Birthday Wish Comes True 0 (0)


A young man makes the most out of his Birthday Wish.

My 18th birthday and my parents are singing. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear John, Happy birthday to you, at the end of the song my parents asked me to make a wish like they do every year. Keeping my eyes closed thinking about this all year, knowing that my last wish had come true. My first wish was to be a great painter. Knowing that my wish I made last year came true, as I can draw down to the curly hairs between ones legs with perfection. I mean that if I have seen something once for just a second, I have that image in detail stuck in my head. A few issues though, I don’t seem to be able to draw anything from the internet or what I have seen on tv. I thought it was the way I said the words maybe or what I could remember what I said, as I thought about it, what I said was, that I want to know how to draw perfectly from life’s experiences. Knowing I wanted to learn to draw, my parents had bought me all kinds of painting stuff last year, from drawing pads and pencils, canvases, easel, oil and water paints, they purchased everything I could use to paint. After I got my bedroom all setup like an art studio, I lost that spark for no known reason, I just lost it. My parents were a bit upset with me asking to see some of my work, or why are you not painting, my mother would ask and I would shrug my shoulders and I said I don’t know, I just seem to have lost interest in painting. It was sad for almost four months, I could not even pick up one pencil and sketch a picture of a flower, which by the way was my favorite thing to paint then.

It was not until one hot summer’s night when I was heading to the bathroom late after studying for a test the next day. I had to go pee and well brush my teeth so I could go to sleep, I had a test in first period, which is my history class one of my worst subjects for me I have to say. I could hear my mother and father talking, I heard mom speak out, yes harder, that’s it. Then dad said not so loud our son might hear you. Mom giggled saying our son can’t hear a thing while he is sleeping. I continue to the bathroom were I washed up for bed and did my last piss of the day. Turning off the bathroom light I started back to my room when I hear my mother yell out, fuck me John, oh yes that’s it, fuck me like a good slut I am tonight, than I hear a slap, mom yelped and dad yelled back, your thinking about fucking our son, you whore. Mom laughed out loud, saying I sure am as his dick is much bigger then your dick and you know how much I like big dicks. Dad yells out, fuck you slut I am coming hard thinking of you riding Junior’s big dick. With their door closed and the hall light turned off, I had to see what was happening inside my parent’s bedroom. I slowly turn the handle and without making a noise I push the door open just a little and there I see my mother on all fours in the middle of their bed with dad kneeling behind her fucking mom as his last ejected cum was firing off inside her pussy. Just for a second I saw them in that position, I could picture my parents in my mind’s eye clear as day, them in that position fucking. My mother’s tits swinging as dad pounded those last few times before he finished. I even saw the sweat coming off mom’s smiling face. Now neither one of my parents are athletic or in shape in any context of that word. Dad has a dad body and my mother was ok, nice large soft tits and somewhat large ass and a bit of a stomach. A typical mother in my neighborhood anyways. So I quietly closed the door and head back to my room, thinking what the fuck was that about, mom wants to fuck me?

The next morning I headed downstairs for breakfast before I had to catch the bus to school. Nothing strange from mom, she just handed me my cereal and milk and went out to the family room to watch the morning news with her coffee. Now, I never really saw my mother different than just a mom, but what I heard last night, mom and dad have a fantasy about me doing mom? Strange and weird thing as I looked harder at my mother when she was in the kitchen. I did notice now that she was not wearing a bra as her tits bounced around as she walked and if I did not know better I would think she did not have panties on either as she walked out the room to watch the news.

I finished up my breakfast fast as I was running a minute late and wanted to talk to my best friend Sue before we got to school. Running, as most morning to the bus stop I see Sue there talking with some of her girlfriends, I grab her by her arm and pulled her away saying I have to tell you something. Laughing she yelled back ok, ok, but please let go of my arm. Moving a few feet away from the pack I whispered to Sue as I caught my breath that I saw my parents last night doing it. Sue looking at me weirdly, saying, doing what in her normal voice? I said, I saw them having sex last night. So, Sue says, I have seen my parent a number of times, it is what grownups do. I know that I said, it’s not that I saw them doing it. It is I can see them in my mind every last detail of it. Like a still pictures stuck in my head. I see my dad’s small dick, mom’s breast and hip, her hair some of it wet some dry, I could if I looked long enough at this picture in my head count the number of hairs on my dad’s chest and he has a lot of hair. Asking Sue, what is wrong with me? Why do I have this picture stuck in my head? And looking into Sue’s blue gorgeous eyes asking how do I get this image out of my head. All Sue said was, your dad has a small dick, sorry for your mom. Asking again, Sue what do I do? Shaking her head not saying anything other then try not to think about that and think about your history test this morning and we can meet up after school and talk more about this stuck image you have in your head. The bus pulls up, we all jump onboard and head off to school. Eight hours later that same bus is dropping me and Sue off along with a bunch of others. When I grabbed Sue’s hand pulling her to the side asking her if she had thought about what I said this morning and if she had anything thought of what is wrong with me? She nodded her head and said yes, but we have to get to your house first and try something. We ran all the way to my house, seeing my parents both work, it was the logical place for me and Sue to go, as often we would go to my house for drinks and play my PlayStation until they get home. We put our book bags down at the door and headed up stairs where Sue grabbed a sketchbook and a drawing pencil as she is handing me these things Sue tells me to draw what I see in my mine. Nearly a hour went by before I handed the pad over to Sue. She took it and as she was looking at it she was like, in aw of the simple sketch I made. Sue looking up at me asking do you still have that scene of your parents in your head? Nodding my head saying yes, but not as strong as before, it’s still clear, but something is different, it’s hard to explain, I told Sue. Good, that’s what I thought. After third period in school today I remembered you telling me your wish of being a great painter. Your parents bought all this for you on your birthday and you told me you had this room of yours all setup and once you did, you somehow lost all interest in painting? Now, I did not believe you at the time, as all you could think about for months before your birthday was how much you loved to paint and had asked your parents for all this stuff you got, then as soon as you received all this, you lost your passion to draw. Now you were pretty good before your birthday with flowers and trees and scenes like that stuff, but you told me more than once that you could not figure out how to draw people, no matter how many times you tried. Sue turns the pad around showing me what I just drew from memory of what I saw last night, I had to shake my head, it was picture, perfect picture of my mother on all fours being fucked by my dad from behind. You could see very small details the longer I looked, I could see my mother’s pubic hairs, dad’s chest hair, the five o’clock shadow on his face, the look on my mother’s face of being satisfied, sexually.

Sue taking the pad from me asked me to draw that same picture again, but this time in water colors. Shrugging my shoulder I setup my easel and began drawing, but this time it only took about half the time thirty minutes or so to finish and when I yelled out done and stepped back, me and Sue looked at what I just finish painting, our mouths were hanging open and speechless to what we were looking at. Sue a minute later just said, WOW. Looking at me and than the drawing and back to me, shaking her head just repeating the word WOW over and over again. There was really no other word to say after looking at the water color picture I just finished. It was so clear with true color of every little detail of my parents, it was as if you could touch them, as if they were alive in that position, with those faces. It was not just them this time, as it was in the sketch pad, no, it was their bed, the rug next to the bed is in there, the color of the bed sheets and blanket hanging off the bed. Their dresser on the wall behind the bed and on the left side of the painting, I drew the edge of their bedroom door, it was a perfect picture of what I saw from where I was standing, when I saw my parents fucking.

Not more than ten minutes later I heard my parents getting home and that meant the Sue had to go. Smiling Sue rips out the page from my sketch pad and rolls it up saying she wanted it to study it for research, leaning in she kissed me on the cheek, giggled once as she turned and left my room heading home. Me, I am standing there stunned as Sue never, ever did that to me before. A minute later, waking up from that kiss I headed downstairs smiling as I greeted my parents asking about their day.

After dinner I told my dad that I had some more studying to do for math class and I was heading up early to my room. Getting back into my bedroom I locked my door, picking up the pad I started to sketch again the scene still in my head, but not so obsessed with it anymore as I was this morning. I started the sketch and before I knew it was done two minutes later? Not as detailed as the water color painting, but more of a closeup of just my mother and father nothing else. I wanted to try something, so I flip the page over the top and with a new page I thought only of my mother this time and tried to just have her there on all fours with her expression on her face as I’m seeing it in my mind. It almost worked, but for my dad was only half in the picture, from the waist down he was there. While studying the last drawing I was reviewing my picture in my head and with some time I tried to remove my father from the scene, using all kinds of ways in my minds eye, from erasers, scissors, knife and I tried in mind to paint him out with no luck. I tried once to erase him after drawing him in, but I could not do it for some unknown reason.

The next morning at the bus stop I greeted Sue as she was by herself with her girlfriends near by giggling. Standing closer to Sue than I would normally, I told Sue what I tried last night of me just drawing my mother, Sue nodded her head saying, she thought that would be the case. Looking at her as if she held all the answers. Sue went on by saying that she found out that few people in history could ever draw what I drew yesterday, Van Gogh, Picasso, Rembrandt and some others in history she stated. Sue explained that in today’s art world there seems to be no one that great. I said so, you think that those artist just wished on their birthday to be great painters and they did? Laughing as I knew something of their history, they were messed up in the head for some and not so fulfilling for others and some of their works is so abstract that no one could see those images in their brains. Sue agreed that not all could have made it with a wish, but some could have, is all she was saying and she did not find anything about birthday wishes, well strange birthday wishes being real. Sue said she had cheerleading practice after school today but wants to help me the next day. Sue suggested as the bus pulled up to try and drew objects from the internet or magazine, tv, or anything other than real life? Nodding my head letting her know I will try and to let her know what happens the next day.

Getting home from school, I headed to the home office where our only computer is I pressed the power button. While that was starting up, I headed upstairs for my drawing pad and my color pencil set this time. Then to the kitchen for a soda, snacks and back to the big soft chair behind the desk in the house office. Clicking the internet icon to get it up, I typed in women, clicking search and then I clicked images. Scrolling though the millions of photos at my disposal, not one image came to mind that seemed to stick like the one of my parents. Maybe it was the act that I remember so clearly. I typed in a porn sight I knew about and started watching some free short clips of couples, mom and son, threesomes and more, again nothing stuck. Nothing so far worked, so I closed the internet down and as I did I see a folder named Carol J. That’s the name of my dad’s secretary. Clicking on it I was denied access, as it required a password to open. Knowing my dad, he had it written down somewhere on the desk and opening the top left hand drawer there it was 1awsed2 the password. When I opened the folder there was dozens and dozens of files with each date listed as names of the file. Clicking the first one more than two dozen pictures had Carol looking up while kneeling and has my dad’s dick in her mouth. There she was in about thirty photos of her on her knees sucking my dad’s small dick. Now, she is a good looking lady in her late twenties kneeling in these photos sucking my dad’s cock. Closing that file though, I picked another file and found a movie in this one, I clicked on it and there I see dad is fucking mom from behind and Carol is getting her pussy eaten by my mom, cool I think, as I watch the threesome fucking Carol was telling my mother to be a good pussy licker for her as she is now mom’s new mistress. From now on when I need my pussy licked, Carol says, I know I can count on you Jessica as Carol directs mom in what she likes and all this time dad is just pounding away at mom’s asshole, slapping her ass and filming all of it. I closed that file once I finished watching the whole movie. Noticing the date on the file, this movie was shot over eight years ago, I scroll down and I see hundreds of files listed there by date. The last one was over a month ago. I clicked on it and see another movie clip, the movie starts with my mother on all fours with two young men from dad’s office fucking her, one with his dick in her mouth and the other fucking her from behind. I heard dad telling the men to fuck my wife good and you both will get raises next week. The one in the back pounding away at my mother’s pussy slapping her ass hard yelling out, what a slut she is and the one up front pushing his dick as far he could down her throat as she continued to gag a little, he continued to just fuck my mother’s mouth, saying that’s it whore gag on my dick like your husband told you to do. Each of the men reached down pinching my mother nipples hard to make her scream out, some from the pain they were giving her nipples, but she also seemed to enjoy the attention they paid to her tits. This went on for twenty three minutes, the young men traded places a few times as dad filmed them fucking her hard that it almost looked like a bad scene, but my mother throughout the movie kept yelling out for more and more, fuck me harder, fuck me boys. The last scene was with one man was laying down as my mother was on top bent over when the second man came up from behind and started to penetrate fucking her ass in a DP for almost the last three minutes and my mother was asking for more even then. Watching this I was a little disappointed in my mother and father to let these men fuck my mom this way, but what I also saw was that those guys seem to have small dicks compared to mine. I don’t have that big of a dick with comparing them to the guys at school, that is when we have to take showers as my lays about 4” and gets about 8” hard, I can only assume that the guys at school get just as big as mine when they are hard. The guys in this movie though could not be more then 6”, bigger than my dad, but not by much.

Thinking back to the other night when my parents had just finished fucking and saying what they said, I just now remembered my mom had walked into the bathroom once, a few weeks ago when I was in the shower stroking one out as she needed something in the closet. I yelled out for her to leave that I was still taking a shower. My mother only said she would be just a second getting something from the linen closet and she would leave. It seemed a long time to be looking for something to me, but she was only there for about 15 seconds and then she left. Things had started to make sense now when my parents where talking about me doing mom as she may never had a dick as big as mine before and they are fantasying about my big dick doing mom. I closed down the computer and head upstairs to see what I remembered and to see if I could draw anything close to my other drawings of mom and dad having sex two nights ago.

I get into my room and shut the door and head over to my bed. Laying there on my stomach with the pad in front, I start to think a lot about the first movie with mom eating Carol’s bald pussy. I start drawing Carol’s head, face, shoulders and by the time I get to her chest area it all looked like a bad scene in Mad Max. It was no good, so I ripped it out and tried the other movie scene with mom and the two guys, just as bad as the first drawing. Now, thinking about the blowjob. Carol was giving my father over eight years ago. Starting with hers eyes then her face and before I could get to the hair I was already ripping it out and throwing the sketch on the floor. I turned around and sitting up, I turned the tv on to see if that would help any in the way of my drawing. An hour passed by as I was flipping through the stations to see if I could catch that same clarity I have of my parents. Nothing, opening up my nightstand I pull out my Hustler magazine, no luck. With an hour before my parents get home I might as well use some of dad’s movies to stroke one out. Heading back downstairs with a small towel I head over to the office and start up the computer. Clicking on Carol’s folder and entering the passcode I scroll through the dates and see one date of Christmas Eve two years ago, when we had a small party with a couple of our neighbors including Sue’s parents and Sue I remember could not make it as she was watching her younger brother. Clicking on that file I see 19 movies and hundreds of still photos of all the neighbors that were there that night. Our black neighbors that live right next door, the husband was sucking my dads dick and mom was lick his wife’s ass and Sue’s dad had his dick in mom’s pussy and dad seemed to be eating Sue’s mother’s pussy. Thinking wow, my parents are some freaks when it comes to sex. I would never in a million years think they did this stuff. I knew them as straight up nerds, dad in his suit and mom dressed in nice dresses. This is a whole new world I have of my parents and I would have to guess that Sue does not know about her parents either, or does she? Sue mentioned that she has caught her parents fucking before on a few occasions is what she said. Maybe her parents are looking at her as mine are about me?

Looking through some of these photos I could see why dad liked our neighbors the Johnsons. She was hot, chocolate smooth skin, long black soft hair, her tits looked good as my dad was sucking on them while mom was licking her pussy in one of the photos. Mrs Johnson’s ass in that other photo of her bent over waiting on someone to come fuck me look as she was looking back at the camera. Scrolling down more I click the first movie time stamped 23:12 so just over twenty three minutes of our neighborhood orgy I get to watch. Sitting back, dick in hand, towel at the ready, I click the play button.

Soft music playing in the back ground and seeing everyone except dad tells me dad is behind the camera. Watching Sue’s mother, Betty naked was nice to see, she is small woman, about 4’10” C cup tits that had little bounce to them and what can one say about the perfect small ass that makes you want to just grab it and take a bite out of her gorgeous ass. While she was sucking Frank Johnson’s Johnson, it was something impossible to see. Now Frank has the biggest dick in the room by far, almost as big as mine, but his is bigger around I must admit. Betty was going all the way down his shift and back up, she seemed lost in sucking that black cock, as if she was in some type of trancelike state. Going fast at times and then slowing down to a crawl. There seeing my mother lying on the floor licking Betty’s pussy and Sue’s dad Carl was fucking my mother straight, fucking her hard too I might add, making moms tits fly all over the place. As that was happening dad panned the camera down to show Frank’s wife Joan, sucking his dick, telling dad what a bad white boy he is for filming her suck his cock in front of her husband. Later in the movie when I watched dad shove that small dick of his into Betty’s ass the first time that night, I came so hard watching the perfect ass any man could see getting fucked and me hoping that I can fuck her too someday soon.

After coming hard I closed down the folders and left to go back upstairs. It was maybe twenty minutes later when my parents got home from work. I stayed in my room while mom got dinner going and dad does what he does in the office. It was a quiet meal as dad would glance at me from time to time while we ate dinner. I got up, putting my plate in the sink, I told my parents that I had some more studying to do and that I would be in my room.

It was after 2:00am in the morning when I got up to use the bathroom. When I finished my business and was heading back I noticed my parents left their door open? They never leave it open. I kind of sneaked down to their bedroom doorway and peeked in. There I see dad lying down, with mom riding him slowly on top. Her eyes closed saying how much more time John do you think I have to wait before Junior will let me fuck him? Dad, while squeezing mom’s tits and pinching her nipples said, dear I think you will need to start wearing less clothing around the house, start slipping some and show these gorgeous tits of yours more to Junior, maybe he will get the hint that you would not mind at all if he just bent you over the kitchen table and fucked you like a mommy slut Joan is. You know Sue, Joan has enjoyed the threesomes they are having now that Kevin has joined in and she told me the other day how much she likes waking Kevin up for school with a blowjob, something about a growing dick in her mouth makes her pussy wet. Oh fuck! Oh fuck I’m cuming John just thinking of Junior’s dick in the morning growing in my mouth, oh fuck yeah. With that I stepped back to my bedroom thinking of what do I do now and now I have a second image in my head of mom riding dad just as she was cuming. Quickly I grab my pad and a pencil and I sketch the scene out. It took all of five minutes, I turned over and went to sleep.

The following morning as I sit there in the kitchen eating my cereal watching mom clean the dishes in her see through nightgown. Knowing that mom wants me and is doing what dad told her to do from last night talks they had when they were fucking and mom having her orgasm thinking of my cock. Seems strange somehow, knowing what she wants, and I’m not sure I want, well not just yet away. I will let mom do all the flirting she wants with me as long as I know dad is on board with it and given those videos he has, I am sure he is. Putting my bowl in the sink, I leaned into my mother and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and left for the school bus where I could tell Sue everything I found.

I walked up to Sue and her girlfriends letting Sue know I have another picture. Kathy turns towards me saying, what, a porn pic, or are you showing Sue your small dick pic? I never did like the girl so I turned calmly and said yes, but not a dick pic, it’s of you with three dildos stuck in you and you knowing no real guy would ever stick his dick in you for fear it might get bitten off, no matter where he sticks it. I turn back to Sue as we walked a couple of steps away to show her the new sketch. Sue looking over the new sketch of my parents, I tell her what they talked about while they were having sex last night with their door open. Sue looking up from the sketch after looking hard at it, she seems off a little, maybe she did not get much sleep last night as we have a big test today and she was studying? The school bus was pulling up just as Sue was asking to come over as she has a couple of other things she wanted to try out. Shaking my head yes, we boarded the bus, off to school once more.

My six period class was art, which did not do much as far as improve my art skills, until today. Today Mr. Barrs brought his wife in for our monthly test, a sketch of a live model. Now the test is only graded on what we learned so far and not on how well a person can draw. We get in a semi circle as Mrs. Barrs stand up onto a pestle, removes her shirt, shoe and pants and we are left with her in her red hot smoking bikini. Mrs. Karen Barrs was hot for a mid forty year old. Long blond hair that went down to a tan firm ass, good sizes tits, say D cup maybe a little larger and a slim waistline that any lucky person would love to rap their hands around as she was great looking candy to have on ones arm. Mr. Barrs spoke up as whispers were going around the room. Mr Barrs said that the agency could not send anyone today and so my wife has graciously excepted to come in to be our model today. Now you all have 15 minutes to do a quick sketch with the pads provided, before you move on to the painting portion, which you will have until Friday to complete. Any questions? No, begin. I quickly pick up my pad and pencil, drawing out what I see and it was just as good as I did with my parent nearly perfect except Mrs Barrs does not have a bikini on. I took about ten minutes of the fifteen to complete the assignment and when I was done I raised my hand letting Mr Barrs know. Mr Barrs came over and whispered you know you still have 5 minutes left to work on anything more with your sketch. Nodding I handed the pad over to him for review. Mr Barrs nodding his head took the pad and walked back to his desk for a private view, as he did with everyone’s else’s sketches. He did a quick grade on them A through D was given out as he mentioned earlier no one fails art class as he always says, whom am I to judge your art styles. After given everyone’s pad back with a grade letting us know that those with A or B could begin the next part of our monthly testing, the rest please take the remainder of class to finish your sketches as you will need them to work off as my model will not be in again for this test. I quickly raised my hand asking if she would be coming back for our finals? Everyone laughed with that questioned. Mr Barrs looked over at his wife as if checking and she nodding her head yes, Mr Barrs turned back to me with a smile offering the class a yes and with that we all tapped our easels in our appreciation of Mrs Barrs excepting to model for the class. As the class began to settle back down and those of us that received an A or B pulled out their canvas and paints getting to work on our monthly test. Most of the students were painting it was just a couple that needed more time as the boys were having trouble concentrating, their dicks were poking hard on their jeans and it seems that Mrs Barrs did not mined the complements. The class bell rings and we all cover our work and started put our painting supplies back. Mr Barrs approached me asking if I could stay back, knowing I have study hall for my last class I had no reason not to.

Mr Barrs walking back to his desk with my sketch book checking out my other works in the book and they as he reaches his desk he sits down and looking at my last sketch of his wife nude standing on a pestle. He asked his wife to join him over at his desk, I was still putting my things away as the other students were leaving for their next class. She leans over looking at my work, then picks up the pad strolling through the other pages and than back to her sketched portrait, placing it open on her husband’s desk smiling, she see me approaching. Smiling back to her I asked Mr Barrs what was wrong? Both shaking their head no and Mr Barrs saying nothing is wrong per say. In reviewing your work before today I would put you as a good student with a lot of passion for drawing, but before today your grade level was a B at your best. Now I am not sure what or how or anything really to explain how you could draw my wife in such perfect detail to include her nipples. Now I am not saying you have seen my wife’s nipples prior to today, but the question is out there. How do you know what her nipples look like and why did you sketch her with a shadow of hair between her legs as if she did not shave in three days. Mrs Barrs looks again at the sketch and gives us a little giggle, shaking her head as she looked up at me asking did you peek in my bedroom window this morning before I got dressed? Still smiling I said no, but I wished I had. Turning back to Mr. Barrs who was still looking at the sketch I stated no, the sketch is just what I see in my mines eye. Mr Barr says you still see Mrs Barr like this as he lifts the pad pointing at the sketch? Nodding my head I say yes, but that is the only position I see her in. If you asked me to draw her in any other way I could not, that is until I see her in another position the only thing I can see right now is her standing on the pestle nude. Mr Barrs asked why nude? You do know she was wearing a bikini did you not see that? Lowering my head towards the desk I said yes Sir, but the lighting that Mrs Barrs was under I could see the details you now see in my sketch. Shaking his head no he turns to his wife asking if she would not mind taking off her clothes again and stand back up on the pestle, please? With some hesitation Mrs Barrs removes her clothes, leaving her again in just her two piece red bikini. With Mrs Barrs on the pestle I directed her to get back into the position she was for class and when she lifted her chin up, hands on hips with her body with a sight twist. Mr. Barrs and myself step back just a little, Mr Barrs shaking his head not seeing what I am now seeing again, I see her bikini has a flaw when she is in this position and the flaw I see is that it is transparent. Ok, I take Mr. Barrs and place him in the same spot I was in, taking one step closer to Mrs. Barrs I point out what I am seeing, circling her nipple and as I did I got a little too excited and traced her left nipple for Mr. Barrs. I blushed and apologized for touching Mr. Barrs wife’s tit. Mr Barrs said to continue and that it was ok to please go on with what I can see. Shaking my head just a little back and forth not truly understanding I continued, but a little slower this time as I reach across Mrs Barrs chest and start to circle her right nipple, saying see you can see the outline of your wife’s nipple here and as I slowly touch her we can see now that this excites her, as her nipples are getting harder and harder. Mr. Barrs smiling and nodding his head is if agreeing with me and Mrs. Barrs is still standing there being a model. The pubic hair Mr. Barrs said, how do you explain that? Looking up at Mrs Barr I asked her to spread her legs just a little bit apart. Mrs Barrs gets into this Wonder Woman stance, I take my right hand and slide it inside her bikini bottom and quickly cover her pussy with my hand, I discovered her pussy area was not shaved and had what one would call a few days growth. Looking back at Mr Barrs as I rubbed Mrs Barrs pussy, getting her wet and excited I said, this pussy area I drew was just my thought as I could not see this area. Sliding a finger inside Mrs Barrs pussy she moans out loud. Watching Mr Barrs expression from fear of what I was about to do to his wife’s pussy to excitement of seeing her pussy have my finger inside. Mr Barrs asked his wife Jan is she wet down there? Turning my attention to Mrs Barrs now I take my left hand and slap her firm ass cheek asking her to spread her legs more. Mrs Barrs quickly complied without a word, but with a moan from Jan from the slap or the finger I could not say. Untying the red bikini bottom I slide another finger up hard this time into Mrs Barrs very excited pussy and began finger fucking her right there in class. I don’t know why I’m doing this to Mrs Barrs, but it may have something to do with the movies I watch yesterday. I lowered my head as I remembered something from a porn I watched, I placed my lips over Mrs Barrs clit and licked and sucked it for really no longer than a few minutes when she started to spasm hard speaking out, oh fuck me I’m cuming Joe, she grabs my head and holds on tight, yelling almost as she cums all over my face and mouth, I continue to lick and suck on her clit. Just as she finishes she pushed me away saying she was to sensitive for anymore. Looking back at Mr Barrs who also just finished, in his hand giving himself a hand job. Taking Mrs Barrs hand I escorted her over to the desk where I bent her over and letting people in the room know that it is my turn now to get off now. I pulled out my 9” rock hard cock and as Mr. Barrs watches me push my cock slowly into his wife’s pussy, Mrs Barrs speaks out to Mr Barrs asking him, am I in for a good fuck this time? Without words Mr. Barrs just shakes his head yes, Mrs Barrs looking back at me saying only, you better fuck me good as your grade now depends on it. Smiling and with only 4” of my dick inside, I pulled back just a little and slam hard forward, my cock diving deep into Jan’s pussy, getting a good yelp out of her and just when she thought of having all of me inside her, I pounded a few more time into her tight little pussy giving her the full lengthy of my cock, with a yes, fuck me good, fuck me oh fuck, from her. I pounded away for a whole five minutes which was surprisingly short I was thinking, but Mrs Barrs did not think so as she came so hard that last minute just before I sprayed what seemed like gallons of cum deep inside her pussy, which she said caused another orgasm to hit her. Fuck, if I knew what I was doing right than as I had never fucked before this. We all got dressed, Mr Barrs approached me inviting me over this weekend if I was up for it that is. I hesitated, as I was not sure what to do here, Mrs Barrs gets on her knees in front of me and pulls my dick out saying to everyone that she needed to clean this cock before he leaves. Licking from the base to tip of my cock Mrs Barrs had my dick cleaned in just a few minutes which gave me time to think, saying yes to Mr. Barrs invitation for the weekend and as the last school bell goes off I head out to the bus smiling. Sue came bouncing onto the bus and planting her cute ass next to mine. I could not stop smiling which Sue caught on quick enough asking me, what happened? Shaking my head no and saying nothing happened, it’s, I am in a very good mood right now is all. We get to our stop and get off heading to my house as I had something to show her.

Dropping our bags by the door, Sue follows me to my dad’s home office, were I start up the computer and ask Sue if she wanted anything to drink? Soda was fine with her as I went to the small refrigerator in the corner of the room. Getting two drinks and a second chair we settle in as the computer finishes booting up. Clicking on the folder and entering the password the files are now accessible to Sue. I told her to click any one she wants as they are adult photos of mine and her parents and the neighbors all nude photos and a lot of movies with them exchanging partners. Looking at me strange like, she clicks one of the files and sees several movie icons, clicking one she sees her mother sucking my dad’s small dick while my mother is lying on her back licking her mother pussy and getting fucked by our black neighbor Mr. Johnson. Holly fuck was the first words from Sue as she sits back in the chair, taking a sip of her soda, shaking her head not truly believing what she is seeing, but not turning off or away from the show either. If I had to guess, she was excited to be seeing this movie. She starts rubbing her pussy over her jeans as she see her mother down a 5” dick and my mother getting fucked by a horse cock was the words Sue used. Thinking nothing of it I did a little bragging saying that he was not all that big. Sue looking down at my dick tucked behind my jeans as it grows down my right leg. Sue says prove it than, if you have the balls? Standing up Sue knows I am a sucker for dares. I unzip my jeans, pulling them down to my knees and than grabbing my black Kelvin Klein underwear, I show my semi hard 6” cock. I than dared Sue to do the same as your mother is doing to my dad right now. Without a word she grabs my dick and sucks me hard. Having Mrs Barrs lips rapped around my cock just a little while ago was far better than Sue was doing right now. I could only think that this was Sue’s first time as well. Holding the back if Sue’s head seemed natural somehow, I began rocking back and forth fucking Sue mouth. Sue got use to my dick as I pushed further and further back into her mouth until I started getting my full grown cock tip of my manhood into her throat. Gagging some Sue did not complain, but seemed to want more, as much as I could give as she grabbed my ass pulling me in deeper. Sue gave me my first cum blowjob as I yelled out I was cuming Sue pulled back just a little as she receive pulse after pulse of my warm creamy cum. Looking down at Sue, I said to her it’s my turn to eat some of you now. Sue stands up, grabs my hand and leads me out to the family room, where as it happens the movie we just watched was filmed right there. Sue strips off her jeans, shirt, panties and than finally her bra is dropped on the floor. Sue looking into my eyes saying, you are going to do more than eat my pussy boyfriend, I want to get fucked like your mother was on that film we were watching. Nodding my head thinking I need to stay quiet and do what I was told to do as seeing I’m new to all this.

Sue lays down asking me to join her there and as I do I kiss her with so much passion I did not know I had for her. Grabbing her ass and squeezing her tits as we make out, naked on the floor. I dreamt of this day for so long, seeing Sue’s body for the first time, her long athletic legs, her perfect firm C cup tits and that ass of hers was just like her mother’s, it’s an ass I hope to fuck soon. I travel down Sue’s body kissing, sucking and licking everything my lips touch. Lying down now between a clean shaven legs, I take one long lick from ass to clit, that was my opening move, I saw it on a number of porn movies and all the girls seemed to enjoy it. I roll my tongue as I lower it slowly into Sue’s wet pussy. The taste makes me hungry for more and more as I begin to tongue fuck Sue for the first time. Sue grabs me by the hair pulling me in closer, yelling out oh fuck that feels good, please don’t stop. Not even close to stopping as I push a finger inside her excited pussy, lying there playing, licking her pussy lips and clit while I fuck her slowly with my fingers. After getting my hard on back up, which was not to long a wait. Kneeling close to Sue I laid my cock down across her abdomen seeing how far it will be going in. Leaning back some, I started by rubbing the tip of my cock up and down Sue’s pussy lips I had just finished kissing. Sue moaning with the feeling of my dick as I slowly push it in, inch by inch, I continue to feel that velvet touch of Sue’s fuck tunnel of love. In seconds I began pushing harder and harder as Sue yells out, that’s it John fuck me hard, I want to feel what your mom was feeling. Grabbing Sue’s legs and bending her in half I begin slamming down hard, Sue screaming now I’m cuming John don’t stop fucking me please, don’t stop John. I see Sue’s eyes roll back as her legs rap around my neck and squeeze, I feel her pussy now, squeezing my cock as hard, with two more strokes inside Sue’s fuck hole, I fire off six loads of warm cum deep inside.

Lying there in the after glow of making love, Sue tells me that she hopes that this does not change our friendship and that we can be just better friends now. Looking into her eyes I asked, do you want this too be just us? Or did you want what our parents have? An open, honest, relationship that each of us knows what the other is going to do before hand, not finding out next week or one of us walks in on the other. Sue looking at me with such love in her eyes said she was not sure yet, but thought what our parents are doing was kind of interesting and would be up too seeing if that is something she would like to try.

You should know that my mother wants me to start fucking her soon, it has to do with the size of my dick really, so that is nothing more than just sex I think, but she is my mom so there maybe some love involved? I don’t know, what do you think I should now, with what has happened between us? Sue looking away starring at the wall with my family portrait, she says do nothing yet, I am still not sure I want you or your dick in anyone else just yet, I want us for now to be just us. That is, if we try what our parents are doing I want to be there with you or you with me. Ok, I get it, but I think I better let my mother down for now or I might just wake up one morning seeing my mother riding my cock. I tell Sue we need to cleanup as my parents will be home soon from work and I need to let down my mom easy. Sue nodding her head starts to get dressed and clean up some of the mess we made. I can’t believe I have a girlfriend now. Oh shit, I almost forgot about Mr and Mrs Barrs. Sue I need to tell you about my art teacher at school and his wife. Sue stopping what she was doing and looked at me. Before we went down this path in our friendship I had sex with Mrs Barrs today in front of her husband, my art teacher. I am still not sure why they wanted that from me of all people, I’am not that special that they need to use a teenager for sex. Mr Barrs’s wife is hot for an older lady, so they could have had one of their friends I suppose help them. You know Mrs Barrs was there only because the agency did not have anyone they could send to model for us and well I drew her nude, but she had on a bikini and I still see her nude. Looking down shaking my head I am not sure why I said that out loud, why would I have to draw Mrs Barrs nude? Looking at Sue for an answer, as Sue is somewhat in shock that I had sex with someone much older then she is, more experienced. Sue shaking her head thinking out loud that it could only be that wish you made on your birthday, tapping her chin with her index finger, thinking, yes maybe there is something in what you drew and how people seem to react to those drawings. Think about it, the first time you saw your parents having sex it was as you described it, was more fantasy then anything. They are into swinging and we are of age that kinda makes sense. Now you have made a number of drawings of them and when you stumbled on them did anything seem different to you? Sue asked. Thinking back as we continue to clean up the rooms and get the computer shut down without anyone knowing we where here. Yes, I said, their bedroom door was open and that has never happened before, they are very careful about being caught by me, well that was before all this anyways. Also mom seem to convince my dad more of me having sex with mom and mom also seemed eager, or excited at the possibilities of having sex with me and I don’t think now that it has all that much to do with my size, she can get that with Mr. Johnson. It was her more than dad I drew that night. Tomorrow Sue said, we need to try a test to make sure of what we think might be. How, I ask? Well I have a friend, her name is Margret, she has her own place and as she is a freshman at college here in town. I can ask her to do some modeling for you for your art class and that she can keep the drawings as payment if she wants to, but just in case you need to bring a hundred. This way we can control what may happen and if we get lucky, you get lucky and may get to fuck us both. Sue was smiling just thinking about Margret, my guess is she will be good looking knowing Sue. After cleaning everything up and sitting on the couch I take Sue’s hands in mine and tell her, looking deep and long into her eyes how much I have fallen for her and that I would do anything, just anything to make her happy. Smiling she repeats the same back to me and reminds me not to draw her as she wants to be sure that this is real and that she in not under any kind of spell or magic or whatever this is. Kissing one last time as my parents pull up in the driveway.

Braking away from those lips of Sue’s was difficult, so soft, wet and inviting they seem to me now. I needed to talk with my parents and get thing straight with them both, well I hope that thing can be kinda normal away. I watch Sue with her school bag leaving, waving at my parents telling them bye and watching my dad checking out her ass, which of course I was as well. When your dad is checking out your girlfriend’s ass you just have to shake your head. As my parents get to the porch I tell them I have something to talk to them about and is was very important that we talk now. Stopping themselves as they look at me making that statement, my mother starts to smile and now both smiling at me thinking, wow our son is a man today and he wants to tell us all about it. They start walking again coming into the house, they drop their bags at the door and head over to the couch, my mother sits down on the couch and dad takes his chair, while I come in behind them and sit down with mom. Thinking now how the fuck do I start this conversation with my parents? Mom, dad I have magic powers. I can’t start it that way. Thinking as the seconds tic away. I got it, I get up telling them to stay where they are, that I will be right back. I run upstairs and get my sketch pad as a prop and in hopes of convincing them that it is true, well, I hope it is true anyways there can be nothing else to explain my new found form of great art work. When I return, mom has unbutton her shirt which is now hanging open and she has a glass of white wine and my dad has a beer. Getting back on the couch with mom with her shirt open showing me her tits, which still have a bra on them, small yellow push-up bra with some lace on top that barely cover her nipples. I, a teenage boy with too many hormones running around inside my body like crazy lunatics, now I’m here checking out my mother’s tits. I tried to explain my story to my parents as they take sips of their drinks, from my point of view from my birthday wish to today with Sue. Telling my swinging parents that I am now a master artist, when I draw a person now, I think that person becomes infatuated with me to the point of doing anything to get my attention. Well that is what Sue and I think anyway as I finish up my telling. Mom or dad did not say anything at first, just taking a sip of wine or beer as the case maybe, than mom asked to see the drawing pad, saying I did not know you were drawing again, we have not seen you pick up this pad since your birthday or we thought anyways. Handing over my pad, my mother gets up with her shirt still open flashing me her chest, she walks over to dad and sits into his lap and opens the drawing pad to the first page. They see the first image. I watch closely, their eyes open up some, dad places his beer on the end table next to him, mom take a large sip oh her drink which finishes the wine she had in her glass, than leaning over dad and places it next to his beer. Mom with her now free hand seems to focus more on the drawing, rubbing it slowly with her hand. Dad though takes his free hand and reaches into mom’s shirt and gently starts squeezing her breasts, slowly and gently as if he did not want to break some spell he was in. Mom flips the page to the next one with just her and dad’s lower self. Mom and dad look up at me for a moment not smiling or anything really and than they looked back at the page. Again mom is still gently rubbing the page of her nude body in the middle of her having an orgasm. Her portrait on this page in identical as the first page, hair for hair no difference, as mom flipped back and forth a few times. Dad reaching over unhooks mom’s bra from the front and moving it out of the way he begins to pinch and twist mom’s nipple, first the left then the right causing my mother to moan softly as dad plays with her tits and I’m sitting there watching him do just that, while the both of them look over my drawings. Mom reaching the last of my six drawings asked, why did you draw some with your father out of the way? I’m not into dad, I said to my mother. You mentioned you did us in a water color picture as well? It looks like someone took a picture of us having sex? Yes that’s in my room covered up. My mother asked me to go get it and wants me to take a minute as she wanted to talk with my father. I was heading up the steps when I heard my mother moaning out loud, saying don’t John, sucking my tits while our son is just upstairs, he could hear us if we start anything so stop for now, please. Just as I enter the room dad pops his mouth off mom’s tit, leaving her tit exposed for me to see. I walked over to them and flip the painting around and hand it to mom to hold. I walk back over to the couch with a large bulge in my tight jeans I happen to be wearing, in hopes of squeezing my dick down preventing it from growing out to much, but with my mother’s tits hanging out for me to see, it has become very uncomfortable to say the least. Before I sit down I unzip my jeans and fix my cock so it leans against my stomach flat and not all bent up. With that taken care of I zip up my jeans and take a sit on the couch watching them looking at my portrait of them having sex, no not just having sex, it was the moment of their orgasm that I caught. After a few minutes of them looking over the portrait I asked them if they could sit it aside so I may ask them to do something for me. Mom places the picture down and they both are looking and waiting on me.

I said, mom, I’m not sure if you are under a spell or you both would like me to join in on your swinging lifestyle, but I have Sue now and I want that relationship to workout more then anything. I propose and Sue is ok with this is that if you have to have something, as to not drive you mad mom, I would be willing to watch the two of you anytime you like having sex, or at one of your parties or anything you want, in exchange I will draw paintings like the one you have now of any of the times you want to remember. But that is all I can do for you two for now. My mother looking at me as if I took her favorite doll away asked, can we talk with you while you watch? Could I hold your hand or touch your feet or anything like that? Sue and I agreed to talking would be ok, but no touching. We are hoping that will be enough for now, we are still working on why I can draw this way and why it effects you both in your own ways. Looking over at my father I asked, if this would be ok with him too as he is part of all this. Shaking his head as his reaches up and grabs hold of mom’s left tit gently squeezing, asking if I have tried other mediums of art with this new ability? Looking back at dad, like what are you talking about dad, face. My dad as he licks my mother’s tit like a serpent, flicking the tip of his tongue at mom’s tit making her moan some, ask like clay, metal work, computer drawing, anything other then your paints and pencils? My dad sucking softly on mom’s tit as my mother is holding his head like a child feeding off her now. I mentioned earlier about Mr and Mrs Barrs invited me over to their home this weekend to try clay work and I do think he mentioned sometime ago in class that he has metal equipment in his garage, so I will try out that than as will. My dad reaching under my mother skirt as he sucks hard and deep on her tit begins fingering her. Mother tells me as I am watching this, your father told me years ago to stop wear panties to work, it took time away from men from the office to fuck me on break while your dad watches me. He does like to watch most of the time, he will also join in putting his dick in my mouth while some guy fucks me hard in the men’s bathroom. Oh fuck mom, I did not think you would be so graphic, so soon. I thought you might have waited some before getting to the good shit. My mother smiling leaning back now as she gets fingered by dad asked, did you and Sue agree that you could not masturbate in front of us while your dad and I fuck? Yes mother, Sue was pretty damned thorough with what I can and cannot do while I am watching. It is all about getting you to see me here watching you get off. You should both know and as far as I know is at some point I will have a picture stuck in my head of you two, to be honest I am surprised that I don’t already have one.

I watched as my dad strips the clothes off mom like some animal, he was so worked up listening to mom talk about guys fucking her at work, or when dad bent her over the dinning room table at her parents home while they were throwing a party for her dads 45th birthday and were caught by her mother, who by the way sucked my dads dick after he came inside my mother’s cunt. They think that was most likely the night I was conceived. You know your grandmother still fucks your father when she come over to visit and your grandfather still does not know, will mother never did say one way or the other whether she told him or not. I asked mom while she was sucking dad’s small cock, do you think grandmother would like a taste of my dick while she is here, in what, a couple of weeks is when she is due to arrive I think? My mom pulls out dad’s dick and said, I don’t know if she would or not, you will have to ask her for a blowjob to see, that’s how your father started with her. While mom was busy sucking dad’s dick my father spoke up, telling me to be careful if you ask your grandmother for that blowjob. If she gives you one, that you better be ready for some kinky stuff, when she is done with me I am out of it for a week now, I use to recover in a couple of days, but now it takes me over a week when she gets done using me. My father looking over at me while now fucking mom doggy style said, don’t plead with me to help you out with grandma, that is if you can convince her to suck your dick that is. You need to make sure Sue would be ok for you to fuck your grandmother or whatever she may do to you.

Dad went on, I know what it is like to love someone so much you would do anything for them and if this relationship you have with Sue is to last, you must always be open and honest with her, no matter how much it may hurt, never, ever, lie. The moment she finds out you lied to her she will never be yours again. Just as my father finished his speech, mom screams out, fuck me hard as I am cuming you cock of a husband. Fuck me, yes that’s it fuck, oh fuck that feels good. I see it now the picture of my parents fucking just as mom has her orgasm, but dad is still pushing hard to get his rocks off. There maybe something to that, I will need to let Sue know how and when this picture in my mind developed. My mother lying on the floor in her after fuck glow radiating from her face and body, asked, what’s for dinner?

The following morning at the bus stop I tell Sue everything that happened after she left. Nodding her head I told her what my parents did after I explained what has happened. Sue than lets me know that her friend Margret will be picking us up after school so don’t get on the bus, to just meet her out front of the school.

