O’s Odyssey, Episode 0: Prologue 0 (0)


O’s Odyssey is the continuous story of Milly, who unravels the unusual purpose of a mysterious necklace, and discovers how much she can do with it.

I suddenly and immediately awoke from a bright flash of red light.

The moon shone in through the window by my side. I was in bed, in my room, sleeping with my naked nineteen-year-old body tucked under my cozy and warm blankets. It was the middle of the night.

I do wake up at night often, that was no big surprise to me. But where did the light come from? I knelt up to look out the window, but there were no police cars passing by. Lots of snow covered everything, but this was residual snow from the day before; right now the sky was fully clear, not a single star obstructed by a cloud. Just a normal winter night. In the tiny town where I lived, no big things ever happened.

“Must’ve been just me,” I thought as I lay back down in my bed and closed my eyes again.

For a moment everything was peaceful. But a few seconds later, my mind started drifting and imagining things as it was falling asleep once more… and in that moment, once again, a sudden red explosion sparked before my eyes.

What was this? I needed to investigate. I got out of my bed. I was alone in the room and it was dark, so I didn’t bother putting any clothes on. I noticed I was still hard, probably from that awesome wet dream I had earlier this night. But I ignored it for now. I was more curious about the red lights. Last time it seemed like it appeared when my mind started drifting. So I sat down on my bed and opened my eyes, on the lookout for the source of the light. I imagined the first thing that came to my mind—but before that spark of thought could turn into the image of that beautiful naked boy from my wet dream, kneeling down before me and taking me in…

I jumped in a spasm and my fantasy was dispelled as the light flashed again. Now I caught it red-handed. It was… emanating from the drawer in my end table!? How could that be? The only things in that drawer were my diary and that weird necklace I found in the basement yesterday…

I opened the drawer, my mind hungry for answers. My eyes opened wide with curiosity as I indeed saw the huge red gem adorning the necklace shining with red light, and moreover, pulsating with a deep mysterious hum.

“Well, I sure as heck didn’t expect THIS turn of events when I found this thing yesterday,” I thought to myself.

I took it in my hands and put it on top of my end table. Then I pulled out the dusty notebook lying beneath it, quickly wiped off the dust with my hand, and lost my thoughts in it for a little while.

‘Milly’s Diary’, said the title, written in the white stripe of a pink-blue-white sticker glued onto the front cover.

I’ve kept this diary for over 3 years now. I had all the parts arranged beautifully in a nice chronological order in another drawer, while the current volume was always tucked away safely in my end table. I’d poured out so many core memories into the pages of those notebooks that there was no way I could part ways with them now; they were part of who I was, they helped me figure out I was trans and I could love anyone irrespective of their gender.

I put it away for now, on the bed. My hands reached back towards the necklace with its huge red glowing gem. What was all this about? I could swear that just yesterday it seemed like a completely normal necklace.

I would stand up and turn on the light, but thankfully the rods in my eyes were very accustomed to the dark. I could easily discern the tiniest details on the necklace in complete darkness, as long as they were not about color. All I could see was that the gem was red; everything else, as far as my eyes right now were concerned, was black and white.

Maybe—that thought was very weird, but to my brain, forced out of sleep so brutally in the middle of the night, still having half-dream-like thoughts, anything seemed plausible—maybe that gem was trying to communicate something to me?

I turned the necklace around and looked at the back, and then I saw it. “There was a whole back side to this necklace that I never even thought of looking at yesterday?!” I thought to myself. The back of the metallic frame that the gem was set into… it had something engraved into it. A little pictogram of someone wearing the necklace, and below it, what appeared to be a view of the gem from the side, and a finger pushing down on it. Strange…

Still consumed by curiosity, I tried following the necklace’s instructions. I put it on, then—my hand slightly trembling with uncertainty—I approached the gem with my finger and, with one burst of courage, applied pressure to it. For just a split second I could see the gem actually click inside.

“So it wasn’t just a gem, but a button,” I thought, but didn’t have the time to put into words in my mind, because the next moment… everything went black!

It was like the entire world disappeared in an instant. I didn’t fall asleep, for sure, because I would feel my eyes closing and my body dropping on the bed, and I didn’t feel any of those things. In fact, I felt nothing at all. I saw nothing, I heard nothing, I felt nothing. Nothing at all. It felt a little bit like I was floating in the vacuum of space, but without the sight of stars and planets around me, without the feeling of cold, without the feeling of pressure from inside me. I felt no pain, no abnormality in temperature, in touch, in balance. I didn’t feel my body, I felt more than just weightless, I felt as if my soul was isolated from me and put in absolute emptiness. In fact, it’s not even correct to say that everything around me was black; this wasn’t black, it wasn’t even a color. It was the absence of a color. Undefined. Empty. I still retained my thoughts and my memories and my emotions, but it seemed like all sensory input from the outside world was gone.

While outside I saw and heard and felt nothing but emptiness, inside my mind was going crazy with questions. What? Why? How? What was going on to me? How was it going on? Where was I? …When was I? Was this the necklace’s purpose, to remove the wearer’s senses? Was this temporary? Why did I ever succumb to my curiosity and push that gem-button? Why would anyone ever construct such a necklace? Was it a torture device? Did it drive its wearer to insanity? Oh dear, all of the possible fates I thought of, and none of them sounded nice to me in the slightest… How foolish was I? What consequences will I face now..? Will I die? Maybe I’m already dead..?

But for some reason, part of me still had the hope that this might just be a temporary effect, something I can wait out, then return to normal and forget I was ever curious about the mysterious red light of the necklace. I calmed myself down as best as I could and decided to wait.

Well, I thought to myself, while I’m waiting, I may as well distract my mind as I do. And I knew perfectly how I wanted to distract my mind.

My body wasn’t there, so I started by imagining a body. Since I couldn’t actually see the real me, I could imagine whatever I wanted, so I imagined myself as much more feminine than I am in real life. I gave myself long dark blue hair, a clean chest, some juicy legs, and most importantly, a beautiful special zone. I gave my flower a long stem and adorned it with pretty marbles on both sides. I already loved my new look.

Next I imagined my hands. I gave my fingers beautiful—but not too long—nails, and used my imagination to dye them purple. I then reached down to my special place with my right hand and started stroking myself. I could feel the pleasure—all imagined, maybe, but it felt as real as ever. I didn’t even need any material, just the thought that I’m in my preferred body was enough to get me really excited. Because this was all imagined, I actually felt more in control than when I do it physically. I could have waves of pleasure flow through me at will. My stem was throbbing harder and harder as I gave myself all the love I needed and stroked it as affectionately as I could. My whole body was overflowing with desire and lust. I really got myself excited. Even being the very needy person I am, I hardly ever was as excited as now. I continued touching myself as hard as I could. Normally I enjoy the whole experience from beginning to end, and I like it when it lasts long so I can savor every moment, but this time I was so itching that I just wanted to immediately burst. I kept going harder and harder. I felt the pressure slowly build up—or should I say, I made it build up with my imagination—as I continued feeling my body in just the way it wants to be pleasured. Somehow, even though this was all in my imagination, this self-caressing session felt better than a real-life one does. There was no motivation at all for me to stop. I just wanted to keep going. In real life, despite years of training and experience, my wrist would eventually get tired from all the fast motions, but not here. I could go as fast as my body’s pleasure throughput allowed. Wave after wave of pure love shook my body in convulsions as I stroked faster than ever before. Eventually, I reached the point of no return. I was touching myself at millions of pleasure receptors every instant, showing my flower no mercy, with just the thought of exploding in mind… and… a few seconds later… I felt invincible.

My body jumped up and down a few times from the spasms I felt as the happiness neurons in my brain fired at tremendous speeds. I felt extremely good. And to think this was just from the thought of having the body I want. I didn’t even imagine the adorable boy from my wet dream, when I could have! Just the thought of being in control of how I look was enough to make me burst. I needed a few moments to even recover from that amazing feeling and get up to look at the mess I had made. I released so much honey, and it landed everywhere. On my chest. On my belly. On my thighs. On my crotch. On my hand, too.

In that moment, I realized something.

Usually, when I caress myself by imagining something, the moment I feel complete, the imagination immediately goes away. And that’s only natural—I stop caring about what caused the beautiful feeling, I start caring about the feeling itself. But this wasn’t the case right now. I clearly finished and had had a wonderful time, but my fabricated body still felt as real as it felt while I was having fun.

…Wait. It felt as real as…

…Hang on! Something wasn’t quite right. My imagination is supposed to be weak! It’s just a kind of essence of the sight I’m thinking about, but it’s in no way as realistic as what I actually see… and yet somehow, throughout this entire feel-good session, everything I saw and heard and felt was clearly as realistic as if it was happening in real life. What’s the matter with that? “I mean,” I thought to myself, “I’m not exactly complaining… but exactly why is it happening?..”

But before I could find the answer to that question, I noticed elements of my room fade into my vision. Shortly afterwards, I felt seated in my bed, no longer floating in space. Then I started hearing the nearly imperceptible background noise of the heater in my room. Before I knew it, I was back on my bed, and all my senses were there again, back to normal. I tried moving my hands around in slight disbelief, but found that they obey me as usual. I was back in the real world, it seemed… whatever had just happened to me. I was still wearing the necklace, and while I really liked the beautiful feeling of accomplishment it helped me reach, I was still a little scared of this whole losing my senses thing, and I didn’t want to go permanently numb, so I took it off as fast as I could, and put it on the bed.

That’s when I realized.

My imagination had always been weak only because it was constantly competing with information from the outside world, flowing into me through my senses. I had to actively ditch what my senses were telling me in favor of what I wanted to imagine. The necklace temporarily—or at least it seems temporary—disabled my senses so that my imagination had nothing to fight, which is a lot like what happens when I’m dreaming, and that’s when I could witness its true power, its ability to feel just as realistic as real life. Perhaps even more vivid than real life, who knows?

I was still unsure about my theory, but I definitely decided I need to rethink my initial decision about immediately putting the necklace away into the drawer and forgetting about it forever.

Maybe it’s not such a scary thing after all…

I put both my diary and the necklace back into the drawer in my end table for now. Whatever mysteries this necklace had left to discover would keep my mind busy for the rest of the night, I was sure.

I then lay down in my bed again. At the time I was so lost in thoughts about the necklace’s power that my mind completely skipped the fact that I hadn’t released a drop of honey in the real world. I just tried my best to fall asleep, even though I knew my thoughts would keep me busy for long enough that the sun would have time to rise.

“That necklace,” I thought to myself, thinking about how I’d phrase what had just happened to me in my diary, “It’s definitely a much bigger deal than I initially thought it was.”

The next day, when morning dawned, I tried my best to act as normal as I could, and not let my family and siblings notice anything. I always did pay extra attention as they walked around the house, to make sure none walk into my room. Whatever was up with that necklace was something I wanted to keep a secret, that’s for sure. Unfortunately I had to sacrifice a little bit of awkwardness for the safety of what could potentially be the most precious treasure I’d ever possess.

The day seemed to stretch forever and ever, which had to be because my mind was constantly thinking about the necklace and the next time I’d put it on and experiment with it more. I wasn’t even in the mood to touch myself during the day, which was very unusual. Usually it was normal for me to do it three or four times a day, sometimes five or even six if I was feeling extra special. But today, my entire mind was completely absorbed with the mysteries of that necklace. There were even more questions springing up every moment. What would I do with it tonight? What power did it have to disable my senses? How did it empower my imagination? Why was I able to use my imagination so well, when before I hadn’t paid much attention to it in my life? Why did it feel so immersive and so vivid to be in my imagination, completely detached from the real world? Why did I somehow feel… like something was pulling me into that imaginary world, away from reality?

Finally, the sun started setting, and after a long day of trying my best to act normal and doing all that was in my power to remain calm, all of my family members started going to bed one after another, and I was left with my room, my cozy bed, the moon shining outside the window, my cover of darkness, and my end table.

I opened the drawer and grabbed my diary and a pen. I opened it on the last page with an entry on it, and wrote: “December 14th. I have no clue what just happened last night. I don’t think I can write anything meaningful about it right now.” I then drew a tiny heart symbol and filled it in. These heart symbols stood for the number of times I felt invincible on that day. When the heart was empty, it just meant a normal ending, and when it was filled—which was rare—it meant an extraordinarily good ending. I liked keeping track of something so intimate because it gave me a weird pride for seeing how high my all-time statistics can go. Today, however, that didn’t seem to matter as much. I was still puzzled how it could happen that a feel-good session entirely within my own imagination could feel better than the majority of times I do it physically. And if so, I was also wondering where that power came from. Was it really me? Am I that good at imagining things when I’m not fighting against my real senses? Or was some of that power coming from the necklace itself?

I was about to find out.

I put the diary and the pen away into my drawer, and then quickly took the necklace in my hands again, eager to continue unlocking its mysteries, something I’d waited the whole day to do.

I put the necklace on my neck, just like last time, and without any more hesitation, I pushed the gem-button.

To be continued…

Falling at the Johnson’s 2: A Blast from the Past 0 (0)


A continuation of Albert’s journey to manhood. Albert goes for his deposition but is greeted by a person from his past. His testimony is so hot, the attorney had to try some for herself.

Monday morning came. Mrs. Johnson took a personal day off from work. She made me a big, hearty breakfast, but my stomach was in too many knots to eat. I showered after breakfast. I wasn’t even in the mood to stroke. I put on my suit and Mrs. Johnson tied my tie.

We arrived at the Family Services office around 9 am. My deposition was scheduled for 9:30 but we had left early in case of traffic. We walked into the office and Mrs. Johnson informed the receptionist what we were there for, and we sat down.

After we were there fifteen minutes or so, Mrs. Rich appeared. She invited us back to her office. When we walked in, her desk was stacked with folders. She cleared out a place for us to sit, and she moved behind her desk.

She explained what was going to happen. She encouraged me to tell the truth, no matter how painful it may be. She explained how she would be in the conference room with me and if I became uncomfortable or needed a break, just to tell her. She also encouraged Mrs. Johnson to go home, she said the process was going to take several hours and there was no need for her to be there.

Mrs. Johnson informed her that she was not going to go anywhere and would wait as long as it took. Mrs. Rich nodded and asked me if I had any questions, and as usual when I started to ask about Tommy, Trudy and Heather, she cut me short and told me that I should go to the restroom before we started.

She directed me to the men’s room. As I walked down the hallway, I passed several offices and conference rooms. As I passed one of the conference rooms, I noticed that the door was cracked. I could hear a man’s voice but could not make out what he was saying. I eased closer.

I almost stumbled back when I saw Heather through the crack in the door. She looked the same as the last time I saw her. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was wearing a pretty blue dress. She looked as if she had been crying. She lifted her head and our eyes locked.

We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. I saw a smile begin to form on her face. I heard a door open behind me, and I quickly moved and headed to the restroom.

I ran into one of the stalls and shut the door. My stomach cramped so bad and I felt nauseated. I pressed my back against the door and clinched my eyes closed. Why did she have to be there the same time I was?

All the feelings that I thought we lost, came flooding back. I tried to think about Tasha and the afternoon we had spent together. I tried to think about those bedroom eyes looking at me, but all I could see was fear in Heather’s eyes the day the State separated them.

My trance was broken by my phone going off. It was the notification that I had received a text. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen, it was from Tasha.

“‘Just know I am at school, but my heart is with you. You have this. When you are done, you can have me, lol,’” She said, and placed kissy lips at the end.

The message made me smile. It also made me remember what I had, and how my life had changed since leaving the farm. I had a family that cared about me, I had friends who would fight for and with me, and most of all, I had a beautiful girlfriend who I was falling in love with. I left the stall, washed my hands and returned to Mrs. Rich’s office.

Mrs. Rich and I walked into the conference room. Inside was a large table with nine leather chairs around it. On the end of the table, there was a stack of papers, a legal pad and a recorder. In the chair behind all that stuff sat a lady.

The lady was very pretty. She was dressed in a black dress suit, a lot like the ones Mrs. Johnson wore. She stood and smiled. She had a pleasant smile. She stepped from behind the table and walked toward us.

Her hair was dark, almost black. She had mesmerizing hazel eyes, with a tint of blue. She had a modest amount of makeup on that highlighted her high cheekbones and eyes, with no lip stick. She stuck her hand out to introduce herself. When she spoke, I caught a scent of cigarette smoke on her breath.

“ You must be Albert. I am Miss Herndon, I am with the state legal department and I will be conducting your deposition. I want you to sit in the chair right over there. Mrs. Rich, you can sit on the other end of the table, okay?”

I shook her hand and moved to the chair like she instructed. Mrs. Rich sat in her seat. Miss Herndon walked to the door and shut it. As she walked back to her seat I got a better look at her.

Her dress was very professional looking. Her skirt stopped just above her knee. She wore very high heels, and the shoes really showed off her toned calf muscles and tanned legs. She had a white blouse under the jacket of the suit. The collar was pressed and crisp.

She sat in her chair and crossed her legs. If I had not been so scared, I would have probably enjoyed the view. She leaned over and pressed the record button. She sat back in her chair and placed her hands in her lap.

“This is a deposition for Albert, one of the main witnesses in case number 20-012-4573, the State versus The Benson’s. Albert please tell me of the activities in which you were introduced to while staying with the Benson’s.”

It had started. As I began to speak, my voice trembled with fear, but as I continued I became less nervous. Eventually talking to Miss Herndon was no more than talking to any other adult.

“When I arrived at the Farm, I was first taught how to build fences. I was taught how to care for the farm animals, and the farm equipment. I was taught how to milk cows, gather eggs and clean the barn. I was also taught how to cut, rake and bale hay”, I responded.

“So you learned about farm life and hard work,” Miss Herndon summarized.

“Yes, Ma’am,”

“Apparently you were taught manners as well, not many young men say yes ma’am anymore. Did the Benson’s teach you those manners?”

“Yes, ma’am, the Benson’s and Johnson’s as well.”

“Your learning the value of hard work and good manners is not while we are here, Albert, you know that. Now, I want you to tell me of the sexual activities that went on at the farm.”

I took a deep breath and looked in Mrs. Rich’s direction. She had drifted off to sleep. I reached and took the bottle of water that had been placed in front of me and took a long sip.

Then I opened up and told the truth. I told her, in detail, how after working all day and eating dinner, Tommy and I would go to the bathhouse. I told her how Heather and Trudy would come in and give us a bath, and then stoke our penises until we erupted. I told her about the time Heather stripped and got in the tub with me and took my penis into her cunny.

I told her of the afternoon at the pond when Trudy and I had sex. How she rode my penis and how I erupted inside of her.

When I stopped, Miss Herndon looked flush. During my testimony, she had reached up and unbuttoned a button on her blouse. She was now displaying a long crevice between her milky breasts, they had caught my attention, immediately.

“That is interesting. Prior to being placed in the Benson’s care, had you had any sexual experience?”

“No ma’am. That first night was the first time a woman had touched my penis. Before that I had never seen a girl’s breasts or vagina,” I responded.

“Did you witness, any time while at the farm, any activity between Mr. Benson and one of the girls?”

I explained to her the rumor in which Mr. Benson would use Trudy for pleasure when Mrs. Benson was not available. I had never seen them do anything inappropriate, but I had seen both of them leaving the barn while I was working the hay.

“How did the weekend reward work?” She asked as she wrote notes in her pad.

I explained to her how if we completed the scheduled work for the week, we were able to spend Sundays in special rooms in the barn. I told her that while in the rooms, we would have sex. I explained how Heather and Trudy would take our penises in their mouths and suck us, sometimes until we erupted. I told her how we would use numerous condoms while we would repeatedly have sex.

After talking about the weekend rewards, Miss Herndon said we would break for lunch. Mrs. Rich woke up and led me out of the conference room. She led me to a break room where there were sandwiches, chips and soda. She told me to help myself and she would be back for me when it was time.

I sat down and took a sandwich and a soda. I was still not hungry. After reliving the time I had at the farm, I was horny. My penis had been hard almost the entire time. I was thinking more of where to go to get some relief, rather than eating.

I got up and headed toward the bathroom. I went in and went to one of the stalls and shut the door. I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants and they fell to the floor. My imagination played an image of me having Miss Herndon bent over the conference table and I was taking her from behind.

I gripped my hard penis and began stroking, as I imagined gripping her buttocks as I fed her hungry cunny. In my mind, I could see her breasts slapping together from the force of my thrusts. I was really getting into my imagination when I heard the stall door open.

Startled, I opened my eyes. There was no way of hiding what I had been doing as my penis was rock hard and oozing with precum. When I opened my eyes, I saw Heather standing in front of me.

“Oh god, I have missed that big cock,” she said as she raised her dress up and straddled my lap.

Before I could stop her, she took my penis and aimed it to her wet cunny and sat down. I could say nothing, but I moaned softly as her wet cunny enveloped my penis. I felt her fleshy, bare buttock hit my upper thigh right before she rose up, then sat back down.

“My pussy has been on fire ever since I saw you this morning. I have not been fucked since the last time you fucked me, so fuck me Albert.”

I gripped her buttock and leaned back against the cold wall. I planted my feet into the floor and met her thrusts. She opened the top of her dress and lifted her bra. She reached for my head and pulled it into her breasts.

I bit and sucked on her nipples. She rode me hard and fast. Her cunny was just as wet as I remembered. It was far from being as tight as Tasha’s but this cunny was special, it was made to fit my penis.

Her orgasm hit hard. She bucked back and forth. She braced her arms on the side of the stall as her orgasm washed over her. I continued to thrust up into her, my eruption was near, and I needed a release, bad.

Heather must have sensed me being near because she quickly stood and dropped to her knees. She wrapped her lips around my penis and went to work. Her lips tightened around my shaft and reenacted the force in which she was riding me. I only lasted a couple minutes more and erupted inside her hot mouth.

She sucked every drop of my gunk. She looked up at me and licked her lips. She stood and readjusted her clothes and walked out of the stall. A few seconds later, I heard the door to the restroom open and shut.

I stood up and pulled up my pants. I walked out of the stall and readjusted my shirt and tie. I splashed some water on my face and left the restroom. I walked down the hallway to the breakroom. On the way there I did not see anyone in the conference room so I finished my sandwich and gobbled down a bag of chips. I washed it down with a soda.

I could not believe that I had just fucked Heather. After all this time, there was no hello, just fucking. What was even more strange, for the first time since the farm, I felt sexually satisfied. Maybe the life on the farm had damaged us. Maybe it had created a sexual urge that only someone with similar urges could satisfy us.

Mrs. Rich derailed my train of thought when she summoned me back into the conference room. When I entered I noticed that Miss Herndon had removed her jacket. The material of her blouse was so sheer that I could clearly see the white lace bra she had on under it. I could see the swells of her tanned breasts flowing out of the top of the lace material. The sight sent shock waves directly to my penis.

