Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal. Pt3 0 (0)


Maria builds her sexual relationship more with Mark.

I could have you everyday but I would overdose on sex with the Candy man with a smile. She turned over to see her clock and it was always 11PM . We better get some sleep..agreed. So I moved my arms around her holding her back against me. Maria sweet dreams and no wet she slapped my hand holding her. I kiss her on the back of head and she squeezed my hands tight as I know she was feeling me against her body..specially her ass. Thank you for a great weekend Mark.

I woke up with my arms still around Maria and I had to hit the bathroom for a quick leak without waking her up. I removed my top arm and still needed to move my left arm from underneath her body. I slowly started pulled my arm from her and she woke up as she moved over to face me. Where are you going? Bathroom…ok. I went to the bathroom to quick pee and washed my hands as I headed back to bed. I rolled back in bed with my back toward her and looked at the clock 4:30AM. I was feeling her move closer to me as I felt her arm move over my stomach. We both fell back to sleep until she woke up again around 6AM when I felt her hand rubbing my penis. Then she surprised me when the feeling of her lips around my penis as I was slowly waking up the best way a man to be woken. I was on my back as she was making me harder.. I laid my left hand on her back rubbing that smooth silky skin. She stopped moving her mouth over me and then sat up as she lifted her leg over my body so she was straddled over my hips. She moved up to slide my hard cock between her pussy lips as she lowered herself on me slowly. She felt so wet around on my cock as I placed my hands on her hips as she slowly ride my very hard cock. I was thrusting up as she came down as we both gasp with a awesome feeling as we fucked. She told me to relax and tell me when you are going to cum. Ok…fuck me sexy…ride that candy bar and make that white chocolate flow. She pickup the speed up with thrusting her pussy lips up & down over my head. That feels so good baby keep doing that…as I hear her O Baby I am cumming as she shakes on my cock then I felt a tideawave on juices flowing over my cock. That was pushing me now as I told her I was about to pop as she hopped off me and moved her mouth onto to my wet hard cock. I thought that was so fucking hot that I popped right then looking at her suck me off and swallowing everything again out of me then rested her head on my stomach as I rested my head on the pillow drained. That was incredible baby! What a way to wake up…thank you. I think it’s the perfect way to start my man’s day off right…Do you agree? O yes can’t think of a better way. Best damm alarm clock that I could wake up too.. As she rubs my soft cock now. I think he likes you. I am glad someone loves me…come her baby as she moves up to my face. My penis loves you like your pussy loves him…right? Yes, so let’s take it slow with the Love word because it has a lot of meaning to me as I guess you too. Maria looks me in the eyes to tell me you are so right that it makes me like you more. I kissed her nice and easy on the lips with a hug. I moved my hands down to grab that sweet Portugal firm ass. I think you are an ass man because you love grabbing my butt. Remember I am a HTT man as she smile at me.

She tells me I am going to shower as she rolls off of me and the bed. I told her you have 10 minutes then I am coming in for another round in the shower. She said make it 8 minutes because I want more time with you candy man. After a good 6-7 minutes I walked to the bathroom and had to brush my teeth and pee before walking in the shower. I open the shower door as I noticed her running the water over her body facing me. You look beautiful under the water and she moved her head out to wipe the water away from her eyes. You make me feel beautiful and I hope you continue to think that about me. As she steps to the side and waves me to come under the water then she turning on anther shower nozzle on as water started to fall from the ceiling. Never noticed the shower head in the ceiling because the ceiling is about 9-10 feet high. I washed my body and hair quickly because I wanted her again. After I was done I turned off my shower head and just had the ceiling on. We made out under the water for sometime then told her to turn around as she had a big smile on her face. What could you do to me turned around…wait and feel I said with a smile back. She gladly turned around to the wall as I placed my right hand between her legs as I rubbed her pussy. O yes..I was hoping you would have my pussy in some more before going to work but I hope you have more then a hand for me. My cock was hard as a rock as I used my left thumb to play with her asshole. O you are being a bad boy…not that hole yet sweetie. She sounds like she is up for it down the road…sweet. I removed my thumb from her ass and grabbed my hard cock to meet her lips then push myself between them…Oh my that feels good baby…please go slow. She felt tighter from behind for some reason but it might be the angle. She placed bath hands on the wall and I started pumping in her faster and deeper as she mouned with pleasure. O Baby…keep do it baby because I am about to cum…so that only pushed me to fuck her harder as I grabbed her hips tighter. Thrusting in & out like a jackhammer and I felt tightness as another tideawave over my cock and on my legs with warmer water. Wow…in my head she is a squirter. I told her I am about to pop as I pulled out and she fell to her knees facing me. Baby cum on me..give me your chocolate. As she was talking dirty..Give it to me, Shoot your load on me and in my mouth as she opens it wide. I stroked myself as my cum shot, shot, after shot on her tits, neck, hair, and face. O yes…as I pushed my face under the water. I felt her mouth come over my cock and suck me clean. I looked back to her as she started to stand up and pulled her to me as we kissed deeply with passion. I was thinking it’s only been 2 days and this girl is working me over good. She went back under the water to rise my cum off her body and clean her hair again. I gave her another quick kiss and told her I will get ready in your room. Ok sweetie. I got dressed and waited in the kitchen as I made coffee for us and Marco some cereal with a side of OJ. Maria came out surprised to see that I made everything for Marco and made her coffee. She came over to me with a quick kiss and thank you for helping. I was GuGu Gaga as I looked at her in a black leather skirt, white top, with a matching leather business jacket as she noticed by my eyes. You like? Yes, you can put on anything in my eyes and you look great.

It’s was 7:30am when Maria said we better get moving to get your car as we headed to the door. Maria spoke Portuguese to her son and he gave her a kiss goodbye as she headed to the door. I will meet you at the elevator because I need to tell my mother I am leaving now. I saw her knock on the door and then speak to her mother as she walked toward me. I pushed the elevator button as the doors opened and I walked inside holding the doors for her to enter. Before I knew it we were at the parking lot level as we walked to the car I heard her say “Merda” forgot my briefcase. I will be right back after she opened the car and tossed her purse in the car. She headed back to the elevator as I sat in her sweet car. I waited 10 minutes then she got back to the car and another surprise came my way. I have an idea if it sounds good with you…What? Why don’t you drive me to work and you take my car to your store. Come back to pick me up after you close the store then we can go pick up you car tonight. Maybe spend the night again. I don’t close up until 5pm and would get you around 6:30 because of the traffic. I am fine with that if you are ok with it. As she kissed me on the lips and said so? Ok, show me your office. Good to hear you like my offer. I drove her to the office and I told her I will call you when I am heading to pick you up. Ok, sweetie. Thank you for everything this weekend and you have a great day. Got a kiss goodbye and told her have a good one too. I hope tonight too as she closed the door.

I drove to the store and when I got their one of my employees saw me getting out on the New BMW sedan. New wheels boss? Yes & No, it’s my girlfriend’s car. What the fuck did I just say…If your girlfriend looks as good as that car I would keep her. Thanks! I walked into the store as usual and reviewed the day schedule with my staff. I passed out the routes for each employee and told them I was leaving at 4PM so if you need me for any issue please contact me before. We all hit the routes by 9am as I got in my company truck to visit a new pool construction customer. I wanted to landed this $80K new construction for 4 week job. After marking the yard with all the measurement and estimated pipe lines with dig area. I gave the customer the timeline and estimated cost with a 90 day pool service after completion. She told how much do you need for the down payment and when can you start? I only need 10% and can start next Monday if that works for you? Yes, that sounds fair and good with me so let me get you a $8K check. I have the contract write up and the timeline schedule for you to review so only a signature is needed. After I departed the customer I felt great so I text Maria call me when you are free? I was driving back to the store when my cell went off as I looked at it “Maria” as I accept the call on speaker. Hello sexy…Hi baby How is your day going? Great and better now that I am speaking with you. How are you doing? Good and I hope to feel great better later with you later. I have a question for you.. Do you want to go out to dinner tonight if you can get your mother to watch Marco? Let me check with her but I don’t think it will be a problem. I will text you shortly. Ok, what kind of food would you like? Seafood is my favorite if you are asking…Great and I will wait for your text. Calling her now baby…I need to run to court now bye. I walked into the store and Jackie that works the store said I was going to call you because Joe needs you at the Smith’s house asap. Ok, what is the problem sink hole was all he told me. O shit! As I was about to walk out I asked Jackie if she could call the Joe’s seafood restaurant on the beach to see if we can get a 7PM table for 2? Wow..who is the lucky lady? Tell you later.

I got to the Smith’s house and noticed the sick hole was in the deep in of the pool. The biggest problem was the Rock waterfall that was leaning toward the stone slide. I made a call to my pool builder Pat to see if he could come out and fix the sinkhole and secure the Rock waterfall is safe. Hi Mark Hi Pat..I need you to stop over at customers pool ASAP “Sinkhole” to save this pool. No problem I could be their within the hour with my trucks. Thanks and call me if you need anything from me. I went back to the store for lunch before heading for the second round bid for a new 300 home development that wanted some personal pools and a Community pool. I told Jackie that I was heading home after the bid and if anyone needs me call my cell. I spoke with the home development forman Juan about the second round bid and where I stand in the bid? Mark I can’t tell you other then you are in the running within the top 2. I need each pool constructed within 3 weeks and if you can do that I will push you as the winner but it’s not my decision. Give me 15 minutes for the answer…sure. I stepped away to make a phone call. Hi Pat…Ha Mark I am at the Smith’s house and fixing it. Good news, well we could be a lock if we can guarantee each pool can be completed within 3 weeks on the new 300 home development. Wow…they are pushing the timeline and I will need to hire about 20 new employees. It will be a deal if we can do each standard pool within 3 weeks. Shit..let’s do it Mark and let’s have lunch next week to go over everything that we both will need. Great idea and I will call you with a time by this Friday. Take care Pat. I called Juan back we can do each standard pool within 3 weeks as long as we get a timeline for each house build. I can do that plus we like to have everything laid out for all the contractors on the site. Great to hear that when will it be finalized? I have a dinner tonight with them so I will call you tomorrow. Sounds good to me and if anything comes up please feel free to call me. Have a good day Mark…you too. I got back to the store and looked at my phone no text…shit. As I was doing paperwork I would look at my phone for a text as Jackie noticed…wow..she must be important to you as much as you looking at your phone. Also you have a table for 7PM and if she can’t make it I will gladly go in her place. I laughed and said thanks but she will text me soon. She might be in court. A lawyer? Yes. Where does she live…may I ask? Condo on the Beach. Good for you Mark and I hope it works out for you because I know your mother wants grandkids…as we both laughed out loud. Got a text…sorry baby for the delay and yes dinner is a go. Call me when you are heading to my office? Ok will do.

I headed home to shower, shave, and getting ready for a great date with the sexiest girl I have ever been with. As I was getting ready my mom came home and said I guess you had a good night with a new car too. I understand your business is doing well but don’t go crazy spending money. I laughed mom it’s not my car it’s Maria’s car that I am dating. Where did you meet her? Yes, is Rebecca Goddaughter…O shit! You can’t find someone that is not related to the family some way. Mom she is a very nice lady and she has a great career. Where does she live and do. Maria has a condo on the beach and is a International Lawyer. Wow..nice pick up but…what? She is connected to the family already and if you screw up with her your Dad will have to deal with it..that’s all. Dad and Larry already told me the same story so don’t worry about it. Ok, do me a favor..What? Call me when you are planning to overnight somewhere so I don’t worry about you. Ok, sorry I will advise you in the future. Thank you. I went back to finish up getting ready for the date and got some extra clothing for tomorrow. Mom..I am leaving now and might not be home tonight. Ok, be careful and don’t drink & drive.

I headed to Maria’s office and when I was 5 minutes out I called her. Hi Mark..Hi..I will be at your office in 5 minutes is that ok? Yes, I will meet you at the outside the front doors. Where are we going for dinner? It’s a surprise. Ok, so we are going to play this game…Maybe as I laugh. I was right at the corner block to her office sitting at the red light as I noticed Maria standing outside talking to the valet man. Damm she looked sexy as hell waiting for me as the light turns green and I headed to the office curbside. The valet man opened her car door for her as she sat in the passenger seat and door was closed. I leaned over and gave her a kiss then told her she looks stunning. Thank you baby so where are we going for dinner? A seafood restaurant on the beach…”Joe’s”? are a good lawyer as you got the information out of me so fast…as she smiled at me. I drive to the restaurant valet space as I put the car in park. I got out of the car and walked over to Maria’s door as the valet guy opens her door as she stepped out. I gave the valet $20 and reached for her hand as we walked into the restaurant. I did noticed the valet guy dropped his jaw when she was swinging her legs out of the car too. It made me feel real good to know I was walking into this restaurant with best looking woman in the world. The restaurant hostess walked us to a table for two next to the water view. After I pushed Maria’s chair in and went to my seat she reached over to grab my hand. You are so wonderful to me taking me to Joe’s and I have always wanted to eat here. I am glad you like it and I want to tell you I have not felt so good with anyone in life in such a short time. Plus I also might have some great news tomorrow for my company. What is it? I might have 300 new pools to build for a new housing development. That is great news and I hope you get it. Thank you and me too but let’s enjoy each other with a great dinner. The waiter came over to us to introduce herself “Heather” and asked what we would like to drink. Maria looks at me wine or martinis? You pick…ok wine it is but we you pick it Heather based on our food order. Heather says like me tell you about the specials: Chilean Sea Bass, Stuffed Lobster with Stone crab, and 2lbs of Stone Crab. Maria says I will take the Stone crab special and I tell Heather Sea Bass for me. Would you like any appetizers Maria says I am ok just a salad with French dressing and you Sir? I will take one to with Italian. So please tell me more about yourself and future goals? Ok, but you first…deal. Maria starts off that she was born in Lisbon, Portugal and lived in Portugal for 22yrs then moved to London for my International Law Degree for 4 yrs. I went back to Portugal and got an offer to move to Miami for my job now. Personally I think it’s turning into my second best thing in my life time pending…as she smiles at me. Marco is number 1 in my list. I hope to make the best life here for Marco and I. So tell me about you as the wine & salads come to the table. Well I was born in Miami and grew up in the same house still. I played a lot of High School sports and was offered a college scholarship for football. I was working in the pool business at a young age and purchased the business just 2 yrs ago. I have 3 older brothers: 1 in Europe and 2 in Florida. My parents divorce when I was 10 and it was ugly part of my life. Maria tells me divorce can be tough for young kids and the parents. Yes..I agree. My future goals is to have a successful business, buy a big house on the water with a pool, big boat parked in my backyard, hottest wife, kids, happy family, and most of all healthy family. I like your future so you wanted to get married and have kids? Yes, one day with the right lady. Do you know of anyone? Maybe I might know someone for you as we both smiled at each other. How was your day in court? It was a normal day except I was thinking about you and our weekend. I was thinking about you in my free time and questioning myself if I am falling for you. I can understand your feelings because I was having the same issue about you too. Mark you make me feel so good when I think of you and specially when I am with you in person. Specially right now! That is good to hear that we both have the same feelings as I place my hand on her hand. I think you are a special lady in my eyes and I want to see where it takes us if you are ok with it? As I was saying the words looking into her eyes getting watery. She tells me yes I would like to see where it takes us too. She leans over the table to kiss me. Heather comes back to take away the salads and the entrées came right behind her. We ate the food with small talk and many smiles at each other. We completed the meals and Heather asked us if we would like dessert. Maria said no thank you and I will have some at home later as she looks at me with a sexy smile. I replied nothing for me and I gave her my credit card. Maria asked me if I wanted any money…no I invited you to dinner plus maybe you can give it in trade. I will sweetie! I guess then you will have a million dollar credit after you are done with me with a smile . You think I am that good? Yes, the best! Thank you and I think you are the best too. Let go get my car so I can get you home to Marco. We will have to stop in for a quick 5 mins at my Dad’s. Heather came back with the bill and asked me for my valet ticket so the car will be ready for us outside. Thank you Heather as I gave her $80 tip and told her thank you for the great food and service. As I stood up to walk over to Maria to pull her chair out and held her hand to the car. The passenger door was open as I walked her to it and I walked to the drive side. I handed the valet $20 Thank you Sir.

I drove to my Dad’s as we talked about the dinner, service, and the view. She looked at me and said I was just invited to something and was not sure you would like to be my date..sure, what and when? It’s a coworker wedding next month and I need to send the invite back by Friday if I will attend with a guest. I know it’s a little early to invite you to a wedding since we just met this past weekend but I don’t want to go alone. Yes, I would love to go with you but it’s not going to be a double wedding right….lol not planning it to be she replied. Ok, deal. Great to hear you will be my date so I will buy the tickets tonight. Where is the wedding at? Some resort in Mexico and do you have a passport? Yes. Let’s go shopping this weekend if you would like to go? I said maybe in sarcastic way as she slapped my right leg. What am I going to get out of the shopping? Ok, I will buy you a suit…no need I have two already. Well you will have 3 this weekend…ok sexy. We arrived at my parents and made is pain free with a quick hi and bye as we headed to the condo as I followed her in my car.

My cell phone rang Hello…it was the Foreman Juan for the new home development Mark I could wait until tomorrow to tell you that you won the bid. You are not playing with me? No, I spoke with the owners just now at dinner and it can be a done deal by this Friday. I will email you the contract for your lawyer to review and the ownership would like to meet you if you are open tomorrow night. Sure, I can make it. You can bring a guest because the owners wives will be their too. Ok, I will see if my lady can make it and I will text you tomorrow morning if I will have a date. Congratulations Mark! Thank you for all your help and look forward in working with you on this project. I hung up the call and as I was putting it down Maria calls me..As I answered 900 Sex Line..she laughed can I have a hot man delivered to my bedroom for a night cap. Sure I can arrange that guy. She said follow me into the garage. Ok. I parked in the spot with her condo number next to her car as we both got out out of our cars. I grab my bag as she reached out to hold my hand to the elevator. I like this kind of arrangement because you have a parking spot for me next you. Yes, I pay for two spots because it’s a 3 bedroom condominium and could have 3 if needed plus I have a boat slot. You have a boat slot? Yes, they tell me I can park a boat 50 feet long. That would be nice to have. Yes, I would love to own a boat but I don’t know much about them. Maybe one day we could have one. I would like that as the elevator doors open at her floor then she opens the door to the condo.

We walk into her condo to drop her purse and the 2 other bags then she walks over to me as she places a soft kiss on my lips to tell me she is going to get Marco. Do you want me to come with you? No, it will be quicker if I go alone as she gives me a smile. Ok, I will be on the couch waiting for you both to return. About 5 minutes later Marco came in the door and said hi mommy wants me in the shower. Ok buddy. Maria walked back in went to Marco’s room to make sure he was in the shower. She came back to me as she pulled up her leather skirt up a little and saddled my waist. I noticed she had nothing on under the skirt. Did you go commando today? She laughed NO… I removed them when you came to pick me up. Ok, move my treasure up here as I tap my mouth. She did as I told her with a big I rolled my tongue between her lips I noticed she was already very wet. I felt her hands in my hair as I continue to eat her out with hands on her ass. She started gridding her pussy on my face as we both heard the bathroom door open and she jumped off my face breathing heavy. She looked at me as she raise her hand with 1 finger …1 min I will be back. I told her let’s take care of Marco now and we can play later…ok as she smiled back at me. I went to the bathroom to clean my face and change to shorts and t-shirt. I returned to see Marco eating ice cream and I ask him where is my bowl? Marco looked at his mom can you make Mark a bowl of ice cream? I am just joking Marco I am good. I will get you back Mark…as we all laughed together…ok Marco peace. Marco after you finish your ice cream go brush your teeth and hit the bed. I looked at the clock it was 8:20PM and I was getting sleepy myself for some reason. Marco gave me a hug and asked me if I was going to move in? No, buddy but thank you for the offer as I look at Maria. Maria face was speechless as she told Marco I will race you to bed.

As I was laying on the couch Maria came out and sat next to me and said I have no clue why he asked you to move in. No clue either but I don’t want to hurt him or you with any high hopes. Thank you as she gave me a hug and kiss. You want to watch a movie or TV? Let’s watch TV and talk about this weekend shopping. She got so excited as she laid her head my stomach looking up at me and said which mall do you want to visited? No idea, because I am not a professional shopper. I have seen your walk-in closet damm you you have some clothes and shoes. Yes, I do have some shoes as she turned her head toward the slider. Let’s go outside on the balcony and talk out there as we look at Downtown Miami but let me change and I will meet you. Ok, so I exited to the balcony from her bedroom and sat down on the only chair overlooking Miami. About 5 mins later she came out in a long night shirt that was see thru. I thought we were going to just talk out here…yes why do you say that? Well you have that on and I only want to screw you right now. Do you? O yes, control your animal for now. I love this view after a long day at the office. I can understand why you like it. She walks over to me and sat down on my lap that was already semi-hard and I knew she feels it as she looks at me…later big boy with a smile. She had her arm around my neck resting on my shoulder then said something that made me freeze. I was thinking what Marco asked you and trying to understand why he asked you that question. Do you think you would move in with me if everything stayed the same? I looked at her for a long 10 seconds and said NO…she gave a sad face as she looked toward the bay. I will only move in if it’s better for us all and she turned her head back to me with tears in her eyes. Maria I like you a lot “I mean a lot” like no one ever, but we only been seeing each other for 3 days… 3 1/2 she says…ok I give you a half a day. I personally don’t want to mislead either of us or hurt Marco thinking that I could be a future stepdad. Marco loves you already because he told me before bed that he would like you to live with us. Thank sounds wonderful but let’s take it slow and not rush anything that makes us regret anything later. You are a Lawyer so you should know all the facts before taking the case…right? me the Lawyer terms now as she slaps my chest. You are so right sweetie…slow and easy with time. Yes, I can promise you one thing if neither of us change how we both feel with each other I will move in and maybe more in time. She had the biggest smile I have ever seen on her…you promise that not a maybe. Yes, not a maybe. She gave me a sweet deep kiss as we make out for a good 5 minutes. Her long black hair was like silk as my hand was holding her as we continue kissing and her hand the side of my face.

We broke the kiss as she stood up and reached for my hand to the bedroom. I need to pay for my meal now with a blink of her left eye to me. O yes, you better be real good to because that was no cheap meal as she let go of my hand. O really. Just joking…as I was not sure if I just killed the mood. She laughed at me…you should see your face right now. Stop that Lawyer look because it’s scares me. O shit I forgot to ask you if you are open tomorrow night for dinner. Tomorrow night again? Yes, the ownership of the new home development wants to meet the new pool construction team. You got the deal? Yes, the Forman called me just before called me. That great news….so you open? I think so I will need to confirm tomorrow morning with my mom if she can watch Marco. Well let me treat the new big deal as she removes my shirt and shorts. No boxers? No I wanted to be you and how it feels. I like it this way because I have less to remove on you and she just removed her night shirt. I got on the bed as Maria went to lock the door and came back to the bed. I told her as a joke can we just talk? She looked at me like are you fucking crazy with a naked woman in a bed ready to fuck your brains out. Payback…you should see your face. She said ok as she went down on me to bite my head as she looks at me. Ha,ha,ha…easy with the teeth. I can get a better payback remember that…lol ok you win. I told her to bring that box up here 69. I had a great view as I slide my finger over her lips as I can see the moist lips that was already waiting for me. I had a great view of her small tight asshole that was clean color skin so that means two things: not touch much and she keeps herself clean. I slide my tongue up and down between her lips as she slides up and down my shaft. I hear o baby I like that so I did it over and over then moved my thumb over her asshole. O yes, you really do like my ass…do that again as she went back down on me. I was parting her lips with each lick and moving my thumb back forth over her asshole. I wanted to push it in but was not sure I had the green light yet. She was doing real good on me as I slapped her ass and told her to saddle me cowgirl style. She was riding me as I pulled her hair together on her back…I love your hair. I hope you love all of me. I didn’t walk into that one as I kept my mouth zipped. I slapped that right ass cheek come of on baby ride that horse bareback. I felt her ride it faster as I moved my hand over her back pushing her forward so I could see my cock move in and out. Damm that is sexy ass and I moved my thumb back to her asshole again and again. I felt her tighten around my cock so I knew she was about to cum soon. Go for it baby…as I moved my thumb over her ass and slowly pushed it in. She popped her juices all over my cock as my thumb went knuckle deep inside…o baby that feels so good. She was shaking like never before so I knew she cumming any second as felt her release on me. She told how do you want to cum baby? Let’s do doggystyle good I like that position but remember don’t cum in me…yes I know you are not on the pill. She got on all fours on the bed as I got back behind her as I looked her over…Damm you look beautiful in this position. I grabbed my hard cock and rubbed up and down her lips then pushed myself between them an to my surprise Maria pushed back on me all the way fully as I rested completely in her. She went down on her elbows with her fine ass up for me and I started fucking her slowly. I pulled her hair together as I held in in my left hand and pulled her head back a litte. O baby I love it when your cock is in me this way. I used my right hand and rubbed my thumb over her asshole again. I slowed down and popped my knuckle in her ass as she gave a loud sound of pleasure. O bad boy. She was breathing heavier each time I pounded her pussy and kept my thumb in her ass. I was feeling tightening around my cock again after 5 mins. So I removed my thumb and released her hair to the side. She told me to keep fucking me harder baby so I grabbed her hips to give more pressure and deeper into her. Her orgasm escapes her body on my cock and was shaking until I pulled out and shot my load on her back with 4 heavy streams. I rested my body on her as I kissed her cum free shoulder then she falls completely on her stomach. I asked her if I need to carry you to the shower? You might have too. I would love to carry you anywhere you need to go.

