Never In A Million Years 0 (0)

[URIS id=2678]


As you read, you’ll see this story has two voices … mine and her’s. I literally copy and pasted her words from emails that we exchanged. Yes, this story is that real! And I’m looking for other experiences like this, so if this turns you on, I hope you’ll contact me, regardless of your age.

When I used traveled on business I would occasionally post an ad in the Craigs List Men-for-Women section. It was mostly a way to kill time while was alone in a hotel room. I’d write something fun, like “Baby Oil, Wine & Hot Tub – What Could Be Better?” The body of the post would be well written, in complete sentences, with proper punctuation. If you ever looked at CL listings, these basic qualities made the ad stand out from the normal “HMU 2 F$#@” type fare.

As an older white guy (just over 50 when I posted this particular ad), it’s not like my in box got flooded. The responses were mostly from Russian scammers, prostitutes, or drug addicts. Depending on how bored I was, I’d turn the tables on the scammers, be nice to the hookers and point the addicts toward local treatment centers.

Occasionally, I’d get a hit from a real, genuine human being. Most emails were guys offering blow jobs. Once in a blue moon, a woman would respond.

Her first e-mail answered my query about “what could be better.” The woman whom I would come to know as Madison wrote, “Chocolate would be better.” Opinionated I thought. I like strong women. In addition to the subject line declarative, she wrote only, “Are you single?” Opinionated, laconic and moral.

My response didn’t lie, but I agreed with her assessment, then offered dark chocolate along with a body rub. She responded, “Well, I am adamant, so I don’t think you can change my mind, although you may be able to seduce my mind. Strong, masculine hands on my soft, pretty body is so enticing and intoxicating. I could use a body rub…I have been working really hard on my thesis and am quite fatigued. I wish I could come. 🙁 I am just very serious about respecting other women and their relationships, even if I don’t know them.”

The additional detail in her note revealed a deepening curiosity. Expecting nothing more than e-mails – which I knew would end if I offended her or she simply lost interest – I pressed on just for fun. Plus, because I live my work life at a keyboard creating stories for a living, it was a welcomed distraction from my regular life, and offered hope for the perpetual hole I felt in my heart about longing to be with a woman who wanted to be with me (the reason I didn’t just hire a call girl).

Soon we exchanged photos. I knew she was in college (the thesis tipped me off), so when she saw the real 50-something me, I figured it’d be over. It wasn’t.

She wrote, “I really feel obliged to say that if you are really trying to get me to meet then you will not succeed. I just don’t want you to waste your time. I really do believe it is wrong to be with someone who is married or in a relationship, and I am very conscientious about that.

“But I do really like your photos though. You look smart and handsome in the best way possible. You are definitely a good bit older than me but very much my type physically speaking with your hair and skin. You’re adorable. I love it. 🙂 Very sexy. And seeing your strong hands makes me want you to give me a thigh massage.

“As for me, I am 22. I am writing my undergraduate, senior thesis on The Plague by Albert Camus. I am single. I love languages, especially Latin and Ancient Greek. I spent a month in Italy last summer; I love to travel. I enjoy baking bread. I love the symphony and the opera. And I love to eat. 🙂

“What do you think of my photo?”

Oh my. What did I think? I was looking at a college girl who was flirting with me! My feelings raced from disbelief to being flattered, excited, enchanted and seriously aroused.

Madison exuded the girl-next-door look with medium brown hair that hung past her shoulders. Even though the photo was not at all revealing, she had beautiful womanly curves. Imagine a classic Rubenesque model minus 20 pounds and you’re picturing Madison. Her sparkling eyes and welcoming smile were simply, well, just pretty. Melt-me cute. And pure.

Of course, she was not completely pure. Like me, like everyone who pursues what they need but can’t find through normal channels, Madison wasn’t totally innocent. Like me, she had started down a shadowy path of her own. Fortunately, somehow we’d met.

My business plans put me in the Southern city near her college in the dead of winter. Our e-mails took on an urgency because the opportunity to meet was ours to miss. I suggested coffee. Her response revealed a longing. “Of course, I am curious about what it would be like to be with you. I can’t say that I wasn’t fantasizing a little in my morning class about your hands on my thighs. Honestly, I wish I could go with you to dinner tonight, but I don’t have a way to get there. It has been about a year since I have been with a man who knew something about build up and prolonged passion. It is something I love and something that takes me to ecstasy, and something about which many men know practically nothing. I would love a buildup of intensity tonight.

“If I went even to dinner with you, I think that I would want you to make at least a little love to me, but since I won’t let that happen since you are attached, it would just be torture for me. I can’t stop wishing you were single! But I just can’t go against my conscience. I want kisses on my neck and ear. I dislike this inner struggle. :(“

Driven by the deepest need to satisfy my heart, I rationalized the situation in a note back to her, “To put things into perspective, you’ll likely do worse things in your life than see me. At least if you see me, there’s a terrific upside. Some things are worth it. The reality of how I could make you feel: Worth it. The memories of what we’ve shared. Worth it. The adventure. Worth it.”

I did not tell her that for me, the tryst would renew my strength to stay in my outwardly perfect marriage that was otherwise killing me … slowly sucking the passion and energy from my soul due to my wife’s emotional and physical disinterest. Being with Madison took on extra urgency as I realized she could be so deeply important to me at a level she couldn’t possibly understand.

Madison resisted and resisted until she didn’t. Dozens of e-mails tracked the moral battle. Either of us could have walked away. Neither did.

We’d agreed to meet at a wine bar for dinner. I got there a bit early and ordered a Riesling. Then a second. I’d positioned myself in the very back of the restaurant, faced so I could see the door. Madison arrived. She was prettier than her photos, and I hadn’t realized how tall she was, at least 5’8″. She didn’t see me, so I stood up and walked to greet her. We paused for a moment, eye to eye, my hands in front of me to gently welcome her by taking her’s and leading her to our table. It was going to be a nice evening.

Still to this moment I can’t recall the dress she was wearing, except that had a modestly deep neckline with a lace up feature. I did my best to keep my eyes on hers, but her ample breasts made for the most beautiful cleavage.

We talked for a while, noshed on some great food, drank a little (more) wine, and then Madison announced she needed to go. It wasn’t late, but I knew she was working on her thesis, and I didn’t want to impinge on her studies.

Being that it was truly freezing out (below 32°), I asked if she’d mind driving me back to my hotel. She agreed. As we walked to her car, she sheepishly admitted she’d forgotten where she parked. Then she realized she didn’t have cash to pay the parking fee. I found this so charming and innocent.

Perhaps as a life metaphor regarding needs, as we were walking, she shivered. I put my arm around her and turned up the collar on her wool coat. She’d never known you could do that! I guess when Georgia is your home, what comes naturally to those who grew up in the frozen Mid-West wouldn’t be second nature. Then she slipped on some ice. I instinctively caught her. That moment it was Madison who melted a little. I kept her warm and safe that walk.

The dinner and walk surprisingly revealed, that despite our age difference, we clicked. Our personalities and deep-seated needs meshed in a way I still don’t understand. This girl with whom I was walking was so young, pretty, smart and vivacious that I didn’t want her to go. I told her I’d like some desert. She coyly asked, “What are you hungry for?” Chocolate was the only appropriate verbal answer, although my eyes said otherwise. I casually noted, as if by coincidence, that I had dark chocolate in my room. As we pulled into my hotel, she was the one to suggest that she’d like to come up.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. Never in a million years.

As for what happened next, Madison’s diary entry puts it in her words. She sent the words below in an email. This is what she wrote in her journal. The action picks up after she gets into her friend’s borrowed car and drives away from the university:

“Dear Journal, I decided to go and meet him. The tension within myself was too great for me to bear, so I had to go. I think our e-mail exchanges made meeting that much more exciting. I did not put much care into my underthings when getting ready as I had no idea of what was to come. But I put on my royal blue silk dress. It is one of my favorite dresses. It is a soft, fine 100% silk dress and it makes men want to put their arms around me. It is delightfully and teasingly low cut although it shows but a glimpse of cleavage. It is a very classy dress. It ties above the breasts; I like to fancy that when men see it they just want to untie it and start kissing me. I curled my hair and put on light makeup as well as my rose oil perfume. In my very humble but very accurate opinion, I looked lovely.

“I drove to the city, and I felt a little nervous as I walked to establishment. It turned out to be the perfect place for our rendezvous. I like to imagine how we looked that evening, all dressed up and full of desire. I walked in, and I did not see anyone. I thought he would be sitting next to the door watching for me. I felt a small pang of dismay as I looked about and did not see him. But after a few seconds, he stood up and I caught sight of him. He was sitting in the back; I walked to him, and the moment I saw him I knew it was going to be a lovely, romantic evening. People most often look more attractive in pictures than in real life. But it was the opposite with him. He was so handsome. He was definitely quite a bit older than I was, but the age difference did not feel too pronounced. I felt that we were on the same wavelength. I wonder what were his thoughts when he first saw me. He wears glasses. I love glasses on a man. He was wearing a sweater that looked to be very soft and a silk tie. He has very good taste and seemed young at heart. When I approached him, he welcomed me with an embrace and kissed me on the cheek. My heart began to waver and to melt a little. It was so romantic and made me feel so womanly. I wish I could have played that scene again and again. I loved him kissing me on the cheek upon meeting me. He is such a romantic, gentlemanly man. He helped me out of my coat and pulled out my chair for me to sit down. He is absolutely my type physically and intellectually. I loved his voice and his style of dress. I loved his taste in food.

“He sat down, and we conversed a little before the waitress came over. I ordered a Pinor Noir; he already had his wine. I was surprised that he preferred white wine. With his romantic, sensual personality, I would have thought that he would prefer a dark, sultry red. One thing that I found irresistibly attractive about him was his vocabulary. Most men (indeed most modern people) have a very limited vocabulary, because people don’t read much and stead watch cheap tv. I have a fairly expansive vocabulary because I study Latin and Greek and because I read a lot. But I love that he used words like “egregious” and “bucolic.” I thought it was very sexy.

“We had a most pleasant conversation. We talked about traveling. I talked about my school and work, and he told me about his work. The tension between us was palpable. I loved it. I caught him looking at my breasts twice, and it made my heart beat a little faster. But he did not look at them in a crass way but rather in an admiring way. I wondered what he was thinking when he looked. Was he wondering how soft but firm they would feel under his touch? Was he wanting to kiss them softly? Was he wondering what my nipples looked like?

