
This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. This is an Interracial story.


This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.

This is an interracial story.

This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. Erin is 47 and Fran is 20. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders. Both women have small breasts, Erin’s breasts are slightly sagging while Fran’s are perky. Fran is in her first year college. The college is local and makes the commute from home. Erin has always been a stay-at-home mom. The family have a nice home in the suburbs where Erin has made something of a hobby of gardens and plantings around the yard. Erin’s husband and Fran’s father is a mid-level sales executive at a manufacturing company and travels nationally on average every other week.

Fran’s sex life has slowly grown over the last years of high school and this year of college but her experience is still limited to three guys and Erin is fully aware of it, only encouraging her to be careful. Erin’s sex life is a complete mystery to her daughter who never really wanted to think about it. In reality, Erin’s sex drive has always been high … unfortunately, much higher than her husband who is also size deficient. While raising Fran and growing her husband’s career and home life, Erin managed to control her sexual needs. Once Fran was basically independent and driving, those needs erupted to frustrations that might have led to a split in the marriage if it wasn’t for a husband willing to give up a lot for his wife’s happiness … and, happiness in the marriage.

Fran was about to run smack dab into the reality of how complex a “happy marriage” can be.


“Mom?!?” That would normally be how Fran entered the house after coming home from classes at the nearby college. In her first year, she was still feeling her way into the larger world of college, career options, and the world outside of the local school district. This day, however, she stood at the front door trying to decide if she knew whose car was in the driveway. She was sure she didn’t know it. Certainly, none of her friends. Although it looked nice enough, it couldn’t be one of her dad’s friends or associates because he was on another of his business trips. He was a sales executive who travelled somewhere in the country every other week and this was one of those weeks. So, maybe it was a friend of her mom’s. It was just so curious, though, she thought she knew all her mom’s friends and that car did not make any connections in her mind.

She entered the house and listened. Nothing. Normally, when someone was visiting her mom they would be in the kitchen, family room, or living room. All were close to the foyer and there wasn’t a sound from any of those locations. She closed the door quietly, for a change, and wondered if she was trying to be sneaky. It wasn’t intentional to be snoopy, but this was curious. She let her backpack settle next to the door and she listened, again.

Then, she heard something. It was faint and upstairs. Feeling a little guilty, she quietly ascended the stairs. It wasn’t even that she trying that hard to be quiet. She was wearing a tight-fitting tee-shirt, jeans, and running shoes. The shoes were just naturally quiet, but she found herself walking on the balls of her feet as she focused on the faint, muffled sounds.

The upstairs landing divided the upstairs. Straight ahead was a large bathroom. To the right were the bedrooms for her and her older brother (married and out of the house). To the left was the master bedroom of her parents with its own bathroom suite and a guest room across the hall. The sounds, clearer to her now, were definitely coming from the left and as she moved that way, she realized she was now on her tip-toes and in full snoop mode. This was all too curious for her. The sounds were no longer mere sounds, but voices and … sounds, yes, but … sometimes not words but more like … oh, my God! … moans? It was definitely the master bedroom and, as she stepped up to it, the door wasn’t fully closed and the voices were … her mom, yes, but … her dad, no. There was a deep male voice but it definitely was not her dad. This was a deep manly voice. She made out moans and groans and some words but not well. She heard him talking in an authoritative voice calling her ‘Erin’ and ‘babe’ and saying ‘take it’, ‘all of it’, ‘you like this, don’t you’. Her mom’s voice was a jumble of grunts and moans and gasps but her words were ‘Tyrone’, ‘you stud’, ‘yes, I like it’, and … ‘don’t stop’.

‘Don’t stop’? Who is she …? What is she …? What are they …?

She gently eased the door open a few more inches but still couldn’t see much. She eased it open about a quarter of the way and … FUCK! Well put, Fran, she chided herself. Yes, that’s what was happening. She pushed the door open about halfway and stood in shock. Her mom was mostly naked. She was only wearing a black outfit of bra, sheer support garter, and stockings. Her bra was at her waist with her saggy breast bouncing as she rose and fell on top of a naked black man.

She watched. Stunned. She didn’t want to watch, to spy, to be a voyeur of her own mother, but … she couldn’t move. She couldn’t turn away. The scene before her was obscene, elicit, torrid. Her mother was obviously experiencing something intensely powerful. She watched her mom bouncing up and down, her hands on the man’s chest, her eyes shut tight and her mouth hanging open. Guttural sounds were escaping from her mouth mixed with moaning and groaning and panting. She was mumbling words that were unintelligible to Fran. Then, they suddenly became very intelligible.

“Oh … fuck … me … Tyrone … FUCK! Yessssss … I’m … ooooooooo, Goddddd … I’mmmmmmm … cummmminnnggggg!”

She watched her mom slam down on the man, apparently driving his cock deep into her pussy and she cried out. She watched as her mom fell to the man’s chest, his arms wrapping around her, and his hips taking up the fucking as her mom stopped moving. She watched her mom shiver and shake on top of the man, obviously in the throes of a massive orgasm.

It was then that the man looked at her. Fran wasn’t aware she had entered the bedroom and mechanically walked near the bed in a trance. She gazed down at the coupling, at her mom’s gasping for air and shivering through her orgasm, at the man whose eyes were fixed on her now. She gazed down as the man smiled up at her and in a swift, controlled motion, rolled the two of them on the bed while his cock remained deep inside her mom. Her mom gasped at the sudden movement and the man was between her legs fucking furiously. It was then that Fran saw it … his cock … it was huge, long, thick, and black as it plunged in and out of her mom’s white, bald pussy.

The powerful fucking seemed to pull Erin out of her fog. Her arms embraced the man and her hips rose to meet each powerful, dominating thrust from the man. “Ohhhhh, yesssssss … fuck me … just like … that, you fucking stud!” Erin was thrashing her head as she became increasingly stimulated, again. “Yes … yes … yessssssss. Fuck …” and that was when Erin’s head turned toward Fran, “… me.”

Fran could see recognition from her mom, but she was too far gone, again. Erin entire body became rigid and clung to the man as he thrust harder and harder and deeper and deeper. His long cock was mesmerizing to Fran, almost as much as the wild, frantic look on her mom’s face.

Then they came, each on top of the other. His grunts mixed with her cries. They were a sweaty mess of tangled black and white skin slowly moving together. When the man rolled off her mom, Fran couldn’t help herself. She moved toward the end of the bed and gasped. Her mom’s pussy was gaping open from the size of the cock she just fucked and a small rivulet of cum leaked from it.

Fran’s eyes were pulled from the image of her mom’s pussy by the movement of the two on the bed rising to elbows to look directly at her. She saw the smiles forming on both faces and only then realized she had her hand deep in the front of her jeans. Embarrassed, ashamed, still shocked, and mad. She ran out the door to the other end of the hall and her own room. She slammed the door shut behind her, but it opened almost immediately. There stood her mom, naked, her inner thighs glistening with the mixture of their cum and sex.

“Fran, we have to talk.”

Fran glared at her mom. “What were you doing?!” She put up her hand, “No, what were you doing with him?” She shook her head to get the right words out. “Mom … why? Why, mom? What about daddy?”

“Fran, listen to me, please.” Erin had her hands firmly on Fran’s upper arms to make her look at her. “I wasn’t cheating on your father.” Fran began protesting, again, but Erin continued, “Your father knows.”

“He knows? He knows you’re fucking that guy and he’s okay with that?”

Fran sighed deeply and Erin smiled as they sat next to each other on Fran’s bed. “He doesn’t know the details … the who or how often. He doesn’t want to know the details, but, yes, he’s okay with it.” She was finally able to put her arms around her daughter and she gently hugged her. “Honey, your father and I … I love your father. He’s a good husband in almost every way, but … he’s always known I had a high sex drive … very high … and he liked that at first. We had sex all the time … everywhere …”

“Mom …”

“This is important, dear.” Fran seemed to sag in her mom’s arms and resigned to listen. “But, after a while, his interest in sex dwindled but it was at the time you were little and I could put all my energy into you, the home, and being a good wife. Then, your father got this sales job and he is very good at it and enjoys it, but he is gone a lot and I was alone more with only you. Then, you grew up and didn’t want me or need me in your life as much. Soon, you were gone a lot after school with studies with friends, dates, and activities. And I was alone more. My sex drive that I had managed to keep at bay all those years by throwing myself into you and your father … well … I didn’t have those things, anymore. I thought if I masturbated, it might take the edge off. You masturbate, don’t you? I know you do, but did it keep you from wanting your boyfriends?”

Fran looked up at her mom. Was she really asking or was it rhetorical? She found her mom waiting. She knew her mom knew she was active but she just let it be with innocent comments about being careful and birth control. Fran nodded, “Yes, I did a lot. You’re right. It only made me want to feel the real thing. It would be what I envisioned as I masturbated.”

Erin nodded, “That’s what happened to me, too. I envisioned being with a man. Your father didn’t have the interest … hadn’t for a long time. Besides … I don’t mean this meanly, honey … your father is small, very small.” Fran looked up at her mom. She didn’t know if her boyfriends were big or not but she knew they weren’t anything like what she just saw on that man. She read the articles that proclaimed that size wasn’t important, but she always wondered if that was merely a bunch of women rationalizing the size of their partners.

“So, how did dad … you know …”

Erin hugged her. Somehow, Erin being naked and the smell of sex hanging around her hadn’t been an issue until Fran was relaxed and wasn’t fighting. Suddenly, Erin was very aware of her nudity and when Fran touched her mom innocently on the thigh, she too became very aware. But Erin kept her daughter in her arms.

“The first time was an accident. I did cheat, but I didn’t go out intending to. It was actually one of his sometimes golf partners. It was a mistake and I told him. He was mad, of course. We talked and talked more. We both saw what was happening and both seemed to come to an understanding. Maybe it wasn’t ideal in a marriage, but we decided for us it might work. He just couldn’t stand to know the details, but as long as I was happy and loved him and wanted to stay with him loyally when he was home … I just try to be discrete and only did it when you were supposed to be in school and now in classes.” She looked sharply at Fran, “Which, by the way, why aren’t you at classes?”

Fran was relaxed with the explanation enough to be embarrassed, “My last classes were cancelled. Some kind of bug took out my last two professors and they couldn’t line up TA’s in time.” She looked her mom in the face, finally. “How long?”

Erin sighed, “Four … no, about five years.” Same guy? “No, different guys. He’s one of the latest.” Then, past what seemed to have been a crisis, something stirred inside Erin and she wondered. It would be so hot, exciting. “Honey, do you have a serious boy, now?” Fran shook her head. “But you still are having sex, aren’t you? You still need to feel that regularly?” She was taking a chance based on what her daughter had shared now and before. “You still find a way to get someone between your legs?”

Fran flinched at the boldness of the question from her mom. They had talked about sex and men before, but not like this. This was so weird. Her mom was holding her tightly, still. She was naked and had just had multiple orgasms that Fran had witnessed. And, the man was still just down the hall. But her mom had opened up and been amazingly honest, so she could be, too.

She nodded, “Yes. Old boyfriends sometimes. Parties where everyone is sharing and experimenting.” She looked up at her mom and no longer felt intimidated or awkward about her being naked. “Sometimes I have wondered if I was just a slut. Is that what I am?”

Erin hugged her tight and stroked her arm. She sighed, “Like mother … like daughter, I think. What is a slut, anyway? A woman who has casual sex without the intention of a relationship? But why can’t sex just be sex. I think there is a difference. If you have sex to control the impulse, the need, isn’t it different?” She looked into her daughter’s face, “These men aren’t really lovers to me. Your father is the only one I love. These men are sex partners and that’s all. These men help me be a sane wife. Is that crazy sounding?”

Fran returned a shy smile. “You’re pretty cool, mom. I had no idea you had ideas like that about sex.” Erin kissed her daughter on the forehead and hugged her to her naked body. “Just don’t let you father know I’m encouraging you.” She stood and gave her daughter’s hand a tug to stand, which she did. When Erin pulled Fran through the door into the hall, Erin said, “Come, there is someone I want you to meet.”

Fran was nervous as she allowed herself to be pulled down the hall in the direction of the master bedroom. She watched in wonder. Her mom seemed so comfortable in her skin, now. Not only was she striding down the hall naked but there was purpose and confidence in her manner as she did it. At 47, she wasn’t young, anymore. Her waist might be a little thick and her breast sagging, but she was still attractive in a mature way, especially in the way she carried herself. Her butt and thighs jiggled as she walked but that seemed to make her enticing, even to Fran, and she wondered if it was appropriate for her think that way.

The bedroom door stood wide open and any thoughts about her mother were pushed to the back of her mind as she saw a naked black man sitting on the edge of the bed. Age wise he was between her mom and her but much closer to her mom, maybe upper 30’s to 40. When he saw them enter, he stood as if that was what he always did when women entered the room. His gut was a little thick, too. He stood maybe a half foot taller than them and had muscle tone like he used his body or a gym. But her eyes quickly found the truly amazing thing about him … his cock hung limp between his legs and looked as long as any of her boyfriends did when hard.

She heard her mom introducing them. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard Erin call him Bob. She forced her eyes away from his cock to his face and dumbly put out her hand to shake. He ignored the hand and pulled her into his arms for a hug. Her arms naturally, but hesitantly, wrapped around his body. He wasn’t soft. Her mind seemed to explode as her hands touched his back: she was hugging a naked man who had just been fucking her mom!

Her mom was saying something, again. “Honey?” She was still holding the man, Bob, in her arms. She blushed bright red, released him, and took a step back. Erin leaned in close to Fran and whisper into her ear, “Remember what we were just talking about? Have you ever seen anything like that? And, he has amazing recovery.”

Fran tore her eyes away from the cock hanging from him like a long, thick length of sausage, glancing up at him, and whispering back, “You mean …”

“If you ask nice, he might let you.” Ask nice? Like when she was smaller and wanted a cookie before dinner? She had never had to ask for sex … just accepted the advances of guys. But this was different. He seemed respectful and it had to be awkward having just been caught fucking her mom and now she was standing before him dressed.

She looked up at him, back down to his cock, then back to his face, and down to his cock, “I … I …”

A soft chuckled escaped his mouth, though she didn’t bother looking up she heard a smile on his mouth. “Never seen anything like that?” Fran dumbly shook her head. He put his hands on her shoulders and applied the slightest amount of pressure down and she began sinking to her knees in front of him. “Go ahead, touch it … hands … mouth … your mom likes it, too.”

Fran didn’t look anywhere but at the long, black cock in front of her face. If she leaned in, she could touch it with her tongue, but instead she put her palm underneath it and lifted it. It was soft and her palm didn’t cover half of it. Pointing straight at her now, she saw the drip of moisture formed at the hole in the head and licked it off without thinking. Then, she did think about it and looked up at him. He was smiling.

“A cock like that is different. Forget the man it is attached to, a cock like that makes me want to just make love to it.” She hadn’t noticed, but her mom was kneeling next to her. “Go ahead … stroke it, lick it, suck it … love it.”

This was obscene. She was kneeling beside her naked mom in front of a naked black man holding a big black cock she couldn’t take her eyes off. But her mom was right. Holding the cock, she forgot about the man it was attached to. Her eyes, her desires, her thinking and longing was only focused on this cock, this slab of black meat she only thought existed in porn.

She was surprised to see the cock getting hard, closing the gap between it and her face. Then she saw that her hands had begun stroking it and her mouth was watering like she had a juicy piece of steak approaching her lips. Her lips opened and consumed not a piece of well-prepared steak but the head of the biggest cock she imagined and she felt it jerk in her hand and mouth as the wet warmth of her mouth encased the head. She sucked and twirled her tongue over the bulb of man-meat in her mouth and tasted unique and intriguing flavors that her mind told her was both the man and her mom, the mixture of their sex. She moaned as it all crashed into her brain: being with two naked people, the cock in her mouth, and the taste of their sexual pleasure. Her free hand clutched at her tee-shirt and bra encased breast. Her mouth pushed past the head, her lips encasing more of the cock until she felt it at the back of her mouth and probing her throat but there were still several inches of cock still outside her mouth. She gasped and groaned, a mini-orgasm coursing through her and soaking her panties.

With the cock filling her mouth, her mom kissed her distended cheek and asked a question that sent a shiver through her body, “Do you want him to cum in your mouth or experience more of it?”

She didn’t respond. She slowly pulled her mouth off the cock that now glistened with her saliva and stood up, one of her hands still holding it. She looked into the eyes of the man … Bob … and he smiled. His hands moved to the bottom of her tee-shirt and pulled it up her body, her hand finally having to release the cock. As the shirt was being pulled over her head and up-stretched arms, she felt her mom behind her opening her bra. Bob bent down and her slightly parted lips were consumed by his large black lips while his hands opened her jeans and unzipped them. His hands cupped her breasts and squeezed them as her jeans and panties were pulled down by her mom.

Bob pulled her into his body. Now, her bare skin was against his and she felt his hard cock pressed against her abdomen. She gasped into his mouth as he kissed her. But she almost orgasmed when she heard her mom’s voice while her pussy was being probed, “I think she is going to be tight.” My God! My mom was fingering me and gaging how my pussy was going to be for his cock?

He stepped back slightly and reached his own hand down between her legs. Fran just watched, mesmerized by the entire situation, as his big black hand slid between her legs and a fat finger probed between her slick pussy lips and sank into her. She gasped. Then she moaned when she heard him, “Yes … very tight. Never had a cock like this, have you little Fran?” He took her hand and pulled her up onto the bed. He lay on his back, his cock held straight up in the air, “It’s okay, Fran. It’ll work, trust me. You be on top and assume total control. Go at your own pace.”

Fran heard her mom alongside her, encouraging her, “He seemed too big to me the first time, too, but I took him. Go slow. He’ll stretch you, but I guarantee feeling so full of cock will be something you’ll love feeling.”

Fran climbed over the cock and felt the head rub along her dripping slit. As she aligned the head to her opening, her mom pulled her face to hers and kissed her … not a chaste, motherly kiss but a passionate, consuming kiss that made her moan into her mother’s mouth. At the same time, she sat down slightly and felt the head impossibly stretch her tight pussy and enter her. She cried into her mother’s mouth as she sat down a little more and Bob mashed her breasts in his large hands. She broke the kiss from her mom. She had to look. What she saw shocked her. She only had half of him inside her but she felt totally stuffed with cock, already. How could all of it possibly fit inside?

It took many minutes and her mom’s constant encouragement until she finally felt her ass impact Bob’s hips. All the while she rose and lowered, over and over, the cock inside her bottoming out against the top of her pussy, over and over, taking more and more by the inch, every time hitting the top of her pussy but somehow taking more as her pussy adjusted to the intrusion. Her entire pussy was stretched. She could never have imagined being so stuffed, so full of cock. When she had it all inside her, her mom wrapped her arms around Fran and hugged her tight as her daughter’s pussy adjusted to the log lodged inside her.

Fran looked down at Bob as she slowly pulled up. It felt like she was rising forever. When she felt only the bulbus head still inside, she reversed and slowly sank back down but all in one smooth motion this time. Her face was beaming as she gazed down at him.

Giddy at having succeeded, “I was prepared to think I would never get it all inside me.”

He chuckled, “Didn’t I say you would?” She nodded excitedly. She was rising and sinking smoothly now as her pussy had adjusted to his size. His hands moved from her breasts to her hips as he began gently assisting her. “Now, what do you think about big black cock?”

“OH … MY … GOD! I love it … I can’t believe how full … I am. It feels … so … fucking … amazing!”

Erin laughed, “I knew it … like mother, like daughter.”

Fran was in her own world, though, and that world only consisted of her pussy sliding up and down on the biggest cock she imagined and the only sounds she heard were her own grunts, groans, moans, gasps and cries of pleasure. She remained in that world through her first orgasm when she found herself collapsed on Bob’s chest. Then, she felt herself rolling and momentarily worried about her senses until it occurred to her, she was still stuffed over that cock and Bob was now thrusting powerfully into her pussy. Her eyes cleared enough to find Bob leaning over her supported on his arms while his hips drove his cock into her like a mad man. She’d never been fucked like this. So stuffed, so full, so powerfully, and so completely fucked like she was only a means to his climax. And, maybe that’s what she was this very moment, only a hole to cum in. She cried out. She gasped and panted. She gripped the sheets of her mother’s bed. She beat on Bob’s shoulders as her need to orgasm the second time drove her into a frenzy.

As her climax hit her, her hips were off the bed to meet his thrust. Her arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders as she quaked and gasped and grunted and panted her release. Then, she felt it … explosion after explosion of cum shooting into her pussy. Her pussy clamping around his cock, feeling every jerk and twitch and explosion of cum. She collapsed to the bed as his cock sent the last of his cum into her. Her chest rose and fell like she just finished a mad sprint over too long a distance. At the same time, her body tingled with the aftermath of the best orgasm of her life.

Nothing could have prepared her for what she just experienced. Her mom could have tried explaining it in the most de***********ive of terms and it would never have come close. Now … another experience she wasn’t prepared for … her mom between her widely splayed legs lapping at her gaping, leaking pussy.

After licking clean her daughter’s pussy, Erin crawled up between Bob and Fran, kissing each on the mouth with equal passion. She sat back on her heels and gazed from one to the other, the man who had so many times given her so much pleasure and who had now introduced her own daughter to the same thing. With her hands, she stroked a cock and a pussy, then, “I’m going to shower quick. Then, I am going downstairs to prepare something for us to eat and drink.” As she gazed into the eyes of each, “When I am done, you two shower together and join me.” She bounced off the bed but turned before entering the bathroom, “And, no clothes.”

Bob and Fran looked at each other and smiled. Bob now had two hot and active white women as sex partners. He didn’t know how long the addition of Fran might last, but while it did, he was going to enjoy it.

After they had something to eat, both women were quickly back to Bob’s cock, both mouthing and licking it, one on each side and frequently sharing a tonguing kiss when they met at the tip of his cock. It didn’t take Bob long to again be hard as steel with the women so devoted to getting him to that point, but he relished the feeling of these two sharing his rod knowing full well there would be more fucking.

The women, too, were well aware of their own intentions to have their pussies filled with his magnificent cock, again. They were trying to be patient, to prolong the anticipation, but it wasn’t long before they both gave in to the lust building up inside them. They stood, Erin taking Bob’s cock in her hand as if it were his hand leading him back upstairs to the bed. Fran’s hands were busy on his ass as she followed close behind.

Bob directed the women to bend over the edge of the bed shoulder to shoulder. They did, their ass in full display, their feet parted wide for easy access. Bob moved up behind Erin and smoothly pressed his cock into the older woman’s pussy. He stroked into her about 10 times, then pulled out and moved a step to the right and plunged into Fran’s ready pussy. This was going to take some time but nobody was complaining. After quite a while, Bob moved onto the bed on his back. He directed Erin to his right and Fran on his left. Then, he held his cock in the air and the two women giggled in delight. This time, Fran went first. She straddled his body and dropped her pussy over his length, fucking him hard for about 10 strokes. Then, as she pulled off the cock, her mom grabbed the cock and straddled it, barely missing a stroke.

Bob was in heaven. He lay quietly as two women fucked his rigid cock. He watched as each mounted him, fucked him wildly, then moved off to allow the other her chance. Back and forth. But it was time to bring this to a wonderful climax.

He stopped the women and directed them, again. Erin to lie on her stomach and Fran lying on top of her. Bob adjusted the women so both pussies were positioned just so, open and inviting. He moved on his knees between the four legs and slid into Erin, fucked her several time, then pulled out, raised his cock and slid into Fran. After several thrusts her pulled out of Fran and saw what he wanted. Both pussies were gaping open and drooling. He repositioned himself and thrust back into Fran who gasped at the sudden deep and powerful thrust. After several powerful thrusts, he pulled out and not missing a beat, thrust suddenly and deeply into Erin who also gasped out loudly. Now, he moved from one gaping pussy to the other, a single powerful and deep thrust into each, over and over, back and forth. Both women were crying out, gasping, pleading for him to never stop. But that was impossible. His own climax was rising but he had two women to satisfy. He reached down and stroked Erin’s clit as he plowed into Fran. He continued stroking Erin as he pulled out and slammed into Erin, then stayed there as he felt Erin’s pussy spasm around his cock. When he was sure she was orgasming, he pressed hard on her clit, which caused her to flinch and jerk violently, partially restricted by the weight of her daughter on top of her.

Fran knew she was close and could feel her mother’s orgasm crash over her with spasms that transmitted through their bodies. When Bob slammed back into her pussy and pressed a large finger into her ass, she exploded, too. At the same moment, she felt her pussy drenched with cum, again. Then, as the feeling washed over her, he pulled his cock out and into her mom. Her mom cried out in joy as she obviously felt the cock spewing cum into her pussy, too.

Bob worked nights which was how he was able to be with Erin in the afternoon. He confessed he was going to be tired during his shift, but he would have no regrets. After he left in the early evening, Erin and Fran cleaned up the kitchen, then stood and looked at each other. They were still naked. Something passed between them. They couldn’t have expressed it, exactly, but they both reacted at the same time. Their hands joined as they moved to the stairs for the upstairs. Back in the master bedroom, they shared a leisurely but emotional session of sixty-nine, each licking and sucking cum from each other’s pussy.

After both orgasmed nicely … again … they wanted to stay in each other’s arms, but Erin rose while instructing her daughter not to move. Erin quickly moved through the downstairs, turning off lights and locking doors. Crawling back into bed and pulling the sheet over them, she cuddled into her daughter’s arms. After what they had experienced, they couldn’t go to separate beds to sleep.

Erin looked into her daughter’s eyes while lightly stroking her breast and nipple. Then, she quietly spoke, “Your father must never know about this. It is one thing for him to accept what I am doing, but he may not be able to accept you being involved, too.” Fran nodded and lightly kissed her mom. “Do you want this to happen, again?”

“Oh, God, mom … yes!”

Erin chuckled. Silly question, apparently. “Okay, but your classes and grades come first.” Fran nodded emphatically in agreement. Erin returned the light kiss and snuggled into her daughter’s arms. “Maybe Bob has a friend …”


* * * * ANOTHER MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS STORY WILL FOLLOW * * * * Thanks for reading.

A Day at the Beach 0.1. Incest story 3 (3)


A story of mother/son incest, that my not be for everyone, includes choking and asphyxiation.



This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18.

As always comments, kudos and criticisms welcome.


Taking a break from the nasty porn, the twisted chat rooms, and the obsessive masturbating, I decided to do something healthy and venture outside for a change and to take my son to the lake.

“Are you about ready to go?” I asked my son Danny as I threw the few things I needed into a large shoulder bag for our day on the beach.

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Really! Did you get yourself a towel? Your Batman beach towel is in the hall closet. Hurry up, I want to get going.

“Okay, okay, I’ll get it.”

“I knew you weren’t ready. Hey, I hope you’re not going to be embarrassed to be seen at the lake with your old mom.”

“What are you talking about, you’re not old, and why would I be embarrassed?”

“Oh, I just don’t look as good as I used to in a bathing suit. It hardly fits me anymore, my butts getting too big.”

“I think you look good, I think you look really good!” Danny called out from down the hall.

“Thank you for saying that… even if it’s not true.”

“It is true! Aren’t you going to be wearing your bikini?” He said returning with the large beach towel.

“Yeah, I’m wearing it. See, it’s on underneath this,” I said tugging on the sheer beach cover-up that I had on over my bathing suit. “But I probably won’t take this off.”

“That’s a bummer! Why not?” He asked, shyly looking me over.

“What do you mean, “That’s a bummer.” You sound disappointed.”

“Yeah, a little I guess. I just thought…”

“Thought what? It sounds like you want to see your mom in her bikini.” I teased.

“Yeah, I guess.” He said, seeming embarrassed.

“Really. You want to see this, in a bikini?” I said patting my belly. I’ve gained a little weight.”

“I think you look good!”

“Thank you, honey!” I said, intrigued and flattered by his sudden interest in my body. “So… you really want to see me half-naked in my bikini.” I continue to pry.

“Yeah, I guess,” he said, I could tell he was getting uncomfortable.

“Really? Your fat old mom?”

“I told you, you’re not fat, and you’re not old!”

“Isn’t that a little weird that you’re wanting to see your mom in her bikini!”

”What’s so weird about it? Like I said, you look good! Shouldn’t we get going?” He said, obviously trying to change the subject.

“Yes, we should!” I said enthusiastically. I was surprised and curious about his reaction. I was also surprised by how flattered I was that he was so eager to get an eye full of me half-naked. It made me kinda horny.

At the lake, I picked out a spot on the beach close to the tree line so that we would have some shade.

“Can’t we be closer to the water?” Danny protested.

“No, I like it here. I don’t want to get too much sun.” I said as I laid out our blanket.

It was a nice warm day in the middle of the week, so thankfully, the beach wasn’t at all crowded.

”I’m going for a swim!” Danny said pulling off his tee-shirt.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” I said as Danny started to trot off towards the water. “Come here. You need some sunscreen. I don’t want you getting burned.”

“Okay, fine.” He said impatiently.

“Come here and turn around,” I said, squirting the lotion on his shoulders. “You need to be careful. Too much sun can cause skin cancer, and cause premature aging. You don’t want to look like me do you?” I said working the lotion into his shoulders, back, and neck, taking care to get it everywhere.

“Really? Are you still fishing for compliments? I told you! You look great!” Danny said looking over his shoulder, and I caught him stealing a glance at my tits.

“No! I’m not looking for compliments! I’m just telling it like it is. Now turn around and let me put some on your chest.”

“Aaah… No! I’m fine! My chest never burns.” He said as

he tried to pull away.

“Wait a minute! I’m not done!” I said, grabbing him by the arm and turning him around.

That’s when I saw it, the big rise in his loose swim trunks. I just stared at it for a minute in disbelief, not sure of what I was looking at.

“Danny! Do you have a…” I exclaimed in surprise.

Looking very embarrassed, Danny covered the bulge with his hands.

“You do! You have a hard-on!” I said with surprise. I looked around the beach, thankfully no one was near. “What caused that? Was it me? Was it because… I put lotion on you?”

He just shrugged.

“It’s okay. Don’t be embarrassed.” I said, even though I was a little unnerved.

Snatching up his Batman towel, he held it over the bulge in his shorts.

“It’s okay, I understand how these things happen. It felt good getting the lotion rubbed on your back and your body reacted.” I said, suddenly a little flustered and aroused myself.

“It’s not just that.” He said.

“What? What is it then?”

“I told you! It’s you! You look good! I mean it! You look really good!” He said looking me over, pausing at my big, bikini-clad tits that were barely covered by the thin beach cover-up.

“What! Are you saying, that I gave you that hard-on!” I said both amused and intrigued.

“I’m sorry! Are you mad?”

“No! I’m not mad, not mad at all. I’m just surprised, that’s all. Your growing up so fast. I know you can’t help it, but wow! I just didn’t realize… Here, give me your towel.”

”What! No! I don’t want anyone to see!” he said looking around.

“It’s alright, no one’s going to notice. Just run to the water and go for a swim. That should help you need to cool off.” I told him, and at that, he took off running for the lake and jumped in with a splash. After dunking himself in the cool water, he looked back and waved, and I returned his wave.

Amazed, I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I had no idea that I was having such an effect on my son. But strangely, I liked it! Not only was it was a boost to my sagging ego, it also felt good, exciting, and stimulating, arousing even. Not only did giving my son a hard-on flatter me, but it also made me horny as hell. I’d given my son a hard-on, and from what I saw, it was big, and that got me horny as fuck.

Sitting by myself on the beach blanket while Danny swam, my heart was raced, and my pussy was tingled, suddenly very wet and demanding to be touched. I needed to touch myself badly. Looking around to make sure that no one was near, I draped myself with Danny’s towel so that no one would see. Again, I looked around nervously, then spread my legs and pulled my bikini bottoms to the side, and began rubbing my throbbing clit. Pushing my fingers into my pussy, it was already wet and gooey.

Again, cautiously looking around the sparsely populated beach, I could see that no one was paying any attention to me, so I pulled the large beach towel up higher to cover my breast and then began squeezing my tits as I fingered my wet pussy.

Open to just about anything, I’d always been very easily aroused, but never by my son, although before then, I’d never seen him with a hard-on. Seeing my young son’s big hard cock had gotten me so horny, that I began fingering fucking myself right there on a beach.

Without thinking of how it would look, I untying my bikini top, and pulled it off from underneath my cover-up, and shoved it in my bag. With my bikini top off, I pinched and pulled on my stiff erect nipples as I rubbed my throbbing clit.

So much for taking a break from masturbating. I was truly addicted, and doing it in public was turning out to be an exciting new twist.

I was just going to play with myself a little, not make myself cum, but discovering that my son had a hard-on for me had gotten me so incredibly excited that I was very quickly getting close. Sitting on the public beach, hidden by my son’s Batman beach towel, I struggled to not moan aloud as I fingered my sopping wet pussy, rubbed my swollen clit, and tormented my erect nipples.

My pussy was beginning to pulsate, and I could feel an orgasm coming on, I was just about to go off when all of a sudden, Danny came strolling up from the water dripping wet.

”Oh fuck!” I blurted out as he walked up. ”Hey! Your back so soon.” I said, having to quickly regain my composure.

”Yeah… What’s wrong with you?” He said flatly, looking me over suspiciously.

”Nothings wrong with me!” I snapped.

”Whoa! No need to be so defensive. You just look funny, that’s all.”

”Oh! Before, I looked so good that I gave you a hard-on, but now I look funny?”

”Never mind. Just forget it. Can I have my towel?”

”No!” again I snapped. When he walked up and interrupted me mid-orgasm, I hadn’t the time to fix my bikini bottom so my fat steamy pussy was still hanging out, and so I was reluctant to surrender the towel.

”Why?” he asked suspiciously. ”It’s mine.”

”Because I’m using it. That’s why. Just lay down here and air dry.” I said patting the beach blanket. ” It’s plenty warm enough.”

”Fine!” he said laying down on his stomach next to me.

I could have fixed my bikini bottom then, but I didn’t. I hadn’t made myself cum, and I was still crazy horny, and I liked the way it felt gathered tightly to one side of my throbbing pussy. It made me feel a little dirty and nasty.