I reached under her body as she reached around my neck and I lifted her up to the shower. I carried her 5’ 10 body to the shower as she kissed me. I lowered her feet to the floor and we went back to kissing. I broke the kiss and told her lady’s first into the shower and as she walked in I slapped her ass nicely. Ouch…o baby I think you like my Portugal ass. I do! She turned on the water as I turned on the other shower head as we both washed ourselves at the same time. I just watched the water flow over her body with 34DD as she washed her hair. I turned off my shower head as she was rinsing out the conditioner from her hair. I stepped out of the shower and dried off as I held a towel out for her. I wrapped her body and held her close to me with a soft kiss. Let’s go to bed….give me a couple minutes so I can dry my hair a little more. Ok, I hope I am not sleeping before you come to bed because you tired me out.

I got in bed with my boxers put my head on the pillow then she came out to unlock the bedroom door. She got in the bed nude as she faced me. Mark thank you for a wonderful dinner and staying with me tonight. Thank you for accepting my dinner offer tonight and hopefully tomorrow too. Yes, I will call you tomorrow and I don’t think it will be a problem. Maria I want to make sure I am not taking time away from Marco with you. The last couple of days it’s just been you and I. I like Marco and mom & son are very important growing up. If you can make dinner tomorrow night it will only be dinner not saying I don’t want to sleep over again but I don’t want Marco to think anything more with us. Mark you are so right and that makes me like you even more each time you speak about us. She kissed me and turned over as she moved her naked body against me and I wrapped my arms around her. Mark…yes.. personally no one has done that to me. What do you mean? Your finger in my ass but I always wanted to know how it would feel..thank you. Did you like it? Yes, it help me cum so much more and faster for some reason. Well maybe we can stop in a sex store this weekend. Really? Why not…I have never been in one. Wait a minute you don’t have any toys? I didn’t say I didn’t have toys just never been in a sexy store. So may I ask what do you have? I have 3 toys. Maybe the next time you can show me…you want to see them now? No, next time let’s get some sleep. Ok, goodnight baby…goodnight my Portugal queen as she squeezed my arms.

Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt 2 0 (0)


Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal that that says Go Dolphins.

We got to my car then I told her I will see you tomorrow morning and she replied I wish it was 10am already. She leaned in with another strong deep kiss as my back rested against the car as I held her tight against me. This felt so good and my penis rested against her that I know she felt. We broke the kiss and I told her she better get back in your condo before I throw you the back of my car. She reached down and grabbed my cock saying I bet he is speaking right now for you…with a very sexy smile. Ok, you got me and I will see you tomorrow as I give her a quick kiss on the forehead. I got in my car and drove home looked forward on having the greatest weekend in my life so far.

The Sunday morning sun was my alarm clock as I rubbed my eyes as I rolled to see my clock. O shit it’s 9AM as I jumped out of bed and ran to the shower for a quick wake up shower and a little landscaping below. Got to my room for some shorts and t-shirt plus I grab an extra pair of clothes if any plans changed after the game. I grabbed the 2 bags of ice from the freezer that I purchased on the way home yesterday. I spread it over the beer in the cooler that was sitting in my trunk and drove to my Dad’s house to pickup Maria. I looked at the car clock showing 9:30AM so I should make it by 10AM. I was thinking what would Maria be wearing for the game as it was making me get a little excited. As I got to my Dad’s house Maria car was not their but it was 9:55AM so I went inside because I still needed to get the 2 tickets for the game. As usual my Dad the early bird was up in the kitchen making something to eat with a Blood Mary. Hi Dad…Good morning ready for the game son specially taking Maria? Yes, she is really a cool girl. Son she is more then cool..she is a hottie and you know it if you are a Smith. How was the beach yesterday because I heard it was fun. I hear you saved Marco from the water…WOW no secrets here! Dad can I get the tickets before I forget and he said check the table. Thanks Dad! I have 2 request…what do I need to do? Please don’t drive drunk and don’t hurt Maria. Deal! I really mean it son…Maria is your stepmom Goddaughter and I will have to hear it if anything goes bad. I understand Dad and I will not do anything I will regret. Good to hear that son as I hear the door bell ring. I said that should be Maria so I walked to the door as I open it was Marco & Maria.

I am sorry I was a little problem it’s only 10:10 as I look at my watch. Come in as they both walk in and I see Marco run to the pool area and Maria don’t go in the water yet Marco. As I see Maria looking hotter then yesterday…she had on some tight teal yoga shorts with a white Miami Dolphin t-shirt with a big V that gave me a nice tity view. Wow…you look beautiful more each time I see you as she walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and said thank you sweetie. I watched her walk to my stepmom as she was coming from the pool area and they started speak Portuguese with some laughter. I said what is so funny? Rebecca said you need to learn Portuguese. I need someone to teach me..Maria says I will teach you. Ok, deal and we better start heading to the game. Give me 5 mins? Ok, as she continue to talk to Rebecca about Marco and gave her cell number and I told Rebecca that I will have my cell if needed too. Maria gave her son a kiss by the pool area and then said good bye as we walked to my car. Maria asked me if I wanted to take her car I said no problem let’s take my car because I have the cooler in my trunk. I opened her door so she could get in the car and she said what a Gentlemen.

I started driving to the stadium gates for season ticket holders and notice my brothers RV parked so I parked as close to him as I could. Before we got out of the car Maria asked me if she could have a kiss before we head to my brother. Yes, I been wanting to kiss you when you came in the door. Maria moved closer to me and started to apply her lips when her cell phone rang. Hold your lips as is as I take this call. I hear her say hello then she changed to Portuguese as the call went on about 5 mins and I waited in my seat. Maria sounded like she was finishing the call so I joked around by getting back in the kissing position and I saw her ending the call as she turned her head to me. She started to laugh because I showed my kissing fish lips but that didn’t stop her for coming in to meet my lips. She kissed me with some much passion as we played tonsil hockey for a long minute before we broke the kiss. You can kiss me anytime like that again. Ilex me tell you a little about my brother Larry and his wife Kate. They are really cool to party with and they have all the food with liquor because I got the beer. I told her if she wanted to leave her purse in my trunk but bring your cell and ID. As we got out of the car I clicked on the trunk button to open the trunk on my BMW 324i convertible. She placed her purse in the trunk behind the cooler as I grabbed the cooler out of the car. I sat the cooler down on the ground and asked me if you want me to hold your ID & phone? O yes that would great if you can hold my ID sweetie but I will hold my phone for now. She placed her purse in my trunk. As I close the trunk I went to grab both handles on the cooler. Maria said let get one side and help you. Maria grabbed one handle as we both walked to my brothers RV. I have to say it again you are going to turn a lot of heads at this game and my brother with be in shock that I can date a girl this good looking. Maria says you are joking because I find you very attractive and happy I met you. Thank you sexy! As we continued to walk thru the parking lot looking at every guy turn to look at Maria and noticed 1 guy get hit in the arm by his wife.GF looking at Maria. We arrived at the RV as I see Kate coming out of the RV then she spoke out Larry your brother is her. We put down the cooler and I introducing Maria to Kate as Larry was coming out and immediately said holy shit how did you get this pretty lady Mark. I told you he was a live wire we all laughed and Kate said to Larry be nice to Marks guest. They did the hand shake and he asked me did I bring the beer and I replied yes right here. I asked Maria & Kate what would you ladies like: Bud Light, Stella, Heineken, or start to the liquor? Maria said I will take a Bud Light and Kate the same. I handed everyone a open beer and myself as we all cheered Go Dolphins. Larry walked over to the grill that was already started up and we started chatting like the girls did. Larry asked me how did you meet Maria “Damm she is cute”. I met hear at Dad’s house. How? She is Rebecca Goddaughter. better be good to hear because I don’t want to hear the shit from Rebecca because I will if the shit heads south. Specially Dad…I know. I see Kate & Maria talking up a storm and Larry said you better get over their…lol I walked over with a comment “Ladies you need to stop talking about me with a laugh”. Kate said o boy he heard us Maria as we all laughed. Maria said I was just telling her how we met and yesterday beach trip with Marco. Yes, it was a good time. Kate said we should head to their house one weekend and go out in the boat with Marco. Maybe we should look it to later later this mouth. Kate said I bet Marco would love fishing and swimming out on the boat. Ok, we can talk more about that trip later. I am coming over to see what you ladies would like to eat…pause…the girls looked at each other and laughed…ok that came out wrong. Hamburger, cheeseburger, Hot Dog, or Sausage? Wow..that is a lot of food..Maria replied. Welcome to the Smile tailgate party! As Kate said I need to get some vegetables cut for the food excuse me. Maria asked can I help she no need relax and spend time with Candy man…as she laughed walking inside the RV. I looked at Maria as she smiled at me..what? Candy Man to Maria. I just said you are so sweet that I want to eat you up like a Candy Bar. I told her the way you look is making my Candy bar happy as she gave me a sexy smile and biting her lower lip…yummy as she walked over to Larry at the grill. I had to use the bathroom so I walked into the RV as Kate was cutting the vegetables on the plate. She asked me you need anything I said yes the bathroom to release the Candy Man liquid as I walked to the door. Kate was a hotly herself married to my brother about 5’3 110lbs with a little Greek butt and I guess 36C boobs. As I closed the door I heard Kate mumble out I bet you got a nice candy bar as I heard exit the RV. After I finished washing my hands I opened the bathroom door as Kate was coming back in. As I walked toward her she was reaching for another serving plate over the stove. I asked you need any help as I reached behind her her Greek butt was resting against my relieved cock and I heard her say o boy. Opps sorry I didn’t mean that to problem somethings get in the way as she turned around grabbing her boobs. We both smile as I exited the RV and she followed me out to the food table. I looked over at Larry talk to Maria and noticed the height difference. I always wanted to know how Maria 5’ 10 & I must look like together as Larry is 6’6 260lbs and me 6’4. Maria looked so damm hot in the yoga shorts…as I whispered “Damm she is hot”…then I heard Kate say yes you are correct and turned to Kate..opps I thought I was saying that in my head…lol Kate said she sounds like a keeper. I reply time will tell as she said good answer. Kate spoke up Larry is the food ready..Yes, coming over in 2 mins. I said does anyone need another drink…Larry yes BL, Kate the same, and Maria said I will take a Stella. Larry turned around to me and said watch out she is up scaling us now….so that means we will have to take a shot after lunch. So I handed Maria a plate as we made are our plates of food with all the works. We all sat down at the table and enjoyed the food and the parking lot music including the RV’s. Maria said great job on the burgers Larry and vegetables Kate they tasty so fresh. Kate said it’s from our garden at home. Larry joked around to me as to keep Maria because she like his food…then Maria asked me if I can cook like my brother. I heard laugher from Kate & Larry..I don’t think we every seen him behind a stove or grill. I spoke saying I sometimes cook on the grill at home for mom…Larry says ok…lol. Just joking with you little brother I bet you can cook if need too. After we all finished and started clean up we had about 1 hr to game time so we sat around drinking. Maria & I must have been on the 5th round of beers now going to the 6th but Maria said let me make a quick call..ok. As she walked out to the parking lot road I was watching her and Larry said she sound like she is a strong lady to be a single mother and great career too. I looked at him and said yes she is a strong person for sure to raise her son alone, but I never asked her what she did. Larry & Kate laughed at me you didn’t ask her what she does for a living…NO, I totally was lost in her beauty and how nice it was to talk to someone that was not a value girl. I understand that Mark as Kate tells me she is a International Lawyer with a big company Downtown Miami. O shit…I didn’t know that but that don’t change my view of her as a person. As Kate & Larry went speechless and I knew that she was right behind me. I said Maria is right behind me and they both shook their heads up/down. Maria spoke up and said I am glad you feel that way Mark because we never talked about our careers. Larry got up for another beer and asked if anyone wanted one…please I said as I looked at Maria you want to take a walk? Sure, and I will take one too. We got the beers and started to walk as Larry said we are head in the gate 12:45 so be here or see you at the seats..Ok. We started walking and talking about are careers and I told her that I am really sorry that I never asked you what you did for a living. She said that she is at falt to for not asking me my career. I told her I don’t carry if she was a nanny or a CEO of a big company because I like you and want to see we’re the road will take us. She look at me with water in her eyes to tell me that was all she was hoping for with me and I like you a lot if you don’t know by now. As I leaned over to kiss her right then and now. I reached her as my hands got the back of her head and the lips touch with the strongest kiss so far with her. I heard a crowd of people yelling and whistling as we broke the kiss..she was beet red in the face and I was on the blush side myself as we started walking again holding hands back to the RV. We just got back before they held to the stadium and grabbed another beer for us both. I heard Kate call Maria inside the RV as she walked inside. Larry asked me is everything ok? Yes, everything is great thanks for asking but you could have stopped me when she was behind me…as he laughed at me and said no it was funny watching your face but you didn’t say anything wrong straight from the heart. Larry yelled out let’s go ladies we are going to miss the kick off. They both walked out with a smile on the faces that was definitely questionable but I didn’t ask.

As we headed to the stadium escalator we followed Larry & Kate as I was behind Maria looking at her sweet yoga ass. I asked her if she does yoga and she said yes and other sports. Do you like my teal yoga shorts that I got after you departed yesterday? Yes, as I placed my hand on her ass with a strong squeeze. You bad boy came out of her mouth as Kate caught it too. Kate said whispering is he being a bad candy man with a laugh and turned around. I looked at Maria with my lips on silence mode you are going to get it and she replied I hope so. As we got to the top about to get off the escalator. I slapped her ass as she turned around fast as I wrapped my arms around her getting off the escalator. She leaned in on my ear I am going to tease you the whole game now as she bite my ear softly. I was not sure if I pissed her off now with that slap but I was not going to ask now. We headed to the seats and I told them I am going to get some beers and Larry said here some money no you get the next round. Ok.. Maria said I will come with you ok. So we got to the concessions and stood in line as Maria wrapped her arms around me from behind. I had to ask her…are we ok? She said why wouldn’t we? Well I was not sure if you were pissed off at me for slapping your ass coming up. O no but you will regret slapping my ass in public without my ok…as she give me a smile. O shit I said and she said o shit yes. What is the saying in the states..Payback is a we both laugh. Ok, I will never do that again I promise thank you unless I ask for it. How does that work? You will know when it’s time…Ok. So as we stood I felt Maria moving her hands under my jersey that hangs below my waist and rubbing my abs. I love your tight stomach so here is one way I am going to pay you back…then I felt one hand slide inside my shorts with a tight grip on my semi hard on. She whispered in my ear how does that feel as I moved my head to her staying you win as she lets go and walked forward to the counter to order. We walked back to the seats with 4 beers in the nick of time for kickoff. I leaned over to Maria asking her if she wanted me to hold her phone. She said no I have a place as she puts the phone on vibrate and slides it inside her yoga shorts up front. She looks at me with a smile and I said I wish I was your phone right now. Me too! I told her you never gave me your number and she said you never asked for it. Can I have your number.? yes give me your phone so she added it and handed it back. So I text her right then to give her my number…as she froze in the chair and looked at me. I just texted you my number with a smile…that was the best text msg I got in a very long time as she smiled at me. So when went back watching the game and explaining the basic rules and points. The game was going fast and almost halftime I asked Maria do you need the bathroom…o yes I could go so come with me. I told them we are heading to the bathroom before half and get some more beer. Larry said good idea let’s all go now before the bathroom lines are crazy. We all got up just before the 2 min warning as the Dolphins have the ball. I told them we will be in the beer line when you get out. Kate & Maria headed to the ladies with a little line and us guys had no line. Larry & I headed to beer line after that was longer then the men bathroom line for sure. The ladies came out laughing and chatting about something. I knew both were getting a little buzzed by now. Kate came up to Larry and wrapped her arms around him and Maria did the same to me. I ask are you lady’s having a good time..o yes and I have to get Maria’s new phone holder as they both laughed out loud. Larry turned around and said what phone holder as Maria tapped her yoga shorts in front. I hope you have that on vibrate..she said yes I am just waiting for a call or text as she laughed. I asked does anyone want peanuts with beer.. sure grab a bag Maria said beer & nuts are a must right for football. Larry tells me she is a keeper!..Maria & I look at each other and said “time will tell”. We headed back to our seats for the second half Kate & Maria sat together as I sat between Kate & Larry. The Dolphins were losing with 5 mins remaining in the third quarter. I asked does anyone need a beer? Larry said I am done because I have to drive and I agree to for me. Maria and Kate looked at each other as Kate said split one with me…sure. Ok I will hit the bathroom and get 1 beer. So as I was walked out of the bathroom I was thinking I should text Maria again as a joke. I got the 1 beer and stood at the top before heading down to the seats I text her to see her head move back and then grab her shorts for the phone to read the text “You are the best looking girl in this stadium”. Thank you for coming! Now I headed down to the seats handed Kate the beer and walked in front of Maria as she grabs my ass with a squeeze. I sat down to watch the remaining of the game it was getting better because Dolphins were driving down to take the lead. Then the unbelievable happen with an interception inside the red zone and the Bills ran it back for a touchdown. So the Dolphins are losing 31 -21 now. We still have the 4th quarter to come back Larry. Next think that made the heat go up in the stadium was when Kate & Maria remove the shirt as they sat in bikini tops “Surprise”. Before we knew it it was the 4th Qtr with 4 minutes remaining down by 3 points and Miami had the ball at its own 35 yard line. The crowd was going crazy as Miami was moving the ball to be inside the Bills 25 yard line with less then 2 mins. I don’t want overtime I said and Larry says I agree. I looked over at Maria/Kate as they were really into the game at the edge of the seat. The QB dropped back threw the ball across the middle of the field to the wide receiver and he ran to the 3 yard line with 40 seconds and running and no timeouts. They ran up on the line and spiked the ball to stop the clock. Maria looked over to Kate asking her why did he do that? Kate told her the reason he skied the ball and Maria looked like she understood the reason now. The next play the QB handed the ball off to the running back as he crossed the goal line “Touchdown”. Everyone in the stadium was yelling and jumping up and down. I high five my brother and then turn to Kate & Maria I saw them jumping up & down hugging each other. That was a sweet view 2 hot girls jumping up & down in bikini tops. Then the unexpected happen Kate turned around to us as her right tit was out in the open as she went to hugged me jumping up & down like she did with Maria. Kate’s tits rubbing up & down my chest as I was looking at Maria as I spoke in silence to her you are next as we broke the hug with Kate. I moved my head to Kate’s ear be calm but your right tit is out of your suit. We broke the hug as she fixes herself as she looks up you like? I smiled as I walked to Maria as she came to me with wide open arms as we hugged and I kissed her forehead then her lips. I asked her did you like the game and she thanked me with another passion kiss. Yes!

We started to walk out of the stadium holding hands as I lead the way to the RV. We got to the RV as Larry unlocked the door and he headed to the bathroom as we all waited outside as I setup the chairs again to let the traffic die down. Kate went in to use the bathroom as Larry was coming out. I told Maria you can go next when Kate comes out as she said thank you. Maria headed to the door as Kate exited and Kate spoke out saying I feel so much better now. I grabbed my phone and text her..”I love you ass”. I noticed her stop before going into the bathroom thru the window as she turned her head toward me with a smile. I headed toward the RV and waited inside as Larry was cleaning up the grill. She came out as she noticed me standing waiting for the bathroom. She walked up to me and told me that shower is to small for us like yesterday. As she walked to pass me I grabbed her hand and told her thank again for coming with me and kissed her as I applied my hand on the back of her head. As the kiss got more passionate as the tongues moved like music in each mouths like one. I heard my brother yell get a room Mark as we broke the kiss. I tapped her butt as I headed to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered how lucky I was to meet Maria. I exited the RV wanting to take Maria straight to her place and fuck her so badly. What a surprise seeing Maria and Kate drinking a beer with 4 shots sitting on the table. Larry looks at me and says we didn’t take the shots after lunch. I looked at Kate and Maria can we be exempt from taking the shots because we have drive? Kate looked at Maria can that request be legal in court? Maria said legally we can’t force them to drink…specially if they care more for the personal cargo I think they should be exempt so do you agree? I agree Maria they can have a pass this time. I said you can have the 2 extra shots because we are driving. Maria said I am up for it if you are Kate…sure let’s do them both. Larry spoke up saying remember we all work tomorrow so we better start to head out soon. The ladies knock 2 shots down quick and Maria didn’t make any face on the first one but did on the second shot. Are we ready to go? Sure. I helped picked up the chairs and placed them in the RV with a quick leak before heading the road. So I carried the cooler as Maria walked next to me back to my car. I grabbed 2 waters for the drive back home after I put the cooler in the trunk. I started driving out of stadium when she reached over and held my knee “Thank You” for a great time this weekend. I hope we have a lot more good times like this in the future. I hope so too! Got on the highway and Maria said keep your eyes on the road as she leaned over as I felt her hand over my cock. I told her you don’t have to but I can’t stop you because two hands must be on the steering wheel at all time. She pulled herself closer to me and moved my shorts down so she could get my cock out in her hand. She was slowly stroking me then she moved her mouth over my head then she looked up at me then said keep your eyes on the road. She looked so hot sucking me as she moved down more and more each time deeper. She was making it a sloppy BJ and closer to no return. I placed my right hand on her shorts and started to rub her sweet tight ass. I had to have more so I moved my hand in the back on yoga shorts to feel the smooth Portuguese skin. It felt so good as she liked it to with a couple of mouns. She must have hit a higher gear on my cock as soon as my finger moved over her asshole then got to her pussy. I popped 1 finger inside as I played with her pussy. I can feel more wetness on my finger and she sucked me tighter as I felt her leg part more open for me to get deeper. I told her I was about to pop as she picked up the speed wanting my cum based on her skills. I had to put my car on cruise control because I didn’t want to go over the speed limit in my position. Just as I click control I felt my balls tighten up and I exploded in her mouth as I moved my finger like crazy on her g-spot as she started to cum. Maria sucked everything out of me then looked up at me and said I have been wanting this since yesterday. I pulled my hand out of her shorts as she got back to her seat as she adjusted her yoga shorts. I linked my fingers to taste her pussy as she looked at me. You like my taste? O I do. I handed her the water as we both look at each other saying Thank you at the same time. Maria surprised me by asking if I could come over to her condo plus she shouldn’t drive home in her condition. I would love to come over or spend the night but I don’t want Marco to think anything bad of us. I want you to stay the night but don’t know how I will tell Marco because I have never had someone overnight. Let’s play it safe by me just driving you home and take it from there. Ok, let’s see how it goes. I pulled into the driveway and told Maria you need to put your shirt back on. She didn’t know her shirt was still off. O boy I am definitely driving you home so let’s make it quick. We walked in with a quick hi and Maria got a hug from Marco then he came to me did you get me something Mark? Yes, I got you a Dolphin game magazine plus a calendar and I can’t wait to see it at home. Rebecca asked us if we were hungry and we both said we are full from the game. I walked over to the kitchen to talk to my Dad to tell him I was going to leave my car here for the night. Why? I need to drive Maria and Marco home because she had a little more to drink then me. Ok, thank you being smart and safe.