“The ambiance of the restaurant was perfect. I have only been able to drink legally for a little over a year, so I still feel the novelty of meeting someone for a glass of wine. It was pleasantly dim inside and the music was perfect. Norah Jones and Frank Sinatra were playing as well as other such artists. I just love the tension between man and woman. I knew that both of us were full of desire but I love the tension before the desire is played out. I knew that he was pursuing me, and I loved it. I loved how romantic he was. He had a fantastic smile too; it was very contagious. Oh and his hands. His hands were incredibly sexy. I don’t know why, but I could not stop looking at them. They were so sexy. They looked so strong. I kept trying to keep myself from imagining them massaging my breasts and kneading my thighs. Them sliding up my inner thighs and spreading my legs apart. Imagining his finger sliding into the dark wetness of my flower…His hands were intoxicating. It didn’t help when he got up to use the restroom and as he walked behind me he put his right hand on my upper right arm. My heart fluttered, and I reveled in the sweet feeling of desire and arousal that was blossoming inside me. I knew he was trying me to see what would happen, and I soaked up every second of it. I kept thinking about that simple touch. When he came back, he pulled his chair closer to mine, and I felt the effect of that between my legs. Our faces got quite close at times. I can’t say that I didn’t imagine his lips on the lips of my flower and his mouth enclosing my nipples inside it.

“He said, “How does it feel to have someone sitting so close to you who wants to make love to you?” I said something to the effect that it happens not infrequently. He said he was not surprised. He stopped a little a one point and said something quietly. I asked him to repeat himself, and he said, “You’re just so pretty.” I felt a little bashful at such open admiration, but I also felt so attractive under his gaze. Another time, after I caught him casting a furtive glance at my breasts, he said it again. “You’re just so pretty.” I loved that whole dinner. It felt so sensual and romantic. He kept looking at me with such depth in his eyes. He would gaze at me for quite a long time, and I would feel a little shy.

“But my thoughts were not just sexual to be sure. I loved the romance of it. I loved how intelligent and well-traveled he was. And he paid for the meal which is very attractive. I had the urge to put my hand on the table and let him hold it and stroke it, but I resisted the urge. He definitely was very attractive to me intellectually. He seemed to have knowledge in a wide variety of areas. I just felt drawn to him like a magnet. I tried not to show it of course. I wanted him to pursue, not me. He looked at me in a very attracted and admiring fashion. I am sure that I blushed a little at least. Oh his hands. I kept thinking about him slipping his arm around my waist. And about his hands going dangerously low.

“When we stood up, he helped me into my coat and after it was on, he put his hands on my waist and again I felt a warm, familiar curling sensation between my legs. We walked out; I even love even the way he walks with so much confidence. We got out and it was so cold. But I love it being cold because it is so romantic. it makes one want to snuggle up. And it gave me a perfect excuse for me to put my arm in his. I was delighted to be so close to him. He was certainly laughing at me a little because I couldn’t remember where I parked, and I had never heard of putting your collar up to keep your neck warm. But I didn’t mind it because I knew that he knew I was intelligent. I loved it when he stopped to put my collar up because his sexy hands were on me a little.

“I very much enjoyed the frigid walk back. We walked to the little fountain waterfall. I took his hand and stepped over to the steps nearer the fountain. His hands are very strong. I imagine them pinning my arms over my head and kissing me. Holding me down and making me succumb to pleasure. I wanted a kiss near the fountain but it was much too soon. I loved snuggling up to him on the walk. His arm around me or holding my hand.

“And then he said he had chocolate in the room, and I made the fatal suggestion of going to eat chocolate in the room. I drove to the hotel, and he was very gentlemanly, opening all the doors. It made me feel very womanly. We got in the room and I flopped onto the bed. Later I discovered that such a careless movement made him want to make love to me.”

An aside here: The older one gets, if they bother to observe how young people move, they’re much more bouncy than adults. Imagine a group of school girls talking excitedly in a school hallway, and you’ll get the idea. So Maddison walks into the room and on her way toward the window, she bounces on the bed. It was so cute and inadvertently sexy that I muttered to myself, “I’m a dead man. I can’t believe this is happening.”

Madison’s journal entry continued, “Under the guise of going to look at the Charlotte view, I walked over to the window, and he came up behind me. Just his closeness made my heart beat very fast. He stood behind me and ran his fingertips on my upper arms. My upper arms are a very erogenous part of my body, perhaps because they are so close to my breasts. I loved it. I was becoming so aroused. He started massaging my back. His strong hands massaging my back made my knees weak, and so I went over to the bed.

“What happened next is a delicious blur in my head, but many things stand out distinctly in my mind. He leaned a little on the dominant side which I loved. He was certainly romancing me, making love to me. His hands were intoxicating. I loved him kissing my neck and my arms. I can’t remember what order things happened in, but I will recall all that I can. My will was wavering very much. When I first sat down, he started rubbing my thighs. I loved it. Watching his hands rub my thighs was heady indeed. He was arousing me so much. He took off his sweater at one point and started unbuttoning his shirt, but I took over and finished unbuttoning it. I liked his chest. I liked running my hand over it and sliding my hand on his lower stomach and a little under his pants. Finally, he took off his pants. And there was his cock in all its hardness. So sexual. I took it in my hands. I touched it and played with his balls. I really liked his balls; it was very pleasurable to me to give him such pleasure.

“One of my favorite parts was when he started kissing my bosom. My dress and bra were still on. But I loved it when he untied the tie on my dress. And opened me up. Exposing my cleaving to his sight and touch. I am pretty sure that I cried out loudly when his lips and hands came in contact with my breasts. I pushed him away, but he kept on kissing and touching. Finally, I took off my bra and unzipped my dress. He pulled my dress over and exposed my breast. I felt myself going wild knowing that he was gazing upon it. He kissed it, and he made me drunk. The feel of his tongue on my breast, his fingertips. I loved watching it all; I can never have enough of it. I am a very visual person. I love watching everything he does to me. The sight is inebriating. I took off my dress, and I love what he did. He stopped what he was doing for a second, and he looked me in the eye and said, “You are beautiful.” And then he returned to my breast. It felt like he couldn’t keep his hands off my nipples. He was driving me to ecstasy. He would wet his fingers on his tongue and play with my breasts in a manner that would drive me wild. He would pull my nipples. And I loved that he was rough with them. I love it that he was not restraining himself. I remember very vividly once when he was licking my right breast. I could see his tongue running around my nipple and licking my nipple. It was so sexy. I wanted that tongue on my flower.

“I wanted him to pin me down so I wove his fingers in mine and made him pin my arms above my head. My flower was soaking. He sat on me and played with my nipples. I loved it. And I loved seeing his cock so close to my face. I think I sucked on his finger a little, then he slide his cock in my waiting mouth, and I loved it. This is all a blur because it was so pleasurable. I wanted him to f@#$ my mouth. It was amazing. I loved him being above me and putting his cock in my mouth.

“I loved touching him to make him cum. It was so sexual! I loved seeing his face while I was pleasuring him. The height of pleasure was when he first touched me. I made him wait quite awhile and build up to it. He kept touching my thigh, my inner thigh, and my ass and getting so close to my flower. I kept moving his hand and pushing him away. I love resisting a man’s advances and making him try for it and overcome me. It is so arousing to me. I think I was getting very vocal.”

Another aside here: Madison moaned so loudly that I was afraid a guest in an adjacent room would call security. I whispered in her ear to quiet down, and was surprised at the beautiful agony she expended keeping her moans suppressed. Her passion was so obvious and earnest. Pure ecstasy in action. Nothing faked or put on.

The journal then chronicled, “He kept getting so close to touching me and I kept moving his hand. Finally he pulled me on top of him. My legs were spread apart on either side of him. He put his hands on my ass and pulled my ass wide apart. I was squirming I’m sure. He got really close and then finally plunged a finger into my flower. I felt like screaming. So much pleasure! And I can’t even begin to say how much I loved him touching my ass. Some men don’t enjoy that, and I am so glad that he does. He ran his finger around my ass almost like he was rimming me but with his finger instead of his tongue. Then he laid me down with my back on the bed and started playing more with my flower. He groaned and said how good I felt. I felt his finger wandering around my lips. I wish he could have looked at my flower in the lamp light. It is so sexy. I wonder if he liked my lips, although I am not sure if he got much of a good look at them. My plump, juicy flower lips are my favorite erotic feature on myself. I wish I had not been on my period. I wanted him to suck on my lips so badly. Finally he sat up and touched me to perfection. He put a finger (or maybe two? I’m not sure.) in my flower and he put a finger in my ass, deep in my ass. He pushed me to the edge of ecstasy. My favorite thing of all is being fingered in the ass and flower at the same time. I love it. I didn’t want it to end, although he was being a little too rough since I hadn’t been touched for several months. One of the most pleasurable moments was when I slowly pulled his finger out of my ass. That felt incredible. Feeling it slowly slide out of my ass. I wish I had been on my hands and knees for him to finger my ass. But it felt amazing as it was. I think I came, although the orgasm wasn’t very intense. I wish I had not started my period, so I could have relaxed and enjoyed it completely.

“I just loved the way he was sexually. A little dominant. The perfect amount. Admiring and romantic and not crass at all. Sexy and so sexual. Oh and I wished I could have brought him to orgasm orally. I deep throated him a little and loved it. I wonder if he liked it much. He wasn’t very vocal, so I couldn’t tell which things he especially liked. I wanted to lick his balls, but I didn’t. Perhaps I should have.

“We held and cuddled afterwards. I loved it. And I loved that he kissed so many parts of my body: my stomach, arms, neck. I wanted him to kiss, lick, and blow on my right ear more. The whole night was delicious. The way he looked at me made me feel so feminine. If I had known this was going to happen I would have worn pretty underwear and shaved my legs and trimmed my hair. I hope he liked my flower. I felt drunk from pleasure.

“But I want so much more. I want to deep throat him more. I want him to taste me. I want the build up to take even longer. I want him to hold me more. If I see him again, it is not going to be any easier for him. I want to resist just as much and make him try for me. He has to overcome me to get to my breasts and flower. I just love the interplay of the masculine and the feminine, and he is so good at evoking the feeling of contrast between man and woman. That is what romance is. I want his strong hands to lie me down on the bed and slowly spread my legs apart and then tease me. Run his fingertips around the outline of my underwear. Breathe warm breath on my flower through my underwear. Pull my underwear to the side and gaze upon my flower. Trace around my flower with his fingertip but take so long to touch it to drive me wild from desire. I want prolonged teasing.

“The first time he saw my breasts, I felt so feminine. I want to know what he was thinking at each part. I want to know what he thought when his cock was in my throat. He told me what he thought of my breasts: that Grecians must have used a model like me in sculpting their statues. He is so romantic and so masculine. I love it. I want to know if he really saw my ass. It is so sexy and full and round. I want to know how much he wanted to kiss me at dinner. I want to know what he thought when he first laid eyes on me. I want to know what he thought when he caught a glimpse of my cleavage. I want to know what he thought of my soft skin. I want to know all his thoughts about everything in the evening. I want to know every dimension of his desire for me. I want him to see the fullness of my ass and hips, to admire me more in all my alluring femininity.

“There is so much more. I feel like I am just scratching the surface. I can’t help but wonder if he has many experiences like this in his business travels. Maybe I am but one of many lovers he encounters often in his travels. Ah well. One can never know. He is handsome, classy, and romantic, so I would not be surprised if many women fell for him and want him.