”So… Did a quick splash in the lake fix your not-so-little problem?” I teased.

He just nodded.

”Good. There’s no reason to be embarrassed.” I said, still thinking about the big bulge I’d seen in his shots.

”I’m not embarrassed.” He said. “I just don’t want you to be mad.”

”I’m not mad at all. What mother doesn’t want to give her son a hard-on.” I said with a laugh.



I was so fuck’n horny, and dying to touch my pussy and finish what I started, and thinking about my son’s hard cock wasn’t making it any better.

”Aren’t you going swimming?” He asked getting up on his elbows, looking me over with a dirty smile. “And why are you covering yourself with my towel?”

I knew what he was getting at. He wanted to watch me frolic around, tits bouncing and ass jiggling in my bikini. And the thought that that might get him hard again turned me on.

“Well… ” I said coyly to my curious son. ”the reason I’m not going swimming, and why I’m covering myself with your towel is that I took my bikini top off,” I said pulling the tiny piece of fabric out of my bag.

“Why?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.

“It was uncomfortable, and I just felt like it,” I said.

“So… you don’t have anything on underneath the towel!” He asked, unable to hide his interest.

“I have on my cover-up. Do you want to see?” I said letting the towel drop off my breast.

Danny’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. The thin beach cover-up did little to conceal my large tits with big erect nipples. “Does it look okay?” I asked.

“Um… it looks good! Really good!” He said, staring at my tits.

“Thank you,” I said nonchalantly, but my heart was racing, and my throbbing pussy was dripping, wondering if the sight of my tits made him hard again. “You don’t think it’s too revealing? Can you see my nipples through this?” I asked coyly, knowing that he could easily see through the very sheer, floral printed beach cover-up.

“Yeah, I can see your nipples, but I don’t think it’s too revealing. I like it! I think it looks great!” He said staring excitedly at my big dark stiff erect nipples.

“Thank you, honey! Why don’t you lay your head back down.” I said, ignoring his reaction to seeing my big hard nipples as I scooted closer to him. “I think it’s time for more sunscreen.”

Laying his head on his forearms, he kept his eyes trained on my unrestrained tits that swayed back and forth, as I sensuously rubbed the lotion on his back.

“Does that feel good?” I asked.

“Yeah! It feels really good!” He groaned.

“Good. I’m glad. Are you getting hard again?” I teased. “If you are, it’s okay.”

“I can’t help it.”

“It’s okay, I understand, I like it,” I said as I continued to rub his flesh with the smooth lotion. “So tell me… when it gets hard, do you ever touch yourself down there?”

He just shrugged.

“It’s okay if you’re embarrassed. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Just know that it’s perfectly natural and that there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, I do it all the time, especially after your father left.”

I continued to leisurely rub his back, taking much more time than it normally would take to rub on lotion.

After a while, Danny finally said, “Yeah… I do… sometimes, touch myself down there.”

“Yeah! Good! It feels good, doesn’t it?” I said as I ran my lotion covered fingers along his spine. He nodded.

Hearing that excited me. The thought of my son stroking his young hard cock turned me on.

“Um… do you make yourself cum?” I asked as I rubbed my finger down his twitching sides.

He just shrugged.

“When you touch yourself down there, does it feel so good that creamy white stuff comes out?”

“Mom! I know what cumming is!” He said defensively. “I’m not a little kid anymore!”

“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to offend you. You certainly are not a little kid anymore. You are growing up… nice and big!”

The way my bikini bottom was pulled to the side was driving me crazy. My pussy was pulsing and throbbing and my asshole was twitching, and my nipples were tingling from my swaying tits rubbing them against my cover-up. Insanely horny, I wasn’t in my right mind.

“Rollover. I want to put some on your chest.” I said with an excited tremor in my voice and my hands beginning to shake.

“But my…”

“You mean your big hard cock?” I said with a chuckle. “It’s okay honey, I’ll put the towel over it. No one will see… but me.”

He rolled over onto his back, and I just sat there staring at the huge rise in his shorts.

“Mom! The towel!”

“Relax. No one can see. I like looking at it.” I said as I began rubbing lotion on his chest.

“Mom! Please!”

“Okay, okay,” I said as I took the towel away from my lap, and draped it across his hard-on, knowing full well that in moving the towel, I’d be exposing my hot wet pussy to my son.

“Mom! Your bathing suit!” He said staring at my gaping pussy.

“Yeah, it does that sometimes,” I said dismissively, acknowledging that my big thick hairless pussy lips were hanging out. “I told it doesn’t fit right anymore. Can anyone see?” I asked.

“No, but I can see it!”

“Does it bother you? I’ll cover up if it does. Does it not look good?” I asked

“No, it looks incredible! I like it!”

“Thank you, baby. I don’t mind if you looking… if you want to.” I said as I continued to rub his chest, making no attempt to fix my bikini bottom, just letting my long lips dangle in the breeze.

I rubbed his chest for a while, and then moved down to his quivering abdomen, and then reached over to his thighs, letting my tits rest against his side. He was beginning to squirm and moan.

“Do you need to make another trip into the lake?” I asked. He nodded and I pulled the towel off of him like a matador taunting a bull. He leaped up and ran for the lake.

While he swam, I again draped myself with the towel and played with myself, pulling and stretching my meaty lips, teasing myself, finger my gooey wet hole, and rubbing and flicking my big stiff erect clit, pushing myself right up to the edge of an orgasm. I could have cum, but I didn’t let myself. I was tormenting myself as much as my horny son.

When he returned, he seemed in some distress, holding his hands over his groin.

“What’s wrong? Are you alright? I asked. “Did you hurt yourself?”

“It won’t go down!”

“Hmmm, okay… you’d better lay down so I can take a look,” I said calmly but was truly very excited.

He seemed hesitant.

“Come on now, lay down on your back. I’ll cover you with the towel.

Nodding, he did as I asked. He seemed concerned. As I tossed the towel over the stiff rise in my son’s shorts, I opened my legs and again, intentionally displayed my enflamed pussy to my very aroused son. He groaned when he saw it and stared, and I openly ran my fingers over my swollen lips.

“I’m so horny baby. I need to touch myself a little! You don’t mind do you? You’re making mommy horny!” I said.

Nodding his head, he had his eyes glued to my pussy.

“I’m making you horny?” He questioned.

“Yes, silly! You’re walking around here with a big beautiful hard-on, and it’s making mommy really horny!”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it!”

“Do be sorry. I like it! And it’s partly my fault. Ever since I saw you with that big hard-on, I’ve been purposely teasing you, trying to get you hard. Is that bad of me?” I asked coyly.

“No, it’s not bad.” He said but still seemed surprised.

He was just a kid, my son, with a great big hard-on for me, his mom, and I was okay with that, aroused by it even.

Until that moment, I’d never really given the idea of incest much thought, but suddenly being faced with the possibility excited me.

Even though in my youth, I’d had an incestuous relationship with my mother (a long story for another time) I never imagined doing anything sexual with my son. There had always been too many other distractions. But now that he was maturing, and I wasn’t getting out as much, the opportunity seemed to be presenting itself. It was just kinda happening naturally, and I was just taking advantage of the opportunity and helping it along.

I know it’s taboo, but my son’s sudden sexual interest in me excited me. I loved the way he lustfully looked me over, and the sight of his surprisingly big hard-on turned me on. I’d always been a little morally and ethically challenged, so I didn’t see anything wrong with a little harmless fun with my horny young son.

Sitting on the beach blanket, on the nearly deserted beach, next to my very erect son, and with one knee up, holding my legs obscenely open, I gently ran my fingers over my thick full pussy lips while my son watched closely.

“You don’t mind me touching my pussy, do you? I’m so horny!” I said as I pulled and twisted one of the lips.

“I don’t mind.” He said, watching as I tormented my swollen lips.

“Do you like mommy’s pussy?” I asked.

He nodded with his mouth hanging open.

”What if I make myself cum? Would that embarrass you?” I asked teasingly.

”I won’t be embarrassed!” He said eagerly.

“Do you like watching me play with my pussy? I don’t mind you watching. I know you look at me, I see it, and I don’t mind, I like it! That’s why I took my bikini top off, so you could get a good look at my tits. Do you like mommy’s tits? I’ve seen you looking at them.” I asked as I pulled on one of my erect nipples through the very thin sheer fabric of my beach cover-up.

Again he just nodded with his mouth hanging open.

“I’m teasing you again, aren’t I. I’m sorry, that’s mean, I hope you don’t mind?” I asked.

“I don’t mind. I like it!” He said, his eyes flashing back and forth between my pussy and my tits.

“Good! Now let’s take a look at that big hard cock of yours.” I said as I slid my hand over his abdomen towards the bulge in his shorts.

“Right here on the beach?” He said alarmed.

“Yes! Right here! Look around, no one’s near, no one’s looking, no one’s paying any attention to us. No one will see. So let me take a look.”

“Okay.” He said after looking around.

I gently slid my hand over his quivering stomach, and he groaned.

“Does that hurt?” I asked with concern.

“No. It feels good!” He moaned.

“Good!” I said as I continued to gently rub his stomach, letting my nails drag lightly across his fluttering flesh. I inched my fingertips down slowly, then slid them underneath the elastic waistband of his shorts, sliding my hand into his shorts. I didn’t grab his cock, I just let my hand slide underneath it, letting his stiff cock ride up over the back of my hand which made Danny groan again.

“I want to look,” I said. The feel of my son’s stiff hard cock against the back of my hand exciting me.

Again, he nervously looked around before nodding.

Stretching open the elastic waistband, I peeked in. His stiff cock twitched, it was red and throbbing, with a droplet of pre-cum leaking from the tip. My breath was taken, my son’s young cock was much bigger and thicker than I would have ever imagined, and the sight of it sent quivers of excitement shooting through me.

“Oh my! You are really hard! Does it hurt?” I asked.

“A little. My…” he hesitated.

“What?” I pushed him.

“My balls, they hurt.”

“Poor baby! I bet they do, all full of cum. With all the teasing, your balls must be about to burst. I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” I said but truly didn’t feel bad one bit. I was excited.

I then placed my hand atop his stiff hard throbbing cock making him groan loudly.

“Oh, my god baby! Your cock is so big and hard! I had no idea. I love it! I’m so proud. Oh, baby! You must really need some relief.” I said gently squeezing his incredibly stiff hard cock.

”You could take care of it yourself… or… if you want, I could take care of it for you. Would you like that? Do you want mommy to take care of it for you?” I said as I gently slide my hand up and down the length of his stiff cock.

“What! Right here!” He moaned.

“Yeah! Right here! Why not? No one will see. It’ll be fun! But you have to promise me to keep it a secret. You can’t tell anybody. Promise?”

“Okay! I promise!” He groaned as I closed my fingers around his fat cock and began gently stroking.

With a soft touch, I stroked gently and easily, wanting him to last as long as possible. And as I stroked my son, and with him watching, I fingered my pussy and rubbed my clit. I need to cum just as badly as he did and I wanted to cum with him.

“Does that feel good?” I asked. He nodded. “Good! I want to make you cum. I want to make you feel better.

Sitting next to my son with my hand in his shorts stroking his hard cock, I fingered my own wet pussy, thankfully none of the other beachgoers were near enough to see what we were doing. As far as anyone could tell, we were just hanging out on the beach just like they were.

“Oh, baby! You have such a nice cock, it’s so big and hard!” I moaned as I fingered my sopping wet pussy.

Stroking my own son off on the beach, or anywhere for that matter might not seem right to some people, but I’ve never been right. Growing up, I was always kind of kinky and perverted, even as a kid, with a taste for the bizarre and drawn to the forbidden. The more I wasn’t supposed to do something, the more I wanted to, just for the sake of being bad, especially if it was something nasty. It was something that always excited me and still did.

“That’s it, baby!” I said gently stroking my son’s cock. It was getting wet and slippery. “Oh, baby! Yes! That’s nice!” I moaned. “Whenever you’re ready baby, I want to make you cum, and I’m going to cum too! Mommy’s going to cum with you! Is that okay? Is it okay if mommy makes herself cum?”

He nodded excitedly, watching as I fingered my gaping hole and rubbed my big fat stiff clit.

“Aaaugh! Mom! I’m gonna cum!” Danny cried out.

“Fuck yes baby do it! Cum for me!” I called out as I threw off the towel and pulled down his shorts. I wanted to witness his explosion. “Oh fuck baby! Yes! Cum! Mommy’s cumming too!” I cried out as I wildly fingered my gushing hole, while rapidly stroking my son’s spurting cock.

As my son’s erupting cock covered my hand with creamy gooey goodness, my asshole began to twitch uncontrollably and my pussy pulsated as I brought myself to an incredible thrashing orgasm right there on the beach with my young son’s spewing cock in my hand.

Thankfully, no one on the beach seemed to have noticed the commotion.

“Oh my! Look at the huge mess you made,” I said after stroking my son off. “That’s okay, I’ll clean it up,” I said, and I licked the gobs of goo off my cum drizzled hand.

“Mmmmm!” I said to my stunned, wide-eyed son as I licked my fingers. “I like it!” I said licking and sucking one finger then the next, slurping my son’s creamy cum. “Mmmmm! It’s good! Mommy hasn’t had any cum to eat in a long time! Mmmmm, so good!”

After swallowing every last drop of my son’s cum, I draped the beach towel over his still hard pulsating cock, then curled up next to him.

“Feel better now?” I asked.

He nodded and smiled.

“Good. Me too. We both needed that. Let’s rest for a minute, then maybe we’ll take off. Okay?”

Again he just smiled and nodded. I think being jacked-off by his mother left him speechless.

“Remember what I said, what I did for you is a secret. Don’t tell anybody.”

“I won’t tell anyone. I promise.

I felt guilty for about a half a second, and after it passed, I was again ready for some more dirty fun with my son. We laid together for a short while, but I was getting restless. I was still horny and since Danny seemed more than ready and willing, I thought what harm would a little more fun do.

Laying together on the beach looking at each other, nose to nose, coming down from our mutual orgasms, I asked, “Did you enjoy that?”

He smiled and nodded.

“So… I guess maybe you really do like my fat ass!” I said teasingly.

“I like your ass! I like it a lot! I don’t think it’s fat. I think it’s awesome!” He said.

“Oh really! You’ve been looking at my ass have you!”

“Yeah. I like looking at it, a lot!”

Danny smiled and looked longingly at my lips, so I leaned in and kissed him on the lips, our tongues meet and swam together for a moment, but I kept it short and sweet. I didn’t want to be caught making-out with my young son on the beach. And as we kissed, my hand returned to his cock.

Odd how I felt that I could get away with stroking my son off on the public beach, but kissing was too risky.

“You’re still hard!” I said.

He smiled and nodded.

Peaking under the towel, I eyed his still very hard twitching cock. Another quiver of excitement shot through me, and I felt my pussy throb. “Do you think you could go again?” I asked excitedly.

He smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I want to.”

“That’s awesome baby! I love it! Mommy could too!” I said. “Hey, why don’t we pack-up and get out of here before we start attracting attention.”

Gathering up our stuff, we headed back to the car. Danny pulled on his teeshirt, but I strolled back to the car as I was, with only the thin beach cover-up draped over my bouncing tits, and with my hot wet pussy hanging out of the side of my bikini bottoms.

At the car, as I bent overloaded our things in the back, I looked over my shoulder and could see that Danny was eyeing my ass. Leaning forward into the open hatch-back, I lifted my beach cover and pushed out my ass. “Do you like mommy’s ass? I got sand all over my butt!” I said teasingly as I brushed my big butt, making it jiggle. “Will you help me, please. Will you brush the sand off mommy’s big butt, pleeease.”

Danny smiled and willingly began running his hands over my big round butt, brushing the non-exciting sand off my ass.

While keeping an eye out for passerby’s, I encouraged my son.

“Oh yeah, that’s it, baby, brush the dirty sand off mommy’s ass!” I teased as he wiped off my butt with a gentle slapping motion.“Good! Keep going! Don’t stop! Brush the sand off of mommy’s big dirty ass.”

He giggled, and I leaned further into the back of the open hatch, sticking my butt out even further, as Danny continued to brush and rub his hands over my big round ass.

“Harder!” I said, “Brush my ass harder!” and Danny began to lightly slap my ass, brushing away the imaginary sand.

“Ooo! That feels nasty good! Do it harder!” I demanded. “Mommy’s big ass is really dirty and you need to brush it hard!”

He began slapping my ass hard, spanking me.

The nasty teasing and the spanking were really getting me turned on. As Danny smacked my ass, I slid a hand back between my spread legs and began rubbing my clit.

“Oh, fuck baby! Do that! You’re making me horny again! Spank mommy’s dirty ass.” I said as I fingered my wet pussy. “Spank it hard! Oh fuck yeah, mommy loves to be spanked!”

I think he must have had some pent up aggression that I didn’t know about because he really started whipping at my ass hard. With a big grin on his face and a bulge in his shorts, he beat my ass red, until it stung and burned, and that made my pussy throb.

“What a minute!” I said between slapping blows. “I got some sand in my butt crack too! Will you clean it out for me?” I asked with a dirty grin.

He smiled and nodded eagerly.

“I don’t need these things anymore,” I said, as I slipped out of my bikini bottoms presenting my bare backside to my excited son. I was standing in the parking lot, early naked, except for the very thin beach cover-up, which was pulled up around my waist, and a pair of sandals, exposing my backside to my aroused son.

Looking back at Danny I said, “My butt crack needs to be cleaned out. Will you do that for me? I don’t want any sand in there.”

He nodded and smiled. I leaned into the back of the car and stuck out my butt, giving my son a full view from the rear of my twitching ass and throbbing pussy.

Eagerly returning to brushing and feeling my now, red and enflamed ass, Danny let his fingers slide in between my big round ass cheeks, and I could feel his fingertips brushing across my spasming asshole as he brushed imaginary sand out my butt crack.

“Ooo baby, all teasing aside, that really does feel good! Don’t stop!” I said as Danny’s fingers kept running over my twitching asshole. “That’s a good boy, brush off mommy’s dirty butt hole. Brush it off really good! I don’t want any sand in there.”

With all the handling and spanking of my ass, I was really getting horny again and feel nasty. Reaching back, I pulled apart my butt cheeks, knowing that my horny son would be able to see my gaping wet pussy.

“Oh fuck baby! You’re doing such a good job! Keep brushing mommas dirty butthole, rub it really hard and good!”

As Danny toyed with my asshole, I continued to rub my clit. His playful fingers were beginning to wonder, and venture down and around my gaping wet pussy. I could feel that his fingers were getting wet from my dripping fuck hole as he’d slide them back up over my ass. He was really getting me excited, making me feel kinky and nasty.

“Oh fuck baby, that feels so good!” I said. “You’re really making mommy horny. I like it when you rub your wet fingers on my tight asshole! You’re doing such a good job! You’re making mommy so wet and horny! I think some sand got inside my butthole, please push your fingers in there and get it out. Do it for mommy, pleeese!”

I was really flicking my clit hard and fast, and when I felt his finger push deep into my tight asshole, I came right there and then.”

“Oooaaaugh! Oh fuck baby, I’m cumming! Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Do that! You’re making mommy cum!” I cried out as I trembled and bucked.

Looking back, I could see the big fat bulge of young cock in my son’s shorts.

“Baby! What I need you to…” I stammered excitedly. I was nearly delirious. “Oh fuck baby, mommy’s so horny! I have a really good idea! What I want you to do is brush mommy’s ass off with your big stiff boner! Baby! Will you do that for me? Pleeese! Take your big cock out of your shorts and brush it on mommy’s big ass! I need to feel it on my ass!”

He looked around. He seemed a little unsure.

“It’s okay baby, no one’s around. I’ve been keeping watch. No one will see! It’ll be fun! It’ll feel good! You’ll like it! I promise!” Nodding, he pushed the waistband of his shorts down under his big red balls and then stepped up.

“Oh, that’s it, baby! You’re doing so good!” I said when I felt his cock press against my ass-crack. “Rub mommy’s ass with your big cock, rub it all over.” I felt his stiff hard cock slide from side to side across my big round ass. “Oh, that’s it, baby! Your big cock feels so good! Now rub it on mommy’s butt crack. Yeah! That’s it!”

Reaching back, I pulled open my big butt cheeks. “Now rub it on mommy’s butthole!” I said, squeezing my own ass cheeks, holding them obscenely open. “Ooo fuck! Yeah, that’s it, baby! Rub your big cock on mommy’s tight asshole! Rub it hard! Oh, fuck baby! That feels so fuck’n good!”

As my son rubbed his cock on my twitching asshole, I returned to fingering myself and rubbing my big swollen clit. His big hard cock was leaking lots of slippery pre-cum which he was smearing on my tight asshole.

“Oh fuck baby yes! Do that! Rub your big cock on mommy’s asshole! Oh, fuck it feels so good! Mommys got some sand buried deep in her asshole! I need you to use your big hard to get it out! Okay! Would you do that for mommy! Slip your big cock into mommy’s ass!”

I could feel the head of his big dick pushing hard against my tight asshole and felt the pressure build as he was about to shove it in.

“Oooohfuuuk baby yes! Push your big cock into mommy’s ass! Mommy wants it!”

But just before the head of my son’s cock penetrated my tight ass, a car pulled into the parking lot and moved towards us.

“Oh fuck!” I cried out when I saw the minivan full of screaming kids moving towards us. “Get off of me!” I yelled as I quickly stood upright, nearly knocking Danny off his feet. Pull my beach cover down, I yelled, “Someone’s coming! Pull your shorts up, quick!”

As the minivan slowly rolled by, we both tried to act normally. Looking at my son, the front of his shirt was tucked into his shorts and the head of his cock was still pocking out. “Fix your shorts!” I snapped at him.

After the van rolled by, moving on without paying us any attention, we both looked at each other and began busting up laughing.

“That was a close one!” I said when I could finally stop laughing.

“Yeah! Too close!” Danny said. He was sweaty, and his face was all red, and the bulge in his shorts was huge. He was visible very excited and agitated with frustration.

I slammed the hatch closed.

“Are we leaving!” Danny exclaimed with a good amount of alarm.

“Yeah, we should. It’s too risky here. We almost got caught. We need to be more careful.” I said imagining the ramifications of getting caught with my son’s cock up my ass. “I need to be more careful! But it was fun! Wasn’t it?” I said still feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

“Yeah but… do we have to go?” He said, letting his disappointment show.

I looked at the huge bulge in my son’s shorts, and I could almost see it throbbing, and I understood his need. I then looked over at the trail marker near our car. It had been a lot of years, but I knew from my childhood that many hiking trails winded through the nearby woods with many branching trails that lead to secluded areas.

“Do you want to go for a hike?” I asked my antsy son.

“Hike? Hike where?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere private. Somewhere there are no minivans.”

With a big grin, he nodded.

As we strolled the main trail, I flirted and teased my son. Leading the way, I made sure to swing my ass and bounce my tits, often lifting my cover-up, flashing my very horny aroused son.

“It’s been a pretty fun day, don’t you think,” I said as I twirled exposing my hairless pussy to my son. “I bet you didn’t know you’re mom was such a horny slut.”

“You’re not a slut.” He said.

“Yes, I am, not so much anymore, but I use to be. It’s okay, I like being a slut. I miss it. If you want, I’ll be your dirty slut. You’d you like that?”


“Yeah! Okay! Mommy will be your dirty slut!”

He looked at me suspiciously.

”You think I’m kidding, don’t you!”


”Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. We’ll see!” I teased.

We strolled along the main path for a while then took one of the lesser-traveled branches, and then an even lesser-traveled branch, and then left the trail altogether.

“That was pretty crazy what we did back at the parking lot, don’t you think. Do you think we went too far?” I asked, feeling a pang of uncertainty.

“No! I liked it!” He said without hesitation. “I want to do it again!”

“You do, huh, maybe we will! We’ll see. I can’t believe I let you rub your cock on my asshole.” I said with a disbelieving chuckle. ”Did you like doing that? Did you like playing with my ass?” I asked.

“Yeah! I liked it. I liked it a lot!” He said. “I didn’t want to stop!”

“I didn’t want to stop either. I liked it. It felt good! I can’t believe I almost let you fuck me in the ass.”

“No, I didn’t!” He said defensively. The thought seemed to have upset him. I don’t know why, but he didn’t seem to want to believe that he nearly shoved his cock into his mother’s ass.

“Yeah, you did,” I said just to antagonize him. “You had your cock pressed up against my asshole. I don’t think you realize just how close you were too fucking your mommy in the ass. In another second, and if that fucking minivan hadn’t shown up, you would have slipped your cock right into my tight ass.”

“No, I wouldn’t!” He insisted. “And you’re the one that wanted me to!”

“Yeah, I know, and you liked it!”

“Yeah, but I wasn’t going to put it all the way in!”

“Yes, you would have. You wouldn’t have been able to stop. Another second, and you would have been fucking your mommy in the ass!” I said laughing.

I was really enjoying getting under his skin. “Maybe I wanted you to! Maybe I like it in the ass. I told you, your moms a dirty slut. Relax. Don’t worry, mommy likes being fucked in the ass. Mommy likes being fucked anywhere.” I said, spinning away, lifting my cover, and grabbing my ass cheeks. “Who knows, maybe you’ll get another chance.”

He smiled shyly.

I didn’t know where we were going, or what, if anything we were going to do when we got there. I just knew that I was having fun playing around, and acting like a slut with my son.

After making our own trail for a short awhile, we came to a secluded grassy area surrounded by brush with an old fallen tree.

“Stop! We’ve gone far enough! My feet hurt! These sandals weren’t made for hiking. And besides, I think this is a good spot.” I said sitting down on the old fallen tree, worn smooth from many years of weather, and from many other hikers resting their butts on it like I was.

“A good spot for what?” Danny asked.

I just smiled seductively at him. “You’ve been looking at my tits, haven’t you,” I said, squeezing and pulling on my big erect nipples through the thin beach cover-up.

“Yes.” He said shyly, watching my hands work.

“Yeah? Do you want to touch ‘em? Do you want to play with mommy’s tits? I’ll let you if you want to.”

His eyes widened, and he smiled and nodded.

“Come here then, right here in front of me,” I said as I lifted my cover, exposing my tits and everything else to my eager son. “Stand right here between my legs.”

Opening my legs, exposing my hot wet pussy, I pulled him close between my thick spread thighs. Looking down at the huge bulge in his pants, a quiver of excitement ran through me.

“Give me your hands,” I said, and I placed them on my tits.

Very gently, cautiously, he lightly feathered my breast with his fingers.

“Don’t be afraid. You can handle ‘em, hold ‘em, squeeze ‘em. Don’t worry, I like it.” I said encouraging him to handle my tits. “You’re not going to hurt me.”

Danny cupped my big tits in his hands, lifted them, and squeezed them together.

“Mmmm, that it! That feels good baby! Squeeze mommy’s tits, squeeze ‘em hard! That’s how mommy likes it. And play with my nipples, pull on ‘em, and twisted ‘em. Do it hard! I don’t mind. Mommy likes it a little bit rough. I like it really rough.”

As requested, and given free rein, he began enthusiastically mauling my tits and pulling and twisting my big stiff nipples.

“Oh fuck yeah baby! Do that! Your making mommy so horny! I need to touch my pussy while you play rough with my tits. Is that okay? Mommy needs to cum again.”

Danny nodded and looked down between my spread legs at my gaping pussy.

While tormenting my tits, Danny kept looking down, watching as I fingered and rubbed my sopping wet pussy.

“You like watching mommy touch her pussy, don’t you.”

He smiled and nodded as pulled and twisted my big nipples.

“I like you watching!” I said as I rammed four fingers into my gaping hole, making a sloppy wet sound as I finger fucked myself. “It turns mommy on! It makes me feel dirty and nasty, and I like that!”

He smiled and nodded, and squeezed my tits hard like I’d asked, then pinched my nipples and pulled cruelly hard, stretching them out.

“Oh fuck yeah! That’s how I like it! Pull on mommy’s big fat nipples and twist ‘em hard! I love it!” I groaned as he abused my tits while I fingered myself.

I was really starting to get worked up, masturbating in front of my son while he abused my tits.

“Oh, baby! You like playing rough with mommy’s tits, don’t you? I know you do! I like it too.”

He smiled and nodded. He seemed to be getting real enjoyment out of tormenting my tits.

”You know how you spanked mommy’s fat ass, made it all red and sore, you can do the same to my titties if you want to. You can slap ‘em and spank ‘em if you want. I really want you to! It turns me on! Will you do that for me?”

He grinned and nodded, then lifted his hand and smacked the side of my big tit making it wobble from side to side. He then paused and looked to me for reassurance.

“Thats it baby! It’s okay, do it again! I want you to!” I said.

He slapped my other tit.

“Again! Don’t stop baby, I like it! Spank mommy’s tits! Make ‘em sting like you did my ass!”

He began slapping and spanking my tits.

“Oh fuck yeah baby,” I moaned. “that’s it. Slap momma’s titties, slap ‘em hard, punish your dirty slut mommy’s tits.”

I continued to wildly fingers myself, as Danny repeatedly slapped my tits, seeming to take great pleasure in punishing his mother with surprising aggression. At first, he was unsure of himself, but with a little encouragement, he viciously slapped my tits around.

As my son took out his aggressions on my tits, I wildly rubbed at my fat swollen clit, and I could feel another orgasm building.

“Baby… baby… you’re making mommy so horny! Mommy wants to see your big beautiful cock! Show it to me please!”

He stopped smacking my tits for a moment and pushed the elastic waist of his shorts down under his ball, proudly show me his big hard cock.

“Oh baby, mommy loves your cock! I want to feel it on my tits! I want you to rub your big cock my tits, just like you did my ass. It’ll feel really good! I promise!

I pulled him close, pressing my tit against his cock, and he moaned.

“That feels good, doesn’t baby.”

“Yeah! It feels really good!”

“Good baby, rub your cock on mommy’s tits! I love the feel of your cock!”

Holding him close, he began rubbing his cock on my tits as I fingered myself to the edge of another orgasm.

Insanely horny, I brought out all my freaks to play.

“Baby! Mommy’s going to cum soon! I want you to do something for me.”

“Okay!” He said eagerly willing to please.

”Its going to seem strange, but it’s okay, mommy likes it!” I said taking his hands and placed them around my neck.

“You liked being rough with mommy. I know you do. I can tell. Now I want you to do something even rougher. I want you to squeeze mommy’s throat right here under my chin. I want you to squeeze real hard, as hard as you can. I want you to choke mommy while she plays with her pussy and makes herself cum.”

“Choke you? Why?”

“Because mommy likes it. I like weird things sometimes, okay! Don’t be scared, just do it. Squeeze my throat real tight, as hard as you can while I rub my pussy. It’ll make me feel really good, and you can watch me make myself cum! I know you like that.”

Looking unsure and confused, he carried out my strange request. As his hands closed around my throat, I pulled him close so that his cock would press against my tits as he choked me.

“That’s it, baby, squeeze real tight. I want you to! I’m about to cum, and sometimes, mommy likes to be choked when she cums. I know it’s kinda scary, but don’t be afraid, you’re not going to hurt me.” I pleaded as I frantically flicked my big fat clit.

With skinny his little arms, he squeezed with all his might, his hands clamping tighter and tighter around my throat.

“That’s it, baby!” I gaged. “Keep going, don’t stop! You’re going to make mommy cum so hard! You want to make mommy cum hard, don’t you!” I choked the words out, barely able to speak as his hands tightened around my neck.

Squeezing my throat as tight as he could, my son was really getting into choking his mother, thrusting his hips forward as he did, rubbing his long hard cock on my tits as he tried to choke the life out of me.

My skinny son’s long slender fingers possessed surprising strength. I could feel my face swelling, and turning red. I was becoming light-headed and dizzy. Unable to breathe, I could no longer choke out words as I frantically rubbed and fingered myself, attacking my clit with the same urgent need to cum as I had to breathe, bring myself, jerking and gasping like a fish out of water, to an intense, convulsing orgasm while my son viciously choked me.

Just before I lost consciousness, I managed to tap on Danny’s arms in a way that thankfully, he understood to release his grip on my throat before it was too late.

He stepped back and looked at me stunned. I choked and gasped for air, while continuing to obscenely hump, involuntarily at my digging fingers.

See the shock and concern on his face I said, “It’s okay baby! I’m okay! Oh my god, that was intense! Baby, please come here! You did great! Don’t be scared! I’m fine!”

He stood there stunned, his stiff cock standing straight up, red and twitching, and dripping pre-cum.

“Come here baby please! Don’t be afraid! That was incredible! I know it was a strange request. Thank you for doing it for me! Mommy likes a lot of strange things. Thank you, baby!”

“Know I want to do something for you baby, you’ve earned it, and it’s something I love to do, and I know you’re going to love it too!”

Leaning over, I kissed his stiff red pulsating cock. He groaned and shuttered. I rubbed his rigid cock with my lips and cheeks, smearing pre-cum all over my face.

I slid off the log onto my knees, pulled his shorts down to his ankles and he stepped out of them.

On my knees, I continued to lap at his stiff hard cock, licking in long wet strokes from his balls to the tip of his cock, rubbing his beautiful slimy cock all over my face, and even all over my sore throat. He moaned and groaned as I massaged his juicy cock with my face.

“Do you like that baby! Do you like mommy rubbing her wet tongue all over your big cock! I love it! I’m going to suck it! I’m going to suck the cum out of it and swallow every drop! Do you want me to do that for you baby? Do you want mommy to suck your cock and drink your cum?” I said as I continued to rub his cock all over my spit and pre-cum smeared face.

“It feels good! It feels really good!” He said. I could hear the excited quiver in his voice. “Yes! I want you to!”

“Want do you what baby? Mommy really wants to hear you say it!” I said as I licked his churning balls.

“Aaaugh!” He groaned. “My cock! I want you to suck my cock!”

“Ohmygod, baby! That’s fucking so hot! Remember baby, mommy’s your dirty slut, don’t ever be afraid to tell her what to do!”

I took his hands and placed them on my head. He gently cradled my head as I slathered his cock with spit.