Just as the bell for six period ends, in walks Mrs Barrs in a nice short tan skirt and flowery blouse with her hair up in a bun. Just as she leans over her husband’s desk with her ass facing towards the class, well there really was just a couple people left by this time, me and one other person, a girl that I did not know. Asian in looks, slim body, small chest, black hair and eyes, but she was taller then most of the girls in my school, 5’10” mostly legs as she always is wearing jeans with a low waist cut. Once when she bent over to pick something up I saw and most of the boys I guess, saw her ass crack that day. What I could tell she has a good looking ass. Well just as Mrs Barrs was leaning over all of a sudden she was there nude. I could see her pink puffy pussy lips as if she had just got fucked not more than 5 minutes ago. Her brown eyed ass looking moist and if I may say, ready to be fucked. After leaning over and giving her husband a kiss she stood back up and turned around looking at the girl, smiling asking what’s your name sweetie? The girl replied Neo Lee. She lowers her head is if she was somehow nervous talking with Mrs Barrs who I got to know well yesterday. I was packing up my bag to leave when Mrs Barrs ask me to come see her up front of the class. When I finished loading up my bag I walked up to the front, I leaned in close to Mrs Barrs and whisper who did you just fuck, as I can see a just used pussy between those legs of yours? Mrs Barrs steps back a little shocked at my statement, which of course tells me that Mr. Barrs is not aware of her affair she is having with someone here at school. Smiling I turned to Mr. Barrs asking if everything was still good for this Saturday? Shaking his head no as something came up. I and Mrs Barrs have to leave on weekend retreat with a friend of ours and won’t be back to late Sunday. Sorry to hear that, I was looking forward to us getting together. Mrs Barrs saying the same. I smiled again at Mrs Barrs and waving good bye to Mr Barrs leaving the class and heading to study hall to wait on Sue and her friend.

Just as I sit down in the cafeteria for my study hall time, Neo sits down across from me and for over two minutes she sits there staring at me as a science experiment. It starts to get creepy as I put my English book down whispering, can I help you?

Slowly Neo asked in her broken English, how do you know? Know what, I asked? How do you know lady fuck soon? How did you hear what I told Mr Barrs’s wife? Oh that, I hear good since my birthday. I don’t know why, but I hear anyone talk, if I see them. So you lip read people? Neo shaking her head no, I hear what they say, not read lips. I quickly cover my lower face so Neo does not see my lips, I whisper, you have a great looking ass. Lowering my hand I asked, what did I say just now? That I great looking ass, shrugging her shoulders way did you say that about my ass? Well I wanted too know the truth of your hearing abilities and wanted it to be something truthful that no one would say out loud around you here at school. When is your birthday by the way? May 17. My mouth dropped open and said mine too and I wished to be a great painter, but it seems to only happen, I think if a woman has had, or is having an orgasm that I can draw really good. Everything so far that I have tried drawing is good, but just normal. When Mrs Barrs came into the room I saw her naked when she bent over the desk. For some reason it hit me when or how I should say when I get my mind photo. Mine photo? Neo asked. That’s mind with a “D” and it is what I draw from the picture in my mind stays there so far for good as I still have the first picture in my mind. Oh what is your picture you have. Shaking my head, I said no way I am telling you anything about that picture.

So besides my little whisper a little while ago, what else have you heard? Lots, but I seem to only hear sex stuff. Sex stuff? Like what I teenage boy who is getting hard asked of a teenage girl. Looking away for a second, thinking of something, then leaning on the table getting closer to me, so I mimic her, lying my arms on the table leaning in for what I hoped to be a good story. It was soon after birthday, we still in China, living in apartment building very high up. There are many large buildings around and one across from my bedroom window I see couple. At first I not know what they do, then lady screams out in Chinese do me harder, do me harder. Then the man says shut up slut I fuck you better then your husband. My mouth dropped open listening to Neo story. Now I do not see them in flesh, but behind lit screen I see them as shadows of him moving from behind her. Nodding my head as I can see what she saw that night, but not like my other pictures, but I seem to have one all the same. Looking at Neo I said, tell me a story when you could see the people in the flesh and not behind a screen, please. She seems shy for some reason in telling me something more than what she already said, as I am still a strange boy she just met. I reach into my bag as I hold up one finger as the international symbol of wait one moment please while I do this, kind of motion. Looking in my bag I find what I was looking for, my art book, that I used in class to draw Mrs Barrs, which no one else besides the Barrs have seen it. I flip to the page of Mrs Barrs drawing and I hand it over to Neo to show her what I can do with my birthday wish. Taking my pad she stairs at it for a long time really and then I asked do you like it? Than she looks closer, gently rubbing the drawing in small circles as if she was petting Mrs Barrs pussy on the page, which was for me exciting to watch, but strange too. I asked quietly if I may have my pad back, reaching out with my right hand, hoping she would give it back. Neo looking up started to smile a little weirdly, I could not put my finger on it, but I know she is feeling something, just not sure if it is me or Mrs Barrs. Neo slowly hands me my drawing pad back and I place it back inside my bag. Sitting back up I asked Neo. What was going through your head when you were looking at the drawing? Neo said, it was the most beauty thing ever saw before, it seem real to me Neo went on to say, like I could feel her body, if I only go slowly, touching the drawing. I asked, why Mrs Barrs’s pussy and not her face or legs, even if you could feel? Neo shrugs her shoulders, just says, I not sure why just wanted to, which is strange as I not lesbian at all. I asked again this time hoping that me showing Neo my drawing would relax her some to tell a story and see if I get a clearer picture this time.

Neo leans in close again as she does she looks around to make sure no one is watching or listening to her. Neo begins.

I was two month ago, late I get up from bed and go to toilet to pee. When I finish and go back I hear a noise from parents room. They always have door open, so I walk over to see what noise was and when I look in I see my parents fucking. I quickly ask what position were they in? Neo continues her story by saying my mother was on top, she was moving slowly back and forth, dad lying there quiet like with his hands on her thighs rubbing them slowly too up and down her legs. I asked what angle did you see and how far from them were you, as I’m getting a picture foaming in my mind. Nodding her head Neo says from where I was standing in the doorway with the door almost closed, just little bit open, I see the sides of them, my mother bare chested with long black hair like mine hanging over her breast, but I could see her right nipple, which look hard, my mother’s chest looks nice, but breast are small, my dad was lying on his back with his hands on mother’s legs, but dad is kinda fit strange upper body, with short black hair. They were whispering, my father asked mother not to be to loud as I was sleeping down the hall. My mother was nodding her head, moaning some, but I could barely hear her, she must have been really quiet than, as she pick up speed she was going fast and fast and father was whispering what a good whore he married, grabbing her nipples, playing with them roughly too, which caused mother to moan louder, but I know it was just a whisper, but one my father could not hear too. Mother muffles a orgasmic orgasm as she lifts some off father dick and my father’s dick was good size for a Chinese man Neo mentions. Than mother slams herself down on father hard and repeats this four or five time, when she sits up and my father’s dick come out with mother squirting her orgasm all over father. Father smiling holding mother’s tits squeezing hard and pulling her towards him for a long and very passionate kiss. While they were kissing my mother continued her orgasm it must of lasted more than a minute if not two. To me I thought at first she was peeing on father but she kept saying I cum, I cum over and over again. When mother finished, she and father got out of bed and mother got on her knees in front of father and father just used mother’s mouth until he came in to and then went to sit in the chair they have in room while mother naked changes the bad covers. A few minutes later they both asleep. I found I had a very good picture of Neo parents in my mind now and asked if she had a picture of them? Neo pulls her cell phone out and shows me a picture of them in China when they took a vacation to The Great Wall. With seeing their faces and bodies my minds picture is complete now. The school bell ring just than and as I get up to head out to the front I tell Neo that I think I could draw what she just told me of what she saw. Neo nodding her head said, yes please draw picture. I give her my cell number letting her know that I leave mine phone at home, my parents don’t let me bring it to school, so I asked if she could text me hers later. I head at front to meet Sue and Margret, Sue’s friend to test out somethings about my new abilities in drawing and what effects it has on people. I was only there for just a minute when a red 64’ Ford Mustang comes roaring up sounding great. Sue jumps out pulling the seat forward so I can jump in the back. After Sue closes the door and I sit my bag next to me I said you won’t believe what just happened in study hall, well really at the end of six period and also in study hall. Those two girls got excited quickly as I was getting excited in telling a new story to Sue and I have new information I think, about my drawing abilities. Looking at Sue as she is turned half way around leaning on the door with her back, her knees bent up to her chin. Sue was wearing her favorite flowery dress and if I didn’t know better I would think if Margret wanted to see Sue’s panties, that is if she was wearing any at all Margret would need to do is turn slightly and down. Sue told me last night, that drove me somewhat crazy, is that when she is wearing dresses she does not like wearing underwear, something her mother told her a few years ago about feeling free or something like that. I told her last night that she will need to get her mother to wear a short dress when I come over next time, laughing she said she would try.

Well guess what, I said in the back seat to Sue. Smiling she asked what? You know the new student we got a few weeks ago from China, the very tall girl with long black hair? Sue shaking her head no. Ok that’s fine, she is in my last class and today Mrs Barrs comes in just as the bell goes off dismissing everyone to head to their next class. Will she comes in, goes to Mr Barrs and while leaning over his desk with her ass facing the class, well it was just me and Neo, the new student, while looking up front as she was kissing her husband, it’s when I saw it. Hold back for the dramatic pause, Sue shakes her head rising her hands asking what did you see? I saw and could tell for some reason, I don’t know yet, that Mrs Barrs was just fucked good, not more then five minutes before walking into class. Her pussy was so puffy fucked and her asshole was, seemed, I’m not sure, but I think it needed or wanted to be fucked right there in class or very, very soon that is. I walked up to the front where Mrs Barrs is standing as she had something to tell me, but before she spoke I leaned into her and whispered. Who did you just fuck, as I can see a used pussy between those legs of yours. She looked very surprised at my statement. So I picked up my bag again and I left the room and headed to my study hall. As I sit down, Neo the new person sits across from me and stares at me for awhile, weird like, you know. Sue shaking her head saying yes go on. I continued with the story, I asked what she wants and then she said, I hear what you told Mrs Barrs. There was no way she could have heard me, I barely heard myself what I said, who did you just fuck as I can see a used pussy between those legs of yours. So, I covered my mouth and said to Neo, you have a great looking ass. Then she repeated what I said. Get this guys, we have the same birthday, we’re the same age and she wished that she could be the best listener in the world, but just like me she only hears people having sex or talking about sex. Sue asked if I got her number? She has questions of her own to ask now that she has heard my story. Before Sue spoke that through she remembered that I don’t have my cell with me. She pulls her’s out and makes a few calls, when she finally gets Neo on the line Sue pressing the speaker button she holds the phone out some telling Neo that I and her friend Margret are in a car heading to Margret’s apartment to try somethings with John’s abilities. Sue tells Neo that we are dating as of yesterday when we fucked like animals on his family room floor. I speak up like a dumpy and ask why are you telling her all that about us? Sue looks back at me like I was some kind of alien when I asked that question. You told Neo she has a great looking ass Sue replies and then looks back at the phone. Now Sue, looking back at me says, when a guy says shit like that it gives us girls thinking, is his into me, can I suck his dick, will he lick my pussy when I am horny? Shit like that so I am letting you know Neo that John is taken. Sue, looking at Margret than says, to know one really that way and if as long as I am part of any sexual offerings to my boyfriend I could be down with that. Sue than speaks up a little letting Neo know that her boyfriend and her have a very honest relationship as we tell each other everything we do, say, and what we think about anything, everything. Neo, Sue asked, do you like to know everything a person thinks or does or says? As soon as Sue stopped talking we hear a moan with some wet slushing sounds coming from Sue’s cell. Listening for another 10 seconds or so Sue demands to know where the fuck are you Neo? Neo muffles a scream then the phone goes silent for almost 30 seconds when Neo come on the line and says, I in my bedroom lying down, my parents not home yet, not for a few hours. Sue looking at Margret and Margret raising her eyebrows giving a short nod causing Sue to grin big time and hoping. Lifting the cell phone closer to her lips Sue asked softly almost a whisper, Neo would you mined if we came over and talked to you about your abilities and maybe try a few things with John’s with you? There was dead silence for over two minutes, no one in the car was breathing as we all in our own way wanted her to say, sure come over and fuck me. Than Neo spoke, saying okay, but you all will have to be gone before my mother gets home, she normally beats my father home from work about an hour earlier. Sue gets her address which was not far from where we were. We pull in front of Neo’s home and head up to the front door. Sue ring the bell and when Neo open the door wearing a very short house dress that is tied in the back, Sue seemed to loose it some, as she just walked right up to Neo standing on the tips of her toes, grabbing the back of Neo’s head and landing one long hard kiss on Neo. Who after just a few seconds to get over the shock of a girl kissing her, Neo joined in, lowering her left hand down to Sue’s right side to her ass cheek squeezing and rubbing. A minute later Sue had her hand under Neo’s house dress/coat fingering her pussy. Myself and Margret stood back some after closing the front door and watched those two make out. Margret whispered, are you jealous? Looking down at my loose pants I see a full on hard cock pointing at the two making out, telling Margret nope, not jealous, just horny to fuck someone. Smiling Margret drops to her knees, unzips my pants and pulls out my cock and sucks it hard and surprisingly deep. Sue hearing the slurping sound of a cock being sucked, stopped making out with Neo and turned around seeing Margret sucking my cock like a good slut would. When our eyes met I told Sue to get licking on Neo pussy I want to see you be a little cunt licker while your slut friend here sucks me off. Without a word she turned back around pulled off Neo’s house coat revealing that she was naked underneath, I stepped closer to Neo pulling Margret with me while still sucking my dick. I push Sue’s head some letting her know I was there and telling her to make Neo scream for me. Neo screams two seconds later, saying your girlfriend is nipping my clit hard and I’m cuming. I reach over and grab Neo’s nipple and pinch down hard yelling out to cum on my girlfriend’s face then leaning over while holding Margrets head closer to my balls as I fire one shot after another down her throat, I whisper into Neo’s ear that I what to watch her lick her own cum off my girlfriend face when she is done with her. Looking down at Margret while she cleans my cock I watch as a waterfall of pussy water comes gushing out of Neo’s body soaking Sue’s face, shoulders, dress, hair and floor as Sue attempts to drink every last drop coming out of Neo. Releasing Neo’s nipple I lean down some and gently kiss, lick and slowly suck on her tit. Neo holding my head some while I feasted on her small tit she looks down at me smiling, saying she wants to lick Sue’s face now. Taking a few more licks of Neo’s tit as well as Sue was doing the same to her pussy. Me and Sue finished our last licks, we all readjust our clothes some and Neo leads us to her home’s basement, where she hangs out with a tv mounted to the wall, stereo over to the right, play station with hundreds of games on the shelve next to the tv. Two couches, bean bags and one chair in the corner of the room. This and the red lighting was the baddest ass room I have ever seen. Thinking to myself I need to come over here more often. Seeing Neo standing in the middle of the room naked and us still with clothes on became a little uncomfortable for just a second, than Sue lifted her dress off and unsnapped her bra dropping in on the floor. Before Neo could start cleaning Sue off with her tongue, I moved quickly forward grabbing Sue, turning her around as I lean down and rap my arms around her waist lifting her up I gently start licking her nipples and breast and working my way up to Sue’s neck then lips as she was slowly lowered. When we parted after a long two minute kiss Sue said, you are not leaving Neo much to clean off me and I will have to start over getting wet from that pussy shower she gave me. Smiling at Sue I let her down and giving her a soft slap on the ass I said, well Neo get started now cleaning my girlfriends body off of your pussy juices. Neo grabs Sue’s hand leads her over to one of the couches as I head over to the other couch with Margret who is already naked now. Sue’s friend a gorgeous red head with a billion freckles over her body, I had to ask, has anyone every licked, kissed or sucked all your freckles? Margret dropping back on the couch, shaking her head no, but I would not mined it if you gave it a try. Taking my clothes off now lying there in the middle of Margrets legs licking her pussy, kissing her thighs and stroking the back of her knees, Margret screams out, oh fuck that feels good John, please don’t stop. Margret as with Sue when I eat her pussy held my head down hard, not letting me up for just a second. When Margret’s pussy began leaking a steady stream of her pussy favored cum. I kept it up, making her cum for nearly 4 or 5 minutes before she pushed me away saying she could not take it anymore. I look over at Sue with Neo between her legs sucking on Sue clit while fingering her pussy. Sue with her face smiling as in heaven she jesters for me to come over to her. I move quickly to Sue. Leaning down to give her a kiss, she puts her hand up to stop me for a second and whispers so softly that I almost did not hear her. Sue said, I want to see you fuck Neo’s pussy while she continues to lick me. Then Sue grabs the back of my head pulls be down and give me a hard passionate kiss than pushes me away telling me that she loves the taste of Margret’s pussy and will be eating her soon and to get back there and fuck my new Asian slut slowly at first please. I want to watch her face when your large cock goes into her for the first time. I kneel behind Neo feeling her ass squeezing it just a little and rubbing her clean shaven pussy while just thinking of what I was about to have. I really did not know Neo at all, not like I thought I knew Sue. I guess as we get older I thoughts and actions do change. Getting Neo’s pussy wet with some of my hand petting techniques I grabbed ahold of her ass cheeks and I went down on her from behind and licked her pussy some, sticking my tongue as far as I could inside her, reaming her ass with my tongue too. I stayed there for just a few minutes as I know Sue wanted to watch Neo’s face as I penetrated her wet hole. I lined up my cock tip to Neo’s entrance, I leaned forward grabbing a hand full of her hair I lifted Neo’s face from Sue’s pussy whispering, I told Neo to look at my girlfriend as I push my cock into your pussy for the first time, tell her what it feels like to have my cock slide so easily into you. Neo breathing heavy now as my cock slowly enters her, she speaks out to Sue and Margret who is now over with Sue playing with her tits, kissing, sucking, licking them as if they belonged to her. Sue sitting up some on the end of the couch moans out loud what Margret is doing to her. I push further into Neo’s pussy and when I have made it half way I whisper knowing that Neo is the only one that could hear me, I said, tell them what you are feeling now that only half of my cock is inside and I hope I can take more. Still holding her up by her hair she yells out, yes I can take more of your dick. Sue looks past Neo at me and asked are you whispering to her as you fuck this slut? Nodding my head answering with a whisper so only Neo hears, I said, Neo tell Sue that I will be whispering through this fuck hole mouth of mine until I finish screwing our new slut buddy. Neo repeats this and I see a big smile from Sue as she says this is one kinky fuck. I whisper, I know right, as I slap Neo’s ass a little. I asked her if she likes to have her ass spanked hard or soft? Neo speaks out saying she likes it hard, yes I like hard spankings. Fuck me hard and maybe Margret there can slap my ass some too. Margret lifting her head off the tits of Sue moves to the side of Neo, reaching underneath squeezing and pinching her nipple hard getting Neo more excited. Once I’m fully inserted to this new pussy and start slowly as Sue asked me to. While Margret is pinching Neo’s nipples and slapping her ass, Sue ask for me to release Neo’s hair so she may continue to lick her twat so that she can get off again. As I release Neo’s hair I started moving faster joining in with Margret slapping her as just a minute or two I grab Margrets hand and moved it in-between me and Neo. Guiding Margret’s hand I use it to play with Neo’s rosebud and pushing the tip of Margret’s middle finger in. Margret takes over and begins slowly penetrating Neo’s ass. I hear her moaning louder and louder as she eats Sue pussy and starts to finger fuck Sue’s ass. I whisper how do you like getting finger fucked by Neo. Neo repeats this causing Neo to orgasm over my cock which at the moment is buried deep inside her. Feeling the pussy juices flow around my cock, I fire off some heavy loads and just as I finished cuming, Sue screams out, oh fuck I am cuming so fucking hard I never felt this before, oh fuck me. Neo not letting up her fucking Sue’s ass and sucking on her clit while Sue is spraying Neo’s face as she did Sue’s earlier. Collapsing back on the couch, I watched as Margret moves behind Neo and begins cleaning licking, sucking her pussy and sucking hard as if she could retrieve the cum from Neo’s used pussy that I buried cum so deep in, it will be a week before that cums comes out. After a few minutes I moved over to the other couch watching as Margret gets to lay down on the couch, Sue gets in between Margret’s legs and Neo puts her pussy on Margret’s face letting her know she can continue sucking John’s cum out.

For over an hour now those three women switch places a few times and during those times, I whisper softly so only Neo could hear what I wanted and she would repeat it to the other two, which seemed to heighten the excitement being directed that way. Neo was lying on the couch with Sue’s pussy getting sucked hard by Neo and Sue licking Neo’s pussy and Margret had pulled out a small dildo from her purse and was fucking Sue’s ass with it. I looked over at the stairs and there standing at the bottom of the stairs was Neo’s mother. Her blouse undone, bra lifted as she played with her tits with one hand, her other hand was down the front of her open tan pants, rubbing her clit fast and hard. She could not see me as I was ducked down slowly stroking my cock as I was watching the three girls play. But Neo’s mother had the perfect view of watching her daughter get used by two other girls. I whispered to Neo that to not stop licking my girlfriends pussy, as your mother is here watching you having sex with these two girls and your mother is masturbating herself. Neo moans louder then the others when she hears me tell her her mother is getting off watching. Her mother stepping out of her pants and pulling down her panties and throwing off her blouse as she moves closer to the three. I watch as she unclips her bra and drops it on the floor next to the couch, I stand up and slowly, moving over behind Neo’s mother, I push her over the arm of the couch catching the attention of the other two girls. I quickly push my cock deep inside Mrs. Lee’s wet pussy, I get almost halfway down as she screams out, oh fuck yes, I position myself better as I start to hammer hard into Neo’s mother pussy, who is naked except her 5” heels, bent over the arm of the couch pounding away at Mrs Lee’s pussy, her screaming for more and harder. I whisper to Neo to get her skinny ass over here and shove her pussy in her mother face. Moving, Neo quickly gets in front of her mother pulling her hair up some than shoves her mother’s head right into her already gushing pussy, Just seeing her mother being fuck this hard did it to Neo, spraying her mother’s face with her clear watery pussy juices. Sue and Margret get on each side of me as I fuck Mrs. Lee they start spanking her ass both of her cheeks hard within a minute Mrs Lee’s ass was red and Mrs Lee was screaming out, I cuming, I cuming. I feel the squeezing of her pussy muscles rapping me in a warm wet bath of her juices as I continue to fuck Mrs Lee at a steady rate so she can get through her orgasms as I feel I have more to give before I finish. 30 seconds or so later the squeezing slows down to almost a stop as I see Mrs Lee’s head lying itself down on the cushion with her eyes closed. Slowing down and stopping the spanking, we check to make sure she is still alive, which luckily she is and I start back up as the girls moved over to the other couch and begin licking each other’s pussy while Neo stayed with her mother as I continued to fuck Mrs Lee. Holding onto her waistline I just go into a study fuck rhythm. It was not more than 3 or 4 minutes that Mrs Lee wakes up to me fucking her and her watching two girls 69 themselves while her daughter sits by her head watching a boy fuck her like no one has ever fucked her before. Mrs Lee smiling and moaning some as I do her, I whisper to Neo to lay back down so your mother can lick your pussy good this time. Neo gets into position and grabbing her hair like she owned her mother, pushing her mother’s head towards her cunt, telling Mrs Lee to start sucking her pussy before dad gets home and catches you getting fucked by this boy and you sucking on my clit. Neo flashes me ten fingers letting me know we don’t have much time left before her dad shows up. I pick up the pace some as I pound harder and harder into Mrs Lee’s wet juicy pussy, telling her that the next time I’m here I’m going to fuck her pretty little ass giving it a good slap as I said that. With that in mind I started to cum hard inside Neo mother birth channel, saying that she is a good fuck and would like to do this again soon. Mrs Lee lifts her head from her daughter’s pussy agreeing with me on having to get together again soon.

Before her father gets home Margret asked Sue if it would be ok to clean my cock before Neo’s dad gets home. Sue nods ok and starts to get herself dressed while Neo and her mother grab their clothes and head upstairs where they got dressed. When Margret finished cleaning my cock off of Mrs Lee’s juices she said it was quite good tasting and would not mind a drink from that source. At the front door I lean down to Mrs Lee giving her an hug were I squeezed that ass of hers and her right tit while giving her a good bye kiss, did the same with Neo who I said I will see you in school tomorrow. With that we left and headed to my house were I was dropped off. Giving Sue a more sensual good bye kiss while Margret stayed in the car. I told Sue that I feel so much closer to you now that the stars have aligned for me to see what had laid underneath your cloak of life and I love what I saw today. Leaning into Sue I give her my last kiss of that day and headed inside.

The following Sunday I went with Sue’s family to church where her mother, Jane who is small, but has the best ass in the county and is the church’s secretary and chief organizer. While Sue’s dad, Tom who is your average looking dad 5’9” with a dad body, was busy driving and Jane was reading her Bible on the way. I slipped my hand up Sue’s short dress and rubbed slowly on her wet pussy to tease her and get to her hyped up for later. I found out over the last few days she does enjoy some risk taking in our sex. Just as we arrived in the parking lot, Sue let out a small moan of pleasure, I pulled back some so no one would be the wiser I hoped as I played with Sue’s pussy. After we parked, Jane turned in her seat and asked if we could help her move some boxes and Tom would pick us up later this afternoon once we are done? We both agreed of course that we would help out in anyway she needed. Jane turned back to face forward to get out of the car, but I saw for just a brief moment her smiling at her husband as if she just trapped her prey that she has wanted for a long time, but never caught it, until that moment. Tom knowing his wife so well was going to have some fun.

Sue and I headed upstairs to sit in the balcony area of the church were very few people go and we can talk about what has been happening. Normally just one or two people would be found there and we were correct this time. We reach the top of the staircase and I see Mrs. Johnson my neighbor and good friend to my parents and Sue’s family, as we know from the movies Sue and I watched earlier this week. I leaned over to Sue saying want to join Mrs Johnson today and have some fun? She smiles back, nods her head once and with some very determining eyes Sue walks over to Mrs Johnson asking, will your husband or son be joining you day? Mrs Joan Johnson looks up, sees Sue there and me behind her smiling, she made quick work looking us over in a spilt second, Joan nods her head once saying please join me, would you two, come sit here with me I like to have company, but my husband has not wanted to come to church in almost 6 weeks now and my son does not believe in our Lord and Savior. Joan shaking her head thinking of why he is not there, she pulls her dark flowery dress down a little with her white gloves and than pushes her glasses up just a little on her nose. Sitting there next to Joan’s left and Sue on the other side, we sit there quite for a bit. I was thinking of those dates listed on the files stored on my fathers computer, that it was about six weeks ago that the Johnsons were not part of any movies. Had she not had sex in six weeks? I’m thinking that can’t be right. Even if Mr Johnson was not there Joan was in other movies by herself with dad or just mom and her while dad filmed. I do like those with just her and mom licking each other and when Joan is on top, how she sits up and just grains her pussy so hard into moms face screaming out loud I’m cuming slut you better keep fucking sucking my pussy, I’m cuming, I’m cuming. Over and over each time Joan orgasmed she was a different person, very demanding and a taker too. She once in one of the movies just as her orgasm was just starting, Joan inserted her two middle fingers on her right hand into mom’s pussy and pulled very hard back towards her as she sat up and started yelling at mom to keep sucking and Joan has my mother bent with her feet on Joan’s shoulders as Joan finger fucks mom with one hand and raps her other hand around mom’s waist to keep her pinned. When Joan did that I saw my mother spray her pussy water all over Joan’s face and body, it was the wettest female cum spray I have ever seen in any of the movies I saw. The movies my parents have of them, that was the strongest time my mother ever came. Muffled as she was eating out Joan’s pussy. Just thinking about that scene between mom and Joan got my dick hard and anyone in hundred miles could see I was horny with such a bulged in my pants.

As the sermon begins, I see as I look over at Sue that she has noticed my hard on and smiling knowing she will get to have it soon. While checking out Sue of what she was doing I notices that Joan’s eyes were seeing my hard on as well, even though she has her head facing straight forward, her eyes were locked on my bulge.

I turn just a little toward Joan, placing my right arm over the back of the pew and behind Joan. I lean in close to her ear as she sits there not moving, I whisper softly that, I love that little arrow pointing towards your pussy on the right inside part of your thigh. Just thinking about licking those thighs of your has got my cock hard and it is all your fault Mrs Johnson for having the best pair of legs in this church. Just as I lean back in my seat I see Sue make her move. Slowly Sue turns facing Joan, now with her right hand on Mrs Johnson’s upper right leg and with a hush voice were I can hear but no one else could from below. Mrs Johnson I have seen your goods and I want to lick your pussy in front of my boyfriend and I know he would like to see those pink pussy lips of yours first hand and not in some movie on a computer screen. Looking at Joan with a small bead of sweat on her temple I lean back over and whisper in her ear this time using my left hand I squeeze down on her left tit hard letting her know that this is truly real, as this is going to happen right here in our church. Now, no one below could see us with a wall in front us, so Sue slides down onto the floor and does a short crawl in front Mrs Johnson, were Sue begins pushing Joan’s dress up and her legs out. Just as we think we would see what color panties Mrs Johnson has on, we found out that she has a bald, clean shaven black pussy with pink lips and she is already somewhat excited. Whispering to Joan I said, I can see why my mother loves to eat your pussy just by its looks and according to the many movies I have seen of you and the close up photos, that everyone enjoys your tasty pussy. Sue begins licking that gorgeous chocolate pussy, I hear Joan starting to moan some, than putting her hands on top of Sue’s head to steady herself. Sue ramps up her oral treatment of Joan. With hush voice now I said, I would love if tonight you come over to my house and fuck me while Sue watches those pussy lips of yours rap around my white cock, yes? Do you want to see my fuck stick Mrs Johnson? Holding back as much as she can of her moaning while Sue starts in with her fingers digging deep into Mrs Johnson very wet pussy, back and forth, Sue is just hitting as hard as she can Mrs Johnson’s pussy as she knows it’s what she likes done to her from the few movies Sue has seen of her. Mrs Johnson gives me a quick nod yes to my question and looking at her lips trembling as she is on the verge of a good orgasm, I say to her, I need you to say it, John show me your white cock that I will be fucking tonight. Just as she finished saying that the people below standup and began singing a hymn loudly, I take my hard cock out and start stroking it right next to her. I slide away just a little, I grab the back of Joan’s head and pull her down on to my cock telling her to suck me off while my girlfriend does you. A little resistance from Joan saying we can’t not in the house of the Lord, I should not suck a young boys dick. I continued to pull Joan’s head further down onto my cock where, as her soft black lips touch the tip of my dick I say only, open your mouth Mrs Johnson and suck my white cock. Knowing that phase from the movies breaks down Joan’s barriers no matter where she was at. Knowing she is a submissive slut all anyone has to do really is tell her what to do. She opens her mouth and gives great head while I watch and listen to today’s sermon. After thirty minutes sucking each other off up there in the balcony, first Sue sucked Joan’s pussy while Joan sucked hard on my cock, than we switched and I sucked Joans pussy while Joan suck Sue’s white pink pussy. I was ready for more of Joan later that night were I told her as we got ourselves put back together that I want to use her ass tonight for some real good fun, so bring over some oils and lube tonight. As the sermon was over we all walked downstairs where we went our separate ways, Joan to her car and us to the secretary’s/Sue’s mother office to help in moving some boxes.

When we arrived Sue’s mom was not there yet and we began kissing, sharing the flavors of each of our own cum, it was a nice mix I was tasting from Sue’s lips. We broke apart our last kiss before Sue’s mom entered the room, I asked her if she would like to see me fuck her mother, bent over her desk? Sue smiling said, yes just as her mother entered the room causing us to separate a little. Sue’s mother maybe small, but she commands respect in her presence. While Sue’s mother walked behind her desk all I could think of now is how do I get her bent over this desk and bang the shit out of her in front of her daughter who just told me that she wants to watch me fuck her mother?

I was sitting there nodding my head in agreement to whatever she was asking of us to do thinking back to some of the early movies of her with my dad. She was even demanding than, they always did what she wanted, only she got to tell all of them what they could and could not do, until in one of the movies we see dad go right up to her and slap her face hard, it was so hard that it knocked her down. Than dad just told her in a normal voice to suck his cock or leave, he had enough of the bitches demands and told her so. Without another word from her in that movie she sucked my dad’s dick until he came. Not only did she swallow some of his cum which until than she would only let him shoot onto her tits, him or anyone else in their group. That time she swallowed all except dad’s last two releases. Hitting her forehead and right cheek. My dad when he finished grabbed Sue’s mother’s chin forcing her to look him In the eyes and he asked, are you going to be a good slut now and do as you are told? She just nodded her head at first, then dad slapped her hard again asking the same question. This time she responded with a verbal answer of humbly saying yes. Dad released her and walked off scene leaving her there. So she needs to be dominated in order to be fucked that way and I am not sure I have the balls yet to do that I’m thinking. Sue’s mother asked if we had any questions? I look over at Sue as she shakes her head no and we started to leave to do whatever we are going to do.

We get to the basement where we are met by Sandy Conner our Minister’s wife. Now for an older lady she was good looking, mid fifties, slim build with black hair that went down to her small flat ass. She has one of those asses you just want to spank. Her tits had some work done a few years ago, it was the talk of the town when she came back to church that Sunday. It was not if she got triple E tits or anything, they were close to D cup without seeing her bra size, but they were firm you could tell as when she walked they did not move much, like some of the ladies in our church do.

She was there to help direct us which boxes to move where and Sue was going to label them as we went along. Looking at Sandy, she had on a nice blue dress that showed maybe more cleavage than her other dresses and it was maybe a little shorter as it hanged about halfway down her thighs, she was wearing stocking with 4” spiked heels, like the ones you see women wear when they are going out on a date and her face seemed to have a little more makeup than she normally wears to church. Her hair though is tied back off her face giving her an angelic look as the sun light hits her through the basement windows.

Sandy is over on the other side of the basement counting the last box contents and Sue is next to me relaxing, drinking some water. Just as she was about to take another slip I whispered out loud, I like to see what kind of slut Sandy is. Sue stops her moment of drinking the water and looks at me asking, do you want to fuck every woman you see? No, not everyone, just some of them and I want to fuck her while she licks your pretty little pussy. Sue smiling looks back over at Mrs Conner and starts to look closer to what she is wearing and then it hits her, whisper back to me she said that woman there is heading for a date and it is not with her husband. Nodding my head, I said, I think you are right. So how do we get her to fuck us, asking Sue?

Sue snaps her fingers knowing just what to do and all she said is that Mrs Conner is a watcher, a person who would need to see something before she can commit to anything, so just follow my lead and what ever you do, do not speak a word, understand? Nodding my head yes, still not knowing what just happened, we head over to where Sandy is counting the last box contents. By the time we walked over to Mrs Conner, Sue had unbuttoned the top four buttons on her dress, showing off her assists. Sue asked straight up, Mrs Conner who are you going to meet up with later? Sandy still counting, looking into the box said no one. Now, now Sue says, your dress, shoes and makeup says something different. No my husband is taking me out to dinner later that’s all, as Sandy becomes a little nervous with the questions Sue is asking. Standing behind Sue having a raging hard on poking Sue’s ass with it slowly. Sue grabs my right hand and brings it around and pushes it inside her dress. I scope up her left tit and slowly start squeezing and playing with Sue’s nipple. Sue let’s out a soft moan of pleasure, which brings Sandy’s eyes towards Sue. Sandy seeing my hand inside Sue’s dress messaging her tit says nothing, just standing there now watching as I play with Sue’s breast. Following instructions to say nothing, I take my left hand and slide it under Sue’s dress, which caused Sue to lean back onto my chest. Sue pulls up her dress with her right hand knowing that she is not wearing any panties shows Mrs Conner her bald pussy and my hand now rubbing her puffy pussy lips as she is getting more excited with all that is happening. Sue says to Sandy you like my pussy Mrs Conner? Sandy watching closely as my hands play with Sue’s pussy and tits. Sue looking at Sandy tells her to take off that dress for me, I want to see those breasts of yours. Mrs Conner shaking her head as if coming out of a foggy thought asked what did you say Sue? Sue replies a little louder strip, now! Putting the clipboard down Sandy moves over to a desk in the corner and unzips her dress, dropping it on the floor she stands there in matching black g-string panties and a very lacy black bra. Sue breaks away from me and goes over to Mrs Conner, taking her right hand Sue cups Sandy’s pussy, squeezing it causing Sandy to moan out loud. Sue looks back at me saying this slut is already wet and ready to be fucked. Moving over to where they are in the corner, Sue spins Mrs Conner around bending her over the desk and started spanking her hard, but slow asking Mrs Conner to count out these slaps. One Sandy says out loud. Sue asked, you like to watch don’t you? Sandy speaks softly that Sue nor I could here. Sue slaps Sandy’s ass again asking the same question, but telling her to speak up. Two. Yes I like to watch people have sex. I moved to the other side of Mrs Conner rubbing her ass where Sue slapped, tell Mrs Conner what a nice ass she has while messaging her ass. Sue nodding to me to move my hand as she slaps again Sandy’s other ass cheek. Did you like watching my boyfriend play with my pussy, Mrs Conner? Sandy moans louder this time, than says three, yes I enjoyed him playing with your body. Slap. Four, slap, five. Mrs Conner I am going to remove these nice panties you have on and I’m going to wear them as a reminder of my boyfriend fucking you over this desk. Seeing Sandy’s trimmed pussy I unzipped my slacks and released my cock from it cage. Pointing to what I believe is a very wet pussy, I move closer, holding onto my cock I rub it slowly up and down Sandy’s love channel lips. Lining up I pushed 3” in and I hold, given Mrs Conner the minister’s wife’s pussy sometime to adjust to my cock. Sandy moans out with passion as I pull back and slam forward another 4” in. With nearly my whole cock inserted in her pussy. I lean over to Sue giving her a tender kiss on her lips, I lean back to Sandy while looking at Sue I say, Sue get in front of Sandy so she can have your pussy to scream into as I am going to fuck her to heaven. Not 10 seconds had past before I see Mrs Conner licking and sucking Sue’s ass and pussy. Sue brushing Sandy’s hair out the way, smiling asking is her pussy as good as you hoped John? Surprisingly tight as if she never has had a large cock in her before. Letting her head come up some, Sandy mentions that no one has been as big as you John, please fuck me to heaven and I will be yours until the day you throw me away. Sue pulls Sandy’s head back down to her pussy telling her to suck my clit whore. I then start my hammering, grabbing Sandy’s hips I don’t let up for a second, for the next 6 or 7 minutes I slam into her as hard and as fast never letting up as Sandy cums over and over again, screaming into Sue’s pussy each time she orgasms. I lean down over Sandy’s back as she finishes coming hard one more time. I whisper in her ear, loud enough for Sue to hear. I said, I have not fucked an ass yet do you want to be my first? I stand back up looking at Sue for her ok as she begins spraying her flavored pussy water into Sandy’s mouth. I continue to slowly fuck Mrs Conner as I wait for Sue to finish her orgasmic cum spray all over Sandy’s face. Almost a minute passed when Sue opened her eyes shaking her head no. I took my middle finger wetting with my mouth, moving in slow motion I begin to message Mrs Conner’s rosebud, smiling I shove my cock and finger hard into Mrs Conner telling her I’m cuming slut, take my seed like the good Lord says to keep your man’s seed warm. Pumping a few more times I start covering Sandy’s pussy walls with my cum as the last few shots I have left, I pulled out of her pussy and I eject my sperm over her red spanked ass. Pulling Sandy’s hair up, Sue tells her to clean her boyfriends cock before we leave. Sue pushing Mrs Conner’s head away from her pussy, giving Sandy room to turn around and lower herself to her knees, Mrs Conner begins sucking, licking and overall cleaning my cock, while Sue watches. Once Sandy is finished cleaning my dick and we have our close back on, Sue tells Sandy from now on you will only be fucked by my boyfriend or both of us. They exchange numbers than Sue and I head back to her mother’s office. Where we find Sue’s mother with her dildo stuffed up her cunt watching the security screen on her computer replaying the scene of us fucking Sandy hard and asking her if she wanted to be my first ass fuck. She see us watching her and pulls out her dildo and cums all over her chair and on the floor. I quickly closed the door and Sue without saying a word, goes over to her mother, gets on her knees and begins licking her mother’s pussy. I move closer too, watching my girlfriend lick and suck on her own mother’s pussy. Leaning back on her desk I ask, did you enjoy the show Mrs Waters? I slowly unzip my slacks, pushing them down to my thighs, are you thinking what I’m thinking Mrs Waters? That maybe, there is just a little flavor of Mrs Conner left on my cock for you to lick off, maybe? I stroke my dick slowly teasingly looking only now at Sue, watching her take her tongue and plunge it deep inside her mother’s pussy and slowly lick up just before her clit and then move back just enough so only her breath is touching that fantastic looking mom pussy. Trimmed down to a little heart shape that sits on top of her pelvic area. Sue using her fingers now to slowly penetrate her mom’s very excited and horny pussy, it’s as if she is stalling, she is working hard not to go all out fucking her, but why? Oh shit as I snap my fingers, I know way now and I’m not seeing that happening again today, my balls are already drained and I want more then a quickly with Sue’s mother. I pull my slacks up, zip back up, and fix my belt while moving over to the couch. What’s wrong, Mrs Waters asked? Nothing ma, it is that your husband will be here soon and well, Sue and I would enjoy a few hours with you alone, well to be honest when I saw Sue slowly sucking that great looking pussy of yours, it hit me, she knows that her dad will be here any moment and would like to have him join in, maybe he would be the front guy placing his small dick in your soft, full lips of yours, while I slam my python cock in your pussy to start with all the while Sue there gets your ass lubed and stretched out for me to fuck. Just so you know Mrs Waters your little girl there likes to watch me fuck women in the ass and most of the time they are dry fucks too. Do you like to be dry fucked in the ass Mrs Waters? She screams out NO just when both of her hands reach behind her daughter’s head, holding her tight against her clit while she explodes a good orgasm all over Sue’s face. Drinking as much as she can, but still having it go down her dress, soaking her skin by the time Mrs Waters finishes she seems exhausted. Arms just hanging there by her side while rocking side to side in the chair. Sue gets off her knees and comes sits next to me asking, what’s wrong with my dad that he could not join in? Turning slightly I lean into Sue and start slowly licking her face of her mother’s juices. Kissing Sue so softly that a breath of air could have passed between our lips. I continued for a couple of minutes enjoying the drink of Mrs Waters when I spoke again to Sue. It’s not your dad, it’s me I need some rest and time to reload some before we jump in fucking another person, even if it is that gorgeous mom of yours sitting there smiling as if she had just gone to heaven. It seems, while I was looking at Betty that Sue is gotten a whole lot better at eat cunt recently to have effected her own mother that much, or it was just a dream of her mother’s that had finally come true.

While walking out to the car where Sue’s dad was waiting on us. Sue stopped for a moment and looking at her mom said, mom I am going to spend the night at John’s house and seeing there is no school tomorrow due to the parent teacher conference I don’t see why not. Mrs Waters takes a minute to think about this and than agrees on the sleepover, but just one thing. What’s that mother, Sue Asked? I would like to see some movies of you two fucking. I said that would not be a problem as we will have both cell phones filming us and if we are in the right mind we may FaceTime you while as you put it fucking. Taking Sue’s hand leading the, over to the car and Sue’s mother smiling more which was kind of weird to see her do.

It takes almost thirty minutes to get to my house where Sue’s parents dropped us off and going inside found the house empty. Heading into the kitchen for food and drinks I see a note on the table addressed to me with my mother’s handwriting. Sitting down I open the letter.

It said;

Dear Junior,

Your father and I have to drive out to see your dad’s sister Aunt Beth. She is not feeling well and we expect that we won’t be back to next Saturday. I left you an envelope on the table you will find some cash and a credit card with the information needed to use it. Please no guests while we are away. Also, I asked Mrs Johnson to stop by later to check on you to see if you are ok and if you need anything.

