before continuing, ‘wow, can I get his number?’

The smile on her face said Dawn was joking, but Nicky bet she would take his number if offered.

‘You ever slept with a woman,’ Dawn enquired.

‘No, but it is a fantasy, something I need to do at some point,’ Nicky knew the wine was kicking if she was admitting that, ‘you?’ she added.

‘Once,’ said Dawn, ‘long while ago, it was really good, no orgasm faking there,’ she laughed, before she continued, ‘I definitely want to do it again, when I find a willing partner.’

A thought briefly crossed Nicky’s mind, but it was dismissed as Jane lent over and enquired, ‘and what are you two talking about?’

‘Lesbian Fantasy’s,’ Dawn laughed.

Jane not being the most subtle joker said, ‘what, you two thinking of licking each other’s pussy’s,’ she laughed almost uncontrollably. Both Dawn and Nicky laughed, but Nicky noticed the same muted, slightly embarrassed reaction from Dawn, that she felt. She wondered if the same thought that had flicked across her mind had gone across Dawn’s too.

When Jane’s laughing died down, she said, ‘no, no, no, what you two need a big strapping lad with a 10 inch cock,’ again she laughed, then carried on, ‘Julie and I are thinking of heading across to Angel’s Paradise after this, they have a lady’s night today, all the strippers are male. I have seen a few of the pictures, and we definitely want a piece of one of them!’

Dawn downed her wine, and said, ‘sounds like a plan, but I am going to have a ciggy and then get the next round in.’

‘I will join you,’ Nicky said, also downing her wine.

The two of them walked out the back door to the smoking area, it was next to the beer garden, but the beer garden was mostly hidden by a hedge, a guy walked back towards the pub as they approached, and there was nobody else there. It was a warm evening, even now as the sunset, and there were voices carrying to them from the beer garden.

As they lit up, Dawn said, ‘so tell me about your fantasy.’

‘Not much to tell,’ Nicky started, ‘I have not thought about it enough, I just want to have a 1 on 1 experience with a woman, who has hopefully done it before, just to see what it is like. I like the idea of licking another woman’s pussy.’

Dawn looked at her for a moment then said, ‘so if a cute lady approached you in a bar, and stroked you tight arse in those tight jeans, you would like it.’ As she said this her hand came around and gently bushed Nicky’s bum.

Nicky didn’t move, or say anything for a moment, and Dawns hand more noticeably stroked across her arse.

‘I think I would like that,’ Nicky said, wanting to see where this went.

‘OK,’ said Dawn, ‘and what about if that hand moved up your side and gently cupped your boob, searching for a nipple?’

‘I would definitely want her to do that,’ Nicky said, as Dawn’s hand did exactly that, except the nipple there was already erect and Dawns hand easily brushed over it. Nicky was starting to feel aroused, and started to hope this would go further.

‘I see,’ said Dawn,’ that is interesting,’ as she stroked away at Nicky’s nipple that was now rock hard.

Nicky enjoyed that for a few long moments, then said, ‘I think if a lady did that to me I would have to use my hand to thank her,’ Nicky moved her hand to the front of Dawn’s jeans and pushed where she thought the clit would roughly be.

‘She would definitely want you to go inside,’ Dawn said.

Nicky moved her hand to the top of Dawn’s jeans and although it was not a comfortable angle pushed her hand inside, she immediately felt silk knickers, and worked her way down them, to locate Dawn’s pussy.

As she did this a guy appeared from the beer garden, Nicky whipped her hand out as fast as she could and Dawn let go of Nicky’s nipple, they looked at each other and laughed as about 6 people walked out after the guy, and the noise from the garden followed them it was quiet now.

Dawn said, ‘I reckon we have 10 minutes at least before any of that lot need another drink, want to go in the garden and have some fun?’

Nicky felt nervous and excited, and responded with a simple, ‘ok.’

She put the butt of her cig out as did Dawn and they wandered into the garden, it was as empty as it sounded.

As they entered Dawn pulled Nicky in and kissed her, Nicky kissed back, she felt so horny, this was so wrong, but she wanted it, Dawn was slowly backing her up and her bum finally rested on one of the tables. Dawn undid Nicky’s jeans and slipped her hand inside, it was a little cold, but Nicky barely noticed due to the desire for what she knew was coming. Dawn slipped her hand in Nicky’s knickers and her hand moved down to Nicky pussy that was already so wet, she played with the wet lips, tickled them, moved and massaged them, as Nicky moaned. Dawn slowly moved her hand up until Nicky’s clit was caught between two fingers, without a word Dawn kissed Nicky again, as she started to massage that clit, she moved her fingers around it, gently across it, flicked at the hood. Nicky shuddered, god that felt good, Nicky slipped her hand into Dawns top, and under her bra strap, Dawn had ample boobs, and Nicky took a big handful as she moved her hand down to circle the nipple with her finger.

Nicky was not that far from cumming, Dawn really knew how to excite her clit, and she moaned into Dawn’s mouth as they kissed, that seemed to make Dawn’s nipple even harder, and made her want to explore more. Nick moved her other hand to Dawn’s jeans and pushed it inside.

Nicky found the silk panties again and pushed her hand down, she found Dawn’s pussy, and it was wet, soaking through those panties, Nicky pulled them aside, and felt the moist pussy, she paused as Dawn really hit the spot on her clit, and she climaxed. It was not a full blown climax, but she shuddered and twitched.

Dawn continued to play with Nicky’s clit, as they kissed and Nicky pushed her finger into Dawn’s wet pussy, Dawn repaid the earlier moan, and nicky pushed in as far as she could, focusing on Dawn’s pussy she moved her fingers about and inserted a second, Dawn twitched at that, and excitement of making that happen triggered Nicky and she orgasmed again, stronger this time, there was a district moan that escaped with the shuddering and she felt her back arch.

Dawn withdrew slightly and said, ‘after the next round do you want to come back to mine? Husband will be in bed and we can get some privacy and more comfort than this downstairs.’

Nicky did not need time to think, ‘god yes,’ she said immediately.

Dawn moved away causing Nicky’s fingers to slip from her pussy, and Nicky removed her hands, ‘Let’s go grab that drink then and get the others off to that strip club,’ Dawn said.

They both tidied themselves up, and then walked back in the pub, Dawn headed to the bar and Nicky back to the table.

‘You were a long time,’ Jane said as she sat down.

‘Just talking, we get on well, how come you have not introduced us before?’ Nicky replied, raising her voice at the end, as last orders was called.

‘She does not come out much, she does not want to give her husband an excuse to go out more, doesn’t trust him,’ Jane mused.

‘Fair enough,’ Nicky replied, then continued, ‘look I am not coming to the club after, I am really tired, been a long week and it’s been a long time since I have had this much wine.’

‘OK, if you are sure,’ Jane looked a little disappointed, ‘Dawn won’t be coming either, she does not do that sort of thing even if she said she would earlier, and you will walk past her house on the way home.’

‘That’s cool,’ Nicky replied, ‘sorry to disappoint you, next time.’

Dawn returned with the drinks and say down next to Nicky.

Nicky said, ‘told Jane I am going after this, apparently I walk past your house on the way home.’

Nicky took her wine, and started to think about the orgasm she had just had, and how much it excited her. As she brought the glass to her mouth, she realised the fingers that had been inside Dawn were on the glass, and she smelt them, they had a lovely smell of pussy, that she got when a man fucked her and then returned his cock to her mouth. She revealed in that smell and as soon as she thought nobody was looking, sucked them, the sweet taste made her fanny flutter, she really hoped that Dawn would be letting her taste more later.

Jane and the two others got into the taxi to head into town, and Dawn and Nicky walked away towards their homes. After that last round arrived the girls seemed eager to get to the strip club and the glasses of wine were gone in a little over 5 minutes, Nicky had to gulp hers down at the end.

‘How far is yours then?’ Nicky asked.

‘Almost down to the main road and then last left before it,’ Dawn replied.

‘Oh wow, you are really close to me then, I am right at the main road a bit less than about quarter of a mile up,’ Nicky smiled, at least the walk home would be quick.

‘You in the listed houses there?’ Dawn enquired.

‘Yes, do you know them?’ Nicky was surprised, her house was not obviously a listed house, but her terrace was one of about 30 in the area that was.

‘Yes, I had one the only side in a cul-de-sac until I moved to this one.’ she replied.

They walked up to a very nice semi, it was dark and quiet, and when Dawn opened the door the only sound was a clock ticking. Dawn closed the door behind Nicky and Nicky then followed her though to the kitchen where she turned on the lights and closed the door.

Dawn hung her jacket on the door, and Nicky put hers on the back of one of the chairs, as Dawn opened the fridge and pulled out some wine.

‘Glass?’ she nodded to Nicky.

‘Please,’ Nicky said as she rested against the kitchen table.

Dawn poured two glasses and handed one to Nicky before standing by her and saying, ‘so where were we?’

Dawns hand stroked across Nicky’s middle and found the belt for her Jeans, which she started to undo, Nicky took a big gulp of wine, and then felt her jeans loose as Dawn pushed them down.

Dawn placed her glasses on the side and stood in front of Nicky, they kisses and Dawn slipped her fingers into the sides of Nicky’s knickers and slipped them down too. She helped Nicky up so she was sitting on the table, and then moved to pull Nicky’s jeans and knickers down and off, removing her shoes in the process.

Nicky laid back across the table, as Dawn wrapped her arms around the top of Nick’s legs and plunged her tongue into her pussy. Dawn was so enthusiastic really making the most of Nicky’s wet pussy, teasing the clit with a lick or a stroke every now and then, Nicky shuddered with each one.