“Now Albert, let’s talk about the day that you and Mrs. Benson had sex. Did she initiate it or did you?”

I told her how I had been working in the barn, and that Tommy and Mr. Benson had left to go to town. I told her how Mrs. Benson had come out and the things that she had said. I gave graphic details of how she had taken my penis into her mouth and had gotten me on the verge of erupting before we had sex on the bale of hay. I told her how Mrs. Benson rode my penis until I shot my gunk into her cunny.

“Did it make you feel guilty because you had sex with her, being she was married?” She asked.

“Tommy had already told me the rumor about Mr. Benson and Trudy. I thought it must be something that happened there. The way we traded off girls every week, all the sex we had, I just thought it was normal, so no ma’am, I did not feel guilty.”

“How did you feel when you found out she was with a child, with your child?”

“I know science. I knew that there was a possibility that she could get pregnant, even if she was on birth control. I did not know, at the time, of her husband’s inability to reproduce. I thought that if she had of gotten pregnant, there would not be any way of knowing it was mine, being she was having regular sex with her husband, besides I didn’t know if she was doing the same thing with Tommy or not.”

“How do you feel knowing that you were the reason her husband left? That you were the reason that Tommy, Heather and Trudy were taken away, along with yourself?”

“I have mixed emotions about that. I feel bad, because The Benson’s were the first family that acted like they cared about me. The only family that did not see me as just a paycheck. I learned a lot from them about work. I know the other things were wrong, however, with two boys and two girls being together like that, the sex would have happened eventually anyway. That I blame the State, because they should have never been placed like that.”

She continued to write in her pad.

“On the other hand, I am somewhat glad it happened. Because of all this mess, I was placed in a good home with a loving family. They have taken me in as their own. I have friends that like me because I am me, and not because they want or need something for me,” I added.

Miss Herndon wiped her brow. I could see the sweat beading on her forehead. She continued writing in her pad. I attempted to read it, but I was unsuccessful. Our session was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Someone had arrived that needed to see Mrs. Rich.

Mrs. Rich excused herself while Miss Herndon continued to write. When she was done, she laid her pen down and turned off the recorder. She leaned back in her chair and unbuttoned another button on her blouse.

“You learned a lot about sex didn’t you Albert,” she asked in a sultry voice.

“Yes, ma’am, I guess so.”

“Have you had sex since you left the farm?”

“Is this part of your questioning? What does my current sex life have to do with the case?”

“It goes to prove that the activities on the farm have affected your mental status. It caused damages that may never be cured,” she said as professionally as she could.

“I bet you have had sex,” she continued. “I bet you have removed many girls’ panties over the past few months. I believe you could stick that snake that is in your pants into just about any girl, or woman, you wanted. Am I right?” She picked up her pen and raised it to her lips.

I felt very uncomfortable, but turned on as well. For some reason I did not think her line of questions, nor her comments were appropriate to the case. I looked down, my penis had created a tent in the pants of my suit. My palms were sweaty and I wished that Mrs. Rich had not left.

Miss Herndon stood up and walked around to my side of the table. Suddenly the images from earlier flashed through my head. While walking, she began unbuttoning more buttons on her blouse and by the time she was in front of me, her blouse was completely open.

She bent over and placed hand on each of the arm rests of my chair. I could feel her breath on my face, I could smell the hint of cigarette smoke as her face neared mine. I froze. I did not know what to do.

She stood up and pulled her blouse off her shoulders and reached back and unhooked her bra. Her breasts flowed free. They were lovely breasts. From the stretch marks on her stomach and hips, I assumed she had kids, but for some reason those stretch marks made her ever sexier than before.

Her breasts hung down against her upper stomach. They were not as perky as the other girls I had been with, but I had never seen the breasts of a mother before. Her nipples were long, and hard. The area around her nipples was oval and light brown. She was by far the sexiest woman I had ever seen half naked.

She reached down and lifted her skirt up her hips. Her thighs were thick, but her legs were tanned and lucious. She pushed her thong panties down her toned legs and over those high heel shoes.

“I hope it is okay with you, but I want to see how much you know, and what the fuss is over that big cock of yours. You know I heard you earlier, in the bathroom. That girl risked getting in some serious trouble just to have some of it.”

She reached down and unfastened my belt and pants. She unzipped them and pulled them down my thighs. She turned and pressed her elbows on the conference table and looked back over her shoulder as she spread her legs.

Still in the heels, she was at the right height. I quickly stood and positioned my penis against her hairless cunny. I placed my hands on her hips and shoved it in with one thrust.

Her back arched back as I invaded her cunny. I did not give her time to think before I pulled back and shoved it back in. She backed her hips to meet my thrust and almost immediately, I felt her body begin to tremble and her cunny became extremely wet.

“You are making me cum, you big cocked bastard,” she said looking over her naked shoulder at me.

Her words lit a fire in me. It was not a fire of anger but of lust. My fingers dug into the flesh of her buttocks and I drove my penis in her hard and fast. Her nipples rubbed the wooden table top as she banged her head into it.

She was in a constant orgasm. Her cunny juices were flowing freely. The juices splattered on my stomach and thigh each time I jabbed inside her. I could feel the pressure building in my stomach.

All of a sudden she pushed me back. She turned onto her back and lifted her legs straight up in the air. I stepped closed, and drove my penis back into her. My arms wrapped around her thighs and I watched her big breasts bounce back and forth from the force I was plunging into her.

Her eyes were rolled back in her head as another orgasm washed over her. It was not long before I felt mine building again. I could feel my balls swinging between my legs. This whole scene reminded me of the night I fucked Dana.

My breathing became heavy, I could feel my penis swelling inside Miss Herndon. She too must have felt it because she placed the heel of her shoes into my chest and pushed me back. It was so unforeseen, that I stumbled backwards. She twisted around on the conference table and held her head back off the table and she opened her mouth.

Her breasts heaved as she gasped for air. I was not sure what she wanted but her open mouth was a good sign. I stepped up and laid my penis in the open mouth. She reached back and placed her hand on my butt and pulled me into her.

She grabbed my hips and pushed and pulled me in and out. I shoved my penis down her throat. She took all of it. I watched her neck, and could see it bulge as my penis invaded it. That sight was too much. I could not hold back any more. I erupted in Miss Herndon’s throat. She gripped my buttocks and held me there until she could not take any more, and she pushed me back.

I stumbled back and found a chair. I flopped into it as my penis continued to leak. She lay on the table and tried to catch her breath. All of a sudden it was like she came to her senses. She hoped off the table and looked at me. She began to cry, as she slipped her skirt and blouse back on. She put her panties and bra in her purse and ran towards the ladies room.

Confused, I gathered my clothes and put them back on. I walked out of the conference room and headed to the reception area. Mrs. Johnson was waiting. I followed her out of the door and to the car. We rode in silence all the way home.

Tasha had text me six times after she got out of school. I texted her back and told her we were on the way home. When we arrived I went straight into the bathroom to shower. I had had sex with two women and my balls were sore. I stood there and let the water wash over me.

I leaned my head against the wall of the shower. My thoughts went back over the day. The questions that were asked and the answers I had given. I remembered Heather and how quickly she had popped into the activities of the day, and how quickly she had disappeared.

I thought about Miss Herndon and how I had been dreaming of taking her when Heather interrupted. I thought it was funny that I had taken her in the same manner in which I had dreamed of doing. My eyes were closed, and my body relaxed as the water cascaded over my body.

My relaxation was brought to an end when I felt fingers wrap around my penis. I was startled and jumped back. In my doing so, I almost made Tasha and myself fall out of the tub. She giggled as she dropped to her knees and licked the head of my penis.

“What are you doing? Where is Mrs. Johnson?” I whispered, trying not to be heard.

“She is in the kitchen cooking dinner. I told her I was going to your room to wait. I sat there thinking about you being naked in the shower, and couldn’t wait.,” she replied before taking my hardened penis into her mouth.

I could not believe my penis was getting hard after the day I had, but the memory of Miss Herndon and Heather quickly escaped my mind as Tasha cupped and squeezed my balls. She sucked and licked on my penis, she looked so hot doing it.

I leaned over and pulled her to her feet. I pulled her close and we kissed. Her nipples pressed into my stomach and chest. I lowered and scooped her up in my arms and pressed her into the wall. I slipped into her with ease.

It was amazing how just a couple of days ago, she was so tight that I had to lick her to an orgasm before she could take me. Now she took me with little effort. She was still so tight. Her cunny fit my penis like a tight glove.

She and I kissed with passion. I had been inside two other women that day, but neither compared to the cunny I was in at that moment. Inside Tasha, I felt at home. Tasha’s heels pressed into my lower back as she hit her orgasm. She was so tight and wet, I could not hold off any longer and erupted inside her.

We were both weak when our sensation subsided. I stood her back into the tube. I stepped out while she washed herself off. As she stepped out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around her naked body. We both giggled as we dressed. I checked the hallway before we dashed to my room.

We fell on the bed and started kissing. She was so beautiful, and to think that she wanted me as much as I wanted her was such a refreshing feeling. We lay there until Mrs. Johnson called us for dinner. We got up and before we walked out of the room, I kissed her once again. Then I watched her plump little butt wiggle as we went to eat. My life was good.

Friday night with Andrew Pt. 1 0 (0)

I had just survived my first week of classes. With only a few days in, I had already somehow managed to slip behind and end up with a bunch of homework for the weekend. It was Friday night and while everyone was out partying, I was in my dorm finishing what needed to be turned in first thing Monday morning. At first I was mad at myself but then I realized if I focused and hurried up I could probably finish Saturday afternoon and would have all Sunday to myself.

To be super transparent with you, I was never really the party type. I truly enjoyed staying in and watching something on Netflix or surfing the hub. But tonight was different. First of all it was my first weekend as a freshman and people were out there partying and meeting other people. And second, I had an urging desire to fuck a dude. Porn only helped so much, eventually you get stronger desires to act out what you see others do every night.

But I couldn’t do either of those things tonight because I had work to finish up.

The more I thought about dudes out partying the hornier I got and the hornier I got the angrier I got, so I decided to give up on those dreams and begin working.

That was until I heard a knock on my door. When I went to open the door I realized I had nothing on but underwear. I put on my shorts and a shirt.

I opened the door and was greeted a guy whose name was Andrew. He was a tall guy with muscular arms and black hair slipped back. He looked sweaty.

“Hey” he said.

“Hey how can I help you?”

“Is Hector here?” He asked. I told him no. This semester I had a single bedroom with no roommate.

“Oh fuck! Do you know if an Hector lives near here?” The floor I was on had around twenty five other bedrooms including doubles and triples. There was so many people I didn’t know.

“No, sorry.” I said hoping this would make him leave, I had homework to get done.

“Fuck. I was supposed to spend the night with Hector. What am I gonna do now?” He looked around as if he was lost.

“Do you not have a room?” I asked.

“No. Well yes. But no. I’m having issues with the roommate I currently have. You know, because I’m gay and he’s a homophobe.” He told me.

I was surprised when he said he was gay.

“And who’s this Hector guy?” I asked. He let out a laugh.

“A stranger I met on the app who’s also a student here. I told him my situation and said I could come over.” He said

“Well why don’t you text him?”

“He’s not answering. I think he got mad when I told him I wouldn’t give him a blowjob for letting me stay the night. And now I have nowhere to stay.”

Fuck! This dude was hot as hell! And he needed a place to stay tonight.

“You can stay with me if you’d like.” I said not realizing what I had just offered.

“Really?” He said

“Yeah, I can’t let you go now, not after what’s going on with you.” At this point my mind was going crazy thinking about what could happen tonight. My dick was getting hard.

“Thanks a lot. In return I’ll do whatever it is you want me to do.” Andrew said as he entered the room. He had nothing else with him.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure we can find some way you can repay me tonight.” I winked.

I think Andrew knew what I wanted. By now I had a visible hard on, and the grey shorts did not help cover it up.

After he sat down in my bed I went back to doing my homework. It was difficult to concentrate knowing there was a fine piece of ass in my bed. But Andrew fell asleep pretty quickly and my hopes for the night vanished.

At around one am I woke up with Andrew’s lips placed around the tip of my cock.

“What are you doing Andrew?” I asked submitting myself to the pleasure.

“Just what you wanted. I could tell how hard you were when I came in.” He said and went back to playing with my dick.

His lips felt like heaven around my cock. I was ready to bust right that second. Andrews hands were ripping through my shirt and grabbing every part of my body. It was orgasmic.

Eventually the moment came. I was ready to cum. When I told him I was ready to cum he deepthroated my dick and I involuntarily began to hump his head. I was ready to cum. He kept bobbing his head up and down and shoved his head down my cock. I was ready to cum.

Suddenly, Andrew began to tickle me and the load that was ready to bust went away. I was angry!

“What the fuck! Why didn’t you let me cum?” I raised my voice. He laughed.

“Just because of that,” I said.

“I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you all night long.”

I turned him over and brought down his pants. He bang to moan as I inserted my cock in his tight ass

“Oh you like that Andrew?”

“Yes I do.” He said

“We’ll get ready for what’s coming” I said as I went full force on his ass. I began thrusting myself all up on him. We were now against my bed, my chest on his back fucking the living shit out of him. He moaned.

“Go deeper” he said

“Dont fucking tell me what to do? You ruined my orgasm and now you owe me big time!”

I kept fucking him for about thirty minutes. Each time I went inside of him his ass kept getting hotter and hotter.

We were sweating on each other when he turned around and said “can I fuck you?”

I was caught by surprise. But that didn’t stop me from fucking him.

“I’m about to cum” I said as I threw myself on top of him. My hips continued to hump him. I gave him one last fuck and threw myself on the bed.

“Fuck, was I too hard on you” I said watching him jerk off.

“I like it rough” he said.

“Let me help you with that” I said as I grabbed his dick and put it in my mouth. What happened next I did not expect.

Andrew basically fucked my mouth hard. He grabbed me behind my head and began fucking me mercilessly.

“I’m about to cum don’t stop” he told me

I couldn’t say anything. He didn’t even give me a chance to breathe. By the time I knew it I was swallowing his cum.

I looked at him. His eyes rolled upwards from the orgasm.

“That was hot” I said as my dick got hard.

“It was. We should do it again.”

We both threw ourselves on my bed and without intending to fell asleep next to each other.

In the morning when I woke up Andrew wasn’t there. Had this all been a dream? I couldn’t find anything that would tell me otherwise until I looked in the mirror. There was cum on my face. Fresh cum.

That motherfucker!

Meeta 2 – Meeta`s bike ride with Ashok 0 (0)


This is a part of the Meeta series.

All my stories have a strong Indian context and background.

It would be better to read the earlier part(s) to get a bit of a better understanding.

Lastly, all stories are and will be slow-burn. These stories are a fantasy and request you to keep that in mind.

Ashok and I had decided to sleep for a few hours before we had to leave for the station but I could not sleep. I was tossing and turning thinking about what I would do the next few days. I turned and for a long time watched Ashok sleep like a baby, he and I had a long-distance marriage and we both knew that we were fucking others whenever he had a chance. I always felt fortunate that I was married to him, because he knew just how big of a slut I was back in school and college, he was one of the many who had fucked me. He used to live just a few houses away down the street, and his parents knew mine. So when we both reached the legal age to marry our parents started looking for a match. Somehow his parents came to know that my parents were also looking for a match for me.

One morning Ashok came home and Mom had answered the door, mom came to my room and told me that a friend of mine named Ashok and come, I could not think or recollect who this Ashok was because he was one of the many faces that I always deleted from memory after they were done fucking me. Anyway, I went out and met him and only after seeing him I remembered who he was. Ashok was always the gentleman even during orgies. I had observed that he had always respected me and did not treat me like a slut ever. So I greeted him in and we talked he informed me that his parents had told him that they had received interest in our marriage from some common friends of our parents. I was surprised by this and I was thinking that he had come over to tell me that it should be me to reject the proposal as he did not want to marry a slut and while still be respectful by not telling his parents that I was a slut.

Just then there was a power cut and it started getting very hot, so I asked Ashok if he wanted to continue talking on the terrace he accepted and we went upstairs. Ours is a typical Indian double story home with the living, dining, and kitchen on the ground floor and bedrooms on the first. We headed upstairs to the terrace and found mom sitting below the sort of shelter the water tank enclosure provided. She was smoking and was surprised to see us there, she said “I did not know you were coming upstairs” and I replied that “I did not know you would be here” she moved to stub off the cigarette and Ashok said “O please finish it, it is ok” my mom looked at me and I gave her the, of course, finish it look and she continued. Now the thing is that I knew that mom smoked and she knew that I smoked too, in fact, we had shared a few cigarettes many times. Anyway, this was her spot, because there were other double and triple story homes nearby but none overlooking this spot. See the thing is that smoking is bad, yes, but from where we were female smoking meant only that she was wayward and amoral. More so if she was the mother of a young girl.

As mom was finishing up Ashok walked away and was looking around and taking in the sights our terrace offered, I snuck down and took a puff from the cig and mom just smiled. After she was done she went downstairs saying, “You both be good now” once she was gone I walked over to where Ashok was and said so “what do you want me to do? Reject the marriage proposal?” he looked at me puzzled and said “Noooo, I want to know what you want, do you want to marry me?” now it was my turn to be baffled, he knew that I was a slut, he knew that I must have fucked all his friends some family too maybe, he knew that I took pride I being used, he knew that I would never be faithful yet he wanted to know if I wanted to marry him. He understood my predicament and simply offered to talk openly before making any decisions.

I thought this was the correct thing to do so I agreed, we sat down on the floor and I started with the same questions that were buzzing in my mind, “Don’t you know that I am a slut? You are aware that I must have fucked all your friends some family too maybe, right? And you are aware that if we were to get married I would never be faithful to you, I am not built for it. Still, you want to know my answer” he looked into my eyes took a deep breath and said “I am fully aware that you are a slut and were called the college bicycle, I have no problems with that, you indeed have fucked all of my friends and again it doesn’t matter to me that you have about your third concern of you having maybe fucked some in the family, so what? Again it doesn’t matter to me.” He took a pause and took my hands in his and continued “Lastly you said something about being faithful to me then, I have thought of this and my answer is that I want to marry you because I want you not just physically but mentally and emotionally also, and I am well aware that you will never be emotionally and mentally with me if you are not fucking others. So please make a mental note that I would never even think of asking you to not be with others.” He held my hands up and kissed them softly and went on “In fact, I don’t know if me saying this will reduce my chances of you saying yes but I just want you to understand that I find it impossible for me to imagine you not fucking others, and so I want you to fuck others as long as you want it.”

It was my turn so I said “I am glad that you said you have no issues with me being with others and want me to be with others. That does put me at ease a bit, no doubt this would weigh a lot in my decision. Also, you said that you have no issues with being the college bicycle but what would you do when your friends come home and want to fuck me the same for your relatives? How do you intend to handle that have you thought about it?”

Ashok thought about this for a minute and said “As long as they don’t force you and you are fine with them fucking you. I won’t mind… but if someone forces you into it I would kill them. About relatives well they all have or will have wives and mothers and daughters who I could be with” he winked saying that and I winked back saying you know I can be with those wives, mothers, and daughters too, and started laughing, he understood the mean of that and joined me in laughing saying hey whatever works for you. I then finally said so do you want the answer right now or would you give me time to think it through. To that he said I can take as much time as I needed as long as I did not say no whenever his parents contacted mine for a meet and greet. We both thanked each other and he asked if I had any cigarettes on me. I told him that I would get it from fatty and he said who`s fatty, and I told him “Mom! We call her fatty at home.” He chuckled and I went downstairs.

I found mom in the kitchen and asked her for a few cigarettes, she simply told me that they were in the usual container below the kitchen surface. Mom hid those there as Dad was not aware that she and I smoked and he never came to the kitchen to cook, my dad couldn’t cook to save his life so he always stayed away from the kitchen. This gave more than the perfect place to keep her stash. I grabbed a few cigs and a cold bottle of water and went back upstairs.

When I reached back upstairs on the terrace Ashok was still sitting in the same spot we were earlier, so I asked him to come below the tank, he did and I handed him the bottle first he had a few gulps of water, and then then the cigarettes. I showed him where the matchbox was he asked if I wanted to have one and I told him that I would have one later, but would have a cigar before that. I moved on all fours and crawled towards him I kissed his semi-hard dick over his jeans and then rubbed it over a few times. He quietly asked what if mom comes and I said don’t worry she won’t, after that without wasting any more time I pulled down his zipper and unbuttoned his jeans. Ashok was not wearing any underwear! His dick emerged magnificently into my waiting hands. It was hot to touch and was getting harder. I think he was good 7” and easily 2 inches thick, I slowly started stroking his dick, he closed his eyes and was enjoying every movement of it. I had almost over five inches of his amazing shaft in my mouth and I started bobbing my head back and forth on it.

“Oh yeah, suck it cycle,”

Ashok moaned and said “God, you are such an eager slut,” Soon, Ashok reached down and yanked down my tank top, letting my impressively round quite pert breasts spill out, he gave out a loud sigh cupping my breast in his hand and began to fondle it

I continued to stroke and suck his cock. After a few minutes, I turned my attention to his balls and licked them in slow, short motions with my tongue. This tickled Ashok and he pinched my nipple hard making me gasp and sigh.

All I said was “easy please, don’t damage the goods” he ran his fingers through my hair and said “you are built for this and will never be damaged” I had goosebumps when he said that and pinched me again saying

“How about you let me get inside that sweet pussy of yours you whore?”

“Oh, oh, yes with pleasure,” was my response.

I shifted myself and asked him to lie down and tugged on his dick a few times before mounting him. The shelter we were in had enough space, I had pulled my skirt up around my waist and was not wearing any panties so it was quite effortless. I started going up and down on his shaft and he held on to my round wobbling tits.

Ashok was really good and I was in ecstasy I ended up crying “Oh, oh, oh, ah, Oh God! Oh Fuck me, oh yes, aaaah,” fuck this town fucking cycle of yours, fuck me harder! Oh yes, this cheap whore wants your cum, cover my insides with your fucking cum!”

“Uh, ah, oh, Meetaaa, fuck yeah, oh, I’m going to cum pretty soon for you!” Ashok groaned as I bounced on his cock. I kept fucking him back and simply told him to always call me names when we were fucking. That was something that I had learned about myself very early on, I enjoyed when I was abused and called foul things. I also realized that he was nearing climax so I started bouncing on his dick higher and faster. Soon enough he erupted inside me. I clinched on his dick with my pussy and he shot 4 streams of cum into me that I could feel. I stayed like that for a couple of minutes and then lay next to him and rested for a while.