Love Mom

Sue looking over my should, nice, Mrs Johnson coming over with an excuse now. Unless she already told her husband why she is coming over for real. Speaking out loud, I wonder what is wrong with my Aunt that they would have to stay there a whole week? Well Sue says, I’m not sure but, we could order a couple of pizzas, strip off all our clothes and binge watch that show all the kids are raving about in school. Cool I said, as I we went to call for pizza and change out of our clothes I had to asked, was that your first time licking your mom’s pussy? Nodding her head yes as she takes off her wet clothes. Sue went on to say, after seeing her in all those movies of her, out of all the women, I knew my mother was the one I wanted most of all. I swore if I ever got the chance to do my mom I would take and yes I was going slow so that my dad could join in to as I really want to be more like my parents I think. I want to try at least once two dicks or more, I don’t know, maybe. This, want we have right now, is so good. I don’t want to lose any of it but, do you know what you would do if you see another dick in me? Would you get jealous? Would you leave me, would you tell others what a whore I am at school? Sue opening up like this is good for me to hear. I take two steps over to Sue and rap my arms around her so tight, inhaling her sent as well as her mother pussy smell, which of course gets me a little excited remembering Sue licking her mother’s pussy just a little while ago. Now, I have to picture another boy(s)/man(s) fucking her. What do I feel about that? Sue has been there from the start, but it has always been my dick only in the mix. Do I want to see her sucking on another cock in front of me or worst she goes behind my back and than tells me how much she liked being fucked by someone else? I push Sue back so I can see her eyes, those gorgeous clear blue eyes of hers. I say I don’t know right now how I feel about having another dick in the mix. I can picture it some and I don’t seem to mind to much as it is with your parents that we try that with, or mine really, I think I could handle that. Right now though to be honest as we said we were going to be I don’t want that yet. Sue looking back at me asked, what about the Johnsons their son is back at college and it is just those two right now and Mrs Johnson is already coming over? Well his dick is almost as big as mine and so it might be a lot for your first time with two cocks? Also there is something wrong happening with those two. Remember what Mrs Johnson said at church this morning about not getting anything for the past six weeks and I remembered that the movies of those two together stopped about six weeks ago too. Sue nodding her head agreeing with me just said we need to ask her about that when she comes over. Just then the door bell rings. We both grabbing robes head to the front door and before we open it we see it is a guy delivery boy. Taking Sue’s robe off her I hand the cash to her saying get the pizzas. I open the door standing behind it while Sue stands there naked holding the cash out swinging her body just a little to make her tits swing side to side. Sue speaks up after 30 seconds or so, seeing the guy has long enough time to checkout my girlfriend. Waking from a wet dream the boy is having says sorry miss, it’s just that you are so beautiful I got lost for a moment. Taking the money and handing over the pizzas, Sue steps back one and closes the door. Speed walking to the kitchen Sue yelling out fuck me now, I need to be fucked good by my good looking boyfriend. Without a word I disrobe showing my hard cock into a surprisingly very wet and welcoming pussy. All 9” goes in without pause, grabbing Sue’s breast I hang onto these and pounding her pussy for the next ten minutes. I could not stop thinking about the boy checking out Sue’s body, and thinking what it would be like to see her on her knees sucking his cock as a hungry cock slut, like my mother is. Hearing Sue moan, saying fuck oh fuck me John, I fucking need your cock so much right now, oh yes John that’s it keep fucking me hard, as I’m a naughty cunt thinking, how good it would be if that boy licked my pussy or better yet you fucking me like this and he was pushing his manhood down my throat, making me gag hard as his dick goes down my throat when you are pushing me to go down more and more on his dick. Fuck, I feel it coming John, oh fuck me, yes fuck me. I pound harder and harder into Sue’s pussy as she tells me these thing about the boy just a moment ago took in the sight of my naked girlfriend. Just as I feel Sue’s love tunnel squeezing my cock the hardest I have ever felt before I push back hard all the way inside Sue’s yelling what a cock whore I have as a girlfriend, I grab her hair pulling her back whispering now, you cock whore that just wants to suck any boys dick that smiles at you don’t you slut? Sue nods once and I fire off my load after load deep inside her cunt canal while feeling these pussy muscles of hers squeezing every last drop of my cum she could milk out of me. Releasing her hair I look down at her ass and slap it hard yelling out this is my ass to have and no ones else’s. I want to get plates as Sue is rubbing her sore ass asking so no second dick than? Not yet, but it does excite me to think about you sucking another cock or even getting fucked as I watch, but I am still a little nervous to try for real for now. I ask Sue with the plates in hand, do you mine waiting? Sue smiling at me, no silly if we are to be open and happy about all this then we each have to respect the others wishes as I love watching you fuck other women and if you have not noticed, I like other women. So for now we keep our sexual adventures to only one dick at a time. Now never ever slap my ass that hard again, that hurt a lot. Sorry, I said, as I started to slowly rub that hurt ass, leaning down and giving her a very passionate kiss.

After eating a few slices of pizza we went over the the family room to watch some tv. I don’t think we lasted more the ten minutes before we both were asleep. Waking up I hear this ringing sound in my head, ring, ring, ring. Oh shit without thinking I rush over to the front door, opening it, I see Mrs Johnson standing there in her house coat with a bottle of wine in her left hand. Mrs Johnson why are you here? With her smile lowered some with disappointment now, she said, you asked me over this morning at church for a good night fuck, don’t you remember? Slapping my forehead I stepped aside inviting Mrs Johnson in and apologizing as I am still somewhat a sleep. Sue and I must have fallen asleep watching some movie. Going into the family room were Sue is now sitting up and has her robe on but open, asked Mrs Johnson as we entered the room how she was doing since this morning. Mrs Johnson smiling again seeing Sue sitting there handed me the wine, telling me to go fill some glasses, then she undid her robe letting it fall to the floor. Betty standing there in a white fancy lace matching bra and panties almost as if she was modeling the outfit for us. Giving the display in front of me, I gave her a wolf whistle and headed into the kitchen to pore a couple of glasses of wine. Coming back into the room Mrs Johnson already has her full black lips on my girlfriends soft fucked pussy lips, softly licking up to her clit. Sitting the two classes on the coffee table I head over to the big recliner to get comfortable and watch the show.

I slowly started to stroke my cock as I watched the two have more than just sex. Joan had that same look this morning as if she was reliving a beautiful dream that she can feel and lick and poke. Moaning, Sue pets the top of Joan’s soft long black hair and speaking softly which I could not hear, I could only assume it was letting Joan know how she felt with those lips and her tongue pleasuring my girlfriend’s twat. Watching and looking at Mrs Johnson’s body more closely as she pleasures Sue. Lying their, I know she is kind of tall 6’2”, as her legs are bent under her, but what legs they are. She is still athletic, she runs most morning in the neighborhood and goes to the gym, I have seen her in her yoga pants many times and I would use those images as spanking material all those morning waking up with a woody needing some release. Seeing Joan’s ass sticking up there waving just a little as she gets lost in the pleasure of sucking on Sue’s pussy, humming something I don’t know, it is beautiful to hear none the less. How does she keep her stomach so tight, maybe a little crunches or sex maybe, either way it is nice to view. For a tall black woman I thought she would have larger breasts. Incased at the moment in that white laced bra the prefect size in my opinion soft but firm C cup tits that one can squeeze softly or hard to ones own pleasure or hers as I found out this morning at church. Her long neck so exposed to nipping, I almost hate to see that at the moment no one is, so I asked Sue, could you stroke Joan’s neck for me slowly, please? With my request Sue moves Joan’s hair over and out of the way and begins sliding her fingers gently across Joan’s neck, shoulders and top portion of her back as she continues to moan and wiggle some now as I see Joan is fingering her pussy a little harder. Joan playing with Sue’s right tit, squeezing her nipple gentle, twisting, pulling softly over and over again she seems to have a pattern to her tit play. Sue gently touching Joan’s neck and shoulder with one hand is playing with Joan’s tits with her other, but she is more aggressive, pulling her tit by the nipple out as far as she can before it rips off, squeezing hard, pinching her nipple flat as if in a press. I see Sue now as her head flys back, eyes closed, mouth open nothing coming out, chest flying up and down, her left leg now rapped behind Joan’s head pinning her to her pussy. 10 seconds maybe more I watched as Sue begins to have such an orgasm to all orgasms she has had. Than Sue yells out I’m cuming John, I’m cuming. I see a tear roll out her right eye as she cums, spraying Joan in the face, Joan drinking what she could, but not slowing down her assault on Sue’s pussy. Sue screaming out, oh fuck yes, yes ,yes, oh fuck me this is the best I have ever had. Sue continues to enjoy her orgasm, I get up and go over there, kneeling next to her I grab her hand and lean in for a kiss, it was passionate and loving and sweet, so many emotions ran through me at that moment of her orgasm I was falling head over heels in love with Sue that very moment it hit me, which caused me to release tears from my eyes as I released Sue from our kiss I spoke only three words, “I Love You”. Sue coming down from a heavenly orgasm released me from her embrace, letting me know she is going to eat Mrs Johnson’s pussy for me. Shaking my head no, I said, looking into Sue’s eyes, not yet please, I have some questions I would like to ask. Could I not lick her while you ask your questions? No, I thought we could move this, get to gather, to the bedroom shortly after I ask. It’s important to me and to some extent to you too. Sue nodding her head and exhaling a huff she sits up more as I head back over to the recliner and take a sit. Sitting down Sue moved closer over to Joan and begin to play a little with Joan’s body, stroking her stomach, legs and breast, while they both sipped their wine.

Looking at this black goddess I asked, what happened six weeks ago that you and your husband no longer come over for the orgies with my parents or Sue’s?

Joan lowers her hand after taking a sip of wine. Joan said, your father called us the N word while I was sucking his cock and my husband was fucking Sue’s mother. It was just the four of us that night over at my house. We were all role playing different people that night, but when your dad said that word, James lost it bad, he pulled out of Sue’s mother’s pussy so fast and started screaming at John to get the fuck out of my house. He was throwing clothes at your father, pushing him to hurry up and get out now. It was bad, real bad that night. Your father of coarse apologized a thousand time that night and days that followed he did not want to lose James as a friend, but so nothing has helped to get James to let that night go. Now when your dad did use the N word, I was on my knees enjoying suck his cock like I have done hundreds of times, hearing him said that word lit my pussy on fire, I wanted to hear more of his new slave fantasy, was I a house slave for cooking or cleaning, did I work out in the field with my husband. All kinds of fantasies hit me at that moment, as no one has ever explored that with me and my husband before. Thinking about that, about that type of fantasy as I sit here telling you this story I don’t have that same fire running inside me, as I want that one to be with my husband some day. I want a white man to use me as a slave girl in front of my husband. Too really cockold him good. I would love it when the white slave owner would come in to the room wearing only a loincloth carrying a riding crop in his hand. I would be chained to the bed with clothes on and James tied to a chair that was secured so he could not move. Also I see in this fantasy of mine that James is ball gagged so he cannot speak. The white Master would slowly crawl over to me on the bed picking up a knife that was on the nightstand and starts cutting away my clothes, threatening me with death if I don’t do what he says. The Master would cut button after button off me, saying what a slut, whore and cunt I am. He would slap me for his pleasure as he continued to cut the old slave period outfit I had on. Just before he exposed my body he would lift up that loincloth he has on, straddling my face he would push that cock of his into my mouth holding his knife close to my eyes, saying, suck my cock slut while your lazy husband there watches. Now I know my husband can’t see this with the white Master over my face and his loincloth covers even more, I start licking slowly at first his small white dick to see if it gets any bigger? To my disappointment it did not get much bigger even when he pushed his dick into my mouth. I sucked hard enjoying this role playing though, moaning for more, saying out loud please Master do more to me, please. I make my Master cum for the first time in my mouth, which lets him go back to cutting my clothes off.

John, sorry but could you get us girls some more wine please? I will finish telling you two the rest of my fantasy as I do need to use the bathroom.

Returning with the wine I placed the glasses on the coffee table and with a soda in my hand I head back over to the recliner. Just thinking about Mrs Johnson’s fantasy is keeping my cock rock hard and I’m thinking if she does not finish soon I will need to cum, in, on, or over someone(s).

As the girls come back from the bathroom giggling they settle back down on the couch picking up their wine glasses, taking a sip Mrs Johnson continues.

There I am chained to the Master’s bed, spread open, my ankles and wrists chained to each bed post and there sitting not five feet from me is my husband, tears running down his face as our Master uses me as his pleasure toy. My Master using his skills with the knife continues to remove my clothes. After only cutting the buttons from the top of this dress I have on, he moved down to my waist and pussy. Cutting away all the fabric, he now has a good view of my hairy black pussy. My Master while twisting the knife in his hand, smiling saying, that is one great looking black slave pussy. While Joan is telling us her fantasy I see Sue start rubbing Joan’s pussy slowly and Joan opening her legs more for Sue to access better that partly covered black pussy I so much want to fuck. Joan continues telling her fantasy. The white Master looking at my husband, his slave, telling him that from now on, I am the only one who fucks this slave’s pussy. The Master grabs my cunt quickly and hard making me moan from that touch. Master just starts to finger fuck me while looking at my husband telling him how good it feels inside his wife’s black cunt. The velvety feeling of my walls as my Master continues to fuck me with now three of his fingers. Unable to hold back from the pleasure my white owner is giving me, I loudly moan yes more please Master, more. Moving my hips to get that extra pleasure my Master is giving me hoping beyond hope to have some release and just as I was about to cum, my Master lowered himself down to my puffy pink lips, lifting my little hood sucked hard on my clit and pressing even harder inside my leaking pussy g-spot. That caused me to shoot up in the air hard causing me great pain on my wrist and ankle, but I explode with such great force to the likes I have never cum before. Spraying hard at first in my Master’s face as he drinks my water, for more then a minute the Master has me cum all over on his face and me screaming asking him to stop, it was to much pleasure at once. Looking for my husband to help and not to help for I was never taken to such heights before that I feel guilty that my cockold husband sitting there watching crying not able to fight or help me. I turn my head back to my Master who is now taking his small dick and now looking at me says, this dick that I have will be your only cock from now on. With that statement he fucks me hard, ramming his cock into me, pulling my legs, hurting my ankles as the chains are still attached. Knowing men I know this will not last long and yes I was right the Master came two minutes later. I could feel his sperm spraying my womb, he is hoping to get me pregnant as I lay there in bliss. My Master gets up and leaves the room. After a minute of no talking I had to ask, what happened next? Taking a sip of wine and pushing Sue’s head down to her pussy telling Sue to start licking my pussy little one. Joan then looks back up to me as Sue begin licking and sucking Mrs Johnson’s black pussy. She says that he just leaves me there. I am his fuck toy in that fantasy and he can do what ever he wants to me. The Master could even bring over others to use my body if he so chooses too.

That is a fantasy I think I may one day do with you or someone as I watch Sue lick your pussy and me soft stroking my cock as I am ready to fuck you.

I get up and head over to the couch where the girls are. As I approach Sue lifts her head asking are we heading to the bedroom as I am so fucking horny after hearing such a fantasy like that I need to get fucked. Mrs Johnson getting up with Sue we all head back to the master bedroom. When we get there Joan heads over to the closet and pulls out a box, sitting it on the nightstand she pulls out a strap on, smiling at Sue, Joan says that she want to fuck her while her boyfriend fucks me. Snapping on a 7” rubber cock to the strap on, Joan pulls out a bottle of lube and start to apply some. Looking up at us Joan smiling said, this is both of your parents best sex position of all of them as I love to fuck women and I love to be fucked doggy style. Rubbing Sue’s pussy as Joan tells us some of the other things she does with our parents makes Sue even wetter and hornier, so much so that she yells out please just fuck me Mrs Johnson I can’t take this touching any longer. Sue jumps on the bed getting on all four, Joan next getting behind Sue adding just some lube on Sue pussy as she massages it. Slowly Mrs Johnson pushes foreword with her rubber cock, penetrating Sue’s pussy causing Sue to moan as she feels her first relieve of her sexual buildup. Sue dropping her head down onto the pillow looking towards the door as inch after inch of that rubber cock goes smoothly into Sue heated love cunt. Slapping Mrs Johnson ass making her jump a little and causing her cock to jump further into Sue making her scream out just a little fuuucccckkkk me that feels good. I whisper in Joan’s ear bending over my sexy slutty black slave. Whispering back Joan says Yes Master. It takes a few tries to get rhythm down as I fuck my black neighbor’s pussy slowly and she is wanting to fuck my girlfriend hard and fast. I grab some ass off of Joan and by my squeeze we get into a good fuck rhythm, I squeeze hard we move hard as I squeeze softer we slowed down. I was looking at Sue when she started to smile while she was staring out the whole time toward the bedroom door. For some reason, it may have been Sue’s smile or maybe a noise I heard, I turned my head towards the bedroom door and there standing in the doorway was Mr Johnson. Standing there with his clothes on the floor next to him stroking his cock while watching his wife fuck my girlfriend and me fucking his wife. First fight or flight hit me quick as I stopped fucking such a hot ass pussy. Than I saw him just standing there slowly stroking his dick, getting off watching us three fuck. Just out of thought as we three are still frozen in position, I raise my hand back and quickly and very hard slap Mrs Johnson’s ass as I yelled out get back to fucking my girlfriend, Slavvvvvvveeeee. Stretching out the word slave to make sure Mr Johnson understands what this fantasy role play we are having is going to be. I felt Joan’s pussy squeezing my cock while I pushed back into her, causing her to moan out, Yes Master, while looking over at her husband, Joan starts up with, yes Master please use my slave pussy for your own pleasure, oh God Master your dick is so much bigger than my cockold husband’s is. From now on I will only fuck you Master and no one else, that is, unless you tell to fuck them. Slapping Joan’s ass again yelling now, oh fuck my slave I can see it now, you there on your knees in the morning and me holding your head as I fuck those black lips of yours until I cum all over your beautiful face. Than telling you to have that husband of your clean it off later after I fuck this gorgeous black slave ass. Just as I said that I pull out of Joan’s pussy climb around in front of her, shoving my dick down her throat causing her to gag a little, still while she is fucking Sue I cum three strong, long, cum loads and just as I know I have a just a little left, I pull out of Joan’s soft mouth and lips and release two more loads of cum on her forehead and chin, smearing my seed all over Joan’s face. I then dismount the bed and head over to the chair in the other corner sitting down exhausted. I looked up and I see Mrs Johnson continues to fuck Sue, but Mr Johnson has moved over in front of Sue and is now inserting his cock into Sue’s mouth and Sue is now the one in the middle being used. Mr Johnson looking at his wife while gently fucking Sue’s mouth tells Joan, that he is sorry for everything. That he was wrong to make all what they have with their friends so personal about John using the N word, that he should have known it was just fantasy as we all were going off into other realms. The Johnsons lean into each other squeezing Sue in the middle making her take in more and more cock in both holes causing her to gag some as Mr. Johnson’s cock entered Sue’s throat and while that happened they started to kiss and make up with some small tears of joy. Breaking apart Mr Johnson took Sue’s head and held it firm like as he began to cum inside her mouth, as I just recently came in his wife’s mouth. When the dick that was occupied inside Sue’s mouth left, Sue screams out as she collapses her head down onto the pillow, fuck I came so many time I still feel like I am cuming. We’re all getting comfortable on the bed, me and James on the edge, the women in the middle, me next to Sue and Joan next to her husband. Just lying there enjoying what just happened. A few fantasies came true, well somewhat anyways, small steps as some would say. Me, having my girlfriend in my arms thinking, wow, I’m not being a jealous asshole at all right now, but I think for now that I would be ok with others enjoying Sue as I do, but with me being there to, I think? No solo runs just yet. I looked up at the ceiling, I asked all, who is hungry? With four hands in the air we all laughed and head down stairs naked where Mrs Johnson grabs Sue’s hand and they head into the kitchen, where I follow Mr Johnson into the family room.

James takes a seat in the recliner, I sit on the couch when Mrs Johnson came in with a beer for James and a can of soda for me. When Joan leaned down to hand me my drink I had to reach up and give her tits a gentle squeeze, saying, that I enjoy these very much. James after taking a drink of his beer and me still squeezing Joan’s titles, James asked if what I said earlier is a fact? Thinking I know what he was referring to, I asked two questions. Are you James, submissive enough to except that fact that your wife is my property to do with as I may? And Joan here to be your Master while in her home when you two are alone? James taking a larger drink now of his beer and than sitting it down, says this as he looks at me while I continue to fondle his wife’s breasts. I will as long as it excite me and does not trouble my sleep or work. Turning Joan around so she is facing James, I get off the couch and stand behind Joan having one hand around her front squeezing hard now her nipple asking, does my pinching your nipple like this my black slave feel good to you. Joan smiling at her husband says oh Master please pleasure yourself with my body as your pleasure is my pleasure and she than offers just a soft moan to show it does please her having her nipples pinched hard. Slapping Joan’s ass hard I say out loud to suck James cock before he has to leave us for the night as me and my girlfriend will be enjoying your company in our bed all night long. I then head into the kitchen to talk with Sue as Joan gets on her knees and gives James a blowjob. Entering the kitchen as I hear Joan slurping on James’s cock, I see Sue sitting at the kitchen table fingering herself as she heard everything that was said. So what do you think? How do we handle owning a slave woman who by all means can teach us everything we want to know and we have a week to learn it all too?

During that week Joan called the school letting them know that we came down with the flu and will be out. Both Sue and I used Joan as much as we could, but she used us too. We asked about the movies and how that all got started and are there others in the group besides the three couples. Joan mentioned she is part of two other groups, each having two couples and one group has their son joining us from time to time. We stayed naked as why bother getting dress really as one or the other person would just strip the clothes off anyways. Joan showed us how to do some cooking naked and what to avoid cooking when naked as well. It was one of my best weeks of my life. Friday night came around as the last night that we had as my parents would be coming home tomorrow and it seems they will be bringing my Aunt with them. After dinner we all headed up stairs for a full night of debauchery, as we had saved up all day, with all of us just teasing with soft touches, kisses, grab assing or texting what we wanted done to us tonight. With drinks in hand we three head upstairs. Watching Joan’s black beautiful ass swinging in front of me as well as Sue’s white gorgeous ass and not having sex all day, I was sporting one massive hard cock, looking forward to using it well tonight. Sue calls James on Joan’s cell phone and asked if he would like to watch his wife get fucked? James asked, now? Sue told James more of a command than a request said, James go to your bed, remove all your clothes and call this phone back when you are ready, you have three minutes or no one will answer this phone. Sue hangs up. We all start kissing and lightly touching each other as we waited for James to get ready, well let’s face it, Joan has a mild case of wanting her husband Cockolded and she enjoys the role of the slave. Sue though seems to enjoy the Master role or let’s say Mistress more than I do. Sue found my mother’s leather choker and a leash Wednesday morning and walked Mrs Johnson out to our back yard where James could see his wife through our connected fence gate door to each other’s homes which was put in last year. James stood there watching Joan next to Sue on all fours as Sue petted her head, letting James know what a good bitch she has been and what a good slave as well. Sue standing there naked in front of James as Sue went on telling James all the fun she has had with her new pet and was hoping she will get one of her own soon. James asked, getting what soon? Watching his wife start licking Sue’s pussy in front of him makes James dick grow some. Sue looking at James with a smile on her face told him I want my own slave, a male slave I think, that would please me and tell me bedtime stories, and play with me like John’s slave does for him. Sue moans out, that’s it my pet, lick my pussy good. Looking down at Joan as Joan looks up while licking Sue’s pussy, Sue asked is the dog next door, the one at this gate now, is he any good as a pet? Now, I am on the patio watching and hearing all this as I’m only 10 feet away, sitting there slowly stroking my cock. Joan stops licking Sue’s pussy and speaks, I don’t know Mistress, he does play well with other dogs though. Sue pushes Joan’s head back into her pussy, thinking as she looks at James who is now on all fours as he caught on to what was happening. Sue looking over shoulder with a face of, can I have a dog of my own too, kind of face. I said, for only a little while, so we can talk about it later tonight about getting you your own pet. Smiling, Sue looking down at James and Joan there, tells James to roll over, James rolls over on his back, his dick hard from watching his wife eat pussy in front of him for the passed Five minutes. Sue than straddles James and tells her pet to get her new male pet wet so she can fuck her dog. Joan moving around quickly starts sucking just a little bit on James’s cock to get it wet ready. Sue sitting up seeing that James’s cock is good enough tells my slave to insert her pet’s dick into Sue’s pussy. Sue slowly lowers herself onto James’s cock while Joan keeps it pointing up, moaning the whole way down, Sue yelling out, fuck it feels good, oh fuck me I need my own pet too John. Once Sue was fully down on James, Sue begins riding him hard and fast as she was already just as hyped as James was with all the story telling and Joan licking her pussy. I grab a bottle of lube off the table I had been using to stroke my dick and went over to where Sue is fucking James and Joan is helping herself by rubbing her pussy in James’s face while watching Sue fuck James. Pushing Sue foreword I get behind Sue and with a lubed finger, I push it in fast into Sue’s rosebud looking asshole. Sue grabs ahold of Joan and screams out moaning and taking in Joan’s left tit into her mouth and started sucking hard all at once as Sue moved so quickly. James not really knowing what is going on with the sudden change, but felt Sue’s pussy squeezing his cock tighter. In seconds I had another finger inside Sue as I lean in, I whispered into her ear, I want your ass now my love. Pushing Sue over more and with a short nod from her I pushed hard a third finger into that virgin ass of Sue’s. Pounding away with my hand as James lays there enjoying it all and understand now what is happening. Joan bends back as much as she can as Sue bends forward more so that I can get in behind Sue with my steel hard cock all lubed up I push slowly for the first time into the ass of my girlfriend while she is being fucked by my Black neighbor and his wife’s pussy is now in Sue face for her to lick. By the time I get to the bottom Sue is screaming out I’m cuming, I’m fucking cuming. I pick up the pace some as I just got started. Not more then two minutes goes by when James speaks out, oh god I’m going to shoot my load now, fuck me this is too fucking good. Just than I see Joan spraying Sue’s face with her explosive orgasm, one long spray as Sue’s mouth stays open drinking all she can and me in the back pounding away hard now as the other three are releasing all their cum. With such a tight ass, I did not last long either and fired my hot loads right down that dark sweet tunnel of Sue’s ass. My cock along with James’s dick reducing some in size are slowly pushed out of Sue’s body. We’re all lying there exhausted and fulfilled in some strange ways. I get up with the help of Joan and together we carry Sue into the house and lay her on the couch to recover. James got up and went back into his home to sleep. I looked at Joan with her collar on and the attached leash. I looked down at Sue as she fall asleep there on the couch, I grab the leash and tell my pet to come, like I would any pet on a leash. Following me on all fours again, I headed towards the master bathroom where there is a walk-in shower. Getting the shower going I get down on my knees next to Joan and unhook the leash and take the collar off. Looking toward Joan’s sweet black ass I start to rub it softly saying that one day soon I would like to be the man behind you fucking your gorgeous ass. I slip in my middle finger, probing inside just a little causing Joan to release a soft moan with her eyes closed thinking of just that. Breaking the mood just oh so little I lift her up onto her feet and we walk into the shower. With Joan wet from head to toe now, I grab ahold of the sponge and body soap and start to message/wash Joan’s body slowly, taking care of some areas better than others, but no complaints from Joan. Washing Joan off she does me the same with the same loving care saying, over the last few days you and Sue have let me be what ever I wanted or what you or Sue for that matter wanted from me. You two have fulfilled a number of my fantasies which is saying a lot considering the life I have. You two are more than lovers too me more than just a neighbor or a friend. I don’t know what this, that we three have at this time, at this moment in our lives, but I can honestly say that I love the both of you with all my heart. After that I could not say anything to match or expand on what I was feeling for Joan, all I could do was take Joan in my arms tightly and whisper that I know what she is feeling and that I felt the same way and that I too loved her just as much. With that said in the shower we embraced with a very passionate kiss. Our tongues started dancing an ancient dance of love, one that only those who have felt that old hand of love could feel. Tears running down our faces, we release ourselves softly from such a hard embrace of arms rapped around our bodies as if our lives could go no further with each of us being inside the other. Pushing Joan against the wall hard this time as my passion for her has grown to a hotter level, taking my legs in between hers and lifting her left leg to rap around my waist I put my cock on the tip of her entrance to her love tunnel for the first time as a partner, lover, more than friends and no longer as a role player or a sex toy for either of us, this time it was more, much more and we both knew it was. Inch after inch as my dick goes further and further up into Joan’s love tunnel all I heard from Joan as she looked long and deep into my eyes as if saying without speaking, I love you, I love you John. With that look I leaned in and kiss Joan as my lover and partner now. We made love for the next 20 minutes in that shower in a few different positions. I was cuming in Joan’s mouth at the end, I said to her, as she was sucking my cum down her throat that I love you more than words could say. We did a quick wash and shut off the water and dried off each other and went back downstairs to check on Sue. She was still sleeping hard as we went out back with drinks this time to talk more.

I looked into Joan’s eyes holding her hand, I ask that we keep our, what ever this is between us, just between us for now. Joan shaking her head that morning agreeing that we have something special and she does not want to change anything, but would like to have some private moments from time to time if that is going to be even possible.

James called back just at the three minute Mark was up and with the cell phones on so that each can see the other we begin by Sue taking the phone and directing Joan and I.

My good Slave Joan, get my boyfriends dick hard so he can fuck me, Sue moving around giving James great angles of Joan sucking my cock and hearing Sue and I commenting on Joan, that’s it slave suck my dick, take it all in that gorgeous black mouth of yours. Sue grabbing Joan’s tits, pinching her nipples gently causing them to go stiff. Sue at times watching James stroke his dick while watching his wife suck the Master’s cock. For over three hours that night we all fucked each other all the while James just watched. Joan riding Sue’s face or me sucking on Joan’s pussy and fingering her ass as Sue rode Joan’s face it was a great night of sex with the three of us at the end when Sue had fallen asleep and James was watching this last part as Joan lying on her back and me on top slow fucking Joan’s pussy, kissing as lovers do. My hand on her ass squeezing softly as I pumped away harder and harder hoping above hope that we would cum at the same time this last time. For 15 minutes maybe we kissed and groped and slow fucked each other, I whisper softly that I feel my dick filling and is about to explode deep inside my love and just as I started I could feel the muscles of Joan’s pussy at that time squeezing my shift as it was the second time we made love. It was to much for me as I felt so much love into a few squeezes from Joan, I started to shed a tear of joy and as my last of my seed exited my body and entered hers I leaned into Joan and gave a very passionate French kiss. By the time we uncoupled the cell phone was off and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The following morning I wake up with Sue giving me a blowjob and Joan gone. Asking what happened to Joan and telling Sue how beautiful see looked sucking my cock. Sue pulls my dick out, telling me Joan left to go back home to her husband and that she will see us again later. Ok than, I need to have you my love, ride me one last time before my parents get home. After we both came Sue called her mother to come pick her up. Twenty minutes later Sue was gone and I was still naked working around the house as I cleaned up a little. It seems Joan would not let us just, let the house go to shit while she was there, so we kept it clean the whole week.

My parents pull up into the driveway as I open the front door, puzzled as I don’t see my Aunt with them. With bags in hand they make it into the house dropping them right there at my feet. Dad smiling at me asking if I would mined taking these upstairs. No of course not dad I said as I picked up what I could and after making a few trips up the stairs and placing their luggage on their bad I was a little beet. By the time I get into the family room both of them are nude and my mother is sucking dad cock in the recliner. I sit on the couch checking out moms ass as she sucks dad’s small dick, I ask when my eyes come up seeing my dad watching me as I was watching mom. I asked about Aunt Beth. Mom lifts her head and yells out BITCH and goes back down sucking dad’s dick again. I take it things did not go well there dad, last night? Well you could say that thing have change some because of what happened last night. Well we told you that Beth was sick, well that was a lie, we were going over there as we have for years now for a week and fuck, suck, role play everything we normally do when we visit. I have to ask dad, does Frank know about this week of play? Dad shaking his head no says that we visit when he goes on his conference week at his work. We don’t know when it will be each year so we kind of plan it as a last minute thing. We tell our bosses something each year and just head out, like we did this year. When we got there I started right off fucking my sister’s mouth as she gives the best head in the world and your mother can agree about that as she does oral like no one does. All week we are naked and fucking, eating, role playing, daring each other. This one time I dared your mother 100 dollar dare that she could not get the pizza guy or girl as we don’t know who will show up to ask for a blowjob. She had to mime it to the person who delivers the pizza, so no talking is allowed. The catch was your mother needed three tries to get that person to ask. Sure I said, the first night we ordered and it is a kid next door who delivers pizza on his bike for the neighborhood. So your mother is there naked as a jay bird on her knees with cash in her mouth and hands behind her back with Me standing behind the door so the kid can’t see me or my sister. I’m thinking oh shit this kid is going to run home screaming to his parents that his neighbors or naked or something. But when he sat the pizza box down next to your mother and slowly grabbed the cash from her mouth placing the cash in his pocket, he leaned down some and squeezed gently her breasts, than unzipped his pants pulling out a 6” semi hard cock and slide it into your mother’s mouth, telling her to suck his cock good if she wants to do it again in the future. I don’t know if your mother had that arranged or not as it was my sister who kind of egged me on to do it to her, to dare her that dare. To top that the kid lasted for over ten minutes as your mother sucked, licked and deep throated him. When we closed the door I just pushed her over while she was down there already on the floor and fucked her good. My sister just grabbed the food and took it into the kitchen and eat. Last night things happened that have never happened before. The kid knock on the door early yesterday afternoon asking if he could join us in whatever we had planned for the day. Nothing really as we normally just pack and get ready to leave. We have a good hard fuck later in the evening true, but he was there before we were truly ready, well me and your mother that is, my sister though was horny as fuck for that kid. So while we were packing around 7 last night, Beth and the kid were fucking hard in the front room. He was riding her like a wet rag when Frank came walking in catching her just as the kid shoved his cock right into her ass for the first time and she screams out, of fuck me kid that’s just too much cock. She must have had her eyes closed as the kid continued to pound her ass and she continued to love it. The kid fires off his load, slapping Beth’s ass telling her what a cum slut she is and when he is just about finished asked Beth why is your husband home and at the door looking to kill someone. All hell broke loose than, I came out getting Frank off the kid before he killed him. Beth running to the bedroom to hide, your mother tending to the kid, getting his clothes and getting him dressed and out the door as quickly as possible, before Frank got his gun out and shot someone. When things settled down, your mother and I loaded the car up and left, with reassurance that Frank would not do anything crazy. The next morning Beth called your mother tell her that, She and Frank had made up and seems Frank spilled the fact he was fucking the kids mother for the last few years while the kids dad was out of town on business and the kid seemed to take advantage of what happened and fuck Beth as payback. Now the four of them have a date later tonight as the kids dad is out of town and they want to have a foursome. Well that turned out ok I guess, I was kind of hoping to see Aunt Beth though? Any chance she still coming? Not for awhile, dad was guessing as he cums in mom’s mouth.

I headed upstairs after handing my dad my sketch pad as this is what I have been up to. I was exhausted from everything that happened that week.

Over the next few months me and Sue grew as a couple. The only other cock that Sue enjoyed was Mr Johnson, when we visited him after church, as we three continued to play up in the balcony, just the three of us, it is our place. Me and Sue for now have done nothing more with our parents other than watch them play. Sue I know has asked a few times that she would like to join the girls night at least, but I ask if she could hold off as I needed more time to except this life style we are on.

As I sit here, eyes closed, with my parents, Sue and her parents along with Joan and James as they all sing Happy Birthday too me. I can think of only one wish this year for me to have and to make my life better. I wish to live life, as life is to be lived. In the moment!

I complete my wish by blowing out each of my candles one by one until they are all out. Looking around I standup and I go over to kiss my girl Sue, than I moved over to my mother and kiss her slowly and with lots of passion. After her I slip my arms around Sue’s mother, leaning down I give her a lovers kiss. Then I turn around seeing Joan there with a hopeful smile, I walk over and as a gentle rap of my arms around her waist I push up on my toes some and press my lips to hers as one would do for a long lived lover could only do. Releasing my arms around Joan I step over to Sue again and smiling I lean down to her left ear and whisper, are you ready? Leaning back and looking deep into Sue’s eyes when she realizes what I am just said, Sue’s smile grows as I begin to undress her in front of everyone.

Ix’s slick writing tips 0 (0)


Oh yeah baby! My stories scores right up there in the mid-eighties. Premium tier! Wanna know how this extraordinary record of success is achieved? Read on.

Hey folks. So here’s a thing that happened: I was over in the writers’ lounge and there was a bit of a general grump going on. Among the causes of the discontent was a general feeling that grammar and ‘good writing’ (whatever that is) are not as well represented as they might be among the top stories on this site. Understandably, people looking for fuck stories are not predisposed to reserve their upvotes for a masterfully employed semicolon; nor are they likely to stay their hand from downvoting a story because of its refusal to carelessly split infinitives.

One of the authors being complained about in the chat popped up and was generally very positive about the criticism and their desire to improve their work. They were much nicer about it than I suspect I would have been. So, as someone who likes to think they know a thing or two about words, I thought providing a few bits of general writing advice might be a constructive response to the whole affair.

Writing about writing is notoriously fraught with danger. Any rule you state is almost certainly one you have broken somewhere within your own work. Frankly, you’re doing well if you manage to avoid providing examples of the mistakes you’re talking about in the very piece of writing you discuss them in. It’s a truism that as soon as you publish something you will immediately see a glaring error, and that goes double when you write something that, by its nature, will provoke gleeful joy from anyone who spots such an error and gets to point it out.

With this in mind, I drafted a few points I thought it would be worth sharing on the thread, and that drafting process produced enough words that I thought it would be better just to publish them as an essay. That’s what you’re reading right now. This isn’t a definitive list of everything a writer should think about, but I do flatter myself that it lays out quite a few things that it’s helpful to bear in mind when reading over your first draft. Some of the points that are made here have their origin in the critique of a single story; others are my personal crusades. So if it feels like I’ve chosen a fairly arbitrary ***********ion of things to talk about, that’s why.

The reader only has your words to guide them

When you have a picture in your mind of what you want to happen in a story, it’s surprisingly easy to leave out details that you plan to rely on. Ideally, important events in your narrative shouldn’t require your reader to reassess their assumptions about what’s going on. This can be tricky, as you don’t want to be constantly adding prosaic details like, “There was a chair on the deck”, but at the same time, if someone’s going to jump on a chair it’s helpful for the reader to know in advance that it’s there. A bit of flowery de***********ion can be useful here. “The deck was strewn with a few weathered wooden chairs and a forlorn patio umbrella” pulls double duty, setting the scene and subtly letting the reader know about a prop you’re planning to use.

A related problem is that the reader can’t hear your voice. When you speak out loud the rise and fall of your voice clears up a lot of potential ambiguity. Write those same words down and there’s a good chance that a previously comprehensible sentence will become confusing as hell. Unfortunately, when you read back your own words it’s tough not to ‘hear’ the emphasis you intended, so unless you’re very careful you can end up with text that reads just fine to you, while leaving other people scratching their heads. An important part of the art of writing, then, is making it completely clear what you mean using text alone. In my opinion, that’s the main trick you should be looking to pull work to turn your first draft into a polished story.

To start with, take things a sentence at a time, then move on to looking at how sentences work with each other, and finally to do a paragraph-level analysis. I think the following checklist provides a good starting point for critiquing any unit of writing you’re examining:

Can it be clearer?

Can it be simpler?

Can it be shorter?

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, then it doesn’t immediately mean the writing is ‘wrong’, or ‘bad’. You can usually make a sentence simpler and shorter by deleting adjectives and adverbs. Often that’s a good call, but not always. It’s just something to think about. I advocate erring on the side of clarity, simplicity and brevity whenever you’re in doubt.

Simplicity and brevity are pretty self-explanatory virtues, I think. A sentence that, by being more complicated than it needs to be, confuses with its great number of sub-clauses and myriad conjunctions, not to mention unnecessarily sprinkling in copious amounts of flowery, polysyllabic adjectives and adverbs, will inevitably confuse the beleaguered reader beyond any nascent interest they have, and will hence be extraordinarily difficult to read with any degree of ease. See?

When it comes to clarity though, it’s trickier to pin down what’s clear and what isn’t. This is where a certain amount of technical pedantry can be extremely helpful. It’s not necessary, or even desirable, to follow strict rules of grammar and form all the time, but if you ever want to make a piece of writing clearer, an appreciation of such rules can be very helpful. There are three topics that spring to mind here. They’re not the only ones, but they’re biggies: Pronouns, Tenses and Point of View


Simple pronouns are basically all the words you use to avoid naming the same thing over and over again. It’s clunky to say “Edmund got in the car and drove the car to the shop”, so you say “Edmund got in the car and drove it to the shop”. Examples of these basic sorts of pronouns include ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, and ‘them’.

There are also possessive pronouns like ‘my’, ‘his’, ‘its’, ‘their’ and ‘yours’, reflexive ones like ‘herself’, relative ones like ‘who’ and ‘that’, and others beside. I’m not discussing all those here though.

When looking at pronouns in your writing, there’s one question you should be constantly asking: Is it 100% clear who or what each pronoun refers to? By their nature, pronouns have ambiguous references. Whenever you use one, you’re relying on your reader to infer from the context what it’s referencing. If I write: “David and his dad were arguing. He was obviously completely wrong” then it won’t be clear who ‘he’ is. Depending on how the reader interprets the pronoun they might end up taking away exactly the opposite meaning to the one that I intend.

With specific reference to sex stories, this means it’s harder to write gay scenes than straight ones. When a straight couple fucks, ‘he’ and ‘she’ have very clear references. When two women or two men go at it you end up with problems. The line “As Karen and Elizabeth’s passion grew, she slipped her hand into her pussy” for instance, could mean one of eight different things depending on who ‘she’ and the two instances of ‘her’ refer to. Of course what I meant in this case is that Elizabeth slipped Karen’s hand into Karen’s pussy, but in other cases it might not be so obvious.


Stories are usually written in the past tense, which means you’re limited to the past perfect tense if you want to use tenses to communicate that one thing happened before another thing. Let’s just look at how those two tenses work by giving examples.

Past tense: “Sally ate all the raspberries”, “I enjoyed the story”

Past perfect tense: “Sally had eaten all the raspberries”, “I’d enjoyed the story”

The quick rule of thumb here is that the presence of the word ‘have’ or one of its variants indicates a perfect tense, which means a tense where you’re talking about the state of having done something. We’re talking about the past perfect here, so the word ‘had’ will be the variant we’re using. (‘I’d’ is a contraction of ‘I had’)

Once you get used to recognising the past perfect, be careful not to slip in and out of it by accident. You only want to use it when you are referring to something that happened before the main timeframe you’re writing in. Below is an example passage with the perfect tense bits bolded. There’s a little bit of present perfect in there as a bonus, which I’ve italicised.

John went to the fridge. The previous day he had filled it with eels, so it came as no surprise when, after opening the door, he was buried in an avalanche of long, gelatinous bodies. Digging himself out he reflected on the events that had brought him to this point. He had opened the door in the full knowledge of what would happen. The only question was why? It must have been because of the words his mother had said to him in the supermarket all those years ago. “Son,” she had said. “If ever you’re feeling down, just fill your fridge with eels and then open it up the next day. You’ll soon realise that things weren’t so bad before you did that”. How right she had been, he thought.

Past perfect gets awkward fast, so if you want to do a lengthy flashback it’s best to use some other devices to indicate it. Be very careful about nesting flashbacks within flashbacks; that way lies madness, especially if you’re using tenses as your primary way of indicating the order things happened in.

Character POV

Most readers tend to identify with one character at a time, and most stories are written to help them with that. Accordingly, unless you’re going for some weird avant-garde effect it’s best to stick to writing from just one character’s point of view (POV) at a time. This means only writing one character’s thoughts. You can still have other characters show emotions, but show don’t tell. Only speak directly about feelings when talking about your POV character. Check out the little passage below.

“Shelly was mortified. The look on Paula’s face was one of abject horror, while Jennifer seemed more angry than anything.”

Here we’re writing from Shelly’s POV, so when we write about Paula and Jennifer’s emotions we find other ways to communicate them by providing Shelley’s perspective. An advantage of sticking to this rule is it makes pronouns a little bit stickier. Without another clue, the reader will tend to assume she/he/they pronouns refer to the current POV character. This doesn’t always work though. Consider:

“Shelly was mortified. The look on Paula’s face was one of abject horror, while Jennifer seemed more angry than anything. She dropped the fish tank and it smashed on the floor.”

Here the ‘she’ is pretty non-specific. This doesn’t work. However, now consider:

“Shelly was excited to see her friends’ reactions as she carried her new acquisition into the restaurant: a beautiful Japanese koi carp. However, as she came through the door she remembered that a rampaging koi carp had destroyed Jennifer’s rose garden. Shelly was mortified. The look on Paula’s face was one of abject horror, while Jennifer seemed more angry than anything.