“Oh well. I want him, and had him, tonight.”

And Madison did have me that night … and in my memory, many more nights after that.

While it might seem strange, we never had intercourse. She was saving herself for her husband, whomever that lucky man would turn out to be. And honestly, I didn’t miss it for a moment. It was the most earnest and erotic encounter I’ve ever had. It just proves that it’s not what you do, but whom you do it with, that matters most.

Madison and I would see each other two more times before she graduated and began traveling abroad. The following times were more intense and physical, involving lots of oral sex, deep throating, 69ing, and anal experimentation. After one particularly exhausting round of climaxes, she snuggled against me and fell asleep with her head on my chest. While I wasn’t catching her from a slip on the ice, I was providing a soft and safe landing for this curious and sexy young woman.

During the last two encounters, she liked me being the polite aggressor, and there would be no question as to whether she orgasmed. I always knew when I’d succeeded because she’d literally experience quakes through her toned quads that would quiver and spasm for minutes afterwards. I’d utilize the one-in-ass-two-in-the-pussy technique multiple times, and often while sucking her sizable labia. And that ass; oh my gosh. A perfect puckered pink penny-sized asshole that begged to be rimmed, licked and penetrated. Every part of Madison was just so damn fetching.

A part of me fell in love with this young woman, but my dedication to my family prevented me from acting on any of the fantasies I created, including paying for Madison’s post-graduate work in my home city so I could see her more often.

As it became clear that we would not likely see each other again, our e-mails became more infrequent. Every so often I’d get a missive like, “I want your tongue so badly. Your tongue is incredible. Magical. I want you to make my thighs tremble. I want to be really f#@%ed in the ass too. Make me scream!” My all-time favorite was, “You have no idea how wild I am feeling! I want you to ravish my body right now! I would lick your ass for an hour right now if we were together. I think the more dominant you are, the more inclined I would be to want to lick ass…hold me down, put your cock down my throat, maybe even tie me up a bit. I want you dreadfully!”

Madison ended up settling permanently in Eastern Europe. She teaches there now. As often as I fantisized about seeing her again and trying to imagine a future with her, there was none that I could make a reality. We both needed to move on. We had no future that I could make real. I let go.

It’s been a few years since I received an e-mail from Madison. Perhaps thinking about her own need for redemption, that last email was sent on Easter.

The note included one of the kindest things anyone has ever written to me. She knew that I struggled with why she was attracted to me. I kept asking myself, “Why me?” My thoughts were that perhaps I was some kind of loving paternal figure? Rather forcefully, she corrected me, “I was not attracted to because you were older. I was attracted to you, and you happened to be older. That’s all.”

As I read that, the hole in my heart shrank a little, and my need to run to the shadows lessened for a time.

Sometime my mind wonders if we’ll ever cross paths again. Will the desires that first drove us into the shadows ever bring us back together, even years from now? To this day, whenever I make a connection through the Atlanta airport – Madison’s home town – I catch myself thinking of her.

Author’s note: I welcome notes from women about this story, either publicly or via the note option. Chicago440 on the three-lettered chat system that begins and ends with the “k” sound and has an eye in the middle.

Newer, Deeper, Better Sex 0 (0)

[URIS id=2678]


An older man gets a chance to fuck a younger girl in her pussy as well as the ass.


When Reilly lost his wife Dora to cancer, nobody knew that much bigger pain was still to come. It was less than 2 months Dora’s elder sister Nora and her husband Bill, both were killed in the accident leaving behind a daughter Isabel, who was a junior in the high school. As no other close relative was left behind or willing to take the responsibility, Reilly opted to take her in and raise her.

Soon he realized that it was not easy to be in his 40’s, being alone and raise a young girl but now there was no going back possible for him. To make the things worse, he discovered that Isabel was a big cockteaser. At home being alone around Reilly, she never wore a bra or a panties and also made sure, her blouse was a must see through as she wore a tight mini skirt seated on the sofa directly opposite Reilly’s recliner seat. Many a times Reilly had to tell her to close her legs or asked her to go to her room and put on some decent dress with a panties underneath but she almost never listened to him, and always gave Reilly a delicious view of her assets. The sight was very tempting but somehow he refrained from jumping on her and only masturbated a lot more because of her doings.

With the ripe age, she had become a total knock out. Her 34 C cup breasts were as pert and sassy as they came and Reilly had seen on any woman or played with. Then the fateful night, once again, she had her usual see through blouse on, with no bra or panties but she went much further. She walked over to Reilly and offered him to take her, claiming that she was very hot and in dire need of sex. It was shocking to hear the offer from her, but the idea had been there, a while for him as well. Trying to be a ‘Moral Guardian’ Reilly told her that it shall be considered an incest and not a thing for him to do. What a cunt! Isabel. She laughed aloud and said that she had been disappointed by the school boys because no one was able to take her well and always left her alone when she was to hit her climax. She also asked Reilly, why he thought, she was displaying herself to him and then in no ambiguous words asked him if he still wanted to be moral or fuck her?

Very much double minded, Reilly thanked her for the offer and before, he could give her an answer, she fell on her knees in the middle of his legs and began to unbutton his pants. Reilly was shocked but he did not stop her and stood still. As a matter of fact, it felt so good, he did not want to stop her. To encourage him, she was being very verbal telling Reilly that it felt very good and to talk nasty to her, say filthy things to her, call her dirty names. “Oh fuck man, you have a big cock and ahhh! It is also cut and shaved clean for providing maximum joy”, she told Reilly as she took his dick out of the pants in her hands.

“Oh yeses, yes baby, it feels amazing”. Reilly was still a bit reluctant when Isabel said, “So you like it? Now imagine, we doing it for the rest of our life”. Reilly closed his eyes, utterly imagining to do this young woman for his life time. His desire was building up very fast and he was glad, not to hide it anymore. Isabel was kissing and licking his cock up and down like crazy, holding his balls, groping them gently and puffing the warm air on them. Then she asked Reilly to fuck her face for her.

Reilly happily consented and stood firm as she took a solid position in his feet with cock rocking in and out of her mouth. Slowly, slowly, she was sucking the full length into her throat to the last millimeter. Unbelievably, Reilly got his orgasm surging in his balls relatively quickly and as he warned her to be about ready to squirt his load, Isabel started moving faster on his cock, sliding her lips up and down his shaft. With less than half a dozen strong thrusts, Reilly shot his semen in her mouth and she swallowed all without spilling a drop. Wiping her lips and chin, she stood up and gave Reilly smiles while taking off the clothes, which were still on her. Reilly was very beholden of her 34, 26, 36 frame with the most beautiful long legs and shaved ‘Y’ containing her pussy. Isabel pulled him to the bed, where they laid next to each other caressing and kissing their bodies. Reilly mostly concentrated on her special nipples, sucking, tweaking, and twisting them while she was encouraging him and appreciated it by repeating to do it to her harder and wetter.

Just a couple of minutes working on her tits and she was pushing his head down towards her pussy to eat her there. Now Reilly did not need to be told twice and buried his face in her dripping folds to lap very greedily at her swollen cunny flaps, flicking her clitoris very expertly and pushing his tongue as deep in her hole as he could. Isabel’s pussy was getting very sensitive by the second making her grind her cunt on his face. With a loud demand of eating her, her inner thighs squealed, her pussy contracted and she screamed to eat her good. Reilly knew the need and he shoved 1, 2 and then the 3rd finger in her honey pot while slowly finger fucking her and lapping her big clitoris. Isabel was going out of her senses, talking filthy. “Oh fuck! You are doing something fucking great. It feels fantastic in my pussy”.

After good 15—20 minutes of pleasing her orally and finger fucking her, Reilly was now ready to fuck her pussy but as she had taken the lead so far, he let her initiate the next part as well. In no time after jumping on his cock, she was shrieking, “I am Cumming, yeses I am Cumming” and her body became so tense and her thighs became so hard that Reilly worried for his cock breaking inside her. She was totally choking his cock as her orgasmic waves swept through her. Soon as her euphoria ended, she thanked Reilly for an awesome and very passionate fucking. She was kissing him all over his sweat glazed face.

“WTF! You are still not fully naked. Please take off your clothes and get fully naked to fuck me. I want you deep inside me”. It was enough of an invitation for Reilly. He pulled his shirt off his body and got between her legs to insert his sex wand into her dowsed cunt. She moaned feeling his cock bury deep in her pussy. Isabel began to twitch around his hard cock. His balls were slapping against her ass as he tunneled deeper and deeper in her warm and wet pussy. His cockhead was striking against her cervix, making her cry with a mix of pain and pleasure. “Oh God! Fuck me hard, fuck me hard, I am very close to climax”. Her pussy walls were fluttering as Reilly jack hammered her cunt as brutally as he could.

“Yes baby, cum for me, cum on my cock, please glaze my dick and balls with your gelatinous exude. Cum baby, cum please cum all over my cock, make your pussy convulse hard on my rigid cock”. Reilly was prompting her while she did her best, motivating him to fuck her harder, deeper and faster. Now she had also started asking for his warm and thick breeding juices to be filled in her cunt.

“Oh fuck, I am Cumming”. She sighed and gasped. “Me too”! Cried Reilly and they both ejaculated with the force of a fire engine, drowning her pussy in the fresh silky sex fluid. After he pulled himself out, she started to suck and milk him much harder for any and all left over in his balls. Now, already shot thrice, tired and much sluggish cock pulsing with the heartbeat, Reilly heard Isabel give new command to fuck her in the ass. Well, to fuck an adopted girl was thought to be wrong and incest and immoral by Reilly and now he was being asked to do what he thought was a sin. Fucking a woman in her pussy was a thing to be punished as Adam was punished to fuck Eve and shunned out of the heavens, but fucking a woman in the ass!! No, fucking her in the ass was no sin. It was not so mentioned anywhere But! Then why there was so much stir in the society. Oh, that was for the men only, fucking and getting fucked in their asses. What a double standard, Reilly thought. He wanted to be sure, he did hear, what he heard.

“Are you sure baby, you want me to fuck you in the ass”? He asked Isabel.

“Yes lover, you see many girls talk about it in school. In the school, the boys who cum quickly and leave the girls quivering for their orgasm, also find the ass fucking, a good therapy somehow and some specific burden is off their shoulders and they can fuck longer, better and more satisfying. The answer was more than satisfactory.

Having her on the back and pushing a pillow under her tail bone, raised her ass in the air. Reilly did not know if she was expecting this, he moved quickly to her asshole, knotted like a balloon with his wet tongue. “Yes honey, lick my ass and breathe on it”. Isabel started sighing as she enjoyed him playing with her ass. Soon her ass cheeks began twitching with hot air being blown on them and wet licking of the anal hole. Reilly was also loving the sweet texture of her tasty ass flesh, stretching around his probing tongue. He used his hands to spread her slippery anal channel while moaning and groaning and loving her asshole, getting glazed and shiny. He began poking his fingers in her ass while she gasped and tides of joy ran through her body, making the fingers work deeper in her ass. “What a fucking pleasure it is to have your fingers in my ass”, She writhed on his fingers sodomizing her. Next, Reilly came on his knees and using his thighs as the lever, got ready to enter her asshole with his long and thick fuck pole.