After resting for a few minutes we were both thirsty so I decided to go downstairs and get something to drink, I got dressed and moved out of the shelter and found out that while we were fucking each other Mom (Sakshi) had come upstairs with two glasses and a jar full of lemonade but having seen us fuck, had left the tray on the floor and went back downstairs. She is my mom yes but was always fine with me being the slut, anyway more about her later. So I took the tray with the refreshments and went back to where Ashok was, he was alarmed and asked me how come I got it so soon as I had moved away from him just seconds earlier, I told him that Mom must have got it for us. His face turned a shade of pink with embarrassment I think, for he too realized that she must have seen us. I saw this look and immediately lied saying that Mom and I have this understanding that if I am with any of my friends on the terrace then she leaves the refreshments and all at the terrace door and doesn’t come up all the way.

Ashok was relieved hearing the lie, and gladly accepted the glassful of lemonade, which he finished in one big gulp as I refilled the glass he asked me if I was free that day and wanted to join him on a bike ride, I told him that I had nothing planned so would be happy to go with him. He was glad that I had said yes so he left and said that he would be back in 30 minutes to pick me up. I asked him about the destination and the mode of travel only to figure out what to wear. He told me that he knew of a place some 3.5 hours from home which he wanted to go to with me and that we would go on his bike. So I told him that I would be ready and he left. I sneaked down into the shelter once again and smoked a cigarette and went downstairs.

Before going to my room, I went to the kitchen kept the tray with jug and glasses, and informed mom that I was going on a bike ride with Ashok, she looked at me and smiled a naughty smile, and told me that if I was going to be home late in the night then I should call or text her. I too responded with a huge grin on my face and said that I would make sure that I updated her. There were many unspoken statements said in her naughty smile and my grin. Anyway, I went to my room and took a shower, I made sure to finger myself and in the process cleaned myself I made sure that whatever of his cum I scooped out I ate. Back in the room I walked to my closet and decided to wear blue jeans and a red and white checks shirt, along with a G-string and a red push-up bra. I applied light makeup and some perfume. I also pulled out my rucksack and kept a towel and a change of clothes and undies. I was ready so I went out of my room and sat in the living room when mom came out with a bowl of cut fruits for herself and me. We accepted it and was eating when she asked me where was it that Ashok was taking me and I told her that some spot along the river about 3.5 hours away. She asked “on a bike? I assume.” And I nodded my head yes. Soon Ashok arrived but did not come inside, instead just honked, hearing it mom said “okkkkkkkk. Seems like the boy is eager to ride you again. I mean eager to go on the ride with you” and laughed and kept a mischievous smile on her face, I winked and laughed too and told her that I would update here as promised if I was getting late. She simply said, “Good, be safe and have fun”.

I draped a scarf around my head and put on sunglasses and sat on the bike, he ensured that I was comfortable and ready and we started, it took us almost 30 minutes to reach the highway due to traffic. Ashok asked me if I had been on a bike ride date before today and I told him that it was my first with him, he laughed saying at-least he was my first in something. I laughed hard at that. We were cruising at a decent speed and the weather was not very harsh, the constant dhup-dhup-dhup-dhup sound made by the bike was very calming and I went back in time for a movement I remembered that I had my first orgasm on the back on a bike, my father’s bike a long time ago I was young back then yet I am aware that it would be embarrassing for most to have your first cum while holding on to your father, yet I have always looked at it only as my first orgasm and have cherished the memory always. Ashok was telling me something but since I was not paying attention, I could not participate or reply so I told him that I was finding it difficult to hear what he was speaking. He understood the logic and stayed quiet. I instinctively hugged him tightly from behind as we sped through the road, the strong vibrations from the bike giving me that familiar tingle in my pussy. I also rested my head on his shoulder, I could smell the cologne whiffing into me, I took in the sights and sounds of the fast-moving countryside, The only constant was the river flowing next to us, I was happy and mentally swore to myself that I would go on more rides now onwards.

Anyway, soon I was brought back to reality when Ashok slowed down saying he wanted to have a cup of tea and if I was fine having it at some roadside shack or wanted to go to some restaurant, I told him a roadside shack would be fine. He confirmed if I was sure saying there won’t be any washroom at the shack, I told him that even if we went to the restaurant I wouldn’t use the restroom as I found those unhygienic and dirty, well truth be told I liked going out in the open or where there was a chance that someone would catch me in the act and not in an enclosed space. I could feel Ashok shrug maybe thinking fine have it your way or something similar. Soon we saw a shack and he brought the bike to a halt, we got down stretched, and straightened up we had been riding for a good 2 hours 45 mins or so. He asked me what I wanted to have and I told him some cola would be good for me, we had that and he generally enquired if I was enjoying it so far and I told him that I was. We mounted the bike resumed the ride, I told him that he should be on the lookout for a secluded spot for I had to pee. Soon we left the highway he told me that the place he was taking me was not far from where we were and that I should cover my face with the scarf as the next bit of road was dusty. After traveling for 5 minutes on the dirt road he stopped and I got down, the place where he had stopped was next to the railway track and a train had just passed, my naughty brain told me to wait for the next train so I took decided to smoke, just as I was about to finish, I saw a train coming towards us, I quickly wrapped the scarf around my face and head and took off my jeans and g-string and squatted down, face towards the side of the train. As soon as the train’s engine had passed me, I let go of a powerful stream of warm piss into the ground. Fortunately, the train was passing at a decent speed where no one could get down yet be able to see me flash. So I continued and then the piss stream slowly sputtered to a trickle and then ended. A huge puddle of piss sat under my feet.

I turned around while still being squatted and looked at Ashok and he looked happy, I simply said give me two minutes and started to finger myself, the rush of doing what I had a few seconds earlier and the fact that I was already on edge for a while from being on the bike, I came within a minute. Ashok made a face that said that he was impressed, so I got up wore only my jeans, not the g-string, and was ready to leave when Ashok came plucked a stick and tied my g-string end to it making a flag of sorts. He then implanted it next to the now quickly drying puddle I had made. We both smiled and got back on the bike.

Soon we reached a nice quiet place on the riverbank, where he stopped the bike and announced that we had reached. I took in the surroundings it was very calm, hardly anyone around, the river flowing making the peculiar sound, birds chirping overall it was scenic and quite picturesque. I asked him what was so special about this place and he told me that he was not superstitious yetAS all the thoughts he had were clarified in his mind there and he was hoping that it would work for me too. We sat down on the sandy shore and waited for a long time before either one of us spoke. When we did we spoke about lots of things right from our childhood and families to personal aspirations to what we had thought about or wished for in our spouses.

Anyway as we chatted I was smoking, I saw that a group of 4 guys was sitting a few meters away from us they were eyeing me for sure as I was smoking openly and it was uncommon for girls to smoke from where I am. I did not pay much attention to them and continued chatting with Ashok, and I broached the topic of me being a nymph. He smiled and told me that he wouldn’t have asked to marry if I was not a slut, he told me that he had understood at an early age that he was different in the way he saw things. For him being with someone was only possible at an emotional level, physically the more one is with the other the more one is attracted towards the one emotionally is what he believed in. I was thinking about things when one of the boys for the group sitting further away came up to us and asked for a matchbox to light a cigarette. My slut sense was activated instantly and I pretended to look for the lighter here and there when I knew that I had kept the lighter in the left breast pocket. I purposefully patted my jeans pocket first and then my right boob pocket pretending to look for it. Finally, I retrieved the lighter from the left and handed it to him. He lit his cigarette and went back to his friends. Ashok and I continued chatting and after a while a different guy from the group came asking for the lighter this time I handed it over right away and asked where they were from he told me that they were from the local village nearby, to which I asked if he knew where I could get some bottled water to drink.

There is no shop which sells that nearby but will arrange water for you, was his response.

I thanked him and took the lighter back.

Soon enough he returned with a bottle saying I could have it, I asked how did he manage it so soon and was informed that it was with them for mixing liquor that they had got. I thanked them again and he left. Ashok and I agreed that the group was decent, he told me that he had seen them earlier too on his previous visits and they had always been this way.

After a while Ashok declared that he had to pee and would be back, I asked him where would he go and he pointed towards a patch of wild shrubs much further across the group of friends. He asked if I wanted to join him to relieve myself too, and he told me that I did not have to yet. So he went, as soon as he had crossed them I had an idea and decided to act on it. I stood up and walked over to the boys and without any preamble asked if they had an extra cigarette as I had finished mine. They did offer two brands and that they had and I picked one and lit it, I was about to turn when one of them said

“Aree, yahin baitho usko aane main time lagega, beech me khoda Hua hai, ghuum ke Jaana padta hai” which is “why don’t you sit with us, he (Ashok) would take time to return as he would have to walk more to reach the shrubs due to a ditch that has been dug in between. I looked up towards Ashok and he indeed had taken a detour. I was not aware of this ditch but was glad that there was one and that meant that Ashok would take more time to return. So I sat down with the guys and began small talk. One of them offered me a glass of whiskey they were having, I refused to say if I drank it then I`ll have to go pee and that I did not want to walk so much. To which the first guy who had come for the lighter said “yahin kar Lena, humari tarah” (do it here, like us) pointing towards a rock sitting just a few feet away. The one holding the glass kept it down and simply said its okay no compulsions and got up and walked over to the rock and took out his dick and started to pee, I saw his limp dick which while being limp was 6 inches and charcoal black. A dark stain formed over the rock as the stream of piss began to run all over. I watched transfixed and as if being mind-controlled picked up the glass of whiskey in front of me and I finished it all in one gulp. No sooner than I had emptied the glass there was an offer to refill it, I nodded yes and handed the glass to one of them. It was refilled promptly and handed back to me. I had a normal sip and giggled looking at the rest of them.

I looked towards Ashok and saw that he was still walking in the other direction, the guys followed me and laughed I shook my head in disbelief too and joined in the laughter and all of us were salient. I knew what to do and said I am Meeta, what about you all. They then introduced themselves one by one, the first one who had come for the lighter was Prakash, the second one was Monu, the third who had filled my glass was Heera and the one who had just pee`ed on the rock was Bablu.

Monu asked who Ashok was and I told them “Abhi toh dost hai, shayad aage pati ho Jaye” for now he’s just a friend, in the future maybe husband. To which Heera said “sooch ke Karna shadi, Thoda chutia lagta hai” (think before you marry, (Ashok) seems like a wimp). I finished my drink and looked at Heera shaking the empty glass, he simply asked “kya?” (What?) And I asked for a refill. To which Bablu said “phele tumhe Kuch Karna Hoga,” (first you need to do something) and I asked if I should take of my clothes “kapde utaru?” in a very normal sounding tone, as if it was nothing and before they answered I was on my feet undoing my shirt buttons and took it off in one quick motion and sat down. The four of them clapped and one of them said “yeah hui na baat” (now we are starting) I picked up the empty glass and waved it to them my bra-clad boobs jiggling a bit. But again bablu did not relent, so I inquired in a mock irritated tone “what now” to which he told me that he did not me to remove the shirt but since I had done it was fine… all he wanted was for me to say things in which he would record and make it into a ringtone on his phone. I asked him what he wanted exactly and then asked him to take out the phone. I noticed that till then none of them had even taken out their phones from the pockets.

“Bablu meri choot, meri gaand, meray mummy aur mera muuh tumhare intejar main hai” (Bablu my cunt, my ass my breasts and my mouth are waiting for you) he stopped the recording and replayed it a few times, he looked satisfied and immediately kept his phone away and poured me another glassful. I looked at the others and asked if they too wanted something similar, they did so I said the same for each one of them just replacing the names. They all looked happy which made me happy. Prakash asked me for the lighter again and I told them that it was their turn to do something for me, they asked what I wanted and simply said I did what they did not ask for initially so they should also do the same. They understood and soon had taken off their pants and underwear. All 4 had started to get hard. I felt at home being in a bra with strangers, with complete knowledge that I would be fucked soon by all of them made my pussy wet. As they were removing their clothes I finished the drink and when they sat down I got up telling them that I had to pee now. Hearing me say that sent a shockwave it seemed as all 4 dicks twitched at the same time.

I then removed my jeans and as my ass came into view Monu gasped realizing and almost shouting that I was not wearing any panties. I smiled wickedly and squatted down and released a streaming torrent of my golden piss…To all of their surprise, rather than cover myself or even look vaguely embarrassed, I spread my legs further to give them all a better look. Bablu was the first to compose himself and asked he could come closer, I gave him and all of them the obviously yes face and soon they all were in front of my face. I was still pissing even after a minute. I couldn’t believe how much piss I had in me, as my stream was just going with no sign of stopping! At long last, my stream petered out, Heera encouraged me to go on pissing till I gave them a show of every drop I had, and since I had been so full, I started again a few times, and pissed out a fair amount. Finally, I was completely drained, and every drop of piss I had in my bladder had gone out.

As I finished I pulled Bablu towards me and without any preamble started to suck him. Soon someone unclasped my bra and made me completely naked. I moved from dick to dick after giving each 5-7 sucks. The 4 pairs of hands were now all over me, in my hair, on my boobs on my back, on my ass, on my pussy, on my legs, everywhere their hands roamed freely, and not one inch was left untouched. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ashok return and was only a few feet away. For a second it felt as if the 4 wanted to move back but I think because I continued to suck them or because Ashok inserted his two fingers in my cunt and saying it loudly “chut deekho Sali ki, tapak Rahi hai” (did you guys see her pussy, it is dripping!) they got confident that Ashok was fine with all this.

I was pulled into a standing position and they passed me around from one to another, kissing me and either groping my boob or ass or fingering my pussy or pinching my nipples or all of it. My ass and boobs were bouncing every time I was passed on from one guy to another. I came twice just by being passed around and felt up thoroughly. Ashok came and sat where the 4 of them were sitting and had lit a cigarette, she urged the 5 of us to keep going on. It was that movement that I had made up my mind that I would marry him.

Anyway, I was now kneeling and all the 4 guys were standing around me shaking their dicks while one was in my mouth. Once in a while, before the dick was inserted into my mouth the owner of the dick bent and kissed me, Soon I was made to stand and Bablu picked me up in his arms and inserted his dick in my pussy, Heera gave me about a minute to adjust and then inserted his 8inch super straight dick in my ass. The other 2 Monu and Prakash were trying to grab a boob each but were unsuccessful since I was hugging Bablu very tightly and not even air could pass between us.

Heera and Bablu fucked me in that position for 20 minutes and decided to change holes, so I was lowered and turned around and now it was Heera in my pussy and Bablu in my ass. Monu and Prakash were sitting with Ashok and all 3 were sipping on the drink while with their left hand were stroking their dicks. Heera and Bablu again fucked me for 20 minutes before lowering me on the ground. They did not cum as they wanted to ensure that others also got to fuck me first.

Prakash lied down and asked me to mount him while Monu spat on my ass and inserted his dick, they both seemed calmer than the earlier two and I understood that these two would last longer and indeed they did… they were fucking me senseless for almost 45 minutes, they too stopped gave me a breather of 5 minutes and turned me around now Monu lay on the floor with his dick was in my pussy and Prakash who was the biggest at almost 8.5 inches long and a massive 3” in thickness, in my ass. Again they kept fucking me for a good 30 minutes and I heard Prakash say to Ashok, “Bhai, Teri hi, hone wali biwi hai, tu Kuch to ker” (Brother she is your future wife, do something) and Ashok came over and I took him in my mouth. I was fucked for another 20 minutes and then Monu asked if he was allowed to cum inside me. I told all of them they could cum wherever they wanted, Ashok came first on my face, Sending the two over the edge too, soon Monu came in my cunt and Prakash in my Ass. As soon as they were done they moved back and Heera got in my ass and came there while Bablu came over my face.

I was exhausted, and fell asleep naked right there I was content, satisfied and soon going to be married. A couple of hours later I was woken up by Monu, he told me that it was starting to get dark and that if we (Ashok and me) wanted to stay then they would arrange something for us. I nodded no thanks and told him that I would like to leave. I looked around and saw that Ashok and Heera were in the river taking a dip. Monu was sitting next to me and I asked him for a cigarette he handed me one. I was smoking when he pushed me gently and mounted me in a missionary position he was fucking me gently and I was smoking at the same time. Monu fucked me for 5 minutes and came over my boobs, then Bablu took me in the same position, he also came over my boobs. After he was done Prakash came and asked if he could fuck my ass again for a few mins I told him he could if he cums in my ass. He too did not take much time and unloaded in my ass.

I saw that Ashok and Heera were heading back and since I had to pee I squatted and let out a thick steady stream of pee exactly where I was sitting, I took some of my pee and splashed it over my face. The three saw me and asked if I wanted more and I simply nodded my head, yes, soon the three started to stream piss down on me. I was startled at first by the sudden onslaught of 3 jets of pee on my face but adjusted quickly. Prakash shouted “Ashok Bhai, jaldi aa, Dekh bhabhi ko” (Ashok come fast, look what bhabhi (bhabhi=brothers wife) is doing) Ashok came running and saw me and just laughed. He too positioned his dick and soon I had four streams of piss drenching me, I turned my head a few times to make sure I got a taste of everyone’s pee. I got more than a taste as I swallowed down as much of the golden nectar as I could. The four of them pissed and pissed and it was soothing to the soul when they did that. I finished off by sucking the four clean of piss. I held the piss off in their cocks by squeezing them. This way I was able to put a cock in my mouth and then release the piss and swallow it down as soon as my mouth was full.

Heera was watching all this and came over, he made me stay on all fours and pushed his dick up my ass he relieved himself there and in effect gave me a piss enema. This brought me to yet another orgasm.

After my orgasm subsided and I was stable, we all went into the river where we had a quick dip and rinse. We headed out and chatted making promises to come back soon. It was almost 7 pm so I sent mom a text as I had promised her. I quickly changed into a knee-length skirt and a T-shirt that I got as spare. I did not wear any inners. The four of them mauled and kissed me goodbye and we (Ashok and me) were on our way. On the road, I asked him if he was disgusted by my actions and he slowed the bike and stopped it, I did not know what had happened so he pushed me on my knees and told me hows this for an answer and started to pee on me … he drenched me and I rode with him back to the city in my piss drenched clothes.

Before we reached the city we took a break at a dhabha (a 24×7 food stall) where I had dinner I took Ashok in the back and gave him an amazing blowjob. He again pee`ed on me and I drank as much as I could. It was there that I told Ashok that I had decided and was looking forward to marrying him.

Ashok was ecstatic and picked me up in a hug and kissed me, he did not care that he was also tasting his own pee and that brought be to another orgasm. I was in love.

It was indeed a bike ride to remember…



This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.

This is an office-slut story.

This is a story around a mother, Connie Mason, and her daughter, Dawn. Connie is 36 and Barb is 19. Both women are trim with blonde hair that is straight and falls just to the shoulders. Connie’s breasts are larger (DD cup after enhancement years ago) than her daughter’s (C cup). Both women have dealt with struggle in their lives.

Connie was 16 when she became pregnant with Dawn. The father was no support and her family were marginally supportive. She took marginal jobs for several years before getting into a community college program for training in secretarial skills. Her desires for sexual contact didn’t just start at a young age, it maintained itself through her life despite the difficulties of a young daughter, which led to frustrations to quell sexual energy persistent within her. Moving from secretarial job to secretarial job, her skill set limited her options and potential for advancement that might have led to an income that in turn could lead to something better for her and her daughter. That is, until she went to work for Maris Industries a couple years ago and miraculously (in the eyes of many other employees) found herself becoming the Personal Assistant to the President.

Dawn at 20, just like her mother, struggled to keep up in school and narrowly escaped high school with merely acceptable grades to show for it. Although her mother tried to keep her promiscuity in check around Dawn, sex and men were like an open book in their close apartment life that seemed to beg Dawn to explore. In her short mature life, Dawn has already gone through a long series of male partners that clearly have little more interest long-term than a conquest of someone that can be manipulated for their benefit. Already starting the same career path as her mother, she has gone through several low-income, small-potential jobs that require her to share an apartment with an equally unskilled former classmate from high school. She too seemed destined to a life of struggle until her mother managed to get her into an entry level secretarial position somewhere in the bowels of the company. Then, she saw what her mom had risen to and wondered what it would take for her advance, too. Suddenly, there was hope in her life.

Some clinical studies are investigating if there might be a pre-disposition for sexual interest and activity passed from one generation to the other and if that pre-disposition is genetic or behavioral. That study could have used this mother and daughter as study subjects.


Connie was very curious about the meeting going on in the Executive Conference Room. As the Personal Assistant to the President of Maris Industries, she normally knew about all the meetings involving Mr. Maris and the other three executives of the company. She, the executives, and their conference room were located separate from others in the administrative building on the third floor. The rest of the third floor also housed Finance, Accounting, and Human Resources. The rest of the building housed various functions as Sales, Marketing, Administrative Support, Engineering, Drafting, Quality Control, etc. But it wasn’t only that she didn’t know what the meeting was about, it was that the four top executives rarely met privately without taking the opportunity for some playful time with her.

Her desk was in the middle of the four offices, two on each side. Behind her was the large Executive Conference Room only available to these four and meetings they scheduled with others, mostly customers, clients, major suppliers, and investors. In front of her was a reception area of sorts and two doors, one to a restroom and the other to a small kitchenette.

She heard the conference room door open and quiet conversation as each of the men made their way to their offices. Then, she heard Mr. Maris, “Connie, can I see you, please?”

“Of course, sir.” She finished what she was typing and marked her location on the draft letter she was finalizing, stood, straightened her short dress, and turned to Mr. Maris’ office behind her. As she entered his office, she paused at the door with her hand on it and hesitated for an indication to close it or not. He nodded and Connie smiled. Being his Personal Assistant covered a wide range of responsibilities but none as interesting as being his slut to use and share with the other executives. With an excited smile of anticipation, “Sir, what can I do for you?”

Mr. Maris smiled. Those simple, innocent words have opened so many very interesting and erotic encounters with his PA. “As you know, we just concluded an executive meeting and we have come to an agreement that the next step is to talk to you.”

“Me sir? Have I done something that has displeased you or the others?”

He chuckled, “Far from it, Connie. In fact, before we get into this further, please undress.”

Connie stood immediately, reached behind her for the zipper to her dress, then slid the garment to her feet to step out of before placing it on the other guest chair in front of Mr. Maris’ desk. She then comfortably reached behind her back to unhook her bra before pushing her lace thong down her legs. She turned in a full spin for her boss and retook her seat with a smile.

“No, dear, you’ve done nothing to displease any of us. Your willingness to oblige us in becoming naked, allowing touches, sucking cock, and fucking is exactly what our discussion was about.” He looked at her and clearly not limited to her face. “How long have you been my PA, Connie?” She indicated a little less than a year. “Yes, and in that time have you ever considered or wished to end our arrangement?” She said definitely not. He smiled. “Us, either. What we have decided is how this arrangement might be expanded.” She watched him carefully, now. The arrangement was she was available to the men privately in their offices or their conference room as well as outside the office at her apartment, a hotel, or other safe place. She wondered what ‘expanded’ meant. She waited because she knew Mr. Maris didn’t leave anything to misinterpretation.