She dropped the fish tank and it smashed on the floor.”

There’s still a little ambiguity there (reading it back, I’d still probably edit it to “Shelley dropped the fish tank”). Nonetheless, we could probably get away with this. Thanks contextual information. Thanks POV!

So err… that’s all my thoughts for now. I don’t really have a conclusion or anything, I just wanted to help a fellow author be the best they could be and it got a little out of hand. Peace out fellow perverts. I’ll be back soon with an essay on the ethics of all this shit, and a fair while later with an extremely nasty slow-burn psychological story. In the meantime, please check out my take on Beauty and the Beast, if and only if you like the sound of slowly developing dom/sub romance between a young girl and a seven-foot dog man, which eventually degenerates into depraved carnality, but only after four or five chapters of nothing much happening.

Bye for now,


Keeping a Family Tradition – Ryan’s Initiation 0 (0)


There are policies concerning when and how a sixteen-year-old is initiated into the tradition. The first of the guidelines is that children aren’t allowed to date before their sixteenth birthday. The second is that their first sex will be with the parent of the opposite sex on the weekend following their sixteenth birthday at a family reunion. The last is that once initiated, they may ask anyone already initiated to have sex with them.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen.


If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we’re the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the average American family. The average American family does not have parents who are brother and sister.

Whenever people ask us how we met, Ginger and I always say we met in high school. In a way, it’s true because the first time I saw her as other than my sister was when I was an eighteen-year-old senior, and she was a sixteen-year-old sophomore.

Allow me to explain a bit about our background. Our parents are also brother and sister. Our grandparents were cousins, as were their parents. This coupling of relatives goes back five generations. As you can see, incest is a tradition in our family, not just something that happens incidentally.

There are policies concerning when and how a sixteen-year-old is initiated into the tradition. The first of the guidelines is that children aren’t allowed to date before their sixteenth birthday. The second is that their first sex will be with the parent of the opposite sex on the weekend following their sixteenth birthday at a family reunion. The last is that once initiated, they may ask anyone already initiated to have sex with them.

The story of initiating our three children, Ryan, Sue, and Tammy, into the tradition will be told as separate stories.

Ryan’s Initiation

Ryan wanted to have a few of his friends over to celebrate his sixteenth birthday the following Tuesday, so Ginger and I had it catered to avoid having to prepare food for a bunch of hungry teenage boys. The big day arrived. Ryan and his friends played basketball, swam in the pool, played video games, etc.; all the things teenage boys do.

After his friends left, I asked Ryan to have a seat in the living room with Ginger and me.

“What’s up, Dad?” he asked.

“Don’t make any plans for the coming weekend,” I stated.

“Why? What’s going on?” he asked, confused.

“You, Mom, and I are going to my parents place for a very special event.”

“What kind of special event,” he queried.

“Ryan, first of all, I need your promise that anything said here or done this coming weekend won’t be discussed with anyone, not your sisters, not your best friends, nobody. If you break this promise, Mom or I, or both of us, could go to prison.”

“Mom, Dad, you have my word that nobody will ever know anything,” he stated.

“First, I need to tell you that Mom and I are brother and sister. It’s not uncommon where we come from.”

“What! Are you telling me that incest is okay where our family comes from?” he exclaimed. “What else is there?”

I go on to explain, “There’s a family tradition that when a child turns sixteen; they are initiated into the tradition. The initiation involves being taught how to please your sexual partner. This is done by the parent of the opposite sex. That’s why you kids aren’t allowed to date. This is your sixteenth birthday, so next weekend, Mom is going to teach you about how to please a woman. Once your initiation is complete, you’ll be allowed to ask any member of our immediate or extended family who has been initiated to have sex with you. That’s why it’s always done at a family reunion. Your sisters will be staying with friends; they can’t know about it until they’re sixteen.”

“Wow! That’s a lot of info to process,” he exclaimed.

“This coming Monday is a holiday and I’m taking Friday off from work. We’ll leave around nine, after the girls leave for school, and get there after lunch. The girls are going directly to their friends houses after school. With a three full days there, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know your grandmother, aunts, and female cousins, intimately,” I announce.

For the next few days, Ryan has a perpetual hard-on thinking about all the sex he’s going to have over the weekend.

It’s finally Friday. The girls are on their way to school, and the car is packed for the weekend when Ginger exclaims, “Oh, wait, I forgot, we need to drop off clothes for the girls at their friend’s houses. I had them pack but we need to drop the clothes off.”

She runs into the house, grabs the bags that the girls had packed, and throws them in the back seat with Ryan. Both bags bounce off the back seat and spill on the floor.

“Mom,” says Ryan, “All their clothes are mixed together. I don’t know how to separate them.”

“Let me do it. They’re both wearing close to the same size, except for their bra’s, Sue has bigger tits,” Ginger says.

“Mom! Too much information!, she’s my sister!” yelled Ryan.

She opens the back door, sorts, and bags the clothes, then looks at Ryan and says, “Over the weekend, I want you to check out the bra size of every female you have sex with. From then on, you should be able to tell what bra size a female is just by looking at her.”

I give a hearty laugh and turn to Ryan,” You better listen to your mother. It will serve you well in the future.”

Ginger gets back in the front seat and says,” Lets drop off those clothes and be on our way.”

So we drop off the clothes and hit the highway.

Two hours later, I get off the highway and announce, “Gas and bathroom break.”

I pull into the gas station, and everyone gets out.

After everyone has done their business and are back in the car, I say,” We’re making good time, about an hour to go.”

A little over an hour later, we arrive at our parent’s farm. Much of the extended family is already there. As we get out of the car, our mother comes running up to me and crushes her voluptuous breasts into me.

“Hi Mom,” I say and give her an open-mouthed kiss. “You’re just as horny as ever.”

“You know it,” she retorts and gives Ginger the same treatment. Then she turns to Ryan, gives him a bear-hug, and whispers in his ear, “I want your cock after you’re initiated.”

Ryan’s eyes are wide with surprise.

“C’mon,” I say, “Let’s get settled in for the weekend .”

We all grab our bags, and my mother leads us back to the main house and says, “Paul, you and Ginger take your old room, Ryan can have Ginger’s.”

We get to our rooms, and while Ginger unpacks our bags, I go down the hall to the room that Ryan is using.

“Why did you have that surprised look when grandma hugged you?” I asked.

He sheepishly grinned and said, “Grandma whispered in my ear that she wanted my cock after my initiation.”

I looked at him and said,” I told you that after you’re initiated, you could ask anyone to have sex with you. Didn’t you think that applied to everyone else that’s already been initiated?”

“Dad, I never thought about it that way. I also didn’t think old people still had sex.”

“Son, your Grandma can get just as horny as you do. She also said food would be ready in about an hour.” I turned and left, going back to my room.

When I walked in, Ginger asked,” What was that about?”

I laughed and said, “Mom told Ryan she wants his cock.”

Ginger burst out laughing, “She never changes, just a horny woman.”

“Mom said food will be ready in about an hour. It will be buffet style out by the bunk house,” I tell her.

“Great!” she exclaimed. “Breakfast was a long time ago and I’m hungry.”

Later that evening:

I see Ryan sitting in a chair across the great-room from me, talking with some of his cousins. I walk over to him and whisper in his ear, “It’s time, go to your room.”

He finishes his conversation and excuses himself. Returning to his room, he finds Ginger lying on the bed.

She looks at him and says, “Are you ready to become a man?”

“Yes Mom, I’ve been ready since you and Dad told me about the family tradition.”

“Good,” she replied, “now come here so I can undress you.”

Ginger lifts the bottom of his T-shirt, and he raises his arms so she can remove it. She then unbuckles his belt and unsnaps his jeans after lowering the zipper. His jeans fall to the floor. To her surprise, she’s facing a stiff cock.

“I didn’t know that you went ‘Commando’ today!” she exclaimed. “Now, you undress me.”

Ginger was wearing a sundress that buttoned up the front, so he nervously started unbuttoning it from top to bottom. The third button was right between her tits, and when he undid that one, he realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

She saw the lust in his eyes and said, “Go ahead, reach in and play with them.”

Ryan reached in with his left hand and gently squeezed her right nipple while his right hand continued undoing buttons. When he finished unfastening buttons, he stood up and pushed the sundress off her shoulders, and it fell to the floor.

She stood there in all her magnificence and said, “My panties need to come off too.”

Ryan got on his knees, inserted a couple of fingers of each hand into the waistband of her panties, and slowly pulled them down her legs. He looked up and gazed at her clean-shaven pussy. He didn’t know why, but his mouth was watering.

“Get on the bed, Ryan. I need to take care of that raging hard-on before we go any further.”

Ryan lays on the bed, and Ginger takes him into her mouth. Her tongue runs around the head of his cock then she proceeds to deep-throat him.

“Mom! I’m gonna cum!” he yells and explodes in her mouth. She swallows it all.

“Mmm, you taste as good as your father,” she states. “Now that we have that taken care of, let’s start your lessons.”

Ginger sits up. “The first thing you need to learn is how to get a woman ‘in the mood’ for sex. Several areas of the body can turn a woman on. Kissing the back of the neck, nibbling on ear lobes, and French kissing can all work. Now I want you to practice on me.”

She’s already worked up with the thought of fucking her son, and he does as he’s told.

“That’s nice, Ryan, keep doing that.”

Suddenly, he’s kissing her, trying to shove his tongue into her mouth.

“No Ryan, run your tongue over my lips. If I’m ready for French kissing, I’ll open my mouth. Let’s try that again.”

He repeats what he was doing, and Ginger opens her mouth while they kiss. Ryan’s tongue enters her mouth, and their tongues wrap around each other.

Ginger breaks the kiss and pants, “That was good, Ryan. Now, let’s move on. If the woman was wearing a top, while you’re kissing your hand should go under it and you should start playing with her nipples. It doesn’t matter if she’s wearing a bra or not, if she’s turned on her nipples will be hard, play with them. Now, give it a try.”

Ginger’s nipples are fully erect. Ryan kisses her again, and they French kiss. His hand reaches for her left tit, and his fingers latch onto the nipple and gently pulls it out, then releases it. He then rolls it between his fingers.

“Don’t neglect my other nipple,” she moans.

He repeats the action on her other nipple; she has little convulsions and cums.

“Oh Ryan, that was nice. You made me have a small orgasm just playing with my tits. Not all women will respond like that. Now it’s time to teach you the anatomy of a pussy.”

Ginger spreads her legs and tells Ryan to lay on his stomach between them. He gets in position about a foot from her pussy.

“No, get closer, you need to see everything,” she says.

He moves closer, his nose almost touching her clit.

She points out her outer and inner lips, then points to the nub at the top of her slit and says, “This little nub here is called a clit. It’s the most sensitive spot on a woman’s body, other than her G-spot. They both can drive a woman wild. I want you to insert two fingers into my pussy and try to curl them up to try and find my G-spot. It’s behind my clit on the inside.”

He follows directions, inserting his index and middle finger in her pussy, curls them up, and tries to find her G-spot. Suddenly, he feels a rough patch and rubs it.

Ginger throws her head back and says, “Yes! That’s it! You found it.” and cums, her pussy clamping down on his fingers. He then twirls his tongue around her clit.

“Oh my God, Ryan,” she says, as her orgasm continues. Soon, she cry’s, “Ryan, please stop. I’m too sensitive right now.”

“Wow Mom, that really made you cum hard,” exclaimed Ryan.

She pants, “Yes, I did. You did that to me. Sucking and licking my clit had the same effect as rubbing my G-spot. You’ve learned your lessons well, now please fuck me.”

Ryan re-positions himself and notches his cock in her opening. She grabs his ass and pulls his whole cock into her pussy. He starts pumping in and out, full strokes, just like he saw while watching internet porn. Soon she has her legs locked around him, ankles crossed, helping him set the best pace for her.

A few minutes after starting, she feels another orgasm rapidly building and screams. “Honey, you’re going to make me cum again, are you close?”

“Yeah Mom, I’m almost ready,” he responds.

“Please cum with me. I want to feel you shooting cum into my womb.” As she finishes saying that, her orgasm hits. Her pussy spasms on his cock, and he unleashed what feels like a gallon of cum.

They lay there in the glow of their mutual orgasms, exchanging kisses. Ryan looks into his mother’s eyes and says, “Thank you, Mom.”

Just then, I open the bedroom door, look at the two of them, and say, “Well, it looks like he passed his finals.”

To which Ginger replied, “No kidding! He made me cum three times during the lessons.”

“Good job, son,” I say. I then go down to the great-room and announce to everyone present, “Ryan has been initiated and is fair game.”

Ryan gets dressed and returns to the great room. Once there, he becomes the star, with many women asking him to have sex. His reply is always, “Grandma has first dibs,” and so it was.

He found her in the kitchen, and I heard him say, “As the Matriarch of this family, would you join the its youngest initiate in his bed?”

I don’t know how or where he came up with that corny line, but there was no hesitation on her part.

She jumped up and said, “Let’s go youngster, I’m horny!”

When they arrived in his room, she undressed him.

Holding his cock, she said, “You have a great piece of meat here, Ryan.” and engulfed it with her mouth.

Ryan grabbed the back of her head and face-fucked her. She readily took it down her throat; he came in under two minutes.

Ryan then undressed her and, standing behind her, played with her sagging fifty-year-old tits, his hard cock lodged in her ass crack.

“Oh yesss, Ryan, take care of your Grandma,” she moaned.

Ryan’s right-hand drifts down and finds her pussy. He runs a finger along her lips then finds her clit. He circles it.

“Oh my God!” she groans as she has an orgasm.

“Grandma, get on the bed, I want to taste you,” he tells her.

She lays down and pulls her knees up next to her ears, fully opening herself to him.

“Feast on me,” she declares.

Ryan kneels in front of her pussy and pulls her lips apart. His tongue makes a bee-line for her pussy after he moistens a finger in her soaking wet twat. As his finger lightly plays with her clit, his tongue is swabbing the inside of her cunt.

“My God, Ryan, where did you learn to do that? I’m going to cum again if you keep that up.”

Ryan changes his tongue’s actions. Instead of swabbing, he starts thrusting it in and out, fucking her with it.

Without warning, Grandma’s body tenses, and her pussy spasms on his tongue.

“Ohhh, Ryan, give me more,” she moans.

He reaches up and pulls on a distended nipple as she comes down from her orgasm. It feels like a bolt of lightning going straight to her twat, setting off another orgasm.

“Oh my God, Ryan. Give me a break between them!” she panted.

“You said you wanted more, Grandma. I gave what you asked for.”

He gave her time to recover, then asked, “Are you ready for my cock?”

“I told you I wanted it out at the car. Give it to me.”

“Get on your hands and knees, Grandma.”

She changes position, looks over her shoulder, and says, “I’m not a little girl; give it to me hard.”

He lines his cock up with her love tunnel and thrusts until he bottoms out.

“Yes! Just like that! Keep going!”

Like the piston in a car, he keeps going, thrusting deep then pulling almost all the way out.

“Grandma,” Ryan shouted, “I’m getting real close!”

“Me too,” she replied, “Can you hold back so we can cum together?”

“I’ll try,” he groaned.

He slowed his pumping, trying to put off his orgasm.

A short while later, Grandma shouts, “I’m cumming! Cum with me!”

Her pussy spasms around his cock as he shoots his load deep in her. He keeps pumping, prolonging her orgasm until he was too sensitive to continue.

She collapses on the bed as his cock goes soft and slips out of her.

He lays next to her and says, “Thank you, Grandma.”

She replies,” I haven’t cum that much in one session in years. Thank You.”

They cuddle for a few minutes before she says,” We both need a shower, put some clothes on and we’ll get one.”

They put on outer clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. Shower done, Ryan went back to his room; he found his first trophy, his Grandma’s bra and panties.

She later told me, “He plum wore me out! And where did he learn to eat pussy like that?”

I repeatedly heard comments like that. Ryan must have been with at least ten women over the weekend.

By mid-morning Monday, Ryan was dragging a bit. I got Ginger and Ryan together and told them to pack so we could leave by noon and pick-up the girls from their friend’s houses.

Ryan looked at me and said, “I love the family tradition, but there were so many opportunities and so little time.”

I looked him in the eyes and said,” I guess you won’t complain about going to family reunions any more.”

Ryan broke a smile and said, “I think you’re right, Dad.”

First Time, Summer Time 0 (0)


This is how I finally lost my virginity.

This story takes place in summer of 2007, and was 16 years old. I never had alot of friends in high school, and was still a virgin. I was always so horny, I’d get random erections at school and would even masturbate in the bathroom sometimes. The few friends I had weren’t really that close with me, we never hung out outside of school.

It was the end of the school year, and there was talks of a big party being planned for the end of the school year at some guys house. There was going to be lots of people there and drinking alcohol of course. I really wanted to go once I heard of it. I thought maybe this was my chance to finally lose my virginity. The party I found out was in July. school ended, the end of June.

When school was done, I was happy to be on summer vacation. My parents said they were going on vacation for 2 weeks to the Bahamas, just the thought of having the house to myself and being able to masturbate whenever I wanted gave me a hard on. They left the first week of July.

As soon as they left, I immediately put porn on and started to jerk off, when I was done that, I worked out a bit. I was fit, not muscular but skinny and toned. Then I got a phone call from one of my friends. They said there’s a party the second week of July on a Friday night, and said I could come with him. It was the party people were talking about in school before the end of the year. I was pretty excited. This could be how I lose my virginity I thought. For the first week of my parents being gone on vacation, I didn’t do much but roam around the house naked watching porn and jerking off alot. It was awesome.

The second week of July came, and it was the night of the party. My friend that called me and invited me came over before the party. Luckily it was about a 15 minute walk from my house. We walked there. It was a nice house, with an inground pool. Everyone was drinking, there had to be at least 30 people there. Once everyone was drunk, there were people skinny dipping in the pool, loud music playing, it was a good time. The guy that was hosting the party’s parents weren’t home for the weekend. I was feeling kind of lonely, not really talking to many people, and then this girl came up to me, her name was Julia. We started talking and getting to know eachother, she was my age, 16. We started flirting a bit, it got sexual fast, we kissed and stuff. she was more drunk than I was, I only had 3 beers. I asked her if she wanted to go back to my house, and that I lived only 15mins walking away. She, to my surprise, said sure. I was very happy.

My house was was pretty nice, with a hot tub and inground pool. I made sure she was comfortable. I got her some water, and she said I was cute. I said we should swim, she wanted to. So I went in my room to change, the door was open just a crack, I could see her peeking in, and it turned me on. I started getting hard, so I put my swim suit on. I gave her a shirt to wear and she swam in her under wear.

We were swimming for a while, then we started to make out in the pool. I got hard fast, she went down my swim suit and started stroking me. I was so happy, I never had a girl touch me like that before. We got naked in the pool and were making out for a while, I fingered her a bit, she loved it, you could hear how much in pleasure she was. she said, can you fuck me in the hottub? I said sure. When she got out of the pool, you could see her naked in the moon light. The light gleamed off her beautiful skin. Her nipples were perked up. We got in the hot tub…

In the hot tub, we continued to make out and touch eachother. She loved her nipples to be stimulated. So I licked them for a while. She was so horny. I was hard as it gets. I lifted her up and slowly put her down on my cock, she was facing me, I was balls deep in her, We were kissing as I went in and out of her. She was in so much pleasure. She kept saying fuck me good. I was so happy I was losing my virginity. she said fuck me from behind. So she got off, and bent over, and I stood up in the hot tub and started fucking her from behind, she loved it. It wasn’t long before I cummed. Luckily I pulled out. After, we just chilled in the hot tub for about an hour. just cuddling and kissing and talking.

After the hot tub, we went inside and layed in my bed naked, cuddling. She wanted me to go down on her. So I slowly kissed her stomach all the way down to her pussy and licked it for a good 20 minutes. After that we cuddled some more naked, and I put on some porn on my computer in my room. We watched it for a while, and eventually fell asleep.

In the morning, we made breakfast and talked, she was so nice and we had chemistry. She said she was a virgin, I was her first time. And she was my first time. I was so happy. She wanted to shower together, so I obviously said yes. In the basement there was a big shower that could fit 2 people or more, we got naked together. It was really hot. I got hard. We got in to the shower and got close. We started to kiss, it was nice with the warm water coming down on us. Then she said fuck me. She bent over and I put it in her, I fucked her slow and sensually, I reached forward to play with her tits while I fucked her. I started to fuck her faster, and faster, I told her I was gonna cum. She turned around and started sucking me, and I cummed in her mouth. After the shower we dried off and got dressed. We exchanged numbers, and that was it, she went home.

We did sexual stuff together a couple more times, and we ended up dating for about a year. Great sex, she was so horny. We always fucked.

That was about it, after a year of dating we eventually just drifted apart and that was it. It was such good sex, she was so sexy, and loved her nipples to be played with.

Summer Fun – Chapter 1 – Help Wanted 0 (0)


Is it just me, or is she getting a little touchy-feely? I can’t help but wonder, is she taking a liking to me more than just a co-worker? Nah, I’m probably overthinking things again.

It’s early May and I am in the last quarter of 11th Grade, my Junior Year of high school. I attend one of the two high schools in the Spring Haven School District. Our district is aptly named after my hometown of Spring Haven, a medium-sized Michigan town, not too big and not too small. It’s been a good place to grow up, I think so at least. Like any town, it’s not perfect, but it’s home and the only place I’ve lived for all of my 17 years.

My school is Maplewood High, home of the “Mighty Mustangs”. I, myself, am not among the esteemed Mustangs. I was never much for participating in school sports. Like too many people these days, I prefer to find my competition in front of the TV with a game controller in hand.

For as much as I love sitting around on my ass, wasting time, playing video games, I do make myself get some physical activity. I don’t strive to be a super-muscular built-up guy, but I try to stay in-shape. These days, it seems, that several of my classmates are putting on a lot of weight from inactivity and eating too much junk food; I’m trying my best to avoid that from happening to me.

I have a younger brother, Luke, who’s now 15. We get along pretty much as you would expect brothers to, everything is a big competition between us. Luke is more of a sneaky trouble-maker than I ever was; but I always seem to be the one in hot water with Mom and Dad when we have an argument. I am the older brother after all, the one who is supposed to “set the good example.” He loves to use that to his advantage, and often. Those rare times we are not at each other’s throats, we get along fairly well. We have fun shooting hoops in the driveway or going for a good run together.

Marc Dietrich and Jeff Gardener are my closest and best friends that I hang out with most. We all have our driver’s licenses, but none of us own a car yet. We still enjoy riding our bikes to get around town even though most of our peers now drive. On the plus side, bike riding gives me another physical activity to help stay in shape.

Our favorite destination is the Pizza Depot, it’s one of those cool pizza restaurant/arcades loved by the local teenagers. Even though we all have X-Boxes, PlayStations and PC’s at home, it’s good to actually get up, and out, of the house. We like the old-style arcade games they have, Pac Man, Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Guitar Hero, classic pinball machines, etc. Using our bikes to get here satisfies two of my current teenage-needs, video games and some physical activity; win-win for me.

I should mention that there is another strong teenage-need that I have not had so much luck with satisfying… girls, specifically a girlfriend. My grandmother always told me, “Oh Kyle, with those dazzling green eyes, you’ll have all the pretty girls lining up for you.” Let’s just say I’m still waiting for that to happen…

Overall, I can’t complain, I guess I’m a pretty good-looking guy and I have noticed girls checking me out on rare occasions… very rare occasions. My problem is that I’m on the shy and reserved side. I’ll be honest and admit that, all too often, I am too afraid to take the risk, make a little eye-contact and ask a girl out, mainly for fear of rejection.

I had a bad experience with that in the 10th Grade. I got all hung up on this girl named Karla Whittington who sat next to me in English class. She was friendly, seemed happy to see me, and we became good friends. For a guy like me, not having a lot of self-confidence, I tended to make a big deal out of any pretty girl showing attention.

It didn’t take long before I started to develop warm and fuzzy feelings. I would fantasize about us dating and doing fun things. When I finally got my courage up, I asked Karla if she would like to go out with me. She was cordial about it, but told me, “No.” Boy, was English class ever awkward after that, for both of us. I felt by asking her out, I may have killed our easy friendship.

I have a real tendency to over-think things and I let it bother me, to be honest, it broke my heart. I know it sounds silly just because one girl turned me down, but it really takes a lot of courage for me to ask someone out. Looking back, I probably invested too much hopeful dreaming into it and that made the letdown that much harder on me.

I’m generally not very outgoing with people, especially people that I don’t know very well. Simple advice to self; I really need to get out of my shell and learn to be more carefree. Sure, easy enough to say to yourself, but not so easy to figure out how to do.

I really am creature of routine, I love routine, not so many unpleasant surprises, but also not very many pleasant ones either. I think my answer is to find something that gets me out of my comfort-zone. It’s not that I want to ditch my friends or anything, but maybe I need to meet some new people to interact with.


This afternoon, Marc and Jeff and I are at the Pizza Depot. While I’m dropping some quarters into the Street Fighter game for a match against Marc, I notice they put up a “Help Wanted” sign. Hmmm… maybe applying for a job is what I need? This might be a cool place to work and it is about time I start earning money to buy a car at some point.

After the game, I walk over to the counter that separates the dining/arcade area from the work spaces and ask for an application. A big dude, with flour dust all over his apron, named Eric hands me one. “Return this Benny, when you’re done,” he tells me.

I sit down and fill it out. Once I’m done, I see the guy whose tag says he is Shift Manager Benny. He quickly reads what I’ve filled out and says, “Okay, this looks good. We’ll give you a call if we would like you to come in for an interview.”

Back at the table our pizza has arrived. Marc asks, “Dude, did just you apply for that job here?”

“Yeah, I really need to start saving up for my own car.”

“Don’t we all…”

“This would a great place for you to work, Kyle. That way you could still hang out with us.” Jeff says.

“How am I going to ‘hang out’ if I’m working?”

“Well, maybe you could get us free pizza and game credits?” he grins.

“I don’t think it works that way, Jeff.”

I’m not really expecting much to happen, but it’s an easy enough first step to building a new and out-going Kyle.


Am I ever surprised to receive a call the very next day. They would like me to come in about the job for an informal interview, this afternoon, if I’m available. Immediately hopping on my bike, I ride on over to the Pizza Depot.

I meet with Mr. Bill Moore, who informs me that he is part-owner and manager. Mr. Moore is a rather large and imposing man, and at 6’-4” or more, some might say intimidating. He’s in his mid to late 50s and it’s easy to see that years of hard work have left him with thinning light brown hair beginning to gray. Beyond that, he has a kind face and a gentle nature about him. We shake hands and sit down in a booth.

Mr. Moore is reading my job application, “Okay, let’s see what we have here: Kyle Stevenson, 17-years old, no prior employment experience and you attend Maplewood High School. Reason for wanting to work here: ‘This would be a fun place to work,’ and you ‘would like to start saving money to buy a car and for college.’ Is all of this correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Please, no need to be so formal with all the ‘sir’ business, you may call me Bill.”

“Okay, Bill.” It seems a little awkward calling a possible employer by his first name, but if that’s what the man wants, so be it.

“Well Kyle, the position we are offering is not a glamorous one. You would be bussing tables, washing dishes, wiping down the arcade games, sweeping the floor, and generally keeping things clean around here. We also will need you to occasionally help with making and baking pizzas at extra-busy times. I can only offer minimum wage to start, but we can see how it goes from there.”

“Sounds good to me sir – I mean Bill.”

“We do have a few expectations here at Pizza Depot that I will go over with you. It’s important for you to be on time for all your shifts. If you should need to call in sick, we ask that you give as much notice as possible for us to call in a replacement. We’ll provide you with red shirts, a hat and an apron like you see our other employees wearing. You may wear blue jeans and tennis shoes if you wish, but they must be clean and no holes in them. We may not be able to offer you very many hours at first; but, as we get busier in the summertime, that should change.”

I nod in agreement and Bill continues, “I understand how popular this establishment is with young people. If you should work here, I need you to understand that you are not to be distracted by your peers visiting as customers while you’re on-duty. When you are off-duty, you are welcome to enjoy this place with your friends for as long as you wish. I’m sure you understand the importance of this.”

“Yes, I do, I won’t let you down.”

“Well okay, Kyle, consider yourself hired. How easy was that for your first job interview?”

“Very easy.”

Bill and I shake hands, “Welcome aboard, I think you’ll enjoy being a part of our team.”

“I think I will too. When can I start?”

“Come back next Tuesday at 4:00 and report to my daughter Renee, she’s returning from college for the summer and will be working here as a shift manager. She’ll train you on all of your duties, and get you all set up with shirts, hats and a work schedule.”

“Thank you, Bill!”


Tuesday of the following week, I arrive at Pizza Depot 15-minutes before 4:00, my mother said to always show up early and make a good first-impression. When I arrive, I ask a passing waitress for Renee Moore, she motions towards the kitchen area, “She’s in the back.”

As I’m walking towards the opening that leads to working spaces, I see a cute blonde, with shorter-length hair, who looks to be about 20 or 21 come out to greet me.

“Hi, I’m Renee. You must be Kyle?” she smiles and reaches out to shake my hand. My first impressions are for having such a big, tall father, his daughter is rather short and petite, maybe 5’ – 2” at most.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Dad told me you were coming in today. Welcome to the Pizza Depot crew, come on in the back with me.”

She leads me through the kitchen area to a small back office. “Okay, first we need to get you set up with some uniform shirts, hats and an apron.” She looks me up and down, “How tall are you? You look about 5’-10”, 5’-11”?”

“I’m 5’-10””

Renee sorts through a big box of red Pizza Depot shirts and pulls one out. “Okay, how about an Adult Male Medium, try this on. You’re pretty slender so if it’s too loose we can try a smaller size.”

I try the shirt on over my t-shirt, it’s a little loose, but fits fine. She digs out a few more of the same size along with a hat and an apron.

Renee spends the afternoon with me going over all the duties I will be expected to do. Bill was right, it’s not a glamorous position washing dishes and cleaning up, but I think it will be cool working here. Renee and everyone I met that day seem like fun people to work with.

I work a couple of days a week for these first several weeks, usually a Tuesday afternoon and a Friday or a Saturday afternoon. Bill did say it wouldn’t be very many hours at first, but they should pick up in the summertime. By the time the school year ends in early June, I was bumped up to working four afternoons a week.


I enjoy working at Pizza Depot, not so much for the tasks I am assigned; cleaning dishes and mopping bathrooms isn’t fun for anyone. It’s because of my co-workers, we get along great and that makes it fun.

Bill is great to work for, I think he has taken a liking to me for being such a “responsible young man,” always arriving to work on time and getting my job done. He gave me a 50-cent per hour raise after my first four weeks working here.

I can already tell that working here with these people has been good for me, I’m loosening up and it’s bringing me out of my shell. Eric is pretty funny and likes to joke around. He’s a cook and a big oaf of a guy that loves to party. The others say he loves it too much and tends to come in late with a hangover every now and then.

Shift manager Benny is cool and laid-back, for the most part, except he does get a little tense and wound-up when it’s busy in here. I understand he’s a bit of a PC gamer and builds his own computers, he’s fun to talk with about popular games and techy-stuff.

I especially like and get along with Renee. She has such a cool, perky and outgoing personality that I enjoy, not to mention how damn cute she is; I could do well to learn from her. She nicknamed me Sport, I’m not sure why since most sports activities and I rarely cross paths, but I’m fine with it. It seems that most shifts I work, Renee is also working, I like that.

It’s nice to fit-in here, but I do admit it can be hard to not be distracted when my friends come in to hang out. I remind them that, “I can’t talk right now, I’m on duty,” and will hang out later.


One early June Friday afternoon, Tiffany Hammond comes in hanging on her football-player boyfriend Blake Ramsey, along with his friends Justin and Dirk. Tiffany and I have known each other for many years and grew up in the same neighborhood. I consider her a good friend, although we’ve somewhat drifted apart these last couple of years. She and I used to be able talk about almost anything, we even share the same birthday of September 12th.

When we were kids, Tiffany was an awkward girl, but at the beginning of high school, she really blossomed into an attractive young woman. She has long brown, slightly wavy hair, beautiful blue eyes and a pretty face in that cute girl-next-door way.

In elementary and middle school, I always thought of her as just a friend, but these last few years, I have become quite attracted to her. I often have thoughts about wanting to explore a relationship beyond friendship. Unfortunately for me, when it comes to guys, she only seems attracted to the athletic type, the alpha-males; consequently, that never puts me on her radar as anything more than a trusted guy-friend. She occasionally consults me when she needs a guy’s perspective, looking for advice dealing with which ever jock she is currently dating. All too often, it is impossible for me to give any useful advice. I just can’t get into their self-centered, ego-driven mindset. Guys like that and myself are polar-opposites of the guy-spectrum.

Tiffany, Blake, Justin and Dirk join a group of jocks and popular girls from school that came in earlier. That’s a group I have no interest in associating with, they all seem so fake and full of themselves.

I must have been staring in Tiffany’s direction for a while, long enough for Renee to take notice. She nods over at the group, “Who’s she?”

“Tiffany Hammond.”

“She your girlfriend?”

“Nah, just a friend, we’ve known each other for years.”

“Do you want her to be your girlfriend?”

Am I that obvious? I think to myself. Sighing, I tell Renee, “She’s only into jocks, not guys like me.”

“Her loss,” she shrugs, “You’ll find the right girl, Sport.”

“I’m not so sure about that…” I quietly mutter.

She tugs on my shirt, “Come on in the back, we need help with making pizza, we’re getting behind in the kitchen.”


As the month of June progresses, the weather becomes warmer and warmer, a sure sign the summer season is setting in to stay. I learn just how hot it can get in the kitchen with the pizza ovens roaring at 500 degrees. It seems no matter how cold we have the air conditioning set at, it’s still sweltering back here. Renee assured me that I will “get used to it over time.”

On this particular Wednesday, it was rather slow before dinner and Renee asked if I could help her rearrange the stock-room. We pull everything off the shelves to give them a good wipe down, throw out old junk that isn’t used anymore and sweep the floors in all the hard-to-reach corners. This room is small as it is, but with everything off the shelves and piled around us, it makes for tight working quarters.

Renee has her hands full with couple of large plastic containers and is trying to scoot past me. Moving back to allow her room, I back up into a large cardboard box and lose my balance. My ass lands on the box as Renee, also loses her balance, in an attempt to reach out and catch me. She ends up landing on me, sitting on my lap. “Ah shit!” she exclaims, as the containers she was carrying topple, dumping their contents of paper cups and lids all over the floor.

She turns, looks at me behind her, and laughs, “Well, hello there! Fancy meeting you in here,” she jokes because of our now, very close, proximity.

“Uh… Hi,” I grin back.

She sighs, “Look at this mess. We really need to figure out how to restock these shelves with a better system.”

“Yeah,” I nod and agree. Funny thing is, she stays right where she is, comfortably sitting on my lap. I feel a little awkward having my supervisor, not to mention, the owner’s cute daughter so close to me… and on me like this… but, I’m not bothered it. It’s hard not to be attracted to Renee.

I can feel every one of her slight movements directly through my pants and directly on my special parts inside. That little horny side of me causes my mind to start to wander. I’m thinking about how close in proximity my special parts are to her special parts, only few layers of simple cloth. Uh oh, shouldn’t be thinking like this, I feel myself starting to get hard. I better get my mind on something else, and quick!

Renee turns and smiles at me; god, I hope she hasn’t noticed the growing situation I have going on, she’ll think I’m some kind of perv. She takes a breath and starts to stand up, “Okay, Sport, let’s get this shit done.”

As she’s partway lifted herself up, the box I’m on suddenly picks that time to collapse under me. Like a skit in some old-time comedy act, I fall and Renee loses her balance, coming down alongside of me. As she lands, her hand inadvertently falls on the small hump in the front of my jeans. As if things weren’t already stirred-up down there, slight movement of her fingers causes a bevy of tingles on my sensitive bits inside. When she notices exactly where her hand is, she grins, pulling it back. “Oops, I’m sorry,” she giggles, “Didn’t mean to grope you there.”

I feel my face get instantly warm, “It’s okay,” I tell her.

Benny comes around the corner and see us on the floor in the middle of this mess, “What in the hell is going on back here?”

Renee reaches up to him, “Pull me up, will ya?”

Sometimes it’s just those little things that can make a guy’s day, like noticing a girl possibly checking you out, maybe a female friend playfully smacking your ass, or sitting on your lap, and how about a hand accidently landing on your private area? Okay, okay, I know… it was just an innocent slip-up, but hey, it makes me smile.


For the next couple of weeks, things continue go great at my job. Renee seems to schedule me whenever she’s working, I’m fine with that, I like working shifts with her.

In mid-July, she pulls me aside and asks if I would be interested in making some extra money on the side for my car and college fund. She explains, “My Dad is not only part owner of Pizza Depot, but he also owns the Fairlawn Apartments on MacArthur Avenue. Do you know where I’m talking about?”

“Yeah, I think I know where that is.”

“When a tenant’s lease is up and they move out, we repaint the whole apartment and sometimes replace the carpet before re-renting the unit. The repainting is something I help my Dad with. I have five units to paint over the next four weeks. Would you be interested in helping me? We can pay you hourly what you make here, plus an extra dollar an hour on top. I already asked my Dad and he’s fine with it.”

“Wow, yeah! That sounds great. But, I’ve never painted any rooms before.”

“There’s nothing to it, I can have you painting like a pro in an hour or two.”

“Okay, count me in.”


A few days later, I ride my bike out to the Fairlawn Apartments, find Building #4 and Apartment #6 that Renee and I are to be painting. She told me to wear clothes that I don’t care if I get paint on and to be sure to wear shorts, because it can get really hot in the units with the air conditioning vents covered up with masking.

It doesn’t take long for me to get the hang of using the paint roller. Renee works with the brush painting around all the edges and corners while I follow up. Wall by wall, everything is gets a fresh coat of white paint. I can see it will take us most of the day to complete this two-bedroom apartment.

The former tenant left behind an old couch in the living room. Around noon, Renee motions we should sit down and take a break. We are both pouring sweat in this ridiculously hot and humid apartment. Add that the evaporating paint makes the air extra heavy and this mid-July summer heat makes it too hot outside to open any windows for relief.

Renee asks, “Would it be awkward for you if I took off my shirt? I am burning up. I have a sports bra on.”

“Yeah, that’s fine, go for it.” I wave my hand, not thinking too much about it.

“Thanks. Take your shirt off too if you want.”

I feel a little awkward doing so, I’ve never been one of those guys who goes around shirt-less unless I’m swimming, but she’s right, it will feel better to take this sweat-soaked thing off. To take my mind off feeling uncomfortable, I make some conversation, “So where do you go away to college?”

“Central Michigan University, or as we call it, CMU. It’s up in Mount Pleasant.”

“What’s it like? Do you enjoy it?”

“Yeah, I love being away at college, lots of great parties and there’s always fun things going on. The homework can really be piled on heavy by the professors though.”

“More than high school, huh?”

“Oh, hell yeah,” she agrees and adds, “I’m going for a Business Management Degree. I’d like to take over managing these apartments and maybe Pizza Depot someday. My dad works so hard and he isn’t getting younger.”

I nod, “Sounds like a good plan.”

“What about you, are you planning on going to college?”

“Yeah, I definitely want to go, I’m just not sure where yet. I’m not even sure what I want to major in.”

“You need to start thinking about that, you only have one more year of high school.”

“I know…”

Renee switches gears, “Kyle, can I ask you for some guy advice? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I don’t want to put you on the spot or anything…”

“Sure, it’s fine. Remember that girl, Tiffany? She’s always asking me for guy perspective advice.”

“Okay, so, there’s this guy at school who was in a couple of my classes last semester, his name is Tom. I kind of like him and I think there’s a chance he’s… he’s noticed me too, but I’m not sure. He’s really shy and I’m more of an outgoing, party-girl, if you haven’t noticed.”

“Yeah,” I nod, “You’re pretty outgoing.”

“I’m not sure if I should approach him… or how? Or what to do? I don’t want to scare him off or anything. What do you think would be a good way I could find out more about him?”

“Does he know you like to party and that kind of stuff?”

“I don’t think so, I’ve never seen him at any I’ve been at.”

I think for a little while and then offer, “Hmmm, well… if he’s on the shy-side, you would probably be safe in taking the initiative here. Invite him to a quiet-type activity. Keep it simple, go out to a coffee shop or a nice bookstore or something. Quieter activities may put you out your comfort-zone, but remember, being around outgoing girls can put a shy-guy out of his. Maybe some low-key, easy one on one, time is what work best?”

Renee says nothing, taking in what I said and then, “I like it! Damn Kyle, why didn’t I think of that?”

I make sure to add, “But, don’t hide the fact that you like going to parties and that sort of thing. You will have to let him know that at some point, he needs to know the real you. Don’t portray yourself as someone you’re not.”

She shakes her head, “That Tiffany girl does not know how good she’s got it with you around.”

“Yeah… ‘that Tiffany…’” I sigh.

“I’m sorry, you really like her, don’t you?”

“It’s just… I just… I just don’t know what she sees in all those stupid jocks she hangs around with. She’s so much better than the likes of them…”

Renee leans in, “She may come around someday, be patient, she’s young. She just hasn’t figured out what a real man is yet. For now, just keep being her friend; but that doesn’t mean closing yourself off to other options in the meantime. If some girl comes along that you want to date, you go for it! A cute and nice guy like you should have no problems getting girls.”

“Sometimes I wonder if that’s my problem…” I look down, “I’m too nice…”

Renee puts her hand on my thigh, “Awww, you are such a sweet guy… Don’t think like that.”

Standing up, she says, “I’ll be right back.” She goes to the kitchen and returns with two ice cold bottles of beer. Popping the tops, she hands me one, “I think we could use these, don’t you?”

“Yeah, that sounds great.”

Something she said earlier has my interest. I pause, hesitant to ask, but go for it anyway, “So… you think I’m cute?”

“Yeah, you are!” she looks at me like, you should know that, “First thing I noticed about you when you hired on.”

We sit and enjoy the refreshing icy-cold brew in this stifling apartment. I notice that she has put her hand back on my thigh. I’m getting those little tingling feelings again as she’s slightly rubbing the tender inner side, letting her fingers travel a little higher up each time.

“Mums the word about me giving you that, if my Dad were to find out I was giving beer to a minor-”

“Not a peep from me.”

Sensing this could be a touchy subject, Renee turns to me and tenderly asks, “Have you had many girlfriends, Kyle?”

“No, not really… I’ve never had much luck in that department.”

Running her fingers through my sweaty, dark brown hair in a combing motion, brushing it back from my forehead, she tells me, “Well, if I was a still in high school, I would be happy to be your girlfriend.”

This makes me feel good and I offer a smile.

“You really are a great guy, I mean that. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

The way I am sitting, slouched in the couch, I could swear Renee has been nonchalantly glancing down at my shorts, especially between my parted legs. And, is it just me, or is Renee getting a little touchy-feely? It seems she likes being close to me, like that day in the stock-room. I can’t help but let my mind wander, is she possibly taking a liking to me more than just a co-worker? Nah, I’m probably overthinking things again and reading too much into her kindness. Remember what I said about a cute girl showing attention to a reserved guy like me.

As I am off in la-la land pondering this, Renee stands up and slowly paces around the room, admiring our progress. I thought I heard her say something about, “getting a bit done.”

“Huh…?” I snap back from my day-dreaming.

“I said, we’ve already got quite a bit done.”

“Oh, yeah… I guess we do.”

“I think we make a good team, you and I,” she muses.

Walking back over and standing in front of me, Renee silently takes my beer from my hand and sets the bottle on the floor. She lifts one knee and places it on the couch alongside my leg, then she lifts her other knee up and places it alongside my other leg, straddling me. I look up, a little confused about her entering my personal space this way. She looks deep in my eyes and quietly says, “I know we needed a beer, but I think I know of… something else… we both could use.”

I’m getting the strong feeling that Renee is wanting to-

She gently presses her crotch down and moves it back and forth over the bulge in my shorts, rubbing her private area all over my private area. There’s the tingles again, loud and clear, but this time, throughout all of my lower body from this unexpected, but welcome attention.

She grins at me, undoes her bra and tosses it aside. Her beautiful bare breasts, only inches from my eyes, are breath-taking. They’re absolutely perfect and perky, in their own way, they match her personality. She grins, takes my hands and places them on herself, whispering. “You can play with these if you want.”