So we made are goodbyes and headed to Maria car as I went to my car for Marco’s gifts and my clothes. I put the stuff in her trunk and started driving to Maria’s condo. We arrived to the residence gate as waved her key and the gates opened for us to park under the condo. We all got to the elevator then arrived to her door. She opened the door as Marco walked in first and like yesterday hit the shower and wash your hair. I noticed the clock showing 6:30PM and I asked what do you need me to do. She tells me just relax. I said can I turn on the TV? Sure, please feel like you are home. Do you want anything to drink…I will get it like at home…as I walk bye her she grabs my arm to a complete stop looking at her. Thank you for driving us home as she gave me a short kiss on the lips. Anything for you then I felt a slap on my butt go get your water and the glasses are on the right side of the sink. Do you want a glass of water…sure. Marco had the fastest showers because he was out in the living room within 10 mins. Maria smelled his hair to make sure he washed it. Marco here is your Dolphin magazine and calendar then he ran it to his room “Thank you”. As I walked to the couch to watch the remaining 4:30 game Marco asked me if I was staying over? I was speechless then Maria said he drove us home but are you ok if he stayed? Yes, I am fine but mommy you will need to wash his clothes again like yesterday. Yes, good idea Marco. Mark do you want to shower now or do you want me to go first? Maria tells me with her eyes to go ahead first. Ok heading now and leave your clothes outside the door like yesterday. Ok, will do. Marco ask Maria can I play video’s now. Yes, but remember bedtime is 8pm because you have school tomorrow. As I was walking in the bathroom Maria came in behind me. I am dying to be in the shower with you again but I will give 10 minutes before I come back. I got the water temperature right and washed my body good and hair then I heard the door open. I looked thru the steamed up glass as I see put her hair in a tie. Then she walked in the shower as I was facing her with a hard on already. She said I guess someone is happy to see me then we kissed. I wrapped my arms around her as the body blended as one under the warm water. I moved her completely under the water as we broke the kiss and told her let me clean you up. I got the her bath soap on the sponge then placed it on her back as I went to town cleaning her. She washed the front of her body then asked her to rise off. She started to wash her hair as I kneeled down with her back to me and rubbed her ass telling her ass feels so good. Turn around and give me your leg baby…o yes you are reading my mind please eat me. She rested her leg on my shoulder as I rolled my tongue over her lips that made her shake with pleasure then I parted her lips with my tongue to taste her sweetness. I felt her hand on my head as she spoke to me tell me you can eat my pussy anytime. I flicked my tongue back and forth between her lips as I felt hand grab my hair tighter as she said yes keep doing that please. I did it again and again for sometime as she shook. I was felling her left leg pushing against my neck like she was getting close to cumming. I move my left hand around her ass then moved my fingers between her ass cheeks. O yes is all I heard with the water hitting the shower stone floor. I got my thumb rubbing her pussy and my center finger over her asshole rubbing them both. That was all I needed to do as she spoke out “O God, O God…Then in had a little rush of water come flowing out on to my face and then both her hands grabbed my shoulders pulling me closer to her. I popped my center finger in her asshole a little then she went to shaking and cum again back to back within a min. I pulled my finger out and just held her ass with both hands until she came down from that experience. I stood up and we wrapped are arms around each other as the water came over us both. She was still breathing heavy and I asked her if she was ok. I never felt better thanks to you. She kissed me and we held each other for a good minute and she said we better get out before Marco come knocking…yes good point. I will let you out first so Marco don’t think anything. I stayed in to clean my face and hand. I turned off the water and as I stepped out Maria passed me a towel. As she was walking back out I slapped her ass she stopped in her tracks again. O shit did I do it again. Fuck me! She turned her head back and surprised me do that again but the other side. I did it again and I heard her say I like that kind on butt slap. She turned around dried my chest off and then went straight to my package to dry. O he is so big and wants to play but we will play later…is that a promise…O yes it is as she steps out and wraps the towel around her hair. I followed behind with the towel wrapped around my waist as Maria clicked on the remote control to close the shades and more lights for the room. The bedroom door was closed so I dropped my towel to put my boxers and shorts on. I looked over at Maria as she just put on another pair of yoga short and a T-shirt. We looked at each other and she said you still want to stay overnight? Yes, if you & Marco are ok with it as she walks over to me. I don’t want to scare you but I am really like you in this short time. I feel the same way but I don’t want to scare you either so let’s take it slow and easy so neither of us get hurt. Maria kissed me then walked to open the door to the living room to Marco. I came out and sat on the couch with Marco as Maria went to the kitchen. Does anyone need anything and Marco said can I have some ice cream…sure I will bring it out as she asked me if I wanted some too. No thank you. As Maria came over to give Marco his ice cream as she bend down she was giving me a great view of her tits as she looked up at me with a smile…got you with a smile. O yes you did. Where is your shirt? I was going to ask Marco if I could use one of his shirts…Marco turn to me you can fit in my shirts and laughed at me. why not? You are to big for them. Ok, I guess I will have to find a shirt as I walked back to the bedroom to grab my shirt from the bag. As I was putting on my shirt Maria came up behind me with her arms wrapping around me saying I love how you joke around with Marco on the shirt. I turned around and told her I like Marco and I am a kid sometimes too so don’t be surprised if I am play video games with him one day. I would love to see that one day. I reach with both my hands to her face and kissed her and told her I hope you have a strong bed. I don’t know because I have had no one to test out with me and if not I would be fine buying a new one if we break it…lol Maria noticed the clock and said I need to get Marco in bed it’s 8 o’clock as she walked out to tell him to finish up and go brush your teeth for bed. I sat on the couch watching a show and Marco came up to me and gave me a hug. I told him goodnight and sweet dreams as he ran back to his room as Maria watched him. Maria came out as I was laying out on the couch and she came over rest against my chest. I placed my hand in her long hair and told her I love your hair. Do you like long or short hair? I like long hair but some short hair styles look just as good as long hair but it your hair so do what makes you feel good. She looks up at me…you saying everything I like to hear and that makes it easier for me to fall for you more. I leaned down to kiss her as it turned into a very long passion kiss and make out session as she moved up on my body. She moved to sit on my lap as we continue to kiss deeply and I had to hold her yoga shorts. She was moving her hips on my hard cock resting against my stomach so it felt good for us both. I moved my left hand to her right breast under the shirt as my fingers played with her nipple. She was a great kisser and had a lot of passion that was the best make out session in my life. Next minute I felt her body start to shake with her hips as we continue to kiss then she broke the kiss with heavy breathing. Oh my I can’t stop… she came on my lap in her yoga shorts then I felt wetness coming on my shorts. I knew I didn’t explode so I was thinking she squirted again like the shower. She collapsed on my body as her head rested on my shoulder next to my ear breathing heavy still. Baby you know how to push me over the edge and I love it. are the best kisser and other things too. Like? Ok, don’t get a big head know you are the: Smart, Best kisser, sexiest woman in my eyes, killer body, strong person, great values, teaching your son respect for others, and great mother. Is that all you got on me? No…Go on…the best looking ass in yoga shorts and hands down the best BJ I have ever had in my life. She slaps me in the pig. As I grab her tightly against my body and whisper should we take this to your room. Yes, but let’s chat a little more to make sure Marco is asleep. Ok! She asked me what time do you need to be at your store in the morning? I can go in anytime based on your schedule so when do you need to go to work? Normally I am in the office around 8AM..what time is Marco go to school? No problem with that my mother will pick him up around 7AM and pick him up after school. I didn’t know she was in the states..o yes she lives two doors down from me. Wow…another surprise! What about your father? She looked at me with a sad face I don’t know my father because he left my mother before I was born. Damm sorry to hear that. I will introduce you later when the time is right. Ok, I will leave that up to you when I meet her. She is going to love you so I need to watch you both. I gave her a funny look what do you mean? She is young, good looking for her age, single all her life since I was born, and I don’t want her to take you away from me.

I laughed don’t worry no will take me away from you sexy..I promise…don’t promise if you have not seen her…just joking with you. As she hops up off of me she notices my pants wet…did you? No, that is from you… oh my I must have cum a lot. See what you did to me as she had a great smile on her face because I was have never done that before in my life. You never squirted? No…see you make me so horney I do things out of control with you. Is that a bad thing? She smiled with a NO…plus I love the way you make me feel with you. Good to hear so let me make you feel better in your room..ok give me 1 min to check on Marco. I walked into the bedroom and remove shorts as my cock is 3/4 hard still and as I turn around Maria comes in the room closing the door with a lock. I ask her if she wanted to rise off she said I can if you want me too. No need because you will be wet again shortly as I smiled back at her. She removes her clothes and hops in the bed spreading out on it. I walked to the other side and she said freeze. She moves to me and says I was wanted to do something from a movie I saw. She slides my cock in her mouth laying on the bed and as I placed my hand in her long hair. O yes was all I could say as I look down at this beautiful woman’s body laying out that I was going to make love too. She stop for a second as she moved over to back and started sucking my cock upside down with her legs spread open. Did I die and go to heaven. I reached down with both hands and played with her nipples pinching, grabbing, and rolling my fingers over them as she was working me over deeply. I bend over her to push my right hand down her stomach to her treasured pussy. I moved my fingers over her lips and rolled them around as I heard her gasp with my cock. I started to feel tightness in my balls so I knew I was about to cum. I told her I was getting close and she it in high gear suck-on. I think I didn’t last 15 seconds after she hit that gear as I let lose of my load in her throat and mouth. She didn’t miss any of my cum as she swallow everything and as she departed from my cock looking up at me. Did you like that one? O yes that might be number 1…might be? I don’t want you to think that was the best because you will not try to be better…lol I like that thinking. I got on the bed and told her to come over her as she crawled over to me. I want this night to be memorable for the rest of our lives for both of us. We kiss passionate for another 2-3 minutes then I rolled her over on her back in her King size bed. I moved down her body kissing/sucking on her neck, tits, nipples, stomach, rolled my tongue in her bellybutton, and then parted her lips with my tongue as you gasped. I smelled her earlier juices on the skins and is was delicious. I kneeled between her as I pulled her legs back toward her and she grabbed her ankles. I looked at this position at her pussy and asshole. I went to town on that sweet pussy and she moved every time my tongue slide between her lips with “yes” out of her mouth. I pushed my tongue inside her pussy as I held the lips parted with my fingers with the tongue thrust inside. She was gasping and telling me I love what you are doing…please don’t stop..That just made me feel so good that she was loving it and wanted more so I gave her what she wanted. I push my face deeper to the pussy and thrusted my tongue even deeper as I felt her legs close on my head with her grabbing the back of my head into her pussy. She released herself again with squirting on my face and her talking out “eat my pussy don’t pull your tongue out of me”. I had to close my eyes as the second squirt got in my noise and eyes. I felt her release my head with her legs and slowly pulled my face away all wet as I look at Maria. She moved up to me as we kissed me so she could tasted herself with my tongue. I joked around telling her she needs to change the sheets tomorrow.

Give me 1 min as I head to the bathroom to clean my face. Can you bring me a towel…sure. I came back with a towel and started to rub her pussy saying need me to clean this up. Maria smiled and said I prefer your mouth…I love eating your pussy..that is good to hear…I shaved it last night for you…I noticed it was shaved in the shower. Do you like it shaved or a little landing strip? I am good with either way if it’s your pussy. Damm you say everything right..come up her I want your lips as another make out session. She was getting warmed up again as she broke the kiss and looked at me with a questionable face. Can you do me two favors? Yes, what? Be easy with me with that stick it’s been over a yard for me. Ok, will take it slow…and? Can you not cum inside of me because I am not on the pill yet. Sure, so do you want me to use a rubber? It s all up to you sweetie. Ok, I will pull out when I need to cum. Ok, good because I wanted to feel the real hard candy man in me. As I grabbed my hard cock to line it up to Maria’s treasure box as my head touched her lips. I slowly slide between her lips as my head moved inside. I was looking at Maria as she opened her mouth and closed her eyes halfway…Please go slow as she gasp again. I moved my cock deeper in her slower as half of me must be in as I moved my face down for a kiss. Her lips felt different for some reason and then I pushed a little more as I feel her long legs wrap around me. I stopped myself 3/4 and moved back out slow and just as my head hit the air I pushed back in. I felt her legs tighten on me and her gasp in my mouth as I push myself fully in her slowly. I had her hands on my back but then i was feeling her nails in my back as I was completely in her box. I just froze kissing her as I enjoyed the feeling of her completely around me in some many ways: arms, nails in the back, legs wrapped around my back, and that sweet pussy holding my cock. We both are breathing a little heavier so I broke the kiss to ask her if she is ok. O God yes never felt anything like you. Please fuck me slowly and pick up the speed as you want but please don’t cum in me. I understand so tell me if you need me to stop. Fuck me now she said…with a smile. I moved my cock back out and back in faster each stroke like I was drilling for oil. I knew that her pussy was the best pussy that I have had in my short life. Before I knew it she was cumming as her legs locked on me and her arms grabbed my ass helping me slam myself in her. She had her eyes closed as I was looking at her and I gave her a quick kiss. I felt myself getting close so I told her I am about explode so please release your legs. She released me and she said where do you want to cum? Tits ok? Yes, that is hot as I pulled out and moved up over her stomach and jerked off…she spoke to me shoot the hot white chocolate on my tits baby…shoot it…that did it for me as first shoot hit short, next one hit the right tit, and the three shoot got a wild hit to her face. We looked at each other with a big smile. Let have a quick shower Maria said..ok as we both headed to it. Go ahead in the shower and I will be in 1 min need to pee..ok. Got in and set the water temperature as I grabbed the soap to clean my body and still semi hard cock. I lotion up cock and cleaned up my face even if I love the smell of her pussy. I heard the door open as I was running the water over my face. I was feeling Maria grabbing my cock from behind and told my cock you can have me anytime. I love this Candy bar. I turned around tell you I love your candy box myself as I moved my right hand over her pussy and slide a finger inside. Her eyes opened up more and kissed me. Are you done with the water? Yes, let me get out of the way and I will see you in bed. I stepped out and dried off and had to piss so I made it quick. I washed my hands and then Maria told me you can brush your teeth with the new toothbrush under the sick. Thank you! Finished brushing my teeth and headed to the bed as I heard the water turn off.

I was laying in the bed with just my boxers on and I heard the door open as she came out with nothing on as she walked to her dresser and grabbed a long night shirt as she puts it on. Maria asked me if I needed water…sure great know me to well already. She came back with a bottle water and I opened it for a drink as she walked to the other side. Maria got under the sheets facing me as she moved her hair behind her it still a little wet she said. You are still wet or your she give me a smile both but let’s talk. Sure, What time are you waking up to drive me to my car in the morning? I am going to keep you as my hostage…o really as we both laugh. I would love to be your hostage..would you for life? We both looked at easy other for a long pause..I didn’t mean marriage…I understand but if it was and we knew each other earlier in my life I would say yes. She smile and noticed her eyes get a little watery. Can I tell you something Maria? Yes, please. I don’t know much of you in 48hrs but you are off my chart right now. Plus I still don’t understand how a man can cheat on you as well depart from his own son for another woman. She was about to speak let me finish please. How can another take your place a woman that gave birth to your son and who is beautiful as you are inside and out. I couldn’t leave a person like you even if it was a Victoria’s Secret model. She was crying now. Maria I don’t want you crying as I reached over you hug her. Mark…you are the sweetest man I have ever met in my life with so many kind words and Marco likes you too. I roll her on top of me under the sheets as I wiped one tear from her face. She said I have a personal question for you..Do you want to have kids? Yes. How many? maybe 3 or 4…her eyes got wide you serious? Yes, do you want more? Yes, but I would have to meet the right guy…Do you know anyone? I slapped her bare ass under the sheet as she went ouch. You are a bad boy and need some punishment as she moved under the sheets crawling to my very hard penis with all the pre-talk. I felt her hand pull my cock out then I felt her mouth over it with a purpose to make it fast. She was working my cock with the mouth and the hand was playing with my balls. I arched my back because she was not wasting any time nor wanting it to be a long process for me to cum. She had me cumming under 5 mins and it felt like a lot too. She finished and crawled back up to me after she swallowed then surprised me with a deep kiss. I didn’t care because I was falling for her quick but I couldn’t tell her yet. She broke the kiss and said are you ok with me kissing you after that…’s all good if you are ok with me doing the same. Yes, another thing we have together. What is that she asked? We both like oral and no problem kissing after it. Yes, she replied and I don’t taste bad do I? I laughed you taste delicious. I could have you everyday but I would overdose on sex with the Candy man with a smile. She turned over to see her clock and it was always 11PM . We better get some sleep..agreed. So I moved my arms around her holding her back against me. Maria sweet dreams and no wet she slapped my hand holding her. I kiss her on the back of head and she squeezed my hands tight as I know she was feeling me against her body..specially her ass. Thank you for a great weekend Mark.

How Diana Overcame Her Shyness Ch. 02 0 (0)


Diana’s story continues.

As it turned out, there never was a third date. Not as such, anyway.

For Diana the next couple of days were a blur of desire and confusion, with more than a little bit of guilt mixed in. She was conservative by nature and nice girls simply didn’t do what she had done, in her opinion, especially with a man she hardly knew. She felt as though she were blushing continuously, as images from that evening appeared and reappeared in her mind, over and over.

And yet, she realized, James had been right: she felt calmer, more centered and more self-confident. She was aware of a new sensuousness in her walk, as if someone had lubricated her hips. This proved to be a source of distraction, however, as it also constantly drew her attention between her legs, an area she had largely ignored in the past.

This in turn became another source of embarrassment and guilt. She had woken up the next morning, still half-dreaming, to discover her nightgown rucked up and her hand cupping and squeezing her vagina. And instead of quickly removing it she had allowed herself to drift back into her dream/memory of James touching and tonguing her there, using the tip of her middle finger to stroke her clitoris as she did so. But she had stopped almost immediately when a moan tried to force its way past her lips, as her roommate was still sleeping just a few feet away.

And it had been like that for two entire days: desire and guilt, guilt and desire. She was normally an excellent student but the memories and fantasies left no room in her mind for anything else.

She had to leave one class in the middle of a lecture when she suddenly became aware that beneath her desk-chair she was using the edge of her thumb to stroke herself through her pants as she re-lived, over and over, the moment when James had yanked off her panties and spread her legs apart; the way she had felt, looking up at him, completely surrendered to whatever he might choose to do with her. As she’d snapped out of her feverish imaginings she’d been horrified to look down and discover that she’d become so aroused that some of her moisture had leaked entirely through her panties and created a very small but entirely visible dark patch in the crotch of the light tan fabric of her pants. She’d had to pick up her books and notebook and flee, holding everything awkwardly in front of her, and retreat to her room to change.

She desperately wanted to see James again, of course. She wanted to tell him everything she’d been going through; wanted to see the understanding and acceptance in his eyes; wanted him to hold her and soothe her and tell her that everything was all right.

Wanted him to…

But he had told her to take at least a few days, and they had made no specific plans as to when they would meet again. And Diana knew that he had just been trying to help her, that there was no romance involved, no future to the relationship. He had no idea of the upheaval he had caused in her life. She might not have been crazy about the person she had been but now she had no idea who she was.

That evening she was sitting at her desk, trying, with a complete lack of success, to focus on her homework, as she had been for the past hour. Suddenly she slapped the lid down on her laptop and stood up, startling her roommate, who was reading on her bed. “I need some air,” Diana said, and hurried out, forcing herself not to slam the door behind her.

Diana knew exactly where she was going, even though she had no idea what she was going to do when she got there. She hurried across the campus, her mouth set in a determined line. It wasn’t until she actually reached James’ dormitory that her footsteps slowed and she began to second-guess herself. It was a warm, humid night and she felt sweaty and even less attractive than usual. And of course before leaving she had given no thought to how she was dressed: an old black t-shirt with a bust of Beethoven on the front, an even older pair of raggedy denim cut-offs, and rubber flip-flops.

Not very enticing, she thought.

She didn’t care.

She marched through the entrance, took the elevator to the floor where James lived, entered his suite and, forcing herself not to think about what she was doing, knocked on his door. It wasn’t until he answered that Diana’s resolve deserted her.

James seemed mildly surprised to see her there, but certainly not unpleased. He smiled warmly at her and said, “Hi, Diana. How are you doing?”

Her mind, of course, went completely blank. Then she tried desperately to come up with an innocuous reason for her visit, but she knew “I was just passing by and thought I’d say hello,” wasn’t going to fly.

Fine. She’d come this far, and hesitating wasn’t going to make it any easier. She forced herself to meet his gaze, opened her mouth… Then closed it again and looked down. Raised her eyes and lowered them again several times in succession. Considered turning tail and running away.


Finally, clenching her fists at her sides, she managed to say, “I…I w-want you to…teach me… I want you to sh-show me how to…d-do…d-do things for you.”

Once she had forced the words out Diana was terrified. Would he just laugh at her awkwardness and tell her to go home?

In some ways his initial reaction was worse; his expression as he looked at her was one of concern more than anything else. He looked past her, gazing thoughtfully into the distance for what seemed to Diana to be an agonizingly long time. Then he returned his attention to her, nodding slowly and saying quietly, “Yes, that would make sense, after…” He left the sentence unfinished, then went on, “I’m really slammed with homework right now though, so maybe in a couple of…”

He stopped as he saw the expression on Diana’s face. “Oh.” He nodded again, his expression sympathetic. “Yes, of course. Come in.”

He stood aside and Diana entered. She stood in the center of the small room, her hands clasping each other tightly at her waist, while he closed the door. He came around and stood facing her, then opened his arms and gathered her into a hug. Diana gratefully surrendered to his embrace again, resting her head on his shoulder and allowing her breathing to settle as she basked in his warmth. He held her like that for a long time.

Eventually he withdrew slightly, taking her by the shoulders and looking into her eyes, asking without words if she was ready.

Diana nodded, hoping that she was right.

Releasing her, James took the chair from his desk, turned it around and sat down, looking up at her. There was so little room between the desk and the bed that his knees were only about a foot from hers. He leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his thighs and interlacing his fingers.

“Take off your clothes,” he said quietly.

What? Diana went into shock. Was he asking her to stand there right in front of him and just…strip naked while he watched? Actually, no, she realized. He was telling her to do so.

She blushed violently, tried to speak, “I… B-but…”

James just sat there looking up at her, saying nothing but raising his eyebrows slightly as if reminding her that this was what she had asked for. After a moment, when Diana had stuttered out a few more unintelligible syllables and then fallen silent, he said, “Start with your sandals, Diana.”

Well, that wasn’t so bad, even though Diana knew what would inevitably follow. She slid out of her flip-flops and nudged them aside with her foot. Then she stood there, nervously twisting her fingers together.

“Pull down your pants.”

Diana fumbled with the button on her shorts and managed to undo it, but her hands were shaking so much that she had trouble grasping the tab on her zipper. Finally, with a great deal of concentration, she managed to unzip her shorts, but then her hands fell to her sides and she looked pleadingly at James…though she had no idea what, exactly, she was pleading for.

James regarded her sympathetically and said, “I’ve already seen you naked, remember?” As if she could forget! Diana nodded jerkily, her mouth dry.

“Pull down your shorts, Diana.”

Diana nodded again and forced her hands to obey her, hooking her thumbs in the waistline of her shorts, pulling them down past her hips and lowering them to the floor before standing upright once more. Her panties were a pale violet and she suddenly couldn’t remember whether she was wearing a matching bra or not.

“Now the shirt.”

For some reason it felt less terrifying to have James giving her specific instructions; it was almost as if she was no longer responsible for what was happening because he was telling her what to do. It was strangely exciting to be standing in front of him and being ordered to strip, one piece of clothing at a time.

She crossed her wrists at her waist, grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up over her head. Unfortunately the collar caught on her glasses and she had to struggle awkwardly for a moment to get the shirt past her head, her glasses falling to the floor in the process. James leaned down, picked them up and placed them on the desk behind him. Diana tossed her shirt onto the bed.

Her bra, as it turned out, was white, or more accurately somewhat grayish from too many washings. Ugh. Exasperated by her humiliating struggle with her glasses, Diana didn’t wait for instructions but simply reached behind her, unfastened the offending bra, pulled it off and tossed it behind her onto the bed. Then she turned back to face James.

James gave her a moment to recover, then leaned forward and gently lowered her panties himself. Then, resting his hands on her hips, he nuzzled her pubic hair for a few seconds before moving downward and kissing her there, the tip of his tongue finding and teasing her clitoris.


But then he sat back again.

And just…looked at her.

He regarded her calmly, just as if she weren’t completely naked. He wasn’t looking at her breasts or between her legs. He didn’t seem to be waiting for anything. He was just looking into her eyes.

Diana found it disquieting at first and wanted to fidget. Was there something she was supposed to do or say? But as the moment continued she found herself settling down; there was something calming about simply resting in his gaze. Yes, it was completely humiliating to be standing in front of him with her shorts and panties down around her ankles, completely exposed. In fact, having her shorts and panties like that made her feel more undressed than if her clothes were completely gone. And to her surprise she found her nipples hardening in response. Would he notice?

Apparently so, because he reached up with both hands to touch them delicately with the tip of each forefinger, circling them slowly to make them stiffen even further before pinching them gently, making her gasp.

But only for a moment before lowering his hands once more, resting them on her hips and using the edge of each thumb to trace the outline of her hip bones, his gaze never leaving hers. Then he rose slowly to his feet so that they were standing face to face – or would be if he hadn’t been nearly a head taller than she was. Again he appeared to be silently asking if she was ready to continue and Diana did her best to answer in the same manner, even though her knees were once again beginning to tremble.

He took her right hand then, and placed it on the front of his black jeans, holding it there firmly. Diana’s eyes went wide as she felt the bulge there, filling her hand and seeming to grow larger and more solid under her touch.


Her breath quickened as he began guiding her hand up and down the length of his shaft. Oh, she was…

As if reading her mind James said, “Yes. You’re stroking my cock, Diana. Can you say it?”

Diana’s mouth was dry and she had to make herself swallow a couple of times before she was able to whisper, “I’m… I’m sss…stroking…your cock.”

James nodded his approval. “Good.” He continued guiding her hand for a little longer and then released it, allowing her to find her own rhythm. Diana continued automatically, not daring to look down at what her hand was doing. After a moment she mustered the courage to ask, “Am I… Am I doing it right?”

James, his hands now resting lightly on her shoulders, replied, “Yes, that feels very nice, Diana.” He looked at her more closely before asking, “How are you doing? Is this what you wanted?”

Was it? Oh yes. Diana allowed her eyes to close for a moment, allowing herself to be aware of nothing else but the feel of him under her hand, before opening them again and replying softly, “Yes.” And then she surprised herself by adding, “I really l-like…stroking your cock.”

James smiled at her and nodded his approval, then added, “Then you know what happens next.”

She did, and Diana could not believe what she was about to do. Biting her lower lip, she unsnapped and unzipped his jeans – he wore no belt – then opened them and pushed them down past his hips. His underwear was navy blue and the bulge inside them was huge. Diana looked back up at him one more time, seeking permission, and then, holding her breath, hooked all of her fingers in the elastic of his underwear, pulling it outward and then down. His underwear slid down to join his jeans…

And there it was. Diana knew what they looked like of course but, oh my, here she was, standing naked in a man’s room and she had just taken out his cock. This was definitely not how she had imagined these “practice” dates would go. She stared, breathing quickly through her mouth. James said nothing, giving her time.