“Tell me again,” I said as I licked the throbbing under-shaft of his throbbing cock. “I just like hearing it. It turns me on.” I was on my knees, licking my son’s cock, and fingering myself again.

“Suck my cock!” He said forcefully.

“Oh fuck baby! I love it!” I said as I rubbed the head of his oozing cock on my cheek while pinching and pulling on my clit.

“Suck my cock you dirty fuck’n slut!” He demanded.

“Oh fuck yes baby!” I groaned before taking my son’s slimy wet cock into my mouth. He groaned loudly.

Sucking, slurping, and swirling my tongue, I slowly took about half my son’s long hard shaft, feeling it pulsing and throbbing against my tongue. I withdrew, licked it, smeared it on my face, then slowly took the entire length down my throat until his hard churning balls were pressed against my chin. Again, he groaned as if in pain. I held him like that, with his cock buried deep in my throat, massaging the root base of his cock with my tongue. I then tickled his balls with the tip of my tongue before withdrawing his long slimy shaft from my throat and taking a breath.

He looked down at me, with astonished disbelief.

“Was that good baby. Is that what you wanted me to do.”

He nodded, wide-eyed.

“Remember mommy told you she likes strange things? I want you to do something that might seem strange, but you’re going to like it, I promise. I want you to fuck mommy’s mouth. Will you do that for me, fuck mommy’s mouth really deep. I showed you that I can take it, every inch, all the way down my throat. Will you do that for me? It makes mommy horny just thinking about it. I’m going to touch my pussy while you fuck my mouth, it’s going to make me cum again. Will you do that for me?” I begged while kneeling before my son, licking and rubbing his long throbbing cock on my face, as I rubbed and fingered my own gooey wet pussy.

Looking down at me, he nodded. His mouth was hanging open.

“I want you to fuck my mouth like a big boy, okay! I want you fuck mommy hard and rough, like a man! Don’t worry, I can take it! It’s how I like it! It’s how I want it! I want you to choke me with your big cock, and cum down my throat! Will you do that for me?”

His dripping cock twitched, and he nodded.

I again took his cock in my mouth cock in my mouth, and he slowly pumped his cock in and out. After a few seconds, I pulled away.

“Baby! Harder! I want you to fuck mommy’s mouth HARD! Show me how strong you are! Show mommy how hard and fast you can fuck her mouth! That’s how I want it! That’s how I need it!”

At that, he nodded, gripped my head firmly, and slid his rigid cock deep down into my throat until my nose smashed against his pubic bone and his big churning balls rested on my chin. With his cock buried down my throat, he paused for a second groaning, then pulled back, then trusted forward, holding my head firmly, shoving his cock back down my throat, slamming my nose into his hard pubic bone.

Groaning and growling, he began pumping his hips, forcefully fucking my mouth, as I went to work on my big fat clit, pulling and twisting, and jerking on it, tormenting myself towards another intense orgasm.

After a couple of minutes of hard, forceful face fucking, I managed to pull myself off his cock.

“Oh fuck baby, you’re doing so good! You’re making mommy so proud!” I panted with my fingers shoved into my dripping fuck hole. “Mommy’s going to cum again, real soon! You’re fucking mommy’s mouth so good you’re going to make her cum!”

Licking and rubbing his stiff wet cock all over my face and neck, I felt the desire to offer further encouragement, instruction, and grooming to my young, fuck happy son. “I want you to cum too! I want you to cum down my throat! I want to swallow every drop. I want you to keep fucking my mouth! Don’t stop until you cum, even if I try to stop you, don’t stop until you cum down my throat. If I try to pull away, don’t let me, hold my head tight, pull my hair if you need to, in fact, I want you to, I like it that way, I want you to take fistfuls of mommy’s hair and rough fuck her mouth until you cum down her throat. Will you do that for me please! I’m so close to cumming and I need you to do that for me!”

I started bobbing my head, mouth fucking my son. Groaning, he twisted up two handfuls of hair and began cruelly shoving his cock down my throat, just as I’d begged. His mean, aggressive side resurfaced and he began pounding away on my mouth, ramming his cock down my throat so viciously that my nose my have gotten broken slamming against his pubic bone. I know it was bleeding.

I didn’t try to stop him. I don’t think I could have if I wanted to, he was too close to cumming, I could tell. I was also in the midst of an intense, prolonged orgasm, ith one hand, mauling my tits and my nipples, with the other, torturing my gushing pussy and enraged clit, drive myself to a crazed orgasm while my son rammed his cock down my throat.

All of a sudden Danny cried out loudly, rammed his long hard to the hilt, again smashing my bloody nose into his pubic bone and his big balls into my chin. Holding my head with a firm grip, his cock buried in my throat, he jerked, and shutter, and growled loudly, and I knew he was cumming deep down my throat.

In the throws of my own orgasm, I was out of my mind. I hadn’t been able to take a decent breath for quite a while and felt like I was about to pass out. All of a sudden, he pulled back enough that I was able to suck in enough air to remain conscious, for a little while anyway. Then he shoved his cock back down my throat, and cum shot out my nose.

After another few torturous seconds of thrashing, grinding, and groaning, he finally pulled out, disposition another big wad of cum in my mouth as he withdrew. Releasing my head, he stepped back, and I collapsed at his feet gasping, not unconscious, but nearly.

Spent in every way, I just laid there on the ground for a minute, trying to pull myself together.

“Are you okay?!?! I’m sorry! I did what you told me to do! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmy….” Danny exclaimed in a panic.

“I’m okay!” I said after coughing up a big wad of cum. “Don’t be scared baby, I’m fine, you did good. You did fucking great! Thank you, baby, I haven’t cum like that in a long time!”

I sat up with my son on the soft peaty ground. He still had a concerned look, as if he’d done something wrong. I leaned over and kissed him, our tongues battling in our joined mouths. It was strong, forceful, and passionate.

“Baby, you did perfectly! You did just what I asked, and I loved it! It was so intense! It was fucking incredible! I came so hard I pissed myself! Okay! So you didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything perfect!”

He smiled and nodded. He seemed to understand.

“I guess you’re my little mother-fucker now aren’t you,” I said.

He frowned. “No, I’m not!”

“Yeah, you are! I’m your mother, and you fucked me in the mouth didn’t you? So that makes you a mother-fucker!” I said teasing him.

“Don’t call me that! I’m not a mother-fucker!” He snapped. He was getting annoyed. Which only reinvigorated me.

“Mother-fucker! Mother-fucker! Mother-fucker!” I began singing just to antagonize my son.

“Stop it! Don’t call me that! I can’t believe I was worried about you! You fuck’n bitch!” He said as he jumped up, pulled his shorts back on and stormed off.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! You’re not a mother-fucker. I’m just teasing you. Please stop! Come here and help me up, please.”

He stopped and turned, then reluctantly returned. I held out my hand and he helped me to my feet.

I started brushing my ass off. “Do you want to help me?” I asked with a smirk. He glared at me. “Sorry, just kidding. We should probably get going. I think we’ve had enough fuck’n… oops, I mean fun, for one day.” I snickered.

Shaking his head, he turned to head out, but I just stood there, mischievously watching. I couldn’t believe how horny I still was.

“Sorry I called you a mother-fucker.” I called out. “You’re not. I don’t think you have what it takes.” He turned and looked at me suspiciously. “I don’t think you could fuck me even if you wanted to. I don’t think you have it in you. I don’t think you’re strong enough.”

“I could if I wanted to.” He said defiantly. He was always a sucker for reverse-psychology.

“Yeah, you think so? No, I don’t. It’s easy to say but tuff to do. It takes a lot of strength, bravery, and determination to take what you want. Think you can take it from me! I don’t think so. You’re all talk.”

“No, I’m not! I could do it! You’re practically naked already!” He said. I was really starting to get to him.

“Okay then, if you think it’s that easy, bring it on!” I said holding my arms out egging him on. “Let’s see what you got, or are you all talk.”

He stomped up and tried to grab me, but I shoved him away, nearly knocking him off his feet. He had a stunned look on his face. “Oh, boo hoo! Poor baby!” I said mocking him. “Is that all you got? What did you think, it was going to be easy? You’re going to have to take what you want little boy!” That got him going, he was beginning to fume.

He tried coming at me a couple more times, but each time, I just shoved him away.

“This is getting boring,” I said. “You were right, you’re not a mother-fucker after all. Let’s get out of here.” I said as I walked by, elbowing him in the shoulder nearly knocking him down.

I took another step, and he surprised me by grabbing from behind and dragging me to the ground. We wrestled around a bit. I’d really gotten to him with all the antagonizing, and he was enraged. Fighting mad, and showing surprising strength and agility, he managed to get me on my back. Hold me down by my arms, and after some struggle, he managed to spread my legs and get himself wedged between my open thighs.

He was right, I was practically naked, and in that position, there wasn’t anything stopping him from shoving his cock in my gaping pussy.

He started pushing down his shorts, freeing his cock, which incredibly, was hard again.

That was my opportunity, with an arm free, I managed to roll him off of me and tried to crawl away on my hands and knees. That’s when he grabbed me from behind and held on tightly. Ass up, he pushed my face into the ground and pulled both my arms behind my back.

The whole thing was a game to me, and his aggression only served to excited me.

With a tight grip on my waist, I could feel his stiff cock pressing against my backside, sending quivers of excitement shooting through my dripping wet fuck-hole. Sliding my knees apart, I arched my back and lowered myself, willingly getting into position to be fucked by my son’s big cock.

“Who’s I a mother-fucker now!” He yelled as he rammed his stiff rod into my gooey, upturned hole, and we both groaned.

“Oh, yes, baby! You are! Yes! Fuck your mommy! Fuck her hard!” I cried as he pounded his cock into me from behind.

Fucking me for a good long time, he pounded me viciously hard, and with anger, showing remarkable strength, pushing, pulling and shoving me around.

“Ohmygod baby! It’s so good! Your fuck’n mommy so good! Oh, fuck baby! I’m gonna cum!” I cried out as the pounding continued.

He was rough, slapping my ass and pulling my hair. Pulling my head back with a fistful of hair, he put me in a rear chokehold as he rammed his cock into me. With his free hand, he reached around, and began mauling my tits, and pulling and twisting my big hard nipples as he fucked me hard from behind. Twisting my head back, he looked me right in eyes, grinning sadistically, as he cruelly tightened his forearm around my neck. Feeling the flow of blood to my brain being choked off and tight swelling in my face, and I could barely speak.

As he continued to hammer me from behind, nearly choking the life out of me, I insanely managed to squeak out the words. “It’s so good baby! It’s so good! I’m gonna cum again! Oh fuck baby, you’re making mommy cum again!”

All of a sudden, he threw me onto the ground, his stiff cock springing out of my gushing hole, flinging slimy fuck juice all over. Grabbing me by the hair, he shoves his dripping wet cock in my face and begins rubbing his cock all over my face, basically jacking-off with my face.

In a constant state of orgasm, I was going at myself with my hands, mauling my tits, rubbing and fingering my gaping hole, as my son, with fistfuls of my hair, humped my face.

As he rubbed his wet, cunt juice covered cock all over my face, I managed to capture his stiff rod in my mouth, and he began to face fuck me, ramming his long hard cock down my throat. Buried deep down my throat, I could taste my own juices and could feel his thick hard cock throbbing against my tongue. Unable to breathe, I was choking. I thought he was going to cum down my throat again when all of a sudden, he threw me down on to my back allowing me to gasp for air.

Quickly positioned himself between my open legs, he pushed my knees up to my shoulders, and rammed his cock into my gaping fuck hole. “Oh god yes! Fuck me, baby!” I groaned. Looking him straight in the eye I pleaded. “Fuck your mommy! Fuck her hard! Ohmygod, it’s so good, fuck me!”

As he fucked me on my back, he slapped my tits around and then began pulling and twisting my big puckering nipples, stretching them out, making me cry out in pain. He then, as he thrust his cock into my squirting hole, began to suck on my big fat swollen nipples, sucking on them hard, biting and chewing on them.

“Oh fuck baby! That’s so good! Suck on mommy’s titties! Suck ‘em hard! Bite ‘em! Aaaugh! Fuck!” I groaned as he bit down, holding his head to my breast, encouraging his torture. And even as he recoiled and trust cock into me over and over, I continued to rub my clit, driving myself insane.

Pushing my knees back behind my shoulders, he forcibly turned my ass upward. He then began rubbing his slimy wet cock on my spasming asshole.

“Yes baby, do it!” I said excitedly. “I know you want to! Put your cock in mommy’s ass and fuck her hard! Do it baby! I want you to!” I pleaded as I pulled open and fingered my own pulsating asshole.

My ass was already a wet mess, covered with gooey slimy leaking from my gushing fuck hole, and my son’s cock was covered in that same gooey slimy, so when he shoved, it slipped easily into my wanton asshole.

“Ohmygod baby yes! Fuck mommy’s ass!” I groaned as he drove his cock deep into my all to willing rear.

Driving four fingers into pussy, I finger fucked myself and rubbed my enflamed clit as my son pounded away on my ass.

“Oh god yes, baby! I like it! Fuck me, hard baby! Mommy likes it up the ass! Oh fuck baby, you’re making mommy cum again!

Swinging my leg over, he rolled me onto my side, and ass fucked me that way from behind. Grabbing hold of my thigh for leverage he pounded me, his thighs slapping rhythmically against my big ass.

Pulling my hair, he began driving himself home, both of us grunting and groaning as he hammered away on me.

Letting go of my hair, he grabbed hold of my beach cover, which was by then, gathered up around my shoulders. As he jackhammered away at my ass, he yanked and twisted the cover-up around my neck.

I could barely breathe as the fabric tightened around my throat. Becoming dizzy and lightheaded, I could no longer see clearly, everything was becoming fuzzy.

Even as I clawed at the fabric twisted around my throat, I was in the throes of an unceasing orgasm, and as I struggled to free myself from the tourniquet tightening around my neck, I couldn’t stop insanely touching myself, frantically squeezing my own tits, pulling on my incredibly stiff erect nipples, ramming my fingers into my gaping hole, and wildly rubbing at my huge swollen clit.

All of a sudden, I could no longer finger myself. My hands fell away lifelessly, and I no longer had the use of my limp arms. And before I could consider what was happening to me, everything went dark, and I passed out.

I don’t know what happened after that, or how long I was unconscious.

I awoke to the sound of voices…

“Hey! Are you okay!”

“Are they dead!”

“It looks like they’re breathing!”

“Hey! Do you need some help!”

“Look at her tits!”

“Really? Is that all you ever think about?”

“I wish my tits were that big! I even wish your tits were that big. That would be even better!”

“Should we go get help?”

“We’re not even supposed to be out here.”

I then became aware of a sharp poking in my shoulder. I awoke to see a young girl about Danny’s age with a stick in her hand.

“She’s awake!”

“Hey, are you okay? Do you need some help?”

As I came-to, I realized that I was laying on my side on the ground, naked, with my beach cover-up gathered around my neck. Danny was laying behind me, asleep, spooning me, with his limp dick still stuck between my big butt cheeks.

Getting up on one elbow, I cleared my throat and said, “No. we’re fine. We’re just resting.” It was the only thing I could think of on the spot. And as my head began to clear, I could feel the cum leaking out of my ass.

Elbowing Danny, I said, “Wake up!”

It took him a second to get his wits about him and realize that we weren’t alone, then I said, “Your shorts! Where are your shorts!”

He quickly found the nearby shorts and embarrassingly scurried into them as I tried to cover myself with the remains of my torn cover-up.

“What are you guys doing out here? Are you sure you’re okay?” One of the stunned girls asked.

As my head became clearer, I looked over the two young girls. One was blonde, the other brunette, both dressed identically. Both wearing very tight, light-colored, elastic short-shorts that were pulled up tightly into their puffy little pussy slits. Both wearing the same little teeshirts, that looked at least one size too small, showing off their trim youthful bellies, with the Waka Waka Summer Camp logo across the chest. Neither of the girls was wearing a bra, and their puffy little titty nipples stood up proudly, and it looked as though neither girl were wearing panties, at least none that I could detect.

What was most notable about the girls, was that they were both filthy, looking as though they’d been wrestling around on the ground. Both girls were covered in dirt, with bits of grass and twigs in their hair, and a noticeable amount of dirt around their puffy titties and their tight little pussy slits as though left by dirty hands. The brunette also had a very red, fresh-looking, telltale hickey on her neck, and the blonde had an even more intriguing one on her inner thigh very near her crotch.

Smiling knowingly at the girls, I said, “I think we were probably doing the same thing you guys were doing.”

Looking at each other, the girls giggled.

“We better get going.” The blonde said. “We need to get back to camp, and get cleaned up before the dinner bell.”

As they left, the brunette turned back. “Maybe we’ll see you guys out here again sometime.” She said in a flirtatious way, shaking her tight little butt as they walk away.

Exhausted, Danny slept the entire ride home, drooling with his head against the side window. As I drove, I turned the rearview mirror so I could look at myself. There were ugly ligature marks on my neck, and I wondered what the girls from the camp must have thought.

Once home, I plopped down on the sofa and conked out myself.

Sometime later, I awoke to Danny standing over me, jerk’n off in my face. Watching as my son stroked his cock, I fingered myself. Opening my mouth, I let him cum on my outstretched tongue. After swallowing, I sucked his cock, draining his balls dry.

Waking up to my son’s cock inches from my face was a wonderful surprise and the end of our incredible day at the beach. Knowing that things would never be the same between Danny and me, I was eager for our next adventure.

The End?

About a girl I had forgotten about 0 (0)


Revenge sex can be a lot of fun Deb’s friend and I got revenge for Deb cheating with her boyfriend.

Revenge sex with Cindy

This is a true story about how my girlfriends, friend Cindy and I had an affair in revenge for her cheating with Cindy’s boyfriend.I had forgotten about this as it happened 35 years ago and her name came up in conversation.

I have known Cindy for many years and was a good friend of my girlfriend . I also worked with her before I knew she was her friend,Although I never talked to her much at work I would often see her and marvel at her beauty. She was a pretty girl 25 yrs old,short curly brown hair,brown eyes, a slim body, a tight butt and small breasts. I always thought she was way out of my league until Deb(my girlfriend) met her at our work’s xmas party.After that she began to be a real good friend of ours and more often a girl I fantasized about.

Cindy would often come by to visit us ,then the two would go out and have some drinks. Deb said she was trying to find Cindy a boyfriend and soon she did, he was a friend of mine, Mike.For the next three years they were inseparable and spent a lot more time with us.They finally moved in together and all seemed to be going well and were happy.

As guys would do, Mike would comment on Cindy’s sexy body . He would also brag about how good she was in bed.He would tell me how she shaves her pussy and just how good she can suck a cock. Not wanting to be undone I would tell him just how good Deb was and how she swallows.It was getting to the point I would fantasize about Cindy even more.

My fantasies continued more after she was promoted to supervisor at work.I now had to work more closely with Cindy and some times I imagined having sex with her over her desk. She was always well dressed and her perfume would be so intoxicating when she would be near me.We started to spend lunch times together which would keep me aroused the rest of the day.

Usually on Friday nights the girls would go out and Mike and I would play cards at a friends house. On Saturdays we would often have a barbecue at our homes, we began to spend a lot of time together.Even though I often fantasize about Cindy I never figured it would happen.

Cindy informed me at work that we had to go to a meeting in Albany on Friday and that we were to leave on Thursday. Since she was my supervisor she made all the plans for hotel rooms ,thinking it would be better to go the night before.

I didn’t think much about Deb asking me throughout the week when I was leaving and when I would be home. She also didn’t say anything when I told her I would be going with Cindy.

It was a five hour drive to Albany and I was in heaven smelling Cindy’s perfume throughout the car,not to mention how sexy she was dressed. I did sense something was on her mind and after several times asking her what was bothering her she finally told me. I was shocked when she said that Mike was cheating on her,then she told me who he had cheated with

“ Mike didn’t play cards with you guys last week did he?” she said “and Deb went out as usual right”.She then told me that she had to work overtime and when she returned home Deb’s car was in their driveway.She said she had told Deb that she would have to work late so when she saw our car she became suspicious.

Cindy said she waited in her car down the street for almost an hour until she called Deb. She told her she was on her way home and asked if she still wanted to have a drink or two, but Deb declined. Deb claimed she was ill and was home in bed and would take a rain check on her offer.Ten minutes later she watched Deb leave, she then waited another ten minutes before she went in.

I asked her what she said to Mike and she said “nothing,he claimed he was also not feeling well. He was still in bed and acted differently when I tried to give him a kiss.”I fumed for the next few days then I decided I would just get even”.

She then told me to get off at the next exit”we are not going to Albany and there was no meeting”.She said “ I arranged for tomorrow off and I reserved a room at the casino”.I still couldn’t believe that Deb has been sleeping with Mike but when she said “revenge sex”, I agreed.

Inside the motel room we both sat on the bed ,you could feel the nervousness radiating between us.We both would look at each other yet neither one would say anything.Cindy put some music on the tv ,”so”she said “have you ever cheated on someone”.When I said no she agreed that she has never either,and leaned back on the bed.

I could see down her well proportioned body as she kicked her sandals off just how sexy she was.”I wonder how it all started with them”she said then looked at me for a reply. “I think Deb was the aggressor”I said “at least that was how she cornered me”. Cindy had propped herself up on her elbows “it might be my job”she said laying her legs flat and slightly spread “I have been working a lot of over time”.

Being able to see more of her cleavage I was beginning to get hard so I rolled over on my belly to face her. I thought it would slow my erection but instead it made it grow as I was able to see farther up her dress.”Come to think about it, Mike has been missing a lot lately at the poker games “ I said trying to keep eye contact with Cindy.

“So “she said again “what should we do ,should we confront them or just say screw it and have our own affair”. This time she spread her legs a little farther to where I could see that she had nothing on under her dress. I ran my hands along her stockings expecting her to change her mind but instead she whispered “lets just screw”.

It didn’t take long for us to stand up and get naked,and begin to kiss each other.We then fell back down onto the bed with me between her long legs.”I have thought about this for a long time”I said while rubbing my hands up her thighs.Her breasts look bigger from this angle,but I had my sights set on her shaved pussy.

“Oh so you are that kind of man”she said as I kissed her thighs then licked up between her moist lip’s.I only responded by sucking her thin lip’s deeper in my mouth while moving her legs wider.My tongue dipped farther inside her as she moaned and threw her head back”oh your good”she whispered . I looked up with my mouth still on her clit watching her expressions change . I watched her nipples begin to grow as she rolled and pinched them with her fingers. She was becoming wetter and her moans became longer and when I pulled my mouth away she grabbed my head. “Don’t stop “she said, taking a deep breath and moving my head back down “ I don’t get this at home very often”.

I went back to licking her slit and sucking on her clit watching her squirm when I slid two fingers easily inside her.I love eating pussy and hearing her moan but Deb doesn’t let me do her often. Deb would rather give me blow jobs especially when she comes home from a night on the town. Tasting Cindy’s juices in my mouth through several orgasms was a delight . I could have gone on longer but finally she stopped me by telling me to fuck her.

She pulled me up with by my arms kissing me until I pulled away and said “I don’t have a condom”.She smiled and said “shut up and fuck me ,we don’t need one”.I watched her eye’s widen when she felt my thick cock pressing against her pussy.She took a deep breath”go slow you are much bigger than Mike” then lowered her hands down on my hips.

“Oh damn you feel so good”she said before sucking on my neck,the deeper I went the harder she sucked.The longer we fucked the wetter she was getting ,with her hands gripping my ass even harder. My fantasy has come true and the last thing I wanted was to cum.

I felt her cum when a warm stream seeped out alongside my cock ,but just kept driving it in and out of her.If this was to be a one time fling I wanted to make it last, I wanted to make it the best she has ever had.Deb would have stopped me by now but Cindy just kept pushing her hips up into me. Her fingernails now were racking up and down my back and grabbed my shoulders when she came again.

“Cum for me “she finally said “god damn you feel good” extending the word good as more of her juices seeped out of her.She sucked my tongue in her mouth when I kissed her and started cumming.Her fingers dug into my back feeling my cock throb unloading my seed deep inside her.I could feel her pussy pulsating on my cock as if milking me dry.

When we finished and slowly came down from the best fuck I ever had she just smiled and said “wow”. We kissed waiting for my cock to slip out from inside her , neither of us regretting what we just experienced. “I don’t think we should confront them about their affair”Cindy said and smiled.”I think you are right” I said “I also hope that there will be more company meetings now too”.

I moved away giving each nipple a suck then moved lower kissing on her belly. Her hands stopped short from kissing on her bare mound”let’s get dressed”she said “I am hungry”.I gave her hands a kiss “room service “I asked she smiled “we have all night and most of the day tomorrow,let’s go down and eat”. I chuckled “I like to go down and eat” I said “I see that “she said as we sat up and got dressed.

During supper she was much more relaxed ,she told me the only oral sex she has is sucking Mikes dick. “He never goes down on me”she said and also said I was lucky Deb doesn’t let me do it to her. “I feel bad because Deb has been lying to me”she said “she has told me you are terrible in bed and have a tiny cock.Mike is not the only man she has cheated with,you might be surprised if you were to go oral on her”.

She took my hand and said, “ I just don’t know why she would say that about you,you are better than anyone I have slept with”. I told her that I don’t do oral with her because I don’t know who she has been with . I have no feelings or even want to have sex with her.”That’s probably why she says I am terrible in bed” I said

We finished our dinner and walked around the casino for a while then went and had a few drinks.Cindy and I sat there talking when the subject came around again about cheating. “They are cheating not us” I said “we are just getting even, and if it lasts longer than tonight well it will be fun for sure”.

I could see Cindy was thinking about what I just said ,then I said “I know she has cheated before. She apologized and I accepted her apology but I also told her three times and she is out”.Cindy just about choked on her drink then said “she should have been out a couple of times by now.I know, but I also didn’t forgive her so I am just waiting for her to feel so guilty enough to leave.Cindy finished her drink “let’s go back to the room and have some more fun”she said.

I got a bottle of wine from the bartender along with a couple of glasses and we walked with our arms around each other to the room.”Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me “she said then giggled. “If you get drunk on a bottle of wine I will kiss you and put you to sleep”I said pulling her close to me.”I promise I will not take advantage of you” she giggled again “damn “she said.

In the room I told her I would get some ice and be right back, when I returned she was in the bath ,telling me to join her.As I stood by the tub getting undressed I was admiring her beauty and commented how sexy she looked.”You’re quite handsome as well”she said looking down my body”and that is not tiny at all”then reached up .As her hand went under my semi hard cock she took a deep breath and said “Mike is considered tiny compared to this”.

She held onto my cock as I sat down in front of her and ran my hands up along her breasts then kissed her. One kiss led to another with each kiss slipping our tongues deeper in each other’s mouth.She had placed her legs over mine and while holding my cock she pulled herself closer.“This is nice “I said “it has been a long time since I have actually made love. Deb is just a whore to me, just another blow and go,I enjoy sex, and with you it is very enjoyable”I said while she stroked my cock.

Neither of us were in any hurry, we both were enjoying kissing and holding one another. With the warm water around us we felt passion growing as we held one another “this feels nice”Cindy said . She laid her head on my shoulder and sighed “no man has ever just held me like this. By now they would paw at my body or try to get me to suck their cock.It is all about foreplay “I said “I prefer to take my time and make sure you will be with me again”.

Cindy kissed me “I think I do “she said then moved up reaching for her glass of wine.With her chest in front of my face I took my chance to suck on her tiny nipples. I didn’t expect her to linger but she did. She placed her hand on my shoulder sipping her wine while I sucked her nipple farther in my mouth.Her hand slowly moved up the side of my head pressing her chest tighter .”Oh my god “ I heard her say then moved my head to her other nipple.

After a few minutes of enjoying me kiss and suck on her chest I slowly ran my hands up her thighs.Surprisingly she stood up and pushed her hips against me ,still sipping her wine while I kissed her bare mound.I had a hold of her hips, while my tongue licking up and down between her moist lips.Her fingers replace my nose that was rubbing on her clit then let out a satisfying moan.

After ten minutes or so of eating her out she placed her hand on my head moving it away”lets go to bed”she said.I was ready to fuck her but she had other ideas when we reached the bed and sat down. With one hand on my cock she handed me her wine glass,”hold this “she said then licked along my shaft.With both of her hands free now one held my cock while the other rolled my balls around.

“Oh that feels good “ I said looking down as she was looking up at me,she smiled and rubbed my cock against her cheek.She went from one cheek to the other slapping it against her face before sucking it into her mouth.I moved my hand carefully up behind her head as she bobbed back and forth on my cock.Past experiences I have found some girls don’t like a guy to do that so I took care not to pressure her.

If it were Deb I would have pushed her head hard making her take my cock deep in her throat. She liked that and wouldn’t pull away ,only gagging while her saliva would run down her chin,but she was a slut anyway.

Cindy was doing a nice job sucking me ,only taking half of me while jerking me as she sucked.Several times she would take her mouth away ,looking up at me with her mouth open . She was jerking me faster as if she was waiting for me to cum, I was close but didn’t want to send it down her throat. Maybe some other time I would feed her my cum but now I wanted to fuck her.

I moved back and lowered my head and began kissing her wet lips,tasting my pre-cum on her mouth. “I want to make love to you” I said moving her back farther on the bed.As she laid down I slipped my cock into her and began kissing her .She was ready and my cock slipped easily into her wet pussy.It didn’t take long and we were in a steady rhythm with both of us getting close to cumming.

Each time she threw her head back she would moan loudly,she would also cum while her fingers scratched along my back.I wasn’t going to last much longer although I tried my best to hang on.Feeling her juices increase and being pushed out on my balls I had to cum. She cried out yes several times when I said I was going to cum then had a big orgasm when I started.

We kissed all while shot after shot of my cum entered deep inside her already over-filled pussy.She was taking short breaths staring at me while my cock throbbed inside her,she then smiled .We stayed connected feeling our hearts beating against each other ,not saying anything until we recovered .

I knew I might be causing her some discomfort laying on her so I sat back and pulled her legs up to my chest. Not wanting my cock to slip out we talked for a while in that position.We both were enjoying the feel of our cum that pooled inside her.

We did finally uncouple and go to sleep cuddled together only restarting before breakfast. We did it several more times that day before making a decision to go home. She gave me a blow job even swallowed as we drove down the highway,chuckling as the drivers blew their horns in passing. Neither of us said anything about what we did or even that we knew about Mike and Deb’s affair.

After a summer long affair Cindy feeling guilty reconciled with Mike ,and Deb left me as guilt overwhelmed her. I did however was able to fulfill a fantasy of having sex with Cindy bent over her desk.

Is There Life After Seventy, I’ll Never Tell 0 (0)


I take care of myself and stay in shape. Now I’m finding out that someone else is noticing me.

Until recently, I really never considered that I was getting older. It was something that I just never noticed. I’m Kenneth Jamison, I’m 70 years old. I’m 6 ft. 2 in. tall, I weigh 176 pounds, I have 6 pack abs and the rest of my muscles are all toned and look good. I run an average of 2 miles a day and lift weights for almost an hour a day….. I have always tried to take care of myself.

My wife passed away a few years ago, and for a time, I let myself go. I ate too much, drank too much and all the while, falling deeper into depression. We had been married for 40 years and our worlds both revolved around each other. My family had all became quite worried about me.

One morning, after I got out of bed, I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t recognize the man that stood there. I knew, right then, that I had to get my head out of my ass. I had to begin my life again and stop feeling sorry for myself. That was the first day of the rest of my life.

I got back into my training routine, I started eating right and taking care of myself. I began to spend a lot of time with my grandchildren…..and they, in turn, began spending a lot of time around me. After a year or so, I was back. I was in shape. I was happy, having put the past behind me, but not forgetting it.

My home is rather large, having about 6500 square feet and is located on 20 acres of land. I have a huge playroom, complete with pinball machines, a ping pong table, pool table, a fantastic sound system, 3 tv’s for sports and a full blown, professional, karaoke system. Outside, I have a custom swimming pool with a waterfall and an adjoining hot tub. The whole place is surrounded with large trees, over three acres of lawn and numerous flower beds. It took my wife and I many years to create this retreat.

As I walk around the property, I see different places where my wife and I had made love…. many times just a spur of the moment thing. We were very happy here. My kids keep telling me that this place is just too big for me alone and that I should sell it and find something smaller. I am happy here and have no intention of selling.

My grand kids and their friends all enjoy coming out here and entertaining themselves. I like them coming here instead of going to keggers and other clandestine parties and get-togethers that young people do. All of these young people have become my friends and know that they are all welcome here.

My favorite granddaughter, Aubrey, spends more time here than anyone. She is a freshman in a nearby university. Many times she stays here for several days at a time, commuting to school then coming back here. I don’t mind, I have 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms…..plenty of room.

I guess this is where this story actually begins. One thing I do every day, is swim laps in my pool. I like to go out early in the morning when the day is new and the air is fresh. I had just finished doing my 50 laps and was sitting on one of the lounge chairs, drinking a large cup of coffee. The sun had been up for an hour or so and a very thin fog was about to melt away.

I saw Aubrey coming out of the house, headed for the pool. With her was a very attractive young lady. One thing I have always appreciated is a woman’s body. No matter what age she is, if she has taken care of herself, I love to enjoy the vision of a beautiful woman.

“Good morning Grandpa, you’re sure up early this morning…..finished your laps already?”

“Yes, my dear, I have,” I said as I got up off of the lounge.

“Grandpa, I want you to meet my best friend, Jamie……Jamie this is my grandpa, Ken,” she said as Jamie extended her hand to me.

“I am so pleased to meet you Jamie,” I said as I took her hand and lightly shook hands with her.

“You certainly have a beautiful home Ken…….Aubrey has told me so much about you and this place. I was really happy when she invited me to come out here for the weekend…I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all Jamie, I’m always glad to have Aubrey’s friends come out here.”