This is the first time I ever touched boobs and they feel wonderful! I love how soft, yet slightly firm, they are. I touch and caress them, feeling her nipples grow harder. At the same time, her hands explore my bare chest, lightly twisting and pinching my little guy-nipples. This sends charged sensations all through my body. I learn how the nerves in my nipples are directly connected to the nerves in my area between my legs.

Renee whispers again, “How about I forget all about Tom and you forget all about Tiffany?”

“Okay…” I whisper back. It’s as if I’m in a hypnotic trance.

“Today, let’s just be two people who want to enjoy each other… Okay?”

“Uh huh…” I slowly nod.

She slowly stands up, never taking her eyes off me. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, she wiggles them down and all the way off. Please, please, please don’t let this be a dream… I take in a breath as I see her fluffy pubic patch, it’s blonde, but slightly darker than the hair on her head. I like how it’s trimmed into a perfect little triangle where her legs meet.

Keeping her eyes fixed on mine, she squats and slips her fingers into each side of the waistband of my shorts. “Is this okay?” she asks. I’m in total, speechless awe at this point, but I can nod. I nod that, Yeah, this is, most definitely, okay!

I kick off my tennis shoes as she slowly pulls my shorts and underwear down. I lift up so they clear my cheeks as she pulls them the rest of the way off. It makes me feel good to see Renee smile as she takes her first glimpses at the parts of my body I’ve always kept private. She playfully ruffles her fingertips in my dark, fluffy pubes, “I really like these, Sport, so glad you don’t shave them.”

Being completely naked, showing off everything I’ve got for the first time with a girl, with anyone for that matter, naturally has me feeling very nervous. I was certainly not expecting the day to go in this direction.

Renee places her knees back alongside my legs and returns to her position over me, this time there are no layers of cloth between her girl-bits and my boy-parts. Settling her soft pussy down, she’s sandwiching me underneath her. She feels so warm, soft and even a little bit wet.

Slowly, she moves her hips in grinding motion backward and forward over me. Renee’s pussy is the first one I have ever seen, and here is my cock, nestling between her lips as she slides them over me. Talk about tingling sensations? We’re now talking through the roof and well on their way to the stratosphere.

I notice a small hard nub, that I am guessing is her clit. She’s rubbing it coincidently on my extra-special sensitive spot on the bottom side of my cock. This feels ab-so-fuckin-lutely amazing! Rubbing ourselves together, she asks, “Do you like this?”

I’m sure my, wide-eyed, wonderment spoke volumes. “Uh-huh…” I nod.

She caresses my arms and tells me, “Kyle, you’re so tense, it’s okay to relax and enjoy this.”

“I, I know…” I utter.

“Maybe this will help,” she says as she leans forward, putting her hands behind my head. Opening her mouth over mine, she maneuvers her tongue in. This feels very strange to me at first, having another person in the space inside my mouth, but it doesn’t take long for me to enjoy the sexiness of kissing this way.

“There, is that better?” she tilts her head and smiles.


Renee scoots back a little bit so that she’s sitting on my lower thighs closer to my knees. She looks down and smiles at my hard-on, standing straight-up and at full attention between us. “Alrighty then, let’s have a looksee at what you have going on here.”

Starting with wrapping her hand around, gently stroking and rubbing, she progresses into checking out specific features of my penis. On the very tip, she’s touching my little pee-hole, then feeling the shape of my glans, sliding her thumb over my sensitive spot and twirling her fingers around the indented rim. As this is happening, her other hand wiggles down to fiddle her fingers on my ball bag; it tickles and causes me to squirm.

“Uh oh, someone’s ticklish here,” she giggles and purposely jiggles my nuts.

“Yeah… kinda.”

Other than my own, I’ve never felt another’s hands play so freely in my cotch before. It’s so different because what, and where, her fingers touch next is so unexpected; it’s wonderful! I’ve also never been so closely examined, and Renee is inspecting everything in great detail. I hope she finds me adequate.

Sure, I’ve measured myself, like probably every guy on the planet has at one time or another. How we measure-up is one of those things we’re naturally curious about. My length is 6 ½ to 7 inches, depending on the intensity of my erection. Internet research regarding average penis size let me know that I fall into what is considered perfectly normal.

Pausing with my cock in her hand, she nods approvingly, “You really have a nice one!”

“I do?” I nervously ask.

“Hell yeah, you do! It’s nicely proportioned and looks great; I think it’s perfect!”

“Well, th-that’s… that’s good to know,” I stutter, “I’m happy you like it… b-because I-” God, I must sound so stupid, stumbling over my words like a complete idiot, and especially after receiving such high compliments on my penis!

Renee puts her finger to my lips, “Relax…” she whispers, grinning at me. I take a deep breath and find calm. Like I said, I’ve never had another person take such an interest in my most private parts before.

Slowly sliding her hand up and down a few times, she seems to be studying the space between her fingertips and thumb. With some gentle squeezing, she tells me, “And, you have a nice girth too.” That’s also good to know. Most guys are concerned with, or brag and lie, about how long it is. As I just learned, girls also look at the thickness.

The next seven, simple words Renee said let me know that I will definitely remember this day for the rest of my life. She asks, “Can I feel you inside me now?”

“I, uh… I didn’t bring any condoms or anything, I didn’t know we would be-”

“It’s okay,” she smiles, “I’m on the pill.”

Renee scoots up and positions her pussy directly over me. Again, I pray that I’m not dreaming this. Oh my god! My mind is racing, this is really happening! She wants my cock inside her pussy! This is my day! The day I’m gonna lose my virginity!

With her hand, she lines me up and we make contact of my tip poised at her opening. With a little wiggle, I see the head of my penis slip in and disappear inside her. Slowly she descends on my shaft, gently easing me all the way in. I swear I’m seeing fireworks exploding in my head. She’s so warm, so wet, so welcoming and so silky-smooth. For a guy, I don’t know if there is a life-moment better than feeling your cock slide inside a girl for the very first time. Her pussy is snug and feels beyond magnificent!

She sits like this for a few moments and moves her hips around. “Oh god, Kyle, you feel SO GOOD!” Here I am mentally noting how great she feels and I feel just as good to her! Wow! I don’t think I can make a boner any harder than I am right now. She smiles and I feel her contracting her muscles tightly around me, I answer by twitching my cock inside her.

Bouncing up and down a bit, she tells me, “When I do this, I can feel you hit all the way to the back of me.”

“You do?” I ask.

“Yes, you totally fill me up, it feels awesome.”

Renee puts my hands on her hips as she slowly starts moving up and then down, sliding up and then back down, sliding up and then back down. Oh – My – God! Does this ever feel fantastic! The inside of her pussy is so well lubricated, it feels like the softest velvet. I let out a low, deep moan of, “OooOhhhh”. This is everything, and so much more, than I was ever expecting sex would be like. My thoughts are shouting, I’m having sex! I’m actually having sex!

We find our rhythm; I move my hips up and down, driving in sync to work with her movements. She increases the speed and then slows it down, faster and then slower. The pacing we find is not a constant, but a variation of working in tandem for maximum sensational pleasure. Renee squints her eyes and slowly lolls her head around, enjoying how I penetrate her with each thrust, “Oh god, Kyle… this feels so good…”

For never doing this before, all of this seems to come quite natural. I think, as humans, we tap into a deep primal instinct of making this work without much conscious thought.

At times, she will lean forward to rub her clit in my pubic hair and on the pubic bone below, moaning, “Mmm, Mmmm” from the gratification she’s receiving. Her forward and backward motion in this position creates a different in and out sliding sensation with a more pronounced rubbing on the bottom side of my shaft, it feels great. One simply way to describe this is, my cock is in pussy heaven!

She sits up, straightens her back, and continues the up and the down motions while I keep in sync with her.



“This is actually my first time…”

This takes a moment to sink in. Upon realization of what I just said, her eyes grow big, “Really? And, you haven’t cum yet!”

“No, but I think I’m gonna soon.” I don’t think I’ve shot my load yet because, deep down, I’m still a little nervous.

My revelation seems to have a direct effect, it turns her on even more than before. Maybe it’s because my first sex is with her, right here and right now? She goes absolutely insane on me, and in a good way. Vigorously grinding and squeezing my hips tightly between her thighs, she’s working her pussy up and down my pole like crazy. I thought we were sweaty before.

“Oh-my-god, oh-my-god,” she’s huffing and puffing, lifting up and hammering herself down on me and vocalizing every thought of, “You-feel-so-good! Oh-god, I-love-your-cock! I-want-all-of-it! All-of-it-in-me!”

Hearing and seeing how much she’s enjoying fucking me is all it takes for my remaining nervousness to fade away. This is truly awesome!

If only this moment could last forever, but I know that’s not how it works, how about for a few hours at least? The fact is, my moment is coming, and coming fast. I try my best to hold off exploding in a feeble attempt to keep this magic lasting for just a little bit longer, but Renee letting it all loose, thrusting and gyrating like a wild woman is feeling so intense and so wonderful, it’s pushing the limits to more than I can stand.

“Ohhh, I’m gonna cum!” I yelp.

“Do it!” she puffs.

Her breathing is fast as she continues this wonderful and wild dance. In the midst of her panting, she shouts, “Cum in my pussy, Kyle! Cum right NOW!”

That’s it! There’s no stopping the white surge from deep inside as it rapidly propels to exit the small opening on my tip. “Auhhtt!” I grunt out loud and thrust my hips up, driving my entire length all the way in as I fire it!

The first blast is immediately followed by another ejaculatory explosion, followed by another, then another, and another… “Aaahhhhh…” I hum as my every care in the whole world funnels its way down… Down through my body… Past my groin, and right on out my urethra in the form of my creamy semen…

As I’m releasing my flood of cum, I feel her pussy muscles contract very tightly in a stranglehold around my shaft like she never wants to let it go. Renee throws her head back and shouts, “Oh my God! OH MY GOD! Gimme your cum! OH GOD!” This is followed by whimpering, crying-like sounds. I hope I didn’t hurt her somehow…

Feeling the last pulses of my final spurts, she leans forward, wraps her arms around my back and pulls me tightly to her. Her chest is wet, sweaty and hot as she’s pushing my face deep between her breasts. We stay like this for a quite a while as our orgasmic spasms subside and we catch our breaths.

I look up at Renee and see a glazed look in her eyes and meekly ask, “Are you okay?”

“Oh, Kyle…” more deep breaths, “That was fucking fantastic!”

Whew! I’m relieved I didn’t hurt her when I drove myself in so deep in the throes of the most awesome ejaculation I ever felt. Remember, the only sexual releases I’ve ever experienced have been accomplished by my own hand in my bedroom. This was much more intense than I was expecting, and so much better!

“We came at the same time!” she exclaims. I wasn’t quite sure of the importance of this, I thought that was how it was supposed to work every time.

“When you said this was your first time, I don’t know what happened, but some kind of crazy sexual explosion went off in my brain. I never did it with a virgin guy before and I’m sooo happy it was with you!” While she’s talking, she’s pressing herself down and moving her hips around to continue enjoying our connection. “It was like, oh my god, I have your virgin cock inside me and your first climax with another person is going to be with me! Thinking about that just drove me wild! Still does!”

Wow! And, here I thought losing my virginity was a big deal for me…

She continues, “When I sensed you were getting close, I was starting to feel my own coming on, that’s why I told you to, ‘Cum now! Cum now!’ It’s so awesome when we can cum together like that!”

“It doesn’t work like that every time?”

“No, usually the guy finishes first. Most of the time it takes a girl longer to climax.”

“Oh…” Learn something new every day.

“Remember that. When you cum first, don’t just roll over and be done, make sure your girl has hers too, she’ll love you forever.”

“I’ll remember that.”

Renee confesses, “I think deep down, I suspected you were a virgin, but I wasn’t 100% sure till you told me.” She kisses me, “I hope this was great for you.”

“Oh, it was!”

Playing with my nipples, she whispers, “You have such a sweet innocence about you, a sweet innocence in how you act… and what you say… I really like that about you.”

“Well, I guess I’m not so ‘innocent’ anymore, huh?” I snicker, twitching my, still hard, cock inside her.

“You may not be a virgin anymore, but don’t ever lose these good qualities of who you are.”

We kiss again, no rushing and taking time with our tongues. All the while, Renee remains straddling my hips because we’re not ready to separate just yet. Wow! What a day! Here we are covered in sweat, genitals connected, and I just lost my virginity! This day is awesome! Renee is awesome! Everything is truly great with the world!

I feel some warm liquid leaking and dripping past my balls. “Uh, oh, I think we’re leaving something on the couch here.”

“Hahaha!” she laughs, “We’re making a fabled wet-spot! Those will become small points of argument in the future over who has to sleep on it.” Yup, I continue to learn new things…

“Whew, now it’s really hot in here,” she says fanning her hands as she lifts up and slides off of me.

Renee certainly did not have to, but I thought it was really nice, and actually kind of sexy, of her to grab one of the painter towels to wipe me off. She cleans herself up and grabs those beers she set on the floor earlier.

“These are getting a little warm. Do you want another one?”

“Sure!” We pop the tops on two fresh cold ones.

She flops down alongside me, “Ahhhh, we both needed that, don’t you think?”

“Oh, yeah! We most definitely did!” I whole-heartedly agree. I never knew painting could be so much fun.

She smiles and sheepishly admits, “I’ve kinda had my eye on you and been wanting to do it with you for a while now.”

“Well, I’m really happy you did,” I laugh.

“So, was sex what you hoped it would be?”

“Even better!” I tell her and ask, “Do you remember that day we were rearranging the stock-room?”

I think she knows where I’m going with this, “Yeah, I remember.”

“After you fell on me moving the boxes, your hand accidently touched me here,” I pat my pubic hair, “I know this will sound stupid, but it made me horny for the rest of that day.”

“Yeah… I remember that. And, maybe, it wasn’t exactly an ‘accident?’” Renee admits, biting her lip and snickering, “But, seriously though, let’s keep all of this between us. Please don’t say anything around Pizza Depot, or to your buddies, okay? It could make things super-awkward.”

I make a my-lips-are-sealed motion.

“So, you said there are four more of these apartments to paint? Would you… by any chance… need help with them?” I venture, with a hopeful grin.

“Hmmmm,” she looks up and ponders, “Yeah… I think I could use your help… if you’re offering, that is.”

We finish our second beer and Renee says, “Okay, Sport, you ready to get back at it?”

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, does she mean like, right now? She laughs and hits my arm, “I mean with the painting, jack-ass!”

“Oh, yeah, that too…”

As we are gathering up our strewn-about, sweaty clothes, her phone chimes from an incoming text. “My dad is on his way here and wants to know what unit we’re in. Get dressed and get rid of those beer bottles while I text him back.”

Fifteen minutes later, Bill Moore arrives with a large pepperoni pizza for us, he sets it in the kitchen and comes to check-out our progress. I respect Bill immensely, but I couldn’t help feeling very awkward seeing him right now; here is the man that hired me and his daughter is currently walking around with my semen inside her pussy. He looks around the apartment, “Hey, this place is looking great, you two really work well together.”

“Yup, we sure do! Kyle is doing great for his first time, he’s painting like a pro,” Renee smirks and winks at me. Did she really have to say, “his first time”?

“Well, that’s great! Oh, I put a couple bottles of pop on the counter for you too, figured you need them in this heat.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Keep up the good work. I’d love to hang around, but I gotta run over to main office, that damn printer is acting up again. See you two later.”

We enjoy the pizza and continue painting with the addition of loud music blasting. Both of us are singing, quite badly, along with songs we know. Perma-smiles of mutual satisfaction are on our faces when we look in each other’s direction. A few hours later, we finish the work. Renee comes over, puts an arm over my shoulders and nods, “We did good, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, we did. Especially for…” my turn to wink, “My, ‘first time.’”

“That too,” she nods.

I believe I did do well for my first time, she orgasmed with me, that’s good sign for sure. You know what’s different? I actually feel more like a man than I did this morning.

“So, Sport,” she pulls me close and reaches down to squeeze the front of my shorts, “Do you think you’re up to help paint another apartment in three days?”

Yeah… I think I’ll be “up” for it…



This is a story around a mother, Karen, and her daughter, Lily. This is a family incest story.


This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.

This is a story around a mother, Karen, and her daughter, Lily. Karen is 43 and Lily is 18. Both women have golden blonde hair that falls to the shoulders. Karen’s breasts are D-cup, Lily’s are C-cup. Lily has just graduated from high school and celebrating her 18th birthday. Lily is undecided about her next step in life, but she assumes she will be going to the local college where her two older brothers, Scott and Bill are currently attending. Karen has been a stay-at-home mom. The family have a nice home in the suburbs where Karen has been active with gardens and plantings around the yard and can regularly be seen jogging in a variety of outfits through the neighborhood. Karen’s husband and Lily’s father, Carl, is the local general manager of a national electronics store. They have a very comfort life.

Karen and Carl would say their sex life has never ebbed since the last years of high school when they met. Of course, Carl would quickly admit to the few people in the know (the adults in Karen’s side of the family) that that probably has much to do with what they call, ‘the family secret’. The two boys, obviously young men, have been a part of this secret since they turned 18 themselves and the family believes they have kept that secret well from all their acquaintances and friends but also from Lily. But now she is turning 18 years old …


Karen’s cell phone rang and she pulled it out of the pocket of the waist band of her tight running shorts. She stopped at one of the front yard flower beds upon arriving back from her run. It was one of those perfect early summer days that was clear blue skies, just a breeze, and warm but not hot temperatures. If she had been in the backyard, she might be tempted to strip off her running outfit and enjoy it completely. She saw on the screen that it was her husband, Carl.

“Wish you were here.”

Carl chuckled, “You were out running, weren’t you?” It wasn’t really a question. Carl knew Karen and how she reacted to different things.

“How did you know?”

“Yeah, right … like we don’t both know how sweating makes you horny.”

Karen giggled, “That’s not the only reason. Besides, it isn’t the running and sweating that makes me horny, my mind just wanders to you when I am running.”

He laughed. “Damn, how come our conversations always end up with me wishing I could skip work to ravage you?”

She giggled, again. “We’re just lucky, I guess.”

“Are the boys home, yet?”

This was finals week at college and their schedules were a mess as a result. “No, not yet.” Karen sat back on the heels of her running shoes with just a hint of tension in her body. She knew what was coming next and it was her own fault.

“Honey, have you talked to Lily?” When the boys turned 18, it was Carl who had the talk with each of them as they did. Now, Karen needed to have the same talk with her daughter. This wasn’t a simple ‘birds and bees’ talk. Like most young people these days, they have been sexually active and as a family they had planned for it for their protection. No, this was a different talk. And, Carl was right, she needed to do it and now. Her birthday was on them. Karen considered taking a shower before talking to Lily, but she knew that was more about putting it off and she couldn’t do that any longer.

“Lily?” Karen called from the foyer.

“Up here mom.” The response came from upstairs.

Karen untied her running shoes and slipped them and her socks off and carried them as she climbed the stairs. The layout of the house had the master bedroom and Lily’s room to the right with Scott and Bill’s separate rooms to the left. There was a full bath in the middle for her sons and daughter. The master had its own bathroom suite. Karen turned right upon reaching the top, dropped her shoes and socks next to the master bedroom and turned to Lily’s room. The door was half open and she saw her attractive and fully developed daughter sorting her dresser drawers dressed in bra and skimpy panties.

“Good thing your brothers didn’t come home.”

“Oh, mom … they aren’t due back for another hour or two.” She turned around and smiled at her mom, “Besides, it’s not like we all haven’t seen each other in our underwear.”

Karen walked in and sat on her daughter’s bed and watched as she sorted tee-shirts. “Does it ever bother you, honey, that we’re so relaxed about that stuff?”

“Gosh, no. If you’ll remember, I was the one in the family running around naked when I was much younger.”

Karen laughed at the memory, “Yes, it used to drive your brothers crazy. They were always yelling for you to put some clothes on. You were quite the little exhibitionist.” Karen looked at how comfortably Lily moved around the room in her underwear now and added, “You might still be.”

Lily looked at her mom, then down at herself and giggled. “Yea … maybe, huh?”

“What are you doing? Are you getting rid of those old tee-shirts?” Lily said, yes. “Hold that one up. Oh, yes … that was one of your favorites … when you were 14?” Lily nodded. It really had been one of her favorites but it too small now. “Put it on.” Lily protested that it was too small, but relented. Karen smiled when she saw it on her daughter. “I really shouldn’t be encouraging this but … look at yourself. God, that’s sexy. Take the bra off.” Lily gave her mom a funny look but did it. “Oh … my … God. Damn, Lily.” It was ultra-tight across the breasts and didn’t reach her belly button. Her nipples pressed into the worn fabric and that too cute image on the front. “That is so hot. That is really sexy and that glittery unicorn head on the front … what a contrast in impressions.”

Lily looked at herself in the full-length mirror on her door. “You’re right mom … you probably shouldn’t be encouraging this. I think this might still be a favorite.” She turned and hugged her mom, “Thanks, mom. You really are the coolest, you know.” She sat down next to Karen. “So, was there something you wanted?”

Karen took a deep breath. Then, another. “There’s something I need to explain to you about … something you might have …”

“Oh, no! You saw me watching you, didn’t you?!? Oh, my, God … no, I’m … I didn’t mean to … I just …”

Karen turned to Lily and took her by the shoulders, “Lily … what are you talking about? Watched what? What are you talking about?”

“I saw you and … dad … and …” Karen was looking at her daughter with dread now. “… and Carl and Bill. You all were in your bedroom and … you all were …”

Karen stood up and paced across the room. “Oh, my, God!” She stopped and saw the turmoil in her daughter. She sat back down and took her in her arms. She could only think that she must be so conflicted after seeing that.

Lily looked up, “I’m sorry, mom. I wasn’t spying or anything. I was supposed to be at Susie’s for a sleepover but I forgot something. I came back and heard noises from your room. The door was closed but not tight. I just peeked in … you were all having sex … together. I don’t understand, mom.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Well … not that, exactly. I didn’t know you saw that, but … I wanted to talk to you about what that was all about. Honey, I am sooooo sorry you saw that without understanding what I need to tell you.” Karen took another deep breath and hugged her daughter. She cursed herself. How could they have been so careless! “That was what has been called for generations ‘The Family Secret’. My side of the family, not your father’s. For generations it has been a tradition that when you turn 18 years old you can join the family in sexual relations.”

Lily turned to face her mom and seemed to be waiting. Karen asked, “What?”

“I’m waiting for you to start laughing. Or … you mean you’re serious?” Karen nodded. Lily turned and looked down at her bare legs next to her mom. “For generations? Like how many generations? I mean, is there a choice? Sex with the family?”

Karen couldn’t help letting a small chuckle escape. She could remember very well when her own mother sat her down for this talk. “Of course, there is always a choice. Well, I’m not really sure about generations ago. But I had a choice, so did your Uncle Matt, so did your brothers.”

“Uncle Matt … what about the twins?” Her cousins with her Uncle Matt were twin boy three years older. Karen nodded. Lily now looked confused, “But … Aunt Jane … she divorced Uncle Matt. So, how does that work for them?”

Karen smiled. This was actually going better than she thought. Maybe that accidental viewing got her wondering about it on her own. Karen responded, “Matt procrastinated as he and Jane became more serious. He figured he had lots of time before the secret came into play and, like us, his job took him away from the farm. But, when her told Jane what he wanted, she … well, you might imagine after all that time of not knowing. She demanded a divorce and he gave her a very good settlement to have her keep the secret. The boys stayed with him by their choice. As to your question … sometimes I go to visit them and sometimes they visit Grandma and Grandpa.”

“Grandma? Wow, who would have thought, but come to think of it, she is still in great shape.” There was a pause, then, “Wait … that’s what was happening when you went to visit your brother?” Karen blushed and nodded. “So, mom, what about dad?”

“Your dad was great and all for it from the beginning as long as it was free choice. I told him about the Secret when we were getting serious. After that … well, let’s just say, when he came over for dinner, we all had fun.” Karen couldn’t decide if Lily looked stunned or just deep in thought. “How are you doing with all this? I imagine having seen your brothers with us that night and now hearing this, it might be overwhelming.”

Lily shook her head slowly, “Actually, seeing you guys got me to thinking. You know what they say about daughters having crushes on their fathers …”

Karen laughed, “Yea, like sons on their mothers …”

That night it was a little awkward. Lily tried to interact like nothing had happened, but it was hard … really hard. Partly because she kept catching her brothers glancing her way and partly because Lily kept looking at her brothers and father in very unsisterly and undaughterly ways.

In the kitchen, just before dinner was ready, Carl quizzed Karen, again. “Did you talk to her?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist and slid on up to her breast as she filled a serving bowl with the green beans.

She giggled, “Yes, we did talk.” She turned in his arms and kissed him. “She saw us last Saturday night.” Carl’s mouth fell open but nothing came out. “It’s okay. It caused her to start thinking and that made the talk sooooo much easier.” Carl looked at her intently, waiting for the confirmation of the unspoken question. Karen laughed, “Yes. She’s in. Turns out she’s had a thing for you for quite a while.” She smiled at him, “We have a few minutes, why don’t you take her into the living room where you can be alone … snuggle with her and talk to her.”

In the living room, Carl sat on the couch and patted the seat next to him. Lily suddenly became shy but was eager to have the attention now that she knew about the Secret. Carl eased his arm around his daughter and, not encountering any resistance, gently pulled her into his side. “Your mom said you had a talk about the family’s secret.” Lily nodded. “I know how your mind works, honey. You keep working on things and keep coming up with questions. So, what do you have since your mom talked to you?”

“How did you start with the boys?”

Carl chuckled, “That was hard because there was always someone we had to hide from. This will be different, right?”

She nodded. Carl pulled her in a little tighter and rubbed her arm. She snuggled in tightly to him. “Remember when I used to sit on your lap, daddy?” He asked if she wanted to, again. She nodded, stood up and sat across his lap. She looked at him, searching his eyes and lips. He saw her desire and leaned forward with a tentative kiss on her lips. She smiled and kissed him back but harder. His hand touched her breast softly. She moaned and kissed him harder.

Lily’s birthday party with her friends was late afternoon to 8:00 PM. Karen stayed to help them with the pizza, soft drinks, and fun, but otherwise stayed out of the way. Carl took Scott and Bill out to give Lily her space with her friends. By the plan Karen and Carl had come up with, the guys were also doing some shopping for some special gifts for the family party after Lily’s friends left. They all had regular birthday gifts for Lily but they wanted something special for this night.

The guys returned about 8:30 PM, just long enough after the friend party ended that the clean-up was done. Bill and Scott came into the house from the garage holding two large and one smaller gift-wrapped packages. Carl directed the boys to their mom’s closet for the rest of the gift and they all settled in the family room. They guys all had a bottle of beer and Karen surprised Lily with a glass of wine. Her mom simply said, if you’re old enough to join us, you’re old enough to join us. Lily knew what she was saying.

They sipped their drinks and Lily opened her gifts. Pretty much they were everything she could have wanted. She rose and kissed each of them in thank you. The difference this time was that she kissed each of them on them on the lips as Karen had encouraged her to set everyone at ease with the way the night was going to go. She then went with her mom to the kitchen for more beer for the guys and wine for themselves.

Karen quietly asked, “How are you doing?”

Lily smiled shyly, “Nervous. You know, mom, it’s not like I haven’t had sex before, but … this feels so … special.” Her mom smiled and nodded, she understood how feeling like a full woman in the family came from that night long ago.

There were three packages remaining and Lily looked at them next to her brothers. Nobody made a move to them as they talked and shared and laughed. In a way, this night, this time was the culmination of the family leaving the growing up stage and entering fully the exploring of the adult world. They told stories of growing up, both funny and embarrassing. By about 10:00 PM, it quieted into silence and expectation. Karen nodded to Carl and Carl nodded to Lily’s brothers.

Scott, a year older than Bill, grabbed the long, skinny wrapped package and handed it to Lily. “Bill and I thought you needed at least one gag gift, but …” he looked at his brother for encouragement, “but we think you and mom might still enjoy it.”

That was certainly puzzling. As was her habit with packages, she held it, shook it, and gently squeezed it but she wasn’t coming up with anything about what it might be. She looked at Karen who simply shrugged. Lily ripped the wrapping off. Inside was a shrink wrapped, double ended, 18 inches, vibrating dildo. Lily looked at it with her mouth agape.

“You guys!” She looked at her mom who was wiggling her eyebrows in response and a big smile came over Lily’s face. She handed it to her mom and rushed over to kiss her brothers, again. This kiss was a bit longer and meaningful.

From behind her, Lily heard her mom, “I wonder what this feels like?”

Her dad chuckled, “Not tonight. We have other thoughts about tonight. And speaking of …” The boys handed one of the larger packages to each of the women. Carl looked at his wife, “To the bedroom to open them.” This, Karen knew about. She took her daughter by the hand and hurried her to the master bedroom.

Lily put her wrapped box on the bed as her mother closed the door. As Karen joined her daughter at the bed, she nodded for her to open it. Lily found an edge in the wrapping and tore into it revealing a box from Explicitly Eve. Lily glanced up at Karen, then lifted the top of the box and opened the paper covering inside. She gasped as she saw filmy, white lace. She took the garment by the shoulder straps and lifted it out of the box and gasped, again.

“My God … a sheer babydoll. You can see right through it.”

Karen chuckled, “I think that’s the idea.”

Also, inside was matching sheer white thong. It was so small Lily wasn’t sure anything would be really covered but she agreed that was probably why they were given. Karen’s was identical except hers was in red. Also included were matching heels, 2 inch for Lily and 3 inch for Karen.

Karen hugged her daughter, “Ready for this, honey?” Lily nodded enthusiastically and started pulling off her clothes. When both women were dressed in the negligees, they primped their hair and a little makeup. After slipping into their shoes, they headed for the door. In the hallway, Lily suddenly stopped and stepped up to her mom and kissed her.

“That long dildo … have you ever used one before?”

Karen shook her head, “But tomorrow, let’s try it out …” Lily smiled at that. The idea of jointly using a dildo with her mom was very exciting. The only thing better at the moment was what she was about to do.

The guys were trying to be patient in the family room. Always before, bringing a new person of the family into the Secret was something that had to be hidden. This time was different. This time the entire family would be openly, within the family, able to participate. There were nervous, anxious glances at Carl from the boys. This was a big deal. This was a huge deal. Before, they had to patiently wait for those moments when their parents could create an opportunity when Lily was away for them to sexually come together. Now … the rules were still to be worked out on a day-to-day basis, but the implications for the family life at home were staggering.

When one heard the click of the heels on the hardwood of the floor in the hallway upstairs, they all stopped and listened. Although the boys showed their excitement more, Carl was just as excited. He loved sharing his wife with the boys. But knowing about the Secret and accepting it into his family was something that tugged at his mind almost since he watched his daughter come out of Karen’s womb. This moment had been teasing him while remaining a model father in every way for this moment to arrive. That tease had also been a powerful aphrodisiac for Karen and himself throughout their marriage with the occasional visits to her parents to keep the idea of the Secret alive.

The three men moved to the large opening to the family room for a view of the staircase. Carl stood behind his sons and clearly heard them both gasp at the sight of Karen and Lily descending the stairs side-by-side in their outfits. Carl had a flashback at seeing Lily in the sheer white negligee. Karen had worn a very similar gown the night of their wedding and, though they had been making love for quite a while before, the gown and moment had given him the feeling of new beginnings. Carl knew Lily wasn’t a virgin but at the moment she gave him a similar feeling.

Bill was the one to break the anxious silence, “God … you’re beautiful … I mean both of you!”

His younger brother’s comment loosened Scott’s tongue, “Lily … WOW … my friends think you are totally hot … they have no idea just how hot, though.”

Lily blushed as Carl stepped between his sons with two glasses of wine, handing one to each of his women. He kissed Karen on the lips and said, “You’re stunning. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to see you casually dressed like this.” He then turned to his daughter who stood a lot less confidently. “And, you my dear … as your brother so eloquently said … WOW. You’re as beautiful as your mother.”

Lily returned the kiss from her father and stole a glance at her mom with a blushing smile. “Thanks, daddy.”

Karen and Carl had prepared for this moment to cut through the initial moments of awkwardness. Carl took Lily’s hand and led her to the loveseat as Karen led her sons the sofa. They sat very close to each other. Both women crossed their legs on sitting, instinctual responses to the training to prevent unintended exposure in skirts, but nothing was going to hide the obvious showing of breasts and nipples under the sheer material of their gowns. And, despite attempts at casual conversation as the women sipped their wine, there was no distracting the male eyes from the obvious breasts and nipples and the gaping babydoll gowns showing bare thighs and sheer thongs hinting at shaved pussy behind the crossed thighs.

When a pause became awkward, Carl took the planned initiative. With a finger under Lily’s chin, he turned her face to him and lightly kissed her on the lips as his hand stroked her bare arm. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes with the unspoken question for her. She nodded and moved her mouth back to his. This time, her arm went around his neck and his went to the side of her face. The kiss lasted longer and he tentatively open his mouth and probed her lips with his tongue. She gasped into his mouth as she opened her own mouth and tilted her face to press their lips tighter together and her own tongue coming out to spar with his. He slid his hand from her face, over her shoulder and down her side to her hip. His hand slid under the little bit of covering from the negligee and pulled her hip into his and she groaned into his mouth. She pulled her mouth away from his and looked into his eyes and he saw passion and … need. While keeping eye contact, he slowly and softly moved his hand from her hip under the negligee to her breast. She shivered at the soft touch but didn’t break their gaze into each other’s eyes. Her eyes reflected no fear or reluctance. Her mouth opened slightly, then closed.

Then, her mouth opened, again, “Daddy, please … I want you … please … I’ve wanted you for so long.”

This time, Carl gasped. His eyes searched his daughter’s. He still found no reluctance, no regret for the words uttered privately between them but also audible to the rest of the family on the sofa. His eyes flicked to his wife, Lily’s mother, and found a soft, reassuring smile and encouraging nod.

Carl shifted to lean more to one side as he gently pressed Lily back into the sofa back. He kissed her more passionately than ever before and nothing fatherly about it. His hand left her breast and fumbled with the tie at the front of the little negligee, undoing the bow and spreading the gown open to reveal her breasts completely to the room. She shuddered and moaned as his hand returned to her breast as their mouths and tongues attempted to consume each other. His hand moved to her other breast and her upper body arched out to meet it, welcoming and encouraging the touch. After kissing and touching his daughter for minutes, he finally allowed his fingers to trail from her breasts down her stomach to the sheer material of her thong. She sucked in air from his mouth as his fingers lightly, gently, and teasingly slid past the string holding it to her body and over the material covering but not hiding her shaved pussy lips. She shuddered, again, moaning louder into his mouth as his fingers slipped over the wet material over her lips. He gently rubbed over the wet slit under the material several times before pressing at the material, pressing the material between her yielding lips. She suddenly broke the kiss and cried out as she wrapped her arms around his neck and shuddered as she experienced her first soft orgasm to her father’s touch.

After gasping her breaths for several moments but still clinging to his neck, “My God, daddy … what … did you … do? My God …”

He whispered into her ear for only her to hear, “You are beautiful, honey. I only want you to be happy.”

She pushed her head into the back of the loveseat and gazed into her father’s face and glancing at her mom. “Happy? Dad, you’ve always made me feel like a princess without the spoiling. My entire life I have known without question that I was loved and cared for. You and mom are the best. I mean it. You two have always given the three of us the things we needed: Love, Support, and Guided Freedom. I have loved you as a daughter. Now, I want to love you as a woman.”

In the brief time she shared that with her mom, Lily saw that the three of them were waiting on her to be brought into the family event. Karen had her arms around her sons and their hands inside her negligee playing with her breasts, but they were refraining from further involvement. This was Lily’s time, this was, in a way, her christening as a member of their activities. Lily smiled at all of them before turning back to focus on her father.

“Now, dad. I want to feel you inside me, now.” She could see some questioning in his expression so she smiled at him and clarified her desires. “Here … this is my moment of joining in with generations of the family tradition and I want to share this moment with my family.”

Carl smiled at her, then stood and assisted her off the loveseat. He slid the negligee off her body, then knelt down in front of her to slide her thong down her thighs and off her feet. His lips and tongue probed at her pussy as she opened her legs to him. She moaned and fondled her own breasts as he continued. She opened her eyes and found Karen, Scott, and Bill watching intently with warm, loving, and hungry eyes on her.

After only of moments, Carl stood and led her before the rest of the family. All three of them reached out to touch her naked body. Hands and fingers softly explored her breasts, nipples, pussy, and bare skin in-between. Lily soon felt hands on her upper arms guiding her backward to the loveseat. The hands slid down her arms as her father sat on the cushions and guided her back over his legs, her own opening wider to manage it. She looked down and back to see his cock hard and long being held vertical. She had no idea her father was large. She smiled at that as she shuffled back, taking his cock in her hand and lowering her hips to it. She moved the cock and her hips until she felt the cock head sink slightly into her hole. She looked at her mom whose mouth was slight parted in anticipation. Lily pressed down and took several inches of her father’s cock into her pussy. Finally, she thought, finally it is happening! She rose slightly and sank down, again. One more time and she was sitting on his hips, fully impaled by her father. That realization, more than the feeling, almost brought her another orgasm.

She rose up his cock, feeling it slide through her clenching, tight pussy. When she reached the top, she dropped back down and they both groaned. She shifted her hands to her father’s knees and raised back up, thrusting back down. Over and over she repeated it, raising up and thrusting back down smoothly. She sat up straight but continued to rise and drop. Her hands found her breasts on their own. She fondled herself as she felt her father sit up behind her, his arms coming around her waist to stroke her clit. Her eyes shot open at the first touch to her engorged clit and she again found her siblings and mother watching intently. Their hands were not quiet, her brothers were in her negligee and thong while her hands were inside their loosened jeans. She noticed this but it was in a blur, a haze, a fog in her mind. She was otherwise totally consumed by the erotic experience of fucking her father. And that was it, too. SHE was fucking him.

When she felt him lean back and raise his hips against her dropping of her hips over his cock, she knew he was close and so was she. She pinched her own nipple and rubbed her clit as she thrust and ground her pussy over his cock. The moment she exploded in a truly marvelous orgasm she also felt his cum being shot deep into her pussy. She cried out to his grunts and groans and collapsed back against his chest, his arms tightly holding her to him, her pussy still clenching around his leaking cock.

One by one, her mom and brothers rose from the sofa where they had watched the entire act and they came to her to kiss her. The guys both cupped her breast as they did it. Then, they backed away and stripped out of their clothes while their mom removed the little she had. They guys back to the sofa, one sitting at a far end, Karen kneeling on the sofa began sucking him, Scott. Then, Bill came behind her and easily entered her pussy from the back. They were all fully aroused and ready to fuck after watching Lily and Carl.

Lily watched her mom with fascination. She moved her father’s hand to her breasts as she lay on top of him and they watched. “I’ve never seen that before. I guess I’ve heard of it, but … two at once … I didn’t think how mom took care of all three of you.”

Carl chuckled and eagerly fondled her breasts and rolled her nipples. “Your mom will be able to show you a lot about sex. Don’t be afraid to ask her, but nobody is going to push you into anything you aren’t comfortable with doing. Promise me you’ll never let that happen, here or anywhere else.”

“Sex should be mutual, right? That’s what mom always told me. Sex can be just sex and fun, but it will only be fun if it is mutually respectful. She also told me that the best sex is when you are more intent on giving your partner pleasure than the pleasure you receive. If both people do that, the sex will be wonderful.”

“Your mom is a smart woman and very sexy.”

Lily chuckled as she watched her mom now being fucked at both ends by the boys. “I’ll say. It’s like she’s trying to swallow Scott’s cock.” She paused to watch and it appeared three climaxes were quickly approaching in the action on the sofa. Then she mused, “I think I want to try that next.” Her father kissed the back of her head. She felt his cock slipping in her pussy as it went soft so she squeezed with her pussy muscles but she knew it would slip out completely soon. Having her father’s cock inside her was wonderful. She was pretty sure having her brothers’ inside her would be, too.

It was a wonderful scene to Lily’s eyes. All five of them remained naked. Karen and Lily went to the kitchen to refill their wine glasses and get three more beers for the guys. While in the kitchen, Karen hugged her daughter and asked what she thought so far. Their breasts squashed together and Lily thought it felt wonderfully erotic. She had never thought about being naked or touching another woman, but now … now she was sure she wanted to experiment with her mom.

“Oh, mom … dad was amazing.” She blushed, “I guess I am anxious to be with the Scott and Bill, too. Then, I … can we experiment together? Just us?”

Karen hugged her tightly, then gave her a very unmotherly kiss on the mouth. “Tomorrow. We have a double-ended dildo to explore, remember?” They both blushed.

As the women returned from the kitchen, they were greeted with a surprising, “Stop.”

The two naked women stopped in their tracks wondering what had happened. Instead, Bill apologized, “Sorry … it’s just … wow … you two have to be the most beautiful women in the world.”

Karen looked at Lily and they both laughed. Karen offered, “Sorry … thank you, son … really, but …”

Lily smiled and continued, “We’ll settle for the sentiment, though, thank you.”

The women looked at each and simultaneously said, “Yes, we’ll fuck you some more.”

Bill looked a little embarrassed, but that last line made up for it.

Later, after the drinks, Lily stood and faced her brothers and told them she wanted to do what they did with their mom. The guys smiled and nodded. This time they switched roles with Bill sitting at the end of the sofa where Lily knelt and began sucking his cock while Scott knelt behind Lily’s ass and aligning his cock with her pussy. She groaned around the cock in her mouth as Scott slowly and steadily drove his cock deep into her pussy. Once deep inside her, Scott began pulling nearly all the way out, then driving his cock back into the depths of her pussy. Lily was moaning as she tried to concentrate on Bill’s cock in her mouth. It was hard, though, the fucking Scott was giving her was wonderful and her attention was too easily diverted to the sensations that was creating despite knowing it was her brother’s cock in her mouth.

She was bewildered, though, when Scott pulled his cock from her pussy. She hadn’t cum … nobody had cum. But then Bill was wiggling out from in front of her and she was more confused until Scott took Bill’s place and Bill was kneeling behind her, his cock sliding along her slit before easily sinking into her hole and gliding deep inside with one stroke. She looked up at Scott and smiled before dropping her mouth onto his cock and nearly gobbling it down her throat in her excitement.

From behind her, Lily heard her mother’s voice, “Oh … you nasty boys.”

And her father added, “You go, boys. Give her a fucking she’ll remember.”

And, they did, too. The continued to switch back and forth every couple minutes. And every time they switched, their stimulation was slowed but they continued to fuck strongly into their sister. She came in an explosive orgasm after the third switch and again after the seventh. After that, Lily was getting tired of sucking and mostly kept that cock in her mouth. She was as intrigued by the taste from their cocks with each switch as the fucking the two were giving her, each with their own slightly different approach and manner, but both very satisfying.

Scott was the first to cum in her pussy, then Bill quickly took his place and aggressively fucked her to quickly add his own cum to that of his brother and father. It was during Bill’s climax that Lily orgasm for the last time … that night.

Carl and Karen pulled Lily into their bedroom for the night and placing her between them. Before the birthday girl had a chance to fall asleep, though, Karen asked, “How was your birthday, honey?”

“Oh my God, mom and dad … you guys are the best.”

Carl asked, “What about the family secret?”

“Oh my God, mom and dad … you guys are the best.” They all laughed and cuddled for much needed sleep.

The next morning, Lily rolled over to find her mother not in the bed. It was Saturday, good timing for a birthday like that, she thought. She could hear a little noise from the kitchen but it was still very early. She rolled the other way to find her father asleep. The top sheet had been pushed mostly off and she could see his semi-hard cock. With a mischievous smile, she slinked down the bed and gently took his cock into her hand and between her lips. She was focused on sucking and licking him when she felt a hand on the top of her head.

She took her mouth off his hard cock but her hand started stroking it as she looked up at her father. With a shy smile, “Daddy, I want to suck your cock until you cum. I want you to cum in my mouth. Can I?”

He smiled lovingly as he stroked her hair, “I’m not going to argue with that, sweetie.”

Lily came skipping into the kitchen bare-assed naked to find her mom in only a tee-shirt, her ass showing as she reached for the top shelf of the cabinet. Karen turned and appraised her daughter, “My, aren’t you …” she put a finger to the corner of Lily’s mouth and brought it to her lips. She smiled, “Your father?”