“Yeah, give it to me now”, Isabel urged him. “I want it up my ass right now”. Reilly raised her legs and flipped them over his shoulders and pointed his thick cockhead at her anal entrance. The thoughts of allowing Reilly to deflower her anally were very overwhelming. Reilly pushed forward and his helmet began further dilating her ass tunnel apart. He took all the time needed to go into her ass feeling it very warm, welcoming, deep and bottomless. Isabel yelled, “Oh fuck! It is amazing”, as she felt him grinding his balls on her tight ass entry. Reilly wanted to savor the scene of his cock stuffing her ass and leaned back a little at the middle of his spine, which pushed is pubis even deeper in her anus.

“Your ass looks so awesome, groping the shaft all around with the slight of her pink showing”, remarked Reilly as he pulled out couple of inches to be shoved back in her asshole. Slowly while the rhythm was set, Reilly was thinking, the fucking school boys knew something better that he did not know. Fucking a woman in the ass more often for the daily sex was the most proper thing to do for warding off some very valid thoughts. The ass was as wet, as warm and much deeper to take any length of cock unlike the pussy offering a serious resistance with the cervix at the inner end. Now with a set pace and range of motion in her anal cavernous Reilly was fucking her much faster, harder and deeper as per her demand. Isabel was bucking her hips up to meet his far stronger and solid thrusting in her ass. Reilly was loving the ass fucking so much that he had no desire emerging in his balls to cum and fill her ass with his load, so he stirred and stirred and kept drilling and plowing in her ass with pure pleasure, especially knowing that she was loving every inch and every minute of the passionate ass fucking, creating thrill and sensations in her. Her ass was tight gripping and groping his cock as the ecstasy peaked.

Although being ass slaughtered but Isabell was still demanding for more. “Fuck me harder, fuck me harder and faster”, she was yelling as she felt a serious and severe churning in her cunt. “I am close to Cumming”. With the last ditch effort of drilling, plowing her ass, Reilly gasped, “Fuck you babe, I am Cumming in your sweet ass”.

“Please cum, lover! Cum your silky load in my ass”. Isabel said as she arched her back, raised her ass to impale herself even deeper on his pulsing twitching cock, before collapsing on the bed. They came together to boost the pleasure and wheezed until the nerves were calmed own. Reilly thanked her for the introduction to the new and far better sex which they promised to continue. What a pity, she was to leave home in little time for the college, but she committed to save her ass for him only at every trip she came to visit.

Your comments Please. AWC February 25, 2021.


[URIS id=2678]


Sarah Holland discovers that consequences can be much worse that she thought

common-law ‘husband’ worked 2nd shift he wouldn’t be home until midnight, and her child, Don, would not be home until about 9:30PM. PERFECT.

I mostly hung out with Don thru high-school because had a big house, generous ‘parents’, & his Mom was utterly gorgeous. Some of the guys say his mom was 15 or so when she had Don, so Mrs. Sarah Holland couldn’t be over 40. We were 18 now, so my personal bet in our cash pool for her was age 34. She was maybe an inch shorter than my 5ft. 8”/173cm frame in those heels she always wore, with dirty-blonde hair, big breasts, thicc hips and a flat tummy. Sarah Holland had a sexy MILF body I intended to enjoy.

I pulled into the drive & nonchalantly walked to the door. Sarah Holland opened it before I even got there; she appeared frazzled to see me, as though she was expecting someone…of course she was.

Sarah was filled with anticipation, thinking of John, the man with which she’d recently been having an affair. Her boyfriend was a very good financial provider, but lately had been so tired, and sex with John was new & exciting. But John wasn’t due for another hour, so she was very surprised when Don’s schoolmate, Danny Goddard, pulled in.

Danny Goddard wasn’t the most attractive kid. He really didn’t work out, so he lacked the hot bod, and until recently he wore glasses. Even without them, he was still just average at best, so Mrs. Holland thought nothing of meeting him at the door, as she really needed to shoo him away, and quickly too.

“Hello Danny, Don isn’t here, he’s at – “ She said

“Yes Mrs. Holland, I know, I just came by because I really needed to speak you.” I said. I pointed to indicate coming in and did so quickly, before Mrs. Holland had a chance to stop me.

“Oh! Well, umm…Danny…” Sarah said, backing up, as she didn’t expect Danny to barge in. “Is something going on with Don?” she asked, curious now.

“Well no,” I answered, “I just heard that you were getting divorced/breaking up or whatever.”

“WHAT!” Sarah Holland exclaimed. “What are you talking about – NOT TRUE/where did you hear such a thing!?!?!”

“Oh, I got it from this.” I replied, and held out an old tablet I had, in which I had downloaded the video I had shot of her and the other man. It was replete with her blowing him, and his skin tone was obviously different from Mr. Holland. I watched as Sarah Holland turned shock white. It made me smile.

The color ran from Sarah’s face as she saw what this little dweeb of a kid was holding. “SHIT” she finally said, as her knees went weak. Sarah Holland leaned for a moment on the door frame to steady herself self. Her mind was spinning. “What…H-H-How….” Was all she was able to get out.

“I was getting a tool Don let me borrow from the shed in the backyard,” I explained, “but wow was I ever surprised when I saw this! Mrs. Holland, can you imagine for even a moment what your Son would do if he saw this? Your Boyfriend? Shit is right, ‘Sa-rah’, and you’re in it.”

Sarah was at a total loss. She had been caught at the one thing she feared most. Her boyfriend had been an excellent provider; large house, nice car & clothes, and a more posh lifestyle than she had ever thought she could live. And now this twerp was in a position to take it all away, and it angered her.

“Ok Danny, I get it now.” Sarah said, crossing her arms. “You want something, what is it? Cash? Go ahead little boy, spit it out.”

Her name-calling flashed anger in me, but I understood, and was ready. “I’m not the one who’s going to be spitting anything out, ‘Sar-AH’.” I said. “if you want to keep your relationship and this lifestyle, you’d best change that tone, because you are NOT in charge here, you got that?”

Seeing her shrink a bit at my flash of temper, I scooped her phone off the table beside us and tossed it to her. “You’ll start by letting lover-boy know he’s not coming by. You’re about to be busy.” Before she had a chance to react I said, “We’ll discuss the rest in your bedroom.” And with that I walked right past her and marched up the stairs.

“Danny-HEY!” Sarah exclaimed, as she followed the young man, who simply marched past her as though he owned the place. The master Bedroom was at the end of the hall on the right at the top of the stairs. Little asshole had a fast pace too, because she only got to him just inside the door, only to have him pin her against the wall just inside it.

I let her catch me and now, my prey against the wall, I stuck a finger in her face, and in a loud voice proclaiming “ONE EMAIL….ONE!!!” I grabbed her by her shoulders, pulled her away from the wall, and dropped her in a large, overstuffed chair, and continued my tirade “MAYBE YOU DON’T GET IT SARAH! – MAYBE I SHOULD JUST SEND THIS TO YOUR MAN AND BE ON MY WAY!”

Sarah Holland knew she had poked the bear too hard. Little jerk was right, He had her, dead to rights. Sarah had a ‘fear’ or ‘weakness’ towards angry men, so his yelling made part of her break. “NO!” she exclaimed – “PLEASE Danny…I…I CAN’T….” She teared up a bit, and then said “ Danny, you wouldn’t do that. Please…”

“If I have to, I most certainly will,” I responded, “So like I said before, take that damn phone and get rid of lover-boy, then we’ll talk. Do it now. My prey’s hands were shaky, but she got it done. I took her phone away, turned it off, and tossed it across the room.

Stepping in front of Sarah Holland, I then said “I’m going to take everything you intended for your lover, and then some. If at ANY time, you say no or refuse me in any way, for ANY thing I desire, I’ll send that lovely video, and the life you know will be over.” I let that soak in for a minute, and then added “Now to show you agree, you get on those knees and take my cock out. We have a few hours, so let’s get this party started.”

Oddly, Sarah found herself immediately sinking to the floor. She SHOULD fight, but what choice did she really have? He had already unzipped, and her stomach turned as she unbuttoned his pants. He was wearing boxer briefs, and only took a small tug for a surprisingly large, uncircumcised penis to pop out. It hung there in an arc, at nose level, staring at her. Sarah took the thing into her hand, surprised at how much wider than the width of her hand it was. “this is wrong.” She blurted out.

“Yep, what you did WAS wrong…” I said. Sarah automatically gave the body of my cock a ‘squeeze’ with the pump. Damn that felt good. I leaned forward just a bit, and said “And now you get to pay.” I then had only to touch her chin with my thumb, and Sarah Holland’s mouth popped open. For someone so resistant, she took me into her mouth with no resistance at all. “Yes-s-sss…” I said.

‘For a twerp kid he had a good sized one’ Sarah thought. While not the thickest, it was nearly double the width of her hand. It was also grotesque, being uncircumcised and feeling the foreskin on the top of her mouth nearly made her gag. However, Sarah kept at it, figuring she could make this kid pop his cork early and buy time to figure some damn way out of this.

I guess she thought holding it in her mouth for a minute would do it. Not hardly. Mrs. Holland had her hair back in a ponytail, and I grabbed that thing like a fucking handle, & began to pump her face, working my way towards the back of her throat, her “Guh-AA-ck-Gu-Wack-gurgle-gurgle-cough noises really making me feel good.

Sarah was never that big on sucking cock, and now some damn twerp kid’s ugly-ass uncircumcised one was working it’s way to the back of her throat. He had ahold of her head too, but she managed to wrestle it out of her mouth to complain. When she did so, a big wad of spit & goo rolled down her chin and on to the front of her workout shirt. “AH-Dammit Danny!” she said, then coughed and spat, heaving as she took in a deep breath.

I wasn’t one to let some bitch, hot MILF or not tell me what to do. I grabbed her hair harder and tugged on it, making her call out. “Dammit my ass, Ms.H, we aren’t done yet.” I said. Stopping lower I grabbed her shirt and pulled up roughly on it, adding, “Peel that damn thing off, woman, and the bra too.” As she struggled to follow my commands, I stepped out of my pants and boxers.

Everything reset I said “OK, we’re going to try this again. If you suck it like you mean it, I won’t be so rough.” Looking down at Sarah Holland’s ample naked D-cups, I noted her nipples were poking out. “You gag, but those hard nipples tell me you really like it. Now this time, you suck it like you meant it, or I’ll give you a lesson in rough.” Her eyes glared at me for a moment, then she gave my cock a squeeze as she began to lick the very head as it protruded out.