The girls took off their robes and headed for the pool. I couldn’t help but notice Jamie’s body. It was immaculate….perfect in every aspect. She was about 5 ft. 8 in. tall, measurements about 36-26-36, long dark brown hair and not an ounce of extra fat anywhere. Just looking, I would say she works out. I can see her muscles are all toned. She is one beautiful woman. Her bikini accentuates her body. I can feel my cock begin to stir watching this vision of beauty.

Alongside of the pool, I have an outdoor kitchen. I love to cook and cooking out here just makes everything taste better. The girls were still swimming, so I walked over to the edge of the pool. “Would you gals like some breakfast? I can make anything you might want,” I told them.

They swam up to the edge of the pool and rested on their elbows. “That would be nice,” Aubrey said, “what are you having?”

“I think maybe eggs, some bacon…I have some fresh pineapple and orange juice.”

They both said, “That sounds great, we’ll have the same.”

While they continued to swim, I made breakfast. When it was ready, I called to them to let them know.

While we ate breakfast, I continued to enjoy looking at Jamie. Every time I would look over at her, I could catch her checking me out. I thought to myself, ‘it’s all my imagination’. After the breakfast dishes were done, I took another cup of coffee and went back out to the lounge to catch a little sun. It was Saturday and I had no plans for the day.

Aubrey said to me, “Grandpa, I need to run to town and make a deposit, do you need anything while I’m there?”

“Yes I do, matter of fact. I need several items from the grocery store and I need my cleaning picked up from the cleaners. I was going in later, but if you want to do it for me, I’d be happy to let you do it. My credit card is on the kitchen counter in my money clip.”

Aubrey replied, “I think I’m going to go ahead and go so I can get back by 1 or 2…….do you want to go with me Jamie?”

“Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d like to stay here and just hang out… you mind?”

“It’s no problem with me, you can keep Grandpa company.”

Aubrey went inside the house and Jamie and I continued to sit out in the sun and enjoy the morning. “You sure have a nice place here, Ken….I think I could just stay here forever….it is so relaxing.”

“Yes it is, I enjoy this place so much.”

Jamie sat up and stared at me. “You know, Ken, Aubrey has told me so much about you. What she didn’t tell me was how attractive you are. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an older man that is built as well as you…I mean, you look like you work out a lot….I find that really attractive, a man that takes such good care of himself.”

“Well, thank you Jamie. You know, you’re not any slouch yourself…if I were 30 years younger, I’d make some moves on you…….but, hell, I’m 70 years old…..a lot older than you.”

“Ken, I’m 21, and like they say, age is just a number. You know like wine, it just gets better with age.”

“You flatter me Jamie.” I told her.

My phone rang, which interrupted our conversation. It was one of my friends that I had grown up with. We call each other quite often just to shoot the shit and keep up with what is going on in our lives. I got off the lounge and walked to the house, leaving Jamie out by the pool.

My friend, Norman, was passing through the area and was checking to see if I was home. “I’ve got a little time so I thought I’d stop and say hi,” he told me.

“I would love to see you, come on by….you know the way,” I told him.

“I’ll be there in half an hour or so, talk to you then,” he said.

I hung up the phone and went to my bedroom to change out of my swim trunks into a pair of cargo shorts and one of my Hawaiian print shirts. I slipped on a pair of sneakers and went back out by the pool.

“I thought you had abandoned me,” Jamie quipped.

“No, that call was from a dear friend of mine. We started the first grade together and graduated from College together. You might say, he is the brother I never had. He is in the area and is going to stop by and say hi….I think you’ll like him.” I could hear a vehicle driving up and went out to greet Norman as he arrived.

Norman was getting out of his SUV as I came out on the driveway. “How the hell are you, you worthless bastard,” he said to me as he put a big hug on me.

“I’m doing great you old son of a bitch……better now that I see you. What the hell are you doing here, on vacation or something?”

“No, it’s a business trip. I am going over to Grand Junction to see a guy that wants to put our equipment in his produce shed. It will be a good payday for me if I can sell him, so I decided to come up personally and see him.”

“Let’s go out by the pool and visit, it’s more comfortable out there,” I said to him as I led the way, “plus, there’s someone there I’d like for you to meet.”

“Damn Ken, you’ve really got a nice place here, have you decided to continue living here or are you going to down size?”

“I’m going to stay here, I don’t think I’d be happy anywhere else.” As we got to the pool, Jamie was still laying out in one of the lounges, relaxing and catching some sun. She opened her eyes when she heard us coming.

“Norm, this is Jamie. She came out with Aubrey for the weekend.”

“Nice to meet you Jamie,” he said, “is Aubrey around somewhere?”

“Not right now, she had to go to town to run some errands. Hopefully, she will be back before you have to go…..I know she will be happy to see you.”

I went to the fridge and got a couple of glasses of iced tea and went back and sat down. We talked for a couple of hours before Aubrey returned. When she saw Norman, she came running up to him and gave him a big hug.

“Uncle Norman, this is a wonderful surprise. When did you get here?”

“I’ve been here for a while. I was passing through the area and decided to stop by to see Ken. It’s a real bonus to get to see you too while I’m here….it’s been way too long.”

I interrupted their conversation, “You know, it’s past lunch time, why don’t we all go into town and have lunch, we can talk some more there….Jamie do you want to go with us?”

“I’d love to, let me go inside and change……it will only take me a minute,” she said as she headed for the house with Aubrey behind her.

Norman was watching them walk away. “Damn Ken, those are two very beautiful women. Aubrey just keeps getting more beautiful and her friend is really something else. Too bad you’re not 50 years younger,” he said laughing.

We had lunch and caught up on everything that was going on in our lives. Norm said he had to get on down the road, but would be back by before he went back home, then left. Aubrey, Jamie and I just hung out around the house the rest of the day. That evening, I grilled steaks and made some of my “world famous” margaritas for us.

After dinner, we all continued to sip on my margaritas and watched a movie. When the movie ended, I excused myself and went to my bedroom and went to bed. It had been a long day and I dozed off to sleep rather quickly.

Sometime in the early hours of the morning, I woke up. I could feel the presence of someone in my bed. Then I felt someone move up very close to me. I could feel the body of a woman pressing up against me.

“What’s going on,” I said.

“Ken, it’s just me, I wanted to be with you….I hope you don’t mind. I waited till I knew that Aubrey was asleep before I came to you. I want to make love with you…..I want to make you feel good…really good……”

Immediately I recognized the voice as that of Jamie. I could feel her naked body pressing against me. My cock was as hard as a rock and pressing into her stomach. I ran my hands over her body and felt her soft skin, her full breasts and her squeezable ass. I pulled her closer to me as I kissed her. I felt her tongue enter my mouth and begin to dance with mine. Her hands were stroking my hard cock. I was feeling something I had not felt for a long time…..desire.

My cock is a delight to most women. My wife used to tell me that it was a really comfortable size. It is just over 8 inches long and about 2 ½ inches in diameter….enough to fill most pussies comfortably. “That’s really a nice piece of meat you have there,” Jamie told me. “I am going to make you feel really good.”

Jamie pushed me over onto my back and crawled on top of me, continuing to kiss me. She rose up onto her knees then moved down and removed my boxer briefs. I felt her lips encircle my throbbing cock. I grasped her head and pulled it down until my cock was in her throat. She began to bob her head up and down on my cock, sucking on it as hard as she possibly could. Then she began to lick my cock, going further down on it till she took my balls into her mouth, one at a time. I felt her finger probing my ass hole as she continued to pleasure me with her mouth. I had not felt such pleasure for years. Before I knew it, I was spewing a load of hot cum into her mouth. She continued to suck as she swallowed everything I gave her.

“I’m sorry,” I said, embarrassed that I had not been able to control myself.

“That’s alright, it’s what I wanted….I wanted to taste you…I wanted your warm cum in my stomach. The night is young lover….we are not finished.” She moved up over me again, kissing me. I could taste my cum on her tongue.

I grasped her ass and told her, “Bring your pussy up here to my mouth…..sit in my face….it’s your turn to be pleasured.”

She straddled my head. I began to lick her wet pussy. Her juices were flowing and tasted wonderful. Her clit was standing out like little hard cock. I began to suck on it probe her hole with my tongue. After a few minutes, I felt her tense and begin to shake. I knew she was cumming….I knew she tasted great and I wanted to give her all the pleasure I could.

I could feel my cock beginning to harden again. I knew I wanted to be inside her. I wanted to feel the warmth of her wet pussy wrapped around my 8 inches of throbbing meat. I wanted to fuck her like she had never been fucked before.

“Do you want me to wear a condom?” I asked.

“I’m on the pill, I want to feel you shooting hot cum inside me. I want you to fill my belly with your seed.”

Jamie lifted her body above my hard phallus and impaled herself. In one move, I was balls deep inside her. I could feel the head of my cock against her cervix. My hands were full of her tits as she moved up and down on me. The pleasure I felt was immense. Jamie was moaning, softly saying, “Ah, you are fucking me so good, you feel so good inside me….you are all man, Ken……all man……fuck me good Ken!”

It’s been years since I felt the warmth of a woman. I am so turned on by Jamie, there is no way I’m going to stop…I don’t care about the age difference….I’m going to fuck this woman and fill her with cum…..then I’m going to fuck her again.

I wrapped my arms around Jamie and rolled over so I was on top of her. I continued to pound her hot cunt. She had her legs wrapped around my ass pulling me into her body while grinding her ass into me, working my cock in ways I had never felt before. I felt like a mad man as I fucked her hard while she screamed for me to keep fucking her.

Then I felt it, a sudden surge of pleasure from my balls. Cum was surging through my cock. I felt it explode inside Jamie, painting the walls of her vaginal canal. It had been so long since I had ejaculated inside a woman… felt so good, like I wasn’t ever going to stop. I felt Jamie clamp down on my rod and knew she was cumming also.

I could hear the squishy sounds as my cock plunged in and out of her sopping wet pussy. Jamie had gone limp under me, breathing deeply like she was out of breath. I rolled off of her, straining to catch my breath.

“That was absolutely the best fucking I’ve ever had,” Jamie said to me still breathing heavily. “I never knew any man could make me feel this good.

We laid there for some time before we both recovered. Jamie was laying on her stomach. I moved into a position straddling her ass and began to give her a massage. She was a beautiful sight, laying out flat with her arms spread out. I heard her moan quietly as I began to rub her shoulders, then her back. Her tight body felt so good to the touch. My cock began to come to life again.

I continued to work on her back moving my hands on down to her beautiful ass. As I squeezed those fleshy orbs, I pulled them apart slightly and could see the wetness between her labia. I moved my cock closer, just touching her wet pussy and began to move it up and down her wet slit. Jamie moaned and moved her ass in response to the stimulus. Soon she was raising her ass, waiting for penetration.

Slowly, I pushed my hard rod between those puffy lips and into the depths of her warm pussy. She felt so good enveloping my hard cock. I began to thrust, my hands on her shoulders……Jamie was moaning and groaning from the pleasure I was giving her. Her ass moved in rhythm with mine…I felt her body tighten, then begin to shake. She said, “fuck me hard Ken…give me all of your cock…fuck me harder, harder…..ahhhhhh yes, yes, yes !!!!!!!!!

When she started screaming, I pushed into her till my balls rested on her clit. Again, I filled her belly with my creamy seed, collapsing on top of her.

The door to my room burst open. As I looked around, there was Aubrey looking at us with a shocked look on her face, which slowly changed to a big smile. “I heard Jamie scream and thought something was happening to her, so I ran to see what was the matter.”

I rolled off of Jamie as Aubrey walked toward the bed. Jamie had rolled onto her side and said, “You needn’t worry Aubrey, I was in very good hands….I’m sorry I awakened you with my screams, I couldn’t help myself… felt so good.”

Aubrey was still grinning, “Well Grandpa, I am so glad to see that you have started to move on with your life….and with one of my favorite people in the world. Aren’t you glad that I brought her out here with me this weekend? Oh, and by the way, you really look hot naked. I wouldn’t mind it if you fucked me too….I mean, Grandpa, you are hot.”

I couldn’t easily cover up as Jamie and I had kicked all the covers off of bed. I saw that she was looking directly at my semi-hard cock. Aubrey never ceased to surprise me. I can still remember the day that my daughter and her husband finalized her adoption. She was 6 years old and the cutest thing I had ever seen. She and I had become best buddies after that. Now, I was having a hard time getting my head around what she was saying. Jamie was laying on her back giggling.

“Now Aubrey, I just don’t think………” I stopped in mid sentence as I watched my beautiful granddaughter pull her pajama top over her head and discard it, followed by her pajama bottoms. She began to crawl into the bed with Jamie and I. “Now…Aubrey, I think……….” She pushed me onto my back and straddled my stomach. Her body was gorgeous, at least 36D tits, shaved pussy and a fantastic figure. She leaned down over my face and put her index finger over my lips.

“I don’t want to hear anything from you……Ken….after all, you know I am adopted….so just shut up and enjoy…..this is going to be fun.” Then, she kissed me fully on the lips. I could feel Jamie taking my hard cock into her mouth and sucking me. Aubrey positioned her pussy above my head and lowered it to my lips. She was dripping pussy juice onto my face as my tongue instinctively went inside her and my lips closed on her pussy……she tasted wonderful. Then, I felt my cock enter a hot pussy….Jamie had mounted me.

All of a sudden, I had no problem with what was happening to me. Lust had overtaken me and I had stepped over a line that I had never even considered. I knew that this shouldn’t be happening, but I was unable to stop.

Aubrey lifted off my face and turned to face backward, then lowered her wet pussy back to my face. I could tell that she and Jamie were kissing as I fucked one and ate the other. Aubrey’s juices were flowing into my mouth. My cock was so hard it felt like it was going to split.

It surprised me when both women got off of me. I watched as they traded places…Aubrey positioned my cock at the entrance to her cunt and lowered herself down on it while Jamie straddled my face and lowered her sopping wet pussy down to my mouth. My tongue dove into her. I could taste and smell our co-mingled fluids as they dripped into my mouth. It didn’t taste bad, like I always thought it would. Perhaps it was just the heat of the moment….anyway, right now…I didn’t really care.

When I felt Jamie cum, it excited me more. I pushed my cock into Aubrey as far as it would go. My hands were grasping Jamie’s tits and I could tell she and Aubrey were kissing again. I felt Aubrey begin to shake violently… she was cumming. I was beginning to feel my orgasm building as Aubrey continued to rise and fall on my cock. Suddenly, I unleashed a geiser inside my granddaughter. Hot, sticky cum was spewing from the head of my dick, drenching her insides. I had no idea I was capable of generating this much cum. Jamie had moved off of my face and stretched out beside me. She was squeezing my balls and kissing me as I unloaded inside Aubrey. Cum was seeping out of Aubrey’s pussy, around my cock, with each thrust. I felt Aubrey cum again then lay forward on top of me. She kissed me gently, all the time staring deep into my eyes. “She whispered, “I always knew it would be this good!” Then she rolled off of me onto her side. I was lying there, smiling with a limp, wet cock and two hot women snuggling up to me on either side. It can’t get much better than this.

The sun was just beginning to come up when we drifted off to sleep. I was extremely tired after the bedroom romp that had just happened. Sleep and sweet dreams…..mmmmmmmmm.

I woke up about 10 am and eased out of bed and left the girls sleeping. I went out to the pool and began swimming some laps, trying to wake myself up. All the while, I was remembering the events of the early morning hours. I know I want to continue this…I had no idea what I was missing. As I got to the end of the pool I saw Jamie and Aubrey coming out of the house and walking towards the pool. It was a pleasing sight, they were both totally naked.

“Good morning ladies,” I smiled at them.

“Good morning Ken,” they both said in unison.

I stepped up out of the pool and hugged both of them. “I want to thank you both for a wonderful morning….it was fabulous.”

Jamie put her hand behind my head and pulled me to her lips, kissing me deeply. “Ken, I want you to know, last night was just a beginning. I plan to make you a happy man. Just know one thing, I am not looking for anything serious, I just want to be your fuck buddy.”

I pulled her close to me and kissed her. “I want the same thing,” I told her.

Aubrey interjected, “Now listen you two, I want to be included too…I have never been screwed that good. The one thing I do know is to hell with these young guys…give me an older guy anytime. I’ve wanted to fuck you for a long time. I saw you naked once….never was able to get the sight of your cock out of my mind.”

“Well, my dear, you can have it any time you want it. I’m going inside and take a shower. I have an appointment this morning in town and will be gone for a while. Maybe when I get back, we can have an encore performance.”

“I was planning on it,” Aubrey replied as she stepped off into the pool.

I saw my chance and took Jamie by the hand and led her over to a couch that was nearby. My cock was hard and I wanted to put it somewhere warm. “Just lean over the back of this couch, I’ll take care of the rest. Jamie was smiling as she leaned forward onto the back of the couch and spread her legs wide. I could see she was wet and I knew that I could slide inside her with ease.

I stepped up between her legs and put the head of my cock between her moist lips and pushed forward. I watched my cock slid inside her, inch by inch, till my balls rested on her pussy. Jamie moaned and spread her legs further apart. I felt her push back against me till I felt my cockhead press against her cervix. I grasped her hips and started to thrust. I would pull my cock back till just the head was inside her, hesitate for a short amount of time, then push back inside her. Her pussy felt like velvet.

“Fuck me hard Ken…give it to me hard and fast,” Jamie said to me.

So I did. The sound of skin slapping echoed across the yard. I fucked her as hard as I possibly could. Shortly, I felt Jamie begin to cum. I continued to ram my cock in her as hard as I could. Jamie continued to cum and all the while screamed her head off. Aubrey was hanging on the edge of the pool watching us with a big grin on her face.

I continued to fuck Jamie at warp speed….soon I began to deliver hot cum deep inside her. I pulled her pussy as close as I could and let my cock pulse, shooting hot ropes of sticky cum inside her as she screamed and moaned. When I pulled out of her, I watched cum slowly seeping from her gaping pussy and down the insides of her legs. I have no idea how I manufactured that much cum. I just know there were thick streaks of white semen flowing all the way down to her ankles.

She stood up and kissed me saying, “Thank you……damn I like the way you fuck me! God that felt good.” I watched as she scooped up cum from the inside of her leg and licked it off of her hand. “Mmmmm, your cum tastes so good…it’s really sweet.”

“My wife used to tell me it was because of all the fruit that I eat.”

She smiled and continued to lick her fingers.

“I need to get going so I can get done before sundown. You two gals enjoy yourselves today, I’ll see you later.”

I went inside and got dressed. I was in the kitchen finishing breakfast when Aubrey came in. “I came in because I want to talk to you in private. I must confess that I brought Jamie out here to try to bring you out of your shell. After grandma passed, you withdrew from everyone you knew. You are a real good looking guy and I hated to see you just wasting away here alone. I thought that you needed female companionship and I knew if the situation was right, you and I could become very close and I used Jamie to help get it started. Jamie does like you a lot and Ken, I do too. There’s no need for any of the family to ever know about you and I. Just know that I will always be around to take care of your needs…….and for that matter, my needs also.”

I kissed Aubrey, knowing I was doing something I shouldn’t, but at this point, I don’t care. I’m going to pleasure her young body and at the same time, fulfill all my dreams. These two beautiful young women are going to be my fuck toys and me, theirs.

“Aubrey, if the rest of the family ever finds out about us, you can bet that we will both be excommunicated, and probably shot.”

She looked at me seriously and said, “I know that all too well. It will be our secret.”

I left the house and headed to town to take care of some business. Life was about to become a lot better for me.

When I got to town, I needed to go to the bank to talk with my banker about an investment I wanted to make. As I got to the front door of the bank, my phone rang….it was Norman.

“What’s going on you old fucker,” I answered my phone.

“I’ve finished my business here in Grand Junction and am headed back over to your place. Have you got room for me for a few days? I think we need to get down to some serious drinking and tell some lies to each other.”

“You bet, I’ve always got room for you. The girls are out at the house, I don’t think I’ll be back there till about sundown….I’ve got a lot to do in town today. I’ll let them know you’re coming today.”

“Ok pal, see you later.”

I called Aubrey. “Hey darlin’, I wanted to let you know that Norman will be arriving sometime today. He’s going to spend a few days with us. Think you two can keep him entertained till I get home?

“Really, Uncle Norman is coming here again and staying a few days…..that’s great. Don’t worry ‘bout that aaaat all….I think we can keep him very well entertained till you get home,” she laughed slyly then hung up.

As I went into the bank, her comment suddenly became very clear to me. ‘Oh, shit,’ I thought to myself, ‘Norman is in for a big surprise’. I was laughing as I went into my banker’s office.

“What’s so funny?” Gerald asked. “Am I dressed funny or something?” he laughed.

“No, just something I was thinking about as I came in….private joke.”

“Well, Ken, I’m glad you’re in a good mood……what can I do for you today?”

“I’ve got an idea I want to run past you, something I’ve been thinking about for a while. Last year when I was in Atlanta, I was looking for some gifts for my girls. I came across this shop at the mall I was in. I thought it handled high end women’s clothing and accessories. After I entered I found it to be much more. Along with the clothing and accessories, there was a coffee bar that put Starbucks to shame. There was also a day spa that did all kinds of things. Manicures, pedicures, massages, facials, hot rock treatments and much, much more. There was a fitness center in there with trainers….I mean, it looked like just a little shop. And the main thing, it was full of women, spending money. I want to build one just like it here. I can cover the cost of the whole thing, but I don’t want to stretch my cash position, so I will need to borrow around a quarter million. I think I can get the whole thing built for around a half mil. Think you could handle backing me on this?”

Gerald leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful look on his face. “Ken, you have come up with a lot good ideas through the years and have done well with all those startups. When you sold those businesses you have made a small fortune and while doing that, you have made this town very prosperous. I’m inclined to go along with you. Why don’t you get me a prospectus, for this venture, put together and let me look at the projections. If the numbers work, I can’t see why I can’t go along with you on this venture.”

“Thanks, Gerald. I’ll go by my accountant’s office today and have him put some numbers together for you and I’ll try to get it to you later this week. I think it’s a gold mine for this area. We have so many women that go to Denver or Colorado Springs to do their high end shopping, then you throw in the day spa and coffee counter….I think many of them will hang out there a lot…..spending money. I’m going to look for a location today and see what I come up with.”

“I think it sounds great,” Gerald said to me laughing. “I know a lot of husbands that are not going to be real happy with you. Get me the numbers and we’ll go from there.”

I left the bank and decided to drive around looking for an existing building or a location to build. I started laughing to myself again when I thought about what Norman was going to walk into……blind.

As I looked around town, I found that there were no buildings available that would be appropriate for what I wanted to do. I had found a couple of places I could build and decided to go that route. It would cost me a little more in the long run, but I think it will be worth it. I found a contractor I had done business with in the past and sketched out and explained what I wanted. He told me he would have me a preliminary layout done early next week.

I stopped at Appleby’s for lunch and ran into an old friend waiting to be seated. “Mary, it’s so good to see you. I know it’s been a while.”

“Well, Ken…’s so nice to see you. I don’t think I’ve seen you since Chelsea’s funeral……I just don’t get out much since Dan went into the home with his dementia. I spend a lot of time over there.”

“Why don’t I buy you lunch, it’ll give us a chance to talk and catch up.”

“That would be nice,” she said.

Mary is probably around 65, but, for her age, she is a knock out. She is a large framed, athletic woman about 5’10”, maybe 160 pounds, not an ounce of fat on her, big tits and a really nice ass. I can tell by looking at her arms and legs she works out… those legs… The heels she is wearing accentuates them. As we are being seated, I can see there are no grey strands in her dark brunette hair. She really looks good.

“So what have you been doing for yourself Mary?” I asked.

“Not much,” she replied, “I spend a lot of time at the home with Dan….but, it’s getting so bad that I’m not going to be going over there very much. The grandkids keep me busy. I work out a lot and spend quite a bit of time jogging. That’s one place I can clear my head and keep myself in shape… the way, Ken, you look exceptionally good. Do you spend time working out?”

“Yes, I swim a lot and lift free weights. I don’t seem to have the time to go run anymore. I think that swimming is my passion. It helped me to clear my mind after Chelsea died.”

The waitress came and took our orders. Our conversation continued. After some time, Mary said, “You know Ken, I’d love to cook dinner for you sometime, that is if you’d like to come over.”

“That would be nice, I think I would enjoy that. It would give us time to catch up. I’ve not wandered too far from the house during the last three years, it’s time for me to get out more.”

We finished our lunch and left the restaurant. As we left the building, she said to me, “Call me this week and let’s set something up. I really want to do this.”

“I will, Mary. It’s been really nice visiting with you. I look forward to dinner at your place. I’ll call you.”

I had to get my truck serviced so I went to the Ford dealer for my appointment. Then I had several small errands to do. By the time I finished, it was about 6:oo pm…..time to go home and see if Norman has, “gotten into” anything. I laughed again.

When I arrived home, Norman’s Expedition was parked in the driveway. I parked in the garage and got out of my truck and, seeing no one outside, I went inside. I could hear moaning and groaning coming from one of the downstairs bedrooms, so, with a smile on my face, I went to investigate. I peeked around the corner into the room. I had to grin when I saw what was happening to Norm. He was naked, tied to the four corners of the bed eating Jamie while she sat on his face, facing Aubrey, who is grinding on his cock and kissing Jamie. I only wish I had a camera.

I continued to be the voyeur for quite some time. As I watched, Jamie and Aubrey both came several times, all the while, Norman was holding his load, waiting till the last moment to fill Aubrey’s pussy with hot cum. Then it happened, Norm grunted, lifted his ass off the bed, pushing his cock into Aubrey as deep as he could. From my vantage point, I could see his balls pulsing as he pumped cum into Aubrey’s depths.

Jamie had dismounted Norm’s face and moved down between his legs. Aubrey was leaning forward, giving Jamie access to her cock filled vagina. She was licking up cum oozing from Aubrey’s pussy and down Norm’s cock, as fast as she could. Aubrey continued to lay on top of Norm as his softening cock slipped out of her, releasing a torrent of thick, sperm laden semen. Jamie began feasting on this thick, rich protein, noisily slurping up every drop. Jamie locked her lips onto Aubrey’s pussy and began to suck Norm’s cum out of her, pushing Aubrey into another orgasm. After several minutes of this, they all three were sated and drifted into a restful sleep.

All of the action was over for a while. My cock was as hard as a rock and I really wanted some release after watching the spectacle that had unfolded in front of me. I could see that Jamie was laying bent over the end of the bed, her cunt exposed. I decided to go over and give her a good fucking. Her legs were spread and I could see cum between her puffy lips. I dropped my jeans to my ankles and pushed the head of my cock into her gaping hole. It didn’t wake her, she only moaned and shifted her ass a little. I could feel Jamie begin to move her ass in sync with my thrusts. She was quietly moaning as I continued to fuck her. Her body began to quiver slightly as she moved into an orgasm. Jamie was semi-conscious while I fucked her. Once, she looked back at me then drifted off to sleep again.

I continued fucking her for a short time then unloaded my balls deep inside her. Jamie was moaning while in a deep sleep. I pulled my cock out of her, then stopped and admired my work. A small wad of white jizz was laying between those puffy pussy lips. I always like to see a nice creampie on a woman after she has been fucked.

I decided I would let them sleep for a while. In the mean time, I would go fix some dinner. I know they will all be hungry when they wake up. I decided to do a pork loin on my Traeger with chili beans and mashed potatoes, plus the aroma generated by cooking it will drift throughout the house and bring them in.

I wasn’t wrong. In about 45 minutes the aroma had awakened the crew and they were beginning to wander into the kitchen one at a time.

Norman arrived first. He had kind of a sheepish look about him as he came in. I just smiled and shook my head. “Did you have a good time,” I asked him.

“Good time isn’t an accurate de***ion of what I just went through. Did you know this was going to happen to me and not warn me?”

“Oh, I suspected something like this might happen, but, I didn’t know for sure……pretty damn good fucking isn’t it?” I asked him.

“Damn good. How long has this been going on. If I had had any idea I would have been here to see you a lot sooner.”

“Well, Norm, it only started a couple of days ago…..quite to my surprise. Jamie just showed up in my bed early one morning. She told me she wanted to fuck, so I obliged her. She is a little vocal and woke Aubrey up. She came into my room and found me fucking Jamie. She took everything off and got in bed and joined in. She reminded me that she was adopted and that she had wanted me for a long time. I think you can figure out the rest.”

Norman looked at me smiling, “Well, old friend, let me tell you what happened when I got here today. Jamie met me on the driveway when I arrived. She told me that she was supposed to show me to my room. Well, when we got in there, she sat the suitcases she had down and totally came on to me. We ended up naked and fucking like a couple of dogs in heat. Like you said, when she starts to cum, she gets a little vocal. It didn’t take long till Aubrey showed up. She watched us fucking for a while then I saw her strip and come to the bed with Jamie and I. I’ll say one thing for that young lady, she can suck a golf ball through 50 ft. of water hose….I felt like she was going to suck my balls out the end of my dick. She’s one damn good piece of ass too.”

“Norman, you know what? I’m too old to worry about fucking these young women. If they want me, I’m going to deliver. I want to live out my years being between the long beautiful legs of a young woman, and I don’t care who she is. If she wants to fuck, we’re gonna fuck.”

Aubrey had made her way from the frige to where Norm and I were talking. “What are you two talking about so seriously?”

“Welllll, to be honest, we’ve been talking about fucking you two and how good it was,” I said to her. “Now, we’re wondering what we are going to get into tonight.”

Aubrey just smiled and said, “I am absolutely sure that you two are going to get into Jamie and I tonight. You two are a couple of hot guys and we thoroughly intend to fuck you two till the sun comes up. Better get ready for a fucking marathon.”

I just smiled at Aubrey and said, “Bring it on babe, it’s gonna be a long night”

Norm and I went out by the pool and pulled a couple of beers out of the frige and sat down. “Norman, I think that it’s time we teach those two what it is to be fucked.” I opened a drawer behind the bar and pulled out a bottle of pills.

“This is our secret weapon, my friend. 5 mg pills of Cialis. We’ll take two of these babies and we’ll be hard all night and into tomorrow. We need to take them around 5 pm. That will give the stuff time to go to work. Believe me, Norm, when you get stimulated, you’ll be rock hard every time you even think about it. I’m going to take a little nap so I can stay up all night, I suggest you do the same.”

I gave Norm his two pills and went to bed for a while. I’m going to show Aubrey what an old guy can do……it’s going to be fun.

After about an hour nap, I felt great. I went to the kitchen and pulled some steaks out of the freezer for all of us. I popped the two Cialis I had and put some potatoes in the microwave and some asparagus into the steamer. I got a bottle of Merlot out of the cooler and sat the table. The steaks went onto the grill and I poured myself a Makers Mark and went to work putting the dinner together.

After a while I sent a group message out to Norm and the girls and told them that dinner was ready. They all arrived in a few minutes. We all chowed down and drank two bottles of wine with dinner.

Aubrey got up from the table, raised her glass of wine and said, “Here’s to one hell of a night!” We all toasted, drank the wine down and went to the living room. We paired off….Norm and Aubrey and Jamie and I. Jamie said to me as she began to take her clothes off, “No sense in wasting time with a lot of foreplay let’s get to the sex.”

I stripped and saw that Norm and Aubrey were doing the same thing. Jamie put a lip lock on me and my cock immediately came to attention. Jamie grasped it and began stroking it while we kissed. Jamie was on her knees in front of me sucking my hard cock down here throat and squeezing my balls with one hand and tickling my ass hole with the other. It felt so damn good that my knees were getting weak.

The only light in the living room was from the fire in the fireplace and one small lamp on a table. Aubrey had pushed Norm down on a couch and was kneeling between his legs, licking his balls and cock. Norman’s hands were on each side of her head pulling and pushing it on and off his big cock. Norman’s cock is bigger than mine. It was probably about 10 inches long and as big around as a can of Campbell’s soup.

My knees were about to give out so I sat on a couch. Jamie smiled and turned around, backing up to me, lowering her wet box down onto my 8 inches of throbbing meat. This position gave me a great view of my dick sliding in and out of her toned body. I laid my head back on the couch, grasped her hips and enjoyed the ride.

For a young woman, Jamie certainly knew how to fuck. For the longest time, she continued to slowly rise and fall on my phallus. The Cialis I had taken was doing its job, my cock was so hard it hurt. But, the inside of Jamie’s pussy was so hot and slick I felt nothing but the pure pleasure she was giving me. After a few minutes, she dismounted, straddled my midsection and sat back down on my dick. Her tits hung in front of my face. I squeezed them both as I took a nipple in my mouth and gently chewed on it. Jamie was moaning, her eyes had rolled back in her head as she began an orgasm. I continued to chew on her nipples and thrust up into her body. Jamie was moaning, the pleasure taking control of her whole being.

I was feeling so good, but I didn’t want to blow my load too quickly. I wanted to enjoy this young, beautiful woman to the fullest. To take my mind off of the pleasure, I watched my best friend fucking my granddaughter. She was on her back with her legs spread, one on top of the back of the couch and the other off the edge. Norman was between those long legs fucking her like there was no tomorrow. I could hear the squishy sounds made by his cock pounding her spread pussy. Her arms were wrapped around him, pulling him to her as close as she could. I heard her moan as Norm pushed his cock deep inside her and began to fill her belly with cum. Norman continued to pump her pussy, moaning as he continued to shoot his seed inside her. I watched as he collapsed on top of her, Aubrey wrapping her legs around his ass holding him inside her.

The vision of them fucking had pushed me to the edge of cumming. The pleasure of Jamie’s hot pussy wrapped around my hard cock was overloading my brain. Jamie was beginning another orgasm when I felt a torrent of sperm laden cum rushing toward the end of my hard dick. It exploded inside her and I could tell that she felt it squirting against the walls of her vagina. I pushed inside her body as far as possible, feeling my cock deliver one rope of cum after another into her pleasure hole. I could feel our co-mingled juices running down my shaft, onto my balls. Jamie laid forward onto me, moaning and groaning from the pleasure she was experiencing.

After a few minutes of recovery, Jamie kissed me very passionately. My cock was still rock hard and wanting. I positioned Jamie onto her hands and knees on the couch and told her, “Now Jamie, I’m going to take your ass.”