Nicky undid her top and started to play with her breasts, her nipples rock hard in her hands, as Dawn moved up and started to focus on Nicky’s clit, she licked and teased it, like the best men Nicky had ever been with. Her concentration was broken for a moment, she thought she heard something in the other room, but it was dark and the small amount of light that filtered through showed nothing and there was no more noise. She relaxed back into Dawns expert licking, just as Dawn pushed two fingers in and started to massage from the inside, little muscle tenses became more frequent, and Nicky knew she was about to cum. Her back arched and her heels dug into the table legs as she shook, she had to clamp a hand over her mouth as a gasp close to a moan escaped. She would remember this orgasm for a long time.

‘My turn,’ said Dawn as she pushed her trousers down, knickers with them and stepped out.

Nicky got up from the table and Dawn laid down, more on the table than Nicky had been her feet on the corners of the table with her knees up.

‘I doubt I will be as good as you,’ Nicky confessed, ‘I have never done this before.’

Nicky bit the bullet and wrapped her arms around Dawns legs, exactly like Dawn had and moved in. She extended her tongue and for the first time in her life made contact with another woman’s pussy. The taste was so much sweeter than a cock, more flowery, not the fishy that everybody said, and she pushed her tongue on and felt around for the clit. Nicky found it so easily, why did men miss it so often? Nicky gently rubbed her tongue over it, and around the edges. She released one leg and moved the hand down, slipping two fingers into Dawn’s very wet pussy, and tried to massage as Dawn had her, the moaning from Dawn said she was getting it right.

John heard his wife come in, she didn’t come upstairs though, and he thought he heard somebody with her. The last time this had happened, he walked into the kitchen to find her naked and being fucked by a young stud, he was only 18, he found out later, but he was balls deep in his wife’s arse when they first made eye contact. The lad had almost run out the house without his trousers, until John reassured him that he was in no danger, and that he liked watching his wife fucked by other men. Even then John was sure it spoiled his performance, he would not make that mistake again.

He slipped as silently as he could into the living room and settled in a dark corner to watch, the sight that was presented to him was not what he expected at all, he saw the back of his Wife’s head buried deep in between the legs of another lady. His cock went from semi hard to rock in the blink of an eye, and he pulled it out and started to wank hard. He watched as the lady orgasmed hard, shaking and moaning, that’s my girl he thought, can get the best out of anybody. After a moment, they changed places, there were some whispered words that he could not pick up, however his wife got more comprehensively on the table, forcing the lady to stand and lean over, rather than crouch as she had. This gave John a fabulous view of her tight wet pussy that was still dripping from the tongue lashing that his wife had given it, and what was the most amazing arse, pert and round, but with just enough meat on it to take a good spanking. John wanked so hard, he had never been so excited.

Nicky was loving this, she had her fingers in another woman, and her tongue was playing with a clit, she never dreamed this was how her night would end. She dug her tongue under the hood of Dawn’s clit forcing it up and squeezing it against the bones, Dawn flinched and moaned. Nicky sucked up her clit and pushed it against her teeth, Dawn gasped at that and moaned as Nicky rolled it across the back of her teeth. She was sure Dawn was close and really pushed hard on that clit, after about ten seconds Nicky felt muscles tense around her and Dawns hands on her head pushing, Nicky kept up the pressure as Dawn squirmed and tried to move away, then her body shuddered and she lifted her back off the table. Nicky released her and Dawn lay there panting, Nicky thought she heard something again in the living room, and turned to go in there.

‘It will be the cat,’ Dawn said.

‘What?’ said Nicky turning back to Dawn.

‘The noise, it will be the cat, little fucker wakes me all the time,’ Dawn seemed very relaxed about it, and that calmed Nicky.

‘I find it hard to believe that was your first time, you got me good there,’ said Dawn.

‘Just tried to replay the things that I know I have liked,’ said Nicky, it just sinking in that she had just had her first lesbian experience.

John watched that arse move as his wife moaned, this girl was really getting her going, he watched as she slowly got to the point of orgasm, and the girl tighten her grip and pushed her fully over the line, John had not planned well for this, and grabbed a cushion from the sofa to cum into. He sat there marvelling in what he had just seen his cock pulsing its load over the cushion. By the time he was fully focused again, the girls were dressed again, and it looked like the girl was getting ready to leave. Fuck! What if she came this way to see if it was the cat, he jumped up as quietly as he could and ran to the door, and through into the hall. He was just not quick enough, and he was on the second step as the kitchen door opened, he spun around to make like he was just coming downstairs.

Dawn opened the Kitchen door, and walked through, just as a man appeared at the bottom of the stairs, Nicky jumped.

‘Nicky, this is my husband John,’ Dawn said, ‘sorry honey, did we wake you?’ she directed at John.

‘Errrr, Hello Nicky,’ John said, ‘No, I hadn’t got to sleep, was reading upstairs, thought I would get a drink.’

In the limited light Nicky could make out two things very clearly, first there was a very hard cock in his shorts, and second he was carrying a cushion that looked like a sofa cushion and it was obviously wet. She smiled, finding it hard to imagine an odder scene.

‘Nice to meet you John, I was just leaving,’ Nicky said, feeling a little embarrassed.

Dawn and Nicky walked past John and once they were past John headed for the kitchen.

At the front door, they exchanged a kiss, more than a friends kiss, and then Nicky asked, ‘Do you think he was watching us?’

‘Probably,’ said Dawn, ‘is that a problem?’

‘No, not at all, feeling turned on again now,’ Nicky smiled, gave Dawn another kiss, and concluded, ‘We really must do this again, not enjoyed myself this much for ages.’

‘Me either, and we must,’ said Dawn, ‘Night.’

‘Night,’ Nicky said as she walked down the path, seriously considering rubbing her pussy as she walked home.

Dealing with Geek Brain 0 (0)

This is a story for a special friend who inspired a whole bunch of new confidence from a young geek with an old brain — thanks for making everything better. The story is a fantasy.

To explain a bit about myself, my name is Ryan, and I am a 29-year-old quintessential geek. I have the thick black rimmed glasses, 6ft2 and I know I am smart and clever. However, when it comes to human interactions, I have been told that I am in desperate need of human translation. When it comes to matter of lust, my geek brain has got no idea what to do and when to do it. Proverbially, I am the moron in the room who women would need to slap to realise that affectionate advances are OK. If confidence was a problem before I was diagnosed with MS.

This is the story of a friendship, with ten years in the making coming together in one mad night. We had met ten years earlier when I was doing work with an American company and she was intern. We started to talk, she loved my accent, and I loved her confidence and her brain. A decade passes of calls, whatsapp messages, graduations and other significant events until she decides out of the blue to move to Australia… that is where this begins.

I am sitting in a bar, grasping a whiskey glass; scotch on the rocks to stiffen the nerves. See my friend is stunning, makes everything calm but also makes me nervous. She is a pocket rocket if ever there was one. 5ft, red head American from the heartland of Coal. Her name is Misty. She is as clever as I am but has more sexual confidence in her body then I do in my small toe. I am often getting regaled of tales of her conquests and she knows how to tease me with them, and she loves doing it as well. Whether it be guys, girls or anything in combination — she has done it and knows deep down, I want to as well. However, she also knows it would only ever be with her first. This is a potent mix of love, lust and admiration all bundled together in friendship.

Up until now, we have not seen each other for a decade. I am nervous like something I have not felt in many years. Before the meeting happens, she has set her first challenge. When she sets challenges, we know something is going to happen — I am to sit in a public bar with a remote-controlled vibrating butt-plug in my ass. I am a geek; I am a straight geek I tell myself and tell the world — she knows better though. She knows that today; the barriers and depravity will flow.

I sit there squirming as I see her, then I see advancing towards me. Being a good foot taller then, her I get up, lean on my walking stick and give her the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek I can. It has been far too long for this reunion to take place. Ever since coming to Australia she has used that big brain of hers to make a great life for herself and I know how lucky I am to be in her presence.

Not being a big drinker, I get her a Southern Comfort on ice as it is the one and only American drink I can think of in the moment. We sip, we talk, and we catch up like old friends. Everything from her fear of spiders, hatred of Donald Trump and how much of sports geek I am all are canvassed (especially with my Jungite Au Perite Philly T-Shirt from the Philadelphia Union MLS side) and so much more. See together, we can close a bar just talking, however, today is different.

“I am going to splash some water on my face” she whispers to me rather seductively. Then something happens I never thought would happen. She kisses my neck ever so tenderly so that I melt on the spot, then I am handed a remote and she steals mine from my pocket all in one fell swoop. At this point, I am a puddle, confused, excited and wondering what this dear friend of mine has planned in her wicked brain. If anyone knows how to muck around with my brain it is her, so I am more curious then anything else.

As she walks away, our glasses are empty, and I decide to be the gentleman and go and get refills. On my way back, as I turn, I feel the vibrations rev high in my ass. I moan, my eyes roll, and I do an amazing job to keep the alcohol in the glasses. I shoot my eyes over to where she walked away, and I see her giggling partially hiding behind a divider. I shoot her a death stare as she comes back over to the table as it dawns on me that this is going to be something very different to a normal catch up.

At this stage, I am readjusting myself frantically as I calm down once the vibrations stop completely. I take a sip of my drink and she has the most wicked smile on her face. She knows that my sweating and my heart beating quickly is all on her.

However, at this point my geek brain has not realized that I have been handed the tool for reprisal action.

It is important to realise that having not seen each other in a decade, in person, I would not have known without encouragement what the point of all of this was….

As dinner came and went, a bottle of the finest Kiwi wine was drunk in honour of my heritage and then an American bottle, in honour of hers. All the way through this, her hands lightly touched mine and then she scooched over into the corner next to me. We kept talking and then she kissed my neck in the same spot, but this time for longer. Followed by a kiss on my earlobe and then she whispered in my ear “use the remote geekboy”.