‘Buy time girl…buy time’ she told herself. Sarah took the uncircumcised head into her mouth after coaxing it out its sock, as it were, and with one hand, she began to stroke up and down its length while her tongue swirled on the head. Part of her had to admit the damn thing had size, it was too bad…then she pushed the thought out of her head as she got some salty precum in her mouth

“Shee-yit you know how to suck a dick.” I said, and I wasn’t joking. Again taking that pony tail in hand, I pulled her head back, taking me out of her mouth. I slapped the side of Sarah Holland’s face with my wet cock, smearing her makeup, and said “take the one hand you go that’s not on my cock, shove it in those yoga pants and rub that twat while you suck this thing” and then pushed my dick back in her mouth.

Sarah felt totally humiliated, with some damn pissant kid rubbing his wet dick on her face, then telling her to masturbate, but she had little choice. It was uncomfortable as he shoved it forcefully into her cheek, making it poke far out, then it was back out to the head as before. Sarah was both surprised and not to find herself wet, and her fingers on her clit made her moan, as he started to pump himself into her again.

My cock moved along the ridges at the top of Sarah Holland’s mouth as I pumped, but soon enough, I found the soft area at the back. I was now fucking this MILF’s throat. Sarah had been moaning on my cock as she played with herself, and she gagged a bit. Shifting herself to handle me, she had her mouth opened as wide as she could, trying to breathe, so I shifted as well, grabbing the sides of head at the base of the skull and began to thrust harder and faster, making the MILF’y Mrs. Holland gag all the more. I was getting close.

Sarah had enough sexual experience to know what was coming. This damn kid was pumping her face like a masturbation tool, and as humiliating as this was, part of her was excited at being used like this. Sarah knew that if he blasted her throat, she was going to vomit his ejaculate and the smoothie she had consumed not too long before, and ruin her nice carpet. Sarah Holland began grunting and struggling, because she already got a small taste and could feel him twitching.

I couldn’t stand it, time was up. At the last possible moment, I jerked my stiff dick out of 30+ year old Sarah Holland’s mouth, and cupping one hand behind her head so she couldn’t get away, I dumped three heavy, solid spurting cum ropes on her gorgeous face. The first two were right on her nose, eyes and forehead, the third on her cheek and neck, with some drips on her chest for good measure. As she sat there sputtering, I scooped my phone off the dresser beside us and got a pic of her face coated in my thick gooey jizz, my dripping dick in frame for full effect.

Sarah sat there on her knees, her eyes shut, face covered in another man’s ejaculate, and cried. She had never in her worst nightmares thought something like this could happen to her, and yet here she was, forced to service the dick of someone the same age as her child. The shame of it was, it was a REALLY nice dick, and the whole episode excited her to almost making her cum. Her torturer sent her to the bathroom to wash her face, and Sarah thought he was done, but when she came back a few minutes later, she found Danny Goddard pulling a particular item out of her lingerie drawer. “Oh Shit.” She said again, realizing it was far from over.

Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt 9 0 (0)

[URIS id=2678]


Maria goes weekend shopping for clothes and toys. First time seeing my possible future mother-in-law in all her glory.

Ok, I like the plan sexy as she give me a quick kiss and rolls off me. Let’s get a good night sleep honey. Ok, as I moved my right arm over her and she held my arm & hand. Sorry Mark, but I can’t stop saying it I LOVE YOU. I squeezed her left tit as she laughed. Goodnight sexy!

I woke up as Maria was still sleeping and I slide my arm from her body. I rolled over to see the clock 7AM so I got out of bed and went to the bathroom room. I closed the door so I didn’t wake her up to take a morning piss and brush my teeth. I walked back out and grabbed my short & shirt as I walked out of the bedroom. I got a glass of OJ and sat on the couch thinking of last night. Do I really love her or is it just the sex and companionship? What if it’s both and more as I started thinking more about her. As I look up I noticed the video game controller so I should practice to play Marco later. Plus that will help me from making my head spin about Maria. I turned on the tv with no volume and started playing they game. At first it was a challenge against the computer but slowly started pickup the game with passing and scoring. Before I knew it Marco was standing next to me watching rubbing his eyes. Mark you are playing better as I froze Looking at Marco. Did I wake you up? No, I get up on Saturday For morning around this time. Let me get some juice and we can play. Ok, but we need to be quite. Ok. He sat down next to me as he grabbed his controller to play me. The game started as we started kicking the ball around the field and sealing it from each other 0-0 at the half. Good game Marco so far. Yes, it is. Second half stared as I got the ball and finally scored 1-0 within 8 minutes in it. Marco tells me nice kick. Thank you. Do you ever want to play soccer? Yes, I would like to but it’s hard to do with my mom schedule. Yes, I understand that problem but maybe in High School you can play but that’s a long time away. Marco just tied up the game 1-1 now with 3 minutes remaining. We finished the regular game time as they add 3 minutes to the clock as I have ball and he knocks me down for a penalty kick in the box. Marco yells NO. I went to kick ball as a penalty kick and I hit the goal post as I miss to win the game. Maria comes out in a night shirt “What are you kids doing”? O No Marco we woke her up so we are in trouble now. Maria comes behind me sitting on her knees hugging me from behind. Marco got the ball with 1 minute and got in the penalty box as I tripped his player now. Marco yells out “Penalty Kick”! No, No, No you are going to win now. Maria whispers in my ear..he is going to win now. Marco scores and game over as Marco jumps up and down so excited. Good game to buddy as I did a fist bump.

Marco put the controllers away and Maria says the winner gets a hug. Marco walks to his mother for a winning hug. I say what about a second place hug? Ok, as she smiles at me as we place are arms around each other for the hug. I whisper in her ear you look beautiful in the morning. Stopped it before I take you back to the bedroom. Marco goes to the kitchen for breakfast and I told her let’s get some breakfast as I tapped and squeeze her ass. mmm Mark. Maria made some eggs, pan fried diced potatoes, toast, and some juices. Marco you ready for the birthday party? Yes, it’s a swimming birthday party. Cool! Do you have a pool in the condo? Yes, it’s a roof top pool. Really maybe we can see it tomorrow. Can Mark and I go swimming tomorrow? Maria looks at me with the biggest smile and tells Marco sure if Mark wants too. Mark can we? Sure, why not. Mommy can I ask Grandma to come too? Sure, you can ask her but not sure she don’t have plans already. Can I ask her now? Sure, as Marco runs over to Rose. Maria gets up and walks over to me and sits on my lap as she looks at me eye to eye. Here is one of many reasons I love you as she kisses me. Marco loves you too. You better get off of me before I put you on the table. As she was getting up my hand moved over her shirt knowing she has nothing under that shirt. Sweet ass as I squeeze her. Let’s clean up and get ready to shop sweetie.

Marco returns as Maria tells him to brush his teeth and get ready for the party. Maria & I walked in to room as I went to brush my teeth again as she got dressed in something that I didn’t know what she as putting on. I came into the bedroom and almost died seeing Maria halfway bending over putting on a khaki mini shirt with no panties. Wow…can you do that again? She pulled down the mini skirt then grabbed her ass cheeks to spread them for me. You like it? I love it as she let go and pulled the skirt up. You are beautiful in that skirt and anything you wear. She turns around walking to me topless “Thank you” and I want to keep thinking that way about me all the time. She gives me a kiss and walks into her walk-in closet for a top. I got some khaki shorts and a Polo shirt on and told her I am ready. She comes out of the closet looking at me saying you look good too. I was looking at her with a white top with a khaki mini skirt and black shoes with 3” heels. Marco comes running in the room and says I am ready mommy. Ok, 5 minutes we will leave and make sure you have your bag of extra clothes. He leaves to get the bag and I will wait out on the couch if you need more time. Ok, just need to fix my hair 2 minutes. Marco what did your Grandma say about tomorrow? Grandma said she would join us tomorrow. Maria comes out ready now.

We got to my car as she told me the way to Marco’s friends pool party. Maria leaned over to my ear let’s make it a quick stop because the husband is creepy to me. Ok, I understand and I will be right next to you. I parked the car as Marco ran to the door as we got out to walk together to the door. It was a nice house on the inter coastal like the kind of house I would like to have. The birthday mom opened the door as she told Marco that Jose is in his room playing video games as he headed inside. Maria introduced me to Lisa 5’4 150lbs (34/32/36) black hair with a pretty face as of her husband Jose Sr. 5’10 200lbs more on the heavy side came to the door that was a typical Miami Cuban 80’s flashback with 5+gold chains on his neck (Don’t take it the wrong way I have some great Cuban friends). Lisa says come in Maria I need to show you my new kitchen as we walked to it. The kitchen was all white and stainless steel appliances as I said nice and Maria followed my lead with the same reply. I didn’t like it at all but didn’t know this person to tell the truth and it’s Marco’s friend parents. I looked at my watch and told Maria we should head out. Jose said Maria let me show you the pool? Jose we you can show us later when we come back to pickup Marco by 4PM because we have a meeting with one of my client’s. Ok, Mark I understand. Maria squeezes my hand as Jose leads us to the door as I let Maria go in front on me to the car. I opened her car door as she got in and walked around to my door as I see Lisa & Jose waving to us.

I drove away as Maria told me thank you. What for? Getting us out quickly and not letting Jose to check out my butt when we walked out. How did you know I did that? I noticed how you stood right behind me as we walked to the car. No, I just wanted to be close to you and picture that sweet ass on my face. She placed her hand on my right leg and moved it under my shorts. You better stop because you could cause an accident and no shopping. Ok, we need to shop. We arrived at the parking lot at the Bal Harbor mall as we walked in holding hands. Maria if you ever in the future need to walk away from anything just squeeze my hand twice and I will make up an excuse to get away. Mark I like that system. Maria says let’s get you a suit now as we entered a high end suit store. She started walking around looking at suits as I glanced at some of the pricing. In my head I said hell NO I would buy that suit for $1800. She grabbed 1 suit as she placed against me and said you would look great in this color. It was a sweet smooth looking suit and I asked her what was cost? Don’t worry about it with a firm voice. Maria I don’t want you buying me a $2000 suit. Mark can you not argue with me on the suit price. I am not arguing but I don’t need you to buy me an over price suit that is all I am saying. Can you try it on? Sure, as I carried it to the changing room and put it on for her to see. I came out and you look great in it. Do you like it? Yes, it very nice but most likely to expensive. Mark do me one thing on this shopping day? What..Don’t talk about price and specially if I tell you I am buying. Ok, as I gave her a kiss sorry and yes I like it a lot. She looks over to the manager and asked can he get his measurements for this suit? The man finished all the measurements with a shirt/tie for Maria to purchase it with next Saturday pickup.