Did she dare? Diana reached out timidly, barely grazing the length of the shaft with her fingertips. Then again. And then finally gave into her desire, encircling the entire shaft with her hand.

Ohhh… So warm, and so unlike anything else she had ever touched. Diana looked up at James and, knowing that he would ask her to do so anyway, whispered, “I’m holding your cock in my hand.”

James nodded but said nothing more, and Diana took this as permission to explore. She released her hold and used the tip of her forefinger to trace the fleshy rim around the head, lightly teasing the hole at the very top before once again extending her entire hand downward to cover the entire shaft, her fingertips resting on the delicate sack at its base. Gingerly, she began to tease and caress him there… And was thrilled to hear his sudden intake of breath, followed by a barely audible, “Mmmmm.” Emboldened, she began moving her hand up and down the length of him, looking up to gauge his reaction and revelling in the slick texture of his skin under her hand, the tickling of the wiry hairs against her fingertips.

“Mmmm…”, James murmured again, more loudly this time. “You’re doing very well, Diana. That’s just right.” His eyes closed and, as she continued to stroke him, murmured again, “Mmmmm…”

Diana was thrilled. She was giving him pleasure! She, shy little Diana, was holding a man’s cock in her hand and pleasing him – even making him moan! Watching her hand caress him, she moaned a little herself.

James lowered one hand, grasping hers and wrapping it again around his shaft, tightly this time. Then he showed her how to pump it, the skin moving smoothly in her grip as he guided her hand up and down. When she had found the right pressure and rhythm, he released her hand again, returning his own to her shoulder.

She watched his expression carefully as she continued. His eyes were closed again but every so often he would speak: “Yes, that’s right, just like that.” “Mmmm…keep going.” “A little faster now.”

Then he only made sounds, his breathing becoming faster: “Ahh.” “Mmmm…” “Ohhhh…”

And then somehow Diana knew that she needed to pump him more quickly and squeeze him more tightly, and did so.

“Ohh! Oh, yeah! I’m gonna…” James dropped his hands to her naked behind, pulled her against him and kissed her deeply, his tongue probing her mouth, his cock pressing urgently against her stomach as she continued to pump him. Then he moaned loudly against her mouth – “AHHHHhhhh…!” – and Diana felt something warm and liquid spurting against her stomach. She slowed down her strokes, now suddenly made smooth and slippery by the fluid seeping down into her hand and between her fingers.

James had leaned his head back and was gasping, his mouth open. Diana felt his cock pulse a few more times under her hand, felt a few more warm spurts landing on her abdomen and trickling downward. She had given him an orgasm!

Her feeling of pride was tinged with a little bit of anxiety: should she stop now, was he done? She loosened her grip somewhat but continued to stroke him, though much more slowly. After a few moments James released his hold on her behind and gently removed her hand, saying, “Mmmm… That was wonderful, Diana. You did really well. That felt amazing.”

Diana smiled up at him as he once more wrapped his arms around her waist. She wanted to hold him as well but held back because her hand was still very wet and sticky. He smiled back at her and asked, “Did you enjoy doing that, Diana?”

Diana nodded, shyly. “Yes,” she replied, her voice soft. “I liked it…a lot.”

James kissed her forehead, smiled down at her and said, “I think it’s safe to say you’ve passed Handjob 101.” Diana giggled as he went on, “And judging by your hand,” he reached down and raised it, still dripping with his semen, to eye-level so they could both see it, “you’ve already figured out that a little lubrication can also be helpful. You can use hand-lotion, cooking oil or even your own spit if that’s all you’ve got. This,” he added, nodding at the sticky liquid on her hand, “is usually called ‘cum’, by the way.”

He lowered her hand to her side again. “But now you know the basics.” He looked at her more closely. “How are you feeling?”

Diana was a little startled by the question. She suddenly realized that she had been so caught up in what she had been doing that she hadn’t for a moment felt shy or self-conscious. And now…

She looked down at herself. She was standing naked in front of a man, with her shorts and panties still around her ankles; she had just used her hand to masturbate his cock; that same hand was now covered with his…cum, as was her belly, and both were dripping onto her clothing below.

How was she feeling? As usual, the words she wanted to say failed to appear in her mind.

So instead she raised herself on her toes and kissed him firmly, surprising herself by boldly slipping her tongue into his mouth.

When the kiss ended and Diana settled back onto her feet, James nodded approvingly. “Good.” He reached behind him and grabbed a box of tissues from the desk, taking one for himself before offering her the box, saying, “You might want to clean up a little before you get dressed,” and starting to wipe himself off.

Without thinking Diana grabbed his wrist and said, “No.” Then her eyes went wide with shock. Had she just said “No” to him?

James was regarding her quizzically. Why had she done that?

Actually, she knew exactly why, though she hadn’t known before she said it.

“I – I’m not… I want to…”

And then she sank to her knees in front of him.

James’ puzzled expression changed to one of understanding as Diana took the tissue from his hand and, after quickly wiping off her own hand, began cleaning the remaining semen from his shaft.

When she had finished her task she did not clean off the cum that was still running down her stomach and onto her thighs. Instead, she simply placed the tissue on the floor and remained looking up at him, her arms hanging loosely at her sides.

James stroked her hair with one hand as he looked down at her and asked quietly, “Are you sure?”

Diana nodded, though she was biting her lip as she did so.

“Okay,” James replied. “‘Blowjobs 101,” he added, receiving a tiny smile from Diana in return. “The first thing to remember is that you don’t want to touch this,” using his free hand to briefly hold his still mostly erect cock, “with your teeth if at all possible. Pretend it’s a banana and that you don’t want to leave a single tooth mark while it’s in your mouth.”

Diana felt a brief spasm between her legs when she heard the words, “in your mouth”. But she nodded again and managed to whisper, “Okay.”

James continued, “Another food you can think about is an ice cream cone. To start with, imagine that it’s melting and you want to catch all the little dribbles before they fall off. Use the tip of your tongue.”

Diana nodded, her expression serious and concentrated, then leaned forward, opening her mouth and extending her tongue, almost wishing she hadn’t cleaned the trickles of semen from his cock. She started with the briefest of licks, barely touching his shaft before looking up to see if she was doing it right. And when he nodded she continued, becoming more bold, using more pressure and tracing the path of the imaginary dribbles up the length of his shaft, glancing up at James periodically and feeling a thrill of pride when she saw his eyes close and heard his barely murmured, “Mmmm…”

And then, just because she wanted to, Diana turned her head slightly to the side and began kissing her way from the base of his cock all the way to the top, softening her mouth and allowing her tongue to moisten him along the way. When she reached the very tip she lingered there, holding him between her lips and teasing the opening with the tip of her tongue, eliciting another moan of pleasure from James.

Oh! She was being so naughty!

Without removing her mouth she looked up at James, and found him looking back at her, his eyes half closed with pleasure.

“You’re doing really well, Diana. Now imagine that the ice cream is beginning to melt even faster, so you need to get it all in your mouth.”

Diana didn’t hesitate. Opening her mouth and being careful not to graze him with her teeth, she lowered her head, breathing quickly through her nose as she felt the head of his cock filling her mouth.

Mustn’t let the ice cream melt, she thought to herself, and began slowly lapping around the huge cap, raising and lowering her head as she did so, letting her moistened lips linger on him as he slid between them.

“Ahhhh….” she heard James sigh. “That’s right, just like that.” She looked up at him, and he continued, “Good. Keep looking into my eyes if you can. That makes it even sexier.”

She removed her mouth from him long enough to whisper, “Okay,” started to lower her head again then stopped and added, “I… I have your cock in my mouth,” before continuing.

And she quickly discovered that he was right: looking directly into his eyes while licking and sucking on his cock was by far the sexiest thing she had ever experienced. She felt like a naked little slave-girl…

Oh! That thought, that image, sent a jolt between her legs. And her hand, seemingly of its own volition, drifted down there and was quickly covered with wetness as her fingers sought and found her clitoris.


Yes, she was a little slave-girl whose only purpose was to please the cock in her mouth. Oh god, she loved that! She began stroking her clit with a fingertip in rhythm with the bobbing of her head as she pleasured his cock, reveling in the way James was looking down at her, his eyes once again half-closed. She was doing this to him! She, nerdy little Diana, was the cause of his arousal!

A moment later James raised his hands and rested them on either side of her head, grasping it gently. Then, little by little, he took over the rhythm, sliding his cock in and out of her mouth more quickly. At first Diana tried to match his pace but quickly realized that she only needed to be still.

To be his receptacle.

She continued to meet his gaze, and stroked her clit in rhythm with his thrusts. Now she felt even more like a slave-girl: a possession to be used for his pleasure.

“I’m fucking your mouth, Diana,” James murmurred, beginning to thrust even more quickly. “I’m fucking your mouth with my cock.”

Oh! Diana was rocked by another jolt between her legs and had to fight to remain still. She wanted desperately to say it back to him, to say, “Yes, you’re fucking my mouth with your big, hard cock,” but she would do nothing to disrupt his rhythm. She was his little slave-girl and he could do whatever he wanted with her. She tried to nod ever so slightly and show him with her eyes that she was his.

He began thrusting harder and faster, his eyes closing and his breath becoming more rapid. A moment later he opened his eyes long enough to say, gasping somewhat with the effort, “I’m…going to…come…in your mouth now…mmm…ahh…Diana. And…ah…ah…ah…you’re…ah!…going to…unh!..swallow it! AHHHHHHH!”

As he continued thrusting, Diana felt, and then tasted, his semen as it spurted onto her tongue and against the back of her throat; it was hot, salty and somewhat bitter. She didn’t care. Oh god, he was shooting his cum into her mouth! And she was swallowing it! She fought her own orgasm just long enough to make sure she got every drop, then threw her head back, her mouth wide and gasping, as the convulsions shook her from her hips to her shoulders until she almost fell over.

She threw her arms around his thighs and rested her head against his abdomen, gasping, as a second, and then a third wave passed through her.

A moment or so later she felt his hands resting on her head once more, stroking her hair. She looked up to see him smiling down on her, his eyes gentle. He smiled and said softly, “I think we can safely give you an A+ in Blowjobs 101. Whew!”

Diana giggled and then asked, more seriously, “Did I do it right?”

“Yes, you did. You did very, very well, Diana. Especially for your first time.”

Diana flushed with pride as she gave him a huge smile and whispered, “Thank you.”

James reached down with both hands, offering to help her to her feet, but Diana felt strangely reluctant to let go. Something about kneeling at his feet, with her arms around him and the taste of his cum still in her mouth, felt so natural and right that she wanted to stay just as she was and savor it. But she knew she wouldn’t be able to explain it and so she took his hands and began to rise. But she noticed there was still a dribble of semen on the head of his cock, and stopped long enough to kiss him there and lick it up before getting to her feet.

She had forgotten that her shorts and panties were still around her ankles and she stumbled as she tried to get her footing, but James caught her by the shoulders and then gathered her into his arms once more. She kicked off her shorts and panties and pressed herself against him, but…

She pulled back slightly and looked up into his eyes…then down again. Then back up as she tried to force the words past her lips: “Could you… Could you be…naked too?”

Again she was warmed and reassured by his smile as he nodded. Without hesitation she pulled his jeans and underwear down to his ankles, then crouched down to remove them as he lifted first one foot and then the other. She tossed them onto his bed and then quickly pulled his sea-green polo shirt over his head as he raised his arms to help her. The shirt joined the pile on the bed and Diana allowed herself one moment to take him in: the dark curly hair on his chest and stomach and surrounding his now softening cock; the strong legs and arms; and the torso, not muscular but well-shaped.

James stood there easily, allowing her to look him over. But Diana quickly stepped back into his embrace and they stood there for a long while. Then Diana whispered, “Thank you. This was wonderful” She hesitated, then continued, “Do you think that sometime you could…take my vir- M-make…love to me?”

James pulled back slightly and looked down into her face, his expression serious. “I’m not sure that would be a good idea, Diana.” He looked off into the distance, thinking, then went on, “Call me old-fashioned, but I think the first time you make love it should be with someone you really know and like and care about and trust, and who feels the same way about you. Someone you’re in an actual romantic relationship with. I’ve just been showing you some of the basics.”

He took her by the shoulders. “I do like you, Diana, I hope you know that. And I want to tell you something: it’s time for you to start liking yourself. It’s time for you to stop thinking of yourself as someone who isn’t good enough and start seeing yourself as what you are: a gift. You’re smart, you’re really nice, and yes, you’re actually quite attractive. You need to see these things about yourself so that other people around can see them too. Especially guys, who tend to be kind of clueless,” he added with a smile.

He went on, “Now, I’m sorry, but I really, really have to hit the books – if I can stay awake. You’ve kind of worn me out, young lady.”

Still naked, he crouched down, one knee on the floor, picked up her panties and held them out for her to step into. He slid them up to her waist then repeated the process with her shorts, zipping and fastening them, before turning to retrieve her bra and shirt from the bed. Noticing that her stomach was still shiny with his now mostly dried semen, he asked, as he got back to his feet, “Do you want to clean that up?”

Diana looked down for a moment and then back up at James. She shook her head solemnly, and took the bra from his hands, slipping it on and fastening it behind her before reaching for her shirt and slipping it over her head. One of her sandals was missing but she spotted it halfway under the bed.

Now fully dressed again she turned back to James, who, smiling, retrieved her glasses from the desk and gently settled them on her nose. It was a strange reversal, her being dressed while he was still naked, but he seemed completely comfortable with it. She stepped into his arms for one last embrace. He kissed her tenderly, then looked into her eyes and repeated, “You are a gift, Diana. Make sure the next guy knows and appreciates that.”

He released her and then stepped around her to open the door. “We’ll see each other soon, though I’m probably going to be buried in here for the next few days. Take care, Diana. Good night.”

“Good night, James,” Diana said softly, smiling up at him as she stepped out the door. “Thank you.”

Twins. Incest stories 0 (0)


“Oooh, that feels so… uhhh… good

Part 1

They were just the average American family. Or so everyone thought. They lived in the northern region of the United States, in a quiet and secluded village near one of the many lakes. They were an attractive family, and were very open. David and Karen met in high school and became sweethearts, and eventually married after college. David is a wealthy businessman and works in the nearby city, while Karen runs a small interior decorating firm at home. They had two kids when they were both only twenty five; Angela and Arin. Yes, twins. Both David and Karen came from families with sexual pasts (Karen’s mother was a stripper, and David’s father was a photographer for Playboy) and were very open when it came to sex. They loved their daughters dearly, and spoiled them rotten. Fairly well off, the family lived in a large cabin with high ceilings, wood everywhere, and nearly no doors (all the doors were glass French doors that were used to block sound.) The story begins twelve years after the birth of the twins…

The light shone brightly from the end of the hallway as both Angela and Arin walked into the hallway. The walked quietly along the balcony overlooking the large living room far below, rubbing their eyes. It was late, and they couldn’t sleep. They tiptoed up to the French doors leading into their parents’ room. Arin laid down, and very slowly sneaked along the bottom of the door to the other side of the entrance. Twins laid, Angela on one side and Arin on the other, peering through the bottom corners of the glass into their parents room. They always had a sense of curiosity, and needed to know what was happening at all times. What they saw beyond the doors blew their mind.

Karen stepped down from the bathroom in the corner of the room, with a white towel wrapped tightly around her body. The bathroom was a step higher and had a waist high wall going around, giving the room a sense of openness and sexuality. The girls stared at their mother, and lovely how sexy she was. At only thirty-seven, she had the body of a twenty-year-old. Working at home often allowed her the opportunity to workout often and keep in shape, and did she ever keep in shape. Her wet and darkened blonde hair hung softy on her firm, wet breasts, squeezed in by the pressure of the towel. This particular towel hung only an inch beyond her crotch, barely concealing her pot of gold. But she had nothing to hide. She often walked around the house naked as did her husband, and periodically her youthful daughters. They never felt like they had anything to hide from each other, and enjoyed the natural beauty of the human body. In college, Karen minored in philosophy and came to many conclusions about the human body. Karen stared coyly at her husband, who was lying in bed wearing boxers reading the paper. David was well muscled, although slightly slim, and had only fine light brown hair covering his body. Karen approached the bed, and crawled along it like a kitten prowling for a bowl of milk. In her position, she unavoidably gave her peeping daughters a full view of her puckered asshole, and cleanly trimmed blonde pussy.

The twins marveled in their mother’s natural beauty and often stated they wanted to grow up to be just like her. As Karen crawled near her husband, she reached her hand up to her breasts, and untucked the towel. The soft linen was no longer fastened to her body, and gently slid off her body. Her small, but firm breasts hung from beneath her as she continued her prowl towards her spouse. She left nothing for either him or her daughters to miss as her shapely and taught body swayed seductively back and forth. She reached up and slowly moved the paper out her husband’s view of her. He gazed lovingly at her, looking up and down her entire body, and then back at her angelic face and blue eyes, the same eyes shared by the entire family. Karen slowly leaned towards David, and gave him a slow, long kiss. Her tongue slithered into his mouth, and swirled around, deep into his mouth. David reached out to her, and grabbed her firm ass, pulling her towards him. The two lovers continued to kiss passionately, jutting their tongues into each other’s mouths, and caressing every inch of each other’s bodies. David slowly leaned forward, as Karen laid back onto the soft comforter. With his strong hands, David began to softly massage Karen’s left breast in small circles, barely making contact.

“Oooh, that feels so… uhhh… good…” called Karen softly as she arched her back slightly. She carefully slid her hands down the side of his body, to his hips, and then under his wasteband. Slowly and surely, she slid his boxers over his ass, and down to his knees. David continued the act by forcing his underwear cleanly off. The couple laid naked in their beauty directly in front of their twelve year old daughters. David slowly let his soft kisses fall onto her chin, then down her throat to her collarbone, down her chest and to her cleavage. He gently kissed everyone inch of one breast, and then the other before moving on to his wife’s nipples. He found nearly as much pleasure in making her hot as he did when she blew him. Karen began moaning more loudly as she came nearer and nearer to climax. David worked his way from her breasts down the small ravine of her tight stomach, down to her crotch. He slowed considerably when he reached her soft downy pubic hair, as Karen gyrated her hips back and forth. When David’s lips finally did reach the top of her slit, her hips shot up, and her legs shook in orgasmic pleasure. David continued to moisten her swollen and wet lips as he kissed her pussy, licking up her sweet juices.

“Mmmmmm honey… you taste like… strawberries…” David said as he moved his lips away from her needy cunt.

“Ummgh… don’t… stop…” replied Karen as she guided his mouth to her pussycat. David’s tongue sank deeply into her pussy, exploring every nook and cranny in her how, wet canal. He spelt out every word as Karen moaned unbelievably loud. Her Hips raised up and her leg muscles contracted as she reached yet another orgasm.

David looked up at his beautiful wife, his chin glistening with her juices and smiled.

“You should be careful, you’ll wake the girls.”

“Don’t look, but their watching us from outside,” she replied quietly.

David’s eyes widened as he searched for an answer. He smiled slightly and said: “Is this your way of teaching them of where babies come from, you slut?”

Karen looked shyly up to her husband and nodded her head seductively.

“Uh, uh… this is how I was taught the birds and the bees…” answered Karen as she sat up, and straddled her husband. She slowly sat down on her husbands now blood enlarged penis.

Outside, the girls laid wide eyed at the sight before them. They had always heard other girls talking about sex, and always had to pretend they knew what it was. Angela, being the athletic and brace one, assumed it was some kind of sport that only husband and wife played. Arin the younger and shyer one, thought it was a game, like Monopoly or something. Either way, they were finding out first hand what they never knew. Just at the age where their bodies were maturing, they were becoming more curious, and often watched jealously as their mother kissed their father. The odd time, they would be jealous of their father, but never knew why. Both girls had “boyfriends,” but at this precise moment, became more educated than anyone of them could ever teach them. They still had much to learn, but could now understand the tingling feeling between their legs. Neither of the girls had experience anything closely similar to sex, and were “ripe fruit.”

They stared as their mother rode their father and her pace quickening. They wondered to them selves how the hell something as large as their father’s “snake” fit into their mothers “garden” as the joke is often told. Both girls stared as their parent climaxed in a maddening frenzy and then collapsed onto the bed. Girls sneaked slowly past the door, and tiptoed down the hallway to their bedroom with millions of visions dancing through their heads.

Part 2

The girls ran into their room giggling, and slid the glass doors closed. They sat on their white laced beds situated parallel, and on opposite sides of the mediums sized room. Angela turned on the lamp on one the desks between the beds, and then walked across the room. She reached up on her tiptoes and drew closed the white curtain, similar to the one her parents neglected to close earlier. She walked slowly back to her bed, and sat down, her legs hanging over the edge. She stared at her sister, identical in appearance, and recognized he same shoulder length blonde hair parted down the middle, their deep blue eyes, small nose, and full lips. But this time, for some reason, her gaze continued down to her sister’s barely existent breasts. The thin material of the old nightly portrayed her soft pink nipples as they pricked out slightly. She looked down at her own breasts, and thought with anxiety about the prospect of looking like her mother. There was a moment of silence and awkwardness in the room until Arin spoke up.

“Mom sure did look pretty…” she said shyly.

“Yeah… she did… she is pretty…” answered her Angela.

“I sure hope we look like her when we get older…”

“I… uhhh… yeah… but it sure is taking a while” stated Angela awkwardly, once again looking down at her young body.

“It looked like Mom shaved her her… um… down there… since the last time I saw her naked.”


“Heh,” asked Arin, now enthusiastic, “do you have any hair down… there?”

“Uh… a little… do you wanna see?”

“Yeah, sure, I’ll show you mine, I have some too…” replied Arin now realizing she has nothing to hide.

The two girls stood up, and looking at each other, removed their sheer nighties that barely covered their butts any how. Angela walked over to her sister’s bed and sat down sideways facing her. Arin turned, and gazed at her sisters body and thought it amazing how similar they seemed.

“Can I… uh… look closer?” asked Angela, getting closer to Arin.

“Uhhh… sure…” she said.

Angela leaned in, and with her hands, spread her sister’s thighs so she could get a better look. She stared at the single small slit that was interestingly pink right now. She gazed carefully at the thin line of blonde pubic hair that lined her sister soft white skin. She reached out with her hand, and touched her sisters pussy with her index finger.

“Wooooh… what are you doing?” asked Arin curiously.

“Uhhhh… nothing..I just wanted to see what it… uhhh… felt like.”

Angela sat up, and spread her legs, allowing Arin to inspect her most private of parts. After Arin finished inspecting and feeling, the two girls sat facing each other, naked and legs spread.

“You know… you are very pretty… uhhh… Angie…”

“Yeah you too, you look like Mom.”

“Heh, let’s make a pact, Ok”

“Ok, what kind of pact?”

“Ok, well first you make a rule that we both have to follow, then I do, Ok?”

“Sure… ummm… Ok, I’ve got one,” said Angela Happily and enthusiastically, “from now one, we always have to sleep naked.”

Perhaps it was the sight of their parents or their new found sexual existence, but the girls felt experimental and brave.

“Sure… uhhhh… ummm… ok, whenever we can, we have to take our showers and baths together, Ok?” stated Arin, giggling.

“Even better, we have to spend as much time together as possible.’

“And we can never keep secrets from each other.”

“And we will try to always be as pretty and sexy as Mom.”

“And we be as sexy as possible, and we will share anything we learn about sex.”

“Heh, you got two.”

“Ok, then, you get two, and then we’re done.”

“Ok, we will lose our virginity at the same time, and get married at the same time, Ok?”

“Done then,” replied Angela ending the pact.

“Now we have to shake on it, Ok” stated Arin, sticking out her hand.

“How ’bout, since a lot of it is about sex, we kiss on it?”

“Sure… I guess… but I’ve never kissed anyone before.”

“Just do it like Mom does.”

“But you’re my sister, and a girl”

“Oh who cares?” asked Angela as she leaned forward and kissed her sister. The kiss lasted for about thirty seconds and ended sweetly and innocently. The two twins said goodnight to each other and Angela went to her bed. They pulled over their covers, and went to sleep naked, and united. Later that night, both would learn to explore their bodies and reached their first orgasm, and couldn’t wait to tell each other about it the next day.

Part 3

The sun shone brightly through the large window, casting white patterns of light on the soft coloured walls. The girls awoke wide-eyed and refreshed from their night of discovery. They felt years older as they awoke, now aware of the pleasures their bodies contained. But they did not only grow older, but closer to one another. There was no longer anything between them, and they felt like one whole person. Angela sat up and stretched her arms out as the comforter fell to her waist, exposing her young budding breasts. She rubbed her tender eyes and turned to look at her sleeping sister. Tossing her covers to the side, and got out of bed gingerly. Standing between the two beds, she drew the shades of their bedroom fully open, bringing in more light. Angela looked down at her sister smiling, still asleep, and thought to herself that she looked like an angel. That they both did. Arin awoke to the bright light and rolled on to her side to face her sister.

“Is it morning already?” she asked as she yawned softly.

“Actually, it’s past noon,” replied Angela looking at the alarm clock.