The remote was black and had several buttons on it, I was looking at it for a second like it was an alien space relic as my brain tried to compute what was going on. Then as I looked like an idiot, she sauntered away for another, stiffer drink. At this point I decided to press a button just as she was going to talk to the bartender. Her head cocked back, her mouth went wide open and I know she wasn’t getting an intelligent word out. At this point in my head, I realized what this was all about. It was like everything in my head clicked in together like it was an equation in math, a strategy problem in sport or the design of an advertisement — it was a moment of total clarity.

After a few seconds I cut it off so she could order, I was hardly going to deprive us both beverages for the sake of a thrill. As she came back, I waited until she got to the same spot, she shook me in and retaliated. She had a wicked grin as she moaned, and I ramped up the speed of the vibrations. She was walking like a toddler by the time she got up the two steps. For her, every foot movement felt like it was a marathon as I took pleasure in the newfound clarity of what was going on. Neighbouring tables were giving her filthy looks as she sweated and stifled the moans as best as she could. Then just as she got within distance of the table, I turned the whole thing off.

After receiving a hard punch in the arm for my antics, my evil grin must have been worth all the tea in China. The drink is finished, and she asks if I want to go somewhere quieter. Considering that she is leading this entertainment, I agree. She orders the Uber, and we get inside. She has gone all out and fancy as we get in a 4WD Audi. As we get in the car and greet the driver, she has an amazing cheeky smile on her face as I feel the shock of being turned back on as fast as the device could go. In retaliation, I follow suit and together we are both buzzing away, stifling the moans and then as we gaze into each other’s eyes, we kiss.

This is not a normal kiss, or something weird from a porn movie; this was smoldering electricity between two old friends all culminating in one moment. This was not the booze talking either, this is just unadulterated passion. As her tongue hit mine, it was electric, it was as if time stopped in the moment. The uber driver tries not to watch while making sure nothing else happens to mess up her car. She can obviously watch and hear the noises, which muffles the moans and buzzing noises.

As we pull into her apartment driveway, the kiss breaks and she opened the door to get out. As she gets out, she gives me her remote back, smiles and walk away. As I begin to protest, she says the magic words which will continue out the torture that had been smoldering all night…

“The next step of torture only happens when you bring your wife”.

As she strode away towards her building a group of teens came out of the building, so the least I could do is turn that remote up as fast as it could go. As soon as I could hear the screams and the moans, I could see the group stare at her stunned and she orgasmed in front of them. Once she was done, I told the driver to go to my hotel while relishing the taste on my lips that she had left.

A few minutes later I get the message on my phone “I really do love my favourite shithead…. Looking forward to meeting Mrs Shithead soon xx”

The Telescope. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 0 (0)

I just turned 40 a week ago and have finally found a boyfriend. Jack and I have been together for only a few months so I don’t see matrimony happening anytime soon.

A regimen of running 4 miles a day plus time on the elliptical keeps me fit, not to mention keeps the cellulite off my legs and the roles off my belly. My body is a vase-shape with long gentle curves. My boobs are a C cup.

Older by 7 years, Jack is neither fat nor does he have an athletic physique. Black hair, a square face, a roman nose and brown eyes make him handsome, at least I think so.

In his younger days, which now seem like a lifetime ago, he played baseball through highschool and beyond. He also played hockey through highschool and beyond stopping finally at age 40. Nowadays he just runs.

It was still quite warm outside at 9 P M when we exited the airconditioned shopping mall. Ordinarily stores are open till 10, another whole hour, but Jack hates shopping, except when it comes to groceries or tools. I bought all that I wanted to buy.

A hundred feet away, straight ahead and to the left, his Toyota waited amid other cars under the lights and the moon. The 5-minute ride back to my house was spent listening to soft rock. Ordinally I prefer Blues artists but this was his car so his choice. The whole genre that he had chosen was doing nothing for me.

He stayed for just an hour then said that “it’s getting late.”

He kissed my lips then headed out with me at his side. We kissed goodnight then he drove off leaving me standing in the driveway until his car until it disappeared from view.

The house is a split level with a pentagon-shaped wooden deck. At the corner near the house there is a patio table with two metallic chairs. On the oposite side of the staircase there’s a gas gril. Last but not least there’s the blue fabric hammock.

This being my midweek day off I would just relax on that hammock and go for an all-over tan. I could pair the bluetooth headphones with the i-pad and listen to the music of choice, that being either Joe Bonamassa or Dextor Gordon or similar artists.

Sometimes I just like to go completely in the nude. After finishing breakfast I pulled off my purple-multi lace trim pajamas and stepped out onto the deck to lie in my hammock. I love the sun on my body putting some color to the white spots, I thought.

It’s not the first time I’ve been naked on my deck, though it had been quite a while. Even a week is a long time.

What’s the thing with telescopes? Amateur stargazers like to think that they’re seeing the planets. To me a scope simply magnifies a twinkling white speck. Besides, what I want to know about stars and planets I can get from picture books.

David Bosch is a well-mannered youth who lives diagonally across the road. He enjoys looking at the night sky through a Celestron StarSense telescope. I have to say the magnification and clarity of image surprises me.

Anyway about 4 P M I had put on a sports bra and jogging shorts and went for my daily run. Approaching the Bosch residence I happened to notice the elevation of the telescope and the direction that it pointed. That’s odd, I thought.

As I continued my run I couldn’t help worring about he may have seen and what I just saw. I thought, oh my god, I was naked for hours and making good use of my vibrator. A hundred more yards into my run I finally shook the thought from my head, or at least pushed it into my subconscious. Maybe I can talk to him about it, I thought. It is kind of an invasion of my privacy.

A week passed. This RN starts work in SICU at 6 A M, and, allowing for traffic, is home by 3 15. I would go for my run, have a quick and easy to make dinner then relax usually to an audio book. My boyfriend would make some time for me.

It’s Wednesday. Having the day off, I slept a bit later than usual and got up at 7. The sunlight coming through the window reminded me that it’s time to work on my tan.

At 8 A M I took it all off outside on the deck and stretched out in the hammock. With my phone in hand I activated the Bluetooth vibrator inside my pussy. Sunshine and sex, this girl’s two favorite things, I thought.

As always on a summer day I went for my run at 4 o’clock. This time the telescope was pointing skyward making me feel relieved.

My relatioship with Jack is still new so I withhold some personal info from him. I never gave any thought to the question of how long should we be dating before I tell him that I love tanning in the nude.

At 7 that evening I heard the doorbell. Stil clad in Addidas Performance shorts, sports bra and Nike footwear I opened the door letting Jack inside.

I asked, “care for a beer.”

“Love one,” he said.

He took a seat in the kitchen and a gulp of Winter Lager. I looked at him wondering what was on his mind. I took a gulp of my beer.

“I hear you like the all-over tan.”

Stunned, I was speechless.

He added, “David says he sees you on the deck.”

“Oh my god, that’s supposed to be private,” I exclaimed.

“Sweetheart you could have a fence put up,” said Jack.

“Yah,” I replied.

“You should have a fence put up.”

“This is embarrassing,” I murmured averting my eyes.

“For what it’s worth, I got caught jerking off. I was 19 and just met this girl.”

“Was she pretty?”

“Not as pretty as you,” he said.

A little flattery will go a long way, I thought.

“It happened 21 years ago.”

I asked, “you didn’t marry her.”

“I did but a year into the marriage she switched sides.”

Football at Cody’s 0 (0)

“Oh my gosh! Look at the time. They’ll be here soon. I still have to make the guacamole.” Lori pulled the avocados from the brown bag with the banana in it. She squeezed them gently. “Perfect,” she muttered as she started to slice them open.

Cody had his shit eating grin on his face but Lori couldn’t see it because he was standing behind her, cock pressed up against her ass, lips bearing down on her neck, hands cupping her breasts. “Hm?” he whispered, “are you ready Lori? My friends are dying to meet you.” And with that said, his hands were up under her skirt, pulling at her panties and fingering her pussy.

Yes, she was wet. She was always wet. Lori’s new Dom was all she had ever hoped for and more. Now she was fucked all the time, multiple times every night, by someone that not only satisfied but pleased. He had a wide variety of interests and was adept with all kinds of toys and tools. He liked owning Lori’s orgasms and he made her cum over and over and over again. She thought things would slow down for her after a couple of months of dating and training. But no. There was always something new. Something Cody wanted to explore, something he wanted to share. And when his big brown eyes looked into hers and she saw the sex master, fondly known as Sir, staring back all she wanted to do was become his toy. To be there for him, to serve and obey and to do whatever it was he asked for.

Later that day they were expecting four of his best guy friends over to watch a football game. A couple of weeks previously, when Cody asked Lori about this football get together, she was unsure. She’s never done anything like this before.

Cody asked her to make herself available to his friends. Cody wanted her to be a fuck toy and cum reppository for him and his friends. “Really?” was all she could muster in response. But he was there, holding her, stroking her, and she was blissed out on sex and attention. He was sucking a nipple and looking up at her and saying things like, “baby, they are going to love you. Their wives are all cunts and hardly ever put out. I want them to know how lucky I am to have found you and I want them to enjoy you as well. You are so hot sweetie.” His hand glides down to her pussy. “They are going to love this Lori. You have to let them try. Please baby.”

And in the thralls of another orgasm and her deep desire to serve, obey and please, she truly had no choice so she said, “Ok Sir, I will do my best and I will let them all have me to please you.”