“Remember that night you assisted me with that customer?” How could she forget. It was the single time she had been approached for something outside the office and the small executive group. “You were magnificent … of course, you always are … but the customer was so … taken by you and your approach to him. That night made us a lot of money.”

“We didn’t even fuck, sir. All he wanted was a blowjob.”

He smiled, “Perhaps, but he was still very much appreciative. You finished off that deal, Connie.” He leaned back and gazed at her naked body sitting in front of him. “What we would like to do is more of that, if we can. We know it is an expansion to what we originally agreed on so this could be a promotion, a significant raise, and a specially structured incentive plan for you.”

She could feel her body responding to his proposal. She knew her nipples were becoming rock hard and her pussy was past the mere wet stage. “I assume you are talking about expansion as being inclusive of customers and other you would want to influence?”

“Exactly, dear. We recognize this can become a big change and too much more a single woman as it takes off … so to speak. So, we propose hiring another PA to assist you. You would be given the title of Executive Personal Assistant. The new woman would be a Personal Assistant reporting to you and dotted-line reporting to all the executive members. She would receive a rewarding salary, benefits, and share in the incentive plan, but at a lesser amount, of course, than you. You would be responsible for training her in all aspects of the job … in the office and … the personal attention you give.” Knowing that the only reason she was in her position was that night he seduced her at the company party and he saw an opportunity in her to do something very outrageous. How was he going to find another woman willing to do this without slapping him with a harassment charge? She expressed those thoughts to him and he smiled back. “Actually, we were hoping you might know someone who might fit the role …” Connie smiled. She just might know the young slut they need.

She stood and leaned onto the desk, her big breasts swaying as she did. She looked at him intently, “Now, sir, with that out of the way … what can I do for you?”

He laughed, pushed his chair back and patted the desk surface in front of him. She walked around the desk and positioned herself on the desk, her ass at the edge, and spread her legs for him. He had already dropped his pants, his hard cock pointing at her. He smiled as he pressed his cock to her pussy, sank into her hole, leaned forward and kissed her. “Are you always wet and ready for a fucking?”

She looked into his eyes and smiled, “I believe those were the same words you asked me that night at the company party when you seduced me into the stairwell.” He laughed. A night that started it all.

When she returned to her desk, Connie sent a text to a woman downstairs, an entry-level secretary, who was her target. It was simple, ‘Call me, tonight, please.’

Connie was in the kitchen of her apartment when the buzzer from the lobby sounded. Her guest was on her way up. She had planned a dinner, one of the salads she gravitated to. When a part of your job is looking attractive and desirable, she found changes were required, especially as she aged. Not only was she controlling her diet, but she religiously took advantage of the gym on the next block. When the doorbell rang, she poured two glasses of white wine that had been chilling and went to the door.

“Hi, Dawn,” she warmly said as she hugged her daughter. “I’m really glad you weren’t already busy.”

Her daughter gave her a kiss on the cheek and entered the apartment. “I was actually, but he wasn’t important. Just some guy I met in a bar and wanted another night.” She chuckled, “I wasn’t impressed with him.”

Connie shook her head. It wasn’t that she was shocked or disapproved, she knew exactly who her daughter learned her promiscuous behavior from. It was also why she immediately thought of her for the new position in the executive offices and, probably, why Mr. Maris asked her if she knew someone for the position. It wouldn’t be a secret that her daughter also worked in the company, the delicate issue would have been if the saying, ‘like mother, like daughter’, would apply.

After covering the casual catching up of their lives since their last contact, Dawn pressed Connie about the urgency of coming to dinner she sensed in the invitation. Connie smiled and launched into her rehearsed explanation and pitch. She had debated if she should feel guilty about wanting her own daughter to be a part of the career path she had chosen, but she knew her daughter and how she was already living … much the same way she had been living before.

“Dawn, honey, how do you think I can afford this apartment?” Dawn shrugged; she had been curious about that. Connie then launched into what her position as Personal Assistant really was for Mr. Maris and why she was in the job. It explained a lot to Dawn and she became curious why her mom was suddenly explaining something that had been kept a secret for the past the year. Finally, Connie admitted the hard truth, “Honey, the truth is neither one of us is the sharpest knife in the drawer, as the saying goes.” Her daughter chuckled and Connie smiled that she was willing to be honest. “We’re the kind of people that can get lost in the system doing our menial jobs and scraping by in life, or … we can accept what we are and take advantage of a unique situation when it presents itself. That’s all I did.” She could see her daughter wasn’t negatively judging her but remained very attentive. “I asked you here specifically because I can offer the same unique situation to you.”

At first, Dawn didn’t react to the words, then it seemed to jolt her. “You mean … give sex for …”

Connie was holding her daughter’s hand and nodding her head. “Yes, that’ exactly what I am suggesting. Dawn, honey, this might be a terrible thing for a mother to encourage her daughter to consider if it wasn’t that we both know what we are. We both love sex and our life skills aren’t that abundant. You give away sex on a regular basis, right?” Dawn nodded. “Your job barely covers you living and you share an apartment with a high school friend. Now, look around you here …” Dawn didn’t physically shift her head, but Connie could see the wheels turning. “I make more than the manager of your supervisor. This apartment is paid for by Mr. Maris. There is a two-bedroom apartment opening up in this building that could be ours. I have a company credit card. My personal expenses are low and my savings are high and the incentive plan they are talking about …”

Dawn took a gulp of her wine and looked at her mom, “Like being a part-time escort?”

Connie shrugged, “You could look at that way, I suppose, but I prefer to think of it as still giving away sex like I would but getting something for it. Maybe I’m deluding myself, but I think of the sex as freely given as part of the company job. I enjoy sex and I know you do. It’s as simple as that.”

Monday morning, Dawn appeared before Connie’s desk as planned at 9:00 AM. Connie looked up, smiled, came around the desk and hugged her. “Are you ready?” Dawn nodded. “There is nothing tricky about the interview. They know you already work here doing similar work. The secretarial duties aren’t that difficult … trust me. Remember to always respond to these men with ‘sir’ and comply positively and immediately to whatever they ask.” Connie looked over her daughter and smiled. She had taken her out to find an appropriate dress that was sexy and barely professional. Dawn’s C-cup breasts presented a different look than Connie’s D-cups so they opted for a deeper opening in front and slightly shorter hem. She moved her hands from her daughter’s shoulders to her face and gazed into the eyes. Dawn could see something change in her mom and was mildly surprised when she received a kiss on the lips … and it wasn’t motherly. Connie searched her daughter’s face, “Am I a terrible mom?” Dawn shook her head. Connie leaned into her, again. The next kiss was full of passion. “How about now?”

Dawn gasped and hugged her mom. “Oh, mom! I’ve wanted to do that so many times.”

Connie smiled and stroked her daughter’s face. “Me, too. But now it is time for you to get yourself a promotion. Then … I’m going to ask for some private time with you in the conference room.” Her daughter looked at her curiously. Connie smiled and hugged her, “I want to suck all that cum out of my little girl.” Dawn gasped and shivered. She couldn’t remember ever being so sexually charged. She knew that new lace thong she was wearing would be saturated and stick to her pussy which she soon would be taking off.

Then, from behind her, “Connie, we’re ready for you.”

“Right away, sir.”

Connie walked Dawn to the conference room door, squeezed the girl’s hand and led her inside. The four senior executives were seated at a conference table that could seat eight people with additional chairs against a wall. Connie introduced her daughter to each of the men.

Mr. Maris spoke to Dawn, “You understand the purpose of this meeting, Dawn?”

She glanced at her mother, then looked at each of the men, “Yes, sir. I am here for the new Personal Assistant position. All the duties and requirements of the position have been explained to me and I would greatly desire to serve you men in that position.”

One of the other men asked, “You understand ALL the requirements and expectation of this position?” Dawn affirmed it. “You understand adding this position represents an expansion of those expectations beyond what your mother has performed to this point?”

Dawn smiled, “I would like very much to show you, in whatever way you desire, that I am the woman to assist my mom in this role.”

Mr. Maris took over, again, “Then, let’s see about that.” He glanced at Connie who was smiling with just a hint of nervousness. That wasn’t necessarily bad. It likely only reflected how much the two of them desired for this to happen. He looked back to Dawn, “Take off you dress, Dawn.” He liked that she didn’t look to her mother this time but immediately reached behind her and began lowering the zipper. She stepped out of the dress and handed to Connie who now stood to the side. She was told to turn in a circle dressed now in a matching set of lace bra and thong with stay-up stockings and heels. Indicating the bra next, she immediately complied. Then the thong and she was essentially naked before them. Mr. Maris indicated for her to step closer to him and his hand reached up to cup her breast while watching her eyes and face for response. She only continued to smile at him. His other hand moved to her crotch and her legs parted slightly. When his fingers slid through her wet pussy lips, he was delighted to see, and hear, her gasp, her legs separating a little more in what seemed to be an unconscious, responsive reaction. She was then told to move to each of the men with the same touching and probing occurring with each, but two of the men also inserted fingers into her ready pussy.

Then, with a simple move, Mr. Maris dramatically shifted the ‘interview’. He unbuckled his belt, lowered the zipper, and shifted his slacks down. Dawn responded immediately, going to her knees in front of him, and taking his exposed cock in her hands. She gave it a couple strokes before lowering her head to lick the underside of the flaccid but rising shaft. She licked from the base to the tip and each time she reached the head, she took it between her lips and sucked on it briefly. Mr. Maris looked up at Connie and smiled. It was the exact technique Connie used. He wondered if the two had coordinated what Dawn might do. It indicated to him this combination of women was a winner for them. Dawn was willing and ready to do what was needed to be done for them and her mother would do what was necessary to guide her. His musings were interrupted as he gasped when his cock was taken deep into her mouth to her throat … just like her mom.

He didn’t want to cum in her mouth this time and that was a real possibility the way he was reacting. He lifted her mouth off his cock and indicated she should move to the next man. Around the group she made her way until each man was hard. Back at the front of the table, Mr. Maris patted the top of the table. She lifted herself up and leaned back, her knees rising with her and spreading wide. She glanced to her mom at the side and found her smiling. Mr. Maris moved between her legs, his hard cock leading him to her open and wet pussy. He sank completely into her with two thrusts and fucked her to his quick climax. The other three men followed suit in quick succession.

Connie stepped to her daughter, a hand on her chest to keep her on the table, as the last of the men filed out of the conference. Closing the door behind the men, she smiled at her daughter, “I told you … I want to clean the cum from your pussy.” Dawn looked up at her mom with a sense of being overwhelmed. She knew what was likely to happen but being fucked by four men in the executive’s conference early in the work day was still difficult to wrap her head around. Now, her mom was going to eat her pussy in the same conference room?

Connie leaned over Dawn’s spread legs and tentatively dipped her outstretched tongue to the messy pussy lips before her. This was new for her. She had never been so intimate with a woman but this was something she somehow felt she needed to do. Soon, her tongue was lapping at the spread pussy like a hound after gravy. She was forcing her tongue into her daughter’s hole for any last cum she could reach, her daughter gasping and moaning, her own fingers pinching and pulling on her nipples, when the conference room door suddenly opened, again.

Both women abruptly stopped what they were doing and looked nervously at the door to find Mr. Maris. He was smiling as he stood in the open doorway. “Nice to see co-workers bonding.”

Connie and Dawn looked at each other smiling embarrassed, then Connie caught the word he used, co-workers. She looked at Dawn with a bigger smile, then to Mr. Maris, “Wait! You mean …” He nodded. Connie pulled Dawn off the table and into her arms.

He smiled at the two of them. “There really wasn’t much doubt in our minds.” His hand was outstretched to Dawn. In it was a new security/access badge, a Corporate Card, and an employment agreement. “I need your signature on that agreement. It leaves out the most interesting parts for obvious legal reasons. The paperwork is already moving through the system to transfer you up here.” Mother and daughter hugged, again, after Dawn, still naked, signed the agreement and gave it back to Mr. Maris. Then, he handed Connie a key. “My understanding is you are going to live together.” They both nodded. “Excellent. That is to the apartment two floor above yours, Connie. It’s a two bedroom. It’s yours and ready to be moved into. Let me know and I will have movers ready when you are.”

Dawn almost walked out of the conference room naked after him she was so excited. Connie pulled her back into the room and kissed her. She had her concerns about bringing her daughter into such a life and wondered if it was really something to be so happy about, but she was.

* * * *

Three weeks later, “All moved in, ladies?” Mr. Maris was standing near his door. Both Connie and Dawn turned in their desk chairs toward him. They both nodded and thanked him for the movers’ help in accomplishing that. Two of the other executives came to their open doors as Mr. Maris continued, apparently knowing what was coming. “Then, how about we christen your new abode with a little party after work?” He wasn’t really so much asking if they wanted to get together as much as telling them they were entertaining the executives after work. After only three weeks, even Dawn knew the difference and both women responded with enthusiasm and eagerness, which was, of course, the response expected.

The women left work early to prepare for the men to arrive. Their shared apartment was only five blocks from the office, which was another reason for the company paying for it. It was convenient for the executives as much as for the women. As they walked the distance, they passed a boutique that caught Dawn’s eyes. A mannequin inside was adorned in an alluring baby-doll negligee. She caught Connie’s eye and they giggled and walked into the shop.

When the buzzer from the lobby sounded, Dawn responded and released the lock for the men to enter. She turned to Connie and giggled. Though she had been fucked or sucked cock regularly in the office the past weeks, this was to be her first gathering with all of them. She and her mom were outfitted in identical outfits: short black, sheer, baby-doll negligees, matching sheer thongs, and high heels. They thought the darkness of the outfits would contrast well with the light blonde hair they both had. It was still hard for her to accept such spur of the moment purchases could be put on the company card.

Connie was familiar with the drink preference of each man and they greeted them at the door with drinks and a kiss. Both women received touches and feels of various parts of their clearly visible bodies. One of the men, upon taking his drink and lightly touching Connie’s breast through the sheer material commented to chuckles from the others, “Now, this is the way to be greeted. Too bad we couldn’t have this at the office.”

When the two women finished their drinks, they refreshed the drinks of the men. As Connie bent to serve one of the men, her larger breasts freely swung as she did, enticing the man to grab one. The man looked at her and asked if the women could dance for them as the men relaxed a little more with their drinks. Connie turned on a player she had nearby connected to speakers, just in case. The two women started sensuously moving toward each other, their hips rotating and shaking. Soon, though, the movements became just coordinated enough to allow touching and stroking of each other as they moved. Hands began stroking hips and sliding up and underneath the baby-dolls. Connie initiated the first aggressive move by shimmying down the back of Dawn as she faced the men, her hands moving up to the breasts of her daughter until the material was pushed above the breast as her hands encompassed her daughter’s breasts. Then, caressing down the body, she pulled the sheer thong down over hips and legs until her daughter’s clean pussy mound was exposed.

Dawn rotated around her mother to duplicate the move and expose her, too. But she didn’t stop, holding her mother in the same position, she reached back up to the bow at the breasts and released it, allowing the baby-doll to open and slide off, exposing her mother’s now naked body to the men. Dawn continued by kissing her mother’s neck and shoulders as she fondled her breasts from behind. The gasp and moan escaping Connie was loud enough for all in the room to hear as one hand slid down her stomach to slide between her wet pussy lips. Connie responded by turning around and nearly tearing the negligee off her daughter’s body and crushing their mouths together.

Connie pulled her face from Dawn’s and gasped, “I think we have the men ready for more …” Dawn nodded with a knowing smile. They both turned, now naked in only heels, to the men sitting with bulging crotches. They both worked on getting the men out of their shoes, socks, pants and underwear, then settled on their knees to suck cock, moving from one to the other, each of the women sucking each of the men in turn. Their plan was to continuing sucking on cock until they were told to stop or they came in their mouths, whichever happened first. What happened first was stopping them. The men wanted to fuck.

Without hesitation or debate, Connie took Mr. Maris and another and Dawn led the other two men, both moving to their bedrooms where the beds were turned down and the lighting subdued in preparation. Dawn moved onto her bed, gazing at the two men as they stripped off shirts and ties and crawling onto the bed after her. She lay back and opened her legs to whichever meant to be the first to penetrate her. Her smile and excitement evident on her face only reinforced to the men what they had come to recognize in her during the three weeks she had been available to them in the office alongside her mother. They had all privately agreed that having a mother and daughter combination to fuck was especially enticing.

Dawn was penetrated fully in one powerful thrust causing both her and the man to gasp out. Her open mouth in gasping was quickly filled by the other man as he fed her his erect cock. She began sucking it with the same energy she was being fucked. Her orgasm was muted by the cock in her mouth and was only a moment before the man sent his seed into her clenching pussy. The man pulled out of her pussy and the cock in her mouth abruptly left, too. Soon, though, her pussy was again filled with cock and the other cock was brought to her mouth. She just as greedily sucked on this cock, tasting not only the man’s cum but her juices as well.

This man now fucking was slower, pressing into her deep and firmly, but changing angles as he did. When he pulled her over so she was riding him, she only momentarily lost the cock in her mouth, but the other man shifted to again feel her mouth around his cock. She rose and fell on the cock as she took over fucking and she varied her approach for him. Rising to just the head inside, then dropping to fill her pussy while squeezing with her muscles as her mom had instructed her. She thought she knew how to be fucked … her mom showed her otherwise.

After the second man climaxed in her to match yet another orgasm for her, they relaxed on the bed side-by-side, all three of them catching their breath. Having left the bedroom doors open, Dawn and Connie agreed to listen for quiet to switch partners. Sensing that moment, Dawn shimmied off the bed from between the two men and instructed them to remain where they were. She walked the short distance to her mom’s bedroom and stood in the doorway.

All three must have sensed her because they looked over at virtually the same moment. Dawn was smiling broadly at the scene knowing the one in her room had looked the same. Her mom was lying naked in the middle of the bed, her legs still spread with both men naked alongside her, each fondling and probing her body. Dawn ventured into the room, “My turn with these two. You’re needed in the other room, mom.”

Connie bounced off the bed and walked quickly out of the room, giving her daughter a swat on the butt as she passed. Connie walked into the other bedroom, “Gentlemen, did my daughter take good care of you?” They both nodded approvingly. “Good, so now … what is it going to take to get these cocks hard, again?”

As it turned out, it wouldn’t take much at all. The combination of her enthusiastic effort and the reminder of mother following the daughter gave their cocks renewed life quickly. Once they were both ready, she went to the bedside stand and opened the drawer for the tube of lubrication both women kept for just these occasions. She held it up, “How about a double penetration, sirs?” Connie smiled as she asked the question, partly because of the looks of excitement on their faces but also because she knew Dawn was going through the same offer as they had planned it.

Connie took charge, instructing one onto his back and handing the lube to the other. She straddled the one man, positioning herself over the erect cock and settling down over it. She bounced up and down on it several times to get it fully in her and comfortable, then, as she felt the lube being pressed to her asshole, she leaned forward and lay her chest on the man beneath her. She used her hands to spread her ass cheeks and felt the gel pressed over her asshole and inside with one, then two fingers. The man underneath her gasped at the feeling of just the finger in her ass against his cock. When the man pressed is cock against her asshole and it popped past her sphincter, they all three gasped at the fullness and tightness it caused. They began fucking her, the man in her ass having the better position for stroking into her and doing the majority of the heavy fucking but his cock sliding in and out was separated by only a membrane from the other cock, stimulating not only himself and Connie but also the man in her pussy. Double penetration was very stimulating for Connie, the nerve ending being stimulated in both passages simultaneously. She orgasmed, causing both chambers to lock up around the cocks inside and that was all the cock in her ass could take. His seed spurted into her ass adding to her orgasm. She cried out in pleasure from a source deep inside her.

When the man in her ass pulled out, she felt the cum running from her gaping asshole, but the man underneath her rolled them and began fucking her urgently. The anal orgasm she rode a moment before peaked with the stimulation of the aggressive fucking now in her pussy and the bumping against her clit. Her final orgasm matched the man’s. She was, again, collapsed between two men. She lay on her back with hands from men on her still quivering body as she heard the wail from the other bedroom and smiled. She thought, her daughter’s DP sounds to be going well, too.

* * * *

“Ladies, could I see you in my office, please?”

Dawn looked to the desk next to her and winked at her mom as they both stood, straightened their tight, short skirts and nearly see-through blouses. The men seemed to enjoy mother and daughter wearing nearly identical outfits. They also enjoyed hearing Dawn referring to Connie as ‘mom’. It seemed to feed the knowledge that they were fucking a mother and daughter set. Having two beautiful women available for their use was exciting enough, but mother and daughter …

Connie and Dawn entered Mr. Maris’ office, Connie responding for both, “Yes, sir, how may we serve you?”

He chuckled, “Don’t I wish.” He looked at them standing in his office. Yes, if only he had the time today to use both of them together, but … “What won’t you do for me, ladies?”

Dawn jumped on the response, “Anything, sir.” But she looked at him, then her mom with some confusion on her face. Won’t do anything?

Connie smiled at the confusion her eagerness caused, “She means we’ll do anything for you, sir.” Dawn was nodding agreement but still caught in how she messed up. A negative and a positive … mmmmm …

Mr. Maris chuckled, too. He recognized his words messing her up. “I have something I need you to do for us. Something only you two can accomplish.” He had their attention and watched as both sat in the chairs in front of his desk. Both made an elaborate motion of crossing their legs to flash panties or thongs. He had to decide which to look at intently or he’d miss both. Yes, sheer thongs … and wet. At least, Connie’s was. He went on to explain they had visitors representing a critical supplier. Procurement, Operations, and Marketing had effectively worked them over during the day, but there is still a bit of remaining uncertainty. “There are three of them staying at the Hyatt. Their flight is tomorrow morning. I told them I would join them for drinks but my schedule unfortunately wouldn’t allow me to join them for dinner. I want you two to join us for drinks, then entertain them with dinner and … well, be creative.”

Connie and Dawn shared a knowing look and responded together, “Yes, sir.” Then, Connie added, “And you don’t really have a conflict as much as you don’t want to get in the way of them responding to our … be creative?” He smiled and nodded.

Mr. Maris carried the conversation through early drinks, then when he left and the group moved to the restaurant, the men tried to continue the discussions along the same track as before. Finally, Connie leaned forward, her large breast squeezing into the table top and magnifying her exposed cleavage. Scanning the three men, she asked softly, “After a long day of that kind of talk, is that really how you want to spend the evening?” The men considered both women and found them gazing back at them confidently. The conversation changed quickly and a lot easier and more light-hearted.