Arin slowly sat up and the comforter began to slide down her side. Her right breast was exposed, and she quickly grabbed the blanket. She hesitated for a second, and realizing it was only her sister, let the comforter fall to the bed. She saw her sister look down at her body, and hesitantly returned the glance. She didn’t know why she had the instincts to do so, but for some reason she was just curious. She could easily see in the bright light how similar they looked. She always knew their faces were the same. The same blond hair, deep blue eyes, and pouty lips. She now saw their tennis ball sized breasts were the same firmness, the same shape. She noticed how their hips both seemed to curve the same amount, and how they both had the same small line of blond pubic hair. Their similarities have always seemed to draw them closer, even more so now.

“I’m going to go have a shower, I feel kind of sticky from sweat,” said Angela softly as she moved towards the door.

“Sounds good to me,” replied Arin as she hopped out of bed and followed her sister.

The two girls stood beside each other with the door cracked open slightly. Arin stuck her head out slightly and looked down both ways of the hallway. The door opened and the two sisters ran across the hallway to the bathroom, careful not to be seen by their parents. The bathroom was large with a whirlpool, a separate seamless glass shower, two vanity desks (one for each of them) and of course a toilet. They walked across the grey ceramic tiles to the shower, and turned it on. Angela jumped in first and Arin followed as they quickly close the door. The water was frigid at first, and made their tiny nipples stand up.

“Hey,” called out Arin as she laughed, looking at her sister’s breasts, “your buttons are sticking out!”

“So are yours,” replied Angela making her sister aware that it was a two way street.

“You know, this is the first time we have showered together,” said Arin.

“Yeah, it feels kind of weird, but nice weird.”

As the water warmed up and steam began to appear, the two girls moved closer together to get underneath the one shower head in the shower. They had to stay within inches of each other to get under the warmth of the water. Angela tried to put shampoo in her hair, and nearly elbowed her sister.

“Can you do this for me,” asked Angela with puppy dog lips, “it’s kinda hard.”

“Sure, but then you’re gonna half to do mine,” replied her eagerly uncomfortable.

The two took turns washing each other’s hair, and making the experience very relaxing for the both of them. As Angela took her turn to wash Arin’s hair, Arin began to feel a tingling between her legs. She recognized the feeling from the night before, and began to move her hand instinctively down her body. It slid down her stomach, past her belly button to her hip, down the V and to her slit. She gently began to rub her swollen pussy with her hand as her sister washed her hair. Her tempo began to pick up and her body started to move. Her legs began to feel week and her knees began to buckle. She began to get the feeling that she wanted nothing more in the world than to reach climax like the night before. This was not true, she did have another uncontrollable dream the night before. Her muscles clenched and her legs shook as she reached her peak. Her juices flowed down her leg amongst the water, disappearing down the drain.

“Done,” Angela said, snapping Arin back to reality.

The two girls then grabbed their poufs and began to wash their bodies. Their nipples grew larger at the sight of each other’s wet, naked bodies, and they both began to feel turned on as they washed their chest. They both simultaneously slid their hands down to their crotches and began to massage their pussies. Angela backed up to the wall, and the two sisters stood masturbating, staring at each other. It only made them hotter, and made them want to never stop. Angela let out a soft moan, and not wanting to be left out, so did Arin. They continued as their hands got faster and their moans louder. Almost simultaneously, they arched their backs and came. They stood for a second silent, waiting for the other to make a move. Angela stepped away from the wall and walked towards her sister. She stopped right in front of her and put her hand up to Arin’s mouth. Arin put it between her lips and let it slowly enter her mouth. She licked it tenderly, and felt her sister reach between her legs. Angela brought her other hand op to her mouth and tasted Arin’s juices.

“Mmmmmm…that tastes good,” said Arin as Angela removed her finger.

“Yeah, kinda like hney,” replied Angela removing her finger from her own mouth.

She turned around and shut off the water, and stepped out of the shower. She grabbed a towel and began to dry herself off. Her sister followed, and stood beside her on the mat, drying her own wet body off. When they were both dry, they ran across the hall and back into their room and closed the door tight. They walked over to their respective dressers and opened their top drawers. They pulled out their underwear, and turned to face each other. Angela pulled a thin and old pair of panties over her thighs. She then put on her baby blue training bra that was just able to hold her budding breasts. Soon she and Arin would have to get real bras.

Arin nelt down and pulled up a pair of black string bikini underwear, matched by a grey training bra. The two sisters looked at each other and thought how beautiful the other looked. Angela through on a small t-shirt that still showed the bottom of her panties and headed for the door. Arin put on a pair of plaid boxers and a small tank top and followed behind her.

Angela stopped and turned around to look at her sister.

“It’s Saturday right?”

“Yeah.” replied her sister, shrugging her shoulders.

“Then Mom and Dad are gone for the day.”

“Right,” replied Arin, “so…..”

“Comon, I have to show you something I found the other day…”

The End

After School Showers. Porn stories 5 (1)


I had just came home from school, and had gotten into the shower and was washing myself off.

I had just came home from school, and had gotten into the shower and was washing myself off. My hands found their way to my cunt, and I slowly began masturbating. I had been doing it since I was young and I still love it.

I heard my brother come into the bathroom, and I asked him what he wanted. He said he just needed a drink, and I told him to get one in the kitchen. He was silent, so I pulled the curtain aside slightly and stuck my head out, and saw him on his tippy-toes trying to look in the shower from above. I yelled at him and told him to get out. I couldn’t help but get turned on, as I had been thinking about my brother in new ways lately.

I continued my masturbation, pretending it was my brother that was doing it. I had had sex a few times before, and given blow-jobs, but I knew I wanted my brother badly. I got dried off and got dressed again, and made my way to the living room.

Jason, my brother, was sitting on the couch watching tv. He said he was sorry, that he was only kidding around. I asked him if he enjoyed the view, and he just laughed. I said I was serious, and he looked at me like he didn’t know what to believe. I lifted my t-shirt, and my naked breasts fell out. I ran my hands over them and he caught on. He sat down next to me and kissed me on the mouth. It was a deep kiss, and his hands were exploring my body. He ran them over my tits, squeezing them and pinching the nipples. I broke our kiss to slip his shirt off, and he lowered his head to my tits. He rolled his tongue around my nipples, and softly bit down on them. I ran my hands through his hair, and locked my legs behind him. He began kissing down my stomach, and stopped to tongue my navel. It felt really good, but I pushed his head down farther. He started licking my crotch through my shorts, and I slipped them down. He continued licking, but I still had my panties on. Instead of taking them off, he pushed the fabric to the side and ran his tongue up and down my cunt. He parted my pussy lips, then ran his tongue up to my clit and played with it. I was moaning his name, begging him to keep going. He pushed his tongue inside my cunt, and I shuddered in an orgasm.

He stood up and started taking his pants off, and I slid my panties down. He had his cock in his hands, and I took it into mine. I stroked the length of him and he begged me to suck it. I used my other hand to fondle his balls, and kept jerking him off with the other. I kissed the tip of his cock, and ran my tongue on the underside of it. He grabbed the back of my head, and forced it into my mouth. I started sucking, and kept my tongue sliding on the underneath of his cock. I felt it hit the back of my throat, but he kept pushing until my nose was in his pubes. I pulled my head back a little, and he shot his cum inside my mouth. I swallowed most of it, but a little dripped down my chin. I used my tongue to catch it, savoring the salty flavor. He grabbed me by my shoulders and put me on the couch, and worked his fingers into my soaking wet cunt. His dick was pressing against my leg, and it inched towards my trembling pussy. He used the tip of it to rub my clit and my pussy lips. I locked my ankles behind his ass, and pulled him into me.

He went slowly at first, then pushed all the way into my well lubricated cunt. I gasped, and he slammed his body into mine. He pressed his tongue into my mouth, and I could still faintly taste my pussy juices on it. He put his left hand on my tit, and his right on my ass, and he continued fucking me. He’d pull almost the whole way out, then slam it deep again. I began sucking on his tongue, and his stiff dick kept slamming deep inside my cunt. He repositioned himself, and I was on top of him. He put his hands on my tits, and put mine on his chest. I slowly raised my body, and slowly dropped it back down onto his dick. I picked the pace up a little, and before I knew it I was using all my strength to slam down onto his prick. I felt him tense up, and he came for the second time inside my pussy.

I heard a clapping from behind me, and turned to see who was there. I saw our mom standing there, and I heard Jason gasp. Before we could do or say anything, to our surprise she started getting undressed; she wasn’t even wearing panties. She came over and sat on Jason’s face. His tongue licked up and down the length of her pussy, and it slowly darted inside her. I felt his dick getting hard again, as it was still inside my cunt. Mom leaned forward and kissed me full on the lips, and our tongues explored each others mouths. She was pulling on my nipples, and I had my hands on her ass. She was riding his face, and I was rocking back and forth on Jason’s dick. My fingers found mom’s asshole, and I slipped one finger in. She flinched, but loosened up as I pushed it farther in. She broke our kiss, and started kissing down my neck, and took my tits in her mouth. She softly bit down on my nipples, and I moved my free hand to rub my own clit. Mom got up, and put me over Jason’s mouth. He started licking me, and mom bent down and took his dick in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, and I heard little slurping noises.

I knew I wanted to suck mom’s pussy, so I climbed off Jason’s face. I got behind her, and spread her ass cheeks with my hand. I kissed down her ass, and my tongue found it’s way to her cunt. It was sopping wet, and a slid my tongue all over the surface of her pussy lips. Before I knew it, she put me on my back and was riding my face. Jason, not wanting to be left out, positioned himself between my legs, and pushed his dick into my soaking cunt. He began fucking me harder than he did before, and his body slammed into mine. I stuck my tongue deep into mom’s pussy with each of Jason’s thrusts. I reached up and grabbed mom’s tits and cupped them, squeezing her mounds of flesh. Jason pulled his dick out and sprayed what was left of his jizz on my pussy and lower stomach. Mom bent down and licked it up and we were in a 69. Mom had her first orgasm of the day, and shortly after that her tongue pushing its way into my pussy caused me to have one too. We all took a shower together, and cleaned the living room before dad got home. He never suspected a thing!

The End

Father’s Gift 0 (0)


Hello! First story on here! Feedback is welcome! If you like it let me know! If you don’t, tell me why! Criticism is welcome as long as it’s constructive! Thanks! I’ll make more if this is popular enough, might even if it’s not.

What is expected of someone who actually comes across this kind of power? Of course you think about how the power itself could be used for good, that’s what the hero’s in comics and movies do, but people are rarely so selfless. My name is Grant Palacios, and this is how I gained the power to control time.

I grew up in a small town in California, far from the coast. I lived modestly with my mother and older half sister. My father was never in the picture, and my mother never spoke about him. She insisted that she knew nothing about him, and I never pressed her too hard because it seemed to upset her.

My sister, Moriah, is a few years older than me. Her father comes around every now and then when he’s not deployed, and he seemed to always seemed resentful of my mother. Something happened between them but I was always to afraid to ask what, he’s a scary guy.

I don’t mind not knowing so much, but I was curious. Why wasn’t my father around? Did he abandon me? Did something happen to him? I don’t even know whether I should be angry at him or sad that he’s gone. I was 20 almost 21 years old and had made it this far in life without him, so it’s not even that I want him to make a return. I just have questions. Little did I know, I’d be getting answers very soon.

I work full time at a warehouse in town, and attend weekend and night classes at the local community college. It pays decently so that I can help mom with the bills and have a tiny bit of fun money. Some weeks I’ll put the fun money in my savings account. I’m saving for a car and I’d much rather get a new one. Needless to say I walk to and from work and school unless my mom lends me the truck.

Today I walk. I don’t mind, the fresh air is good and I like to clear my head during the alone time. I use the time to plan what I would do for my birthday that night. I didn’t have plans, I wasn’t very social, not a ton of friends, no girlfriend. It’s not that I’m not attractive, I’m 5’ 10” with black shoulder length hair, I’m Mexican, so I have cinnamon colored skin and brown eyes. I’m kinda fit but far from an athletes build. I’m sure someone has thought I was cute at some point. It’s just that if they have/do, they haven’t said anything.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Ah it’s Gloria. She’s my best friend. A gorgeous Filipino girl with short stature and even shorter temper. She has dark skin and thick rimmed glasses that go well with her round face. She’s 5’2” a tad chubby and has “features” that are a bit big for her frame. DD tits and an ass that jiggles when she walks. If I hadn’t known her since we were 7 I’d have tried my luck with her so very many times. It’s been too long though, it’d be weird. Besides, she doesn’t like me like that. I shake the thoughts from my mind and respond to her texts

“Hey loser, you don’t have plans for your birthday do you?? ”

“Not with anyone. Just thinking about buying myself snacks at the store and crashing in my room later.”

“Lame ass!! Come hang with me, I’ll get you a cake, and we’ll watch some anime or some shit.”

“I don’t knoooow, schedules prettty tight.”

“Bullshit! Just be at my place at 8 later, nerd”

“Alright, weeb ttyl”

There we go, plans made. She done this every year since my 18th birthday. My mom got it in her head that I’m too old for birthday parties after I hit that age, which is fine, I kinda am. My mom usually gives me a gift and kisses me on the forehead, while my sister wishes me a happy birthday without looking up from her phone and that’s all I hear about it during the day. The rest of my family will send letters some with cash and what not. These days the best parts of my birthdays are when I get to spend time with Gloria.

I walk into work after finally arriving and step through the metal detector. Something about the day feels off, like I’m being watched. I shake off the feeling and clock in. My shift goes relatively slow, there’s a lot of work, but I think I’m mainly excited to get out of there.

When my shift finally ends, I clock out and dart out the door as quickly as possible. While I’m walking, I decide to text Gloria that I’m on my way. I look down at my phone and shoot her a text, not watching where I’m going. SMACK. I’ve run right into someone, falling to the ground. I look up and see a pretty girl looking down at me with her arm extended to help me up.

“Sorry about that, dude.”

“No, excuse me, I wasn’t paying attention”

She’s cute, not really my type but damn is she cute. She’s about my height, super skinny athletic build with some tight fitting clothes. I take her hand and pull myself to my feet.

“You’re Grant right? I was actually sent here to look for you.”

“Me? By who? What for?”

“Your father, sent me to give you this.”

She reaches into her sweater pocket and pulls out a small gift box. I’m taken aback by what she just said. My father? I extend my hand and shakily take the box from her.

“Happy birthday Grant.”

She walks away leaving me with a lot of questions. I pocket the small rectangular box and head over to Gloria’s place with my mind racing.

I knock on Gloria’s door and she lets me in, and I try to keep my mind off the gift for now, I want to enjoy my birthday. The night is a lot of fun, we watch shows and eat food, just the two of us. She sings happy birthday to me, and we have cake. While we’re eating she plops a box on the counter.

“Open it fucker.”


I raise and eyebrow at her but do as she says. I peel the paper back and flip the lid off the box.

“Iiiits, a….. rock?”

“It’s called a wishing stone loser. At midnight, you squeeze it and put all your energy in it and it grants you a wish”

“I see, so you got me a paper weight”

She punches me in the arm and laughs.

“Yeah I guess I did, but it’s pretty ain’t it?”

I shrug. It is pretty. As I pocket the small stone, my hand brushes up against the box I received earlier. I pull it out and place it on the counter. Gloria looks at it and speaks through a mouth full of cake.

“Who gave you that?”

“Some girl, she said it was from my dad… I haven’t opened it”

“Why not? Maybe it actually is something from your old man.”

I nod at her, figuring it couldn’t hurt to open the box. I pull the lid off of the box. Inside is an oddly shaped silver remote with only three buttons, pause/play, rewind, fast forward, and small screen. I gently pry the small device out of its container to examine it

“Whoa, it’s warm”

“Like it’s been used?”

“Like it’s alive”


I turn it over in my hand and shrug. I toss the box in garbage can and pocket the remote.

“Let’s get back to the show.”

We return to the couch and watch some weird Netflix anime for awhile until we’re half asleep. Gloria stands up after a few hours and stretches.

“Pause it loser, I gotta pee”

As she walks away I grab absentmindedly to my right hand side and pick up the remote and hit pause. Gloria stops in her tracks, and I raise an eyebrow.

“You good Gloria?”

No response.

“Yo? What’s wrong?”

Still nothing. I get up and walk over too her.

“Are you ignoring me?”

I walk in in front of her. What the hell? It’s like she’s frozen. I wave my hand in front of her face, snap. Nothing. I look in my hand and see the silver remote. I bring it up and look at the screen. ‘Paused’. I look at Gloria again.

“You have to be trying to prank me…”

I walk around her.

“Ok so, if you’re really frozen, you won’t notice if I do this!”

I reel back and give her the hardest smack on the ass that I muster. Her ass jiggles a bit, but she doesn’t react. Holy shit. She’s frozen. I make my way back to the couch and plop back down. I hit play on the silver remote. Gloria yelps. And looks back at me. She’s a deep red

“Grant what the hell!?”

“What? I’m way over here.”

She looks confused for a moment, rubbing her ass where I smacked. She nods.

“Ok… just pause the show already”

I hit pause on the TV remote and she walks off. I look at the silver remote and turn it over in my hand. Where the fuck did you come from? I hit pause again and walk over to the bathroom. Doors lock but I reach up and get the key from the door frame and unlock it. Gloria’s sitting there on the toilet, shorts around her ankles, elbows resting on her knees. She looks like she was deep in thought. She doesn’t react to me coming in. I wave my hand in front of her face again. She really is frozen. I get an idea and I can’t help myself.

“Sorry Gloria…”

I reach down and pull her tits one at a time out of her tank top. Damn, that’s what they look like. I’ve always imagined but they’re even better than I thought. My cock is starting to harden as I stare and unbutton my pants. I run thumb across her soft lips and part her mouth a little, while stroking my cock with my other hand. I press the tip to her lips and smear the precum across them like lip gloss before slowly pushing into her warm, waiting mouth. I groan deeply, and start slowly fucking her face. I get deeper and deeper until my shaven mound is pressed into her nose. I put my hand on the back of her head and press her face closer to me shoving my cock full down her throat. I feel a familiar tightening in my loins and my legs start to shake a little. My cock pulses as if it’s about to burst before shooting rope after rope of hit cum down her throat. I stumble back, my cock slipping from her mouth, I bit of my cum dripping from her lip. I pull up my pants and grab a bit of toilet paper to wipe her lip and toss it in the trash. I leave the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I unpause life when I reach the living room and wait for her to return. When she does she says she has a weird feeling her throat.

“Maybe you’re getting sick?”


I can’t focus the rest of the evening. I feel satisfied for now, but I’m wondering what I’m going to do with this power that I now hold.

At around 1 AM I leave Gloria’s house and head home. As I’m walking I begin to feel like I’m being followed, so I stop and look around. I half expect to see someone with a knife, or a gun, but to my surprise I see the mystery girl from earlier walking towards me.

You again? Hey, what the hell is this thing?”

“I see you have had time to figure out it’s power. It’s a time manipulation remote, a gift from your father.”

“How do you know who my father is? Why would he give me this? Why now?”

“I know you must have several questions, but I’m not the one who can answer them all. I work for your father. He sent me before to gift you the remote, and now to tell you where he is. He would like to speak with you”

“What makes him think I want to talk to him?”

“He knows. You’ll find him at River Valley Community Hospital, room 301. He will be waiting”

She turns and walks away. I hit pause on the remote. I need a moment, so I sit on the curb. Do I really want to speak to him? After 20 years of silence on his end? I know nothing about him, and I want answers but I’m nervous. The hospital is only a few blocks away. I hit play on the remote. Staring down at my feet, I try and will them to move. I slowly pick myself up and start walking in the direction of the hospital.

I step through the doors and up to the desk.

“Excuse me, do you know who’s staying in room 301?”

“Let me see… Looks like one mister Grant Velazquez, but visiting hours are over.”

“That’s fine, I just wanted to ask”

I walk back out the doors and hit pause again. I make my way back inside and take the stairs to the third floor. I imagine complex machines and electronics don’t work while the world is stopped. I find room 302 and hit play. As I put my hand up to knock I hear a voice.

“Come in son, I know you’re there.”

When I step inside I see an older man, around my mothers age. He smiles at me, but I don’t smile back. I’m just confused.

“I have so many questions.”

“I know you do, sit down junior”

I do as I’m told.

“What the hell is going on? What is this remote? Where have you been my whole fucking life? I’m so fucking confused right now. I don’t even know where to start.”

“I’ll tell you everything. Let me start from the beginning.

He begins to tell me that he met mother in high school. They fell in love but neither wanted to admit it. They remained friends for several year, in the time she fell in love with someone else, got married, had a daughter. He wasn’t so lucky. When he turned 23, something odd happened. He was taking a class on Norse mythology for history credits in college. His professor had all kinds of knick knacks that were supposedly artifacts from that time. While observing them one in a glass case called out to him. A small stone that seemed to shimmer. When the class was clearing for the last day of the semester, he approached the case, being sure he was blocked by the crowd of students, and quickly opened the door and snatched the stone, shoving it in his pocket. His professor had noticed and asked to speak to him, but rather than being angry he seemed happy to pass the stone on. He was old and no longer had any use for it. Claimed it was a gift from Loki himself. My father left the class room and staring at the stone in his hand. As he was thinking “What do you do?” The stone shift in shape into its current form, the remote. He quickly realized it controlled time and the shenanigans began. At first it was small things, lifting shirts, stealing bras and panties, but it soon turned to more. He’d start having sex with girls he found particularly irresistible. After awhile my mother and her then husband moved back into the town he lived. They got in touch and they got caught up over coffee at a local shop. She had moved on, she was in love with someone else and the love for him had been forgotten. He was disappointed but realized that he could still have her. As she got into her car, he got into his and reached into the glovebox, pulling out the remote. He hit pause and headed over to my mothers car. She had become even more beautiful and sexy since they had last met. He had sex with her but she was different from other girls. With other girls he was careful not to get any cum inside them, but with her that wasn’t the case. He came inside her, multiple times, and made sure she’d get pregnant. A few months later, her husband returns, and she finds out she’s pregnant. Her husband leaves, and I’m born.

He looks at me and waits for a response but I have nothing to say. It’s not that I don’t believe him, I’m holding the remote. I think for a moment. This explains why mom always claimed not to know who my father was. She really has no idea who it is, but I do now.

“Why pass it on now? You’re still pretty young”

“I’m dying Grant, and I loved your mother, Yesenia, more than anyone. I think she felt the same too, she did name you after me after all. That is why you get the remote over any of the others.”

“So do I have other siblings?”

“Probably hundreds, but only a few that matter.”

He takes a note pad off the table next to him and writes some things down.

“These are the addresses where you’ll find your siblings. You’re one of my two sons. The rest are daughters.”

I take the paper and look down at the five addresses and the names written next to them. They’re the names of the mothers and my siblings names. He gives me a run down of who the siblings are and how he knew the mother. He lays back in his bed.

“I don’t have a lot of time left junior. I just didn’t want to leave you with questions.”

He closes his eyes and waves me out the door. I leave and head home for the night.

The next day I head into work, remote in my pocket. I get a couple of weird looks as I go through the metal detector when I pull the remote out, but no one says anything. That day my productivity and quality are through the roof. I get more done in an hour that our fastest people would do in two. Everyone pats me on the back and jokingly asks for my help, asking what I’m on. I laugh it off and squeeze the remote lightly in my pocket, but not everyone is pleased to see me do well.

Later on my coordinator, a taller brunette woman with pale skin named Riley, approaches me, looking down at me through her glasses. She starts questioning me about how I’m doing so well. She such a bitch, everyone hates her. I give her smart ass responses. I shouldn’t talk back to her but I can’t help it. She’s clear pissed off that I’m getting positive and is trying to knock me down a peg in her own passive aggressive way.

“I see you’ve been flooding the conveyer all day. Not trying to leave room for your partners to pick?”

“I see you’re still giving people shit for no reason. They have plenty of room, I’m making sure of it.”

Her face turns a little read, angry at my response. She goes on a rant on how I have to leave more space for ten minutes before walking away. From the front she’s not much, B cup tits, low cut shirt. I hate her but she does have the nicest ass. She wore leggings today and her ass ripples with each of her heavy, angry steps as she storms away. My cock starts growing, and I can’t resist.

“Hey, Riley? Can you check that box there? The label might be wrong.”

She turns and glares at me, but then stops the conveyor belt and leans over the box to look at the label. Perfect. I hit pause on the remote and walk over to her and slap her left ass cheek with all my strength, a couple of times. I sliding my fingers into the waistband of her leggings and pull them all the way down to her ankles and give her ass few more smacks on the same side. I then spread her perfect ass and get a good look as her pussy and asshole. I can’t resist slipping between her legs and eating her pussy for a bit. My tongue slips up and down her slit and circles her clit before I suck on it for a bit. She tastes damn good and it’s only making my cock harder. I tongue her hole a bit and shove my fingers in. I start to notice that her body is reacting to the stimulation even though times is frozen. Her pussy is getting soaked, and I’m ready to take full advantage of the position I have her in. I stand up and get behind her, grabbing her hip with one hand and lining my cock up to her dripping wet hole with the other. I slam into her as hard as I can, I’m not trying to be nice. I pump my cock in her as hard as I can. I grab a hand for of her hair and pull her head back as I piston in and out, making loud slapping noises. I start smacking her ass again as I push her body more in the box while I fuck her. I feel my cum starting to build and I pick up more speed. I’m gonna cum inside her. I feel my knees start to buckle a little as I release a massive load into her waiting pussy. I groan with each passing wave as I unload rope after rope inside her. When I pull out my cum starts to drip down her thigh. My cock is still hard though and I spread her ass again. I spit on her asshole and line my cock up with it and thrust my cock hard into her tight ass, up to the base. I want this to hurt, I grab her hips with both hands and start slamming into her asshole, over and over. I smack her huge ass until it’s a deep red. I can feel myself getting ready to cum again so I give her one last good, hard thrust and cum deep in her asshole. My cock starts to soften and I pull it out with a soft plop. I claim her panties as a trophy then pull her leggings up. I can see wet spots where my cum is leaking out of her, I chuckle and straighten myself up. I make sure I’m back where I was standing before and hit the play button. Riley begins to speak.