We departed the store and headed to a dress store for Maria. She grabbed my hand as she pulled me into a store that had a lot of formal dresses in the window. She was looking at so many nice dresses and one caught my eye as I grabbed it to show her. Wow..I like and specially that dress design as she looks at the size and let me try it on. She came out of the dressing room the prettiest I have ever seen her. You have me speechless with your beauty as I had the biggest smile on my face. You look so beautiful, classy, sexy, and that’s my girl! She did a spin to show me the full dress. Mark I like it and going to buy plus it will match you suit as a couple. Yes, we are going to be the best looking couple in Mexico. She needed a little alterations for her boobs to be more comfortable and scheduled for next Saturday pickup as she was paying for it. Let’s go get a quick bit of food in the food court and talk about what we would like to do tonight? Ok, as we got some burgers, fries, and drinks at the court. Do you want to go out, cook something, or order out? What do you want to do Mark? I am open but I was thinking we could order out and send some time with Marco maybe play some board games or cards. I like that idea and maybe invite your mother over to play games with us. Really? Yes, I need to know your mother a little more if we want to see the future road. Wow…I love you Mark. When am I going to meet your mother? Maybe after your trip from Brazil. Ok, deal. As we walked out of the food court a jewelry store as I stop in front looking at Maria eye to eye. What’s wrong Mark? Nothing so don’t get crazy on me with my next request. Ok, what is it? I need to know what kind of jewelry stone cut you like. She smiled at me as I held her hand as we walked into the store. Maria I just would like to know what you like only. She squeezed my hand with smile like a kid going into a candy store. Maria tells me she likes this kind of ring as the store salesman walked over to us. Would you like to try on a ring? Maria said no thank you and I told her try one on for me. Maria picks one ring out to try on as he put it on her finger. Wow that looks nice on you as she looks at me with a big smile. I asked her do you like this ring style? Yes. I asked the man what is the ring size and price? The man tells me 3.5 ct at $12000. Ok, Maria do you want any others to try on? No, I am good as she grabs my arm close to me. Thank you sir maybe I will be back. We headed to a shoe store to match the dress and that was the fastest part of the day. Do you need anything for the trip? Nope, I am good and Thank you for the suit. You are a totally worth it and I love getting things for you. I love making you happy Mark. Maria you make me happy anytime I am with you and you don’t have to buy anything for me to be happy. Mark remember I told you I was buying you a suit..yes, I am buying the bikinis and toys. Toys? Remember we are stopping in a sex store…really, I thought you were joking…No, joking with me. Ok, let’s get my bikini. You mean bikinis Maria.

We headed to the car and drove to the Bikini Shop store on the beach. I was lucky to see a parking spot right in front of the Bikini Shop as we both got out and walked in. Maria was so excited seeing all the swimsuits in all different styles and colors. I grabbed Maria and pulled her to me as she looked at me eye to eye. We are going to Mexico for 4 days right? Yes, then get yourself 4 swimsuits 1 per day. I can wear the same one twice. Remember you didn’t want to argue with you so that works for me too. Ok, sweetie but I want you to pick 1 for me. Really. YES..Ok. I thought it would be fast and easy on swimsuits but I was wrong. I was thinking what sex bikini to get for her. I saw this fluorescent green bikini that would look great with her black long hair. I handed the suit to Maria to add it to her collection to try on. Mark come with me to give me your opinion on the suits. I stood outside waiting to see the first one as the curtain open to see her in a silver bikini that showed her hips off a lot. How do you like it as she turns slowly? You look hot and I can’t wait to be with you on the beach in that suit. She turns around to walk back behind the curtain I slapped her ass cheek..ouch. She turned her head Ok, teasing me already. I don’t tease..I please. I know you please me for sure. Couple mins later she reappears with a black and white designed bikini that looked better on her over the silver one. She turns as I told her to stop to see her backside as the bikini bottom showed more butt skin. I placed my hand on her left ass cheek as I squeeze it. I like how do you like it. I love it Mark..2 down so try on another one as she goes back in. Mark are you ready..yes as she comes out in a white bikini. Wow you look great in white as she turns around for the butt view. O my I love it Baby as it was basically dental floss between the cheeks.

She walked back behind the certain and I had to see her change. I asked her behind the curtain do you need any extra help? Mark I think I can do it. I popped my head behind the certain you sure you don’t need an extra hand. Are you crazy? Yes, as I moved behind the curtain to kiss her topless as she accepted my invite. We started to make out a little in the changing room as I slide her button down to the fall with my hands. I grabbed her left tit with my right hand rubbing her nipple as we kiss. I broke the kiss and moved my mouth to her left nipple and sucked it strong with a soft bite. She placed her hand on my head pushing me to her tit “Suck it baby”. She placed her hand on my cock with a slow rub. I raised my head to her I want to fuck you here. Are you crazy? No one is the store just us right now. I turned her around as I undid my shorts button to lower them as my cock was fully hard for her. I pushed my cock right against her as it slipped between her wet lips. Baby you are so hot right now. Yes, you made me this way. I pushed my cock back and forth slowly as I reached around her rubbing her clitoris. O Mark…you are so bad but I love you so fucking much. I looked down at my cock as I pulled back seeing white coating on me. You cumming already yes, I just had a small one and you are going to tell me so I can swallow you. Ok, as I rubbed her clitoris more because I wanted her to cum more. O Mark keeping doing that baby. I pushed myself fully in her as I was feeling the tightness applied to my cock and shake holding the wall Ooooo yes. That was pushing me and I told her I am getting close as I pulled out of her and she sat down on the bench to suck my white coated cock. I was watching her take my cock in her mouth and as I released myself in her mouth as I placed my hands on her shoulders to mouth fuck her.

She stood up as she swallowed my cum then gave me a quick lip kiss. She grabbed the white bikini bottom to dry her pussy and told me get out before some finds us. I stepped out as the cashier noticed me and smiled. She came out with the original clothing on and I asked what about my suit? You will see it on in Mexico now. I want you to get another for tomorrow pool day and Marco told me your mother will join us too. Really? Yes, well I just I need to get 2 suits. Why 2? 1 for you and 1 for your mother. Ok, but do you know her style and size? O yes, we like the same styles and I know her size too. I will stood by the cashier waiting for Maria to pay for the suits. She walks over to me holding the bikinis and told me you need to step out of the store. Why? I don’t want you to see the 2 bikinis. Ok, to the cashier use my card don’t make her pay as I handed my card as I stood outside. I looked at my watch it was 3PM as Maria comes out smiling. Next stop sex store. You are serious? Yes, you don’t want to go? No, we can go just never been in one before. Let’s put the suits in the trunk and the store is the next block. How do you know the store is up here? I asked the cashier. O My! We walked to the next block to the Sex store “His & Hers”.

We got to the store and grabbed her hand as I ask her are you ready. Yes, let’s do it. As we entered I looked at Maria as she had wide eyes because she was seeing leather outfits, whips, dildos, strap on’s, sex jelly, and etc. We walked around in the Anal section as I showed her a butt plugs as I grabbed one that was all chrome with a green color stone like jewelry. The store assistant walked up to us asking if we needed any help. Sure, what are the new hot items selling like crazy? Well you have the best selling butt plug in your hand but if you want it to vibrate it would be this one. We also have men toys like cock rings too. Sure, look at them. I looked at Maria as she was in shock but excited all in one. We just got a remote control mini bullet and vibrating panties as the lady tells us about them. Can I see them? Sure right this way as I told Maria I am buying you a couple things and anything you want. She gives me a quick kiss as I placed my hand on her butt to follow the lady. Maria you want vibrating panties? Ok, as she grabs her size. I still had the butt plug in my hand too. I want some sex lube. I leaned over to tell Maria buy a sexy nighty for Mexico. She asked the sale lady on night wear as she told come with me. I walked away holding 5 things as she walked to the other side of the store. Couple minutes later she comes back with a brown store back as the assistant had the price tag in hand at the cashier area. I purchased everything and the lady thanked us for coming.

How did you feel in the sex store? It was fun and the staff was so helpful with us and how did you feel? It was fun looking at all the different sex lubes and different toys for pleasure. I can’t wait to test the new toys out with you baby. Yes, I can’t wait to know how they feel. Do you want to head to pickup Marco now or go to your place it 3:00PM. Let’s head together Marco now..Ok. Can I see what you got with the lady? No, you will see it in Mexico. Ok, as I reached over to her left thigh and moved between her legs as I touched her pussy. Mark you need to drive as she grabs my arm. I looked at her “Commando” again? Yes, because I was trying on bikinis. Ok, that is fine with me if it makes you happy. Mark if I am with you I am happy. That is the same way I feel when I am with you as I touched her leg.

We pulled up to the house for Marco and must have been 6 cars parked in the driveway so I parked in front of the neighbors house. I walked over to Maria’s door as I opened it as she step out with her long legs. Ms Commando right this way as I moved hand out for hers. She moved her head to my ear “I would love to sit on your face right now”. Why are you teasing me now? You teased me in the car and jewelry store. Ok, sorry as I held her hand to the front door. I rang the doorbell and Lisa opened the door in a bikini with a see thru skirt wrapped around her waist. Come in as we are all at the pool with the kids as we walked in following Lisa to the pool. Lisa had wide hips with a nice ass when her flip flop broke as she stopped and bend over. Maria and I stopped right behind her as Maria slapped her ass..O my as she stood up and turned around toward us. Lisa it was him as my mouth hit the floor in shock. I didn’t do that that Lisa..Maria said no it was me as she nicely slapped her arm. Maria I was hoping it was him as they both laughed and started walking to the pool. I whispered in her ear you will pay for that..I sure hope so tonight. Marco ran over to Maria and asked us to come swim with me. Lisa said you have shorts on and Marco says yes you have shorts on. I said what about your mother? I have swimsuits in the car as she smiles to me. Maria waved to another lady at the party that was laying out on a chair getting some sun. Where is Jose? He is at the grill cooking some food. Lisa asked us if we would like anything to drink? Maria said sure I will take a beer after I get my suit from the car. I will have the same as Lisa tells me come with Mark. I walked with Lisa to the cooler and bent over as she opened cooler of kid juices. Not that Lisa as she looked back at me..nope. She opened the next cooler that was all beer as I told her 2 Bud Light will do. Thank you as she handed me the beer. I am a little disappointed you did slap my butt again like Maria. Its a nice butt Lisa but I am with Maria. Thank you so I have a nice butt. Yes, if we were single I would tap it. Mark that would be nice I bet with you from behind.

Maria walks to the car for a swimsuit and returns to the poolside bathroom to change. I walked over to Jose to say Hi as we had some small talk and found out he is in the real estate business and I told him my business. Maybe we can work together on some house flips that I am working on. Maria comes out of the bathroom in the black/white swimsuit that made me get a semi hard instantly. Lisa tells me you better not let her get away because I can she how she effects your friend as she was looking at me waist. Maria was talking to this lady and then waved me over. I walked over and this lady was a body copy of Maria but a little shorter in height. Nicole her is Mark as I reached to shake her hand finally meet the man that makes Maria floating on a cloud in the office. Nicole don’t tell him that. Maria it’s true you are a happy woman in the office since you started dating Mark but I can totally understand why. Marco yells Mark are you coming in to swim with us? Ok, buddy coming now as I handed Maria my beer as I told can you hold it for a second as I am going to cannonball them. I started to remove my shirt and dropped it to the ground. I looked back at Maria to kill my beer as Nicole & Maria stared at my stomach. Maria do you wash your clothes on his stomach? WOW you have the best looking abs I have seen. Thank you Nicole.