By the end of the meal, and several more drinks, the men had become very attentive to the women and the women, of course, were VERY attentive to them. With dinner complete, Connie leaned forward, again, creating the identical image as before. The difference this time, though, was the men’s formality had been peeled away by drinks and increasingly suggestive talk. She posed options to the men, “As we see it, gentlemen, this evening now presents us with options: just end the evening, which would be too bad; go back to the bar for another drink; or, perhaps having another drink somewhere else. We’re going to the ladies room and you can decide.”

Connie stood and Dawn followed, each taking their purses. In the ladies room, Connie checked the room and began unbuttoning her blouse. Dawn quizzed her as Connie slipped her blouse off, then her bra before putting the nearly sheer blouse back on. Connie simply said, “Giving them something visual to assist in their decision making.” Dawn smiled and followed the lead of her mother. Then, both women pulled up their tight skirts to remove their sheer thongs. Dawn watched her mother stuff her large bra in her purse but left her thong out. Dawn, again, followed her lead. Connie explained her plan. Dawn shook her head but with a smile. Slutty might be a good word for what they were turning into.

The men did a double take, along with other patrons of the restaurant, as the women approached the table. Especially Connie’s unrestrained breasts were jiggling and bouncing as they walked back to the table. The women took their chairs and Connie immediately signed for the meal. She looked at Dawn as the signal and they both placed their thongs on the table. All three men did a three-point look on each woman: the delicate thongs on the table, the nipples showing through the blouses, and the faces beaming suggestively at them. The lead man said they were hoping the women might join them upstairs for a nightcap.

Connie looked at Dawn as if truly wondering what to do with the suggestion, then replied, “Well … maybe just one.” Dawn had a terrible time holding back her giggle.

It was after 10:00 PM and the hotel was getting quiet. As they stepped into an elevator, one of the guys pushed 12. The elevator just got started and Connie pushed the stop button and turned to the guys, “You guys know Dawn and I aren’t being invited up to your room to only have a drink, right?” The guys looked at each as if caught. Then, Dawn smiled and added, “So … what’s your favorite hotel fantasy?”

Now the guys were looking at each other like they couldn’t believe what was about to happen. Two deferred to the one clearly the leader who offered, “Watching a woman walking a hallway in only stockings and heels.”

Connie released the elevator and smiled at the men, “How about two women?” Connie and Dawn immediately started unbuttoning their blouses. By the time the elevator stopped at 12 and the doors opened, the women were only in stockings and heels and kissing the men while their hands tried to fondle every inch of the two women. The women picked up their discard clothes from the floor of the elevator and handed them to one man and turned to the small vestibule on the 12th floor. The two women entwined their arms and started down the hall with exaggerated walks and suddenly stopped. “What room number?” The leader pointed the other way, apparently quite please this naked walk would be longer than originally intended.

Once inside the room, the mini-bar was opened and each had another drink, this time with the women naked and moving from lap to lap, their breasts and legs being freely felt and probed. Finishing their drink, both Connie and Dawn moved to their knees before the men sitting on the end of the bed and began loosening belts and lowering pants. They each took a cock into their mouths and shared stroking the man in the middle. When they switched, Connie took the man in the middle and began stroking the man she had just been sucking. They were quickly hard. Though they enjoyed mouths over their cocks, they really wanted to fuck some pussy.

The women moved onto the bed on their backs and hooked their legs over the other, spreading their legs and wet pussies in the process. How the decision was made who began fucking who, the women didn’t know and didn’t care. They each had a man between their legs with the third man kneeling between them at their heads where they both sucked and licked him.

The men shifted several times, then moved the women to their hands and knees. By the time all three men had climaxed, it was quite late and the men thanked them profusely. A bit frustrated that the party was ending so soon, the women got dressed, including the bras they pulled out of their purses, kiss the men and left. Neither woman had orgasmed.

Back at their apartment, the women went to their separate bedrooms, both privately wanting to finally get themselves off. Dawn lay on her bed completely naked using her favorite vibrator when she heard similar sounds coming through the open doors from her mother’s room. She lay for a moment listening and thinking, then dropped the vibrator on the bed and walked to her mother’s room. As she knew, her mother was driving her own dildo in and out of her pussy. Dawn crawled onto the bed between her mom’s legs, pulled the dildo away and replaced it with her mouth and tongue. Connie cried out at the feeling, her hands holding Dawn’s head in place as she moaned and gasped. Then, recognition fully coming to her, she pulled her daughter up and kissed her deeply, tongues being shared.

Connie gasped out, “69”. Dawn pivoted on top of her mom, her pussy over her mom’s mouth as hers went back to feed on her mom’s pussy. They both came with earth-shattering orgasms that left them gasping and committing to each other to repeat that more often.

The next morning, both women were a bit groggy from the drink, late night with the men, and a 69 session in the middle of the night. All morning they touched hands in simple indications of a discovery they wished to cherish. They were fully prepared to accept being bi-sexual … at least in terms of each other.

“Ladies?” Mr. Maris’ voice broke into their morning work.

“Yes, sir.” Both women responding simultaneously and standing up to go to his office.

“Undress, ladies, please.” They were both wearing short dresses with pleated skirts. They were naked in moments after removing dresses, bras, and bikini panties. As they were undressing, the other three executives entered the office. The women smiled at seeing the four men and lustily anticipated what they assumed was coming. The women stood before his desk with the other men at the sides of Mr. Maris’ desk. “Ladies, I received a call from the men we were negotiating with yesterday. Their flight was early but they wanted to let me know they made up their minds last night. It seems they were prepared to request further negotiations but … something convinced them otherwise between leaving our offices and their flight this morning.” He slid a piece of paper across his desk. Connie picked it up and held it out for both her and Dawn to look at. “Those numbers indicate how much business we do annually with them. The savings to us due to the … ah … late night negotiations is shown as a percentage and the dollar savings that could mean to us. You both know what your incentive percentage of that is. We will have to wait for the quarter-end numbers to verify the true value.” The women looked up at him to find him and the other executives smiling broadly. “Congratulations, ladies. It appears our plan for using you two is going to be very effective … and profitable for all of us.”


* * * Another Mother & Daughter story will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

How Diana Overcame Her Shyness Ch. 01 0 (0)

Diana loved visiting her Master at his apartment, even though it terrified her. The ritual she was required to perform before she was even allowed to knock on his door was nerve-wracking and humiliating. It was also almost unbearably arousing and never failed to make her pussy soaking wet. Which was the whole point, of course.

As always, she was extremely nervous and looked around before beginning her ritual. There were three other apartments on the top floor of this old house, which meant that she would be performing within sight of each of the doors. She had never seen anyone entering or leaving those apartments and for all she knew they might all be unoccupied, though she doubted it very much.

No matter, she thought. The only important door that was the one leading to her Master, and she needed to prepare herself for him.

She placed her purse and her overnight bag on the floor. Then, standing up straight and facing his door, Diana began to strip.

He might be watching her through the door’s peephole or he might not, she never knew. But she always performed her ritual as though standing directly before him. She kept her gaze focused on the peephole as if looking into his eyes as she began to methodically unbutton her crisp, white blouse. She had always been conservative in her style of dress, which her Master seemed to enjoy, as it seemed to make it all the more humiliating for her to do the things he required of her.

The short-sleeved blouse, now fully unbuttoned, was pulled free of the waistband of her skirt, eased off of her shoulders and allowed to drop gently to the floor behind her, exposing her plain white bra. Once begun, Diana was not allowed to stop. She quickly unfastened and unzipped her knee-length denim skirt, pushed the waistband down past her hips and allowed the skirt to pool around her ankles before stepping out of it and pushing it to one side with her foot.

White cotton panties to match her bra. As always at this point, Diana wanted desperately to look around at the other three doors. What if someone were watching through one of the peepholes? But it was not allowed.

Diana had never been happy with her figure: too slim, small-breasted and, well, boyish, she thought. But the way her Master looked her over when she posed for him, as he often demanded, never failed to make her feel lusciously feminine and desirable. She had never known anyone who could turn her into an almost mindlessly erotic creature the way he did when she submitted herself to his will.

Now the ordinary black office shoes were toed off before she bent over to remove the white knee-socks that completed her outfit. She straightened up and took a deep, calming breath, then another. Here we go, she thought, reaching behind her to unfasten the bra, which joined the pile on the floor, followed quickly by her panties. Now Diana was left wearing only her rimless glasses and a small pair of gold earrings, each in the shape of a highly stylized letter ‘S’ that dangled below each earlobe.

‘S’ for Slave.

The ritual was not complete yet. Diana quickly knelt and gathered up her clothing. This had to be done in a very particular order. First the skirt, neatly folded and then replaced on the floor. On top of it, the blouse, also arranged with great care, followed by the two socks, folded and placed side by side. Then the shoes. The bra came next and finally the panties, which were never folded but draped across the top of the pile.

She removed her glasses, found their case in her purse and replaced them there. The purse was returned to the floor next to the overnight bag.

Diana quickly ran her fingers through her short black hair and smoothed it down. Then she carefully slid both hands under the pile and lifted it as she stood upright again.

Now came the slightly tricky part. She shifted the weight of the pile to her left hand and, being extremely careful not to let it become unbalanced, used her right hand to knock on the door.

Three sharp, evenly spaced knocks: three dots in Morse code.

‘S’ for Slave.

Then she quickly took the required pose: perfectly straight from head to heels, feet together, arms outstretched directly in front of her, the bundle of clothing once again balanced in both hands.

Ready to be offered to him.

Diana willed herself to stillness, willed her breath to become slow and even, her mind to be filled only with him.

As always, he answered her knock quickly. The door swung wide and he was there. And as always, she had to fight the impulse to fall to her knees before the power and compassion in his gaze as he inspected her. But it wasn’t time yet.

He looked her carefully up and down for nearly a full minute. Then, apparently satisfied with her presentation, he reached down to pick up her purse and overnight bag and place them inside the apartment.

Then he took the bundle of clothing from her hands without a word and closed the door again.

Now it was time to kneel.

Diana’s knees, already feeling like rubber, almost collapsed under her as she took the Waiting Pose: upright on her knees, legs spread wide, back straight and slightly arched, hands locked behind her back, face tilted upward and ready to meet his gaze whenever he returned.

And now she had only to wait. That was all: kneeling naked in front of her Master’s door, doing nothing, nothing whatsoever, but wait, feeling nervous, aroused…and grateful.


She and James – as she had known him then – had met in college. Diana’s roommate was an acquaintance of his and had casually introduced them at lunch one day. As far as Diana could tell she had barely registered on his awareness, which didn’t surprise her at all. She was painfully shy and, she felt, mousy with her glasses and narrowish face. She had never had a real boyfriend and had an embarrassing tendency to stammer and fill in the gaps in her conversations with awkward blurtings of words like “wow” whenever she talked with men. She was socially inept and she knew it, which didn’t help at all.

James didn’t appear to be a “ladies’ man” in the traditional sense, but he genuinely seemed to enjoy the company of women and at whichever table he sat in the dining commons he was often the only man, joining in the conversation but rarely dominating it or trying to make himself the center of attention. The women in turn seemed drawn to his warmth, his intelligence, and his often nonsensical humor and self-deprecating wit.

And over time Diana found herself drifting into a kind of orbit around James, though she didn’t know why. He was attractive, she thought, with his longish brown hair, close-trimmed beard and clear blue-gray eyes, and was obviously outgoing and friendly, but that wasn’t it. There was something – something not at all obvious on the surface – that seemed to magnetize her. She would often sit at whichever of the long tables in the dining commons he did, though she rarely joined in the conversations around her and never, of course, spoke to him directly. Not at first, anyway. She would, while seemingly concentrating on eating her meal, watch him out of the corner of her eye and imagine just the two of them sitting alone together.

In this fantasy Diana was always completely at ease with him as they talked and laughed about little things. James was, of course, completely fascinated with her, and these imaginary conversations always ended with him asking her out. In real life, however, it took a great deal of courage, over several days, just to force herself to choose a seat that was closer to him. Then one a little bit closer. And finally one that was, all right, not directly opposite him but at least diagonally across from him.

Then, clenching her fists under the table, she attempted to join in a conversation he was having with the person who actually was sitting opposite him. She opened her mouth and…

Nothing. Unless you count turning beet-red and quickly closing her mouth again.

Three days later, after beating herself up continuously for her cowardice, she tried again. This time she managed to quaver out a “W-wow!” as a comment, though she was so nervous that she had no idea what was being talked about. Still, she was rewarded by having him turn his attention to her for a brief second, meeting her glance and giving her a slight nod to acknowledge her remark before returning to the conversation.


Her fascination became something of an obsession. She pestered her roommate, as subtly as possible, for information about him. She took note of which people seemed to be friends with him and did her unobtrusive best to hang around in their vicinity when he was around. And to her own amazement, actually did manage to exchange a few words with him once or twice, stumbling though they were. Each time his glance seemed sympathetic, as if he understood how she was struggling, which embarrassed her even more.

But then she did something completely crazy, which she knew she would regret even as she planned it out: she wrote him a note and sent it to his campus mailbox, holding her breath as she dropped it into the mail slot, her hand shaking as she did so.

It’s not that there was anything overtly mushy in what she wrote; she just told him that she’d enjoyed their conversations – if they could be called that – and that she thought he was a really nice, interesting guy. Nothing more than that, really. She wouldn’t have dared to suggest that she’d like to go out with him, oh my god no, even though that was her fantasy, of course. She’d made the note as deliberately bland as she possibly could. She just wanted to bring herself to his attention a little more and hope for the best.

Two days went by. Three. And then finally they ran into each other in the Student Union, each coming from their last class of the day. Diana saw him coming towards her and stopped dead in her tracks, a deer in the headlights. She wanted desperately to turn and hurry away, but forced herself to at least stay in place, trying not to cringe. Was he going to laugh at her? Make fun of her?

No. He walked up to her, greeted her by name, and thanked her for her letter. He apologized for not replying right away and, taking her by the elbow, guided her to sit on one of the couches that lined the main thoroughfare, sitting down beside her.

He couldn’t help but see how terrified she was and very kindly carried on most of the conversation himself. He told her again how much he appreciated her note, and that he hadn’t realized that she was interested in him. When Diana dared to meet his gaze she saw both understanding and sympathy there and managed to stammer out that she hoped she hadn’t offended him. But he waved this away with a smile and said of course not.

Then he took her hand in his.

He said, “Diana, I’m getting the sense that you haven’t had a whole lot of experience with guys. Am I right? I can see how scary this is for you.”

Diana, blushing furiously, only managed to nod jerkily and then look down at her lap. There was a long silence and when she finally glanced up again he was looking into the distance, as if considering something. Finally he replied, “There’s nothing wrong with that, Diana. Some people just get started earlier than others, that’s all. Now, obviously you’re not ready for a relationship, and in any case I’m dating some other girls right now. But what I was thinking is that maybe we could have a couple of ‘practice’ dates. You know, just so you could kind of get used to them. What do you think?”

He went on, “I was thinking that if there’s no pressure, if you know these dates aren’t going to lead anywhere, it might help you relax a little bit, y’know?”

She didn’t know. But his eyes were kind and she felt something unclench within, just the tiniest bit, and she nodded again, this time managing to meet his gaze, a moment later adding, in almost a whisper, “Th-that would be n-nice.”

To Diana’s everlasting surprise, the first date was not a complete disaster. She had agonized over what to wear, of course, alternating between wanting to be dressed up and not wanting to seem as if she was trying too hard, finally settling on a blouse and skirt that she thought would look nice without drawing too much attention. And of course she had become more and more of a nervous wreck as the day, and then the hour approached when James would come to pick her up, becoming so agitated during the last few minutes that when he finally did knock on her door she had to clap her hands over her mouth to keep from yelping.

But when she had finally managed, with trembling hands, to fumble the door open he had greeted her as if they were old friends, gathering her into his arms for a short hug and then holding her at arms’ length for a moment before telling her how nice she looked. Then he had escorted her out of her dorm

Their plans for the date had been kept very low-key, for which Diana was deeply thankful. Just dinner at the dining commons as usual, followed by a movie. James had kept up an easy flow of conversation, asking her about her classes, her music studies (she played the violin) and generally making it as easy as possible for her to keep up her end. Diana had stuttered and stammered badly at first but found herself relaxing, a little bit at a time, and actually enjoying herself somewhat.

Dinner was actually the most challenging part of the evening, since they were seated alone together. But aside from twice dropping her fork into her lap, which fortunately was protected by a napkin, and accidentally biting her lip once in an attempt to keep herself from stammering, it hadn’t gone too badly.

Once they got to the theater and the movie began, there was no need for conversation, of course, which was absolutely wonderful, and James actually made her giggle several times by leaning over and whispering humorous comments about the film. She had wished that he would take her hand again but hadn’t really expected it.

Afterwards he had walked her back to her room, asking her what she’d thought about the film and what other movies she liked and so forth, and Diana thought that the walk back to her dormitory had never seemed so short. At her door they had made plans for the second date. Then, as he had at the beginning of the evening, James took her in his arms for a brief hug and then held her at arms’ length once again, looking into her eyes. Diana fought the urge to look down and made herself meet his gaze, even though she was beginning to tremble again.

But his eyes, always kind, soothed her. She felt as if he were both truly seeing her and completely accepting her, just as she was. There was something peaceful about just resting in his gaze.

“Would you like me to kiss you, Diana?”

She blinked in astonishment a few times, tried unsuccessfully to speak and finally had to settle for nodding, slowly.

It wasn’t as if she’d never been kissed before. No, actually it was as if she’d never been kissed before, although she had. But this was the first time she had been kissed by someone who actually knew how to kiss; who took his time gathering her in, looked into her eyes for a moment longer to make sure she was ready…and then kissed her, deeply and thoroughly. It wasn’t a passionate kiss or even a romantic kiss, it was just a kiss. A really, really good kiss that first made her eyes fly wide open and then slowly close again as she melted into his embrace.

It couldn’t have lasted for more than a few seconds but it filled her entire consciousness: the feel of his lips on hers; the way his beard and moustache tickled her slightly; the comfort of his arms wrapped around her waist as he held her against him; the warmth of him; the scent of him.

It was overwhelming. It was wonderful.

When he gently pulled away from her it was like reluctantly waking from a lovely dream. He kissed her once more, lightly, on the lips and then kissed her on the forehead as a way of saying good night. He held her at arms’ length once more and looked deeply into her eyes again. This time his gaze was thoughtful, considering. He looked as though he were about to speak, then hesitated and said nothing.

Instead he laid one hand beside her face, said, “Good night, Diana. I’m sure we’ll see each other before our Friday date, right? Sleep well.”

Diana managed to whisper, “Good night. Thank you.” And then he was gone.

The second “practice date” went much like the first, up to a point. And Diana actually did feel a little less petrified, even though this time James took her to a restaurant in town instead of the more familiar dining commons. Once again he steered the conversation to subjects that she could talk about without becoming tongue-tied and made little jokes to help her relax. The only thing that seemed different to Diana is that at times he seemed to be looking at her intently, not in an intimidating way but as if turning something over in his mind and trying to reach a decision.

They went to a local community theater production and as it was a warm late-spring evening took a leisurely walk before heading back to campus. To Diana, James seemed a little preoccupied, although he was as friendly and outgoing as always. He asked her about where she had grown up and what her family was like. She told him about her kind but often preoccupied father and her somewhat high-strung mother, whose obsessive and fearful nature often made life difficult for Diana, their only child. She’d had a few close friends but certainly wasn’t one of the popular girls. She was expected to focus on her studies and her music lessons and wasn’t allowed much of a social life. Boyfriends? No, not really. A few dates here and there; one boy she spent time with at school but was really more of a friend than anything else.

James listened and nodded and looked thoughtful.  His gaze, when he looked at her, was sympathetic.  As they were walking through the small park near the center of town he took her by the elbow and guided her to one of the benches before sitting down beside her.  He took her hand and turned to face her.

“I have an idea,” he began, “but I’m not sure if it’s a good one or not.  These practice dates seem to be helping a little bit, right?”  Diana nodded as he went on.  “The sense I’m getting, though, is that you still have a lot of fear.   I’m wondering if your lack of experience makes you feel as though you’re not attractive.”

Deer-in-the-headlights time again.  Diana opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before finally managing to say, “I…I don’t know.  I g-guess so.”

James looked down, considering, then back up at her.  “What I was thinking is that maybe, if you’d like, I could show you a few things–sort of ‘Making Out 101’,” he added with a smile.  “And maybe that would give you a little more confidence.”

He went on, “I’m not sure about this, of course.  On the one hand it might be helpful, but on the other hand, I don’t know whether…  I don’t know how you would feel about it, since we’re not in an actual relationship and this isn’t going to go on much longer.”  He took her other hand in his, leaned towards her and spoke quietly.  “I’m just saying that if you’d like to make that a part of these practice dates…we could.”

It was said so kindly that Diana felt tears coming into her eyes and had to fight for control for a moment.  She was glad it was night so that he wouldn’t see.  What she wanted to say was, “Oh yes, please!” but of course she was unable to get her mouth and tongue to form the words and simply looked down at her lap, unable to speak.

James released one of her hands, stood and used the other to draw her to her feet as well.  Then without another word he led her back to campus and into the towering concrete monstrosity that was his dormitory.  In the elevator, still holding her hand, he turned to her, silently asking if she was all right, and she managed to nod once more, even though her knees were literally shaking.

When they reached his floor he led her down the hallway and unlocked a door.  The dormitory was organized into suites: two double rooms, two singles and a shared bathroom.  James, as a third-year student, was entitled to one of the singles; he unlocked his door, pushed it open, and allowed Diana to enter first.  It was nothing much to look at, just a cinder block cubicle with a bed, a desk and a wardrobe, plus some shelving, but Diana felt as though she were stepping into another dimension, similar to but completely different from the one in which she’d been living.  

Her mouth was dry and her hands were clasped tightly in front of her.  James, obviously aware of her discomfort, said, “Some music?”, and without waiting for a response stepped over to his desk and fiddled with his laptop for a moment.  The sound of an acoustic guitar appeared, warm, sensual and inviting.

Then he simply turned back towards her and opened his arms.

And to her own astonishment, Diana didn’t hesitate for a second before stepping into his welcoming embrace, feeling everything else–all of her fears and anxieties–melt away as he wrapped his arms around her.  She rested her head against his chest as he gently stroked her hair.

And then…

Absolutely nothing else.  James simply stood there, holding her against him, allowing her to settle, waiting for her breathing to quiet, as the music continued to play.  They swayed ever so slightly back and forth and Diana felt as if she were being tenderly rocked, even though they were standing.  It was wonderful.

After a while James pulled back from her slightly, just long enough to reach up and remove her glasses, setting them on his desk before turning back and bending down to kiss her on the mouth, still holding her tightly against him.  The first kiss had been a good, thorough kiss, and one which Diana would always remember, but this kiss was something else entirely as James slowly and deliberately took possession of her, teasing her lips apart with the tip of his tongue and then exploring her mouth, taking his time.  It was sensuous, and even luxurious, and Diana loved having nothing more to do than stand there and be held, surrendering her mouth and tongue to his.  Nothing to say, or do, or even think about.  Nothing to be nervous about or second-guess herself about.  She wanted it to go on and on.