Lily nodded. “I sucked him until he came. I swallowed it, too. Semen is good, isn’t it?”

Karen smiled and patted Lily’s bare butt, “Yes … yes, it is. I’m just guessing here, but I’d say you’ve adjusted to the idea of our little tradition quite well.”

Lily came up behind her mom and slid her hands underneath the tee-shirt and moved them to the front where she cupped her mom’s breasts and hugged into her. “I am … quite well, indeed. But there is one member of this sexy family I have not had sex with, yet.”

Karen turned around, placed her hands on her daughter’s face and kissed her hard. She pulled back a fraction of an inch and promised, “Oh, Lily … we are going to have so much fun together.”

They were kissing again when the guys staggered into the kitchen and stopped dead in their tracks. They didn’t break the kiss but heard, “See, I knew that double-end dildo was the right one.”

At breakfast, Lily had put on a tee-shirt like her mom, Carl announced that he and the guys were going golfing shortly. Lily saw him wink at Karen and they shared a smile with deep meaning. Carl also remind everyone that next weekend they were leaving for a week at the rental cabin they had used several times. It had been planned for months.

As the guys drove off, Karen turned to Lily and asked, “You remember the cabin, right?”

Lily looked questioningly back, “Yea … it’s a big place with a bunch of bedrooms and common living area. It has a big dock and a couple fishing boats. The place is surrounded by trees and the driveway seemed like a mile long from the road. As I recall, there weren’t even that many other cabins on the whole lake. It’s really quiet, peaceful, and …”

Karen added, “Remote.”

Lily smiled back, “Yea, remote … really remote.”

Karen smiled big, “Really remote. Like remote enough for a family to honor traditions.”

“Holy, shit … seriously, yea. Oh, this just became so much more fun.”

Karen laughed. That was the idea. A week of not worrying about being seen no matter where they might experience each other. Karen asked, “Now … where did you put that gift we haven’t used, yet?”

When the guys returned, they found the two naked on the bed, the double-ended dildo at the foot of the bed and slick with juice on both ends.

The drive to the cabin took most of the following Saturday. They arrived late afternoon but the cabin was open and ready for them as promised. The owner lived in the next town and had the place set with fresh sheets, towels and the food stocked to their specification. It was a little pricey but those added benefits made up for it. They all helped in getting the car unloaded and suitcases unpacked into bedrooms. Bill disappeared but bounced into the common room announcing that the water was chilly but suitable. He stripped out of his clothes and waited. Everyone understood nudity wasn’t going to be an issue this time and he didn’t show any signs of getting his swimsuit. Scott followed and Lily looked at them, their soft cock hanging between their legs. She smiled and stripped, too. Carl and Karen walked out onto the porch as the three of them ran over the grass to the dock and jumped into the water with three splashes and wild laughing.

Carl took his wife into his arms from behind. She pressed back into him, “Thank you, honey. This will mean a lot to the family. It will be nice for everyone to be together for a week.”

He kissed her neck, “You think she’s ready? This is kind of fast.”

She turned and kissed him on the lips. “I know she is ready. And, so do you.” He nodded. Anyone hearing this short exchange would miss the larger picture of the question. And he did know it was true, but Lily would probably always be his princess and he would always have some worry. That musing was broken, though, when Karen took his hand and led him deep into the cabin to the bedroom they had claimed. They both knew Lily would soon have her brothers busy besides swimming in cold water. He now had his wife all to himself … for a while, anyway.

Lily and her siblings weren’t paying attention to their parents at the moment. Anything they would get involved in was now acceptable family behavior … at least in their family … and they came to this cabin for the expressed purpose to release their inhibitions of living in the suburbs.

They had been here before, perhaps several years before when hiking and fishing were the primary activities holding their interest, but they knew what to expect from the place. One thing they knew was the lake bottom dropped away quickly from the dock. It was the reason the water rarely really got warm even in the heat of summer, but also why the fishing was so good and explained why the lake property had been bought up generations ago by a few people and has been kept isolated and a peaceful retreat for those families.

The three young adults all plunged into the lake from the dock with cannon-balls of varying explosiveness. Although Lily’s might have been less of a splash compared to her brothers, the shriek she added to it made up for the lack of size. When they bobbed back to the surface and tread water in place, slowly circling for a reminding view of the lake, Lily could see she was in trouble. Not real trouble, because her two brothers had always been her protectors, but mischief trouble. Both sank back below the surface and she looked frantically around her to find them only to feel them before seeing them. They were at her body with fingers and hands, her breasts, her pussy, her legs … it was like being felt up by an amorous octopus. She shrieked, again, but also filled with laughter as she swam for the ladder at the dock.

She stood on the dock surface naked and dripping. She wasn’t only standing naked in front of her brothers as they ascended the ladder now, too, but she was brazenly but comfortably so exposed fully to the lake. As much as the guys had eyes fixed on her body as they came up the ladder, seeing minute details of water dripping from her nipples and a line of water running from her stomach over her mound and disappearing somewhere near her pussy, Lily’s eyes were fixed on their bodies. Even when you see each other naked or partially so, there are times when that image becomes crystallized and this was one such moment. She’s been making love to her family for a week now, but she really hadn’t appreciated just how beautiful her brothers’ bodies were. They were young and strong from years of sports and working out. As each jumped from the last steps of the ladder to the dock, she watched with fascination, and hunger, the way their cold-shrunken cocks swung and bounced, water dripping from the head dripping down from their hard, developed chests and stomachs.

The late sun was shining on them and the lake surface was still as if it, too, was waiting to see what these new visitors might bring to it. The silliness and chasing in the water left all three of them with heaving chest taking in air but smiles and youthful, innocent joy shining from them. That innocent part dissipated slowly like the waning sun the heat it gave to them. Scott and Bill easily sandwiched Lily between them, one at her front and the other at her back. She looked into Bill’s face with an easy smile and gave him as kiss as his hands slid over her body. She then leaned back and turned her head enough to give Scott the same kiss as his hands moved over her ass and back. She sighed contentedly, her head lolling back against Scott as the two moved their hands over her naked, welcoming body. She could feel both cocks hardening against her body and her hands casually moved to softly grasp each and lightly stroke them. There was no sense of rushing or urgency. It was as if their bodies knew they had a whole week to be like this.

With hands on her breasts and nipples and fingers gently probing her pussy and asshole, Lily could stand there and enjoy the feeling forever but loving was giving and as much as she loved receiving attention from the others, she especially loved giving it.

As Lily sank to her knees on the dock’s rough wood surface, Scott moved around next to Bill. She took both hardened cocks into her hands and began by licking the underside of each from the base to the head. Her eyes glanced up at each brother in turn, smiling as her tongue slid up and down his cock. She took Bill’s cock into her mouth and sucked, twirled her tongue around the head, poked her tongue at the hole at the top, and slid her mouth up and down it, taking the cock deep into her mouth. She repeated the motion on Scott’s cock.

Her sucking was immensely pleasurable, but both soon wanted to take the next step. They lifted Lily back to standing and their hands immediately were on her breasts and pussy. Scott kissed her passionately, then asked, “Something new to start off the week?” Without even knowing what he was thinking, she nodded enthusiastically, her hands capturing their cocks, again. He continued, “Want to try double-penetration?” She looked quizzically at him. She’d already had them with one in her pussy and one in her mouth.

Bill clarified, “He means your pussy and ass.”

She looked at them with a bit of shock but excited shock. In the short time of freely loving each other, it hadn’t taken her brothers long to try a lot of things with her they had done with their mom. Anal was one they introduced her to once but double-penetration they hadn’t, yet. They were anxious to experience that with Lily, too. Lily nodded and an unspoken look between the two sent Scott running to the cabin. In a minute he was running back to the dock, his still hard cock bouncing in front of him. In his hand was a tube of lubrication. As he came to a stop, he announced, “Mom’s riding dad like he’s a bucking bronco.” Lily and Bill both smiled at the image flashing in their minds.

A quick look between the brothers and Scott lay on his back on the dock surface. Lily quickly looked around the quiet lake. Why they thought it was appropriate to have DP sex on the end of the dock, she wasn’t sure but it was definitely adding more thrill to the moment. She straddled Scott’s hips and leaned forward to kiss him. She then leaned back and raised her face for Bill to bend over to kiss her, which he did. She reached between her legs, found Scott’s hard cock, and raised the head to her pussy, easily sliding down the length of it. She smiled at both men, then leaned forward to kiss Scott while knowing she was about to experience another first in her sexual experience. She felt Bill applying lube to her asshole and pushing it inside with one finger. She gasped into Scott’s mouth. Just one finger was an amazing feeling alongside Scott’s cock in the next chamber. Bill wiggle his finger teasingly for both Lily and Scott and both sighed while not breaking their kiss. When Bill pulled his finger out and replaced it was a second, Lily moaned. Karen had introduced them to anal and they had introduced Lily to it with the same care they applied to their mother. Now … Lily shuddered as the fingers left her asshole and she felt Bill come up behind her ass. He spread her ass cheeks and moved his cock head to her puckered hole. Before pressing forward, he leaned against her and kissed her back.

“Are you ready, Lily?”

She gasped out, “Oh, yes! I love you two so much. I want to do everything for you … with you.”

Bill pressed forward at her constricted hole. Her head rose to the sky with her mouth open as she felt the head spreading her normally tight hole made even tighter by the cock already in her pussy. A low, guttural, “OHHHHH … FUCCCCKKKKK … YESSSSSS” escaped her mouth as the head slowly opened her sphincter and pushed inside. “Oh … God … wait … please.” She put her hand back against Bill’s thigh to reinforce that he should stop. Everything was so tight and even now she felt so full she couldn’t believe it. The stretching, though, felt like she might split but as quickly as the sensation seemed to overtake her, she could feel it subsiding and easing.

She leaned down and kissed Scott with mouth, lips, and tongue. Then, she leaned back and twisted her head and body to receive a similar kiss from Bill as the two cocks were held quietly where they were inside her. Finally, “Oh, you guys … I never … amazing … oh, fuck me … please … ravage your … little sister.”

The brothers smiled at each other over Lily’s shoulder and Bill eased his cock a bit deeper. It was the tightest he had ever felt and shouldn’t have been surprised. He pulled back an inch and pushed in a couple inches, pulled back an inch and drove in several more until they were both fully inside her, at least in this position. Her moans, gasps, and groans filled the air around them and half of them weren’t hushed. Bill couldn’t help but glance up across the lake as he remembered how well sounds traveled over the still water. ‘Fuck it’, he thought. This was what they were up here for this week. If someone was going to notice, let them notice.

Lily couldn’t stop panting as each thrust from one or the other or simultaneously from them both resulted in a gasp, moan, grunt, or sigh from her. With her supporting herself over Scott on her arms, he moved his hands to her swinging and bouncing breasts. He fondled and generally mauled them while switching to using his fingers to roll, twist, and pull her nipples. Lily orgasmed as the guys just continued to fuck her holes and her gasping and panting increased as if she were finishing a good time in a 10K run. The orgasm subsided only slightly as they continued to fuck her. Her one time with anal before had been enjoyable but not like this. Since all this had started with her and the family, she had become something of a student of sexuality on the internet. She truly wanted to bring as much pleasure as she could to her family as her mom reinforced to her: focus on your partner and the sex will be great. Along the way she learned things about her own body they didn’t teach in school. Things like the G-spot and clit being connect; like the clit not having any known purpose but to create pleasure; like the membrane between the pussy and anal chambers having thousands of nerve endings between the two. Her mind flashed with understanding … the two cocks pressing against each other would induce so much more sensation. And, she loved it. She orgasmed, again. Her body shook and she sagged against Scott as Bill flood her ass and quickly followed by Scott’s cum filling her pussy.

The three remained joined for long minutes. Bill supporting himself, even if awkwardly, joyfully, as Lily lay on Scott and her body remained filled with cock even as they slowly softened and ease on their own from her deliciously consumed body.

On the porch of the cabin, the parents were standing at the railing naked and watching the siblings at the end of the dock. Carl was fondling Karen’s breasts and kissing her neck and shoulder and occasionally teasing her ear. She giggled as his tongue brushed her ear. She squeezed his hands at her breasts, “Do you ever have any regrets, Carl?”

“Regrets? What would I possibly have to regret?”

She leaned her head back alongside his, “My family … the way we are?”

He chuckled, “No … I never did. You know it was a shock when you first told me when we started talking about getting married, but … even initially hearing about this … I don’t know … I loved you with my entire being and I felt yours back to me. Part of what was you and your ability to love had to be part of what you’d experienced in your family, so how could your family be a bad thing? I was nervous, at first, but never regretful.”

She turned in his arms and kissed him hard. It seemed to her that their passion had spiked since Lily had joined them. They could now fully share in moments of passion without concern. “Thank you, lover. You’re amazing …” She smiled lustily at him. “… in so many ways.” He chuckled and pressed into her against the railing, pressing his once again hardening cock into her abdomen. She moved up and down over it and looked into his eyes, “You know what my mom said when I told her about this week?” He shrugged. “She couldn’t wait to get you in bed, again.”

Their lust consumed them, again. Carl turned her around, bent her over the railing, and easily entered her cum filled pussy. As he drove his cock into her pussy and resumed fondling her breasts, they watched Lily and her brothers in her first DP. They both had the same thought, ‘Given the planned week, this certainly won’t be her last.’

Early afternoon the next day, Lily bounced down the steps from the cabin porch as her mom returned from a jog down the two-track driveway out to the road and back. Karen smiled at the sight of her newly free-spirited daughter, naked and breasts bouncing freely. She called out to Lily, causing her to stop and wait, “Where are you headed?”

“The dock. Thought I would catch some sun while the guys were out fishing. Want to join me?”

“Naked? Is this your normal attire now?”

Lily giggled, “Well … for this week …”

Karen laughed. That was what they were here for; to really let go in private. She took Lily’s arm to join her on the dock, when they both heard the noise of tires crunching on gravel and dirt. They turned to the sound of an approaching vehicle, but the naked Lily stayed close behind her mom.

Lily peered around her mom in the direction of the two-track lane disappearing into the woods. “Are you expecting anyone?” Nothing. Lily persisted, getting more nervous by the moment. “Mom?”

But then the car was there. She might have recognized the car if she’d seen it in many other places, but it seemed out of place here. The car stopped some 20 or 30 feet away but far too close for Lily’s comfort. She pressed herself tighter behind her mom and peeked out around her. She could see two people inside but the reflection of the sun off the windshield made anything more impossible. When she saw Karen’s arm go up and wave, she was confused. Then, the passenger door open and an older woman stepped out and immediately stretched her back.

“Grandma? Grandma!” Lily was stepping out from around her mom when the driver side door open. “Grandpa!” She started sprinting toward them when she realized she was naked. She came to a stop and covered her breasts with an arm. Her grandpa walked right up to her and took her into his arms, her grandma joining from the side. Excitedly, Lily asked, “What are you guys doing here?” She sputtered at the way that sounded. “No, I didn’t mean it that way.”

By that time, Karen was just behind Lily, “Well, they were invited, of course. We thought it would be a nice surprise for you.”

“Well, it worked. Here I am naked.”

Her grandpa said, “Speaking of …” He held her out at arm’s length, “Let’s have a look at you.”

Lily reacted, “Grandpa!”

“Hush, girl. Like I haven’t seen a naked woman before. Oh, my, yes … you definitely take after your mother … in all the right places.”

Her grandma slapped his arm, “You hush now, old man. Honestly, you have her blushing like a nun caught in the shower.”

Karen gave Lily’s ass a playful swat, “Why don’t you help your grandpa take their bags into a bedroom.”

Her grandpa wrapped his arm around Lily and guided her to the trunk of the car, his hand slipping down to her bare butt. He leaned toward her, “To the bedroom, huh?”

From behind her, Lily heard her grandma’s exasperated response, “Stop teasing the poor girl.”

He winked at Lily and responded back, “Who’s teasing?” Lily blushed deeper.

From behind, Lily heard her grandma ask Karen, “Now, where is that husband of yours?” And she heard her mom chuckle.

They had only two roller cases and they managed to muscle them up the three steps and into one of the empty bedrooms. Lily asked, “Grandpa? Why did grandma ask about my dad that way?”

He had tossed both cases onto the bed, then pulled them back off as if he had a second thought. He sat on the bed and Lily stood in front of him. “Well, darling, your grandma has had a thing for your dad since we knew your mom was serious about him.”

“Seriously? Wow …”

“Your mom picked a winner when she found him, I’ll tell you. I know he is just fitting into the family with your grandma, and she knows it too, but she says he has this way of making her feel … how did she put it? … special … like at that moment there isn’t a more desirable woman.”

He had gently pulled her closer between his knees. He leaned forward now and kissed each of her nipples, causing them to become instantly erect. She sighed and responded with what she had been told, “I think it is what they have tried to instill in us. They tell us that if we focus only on giving pleasure to our partner, the experience will be great for both of us.”

He smiled up at her, then, “Lily … I …”

She leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth, quieting him. When she pulled away, she pulled him up off the bed. “Grandpa, I want to make love with you. I want you to bring me further into our family tradition.” He smiled. He pulled her into his arms and lightly stroked her nakedness.

Lily pulled the covers of the bed down as he began getting undressed. When she returned to him, his shorts were falling to the floor. She knelt before him and pulled his underwear down and took his semi-hard cock into her mouth as she assisted him stepping from his shorts. She heard him gasping and sighing as she sucked and stroked with her hand. She smiled around his cock; this will be three generation of the family she has given herself to.

He didn’t need much encouragement to become fully hard, but her young mouth felt particularly wonderful and … this was finally the next generation he’s been able to participate with. But there was enough, he really wanted to feel his old cock inside this young pussy. He pulled her up to her feet and kissed her hard and long. His hands were over her naked body, especially her young, firm breasts.

“How do you want to do this, grandpa? Your choice, I’ll do anything you want.”

He kissed her lightly on the lips. “You are like your mother and in all the most wonderful ways, all teasing aside. I would really enjoy it if you rode me so I can watch you and enjoy the sight of you naked young body.”

She blushed all over, again. “Oh, grandpa …”

She followed him onto the bed and when he stopped on his back, she continued to crawl over his body and stopped over his hips. She reached underneath and found his cock, settled over it, and slowly sank down the entire length in two motions. He gasped, which joined her moans. He did watch, too. He watched as she rose and dropped down on his cock, watching his cock appear and disappear underneath her, watched her breast sway and bounce, and watched her face change from smile to opened mouth to smile and back to open mouth. He reached up and fondled her breasts, then teased her nipples. She was fucking him slow and steady, not rushed but enjoying the moment as he was.

“There you two are.” Lily giggled at the sound of grandma’s voice and smiled down at her grandpa.

Her grandpa gave her nipples a twist and Lily groaned as she continued to fuck up and down despite the appearance of her grandma. Her grandpa winked up at Lily but spoke to his wife, “I thought you were off chasing down Carl?”

She knelt behind Lily and began kissing her shoulders, stroking her sides and reaching in front for a breast. “I was … he’s out with the boys fishing. We got here early to surprise them and … but … do you mind sharing our granddaughter?”

He chuckled, “Woman, you should know better than to have to ask. Besides, then I have two of the three hottest women I know to exist.” Lily giggled and for a moment stopped fucking as she leaned back to receive a mouth kiss from her grandma. Then, in a flurry of clothes flying, she too was naked and pressing her bare breasts into Lily’s back. Then, her grandma was crawling towards her grandpa’s head and announced, “Are you ready, husband?”

He smiled up at Lily, then at his wife, “Always … give me your sweet pussy.”

With that she sat over his mouth, sighed, and leaned to Lily and began kissing her in a very un-grandmotherly way.

As the three of them were relaxing after very satisfying orgasms, they heard an outboard motor approaching. Lily ran out to the porch naked, her grandma put on a blouse that almost covered her butt, and her grandpa put on shorts. They were all standing with Karen at the base of the steps watching the guys bump into the dock when they all heard another car on the dirt drive.

Soon, the car was parked next to the others and Lily turned to her mother with a smile, “Uncle Matt and the twins?” Karen nodded with a smile.

Karen and Lily stood facing the arrival of Karen’s brother. Lily’s grandma stepped between them with her arms around both and said to Lily, “Surprised?”

“Oh, yea … so, three more guys. Seven guys.”

Karen added, “And three gals.”

Grandma chuckled, “I know that math … seven guys plus three of us gals … equals a lot of fun for us.” The three of them started laughing, much to the confusion of Uncle Matt and the twins approaching them.


* * * Another MOTHERES & DAUGHTERS story will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

Love on first sight – finding a Fairy 0 (0)


Eve smiles, falls around his neck, and pulls him down into another kiss. Dave buries one of his hands into her hair, the other he rests comfortably on her hip. He caresses her ass through the dress. Then he pulls up the fabric, exposing her beautiful panties.

Pretty long story with a ton of build up (worth it). Still if you’re an impatient person, skip the first 4/5 of it.

The blinding light that’s coming through the window reminds Dave of his hangover as if the squealing sound of his roller blinds wouldn’t get that point across. He squeezes his eyes waiting for that poking pain in his head to disappear.

The room has stopped to spin around him and he thinks it’s safe to walk down the hallway.

As he stumbles into the kitchen, he feels a little better. Good enough to wonder how he has a hangover. Isn’t that like alcohol withdrawal? There is definitely still alcohol left in his system but whatever. He opens the fridge and takes out the milk. He puts a bowl onto the counter and tries to pour in some cereal. He gets about 90 percent in.

Now the milk. Take aim and make sure not to miss. This time all goes in. He picks up the bowl and swipes in the remaining ten percent of cereals that landed on the counter. He sits down at the table and realizes that he forgot the spoon. Fuck.

So, he stands up again, walks back into the kitchen, grabs a spoon, and sits back down at the table. At the very least, the light got dimmed a little. A cloud has taken its place to block the morning sun.

As he brings the first spoon to his mouth, he notices something at the edge of his sight. A girl sitting on the couch. Elbows on knees and her face supported by her hands.

Fuck, Dave thinks, I didn’t even know that you can hallucinate from too much alcohol. The girl looks kinda strange. Her skin got a touch of green and she wears a beautiful red dress.

Dave grunts which gets her attention. She turns her head. “Can you see me?” she asks.

“No,” he says and goes back to his breakfast, “I’m definitely not seeing some girls over there.”

“And you can hear me! Fi–na–ly! You don’t know how long I have waited for this.”

The girl stands up and, well, she flies a bit closer.

Yeah, I’m definitely hallucinating, Dave thinks. Did someone put drugs into my drinks? This can’t be normal. Nah, don’t think anyone even had drugs at the party. Maybe a bit of weed but try to put that into a drink. I’ll give you a dollar if you succeed.

“You can see me!” The girl is annoyingly happy. Dave closes his eyes and opens them again. She’s still there. Fuck.

She sits down across from him and keeps on watching while Dave eats. “You can see me,” she repeats. The excitement in her voice is almost unbearable.

“You said that already. Why’s my mind so unoriginal?”

The girl tilts her head. “Your mind?” she asks.

“Yeah, if I got hallucinations, I hoped there would be a better dialogue but it seems I’m just shitty at that, too.” Dave looks up. Accepting that she isn’t going anywhere soon, he studies that girl’s face. “Even though I have to admit, that you’re very beautiful. I like the detail my subconscious mind had put on you. Didn’t think I could imagine a dress that doesn’t suck.”

A smile forms on that girl’s face, “You think I’m just a part of your imagination? Well, of course, you do. I mean who wouldn’t. Silly me. But I’m real, I promise. Here feel.” She extends her hand, reaching all the way over the table. She has to lean forward and as she turns, she reveals her back. The dress is cut out pretty deep making room for, eh, wings? Ah right, she flew closer, right. Definitely hallucinating, Dave thinks again. But let’s humor it.

He tries to take her hand, deeply believing that he would feel nothing but the air. To his surprise it’s solid. Perplex, he grabs her hand pulling her even further over the table. He runs over her skin, feels her knuckles.

“Hey, that’s still attached to my body,” she says but doesn’t try to pull away. Instead, she leaves her seat and is now hovering over the table. Her wings are moving way too slow to keep her in the air. Well, seems like hallucinations don’t care about physics. She feels real, though.

“You know, just because I can touch you doesn’t mean you’re not in my mind.”

David lets go of her hand and the girl sinks back onto her seat.

“Then how do I convince you that I’m real?”

The door to the kitchen opens. The sound feels way louder than it actually is. Dave shrugs together as his brother enters the room. “Oh, you’re awake. How was your night?” he asks unaware of the fact that he just interrupted a conversation between his little brother and some girl with wings. “Mom said she was surprised that you found your way home, considering how drunk you were. I think she is overreacting, though.”

Careful not to increase his pain, Dave turns his head from the girl to his brother.

“Shit, you look awful. Even for your standard,” Dave’s brother says.


“You’re welcome. Maybe drink some water, take a shower. I heard plastic surgery can help.” He laughs but Dave really isn’t in the mood. Instead, he goes back to eating his cereals.

“Well, I’m going now. See you later, then.” With that, his older brother leaves the room.

Dave looks back at the girl. “If you’re as real as you claim, then why didn’t he say something about you?”

The girl smiles again, “That’s because he can’t see me.”

“Not looking too good for you if you try to convince me that I’m not hallucinating.”

“He couldn’t see me because no one can see me. Nobody but you.”

Dave takes another spoon of his breakfast. “Of course,” he grunts, “Listen, fairy. Can I call you that? I mean you are a fairy, right.”

“Some used that name to describe our kind but you could just give me a real name, you know.”

“Give you a name? You mean like, you don’t have one?”

The girl wants to answer but Dave changes his mind. “Wait,” he says, “I don’t want to know. At least not now. What do you want from me?”

The fairy giggles. “That’s funny,” she says, “With the whole ‘finding the one that can see you and do whatever he wants’ thing, that’s probably something I should ask you.”

“Er,” It’s way too early to deal with this shit, he thinks.

“So, what do you want me to do?” she asks, and as if his head wouldn’t hurt enough already someone turns the light that’s falling through the window up to ‘painfully bright’. The cloud that hid the sun has flown by. The room begins to turn and Dave has to concentrate not to puke in his breakfast bowl. With his head supported by one hand, he leans on the table and quietly mumbles, “Fuck me.”

“A bit blunt but ok, if that’s what you want.”

The light is still unbearable. At least the spinning stopped and his headache feels like a walk on the beach in comparison to a second ago. As he looks up, he finds that the fairy is now sitting naked across from him. Her well-formed breasts catch his eyes. She jiggles them a bit or is it the alcohol? It’s still a hallucination, isn’t it?

“What the. Where did your dress”

He stops and buries his face into his hands. Rubbing his eyes, he grunts again. “I didn’t mean that literally.”

“Oh, of course,” and just like that she’s back to wearing her dress, “I understand.”

Dave goes back to his breakfast. The two of them sit there in silence. As Dave brings an empty spoon to his mouth, for like the third time in a row, she can’t stay silent anymore.

“You realize that the bowl is empty?”

He looks up and gives her a stare that says he’s way too tired to tell her that she should please shut up and let him work through his pain alone.

“Just saying.”

The fairy bites her lip. “I hope I’m not overstepping here but do you usually drink this much?”

“Do I look like I’m used to this?”

The fairy shakes her head. “No, not really,” she says, “but maybe …”

Dave interrupts her, “Please. You seem like a nice girl. How old are you?”

“Don’t know. It feels like I’ve been there since the beginning.”

“The beginning of time?”

She chuckles, “No, don’t be ridiculous. Humankind, of course.”

For a second a sharp pain breaches its way through Dave’s head. “As I thought,” he says, “It’s really not a good time to talk. Just give me a few hours till I no longer feel like shit, ok?”

With that, he stands up, waits for a second, no spinning, and brings the empty bowl into the kitchen.

“Ok,” the girl says, “And what should I do until then?”

Just shut up, he thinks, and takes some painkillers. “I don’t know,” he grunts, “you’ll figure something out.”

A bit confused she follows Dave around until he shuts the bathroom door right into her face. “Hey!” he hears her saying through the wood. Then her voice becomes clear as if she was standing right in front of him. “Well, that’s just rude,” she says, now standing inside the bathroom, right in front of him.

Dave rolls his eyes. “Teleportation? Long way to go till you convince me that you’re real. And I’m sorry, am I not considerate enough for your feelings?”

The girl pushes her arms into her sides, “Listen, even if I’m just part of your mind, I’d be a part of you then. The least you can do is to not treat me like shit.”

“Ever heard of self-hatred?” he asks.

The fairy raises an eyebrow. He’s kidding, right? He doesn’t look like he’s kidding, though. David takes off his shirt and drops it to the ground.

“Do you mind turning around?” he asks.

“You’re self-conscious about your body?”

“My body’s fine, it’s just,” he grunts. The headache gets better with time but he still doesn’t feel like arguing, “would you please wait outside?”

The fairy crosses her arms, “If that’s what you want.” This time she uses the door and it actually makes a sound. Either his hallucinations are worse than he thought or she might be real after all. But now he takes a shower, it’ll help. Maybe even a cold one.

Fresh and clean, a towel wrapped around his waist he steps out of the bathroom. His mood has significantly improved. His headache is practically gone. The painkillers have kicked in. Maybe he’ll even do something productive today, he thinks as his eyes fall on the fairy again.

“You’re still here,” he says surprised. She is sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall.

“Of course, I’m still here. You told me to wait outside.”

The girl gets up without using her hands to support herself. Instead, she floats up onto her feet. It looks so cool like CGI turned real somehow. Dave takes a deep breath. What the fuck is happening to him?

“So, what now?” the fairy asks. She looks at him and realizes that one of his eyelashes has fallen off. It’s stuck to his cheek, now. “Oh, wait,” she says and tries to get it.

Dave instinctively takes a step back.

“Are you afraid of me?” she asks, “I see. Maybe this will help.”

The fairy now turns into a real human looking girl. Her skin tone changes, the wings disappear and her dress doesn’t look that mythical anymore. Dave even knows the girl she has turned into. Man, she really chose the wrong form here. Everyone but Julia.

“Not her,” Dave says.

“I thought …” she tries to explain herself but he doesn’t let her.

“Turn back,” he insists, “please.”

Confused, the fairy does what she was told. “I thought you liked her,” she says.

“I do,” Dave sighs, “It’s complicated.”

The fairy tilts her head a little. Then her eyes wander back to his cheek and she giggles, “Oh, it’s still there.” She reaches for the little hair and asks, “May I?”

He nods, and she takes his eyelash onto her index finger. “Make a wish,” she says and holds it in front of his mouth. He blows and the eyelash flies into the air.

He waits a second till he says a bit disappointed, “You’re still here.”

The fairy crosses her arms again, insulted by his wish, and fires back, “You said that already, I hoped there would be a better dialogue.”

Dave shakes his head and walks past her. No sense in outsmarting your own unconscious “Give me a second,” he says and shuts the door to his room before his nonhuman friend could enter.

A moment later Dave presses down the handle. The door opens slightly, and the fairy steps into the room. Dave’s already wearing his jeans. She watches as he puts on his shirt.

He starts his computer and sits down at his desk. When the fairy looks over his shoulder to see what he is doing, Dave already googles the keywords, “hallucinations from too much alcohol”

He clicks the second link that pops up.

He reads, “Alcohol-induced psychotic disorders, on the other hand, involve secondary psychotic episodes that may be similar in presentation to other primary psychoses, but arise due to alcohol-related conditions. …”

The fairy giggles, “You’re for real right now? I told you, I’m not part of your mind.”

While reading the next paragraph he asks, “Then how did you know Julia? The girl you transformed into.”

“… Once a person develops a substance-induced psychosis, the symptoms usually appear quickly and resolve within days to weeks. Though symptoms resolution is usually quick, continued drinking after experiencing an alcohol-induced psychotic episode could trigger the onset of longer-lasting psychotic disorders in those predisposed to such conditions.

Features of an alcohol-induced psychosis include alcohol hallucinosis, a rare complication of chronic alcohol abuse that occurs during or after a period of heavy drinking. These hallucinations are typically auditory but may manifest as visual or tactile.”

The fairy reads along. “You could be right about you’re theory of alcohol-induced hallucinations. But you said you weren’t drinking regularly. They sometimes manifest themselves during a hangover, it’s mostly sounds that aren’t real but you can even see and feel things. But I’m telling you, I’m as real as you are.”

Dave turns around on his chair. “Sit down,” he says and points to the bed.

The fairy doesn’t move. Instead, she crosses her arms as if she feels insulted again. Maybe it’s his harsh tone.

Dave rubs his temples, he closes his eyes and counts to ten in his head, then he tries again, “Could you please, sit down on the bed? I want to talk to you.”

“Here we go,” the fairy says and takes a seat. Her legs crossed; her hands neatly folded in her lap. A body language that’s looks like she is attending a meeting.

Dave raises an eyebrow.

“I’m just trying to make you feel more comfortable,” she says, “but fine, I see that it’s not working.” Her posture feels younger now. It fits better. “What do you want to talk about?” she asks.

“Why did you choose Julia when you changed to a human?”

“Trying to question your unconscious? Well, I don’t really know but I felt you liked her.”

“You felt?” Dave repeats.

“Yes, I felt that you liked her. We have a bond of some sorts, you know. That’s how I found you in the first place.”

Dave shakes his head. “Let me summarize,” he says, “You can fly, even though it’s not physically possible, you can teleport from one place to another, you’re as old as mankind, you can read my mind, and I should believe you when you say that I’m not hallucinating?”

“You missed the fact that you’re the only one that can see me, and I can’t really read your mind, it’s just a bond that we share, but other than that, yes.”

Dave leans back on his chair, lets his head fall into his neck, and looks at the ceiling. “Oh, Jesus, what have I gotten into? I swear I’ll never drink alcohol again.”

“You’re not religious, right,” the fairy asks a bit curious because of his last statement.

“Nah, it’s just something you say.”

“I know. Just wanted to make sure.”

Still looking up, Dave realizes something. “If you’re as old as you claim, then tell me, is it all bullshit? Jesus, the Bible, God?”

The fairy doesn’t answer, so Dave looks at her. “Yeah, you’re right,” he says, “I don’t want to know.”

He leans forward and continues the conversation, “earlier you said something about not having a name?”

The fairy is surprised, “You’ve been listening? So, you do care. Yes, I don’t have a name. They say that only you can give it to me. Why? Do you have one?” She gets excited again but it’s way less annoying and kinda cute.

“Who’s they?”

“My friends, of course. Even though I don’t know where they got it from. Maybe our kind just figured it has to work that way since we didn’t have names.”

“There are more like you?” he asks.

“Yes, there are more like me. Or at least, there were. I haven’t seen one in a while, now that I’m thinking about it. Eventually, we got less.”

“When was the last time you saw one?”

“I don’t know. Maybe eight or nine decades ago? Times have changed. There are more and more humans, eventually, most of us found the one that could see them, turned human themselves and died.”

“Turned human and died?”

“Yeah, that’s what happens when we find the one. It’s just like Hancock but without the superhero part and the fact that people were able to see Hancock, and of course, I don’t have an alcohol problem but that’s maybe your part in this story?” She stops for a second and thinks, “Well maybe it’s not like Hancock but the part with the soulmates that become human when they find each other is.”

“I’ve never seen it.”

“You’ve never seen the movie,” she repeats, “I took you as a movie guy. My bad. Let me explain it to you,”

He interrupts her, “I think I got it. And I’m that soulmate that you’re talking about?”


“Ok, let’s leave the topic for now. You said you don’t have a name but you had friends. They must have called you somehow,” he says.

“Sunny. They called me Sunny.”

“Good enough for me,” he says.

“But you’re supposed to give me a name.” her eyes water a little. There’s a tear slowly running down her cheek.

Dave brushes it away. “Don’t be upset,” he says, “you said you feel like you’re here since the beginning. What do you think about Eve then?”


Dave nods.

“I like it,” she says and smiles again.

There we go, Dave thinks. It’s crazy what an effect a crying woman has on him. Even if he potentially only imagines her.

A moment of silence.

Then Eve decides to ask the question that is bugging her. “Why didn’t you want me to look like that girl from earlier. Julia, wasn’t it?”

Dave sights. “Bad memories,” he says, and he knows that that’s not enough of an answer to be satisfying. He swallows and begins to explain. “Last night I was at a party and she was there, too. I got a mad crush on her and we are seeing each other. At least kind of. Well, we were texting for a while and I hoped there could be more. I’m a bit shy and I tried to gather myself to talk to her but then a friend of mine asked her to dance. He didn’t know that I liked her but I never felt so jealous before. She looked at my reaction when she danced in front of me. I think she hoped that I’d ask her to dance, too. But it was my first real party, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I missed my shot, I think.”

“That’s sad,” Eve responds, “You’ve never been to a party before?”

“Not r…”

Dave stops in the middle of his response as he realizes what he is doing. Why is he even telling her about this? It’s crazy. Yeah, talking to his unconscious through his hallucination, deriving valuable information from it, sounded like a good idea, but his unconscious should know all this. He’s got to get out of here.

He doesn’t even bother to say anything, he just stands up and walks out the door. Eve follows him. Again.

“What are you doing?” she asks, “You’re ignoring me?”

“You’re serious right now? I thought we were past this.”

Dave grabs his smartphone and Bluetooth-headset. Looks a last time at the fairy and starts an episode of his favorite series.

Eve sits down next to him and waits, unsure what to do. At some point, she tips on his shoulder. “Can you please play it on loud?”

As much as he’d love to just ignore the fairy that he’s probably only imagining, he has some pity on her and turns on the subtitles.

Eve leans in to watch. After a while, she rests her head on his shoulder …

In contrast to how Dave felt this morning, in the evening he feels way better. So good that he decides he could do a workout. Strangely enough, Eve didn’t go away as he thought she would. She was silently watching him all day long, mostly while he was playing computer games.

Now she’s hovering in a corner of the room as if she was laying in an invisible hammock, looking at the ceiling.

Dave is at his third and final set of wall-supported handstand push-ups. The fairy watches as he struggles to do his last rep. “You shouldn’t break form in an exercise like this. You could get long-lasting injuries,” she comments.

Dave gets off the wall, walks over to the table, and writes down the number of reps he has done in this set.

“You can’t ignore me forever,” Eve says getting down onto her feet. Catching a look on the paper she adds, “Your chest-workout misses out on lower chest activation. You got gymnastic rings over there, use them.”

Dave looks at her and raises an eyebrow. “I’m not ignoring you,” he clarifies, “And what do you know about bodyweight strength exercises? I thought you just snap your fingers and you have the body you always wanted.”

Eve smiles, “You live long enough, you pick up a thing or two.”

Dave tries to squeeze the words, “Ring dips” between the other exercises on his paper and starts to set up the gymnastic rings. After his first round the fairy asks, “So, you accept that I’m real now?”

David drinks some water before answering, “I’m ruling out alcohol. I think I’m sober, which means either what you’re saying is true or I got crazy overnight. But I’m not sure what it is, yet.”

“Fair enough,” she says, “Do you want me to spot you?”

Before Dave could ask why she thinks that she has to spot him doing unweighted dips, his brother opens the door. “Oh, you’re already working out,” he says, “don’t mind me then.” With that, he walks to the table and tips a bit on his smartphone. Music fills the air. La Roux – I’m Not Your Toy (Nero Remix)

“You shouldn’t talk to me while your brother’s in the same room, he might think you’re nuts,” Eve says.

Dave only looks at her as if he can’t believe she felt the need to clarify that. Wasn’t going to, he thinks and finishes his second set on the rings.

While doing his third set, Eve gets bored and decides to take Dave’s brother’s smartphone. Maybe the internet holds something interesting for her.

What the fuck, Dave thinks as the music stops. Eve must have closed the app. She just took the phone like it is nothing. He looks to his side, but his brother didn’t notice. He keeps on warming up with his jumping rope.

Eve holds his phone but Dave knows that his brother can’t see Eve. Does that mean that he sees the phone flying in the air now?

“Got to cool off, for a second,” Dave says to his brother but he’s not sure if he even notices. Before leaving the room, he signals Eve that she should follow him. She smiles, still holding his brother’s phone.

“What just happened there?” Dave asks in the hallway.

“You see this?” Eve asks in return and points at the phone she took.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I’m serious. Do you see the phone?” Eve asks again.

“Yes, I see the phone. The question is whether my brother just saw his phone hovering through the air?!?”

“Relax,” Eve counters calmly, “It’s hard to explain how things work for me but the short answer is, that nothing I do matters in the real world. It’s more like an illusion.”

“An Illusion for who?”

Eve scratches her head. “An illusion for me, for my kind. And as it seems, for you too, now. You see, if you really want to, you could look at it as if with everything I do I create a different reality. The thing is that eventually if I don’t look at my reality, it goes back to being the reality it was before I did something.”

Dave looks at her as if she just tried to explain to him the theory of relativity.

“I give you an example. I got the phone here, right?”

David nods.

“For your brother, the phone is still at the place where he left it. If I were to leave the phone here in the hallway and we would go back into that room, then the phone would be back at the place where it really was. It would no longer be in the hallway where I left it but …”

Eve wants him to finish the sentence.

Dave looks like he’s working through some thoughts but eventually says, “It would be on the table, playing the music, my brother put on in the first place.”

Eve smiles, “Exactly. See, it’s not as complicated as it seems at first.”

“Great,” Dave says, “I now have to consider multiple realities.”

“You’ll get used to it, and it’s not forever. I’ll become human eventually and it won’t be a problem anymore,” Eve says.

The phone in her hand vibrates. A text. “Hey, honey. Come over, my parents aren’t home.”

“Is that his girlfriend?” Eve asks.

The next moment his brother enters the hallway. He probably wonders why his younger brother is standing there like he’s talking to himself. “Tell mom, I’m going to stay with Stacy tonight,” he says.

“Ok,” Dave answers and nods. Surprised he watches his brother walk right through Eve as if she wasn’t there at all.

Eve giggles because of Dave’s confused expression. “Oh, that’s a thing too. I can’t touch a human. It’s like they aren’t even there.”

Dave rolls his eyes deciding to just finish his workout and maybe think through the stuff he just learned.

With his brother gone, he adds, “Remind me that we have to try out the boundaries for this illusion thing. Like, can I hand you things? Can you hand me things? I don’t want to be thrown into one of these white rooms, without even telling someone that I’m speaking with a fairy.”

After a quick shower, Dave grabs something to eat. His parents came home, so he couldn’t really talk to Eve. He still managed to ask her if she needs food. She explained that she can taste things and that she sometimes eats for fun but also that she doesn’t need it to survive. She also mentions that it’ll change eventually when she becomes human.

Now Dave is sitting on his bed. It’s time to sleep. He’s got school tomorrow. Eve smiles, “You’re sleeping in your boxers?”

Dave doesn’t say anything.

“What?” she asks, “You’re back to ignoring me, or are you just shy? Am I that intimidating?”

Dave avoids eye contact. A thought doesn’t want to go out of his head and there is no avoiding it anymore.

“Do you sleep?” he asks.

The girl raises an eyebrow. What is he asking? She giggles, “Yes Dave. I do sleep.”

Shit. “Well, do you,” he hesitates, “do you want to sleep next to me? I mean my bed is big enough for two. There would also be the couch downstairs or my brother’s bed, if you want.”

Eve smiles, Dave’s acting strange. “Would you prefer that I wouldn’t sleep with you?”

“No,” he says, “It’s not like that. I mean it’s your choice.”

The fairy changes her appearance. She’s now standing there as beautiful as ever but without her dress. Dave’s eyes widen. He can’t stop himself from looking over every inch of her body.

“I’d like to sleep with you then,” she says. Again, amused by the effect she has on Dave. She walks to the other side of the bed and crawls under the blanket.

Dave clears his throat. “You’re sleeping naked?” he asks, on which Eve raises an eyebrow. “You’re very beautiful,” he adds as he lays down too, trying to not show how flustered he is about that.

The size of the blanket makes that the two of them have to be pretty close together. They turn to their sides, so they face each other.

Eve looks into his eyes and sees that he’s somehow terrified right now. Unsure what to do. Uncomfortable to be this close to her. Of course, he tries to hide it but a couple of thousand years of experience are hard to deceive. And suddenly she realizes, “You’ve never been with a woman before!”

“What?” That comes out of the blue, Dave thinks.

“You’ve never slept with a girl before. Did you have a girlfriend?”

David gives her a sad smile.

“Have you ever even kissed a girl?” she asks.


Laying so close to him that he can feel her breath on his face when she speaks.