She had a frightened look on her face as she said, “Ken, I’ve never done it this way, I don’t know if I can handle your cock.”

“Jamie, just relax your ass, I’ll be gentle with you….I promise you, it will feel good after a little discomfort….trust me.”

Jamie presented her tight ass to me. I lubed my fingers with the mixed juices from her pussy and slowly worked two fingers into her ass, lubing it well. I pushed my cock into her pussy. It came out with a mix of cum and pussy juice dripping from it. I place the head of my shaft at her ass hole and began to push slowly. The head popped inside her and I felt her tense. I knew she would feel a little pain. I could hear faint sounds of pain coming from Jamie as I slowly pushed my hard rod deeper and deeper into her colon. I would stop periodically and let her get used to my size. Inch by inch I continued to push inside her body till my balls rested on her pussy lips. I stopped and let my cock soak inside her while she overcame the pain. I knew it was hurting her, but I also knew the pain would pass.

I slowly began to fuck her, pulling out till just the head of my prick was still inside her, then push slowly till I was fully inside her. When I heard her moaning with pleasure, I picked up the speed till I was fucking her at a steady pace. I could tell that Jamie liked the feeling of me in her ass. She would push back toward me, taking my cock as deeply as she could, moaning in ecstasy with every stroke. I felt her cum three times before I injected her guts with another huge load of semen. Jamie collapsed onto the couch with me on top of her, both of us breathing hard like we had just ran a marathon.

“Damn that was good. It felt so good to have you in my ass. Now I know what I have been missing.”

I pulled out of her and sat on the edge of the couch. Jamie raised up and kissed me. I grinned at her and said, “Darlin’, there’s something else you need to feel. You need to have a dick in your ass and your pussy at the same time. Believe me, you will love it. You will never feel as filled as you will when this happens. Before this night is over, you will experience it. Norman and I will both be inside you at the same time…..believe me, you will like it.

“Gee, Ken, I don’t know about that. That’s a lot of cock to be inside me….at the same time. But, if you say it will be good, then I believe you…you haven’t lied to me yet.”

We leaned back on the couch cuddling, watching Norman and Aubrey. He had her bent over the back of the couch, fucking Aubrey’s ass like there was no tomorrow. Norman had reached around her hips and was playing with her clit while he pounded her ass. Aubrey was screaming for him to fuck her harder and harder. We watched them both cum at the same time. When he pulled out of her, they both walked around the couch and sat down. We could see streaks of cum running down her legs as she walked. Norman’s cock was still hard.

“Hey Ken, I need some more pussy. I think I want to fuck Jamie for a while. Aubrey said she wants to fuck you, so let’s trade partners and take advantage of these hard cocks…, I haven’t had this much fun in years.”

“I know what you mean, but I just don’t know if I can cum again for a while. I’m think that I’m gonna just sit here for a while and recuperate,” I said.

Norman pulled Jamie to her feet and headed for his bedroom. “I’m going to go in here where it’s more comfortable, see ya later buddy.”

Aubrey sat down next to me and started stroking my hard cock. She looked like she had been rode hard and put up wet. “I’ll say one thing Ken, Uncle Norman certainly knows how to use that tool. I mean, he damn near fucked me to the point of passing out. He literally filled me with cum. I need to go take a shower and douche out my pussy and ass…..I want to be clean for you….ok?”

“Yeah, ok….I think I’ll just go with you and clean up myself. Let’s go to my bathroom, it’s got a shower with room enough for both of us.”

Aubrey and I got into the shower. She had retrieved a douche bag from her room. She cleaned herself inside and out while I showered too. We both stood in the hot water and held each other. She looked up at me as the water fell on both of us. “Ken, Grandpa, you know I love you don’t you?”

“Yes, I do,” I told her.

She turned off the water and led me outside the shower. She took a towel and handed me one. As we each dried off, she said to me, “I want you to take me into your bed and make love to me, don’t just fuck me, make love to me…..please?”

When we finished drying off, I took her by the hand and led her to my bed. I pulled all the top covers off the bed, then crawled on it. I held my hand out to her and brought her onto the bed with me. I kissed her passionately as we held each other close.

I moved down on her body and began to caress and kiss her breasts. Her nipples were hard as a rock. I continued on down to her pubic mound. I took her erect clit between my lips and sucked on it as I pushed my finger into her lubricated hole. I moved on down between her legs and began to lick her pussy as I grasped her ass cheeks. I felt her legs tighten and felt a rush of her juices as she began to cum. I moved up over her beautiful body, positioning myself behind her, spooning her. She raised her leg up over mine, allowing me access to her wet pussy.

She groaned as I penetrated her. I fondled her tits as I pushed in and out of her body. Her juices flowed freely. I kissed her shoulder as I continued to plunge into her depths. My left arm was under her neck and my hand was squeezing her left breast. My right hand was free to wander across her body. Her skin was soft and smooth. My hand laid on her belly, I could feel the indentation of her navel. She was breathing so hard as I continued to use her body for my pleasure. I could feel the muscles of her abdomen tense and knew she was experiencing another orgasm. She was whispering to me, “Ooooh yesssss…’re screwing me so good Ken…..soooooo damn good…….ah yes, yes, yes, yes. I love your cock inside me….it fills me….it makes me feel complete.”

I moved my right hand further down and found her engorged clit. I took it between my thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze it. She went into another orgasm. Her stomach muscles tightened as she began to cum again. My cock continued to move in and out of her body. I felt my balls twitch as I began to pump stream after stream of my fertile cum into her belly. She moaned as her body reacted to the feeling of hot cum coating the inside of her vagina.

When my cock stopped pulsing, we lay there together not moving, my cock still buried inside her. She turned her head to me and we kissed, our tongues dancing together. I pulled my semi hard shaft out of her. She rolled over and we embraced….holding each other tight as our emotions ran wild. We continued to kiss and hold each other till we fell asleep.

When I awoke, the sunbeams were streaming across the room. It was so quiet I could hear Aubrey’s heart beating. I looked at her naked body laying beside me….she was so beautiful. I was thinking to myself that I really shouldn’t be doing this with Aubrey, but, I wasn’t about to stop. Yes, I loved her as my granddaughter, but I also loved her as my lover. We both had crossed a line that we couldn’t go back across. If our family members ever find out, we will both be ostracized beyond belief. Our secret has to be just that….a secret, something only she and I will ever know about. We have begun a sexual odyssey that cannot exist outside these walls.

Aubrey was waking. She looked at me and smiled. She moved her hand behind my head and pulled me to her. Our kiss lasted for several minutes as our eyes looked into the others. She rolled over on top of me and guided my hardening penis between her soft pussy lips. I slid inside her and we fucked slowly and deliberately, feeling every move, feeling every inch of penetration. She fucked me slowly, staring into my eyes as my cock moved inside her body.

I could see the feeling of urgency in her face as she fucked me faster. I could feel that familiar twitch in my balls. She smiled and her eyes closed….her mouth opened as she took a deep breath and held it…….I exploded inside her…..we were both cumming….together, feeling that intense feeling as the world stood still for a few fleeting moments. Our bodies became one.

She collapsed on top of me. My arms surrounded her and I held her close. We drifted off to sleep, a feeling of peace and contentment within each of us.

Aubrey and I awakened just before noon. We were hungry, so after we showered, we went to the kitchen. Aubrey was laughing and joking around as we walked. When we got to the kitchen, Norman and Jamie were already there. Norman was cooking pancakes and sausage. Jamie was joking around giving him a hard time.

“Well look who finally decided to get out of bed,” Norman said grinning at us.

“We got hungry and needed something to eat, it’s sure nice of you to be cooking,” I jabbed him back.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he quipped.

“So Norm, what are your plans?” I asked him.

“I have to get out of here today and get home. My secretary sent me a text this morning telling me of a problem that has come up at the office, so I need to get home and take care of it. After yesterday, I really wish I could hang around here for a while and have a little more fun, but, business calls.”

“I really wouldn’t know what you’re talking about,” I laughed, “I’ve been out of the business world long enough to have forgotten what it’s like.”

“I’m going to miss having you around Uncle Norman,” Aubrey said as she walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

He patted her on the ass and said, “And I’ll miss you, my dear.”

“Now listen here, you two promised to fuck me at the same time…..I want to know what that’s like. Are you going to do that before you leave here Norm?” Jamie asked.

“I don’t have to leave here till around 2, so if Ken is available, I guess we can do you before I leave…..what do you say Ken, are you up for it?”

“I guess so….. I think I’m up for it.”

We sat down to eat, everyone was in a good mood and still joking around. When we finished eating, we all went into the living room. Jamie took her clothes off and sat down on the couch. I stopped by my bedroom and retrieved a bottle of lube. Norm and I stripped and Aubrey settled down in a chair to watch.

“Norm,” I said, “you want the pussy or ass?”

“I think I’ll take the ass,” he replied.

“Ok Jamie, lean over the back of the couch and spread your cheeks, I need to lube you up.”

Jamie complied. I took the bottle of lube and put a generous amount on my hand. I rubbed it up and down her crack, then pushed my index finger into her rectum. I added more lube on my fingers and put two fingers all the way inside her asshole, stretching her sphincter muscle.

“Just relax Jamie, the more you fight it, the more it will hurt, so just relax your ass more.”

I worked more lube inside her rectum until I felt her finally relax her sphincter. I tossed the bottle to Norm so he could lube his cock. When he got it nice and slick, I had Jamie sit on his lap, facing away from him. Jamie hovered above Norm’s hard rod. He put the head against her little brown hole and pulled her down until the head of his dick popped inside her. Slowly she impaled herself on his cock. Norm grasped her by the hips and began to thrust into her.

Jamie was past any pain she may have felt. I lubed my cock and moved between their legs. I slowly I pushed my hardness inside her warm pussy and began to fuck her. I could feel Norman’s cock moving inside her rectum as I fucked her pussy. Jamie had laid back onto Norman’s chest. She was breathing hard, trying to comprehend the feelings she was having from the two rather large cocks inside her at the same time. Norm had cupped her tits and was squeezing them and tweeking her nipples while I was thumbing her erect clit.

It didn’t take very long before Jamie was having one, almost continuous orgasm. It felt so good. I didn’t know how long I could continue till I had to dump the load in my balls inside her. Norm was thrusting, I was thrusting, Jamie was screaming, “OH MY GODDDDD, THIS FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD……KEEP FUCKING ME, FUCK ME FASTER, FUCK ME FASTER, FILL ME WITH CUMMMMMMM……AHHHHHHH SHIT….FUCK MEEEEEEEE……..”

I felt cum rushing through my dick and gushing into Jamie’s pussy. I could feel Norm’s cock pulsing, doing the same thing inside her colon. Jamie was still cumming also. My knees were weakening so I pulled out of her and found a chair, a long string of thick cum following my cock as it left her gaping hole. Jamie was totally spent, still laying on Norman’s chest, trying to catch her breath. I could see Norm moving, so I knew he hadn’t died from the exertion. I watched as his cock softened and fell out of her ass, thick streams of cum stretching toward the floor.

Aubrey was sitting, watching the whole thing, her eyes were huge and her mouth was hanging open, somewhat unable to believe what she had just witnessed.

“Think you want to do that honey?” I asked her smiling.

“I don’t think so….I don’t know if I could handle it.”

“It…..was…..a …..piece…..of……cake,” Jamie uttered, still trying to catch her breath. “It felt fantastic….”

Jamie slowly got off of Norman, cum still dripping from her holes. She laid down on the floor trying to regain her strength. Norm was smiling from ear to ear.

“That was fucking great,” he said fully pumped. “I really hate to go, I’d like to give that to Aubrey too.”

Aubrey just smiled and said, “I’m afraid I’ll decline for right now, maybe some other time.”

Norm got up and went to his room to clean up and pack his clothes. Jamie had fallen asleep on the floor and Aubrey and I went to my room while I cleaned my cock.

“I have to go to a class this afternoon, but I’ll be back tonight, if it’s ok,” Aubrey said to me.

“That will be fine, my dear, just leave Jamie at school, I want to be alone with you tonight,” I seriously told her.

“Me too,” she replied as she went to her room to get dressed for her class.

I heard her waking Jamie and telling her to get up and get cleaned up so they could go to school. Jamie was still weak, but got up mumbling to herself. After a short while, Aubrey stuck her head in my room and told me she would be back by 6. I waved at her and blew her a kiss.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of tea and found Norm there sipping on a glass.

“Well, old buddy, it’s been great. I really hate to have to go. Hopefully, I can get back up here soon…maybe we can go fishing or something.”

“Come on back when you’re ready, you know you’re welcome anytime.”

He got up off the bar stool and shook my hand. He grabbed his suitcase and headed out the door with me following. He started his truck and pulled out of the drive way onto the county road.

All of a sudden, I was there alone. It felt great. I went into the living room and cleaned up the mess, then went on to all the bedrooms and changed the sheets. I started the laundry and settled into my recliner and fell asleep…..I just realized how tired I was.

In a little while my phone rang, it was Aubrey.

“I just wanted to tell you, this weekend was great…..and….I do love you Ken. I’ll see you in a while.”

I just smiled, remembering everything that Aubrey and I had done. That girl is special, I was thinking to myself. I went to the laundry room and moved the laundry around then went back to my chair and dozed off again.

I finished the laundry and got it all put away. It was approaching 5 pm, so I decided to fix Aubrey and I some dinner. I put a couple of chicken breasts on the JennAire and some asparagus in the steamer. A couple of baked potatoes, some salad and a bottle of Zinfandel and I was all set.

At 6, I had the table set and the meal prepared. I opened the bottle of Zin, sat down at the breakfast bar and waited for Aubrey to arrive. In a few minutes, I heard her car pull up in the driveway. When she came in, she put her books down and came straight to me and kissed me.

The dinner looks fabulous and I’m starved. I’ve looked forward to getting home all afternoon. I led her to the table and seated her. After dinner, we did the dishes and went into the living room and sat on the couch. Aubrey leaned over to me and kissed me again.

“I guess we should talk, a lot has happened.” She said to me.

“I suppose you are right….a lot has happened.”

We talked about the weekend and everything that had happened. We talked about our night together and how we felt about it. We both knew that we had to keep it a secret….no one could ever know. We knew it might be hard, but it had to be this way.

Aubrey and I went to my room, she undressed and got onto my bed. I undressed and lay down next to her. We kissed as our hands explored the other’s body. I moved between her long legs and pushed my hard cock inside her. I made love to her slowly for the next hour. After we both climaxed, we lay close to each other, our bodies again becoming one.

Aubrey has awakened me, sexually. We love each other in a way that the world would frown upon. But, we will continue to be together, hiding our feelings for each other from everyone… one else can ever know what happens within these walls. I don’t know if it is good or bad, but it is the life we have chosen to live.


Money Can buy Happiness Ch. 1 – 3 0 (0)


An old man searches for a young live-in housekeeper.

Chapter 1

I’m getting old; past my prime. At 62, with grey hair and a bigger waistline than I’d like, at least I have more money than I could spend in the rest of my life. I may not be able to attract women like I did years ago, but my money attracts women easily. But I’m not a womanizer. I was only a one-woman-at-a-time kind of guy. I’ve been married twice. I have two sons and a step-daughter and none of them are in my life. They tried to get back in my life after I came into my fortune, is that a surprise? So, I’m trying to use my money to buy some happiness in what’s left of my life.

I designed and had built a big, beautiful home. It’s way bigger than I need at around 10,000 square feet but it’s what I wanted. It’s two stories plus a full basement, which in itself, is unusual in Southern California. It’s in an exclusive part of town and I surrounded it with a ten-foot wrought iron fence. The front door is a 2” thick slab of mahogany. What makes it unusual is that on the outside, there is no door handle or knob and no external lock. The door can only be opened or closed from inside the house. Inside, the door is released by an electric latch like you find in an office where a secretary buzzes you into the internal offices. In addition, there is a three-bolt high security lock made in Israel. This house is designed to be secure. All glass in the house is shatterproof. You could take a sledge hammer to a window and maybe make it crack, but it won’t break. No one can get in this house unless they are let in.

The entire property, inside and out, is monitored by 32 high-definition security cameras. The only places not covered are the bathrooms. I would have put them in there too, but I was advised that was an invasion of privacy as people have the right to expect privacy in a bathroom. At the front door, there is a small screen which displays the camera views of all the cameras in the front of the house. Before opening the door, one can see who is outside and how many are outside. In addition, the front electric gate can be controlled from the front door.

The house has a game room with a full-sized pool table and large TV screen and a full wet bar. There is also a large home theatre that was professionally designed for the best sound system available with a 72” Samsung TV and seating for ten people. The house is completely powered by solar electricity. I have a large solar farm that generates more power than the house needs and sends it to an array of batteries down in the basement. The whole house actually runs on battery power. All the water that goes down the drain except the toilets and the kitchen sink goes down to a processing station in the basement which completely filters the water for reuse. The filtered water is actually more pure than tap water. Even all the rain gutters around the house and the drains in the concrete around the house all drain into the processing station for reuse. This house is very nearly completely self-sufficient.

The house has an attached three-car garage, but I also have an out building with enough room for another 10 or 12 cars. I have started a car collection since I have money to burn. So far, I only have four cars, but I intend to go to more Mecum auctions to buy more.

Now what the house needs is some female presence. I have ads out for a live-n housekeeper. It’s going to take a very special woman to get this job as the requirements will be unlike any housekeeping job around. The housekeeper will also function as my personal assistant and will assist me in any and every way possible. To get this kind of an assistant, I intend to pay a lot of money; much more than could be made by a regular housekeeping job. I’m looking for someone young, between 19 and 25. I want someone who will hopefully work for me at least five years. I’m afraid that a woman any older will be looking for a husband and wanting to start a family and I might not get five years out of her. I have a few girls scheduled to come in for interviews.

Chapter 2

My doorbell rang right on time for the first interview appointment. I went to the door and looked at the camera feed next to the door and saw a somewhat attractive girl waiting at the door. I pressed the button to close the front gate so that we would not be disturbed before opening the door.

She introduced herself as Zarii. She was a young black girl with a dazzling smile which made her quite a bit more attractive than I originally thought from the camera. I invited her inside and guided her to the great room. This room is in the center of the house with all of the other rooms around or overlooking it. The ceiling is twenty feet high with a very large rectangular skylight above providing a great amount of natural light into the room. In the corner of the room is a planter box which has a very well made fake twelve-foot tree surrounded by real plants like ferns and small palms. I would have liked to have a real tree in the house, but with the basement down below there would be no room for the roots of a real tree.

Zarii sat on the couch while I sat on a chair off to the side of her. She was wearing a fairly plain dress that came down to her knees. I would have hoped for something shorter. I asked the usual questions about her experience and why she was considering a live-in job.

I took her for a tour of the house and explained what I was willing to pay and she was clearly excited. That is until I told her what was expected of her as my personal assistant. She quite quickly declined the job and left. I expect that will happen several times before I can find the right girl for the job.

The third girl to show up for an interview looked very young and was quite attractive. She was a Mexican girl named Maria. I asked to see her ID because she seemed quite young and just as she’d told me, she was a couple months away from being 19. She had lovely shoulder length dark brown hair and brown eyes. From what I could see, I was guessing maybe a B-cup in the breast department, which is right in my wheelhouse. I thought she might be young enough to be eager for the job regardless of the duties of the job.

I asked her why she was looking for a live-in job and she told me that her parents work hard and they barely get by. She has an older brother who just started college and that added cost has been a real hardship for the family. They don’t have the money to put her in college so she needed a job to help out the family. She figured a live-in job would pay more and would save her parents money. As she was so young, I figured she didn’t have any experience as a housekeeper. She told me her mother works as a housekeeper and to help out at home, it was her job to take care of their own house so her mother didn’t have to come home and clean there as well. Her dad works as a janitor so neither job pays especially well.

She was wearing what appeared to be a pretty cheap dress and it ended just above her knees. From what I could see sitting and talking to her, she appeared to have very nice legs. I hoped to see more of them.

I took her for a tour of the house. I showed her the large kitchen with the 48” stove top, two wall ovens, and Subzero refrigerator. Next to the kitchen is the dining room with a long table with seating for ten. Next, I led her across the room to the game room and the home theatre.

From there, we walked up the stairs and I showed her the two guest rooms to the right. Back past the stairs I showed her the room that would be hers if she got the job. I got the reaction I was hoping for. It is a beautiful room and it should be for what I spent with a decorator. I wanted the room to be one most any woman would die to live in. I assume that a woman wanting a live-in position had probably never lived in such luxury. I think I hit it right. Maria couldn’t believe the room and had to ask again for confirmation that it would indeed be her room if she got the job. I assured her it would be and that if she wanted to change any of the décor, I would call in the decorator to work with her to make it perfect for her. She assured me she wouldn’t want to change a thing.

I then showed her the therapy room and explained that part of her benefits of the job would be a weekly massage from a masseuse, a bi-weekly manicure and pedicure, and a monthly hair cut/trim. I would arrange for all those services to be rendered right there in the house. It was cute watching the expressions on her face when I told her of all these benefits.

Next came the gym. I explained that I would want her to exercise regularly to keep a trim body and that I would hire a personal trainer to work with her. Lastly on that floor, I took her to my bedroom suite. The suite is almost 1100 square feet and is designed as a his and hers suite. There is the bedroom itself which has a king-sized bed, a large TV screen and a fireplace. There are French doors that lead out to a deck facing the front yard which covers the top of the three-car garage. There is a dressing area which is divided into his and hers with separate closets, built in dressers and cabinets, and padded benches. The bathroom is a large space about 15’ x 15’ which is also designed as his and hers. The ‘his’ side to the left has a long vanity with a sink and a toilet just beyond that. The ‘hers’ side has, in addition to the vanity, a makeup area with a lowered countertop and a lighted mirror. Beyond the vanity is both a toilet and a bidet.

At the far end of the bathroom is a large shower with four showerheads and a large jacuzzi tub which easily fits two people. In between the tub and the shower is a towel heating station. It is a glass enclosure with two stainless steel bars which can heat up and either warm a towel for use or dry it off after use. The enclosure has doors on each end allowing someone from either the tub or the shower to access the towels without getting out first. The entire wall of the shower and the tub is covered by solid granite.

In the center of the bathroom is a sculpture of a naked woman standing about six feet tall with the marble base. There are three lights in the ceiling directly over the sculpture connected to a dimmer switch and a photoelectric cell. In the evening, when it gets dark, those three lights come on automatically and dimly light up the sculpture making it a very sexy night light. At my age, my prostate is big enough that I have to get up at least two times a night to pee. I don’t have to worry about turning on lights as I go.

Lastly, I took her down the glass elevator to the basement and showed her the laundry room complete with two commercial front load washers and a commercial double load dryer. Laundry for two gets done very quickly in there. I also showed her the battery array that runs the property and the water processing station. I explained about the dual continuous water heaters that ensure never running out of hot water.

After having her thoroughly impressed with the house, I took her back up to the great room. I explained the compensation I was offering which is way more than one would expect as a housekeeper. The base salary the first year would be $60,000 and there would be quarterly bonuses paid either in cash or fine jewelry. Each year the salary would increase by $5,000. If she stayed a full five years, she should have earned over $450,000.

I could have afforded to pay $1,000,000 a year without a problem, but then I wouldn’t have a housekeeper that stayed more than a year, two tops. I had to find the sweet spot that would be a lot of money to her, but not enough for her to quit too soon.

Now was the hard part that made all other applicants run for the hills. I had to tell her about her other job functions. I told her that her housekeeping duties would really only be a minor part of her day. I wouldn’t expect that the two of us could make much of a mess that would require her to spend more than three hours most days. The reason the pay and benefits are so great is that I would need her to also act as my personal assistant. In fact, if I ever needed to introduce her to anyone it would always be as my PA, not my housekeeper.

As my PA, I told her, anyone else that works for us at the property would essentially be working for her. They would need to satisfy her that they were doing a good job. This would include the pool cleaner, gardeners, a guy to keep my cars washed, the masseuse, hair stylist, manicurist, etc. I would provide a cash fund in the house and she would be responsible for paying their fees and could add any gratuity she wished for jobs well done.

Now we were getting to the hard part; the dress code. I told her that while in the house, she was to be naked at all times unless I told her specifically to put something on. She could wear sandals, if she wanted, or could go barefoot. She was to answer the door and greet anyone that comes to the house naked and is never to try to cover herself to prevent anyone from seeing her body. I think her mouth was already hanging open at this point in disbelief. I know she really wanted this job, but could she do what I wanted?

I told her that I would be allowed to touch her wherever I wanted however I wanted at any time, whether at the house or in public. She would perform any sexual acts that I told her to do. She would also allow any of the outside workers that she was in charge of, or anyone else I desired, to touch her unconditionally as well. Essentially, her body would belong to me.

When we went out in public, she was to wear only clothes that I approved of, but I would buy all of those clothes. The clothes would all be very sexy and revealing and she was never to wear a bra or panties underneath her clothes. She could only wear a bra or panties if that was the only thing covering that part of her body. For example, she could wear a crop top and panties, a bra and a skirt, or just a bra and panties in public. And she should assume that at some point I would take her out in public wearing just a sexy bra and panties set. I also went on to tell her that while out in public if I tell her to remove a piece of clothing that she was to do it without hesitation or protest, even though removing the clothing would leave her either partially or totally nude in public.

As my main hobby is photography, she would also allow me to photograph her whenever I wanted but I assured her the pictures would never be posted anywhere or would leave the house. They are for my enjoyment only.

If her beautiful mocha complexion would have allowed it, I think she would have been blushing. She was speechless for a bit. “I’m sorry, Mr. Joe,” she said. “I just don’t know if I can do all that. I’ve never been naked in front of anyone but my doctor, let alone always be naked. I certainly could never tell my parents I did that. I really want this job, but I’m just not sure if I can do the nudity part.”

“Maria, I wouldn’t want you to do something you don’t want to do. I know this seems strange to you, but I’m an old man and I enjoy seeing a beautiful naked woman. You have to decide whether you want to do this or not. If you do it when you don’t really want to, you will surely end up hating me and probably hating yourself as well. I’ll tell you what, today is Tuesday. I have a couple more girls coming in to interview for this job but I won’t make any decision until Friday. Call me by Friday morning and let me know one way or the other. If you want the job, you can come back for a second interview and we’ll see if you really want it. If you don’t want the job, call me anyway because I have a couple of other ways you can at least make some money, if you want. Please think it over and call me. I like you a lot and you’re a very lovely girl so I’d love to be able to give you the job. This job pays a lot because it asks a lot but I want to make sure that whoever gets this job will never have to clean someone else’s house again after working for me. In addition of your pay, I’ll be paying 100% of your expenses while you are here. You would not need to spend a penny of your pay unless you wanted to. In five years, you would have more than you could have otherwise earned in 20 years. Give me a call by Friday.”

With that, I led her to the front door where she thanked me for the opportunity and assured me, she’d think it over and call me. I hoped so, because I really didn’t have any other prospects lined up to interview and she was a sweet little thing.

Chapter 3

Maria called Thursday evening. I was pleasantly surprised when she said she thought about it a lot and thought it was just too good an opportunity to pass up. She thought she could do it. She agreed to come back again on Friday for a second interview. I told her that she was to wear the sexiest thing she owned and was not to wear a bra or panties. She tried to beg off because she would be taking the bus to my neighborhood, but I told her she needed to do it. To test her further, I told her to wear a dress and while sitting in the bus she was to sit with her legs open and allow anyone who wanted to look between her legs to let them look. In fact, I told her, if she sees someone trying to look between her legs, she is to open her legs more and give them the best view possible. I intended to put her through a test to see if she could handle it.

Maria was at my door at 11:00 on Friday. She was wearing a dress that wasn’t much shorter than the one she’d worn before, but that wasn’t a surprise. I doubt her mother ever bought her something sexy. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra as her nipples appeared to be hard and poking out her dress. Before I let her into the house I asked if she was wearing panties. She said she wasn’t. I asked her to raise her dress and show me. “Right here, outside,” Maria asked? “Yes, Maria. No one from the street will be able to see you, but you’ll get a thrill from thinking someone might.” She grabbed the hem of her dress and slowly lifted it up to show me her beautiful bare pussy with just a nice landing strip above it. I didn’t immediately tell her she could put her dress down and she started to fidget. “Okay, Maria, you can put your dress down. You have a very lovely pussy. Come on in.”

This time, I had Maria sit in the chair while I took the couch. “So, Maria, did you show yourself off on the bus,” I asked? “I did sit with my legs open and it was very embarrassing, but I don’t really know if anyone saw anything,” she replied. “How did you feel doing it,” I asked? “While it was embarrassing and I was nervous, it was actually kind of exciting. The chance someone would see such a private part of me made me wet.”

That was a good sign. Her first attempt at exhibitionism was exciting for her and turned her on. Maybe she could do this. “Maria, today I want to have you do some things for me to see if you can actually handle what I’m asking of you and you can decide whether you think you could do it on a daily basis. Are you okay with that?” “I think so, Mr. Joe. That’s why I’m here. I want this job and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get it.”

“Okay, then, Maria please stand up.” Once she stood up, I said, “Maria, please remove your dress for me. Take your time and do it slowly; there’s no hurry.” Maria got up and raised her hands up to the buttons of her dress. She played with the button as if she wasn’t sure if she could really go through with it. Finally, she unbuttoned that first button and reached for the next one. She started unbuttoning one button after another. Once she had all the buttons undone, she started to remove the dress and I stopped her and told her to first just hold it open for me. She peeled the dress sides back and showed me her very lovely body. As I’d expected her breasts were a perfect size at about a B-cup. Her nice pussy with the landing strip were at the top of a perfect pair of legs. Because of her age, she was firm and shapely. I told her to go ahead and drop her dress. I then had her turn around and saw a perfect, firm butt like only a young girl can have. “You are stunning, Maria. It should be a crime for one so beautiful to wear clothes. Tell me what you are feeling right now.”

“I guess I’m nervous more than embarrassed. Thank you for what you’ve said. I can’t believe I’m standing in front of you naked.” I told her to sit down and she did with her knees pressed together. “Maria, when you are sitting, I want your legs to always be open. You can occasionally cross your legs if you wish, but I want your legs to mostly be open. You have a lovely pussy and there is no reason to hide it from the world. And like I told you for the bus, at any time that you see someone trying to look between your legs, I want you to open them more and swivel more towards the person, if necessary, to give them the best view possible. If the person looks up to your face, I want you to give the person a smile so that they know you’re okay with them looking at your lovely pussy.

“Are you ready for your first real test,” I asked Maria? “I guess so,” she replied. “Okay, I want you to walk down the driveway and I will open the gate. You must go to my mailbox just outside the gate. In the mailbox you will find an envelope. Pull out the page and read the instructions on the page. If any cars go by, just ignore them. Pretend that you are fully dressed. Once you’ve read the instructions, put the letter back into the envelope and put it back in the mailbox. Then follow the instructions.”

She looked panicked. “You want me to walk outside to the street completely naked,” she asked? “Yes, Maria. If you want this job, this should be the last time you hesitate or question what I’ve asked you to do. I expect you to follow my instructions if you want this job.” “I’m sorry,” she said. I walked her to the door and opened it. She walked out tentatively. “Remember,” I said, “do not try to cover your breasts or your pussy with your hands. Just walk out with confidence as if you were dressed.”

I watched her walk down the driveway to the front gate. As she got close, I pushed the button to release the gate and she stood there and waited for it to open. She went out to the mailbox and found the letter and read it. She looked towards me as she finished it as if to question me again. It might take a while to break her, I thought. She put the letter back into the mailbox and came back in the gate and I closed it. She walked over to the fountain in the middle of the yard and faced the street and sat down on the edge of the fountain. If a car went by, they would be able to see her if they looked towards the house. Probably no one would, but she would be scared that someone would see her. I watched her from the camera feed spread open her legs and start to masturbate. The instructions were for her to masturbate and if she heard a car coming, she was to stop and spread her labia as much as possible to show her vagina to the passing car. Once the car went by, she was to continue masturbating. She was to either show her vagina to two passing cars or reach an orgasm before she could come back in the house. I was hoping for the orgasm. We don’t really get than many cars going by so I felt I had a good shot. I saw Maria reach down and open up her labia so she must have heard a car coming. She held the lips open but turned her head when the car came by so she didn’t see if the occupants saw her or not.

Once the car went by, she went back to rubbing her pussy and started rubbing faster and faster. As I’d hoped, she started to shake and convulse in orgasm right out in public. She didn’t immediately get up and run to the house. She sat their recovering for a couple of minutes before getting up and walking to the door. I let her in and she gave me a smile. “That was a rush,” she said. “I was so nervous, especially when that car went by, but sitting there out in the open rubbing my pussy was such a turn on. I came faster than I ever have. Did I do good?”

“You did very well, Maria It was beautiful watching you out there. I hope I get to see you orgasm many times more. I have another test for you and if you pass it, the job is yours, if you still want it. But I’ll let you rest for a bit before we start the next test. Sit back down.” She sat down and kept her legs open for me. I wanted to see more so I had her put her legs over the arms of the chair to open herself up to me as much as possible. “That is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time,” I told her.

“I told you, Maria, that there will be quarterly bonuses. Those bonuses will be based upon how well you follow my rules. I want you to understand, however, that when I tell you to do something it is the minimum that I want you to do. If you wish to carry it further in a way you know I’ll appreciate, it will give me a reason to increase your next bonus. I suspect that it will take some time of us being together for you to understand the kinds of things I would want you to do. I also want to say that although I told you as part of the job you are to allow me to touch you wherever and whenever I want, I would rather that you initiate any touching. The more you do that, the greater your bonuses. I don’t ever want to feel like I am forcing myself on you or doing something you don’t like. I want us to eventually become naturally close like best friends. I want you doing things for me because you want to and because you want to please me. There will be a ninety-day probation period. At any time during the probation period, you can leave without any notice or I could ask you to leave if I feel it’s not working out. If we decided you will stay at the end of the probationary period, you will get your first bonus. I have the bonus right here and want to show it to you. I took a small light blue box out of my pocket and opened it up. Inside was a velvet jewelry case containing a pair of diamond earrings from Tiffany’s. The earrings each contained a one carat diamond. Maria’s eyes were as big as saucers looking at the earrings. “I want you to understand, Maria, that when I give you jewelry even though they may look fancy, I will want you to wear them as everyday jewelry. Jewels only look good when worn. They don’t help anyone sitting in a jewelry box. If you stay with me, I will have you dripping in fine jewels like diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. I will treat you as the princess of the house, if not the queen.”