Eventually, of course, it had to end, but also of course it wasn’t nearly the end.  Without releasing her James pulled back and looked into her eyes.  “Are you doing all right?” he asked softly.  And when she nodded, still speechless, he went on, “Good.  Now, we’re going to take this very slowly, but you need to let me know if anything is making you uncomfortable or if you want to stop or slow down for any reason, okay?”

Diana felt as if she were dissolving under his gaze.  She knew she was supposed to respond…but instead she felt her eyes closing of their own accord as she tilted her face up towards his once more and parted her lips.

This time the kiss really did go on for a long, long time.  He held her tightly against him as their tongues did their slow, sensual dance together.  His hands massaged her shoulders and then gradually drifted downward, his fingertips tracing her spine to its very base and then…ohhh, spreading out to capture her behind, cupping her cheeks through her dress.  He pressed her hips against his and Diana could feel his hardness.  He began to rub against her in a very slow and subtle motion as he continued to kiss her and his hands continued to hold and fondle her behind.


Diana hadn’t known what to expect, of course, but she had vaguely imagined James just holding her and kissing her the way he had the other night, but for longer.  But this, oh my god, the heat of it, of his body pressed against hers, of the arousal washing over her, the pulsing between her legs…  She had never experienced anything so erotic in her life, it was overwhelming her, it was too much!  She had to tell him to–

James pulled back again as if responding to her thoughts.  He kept his hands on her behind and continued to hold her pressed firmly against him but said nothing, just questioned her with his eyes.

It could all stop right now, Diana thought.  I’m not ready for this.  He’s not my boyfriend, I shouldn’t even be doing this with him.  He’ll think I’m a little slut…

She kissed him again and thrust her tongue back into his mouth.

James placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed her back against the door, grinding his hips against her, still slowly and sensually but more forcefully, causing the front of her dress to ride up.  Diana groaned against his mouth, then groaned again more loudly as his hands drifted downward and found her breasts, cupping and squeezing them.  Ohhh…!  She was on fire, she was melting!

For several delirious moments James continued to fondle and possess her with his tongue, his hands and the insistent grinding of his hips.  Diana felt her dress rucking up to the tops of her thighs as her own hips began to respond of their own accord, pushing and rubbing against his.  Something began building inside her as the heat between her legs flickered higher and hotter.  Oh!  What was happening to her?  She felt as if she were going to explode!

But suddenly everything stopped as James pulled away from her once more.  He took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes again.  But this time he wasn’t questioning or asking for permission.  Holding her locked in his gaze he first unbuckled the slim, red leather belt around her waist, allowing it to drop to the floor.  Then he unfastened the first of the matching red buttons on her light gray dress.  And then the next..and then the next, never taking his eyes from hers, crouching slightly as he worked his way down.  Diana’s mouth fell open and her knees began trembling beneath her.  In a moment the dress hung open from the collar to the hem.

Then James stood and, parting her dress like a pair of curtains, pushed it off her shoulders.  It fell, crumpling to the floor around her feet, leaving Diana wearing nothing but her red sandals and her white bra and panties.

Oh, this was too much, it had to stop!  Diana tried to speak, tried to remember how to form words with her mouth.  But at that very moment her treacherous knees gave way entirely and she fell against him, wrapping her arms around him for support.

James slipped one arm under her knees, picking her up easily and then gently depositing her on his bed.  He knelt down to remove her sandals.  Then, approaching the other end of the bed, he lifted her by the shoulders long enough to reach a sitting position with his back against the side wall before lowering her again so that her head was resting on the pillow he had placed on his lap.

Diana was breathing heavily through her mouth, in a combination of terror and anxiety, as she stared up at him.  Who was she?  What had she become that she would be lying on this man’s bed in just her underwear?  She had never felt so exposed and vulnerable in her life…or so utterly aroused.

James was lightly stroking her hair and the side of her face.  His gaze was tender and Diana, in spite of everything, knew that she could trust him; knew that with one word from her everything would stop; knew, in fact, that he was giving her time to do exactly that.  

But that word would not be spoken or needed and, as James lowered his mouth to hers once more, they both knew it.

Tongues intertwined.  One hand lightly resting on top of her head, the other finding her breast again, squeezing and molding it through her bra while she clung to him, her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer.

His hand drifted downward, smoothing and warming her stomach.  Then, for just a moment, it was between her legs, a quick stroke of the fingers, making her gasp and causing her hips to buck.  Then it was gone again.  

Diana felt herself being lifted and then his hands flickering behind her back for a brief second.  Suddenly her bra was hanging loose…and then it was gone.

Diana made a sound that fell somewhere between a moan and a squeal as his fingers found her nipple and began to pinch it lightly as they continued to explore each other’s mouths with their tongues.  She felt a flood of moisture between her legs.

Then his mouth and tongue were gone from hers.  Diana’s eyes, which had been closed, flew open for a moment…then closed again of their own accord as James gently seized her other nipple between his teeth.  Oh!  He was sucking and licking her breast, causing her back to arch and her breath to hiss with the waves of overwhelming pleasure washing over her.

His free hand released her other nipple and slid downward once more.  It was underneath the elastic of her panties!  His fingers were combing through her pubic hair!  They found her heat and her wetness and then…

Diana made a shuddering cry as James found and then began delicately stroking her clitoris with the tip of his middle finger as he continued teasing her nipple with the tip of his tongue.  Oh, she was on fire!  She began to whisper, “Please…  Please…  Please…” with absolutely no idea what she was asking for.  She began to shake, her hips twisting beneath her, as the fire flickered higher and hotter and consumed her.  Oh!  Ohhh!   Oh my god….!

Diana convulsed, her whole body spasming as she went into orgasm.  Her pussy clenched over and over and she slapped her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out.  James continued to stroke her for just a few seconds more and then wrapped his arms around her and held her as the aftershocks continued.

When the last ripples of her orgasm subsided, Diana lay there, stunned, gasping for breath and staring up at James with wide eyes.  James bent down and kissed her mouth lightly, then asked, smiling, “Did you enjoy that, Diana?”

Still trying to catch her breath, Diana managed to nod, slowly.  James looked at her more closely, a realization dawning.  “That was your first orgasm?”  Diana looked away, embarrassed, then back, nodding once more.  James raised one eyebrow, “You’ve never even…by yourself?”

No.  She hadn’t.  She had touched herself there a few times, of course, but only briefly and had always felt guilty about it afterwards.  

James looked thoughtful for a moment, then said softly, stroking her hair as he did so, “Okay, so now you know what it’s like.”  He paused, then went on,  “And you know, it’s really okay to do that on your own.  Almost everyone does, and in your case I think it might help you to feel more relaxed.  He smiled down at her again.  “How are you feeling now?”

Diana did feel incredibly relaxed; so relaxed, in fact, that she was practically a puddle.  She couldn’t believe how natural it now felt to be lying on this man’s bed with her head resting in his lap, wearing nothing but her panties – which, she suddenly noticed, were soaking wet.  But even so she was unable to find the words to answer his question.  Instead, she reached up and took his hand, the one that was stroking her hair, brought it to her lips and kissed it, looking shyly up at him as if asking if it was all right.

James leaned down once more and this time kissed her forehead before sitting up again.  He left his hand in hers and began lightly tracing the outline of her lips with the tip of his thumb.  

Mmmm…  So sensual, so nice.  Diana closed her eyes and allowed her mouth to open slightly, reveling in his attention.  They sat silently like that for some time, Diana slipping into a half-dream state, aware of nothing but the feel of his hand in hers and his touch upon her lips.

Gradually she became aware that the pressure of his thumb was increasing, moment by moment.  He was pushing her lips this way and then that way as he continued circling her mouth, and to Diana it felt as if he were taking possession of it.  It felt wonderful.  Then his thumb was gently pushing its way into her mouth.  It was something like when they had been kissing and using their tongues earlier, but this was less seductive and much more aggressive, and Diana moaned as James began sliding his thumb in and out of her mouth, slowly at first but then more quickly and forcefully.

Oh!  Diana had never felt anything like it before and she found herself responding eagerly, closing and softening her lips around his thumb and meeting it with her tongue.  She felt her nipples begin to stiffen again and the heat between her legs rekindling.

But then suddenly his thumb was gone from her mouth and Diana’s eyes flew open as she felt her head and shoulders being lifted from James’ lap as he slid out from beneath her.  Then, with one arm under her shoulders again and the other beneath her knees he turned her so that her head, still on its pillow, was nearly touching the wall and her legs were hanging over the side of the bed.  

He stood over her for a moment and then, without taking his eyes from hers, bent down and placed his hands on either side of her hips.  

He yanked off her panties and tossed them aside.  

Then he seized her by the knees, pushing them upward and forcefully parting her legs wide, planting her feet on the edge of the bed.

Oh my god!  Diana was now naked and completely exposed while James, still fully dressed, stared down at her.  It thrilled her to her very core, and her mouth fell open once more as she looked back up at him.  He could do absolutely anything with her right now and she would welcome it.

What he did do, however, surprised her.  She had half-expected – had already visualized, yearning – that he would begin unzipping his pants as a prelude to taking her virginity.  

Instead he sank slowly to his knees in front of her.  He continued looking directly into her eyes as his hands began smoothing the insides of her thighs with excruciating slowness.  Then he slowly lowered his head between her legs.  There was a brief tickling sensation as his beard and moustache grazed the sensitive flesh there and then…ohhhh, the tip of his tongue, teasing the outer lips apart and sliding, snakelike, inside her.

Diana’s hips bucked once more as a bolt of energy shot up her spine, and James placed his hands on her hip bones to hold her steady as his tongue teased, explored and penetrated her there.  She gripped the sheets beneath her with both hands, whimpering, biting her lip to keep from crying out as she was overwhelmed with the waves of sensation.

But when the tip of his tongue found her clitoris, still swollen and sensitive from his previous ministrations, Diana lost all control, this time needing both hands to cover her mouth as she writhed and twisted, loving the feel of his hands on her hips controlling her, making it impossible to escape.  And this time her orgasm arrived as a wave that seemed to crash between her legs before rippling outward to every cell in her body.

Once again James waited for her to subside, gasping, back onto her pillow.  Then he gently lifted her back into her original position, making room so that he could lie down next to her.

Diana’s eyes suddenly blinked several times and she was startled to realize that she had fallen asleep – or passed out – for what must have been several minutes.  But there was James, leaning on one elbow and smiling down at her, his free hand resting lightly on her stomach.

“Welcome back,” he said softly.

They lay there together for a while longer, James telling her how well she had done, answering her questions about what she’d experienced and asking a few of his own.  Diana had never felt so easy and comfortable with a man before and she was amazed at how natural it felt to be lying naked with him and talking about such intimate things.

But it was getting very late and at last James said it was time to say good night.  Diana’s heart sank a little at this but she got up and James helped her to get dressed, straightening her clothes and buttoning her blouse for her.  And then he walked her back to her dorm, holding her hand while they talked about inconsequential things.  When they were almost there he pulled her into an embrace and said, “You’ve been through quite a lot tonight, young lady.  Maybe take a few days to sort it all out and then we can talk again, all right?”

“Okay,” Diana whispered.  

James saw her to the door, kissed her lightly and took his leave.  Diana was a little disappointed that he hadn’t said anything about a third date but took comfort in knowing that she would be seeing him again soon.  

She slept like a rock that night, but woke to the sound of her roommate’s giggling and realized, to her acute embarrassment, that she had her thumb in her mouth.

The Hong Kong Sexfight 0 (0)

The Dragon Business Women Club was based in Hong Kong and catered to wealthy Asian Lesbians and Bi women from Japan to Indonesia, from the Philippines to Thailand and China. It operated on several levels: first as a legitimate classy club with a restaurant rivalling the Peninsula Hotel for these women enabling them to meet for both business and sex, providing an exclusive meeting place for wealthy businesswomen.

At the second higher level it provided a meeting place for these women where they could flaunt and partake in their sexual preferences and gambling outlet for the more affluent members where they could bet on any sexual contest, or sexually settle rivalries between members. On view were varied unusual sexual shows. If a member submitted a request it would be fulfilled. For example, today 10 Fijian women were fighting in a no rules contest against professional Thai women kick boxers and Japanese pro wrestlers.

The top and most exclusive level simply provided any sexual need a member wanted and could afford. Two current examples from many: One wealthy 45-year- old Hong Kong resident with a voracious appetite for being pleasured, had for the past 7 years been provided with 4 new women every day, seven days a week without fail. A Japanese woman had paid 3 million HK dollars every three months for the past year to be provided with a woman who she raped, BDSMed and fucked in her week long stay.

This business was started by Mei Ling, who had commenced her business life at the age of 8, as a card sharp on the Hong Kong streets. most of the club’s real income however came through the Asian sex trades. It was unusual in that it also had a large finger in the Asian sex internet pie usually dominated by European or USA interests. A clothing business gave cover for the Asia wide sex business it ran. The club with Mei Ling in control had a Board of Directors with a member from each country, 3 women who worked day to day in the club and 2 women elected by all club members.

Board Member Profile

NAME: Zhang Wu

DATA: Aged 45, 5ft 6 34CC 23 32 105lbs

BACKGROUND: Elected to the Dragon Business Women’s Club Board in 2019 by the members, having lost the 5 previous elections for one of the 4 voted member’s positions due to manipulation and coercion of voters by Mei Ling, the owner and Managing Director. She has an intense hatred of Mei Ling, whom she feels is jealous of her. She is being wooed by Yuriko Ogowa as part of Yuriko’s secret planning to overthrow Mei Ling and take control of the porn Empire of the Dragon Business Women’s club.

SEXUAL PROFILE: Considered the best all-around competitors in club sexual contests. Nicknamed “The Body” due to her pride in the youthfulness of her 45-year-old body.

CURIOSITY: Fucked her son in law so long and hard on the afternoon of his wedding that he could not perform with her daughter that night. Is planning to have him choose her and fuck her in front of her daughter on her 46th birthday.


Zhang Wu sized up the 19-year-old Vietnamese Nha undressing before her. She, like Zhang Wu, was slightly above medium height, long-legged, firm buttocked, and confident. Both had eye-catching faces. Nha’s was longer with the high prominent Vietnamese cheekbones surrounded with cascading long thick permed hair, Zhang Wu’s face was rounder, more Asian eyed topped with a short, feathered hairstyle that flattered her age of 45. Nha was slimmer, her hip bones more prominent against her flat belly than Zhang Wu’s with her slightly curved stomach. Both women were braless, Nha’s pert, young 32B mounds standing proud without support as did the fuller 34CC of Zhang Wu, although hers were due to the implants in them.

Zhang Wu’s gaze never left Nha’s eyes as she stood just two feet in front of her. She enjoyed the fact that Nha kept staring at her tits. She knew they were great for any woman, much less someone 45 like herself, and she loved flaunting them. Zhang Wu parted her red lips and a sexually inviting look came across her face. Her hands quietly and seductively came up to her breasts and she began to fondle them slowly. Nha’s gaze never left Zhang Wu’s breasts. Zhang Wu was attempting to stimulate Nha and arouse her, but more importantly, she was sexually challenging her as only a woman could do. With the tactile stimulation, Zhang Wu’s nipples stiffened, and the areola appeared to widen and spread across the front of her breasts. Cupping the underside of each breast with her hands she moved slowly forward. Her nipples stood fully erect and her breasts tingled with the anticipation of contact with Nha’s tits.

Suddenly Nha could stand it no longer. She pushed Zhang Wu back against the wall and grabbed at her tight skirt, raising it to waist level to reveal, for a Cantonese woman, her long legs. With her free hand, she grabbed Zhang Wu’s bush through her miniscule black panties, tugged hard and, as Zhang Wu screamed, raked her nails along the lips of her rival’s labia. Zhang Wu retaliated and reached down and grabbed the firm cheeks of Nha’s arse, lifted her skirt and thrust one of her nylon-covered legs between her rival’s legs so that she could feel stocking pressing against stocking, and the wetness of Nha’s cunt could be felt on her bare thigh above her dark stocking top. Entwined, they pulled hair, rammed stockinged thighs against pussies, crushed breast against breast, hissed and spat at each other.

They were two sex cats waiting and wanting to win the best of 3 competition and the $15,000 USD prize they had both put up for the contest. It was only small change purse money to Zhang Wu who would have taken on the challenger, a daughter of Vietnamese boat refugees, for free merely to have the opportunity of destroying the 19-year-old. It was the thrill of beating a woman, who in the past year had gone from unknown to rising star, and proving she was still top that drove her, not the money. Likewise, Nha, who had scrimped and saved working in a food market by day and $50 sexfights in the public housing areas like Causeway Bay where she lived, would have begged borrowed or stolen to raise a stake 10 times larger. Beating Zhang Wu, who resided in The Peak on Hong Kong Island where prices went to more than $500 million, meant she was in the top echelon of sexfighters and the perks would soon flow.

Reluctantly breaking apart the two removed their skirts and thongs. When both women were wearing only their suspender belts (Nha’s lilac, Zhang Wu’s black), stockings and extremely high heels (Nha’s, the platform style favoured by the Vietnamese, Zhang Wu’s classic stilettos), the two made their final preparations. They carefully opened and fully extended their cunt lips before meticulously and adjusting their inner cunt lips to their fullest, fully exposing their sex. Stepping forward they pressed their bodies together, breast to breast, cunt to cunt; Nha’s freshly shaven mound touching the long jet-black cunt hair of Zhang Wu.

Reaching down each woman unfastened their front suspender garter straps before reattaching it to their opponent’s stockings. Then they undid their suspender belts before reattaching the clasps to the other’s belt to make one continuous encircling belt. The two were now joined at the waist by the one combined lilac/black belt, and at the thighs by the crisscrossed garter straps, both aware of the arousal the restricted movement and close skin contact was causing.

The competition started in silence, Zhang Wu was taken by surprise by the instantaneous hardening of Nha’ nipples and clit. Her nipples, although not as thick as Zhang Wu’s, were longer and their hard firm points were driving into Zhang Wu’s nipples bending them, forcing them inwards. At the same time, the two maneuvered in their enmeshed garter belt, restricted space to bring their clits into the dominant position. Together they stood toe to toe, their pelvises thrusting as they strove for control over the other. Worryingly for her, Zhang Wu felt the sharp pencil-thick nipples of Nha continue to force her nipples inward burying hers back into her round dark areola and achieving an initial psychological advantage as well as forcing her to bend backwards. There was no doubt she had underestimated the Hong Kong born daughter of Vietnamese boat refugees whose oversized clit was now a super hard knob pressing into her clit, controlling it, and not allowing it to move.

They pressed their cunts against each other’s trying to use their slit lips to invade the other woman’s pussy and open it to allow access for their raking clit to dominate the other’s. Zhang Wu had extremely thick meaty cunt lips with short hanging flaps while Nha had less prominent lips but longer outer and fully visible inner flaps. It was a stalemate as their pussy lips could only form an oval with the area the vacuum formed by the sealed lips already being moistened by their sex juices. Nha used her belly contractions to first break the pussy lip contact and in the space of a couple of eyelid blinks pull her elongated cunt lips back, press them together, spear the closed lids into the Chinese woman’s twat and then slowly open her cunt flaps to prise Zhang Wu’s lips apart, and allow her access to the Cantonese woman’s wet clit.

Dictating the run of events Nha used her muscles to send her clit into a series of rapid movements stimulating Zhang Wu’s clit which was now trapped beneath hers. Zhang Wu was in serious trouble as Nha’s hard nipples still forced Zhang Wu’s nipples back deep into her tits, and her clit was fenced in and being rapidly excited by Nha’s. The constant drilling of Nha’s nipples into her breasts forced her to lean backwards further opening her cunt, and Nha pounced using her erect bigger clit to repeatedly rake the entire length of Zhang Wu’s now vulnerable exposed cunt and batter her clit.

Uncontrollable moans came deep from Zhang Wu’s belly in response to the arousal of her clit. Nha put her arms around her to stop the shuddering Zhang Wu from staggering to the floor. Systematically, clinically and efficiently she fucked Zhang Wu, her hard clit twisting, bending, and controlling Zhang Wu’s now defeated clit. She spoke for the first time. Her eyes glinted with excitement as she bragged, “You’re too old, your Chinese slut. I don’t need implants to out fuck your tits. This is top grade young Vietnamese pussy you’re up against, not tired, used, worthless Cantonese cunt, but you’ll learn more about it when you’re eating plenty of my insatiable pussy tonight in my bed. Then after I’ve used you, you can go to the old people’s home and fuck some pensioners because that’s all you’re good for.”

Placing her clit against Zhang Wu’s in the dominant upper position she slowly, seductively stroked hers against Zhang Wu’s several times taking her to the brink of orgasm before disengaging, then again fucking the already defeated Chinese.

“Plead for it, your cunt or I’ll fuck you unconscious.”

The 45-year-old shook her head and grasped Nha’s butt cheeks to remain standing. If she lasted a bit longer then perhaps a miracle would happen.

“Plead for it, bitch.”

Again, Zhang Wu shook her head, and the Vietnamese 19-year-old took Zhang Wu’s head in her hands and forced her long snakelike tongue into Zhang Wu’s mouth. Instinct took over and the 45-year old’s tongue fought against the invader. Joined by the 2 garters at the waist and by the Nha’s garter straps to her stockings and vice versa Zhang Wu could not disengage and regroup. Nha’s cunt flaps repulsed any attempt by the Cantonese’s to close them and her hard clit continued to scrape Zhang Wu’s at will. Her longer nipples still pushed Zhang Wu’s back into her tit flesh and forced her to lean backward allowing the Vietnamese’s tongue to force down into the Chinese woman’s mouth whose tongue gave up the unequal task.

“Plead for it,” Nha demanded.

“Ahhhhhhhhh uh uh Please make me cum,” wailed Zhang Wu with tears in her eyes.

Completely controlling Zhang Wu, Nha showed off by contemptuously not using her legs to thrust into Zhang Wu but merely used her muscles to vibrate and dominate her clit against her opponent drawing a prolonged orgasm from the woman 26 years older than her.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH UH UH UH UH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH UH UH UH UH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhh” Zhang Wu’s voice trailed off as Nha released her hold and Zhang Wu slumped to the floor. It was the first time in 9 years she had lost the first contest in a best of 3.

Following her down Nha put her thumb pad on Zhang Wu’s still quivering clit and massaged it against the cum drenched cunt, moving it around like a puck on an ice-skating rink, kneading it between her thumb and forefinger, milking the whole length of it. Kneeling beside her she slid three long fingers of her other hand into the flooded cunt of the prostrate Chinese and continued manipulating the defeated clit watching Zhang Wu hump and fuck herself on the fingers inside her.