“Good girl, good kitten. You are the best fucking slutty sub I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to surprise the guys with you.” And soon he was mounting her again and Lori squirted from all of the grinding and attention, or was it the bad dragon this time? Lori didn’t know. She didn’t care. She curled up to her Sir and laid her head on his tummy so she could soak in the aroma of their sex and feel his flesh on her cheek. They laid there, with him stroking her hair and she cuddling his leg until they both fell asleep. The last thing Lori heard was, “Good girl, good kitten,” her special treat for when she did something pleasing for her Sir.

And here they were, the day of the big game. With the guacamole nearly complete. She also picked up some pico de gallo from their favorite taqueria and she threw together a killer Texas caviar for everyone. Cody had the beers chilling in the fridge. She looked at them nervously and looked up at Cody. He saw the concern in her eyes, “Don’t worry baby girl, I’m going to take care of you. I’m not going to let any drunkards mistreat my baby. I won’t let anyone get drunk and be with you. I promise.” He pulled her in for a final embrace and a deep passionate kiss. I’m going to put the guac next to the bean dip, uh, I mean Texas caviar, and then we need to get you ready. You are everyone’s dessert after all.” He played with her ass as they walked down the hall to the big bedroom.

Cody had an amazing bedroom. A big comfortable king-size bed with a four poster frame and a canopy. Cody was a sensual Dom with some rigging skills. He had a whole cabinet furnished with all kinds of delights and tools. Lori had yet to try everything. On the far wall, he had a print of the half nude Raphael’s La Fornarina, the one where the woman in the painting is fondling her left breast. Lori loved that painting. He also had a copy of Picaso’s painting titled, “The Dream,” It’s the one that depicts a masturbating woman. He also had an amazingly comfortable loveseat that, um, one could comfortably make love on. Cody and Lori had used it frequently for this purpose.

Cody was very considerate at wanting to have Lori both feel comfortable and actually enjoy the experience. He also wanted to treat his friends. Lori was an amazing hucow, the best fucking hucow ever. She had big heavy luscious breasts and nipples that begged to be sucked on for hours and an ass that could compete with Aunt Franny’s from Robots. Lori was curvy and voluptuous and made for breeding. His cock had found a home and he liked to share his home with his friends.

The room was normally very light and bright but Cody closed all the curtains, even the heavy black out curtains, and the room took on a night time feel even though it was still early in the afternoon. He picked out Lori’s clothes. He chose the black baby doll with the cupless bralette and open slit black lace panties. It was a sexy look for Lori. It amplified her breasts and hid the girth of her tummy. Most importantly, Lori felt sexy wearing it. It was her favorite sex toy outfit. While Lori was getting dressed, Cody was pulling out some gear, lit some candles and put on some Tantra beats from Pandora.

Lori looked at what he pulled out. The ankle and wrist cuffs. These attach to the four posts of the bed to keep her tied down and spread eagle. Lori looked at him quizzically. She wondered if he really intended to tie her down for this. Cody saw her expression and said, “I’m going to leave the rest of the toys in the cabinet. I don’t want the guys going crazy on me. I just want them to fill up your pussy with cum for me.” And with that said, he took Lori’s hand and brought her over to the bed. He had her stand in front of him while he sat so he could suck on her nipples and play with her pussy at the same time. Lori was grooving to his touch and her head was thrown back. He could tell she was right on the edge of an orgasm.

“You excited baby girl? This going to be your first gangbang, huh?” More deep and sensuous kisses. She didn’t need to answer. He knew. He knew her story. How her slutty side excited and embarrassed her. Shame is such an evil emotion. That’s why he needed her to love this day. It could be a tipping point for both of them. She needed to let go of the shame and embrace the slut. He fingered her just right. Right enough to bring on a little shower of squirt. “Oh, my baby girl is ready. Ready for daddy’s friends to come over and play.”

He laid her out on the bed. First right wrist then right ankle, then a walk over to the left side for the same. She looked up at him and he could see the fear and doubt in her eyes. He softly caressed her face and let her know everything was going to be ok. He let her know how proud he was of her and how much his friends are going to love her. One last caress and then he put the blind fold on her. He was caressing and petting her and he started to explain how this afternoon would work.

When all the guys got there, he would walk them back to the bedroom so they could look at her and know what their dessert would be. He would be the only one talking at this point. Then they would all leave and they could wander back to the room as much as they wanted to while the game was on. He would only allow one friend in at a time and he would check on her after each visit. He would also bring her water and let her have a few potty breaks; let her get up and walk around a bit. He also promised to lick her pussy in between visits to get rid of all the cum the men are expected to leave behind.

Lori was thankful for the blindfold and the music. She used her stillness to connect with herself and get centered. She wanted to calm her nerves and be in a more mindful state better suited for experiencing what was to come. She was totally zoned out, not knowing how long she had been laying there, when there was a little knock on the door and Cody and his friends entered.

Cody walked up to the side of the bed and put his hands on Lori. One went to a breast, the other to her outer pussy lips where he stroked both nicely. “Guys, this is Lori. She’s my hucow sex toy. I’m opening up my hospitality to you. You may use her, one at time, anytime you like this afternoon. She is,” he took a minute to sweep her pussy and gather up some juices and then fed them to her on his finger, “she is so fucking ready.” Then he slapped her thigh and they walked out.

Lori was ready. She could feel her pussy juices spilling out and her nipples were super hard from Cody’s previous attention. She tried to relax, listening to the music, focussing on her breathing. She thought she heard the door open but it wasn’t until she felt a touch that she knew someone was there. He aped at her breasts and didn’t even take his pants all the way off before he was grinding away in her. She wanted to be repulsed but the pussy never lies and hers was gushing and her damn mouth formed that “o” and soon she started humming her song. She didn’t want to like being a slut but, oh man, that penis felt good. She loved being penetrated and before she knew it, he was off her and out the door.

Cody came in next. “Kitten, how are you doing?” He removed her restraints and gave her some water. He let her lean into him and he hugged her and told her how beautiful she was. He asked her how it was.

“Hm, it was ok.” She murmured into his chest.

“Baby girl, he came out of the room with a huge grin on his face. He loved it. He loved being inside you. He said you were the sexiest fuck he’s had all year. All the other guys are waiting for me to get back out. They all want their turn. Let me do a little inspection sweetie. Lay back down.”

Lori laid down on her back and spread her legs wide open for him. He put his face up to her pussy and licked away all the cum from his friend. He made sure Lori was primed and ready for her next fuck. He got her back into position with the restraints and returned the blindfold. “I’m so proud of you baby girl. You are amazing.” He kissed her some more, petted and praised her and then left.

The next friend came in right on Cody’s heals. This one got completely undressed. He straddled her face for a bit. Lori was excited to suck on his cock. He also spent some time kissing her and suckling at her breast. She was all kind of excited and wanting when he mounted her. He felt good, oh so very good. Lori’s orgasm song was loud and clear this time. She just couldn’t help herself. She squirted some with him as well. He was delightful. Lori was a little sad to see him go.

When Cody came in, he could tell his little slut was starting to relax and get into it. He saw her squirt spot on the bed. This time he left the restraints on and got between her legs. “Why look at what my baby girl did?! Did she like daddy’s friend? Did he have a nice cock? Did he do all the right nasty things with it?” And then he started licking away and giving her kitten nibbles on the inside of her thighs.

“Stop. Cody stop,” she giggled, not able to resist his playfulness. He popped up to her head.

“Really Kitten, you want this stop?” He was nuzzling her neck and caressing her cheek. She was melting. Her sex was back in focus.

“No Cody, please don’t let it stop. I love this Cody. I feel amazing.”

“Good girl. You are my best kitten.” Cody plied her with more cuddles and hugs and was soon out the door again.

Then the next friend came in. He undid her leg and arm restraints but he was a big man and was physically overpowering her. He grabbed her by her hair and had her bend over the bed. But he made sure she got a look at his huge cock. He made her lick it some too so she knew exactly how big it was and then he slammed in from behind and he fucked her like she was a bitch. He buried his huge cock into her and pounded into her over and over again. Her sex song was loud this time. She loved the way he was manhandling her. After he sprayed her insides with his seed, he pulled out and then made her get on her knees and lick him clean. She was so excited to be sucking on his cock. When he was getting ready to leave she followed on her hands and knees crawling after him before she realized what she was doing.

She ended up by the loveseat and crawled there instead. She was exhausted and cozy. She was in another zone. She felt an immense connection with all things. Her soul was at peace. She snuggled into herself. She didn’t even notice when Cody came back. But she knew it was late. The game had ended and she ended up napping on the little couch. He kneeled at her side. He took the blindfold off. He gently kissed her eyelids, and combed through her hair with his fingers. “You did so well my little cum slut. That’s what you are, isn’t it Lori? You’re my little cum slut, aren’t you?”

Lori slowly opened her eyes and gazed into Sir’s big brown eyes and melted impossibly more for him. She kissed his lips and whispered back, “I am your slutty cum slut bitch Sir. Thank you Sir. Your friends are nice. I hope they come back to play again.”

Dear Pramod. Indian milf 0 (0)

Hello My Dear Readers…

The following is an e-mail sent by a Mature Indian Woman to her deceased Husband.

I have tried my best to make it as interesting as possible, and I hope all of you will like it.

Happy Reading!!


Dear Pramod,

I know you are not there, and this mail will never be read, but there is something I urgently want to talk to you about.

I don’t know what is making me do this very silly act, but I miss you more than ever, Pramod!!

I don’t want to use the word confession here, but I really cannot live another day without sharing this detail with you.

I know I don’t owe you an explanation anymore, but I want to remain committed to you – So, it is very important for me that I tell you what happened last Sunday!!

I had been experiencing this strange pain around my shoulders, ever since I got back to the Gym – Staying at home and doing nothing, for almost a whole year after you left us, did take a toll on my once fit body!!