I gave back my empty beer back to Maria and told Marco her I come as the 6 kids moved to the sides of the pool. I ran to the pool and jump in as a cannonball position hitting the water. The water splashed very high I was told from the kids as two empty chairs got wet. I looked over at Marco as he held the side of the pool. Wow that was a big splash as the other kids said do it again. I told them later guys as I looked back at Maria looking hot as hell in the swimsuit. Nicole & Maria were talking as I spoke out ladies you need to get in the pool so you don’t get sunburn. Maria got up and told Nicole to join us as she got up behind Maria to the shallow in pool steps. I watched them both walk into the pool as I reached out my hands to them both. Nicole tells Maria what a gentlemen. He is the best man in the world next to my Marco as she swims to him as I still had Nicole’s hand. Thank you Mark but the water feels cold now. It’s because you were is the sun and your body is hotter then normal as I noticed her nipples coming thru her top. I see you are cold as she shakes with water coming over her waist. You like my suit? Yes, it looks nice on you. I felt Marco arms around my neck as Maria picks him up on me. I grabbed his legs to hold him on my back and told him to hold on. I started to move around the pool as we splashed around.

I told Marco let’s play like a shark and let’s get Maria & Nicole. Ok. I moved over to Maria under the water sucking on her stomach and Marco played like a shark above the water. I come out of the water as I let Marco off my back to catch my breath and then I felt another kid grab my arm can we play shark and get my mommy. Ok, who is your mother because we had a couple others mothers in the water. Here is my mom as he pointed to Nicole. Ok, hop on he said mommy I am coming to get you and she pretended to run to the steps as I went under the water toward her. I looked under the water as I placed my hand on her upper thigh and felt her ass. I move to come out of the water as her son had his arms around her neck. As I got the water out of my eyes looking straight at Nicole she had a smile. Mark here is my son Nicholas or Nick. Nice to meet you dude I am Mark. Did the shark get her dude? Yes, I got her as he pretends to bite her neck. Thank you Mark. No problem I love kids as I looked back to Marco and Maria here comes the big shark. O no mommy here comes the shark as I went under the water pretending to bite Marco’s leg then I popping up. I wrapped my arms around them both and I am a friendly shark now as I hugged them both. I let go of the hug and Maria let Marco down to swim with his friends. She placed her arms around my neck then her legs I am going to tell you again..I love you for being you and specially with Marco. She gives me a quick kiss. I told her I need to put you down or I am going to have a problem getting out of this pool. she moved her hand under her ass to rub my penis. No teasing Maria. She gave me a low laugh in ear and said I want to show you off. Are you crazy? Yes, you bring it out of me…Did I use you line Mark…lol I said ok, as I slide my right hand under her swimsuit button and popped a finger in her asshole. O boy…you win Mark as she let go of me but I didn’t stop for 15 seconds. Mark please stop as she whispers in my ear. Ok, I am done now as I let her down as she adjusted her suit.

I stood in the water until I felt ok to get out as Maria got out and sat next to Nicole. I looked around and swam to the deep in to view the intercostal water way. Jose walked over to me would you like a burger or dog? sure that would be great coming over. Jose you need a beer? Sure Thanks. I got out of the pool and walked over to Maria & Nicole…Do you ladies need a beer, burger, or hot dog? Maria says yes I will take a beer and Hot Dog. Nicole says I will take the same as she gets up to walk with me to the cooler. I reached down to get 4 beers as I handed 2 to Nicole and asked her to give 1 to Jose. She said no I will give Maria this beer and meet you at the grill. Ok, I was a little puzzled. Here you go Jose as I gave him the beer and I asked for 1 cheeseburger & 1 hot dog. Nicole comes behind me as I was moving backwards and placed her hands on my back. Opps.. sorry I said as Nicole says can I have a hot dog. Yes, anything for you sexy. I say Nicole was uncomfortable with Jose as I said the ketchup is over her. Thank you Jose. Nicole I see you looked uncomfortable with Jose. Yes, he gives me the creeps specially his lines and some issues I have heard about him. Like? Ask Maria later. Maria is very lucky to have you for her and specially how good you are with Marco. I am the lucky guy. May I ask you where is your man? No, he eyes through I was not good enough for him so he had an affair with the neighbor as I was at work. He lives right next to me now. Wow..that is weird I bet. O yes, in so many ways specially when Nick is with his father on the weekend as I am home alone. You will find someone 1 day. I hope you are right because I need a man because it sucks living alone.

We walked back to Maria and I sat on the side of Maria’s lodge chair. Can you hold my beer as I place my cold beer between her legs against the swimsuit bottom. Mark…she grabbed the beer yelling at me saying that is cold. Nicole laughed Maria I thought you would like that cold beer in that location. Maria looked at Maria you are a bad girl too. I looked at both of them and noticed they had some kind of connection. Nicole do you want to hold it for him between your legs? Right now in my life I might freeze the beer. Don’t you worry Nicole I bet Mark might know someone for you. I was speechless as I looked as a lost duck in the pond. Are hot dogs are good Nicole? Nice change of subject Mark. So Mark what business do you have? I am in the Pool business. Really? Yes, what did Maria tell you I did a Chippendale dancer…as we all laugh. Nicole says I think you could be one..Maria does he have moves? O yes! No, maybe you can check out my pool. What is wrong with it? It will not run because my ex never fixed it before I found out he was cheating on me. Mark can you help her out by Maria? Yes, sure text me your address and maybe I can stop by to see what the problem and I will bring a spare motor with me. Thank you Mark because Nick always has to swim at his father’s next door only if he stay outside with him.

I look at my watch as it was 5:30PM as I finish my beer as I told Maria we should start to wrap it up to go home. Did you pack for Brazil yet? Nope, I need to do it tomorrow morning. Marco can you get out of the pool now and dry off. I noticed some other parents and kids leaving now. Marco comes over and Nick right behind him as I help dry Marco off. Maria was helping Lisa pickup the staff from the party as Nicole dried her son off. Jose came over and asked me can I get your number so I might have some business for you next mouth? Sure, what is your number and I will text you? Done.

Maria came back and asked if we all are ready? Yes Nick is was nice to meet you as I reached out for a fist bump. Nick tells Marco you have a cool Dad as I looked at Maria then Nicole said Nick Mark is not his Dad just a good friend. O well you are really cool. Thanks as I smile. I said ladies first as I was followed Nicole to the door watching her ass move under see through skirt. I told Nicole I would call her sometime on Monday or Tuesday about seeing the pool next week. Thank so much Mark. Maria see you next week I guess and have a safe trip. Thanks as they gave each other a hug.

We started drive to the condo and I ask what do you all want for dinner because it 5:50PM now? Marco yells out Pizza as I look at Maria..silent lip movement I am fine with that if you are. Ok Marco pizza it is. Do you want to see if you mother wants to come over? Wow…sure let me call her now. She started talk Portuguese and then I heard Marco whisper in my ear they are talking about you. What are they saying about me? A couple more minutes went by that you are such a gentlemen and how all the ladies stared at you at the pool. Thanks Bud. She ends the call and says mom is coming over dinner. I should stop to get some wine so where is the closest liquor store? The next block on the right side. I parked the car and asked what kind of wine does your mother drink? She drinks any kind of wine but she can’t handle it very well. Cabernet, Pinot Noir, or Red blend? You pick Mark. Ok, Do you want to order the pizza as I get the wine? Will do. I purchased 4 bottles of wine and a couple shooter nips. I get back to the car and drive to the condo. We got to condo garage and walked to the elevator with all the bags. As we entered the condo door Maria tells Marco & Mark hit the showers. Ok, mom and I reply ok mom. Marco started laughing. I got in the shower for about 10 mins because I was thinking Maria wanted to shower before the pizza arrived. I turned off the water and was drying off my hair standing outside the shower. When I removed the towel from my face I was surprised seeing Rose standing at the doorway starring at me with her saying O My..sorry after walking away. I got dressed and walked out to the living room with my shorts & T-shirt. When I walked out of the bedroom Marco was in his room and Rose was standing in the kitchen. As I turned to Rose reaching for the plates as I told her let me help you as I walked behind her as my penis rested against her ass. Thank you Mark as I handed her the plates as she smiles at me. Maria opened the door holding the pizza’s and Rose placed the plates for the table.

We all sat at the table as I opened a bottle of wine and poured three glasses. I held my glass up and said cheers to a great day and great night. Maria passed out the pizza and we started it up. Marco said I can’t wait for all of us going swimming tomorrow. Maria told her mother that I have a gift for you so come with me. I watched them both walk to her bedroom. Rose was wearing sun dress. They both came back and both smiling at they sat back at the table. In my head I was thinking Rose told Maria that she saw me in the bathroom nude. Maria tells Marco when you are done please bring your plate to the sink. Marco got up with his plate to bring it to the sink and when he came back. I asked him Do you want to play a board game or cards? Yes, can we play Uno? Ladies are you up with some cards? Rose looked at Maria and said if you don’t marry him I will marry him. Marco comes out with the Uno cards and I tell him 1 minute need to clean the table. I grabbed the pizzas and plates as I return with a couple napkins/glass cleaner for the table. Marco dealt the cards and Maria went first as we drank the first bottle so I opened another one. We played for 2 hrs and killed 2 bottles of wine now as it was 9PM. Maria tells Marco it’s bedtime and he went to his Grandma for a hug then came to me thinking fist bump but gave me a hug. I heard Rose say o how sweet. After she got him to bed she said she was going to take a quick shower. We both said ok.

I asked Rose do you need more wine? Sure but we need another bottle as I say no problem I have 4. Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of my daughter and me? In my head I said where the fuck did that come from. So I knew she was getting drunk so I was opening up another bottle. Mark can I tell you something? Sure fire away. My daughter loves you very much because you treat her like a queen. Plus I can see you can take care of her on a sexual way too. are big. I must have got red in the face and I said I am sorry I didn’t close the door. Mark I was thinking Maria was in the shower and you went to get the pizza’s. Don’t be sorry for what you got..I can understand why Maria is crazy for you in 1 reason. I would love to have a man your size but not sure I could take it. I see how Maria will look when she get older and I will be a very happy man. You are a very pretty lady. Thank you Mark. Rose says let me go get adult cards and not kid cards. She stood up and lost her balance for a second as I got up quick for her. Do you want me to go with you? No, because I will keep you at my place. I laughed..I am not joking because I have not been with a man in many years. Rose sit back down and let me ask Maria if she has any cards. Ok. I walked to the shower as she was getting out and ask her do you have any playing cards. Yes, in the kitchen drawer next to the sink. Damm you look hot. Get out so I can get ready..ok.