If you decide to leave after the ninety-day period, I would expect you to give me an appropriate notice. I can’t force you to work for me. I will do everything I can to make you happy and want to work here so that you’ll stay with me at least five years. If you stay longer than five years, I assure you that you’ll end up with a lot of money. I’ll take care of you.” She was speechless.

I asked her what kind of pizza she wanted for lunch and I called in the order. While waiting for the pizza I gave her instructions of what I wanted her to do. The typical greet the pizza dude while naked is fairly common, but I wanted Maria to be wearing a long tank top when she opened the door and, hopefully, end up naked. She had never done anything like that before so I thought it was an easy test to see how she’d do, being naked for a total stranger and allowing the stranger to touch her.

As she was going to be opening the door, I showed her how to open the door as it takes pressing a button to release the door electronically. I also showed her the video feeds by the door so that she could see who was out there before opening the door. To give the pizza guy the best opportunity to see her great legs and maybe a peak of her butt cheeks, I decided to hold onto the money so that Maria would have to walk away from the door to get it from me and then walk back to the door with the pizza guy watching all the way. About a half hour later, the doorbell rang.

Maria checked the video feed to ensure it was the pizza guy standing there holding a pizza and that no one else was around. She pressed the button to release the door and opened it wide without trying to hide behind the door. She asked him how much it was and he told her it was $16. She asked him to put the pizza on the table in the center of the entry while she went and got the money. He stepped inside and placed the pizza on the table while watching Maria’s cute butt walking away. I gave her the $16 along with another $5 for a tip. Maria went back to the door.

“Here’s the $16,” Maria said. “Now you have your choice. You can either have a $5 tip or you can suck on my tits.” The pizza guy wasn’t expecting that and sputtered out that he wasn’t sure he should do that. Per my instructions, Maria then pulled the side of the shirt across her chest to show one of her tits to the pizza guy. “Are you sure,” Maria asked? He finally agreed to suck her tits rather than get $5. Maria led him over to a bench in the entry and told him to sit down. She stood in front of him and pulled up the hem of the shirt and pulled it over her head and was now naked in front of him. She climbed up and straddled his lap and pressed her tit to his lips. He started licking and sucking on her perfect tits. I was suddenly jealous because I hadn’t touched her yet myself. She switched tits for him and told him he could touch her wherever he wanted. He hesitated and just put his hands around her butt and gave her a squeeze. As I told her to do, if necessary, she grabbed one of his hands and shoved it between her legs so that he would rub her pussy. She let him have fun for a bit and then she got off his lap.

As he stood up, it was obvious that he had a hardon. How could he not? Maria rubbed the front of his pants and said, “You know, I’m not a cock tease. Would you like to jack off and cum on my tits,” she asked? She was already grabbing for his zipper and he unsnapped his pants. She pulled his pants and underwear to the floor and watched him grab his dick and start to stroke. Maria played with her tits and urged him to cum and cover her tits. It didn’t take more than a couple of minutes and he was unloading jet after jet of cum all over her tits and up her neck. When he was done, it seemed like he couldn’t pull up his pants and leave fast enough.

Maria closed the door after him and brought the pizza into the kitchen for us to eat. She started to grab a towel to wipe off the cum, but I told her to leave the cum on her. I like seeing her covered in cum. She’d done a good job. I told her, though, that as I’d told her earlier, what I asked for was the minimum. If instead of him cumming on her tits, she’d volunteered to give him a blow job, it would have increased her next bonus.

As we ate our pizza, I asked her if she’d had fun. She said it was a lot of fun and it surprised her how much fun it was. I asked if she still wanted the job and she said she did. I told her, “The job is yours. You can move in whenever you’re ready.”



This is a story around a mother, Gloria Daniels and her daughter, Hannah … and daddy. This is an incest story.


This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.

This is a story around a mother, Gloria Daniels and her daughter, Hannah. Gloria is 45 and Hannah is 23. Both women are trim, with straight blonde hair. Gloria has her hair cut short while Hannah’s falls just to the shoulders. Gloria’s breasts are larger than her daughter’s, but both are well proportioned. The two are very attractive despite the age difference.

Hannah has recently gone through a very difficult ending to a long-term relationship with a man who she felt might very well be ‘the one’. After what seemed like a couple years of a very strong relationship that was building on itself continually, her man had simply broken off the relationship. As Gloria counseled her daughter, some people just have a very difficult time with commitment and, maybe, especially when the other person is so sure, their questions might become more impactful. Hannah had graduated from college and started her new job with everything fitting into her plans. This breakup would be a major interruption in her plans of marriage and family. Her parents, Gloria and Tom Daniels, were, and always have been, her models of how adults lived and especially how marriage functioned. It was one thing for her to have her life-plan interrupted and her control of that plan broken, but it was more than that for her as she felt she had lost confidence in that mystical quality of love she’d always felt and so desperately wanted to share.

Gloria and Tom (Gloria’s husband and Hannah’s father) married when Gloria was 20 years old and gave birth to Hannah at 22. They found each other in college, and when they did, they knew deep inside what they had. They were married while still in college and they always believed their love was their driver that would get them through anything. Tom had a good job and career with a large manufacturing company with products supporting infrastructure construction. Gloria dabbled in work to stay busy but never developed her career after college.

When Hannah sought out support after the breakup, she naturally went to Gloria, first. Her mom was always better and smarter about those matters than any of her friends.


Gloria and Tom had always enjoyed a healthy and active sex life, but sometimes they both could be surprised by the energy one, the other, or both brought to the bed or (since Hannah moved out) to the family room, kitchen, living room or patio late at night. The hardest time for them had passed. When Hannah became older and aware of her own body changes, they worried about their active sex life with Hannah in the house, which pushed them to limiting their time, stifling any noise (very difficult for Gloria), or timing their moments when Hannah would be with friends. But now, they were again free to fully experience what they felt, no matter where they might be in the house when they felt it. They seemed to have avoided the feelings of sadness from Hannah moving out because she was frequently home to visit. Instead of feelings of sadness and emptiness, their empty nest experience was more of freedom. And, they took advantage of it.

Gloria was resting on top of Tom, her legs straddling him, and his cock still embedded in her pussy after a very satisfying climax for both of them. She used her pussy muscles to squeeze his cock hoping to keep him inside her until they could go, again. Or, rather, when Tom could become fully hard, again. But, the events of the past couple weeks were weighing on her. She wasn’t used to holding anything back from Tom, but she was a little concerned how he might react and had been biding her time for the right moment. Was the right moment really after a wonderful climax when his guard was down? It felt manipulative to her, but …

Gloria raised her head to look into her husband’s face, then, “I have a confession.”

He smiled and flexed his semi-hard cock in her pussy, “That sounds ominous. What kind of confession?” He reached up and kissed her on the lips, clearly not taking Gloria’s comment very seriously. The only thing or living being more important to either of them than each other was Hannah, so what could there be?

“I made love to Hannah.” Gloria watched carefully because it seemed Tom wasn’t registering what she had said. Then, it did register.

“You … did what … to Hannah? You made ‘love’? You mean sex?”

Interesting, she thought. Maybe there is always some mystery to people, even when you think you know them so well. It isn’t even that something is being held back as much as maybe there was never a reason for something to become known. And, maybe, it was even a mystery to both of you. That’s probably what this was. She had been surprised when it happened with her and Hannah. Now, just saying it to Tom, she felt it with him. Literally … she felt it. His softening cock she was squeezing with her pussy in an attempt to stimulate … it twitched inside her.

She held his gaze and explained. “It was … I don’t know … it just happened.” They hadn’t intended on it happening. Not the first time, anyway. The first time, he challenged. “Well, we did it twice. The first time I was merely consoling her after her breakup. You know … I held her, hugged her, stroking her arm and back. She was hurting. She wasn’t feeling like anyone would love her. He was the one, she thought. How could that happen? Was there something wrong with her? All those things that everyone feels when something like that happens. You think so much of the other person you can’t even be mad at them, at first. You internalize it even if it is completely absurd as in Hannah’s case. We talked for a long time. We snuggled and drank wine and talked. I thought I was convincing her she was totally lovable and she would find the real ‘one’. I thought I would change the subject a little. I asked her what her fantasy and maybe she should think about if that was an option … I didn’t know what I was opening up.”

She wasn’t even squeezing him inside her pussy but his cock was taking on new life. That emboldened her. Maybe this was the right time. She continued. “We were half through the second bottle of wine and she mumbled a response. I pushed her to repeat it.” Gloria looked down at her husband and moved her pussy up his hardening cock, then back down. She was getting turned on remembering and he was responding it, too. “I’d never have guess what her fantasy was.” He shook his head as if she had asked if he could guess. “A woman! She was curious about being with a woman. She said, I’ll never forget it, she said it would have to be a woman she totally cared for and trusted. I was shell-shocked and the wine was helping and holding her in my arms stroking her wasn’t helping. Then, God it just happened … she squirmed in my arms and looked into my eyes … she said, ‘Someone like you.’ Then, she kissed me … on the lips! It was tentative, hesitant, and nervous like any first kiss like that. She pulled her head back and nervously searched my eyes.”

His hips flexed underneath her as she was continuing to slowly move up and down on him. Neither may have had the slight inkling the telling had started them slowly fucking, again. He was searching his wife’s eyes now, too. “What did you do?” There was no judgement or challenge in his voice, just anticipation of what would come.

“What did I do? What did I do …? I took her face in the palms of my hands and … kissed her back. That kiss wasn’t tentative or nervous. I kissed her like … like I kiss you. God … it was beautiful, Tom. That was my daughter and it should have been a terrible thing, but it wasn’t.” She sat down completely on his hard cock and stared into his eyes, “Am I terrible? Am I an awful, sinful mother? Do you think I cheated on you?”

He laughed, “Terrible, awful, sinful or cheating? If I thought that, I’d be a hypocrite.” She looked quizzically at him. He tweaked her hard nipples, “You’re going to tell me you hadn’t noticed how hard I’ve become listening to all this?”

Gloria bent over and crushed her mouth onto his. At the same time, she began fucking him violently until her rolled them over and he took over fucking with her raising her hips off the bed to meet his powerful thrusts. His cock invaded her already cum filled pussy like he was trying to make a point with this fuck and her cries and gasps matching his energy mirroring what they both knew. They were incredibly and surprisingly turned on by this.

After they collapsed, gasping and panting for many minutes trying to regain some control over themselves, their bodies were melded together with kisses, stroking and tight embraces.

When she could manage speech, Gloria gasped out, “My God … that was … AMAZING.”

Tom was searching with his response, “I know, but … does it make me terrible that it turned me on so much?”

Gloria giggled, “Who knew, huh?”

Tom pulled his head back and looked at his wife with something new to see, then smiled and kissed her with love. “Say … she shared her fantasy … did she ask the same of you?” Gloria blushed and nodded. “Well? What did you tell her?”

Gloria blushed more, “A threesome.”

Tom hugged her tight and kissed her neck. “You want to try two cocks sometime, huh?”

She whispered in his ear, “That’s Hannah thought, too.” Tom pulled back and looked at her questioningly. “No, my threesome is sharing you.” He got a funny smile on his face. “I’ve had the same bi-curiosity that she had and I thought that might be a fun way to explore it. But I’ve had the same problem she had … I would want someone very special to share you with, someone special enough to both of us.”

She kissed him on the lips and gazed into his eyes, a mischievous smile forming on her mouth. It was quiet for moments until, “Wait … what? You mean …”

Gloria nodded, “It would be perfect, wouldn’t it? Could there be any one more perfect?”

“Did you tell her?”

“No … she still thinks I mean two guys. I didn’t think I could. If I asked her first and you didn’t want to, I was afraid … she just went through a rejection …”

* * * *


“Upstairs, honey.” This time Gloria had called Hannah to come for a visit and playtime, as they called it. Of course, this time she also had an ulterior motive for seeing her daughter.

Gloria was waiting in the bedroom in her bra and panties, two glasses of wine ready and waiting. Hannah walked into the room, saw how her mom was dressed, and broke into a big smile. They both knew and accepted this was something that was not going to go on for much longer, but they also both had come to understand something about themselves in the process of mother and daughter becoming intimate. The love, trust, and security they had for each other didn’t need to stop at the conventional boundaries of parental relationship. Hannah had felt and found great comfort and reinforcement in these moments in her mother’s arms … and lips. These moments were huge steps for both of them, but had given Hannah the acceptance and confidence in her worth as a woman and companion.

Gloria, for her part, discovered a woman inside her daughter that amazed her even more than she already had. Gloria never questioned the love her daughter gave to her, but in these moments, she understood just how much love her daughter had to give. That fuller understanding of her daughter reflected back to Hannah with crystal clarity. Some man, at some time, was going to be very lucky and she had managed to convey that back to her daughter.

Hannah stood in the doorway looking approvingly at her mom. When Gloria turned, she smiled embarrassed. There had been little doubt why she had wanted Hannah to take the afternoon off to meet with her. Getting the bed ready while stripped down to her lace bra and panties with two glasses of wine waiting left absolutely no doubt about her intentions. Hannah continued to smile but looked her mom up and down as Gloria slowly walked to her with both glasses of wine. They both took a sip, then leaned into each other and kissed.

Gloria looked into her daughter’s eyes, one hand holding the glass, the other lightly stroking Hannah’s arm, to her shoulder, and to her cheek. Holding her face they kissed, again. Gloria softly said, “This might be the last time for us like this.”

Hannah kissed her back, then smiled calmly. “I know. It helped me, though, mom … thank you. You always did know just the right thing to reach me.” She giggled, “Though … this was pretty different.” They both laughed.

Gloria walked them to the side of the bed, put her wine on the bedside table, and began unbuttoning Hannah’s work blouse. With the buttons undone, she opened the blouse and kissed the bare skin of her chest and stomach. Hannah put her own glass down to slide the blouse off her shoulders and down her arms. She let it drop to the floor as Gloria began working at the clasp and zipper of her skirt. She knelt in front of her daughter, pulling the skirt over hips and down thighs while kissing more exposed skin. Hannah stepped out of the pooled skirt at her feet and watched intently as her mom bent forward to kiss the bare skin over her panties, then down onto her panties. Gloria kissed inch by inch over the panty material until she reached the pussy mound. Hannah opened her legs to her mom and she lowered her head and tilted to reach between the parted thighs and kissed her daughter’s cover pussy.

Hannah gasped, one hand behind her mother’s head, the other clutching her own breast. She moaned deeply as Gloria’s tongue snaked out to lick the wet material, pressing the material into the lips. Hannah reached down and with both hands encouraged Gloria up who kissed her way slowly up until they were crushing each other’s mouths, tongues dancing with each other.

Both women began fumbling with bra hooks, quickly shedding the garments and pressing their bare breasts into each other as they continued kissing. Breaking the kiss and panting their passion, Hannah sank down first to pull her mother’s panties down until they fell. Gloria backed against the edge of the bed and scooted into the center; her eyes fixed on Hannah’s. Hannah pushed her own panties to her feet and followed her mom, crawling after and lying alongside her. Their mouths found each other, again. Their hands roamed over bare flesh and willingly parted thighs. They groaned into the other’s mouth as fingers played over nipples and clits, parted pussy lips, and penetrated each other.

Hannah moved down Gloria’s body, kissing her mom’s naked body as she moved ever closer to the parted thighs of her mom presenting her pussy. Then, her mom stopped her with voice and hands, “No … honey, turn … around … on top of me.”

Hannah crawled up her mom’s body and pivoted, straddling her mom’s head. She leaned forward and sank her mouth over her mom’s pussy, her tongue licking over the clit and down the moist slit of her pussy. At the same time, her own hips were pulled down and she felt her mom’s tongue probe her own pussy. Hannah pushed her hands underneath her mom’s thighs and snaked them back to the pussy lips she was lapping. With fingers spreading those lips, she exposed the excited clit to her lips and the wet inner lips. Her own pussy was receiving equal excited and exciting treatment.

Hannah felt her body reacting in the wonderful way it had every time with her mom. An orgasm was rising up within her like water rising to a boil. There was no hurry, no desperation to have or produce an orgasm with them. They loved and were loved and were content to enjoy what was happening.

In that glow, in that moment when her body’s reaction to the rising stimulation was filling her mind with the haze and fog of increasing bliss, a change happened that, for a moment, her mind didn’t register. Hannah felt a gentle stroke over her head to her shoulders through her shoulder blades and down her spine. The touch was so soft, gentle, and loving it sent a shiver from the touch up her body. The touch was soft and loving and for a moment her mind could only associate it with her mom’s actions but slowly her mind pieced together all the touching on her body: lips and tongue at her pussy; arms pressing around her hips with fingers holding her pussy open to be tongued; and … more fingers on her spine?

Hannah raised her head inches from her mom’s pussy, her lips and face glistening with those juices, and glanced to the side to see the clothed legs of a man. Slight shifting of those legs preceded the touch of lips against the bare skin of her upper back. The soft touch of those lips was the feeling she’d experienced all her life and immediately knew. She rolled her leg over her mom and sat awkwardly on the other side, her hands shyly attempting to cover her nakedness.

“Daddy? I … what are … we were … oh, God …”

Gloria sat up and took Hannah in her arms and softly assured her, “It’s okay, honey.”

Hannah’s wide, fearful and embarrassed filled eyes moved from her mom to her dad who now sat on the edge of the bed. His face was relaxed and gentle with none of the disappointment, bewilderment, or upset that she expected to see. Her mom gave her a loving smile. Hannah was very confused.

“I … don’t … I don’t understand …”

Gloria kissed Hannah on the mouth … the exact passion filled kiss they have now shared many times since that first time. Hannah’s eyes flicked toward her dad nervously but he only smiled happily back. Gloria pulled back and held her daughter’s hand and reached for her husband’s. Holding both and unashamedly sitting naked with her naked daughter in front of her husband, she explained to the confused Hannah.

“Remember when you shared your inner desire … your inner fantasy … and we acted on it?” Hannah nodded, continuing to check on the response from her father. “Remember how you pestered me to confess my inner fantasy?”

Hannah nodded, her eyes flicking to her father nervously, “Yes … you … wanted to be … shared with another man.”

Gloria squeezed both hands and looked from Tom with a smile back to Hannah, “No, honey … that’s what you assumed. My fantasy isn’t to be shared with another man. Your father is all the man I ever want. No, my fantasy was to share your father with another woman.” A look of surprise and more confusion filled Hannah’s face. Gloria continued, “Honey, my fantasy had the same limiting factor that yours did. Just like fulfilling your fantasy of experimenting with a bi-sexual experience was limited by wanting someone very special to you, the same was true for me. If I was going to share your father with someone, she had to be someone he and I both felt especially connected to in order for it to be the experience we could all find fulfillment from.” She looked deeply into Hannah’s eyes, “I didn’t think that could ever happen or be possible until …”

Hannah face changed as she processed what she was hearing. Her face morphed from fearful nervousness to peaceful understanding and she finished her mother’s explanation, “… until we fulfilled my fantasy.” She looked back at her mom, “You planned this?”

Gloria nodded, “Yes, sorry, but I had to be sure your father wouldn’t freak out in front of you.”

Tom spoke for the first time, “Honey, you are a beautiful and loving woman. I understand how this happened with you and your mom. We have no expectations and there is no pressure. We both love you very much and when your mom explained all this …”

Gloria interjected, “Honey, your father loves us very much and would be doing this not with some perverse desire seeking release. This never occurred to us before. I never thought my fantasy had any possibility because of the limitations I had on it until I was woken up to you. You are the ONLY woman I could do this with … the only woman I would want to do this with. We have no expectation of this happening ever, again. We have no expectation that it wouldn’t.”

Hannah reached her hand out to her father, “You want me to make love with you, daddy?”

He shook his head. Gloria answered, “It’s not his wish or desire, honey. I want us, you and me, to make love to him together.” Hannah, still looking at her father, nodded her understanding and acceptance. Tugging on her daughter’s hand, “Come on. I doubt he’ll need much, but foreplay is fun.”

Hannah smiled demurely at her father but followed after her mother. Tom was loosening his tie as the two women slid off the bed and began on his slacks. With his tie quickly off, he was unbuttoning his shirt in record time as his wife undid his belt and his daughter was lowering the zipper to his pants. He was prying his shoes off as the two women lowered his pants and took them and his socks off. Hannah was watching her mom, wishing to follow rather than seem the aggressor in this moment. As her mother kissed his abdomen and placed her fingers on one side of the underwear, Hannah duplicated the action. With a smile from her mom, they both lowered his underwear, letting them drop to the floor as Hannah took her father’s hardening cock into her hand and her mom cupped and fondled his balls.

Hannah was a bit overwhelmed by what was so quickly happening. She was holding her father’s cock. She stared at it, her hand not moving and her gaze not straying. When her mom’s face came into view, though, her lips pressing against the side of the cock she was holding, Hannah came out of her trance. She watched as her mom kissed the shaft, her tongue licking up the side.

Gloria gave her daughter a smile between licks and kisses to her husband’s cock. Hannah seemed encouraged by the smile and leaned in herself to duplicate her mother’s actions, again. Both women were kissing and licking up and down the shaft. When the women met at the head of his cock, they opened their mouths to not only encase the head of the cock but also to touch lips in an unusual kiss.

Tom pulled both women up alongside him and asked what should happen now in Gloria’s fantasy. Gloria shrugged, “I … never thought that far ahead …”

Tom put a hand behind the heads of both women and gave each a deep kiss on the lips. Then, he took over. He positioned both women at the end of the bed, bent over at the waist with their hands supporting them on the bed and legs spread. Gloria looked to her left and smiled at Hannah, then reached toward her for a kiss. As they did kiss, Tom moved behind his daughter, a hand on her hip, and the other guiding his rigid cock to her pussy. Hannah gasped as his cock head moved up and down along her wet pussy, then moaned as the head parted her lips and sank into her hole.

She mumbled through moans, “Oh … my … god. My … father … is fucking … me.” Each word or combination coming with a thrust of his cock. Her head sagged on her shoulders as the reality of what was happening fully sank into her consciousness … and she orgasmed. Gloria watched her daughter’s reaction to receiving her father’s cock and reached a hand to cup a swaying breast. When Hannah looked to her mother, her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were glazed.

Tom had only intended to stroke into each of his women a half dozen times before switching, but when he realized his daughter was already orgasming from the psychological elements of what was happening more than any physical stimulation, he continued to smoothly stroke into her until she calmed. When he felt Hannah’s pussy relax around his cock, he slipped out of his daughter and heard a moan of disappointment escape from her. But he moved to his wife and just as easily penetrated her to full depth in two thrusts.

After alternating a half dozen times, he watched in confusion as Gloria moved away to lie on the bed on her back with her head toward them. She indicated for Hannah to crawl over her. Perplexed by the intent, she nonetheless did as her mom requested. Tom figured it out quicker and climbed onto the bed behind his daughter. Once she was positioned so her pussy was over Gloria’s face, Tom reentered Hannah’s pussy in one firm thrust, which brought a gasp from her. She moaned with Gloria used her lips and tongue on Hannah’s pussy and clit. Hannah lowered her head to mouth her mom’s pussy but didn’t last long as another orgasm rose in her body. Both her parents were now intent on her pussy with her father fucking her and her mother sucking on her engorged clit. Her orgasm shook her body and mind at the same time. Her pussy clenching around the cock inside her induced a climax sending her father’s sperm into her body.

Hannah had collapsed and rolled off her mom who sat up alongside her. Her father came to sit behind his wife and both stroked her naked and still highly charged body. Gloria stroked over Hannah’s stomach and up over her breasts while Tom lightly stroked along the inside of her thigh to a point just shy of her gaping and oozing pussy.

Hannah gave them a satisfied smile, then reached her hand to her mom, touching her upper arm. “You didn’t get a chance to cum …”

Gloria smiled and looked back at Tom, “The night is young and I have no intention of stopping this now.” Gloria moved her hand down her daughter’s body until her fingers were gliding over her pussy. She smiled at Hannah and rose to her knees, “Besides, there is something else I have wanted to do that is associated with sharing your father … can I suck his cum from your pussy?”


* * * * Another MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS Story will follow * * * * Thanks for reading.

The Horse Ranch Tour 5 (1)


The adventures of the two sisters, Natalie and Jenny continue.

“Come on, Domino, you can do it!” Jenny urged with a flick of the reins. But the spotted palomino stallion took several steps in reverse, tossing its head with a snort. “He won’t go!” the blonde cutie huffed with frustration.

Natalie, the younger sister, looked dubiously at the narrow suspension bridge that Jenny was attempting to coax her mount across. Barely wide enough for a single person and swinging precariously in the wind, the structure didn’t appear inviting for a creature of the equine persuasion. Astride her grey appaloosa, Pepper, Natalie turned a worried glance up the other direction on the trail. A steep, rocky slope loomed. Hand and footholds abounded for a human, but it would be a treacherous ascent for a horse.

The day had started pleasantly enough, a warm spring day in beautiful mountain country. The two girls were on holiday at a tourist ranch and had signed up for a guided horseback tour into the mountains. Their father had accompanied them on this vacation, but had also brought along his possessive new girlfriend. She was commanding all of Daddy’s attention so the two sisters had signed up for the horse tour on their own.

Somehow they had lagged behind and became separated from the tour group. A wrong turn onto a side trail had led them even further astray. Eventually the little-used pathway had dwindled and run out, leaving the two girls and their horses lost in the unfamiliar woods. Calling out for help, their voices seemed swallowed up by the vastness of the wilderness and the sensation of being truly on their own washed over them. Eventually they had stumbled over the hiking trail where they now stood. But with an impassible footbridge spanning a river chasm in one direction, and a dangerously rugged climb in the other, the pathway seemed to offer no solution for their horses.

Ever hopeful, Jenny once again fished her cell phone from the saddlebag, holding the device up high in an attempt to capture an elusive signal. Numerous previous attempts had failed, but suddenly her expression brightened. “Nats! I got one bar!” she exclaimed to her sibling. Natalie cheered as her older sister dialed the number to the tourist ranch.

A painful delay dragged on as the phone struggled to complete the weak connection. Finally the subdued purr of a ring could be heard and a gravelly voice on the other end offered “Trail’s End Ranch,” in greeting.

“Ummm, Hi, ah, this is Jenny. We were like on your horseback tour this morning, but we kind of got lost from the group and now we’re not sure how to get back.”

“You got to speak (crackle) Can barely (static) you.” The voice replied.

Jenny repeated her message, elevating her tone.

“OK, can you (fizz, pop) landmarks?”

“Landmarks… ah… We’re on some sort of trail,” Jenny offered. There’s this rope bridge and…”

“Cutter’s Bridge,” the voice confirmed. “Yeah, that’s not (silence) horse trail.” A crinkling noise arose in the background, the sound of a map being unfolded. “But (crackle) in luck. (silence) old mining camp a mile up river. (hissing) trail will lead you right down to the ranch. But it’s steep. (crackling) to walk the horses down. And you’ll need to keep them calm. If they spook, they’ll take you (static) the edge.

Jenny nodded. “Wow. OK. So how do we do keep them calm?” she asked. A prolonged silence drew out. “Hello? Are you still there?” With a look of dismay she inspected the screen then turned to her sister. “It cut out,” she explained. Several attempts to redial the call failed. The cantankerous phone had once again lost its tentative connection to the outside world.

Natalie gave her older sister a worried look. Neither of the girls was an experienced rider and it seemed like they were in over their heads. But Jenny pasted on a smile of faux confidence. “It sounds simple,” she explained. “Like the guy said, we just follow this cliff along the river for a mile or so to that old mining town. From there, we take the trail down into the river valley and right back the ranch.” Natalie nervously chewed her lower lip as she glanced down over the edge of the ravine, noting the deep drop to the small river far below. But lacking other options, she agreed.

“Cheer up!” Jenny chirped. “It will be like an adventure!” Her eyes beamed and the pretty blonde seemed almost giddy with excitement. “Let’s go, Domino!” she called, coaxing her stallion into a turn with a tug on the reins. Then she set off back into the woods, tracking along the edge of the steep drop off. Less enthused, Natalie motivated Pepper into motion with a nudge of her knees and the male appaloosa dutifully fell into marching order behind her sister’s horse. Through breaks in the trees, the girls could see hints of a narrow, winding trail in the valley below, twisting its way upward along the ridgelines of the jagged terrain.

In the lead, Jenny chattered nervously. The girl was an adrenaline junkie, so this little misadventure was fuel for her fire. “Isn’t it exciting, Nats?” the older sister exclaimed, twisting around in the saddle towards her sibling. Natalie couldn’t help but grin in response. The evidence of Jenny’s excitement was hard to miss. Clad in a clinging, low-cut white tee shirt, her large breasts bobbed in time with the measured pace of her stallion. The thin material and enticing jiggle of the flesh within clearly betrayed the lack of a bra. Fully erect nipples sat proud on those firm tits, projecting clearly through the tight top. Natalie gave a wistful sigh, wishing her own petite build was more like her sister’s stunningly curvy form.

The older sister once more turned her attention forward, moving on through the woods. Although relatively new to the rigors of horseback, Jenny seemed to have found the natural rhythm of her mount. Natalie smirked as she watched the alluring sight. Was it her imagination, or was Jenny adding a bit of extra “grind” each time her tight pink shorts bounced lightly in the saddle?

Licking her lips, Natalie urged her horse in closer for a better look. Closing the distance, the subtle motions of Jenny’s hips betrayed the truth. With each rhythmic oscillation, horse and rider moved in synchronized motion. Jenny posted up in the saddle and then eased back down, slightly leaning forward and grinding her loins along the polished leather, curvaceous hips rolling in a sexual sway. As if lost in a trance, Natalie could not look away. Feeling like a secret voyeur, she felt her heart rate increase with forbidden lust and her loins responded with a minor shudder as she felt her pussy begin to moisten.

Soon the girls encountered another trail, leading them onward. The ride was accomplished without incident and ahead through the trees the first hints of weathered wooden buildings came into view. Perhaps once an old mining town, the antique village had obviously been turned into a tourist attraction by the ranch. A freshly painted sign spanned across the trail, proclaiming the place to be the less-than-creatively named ABANDONED MINING TOWN. Other whimsical names adorned the various structures, advertising ice cream and cold sodas at the SHOOT-EM-UP SALOON, while the TENDERFOOT ROADHOUSE promised fudge, souvenirs, and tee shirts. However, the posted hours indicated the stores were only open on the weekend. This being a Tuesday, everything was locked up tight. The town did truly seem abandoned.

Natalie pulled her stallion up next to Jenny’s. “You looked like you were working hard in that saddle back there,” she teased with a grin. Jenny flushed red with embarrassment, saying nothing. Natalie cast a glance down at her sister’s shorts, spotting a tell-tale stain of oozing female wetness in the crotch. Jenny caught the direction of Natalie’s look and turned a slightly darker shade of crimson. She urged Domino forward before her little sister could offer any other snarky comments. The palomino snorted and twitched its tail, putting a frisky spring in its stride.

A sign on the far side of town clearly marked the trail head, noting the main ranch house lay but a half mile hike down into the valley. The girls dismounted, guiding their horses by the reins. Still in the lead, Jenny coaxed Domino towards the narrow trail. But as he had done earlier at the swinging bridge, the stallion balked, sidestepping and turning in a circle in a show of protest. His flanks rippled as he tossed his head, stomping up a cloud of dust around his hooves as Jenny struggled to control him. Natalie’s mount, Pepper, seemed to pick up on the nervous energy of the lead horse, sniffing the air and tossing its mane.

“The guy from the ranch said we have to keep the horses calm to get safely down the trail,” Jenny exclaimed in a worried tone, nervously eyeing the steep descent.

Despite their predicament, Natalie couldn’t restrain her giggle. “Keeping your horse calm is going to be a problem with that huge hard on he’s sporting.”

Jenny glanced down, gasping in shock as she spotted the stallion’s massive erection bobbing below his belly. “It’s no worse than the boner on your horse,” she countered, pointing towards the haunches of Natalie’s appaloosa.

The two girls assessed the situation. Both stallions were in a nervous state, displaying enormous pricks, fully rigid and throbbing ominously. Domino’s was every bit of sixteen inches in length, colored in a patchwork of pale pink flesh and dark blotches. Natalie’s mount, Pepper, outdid his equine companion by a couple of inches, sporting an alarmingly huge horse cock entirely black in color. As the girls watched in fascination, a clear drop of fluid oozed from the tip of the grey appaloosa’s ebony prick, trailing slowly downward on a sticky thread, glistening in the late afternoon sun.

As Jenny bent over for a closer look at Pepper’s impressive dick, Domino approached unnoticed from behind. The pretty blonde let out a squeak of surprise as the stallion dipped his head and nuzzled its way between her creamy thighs. A long wet horse tongue extended, intimately dragging across the crotch of her tight pink shorts. The girl turned and stumbled in retreat, tripping and falling into an undignified position on her butt with her legs splayed wide. Domino shuffled in, once again pressing his muzzle firmly into her loins. Jenny giggled, half-heartedly trying to push the curious stallion away.

Natalie folded her arms across her chest, glaring at her older sister. The blonde sure was fun to look at, but never seemed to take anything seriously. “This is so totally your fault,” the little brunette accused.

Still wrestling with the persistent equine, Jenny glanced up, formulating a protest.

“The horses can smell you,” Natalie continued. “If you hadn’t been grinding your naughty little pussy in the saddle all the way here, the horses wouldn’t be completely horny and we could get on down that trail. Now we’re stuck here and we’ve only got a few hours of daylight left.”