And that eventful morning, the cramps turned really bad – I knew I needed help.

I could still have easily driven myself to a Clinic and check for any muscle tear, but I wanted something better – I wanted a Massage!!

It had been a long time since I got one, and I thought a session would do me a lot of good – It was certainly going to help relax my mind too!!

I instantly checked online for possible appointments – Only to find that all the Parlours were either closed for the weekend or fully booked.

But by then, I had reached the conclusion that I needed a rub in the next one hour, if I was to survive that day.

Well… You know me!! I had wished for it, and I wanted it!!

It was right then that I saw our son walk into the living room, and I did not think twice before asking him for the unusual favor!!

He did straightaway tell me that he had no previous experience doing a massage, but agreed to give me a pressing, when I insisted.

At that time, I really had no worries about the arrangement – I was going to remain fully clothed, and he was a safe boy. He had never ever given me any wrong signals!!

I told him to work over the areas around my neck & shoulders, and he did exactly that using his strong hands – I was sitting on a plastic chair, and it was all okay and very normal.

I was starting to feel a lot better, and he had done me enough good in just under 15 minutes – I had already got all what I wanted!!

I still don’t know what tempted me, but I just found myself asking him if he can massage my back too.

He immediately said yes, but told me he will need me to lay on my stomach!!

It was a right demand, and so I did just that – I got the Yoga Mat from my bedroom, and spread it on the floor, before getting myself into position.

Now this was not something I was prepared for, but I had no reasons to feel any less protected – I was dressed in a long kurta top & loose cotton pants, that shielded more than what was required at home!!

I do admit that I was a little bothered if he would ask me whether I wanted him to apply some oil, and did wonder how odd it will be if I rejected his direct touch – But fortunately, he did not even care to ask that question. He simply started to work on my tight back muscles, without any fuss!!

Pramod… I am sorry I have to tell you all this, and I already assure you nothing very bad happened – But it was around here that things started to get out of hand!!

It was not at all our son’s fault – It was just that I had not made it clear enough to him!!

And very soon, he was kneading not just the upper & middle sections of my back, like I wanted him to, but also the extra sensitive spots around my waist & hips.

He wasn’t doing anything extraordinary, Pramod, and I hate myself as I confess this to you – I was beginning to get turned on, and I did nothing to stop him either!!

He kept shuffling his hands between the different zones of my back, and eventually, I could not prevent myself from spreading my thighs – My choice of clothing helped keep the movements hidden, but I knew I was leaking, and I was certain that my pussy was drenched!!

It suddenly crossed my mind whether our son too was being made excited in the process – There was no way I could complain if he was feeling the hots, because this very scenario was an extremely celebrated setup in the sleazy provisions the Internet offered.

There was all the chance that he would have watched the videos that carnally described the after-effects of a massage, especially to a lonely mature woman, and it disturbed me that I was not able to read what he was having in his mind – I had definitely not given him any wrong impressions, but it was not everyday that he would have his mother lying before him!!

And, how much ever I wanted to convince myself that I was neatly dressed for the ocassion and I was giving our son nothing to lose his way, there was also no denying the fact that my butt would still be clearly projecting out and he could have spotted it!!

Well… You know that better than anybody, Pramod – You know my body better than I do, and I don’t think I need to explain!!

A few more moments later, I strangely started to sense he was going further down my back, each time he repeated the action, and at one point, the tip of his fingers even grazed the top-most part of my ass cheeks, giving me the chills!!

As much as I did not want it, the truth was that I did expect this to happen – I don’t know why, but I really did anticipate an uncomfortable touch.

I wanted to intervene, and was ready to bring the session to an end – But, all I did was shamelessly let out a low moan!!

I felt forced to imagine how things would have been if I had worn something that gave him more access to my body – I felt forced to imagine how things would have been if I had laid down with nothing on my back!!

I felt forced to imagine how things would have been if it was another man giving me the massage – I felt forced to imagine how things would have been if our son was having another woman in front of him!!

All sorts of twisted thoughts filled my otherwise sane mind – I had not been so stimulated any time before!!

I wanted to let him know he was making me wet – I wanted to let our son know he was doing to his mother what nobody had done to her in the last many months!!

He was now focusing more on my hips, and when his hands went back upwards, he kept squeezing the sides of my body, stopping only just milli-metres away from my under-boob, causing me to believe he was going to grope my breasts, each time!!

But, he did not!!

And, I took that to be a good sign!!

He was very much stable, and very much in control – It was I who needed to remain calm, but unfortunately, I could not!!

I was so aroused, I felt like I needed more – I knew I was not going to stop until I got what I had been missing.

I was more than happy to believe that my craving was only reasonable – Thankfully, I was also lawful enough to understand I could not afford to let my desires lead me to participate in an immoral deed!!

I knew I had to bring this thrilling activity to a quick conclusion, but I also knew it had to be in the most pleasant manner possible – I wanted to climax, but I also wanted to be sure our son did not know!!

Making sure he would not notice, I moved my left hand underneath my body, before slowly proceeding to guide it inside my pants – Only to remind myself of the reality that I was wearing no under-wear.

I was a bit upset that I totally forgot to wear one, yet another time, this month, but that did not mean I was staying motionless in distress – My fingers had gladly crept up to my pussy, and had already started showing some love to my folds!!

I was constantly checking if our son was aware of what his mother was doing – And much to my delight, he had hardly flickered!!

I had reached the stage where I couldn’t make myself stop, even if I wanted to, and I moved my whole hand across my dripping pussy, carefully, as my legs drifted even more apart!!

However, this particular action caught a little of his attention, and it was only then that he asked me for the first time if I was feeling any better – I really wished I could tell him exactly how great I was feeling, but I just nodded, biting my lips hard to make sure I did not moan, one more time!!

I was confident I did not have to, yet I asked him if he was okay massaging me – To which he replied he was fine doing anything for me, as long as it made me happy.

That very moment, as much as I had wished he did not make an indecent move on me, I also started to increasingly yearn for him to do something totally unexpected!!

In all likelihood, our son was not going to do what his mother wished – But she very evidently was doing the unimaginable, and continued using her fingers over her clit!!

I was in a world of my own, and a few mere seconds later, I slipped my middle finger inside my soggy love-hole.

It was something I probably should never have done with our son so close to me – But even before my brain processed that thought, I had pushed one more finger into the interiors of my vagina!!

That was it!! Lust had completely taken over me!!

My starving pussy could no longer settle to being just teased, and my fingers gleefully did the needful, sliding in & out of my front bottoms!!

I was pleasing myself, in the most awkward setting, and the result was a deep inarticulate sound!!

I groaned so loudly, Pramod!!

I made so much noice that our son took his hands off my body, right away!!

I knew I had messed up, I knew I had reasons to be ashamed of myself – But, I also had reasons to feel extremely proud!!

Because, despite the infinite number of ways our son could have turned this difficult scenario into his advantage, if he wanted to, he simply immediately left the space, in the most dignified style, saying he had a prior appointment!!

It was his way of maintaining morality, and it really pleased me that our son was not at all influenced by the dark venereal energy that surrounded this world.

He loved his mother!! He respected his mother!! He wanted his mother to remain his mother!!

I loved him, too!! I really admired how he worked extra hard, after you left us!! I always wished the best for him!!

Yet, that scandulous moment, I was only trying to forget I was his mother!!

As soon as he left, I turned myself around, and pushing my pants all the way down, I mercilessly fingered my hungry pussy.

I was screaming like a sex-crazed loose female, reminiscing about the uneasy yet sensual encounter with our son, but I did not just stop there – I went ahead to imagine how satisfying it would have been if he had got on top of me, and the thought made my body stiffen, in a flash!!

I kept asking myself how I would have reacted if he had made an attempt to enter inside me.

Honestly, I was still confused whether I would resist or whether I would admit how horny he was making me – But, what I could confirm was that it felt amazing to have my fingers inside my tight famished hole!!

This was the first time I had touched myself from anywhere other than the closed space our bathroom offered, and I knew how wild I was being.

I was thoroughly enjoying the self-abuse, recollecting plenty of instances from my once rich & adventurous sex-life, yet kept being filled with visions of our son!!

It allured me, and pushed me to disgracefully enquire to myself whether he would have rushed out of the house not because he guessed what was happening to his mother, but because he himself was starting to lose grip over his mind!!

I was tempted to picture him strip out of his t-shirt & shorts, and stand unclothed in front of me!!

I wanted to and I needed to feel the warmth of a man’s body, and I visualized our young son giving me the pleasure!!

I fantasized about him pumping deep into my neglected cavity, and there was no more denying that I wished for my boy to satisfy me!!

I could still feel his grip on my hips, and I quizzed myself why I did not get him to ground his manhood into my greedy pussy, right then. It offended me that he did not make a move. All he needed to have done was rip apart my bottoms – I was so ready for him!!

I was so sexually intoxicated, I felt I was even hearing the sound of his balls slapping against my butt, as he took me from the back!!

I was fully convinced that it was him who later turned me around, and I really could feel he was actually doing me, pounding me in the missionary position, and I was all set to wrap my legs around him!!

Three of my fingers were being rammed into my vagina, and it was just a matter of time before I came – I was relentlessly moaning & groaning.

And when I finally climaxed, I also imagined our son fill his white seeds inside me, at the same time!!

Pramod, I had most of my orgasms with you, and the rest I gave myself were a result of thinking about you – Okay!! I don’t want to lie, but you know that it was you majority of the times!!

This was the first time I had imagined somebody so young – And surprisingly, it felt unbelievably good.

More importantly, it was our own son that I had dreamt about – And I seriously wished it was really happening!!