“It’s corr- OH FUUUUUUCK!”

Her legs buckle and start to shake, she has her arm on the box to support her. Her breathing is ragged while she recovers from the ‘random’ orgasm she just had. He face flushes read and everyone stares at her. She’s visibly confused, as she looks around.

“What are you all staring at!? Get back to work!”

She try’s to get her composure back a little before running off on her still shaky legs. I smile and get back to work. I’m gonna enjoy having the power to fuck whoever I want.

Two Hotel Quarantine Cops Use My Holes 0 (0)


Over the last few weeks I have been tossing up where or not I share the experience in hotel quarantine.  Of course, I protect the anonymity of the people I write about (unless they want me to share their identity) and I didn’t do anything wrong.  Melbourne had a second wave of covid because the security guards were having sex with the quarantinees so they decided to use police as security instead.  I don’t think it has made any difference.

Over the last few weeks I have been tossing up where or not I share the experience in hotel quarantine. Of course, I protect the anonymity of the people I write about (unless they want me to share their identity) and I didn’t do anything wrong. Melbourne had a second wave of covid because the security guards were having sex with the quarantinees so they decided to use police as security instead. I don’t think it has made any difference.

This is not a piece of fiction and if I am vague in any parts of this it is because I want to protect the anonymity of everyone involved.

I was biting the pillow because it hurt, but it was a good hurt. If I hadn’t sucked his cock at the beginning of his shift, the cop that was fucking me bareback wouldn’t be taking so long.

On my knees in the middle of the bed, I was wearing an AussieBum jockstrap and I was handcuffed. Not the novelty handcuffs I bought from the online adult store, these were Constable Ryan’s real handcuffs and I wasn’t getting out of them until he let me. With my hands handcuffed behind my back, I really had no control and was completely at his whim. His moaning got louder, he was getting close.

With a grunt he buried his cock deep inside me and came. A minute later, still sucking in deep breaths, he slapped my arse in conquest and slowly withdrew his man meat.

I collapsed on my stomach, my erection causing a little discomfort. Constable Ryan wouldn’t offer me any relief in that regard but hopefully Constable Peters, whose shift was about to begin would.

Behind my back I could hear Constable Ryan getting dressed. He told me he’d see me tomorrow morning and started heading towards the door. I asked him about the handcuffs. He dismissed my question, telling me Peters would be by soon and he could deal with the handcuffs. Then he was gone.

This had been going on for ten days straight, from my first day in hotel quarantine.

Just before Xmas, I got caught in the ever changing state border closure shenanigans here in Australia. In order to get back home, I had to spend fn days in hotel quarantine. I knew it was coming and had no choice in the matter. I can run my speedo fetish websites from anywhere and I had my laptop. I had also packed a few bottles of bourbon, some sex toys and a bunch of speedos. I figured maybe I’d chat with some of my members online while I pleasure myself. Not in my wildest fantasies could I have ever imagined that my time in hotel quarantine would be a complete fuck fest.

It started on my first afternoon in the hotel.

From the airport, I was loaded on to a bus and taken to the quarantine hotel, I was marched up to my room, given a lunch packet and that was pretty much it. I guess it is the same in prison right?

On that first day I did a few hours work, had a couple of alcoholic drinks and after editing up a new speedo porn movie I was horny. Getting horny while working is one of my occupational hazards. The speedo porn I had been working on featured a guy getting his arse slammed by two guys and it made me feel like some anal pleasure as well, so I went to my suitcase, grabbed my butt plug and some lube. I was wearing a pair of black lycra speedos and instead of taking them off, I pulled them aside and slide the butt plug in, all the way in. I then setup my laptop in the middle of the bed, playing that porn movie I had been working on, I turned up the volume on my blue tooth headphones and got on my knees enjoying the video.

I wanted it to last so I was just rubbing my cock through the lycra and my left hand was playing with the butt plug.

It was probably around the ten minute point in the video when I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I just about died with fright, if I didn’t have a butt plug in, I would have crapped myself (yes, I can joke about it now). I jumped back on the bed, knocked my laptop off the bed and I was trying to cover my erection and get my ear buds out. Then I looked up to see a cop standing there beside the bed.

Looking back I didn’t need to be as submissive as I was but with a cop standing there, I felt like I had been caught doing something wrong.

Constable Ryan knew he had the upper hand. He made me stand up in front of him which was incredibly embarrassing to start with. My cock was straining the front of my black speedo and there was no hiding the fact that I had a butt plug inside me. He was talking all tough and trying to scare me and eventually he asked me if instead of the butt plug, would I like the real thing?

Of course I did.

He man handled me over to the little office table and bend me over. He just ripped my speedos down and I was surprised when he slid the butt plug out slowly instead of just yanking it out. Leaning on the table with both of hands, I heard him undoing his pants, the zipper and then I felt him playing with his cock in my arse crack. He was already pretty hard and I was lubed up from the butt plug. He was polite enough to ask me if I was ready and then I felt him enter me.

I am good regarding safe sex but since I didn’t expect to have any sex in hotel quarantine I didn’t have any condoms with me and I am not sure Constable Ryan would have taken no for an answer.

It did feel good. Rough, but not violently so. It wasn’t long until Constable Ryan approached his orgasm and came inside me.

After he pulled out, he grabbed a towel from the bathroom and cleaned himself up. I was just standing there, really really horny and hoping that maybe I would get some relief but he just threw me the towel he had used. He told me not to jerk off because he would send someone to help with my raging erection. He also ordered me to clean up and be waiting wearing a speedo. There was no more information and I didn’t know if he would send one of the other quarantine guests or what. As he walked out he grabbed a pair of red speedos which I had on the bed and put them in his pocket.

Just before Constable Ryan opened the door he asked me if I’d like for him to visit daily. I think you can guess my answer to that question.

I had a shower and was a little bit in shock. Had that really happened? As long time fans of mine know, I’ve had my share of naughty and random experiences but I just had just been caught masturbating and then fucked by a cop in hotel quarantine. After drying off, I put on a pair of black speedos and had just lied down on the bed when someone walked in to my room. Looks like the age old courtesy of knocking doesn’t exist in hotel quarantine.

My cock hadn’t softened at all and there was no hiding it in a speedo as I jumped to my feet and another cop walked in to my little hotel room.

The introduction this time was more civilized and Constable Peters introduced himself and shook my hand.

Indicating to my cock, Constable Peters said that Constable Ryan said there was something in this room that he might be interested in. That was the first time I had heard the name of the cop who had recently bred my arse.

I’m standing there, black speedo, fully erect cock stretching the lycra in front of a fully dressed policeman. He indicates towards my cock and asked me “May I?” Of course I said yet and Constable Peters reached out and started rubbing my cock. Then, he got on his knees and was licking the front of my speedo before releasing it out the leg and he started sucking me off. He was taking his time, he was savoring it but I was far too horny for this kind of foreplay. I grabbed the back of his head and started fucking his mouth. There were no objections from Constable Peters. I warned him when I was close and he kept sucking and took my entire load.

It was an amazingly intense orgasm. When I was done Constable Peters tucked my cock back in to my speedo and adjusted it just nicely. He went to the bathroom and I sat down on the bed, my legs were a bit shakey.

When he came out I offered to return the favour but he told me that he had fucked his wife that morning but would have a load for me tomorrow if I’d like.

The second day of my hotel quarantine Constable Ryan came in to my room (again, no knocking) and this time he stripped down and was wearing the red speedo that he had taken the day before. He wanted me to blow him and I did and took my time. He complimented me on my blowjob skills and most days I had his cock in my mouth at some point, I don’t think a day went by when I didn’t have his cock in my bum.

Constable Peters let me suck him off the second day. He wasn’t interested in fucking me, just blowing each other. I had hoped for a threesome with the two of them but it never happened.

At the time nobody in the hotel had the covid and two days after I was released I had to get another covid test and that day I also went for an STD test as well which turned up clean. Has anyone else had an experience like this in hotel quarantine?

Building a Dream: Part Two 0 (0)


. What time did we eventually fall asleep? About midnight I think. I got out of bed, quick wee then made two cups of coffee. Jay didn’t stir. She was still out for the count. Hardly surprising after last nights unexpected gangbang.

A continuation of our adventure in London in 2014 which led to the sexual awakening for us both. Most of the story is absolutely true. Some of the dialogue has been recreated as I can’t accurately remember everything exactly as it was said. The names of the persons involved have been changed apart from our good friends Manus and Sara who have given us full permission to use their real names. Enjoy!

It was the coolness of the room that woke me. I looked over at the fans and saw that one had been left switched on and was pointing at the bed from the other side of the room. I looked down at Jay who was still asleep, naked, lying on her front and partially covered by the sheet. Reaching for my watch I was surprised that it was only 7:30. What time did we eventually fall asleep? About midnight I think. I got out of bed, quick wee then made two cups of coffee. Jay didn’t stir. She was still out for the count. Hardly surprising after last nights unexpected gangbang.

I sipped my coffee and ran through the events and how they came about. The chaps we had met earlier in the bar bought the fans up, clothing was shed and, combined with Jay’s alcohol intake, a gangbang ensued. Nothing was planned. It just naturally happened and Jay certainly didn’t complain. It wasn’t anything that had happened to either one of us before and only the sort of thing you would see in a porno, but it did happen and it opened my eyes to the pleasure Jay got from it.

But then, she was drunk.

She opened her eyes and, noticing the coffee murmured “yes please.”

“How you are feeling?” I asked as she sat up and took a sip.

“Stretched,” she replied. “Sore and stretched.”

“Hardly surprising. “ I said sitting next to her. “How much do you remember?”

“Everything. I can’t believe that happened.” She sat up further and, as the sheet dropped, I noticed the marks on her red and sore looking nipples from the punishment they took.

We sat in silence drinking our coffees. I didn’t know what to say and she seemed deep in thought. She finished her coffee and gently lifted her breasts and examined her nipples.

“These feel a bit sore and…oh, very sensitive.” She gently stroked each nipple in turn, both still fully erect. “Sore, but not in a bad way. They feel, I dunno, kind of extra sensitive.” As she sat there stroking each nipple I could feel myself getting excited. Her nipples had taken some severe, but not damaging bites and punishment from last night but the fact that it didn’t bother her, in fact she even seemed to be getting some pleasure from it, had started to arouse me. I tried to push the excitement to one side and asked,

“How’s the rest of you?”

“Sore,” she answered swinging her legs out and walking gently to the bathroom.

A couple of minutes later I heard the bath being filled.

“I’m going to have a very long soak.” She said, poking her head around the door. “Can you grab something to eat and put ‘do not disturb’ on the door?”

“No problem.” I answered and was soon on my way to the canteen. We had a breakfast deal in with our room fee and I knew they wouldn’t mind if I took a couple of plate loads to the room.

Jay was lying in a very bubbly bath when I returned. I sat on the bathroom floor and in between eating my own; I passed her bacon, sausages, and toast which she eats one by one as she lay soaking.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?” I asked. She went thoughtful for a moment then looked over at me and smiled.

“Do you expect me to say I’m angry? Upset? Humiliated? That I feel abused? Disappointed that you let it go so far?”

“Well, I expect you to have an opinion.” I answered, not sure where this was heading.

“It’s okay. I don’t have any of those feelings.” She replied, rubbing bubbles up her arms. “It was a surprise. We’re normal people. Things like that don’t happen to normal people. But it did. I’ve never envisioned myself to be the type to let myself go like that. Yes, the drink loosened my inhibitions, but once it started I didn’t want to stop. Something inside me was saying ‘go for it, enjoy yourself’ and I did. You didn’t make any move stop it from happening and certainly seemed to enjoy yourself in the long run.”

“I would have stopped it.” I replied on the defensive. “If I had the slightest hint from you that it was wrong or you were uncomfortable, I would have stopped it.”

“I know, I know,” She said sitting up, exposing her sore breasts from the bubbles. “But you did enjoy it and I was too far ‘in the moment’ and I think if you had tried to stop it, I would have objected. I think I’ve always had this deep and secret imagination about wanting to know how it feels to be a bit slutty. To expose myself to others a bit. To loosen up and enjoy sex openly, even with others present, but the fact that we’re ‘normal,’ has always meant that we’re not that free to act out those fantasies.”

“Well, you certainly found out last night. How do you feel now, having experienced it?” I asked.

“I feel a bit free. I feel a bit liberated. I feel like I’ve gone beyond expectations and that we’re not as normal as we think we are. I’ve never actually pictured myself having sex with more than one man at a time. It’s not something we’ve ever considered and if you were to ask me 24 hours ago if I fancied having a gangbang, I would have known you were joking, because that’s not us. But we’ve done it now and it feels, well, good. I feel like a slut. I feel like I want to act out a slut fantasy”

This was a surprise. I was expecting some sort of recrimination from her, maybe some tears, not this.

“What about everything that you did, or rather, what was done to you. You went beyond limits that you set.” I asked

“I know, I know,” She replied staring at the ceiling. “But once it started and I realised how good it actually felt, I felt a bit disappointed that we had wasted so many good fucks not experimenting more.”

“Wasted fucks?”

“No, no, not in a bad way. When we fuck, it’s great but now we’ve both had our eyes opened. There’s more things for us to explore, share and enjoy. Last night I had several orgasms. No, not just several, it felt like one long orgasm. I came and came and came and despite being sore in both regions down there,” She nodded her head towards her bubble hidden pussy. “I still feel very turned on. It hasn’t disgusted me; it’s made me aware.”

She closed her eyes and playfully purred to exaggerate the point.

“But for today, no one’s going anywhere near those regions. Too sore.”

A short while later I helped her out the bath and, having dried, wrapped herself up in a dressing gown and lay on the bed.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked. We still had a few days left to explore London and visit the museums and galleries she had previously made a list to go to.

“I want to walk down the street and say to the next woman we pass ‘I’ve just had a gangbang, have you? I want to go out with no underwear on and see if anyone notices and find out what lengths people would go to see more. I want to experience sexual freedom. Be a bit more open, maybe a bit wild and daring.”


“No, just kidding. But that’s how I feel. It’s all a part of an awakening that last night has triggered. Having those men fuck me last night has made me realise that I can actually be attractive to others.”

“I’ve always said that,” I said, sitting next to her on the bed. “I’ve always noticed men, and woman giving you the once over before. You are a very fit and sexy lady.”

“I’m glad you think so and I have noticed men looking at me, especially when I’m in a short dress or low-cut top. I normally try to adjust myself, cover up to stop them gawping, but now I want them to look. I want them to stare. I want them to imagine what they would do to me given the chance. I feel like becoming a bit of a tease or an exhibitionist. It’s like when we had sex that time in the local park last year and those two couples went past walking their dogs. Remember how quick we got our clothes adjusted and walked out of the bushes as if nothing had happened? Well now I would carry on and let them watch. I want them to see me getting pleasure and hear me cum.”

“Like that woman in the dunes at Maspalomas?”

“Oh fuck, I forgot about that.” She answered.

The previous year we went on holiday to Gran Canaria. On the first day we had gone to the beach through the vast sand dunes. We were following a path that took us deep into the dunes and came upon a group of about 9 or 10 men who were all stood watching a woman who was on her knees having sex with one man while blowing another. We stopped, unsure whether to walk past or find another route. The men had their phones in one hand and were filming or taking pictures while openly wanking with the other. They were either naked or had their shorts pulled down. The men were a mixture of old and young, fat, or thin. Just normal people like us. The woman looked to be in her early thirties, was slim and showed no shame, in fact judging by the noise she was making, she was thoroughly enjoying it. We moved over to one side and sat on a dune about twenty feet away from the action slightly overlooking the scene. Neither I nor Jay were expecting to see this but neither did we walk away. We just sat down to watch as if it was the most natural thing to come across.

Both men came simultaneously and moved away to be replaced by two others directed by another man who I assumed might have been the woman’s partner. The woman swapped positions a couple of times, all the while keeping a cock in her pussy and mouth. From where we sat we could see her take the loads of cum in her mouth and on her tits from which she scooped the excess and licked her fingers clean. No condoms were evident either. Each man came in her to be replaced by another, obviously not bothered about ‘sloppy seconds.’

The woman looked over at us at one point, stopped sucking, smiled, and winked. She obviously enjoyed having a non-participating audience.

It was after six men had pleasured her and the next couple were starting that some of the men watching noticed me and Jay. A couple walked over to us, or rather to Jay, with their cocks in their hands offering them to her as they stared at her breasts. Jay was wearing a bikini with denim shorts and instantly threw her arm across her chest and we both stood up.

“No, No.” she said with a polite smile not wishing to offend or cause trouble, putting her hand up to back them off. “We’re just going.”

With that we went back the way we had come, occasionally looking behind us to make sure we weren’t being followed and found an alternative way to the beach. When we got back to the hotel that evening a quick Google search informed us that the dunes were a swingers/exhibitionists hotspot. In our ignorance we had walked straight through the main part. The rest of the holiday was spent sight-seeing and visits to family friendly beaches and within a couple of days the event was forgotten.

“Not exactly like that woman,” she said settling down on the bed and I noticed she had slipped her hand under her robe and was rubbing her nipples.

“I mean, she was letting complete strangers queue up to fuck her. I don’t think I could ever do that, even after last night. But the look on her face and the noise she made when she came was either bought on by the fucking or from the excitement of being watched. She was really enjoying herself. It’s that sense of freedom I mean”

I reached over and gently placed my hand under her robe and began to stroke a nipple.

“So, what do you want to do today?” I asked, as I felt myself getting hard.

“Not that,” she replied with a pitying smile. “I think I just want to stay here today under the fans and watch crap daytime TV. I’m too sore to play and too tired to walk around. You okay with that?

“Yeah, let’s stay here and order food in.” I replied, feeling slightly disappointed. “Is Homes under the Hammer on?”

The next morning, having had breakfast in our room, Jay was stood naked staring at her clothes in the wardrobe trying to decide what to wear.

“Problem?” I asked

“Yeah. It’s too hot for jeans and I’m running short of clean clothes that will be cool enough.” She ran her hands through the few items hanging up then crossed her arms. “If I knew it was going to be this hot, I would have bought more dresses.”

“What about the red flowery one?” I asked. It’s a backless summer dress that tied up around the back of the neck, similar to the one she wore previously, except no bra could be worn without showing the back strap, something Jay disagreed with. The other difference with this dress was that it had an elasticated waist and was a bit ‘flary’ and short, a good six inches above the knee. Jay normally wore it over a pair of jeans.

“No,” she said pulling the dress out and holding it up. “I only wear this with jeans and it’s too hot.”

“Then wear it without the jeans.” I answered

“Absolutely not. It’s way too short and will blow up with the slightest breeze.” She replied holding it up to herself in front of the mirror as if to emphasise the shortness.

“Well, you did say yesterday that you wanted to be a bit more daring. Wear it and if it does blow up, so what. What are people going to see? Only a pair of knickers.”

“More like granny pants,” she said holding up her underwear.

I must admit, they did look a bit dull.

“Okay,” I said. “Wear no underwear. Let’s act out your slut fantasy”

“What?” she exclaimed. “No way. There’s being daring then there’s being arrested.”

“Okay then, wear the granny pants then and at the earliest chance, I’ll buy you some new underwear. Something a bit sleek and a bit sexy that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Then you can change into them. Maybe you’ll get that thrill you’re after if your dress does blow up.”

She stood then thinking about it for about a minute. Holding the dress up before her in front of the mirror and lifting the hem to see how far it would potentially rise up.

“Okay, get your cheque book out, you’ve got a deal.” She said smiling. “Waterloo Station has shops. We’ll go there. I just need to borrow your razor first.”

Waterloo Station was only a ten-minute walk away. Despite the heat there was a bit of a breeze and the lightness of the dress fabric did cause it to gently blow up. Not fully up but enough to expose the granny pants briefly. Jay held it down as best she could until we entered the station concourse.

“I’m not sure about this,” she said looking around for a clothes shop. “The slightest gust and it was rising. I’m not sure I can spend all day trying to hold it down.”

“Then don’t.” I said, taking her hand and leading her to a lady’s wear shop. “In you go and take this.” I held out a five-pound note to which she refused to take.

“Ladies underwear, Steve,” she said, “Does not come cheap.”

I handed over a twenty and she disappeared inside. A short while later she came out and, taking me by the hand said, “All done, let’s go.”

It was as we got towards Waterloo Bridge when she told me what she’s bought.

“A very thin and lacey black G-string.” She said with a wink. “And they let me change into them once I’d bought them.”

I looked down behind her and imagined the thin piece of material nestled in her bum crack.

“How does it feel?” I asked as we started across the bridge.

“Very comfortable. I didn’t think it would but I can barely notice it. I must admit to feeling a little bit turned on.”

At that, there was a slight gust of wind that blew down the river causing the dress to rise. On instinct, Jay put both hands down to stop it.

“Don’t stop it,” I said. “This is all part of the thrill.”

Jay removed her hands and let the dress drop. It was only about a minute before a short gust blew it up again. This time she didn’t stop it. The bottom of the dress lifted up to reveal the lowest part of the G-string before dropping down. I looked behind us and the only people following behind were a man and a woman, businesspeople judging by the attire and they had clearly noticed what had happened. They smiled though as if to say, ‘don’t worry, it can happen to anyone’.

It happened several more times as we crossed the bridge and each time Jay let it happen. People approaching witnessed it and there was more than one double-look from men and woman alike. Jay giggled each time with her brazenness and I could see her looking at the people’s faces each time it happened. They got an eyeful then looked at her and smiled or winked.

Having crossed the bridge, I put my arm around her waist and let it slip down to gently cup her bum cheek. Wow, it felt weird holding her through the thin fabric, knowing there was very little beneath.

“How was that?” I asked.

“I am so fucking turned on right now.” She replied.

“Really?” I asked surprised.

“Yeah. Did you see the look on people’s faces? Oh my god. They had a good eyeful, front and rear. What must they think?” She asked looking around.

“They’re probably thinking about what it would be like to fuck you, now they’ve almost seen the goods.” She laughed at that and we headed towards Trafalgar Square, Jay smiling and occasionally giggling every time a breeze came along enough to lift the dress.

We went in the National gallery and spent time in there going around the different galleries. I’ve always liked the National Gallery. Fabulous works of art on display for all to see. A bit like Jay, I thought to myself as I admired Constables Haywain. It can sometimes be very peaceful, apart from now.

“You moron, Colin!” A woman standing behind me suddenly shouted. The man with her, presumably called Colin, who, despite no food or drink being allowed in the gallery, had opened a can of coke near her and it had spurted out over her too-low cut top and very, very short skirt.

“I’m sorry Tammy,” panicked Colin as he pulled tissues out from his bag and started dabbing her.

“Where’s the toilets?” the woman shouted as she went marching out of the room closely followed by clumsy Colin.

The episode over, I turned back to admire the art and also Jay who looked absolutely gorgeous. The summer dress was a good choice. It showed off her long legs and her loose breasts were pressing out against the tight material giving more than a hint of erect nipple. At one-point Jay bent down to pick up her shoulder bag off the floor when we got up from a bench.

Standing behind her I got an eyeful of her sweet arse with the ultra-thin piece of material running under and up through the bum crack. I could clearly see the outline of her pussy too as the material was very thin and lacey with barely a covering and had moved up between her pussy lips.

I wasn’t the only one to notice.

There was another couple standing close by, tourists I presumed. I happened to look up while Jay was bent over and they both were staring at Jays arse and I mean really staring. I looked over at them and they didn’t look away, they were having a good look, even tilting their heads.

Jay stood up, oblivious to what had happened. I took her hand and started to lead her towards another picture and whispered that she had gained some admirers. She turned around quickly and saw the couple were still stood staring.

They looked slightly older than us, only a couple of years were slim and very good looking. There was a continental look about them, something European. The man was dressed casual in jeans and a polo shirt. The woman was blonde and wore a short summer dress similar to Jays, but low cut and she was clearly not wearing a bra

They both smiled at us and we smiled back. Just a polite, friendly acknowledgement.

“What were they staring at?” Jay asked.

“Your arse and your pussy. Went you bent over the whole lot was on show and I mean everything.” Jay looked around to make sure no one was looking then discretely put her hand behind and under her dress and had a feel.

“Oh my god, it’s so thin it doesn’t even totally cover my pussy. It’s ridden right up. They must have seen everything?”

“But they obviously enjoyed the view. How does that make you feel?” I asked leading her away from that room towards the exit.

“Embarrassed, yet excited. I was really turned on crossing the bridge, watching everyone have a good look but this is beyond that. This is more than just seeing some skimpy knickers.”