David looks away. That’s definitely nothing he wants to talk about.

“Well, that explains a thing or two,” she says and reaches for his hand, “You don’t mind, do you?”

With that she rolls over, snuggles closer to him, and places his hand on her belly, making him the big spoon and her the small one.

Dave doesn’t mind at all. His only concern is that he might not be able to get much sleep tonight but then he figures that there is really no need to think too much right now. He pulls Eve a little closer to him, tightening his grip around her. Her wings are gone. They’d only be in the way right now.

“There we go,” Eve says and giggles. It’s such a nice sound, Dave thinks, and just like that he drifts into his own dream world which pales in comparison to the mythical things that happened to him today. Luckily, it still excites reality in one regard, the number of naked girls in it.

Or did it? The last pieces of his dream slowly fade away. Dave tries his best to hold on to them, the warmth, the sweet touch of skin on skin, the smell of flowers, maybe a shampoo they used, and the way his hard cock felt inside of them.

Dave hears someone giggle, he feels the vibration in his stomach. For a moment he doesn’t know where he is but then realizes it. Maybe dreams can come true, he thinks as he whispers, “You’re awake?”

Eve adjusts her position a little. They are still laying there in the same way they’ve gone to sleep in.

“I think a bee woke me up,” she says, “it has stung my backside.”

A bit ashamed but more amused Dave realizes that he got a morning boner. Not surprising considering his dreams. Also, not surprising for his present situation. It would almost be insulting if he didn’t get a boner from cuddling with such a beautiful woman. The fact that she’s naked really helps, too.

“Well, that’s awkward,” he says.

“Only if you make it that way. Just enjoy the moment.” Eve tries to comfort Dave. The way he acted yesterday, he just needs a bit more confidence, she thinks.

But Dave surprises her, “Nah, I mean that you thought it was a bee. You sure about that? I think it was a rhino that lightly poked your ass. They sometimes sneak into my room, you know.”

They both laugh, as David gently gets out of the position, they are in. He sits up and touches his chest. It’s really sweaty. Sleeping skin on skin does that to you, not that he’s got any experience with it.

Eve turns around, “Yeah, maybe it really was a rhino. Hard to tell when you are sleeping.” She uses the blanket to cover herself up. Not that she doesn’t want him to see her naked, that ship has sailed, but it probably looks sexy. Also, maybe Dave’s more comfortable that way. “So, you’ve finally found your confidence?” she asks. Hard to imagine that the Dave from last night would say something like the rhino comment.

Dave smiles, “When you’ve put my hand on your stomach, a thought hit me. The way I see it, there are only two options. Like I said, maybe you’re real, maybe you’re not but in both cases, I don’t see what I could be shy about. If I imagine you, then who really cares, I might just have fun before they give me these drugs that make you disappear. And if you’re real, then God only knows what that means. You have like a couple of thousand years on me. And it’s not like you gave me any reason to be shy. You’re not, that’s for sure.”

Dave stands up and grabs his clothes for today. Eve is still laying in his bed. Dave has to resist the temptation to lay back down and see where things might lead to with him and Eve but he knows that in about ten minutes his mom would make sure that he hasn’t overslept. After all, he’s got school today.

“You don’t want to get up?” Dave asks.

A smile forms on Eve’s face. “If you want to see me naked, you only have to ask,” she says and playfully reveals one of her legs from under the blanket.

Wow, she’s really testing his limits there, Dave thinks. What is it with her and sex?

Dave looks at his alarm and clears his throat. “I’m gonna take a shower, grab something to eat, and go to school. You’ll be following me around again?”

“It’s been a while since I last been inside a school. And I don’t really have something better to do, right?”

Dave raises an eyebrow, “You could literally do everything that the world has to offer and you want to go to school with me?”

Eve laughs, “How do you say it? Been there, done that. Go take a shower, we don’t want to be late, right?”

Dave gives his alarm clock one last look before he leaves. But as he was just about to step out of his room, he turns around again. Eve decided to stand up. Looking out the window she stretches her arms above her head. Her silhouette framed by the warm morning light is one of the best things Dave has ever seen.

A smile forms on his face as he counts down in his head, “three, two, one”

All of a sudden, his alarm clock begins to ring. The loud sound makes Eve jump, she looks where it’s coming from and without touching it, the sound stops. She must have used some kind of magical power to stop it. If she’s real, she sure is powerful.

Eve notices that she’s being watched. From one moment to another, she’s wearing her dress again. She tries to look angry but Dave’s smile is contagious. “Hey,” she says, trying to suppress a chuckle, “that’s not funny!”


Eve tilts her head. “You wanted to take a shower,” she says a bit annoyed.

Dave walks down the hallway, happy that he was able to play with her the same way she tries to play with him. Thousands of years and she hasn’t become cynical. She has to be a hallucination, based on that fact alone. Hell, he’s pretty cynical and he’s only eighteen. But if she’s real, then maybe the world isn’t such a bad place after all. If a thousand years don’t crush your spirit …

The shower was refreshing, his breakfast as mediocre as expected. As Dave was just about to leave the house, he ran into his brother that’s coming home. He teases him by asking if he had a long night. Dave was just about to close the front door behind him as he realizes something.

His brother is about to make himself breakfast as Dave enters the kitchen.

“Didn’t you just leave?” he asks.

“I need a favor,” Dave says, “No questions asked.”

His brother raises an eyebrow. “No questions asked,” he repeats.

Dave nods. He’s serious.

“You’ll owe me,” his brother clarifies.

“Whatever you want,” Dave says, “What’s the text Stacy send you last night, word for word? The message right before you left, when you were working out.”

“The text from last night?” his brother clearly doesn’t remember and takes out his phone. After reading the text, he adds, “Oh, you’ll owe me big time after this.”

“Just tell me.”

His brother slightly shakes his head, “Hey, honey. Come over. My parents aren’t home.”

Fuck, Eve has to be real then.

There is just no way that his unconscious guessed that right. The reason is easy. He often sleeps at her house when her parents aren’t home but his brother would rather be caught dead than let Dave know Stacy calls him honey. There is just no way that he knew that.

She has to be real. But what does that mean?

Dave leaves. “You’ll owe me,” his brother screams after him but that’s the last thing Dave cares about right now.

“Are we gonna talk about it?” Eve asks as they walk to the bus station. She has eavesdropped on his conversation with his brother and it wasn’t too difficult to realize what Dave was going for. Knowing is one thing, accepting a whole other.

“What’s there to talk about?” he asks. Eve sees that he’s working through some stuff right now. She imagines that a bit of time will probably help. At the station Dave talks to a friend, they share a row on the school bus.

Dave is pretty good at acting as if she wasn’t there. Eve doesn’t make it hard for him. She watches from afar, staying silent. It wouldn’t be smart to talk with him while so many other people are around. Even though, she really wants to.

When they enter the school through a side entrance, the friend that accompanied Dave splits off. Eve is awe-struck by what she is seeing. So many kids wait for the bell to tell them that it’s time to learn. Her face lights up with excitement. She quickly leaves the ground so she could get a better view. Dave can’t really share her excitement, nor does anyone else in this school. Even the hardcore nerds dislike Monday mornings but Eve doesn’t care. For her, it all looks beautiful.

Dave sights. For a moment he wonders what she might be thinking right now but then he shakes his head and keeps on walking. Time doesn’t stop. Even though, it sometimes feels like it.

Eve catches up. “I almost lost you,” she says, “where is your classroom?”

Dave would answer but talking to himself isn’t really something a sane person would do. Instead, he simply raises an eyebrow, hoping that Eve would understand.

Then he walks into an open classroom. A few of his classmates are already sitting at their desks, chatting. Dave’s seat is in the second row. He takes out the things he needs for class and turns around to chat with the row behind him. More like listening to what they talk about. Sounds creepier than it actually is. It’s Monday morning, no one expects people to actually make Smalltalk.

With the final bell, the room becomes silent. Sometimes there are teachers that really can’t control their class and then there is Mr. Brown. His mere presence squeezes any fun out of school. At least that’s what the lower grades say. Yeah, he’s pretty harsh and can be scary but he’s not unreasonable. But in the end, he’s not that bad. He’s a good teacher. The students in his classes have way better grades in the final exams than all the other courses. Most are more than willing to put up with him in the higher classes if it means that eventually, they get better grades. Also, it’s not up to the students to decide which teacher they get, so deal with it.

“Let’s see,” Mr. Brown says, “who do we question today?”

He looks over his list of students. The whole classroom is silent and the moment stretches itself for what feels like a very long time. Dave’s friends claim that Mr. Brown already knows who it’s gonna be but he does it because he enjoys seeing the students suffer.

“David, I believe you’re missing a grade. Why don’t come to the cupboard?”

Dave swallows dry.

“That’s bad, right?” Eve asks.

Dave nods and walks to the front.

“You’re nervous,” Mr. Brown says, “don’t be. If you’ve studied this should be no problem for you.”

But that’s just it, he hasn’t studied.

“Ok, what did we talk about last lesson?”

Dave hesitates, “Reasons, why Hitler was able to grab power after the first world war.”

“Good. After they lost the war the Germans formed a new government, do you know what it was called?”

Dave thinks but doesn’t get the name. Then his eyes land on Eve. She’s standing next to his teacher.

“Republic of Weimar,” she says, “There was a communist uprising in Berlin so they couldn’t use their capital to form a new government.”

“Republic of Weimar,” Dave repeats.

Mr. Brown nods. “Name at least three reasons that lead to the rise of Hitler and explain them.”

Eve immediately begins to help Dave, “Reparations that lead to an economic collapse. You could also mention the world economic crisis which both lead to a hyperinflation. There were old Elites, like military personal that didn’t want to lay down their weapons but because of the treaty of Versailles, they were forced to. It played into the hands of the Nazis since they were saying that …”

Dave doesn’t let her finish. “Three reasons,” he repeats, “there were economic reasons that led to masses of unemployed people. They had a welfare state that was supposed to help these people but it was just founded and was overrun after the world economic crisis. Also, the hyperinflation hit Germany hard. All savings people had, were gone. Of course, these reasons play into each other and you can’t separate some of them but another reason would be the treaty of Versailles and how it was perceived by the general public. World war one propaganda claimed that the Germans were winning the war. Losing came to them as a surprise. Many were drawn to look for someone to blame. The Nazis gave them an easy solution, Jews and socialists. And lastly, people back then weren’t educated enough to see through much of the lies.”

“Very good, Dave. I see you’ve paid attention,” Mr. Brown says.

Eve stares at her new friend in a mixture of disbelieve and admiration. Not as helpless as he looked at first, she thinks.

“That would be all, thank you. You can sit back down.”

The rest of the day was long and almost as boring as expected. Eve made things a whole lot better. She was genuinely interested in the things his teachers said and corrected them if necessary. When Mr. Brown gave a slightly wrong translation of some Latin engraving, Dave got to hear what specific grammatical error his teacher made. He asked if she’d knew all languages. She told him that he shouldn’t be ridiculous. There are way too many slangs to keep track of. Germany alone has more than 30 for example.

Finally, back home, Dave throws his backpack into the corner where he’s gonna pick it up tomorrow morning and jumps onto the bed. It’s a nice feeling. By now he’s almost used to the fact that Eve is following him around. Right now, she’s standing at the foot of his bed. She’s not tired at all. Full of energy she asks, “What now?”

Dave sits up, “What do you want?”

Eve knows what she wants. She still looks into the air as if she’s thinking for a second. Then she suggests having a bit of fun. Before she could lower one of the straps that are holding her fancy dress in place, Dave stops her.

“Not now,” he says and sits down in front of his computer.

Is he serious, Eve thinks? I mean, it’s not like she could make it any more obvious what she wants from him. And he doesn’t want it? Is there something she’s missing?

Eve turns Dave’s chair so he has to look at her. With crossed arms she asks, “Why don’t you want to sleep with me?”

He rolls his eyes, sights, and wants to go back and enter his password but when he tries to turn, the chair is like a spring and snaps back to Eve. This girl is all-powerful, Dave thinks, are there any limits to it?

“Don’t you think I’m beautiful?” she asks and to drive that point back home she’s now standing naked in front of him, posing to make it even more obvious how good she’s looking. Or so it seems. Her face tells a different story, though. She’s really considering the possibility that Dave finds her unattractive.

“It’s not like that,” he says, trying to hide how flustered he got.

“Then what?” Eve asks and as he doesn’t answer she adds, “You’re not gay right? Not that there would … “

“No, I’m not gay,” Dave reassures her.

Eve stems her arms into her hips, “Why don’t you want to sleep with me?” she repeats.

Yeah, Dave. Why don’t you want to sleep with a gorgeous fairy that throws herself at you? Do you have an answer to that, unconscious, he thinks? It’s a rhetorical question because of course, he knows why he hesitates.

Feeling like Eve wouldn’t let go if he didn’t give her something, he snaps,” Well, maybe I want more!”

“More?” Eve’s confused and a bit taken aback.

“Yeah,” Dave says, “Maybe I want more from my first time, than this. Maybe I want it to be special, to be with a person I feel deeply for, and hopefully, she’ll feel the same way about me.”

Eve’s eyes widen. She thought he’d just give in if she’d push him a little and now this? How should she think about his reaction?

“Maybe I don’t want it since the only reason you want me is because fate deemed it so. It’s not like you have any choice, from what you told me. Wandering the earth, finding your soulmate. Congratulations, you’ve found him. Now what? You’ll spend the rest of your life with me because that’s how it goes? Don’t you want more? Don’t you have dreams of your own?”

Especially the last words hurt. It’s like a punch in the gut and Dave knew about their effect the moment he heard them hall through the room. They don’t feel good to say.

They don’t feel good to hear, either. Eve’s eyes become glassy and Dave immediately regrets his little outburst.

“You’re an asshole, you know that,” she says. Her voice has a high pitch, “And of course I have dreams, why do you think I tried to sleep with you.” For the first time in two days, it’s Eve that shakes her head, “You talk about fate as if you’d know anything about it. Thousands of years and I’m still not sure if it exists. When is it going to happen, how is he going to be? Then you finally find the person that sees you and he’s actually someone you like but then …”

Eve’s angry. She doesn’t even know what it is. All she knows is that she doesn’t want to be in a conversation right now. A tear runs down her cheek.

Again, a crying woman. Dave would love nothing more than to pull her into a hug and tell her that everything is alright but are you even allowed to do that if you’re the reason that girl’s crying?

He tries non the less, reaching for her hand. Eve pulls away. As she tries to leave the room, Dave wants to stop her but he bumps into an invisible wall that separates him from her. With widened eyes, he sees how the fairy closes the door behind her.

Angry at himself he wants to hit the invisible wall that Eve created but his fist only finds air. It reminds him, though. Too many emotions, he should let them out somehow.

Dave looks into the living room. Eve’s sitting on the couch, eating ice cream, staring a hole into the floor. She doesn’t even notice him, or maybe she’s ignoring him. Doesn’t matter. He leaves her alone.

A few minutes later Eve notices that the floor begins to vibrate. An earthquake? Nah, that’s impossible she thinks. It almost got a rhythm to it, but it’s not music. As it continues on, she decides to look where it’s coming from.

After Dave found Eve in the living room he went down into the basement and put up his punching bag. He doesn’t box. He doesn’t even know the first thing about it but sometimes it feels good to hit something.

Eve clears her throat. She got into the room without Dave’s notice. Eve closes the door behind her. She didn’t teleport?

“Hey,” she says, hoping his response would tell her if he’s angry with her.

Dave says nothing, maybe it’s better if he doesn’t talk, he thinks. Instead, he takes off his boxing gloves.

“I’m sorry that I called you an asshole,” Eve goes on, “I just …”

“You didn’t mean it?” Dave’s voice is soft.

A bit ashamed Eve answers, “No, I didn’t mean it. I was just …”

She can’t find the right words. Well, who can blame her? It’s hard. As she speaks Dave takes off the bandages that supported his wrists.

Eve doesn’t know what to do. She’d wish he’d say something but there is nothing more than cold silence. She wanted to apologize, she wanted to talk with him, see if things are alright between them. She even had this whole speech formulated but now she can’t remember a single line.

Dave on the other hand looks a bit sad, a bit frustrated, angry, scary, calm? Holding eye contact he gets closer.

Following her instinct Eve takes a step back.

“Are you afraid of me?” Dave asks with a smile.

Eve looks to the lower left. Then she shakes her head.

“Good,” Dave says. His voice is warm, almost a whisper. He’s gotten so close. Eve feels her wings touching the wall behind her. Then her butt, her back. There is nowhere to go.

Dave slides his thumb over her cheek. He lifts her chin and presses his lips on hers. In her surprise she tightens up but after a second Dave feels her lips soften.

“I thought you said you wanted …”

Dave doesn’t let her finish, “I was stupid.”

Eve smiles, falls around his neck, and pulls him down into another kiss. Dave buries one of his hands into her hair, the other he rests comfortably on her hip. He caresses her ass through the dress. Then he pulls up the fabric, exposing her beautiful panties.

Eve feels that his hand leaves her now half-naked backside but doesn’t think too much about it. His mouth is pretty good at holding her attention. It just feels so good.

Dave shifts their position a little. While doing so his tongue tries to find its way into the fairy’s mouth.

He moves a second time and Eve can feel the wall behind her again. Time for her wings to go, she thinks, making them disappear.

Dave pulls away.


Eve doesn’t get it. Dave brings his hand up to her face, he’s holding a slim piece of plastic.

“The condom. Put it on,” he says and Eve finally gets a grasp of what he’s asking. She looks down and is surprised to find Dave’s hard cock hanging out of his boxers. Seems like he got rid of the shorts.

Eve takes the piece of plastic, rips it open, lets herself glide down the wall, and puts it on his erection.

Dave pulls her back up. They lock eye contact as he grabs one of her legs. She knows what he wants to do and quickly makes her panties disappear.

Dave would have simply pulled them away but this way works too. He guides his penis to her entrance and watches Eve carefully as he slowly slides in.

For a moment it’s like she doesn’t even see him. Her eyes are focused on something further away like she’s looking right through him. Then she snaps back and Dave starts to penetrate her. He rests his forehead against hers, feeling her warm breath when she moans.

It feels incredible. Dave hopes it feels the same way for Eve, it’s not like she waited a long time for this.

As her pussy clinches Dave doesn’t know what happens. He never felt what a female orgasm is like. Also, he could have bet that he’d finish early. Isn’t that how this works? The average virgin man lasts about a minute or so. In his surprise, he almost forgot that he’s on the verge of cumming himself.

The moans muffle as Dave presses his lips on Eve’s. It feels like she’s still orgasming as he finishes inside of her.

Dave looks at her in amazement. This was awesome and he almost ruined it, simply because he thought he wasn’t up to the task.

Eve’s face tells him that he was. She smiles. “You want to pull out?” she asks.

David laughs.

The blinding light that’s coming through the window reminds Dave that it’s already morning. It feels so much better to wake up with the light, than if his alarm has to do the job. It seems like they forgot to close the roller blinds last night. He squeezes his eyes together, giving them time to adjust.

He feels Eve move a little. Her head rests on his chest. He leans down and plants a kiss on her forehead. “Rise and shine, beautiful.”

Eve responds with a sound of protest and Dave laughs.

She gets up and yawns. It’s the cutest thing. Then a smile forms on her face. Dave has seen this one before and knows what’s coming.

“You want to keep going where we left of?” Eve asks.

Dave looks over to his alarm, there’s still time. Then he laughs, “We’re out of condoms.”

Well, that’s no problem, Eve thinks, and from one moment to another, she’s holding one in her hand.

Dave takes it and reads, “Size: extra small, the way you use it counts.”

“Ha ha, very funny,” he says.

Eve chuckles. “I don’t think I could get pregnant. I don’t even have a period.”

Dave rolls his eyes. “Just give me one my size. For all we know, you could turn human tomorrow. It’s just an unnecessary risk.”

“You want me to start taking the pill?”

“You want to fuck or hope that this bee shows up again?”

“I thought it was a rhino,” Eve says and hands Dave a condom his size.



This is a story around a mother, Irene, and her daughter, Jade. This is an interracial story.


This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.

This is an interracial story.

This is a story around a mother, Irene, and her daughter, Jade. Irene is 47 and Jade is 22. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders. Irene’s breasts are slightly larger, C-cup, while Jade’s are B-cup. Both women are trim with Irene standing at 5’ 5” and Jade at 5’ 4”. A seemingly happy and ‘normal’ family when Jade was young, that life fell apart when the economy turned and Irene’s husband was laid off from his programming job. In a series of risky ventures, he lost what little the family had in fallback security and they went bankrupt, losing everything including their home. A short time after, he disappeared, taking very little with him, he was never seen, again. Not even the police could determine what might have happened with any certainty: perhaps he merely left in shame; perhaps he went somewhere remote and committed suicide.

The uncertainty was the worse. It followed the two in every part of their day and activity. The way acquaintances avoided talking about it seemed like screaming attention to it, especially to Jade as she grew up with the uncertainty, the abandonment, and hurt of being left behind to struggle through their life. It wasn’t long before the young woman found the uneasy, dull world drugs provided where at least she could find moments of not suffering with emotional pain and depression. Her life spiraled down in time as that artificial world began consuming not only her but her mom, as well. What money she could manage to have went to drugs for escape and, eventually, to ease the need for more. When money wasn’t available, she turned to sex, trading sex for drugs.

Irene’s pain, loss, and depression created a period of isolation when she retreated into herself in a valiant effort to take some control. She took several jobs so she and Jade could have a place to live and food to eat. It wasn’t until later that she realized she had retreated from Jade in the process by keeping herself busy and working. She was shocked, though she later would understand her own role in it, when she discovered how far Jade had fallen. In a new wave of shame and guilt, Irene shamefully found herself following Jade instead of being the strength Jade might have needed, but it was already too late.

Years later, when they were arrested together while attempting to buy drugs from an undercover police officer, Irene became the strength both she and Jade needed. In that moment of desperation at seeing what had become of them, she convinced both Jade and the city’s prosecuting attorney that they would plead guilty and cooperate in any way they could, if they were kept in treatment long enough to clean up.

During treatment, they re-bonded and committed themselves to something better.


“Look at this one.” Irene and Jade, mother and daughter, were sitting at adjacent computers in the public library searching for affordable housing and job possibilities after being released from rehab. They were living in a group home for women but that was going to last only so long and Irene could feel the desperation of the place envelop her every time they entered the facility. It was the best they had available for the emergency of the moment, but they needed something else or the inevitable slide back down the slope would surely occur. There were too many women there who didn’t feel the desperation to change and too many men waiting in the shadows outside ready to snatch them back up.

Irene looked at her daughter as Jade made some notes on something she had found and turned to see what Irene had on her monitor. Irene had never been prouder of anyone as she had been of Jade in treatment and now. Even as the bleak reality of their options after treatment hit them squarely in the face, Jade was maintaining the same dedication of finding a joint solution to getting them out from the life they were trying to escape.

Jade had taken the task of searching for low-income apartments while Irene was looking at income sources. There were service industry jobs at fast-food place, etc. but even they looked at them askance with their record of drugs. There was a high demand for those jobs and the less risk the employer could take, the better for him. With a level of frustration, Irene had allowed her search to wander through various ‘wanted’ sites and she found something very unusual. Jade rolled her chair from her monitor to the one her mother turned slightly toward her. Jade glanced at the opened want ad, looked at her mom puzzled but continued on to read it:

WANTED: FARM WIFE. Mature woman needed to work with and care for single mature man and two adult sons on sizeable, prosperous, remote farm in west central Mississippi. Neat, well cared for house with modern kitchen and furnishings. Primary expectations are: care for house, cooking, and laundry. Men will do the heavy farm work. So called ‘wifely responsibilities’ not required or expected, but perhaps at some future time.

Jade looked at her mom in disbelief. “Like some kind of mail-order bride kind of thing?” Irene shrugged and they resumed their searches.

A couple weeks later they were sipping coffee at a nearby McDonalds at an outdoor table. “What are we going to do, mom?”

Irene looked her daughter in the eyes, “I’m not sure, honey. I think we have to get out.”

“Out of the shelter? We need a place to live and for that we need jobs.”

“I don’t mean just out of the shelter. I mean out of this city, away from the memories, away from everything comfortable … AWAY.”

Jade nodded. She understood exactly what her mom was saying. She’d been feeling it, too. It would be so easy to slip back and their old contacts were still out there and would be so easy to find and hookup with. “So … how? I really, REALLY, don’t want to go back to that, mom. We deserve a safe life.”

Irene mused, “A life with security, purpose, and stability.”

Jade added on, “It doesn’t even have to be with extra money and things … but a roof and food …”

“And belonging?” Jade looked at her mom and nodded. Irene gazed at her daughter, “If we had that, we could be happy?”

Jade nodded. “Yes. At this point, I’d do anything to be away from here and have that.” She gazed at her mom harder. “What are you thinking?”

“I’ve been thinking … remember that ad?”

* * * *

Jade was searching the road markers indicated on the instructions. “Geez … he wasn’t kidding when he said the farm was remote. It seems we’ve been on gravel roads forever.” She looked down at the page of instructions, then out the windshield. “That must be it … turn right at that dirt road before the big oak.”

The dirt road was barely more than a two-track running between barbed wire fences on both sides leading up a small hill. Once crested, though, they found an almost beautiful farm scene with a large white two-story home, a large barn and several smaller sheds, and a large utility building arranged on either side of the house, though separated from it. As they approached the house, three dogs came running out of the largest barn. They hesitated at leaving the car until they heard a loud whistle and saw a large black man walking from the same barn. The dogs immediately turned and ran back to the man.

Irene and Jade left the car and waited there, unsure of their surrounds and what to expect. They had taken a huge gamble and leap of faith in driving nearly four hours from Birmingham to west central Mississippi to meet this man after nearly a half dozen phone conversations.

Otis Jackson was his name. As he got closer to them, he reached out his large black hand to Irene and chuckled, “Well, isn’t this interesting. I guess I neglected to mention we were black.” Otis was a large man in the sense of tall and thick. Powerful thick, not flabby or fat thick. It was obvious at first sight that he was a man used to working hard.

Irene smiled while shaking his hand and allowing Jade to step up to do the same. “Well, we neglected to mention we were white. Hopefully, that means that issue isn’t important to either of us.”

He laughed, again, nodded and suggested they go into the house. As they followed him, Irene asked, “Where are your sons?” Otis had two sons, twins, James and Thomas.

He led them through the house, past the kitchen, and into a family room to the large sliding door to the patio and pointed. “Both out there on tractors. The corn is doing nicely but it takes careful attention to control weeds and time the irrigation. They know you are coming so they’ll be in well before supper.” He turned away from the window and led them into the kitchen and offered them chairs at the dinette table while he went to the refrigerator and brought out a large pitcher of lemonade.

Sitting together at the table, it became awkwardly quiet. Finally, Otis said, “Look, this is really weird. To be honest, I was surprised by your response, then more surprised by your apparent interest. Looking back at it, the idea of putting out an ad seems pretty desperate sounding.”

Irene smiled at him, “Maybe, but … maybe not as desperate as two women wanting to respond to that desperate ad.” They all laughed. Jade sat quietly and nervously next to her mom being very content at not making too much eye contact or having to talk.

Irene had been brutally honest with Otis during their phone calls about their past and troubles with the law and drugs. It was something she felt had to be made clear to explain how they could be so interested in moving away from what they knew to something and some place they knew nothing about. It seemed like remoteness and deep change in life might be the thing to save them.

Otis had been equally honest about their situation, in part to also explain the strange advertisement. Otis was about Irene’s age and the twins were a year older than Jade. Otis’s wife had died from illness eight years ago. It was only a few years later that they almost lost the farm. The farm had been in the family for generations and through the hard work and keeping a low profile, they had managed to grow the farm into a sizeable venture for Mississippi. But, during a down turn about five years ago, they were almost driven off. Otis never knew for sure but suspected it was bankers and local white farmers who had managed to divert migrant labors from working his fields at harvest when they were needed the most. The boys had just graduated from high school and had baseball scholarships at Mississippi State the next fall. Otis said he had never been so disappointed, yet so proud that both boys chose to stay on the farm to bring in the harvest rather than pursue their baseball potential. None of them would ever know what might have been, but what they did know was that the farm was saved and has prospered since.

They took a tour of the house including the upstairs where the bedrooms were. Otis apologized, “If this were to work out, we only have the one extra room, but I think it is large enough for you to share.”

Jade pulled at her mom’s arm and whispered, “Share a bedroom … he’s saying this won’t mean having …?”

Otis turned and smiled, “Okay … when I put that out there, I might have thought like this could work out like a mail-away bride sort of thing, but … reality came, instead. The three of us put our souls into the land and livestock. Cooking and the house … we do it but it feels …”

Irene added, “You need help.”

He nodded. “What we need is help in the house, meals, laundry … no offense, but in the old days it would be ‘women’s work’.” Irene nodded. Jade was stuck trying to figure out what she was feeling. He didn’t intend for this to be about sex, then. What was she feeling about that? “Maybe that’s a good thing to get out in the open. I worded it that way because a wife would be a partner here. We put almost everything back into the farm. We can’t pay what the work might be worth.” He looked at them intently, then walked back downstairs.

He left to see about the boys. Irene and Jade poked around in the kitchen and walked out onto the patio. Irene was gazing out across the expanse of the fields beyond the cluster of trees protecting the house and yard. Without turning to her daughter, “Are you wondering what we’re doing here?”

Jade stepped closer and took her mom’s arm in hers. “No, I’m not. I’m not wondering at all.”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Quiet. Peaceful.”

Jade giggled, “Except for the tractors. That must be Thomas and James.”

Irene and Jade volunteered to pull together some sides while Otis grilled some beef and the guys showered and cleaned up. As the meal began, Jade explained that she and her mom didn’t drink anymore but it was their choice and it needn’t affect the men and encouraged them to have their beers, which they did. The meal was simple but filling and satisfying. Jade found herself more comfortable with these men than she could remember at any time other than just with her mom. James and Thomas weren’t just twins but were nearly identical. They weren’t but Jade found she had to pay attention to tell them apart. They were both a few inches taller than their father, about 6’ 4” and even a bit more solid given their youth. They had an easy way about them and it was obvious the three of them were more partners than father and sons, though it was still clear that Otis held some control over them.

James put a temporary damper on the early evening when he said, “I’m not trying to get rid of you, by any means, but … it is going to be getting dark soon, if you need to get back on the road.”

Jade responded so quickly it even surprised her, “Oh … no … I mean … mom?”

Irene laughed and knew what her daughter was stumbling about. She looked to Otis and directed her words to him as something of the oldest to the oldest. “What my daughter is stumbling over to say is if that spare room is available …”

Otis looked from Irene to Jade to his sons. His sons were nodding and not too subtly. Otis asked, “Are you sure? What about your stuff?”

“Sad as it is going to sound, we don’t have stuff. Everything we have is in the car.” As strange as it might look from the outside, Irene and Jade had no problem with the feeling they had found a life that finally looked positive.

Two weeks later, Irene and Jade were surprisingly settled into the new life with these three black men. According to the men, the house hadn’t looked so good since Otis’s wife died. Meals were something they looked forward to and they could again count on having clean clothes available. The yard had flowers planted and the vegetable garden had been resurrected from near death. Jade had even taken over some of the chores of feeding the hogs, dogs, and chickens and ducks. She regularly made trips out to the barn to search for eggs the freely roaming chickens and ducks had laid in the hay and around the buildings. Duck eggs in cooking turned out to be an extra boost to the ingredients.

It was one of the moments after lunch when Irene and Jade were cleaning up after the men had left for their chores or work in the fields that Jade stopped and turned to her mom. Irene sensed something about her daughter and turned to her.

Jade confessed, “Mom, you remember when we first came and Otis said the ‘wife’ thing wasn’t real?” Irene nodded and gave Jade her full attention now. “Well, I’ve been thinking and I don’t think that can be true. I mean it had to have an element of truth when he originally posted the ad, right? And, since we’ve been here … I mean … like he said, they are always working. I mean, the closest town is like … a long way away … an hour on these roads, something like that.”

“What are you getting at, Jade? Just say it plainly.”

“The sex part, mom. Okay? I said it. I like them, mom. All of them.”

They sat at the table. Irene took her daughter’s hands. “You like it here?” Jade nodded. “You’re sure about this? It’s one thing to be here as a housekeeper and another to be here as a housekeeper and … whatever that might be.”

“I know. Maybe I shouldn’t be so comfortable, but I am. And, we’re clean and I feel like we can stay that way and that was the whole idea of being here. It just seems that if we’re going to be here …”

Irene smiled with her own understanding, “… then we should really be here and fully here. If they accept us, then make this something that is really us … strange as that might seem from the outside.” Jade nodded.

Irene talked to Otis who became dumbfounded. She made him talk to Thomas and James and they all gathered. There was a lot of awkward false-starts in conversation to figure out that their decision really meant.

Jade took over, “Really, everyone? This is what we’re going to do … mom, you sleep with Otis, tonight. James and Thomas, you get me. One of you gets me, first. The other gets seconds, but sleeps with me, too. Tomorrow we’ll see what we see.” Nobody argued with her plan. Nobody wanted to, either. James and Thomas flipped a coin for the first night. Thomas would go first. Jade thought it was all kind of funny. After not being able to talk about it, everyone seemed to be ready to go to bed early that night.

Irene and Jade got ready for the evening in their room. They both admitted to nervousness even though all this was their idea. Although both had experience in sex and both had used sex to get what they wanted during those worst years of their lives, this was much different to them and they wanted to experience it special and have the men think it was special. Both dressed in pajama tops without the bottoms. The tops barely covered their pussies or asses, but that was part of the enticement. They hugged each other, exited the bedroom, and went their separate ways to start the next stage of their relationship with these men.

Irene went to the door of Otis’s room and lightly knocked on the partially open door. Her knocks opened the door more and she could see him standing at his dresser naked. He was facing away from her and he reacted surprised by her knock. “I was … I …” He turned and saw her standing in his doorway only partially covered. Even the top was mostly unbuttoned. “I was trying to … decide what to wear.”

She closed the door behind her and walked up to him. “Don’t bother.” She turned him fully toward her and shucked her top off and put her arms around his neck, pressing her naked body into his. She had kept eye contact with him, which seemed appropriate, and hadn’t turned him around until she was next to him, so she was quite surprised when she hugged him tightly and felt his cock immediately harden against her abdomen. She kissed him and ground her body into his hardening cock.

She broke the kiss and stepped back slightly to look down. Her eyes grew big and her hand went to her mouth in surprise. Finally, she got her voice working, “Oh … my … Otis … my God.” She put her hand around it … his cock was huge! She looked from his cock to his face, “Otis …” He chuckled. She pressed her naked body into his and squirmed her abdomen against his hard cock. She kissed him passionately and he returned it with equal passion. After minutes of hugging and kissing, their tongues sliding along each other’s and invade each other’s mouths, she sank down his body. She kissed his body as her mouth moved down until she was kneeling before him, her face at cock level. She put a hand around it at the base, marveled, and looked up at him with a big smile on her face. She had never … NEVER … believed such a cock existed in real life. Forget what porn might have told her, this was real. She looked at the amount of cock still exposed above her fist and put her right hand just above the left. There was still a good couple inches above her hands. It had to be nine inches long … and thick.

She licked the length of the cock and heard him moan. She licked back up and took the bulbous head between her lips and he groaned. He pulled her up, “It’s been too long, Irene. As good as that feels, I want you differently.”

She smiled and kissed him. “Oh, Otis, I want to feel you inside me. I want you to fuck me. You are so big, though, will be gentle?”

“Oh, dear lady, I’ll be whatever you want me to be, if I can be inside you like you want … like we both want.”

She kissed him, again, before crawling onto the bed and lying in the center. She raised her knees and splayed them to the sides, fully exposing her pussy to him. She put her hands out to him through her spread thighs and he crawled up onto the bed and moved between her legs. She gasped when he stopped short and placed his mouth over her pussy, probing with his tongue, licking her pliable lips, and sucking on her clit. “Oh, so good, sooooo very, very gooooood.” She sighed, “But … please … I want … you … OOOOOhhhhhhhh … I want you … inside me … please.”

He moved up her body, kissing his way from her pussy over her stomach, breasts, and chest until he kissed her mouth. As he kissed her, his hard cock probed at her wet and spread pussy. He moved up and down along her slit until he felt her hole and gently pushed until the bulbous head of his cock spread her pussy and entered her.

“Oh … oh … oh … God, yesssssssss … yesssssss … yes.” She put her hands on his face and pushed his head back inches to look into his eyes. “Oh, Otis … you’re so big … you fill me like … like I’ve never imagined.” She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him as her body quaked with an early orgasm. “Oh, Otis … Otis, Otis, Otis … I love this soooooooo much.”

He braced himself and plunged his cock deep into her. She cried out with passion and desire. He grunted and gasped. “I’m …. Irene, it been so long … I’m going …”

She strained up and kissed him hard. “Cum for me, Otis.”

“Should I pull out?”

She gasped, “Don’t you dare! I want to feel you cum. Cum inside me, Otis. Oh, God, yes, cum inside me.”

She felt everything. She felt his cock impossibly stiffen more, grow thicker, and pulse before she felt his cum shoot like a fire hose filling the limited space in her pussy around his cock. She couldn’t kiss him enough as a smaller orgasm spread over her as he seemed to spasm above her.

After recovering his breath, his fingers lightly trailing over her breast and nipple, he softly said into her ear, “Next time, it will be longer.”

“Next time?” She half rolled onto his side and kissed him as one of her hands slid down his body and over his flaccid cock. “Next time … what have I gotten myself into?”

He chuckled, “I think the proper perspective would be, what have I gotten into? You were amazing, Irene.” She blushed.

At the exact same moment and just down the hallway, another scene was playing out. Jade gazed up into the eyes of Thomas who was between her spread thighs plowing his black cock into her white pussy in long, smooth strokes. Jade had already orgasmed once on his cock. “Thomas, my God … I think my mind might blow apart.” Thomas smiled down at her. “You’re so big, it feels … like you are … stretching my entire … pussy with each stroke. I’ve … never been … so full.” He thrust hard into her, changing his pace and angle and her head tilted back and her mouth opened with only moans escaping. Until, “Thomas … Thomas … I’m going to … cum, again. Please … please, cum this time.”

He started thrusting hard. He was close and was holding out only by a miracle. He gasped, “Should I … pull out?”

She cried out, “Don’t you dare!”

This orgasm was stronger than the first and her clenching pussy around him caused loud moans to fill his room and seemed to bounce off the walls and ceiling and hit him like a focused ray of energy. He grunted and gasped his release deep in her pussy. “Jade … Jade, my God!”

She felt it, too. She felt everything. When he climaxed, she felt him pulse and shoot cum. She felt her pussy filling with his cum. Sex had NEVER been like this ever before.

After recovering and spending quality time petting with Thomas, she reluctantly slipped out of his bed. Reluctantly, because she had enjoyed him so much, but she reminded herself she still had his brother and would be sharing his bed for the night. She kissed Thomas goodnight and backed her way to the door, wanting to hold his image in her mind. Out in the hall, she heard noises from down the hall and curiosity got the better of her. She crept down the hall naked and barefoot to the door to Otis’s room. She put her ear to the door and it opened slightly, apparently not completely latched. She pushed a little more and peeked into the room. She was sure of the sounds and she saw for herself. Her naked white mom was riding on top of the naked black Otis. The contrast was striking and very erotic. Her mom bouncing up and down, her breasts bouncing as she fucked him. Jade carefully pulled the door but didn’t try to pull it tight and possibly be heard. She turned and walked briskly toward James’s room; her hand clasped over a breast.

She gently pushed on James’s door. She poked her head inside, “Are you awake?”

The moonlight streamed into the room through the open window. She saw him turn on the bed and saw his strong, naked body. “Damn right, I am.” She giggled as she ran to the bed and crawled in alongside him.

“Do you want me to go cleanup a little, first?”

He kissed, “That’s sweet. Thank you for thinking about me, but, no. We’re all family, now. Well, kind of, anyhow.” He paused, “That didn’t come out right, did it?”

She put a finger to his big lips, “Shhhh … I know what you mean. And, thank you.” She kissed him hard, then pulled away and started kissing down his hard body. Her hand already found his cock hard and smiled at the touch as she stroked it. It had to be as big as Thomas’s. She wasn’t sure how big, but her two hands didn’t completely cover it. When her lips reached his abdomen, his cock head was right there and she kissed it before licking and kissing down the length of it to his balls. She licked her way back up the shaft to take his cock into her mouth. Like Thomas’s, it stretched her mouth but it was so amazing to have in her mouth. She had sucked her share of cock to get drugs, but none were anything like these two. She wondered what Otis’s was like but quickly pushed that thought out of her mind. She had a magnificent cock in her mouth and soon to be in her pussy. Two big black cocks in one night …

After sucking on his cock for several minutes just because it gave her pleasure to hear the pleasure he was experiencing, she kissed her way back up to his face. She smiled as she raised herself, reached back to hold his cock up and align it to her pussy. She sank inches onto his cock before leaning forward and kissing him passionately as she slowly moved up and down, taking more of his cock with each downward push. She gasped into his mouth as his cock filled her to seeming maximum as his brother’s had minutes before.

His hands found her jiggling breast and nipples as she bounced up and down on him, then switched to grinding back and forth on his pelvis, her clit sliding along his pelvic bone and his cock sliding in and out. Suddenly, he embraced her and rolled them over so he was over her and thrusting strongly into her pussy with deep, powerful strokes. She cried out as an orgasm swept over her, her pussy clenching and spasming around his driving cock causing him to groan and grunt. But, before he reached that level of stimulation, he pulled out of her, watching her pussy hole closing on empty spacing and opening, again.

He rolled her over and lifted her to her hands and knees as she continued to experience her orgasm. He drove his cock deep into her spasming pussy in one thrust and she cried out, again. After only a few moments, though, he leaned forward and wrapped his strong arm around her body and one hand on her hip as he plowed into her with the most aggressive thrust, yet. When he came, she cried out just from the feeling of his wonderful cock expanding deep in her body, feeling the veins of his shaft, feeling the shaft jerk and pulse inside her until, finally, spurt after spurt of his seed filled her pussy as he continued to ram into her throughout his massive ejaculation.

At the end, it was only his one arm and hand that had moved from her hip to the bed that held her upright, his arm holding her to his body. When he was finished cumming, he dropped to the bed, still holding her to his body and they lay on their sides. She pressed back into his body, his strong arm holding her securely, his cock still embedded inside her … and she wished she could always have one or the other of the twins’ cock inside her.

The next morning, Jade awoke to the early sounds of birds and nature outside the open window as the earliest rays of morning became evident. She heard the soft sounds of feet from the hallway and hoped it was her mom. She felt like she had so much to share with her after the night before. She slithered out of James’s arm and stood next to the bed. Remembering that she came into this room naked, she looked around for something to put on and spotted his tee-shirt draped over a chair. She slipped it over her head and body, inhaled deeply at the scent of the man and smiled. It fell over her like a simple, loose dress, dropping just below her ass. Quietly leaving the room, she looked back to marvel at the large, strong, black body sprawled on the bed. Her hand involuntarily moved to her breast as the feelings of last night swelled over her.

She softly padded down the hall to the faint sounds in the kitchen where she found her mom preparing coffee. She was wearing the nightgown, which she wore when she went to join Otis in his room last night. She wrapped her arms around her mom from behind and hugged her tight. Irene sighed at the hug and gave her a good morning while squeezing the arms that encircled her. Jade released her mom and they shared a soft kiss on the lips and stared into each other’s eyes.

Irene asked, “Was it okay last night?”

Jade’s face beamed in reply, “Okay? My God, mom! Those two guys are …” She put her two fists on top of each other to illustrate and, “and a couple inches more!”

Irene giggled and hugged her daughter, “Otis, too.”

“Really? You mean all three of them have monster cocks? Oh … my … God … I wanted to have sex with them to thank them for everything … for being considerate and respectful and providing a safe place for us, but …”

Irene laughed and hugged her daughter, “Yeah, I know.” They both felt like they never wanted to leave this place. They both wondered … maybe worried a little … if the guys felt the same way or if this was just an interesting moment in their lives.

As the guys assembled in the kitchen, sipping coffee and eating the hearty breakfast the two women had prepared, looks and glances were exchanged between them. Sly smiles and nods silently gave indications of how the previous night had gone for them. When Jade opened a cupboard and reached up on her toes for something on an upper shelf, Thomas couldn’t hold back.