I know sharing this with you is very much meaningless, and I know it will not undo what I have done. You have every right to believe I strayed, but I want you to know that I am still only yours – I will never break the trust you had on me. I am forever yours. I give you my word!!

This was just a strange event that I could have avoided, but I did not – I will never ever think of our son, again, or any another person!!

He too has not showed any signs of discomfort or lewdness after the weird run-in, and I want to let you know that we are both over that incident!!

Yes!! We both really have moved on!!

Okay!! Pramod!! I am sorry!! I think I need to clarify!!

It breaks me to add that I have since then hoped our son would give me massages on a regular basis – I don’t know what has got into me, but I just can’t stop giving the thought a miss.

It is Saturday today, and almost one whole week has passed, but there is nothing that seems to bring an end to the visions!!

It also hurts me that I was least bothered about the impact this raunchy experience would have had on our son – Truth be told, I still haven’t been able to completely make myself understand that I was being unfair to him, and a part of me adamantly wants me to think that he would have found at-least a little gratification from the clash!!

I am wrong here, and I know that!!

But don’t you worry, Pramod!!

I have this under control!!

I will not let my illicit desire grow anymore – I promise you that!!

You don’t believe me?! Well, think about how things were when we started – We had nothing after we eloped, and I lived with you in a 1 Bedroom Apartment, you shared with 8 of your other male friends.

You do remember those days, don’t you?!

You do remember how bad it was, don’t you?!

They were all kind enough to give us the bedroom – But the 10 of us shared what could easily be called the smallest bathroom in the world!!

I never told you this before, but I have more than once seen each of them naked, Pramod. And most times, it felt too impossible to be an accident – They were literally flashing their tools to their dearest buddy’s wife!!

They have all tried to flirt with me, Pramod…

They have all tried getting touchy with me, Pramod…

They have all tried to be on the bed with me, Pramod…

But, did I let them have their way with me?! No!! The Answer is No, Pramod!!

I did not open up to you about their sleazy advances, but I had also made sure you could always walk with your head held high.

I controlled my emotions during the period every newly married wife would want sex the most – I waited for one full year to spread my legs for you, and I saved my purity for you, until we got ourselves a place of our own.

I had all the chance in the world, Pramod – I never took it!!

I was happy with just being loved by you!!

And I know you still love me, and that realization is more than enough for me!!

I know how to tame myself – I have done it many a times in the last 20 years, and I will do the same again!!

Pramod!! I mean… I will try to do the same again!!

See… I cannot lie to you!! You know me better than anybody!!

I just want to tell you that I will not do anything that will hurt you!!


Please trust me!!

I really won’t!!

I know you are now in a place filled with happiness, and I am glad!!

I mean… Shit!! That is not what I meant!! I miss you here!!



I am just very bad with words, Pramod… Of course, I could just erase that sentence, and re-type it right – But, you know me!! Every time I do that, I ask myself if I am hiding something!!

Pramod… I really wish you were here with me, and we were doing what we did best!!

Okay!! I am sorry… I don’t know if I can say that to you…

I feel so heavy…

Maybe it’s because it is 4:30 AM, and I have not slept since the day before yesterday, and I have all sorts of thoughts in my mind, and I am losing it a bit.

I have been thinking about too many things…

I don’t know…

I guess I should not type anything more…

So… That is it… I think I should just stop here… I know you are so far away… I know you are gone… I just want you to you know that I really miss you…

I love you, Pramod!!

I really hope I will not have to write another mail!!

Always Your Darling Wife,




My man Roger is standing with his hands behind his head in our room covered with mirrors. I am licking and teasing the tip of his raging, thick, eight-inch erection as I tell him, “We haven’t had a third man for our sexual pleasure for more than a month baby. I want it soon, very soon, how about you baby.”

“Tell me yes and tell me about the man you are going to organise for us and I will finish the blow job I started.

“Make it exciting for me while you tell me. The more exciting for me the better the blow job,” I tell him as I take half his erection between my lips and tease his balls with my nails.

“Does that look good in the mirrors? Does my ass look good?”

I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man Roger, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. My body is still good, both sexes love my legs and ass and the way I trim my pubic hair – less is more. Good hips, flat stomach, modest tits with long hard nipples when aroused.

I have a high sex drive, I am to please and be pleased sexually, I love being licked by both sexes. I lost all my inhibitions between my second and third husbands and I love having sex with an audience. And I really do enjoy some commentary during sex, an extra dimension.

I have a tacit agreement with my man (he is eight-inches and thick) that I can pleasure and be pleasured sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, no intercourse, outer sex only – safe sex, my man can watch and masturbate. If the second man wants to blow my man I love to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply.

Something I insist on is the second man must be much younger than me, usually fifteen or twenty-years and hung. We are very competitive and we enjoy competing to be the first to have the second man or woman, good foreplay. We do that by dressing, or undressing to impress for our third person.

“There is a man at the gym you would enjoy baby, James, tall with a toned athletic hairless body. Some of the other men must have been gossiping. While we were in the shower he asked me if it was true that we have threesomes.

“I told him I sometimes organise another man for both of us and how you sometimes organise another woman for us. I told him what a good performer you are and your preferences as I carefully looked him over.

“To tease him I explained you insist on men fifteen or twenty-years younger and hung and you were bi-lingual and bi-sexual. By then he was stroking his cock for me as he ogled mine.

“Do you think Sarah would like me?, he asked. I am twenty-seven and ten-inches, though not as thick as you. And bisexual he told me as he teased his erection.

“if you let me take some pics of you on my phone I will show Sarah, I told him. He was very keen on the idea and he really enjoyed flaunting his naked body and his erection while I took some pics to show you.’

“Would you like to see them now or later?”

“Now, you are teasing me, your little story has me very excited, you know it is more than a month since we had a third man. I will tease you by making you wait to finish your blow job.

“Wow baby, you have excelled yourself, he is a spunk and hung. I want him soon, very soon. And you, do you want him?,” I ask as I look at the pics he took. “And a good ass, a very good ass.

“Now you baby, I promised the more exciting the story for me the better the better the blow job. You know I always keep my promises, that man James has me very excited,” I tell Roger as I slide a cock ring on his engorged cock and clip it under his balls.

“Anything special you would like baby?”

“Edge me while I tell you some more about James. I told him about your gorgeous ass and how you insist on being licked to orgasm before you give a man a blow job. I told him Sarah gives the best blow jobs. And she likes me watching and masturbating.”

“Was that good baby?,” I ask ten minutes later after Roger has hit the back of my throat.

My man tells me he has arranged for James to call at three on Saturday, sex is always better in the afternoon we both agree. The anticipation of sex with a much younger, hung man has me full of anticipation.

I could hear Roger greeting James as I put the finishing touches to my make up. “Your body looks good in that skimpy black jock strap Roger, even better than the one I watched you in at the Gym.”

“You must be James, I have heard lots of good things about you,” I smile full of confidence as I make my entrance. I want to show my sexual prowess by giving James an instant erection. I am wearing heels, a good dash of French perfume and nothing else other than a black silk scarf tied around my waist.

“You are here for my sexual pleasure James, my man has explained my rules to you,” I tell him as I stand hands-on hips, with my legs apart while I watch his reaction as he ogles my naked body. “Undress for me, get naked for us,” I smile with the emphasis on us. He has his shoes and shirt off in a flash as my man and I watch closely. Then instead of dropping his trousers he teases his nipples before he undoes his fly and slides out a huge, ten-inch erection pointing up at forty-five degrees.

“Ten-inches Sarah, is that what you wanted me for?,” he smirks as he teases the underside of his erection with a fingertip.

“Yes, you are magnificent. Is that for me or both of us?,” I ask as I feel the weight of his erection in my hand and glance at my man for a reaction

“Both Sarah, your man had me semi-erect when he greeted me in his jock strap. Is he going to watch me pleasuring you?”

“Is that what you want James?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Good, so do I, I love an audience. Kneel and lick my cunt while he watches,” I tell him as I take the initiative and stand with my back to a wall. He is far better at oral sex than I imagined as I arch my body forward to soak up the pleasure. (I found out later lots of other men at the gym had set him up with their woman.)

“is this what you wanted baby?,” my man teases as he tongue kisses me. Very exciting for me with a tongue pleasuring me at each end. “Undo me baby,” he whispers as he places one of my hands on the clip at the side of his jock strap. As it falls to the floor I wrap my hand around his rock hard erection.

“Love your glorious ass in my hands while I am licking you. You are old enough to be my mother Sarah, does that turn you on with your man watching?

“Yes, I am very turned on, I love being licked,” I whisper as I have my first orgasm for the afternoon. “Let me sit on the chair then you can watch him,” I tell him as I put my legs over his shoulders. “Two more orgasms and I will blow your magnificent cock.”

“This is our special sexual pleasure chair James,” I tell him as I organise him so he can watch in the full length wall mirror. “I want to give you a blow job to remember. Are you fine with my man watching?,” I ask as I kneel between his legs and push his erection back against his stomach as I lick the underside of it. “Is that good?,” I ask as I take his erection between my lips and at the same time rub a handful of ice on his balls.

“That is so good, so fucking good,” he moans as I lick his icy cold balls with my warm tongue.

“Would you like to suck my man’s thick erection while I blow you James? You know he wants you to blow him. Or would you like to wait until I am finished with you so I can watch?”

“Make me wait, an extra turn on for me, I want you to watch Sarah.”

“Good, I hoped you would say that,” I tell him as I wrap two hands around his erection and suck the tip of it.

“That is so fucking good Sarah, you are the best,” he moans as I pinch his nipples and slide my pursed lips along half his erection.