“They said you were good, and you are. Good for a Chinese and good for nothing. Any Vietnamese grandmother would outfuck you” she said scornfully as she brought Zhang Wu to orgasm for the second time that day, prolonging it for what seemed years to the writhing Zhang Wu by using all three fingers on her G spot. With her other hand, she used her nails to gouge scratch lines into Zhang Wu’s tit.

Tonight, I’ll carve my name on your tits with my nails and rub my shit in the cuts, so they fester and permanently scar you.”

Moving she squatted in the Vietnamese victory custom over the prostrate Zhang Wu and released a spray of yellow piss over her face and hair and hissed scornfully, “You look Chinese; you fuck like Chinese, now you smell like one.”

Fifteen minutes later the two resumed. This time Zhang Wu was primed for the initial assault on her nipples and her manually pre-prepared rock-hard nipples pushed back at the thrusts from Nha. Surprisingly, she had also used a razor during the break to shave her long cunt hair into short stubble. The two started flicking and stabbing their tits together to test nipple strength and hardness. After a minute or so the two became frustrated because neither set of nipples yielded to the other. Each stab bent their nipples back equally. Eventually, they lined up tip to tip and glared into each other’s eyes.

“You’ve had your first taste of Vietnamese liquid gold, bitch” referring to the stream of piss she had laid on Zhang Wu. “Tonight, you’ll be drunk from swallowing that mixed with pure 100% Viet cum, and I’ve got a couple of special deliveries of solid brown lined up for you to swallow. You fuck like shit, so you may as well eat it. Now I want you to give me some competition bitch,” shouted Nha.

“You want it, you got it cunt,” yelled back Zhang Wu, though much of it was pride and hope not conviction. The Vietnamese had taken her down easily and that hadn’t happened for a good twenty years..

Joined together by the garter belts and stockings the two pushed their bodies against each other and their tits mushroomed out. Tits squished and rolled harder and harder together. Their breasts painfully pressed against one another as they grunted and gasped for air yet neither woman would give in to the other. This crushing bear hug lasted several minutes with no end in sight. More and more frustrated they paused, locking together with eyes full of hatred and with their tits thrusting out at one another in defiance. Nha’s pert firm 32 B mounds with their 1-inch quivering nipples faced Zhang Wu’s 34CC silicone enhanced tit flesh with their half inch thick ¾ inch teats.

Their breathing began to deepen and intensify, with a little catch at each breath. Even their areola began to swell and harden, and a sex-flush began to spread over their necks and faces. Their nipples remained erect and the two women’s pussy lips became drenched from the sex juices oozing from them. They stepped forward so their breasts were in full and solid contact: rock hard nipple to rock hard nipple, with their sweat beginning to trickle down the crevices and valleys of their bodies. They rocked from side to side until Nha suddenly grabbed two handfuls of Zhang Wu hair as their breasts still heaved, rubbed, and strained against each other, nipples locked in a punishing duel of their own. With her vice-like grip on her rival’s hair, Nha forced Zhang Wu’s head slowly back, but the result was that her rival’s larger breasts came forward and dominated her own. Zhang Wu retaliated, and they sank their fingers into each other hair and pulled hard as they rolled and ground their tits together. They squealed in pain as their nipples remained stiff and continued fighting each other.

Both women were breathing deeply and sobbing from the pain of their hair-pulling match, but they kicked their shoes free and started to scratch at each other’s calves with their long sharp toenails, each using all her feminine tricks to distract and weaken the other. They glared into each other’s eyes issuing an unspoken, direct challenge to each other. Leaning back slightly Zhang Wu swung her breasts crashing her 34CC into the smaller 32Bs of Nha, slapping them with her tit flesh and instituting dominance. She then sank her sharpened nails into Nha’s butt and slammed her crotch into the Vietnamese. Nha screamed both from the pain of the crotch to crotch fighting and from the agony of feeling her rival’s nails digging deeply into her butt flesh. She sank her sharp talons into Zhang Wu’s arse and the two sexfighters began thrusting wildly at each other, forcing their cunt mounds to slam together with violently. Their normally attractive, sexy faces were contorted in grimaces of hate and pain as they grunted and moaned.

They stared into each other’s eyes and gasped and hissed insults as they felt their cunts begin trying to suck each other’s lips inside each other’s vaginas. They cried out in pain and anguish as their cunts pressed hard together, grinding and rubbing each other into unnatural positions. With her hand gripping Nha’s garter belt Zhang Wu put on a spurt of power and felt her clit enter Nha’s cunt. Not to be outdone, Nha retaliated and felt her clit part her rival’s cunt lips. Clits came into contact and began to duel against each other, sending waves of pleasure coursing through their bodies as they sex-fought, balancing the pain from the breast and hair punishment each was inflicting. Their faces were close together, with each screaming and spitting obscenities at the other.

“My clit’s fucking your cheap Vietnamese imitation of a woman’s clit, Bitch.”

“When I drain your sloppy loose cunt of juice, I’ll rub your dry clit raw, if I can find it it’s so small you old Chinese hag.”

“I’d bite your nipple off except I’ve buried it in your surgeon made tit,” Nha screamed as just like in the first round her longer thinner nipples had forced Zhang Wu’s half inch wide thick monsters back into her tits and slowly bent her backwards opening the Chinese woman’s slit. Nha gave a frantic hip thrust and success; her clit now had the dominant controlling position just as it had in their first contest.

Zhang Wu felt the warmth growing in her loins, heard her pants grow louder and deeper, and called upon her physical and mental reserves to hold back the flood of pleasure creeping through her body. Nha had hoped for a quick victory as she now had tears in her eyes from the mental and physical strain of keeping inside that which she had held back in the first round, but it was becoming harder and harder not to orgasm. Who would cum first, the already defeated and now in a losing position Chinese or the accumulation of arousal from 100 minutes of sexfighting without cumming on the Vietnamese?

Sensing Nha was close to orgasm, Zhang Wu drew on her final dregs on sexual energy, on her experience, on her pride. She forced her cunt up with steady pressure and felt Nha’s cunt pulsating against her own. Their two cunts were now pressing together tighter than they ever had before. Pussy lips sealed together forming a gasket and Zhang Wu started to feel the hot liquid spew being shot into her cunt. She gladly accepted Nha’s hot cunt juices because she knew the tables were turned around from round one. As soon as Zhang Wu felt the last pulsating throb, she quickly used her hands to push Nha’s body away from her as far as the garter belt would allow and force her back so that the Vietnamese’s open cunt was placed on her bristling stubble of cunt hair. For the next 5 minutes, she worked over Nha’s clit with the equivalent of a scrubbing brush relishing Nha’s sobbing as she relentlessly took her to her climax.

When Nha collapsed this time, Zhang Wu went down on Nha and repeatedly rubbed one of her huge stiff nipples against her rival’s clit, made her come repeatedly for the allowed five minutes victory time, and reduced her to a babbling, drooling wreck.

Five minutes later they started the deciding bout. Both women’s mounds, thighs, suspender belts and stockings were both stained with dried and soaked with still wet patches of cum. The short break helped Zhang Wu and she quickly established the dominance she possessed at the end of the second bout. Her slippery cum covered clit sought out Nha’s clit which was still red raw from the working over Zhang Wu had given it with her stiff cunt hair stubble. Nha tried to respond and her clit engaging Zhang Wu in a duel for supremacy striving to remain hard while it rubbed against Zhang Wu, but she could not sustain the effort. With their stomachs pressed together, she could feel the rippling of Zhang Wu’s stomach muscles as she worked her clit vibrating it against Nha’s. Repaying Nha for her earlier success she relentlessly ground her still hard nipples into Nha’s forcing them deep into the as earlier Nha had done to hers.

Zhang Wu could feel Nha’s legs trembling weakly against hers, so she grabbed Nha’s buttocks forcing her cunt tighter against hers as her muscles continued to rapidly vibrate her still hard clit against Nha’s. Now in the winner’s position, Zhang Wu started grinding and forcing her cunt against Nha’s. Not having much sexual energy left, Nha tried her best to continue the fight but the assault Zhang Wu’s cunt was putting on her own had her pleading for an end within minutes. Zhang Wu continued her victory fuck against Nha, capitalizing on the fact that she had won. With a scream and convulsion, Nha collapsed to the floor her female ejaculation shooting from her cunt onto Zhang Wu coating their groins and thighs with her thick sticky woman’s fluid.

Falling with and landing on top of the defeated Vietnamese Zhang Wu knew she had just won the closest contest she had had in the last 15 years as an elite sexfighter. It was time to finish the Vietnamese so she would think twice about challenging Zhang Wu again. She undid the cum stained suspender belts and using both tied each of Nha’s ankle and wrists together, so each hand was bound to an ankle, and then used the ripped stockings to secure the 19-year-old to furniture so that her legs were spread almost at right angles to her body.

“Take this as a bonus, you Vietnamese shit,” Zhang Wu hissed as she lowered herself onto the prone Nha.

Fucking her clit to clit she boasted, “Go back to the kindergarten where you belong and practice with children before you come to play with real women.” Manually she masturbated her clit extending it to its fullest extension, then shifting and wriggling she worked the tip of her throbbing clit into Nha’s spread open hole like a man would work his cock. Moments later she injected her hot cum into the defeated Vietnamese woman’s cunt.

“Use your cunt muscles on the prime Chinese meat that’s inside you. My clit is the only Chinese you’ll get in your cunt because Chinese men only take Vietnamese sluts in the mouth or arse. Having my clit meat in your cunt feels no different to your normal fuck because Viet men are so small- even the pet dogs you have fuck you when you aren’t eating them are bigger.”

“Tonight, you’re going to learn how to love tonguing prime Chinese pussy, arse and tits, and swallowing an endless supply of Chinese cum. You aren’t good enough to take a real man in your cunt, but I’m big enough to fit, and tonight you’re going to have my clit and nipples in your cunt raping you.”

“And I’m going to video it.”

Josh and Georgia 1 (1)

Hey there! So this is my first attempt at this, so any advice is definitely welcome! FYI: The entire story is complete fiction.

Our story starts after a fight between Josh and Georgia, who have been dancing on the cusp of their first time together for weeks.


Honestly, looking back at it, I feel like I overreacted. And I told him so while we were lying there in the dark after the episode had ended.

“I feel fucking foolish,” I said quietly. We were laying on our sides, barely able to see each other with the clouds covering most of the moon. His hand was running through my hair, and mine was rubbing his chest, loving the feel of his chest hair under my palm.

“Don’t,” he told me. “I feel bad enough about the entire thing, I can’t stand knowing that I also made you feel like you did something wrong.”

“I should’ve just talked to you. But…” I paused, took a deep breath. “This is still so new, and I don’t know what I can talk to you about and what’s off limits. And on top of that, I’ve never been in a relationship with any kind of successful communication. So just know that I suck at it and that will be no different in our relationship.”

“Well, you should know that you can talk to me about anything. You can ask me about anything. I’m an open book to you.” I smiled to myself, loving his answers. “Hey Georgia?”


“Did you reference our relationship?”

Oh, fuck. “No, I don’t think so.” I totally had. Way to jump the gun, Halpert. That’s the perfect way to scare a man off: give him a title and shove it down his throat.

“Ah, I thought you did.” He sounded indifferent to it, so I thought I had gotten away with the white lie. “Because if you did, I was going to say communication is key for me in a partnership, so we can work on yours while we work on making this relationship incredible.”

And cue the butterflies. “Oh, I wasn’t sure if we–you know, most guys are completely against labels and titles and shit like that. So don’t worry about–I didn’t mean to say that, before.”

He chuckled, and moved his hand to my cheek. “Georgia, I want to do this right with you. I want to have it all with you. I’m not embarrassed to be attached to you. I want to be your man, I want you to be my girl. I want every silly little thing and every big momentous thing that this relationship brings our way. And fuck other guys our age. They proved they were all idiots when they decided they weren’t interested in dating you.” He moved his thumb over my cheek, and then moved it downwards to rub my lips. “But I’m actually really grateful for every bad date you had, because without all of that I honestly might never have found the courage to ask you out.”

“To be fair, you didn’t really ask me out for our first date. You just suggested a trial, and I agreed.”

“That’s fair. But let it be known that I wanted that to be a date, badly. And that kiss at the end? I still think about that several times a day.”

“Why’s that?” I asked him, moving a bit closer.

“Because I had been interested in you for so long. I wasn’t sure anything would actually happen. And then you kissed me back and… I was shocked, and relieved. And turned on.”

“Yeah, I felt that,” I giggled, feeling his foot touch mine, his hand moving from my face, and down my arm to my hip. “I definitely remember that kiss as well.

“Tell me why,” he said quietly, squeezing my hip and moving an inch closer.

I inched over once again as well, able to feel his breath on my skin. “Because you took control.” My words came out in a whisper, and I knew where we were headed.

“Do you like when I take control?” he asked me, his voice going deeper, still squeezing my hip, and edging me closer still to him.

I nodded, and thrust my hips involuntarily even though I still wasn’t close enough to touch him, feel him. But he groaned at this. “I think you’re remembering that kiss right now,” he told me, feeling my hips move slightly as he spoke to me.

“I am,” I breathed out. “I liked how you pushed me against the wall.”

At this we both moved towards each other, our bodies pressed together but our faces still not touching.

“I’ll be honest, I haven’t ever been so demanding with a woman. But the way you responded? I didn’t want to stop.”

“I don’t ever want you to stop,” I told him.

And then I kissed him first. I know he had been waiting for it, so he didn’t seem pushy after what happened earlier. And I loved that about him. But now I wanted this to continue. I was all in, and I hoped he was, too.

Josh was kissing me back, and I slid my tongue past his lips, and I felt his tongue meet mine. We were already so close but he grabbed me and rolled me on top of him. Immediately I moved my legs up so I was straddling him. I wanted to feel his hardness rubbing against me, so I started grinding, hard. I lifted my upper body but kept my hips glued in place, still rocking back and forth on top of him, keeping eye contact the entire time.

“Tell me you’re wet for me,” he said suddenly, and I moaned out loud just at his words. “I know you like dirty talk, G.” He reached up and grabbed a handful of my hair, and just forcefully enough brought me back down to his face. His other hand was still on my hip, making sure I didn’t stop thrusting against his rock hard dick. “Now tell me you’re wet for me.”

“I’m so fucking wet for you, Josh,” I panted, knowing that I was soaking through my underwear more and more every second. He groaned and moved his hand from my hip, and a moment later I felt a light slap on my ass, causing me to yelp.

“I’m sorry,” he said, grabbing my hip again but this time stopping me, his voice immediately concerned. “I didn’t–I thought maybe you’d like that.”

“Josh, I fucking love it,” I whispered in his ear, moving my hips against him again. “I just wasn’t expecting it.”

“Goddamnit, Georgia,” he grunted, thrusting up to meet my hips. “Tell me how wet you are.”

“I’m dripping for you Josh, my pussy is fucking soaked.” At this he flipped me over on to my back and climbed on top of me. He quickly unbuttoned my pants and moved off of me as he pulled them off of my legs. He then stood there, unbuttoning his own pants and pulling off his socks. He watched as I took off my shirt and unclasped my bra, letting my tits out for him to do as he pleased. I heard him moan quietly, taking in the fact that all that remained on my body was a skimpy pair of underwear. He finally removed his shirt, left only in his boxers, and then crawled back on the bed until he was hovering over me.

He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, causing me to gasp in surprise. “You drive me crazy, do you know that?” he said, looking up at me, and then moving on to the other nipple. My body was going crazy, I wanted him so badly, needed him. He sat up as he straddled me, his fingers replacing his mouth. He started tweaking my nipples, sending tiny jolts of pain and pleasure straight to my pussy. But then he stopped, and he moved off of me. He grabbed my ankles and slowly pulled me to the edge of the bed, only my back and head remaining on the bed.

“Show me how wet you are, G.”

Fuck fuck fuck. I was trying not to rush, but it was so hard. I moved my hands down slowly, grabbing the band of my underwear, feeling my hands shaking. And I slowly slid them down. He had already seen me topless, he had seen my pussy, but he had never seen me completely naked. And yet, here I was, kicking my underwear off of my right foot, naked as could be.

The look in his eyes was everything I needed to know. He was thirsty for me. I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. He wanted me, just like this. No one had ever looked at me like that.

He bent down and pulled his boxers down, matching my nakedness. His dick stood up, so fucking hard, and I could see precum coating his head. He was so thick, I couldn’t imagine how stretched I would be with him inside of me. He walked to the edge of the bed and reached down, tracing invisible lines on the inside of my thighs. I thrust again, against nothing, like a hungry slut.

“Tell me what you want,” he said quietly, trying to hold it together, I could see it in his eyes. He wanted to pounce on me, fuck me, make me scream. I opened my mouth to speak but I felt him move closer to my pussy and I gasped instead. He smiled, and reached out to pinch my nipple again, causing another gasp of pleasure. “Tell me. What. You. Want.”

“I want you to touch my pussy,” I told him. I moaned as he continued tweaking my hard nipple, his other fingers so close to where I wanted them.

“Fuck, Georgia, tell me exactly what you want,” he said, his voice breaking at the end. It was taking everything in him to keep his composure and continue his control.

“I want you to feel how wet I am with your fingers. I want you to know that I’m wet enough for you to fuck me, because I want you to so badly.” I was begging him, and he loved it.

“You want me to feel you?” he asked. I nodded and then I felt one finger start at my ass and trace my lips all the way up to my clit. I cried out, loving how deliciously slowly he was moving up, and then eventually down my slit. Every time he reached my clit he would pinch it, causing me to scream louder.

“Georgia, your pussy is so fucking wet.”

“Yes, yes! I’m so wet for you.”

“Do you want to cum?”

“God, yes, please,” I begged. “Make me cum, make me cum with your tongue, please.” I was on fucking fire for him. I would do anything he asked as long as he kept pleasuring me.

“I love how you beg me,” he grunted out, rubbing his finger up my slit one more time before dropping to his knees and wasting no time to lick up the juices that had yet to escape from in between my lips. I cried out, feeling his hands grab my waist, holding me in place so I had to endure every bit of pleasure he sent through my body.

“You taste so fucking delicious,” he told me, licking me one more time. “But I don’t want you to cum on my fingers, or my tongue. Not this time.”

“Josh, please, I need to cum. Make me, however you want, just make me cum.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” And then I felt the head of his dick slowly slide against my pussy lips and I was too shocked to even make a sound. I looked down and saw his dick slowly move up and down, feeling him press the head harder into my clit every time. “I want you to cum on my dick, Georgia.”

“Oh, fuck Josh, yes, yes please. I want to, let me. Let me cum on your dick.” He licked his lips and smiled down at me. He continued to rub his head all over my lips, coating it in my juices, driving me fucking crazy.

“Yeah, I thought you’d like that. Now let’s see…” and then I felt him start to push his way into me, but god he was so thick. “I’ll go slow,” he said, leaning down and kissing my lips softly. “At least until you’re used to me.” We both smiled at that, knowing slow wasn’t what either of us really wanted. And then I felt myself stretch to fit around his girth, moaning out in a delicious pain and pleasure mixture. “You’re so tight, Georgia.”

“Fuck, I know, I’m sorry,” I moaned, feeling more pleasure now, knowing he was almost all the way inside of me.

“Don’t apologize, gorgeous,” he said, kissing my lips several times.

He began groaning, feeling my walls clamping down around him. And seconds later, after feeling every single inch of his dick slide past my lips, he was completely inside of my pussy. We locked eyes. Mine were wide and ready, his were dark and hungry.

I contracted my pussy around his dick and he grunted loudly, thrusting his hips forward for the first time, his dick completely inside me. I screamed out, loving how stretched I was, loving that this man was fucking me.

“I have to go faster, babe. I have to feel you under me, matching my thrusts, squeezing me. I can’t hold back anymore.” He looked pained, like he was failing me, asking me for permission.

“Josh, I want you to fuck me faster, please.” And then he smiled at me, and planted his lips on mine, and he knew that I wanted him to keep controlling me sexually. Then I felt him slowly start to thrust in and out of me.

I swear I felt myself stretch every time he pushed back into me, and it felt incredible. I kept calling out, clawing at his back, trying to get him even closer to me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he sped up, now bracing himself on his forearms that were on either side of me. He was looking down at me, sweat beading on his face, watching me writhe underneath him in the most insane pleasure I’d ever felt.

His thrusts began to get a bit faster, and with my legs still wrapped around him I began thrusting back against him. He moaned so loudly and I was fucking loving every second of this.

“Georgia, I need you to cum, I want to feel you cum,” he told me, his words rushed, his movements getting even faster. “I need you to cum because I can’t hold back much longer. You feel too fucking good, the sounds you’re making… I can’t keep going. I need to cum, but you have to cum first.” He lifted off of me a bit and rolled us over, putting me on top. “Fuck, you look amazing on top of me, naked, with my dick stretching out your tight little pussy.”

I threw my head back and yelled loudly as one hand started tweaking my nipple, and the other moved to my clit, drawing circles over it and pinching it often. I began to move my hips, rotating up and down, letting him come almost all the way out of me before dropping back down to the base of cock again. He was groaning, sweating completely now. “Cum for me,” he said quietly.

“Make me,” I told him. And his eyes shot to mine, and his fingers pinched harder on both my nipple and my clit.

“Cum for me, Georgia. Soak my dick in your cum,” he demanded. And then he smacked my ass, hard, causing jolts of extreme pleasure mixed with the most delicious pain to shoot through my body. And as I thrust down one final time, I cried out.

“Oh fuck! Josh, Josh! I’m fucking cumming!” I yelled, now grinding down on his dick, not letting an inch out of me. My pussy was contracting wildly and I was gushing all around his cock. I couldn’t stop moaning, grinding, cumming. He continued rubbing my clit, sending shockwaves through me, causing me to cum even more. I rode him for all I was worth, bouncing all over his dick.

“That’s it, baby, cum all over my dick. Goddamn, you’re so fucking sexy when you cum.” His words urged me to keep going, to grind into him harder, to keep my orgasm going as my pussy continued to pulse and squeeze around his hard cock. I watched his face as he got closer and closer, and I knew what I wanted, what I needed.

“G, you have to get off, I have to cum now.” I continued riding him, forcing him as deep into my pussy as I could get him.

“Oh fuck, Josh…. Cum in my pussy,” I moaned out to him. He pulled his hands back and moved them to my hips, feeling me turn in tiny circles on his cock, riding out the last of my orgasm.

“I can’t…”

“I’m on the pill, Josh. Please, please pump your cum deep into my pussy.”

And then he moaned louder than ever and I felt his cock twitching inside me, feeling his cum splash against the walls of my pussy.

“Fuck! Georgia I’m cumming! Fucking hell, I’m cumming!”