“Yet, not even forty-eight hours ago there were five others seeing every part of you and very close up.”

“That was in a different environment, not in public and I was very drunk then. I do feel naughty though.” She replied taking my hand as we walked along.

“How excited are you feeling right now?” I asked.

“Honestly? Very. I‘m feeling very excited right now. Why?”

“Because your admirers are following us. No, don’t turn around.” Jay was about to then stopped. She looked at me, winked then started to rummage around her shoulder bag, looking for something. She found her lip-balm and applied some and as she went to put the lid back on, she let if fall to the floor.

She bent over forward to pick it up and stayed like that as she put the lid on and placed it back in her bag. The couple were a few feet behind us and they too stopped, again staring down. Jay had parted her legs a little which gave a clearer view of the pussy, not in any way entirely covered by the slim material that had ridden up again between her pussy lips. Jay slowly stood up, smoothed her skirt, put her arm through mine and we left the building.

“Did they get a good eyeful?” She asked as we stopped on the outer level overlooking the square.

“I think the whole art gallery got an eyeful. Did that turn you on, knowing they were looking?”

“Oh, fuck yes, I’m actually getting wet down there” she replied. “I feel so, so naked and slutty. Does that make sense? I feel like this is the most natural thing to do. I feel like I should have messed around like this long before. Maybe I’ve always been a closet exhibitionist”

“Maybe,” I said. “The day is young yet. Let’s see if we can get that closet door open a little bit more.”

Jay gave a naughty giggle, looked up at me and winked.

“I think you’re the naughty one.” She said with a big smile. “You pervy.”

I looked at the crowds around the square and spotted a group of about six men standing just below us admiring a floor chalk artist, all aged in their twenties and just having a casual chat.

“Let’s head off that way,” I said pointing towards Pall Mall which was past the group. “And maybe you’ll drop your lip balm again in front of the chalk artist. Jay looked down and immediately caught on.

“You really are trying to get me into trouble.” She said with a smile, walking away

She made her way towards the artist and I hung back and edged my way near to where the group of men stood. As Jay walked past she dropped her lip balm and bent down in front of the men to pick it up.

I heard exclamations of ‘fuck, look at that, nice arse, nice pussy, shit I’d love to have some of that,’ from the group as she took a little longer than expected to retrieve the item and put it in her bag before walking quickly away.

All eyes were on her as she left and I quickly caught her up.

“Well?” She asked. “Did they see?”

“Fuck yes,” I replied. “You should have heard them.

We looked back and we could see them watching us in the distance and they weren’t alone. The couple from the gallery were still following us.

“That’s weird.” I said knowing that Jay had spotted them too.

“Could be coincidental.” She replied. “Let’s head to Soho. I fancy doing a bit of shopping. If they follow us there then we’ll know something’s not right.”

We headed up Haymarket and shortly arrived in Soho. It was bustling with people. A mixture of tourists, office workers and locals all shopping, admiring the sights or just passing through. Jay was starting to get hot and was soon fanning herself with her hand.

“I need a shop with some air-conditioning. This one will do.” She said stepping through a doorway. I followed her in and then realised we had entered a sex shop. This was bigger than the one we previously visited.

It was long with three sets of aisles leading to the back of the store where another section with an S+M section sign was set off to one side at the back. The only windows were at the front of the store where the checkout was. The rest of the store was dimly lit with ***ively positioned spotlights shining down on the shelves leaving the aisles fairly dark.

The shop wasn’t busy. There were a few men in there and two couples glancing around at the goods. I noticed there weren’t any single woman. Jay had picked up a basket and was looking at the DVD’s then the books and magazines. I hung back a bit and watched the reaction of the men in there.

Just like the other day, they admired from a short distance. Jay walked over to the anal toys and was admiring the butt-plugs when a man slowly brushed past her. He was young, late teens-possibly early twenties. Jay was suddenly startled and she looked over at the man as he quickly made his way to the back of the store.

“What did he do?” I asked Jay who was still staring in the man’s direction.

“He squeezed my arse with a finger between my bum crack. It was very quick but I certainly felt it.” Jay seemed flustered and a bit agitated. “Oh my god, I just got goosed!”

“Shall I have a word?” I said looking for the man who had disappeared further into the back of the shop.

“No, don’t do that. I’m not offended. If anything, it was a bit of a thrill that someone in this day and age has had the nerve to ‘cop a feel.’” She stood almost deep in thought then said, “It was exciting. Being groped by a stranger.” She looked up at me. “I’m actually a bit turned on.”

She looked down the shop for the man but couldn’t see him.

“I wonder why he did it? “Jay said. “He didn’t know what my reaction would be. I could have shouted out and caused a scene. That kind of action would be classified as a sex crime nowadays. He’s either stupid or very brave”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to find him?” I asked

“No. If he comes past again, I’ll confront him, not you. You’ll probably end up punching him for taking advantage of his wife. I can be more subtle. It’s a shame that he felt he had to do that. From the brief look I got of him, he looked cute. He shouldn’t have to resort to groping people”

Jay moved to the shelves of anal play goods.

“Anyway, I want a new toy” Jay was looking at the butt plugs all lined up on the shelf. Small ones, long ones, thick ones, monstrous ones. She picked up a metal one and looked closely at it. It was certainly thicker than her own small, thin one. This was about four inches long with a girth of about two inches and had a heart shaped pink jewelled base. She kept hold of it then picked up an anal douche. Jay had never used one of these before, normally relying on good cleaning hygiene.

“Do you want anything?” She asked putting the items in her basket.

I looked at the basket and its exciting contents and replied “Nah, I’m good. You’re being a bit more experimental though”

Jay winked at me and asked, “Problem?”

“Not in the slightest.” I replied with a smile.

Jay looked around at all the single men in the shop. Most of them had started looking over at Jay, taking an interest in her basket contents and probably imagining her using them.

Jay noticed them looking then whispered to me, “Oops, I think I’m about to drop my lip balm.”

“In here? Are you sure?” I asked, looking around at the patrons.

“Oh, definitely in here.” She replied

She handed me the basket and groped around in her shoulder bag again for the small tube. She moved to an open area near the checkout and dropped the tube on the floor. From my vantage point I watched as she spread her legs a little then bent down to reach for it.

You could hear a pin drop. It went silent and all movement in the shop stopped as about a dozen pairs of eyes stared at Jay’s pert arse and freshly shaved, smooth pussy, the G-string material having ridden up between her pussy lips again. She slowly stood up and turned around. Everyone was suddenly busy either staring at the goods on display or looking anywhere away from Jay.

I was about to go up to her when I saw her look to the back of the store. The men who had groped her was stood at the far back by the entrance to the S+M section. We could only see his head looking at the shelves with his back to us as from the angle from the front of the shop you couldn’t see directly up the aisle to where he was standing to one side.

Jay looked at me then started walking up that aisle towards the man. I followed up the adjacent wall aisle until I was in the opposite corner to the man. Without noticing me, the man put the magazine back on the shelf and turned to walk down the aisle. I saw him walk a few feet then stop. I slowly crept to where the man had been and looked down the aisle.

Jay was a few feet in front of him. She didn’t look at him. She pretended to be taking an interest on something on a lower shelf that required her to bend forward, allowing her dress to ride up and expose the bottom of her arse cheeks. She stayed like that and didn’t move. I watched the man. He was young and good looking. He didn’t look like some groping pervert, he looked normal, like us.

There was no one else in the aisle nor in that part of the shop and no one apart from me was watching Jay now. From the inviting way she stood I could see that she was setting a trap. Let him touch her then she’ll confront him with harsh words or maybe even a slap. I knew she wouldn’t let the initial grope go without something being said or done, despite the excitement it had bought her.

The man stopped, unsure of what to do. He looked around to check if anyone was looking. He didn’t notice me as I had crouched down and was squatting behind the end of the aisle. I expected him to double back and move down a different aisle but he didn’t. He was stood staring at Jay

He slowly approached Jay and was within a couple of feet of her when she suddenly turned her head and looked up at his face. He must have been shocked but didn’t say anything nor move. With his back to me, I couldn’t see the look on his face. They stayed there staring at each other for a few moments before Jay turned her head slowly back to whatever was taking her interest on the lower shelf, not moving, leaving her arse poking out towards the middle of the narrow aisle.

The man looked around again then, without noticing me, went to slowly move past her. He got level with her and stopped, facing down the aisle. I watched as he slowly moved his right hand down and gently cupped her arse cheeks. To my surprise, Jay didn’t react. I expected her to stand up and say something, but she didn’t. She kept staring down at the shelf.

Realising that she wasn’t reacting to this the man started to squeeze and grope her arse cheeks, all the while looking around to check no one could see what was happening

He moved his hand under her dress and started to rub between her arse cheeks. Still Jay didn’t react. He looked around again and then with his other hand he slowly lifted her dress up and rested it on her back, fully exposing her arse. He then stopped rubbing her and hooked his finger behind the thin strap running up from her arse and ran his finger down, pulling it fully to one side. He then started to rub her pussy lips before gently pushing his middle finger into her pussy. This time she did react, but only by giving out a quite gasp through her parted lips. She continued to stare straight down, not moving her position. The man slowly finger-fucked her then inserted his forefinger, all the while looking around. He started to build up a rhythm and Jay started to pant quickly. She reached out and held on to the shelf as he got quicker and quicker. Jay was close to coming, her panting becoming harder and faster. How she would do this quietly, I didn’t know.

She reached down and grabbed a box from the lower shelf. It was a thick rubber vibrator. With one hand she shook it out of the box and put it sideways in her mouth like a gag. She was now bucking her hips backwards on to the man’s hand, forcing his two fingers in her as deep as she could. She shut her eyes and biting down on the vibrator she came, giving out muffled groans that only the man and I could hear. As she came I could see droplets coming out over the man’s fingers as she squirted a tiny amount and it ran down his wrist and on to the floor.

Slowly she stopped moving as the orgasm subsided. The man removed his hand and reaching up, licked his fingers clean of her ejaculate. Jay dropped slowly to her knees and stayed there for a moment still holding the bite marked vibrator before turning on her knees to face the aisle. She was still slightly shaking from the orgasm and made no attempt to stand up.

Jay looked down the aisle and seeing me crouching, peering around the corner gave out a cheeky and slightly embarrassed smile. I winked at her but still didn’t move to go to her. The man hadn’t moved either. He turned away from the direction he had been heading and I could see why. He was wearing some thin Chino’s and he had a big hard on. It was very prominent through the thin material and obviously didn’t want to walk through and out the shop with it.

Jay was on her knees face-to-face with his erection. She didn’t move. She was momentarily transfixed with the sight only a few inches from her face. She seemed unsure of what to do. She looked down the aisle towards the front of the shop then slowly stood up.

The men seemed unsure of what to do also. While he looked down the front of the store, probably hoping to escape without showing his excitement, Jay looked at me, smiled and standing up and smoothing down her dress, started to walk in my direction very slowly. The man noticed this and watched her. I considered standing up to reveal myself to the man but there was something in Jay’s body language that told me this wasn’t over yet.

She was rubbing her hands over her hips and around to the back of her arse cheeks. She was clearly still teasing him.

What was she planning? She had gone too far to berate him for his earlier groping and I had a feeling, albeit an excited, and slightly hopeful feeling, that this sexual indiscretion wasn’t over yet.

I backed up to the far-right corner, into an unlit slight recess directly opposite the S+M section that led off the end of the shop at the end of the aisle from where Jay was approaching. I knelt down as far as I could and watched as Jay reached the end of the aisle and noticing the S+M section entered it.

Jay stood there and scanned around looking for me. In my crouched position in the dim light she failed to notice me and I considered standing up and stepping out but the man had now reached Jay and had entered the section. The man stood with his back to a wall of rubber and stared at Jay who was stood before him. They just stared at each other, neither saying anything, just staring.

Jay then got down on her knees in front of him, facing his still very evident erect cock. The man looked around, even in my direction but he can’t have seen me as he quickly unbuttoned his Chino’s and released a very large and erect cock. It was fairly long with a wide girth and from my viewpoint; I could just make out a drop of pre-cum dribble from it.

Very quickly, Jay forced it into her mouth. This wasn’t a gentle slow blow job. She was really going for it. She reached up with one hand and wrapped her fingers around the shaft, head bobbing back and forward very quickly. The man threw his head back and placed both hands on the back of Jays head, giving little thrusts of his own. Jay stopped and tugged down his boxer shorts then slowly deep-throated him. She slowly fed the entire shaft down and into her neck, her nose pressed up against his pubic hair and his balls touching her chin. The man let out a gasp, clearly not having experienced this before.

Jay was still holding the vibrator in her other hand and I watched as she parted her legs and, moving the G-string to one side, entered the vibrator fully into her wet pussy. She was now bobbing her head backwards and forwards quicker, sucking his cock while her other hand moved the vibrator in and out with quick movements.

She stopped sucking and took one of his balls in her mouth while wanking him with her free hand. She alternated between each ball, giving both a goods suck before going to back to deep throating him. Several times she slowly withdrew his cock and long lines of saliva followed before she carried on, taking him deep into her throat

The man started to pant faster and together with Jays frenzied hand movements on the vibrator and slight groans she was giving out I knew she was going to come. The man threw his head back, let out a loud gasp and grabbing Jays head fucked her mouth as he came. Jay came simultaneously. I could see droplets of her cum shaking out in front of her as the orgasm hit. She carried on fucking herself with the vibrator as she came and I could see from her throat movements that she was trying to swallow all of the man’s cum.

Her orgasm subsided and she stopped moving the vibrator but left it in place. She grabbed the man’s cock with both hands and continued sucking to drain him of every drop of cum. She pulled it out of her mouth, a line of saliva trailing from his cock to her lips and looked up at him. He stared down, not moving nor saying anything. She squeezed his cock and a final spurt of cum flicked out and on to her chin. With her tongue she lapped this up and swallowed, licking her lips for any excess.

The man quickly pulled up his boxers and trousers, looked around the corner down the aisles and without saying a word, walked away and out the shop, leaving Jay still on her knees. I walked over to her and looked down at her. She looked up at me but something in her manner had changed. She wasn’t smiling, she looked vacant. She withdrew the vibrator and stood up. Having adjusted her clothing and puffing her hair she looked at me and said, “What have I done?”

“Do you want a de***ion?” I replied taking the vibrator from her and placing it back in the box I retrieved from the shelf. “You were teasing him and it’s kind of backfired.”

“But I was only going to let him touch me before suddenly confronting him. I was going to poke him with my finger and say he should have more respect for woman, that what he did could be classed as sexual assault…but I didn’t.”

“No, you didn’t. But it’s okay.” I said taking her hand.

“It’s not okay. I expected today to be a bit of fun with the G-string and a bit of flashing, but this has taken things beyond that. There’s a difference between acting and feeling a bit slutty and actually being a slut. And how do you feel about your loving wife getting fingered and giving a blow job in front of you.”

I wanted to say ‘fuck, I am so horny’ because I was. Throughout the whole thing I had nursed a full hard-on, but I could tell Jay wasn’t in the mood for that type of answer.

“It’s fine. I love you and I want you to be happy. We’ve never cheated on one another and I was here the whole time, ready to step in if needs be.”

She laid her head on my chest and I hugged her.

“I love you.” I said

“I love you too, so much,” she replied as we walked to the checkout. “But I think that’s the end of today’s adventures. I just want to go back to the hotel now.”

Jay stood by the entrance to the shop while I paid. I hander the basket over to the shop keeper, a big bald man with a long beard and arms covered in tattoos.

The man rang the items up and started placing them in a blank carrier bag. He put the vibrator in the bag and said,

“I’m glad you decided to buy this. I would have had to charge you anyway. No one wants to buy a vibrator with teeth marks on it that’s been used as a gag.”

I gave the man a quizzical look and he nodded towards the TV screen on his counter. On the screen were six colour CCTV images of different areas of the store. Two of the images were clearly showing the rear aisle and S+M area.

“You’re a lucky man,” the shop keeper said. “My missus is a right prude. I would love to see her getting a once over from someone now and again.”

“Thanks.” I replied smiling. He’s right. In a way I was feeling lucky. But how far could this go and for how long. I didn’t want to damage our relationship and clearly, today’s events had upset her.

I gave Jay the carrier bag and she put it in her shoulder bag. She felt the different boxes and finding an extra item looked at me.

“Think about it. I had to buy the vibrator.” I said. “I couldn’t leave it behind and they wouldn’t be able to re-sell it. If we had done a runner the police would find who damaged it from your dental records.”

Jay laughed at this but not in her usual fun way. She was still upset. I took her hand and went to walk away but as we turned the shop corner, we were suddenly face-to-face with the couple from the National Gallery. They must have seen us enter the shop and had hung around outside waiting for us.

They approached us and gave a little wave and said “Hi.”

“Er…hi?” I replied

“We’ve been waiting for you.” The man said. There was a slight accent I couldn’t make out.

“Okay,” I replied. “Why?”

“Well, we watched you leave the art gallery and followed you here.” The woman said smiling, again with a slight accent. “We are not sure of English protocols. We presumed we were meant to follow you.”

“Why were you following us?” Jay asked

“You told us to meet at the museum.” The man said pulling his phone out of his pocket. “When you left we presumed we were meant to follow you.”

“What do you mean, we were meant to meet you at the museum?” I said. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding.”

The man looked at his phone and started to read out loud. “Meet us at the National Gallery near The Haywain. You will know who we are as my wife will have everything out on display.”

The man turned his phone to show us the message. I recognised it straight away as the message service on Adult Friend Finder, the swinger’s website. It was the same site me and Jay had used previously with our failed attempt to find Jay a woman.

“I think there has definitely been a mistake.” I said. “We’re not the people you were expecting.”

The woman smiled at Jay and said, “But you bent over in front of us, twice. You ‘had everything on display,’ and it was a very nice display.”

“Yes, I expect it was,” I said. “But we’re not the people who had arranged to meet you. What are the names of the people you were meant to be meeting?

The man looked at his phone and said, “Colin and Tammy.”

I then remembered the woman in the gallery, covered in coke, calling ‘Colin a moron,’ who left to find a toilet, followed by moron Colin.

I quickly explained what I had witnessed to the couple who listened then started to look embarrassed, their earlier confidence now gone. They looked at each other and were quite unsure what to say.

Jay noticed this and decided to ease the situation.

“Have you come far to meet them?”

“We are from the Netherlands.” The woman answered

“You’ve come all the way from the Netherlands for a swing meet?” I asked. They looked at each other, again looking embarrassed and unsure what to say.

“It’s okay,” said Jay. “We’ve been on that site briefly before ourselves. We know what it’s for.” At that they both looked relaxed and smiled.

“No, we haven’t just come from the Netherlands for a swing meet.” The man answered with a slight laugh. “We are on holiday in London and thought it would be fun. Something to pass the time. We have been on the site for eight years but have never met anyone abroad, so we are not sure of how it works over here. You know this website?”

“Well, we only had one meet and it didn’t go well.” Jay replied. She was smiling as she said this and I think her earlier bout of regret was starting to subside.

“What happened?” The woman asked smiling at Jay.

“I’ll tell you what.” I said. “Let’s go for a drink and we’ll tell you all about it. You’ve missed your meeting now and it would be nice for us to have a chat with other people for a bit.”

Jay squeezed my hand in approval at the suggestion. I think she needed some distraction from what had just happened and a drink and a chat would do the trick.

Seeing them look at each other I quickly added,

“Not as a replacement for your meeting. I don’t mean that. It’s just to be social and, I suppose, a way of apologising if we misled you.”

They both smiled and the man said, “That would be nice.”

We led them through Soho until we reached the Montagu Pyke, a Weatherspoon’s pub on Greek Street. The air conditioning was a welcome relief to all.

We found a booth on the side wall and sat opposite each other, the girls by the wall. A short while later we were saying ‘cheers’ as we enjoyed the ice-cold beer and wine for the girls and a polite conversation followed.

Our new friends were called Manus and Sara. They lived in Amsterdam where Manus ran a test department for a wind turbine company and Sara worked as an art historian for a gallery. They were childhood sweethearts who had married young and been married for twenty years. Manus travelled a lot for his work and occasionally Sara would accompany him. This trip to London was a holiday though.

We told them about ourselves, just the normal work, family stuff and interests. We explained how we came to London to see the sights and catch a show

The conversation flowed and several drinks and a light lunch later we found ourselves laughing and joking as if we were old friends.

The conversation then turned to the swinger’s site. They asked what had gone wrong on our only meet and Jay, with some alcohol in her now, confidently told them. They both nodded along as if it was not uncommon for them.

Jay, on her fourth glass of wine, and without letting on about all our recent adventures, asked them about their swinging lifestyle. They were not shy in replying. They said they swung once or twice a month, always in the Amsterdam area and normally just with another couple. They sometimes went to swinging parties and belonged to a swinger’s club in Amsterdam which they visited two or three times a year.

Jay was sat; eyes wide open at this information. She had never met anyone so sexually liberated and I think it made what had happened in the shop almost irrelevant.

“So, have you had a gangbang?” she quietly asked Sara.

“Oh yes,” Sara replied with a wink. “Only at the club though. You? “

Jay didn’t answer straight away. She looked at me and I just shrugged.

“Yes,” she replied quietly with a slight tipsy giggle. “Two nights ago. It wasn’t planned, it just happened with some men at our hotel.”

“All the best one’s do. Cheers!” said Manus raising his glass. We all clinked and chorused cheers.

Leaning forward to Jay, Sara said quietly, “So, tell me all the gory details.”

Jay looked at me and I shrugged again as if to say, ‘tell her if you want to’.

So, she did. She can’t have been as drunk that night as I thought she was. Tipsily, she described everything that had happened in very clear and slow detail. Her first time with more than one man, her first time with two cocks in her pussy, her first fisting and her first anal. Finishing the story, she took a big sip of wine and sat back looking proud.

Both Manus and Sara gave her a quite clap.

“Brilliant,” said Manus raising his glass to her. “You really should get back on the swinger’s site.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Jay replied. “We only went on there to find me a woman. I’m not sure I could go through all that again only to be let down.”

“So, what happened in the sex shop?” Asked Sara.

Jay looked in shock at me then back to Sara.

“What do you mean? What happened in the sex shop? Why do you ask?” she replied.

“Well,” said Sara leaning forward to Jay “When I saw you at the gallery, your dress was clean. But you’ve come out of the sex shop and there is a little patch of cum on your dress.”

Sara reached up with her hand and gently touched Jays breast where a small spot of still slightly wet cum was evident near her protruding nipple. It was only a small spot and not really noticeable, but Sara had seen it. She gently rubbed the spot, or rather Jay’s nipple.

“Oh crap,” Jay said looking down to where Sara was rubbing. “It must have dripped off my chin.” Realising what she had just said she looked up in embarrassed shock. She went to wipe it away but Sara had already got the offending droplet on her finger.

“As you English say, ‘waste not, want not.’”

She held her finger to Jay’s mouth who, after a moment’s hesitation, licked it slowly off, all the while maintaining eye contact with Sara. Sara then gently started to rub the patch of dress where it had been.

“It won’t stain.” She said, still looking at Jay

“You’re a lucky man, Steve.” said Manus raising his glass in salute.

“It wasn’t me.” I replied.

Both Manus and Jay looked surprised.

“Wow!” said Sara to Jay. “So, having sex with random strangers in random places is your thing?”

“No, not at all. I’m not like that.” Jay answered.

She explained about the man groping her and how she wanted to trap him and say something but it had somehow taken a different direction.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. We do it all the time. I thought you had been in a gloryhole. You should try walking out of an adult bookshop with your face covered in cum from the gloryhole” Sara said with a wink.

“What do you mean?” Jay asked.

“In Amsterdam in the adult bookstores, you know, sex shops.” Sara replied leaning forward to Jay. “They have gloryhole’s in the back.”

“Gloryhole?” said Jay. “What’s a gloryhole?”

“You don’t know what a gloryhole is?” asked Sara. “Do you not have any in this country?”

“None that I’ve ever seen.” I replied.

“Do you know what a gloryhole booth is?” Jay asked me.

“Remember that time when you had to go away for two weeks to look after your mother?” I replied

“Yes, you said you wanked yourself crazy to online porn without me there.” She replied.

“Well, I found gloryhole videos on there. They’re mainly American though. So, yes, I do know what a gloryhole booth is”

“So, what’s a gloryhole then?” she asked Sara.

Sara leaned forward and explained:

“At the back of the store there is normally a dark corridor. Along the corridor are rows of booths with doors that lock from the inside. They’re just over a metre wide. There’s a tv playing porn that sometimes you pay for in a machine or you pay the shopkeeper in advance if there’s a certain film you want to watch. There’s normally a stool or two to sit on, sometimes a bench. On either side of the booth is a small hole or a vertical slot at about waist level.” Sara stopped to sip her wine before continuing.

Jay was listening wide-eyed and I could imagine, probably getting excited.

Sara continued:

“You go in and lock the door and wait to hear if a man has entered one of the booths either side of you. If so, you put your fingers through the hole and, if you’re lucky, a penis will be poked through. Then you can play.”

“What do you do?” Jay asked

“Manus and I always go together, never alone as he likes to film or take photographs of me playing. I start by sucking. If they are going to cum, they knock on the wall so you can be prepared to swallow or take it over your face or titties. Sometimes I will back myself to the wall so they can fuck me. I like to suck and fuck with both holes each side at the same time.”