Jenny finally managed to struggle to her feet, forcibly shoving Domino away as the stallion persistently kept coming after her steamy crotch. She put her hands on her hips in defiance, glaring at her younger sister. “If it’s all my fault, then how come you’re all creamy too?” she demanded. Natalie looked down, blushing as she saw the undeniable wetness staining the crotch of her tight jeans.

“Well, you started it. But anyway…” Natalie countered, hoping to change the subject. “Somehow we got to get these horses calm enough to get down that trail, and that’s not going to happen as long as they got those massive boners.”

“You think they might just go limp on their own?” Jenny hopefully inquired.

“I doubt it,” Natalie argued, feeling another trickle of vaginal wetness seep into her jeans. The sight of those huge, throbbing pricks was setting her loins to tingling. The horses both raised their heads, sampling the breeze. Pepper snorted, pawing at the ground in an agitated state.

Silence fell as the girls studied the two stallions. After a long moment, Jenny offered an idea in a tentative whisper. “You think maybe we could jack them off?”

Natalie’s eyes grew wide in shock as she maintained her gaze on those impressive cocks. “Can we do that? I mean, they’re horses. Does it work that way?”

Jenny shrugged. “I don’t know, but a cock is a cock, right?”

Natalie’s heart rate ratcheted up a notch. “I guess we could try it,” she agreed nervously, unable to tear her eyes away from Pepper’s rigid prick. The horse eyed the girl as if some unspoken communication had passed between them. His fleshy shaft twitched, bobbing higher as it swelled to an even stiffer state of erection.

Cautiously, the two girls approached the grey appaloosa. Sensing the tension in the air, the stallion shied away a few paces until Jenny’s soothing voice and a gentle caress of her fingers along its neck calmed its animal instincts. Natalie approached Pepper from the left, her fingers trailing lightly along his furry flank and then tentatively downward towards his belly. Muscles in the beast’s powerful haunches rippled nervously.

“Oh my god,” Natalie sighed as her fingers made first contact with the stallion’s cock. She traced her fingertips along its full length, getting a true sense of what eighteen inches of horse penis was like close up. Pepper snorted, hooves jostling in the dirt. Breathing hard, Natalie wrapped the fingers of her right hand around the monstrous ebony shaft, only able to grip half its girth. She shot a worried look at her older sister, who gulped and nodded in encouragement. The petite brunette sank to her knees next to the stallion, bringing her other hand into play. Combined, the fingers of both hands could just barely close around the enormous equine cock. Experimentally, she tightened her grip, skimming back along the length until she ran up against Pepper’s balls, each well over the size of a baseball. Muscles rippled again along the stallion’s flanks and he issued a quiet nicker of approval.

Natalie drew her clutching grasp forward along the length of the prick, stopping just short of the flared cock head. The motion coaxed out a glob of precum, oozing downward with syrupy slowness. Jenny’s mouth watered at the sight and she eased to her knees next to her sister, her breath ragged with forbidden lust. She reached up, cupping her hands and capturing the beast’s slippery stream of natural lubrication. With dripping fingers, she applied a glistening wet sheen to the end of the stallion’s prick as Natalie’s hands eased down the fleshy shaft to make room for her sister.

Jenny scooted all the way under Pepper’s belly while her younger sister continued her attentions from the side. The blonde girl worked the front half of the stallion’s prick while Natalie tended to the back. With his prick firmly in the grasp of four loving female hands, the stallion’s head bobbed up and down as if eagerly approving. A steady trickle of precum began to dribble from Pepper’s throbbing cock, betraying his growing arousal. The girls wasted not a drop, diligently applying the slippery fluid until the stallion’s entire cock was fully coated, facilitating the easy gliding of nimble, girlish fingers.

The throbbing of the lucky stallion’s cock became more pronounced, unable to withstand the naturally talented touch of the two girls. He balls gave a shudder, pulling up tight. Natalie’s fingers slid down to lovingly caress those huge warm testicles. They throbbed ominously in her gentle embrace — the calm before the storm. Natalie once more wrapped her fingers tightly around the base of his cock, steadily jacking the appaloosa towards the undeniable finale. Pepper snorted and his powerful haunches bucked instinctively, fucking his cock through the girls’ tugging fingers. The discharge of precum thickened, trailing downward in long, dangling strands off the dripping tip.

Natalie cast a glance down the length of the stallion’s pulsing cock, suddenly coming to a realization. Her older sister wore a glazed look to her eyes, like a fawn mesmerized by the deadly gaze of an anaconda. She thought to offer a warning, but then, with a smile, rationalized that her older sister knew full well what the business end of a dick looked like. Jenny’s pouty lips parted slightly as if in anticipation. The stallion bellowed, thrusting forward violently. His balls convulsed and both girls felt the enormous cock shaft swell even larger in their grasping fingers.

The stallion’s prick bucked, almost breaking free of their loving embrace. Then an eruption of foaming equine cum blasted from the tip. Jenny flinched as the hot gush of stallion sperm caught her straight between the eyes, splattering her from forehead to chin in a thick, sticky frosting. Droplets of overspray blasted off her pretty face, dewdrops of horse cum exploding like glistening pearls to decorate her beautiful blonde tresses. Natalie was not immune, cringing instinctively as a heavy shower of equine sperm blew back. She laughed with delight, tightening her grip on Pepper’s cock and giving him a hard stroke forward. A second blast of cum, more powerful that the first, followed on command. Jenny clutched the spewing prick in both hands, milking hard and sighting down the length of the fleshy shaft like a gun barrel. Precisely aimed, the stallion’s foaming ejaculation flew straight and true, right into the blonde girl’s eager, open mouth. The prolonged stream filled her mouth to overflowing, streaming down her chin in thick white sheets and pouring down onto her heaving, upthrust tits. Her thin tee shirt absorbed the flow, the cotton material turning translucent as it matted down against her fleshy orbs. A thick trail of bubbling cum rushed into her cleavage, slithering its way downward and starting a fresh stain in the shirt as the flow emerged onto her taut belly.

Natalie stroked again, working the full length of the stallion’s prick. Jenny took another thick blast of cum on the lips as she closed her mouth to swallow, groaning as she savored the irresistible sensation. With trembling fingers, she desperately clutched at the stallion’s prick, skimming back along his length and then greedily drawing back. The cock responded, balls contracting to launch yet another splattering load of cum into the blonde girl’s sensual, open mouth.

The stallion wheezed, faltering forward a step with exhaustion. His long cock shaft pressed towards Jenny, angling downward as it began to slightly soften. Jenny arched her back and directed the head of his throbbing prick down into the deep, inviting valley between her tits. Letting her fingers slip from the stallion’s prick, she clutched her pillowy breasts with both hands, enveloping Pepper’s cock between those luscious fleshy mounds. Natalie gave another enthusiastic stroke, jacking the stallion off right into her sister’s cleavage. Cock and balls shuddered again in response, diligently unleashing yet another frothing explosion of cum. Jenny gasped, feeling the hot blast of sperm injected right between her jiggling tits. A flood of sticky seed poured down, completely drenching the blonde girl’s skimpy shirt and soaking the front of her tight shorts.

With a weak shudder, the stallion managed one more weak pulse of cum but then he was done. On unsteady hooves he stumbled sideways, slipping from the grasp of the two girls and stepping away with a stunned expression. His softening cock appeared to melt, dangling downward and dripping seemingly unending trails of spent cum down into the dirt beneath him.

Jenny slowly raised her gaze, blushing red with shame. Yet a glimmer of excitement shimmered in her eyes. The cute blonde was entirely coated in oozing trailers of sticky cum, dripping from her hair and almost completely obscuring her pretty facial features. She wiped the back of her hand across her mouth, only serving to spread the obscene mess further across her rosy cheeks.

Natalie licked her lips, taking in the alluring sight. She leaned over, her fingers lovingly brushing back the cum-matted strands of hair from Jenny’s face. Their lips met, nuzzling in an incestuous embrace. The younger girl’s tongue slipped out, licking cum from her sister’s pretty mouth. Finding the taste quite to her liking, she worked her way up Jenny’s cheek, lips and tongue eagerly cleaning off the thick, sticky wads of oozing stallion sperm. Her fingers found their way down to Jenny’s cum-splattered tits, squeezing the succulent flesh and teasing the achingly-hard nipples through the thin, wet shirt. Natalie let her hand creep lower, caressing her sister’s firm tummy before slipping inside the waistband of those tight pink shorts. Jenny squirmed as Natalie’s fingers found the slippery wet cleft of her pussy. Two digits slipped into that inviting fuck slot with a moist squelch, causing the blonde to groan with passion. She ground her hips in a sensual circle, feeling the two digits sink in to the third knuckle. But then, with a supreme show of willpower, the blonde girl reached down and grasped her younger sister’s wrist, slowly tugging those sensuously digging fingers from her cunt. “You can have every last bit of that juicy twat when we get back to the ranch,” she promised in a passionate whisper, “but first we got to take care of that other horse.”

Reluctantly, Natalie nodded and complied, indulging in one last lick across her sister’s cum-drenched cheek. But Jenny was right, and why settle for sloppy seconds when the second stallion stood ready and waiting?

“Domino, come here, buddy!” Natalie called, mentally chastising herself for coming off just a bit too eager. But the lewd smile spreading across her sister’s cum-splattered face confirmed that both girls shared equal enthusiasm for the perverted task of jacking off the second stallion. Natalie moved into position on her knees under Domino’s belly, her grasping fingers laying claim to the front half of the stallion’s cock. Jenny had taken the coveted position at the head of the cock last time, and the younger girl was determined to also get her fair share of the fun. Jenny offered no protest to the arrangement, settling in next to her sister and getting a firm, two-handed grip on the lower region of the palomino’s rock-hard prick. In tandem, four hands began to skim along the length of the massive shaft of equine flesh. They seeming more practiced and sure of themselves now that they already had one successful horsy hand job to their credit.

Domino’s eyes flared in surprise as four sets of delicate female fingers latched onto his cock and began to sensuously stroke. He stomped his rear hooves, seeming to work himself into a secure stance. Jenny’s delicately manicured fingers slid back to the base of the stallion’s cock and Natalie’s grasping hands followed suit, skimming almost the entire length of the prick. The oozing cock head loomed large in the brunette’s face, quivering just inches from her lips. Natalie paused, lustfully taking in the close-up vision. “Kiss it,” her older sister dared in a husky, breathless tone.

Natalie paused, heart racing. How could she perform such a filthy act? The answer proved quite simple really. All it took was leaning in just a tad further and pressing her soft lips firmly against that fleshy cock head. She moaned as her pretty mouth met equine cock meat, instantly taking to the degrading sensation. Her playful tongue darted out, the soft tip flicking at the underneath of Domino’s shaft. The talented oral digit explored upward and the girl’s lips continued to nuzzle. Taste buds quivered with delight as the stallion’s cock delivered a savory oozing of precum onto Natalie’s mouth. The pink tongue flickered in response, finding the narrow opening at the head of the cock and forcefully wriggling the tip inside.

The palomino snorted in shock, but found the sensation to his liking. He thrust forward and Natalie’s teasing lips were splayed wide. The girl gave a strangled gurgle of protest, but the stallion’s huge cock head was already past her gaping lips and lodged firmly behind her front teeth before she knew what happened.

“Holy crap, you’re going to suck him off?” Jenny exclaimed, her jaw agape in amazement. With her mouth stuff to the brim with cock meat, Natalie couldn’t offer an answer one way or another. But the prospect of giving a head job to the horse didn’t seem out of the question. In confirmation, the little brunette’s cheeks dimpled inward, and a lewd slurping noise escaped her straining lips. Jenny squealed with delight, eager to be of assistance. She clenched down tight with both hands, dragging along the length of Domino’s thick prick and generating a stimulating friction.

Natalie’s head bobbed as Domino bucked his haunches. A panic-stricken look crossed the girl’s face as the huge cock knob found the back of throat and began to forcibly cram itself downward. She defensively clamped her fingers tight around the upper part of the stallion’s cock, just in time to stop the eager equine from burying the full length of his fleshy shaft down her gullet. The crisis averted, Natalie kept a firm grip on the stallion’s prick, allowing him only the freedom of movement to fuck back and forth within the limits of her mouth. With nearly the entire length of the huge cock at her disposal, Jenny stroked furiously back and forth, milking the stallion’s prick into her little sister’s mouth.

Domino’s flanks began to heave as the powerful beast panted with exertion. Suddenly his muscles tensed and he thrust himself forward with a desperate snort. His huge balls convulsed in a spasm and the cock shaft expanded to an even greater girth in Natalie’s straining mouth. Her eyes went wide as her cheeks bulged outward. Had the poor girl just taken the huge animal’s cock properly down her throat, the orgasmic explosion of horse cum could have rocketed efficiently into her belly. But with the violently spewing cock head trapped only within her mouth, the massive flood of equine sperm sought out any and all openings to relieve the pressure. She gagged, swallowing frantically, but the effort proved woefully inadequate. Her lips parted and a spray of foaming horse cum went in all directions. Yet even this was not enough to handle the vast overload of hot sperm straining her bulging cheeks to the limits. Sticky horse cum pumped unrestrained into her nasal passages, erupting from both nostrils in long dangling threads of syrupy white discharge.

Natalie gulped urgently and snorted a desperate inrush of air to clear her sinuses. The effort was completed in the nick of time. Jenny, watching for the tell-tale contraction of the stallion’s nut sack, gripped down tight around the throbbing cock shaft and jacked the next seething cum load into her little sister’s straining mouth. Natalie’s cheeks flared again as the bubbling overflow once more burst from her lips and nostrils. Her throat worked urgently, trying to swallow the deluge. The poor girl realized she was fighting a losing battle. Once again snorting down the sticky cum that was gumming up her sinuses, she loosened her firm grip on the upper reach of Domino’s huge cock. Freed from the restraint, the stallion’s prick surged forward on his next face-fucking lunge. Natalie’s throat, already conditioned to swallowing anything it was fed, opened up to allow passage of the thrusting cock. She drew a desperate rush of air in through flaring nostrils and then the passageway was cut off, stuffed to its straining limits by the stallion’s alarmingly thick cock. The muscles in her throat rippled, drawing him deeper. Jenny gasped at the sight, her fingers slipping from the horse’s cock as inch after fleshy inch disappeared into her sister’s wide-stretched mouth. Domino eased to a stop as his huge balls pressed securely against Natalie’s velvet lips. The stallion paused, muscular flanks rippling. Then he gave a hard lunge and his huge balls contracted yet again, launching a scalding blast of churning cum straight down the young girl’s throat. She felt her belly swell as she eagerly took his load. Her face took on a scarlet complexion as the lack of oxygen began to take its toll. Domino pulled back on his cock, the huge prick backing its way out of her throat until only the flared head remained trapped behind her lips. She gasped a much-need gulp of air and then the stallion thrust once more, his cock unleashing a torrent of cum as it plowed full-depth down her throat. Natalie’s soft lips trembled, placing an open-mouthed kiss on the stallion’s twitching balls.

Domino pummeled her mouth repeatedly, face-fucking the young girl with the reckless abandon that only a powerful stallion could manage. Finally he held himself fully embedded, his nut sack throbbing repeatedly against her lips as he unloaded the final dregs of his balls. He drew back, cum spilling from the girl’s exhausted mouth as inch after inch of the long cock rod was exposed. He paused for a moment as her clenched and straining lips refused to give up their loving embrace around the head of his prick. Natalie’s cheeks indented as she sucked, seeking to draw every last drop of that yummy equine sperm from the softening shaft. But with another tug, Domino finally pulled himself free and trotted off, pleased as any horse would be with the sexual conquest of his female rider’s throat. Natalie gagged, collapsing onto her hands and knees as an overflow of cum poured from her open mouth. Choking, she desperately gasped for air, her strained complexion slowly regaining normal color. She shuddered, feeling the hints of an orgasmic tingle teasing at her pussy. But then the sensation faltered as a sense of exhaustion and shame threatened to overwhelm her.

“Well… fuck.” Jenny exclaimed. Natalie looked up, seeing her sister standing in her trademark pose of discontent with her hands on her hips. The blonde girl turned to her younger sister, pursing her lips to blow an errant strand of cum-matted hair from her face. “It looks like we’re back to square one.”

Natalie followed the direction of her sister’s gaze as she turned her attention back to Pepper. The grey appaloosa stood nearby, its tail swishing in an agitated fashion. Under his belly, the huge black cock had recovered, swelling once more into a huge, throbbing erection.

“He must still smell our wet pussies,” Jenny theorized. Indeed, the lewd acts of jacking and sucking off two stallion cocks had not gone unnoticed by their sweet cunts. Both girls could feel their hot little twats percolating with passion, and even their limited human sense of smell could pick up on the heady scent of moist pussies wafting on the breeze. Until that issue was resolved, those stallion cocks would just keep coming back for more.

“We could get each other off,” Natalie offered shyly, liking the sound of that as soon as it passed her cum-stained lips.

To her disappointment, her sister Jenny shook her head. “That will just egg those two horses on,” she countered. “Then we’ll have to suck them off again and you know that will just send us both right back into heat.”

Natalie knelt in the dirt in silence, pondering what seemed to be a revolving cycle that would keep them occupied well past sunset. There had to be some solution that would sexually exhaust both the girls and the stallions at the same time, finally bringing this beastial tryst to an end. Suddenly the solution dawned, sending little brunette’s heart into a frantic rhythm. “We’re going to have to fuck them!” she exclaimed, trying her best to suppress a giddy, eager look.

Jenny froze as her brain processed the thought. Then, in a flash, she began wriggling her way out of her oh-so-short-little-shorts. Her tiny red thong panties were peeled off next. She tossed the pussy scented garments aside, revealing the swampy mess of her naked cunt which had caused all this delightful commotion in first place. Then she turned an appraising eye towards the two stallions.

“Hey, no fair!” Natalie cried out. “You got to go first last time!” Jenny frowned, unhappy about surrendering any rights to her younger sibling. But Natalie had a determined look about her, so Jenny relented, watching as her younger sister quickly squirmed free of her tight jeans to expose blue underwear emblazoned with images of the powder-puff cartoon girls. Not quite as free-spirited as her older sister, Natalie left the gooey panties on for now, retaining her delusion of modesty. In truth, the wet panties were plastered tight to her moist and swollen cunt, and the resulting camel toe only accentuated the obvious.

Natalie took her pick of the horses, choosing Jenny’s mount, Pepper. The older girl inwardly cursed. That stallion’s huge prick was indisputably the larger of the pair, not to mention the fact that the big black cock held a certain mystical appeal. But to be fair, she let her little sister have first pick.

Now the perplexing problem of how to safely get fucked by an enormous stallion presented itself. The beasts were huge and the petite girls could never support the weight of a fully mounted equine. Then Jenny’s glance happened upon the elevated boardwalk in front of the saloon. The wooden platform, about three feet high, seemed to offer a solution. Taking her younger sister by the hand, she moved her into position. With her feet planted firmly on the ground, she lay face down on the weather-beaten boards. “Spread your legs some more,” Jenny instructed.

Natlie complied, widening her stance. “Does this look good?” she inquired.

Jenny tugged down Natalie’s tight, creamy panties. The brunette stepped free with one leg, leaving the underwear tangled up around one ankle. “It does now,” Jenny assured her, licking her lips as she took in the sight of her little sister’s open and vulnerable position. Her firm, creamy-white rump was spread wide, revealing the clenched pink pucker of her anus. Underneath, her pouty pussy was on full display, a dangling drip of vaginal lubrication easing its way slowly towards the ground. Unable to help herself, Jenny’s fingers found their way to her younger sister’s shapely rear, indulging in a lingering caress. She teased the wrinkled flesh around the girl’s asshole, eliciting a sigh of approval. The tight rectal portal fluttered in response to the teasing tip of the blonde girl’s finger, probing with steadily increasing pressure. Natalie gasped as her tight pooper blossomed open and the stiffened middle finger slipped into her anus. She groaned, purposely clenching down as her sister burrowed in to the third knuckle. Jenny finger-fucked her little sister up the ass, sensuously stroking back and forth and twisting her wrist for added friction. Then she withdrew, leaving that hot little bunghole puckering open and closed in unfulfilled frustration.

“Please… more,” Natalie shamelessly begged. Jenny gave a momentary glance back at Pepper, but the stallion seemed content to simply observe the lesbian foreplay between the two sisters for the moment. She slipped her middle finger into her mouth, savoring the alluring taste of her sibling’s sweet ass. A momentary detour wouldn’t be so bad, she rationalized, sinking to her knees behind Natalie’s exposed rear end. After all, if a girl couldn’t take a few minutes to rim out her little sister’s asshole, then life had simply become too hectic. Her hot breath washed across that tender ass crack. Exploring fingers gripped firmly onto fleshy cheeks, spreading them wide open. Natalie shivered with expectation, goosebumps rising on her flesh.

With a muffled purr of satisfaction, Jenny leaned in and pressed her lips firmly to Natalie’s quivering asshole. The tight rectal gateway responded passionately to the lewd kiss, fluttering open in eager invitation. Jenny’s tongue slipped easily inside, digging deep and then retreating to run a sensual circle inside that muscular rimmed opening. The little brunette squirmed, her thighs beginning to quiver. But To her dismay, her older sister all too quickly tugged her wonderfully wriggling tongue from the grasping confines of her shitter, stalling out the impending orgasm that threatened to erupt from deep within her rectal tract. “No…” she whimpered. But Jenny had already stood up, absentmindedly brushing the dust from her knees.

“Pepper! Come on!” Jenny called. The stallion raised his head from the grass, his interest perked. Sensing that some sort of horsey treat was in store, he pranced over with an eager expression on his long equine face.

“Up, Pepper, up!” Jenny instructed, tapping her hand on the surface of the boardwalk. The stallion surveyed the situation, unsure why he should make the difficult climb onto the elevated wooden deck. But then he snorted. The delicious smell of wet pussy was overpowering now that both of those sweet little cunts were fully exposed. And the realization suddenly struck him that young girl bent over the raised platform seemed poised in an ideal position for mounting. He reared up, and with a heavy clomp landed his front hooves on the boardwalk. “Good boy!” Jenny praised, kneeling down and guiding her little sister into place directly underneath the powerful beast. The stallions twitching erection lay heavily on Natalie’s back, dribbling a slippery trail of slippery fluid.

Urging the stallion to take a hopping step in reverse, Jenny was able to get a firm grip on his cock and bring that monstrous shaft to bear. She worked the huge flared head up and down the length of Natalie’s tight little fuck slot. Those eager pussy lips glowed a rosy pink, ruffled and splayed open in eager anticipation. More vaginal lubrication drained out, multiple strands dangling as thick droplets dripped into the dirt. The girl’s hips swiveled, then pressed back. She groaned, feeling the flared head of Domino’s huge black cock begin to pry her open.

But then a crafty smile crossed Jenny’s lips. She tugged the burrowing cock head from the spread lips of Natalie’s little pussy, resulting in a groan of frustration. She angled the stallion’s hard cock slightly upward, and with a wet slap, it popped right into the indented dimple surrounding her sister’s ass.

“Oh, Jenny, I don’t…” the petite brunette began to protest.

The stallion however found the perfect fit of his cock head into the dimple of Natalie’s butthole to have an irresistible appeal. He lunged forward. The girl squealed, feeling an incredible stretching sensation. Her butt cheeks clenched, but her eager little shitter had a mind of its own, puckering back and forth in a flutter and then straining open just enough to let the stallion’s pulsating cock head squeeze inside.

Pepper paused, unsure. The little fuck tunnel he had prodded into seemed impossibly tight. But as it clenched and rippled around his cock, it sure felt like a fuckable pussy. His massive cock shaft stood poised and ready, twitching with every heartbeat. Natalie’s anus throbbed in return, transmitting the vibrations of her pounding pulse back up through the length of the horse’s prick.

Jenny broke the impasse. “Pepper, Giddy-up!” she urged, accompanied by an encouraging slap on the beast’s rump. The stallion responded, thrusting with his powerful haunches. Natalie let out a lustful howl, squirming as six inches of hard horse cock plowed into her ass. The gripping tightness of her bowels dragged the beast to a halt. He drew back. Natalie hissed as a sensational burning friction arose in her clutching rectum. Her thighs trembled and the orgasm that Jenny’s wriggling tongue had earlier teased almost to completion finally boiled over. An impassioned scream burst from Natalie’s lips and she urgently thrust her hips backwards towards her equine lover. Pepper responded to fulfill the girl’s lustful need, lunging forward and sinking a full nine inches of horse cock into her quivering bowels. At the peak of his fuck-thrust, Natalie squealed again, rising up on her toes in an instinctive but futile attempt to evade the full depth of his penetration. But when the stallion pulled back and thrust again, she eagerly responded, grinding her hips as she strained to take him in. When the huge fleshy cock shaft shuddered to a halt, an added inch of penetration had been achieved. Panting desperately, Natalie cried out with passion as Pepper once again pulled back. Tears of joy streamed down the young girl’s cheeks. She bit her lower lip and shamelessly bucked her hips back to once more meet the ass-wrecking fuck stroke.

Watching her little sister’s ass cheeks quiver with the impact, Jenny nodded with approval at Natalie’s obscenely stretched rear portal. In no uncertain terms, that girl sure liked to butt-fuck. The stallion snorted, burying himself ever deeper into her tight little rectal pucker. The situation seemed well in hand, so Jenny turned her full attention to Domino, the spotted palomino.

Next to the boardwalk lay several rectangular hay bales, artfully arranged to add old west ambiance of the town. Struggling with the weight, Jenny managed to align two of the bales end to end, and then stacked two more bales on top, creating a narrow, make-shift bed. She lay back on the scratchy surface, judging it about right to elevate her to a height matching the underbelly of the horse. The bales seemed narrow enough for Domino to easily straddle them, hopefully placing the naked girl belly to belly under the powerful stallion.

The palomino watched with cautious interest, cautious of the girl’s inexplicable antics. But the alluring scent of wet pussy beckoned him. He gave a jealous glance towards Pepper, watching the lucky appaloosa hammering his cock like a machine into the little brunette’s eager asshole. Although possessed of only animal intelligence, the neglected spotted stallion could work the simple math. His was the one cock remaining unattended, and there was a girl with a sweet-smelling cunt stretched out before him. With a toss of his head, he threw caution to the wind and trotted over to her.

“Good Boy!” Jenny encouraged. With a couple of tugs of the reins, she managed to maneuver the stallion into position, straddled over her prone form. Used to mounting his fillies from behind, Domino was confused by this unnatural position. But as Jenny reached up and wrapped her fingers around his cock, the nervous lashing of his tail grew calmer. He recalled the touch of those talented fingers from earlier. Maybe the girl was going to jack him off again, which seemed like a prize-winning idea. Domino was all for enjoying a second helping. But the girl squirmed underneath him, the erect nipples of her firm tits tickling her furry belly. She maneuvered his rigid cock into position, pressing the slippery wet head into the fleshy folds between her legs. Domino quivered at the sensation. Despite the lack of female equine haunches to properly mount, the stallion recognized the unmistakable sensation of wet, warm pussy. He gave an experimental push. The head of his cock nosed deeper into the inviting pink fuck slot and the girl moaned in response. His ears twitched and he gave a quiet nicker. Although much tighter than a horse pussy, there was no doubt that his cock was plowing into juicy cunt. The only question that remained was whether the fit would prove too tight.

The stallion adjusted his stance and thrust, forcing a grunt of satisfaction from the girl beneath him. Several inches of thick cock plowed its way into that tiny twat. Jenny gasped. Despite any mental preparations, no girl can fully anticipate the incredible stretching sensation the first time she gets a good horse-fucking. She spread and raised her legs, wrapping her toned thighs and calves around the stallion’s lower flanks from below. She reached up, taking a firm hold of the front saddle strap that looped under the horse’s belly.

Domino interpreted the pressure of Jenny’s heels digging into his flanks as a sure sign she was spurring him to action. Eager to comply, drew back and responded with a powerful thrust. Sixteen inches of throbbing horse cock hammered into the blonde girl’s juicy twat in a single, savage stroke. Her cry of fear transformed into a lustful squeal of delight as her steamy cunt was stretched beyond all normal limits. The stallion’s heavy balls slapped up against the creamy flesh of Jenny’s ass, sending her puckered asshole into convulsive, puckering fit. Domino drew back, feeling the girl’s pussy lips distend outwards, lovingly clutching at his retreating prick. Frothing vaginal lubrication poured from her over-stuffed pussy, coating her inner thighs and trickling down into the exposed crack of her ass. The palomino thrust and Jenny bucked her hips in response, matching her equine lover’s motion as she clamped her legs down tight around his flanks. The rigid cock plowed deep, plundering the limits of Jenny’s juicy twat and nosing its way into her womb. More lubrication frothed from her straining pussy as the stallion bottomed out, his swinging nut sack once again slapping hard against the tender flesh around Jenny’s quivering asshole.

Settling into a frantic pace, the stallion began to brutally pound the blonde girl’s tight little pussy. The burning friction of that sweet fuck tunnel was incredible, and already he felt an urgent sensation begin to build up in his aching balls. The pretty blonde clung to the stallion desperately, riding him from below. She clenched her jaw, stopping her teeth from clacking together under each of Domino’s powerful fuck-thrusts. She mewled with delight, squirming on the itchy hay bales. The jolting, full-length thrusts of equine cock into her twat became a cunt-wrecking blur. Her hips seemed to buck of their own accord, meeting each of the stallion’s movements in a perfect choreography of shameless, beastial lust.

A lustful squeal from Natalie momentarily drew Jenny from her trance. When she had left her sister, it was entirely unproven just how much of the appaloosa’s eighteen inch cock could be stuffed up the young girl’s tender asshole. But as Pepper’s massive balls whacked up against the glistening, ruffled lips of Natalie’s dripping pussy, the answer became clear. Every last glorious inch of the stallion’s huge prick was spiked up into the hot, clutching depths of that amazing little shitter. Natalie’s thighs trembled and her knees buckled as her orgasm took hold. But supported by her torso on the boardwalk, and the brutal insertion of horse cock up her ass, the girl was free to simply go limp, twitching helplessly as orgasmic spasms convulsed through her ass and pussy.

The frantic spasms of Natalie’s rippling rectal passage drove the appaloosa over the brink. He neighed with excitement and thrust hard, raising the little brunette’s feet several inches off the ground. Then his balls pulled up tight and the deeply buried head of his cock shaft flared wide. A seething explosion of churning stallion cum fountained into the depths of Natalie’s bowels. Her tummy swelled as a second orgasmic blast spewed from Pepper’s huge black cock. He pulled back full length, her straining asshole bulging outward as it clutched desperately at the head of the stallion’s prick. Muscles rippling, Pepper hammered back into her shitter as his nut sack contorted once again. With her guts already pumped full to the brim with cum, the flood of stallion sperm erupted from her quivering asshole as the massive cock shaft was once more buried to the hilt. A flood of frothing equine sperm rolled in thick, sticky sheets down her inner thighs, splattering into a quickly growing puddle between her wide-spread legs.

Panting, Natalie turned her head to the side as she lay upon the boardwalk. Her body jolted with the impact as Pepper drew back again and plowed in deep, his cock spewing more frothy goodness into every nook and cranny of her rectal cavity. Another stroke back, followed by yet another cum-spewing thrust, the stallion seemed inexhaustible. The petite brunette shuddered through another orgasmic fit, drool draining from her slack lips as she absorbed lunge after lunge in a numbing, ass-fucking blur.

In a daze of lustful satisfaction, Natalie’s eyes struggled open as Pepper continued to pound her puckered asshole. As if in a dream, she took in the sight of the back end of Domino, mercilessly fucking… someone. Natalie blinked, trying hard to focus. The details swam into view. Riding the stallion from below were two widely stretched and shapely legs. Her sister’s distinctive blonde tresses spilled out to the side from underneath the frantically fucking equine. Between the stallion’s rear legs, Natalie could just make out the rapidly bucking movement of Jenny’s naked hips. Domino was hammering that pussy like a pile driver and the girl was matching him thrust for thrust. A muffled squeal of girlish delight arose from underneath the stallion. The huge horse balls slapped hard against Jenny’s naked ass, and each time Domino withdrew, Natalie could clearly make out Jenny’s gaping asshole, pulsating open and closed in the throes of orgasmic passion. Domino plunged deep into her ravished twat, causing the thrashing blonde to shriek with delight. His balls contracted, released, and then drew up tight again. He pulled back and then thrust once more, his twitching nut sack relentless in its frantic convulsions. Jenny’s womb filled to the brim, then overflowed, cramping her belly as the pressure continued to build. Then a cascade of foaming horse cum boiled out of Jenny’s obscenely stretched cunt, an unstoppable tidal surge erupting like a geyser. Drenched in a flood of cum over her trim belly and upper thighs, Jenny thrashed as another orgasm gripped her, a flood of pussy juices mingling with the overflow of equine sperm. Domino continued to thrust, his flanks heaving with exertion until he finally drained his balls to the last spurt. Shaking his head, the stallion stepped back, dragging his spent prick out of the gaping wreckage of Jenny’s pretty pussy. His dripping cock slowly softening, the stallion wandered off a few paces, still heaving to regain his breath.

Finally Pepper also had enough. He reared up, pushing off with his front hooves from the elevated boardwalk. His weakening cock rod popped free of Natalie’s abused little pooper with a wet pop, causing the girl to grunt as if she had been gut-punched. Her once-tight rectal pucker had been reamed into a widely flared portal, twitching as it struggled to close back down. Wads of syrupy horse cum drained from her ass, running down her inner thighs in thick, incriminating rivulets.

After a while, both exhausted girls struggled to stand, weak knees threatening to collapse underneath them. But a glance at the two stallions revealed their task had been accomplished. Pepper and Domino calmly grazed nearby, their limp cocks slowly drawing back up into their fleshy sheaths. The two mounts could now safely be led down the narrow, winding trail back to the ranch. They retrieved their discarded clothing, wriggling their way back into the cum-drenched garments.