“Yes!” I screamed. “Oh fuck, I need your cum in my pussy, Josh. Fuck, yes!” And then I was cumming again, the thought of him cumming pushing me to the brink and then feeling it actually happen pushing me over the edge. My pussy was squeezing out every drop of cum he had to give. He kept cumming, an insane amount, pumping into me so deep.

He was grunting with every thrust, giving me everything he had and more. “Georgia, yes! Fucking ride me, baby. Ride my dick, goddamn, yes!” And my hips kept grinding against him, urged on by his dirty words that went straight to my clit, my moans getting softer as I started nibbling at his earlobe. His hands moved away from my hips and down to my ass, rotating me on his dick a few more times. I groaned into his ear and then moved back to face him.

He kissed me, deep and hard. His tongue found mine and he stayed in me while we continued kissing. Then he reached down and rubbed my sensitive clit.

“Fuck, Josh, you can’t do that, I’m hypersensitive right now,” I laughed.

“I fucking love your clit,” he said, rubbing it one last time, causing me to shriek. “I fucking love your tight pussy,” he said, thrusting into me, hard, one last time, causing me to scream out. “I fucking love your lips,” he said, leaning up once more to kiss me, causing me to moan against his lips. “I love your fucking body,” he said, finally rolling us over, sliding out of me and then standing up, memorizing my body in this moment, watching our cum leak out of my pussy. “You are fucking everything and more.”

He climbed back onto the bed, lying down next to me. I rolled over to face him, and he put his arm under my neck, letting me rest against him.

“That was the most intense fuck I’ve ever had in my life,” I told him, knowing that no one had ever come close to making me feel that amazing while thrusting into me. “And no one, except for myself, has ever made me cum twice.”

“Glad I could be of service,” he said, still breathing heavily, his sweat still slightly dripping but starting to dry. “Honestly, I don’t even know what to say. My brain is dead. My body is dead. All I know is that I want you riding me constantly, letting me cum inside of you.” His words went straight to my clit, and that familiar throb, telling me that I could fuck him again, cum for him again, take his cum inside of me again “You fucking killed me with your pussy, and I’m over the moon about it.” I smiled at him, loving that we worked so well together outside of the bedroom, and now knowing that we were fucking on fire in the bedroom. “But you should know, Georgia, that you are the best. No one compares to you, no one has made me feel like this. Just you, only you.”

And he leaned down to kiss me, stroking my cheek while we kept our lips connected.

I rolled over on top of him again and found his dick already hard. “Fuck, ready for me again already?” I asked him.

“You’re the one climbing on top of me with your naked, sexy body,” he said, slapping my ass, making shriek and grind into him.

“I fucking love when you slap my ass.”

“And I fucking love doing it,” he said, slapping the other cheek.

“Fuck!” I yelled out. I was so horny, again. I reached behind me and grabbed his dick, and thrust my pussy down onto him. I went too fast, felt a lot of pressure and pain as I slid down, my face grimacing.

“Georgia? Are you okay?” he leaned up and touched my cheek.

“Just not quite used to you yet,” I told him, but then I smiled. “But after you fuck me a few times I’m sure my pussy will be perfect for you.”

“Oh, your pussy is already perfect. Your cum is fucking delicious, your walls are tight as fuck around me, and you’re so sensitive.” He thrust up into me, causing me to yell out, proving his point. “I love how vocal you are, Georgia. I love hearing how much you love having me fuck you.”

“Oh fuck, I do love how fuck me, Josh.” And with that I started riding his dick again, feeling him continue his upwards thrusts into me. My tits were bouncing and he watched them, mesmerized, as his finger toyed with my clit. “Yeah, I definitely love having you fuck me,” I panted, already close to cumming.

Josh then grabbed my hips and stopped me, and I was so confused until he bent me over the bed. “Spread your legs for me.” I spread my legs wide, wide enough that I felt more of our cum leak out from my lips.

“Fuck,” I heard him whisper to himself. “So fucking sexy.”

I climbed onto the bed on all fours, leaving enough room for him to climb up behind me. I shook my ass at him, tempting him to come and get me. And he definitely did.

I felt the bed move under his weight, and when his fingers touched my hips my entire body burst with goosebumps. And then I felt him aim his dick at my pussy, and he slid slowly in. It felt so fucking good going slow, letting me adjust while also feeling every vein in his dick.

He started thrusting faster, and I was losing it. “Fuck yes! Oh, Josh, Josh!”

Then I felt his hand meet my ass, hard, and my pussy contracted while I screamed, squeezing his dick beyond belief. “Goddamnit, Georgia, I’m not gonna last,” he panted at me.

“Spank me again, please,” I begged. “Keep spanking me, make me cum.”

“Shit. Georgia, yes. Fucking cum for me!” And his hand came down on my ass cheek again, feeling so fucking good, making call out, getting me so close. And he slapped me again, and again, and again. And right when my pussy started to tense up and clench around his dick, I felt him twitch inside of me.

“I’m cumming, Josh!”

“Fuck yes, fuck yes! Oh fuck, cum on my dick! I’m cumming with you, Georgia, right in your pussy!” He was thrusting wildly, hands gripping my hips hard enough to bruise them. But goddamnit I felt him cumming, throbbing inside of me, stretching me further as his dick grew as his cum filled my pussy. And I fucking wanted the bruises. I was his.

“Holy shit, yes! Cum in me, Josh!” His cum was violently pumping into me, hard enough that my orgasm continued throughout his thrusts, feeling it hit my g spot as before his thrusts became more shallow.

“Holy shit, Georgia,” he said, more quietly while still pumping into me. “When you cum on my dick, I fucking lose it. Thrusting into you feels so tight already, but then you’re squeezing me and I just lose control. Fuck, between your tight pussy cumming on me and you letting me cum in your pussy, and I’m fucking dead.” My pussy had coated his dick in my cum, and I could hear the noises our combined cum was making in my pussy as his dick continued to fuck me slowly, lazily.

I stayed there on all fours, but my head dropped to the mattress as my pussy finished draining his dick of every drop of cum he could give me. Josh stayed behind me, tiny twitches of his hips causing him to thrust slightly into me, forcing me to moan out in pleasure at the sensation.

Finally he slid out of me once more, and I dropped to my stomach, turning my head to face him. “I am so fucking in love with you cumming in my pussy, Josh. The feeling of it is… my God. You’re so thick, and when you cum you just get bigger, and then I feel your cum hitting my pussy, and I go crazy.” He was staring at me, also face down.

“I’ll cum in your pussy any time you like,” he said, smiling lazily at me.

“And I’ll cum on your dick whenever you ask,” I told him, returning his smile.

“Goddamn you’re perfect.” He moved his arm back under my neck and pulled me close to him. He leaned down and kissed me, softly, so different from the frantic fucking that had just taken place.

At some point we fell asleep, and we stayed wrapped up together all night. My left leg was wedged between both of his, my face pressed into his neck, his arms wrapped tightly around me while I slept on my stomach. And when I woke up, still smelling a slight trace of his cologne mixed with his musk and peppered throughout with the stench of our sex, I knew I would do anything I could to keep this man.

Desiree. Sex story 0 (0)

“I missed you at my party,” Desiree said with a hint of annoyance.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t make it,” I said. I didn’t tell her that my parents forbade me to drive on New Years Eve, fearing for my safety. “But I really wanted to be there,” I added, hoping to emphasize how just how much I really did regret missing it.

Desiree and I had struck up something of a friendship. She had come over to purchase some jewelry from me on her break a few months earlier and, even then, I sensed it was merely a pretense for conversation. She was my shoulder to cry on when my girlfriend left me for the schlep who worked in the record department, who, as it turned out, had been previously dating Desiree. I was about to find out that that was not the sort of relationship she had had in mind.

“Is there something wrong with me?” she asked. “Something about me you don’t like?” I was dumbfounded. “I mean, I realize I don’t have a perfect body—my boobs are too small and my butt is too big—but does that rule me out in your book?” She stared at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.

In all honesty, yes, her too big butt and too small boobs had, up until today, been a stumbling block for me. But I certainly wasn’t going to admit that. Furthermore, I had always thought her face was absolutely Helen-of-Troy beautiful, and had fantasized about her, despite her other physical shortcomings. Instead, I decided to admit that my parents wouldn’t let me go. It might make me look weak, but at least it would deflect her suspicions that I didn’t like her.

“I really did want to be there,” I said with as much earnestness as I could muster, “but my parents wouldn’t let me drive. They were afraid I’d get hit by a drunk driver.”

“Really? That’s your excuse? That’s pretty weak.” I was about to protest that it was the truth, but she cut me off.

“I’m going to make you an offer good for this moment only.” Her intensity was startling. “I know my ass isn’t up to your standards—I know how much you drool over Gloria’s tight little bum—but I am willing to offer what I have to you without reservations. I will make all your dirty sexual fantasies come true as much as it is within my power. But there are strings. You fuck me, you own me. No givebacks, no kicking me to the curb.” She was so nervous she was shaking. I was flabbergasted.

“I absolutely accept!” I said without hesitation. I knew that any hesitancy on my part would make her think that I had to mull it over. I mulled alright, but it only took me a nanosecond to conclude that I’d be an idiot to pass up her offer. She was right. I had always kind of looked askance at her body, despite her having the face of an angel, but her physical shortcomings were minor in comparison to her willingness to indulge my sexual appetite. I had always made myself out to be something of a playboy, and I did date steadily, but I was not a playboy and was relatively inexperienced sexually.

“Really?” she sounded surprised. Perhaps she didn’t expect me to take her up on her offer. Maybe she didn’t really think she would have to deliver the goods.

“I’m a bit thickheaded,” I explained. “I have always kind of known that you liked me, and I have thought about asking you out. I really was thrilled about your party and was so upset to have missed it. But I had no idea that you liked me enough to offer . . . yourself this way.” I touched her hand. “I am loyal to a fault. It will be you and me forever.” I heard myself say “forever” and I wondered if I was promising more than I could deliver. I know I was caught up in the moment and I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve.

“Jake, I am so thrilled!” she said, hopping excitedly. “Nervous, but thrilled,” she gushed. “My parents are out of town this week at a conference. I have the house to myself. Can you come over after work? I can make you dinner.”

“I’d love to,” I said.

I followed Desiree home after work. She lived in an upper-middle-class subdivision less than a mile from the mall where we worked so it was a short trip. My anticipation was palpable. She pulled into the driveway of a brick faced tri-level and I parked behind her. I watched her ass as she walked to the front door to let us in. It was funny how my attitude had changed. Whereas before I would stare at her ass dismissively, now that it was my ass, I had developed an appreciation for it. Sure, it was a little bigger than I preferred, but it still looked pretty good in the tight pants she always wore.

She set her keys and purse down on a side-table by the door and flashed a smile up at me. “I’m so nervous!” she exclaimed. “I don’t know what to do. I didn’t think this would actually happen.” Her flushed face confirmed her anxious state.

“I think you should take off all your clothes and just get it over with,” I offered.

“Of course you do!” she smiled. “But I’m the one going out on a limb here. Listen, Jake, I love you, but I don’t trust you. You had better not be here just because you want to get into my pants. If we do this, you have to promise me you’re in it for the long haul.”

It was a fair claim, I thought. I had always come across as a play-the-field kind of guy. But Desiree knew how devastated I was after the breakup with my last girlfriend. I think she knew that the attitude I portrayed was just a façade. Maybe she just needed to be sure.

“You love me?” I asked, not letting her glib declaration go unnoticed. “I hope that’s true,” I said, “because I love you too. It’s a choice I’m making, a commitment, because you offered yourself to me without reservation. Of course I want to get into your pants! But that’s not all I want. I want to stare into your eyes, at the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen, for the rest of my life.”

As the words came out of my mouth, they shocked even me. My intent was to convince her that this wasn’t a one-night stand, but what came out sounded a lot like a marriage proposal. Nevertheless, I swear it was all true, even if I only just realized it at that moment. I was worried that Desiree would think I was bullshitting her since I laid it on so thick, but the sparkle in her eyes told me she believed me. Then she took off all of her clothes.

Desiree was beautiful. At eighteen years old, she was probably at the peak of her beauty, but it was a lofty peak. I wasn’t kidding when I said she had a beautiful face. Her breasts were a pleasant surprise. Though small, they were firm and high upon her chest and crowned with quarter sized pink areolae and pencil eraser nipples standing proudly at attention. Her waist was the perfect complement to her upper torso and her stomach was flat, but soft. Her hips flared wide to accommodate her large-for-her-size ass. A neat triangular nest of soft brown hair adorned her pudendum. And her ass? Well, it, too, was a pleasant surprise. It was surprisingly firm and though it looked large when she stood erect, it looked sexy as hell when she was bent over. If I wasn’t in love with Desiree before this, I was now. And if I was, well, this sealed the deal.

“Desiree, will you marry me?” I asked, only half joking.

“I will, Jake—even if you weren’t serious, I am!”

“I underestimated how wonderful your ass is,” I told her. “Listen, would you mind touching your toes?”

“You’re serious?” she asked, probably thinking I was crazy.

“Yeah. I want to lick your ass” I said matter-of-factly.

It was a fantasy I’d entertained for a couple of years and now seemed like the perfect time to try it out. Desiree didn’t object. She obediently bent over at the waist and touched the floor. I knelt down behind her and went to work. One thing that porn flicks don’t portray due to the nature of the medium is odor. And though Desiree’s ass was enticing, it still smelled like . . . ass. Nevertheless, I was committed and began licking all up and down her crack and tickling the pucker of her asshole with my tongue. Eventually, I began working my tongue into Desiree’s asshole as deep as I could. She was pretty quiet through all of this, so I wasn’t sure how she was taking it, but she didn’t complain and she didn’t tell me to stop. Well, she did, but only because she said she wanted to cum with my cock inside of her.

I quickly slipped out of my slacks and freed my ridged member. I was of average length, but above average girth—although I didn’t really have an awareness of that at the time. I just knew that Desiree’s pussy was deliciously tight and I probably would have had difficulty slipping inside of her were it not for the fact that she was literally dripping with pussy juice. I suppose it’s a good thing she was close to orgasm, because I didn’t exactly have much sexual stamina. I think I lasted maybe thirty seconds that first time, but it was enough to get her off.

“That was not how envisioned my first time,” Desiree said after I pulled out. Now that she’d mentioned it, I hadn’t either and I said as much. Desiree turned to face me. “You’re stuck with me now, you realize that, right?”

“I don’t think ‘stuck’ is the right word,” I said. “When the most beautiful girl in the world gives herself to a humble schlep like myself, that’s a miracle.” And I really did feel that way. This morning, I was just an ordinary sex-starved teenaged boy with no viable prospects and now I had just had the best sex of my life with my . . . fiancé!

“Well if you felt that way about me, how come you never asked me out?” Desiree wanted to know.

“I guess because I was pretty much just looking to get laid and didn’t think you would put out.”

“I guess you underestimated me, didn’t you?” She said pulling me close. And then we kissed. For a long time. With a lot of tongue action. Never mind where mine had just been.

A few minutes later and I was ready for round two. This time she rode me like a cowgirl, but slow. She drove me crazy, keeping me just at the edge of coming, but never quite getting there. Until she came. Once her hips started bucking in involuntary shudders, I was a goner. I shot a second load of sperm deep into her cunt.

“Do you want a boy or a girl? Desiree asked with my semi-hard cock still inside her. This crystallized a few things for me that may have been ambiguous before. Well, mainly one. Desiree was not on birth control. And since I wasn’t using condoms . . . this was serious. But I did know that I didn’t care whether we had a son or a daughter.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” I answered. “I just hope they get their looks from you.”

Can You Come Out Tonight? 0 (0)

We had been planning to attend the conference for months. The new department chair, Sam Patel, had convinced me it was good politics to see people and be seen there. Interestingly, we seemed to become friendlier by discussing our upcoming trip, sort of like a great adventure we shared.

Since we are both happily married, I suggested we get together with our respective spouses for dinner and drinks sometime. Sam always responded positively, but it never seemed to happen.

One oddity occurred after a staff meeting when I stopped in the men’s room and Sam followed.

“I have to go, too.”

Despite two rows of unoccupied urinals, Sam stood at the one right next to mine and brushed up against me, his widespread leg touching mine as well as his elbow jabbing my arm. It was awkwardly erotic.

I thought nothing of Sam’s insistence that we book one room with twin beds to save the department money. Yet we ran the risk of exposing personal habits—from leaving toothpaste uncapped to farting freely—which could strain our collegial relationship.

We checked into the hotel after deplaning mid-afternoon and had a couple of hours of free time before the opening night banquet. That was when Sam demonstrated one of his personal habits that took me by surprise. As soon as we settled down in our hotel room, Sam stripped and paraded around naked.

I tried to take his nudity in stride, not reacting. I wanted to ask if it was a Hindu or Indian custom, but thought better of it.

I also tried not to look at his private parts. Nevertheless, my eyes wandered to his nicely shaped brown penis and firm, round testicles. He was uncircumcised and the bulge of his head was hidden underneath a smoothly skinned hood. I was sure he caught me looking at his manly attributes.

When Sam bent over to show off his hard-bottomed ass, the idea occurred to me that he was advertising himself. Since I had never crossed that particular line, I gave myself a surprise when I stood up and felt a pinch as the tip of my penis stuck to my underwear. Sammy Patel had turned me o after all.

At the banquet, we didn’t even sit together, and so I was surprised when Sam asked me if I had had enough around ten o’clock and suggested we go back to the room.

We opened the liquor cabinet and shared a nightcap while planning which conference session we would attend tomorrow. In short order, we took turns peeing and tooth-brushing and got ready for bed. I put on striped pajamas and Sam went in the buff.

After turning off the lights, I rolled onto my side, facing the wall, and was taken by surprise when Sam got under the covers in bed with me.

“What the…?”

Sam said, “Don’t talk.”

Before I could object or resist, Sam wrapped his fingers around my dick with one hand and cupped my balls with the other.

I said, “I’m not gay, you now.”

He said, “Neither am I, Matt.”

I breathed in his masculine odor, which came particularly strongly to my nostrils, as I felt my erection growing under his touch. Then he began to kiss and lick my penis.

Even though Sam was looking up at me, coquettishly fluttering his lashes, I closed my eyes as he wrapped my phallus with his velvety tongue, moist lips, and toasty warm mouth. After five minutes of delicious blow job, I heard myself squealing with orgasmic delight.

Then Sam Patel kissed me on the lips and I tasted my own spunk as he got up and went to sleep in the other bed.

In the morning, we didn’t speak of our night of man-love. However, I asked Sam, “What’s the Hindu take on homosexuality?”

“The traditionalists of all creeds agree that it is an abomination, like fundamentalist Christians and Muslims.”

I nodded as he seemed to be detached from the question.

“Samsara, the process of becoming free from birth and death, involves separating the soul from the body. All sexuality is of the body.”

The conversation went no further and nothing more was said about sex for the rest of our day together.

We ate dinner at the bar with a group of colleagues and barely acknowledged one another till it was time to leave. We rode the crowded elevator together with Sam’s leg rubbing against mine. No words were spoken, but the sexual tension enveloped us.

Nervously, I got into bed, wearing only my boxers, and waited for Sam to finish his nighttime ablutions in the bathroom. Without a moment’s hesitation, Sam joined me in bed. This time he started by kissing me—first my cheeks and neck, then insisting I offer my lips, and finally sucking my tongue.

“Two men kissing usually grosses me out,” I confessed.

Sam laughed, “You liked it, though, didn’t you?”

Before I could answer, Sam left a trail of fleeting kisses from collarbone to my chest to my nipples to my stomach to my belly button to my groin to my thighs to my pubic fuzz. By the time he started sucking my cock, I was so frenzied I shot a wad almost instantaneously. He slathered my juices all over my half-limp dingus and continued sucking it until I firmed up and came again.

Just like the previous night, Sam slept in his own bed. The only difference was that he called his wife and spoke to her in a hushed murmur in the darkened room.

The next night, I expected to have sex with Sam, but he threw me a curve.

“I think you’ll agree that I’ve been doing all the giving,” he said, touching me affectionately with his thumb and forefinger against my cheek. “Now it’s your turn.”

Instead of going down on him, Sam instructed me to jerk him off while we made out naked under the covers. He spewed all over our bellies twice before her moved his fingers toward my butt and asked me to do the same. His ass was warm, tight, and juicy. I tried not to jab too hard, but he vigorously fingered my asshole and licked my funk afterward.

At breakfast the next day, Sam showed me a picture of his wife. She was a Bollywood beauty with sharp features and jet black hair. I found her defined sideburns and moustache exotically erotic and wondered if she shaved under her arms and between her legs. I should have known, however, that my endowments and prowess would pale in comparison to Sam Patel’s. The fourth night of our wild and sensual conference would confirm which one of us was the alpha male.

I knew Sam wanted me to perform oral on him, but I was surprised that he coaxed me to go down on him during a brief respite before dinnertime.

Sam was standing over me with his superior height, as I knelt and began to make love to his manhood. He instructed me to gently stroke its length and squeeze its girth, as I rolled back his greyish brown foreskin. I ogled the cleaved bulb of his cockhead.

“Kiss it, lick it, and kiss it again.”

I did as I was told and quickly started to bob my head and suck him, unconsciously imitating my wife blowing me at home. Shortly, the difference became apparent—Sam’s testosterone aura intoxicated me and stoked my passion to pleasure him. His extra-large dick exploded in my mouth and choked me with a flood of tangy, hot syrup, which I swallowed with difficulty.

A few hours later, Sam waited for me in bed with his sticky wicket pointing skyward. I assumed he wanted me to give him head again, but instead he went down on me. Pumping my cock and sucking me off on the edge of the bed with the lights still on. Then he nudged me to roll over.

With a jar of petroleum jelly and a three-pack of supersized condoms, Sam made me his bitch. He fucked my ass three times, pausing only to change condoms and jerk me off. He screwed me senseless and I experienced my first buttgasm.

Last week I had never gone gay. Now I was falling in love.

On the plane ride home, I didn’t know whether I should declare my love for Sam or tell him we had to end it. He said nothing.

Shortly after takeoff, Sam grabbed a pillow and blanket for me and the same for himself. A few minutes later, his hands probed beneath my blanket, finding my little dick. I reached over and grabbed the object of my ardor sprouting from his crotch.

The flight attendant apparently noticed our hand movements in each other’s laps. She leaned over to whisper in my ear, touching the lobe with her red lipstick, so that I could smell her cologne, telltale cigarette smoke, and minty breath.

“Be discreet, honey,” she whispered intimately.

“Is sex allowed on a plane?”

“Only silent orgasms,” she said with a straight face.

I took that as an omen. Whatever comes, be discreet. I texted my wife, telling her that I was on my way home and missed her.

Then I covered my head with the blanket and sucked my manly lover’s cock at 30,000 feet.