“Wow … what a way to wake up.” Jade and Irene turned around to enquire what he meant. “Sorry, ladies, but … with Jade’s cute ass exposed under that tee-shirt she has on and you, Irene, being exposed with almost every movement …”

The two women looked at each other with smiles and simultaneously walked to the table and the men. Irene commented as she gave Otis a kiss, “And, here we thought you were appreciative of having breakfast waiting for you …”

The three men slipped hands onto the two women and fondled bare ass and pussy. “Well … there’s that, too.”

Mid-morning, the different paths of the men’s chores intersected in the barn. Otis pulled them together and they stood uncertain what to say, just knowing they each had feelings that needed to be expressed about the strange arrangement they were living in.

Otis opened it, “Last night, everything changed. What are you guys thinking?”

Thomas, always ready with some words, followed, “For me, last night was amazing. Jade was … I don’t know …”

James added, “Jade was giving. I could tell she was experiencing a lot, but she was also focused on me. She seemed to really want my experience to be good.” Thomas nodded his head in agreement.

Otis nodded, too. “Yes … Irene was the same.”

James turned his focus on this dad, “Listen … this has to be the weirdest arrangement, right? Who could have expected something like this? But I don’t want it to end. I mean, two white women seeking a safe place from the storm of their life. But it’s working.”

Thomas added, “Working really well! All five of us have become so comfortable. They’ve fit into our life by filling in some voids that existed without disrupting what we have. And, last night …”

Otis looked at his twin sons and nodded, “Yes, last night filled a huge void …. I want you boys to think about something. I don’t want this to end, either.”

The young men beamed and put large hands on their father’s shoulders. “Exactly what we’re thinking. How do we make that happen?”

As it turned out, making that happen wasn’t that complicated. The sons convinced their father to have a heart-to-heart with Irene. Otis took her into his room for a private talk that initially had Irene nervous. He had no sooner blurted out what was on their minds and she exploded in joy, knocking him to the bed. The other three, wondering what all the noises were, peeked into the room to find them fucking furiously. Otis and Irene spotted their audience at the door.

Irene looked directly at Jade, “They want us to stay as much as we want to!”

Responding more like a teenager than a young woman, Jade turned and wrapped her arms around the twins. James pulled the door closed behind them. “Let’s give them some privacy and I have an idea.”

James took Jade’s hand and pulled her down the hall to the back door. She might have been mystified, but was too overjoyed to protest and walked fast to keep up with him with his long strides. She glanced over her shoulder at Thomas who merely shrugged his shoulders and smiled. James didn’t stop until the three of them were inside the barn. He released her hand and began piling loose hay into a deep pile, turned to her, and announced, “If you’re going to become a farm-girl, we should initiate you properly, don’t you think, Thomas?”

Thomas laughed and explained, “This is a little late for you, Jade, but many a farm-girl’s first with a boy is a location just like this.”

Jade looked that the two of them, especially the huge smiles on their faces, looked down at the pile of hay and only imagined how itching that must feel. But she crossed her hands at the bottom of her tee-shirt and pulled it over her head. She reached behind her back and loosened her bra. She was opening her jeans when she saw the two of them gawking at her. She smiled, “Better hurry up, guys. I’m dying to be made into a real farm-girl.”

She stood naked in front of them with her hands on her hips and watched as they shed their clothes. They seemed to be a bit shyer in front of each other, but she hoped that would quickly change. As they stepped out of their jeans, she stood smiling at the sight of their magnificent cocks hanging between their legs.

“What are you smiling about?”

She finally looked up at their faces, “Sorry, guys, it’s probably rude to stare, but … Last night … I only saw those by the filtered light of the moon.” She stepped to them and sank to her knees on the scattered hay. She took one lightly in each hand and looked up at them. “No wonder I felt so stuffed.”

The guys laughed but quickly stopped as her lips moved from one cock to the other. Whichever one she wasn’t kissing or licking, she was stroking. Her lips moved down and back up each cock with her lips and tongue until she engulfed one head into her mouth, sucked and twilled her tongue, then shifted to the other cock. She spent many minutes on her knees but never thought of it as more than a moment, such was the energy and devotion she put into her actions.

When they were both fully hard, the men looked at each other. Having never shared a woman, they wondered … Jade took over. She positioned one on the hay sitting and she knelt in front of him, taking his cock in her mouth and raising her ass to the other. She pulled her mouth off the cock as the other entered her very wet pussy, “James, fuck me while I suck Thomas. Then, after a few minutes, switch. Go back and forth. You’ll last longer and I’ll be in heaven.” The guys fist-bumped each other and did just what she wanted.

They had only just begun after the first switch when, “There you three are.”

Jade recognized it as her mom’s voice, pulled her mouth from James’s cock and was doubly surprised to see Otis standing next to her. Both were dressed, again.

“Mom … I … we … I mean, we were just …”

Irene and Otis laughed, “It is quite apparent what you were just doing.”

Then, it hit the three of them … how could they be in trouble? They were adults and sex among all of them had already been initiated. The three, however, had separated, hard cocks and shiny pussy quite visible. The guys were quiet, so Jade spoke up.

“You know we saw you two and it seemed like not only good news, but also a good idea.” The guys put their arms around Jade, the three of them now confident in their nudity. “We could have just gone to one of the bedrooms, but Thomas had this idea. He explained that, if I am going to be a farm-girl …”

Thomas continued, “A farm-girl’s first time is usually in a location like this.”

Irene looked at Otis who wore a smile and nodded. “What about me?” There was confusion among the rest of them except Jade interpreted her mom’s look and smiled at her. “Can’t I become a farm-girl?”

Otis stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around Irene and gave her a big hug, allowing a hand to move up and fondle a clothes covered breast. He said, just loud enough for everyone to hear, “As enticing as that thought is, I need a little more time to recover at my age.”

Thomas separated from the other two and approached the parents, his still hard cock bobbing in front of him with each step. “I’d be honored.” He looked over his shoulder, “Mother and daughter, side by side.”

James and Jade were nodding happily. At the same time, Otis moved his hands to the bottom of Irene’s tee-shirt and pulled it up her body and over her head. As Thomas began working on her pants, Otis unhooked her bra. For the first time, Irene was completely naked in front of all the men. She turned and kissed Otis, then turned back to take Thomas in her arms, their naked bodies pressed against each other, his wonderful cock pressing into her abdomen. This suddenly felt so right, natural, and comfortable. She then walked to her daughter and whispered, “You really are happy, here?”

“God, yes, mom!” She kissed her mom on the lips, then announced louder, “Let’s become farm-girls.”

The two women went to their hands and knees on the hay, their shoulders touching, huge smiles on their faces as they wiggled their butts to entice the twins into action. There wasn’t much enticement required. James resumed his spot kneeling behind Jade and Thomas moved up behind Irene. The two women kissed as both cocks slipped into well lubricated and ready pussies. Both women gasped at the renewed feeling of being filled with big cock. The guys used long, smooth strokes in their fucking, which drove their stimulation higher and higher. Both women were experiencing similar things that wasn’t just the fucking. Contentment. Belonging. Peace.

It wasn’t long, though, that the action in front of him overtook him and Otis removed his clothes and knelt in front of Irene, his semi-hard cock in front of her face. She looked up at him with a warm smile and opened her mouth wide. He guided his cock into her mouth and sighed as her lips closed around it and she began sucking. Then, after a few moments, something happened that he hadn’t expected. Irene pulled her mouth off his now very hard cock and moved slightly to the side. He looked down to find Jade moving with her mouth open. She looked up and smiled at him. He pushed his straining cock to her mouth and gently placed a hand on her head.

Looking to the side, he found Irene looking up at him with a lust-hazed look. He smiled back to her, “We don’t ever want you to leave us. I don’t completely know what that means, yet, but …”

Irene managed a smile before her entire face changed. A body-quaking orgasm overtook her and she cried out her pleasure. Beside her, Jade was experiencing a similar orgasm, only hers was muffled by a mouthful of black cock.

Irene and Jade took on the roles of farm-girls-wives with a dedication only exceeded by the way they dedicated themselves to satisfying the three big black cocks they shared their new life with. Their acceptance on the farm and in their lives was met with an uninhibited intention to please and honor the commitment the men gave them. When the weather permitted, the women likely would only be wearing a long tee-shirt regardless of where they were on the farm. It had started out as teasing by the women, but quickly became accepted for a quick way to enjoy a fuck out in the pasture moving the horses, the field alongside the tractor, in the barn, or any part of the house the urge happened on them. They even solved the three men and two women sleeping issue: they purchased a king-sized bed and the women traded off sleeping with the twins.

Irene and Jade, mother and daughter, did confess and agree on one thing privately … the nights they spent with the twins generally meant being fucked twice by each. That was about three feet of black cock and … they both loved every inch of it.


* * * Another MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS story will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

Yes, Daddy 4.5 (2)


Chloe never did as she was told to do or argued about doing it. Even doing something as simple as cleaning up after she ate was beneath her; forget about asking her to do a load of clothes. When Mom walked out on them, Daddy decides to tame her.

The Wilson’s were an average couple. Don is forty-one, Betty is thirty-nine. They have an eighteen-year-old daughter, Chloe. As sometimes happens after twenty years of marriage, they’ve grown apart. Betty feels neglected by her husband and disrespected by her daughter.

Who could blame her? It’s been two months since she and Don last had sex, six months since he took her out to dinner. Yes, he had a physically demanding job and always came home tired, but what about on his days off? Couldn’t he find some time for her, instead of working on the car he was restoring?

Chloe never did as she was told to do or argued about doing it. Even doing something as simple as cleaning up after she ate was beneath her; forget about asking her to do a load of clothes.

One day Betty had finally had enough. Sitting in the living room, she came to a life-changing realization; she no longer loved Don and had come to despise their daughter.

That night, at supper, she announced, “Don, I don’t love you any more. I’m leaving and want a divorce.”

Don looked at her, stunned, his mouth hanging open.

Chloe smirked, thinking, “Good, she won’t be bossing me around any more.”

“But who’s going to maintain the house?” he asked.

“Is that all I am to you anymore, a housekeeper?” Betty screamed, “Teach our lazy daughter how to do it!”

She got up from the table and called her parents, giving them the news and asking if she could stay with them for a while. They granted her request and asked when she’d be there.

“I’ll catch tomorrow’s Greyhound bus, I should be there the following day,” she said.

The following morning she went to the bank and withdrew five-thousand dollars, almost half of their savings, then went home and packed her things. Later, she called a taxi and left her home of nearly seventeen years, vowing never to return.

When Don came home from work, the house was silent. Chloe wasn’t home. He went up to their bedroom and found Betty’s closet empty as well as her dresser drawers. At that moment, he realized that he had two choices, either hire a housekeeper or make Chloe do the housekeeping.

He sat in his recliner and thought about it. The easy choice was to hire a housekeeper. Then he realized that he had been too lax in disciplining Chloe and that she was now an eighteen-year-old brat.

“That has to change.” he thought, “If she wants to act like a little brat, I’ll treat her like one.”

Later that night, when Chloe came home, she asked, “Where’s Mom?”

Don replied, “She was serious, she left us. You’re an adult, and you’re going to take over the household chores. You’re the woman of the house now.”

“You’ve got to be kidding, Dad,” she smirked.

“No Chloe, I’m not kidding. You are going to keep the house, cook meals, do the wash, and anything else I tell you to do,” I said, “If you don’t, there will be consequences.”

“I’m not going to do any of that. I’m a teenager, I want to have fun with my friends!”

Don smacks her ass as hard as he can, yelling, “You will not talk to me like that and will do what you’re told! When you disrespect or disobey me you will get your ass spanked or worse.”

“Daddyyyy,” she whines, “I’m not a child. You can’t spank me like that!”

“You’ll get that or worse when you act like a little brat!” he states, “It’s up to you, take care of your duties as woman of the house and I’ll treat you like an adult; act like a little brat and I’ll treat you like one.”

Looking at the floor, she meekly says, “Okay Daddy.”

“Now, go get ready for bed, you have a busy day tomorrow.”

An hour later, Don is on his way to bed when he notices the light seeping under Chloe’s door. He opens it and sees her lying on her bed, still in her street clothes, messaging on her phone.

“Get up,” he says sternly.

She stands as he sits on her bed.

“I told you to get ready for bed an hour ago. Why are you still in your street clothes?” Don asks.

“Daddy, Lucy and I always message each other before we go to bed,” she replied.

“Chloe, listen carefully. I told you to get ready for bed. That means changing into whatever you wear to bed, not messaging back and forth for an hour. From now on, when I tell you to get ready for bed, you will change into your night clothes and your light will be off within fifteen minutes. During that time you may message Lucy but the messaging ends when the light goes out. Do you understand what I expect?”

Chloe looks at the floor and quietly says, “I understand, Daddy.”

“Good. Now lay across my knees so I can punish you for not changing into your night clothes.”

She complies. Don lifts her skirt and lays it on her back, then gives her panty-clad ass a hard smack.

“Ow,” she yells, “that hurt!”

“It will only get worse if you continue to be a brat,” Don says, “Now, get changed and go to bed.”

I leave and retire to my bedroom.

Chloe falls asleep and dreams of her Daddy spanking her.

At 5:30 am, the next morning, he shakes her awake. “Get up and come with me. It’s time for you to start learning your responsibilities.”

She follows him to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Do you know how to make coffee?” Don asks.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“From now on, Sweetie, you will set your alarm for 5:45, get up, and make coffee so I can drink some before I leave for work at 6:30 on weekdays. Weekends, you can stay in bed until 7:30.”

“I understand the schedule, Daddy.” she says and starts the coffee maker.

“Today I want you to wash, dry, and fold or hang all the dirty laundry. During the wash and dry cycles, you can mop the floors. I’ll stop and get Chinese food on the way home for supper.”

When the coffee is ready, he gulps down a cup, finds his thermos, and fills it, then heads for the door, saying, “See you later, Sweetie!”

Chloe gathers up all the dirty clothes, sorts them, and starts a load of whites. Returning to the kitchen, she pours herself a cup of coffee and sits down at the table. As Chloe drinks the coffee, she realizes that Daddy had called her ‘Sweetie’. She thinks, “That’s what Daddy used to call Mom, until about five years ago. Daddy also said I’m the woman of the house now. I wonder if he wants me to replace Mom.”

Chloe snaps out of her musings, finishes her coffee, and heads for the laundry room. She moves the stuff from the washer to the dryer and then puts the next load in the washer. She grabs the mop and bucket, returns to the kitchen, and prepares to mop the floor. She notices that there isn’t much floor cleaner left in the bottle, so she pours half into the water in the bucket and starts mopping.

When Chloe finishes mopping the kitchen floor, she goes back to the laundry room and hangs or folds the clothes in the dryer. She moves the things from the washer to the dryer and puts the last load in the washer. Returning to the kitchen, Chloe finds the floor has dried. She pours another cup of coffee. While drinking it, she realizes that she has to make a decision. Do I mop the dining room or the living room? There’s not enough floor cleaner for both. She dumps the dirty water from the bucket into the sink, then rinses and refills it, adding the last of the floor cleaner.

She decides to mop the living room, so she takes the mop and bucket there. Having never been there when her mother cleaned it, she just mopped around things instead of moving them. When she finished, she took the mop and bucket back to the kitchen, dumped and rinsed the bucket and took them back to the laundry room. The second dryer load was ready, so she folded or hung everything and transferred the last washer load to the dryer


An hour later, she checked the dryer; the clothes were still damp. ‘The other two loads were dry after one cycle,’ she thought, ‘The dryer must have broken.’

Chloe left the damp load in the dryer and went to her room to take a nap. When she woke, it was almost time for her Daddy to come home. She went down to the kitchen and set the table. A few minutes later, he comes into the house carrying the Chinese food.

“Hi sweetie, how’d it go today?” he asks as he lays the food out on the table.

“I had a few problems, Daddy,” she says, “let’s talk about them while we eat.”

They sit down and fill their plates.

“Daddy,” she says, “I think the dryer broke. It did two loads fine, but the last load is still damp.”

“Did you clean the filter between loads?”

“Clean what filter, Daddy?” she asks.

“There’s a screen like thing under that flap on top of the dryer. I’ll show you when we’re done eating,” Don replied.

“I had another problem, Daddy,” she said, “I mopped the kitchen and the living room, but ran out of floor cleaner and couldn’t do the dining room.”

“Okay, after supper I want you to check all our cleaning supplies and make a list of everything we’re getting low on. I want you to do that once a week so you don’t run out again.”

“Yes Daddy.”

After eating, he shows Chloe the filter on the dryer. She empties the clogged filter and restarts the dryer. Don then goes into the living room and sits on the couch. Looking around, he notices that nothing was moved.

“Chloe, come here.”

She goes to the living room, stands in front of him looking at the floor, and says, “Yes Daddy?”

“You failed to clean this room properly. When you mop, you need to move things out of the way, not mop around them. Lay over my knees so I can punish you.”

Without being told, she drops her jeans to the floor, then lays over his knees.

“Did I tell you to drop your jeans?”

“No Daddy, but I needed to do that so you can punish me properly.”

“Are you sure that’s the only reason, Chloe?

“No it isn’t, Daddy. It makes me feel good when you spank me.”

“How does it make you feel good?”

“When you spank me, I know you love me.

I spank her panty-clad ass five times.

As she gets off his knees, she pulls her jeans up and fastens them.

“Go inventory our cleaning supplies and make a list of what you need. Tomorrow morning, go to the store and get everything on the list,” Don tells her.

He hands her a debit card and says, “The PIN Is the year you were born. While you’re there, pick up something you can cook for supper.”

Chloe stands there, head bowed, looking at the floor. She says, “Daddy, I’ve never cooked anything, Mom always did that and never made me learn. I’m afraid I’ll burn whatever I get.”

“I know there’s some rice in the cupboard. Pick up some pork chops and I’ll start teaching you how to cook,” he said, exasperated. “Now, go make that list, then take care of the last load of laundry.”

Still standing in the same position, Chloe says, “Yes Daddy, right away.”

She turns, raises her head, and walks quickly to the kitchen, where she’s heard opening and closing cabinets as she makes her list. When she finishes, she goes to the laundry room. She opens the dryer and folds or hangs the remaining load of clothes.

When done, she takes her Daddy’s clothes to his room and hangs his shirts in the closet, then puts his underwear and socks in his dresser drawers. She then returns to the laundry room to retrieve her things, goes to her room, and puts things away.

Having completed the tasks her Daddy had given her, she returns to the living room.

Chloe assumes her submissive position and asks, “Daddy, can I get you a beer or something?”

“No thank you Sweetie. Please, sit down,” he replies.

She complies, sitting on the floor at his feet, leaning against the couch.

He looks at her and asks, “Why are you sitting on the floor?”

She answers, “You’re my Daddy. I’m not your equal, only a wife can be that. You’ve taught me my place and I thank you.”

“Holy shit!,”I think, “She’s become totally submissive, or maybe she’s always been and we didn’t see it. If that’s the case, we handled her upbringing all wrong!”

He decides to test how submissive she is, ordering, “Stand up and strip.”

Without hesitation, Chloe stands, removes her clothing, and assumes her submissive stance.

He gazes at her fully developed tits, narrow waist, and wide hips for the first time. His body reacts as expected, blood rushes to his cock, and his breathing quickens.

He thinks, “She’s fully submissive to me. She would fuck me right now if I told her to.”

He struggles with the morality of fucking his daughter and decides not to.

“Put your clothes on and sit down,” he orders her.

She dresses and sits at his feet again.

He tells her, “You have a beautiful body, Sweetie.”

Still sitting, she looks at the floor and says, “Thank you, Daddy.”

He then tells her, “When you get home from the store tomorrow, you will re-mop this room and mop the dining room. Make sure you do them correctly! Then you can vacuum my bedroom.

She replies, “Yes Daddy, I will.”

Don turns on the TV, and they watch it for a few hours.

“It’s bedtime, Sweetie, go to your room,” he tells her.

She gets up, assumes her submissive stance, says, “Goodnight, Daddy.” She turns, raises her head, and goes to her room.

He follows her upstairs and goes to his room, then changes into his sleepwear. Twenty minutes later, he decides to see if Chloe has followed last night’s instructions. He goes down the hall and sees no light coming under her door and smiles. He opens her door to make sure she’s not texting and is shocked to see her masturbating.

“Did I give you permission to play with you pussy!” he shouts.

She jumps up, assumes her submissive position, and trembles, “Nuh, No Daddy.”

“Get back on the bed and continue what you were doing. Don’t you dare cum until I tell you to!” Don orders.

She follows his instructions as he moves a chair next to the bed, drops his sleep shorts, and starts jacking his cock.

After a few minutes of watching him, she whines, “Daddy, can I cum?”

He replies with a simple, “No.”

“Daddy, please let me cum.”

“Not yet, Sweetie.”

“Daddy, watching you jack your cock is turning me on too much. Please, please, please let me cum. I’m going to explode!”

“Not until I cum, Sweetie.” He starts jacking faster.

After a few minutes, he stands up and directs his cock towards her chest.

“Cum for me Sweetie!” he shouts as he cums on her tits.

She does as he ordered, finally getting relief.

When she comes down from her orgasm, she says, “Thank you so much for your gift, Daddy.”

Don rubs her head and says, “You’re welcome, Sweetie. Now go to sleep.”

He returns to his room, gets into bed, and promptly falls asleep.

When he wakes the next morning, he showers, gets dressed for work, and goes to the kitchen.

Chloe cheerfully says, “Good morning, Daddy. Did you sleep well?”

She is sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. The coffee is ready, and Don’s thermos is next to the coffee maker.

“I slept well, Sweetie.”

He pours a cup of coffee and sits down to drink it.

She looks at him and says, ”Daddy, I don’t have your permission but there’s something I need to say.” She continues, “All yesterday evening, including in my bedroom, you seemed happier than I’ve seen you in years. I need to know if it’s because of the way you’ve taken charge of me.”

“It’s not just that, Sweetie. It’s the way you’ve responded, too.”

“Daddy, it makes me feel good to see you happy. From now on, I’ll do whatever you tell me to do; anywhere, and anytime. That’s my job as ‘woman of the house’.”

“Sweetie, I need to head for work. I want to talk more about this when I get home.”

Chloe stands, assumes her submissive stance, and says, “Of course Daddy. Whatever you want.”

He fills his thermos and closes it before walking toward the door.

“Don’t forget your tasks for today,” he says over his shoulder.

“I won’t, Daddy.”

While driving to work, he thinks, “If I had applied this kind of discipline when she was younger, she wouldn’t have become the brat she became. I’ve now corrected her behavior and she’s totally submissive to me.”

Chloe happily goes about doing the tasks her Daddy set for her that day. She did the shopping, came home, and put things away. Then moved everything in the living room and mopped, putting everything back in its’ place. She did the same in the dining room. Then she got the vacuum cleaner and cleaned his room. She had a couple of hours before her Daddy got home, so she vacuumed the den too.

Her Daddy came home at 5:30. She ran up to him, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed his lips.

She suddenly assumed her submissive position and said, “I’m sorry, Daddy. You didn’t give me permission to do that.”

He smiled and said, “You have my permission to greet me that way anytime you’d like.”

She looked up, repeated her welcoming actions, and said, ”Thank you Daddy.”

He takes her hand and looks around the living and dining rooms.

“You did these rooms well, Sweetie. Thank you.”

“I vacuumed your room and the den, also,” she gushed.

“Thank you, Sweetie. I appreciate your initiative.” he replied, smiling broadly.

He hugs her, then says, “Time to start teaching you how to cook.”

They go into the kitchen, where he shows her how to cook rice and bake pork chops. While things are cooking, he teaches Chloe what the various cooking utensils are for and the purpose of pot and pan.

When the food is done, they prepare their plates and sit at the table.

He opens the conversation with, “This morning, you said something that I’d like to talk about.”

“What’s that, Daddy?”

“If I remember correctly, you said you’d do anything I told you to do, anytime and anywhere.

“Yes, that’s what I said and I meant every word of it.”

He replies, “Are you sure that’s how you feel? I ask because what you’ve said indicates that you want me to own you; body, soul, and mind. If that’s what you really want, fine. I’ll order you a collar so everyone knows who you belong to.”

Chloe answers, “Daddy, if that would make you happy, there’s nothing that would make me happier than to wear a collar telling everyone that I belong to you.”

“Okay, I’ll order one tomorrow,” he says.

She stands, bends over, and kisses him. It wasn’t a daughterly kiss, but a lover’s one.

She re-assumes her subservient position. “Sorry, Daddy. I was overcome with happiness.”

“You’re forgiven, Sweetie. You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been.”

“Daddy, can I speak freely?”

“Yes Sweetie, go ahead. I need to know what’s on your mind.”

Chloe starts, “Daddy, when I was growing up, Mom was always the disciplinarian. I guess that’s why I acted like a brat; I resented her doing what I thought was your job. You were more like my buddy, blunting Mom’s ire, but I never knew if you loved me. I didn’t want you to be my buddy; I needed you to take control so I could feel your love. As a child, I had no idea how to tell you that. The day Mom left us, you became the Daddy I’ve always wanted and needed. I thank you for that. When you order me to do something, it affirms your love for me because I know you want the best for me. When you spank me, it gives me even stronger feelings of your love, it also makes my pussy wet.”

She continues, “Daddy, the change in you has set me free to be who I really am, a submissive slut who will do anything, anywhere, for her man, who happens to be you, Daddy. I mean it; you tell me what you want me to do, anytime, anywhere, and I’ll do it.”

“Oh Sweetie, I never knew that you needed that kind of love. I promise, you’ll never go without it again.”

“Thank you for understanding, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome, Sweetie,” he says, then says sternly, “Tomorrow, you will move all your things into my bedroom.”

Recognizing it as an order, she immediately stands, assumes her submissive position, and says, “Yes, Daddy.”

He decides to test her earlier statement. He stands and demands, “Slut, suck my cock!”

She immediately says, “Okay Daddy,” then drops to her knees, unzips his fly, unfastens his pants, pulls his boxers down, and inhales his cock, deep-throating him.

His knees go weak, and he holds onto the table.

“Oh Chloe, you do that so well,” he moans.

She starts bobbing on his cock and feels the beginning of an orgasm coming on her. As it builds, she bobs her head faster, wanting him to cum with her. As her orgasm is about to burst, she feels his cock swell and knows he’s ready. She opens her mouth wide, jacks his cock, and moans as her orgasm strikes. His cum is shooting straight into her mouth as she shakes from the intensity of her orgasm. As the intensity subsides, she seals her lips around his cock, swallows, then sucks from root to tip, gathering the last of his cum.

She releases him, looks at the floor while still kneeling, and says, “Thank you, Daddy, for proving your love.

That night they sleep in their own beds.

The next morning, after her Daddy left for work, she did as he commanded and moved her things into the master bedroom. It took a good part of the day.

During a break, she mused, “I wonder what it will be like, sleeping with Daddy.” Her Daddy had finally become the Daddy she needed, controlling and commanding. She got a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that from now on, she’d be sleeping with her Daddy.

She continued moving her things. When she finished, she looked around at her new surroundings and thought, “I can’t believe this is now my room too.”

She went down to the kitchen, cleaned up the dishes left from breakfast, and then went to the living room to watch television until Daddy came home.

A couple of hours later, she heard his car pull in the driveway. She quickly turned off the TV and stood inside the doorway, waiting for him.

As he opened the door, his hands holding a pizza box, she said, “Welcome home, Daddy.”

“The pizza’s getting cold. Go put some plates on the table,” Don told her.

She quickly walks to the kitchen to obey his command. He takes off his jacket and lays it on the back of the couch, then joins her.

She waits for him to be seated and asks, “What would you like to drink, Daddy?”

“Please get me a beer.”

“May I have one too?” she asks.

“Of course, Sweetie.”

“Thank you, Daddy!” she replies.

She opens the refrigerator, gets two cans out, and sets them on the table.

They sit there, enjoying the pizza when the phone rings. Chloe gets up and answers it.

She puts her hand over the mouthpiece and whispers, “It’s Mom.” and hands me the phone.

“Hello Betty, what do you want?” Don asks.

“Don,” she says, “I want to come home.”

“Why?” he asks.

“All my friends are there,” Betty says.

“If I allow it, here are my rules; First rule, I am Master of the House, you will address me as ‘Sir’. Next rule, you will sleep in Chloe’s old room. She now sleeps with me. Lastly, Chloe is Mistress of the House, you will do as she wishes. Now, knowing my rules do you want to come back here as our housekeeper?”

“Are you telling me that if I accept your rules, I’ll have to live in your household as a housekeeper?” she asks.

“That’s correct, Betty. We no longer love each other, why would I give you more status?”

“Don, what’s gotten into you? You always let me run the house in the past. Why the change?”

“Chloe opened my eyes to what my role in the household should have been, and now is. Welcome to the new Don, Betty.”

“Forget that I called, Don. I’ll have my lawyer file the divorce papers in the morning,” Betty growled and hung up.

“She’s not coming back, is she?” asked Chloe.

“No, Sweetie. She wouldn’t accept the rules,” he said.

“Good!” she said emphatically.

They continue eating the pizza until it’s gone.

A few minutes later, after washing the supper dishes, she turns to Don and says, “Daddy, I’m horny. Can we finally go upstairs and consummate our relationship?”

He said, “Of course, Sweetie.”

He takes her hand and leads her upstairs to the master bedroom.

As they enter, Chloe says, “Did you know that what we call the master bedroom, comes from the original name for it, Master’s Bedroom, the place where the Master of the House slept?”

Don replies, “Yes, I knew that. Why did you mention it?”

“I just wanted to make sure you knew.”

As they reach the bed, Chloe asks, “Would you like me to undress you, Daddy?”

“If that would make you happy, go ahead Chloe,” said Don

“No, Daddy, your happiness is my purpose.”

Don realized that she needed him to order her for her to get pleasure.

“Undress me, slut!” he ordered.

Sexual excitement runs through Chloe on being ordered to undress her Daddy. Her pussy moistens.

She assumes her subservient position and says, “Yes, Daddy.”

She runs a finger down his breastbone before slowly unbuttoning his shirt. She pulls the tails out of his pants then pushes the shirt off his shoulders. She then caresses his upper arms, shoulders, and chest.

“Ohh Chloe, you’re really turning me on,” moans Don.

Chloe drops to her knees and runs a hand up the bulge in his pants before untying his shoes and removing them. She then unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly, unbuttoned his pants, and slowly lowered his pants and boxers to the floor. He steps out of them, leaving him with only socks on.

Don lifts Chloe to her feet and caresses her covered breasts.

She whispers, “Take me, Daddy. I’m yours to use.”

He kisses her deeply before taking his time unbuttoning her blouse, then throws it on a chair. He then reaches behind her and removes her bra; it joins the blouse on the chair. He works the button on her wrap skirt and pulls, spinning her around. It joins the rest of her clothes. She stands there in her panties, which he slowly lowers until she steps out of them. As he stands, he licks her slit, bottom to top.

Chloe moans, “Oh yes, Daddy.”

“Get on the bed on your hands and knees,” he orders.

She jumps on the bed and assumes his desired position. He joins her on the bed, gets behind her, and notches his cock at the entrance of her pussy. He slowly enters her. When he’s only halfway in, she orgasms. He holds still until her orgasm subsides, then thrusts until he bottoms out.

“Oh my God, you’re deep,” she yells.

He pistons out and in repeatedly while reaching under her and pinching her nipples.

“Daddy, please don’t stop! I need to feel you cum inside me!”

He keeps thrusting, bottoming out against her cervix each time. He’s getting close when he feels her pussy just starting to spasm.

He speeds up his thrusts and whispers in her ear, “I’m almost there. Don’t cum until I do.”

He continues thrusting as she fights to hold back her orgasm. Finally, she feels him spurting against her cervix and lets her orgasm overtake her. She shakes violently as her pussy spasms crazily around Don’s cock. She passes out and collapses on the bed.

When she recovers, she says, “I have never had an orgasm like that. Thank you, Daddy.”

“We’re not done yet, Sweetie,” he states. “Get back into that position,” he sternly orders.

He reaches into his nightstand and retrieves a tube of lubricant gel. He lubes a finger and presses it against Chloe’s sphincter.

“Daddy! What are you doing?”

“Try to relax, Sweetie. I’m getting you prepared to take my cock in your ass.”

Her sphincter relaxes; his finger goes in as far as the second joint. Don pulls back slightly then presses forward again; his finger is fully in her ass. He moves it slowly in and out, getting her used to the feel. After a bit, Don pulls it out, lubes it and the finger next to it, and pushes them both past her sphincter. He repeats what he had done before. Now, when he removes his fingers, her sphincter remains open. He lubes three fingers and inserts them, opening her up further. Using his other hand, he squeezes lube onto his cock. He removes his fingers and slowly pushes his cock into her ass.

“Oh Daddy, that’s starting to feel good.”

When Don’s full length is in her ass, he slowly starts stroking in and out. As he gets closer to his release, he starts stroking faster.

“Daddy! I feel another orgasm building!”

“Let it come, Sweetie. I’m getting ready to cum in your ass!”

Don continues stroking faster and faster; then, she feels his cum spurting into her ass. That triggers her orgasm, and her body stiffens. Don’s cock rapidly deflates and pops out of her ass, followed by a stream of cum, which drips onto her leg as her sphincter remains open. He flops to the side, breathing hard. She collapses onto her belly and chest.

When they’ve both recovered, Chloe pulls Don to her and gently kisses his lips, then says, “I love you, Daddy. I’ll never doubt your love for me again.”

Don replies, “Sweetie, thank you for transforming me into the Daddy you need.”

My first school trip part 1 0 (0)


Not what I expected on my first school trip

I was on a school trip with my mid year school.

It was mix of boys and girls, roughly about 25/75 girls to boys, so the pick of girls wasn’t that great, but I did get my first blow job in the toilets from one of the girls in the the class.

She sucked me off for about a minute and bamb, I shot my load of cum into her mouth, it was awesome, she didn’t spill a drop as she wiped her lips with her finger and swallowed all of my cum.

I stood up quickly, fixed my bottoms and more or less ran out of the toilet, heart pounding and my cock starting to get hard again, just thinking about what had happened to me.

She had followed me into the cubicle, closed and locked the door as I was getting ready to pee in the toilet, she held my cock as I peed into the toilet and as soon as I finished she turned me round, knelt down and proceeded to do something that no one in my 16 years had ever done to me.

When the ship docked, we were all moved to the bus, we all ran to get a good seat beside our favourite friend, I wasn’t quick enough and ended up sitting beside the girl who everyone disliked, the one no one wanted to sit beside, for one reason or another.

I smiled, then leaned against the window and tried to sleep

The vibrations from the window through my head did their best to prevent me from sleeping, but I pretend to be sleeping as I didn’t want to talk to her.

About an hour or so into the journey, I felt her move closer to me, I peeked through my closed eyes and i could see her trying to open my belt and my button, she managed it and before I could say STOP, my cock was in her mouth.

She took my hand and placed it on her tits, her nipples were like spears, hard and erect. Her tits were small and firm.

She was working my cock with her lips, her tongue and her hand

“Fuck” I said as she forced my cock down the back of her throat.

She moved up and down real slowly on my cock, stoping and holding my cock with her impressive suck, then without warning I filled her hot mouth with my cum.

She looked up at me, opened her mouth to show me all the cum and then with one quick swallow it all disappeared, like it was hoovered up.

I sat there trembling, I couldn’t run anywhere this time, I had to sit there beside this girl who has just given me the best blow job ever, alright, I had only had two, but this was the best one.

She put my hand down her panties and encouraged my fingers to fuck her wet pussy, taking my fingers out of her wet pussy and sharing her juice with me as we both licked her cum from my fingers.

She was trying hard not to moan and groan as I worked her hot wet tight teen pussy.

“I would love you to fuck me” she said as she squirted on to my hand, “I want you to come to my room in the hotel and fuck my pussy good, I am mega horny and dying for your cock” she said as we sat holding hands

I was panicked, I had never fucked before, I had never touched a tit or nipple let alone finger a pussy before.

No one, except me, had ever touched my cock before today and now two girls had sucked and pulled me off.

This school trip was shaping up to be something wild.

We got to the hotel, a bunch of horny teenagers, blood boiling and all fired up. The teachers were doing their best to make sure they split us up, in fact they would have preferred if there was a boys hotel and a girls hotel.

“All we need is for one of these girls to go home pregnant and that’s all our jobs gone” the teacher was overheard saying to the lady on the desk

“As long as you or your colleagues don’t turn out to be the father, then you will ok” she replied with a grin

A few minutes later my bus blow job friend came over and gave me a key, “I am in 302”

They had given every room two keys, as we were all doubled up, but she was not roomed with anyone else so she gave me the second key.

I smiled and said “see you later so”

She waved as I left the reception and headed to my room over the other side of the hotel.

I was roomed with one of my class mates, he was tired so it wasn’t long before he went to sleep.

I got up, put on my sweat pants and t-shirt and headed to meet my “girlfriend” who wanted me to fuck her

I had written her number on my hand so I wouldn’t forget the it.

I sneaked nerversously down the long corridors, into the lift, up two floors, then out of the lift, looked at the signs, rooms 301 to 319 to the left and there was a little arrow pointing to the left.

Unfortunately 302 was the second last room instead of being the second room as I had hoped.

I got to the room and knocked faintly on the door, then I took out the key and walked into the room, it was half light half dark, I could see clothes on the floor, so I decided to take off my clothes and join her in bed

Shaking from the cold, the nerves and the adrenaline flowing through my body, I stripped.

My cock was rock hard, it was sticking straight out, as if it was giving someone directions.

I half pulled back the blankets and got into the bed, I snuggled into her and put hand around on to her boobs, she instantly put her hand on my cock

As I played with her boobs they felt different to the bus, bigger softer than befiy, but I thought that was because they were naked now and she way laying on her side

I was moaning because she was jerking me off real good this time. She was squeezing me tightly and pulling me hard.

I brought my hand down her boobs, past her stomach and went looking for her wet pussy again, but to my shock when she opened her legs to welcome my hand, she had a big hard cock too

“WHAT THE FUCK?” I screamed to myself in my Brain

My hand was on her cock, but on the bus she had a wet open pussy. I started to panic, did I get the wrong room, no I couldn’t because I had the key, but now there is someone with their own cock, pulling my cock.

They rolled over and as they did I moved on to my back, within seconds my cock disappeared down this stranger mouth

I was frozen in the bed, stuck in one place. I could feel him moving in the bed, he was kneeling up on his hunkers whike sucking my cock.

I didn’t know if I should be enjoying what he was doing but fuck it was awesome.

He took my hand and placed it between his legs on to his cock and he got me to pull his cock, which I did. It was liking milking a cows tit, except it was huge, fat and long.

A few minutes later I felt him move again and before I knew it he was mounting my face, his hard cock bouncing around my lips. I was watching it as it bounced around my mouth.

The curiosity going through my head as I looked at his cock, “what would it be like? What would it taste like? How would it feel?”

So I opened my mouth and closed my eyes as he sank his hard cock deep inside my mouth.

As he sucked me off I started to try and mimic what he was doing to me

I was pulling and sucking him the same way he was pulling and sucking me.

I started to enjoy it when all of a sudden the light went on, Which startled both of us and then we heard a voice ” What the fuck is going on?”

I was naked on the bed, there was a guy holding my cock as a tanned dark haired man looked at us

The guy holding my cock motioned to him and said “come to bed”

He looked at me and I just smiled and nodded.

He went over to me and put his cock in my mouth, I was kneeling up with my hand around his cock and pulling him while I sucked him

The other guy was putting cream on his cock, he came over to me and pushed me on to my hand and knees, the tanned man continued to fuck my mouth, without warning I could feel pain and pressure in my ass as the other guy stared to finger my ass.

I didn’t realize it, but he was working my ass to open it up, it was fucken sore.

He was finger fucking my ass as the tanned man tried to smoother me with his cock.

A few minutes later I could feel some pressure on my back as I felt the man’s cock enter my ass, millimetre by millimetre I felt sever pain in my ass, I couldn’t scream because my mouth was full of cock.

I felt like I was been ripped open and when he finally got his whole cock inside me it was like he was banging the bottom of my spine.

He fucked me for a few minutes then pulled out, my ass clasped closed but then he pushed in again and again the pain was terrible, “who the fuck would do this shit for pleasure?” I said to myself as he pulled out again.

Then he went in again, I was trying to focus on sucking the tanned ones cock, but jeesssssssssss the pain was incredible

Then he pulled out again, and the relief was amazing, but these time he put his cock to my ass and my ass sucked his cock in, I didn’t feel any real pain, pressure maybe but I actually started to enjoy it.

It was so good that I started to push back onto his cock, rocking my hips and fucking his cock as much as he was fucking my ass.

I was in a world of pleasure, my ass full of cock while my mouth was licking and sucking this beautiful slim long tanned cock. The head was bring pink and full of blood, I could feel the power in his cock as he fucked my mouth.

I could feel his balls full of cum as I played with them and sucked them.

I licked and sucked the head of his pink cock, tasting his drips of pre cum in my mouth.

Suddenly and without warning the guy pulled his cock from my ass, he was standing beside me with his cock by my mouth, as if he was waiting for tanned man to pull out so he could go into my mouth.

Tanned man knew what was going on, but I didn’t, he pulled out of my mouth and disappeared around the back of me, I felt his two hands on my ass and at the same time as I felt his long thin cock slide into my gaping ass, the other guy put his ass dripping cock into my mouth.

I grabbed his cock, twisting and pulling it as I sucked my ass from his cock, he grabbed my head and fucked me fast and hard, and then I felt my mouth begin to fill with hot sticky water, he had cum in my mouth.

I was stunned for a second, I didn’t know what to do but close my eyes and swallow it all, his cock slipped out of my mouth and he fell on to the bed.

The tanned man stated to pull my cock as he fucked me hard like a beast.

He was long so he fucked me deep, the pleasure and pain had my cock as hard as a missile.

I shot my load all over the bed, as he pounded my ass and pulled my cock. I never saw so much cum spill from my cock before.

He then pulled out and he too put his cock in my mouth, he fucked me for a few seconds and then filled my mouth.

He fell to the bed too, but as he did the first guy got up to go to the toilet.

When he came out I was fully dressed.

“You leaving?” He asked

“Yes I am”

“Where did you come from, are you a friend of his?” He asked pointing to the sleeping tanned man

“No I don’t know him either” I said as I pulled on my top – “is he not a friend of yours??” I asked surprised but the initial question

“No, I met him at the bar tonight, So we went and got a room, seemingly this was someone else’s room but the hotel changed them to a different Room, I thought you were him when you put your arm around me, I was surprised when he came out of the bathroom and I saw him standing there, I was like YES TWO COCKS, I have died and gone to heaven”

I waved at him as I closed the door into the corridor. I hurried back to my room and got straight into bed.

I lay there thinking of what had happened to me, my ass was full of cum and my cock was hard thinking of what I had been through.

Part of me wanted to go back to room 302 for more fun, but I decided to have a wank thinking about fucking those two guys again.

As I came all over the sheets I fell asleep. The next morning the room phone was ringing, I picked it up, it was the teacher telling me to be in the restaurant for breakfast in one hour.

I got dressed and woke my mate.

As I headed down the corridor I passed room 302, I stopped outside, I looked at my watch, then looked up and down, no one was around so I used my key to go in

The two guys were having an early morning fuck, the tanned man was deep inside the other guy.

I stripped off real quick and put my cock in the other man’s mouth and began to fuck his mouth

I filled him with cum and pulled out if his mouth.

I then pulled the tanned man’s cock out of the other mans ass and sucked him before getting on my knees and asking him to fuck me and he obliged, pushing his long hard cock down my ass as I worked the other cock with my mouth.

I was being spit roasted, it was amazing as both guys came at the same time, filling my mouth and ass with hot cum.

I didn’t have time to savour the moment as I was late for the bus, with my ass and mouth filled with cum I dressed and ran for the bus.

My blow job friend had kept me a seat.

I sat down beside her.

‘”sorry about last night” she whispered to me “I will make it up to you”

“What happened?” I asked

“They changed my room and I had to stay with sister Ruth”


“Yes, and to be honest,it was great, the mad lesbian bitch raped me and it was fucking amazing, she ate my pussy and sucked my ass and tits all night, she told me that she was going to fuck me again tonight, and I can’t wait”

I looked at her and smiled as the bus headed off.