Then as I cup his balls with one hand and slide my thumb and a finger along his erection he is almost screaming. “That was so fucking good Sarah, you are the very best,” he moans as he masturbates for us.

Thirty minutes later we are all refreshed after showering together in our four-head shower. I enjoyed watching the two men flaunting their cocks for each other without saying a word or touching each other as I asked each of them in turn to wash my back.

After we dry off my man Roger is sitting in our sex seat with a magnificent thick, eight inch erection as I watch James kneel between his legs. “Make it good for me and Roger, really good James. Look at the veins on his cock, he really wants it from you while I watch.”

At the very moment James commences sucking my man, I passionately tongue kiss him. ”Make him work for it baby. Enjoy it for me, you know I love to watch a man blowing you. Kiss my ass while I watch.

Roger and I both have a sharp intake of breath as James wraps his pursed lips around his erection. Looking at his erection between another mans lips reinforces just how thick he is. James has a new erection ten-inch erection, but no where near as thick as my man.

“Look at the size of his cock baby, ten-inches for you, the same as I had. Size really is a bonus,” I whisper in awe to my man as James sucks his balls.

“I love watching you pleasuring my man James, you are turning me on. When did you decide you wanted to blow my man?,” I tease as I watch him licking just the tip of Roger’s erection as he slides a thumb tip and fingertip along it.

“The first time I saw him in the showers at the gym. I had heard rumours about both of you. So here we are,” he tells me as he swallows almost all of Roger’s erection.

“Watching another naked, hung man sucking your erection is a huge turn on for me baby. I am old enough to be his mother. Look at what I am doing. I am teasing my clit while I watch. I want to cum with you,” I tell my man sitting in our sex chair as I stand alongside him.

He is lying back at a forty-five degree angle with a look of immense, determined concentration as he soaks up the pleasure of another man sucking his cock, legs spread, his raging erection pointing to the ceiling as James teases and edges him.

For the third time James releases my man’s erection from his lips and sucks his balls. I must emulate this with my men, I muse as James has both of us so close. “Nearly there baby, so close, so good,” Roger whispers as he grabs my ass with a hand.

My man is breathing very hard and his body is so tense as James licks, sucks and teases just the tip of his erection. Then James squeezes his balls and slides almost his full eight-inches between his lips, Once, twice, three … on the seventh, my mans body spasms as he moans, “Cum with me baby.”

I did enjoy two men watching me cum. “You are awesome Sarah, that is a first for me,” James whispered when I squirted with both of the men watching.

The very next night, as we do every time after a three-way, my man and I teased, edged and fucked every which way. Stupendous sex without any verbal mention of the man we shared the previous day, though I am sure both of us were thinking about it.

“Next month a lady for us,” I tell Roger in the afterglow. “Would you like that? I know I would baby.”

Athena Grows Up 1 (1)

All of my writing is fiction, and the stories and characters are all products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed. All characters within the story that need to be are 18 years of age or older. I hope you enjoy! And take a second to vote and comment.

This is a stand-alone story, but it picks up characters from my “Love Changes Everything” series. You don’t need to read that series to understand this story, but it would give some interesting background.


“Oh, hi, Mrs. Bronson.”

“Glad I caught you. Mr. Worthington would like to see you in his office.”

Mrs. Bronson smiled, actually more of a satisfied smirk, and Athena was surprised her face didn’t crack. Mrs. Bronson had been in charge of the high school office since, Athena was sure, Teddy Roosevelt had been president. Her heavily powdered and rouged face always caused Athena to worry that it might crack if she smiled too broadly.

“Thank you, Mrs. Bronson.”

Thank you for what? Informing her of another required visit with Mr. Worthington? They were never as bad as Athena feared, just annoying, and she was relatively sure she knew what the subject of this one would be.

She hurried straight to the office since this was her study hall period, and she was not at all concerned about missing that. As annoying as Mr. Worthington could be, it would be more interesting than study hall.

As Mrs. Bronson was out of the office, she went behind the counter to Mr. Worthington’s office and knocked.

“Ah,” he said, peering over the top of his glasses, obviously annoyed that the outer door had been left open. “Miss Kaminski, come on in.”

Athena entered the sparsely decorated office and stood stiffly in front of Mr. Worthington’s desk, knowing that he would ask her to be seated. She was stubborn enough to make him say it.

“Please, take a seat,” he finally ordered, not at all happy with the games he knew Athena loved to play.

“Thank you, sir,” she said as she sat down.

He shuffled some papers on the desk, a tactic he used to make the miscreants he faced more ill-at-ease. She worked to keep her expression as passive as possible. He finally looked at Athena in a way she knew was supposed to be intimidating. She coughed to distort the giggle that was trying to escape her lips.

“Sorry, sir,” she said, sitting very straight in the chair while maintaining eye contact with Mr. Worthington.

A nervous clearing of his throat.

Athena knew he hated to deal with her — she thrived on that. She wasn’t sure where that thriving originated. Certainly not with her mother or father, or even her big sister, Freya, who had dealt with Mr. Worthington during her four years of high school, but only infrequently. Mr. Worthington liked to remind Athena of that, often comparing her to Freya, who had been salutatorian of her graduating class and was now a graduate engineer, married to a physics professor.

“I assume you know why I’ve called you here,” he said, not looking at Athena.

“Yes, sir. I think I do.”

His head snapped up, and he looked at Athena very sternly. “It’s not the behavior we expect from our homecoming queen, nor any other conscientious student, which you appear to be, despite your frequent appearances in this office..”

“Yes, sir. I take my studies very seriously.”

Mr. Worthington frowned at Athena’s evident and annoying shifting away from the reason she was there.

“Then why did you cut your classes last Tuesday?” Mr. Worthington smirked after finally plunging his authoritarian dagger into her.

“I had something else I needed to do,” Athena answered lightly, not removing her eyes from Mr. Worthington’s.

He took a deep breath and let it out, tapping his pencil on the desktop, an annoying habit that all the students hated. Athena ignored it.

“Do you participate in sports, Miss Kaminski?”

“Yes, sir. Soccer.”

“Do they have rules for your soccer-playing?”

If Mr. Worthington wanted to play games with her, she was willing to go along. She put her finger to her lips, as though thinking carefully.

“Yes, sir, they do. A whole set of them?”

A huff. “And do you obey those rules?”

She could see where this was going.

“I had quite a few penalties called on me, sir. Quite a few.”

Mr. Worthington glared at her, not trying to hide it. Athena recognized it as the usual routine they followed.

“The school has rules too. And when they’re broken, there are penalties as well.” He ended that with a delighted smile. “You’ve cleverly, I think, avoided most of the penalties in the past, but this time it will be three one-hour detentions next Monday through Wednesday.

It was freaking annoying, but Athena wasn’t about to let him know that. And three detentions wasn’t that severe of a punishment.

“Yes, sir. I totally understand.” She sat and stared at Mr. Worthington.

He fidgeted and tossed the pencil down.

“That’s all,” he said, a disgusted tone to his voice, waving his hand to dismiss her.

Athena left the office, bid Mrs. Bronson goodbye, and headed to her locker to get her backpack and go to English class. Three hours of detention would be a waste of time except that she would get some studying done and could lighten her carry-home load by one book. She put up with things like that though she hated them — they impinged on her freedom.

She stopped in the girls’ room to wash her hands and check her hair and the little make-up she wore. There was only one other person in the restroom since classes were in session, so she took an extra second in front of the mirror. Looking at her reflection, she had to admit, much against her will, that she was a pretty girl. People told her that, but still, it was hard to accept as there were always things that could be better.

She favored her brother, Dom, with her dark hair and complexion — her sister, and Dom’s twin, being a freckled redhead. Her dark eyes always seemed to sparkle mischievously, and when she smiled, it was like bright sunshine had suddenly enveloped her. The makeup was still in place, and she was off to English and Mr. Wolfson.

“Hey, guys. How’s your day going?” Mr. Wolfson said with a big smile … while waving a handful of papers.

A chorus of “goods” and groans filled the room.

“Gonna pass out these papers and then ask again.” He laughed good-naturedly.

More groans.

Athena enjoyed Mr. Wolfson’s class. He was funny, easy-going, and not cast from the same mold as most of her teachers.

He roamed between the rows, humming Chopin’s Funeral March as he handed out the end-of-term research papers that seemed to count an inordinately large percentage of their grade. Of course, the paper’s final grade would determine how inordinate it was.

Athena was confident, the silence she received from Mr. Wolfson as he stopped by her desk boosting that confidence. She looked at the paper as he handed it to her. It had 100% at the top, along with a smiley face and an “OUTSTANDING” next to the grade. Her heart skipped at least two beats.

“Dork,” a voice behind her said. Then much softer. “You giving Wolfson blowjobs or something?”

Athena turned. “You might try that,” she snipped to her best friend, Susan, giggling. “What’d you get?”

“B-plus, and I ain’t complaining.”

Mr. Wolfson stopped at Athena’s desk on the way back to the front.

“Athena, stop by my desk on your way out, please.” His big smile reassured her.

“You owe him one more?” Susan asked innocently.

“Will you cut it,” Athena laughed as Mr. Wolfson frowned at her.

“If you’re through chatting, Miss Kaminski, we’ll go on with the class.”

“Sorry, sir,” she said, the grin on her face saying she wasn’t really sorry.

Athena was so pleased with her paper she barely heard the lecture on Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall” and the theme of good fences making good neighbors. Class finally over, she turned to say goodbye to Susan, who had her lips formed into a perfect O. She shook her head, waving a dismissive hand at her.

“Go away,” she giggled.

“I wanna watch, maybe learn your technique.”

“Shut up,” Athena cautioned, dancing away toward her teacher, who, by this time, looked very comfortable with his feet on the desk.