“How many men have you had in one of these?” Jay asked totally transfixed.

Sara took a big sip from her wine and said,

“Fifteen in one session is my personal record.” She replied. Leaning very close to Jay she said almost in a whisper, “Eight men came over my face, five in my pussy and two in my arse. When we left, cum was pouring out of me.”

“Oh fuck, tell me more,” pleaded a clearly excited Jay.

Suddenly, Manus pulled out his vibrating phone and after looking at it said.

“It appears that our earlier meet has got in touch apologising and would like to meet us shortly.” He said. “It would be rude not to since they had made the effort to meet earlier. I’m so sorry, do you mind if we leave you lovely people?”

“Not at all,” I said. “Please go and have fun.”

“Let’s meet for a drink, here tomorrow evening, if you’re free?” asked Sara looking at Manus who was nodding. “It would be nice to get to know you both a little more.”

“Sure,” I said looking at a nodding Jay for confirmation, also noticing that Sara was still rubbing Jay’s nipple.

“Here, about 8:00?”

“It’s a date.” Manus replied.

Kisses on cheeks followed then they left, although it didn’t escape my attention that Jay had got a kiss on the lips from Sara. I finished my drink and said to Jay,

“What now?”

“Hotel. I am so fucking horny and if I don’t get some cock in me soon I’m going to burst.”

Part Three coming soon

Father’s Gift 1 (1)


Hello! First story on here! Feedback is welcome! If you like it let me know! If you don’t, tell me why! Criticism is welcome as long as it’s constructive! Thanks! I’ll make more if this is popular enough, might even if it’s not.

What is expected of someone who actually comes across this kind of power? Of course you think about how the power itself could be used for good, that’s what the hero’s in comics and movies do, but people are rarely so selfless. My name is Grant Palacios, and this is how I gained the power to control time.

I grew up in a small town in California, far from the coast. I lived modestly with my mother and older half sister. My father was never in the picture, and my mother never spoke about him. She insisted that she knew nothing about him, and I never pressed her too hard because it seemed to upset her.

My sister, Moriah, is a few years older than me. Her father comes around every now and then when he’s not deployed, and he seemed to always seemed resentful of my mother. Something happened between them but I was always to afraid to ask what, he’s a scary guy.

I don’t mind not knowing so much, but I was curious. Why wasn’t my father around? Did he abandon me? Did something happen to him? I don’t even know whether I should be angry at him or sad that he’s gone. I was 20 almost 21 years old and had made it this far in life without him, so it’s not even that I want him to make a return. I just have questions. Little did I know, I’d be getting answers very soon.

I work full time at a warehouse in town, and attend weekend and night classes at the local community college. It pays decently so that I can help mom with the bills and have a tiny bit of fun money. Some weeks I’ll put the fun money in my savings account. I’m saving for a car and I’d much rather get a new one. Needless to say I walk to and from work and school unless my mom lends me the truck.

Today I walk. I don’t mind, the fresh air is good and I like to clear my head during the alone time. I use the time to plan what I would do for my birthday that night. I didn’t have plans, I wasn’t very social, not a ton of friends, no girlfriend. It’s not that I’m not attractive, I’m 5’ 10” with black shoulder length hair, I’m Mexican, so I have cinnamon colored skin and brown eyes. I’m kinda fit but far from an athletes build. I’m sure someone has thought I was cute at some point. It’s just that if they have/do, they haven’t said anything.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Ah it’s Gloria. She’s my best friend. A gorgeous Filipino girl with short stature and even shorter temper. She has dark skin and thick rimmed glasses that go well with her round face. She’s 5’2” a tad chubby and has “features” that are a bit big for her frame. DD tits and an ass that jiggles when she walks. If I hadn’t known her since we were 7 I’d have tried my luck with her so very many times. It’s been too long though, it’d be weird. Besides, she doesn’t like me like that. I shake the thoughts from my mind and respond to her texts

“Hey loser, you don’t have plans for your birthday do you?? ”

“Not with anyone. Just thinking about buying myself snacks at the store and crashing in my room later.”

“Lame ass!! Come hang with me, I’ll get you a cake, and we’ll watch some anime or some shit.”

“I don’t knoooow, schedules prettty tight.”

“Bullshit! Just be at my place at 8 later, nerd”

“Alright, weeb ttyl”

There we go, plans made. She done this every year since my 18th birthday. My mom got it in her head that I’m too old for birthday parties after I hit that age, which is fine, I kinda am. My mom usually gives me a gift and kisses me on the forehead, while my sister wishes me a happy birthday without looking up from her phone and that’s all I hear about it during the day. The rest of my family will send letters some with cash and what not. These days the best parts of my birthdays are when I get to spend time with Gloria.

I walk into work after finally arriving and step through the metal detector. Something about the day feels off, like I’m being watched. I shake off the feeling and clock in. My shift goes relatively slow, there’s a lot of work, but I think I’m mainly excited to get out of there.

When my shift finally ends, I clock out and dart out the door as quickly as possible. While I’m walking, I decide to text Gloria that I’m on my way. I look down at my phone and shoot her a text, not watching where I’m going. SMACK. I’ve run right into someone, falling to the ground. I look up and see a pretty girl looking down at me with her arm extended to help me up.

“Sorry about that, dude.”

“No, excuse me, I wasn’t paying attention”

She’s cute, not really my type but damn is she cute. She’s about my height, super skinny athletic build with some tight fitting clothes. I take her hand and pull myself to my feet.

“You’re Grant right? I was actually sent here to look for you.”

“Me? By who? What for?”

“Your father, sent me to give you this.”

She reaches into her sweater pocket and pulls out a small gift box. I’m taken aback by what she just said. My father? I extend my hand and shakily take the box from her.

“Happy birthday Grant.”

She walks away leaving me with a lot of questions. I pocket the small rectangular box and head over to Gloria’s place with my mind racing.

I knock on Gloria’s door and she lets me in, and I try to keep my mind off the gift for now, I want to enjoy my birthday. The night is a lot of fun, we watch shows and eat food, just the two of us. She sings happy birthday to me, and we have cake. While we’re eating she plops a box on the counter.

“Open it fucker.”


I raise and eyebrow at her but do as she says. I peel the paper back and flip the lid off the box.

“Iiiits, a….. rock?”

“It’s called a wishing stone loser. At midnight, you squeeze it and put all your energy in it and it grants you a wish”

“I see, so you got me a paper weight”

She punches me in the arm and laughs.

“Yeah I guess I did, but it’s pretty ain’t it?”

I shrug. It is pretty. As I pocket the small stone, my hand brushes up against the box I received earlier. I pull it out and place it on the counter. Gloria looks at it and speaks through a mouth full of cake.

“Who gave you that?”

“Some girl, she said it was from my dad… I haven’t opened it”

“Why not? Maybe it actually is something from your old man.”

I nod at her, figuring it couldn’t hurt to open the box. I pull the lid off of the box. Inside is an oddly shaped silver remote with only three buttons, pause/play, rewind, fast forward, and small screen. I gently pry the small device out of its container to examine it

“Whoa, it’s warm”

“Like it’s been used?”

“Like it’s alive”


I turn it over in my hand and shrug. I toss the box in garbage can and pocket the remote.

“Let’s get back to the show.”

We return to the couch and watch some weird Netflix anime for awhile until we’re half asleep. Gloria stands up after a few hours and stretches.

“Pause it loser, I gotta pee”

As she walks away I grab absentmindedly to my right hand side and pick up the remote and hit pause. Gloria stops in her tracks, and I raise an eyebrow.

“You good Gloria?”

No response.

“Yo? What’s wrong?”

Still nothing. I get up and walk over too her.

“Are you ignoring me?”

I walk in in front of her. What the hell? It’s like she’s frozen. I wave my hand in front of her face, snap. Nothing. I look in my hand and see the silver remote. I bring it up and look at the screen. ‘Paused’. I look at Gloria again.

“You have to be trying to prank me…”

I walk around her.

“Ok so, if you’re really frozen, you won’t notice if I do this!”

I reel back and give her the hardest smack on the ass that I muster. Her ass jiggles a bit, but she doesn’t react. Holy shit. She’s frozen. I make my way back to the couch and plop back down. I hit play on the silver remote. Gloria yelps. And looks back at me. She’s a deep red

“Grant what the hell!?”

“What? I’m way over here.”

She looks confused for a moment, rubbing her ass where I smacked. She nods.

“Ok… just pause the show already”

I hit pause on the TV remote and she walks off. I look at the silver remote and turn it over in my hand. Where the fuck did you come from? I hit pause again and walk over to the bathroom. Doors lock but I reach up and get the key from the door frame and unlock it. Gloria’s sitting there on the toilet, shorts around her ankles, elbows resting on her knees. She looks like she was deep in thought. She doesn’t react to me coming in. I wave my hand in front of her face again. She really is frozen. I get an idea and I can’t help myself.

“Sorry Gloria…”

I reach down and pull her tits one at a time out of her tank top. Damn, that’s what they look like. I’ve always imagined but they’re even better than I thought. My cock is starting to harden as I stare and unbutton my pants. I run thumb across her soft lips and part her mouth a little, while stroking my cock with my other hand. I press the tip to her lips and smear the precum across them like lip gloss before slowly pushing into her warm, waiting mouth. I groan deeply, and start slowly fucking her face. I get deeper and deeper until my shaven mound is pressed into her nose. I put my hand on the back of her head and press her face closer to me shoving my cock full down her throat. I feel a familiar tightening in my loins and my legs start to shake a little. My cock pulses as if it’s about to burst before shooting rope after rope of hit cum down her throat. I stumble back, my cock slipping from her mouth, I bit of my cum dripping from her lip. I pull up my pants and grab a bit of toilet paper to wipe her lip and toss it in the trash. I leave the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I unpause life when I reach the living room and wait for her to return. When she does she says she has a weird feeling her throat.

“Maybe you’re getting sick?”


I can’t focus the rest of the evening. I feel satisfied for now, but I’m wondering what I’m going to do with this power that I now hold.

At around 1 AM I leave Gloria’s house and head home. As I’m walking I begin to feel like I’m being followed, so I stop and look around. I half expect to see someone with a knife, or a gun, but to my surprise I see the mystery girl from earlier walking towards me.

“You again? Hey, what the hell is this thing?”

“I see you have had time to figure out it’s power. It’s a time manipulation remote, a gift from your father.”

“How do you know who my father is? Why would he give me this? Why now?”

“I know you must have several questions, but I’m not the one who can answer them all. I work for your father. He sent me before to gift you the remote, and now to tell you where he is. He would like to speak with you”

“What makes him think I want to talk to him?”

“He knows. You’ll find him at River Valley Community Hospital, room 301. He will be waiting”

She turns and walks away. I hit pause on the remote. I need a moment, so I sit on the curb. Do I really want to speak to him? After 20 years of silence on his end? I know nothing about him, and I want answers but I’m nervous. The hospital is only a few blocks away. I hit play on the remote. Staring down at my feet, I try and will them to move. I slowly pick myself up and start walking in the direction of the hospital.

I step through the doors and up to the desk.

“Excuse me, do you know who’s staying in room 301?”

“Let me see… Looks like one mister Grant Velazquez, but visiting hours are over.”

“That’s fine, I just wanted to ask”

I walk back out the doors and hit pause again. I make my way back inside and take the stairs to the third floor. I imagine complex machines and electronics don’t work while the world is stopped. I find room 302 and hit play. As I put my hand up to knock I hear a voice.

“Come in son, I know you’re there.”

When I step inside I see an older man, around my mothers age. He smiles at me, but I don’t smile back. I’m just confused.

“I have so many questions.”

“I know you do, sit down junior”

I do as I’m told.

“What the hell is going on? What is this remote? Where have you been my whole fucking life? I’m so fucking confused right now. I don’t even know where to start.”

“I’ll tell you everything. Let me start from the beginning.

He begins to tell me that he met mother in high school. They fell in love but neither wanted to admit it. They remained friends for several year, in the time she fell in love with someone else, got married, had a daughter. He wasn’t so lucky. When he turned 23, something odd happened. He was taking a class on Norse mythology for history credits in college. His professor had all kinds of knick knacks that were supposedly artifacts from that time. While observing them one in a glass case called out to him. A small stone that seemed to shimmer. When the class was clearing for the last day of the semester, he approached the case, being sure he was blocked by the crowd of students, and quickly opened the door and snatched the stone, shoving it in his pocket. His professor had noticed and asked to speak to him, but rather than being angry he seemed happy to pass the stone on. He was old and no longer had any use for it. Claimed it was a gift from Loki himself. My father left the class room and staring at the stone in his hand. As he was thinking “What do you do?” The stone shift in shape into its current form, the remote. He quickly realized it controlled time and the shenanigans began. At first it was small things, lifting shirts, stealing bras and panties, but it soon turned to more. He’d start having sex with girls he found particularly irresistible. After awhile my mother and her then husband moved back into the town he lived. They got in touch and they got caught up over coffee at a local shop. She had moved on, she was in love with someone else and the love for him had been forgotten. He was disappointed but realized that he could still have her. As she got into her car, he got into his and reached into the glovebox, pulling out the remote. He hit pause and headed over to my mothers car. She had become even more beautiful and sexy since they had last met. He had sex with her but she was different from other girls. With other girls he was careful not to get any cum inside them, but with her that wasn’t the case. He came inside her, multiple times, and made sure she’d get pregnant. A few months later, her husband returns, and she finds out she’s pregnant. Her husband leaves, and I’m born.

He looks at me and waits for a response but I have nothing to say. It’s not that I don’t believe him, I’m holding the remote. I think for a moment. This explains why mom always claimed not to know who my father was. She really has no idea who it is, but I do now.

“Why pass it on now? You’re still pretty young”

“I’m dying Grant, and I loved your mother, Yesenia, more than anyone. I think she felt the same too, she did name you after me after all. That is why you get the remote over any of the others.”

“So do I have other siblings?”

“Probably hundreds, but only a few that matter.”

He takes a note pad off the table next to him and writes some things down.

“These are the addresses where you’ll find your siblings. You’re one of my two sons. The rest are daughters.”

I take the paper and look down at the five addresses and the names written next to them. They’re the names of the mothers and my siblings names. He gives me a run down of who the siblings are and how he knew the mother. He lays back in his bed.

“I don’t have a lot of time left junior. I just didn’t want to leave you with questions.”

He closes his eyes and waves me out the door. I leave and head home for the night.

The next day I head into work, remote in my pocket. I get a couple of weird looks as I go through the metal detector when I pull the remote out, but no one says anything. That day my productivity and quality are through the roof. I get more done in an hour that our fastest people would do in two. Everyone pats me on the back and jokingly asks for my help, asking what I’m on. I laugh it off and squeeze the remote lightly in my pocket, but not everyone is pleased to see me do well.

Later on my coordinator, a taller brunette woman with pale skin named Riley, approaches me, looking down at me through her glasses. She starts questioning me about how I’m doing so well. She such a bitch, everyone hates her. I give her smart ass responses. I shouldn’t talk back to her but I can’t help it. She’s clear pissed off that I’m getting positive and is trying to knock me down a peg in her own passive aggressive way.

“I see you’ve been flooding the conveyer all day. Not trying to leave room for your partners to pick?”

“I see you’re still giving people shit for no reason. They have plenty of room, I’m making sure of it.”

Her face turns a little read, angry at my response. She goes on a rant on how I have to leave more space for ten minutes before walking away. From the front she’s not much, B cup tits, low cut shirt. I hate her but she does have the nicest ass. She wore leggings today and her ass ripples with each of her heavy, angry steps as she storms away. My cock starts growing, and I can’t resist.

“Hey, Riley? Can you check that box there? The label might be wrong.”

She turns and glares at me, but then stops the conveyor belt and leans over the box to look at the label. Perfect. I hit pause on the remote and walk over to her and slap her left ass cheek with all my strength, a couple of times. I sliding my fingers into the waistband of her leggings and pull them all the way down to her ankles and give her ass few more smacks on the same side. I then spread her perfect ass and get a good look as her pussy and asshole. I can’t resist slipping between her legs and eating her pussy for a bit. My tongue slips up and down her slit and circles her clit before I suck on it for a bit. She tastes damn good and it’s only making my cock harder. I tongue her hole a bit and shove my fingers in. I start to notice that her body is reacting to the stimulation even though times is frozen. Her pussy is getting soaked, and I’m ready to take full advantage of the position I have her in. I stand up and get behind her, grabbing her hip with one hand and lining my cock up to her dripping wet hole with the other. I slam into her as hard as I can, I’m not trying to be nice. I pump my cock in her as hard as I can. I grab a hand for of her hair and pull her head back as I piston in and out, making loud slapping noises. I start smacking her ass again as I push her body more in the box while I fuck her. I feel my cum starting to build and I pick up more speed. I’m gonna cum inside her. I feel my knees start to buckle a little as I release a massive load into her waiting pussy. I groan with each passing wave as I unload rope after rope inside her. When I pull out my cum starts to drip down her thigh. My cock is still hard though and I spread her ass again. I spit on her asshole and line my cock up with it and thrust my cock hard into her tight ass, up to the base. I want this to hurt, I grab her hips with both hands and start slamming into her asshole, over and over. I smack her huge ass until it’s a deep red. I can feel myself getting ready to cum again so I give her one last good, hard thrust and cum deep in her asshole. My cock starts to soften and I pull it out with a soft plop. I claim her panties as a trophy then pull her leggings up. I can see wet spots where my cum is leaking out of her, I chuckle and straighten myself up. I make sure I’m back where I was standing before and hit the play button. Riley begins to speak.

“It’s corr- OH FUUUUUUCK!”

Her legs buckle and start to shake, she has her arm on the box to support her. Her breathing is ragged while she recovers from the ‘random’ orgasm she just had. He face flushes read and everyone stares at her. She’s visibly confused, as she looks around.

“What are you all staring at!? Get back to work!”

She try’s to get her composure back a little before running off on her still shaky legs. I smile and get back to work. I’m gonna enjoy having the power to fuck whoever I want.

Two Hotel Quarantine Cops Use My Holes 0 (0)


Over the last few weeks I have been tossing up where or not I share the experience in hotel quarantine.  Of course, I protect the anonymity of the people I write about (unless they want me to share their identity) and I didn’t do anything wrong.  Melbourne had a second wave of covid because the security guards were having sex with the quarantinees so they decided to use police as security instead.  I don’t think it has made any difference.

Over the last few weeks I have been tossing up where or not I share the experience in hotel quarantine. Of course, I protect the anonymity of the people I write about (unless they want me to share their identity) and I didn’t do anything wrong. Melbourne had a second wave of covid because the security guards were having sex with the quarantinees so they decided to use police as security instead. I don’t think it has made any difference.

This is not a piece of fiction and if I am vague in any parts of this it is because I want to protect the anonymity of everyone involved.

I was biting the pillow because it hurt, but it was a good hurt. If I hadn’t sucked his cock at the beginning of his shift, the cop that was fucking me bareback wouldn’t be taking so long.

On my knees in the middle of the bed, I was wearing an AussieBum jockstrap and I was handcuffed. Not the novelty handcuffs I bought from the online adult store, these were Constable Ryan’s real handcuffs and I wasn’t getting out of them until he let me. With my hands handcuffed behind my back, I really had no control and was completely at his whim. His moaning got louder, he was getting close.

With a grunt he buried his cock deep inside me and came. A minute later, still sucking in deep breaths, he slapped my arse in conquest and slowly withdrew his man meat.

I collapsed on my stomach, my erection causing a little discomfort. Constable Ryan wouldn’t offer me any relief in that regard but hopefully Constable Peters, whose shift was about to begin would.

Behind my back I could hear Constable Ryan getting dressed. He told me he’d see me tomorrow morning and started heading towards the door. I asked him about the handcuffs. He dismissed my question, telling me Peters would be by soon and he could deal with the handcuffs. Then he was gone.

This had been going on for ten days straight, from my first day in hotel quarantine.

Just before Xmas, I got caught in the ever changing state border closure shenanigans here in Australia. In order to get back home, I had to spend fn days in hotel quarantine. I knew it was coming and had no choice in the matter. I can run my speedo fetish websites from anywhere and I had my laptop. I had also packed a few bottles of bourbon, some sex toys and a bunch of speedos. I figured maybe I’d chat with some of my members online while I pleasure myself. Not in my wildest fantasies could I have ever imagined that my time in hotel quarantine would be a complete fuck fest.

It started on my first afternoon in the hotel.

From the airport, I was loaded on to a bus and taken to the quarantine hotel, I was marched up to my room, given a lunch packet and that was pretty much it. I guess it is the same in prison right?

On that first day I did a few hours work, had a couple of alcoholic drinks and after editing up a new speedo porn movie I was horny. Getting horny while working is one of my occupational hazards. The speedo porn I had been working on featured a guy getting his arse slammed by two guys and it made me feel like some anal pleasure as well, so I went to my suitcase, grabbed my butt plug and some lube. I was wearing a pair of black lycra speedos and instead of taking them off, I pulled them aside and slide the butt plug in, all the way in. I then setup my laptop in the middle of the bed, playing that porn movie I had been working on, I turned up the volume on my blue tooth headphones and got on my knees enjoying the video.

I wanted it to last so I was just rubbing my cock through the lycra and my left hand was playing with the butt plug.

It was probably around the ten minute point in the video when I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I just about died with fright, if I didn’t have a butt plug in, I would have crapped myself (yes, I can joke about it now). I jumped back on the bed, knocked my laptop off the bed and I was trying to cover my erection and get my ear buds out. Then I looked up to see a cop standing there beside the bed.

Looking back I didn’t need to be as submissive as I was but with a cop standing there, I felt like I had been caught doing something wrong.

Constable Ryan knew he had the upper hand. He made me stand up in front of him which was incredibly embarrassing to start with. My cock was straining the front of my black speedo and there was no hiding the fact that I had a butt plug inside me. He was talking all tough and trying to scare me and eventually he asked me if instead of the butt plug, would I like the real thing?

Of course I did.

He man handled me over to the little office table and bend me over. He just ripped my speedos down and I was surprised when he slid the butt plug out slowly instead of just yanking it out. Leaning on the table with both of hands, I heard him undoing his pants, the zipper and then I felt him playing with his cock in my arse crack. He was already pretty hard and I was lubed up from the butt plug. He was polite enough to ask me if I was ready and then I felt him enter me.

I am good regarding safe sex but since I didn’t expect to have any sex in hotel quarantine I didn’t have any condoms with me and I am not sure Constable Ryan would have taken no for an answer.

It did feel good. Rough, but not violently so. It wasn’t long until Constable Ryan approached his orgasm and came inside me.

After he pulled out, he grabbed a towel from the bathroom and cleaned himself up. I was just standing there, really really horny and hoping that maybe I would get some relief but he just threw me the towel he had used. He told me not to jerk off because he would send someone to help with my raging erection. He also ordered me to clean up and be waiting wearing a speedo. There was no more information and I didn’t know if he would send one of the other quarantine guests or what. As he walked out he grabbed a pair of red speedos which I had on the bed and put them in his pocket.

Just before Constable Ryan opened the door he asked me if I’d like for him to visit daily. I think you can guess my answer to that question.

I had a shower and was a little bit in shock. Had that really happened? As long time fans of mine know, I’ve had my share of naughty and random experiences but I just had just been caught masturbating and then fucked by a cop in hotel quarantine. After drying off, I put on a pair of black speedos and had just lied down on the bed when someone walked in to my room. Looks like the age old courtesy of knocking doesn’t exist in hotel quarantine.

My cock hadn’t softened at all and there was no hiding it in a speedo as I jumped to my feet and another cop walked in to my little hotel room.

The introduction this time was more civilized and Constable Peters introduced himself and shook my hand.

Indicating to my cock, Constable Peters said that Constable Ryan said there was something in this room that he might be interested in. That was the first time I had heard the name of the cop who had recently bred my arse.

I’m standing there, black speedo, fully erect cock stretching the lycra in front of a fully dressed policeman. He indicates towards my cock and asked me “May I?” Of course I said yet and Constable Peters reached out and started rubbing my cock. Then, he got on his knees and was licking the front of my speedo before releasing it out the leg and he started sucking me off. He was taking his time, he was savoring it but I was far too horny for this kind of foreplay. I grabbed the back of his head and started fucking his mouth. There were no objections from Constable Peters. I warned him when I was close and he kept sucking and took my entire load.

It was an amazingly intense orgasm. When I was done Constable Peters tucked my cock back in to my speedo and adjusted it just nicely. He went to the bathroom and I sat down on the bed, my legs were a bit shakey.

When he came out I offered to return the favour but he told me that he had fucked his wife that morning but would have a load for me tomorrow if I’d like.

The second day of my hotel quarantine Constable Ryan came in to my room (again, no knocking) and this time he stripped down and was wearing the red speedo that he had taken the day before. He wanted me to blow him and I did and took my time. He complimented me on my blowjob skills and most days I had his cock in my mouth at some point, I don’t think a day went by when I didn’t have his cock in my bum.

Constable Peters let me suck him off the second day. He wasn’t interested in fucking me, just blowing each other. I had hoped for a threesome with the two of them but it never happened.

At the time nobody in the hotel had the covid and two days after I was released I had to get another covid test and that day I also went for an STD test as well which turned up clean. Has anyone else had an experience like this in hotel quarantine?