Suddenly a commotion drew the attention of the two girls. They turned, horrified to see a group of hikers standing nearby. An older man in a wide straw hat leered at them with a toothy grin. His irate wife slapped ineffectively at his arm, being ignored while she indignantly demanded that the man stop his shameless gawking. Two young men stood in stunned silence, their jaws agape at the obscene acts they had just witnessed. A young Asian girl stood wide-eyed. In her native language, she whispered tensely to her female companion. “I TOLD you we should have signed up for the horse tour,” she insisted. The other girl gulped and nodded in agreement. “We are SO doing that tomorrow,” she replied.

For Jenny and Natalie, it was a long walk of shame back down the trail to the ranch. They tried to encourage the group of hikers to go first. All but the irate wife refused. She stalked off down the trail in a huff. With sunset looming, Jenny and Natalie finally had no choice but to lead their horses down the trail with the rest of the hikers in tow. The girls could feel the judging eyes upon them every step of the way, and giggling whispers dogged their every step. But the two girls didn’t care. They had another full week to spend at the ranch, and were already making plans.

“There’s a self-guided horse tour we can take tomorrow,” Natalie suggested under her breath, recalling seeing the option in a brochure.

“All day, just us, alone with the horses?” Jenny inquired in a hush, raising an eyebrow with interest.

“All. Day.” Natalie assured her sister with a grin. “A very long, very hard day…”

Panties and a Cropped Tank Top 0 (0)


This is a almost completely true story of unintended and uncontrollable urges and desires that come to the surface when a situation you never expected arises.

Katie couldn’t sleep. It was late and the rain was keeping her up. She wasn’t worried about being up late as it was a Saturday during the summer and her mom, who was more strict than her dad, was away for the week.

Katie slipped from her soft sheets and walked to her window to look at the rain for a moment. She put in her earbuds and started a playlist. After a moment, Katie went to grab her light robe but stopped and decided it wasn’t necessary. Her mom who was the night owl wasn’t home and she felt like breaking the rules, since she couldn’t be caught because her dad was a notoriously early to bed person. Katie pulled her hair back into a pony tail and opened her door.

It felt exhilarating as Katie stepped from her room in only her panties and a thin fabric cropped tank top. Her entire stomach from just below her perky boobs to her panties was exposed. Barefoot she walked down the hall then down the stairs to the kitchen. Her mom would have frowned on her being out of her room in just her panties. Her mom would definitely flipped out if she had see her in the cropped tank top. Katie had cut it down herself and had taken a bit too much off. The tank top just barely covered her perky b-cups, and when she reached up too much the top slipped up and over her young tits, exposing them. If she leaned over too far the top would also slip up and exposer her. She felt excited about that did and loved that she was pulling a fast on on her mom.

It was dark downstairs, with the only light being from a few nightlights. Katie walked by the opening to the living room to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator door and looked in for something, but she didn’t really know what she wanted. She stood looking until the refrigerator beeped at her, notifying her the door had been open too long.

Nick’s eyes fluttered open as he heard the beeping for the refrigerator. After a moment he realized he had fallen asleep on the living room sofa. The TV had automatically turned off. It was dark, except for the light from the kitchen. “What the hell,” Nick said to himself quietly as he wondered how the refrigerator door had been left open and for how long. He slowly turned his head to look out from the side or the sofa to see into the kitchen.

Nick’s eyes widened at what he saw. His young teen daughter was standing in front of the refrigerator in only her panties and a very shortly cropped tank top. Katie’s panties were thin cotton, pink with white stripes, bikini cut with thin string sides. They were snug on her ass. Nick blinked a few times to help better focus on what he was seeing. Then Katie bent over a bit to look in the bottom of the refrigerator. Nick’s heart beat faster as he saw how Katie’s panties hugged her as she bent over. He couldn’t help but look and see how the thin fabric hugged and outlined her pussy from behind.

Nick couldn’t help but to keep looking. His mind wasn’t thinking of Katie as his daughter, but rather as any of number or girls that he’d fantasized about seeing like this. It seemed harmless enough to look, to let his imagination run a bit. A moment later Katie turned, straightened up and reached into a cupboard above her. As she did, her tiny cropped top slipped up and over over her perky b-cups. Nick swallowed hard and adjusted his position on the sofa to better see. “Fuck,” he muttered quietly as he saw Katie’s exposed tits, so perfect.

Katie reached up and grabbed a bag of chocolate chips from the top shelf of the cupboard. She felt her top slip up over her tits, but she didn’t care. If felt good to let it happen, to quietly rebel against her mom’s prudish nature. She set the chips down when a song she liked came on in her earbuds. She started to dance a bit in the kitchen to the song. Her top still up over her perky tits. She turned and moved her hips to the song. She closed her eyes and let her body move to the music.

Nick couldn’t help but stare. “Fuck” he muttered as he watching his teen daughter moving. He turned a bit more to watch at a better angle. Nick felt his cock thickening. It felt good. Then his cock twitched as he saw Katie turn, her perky tits exposed. Instinctively, his had moved to his pants. He pressed his hand against his cock as he looked from his daughters perfect tits down her firm flat stomach to how her panties hugged her.

Nick for a moment thought he shouldn’t be looking, and most certainly shouldn’t be getting hard looking. Then Katie lifted her arms up as she danced to the music from her earbuds. As she did, her top move up even higher. Her tits totally display as she moved, slightly moving as she moved. Nick’s mind in that moment erased his thoughts that he shouldn’t be looking, and in that moment he had a very dirty thought, an image that jumped into his mind. An image and feeling he quickly squashed. He turned away from her. “Fuck me,” he whispered to himself as he pondered that flashing moment. The image was of him pushing his hard cock into his daughter’s pussy, the thought of how tight her pussy would feel.

After a few moments and a few breaths, Nick turned to look back into the kitchen.

Katie was still in the midst of her song. She rolled her young hips as she danced, her arms still up in the air, her perky tits still exposed. Katie felt free. She loved that she was dancing like she was. She liked that she was doing it in the kitchen in what she was wearing, in defiance of her mom’s conservative nature. Katie knew what she looked like dancing. She knew that if someone were to see her it would be scandalous. She loved it.

Nick stared. His eyes tracing up and down his daughter’s young body. He looked up her smooth legs to her waist, to how her panties hugged her. He look right at her pussy, looked at how her panties were snug on it and outlined it. Then he looked up her firm fit stomach to her exposed tits. Again his had moved down to his pants. He grabbed and squeezed his cock through his pants as he watched. Then he froze when he looked up from his daughters chest to see her eyes open and to see her looking right at him.

Katie froze as she saw her dad on the sofa looking at her. She saw how he looked up her legs to her panties then to her exposed chest. Then when their eyes met she exclaimed, “Oh fuck!” and quickly mover her hands to cover her chest. She swallowed nervously as she stood still holding her boobs.

Nick exclaims, “Oh shit Katie!” He flinches, his cock twitches. He tries to look Katie in the eyes, to not letting them slip down.

Katie bites her lips softly as she stands still in the kitchen with her dad looking at her. She shifts one hand to pull her cropped top down to cover her chest, then she takes out her earbuds and says, “Dad!”

Nick replies, “Shit honey, I’m sorry. You surprised me.”

Katie seeing the guilty look on her dad’s face and asks, “How long have you been watching?”

Nick hesitates, then says. “Um, not long.” Nick immediately couldn’t believe he has said that, that he had admitted to watching her. A subliminal desire in him wanted her to know he was looking at her.

Katie’s mouth drops open a bit as she hears her dad’s response. Her mind races with the thought that her dad had been watching her dance in her panties, with her chest exposed.

Katie blushes, an uncontrollable smile creeps on her face. She doesn’t know why, but she can’t stop it. She looks to her dad and she sees his eyes drop down to her panties then back up to her eyes. “Dad!” she says with the wide smile still on her face.

Nick curses to himself for having let his eyes wander back down to Katie’s panties. He just couldn’t resist. Something in him wanted her to know he was looking at her like that. Nick says, “Fuck honey, fuck, Um I .. um. “ He pauses then says, “Shit.”

Katie, smiling wide at her dad’s awkwardness, says, “What’s the matter, daddy?” ‘Shit’, Katie says to herself for having added “daddy” to her question. Her mind lost in a situation she had no idea how to deal with.

Nick hearing Katie say ‘daddy’ makes his mind slip father into thoughts he shouldn’t be having. Part of him wants to get out of the conversation and situation, but another parts wants to push the situation further. He can’t help but answer her teasing question. “Your dressed um. It’s too hard not too.” Nick mutters trying to put a sentence together.

“Am I dressed bad?” Katie asks, then adds, “Should I put something else on?” She bites her lip again.

Nick can’t stop his eyes from wandering down again then back up. “No.” Nick says. The only word he can get out. He instantly wonders if he’s said the wrong thing.

Katie’s heart is pounding. Her hormones are rising. Her thoughts moving to places she has never been to before. “So, do you like what I am wearing?” Katie says wondering, hoping he’ll say yes. But know knowing why she wants to hear that answer.

“Yes.” Is all Nick can say. Then he lets his eyes wander down. He looks down to Katie’s barely covered chest, then down her firm fit stomach to her snug panties then back up. “Yes.” He says again.

Katie, feeling the exhilaration of being looked at like her dad just did, asks, “What do you like about it?”

“Everything.” Nick says and looks her up and down again.

“Tell me, I want know what about what I have on that you like.”

Nick takes a breath and says, “Honey, I don’t think. I shouldn’t say anything else.”

“It’s ok daddy, I want to know. Please tell me.”

“Honey, please don’t ask me that anymore.” Nick says.

“Why daddy?”

“Katie, you don’t understand what goes on in a man’s head when he sees a, ah, and then starts too. um..” He stops not wanting to say the words he’s left out of his answer.

Katie smiles, “Dad, I’m not a little kid, I think I have an idea, I just want to know what you think. You can say what you think.”

“Oh honey, I don’t think you really want know what men think when they look at a girl like you.”

“I really want to know daddy. I want to know what you were thinking when you were looking at ‘a girl like you.’”

“Honey, oh god. Oh fuck.” Nick mutters as he starts to lose control of his restraints.

Katie can’t help but take advantage of the moment and the word her dad just used. “Is that what you think about when you at girls like me. What you were thinking about when you were looking at me?”

Nick’s eyes focus on Katie’s he takes a moment to let what she just said to sink in. He then look his daughter up and down again, this time pausing for a long stare at her panties before looking up to her eyes. He moans, “yes.”

Nick immediately regrets having admitted that. He quickly says, “I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t really think that. It’s just that when a man sees a girl that looks like you, dress like you are, and well with your chest exposed. It’s too much for a man to resist.”

Katie’s hormones are overriding all her restraints her moral compass. She says, “So if you saw me again like that, you’d have those thoughts again?” Katie then pulls her top up exposing her perky perfect b-cups.

Nick sits up. His eyes locked on his daughter’s perfect chest. “Oh fuck baby, stop that or I’m going to lose control of my thoughts and what I say.”

Katie is totally out of control with her thoughts too. The exhilaration and control she feels is overwhelming. She pulls her top off and drops it, “Is this better?” Katie’s perfect b-cups are totally exposed.

Nick stands up now. The bulge in his pants obvious. He stares at Katie as she stands in just her panties. He stares at her tits then looks up and down her body. He moans, “This is your last warning Katie.”

Katie bites her lip then says, “I think I was doing this when you were looking at me.” Katie then starts moving her hips side to side then around. She lifts her arms up and moves her body, turning a circle.

Nick give up on his last bit of restraint. His hormones and desires overriding all concerns. “Oh, you fucking little cunt.” He moans deeply.

Katie eyes widen and her mouth drops in surprise and excitement at hearing her dad talk like that, about her. She plays off the word he used like she had before. “Sorry your little girl is such a ‘fucking little cunt.’” She says in a teasing voice. Katie continues to dance slowly her arms up.

“You wanted to know what I was thinking. Well, let me give you a clue as to what I am fucking thinking.” Nick pulls his shirt off. Then undoes his belt and pants. He pushes them down along with his boxers, exposing his hard thick cock to his teen daughter.

Nick stands naked and tells his daughter, “Look at my cock you little fucking cunt.”

Katie’s heart it racing, pounding in her chest. She looks, stares, at her dad’s big hard cock. Her eyes flash up to her dad’s eyes. They are wild with a look she hasn’t seen before. She moves her hips again in a slow circle.

Nick, wild with energy, moves to Katie, picks her up by her hips and sits her down on the kitchen table. Katie gasps with excitement, her yes flashing wide again. Her dad ordering her in a deep commanding voice. “Lay back.”

Katie lays back on the table, her legs dangling at the knees off the edge of the table. Nick reaches down and lifts her feet up onto the table so her knees are bent up as she lays back. “Lift up your hips.” He says in a controlling tone.

Katie, lifts her hips up a bit. Her heart thumping with exhilaration and anxiety as to what is happening. Her dad reaches down and grabs her panties and pulls them down, exposing her smooth bald pussy. Nick moans, “Oh fuck baby, that’s what I wanted to see all night.” He continues pulling her panties down and off her legs. He holds them in his hand and puts then to his nose and and takes deep breath in.

Katie blushes and asks, “Do you like how my pussy smells?”

Nick smiles and sets the panties aside and says, “Your pussy smell good.”

“So is that all you were thinking about earlier, when you were watching me? You were just thinking about what my pussy smells like?” Katie asks, teasing him.

“Oh, I think we’ve already covered what I was thinking.” Nick says in a low tone.

Katie slowly spread her legs, sliding her feet along the edge of the table, totally exposing her pussy to her dad. “Were you imagining me doing this.” She teases more.

Nick looks right at his teen daughter’s perfect pussy. “Oh, you fucking cunt. I warned you.” Nick then steps between her legs. He grabs her young hips and holds them tight as he rests his hard cock on her stomach above her pussy. Precum drips on her stomach.

Katie lifts her hips every so slightly, instinctively. Nick pulls his cock back and lets the tip slip into position on his daughter’s pussy. “This is what I was thinking when I was watching you.” Nick pushed the tip into his daughter’s pussy.

Katie grips the edge of the table as she feels his tip push in. Her pussy resisting. She arches back and moans, “Oh god.”

Nick moans as he pushes the tip of his cock into his daughter, “Oh fuck Katie, you’re tight.” He moans in pleasure and excitement. His hands clenching her hips as he pushes more. Katie flinches and yelps a muted yelp. Nick knows in that moment he is taking her virginity. He is the first to push into her pussy. He moans, “Oh fuck yes. Fuck yes.” He looks to his daughter’s eyes and says, “I’m going to fuck you now.”

Katie whimpers a low moan and arches back again as her dad pushes his cock deeper into her pussy. She looks down her body to see her dad’s hips pressed between her legs. She looks to see he isn’t all the way in her. She groans in pleasure and some discomfort, “Make me take it all.”

Nick’s thought are only on his own pleasure, the knowledge he is inside his virgin daughter. Then he hears her say, ‘Make me take it all.’ It is a dream come true. Nick pulls back a bit and then thrusts in hard and deep, forcing all of his cock into his teen daughter’s pussy. He moans, “Oh fuck yes. Take my cock you fucking little cunt.” Katie groans loud as her dad’s cock fills her, the tip smashing into her cervix.

Nick can’t believe how tight his daughter’s pussy is gripping his cock. He knows he won’t last long. He needs to know he’s fucked her good before he cums. Nick pulls back and thrust in again and again fast and hard. He moans with each thrust into Katie’s tight pussy. “This is want I was thinking about when I was watching you Katie. I was thinking about fucking you. About pushing my hard cock into your tight little cunt.”

Nick pants and begins to tremble. Thrusting in one last time, he says, “I was thinking about fucking you. I was thinking about making you take my cock.” Nick moans with another deep thrust, “And I was thinking about how it would feel to cum inside your tight little pussy.” Nick then moans loud as his cock begins pulsates inside his teen daughter’s pussy. Nick moans with each pulse of his cock, knowing that with each one he is shooting a stream of his cum inside his daughter’s pussy. Nick is cumming in his teen daughter.

Katie feels her dad trembling. She feels his cock pulsating and she knows her dad is cumming inside her. Her pleasure is overwhelming. Knowing her dad is cumming in her is too much for her. She tenses up and grips the edge of the table tighter. She trembles as she cums. She moans, “OHHh ohhh oh daddy. oh daddy.” Her body tense and flexed as an orgasm overwhelms her. “Yes, daddy!” She moans loud.

Nick finishes cumming to his daughter moaning ‘Yes, daddy.’ He looks down at her on the table, his cock buried inside her pussy. Nick smiles at her. She smiles back. He say, “You are going to wear that outfit every day your mom isn’t home.”

The end.




Disclaimer: I do not own American Pie or BtVS. This is not for money. It is just for fun.



It was almost a week since Michelle Flaherty had arrived in Sunnydale. Or more exactly, awoke in Sunnydale. One night she went to sleep in band camp. The next, she woke up all alone in a strange lonely house.

At first she was very disconcerted to be in a strange place. But when Buffy Summers turned up that same morning to see ‘Willow’, Michelle realised that she was in Willow Rosenberg’s house in Sunnydale. Michelle was initially quite excited at that thought. Of course, Michelle knew all about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She watched the TV series after all. For once she would have cool friends and get to know hunks like Angel and Xander.

Michelle had managed to fit in with Buffy and her friends quite easily. Michelle was of course genetically identical to Willow and shared some of Willow’s personality traits. So, for the most part they didn’t seem to notice that Willow had been replaced by Michelle. And when Michelle made the odd slip by referring to ‘band camp’ or talked about ‘boning’, she managed to excuse herself by saying she was tired or not feeling well. They seemed to accept that.

She hoped that she would be able to bone Angel or Xander while she was there. But they were all so in love with Buffy that the never looked at poor horny little Michelle; or should she say Willow. Just as well Michelle still had her flute with her.

She thought it would be fun to hang round with Buffy and the gang. But in reality it was so boring. All work work work. It was all investigating demons and having to sit up all night in grave yards until Buffy dusted the vamp she was waiting for. All so boring and predictable.

Not that the investigation was completely useless. Michelle had learned from the notes in Willow’s electronic diary that Willow had been investigating some artefact that could cause inter-dimensional transference. Michelle guessed that Willow had somehow activated the artefact, causing her and Michelle to switch places. Michelle had read up on the artefact and discovered that the effect only lasted a week. Fortunately, that week was almost up.

Apart from that, the diary was a very interesting source of information. Michelle had learned a few interesting things about Willow from it.

One; that Willow had the hots for Xander. No surprise there.

Two; that she also had the hots for Angel, which was slightly unexpected. Although, Michelle could completely understand that having spent time with the gorgeous brooding so-boneable hunk.

And three; that Willow was clearly a rampant rug-munching lesbian in denial. It was obvious that Willow obviously had the hots for Buffy from the way she described in minute detail everything Buffy said, did and wore. And that meant literally everything.

The fact that Willow was a lesbian confused Michelle at first. After all, in the 3 seasons of BtVS Michelle had watched, there was no sign that Willow was a rug-muncher. Well except perhaps episode 16 ‘Doppelgangland’. But even that wasn’t conclusive. Michelle wondered if it would be explained in the upcoming fourth season. Perhaps everything would come out of the closet then.

Of course, Willow also wrote a load of mumbo-jumbo about her favourite subject which was witchcraft, demons and the occult in general. And that was a subject about which Michelle had absolutely no interest. At least, not unless it involved rustling up a spell or a demon that would get Michelle a good boning. Unfortunately, Willow had been too prudish to address that in her diary up to now. So there was not even any joy in that department for poor horny Michelle.

So it was with a good amount of frustration that Michelle went to bed on that Wednesday night. She knew she would have only one more day in Sunnydale. It was so boring in there. With no boning from Xander or Angel on the cards, she was happy to be going home at last. With that in her thoughts, she settled down under the covers with her flute.

At first Michelle didn’t answer the phone the first two times it rang. She was playing one of her favourite pieces on her flute and didn’t want to stop. But when it rang the third time she decided that she had better answer it after all.

Michelle knew it would be Buffy phoning about some crisis that had to be resolved. But from reading Willow’s diary, Michelle knew that Buffy had a tendency to cry wolf a lot when it came to crises. For every one that was a genuine threat to humanity, there were ten that involved a cat being stuck up a tree. Although, admittedly, the cat was usually running away from a vampire.

But still, one vampire and a pussy cat was not a very good reason to get Michelle out her bed at 2am on a Thursday morning. Especially when Michelle’s own pussy was in the middle of getting a good seeing to with her flute. That was very frustrating.

However, despite everything, Michelle did not want to let Buffy down. Buffy and the scoobies had been nice to her. So with a little reluctance, Michelle picked up the ringing phone with a sigh of resignation.

“Hello. Mich… I mean Willow here.” Said Michelle, hoping she had corrected herself in time.

“Its Buffy!.” Said a frantic voice on the other side of the line. “There are dozens of vampires attacking the library.”

Michelle rolled her eyes and shook her head. Knowing Buffy, dozens of vampires really meant they had found another startled hamster. They probably just wanted Willow to go to the library to do some mundane task on the computer that anyone else with half a brain could do. It was probably another false alarm.

“Go and find Angel in the cemetery and come quick. They’re swarming all over us.” Buffy spoke quickly before hanging up.

Michelle didn’t really want to go to the library. She found all the talk about vampires and demons dull. It was Buffy’s training session tonight and Michelle was hoping she would get the night off. But no such luck.

No doubt that old pervert Giles would be telling the lycra clad Buffy to perform various pointless, but clearly erotic exercises, such as standing upside down on one hand with her legs spread so wide that her feet touched the floor. Talk about a camel-toe. However, Michelle did admit to herself that the exercise where Buffy rapped her legs behind her own neck and buried her face in her own pussy could be potentially very useful. Very useful indeed.

Now Michelle thought about it, it was no wonder rug-munching Willow, and indeed Xander, loved going to the library so much. Indeed, the reason was obvious.

However, Michelle was not interested in going to the library. But she was quite happy to go and see Angel. So she put on her make-up, her lipstick, her fishnet stockings, her sexiest underwear, her high heels and the shortest skirt she could find, before leaving her house to look for him.

It didn’t take her long to find him. As usual he was brooding on a park bench, his head in his hands, sobbing his eyes out.

Michelle sat beside him and put her arm round his broad shoulder, caressing the hard muscles of his vampiric back.

“What’s wrong Angel?” Asked Michelle sincerely. It made her so horny to see Angel so sad.

Angel continued sobbing like a blubbing baby.

“You know when I was sad at band camp.” Said Michelle, hugging Angel closer. “I used to play my flute to cheer me up.”

Angel sobbed even more as if the mention of band camp had resulted in burning hot steel rods being plunged into his eye-balls. Obviously, it would need more than a story about band camp to cheer Angel up this time.

“It’s Buffy, isn’t it.” Sighed Michelle.

Angel nodded still sobbing like a little girl. Michelle snorted and looked up to the sky in disgust. Everything here was always about Buffy.

“Did you and Buffy almost kiss again?” Asked Michelle, turning towards him and running her hand up his inner thigh through the material of his jeans. “It must be very frustrating.”

“I love her so much.” Wept Angel pathetically. “I just want to take her in my arms and…”

“I know, I know.” Whispered Michelle, pushing herself more against Angel and brushing her hands through his gorgeous dark hair. “You want to bone her brains out.”

“But if I do, I’ll turn into that monster…”

“…Angelus.” Michelle finished the sentence for him. “I know, you’ve told me at least a thousand times.” She continued, not at all exaggerating, as she massaged Angel’s rock hard biceps.

“I don’t know what to.” He wailed pitifully.

An idea suddenly flashed in Michelle’s head like the neon sign outside a sleazy Los Angeles brothel. Perhaps she could get a boning from Angel. Perhaps this week in Buffytown wouldn’t be a complete waste of time after all.

“I know a way to ensure that you will feel guilty forever.” Said Michelle caressing Angel’s strong manly chest with one hand as she kissed him on the neck.

“But you are Buffy’s best friend.” Said Angel.

“That’s exactly my point.” Replied Michelle cheerily as she straddled Angel and began to kiss him passionately on the face and neck. “Next time you feel happy, just think of what we did tonight. That should keep bad old Angelus at bay.”

Michelle gasped as she felt Angels hands move up her thighs and felt his lips against her neck. She knew it was a bit naughty taking advantage of Angel like this. But it wasn’t the first time that Michelle had taken advantage of a nice guy she liked. After all, hadn’t she taken advantage of Jim at Stiffler’s party?

“I really don’t want to do this, Willow.” Groaned Angel as she fumbled with the zipper of his jeans. Moments later, Michelle’s boning dream with Angel started to become a reality.

“Oh, I don’t want to do it either.” Moaned Michelle with delight as she bounced up and down on Angel’s hard cock. “I’m only doing it for you and Buffy.”

Meanwhile in the library, a fifth vampire burst into dust as Buffy staked him. The dust had barely settled on the library floor before another vampire charged her and sent her sprawling. She acrobatically leapt to her feet and staked him in one nimble movement. No time for the playful drawn out fights she normally enjoyed. This was a fight for survival.

Buffy looked around the library and saw that both Giles and Xander were each struggling with a vampire. But she had no time to help them as she confronted another group of vampires charging into the room. As she grabbed the axe on the table and decapitated two vampires with one swing, there was only one thought on her mind.

Where the hell were Angel and Willow?

Michelle cried out as Angel’s vamp face leered down at her. She was lying face up on the grass with her knees up to her ears. At first, when Angel had changed into his vamp face, Michelle feared that he was going to bite her. But she soon realize it was only to bone her harder.

Angel had changed into his vamp face some time ago. He had already boned Michelle in four different positions on the bench. Now he was banging her for a fifth time on the ground. “Oh, you must really love Buffy.” Moaned Michelle, looking into Angel’s cat like vamp eyes.

This caused him to growl with rage, before continuing with more boning. Michelle could not help but admire the strength and stamina vampires had. She really was getting her full helping of Angel delight.

About the same time, Buffy was standing in a corner of the library defending the unconscious bodies of Giles and Xander. They had been knocked out in the fighting, but she had managed to save them from being killed. Luckily there had been just enough time to drag them to a defendable position before the next wave of vampires arrived.

Buffy nimbly spun the axe and the sword she was holding in each hand. A vampire charged her only to have both his arms and his head cut off in quick succession, before crashing to the floor in a shower of dust. The other six vampires facing Buffy charged her all at once. She steadied the weapons in her hands, ready to meet them. She hoped there weren’t more on the way. She didn’t know how long she could hold out. She desperately hoped that Willow and Angel would come soon.

Michelle was certainly coming and Angel was certainly holding out. Michelle moaned out loud again as Angel boned her vigorously yet again, this time against a tree. Afterwards, Angel released her and changed back into his human face.

“I feel really bad, now.” Said Angel, mournfully.

“I know, Angel. I feel really bad too.” Lied Michelle. In fact Michelle felt great. That was one of the best bonings she’d ever had in her life. Poor Buffy didn’t know what she was missing with all this Gypsy curse nonsense.

“I should go and see Buffy, now.” Said Angel turning away.

“Yes, good idea. She said some vampires were attacking the Library.” Said Michelle, tidying herself up. “But you know how much she exaggerates sometimes.”

Angel looked at her wide-eyed in shock and fear.

“No wonder there have been no vampires here tonight.” He said. “They were all at the library. We have to go now!”

Angel grabbed Michelle and they ran together towards Sunnydale High.

When Angel and Michelle arrived at the library, Buffy glared at them furiously while Xander and Giles nursed their injuries.

“Where were you?” Hissed Buffy. “We were almost killed. I only just managed to fend them off.”

Michelle and Angel looked at each other sheepishly. Michelle looked at the bedraggled state that she and Angel were in after their activities in the woods. They were dirty and sweaty and their clothes were ripped. That gave Michelle an idea.

“Vampires attacked us too.” Lied Michelle, trying to sound as terrified as possible. “Angel saved me. He dusted dozens of them. Is that not right Angel?”

Angel hesitated a moment, and then nodded, mumbling under his breath in his usual sullen brooding way.

Buffy looked at their bedraggled state and nodded in acceptance. Then she smiled and hugged Michelle warmly.

“I’m sorry what I said, Will” Said Buffy tenderly. “I know it must have been terrifying for you.”

“It’s a night I’ll never forget.” Sobbed Michelle with joy.

From the guilty brooding expression on Angel’s face, it was clear he wouldn’t forget it either. That gipsy curse would never be broken ever again.

My Wife’s First Chat 0 (0)


We are retired, enjoying life, and empty nesters. I adore my wife, as she does me, and her only concern, it appears, is to make sure I’m happy in our trophy years.

“You will not believe what your friend Fred and I got up to tonight.”

Those were the words spoken by my adorable wife Cat, as she came through the sliders from the pool.

It was 9:00 pm, early for too much mischief, and Fred lives across the Atlantic from us, where it was now 2:00 am. Recently my demure wife has been exploring the naughty side of herself, and engaging in short, flirty chats with my best friend in England. I’ve known Fred for over 10 years. We became online chat friends after meeting on a picture sharing site, where we found the greatest pleasure was sharing pictures of our nude wives.

Fred’s wife Sue, is a beautiful woman, small with a very nice figure, and wonderfully shaped breasts, tipped with small, usually hard, nipples. My wife Cat is equally beautiful, sexy in her being, modest, and has a butt I adore. Her breasts are a bit fuller but it’s her nipples that always take my breath away. When even slightly excited they become pencil eraser tops that roll on my tongue.

Cat slipped in next to me, slid my underwear off, and gently caressed my quickly hardening cock. I assented immediately to her request that I read the chat out loud, slowly, so she could hear played back what she and Fred sounded like.

It began innocently enough, but quickly escalated to a very flirty sexual chat. From Fred’s dialog I could tell he was very horny already. For years he and I have fantasized about enjoying each other’s wives in a very open, everything permitted, friendly way. He adores Cat and her body, seeming to know every intimate curve and turn. I’ve explored Sue the same way, and as I am reading the dialog to her, now Cat knows it. Not only does she know it, but embraces it, loving me, loving that she is able to please me by acknowledging my desire for a friend’s wife. I feel the same about her and Fred. I picture the two of them together, him finally able to fulfill this wish he has to sink his cock deep, deep into her. She now knows that not only to I approve, but want it, to see it, to feel it, to taste it.

Fred was nice enough to pepper his texts with pictures, again starting off with an innocent pic of Sue lying in bed, her top off. Sue and Fred are both nudists, so this has now become common; to see either of them nude. Neither Cat nor I have ever even been to a nude beach and she feels my cock harden when the picture enlarges to full screen. She squeezed me gently and told me that I hadn’t seen anything yet, there was more to come. This surprised me as they had agreed not to show any pics where just body parts were displayed, or pictures where there was active sex.

The next picture was Fred lying on his bed, with just a semi. He is a good looking professional man and has a very nice cock, uncut, about the same length as mine (neither of us are envious of the other). He and Cat would make a wonderful pair to watch. Where his cock is wider at the bottom and has a very nice girth, mine is more consistent with a larger mushroom head. Over the years we have discussed which brings more joy to our wives; his base as it stretches her pussy when he is deep inside filling her up, or the way it feels as my cock-head enters her, rubbing against her clit with each stroke. To answer this we would have to ask them to sample each and let us know.

The third picture did it. Sue was lying on her back with her legs parted just enough to put her pussy on full display, her lips slightly visible among the glorious hair. Her nipples were hard and she was wearing only a smile. Sensing my increased desire, Cat quickened her pace on my cock telling me that Sue was beautiful and she could see why I could cum just looking at her pussy. I gently took her hand away so that I could at least finish the text chats, knowing if there were many more pictures like that I would lose it.

My darling, demure, innocent wife helped Fred construct one of the horniest fantasy chats I have read. It included de***ive accounts of what each person was doing and how unlimited the possibilities for pleasure were. Cat listened with fascination as Fred described Sue sitting on my lap, reverse cowgirl, my cock deep within her, and him licking her clit, her pussy, and my cock shaft each time Sue raised or lowered herself, just keeping the head of my cock between her lips. I knew from having this fantasy with him many times the exact drawing he was describing. He and I have cum together with pictures of Sue, Cat and this drawing on the screen. It is an artwork we have shared over the years. The look of the husband as he is leaning in to lick his precious wife and his best friend’s cock is wonderful. Will he show it? Although he is filled with passion at the moment he questions whether it goes beyond the boundaries of their agreement. He doesn’t.

I don’t need it. By this time Cat’s very hard nipples have been dancing on my arm as I read from the phone. I so want to take one in my mouth but I couldn’t do it all, read, suck, cum. I will have to reread their chat in order to be able to faithfully describe the wondrous things we all did in this fantasy. I do know that Fred used the word “cocksucker” a couple of times, and always appropriate to the action. Years ago he and I agreed that word would be used as a term of endearment usually toward our wives as they took our cocks into their mouths. We did not consider it a derogatory term at all.

Bringing up the pic of Sue on my phone Cat zoomed in enough to show the parts I wanted most in the frame. Her smile, her breasts, and her pussy now her legs spread wider than before, her lips even more prominent. What? Cat and Fred were so smart to have two pictures of her in the chat (I thought it was the same one duplicated and Cat said that). This second one was more blatant, more sexual, more alluring than any I had seen of her. Cat knew this, could feel it in my cock and stroked me even more quickly. She is the most giving woman I have ever met and I knew she was enjoying my pleasure.

We have always communicated during moments like this by signal, never verbally. I respect that Cat hasn’t felt comfortable with “dirty talk” and I avoid it. Tonight she told me to please say whatever I wanted. I told her she was the most wonderful woman in the world, that I loved her dearly and how I loved looking at Sue’s pussy as she stroked my cock. How much I wanted to sink my cock into my friend’s wife and look into her eyes as she came. Fred and Cat looking on enjoying the sweet pleasure of sharing. She agreed that the picture on the screen was incredible. Finally working up the courage I asked her if she wanted to suck Fred’s cock, getting closer to cumming with every passing second. She asked if I wanted that; to see her suck my friend’s cock, and I said it would be a dream come true. For the first time ever, my sweet-shy wife said the words I wanted to hear: “I want to suck Fred’s cock” and with this simple utterance the cum shot from the head of my cock, soaking us both.

This night will go down as one of the most erotic nights of my life … and I owe it all to my wife and friend. Life is grand!