When Susan finally exited, leering at Athena, a puzzled Mr. Wolfson pointed to a chair.

“What was that about?” he chuckled.

“You don’t want to know,” was Athena’s reply, hoping her face wasn’t turning pink.

Another chuckle, and he just smiled at her for long seconds while Susan’s silly words echoed in her head.

“Quite a paper,” he began, “perhaps the best I’ve ever received. Even better than Freya’s.”

“Are you kidding me? Better than my sister’s? Will you write that here?” she pleaded, thrusting the paper toward the laughing teacher.

“Big deal, huh?”

“Anytime I do scholastic stuff better than Freya, it’s a big deal.” He didn’t volunteer to write on the paper, though.

Mr. Wolfson closed one eye, nodding at Athena.

“Talked to Mr. Worthington today too. That ring a bell with you?”

“He talked to me today too.” She replied, wondering where this was going.


“Detentions, sir.”

“So,” he began, “I’m giving an outstanding grade on a paper to a student who cut classes to prepare it. You think that’s right?”

Before she could answer, he burst out laughing.

“Ignore that and tell me what you did. It sounds like something I would have done in high school.”


“I promise not to tell if you do too.”

Energized, Athena was anxious to tell.

“A year ago, I stumbled across Dian Fossey’s book about gorillas. It was totally fascinating, and the fact that she was murdered by poachers because of what she was doing made both her and the gorillas tragic figures.

“I’d done all that reading, but I was anxious to see and experience what I’d read. So, I left early in the morning one day, was at the zoo when it opened, and got permission to take my chair with me. I sat all day, watching the gorillas, taking notes and pictures.”

“So, all the photos in the paper are yours?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Amazing. They were well-done and illustrated what you wrote almost perfectly.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wolfson.”

He sat there silently and grinned at her. “And they were all taken when you were supposed to be in school?”

“Yes, sir.”

He held his hand toward her, and they high-fived.

“Now get going and serve those detentions.” Another laugh.

“They start Monday,” she said as she stood up.

“Well, go wave the paper in Freya’s face then.”

“I will.” Athena was bubbling with energy, anxious to confront her sister.

* * * * *

“Why do you ask that, Dad?” Freya sat at the table, munching a large pretzel stick.

“I’m just always nervous,” he laughed, “when it comes to Athena. She’s not exactly a loose cannon. I don’t think she’s dangerous, but she is unpredictable. Last night she showed me her research paper. She got a one-hundred percent with an ‘outstanding’ beside it … in capital letters. She was so excited she was nearly jumping up and down because Mr. …?”


‘Yeah, said her paper was even better than yours.”

“Oh, that’s great. I’m s-so happy for her.”

“Of course, there’s another side of the story, so often the case with her. She cut school to go to the zoo to watch the gorillas and take the photos she used, so she got three detentions.

“My sister, Athena,” Freya laughed. “Love her. She’s so different than I was.”

“A lot like me,” Cole replied. “But, what I wanted to ask you is, has Athena said much to you about college?”

A nervous cough.

“A little,” came the quiet response.


Freya sighed. “It’s just Athena being, well, Athena. She wants a motorcycle … badly. She wants to go to college but said she’d be willing to hold off, get a job and save money to buy a motorcycle. I think she’d listen to Flint, but he’s in Italy for the next year and not expecting to be back, even for visits.”

“Flint and his Ducati got all of this started.” Cole caught Freya’s eye. “With you.”

“I know. I loved that ride.” She paused, looking out the window.

“Freya, your face is changing color. What’s that about?”

She eyed her father. “I just told her that if she got a motorcycle, she’d have to take me for rides.”

“Freya! That’s not helping,” Cole laughed. “You think she’s serious?”

“You can never tell with Athena. But, ever since I introduced her to Grig, Dr. Grig, she’s said she would be Dr. Athena one of these days. She’s serious about that too.

“But listen. Since I graduated and started working, Grig has insisted that we live on his salary, and we put mine in the bank. In a year, that account has gotten fairly large. I can loan Athena the money to get the bike, and she can repay me later.”

“You think she’ll buy that? She hates to owe anyone anything.”

“It would be a loan, but not like a loan since I’m her sister and not a bank. Know what I mean?”

“Yes and no. But Athena won’t go along with that.”

“Probably not. But she wants that cycle so badly; it may sway her.”

Cole stared at his oldest daughter thoughtfully. His red hair matched hers. They were much alike, and he treasured that.

“Spit it out,” she finally said.

“Two things,” he began. “Number one, you’re a jewel for wanting to help your sister like that. Number two, I think I’ve heard you stutter only once today.”

“She’s my sister,” Freya said simply. “And since I’ve been with Grig, the stuttering has nearly stopped.

Cole was thinking. “There have to be some guys at the school that have motorcycles. Why doesn’t she date one of them, even though that might be a little … questionable?

“Dad, I’m not there anymore, but I don’t think you’d want her dating most of the guys there that ride motorcycles.”

“Since you’ve said that, I’m surprised she doesn’t do it, ya know.”

They both had a good laugh at that, as it would be typical Athena. When she was elected homecoming queen, she hadn’t wanted to accept. It was far too “conventional” for her. However, when she’d shown up at the homecoming dance, in her formal gown and tiara, there was no doubt that she was the “queen.” At least half of the boys there could barely contain their drool.

Jeremy had escorted her, even though they were no longer dating. She, Jeremy, and Susan had been best friends as they grew up, and once into high school, she had dated him for about a year. They finally gave up on the dating, deciding they were better suited to being best friends. A few boys had pursued her, lucklessly it turned out, and she was awarded the title of “ice queen” by some of them. Of course, that didn’t bother Athena one whit.

“I’m still gonna offer to give her the money and see what she says.” Freya was determined and was willing to fence with her sister about it. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d fenced, nor the last.

“Lemme know,” Cole said.

* * * * *

“You really gonna do it?” Brian said, his eyes wide with disbelief.

“You don’t have to if you’re chicken,” Athena answered. “I’ll find someone else.”

Brian looked at the girl who had been homecoming queen, her dark eyes sparkling in the half-light of the autumn moon. He had thought she’d be afraid, not him, but she wasn’t. That was easy to see. Plus, he wasn’t about to turn down a chance to spend some time with her, even as he questioned why she had asked him.

“No, no, I’m good,” he countered.

They both stood very still, gazing up at the vast mansion.

Gathering his courage, Brian surprised himself by asking, “So, why did you pick me?” He was an average-looking guy, here with this dark-haired beauty, and was puzzled.

“Remember earlier in the year, when you read your paper about ghosts? I figured you might enjoy this.” Athena’s big smile was wilting any reservations he might have had.

He had written a paper about ghosts because it had been fun to imagine. Brian enjoyed imagining. But that was a long way from sneaking into an abandoned mansion, reputed to be haunted as well.

“You ready?”

A deep breath. “How we gonna get in?”

“Dunno. We’ll find a way.”

Athena was holding the three-step ladder she’d brought. Her scouting trip had shown that they’d need that to reach any of the windows. She’d checked the doors on that previous trip, and they seemed hopeless. She decided she’d give Brian a little help.

“Why don’t you steady the ladder, and I’ll climb up and check some windows.”

“Sounds good. We don’t need you to be falling.”

“You’d catch me, wouldn’t you,” she asked as she climbed, sure Brian’s face was red.

He was picturing how nice it would be to catch the homecoming queen. She was right there above him, close enough that the scent of her cologne was filling his nostrils, making him want more. She was gorgeous, and the thought of holding her in his arms was causing his heart to pound a little harder and making his hands want to wander just a little. Her delicious butt was hovering just above his head, and he could only imagine where the rest of the night might be headed.

Athena tried the window, but it seemed to be locked securely. They moved to a second window, then a third and fourth. At the fifth, the window was locked, but she could see some rotted wood where the latch was attached.

“Okay, strong man, your turn,” she said, climbing down the ladder. “Some rotten wood up there.”

Brian climbed the ladder, pushed on the window, and watched the lock mechanism drop away. He carefully lifted the window.

“Go on in. I’m right behind,” she said as Brian disappeared through the dark opening.

Athena carefully climbed the three steps and was inside as Brian switched on the flashlight. It glowed, flickered, and went out.

“Shit!” Brian grumbled under his breath.

She was looking around carefully.

“The moon is lighting up the next room. Let’s take a peek in there.”

She cautiously approached the doorway into the next room and poked her head inside.

“Pretty light in here,” she said, beckoning to Brian.

She was in the big room, moving along the wall with Brian right behind. Suddenly there was a bumping sound, then a scraping noise …

“Look out!” Brian shouted, too late.

Athena squealed and was on the floor, Brian quickly beside her. She looked up to see Brian’s face close to hers, her head hurting.

“Are you okay,” he asked frantically.

“I dunno. I think so,” was her tentative answer as she lifted her head. “What happened?”

“You bumped into that shelving unit, and that figurine fell and hit you on the head.” His hands were tracing paths through her hair and around her head, and while he was searching for injuries, her silken black hair slipping between his fingers was beyond what he had been able to imagine. “I don’t feel any blood,” he finally stammered out, hoping his accelerated breathing wasn’t giving him away.

“Help me stand up.”

“You should sit up before you stand.” He took her hands and helped pull her to a sitting position.

Athena put her hand to her head and grimaced. “Big bump,” she said as she watched the concerned look on Brian’s face and in his eyes, barely visible in the moonlight filtered through the dirty windows. “I’m good,” she said, smiling at him. “Just clumsy.”

She twisted her legs to get them under her, holding tight to Brian’s hands as he helped her stand.

“You dizzy or light-headed or anything?” he asked.

“Don’t think so.”

“We probably better scoot before anything else happens.”