I went to the kitchen for cards and sat at the table. What game do you want to play? Blackjack. Ok, as I dealt the cards after I shuffled the cards. Maria comes out placing her arms around me and gives me a kiss as she grabs my hand with something in it. She goes to sit down and tells her mom you should see the suit Mark is going to have for Luz’s wedding. Your dress is beautiful but I like what will be in it more. Maria starts to drink her wine as I push the button and her eyes went right to my eyes as she moved in her chair. I turned it off as she relaxed now. What are we playing? Blackjack. I dealt the cards again and they both won. We play for 10-15 mins when Rose said let’s play poker. Maria said stripe poker? Rose says I am ok with it if you are? Maria said let me go get more clothes as we laughed. I say only shorts and bra as Maria got up and went to her room. Rose do you need to put more stuff on? Nope, but you might need too…lol

Maria comes back as a joke with a jacket on and warmups with shorts over them. I guess I will have to beat your shorts and pants off now as Rose laughs at Maria. Ok, I started passing out the cards and said you lose 1 piece per hand with the winner picking what comes off. Shocking I lost the first hand so Rose tells me your shirt off. I removed my shirt as I watched Rose and Maria watching me. I looked at Rose to ask her “Do you think Maria did well getting me”? O yes she got the treasure chest with a body like yours. I would love to have a man like you. Mom stop it you bad woman. Maybe Mark can find a single guy for you to date. Only if he is Mark’s twin. I was dealing the hands but Maria was losing the last 4 hands. I forgot I had the panty clicker so I hit it in my shorts. Maria jumped as she looks at me with her eyes wide open and about 15 seconds went bye as Maria says Mark. I hit the clicker as she relaxed now. Rose you have no lost a hand yet so Maria let’s get your mom now as I raised my glass for cheer. My I win and get you both in your bra and panties soon. Rose says you wish you could be that good to take Maria and I at the same time. I personally didn’t know how to take that line but in my head I said I would try it if Maria was ok with it. Rose finished her glass and said can I have a half glass and Maria yes I need some more too. I gave them so more wine as we killed the 3 bottle.

I passed out the cards and Maria asked for 1 card, Rose asked for 3 cards, and I got 2 new cards. Ladies lay them down because I think I won this hand. Rose said you finally got me this hand as she stood up to remove her sundress to the floor. Wow Maria you are so right about your mother have a nice body as she stands in bra and panties. I told you Mark so would you call her a MILF? No, Maria looked at me puzzled she is a GILF. Rose looked at me what is a GILF and Maria said yes what is that meaning? In my head I said we are all drinking so they will forget it tomorrow I hope. She is a Grandma I Like to Fuck. Rose & Maria face was in shock with the meaning and then Maria tells Rose you are a GILF and I’m a MILF. So I am GILF? Yes. So you would want to if you didn’t meet Maria? I looked at Maria as she was looking back with go ahead. Yes, you have a very nice body and pretty face too.

She got up and walks over to me in her bra and panties as she sits on my lap to place a soft quick kiss on my lips. When she sat on my lap some how she hit the clicker as I placed my left hand on her ass rubbing it. After the kiss she told me thank you for dating my daughter and making me feel wanted even if you are taken. She got up and got back to her chair as I looked at her ass..nice butt Rose. Thank you and I love a butt man too. I looked over to Maria because I was thinking she was going to be pissed at me with my comments. She had her head down on the table as I ask her are you ok? Mark, Mark, Mark stop it…o fuck she is pissed off at me because I went to far. Then I heard her say controller..controller. It hit me as I reached in my pocket to turn it off as she gasped for air. Rose said are you ok? Yes, much better now. She looks at me with the same eyes when she cums with me so I think the panties do work. Let’s play 3 more hands because some one will lose then. Maria said ok and Rose says I want to play all night.

I dealt the cards and was surprised I had 2 aces and the ladies requested 2 new cards. I said before we lay the cards down what will you remove if you lose? Maria says shorts and Rose says bra, I guess it’s shorts for me so lay them down. Looks like Maria lost again. Rose says remove the shorts young lady as Maria stands up and walks to me. May you remove them sweetie? O yes love too. I grabbed the shorts and pulled them down as she bend down giving me a better view as I moved my face to her ass as I kissed each cheek. She stepped out of the shorts to walk back to her chair as Rose noticed the vibrating panties. Maria what kind of panties are you wearing? Mom they are vibrating panties that we got at the store today. Wow do they work? O yes they do but you need to make sure it’s placed in the right spot. Rose stands up as she rubs over her panties any place would work on me. I saw her think bush in her panties and Maria tells her we need to trim that before the pool tomorrow. Ok, will you help me Maria? Joking around I said I will help. Both of them said it at the same time “You are a bad boy”. Yes I am. Mom maybe we can stop at the store next week. Ok. I dealt the next hand.

Maria and Rose lost the bra’s now and I said Maria I like want I see for future as I look at Rose. Rose holds her boobs they never snagged but they are starting to a little now. They look good to me and I see where Maria got her great tits from. Last hand I said..Rose said you still have your shorts on so 2 hands. Maria reply’s I am going to loss because I only have my panties like you mom. I only have shorts on as Maria say no underwear? Nope, ok fair game now. I dealt the last hand and went o shit can we redo this hand. The girls laugh at me..Nope! I got 4 new cards and the girls got 2 each. Ok, last hand so lay them down. I looked at the cards as Rose had a better hand then me and noticed Maria had the best hand out of us. Shit I said out loud. Maria don’t wake up Marco. Opps sorry. Remove the shorts sweetie for us. I stood up as Maria tells Rose you will see 1 of many reason I love this man. Come on Mark let’s see your sex tool. Maria tells me let my mom remove your shorts. I walked over between Rose & Maria as she slowly pulled them down as my cock sprung up against my stomach. WOW out of Rose mouth! You girls won the game as I walked back to my chair and I noticed Rose rubbing herself as I clicked on the button that I grabbed before my shorts hit the floor. Maria’s head rested on the table. I clicked it off and 30 seconds later I clicked it back on. Mark you need to stop teasing me.

So is everyone happy we played cards? Yes, I can’t believe I didn’t lose the game and you did Sweetie. Rose please invite me over anytime you play again. Maria got up and walked to the bedroom and was thinking she went to the bathroom. I am going to put my shorts on now and Rose says you don’t need to with a smile. I need to because it’s getting cold. Some time went bye so Rose said I am going to check on Maria…ok as I continue to sit at the table pickup the cards into the box. Another 2-3 minutes went bye as I got up seeing Maria on the bed laying down facing the balcony and Rose rubbing her back. She was passed out and Rose moved over as I got in the bed behind Maria. I whispered in Maria’s ear are you ok? Yes, can you help my mom back to her condo? Sure, go to sleep. I turned over to be on my back as Rose was laying on her back next to me. Let me walk you back to your condo and Rose said yes I might need some help as she reached over to grab my leg but got my cock. Opps sorry Mark as she started moving her hand up and down me very slowly. I moved my head to her ear and told her you better get to your room now. Ok, as she let go to get out of the bed as I followed her. I watched her bend down to put on her dress and I moved right behind her as I whispered in her ear you have a great ass. Thank you and I love a man from behind too.

I moved my arm around her waist and walked her to her condo door as I opened it. Rose turned around and asked me if I was coming in for a drink…I laughed and said I think we both had more wine then we should have had tonight. She gave me a quick kiss and said your lose three times tonight. Why 3? You lost in cards, getting nothing from Maria tonight, and turning me down for a drink. Goodnight Rose as I walked back to Maria’s condo. I grabbed the door knob and it’s locked “Fuck”. I can’t knock on the door because Marco will wake up. I walked back to Rose’s condo and knocked on the door. She opened the door with nothing on as I looked at her bush. Rethinking my offer? No, I am locked out of the condo so can I use the key to get in? Sure, but disappointed. Rose I think you have a killer body but I think I love your daughter and wouldn’t want to hurt her specially with her own mother. Mark you are 100% right because it’s the wine making me this way. Here is the key and I will get it back tomorrow as she gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I walked back to the condo and got in the bed covering her up with me holding her.

The next morning we both slept in a little later because of all the wine. I moved my arm off of Maria but she grabbed me. Sorry baby I didn’t want to wake you. Well then you better talk to your buddy below as I was resting against her ass with morning wood. See what you do to me even when we sleep. Mark how does your head feel? Ok, but a little slow. Ok, I am feeling the same way what a night. Yes, it was. My mom was crazy last night. Yes, but you kept feeding her like removing my shorts. Yes, I wanted her to enjoy the night. She probably went to her bedroom with a vibrator after last night. How do you like your vibrating panties? O yes I like them. I am glad you like them. Maria did I do anything to make you mad at me? No, everything is good. Did I do anything to upset you? No, I had a good time just holding you and spending time with you. Me too Mark. Did I shock you when I asked you to let my mother to pull your shorts down and your cock was inches away from here face. I paused…Yes, you should have seen your mothers face when it sprung up against my stomach. Sorry if that was no cool. Nope, it’s all ok with me Maria. I was going to allow her to touch it but I was not sure if I was pushing it to far. No, I would have been fine with it because it my mom. I know she with talk about it today. I wish I could get her some dick based on her eyes looking at yours penis. Are you asking me? Maria turned around looking at me and then turned back to place her head on the pillow. Maria ask me If I didn’t meet you and you met her would you fuck her? Maria yes based on what I know of her today, but not sure I would if I met her on the street. Do you understand what I mean? Yes, I think so. Maria I can’t believe I am going to say theses words…I would never have sex with your mother without you giving me approval. I would worry about our relationship if I did and you & your mothers relationship was not hurt going forward. Understand what I am saying? Yes, Mark so if I told you that you can would you? Not sure because your mother would want it and I would want to be 100% you are ok with it. You are my number one girl always even if I did your mother. She held my arm and hands with a squeeze.

Get your panties off because I need to feel your pussy. She pulls them off and I slide myself in her from behind slowly…O Mark you feel so good. I slowly picked up speed as she held my arm tighter…you love my cock baby? Yes I do because you go so deep in me. O baby keeping fucking me just like you are…getting close already. I squeezed her nipple a little as her pussy squeezes on my cock so I knew she was close on cumming. O baby as I felt her wetness come over my cock. O shit baby..I am going to cum as I pulled out and laid it against her stomach and shot off 3-4 streams. Sorry baby. It’s ok because I need to change the sheets anyways today. Let take a shower Mark and get some food. I bet Marco is already up. O my I think our clothing are on the floor by the table. Nope, I picked everything before coming to bed. I bet you mom feels like shit right now with all the wine. I bet you are right. I will check on Marco and you get in the shower baby…Ok, Thank you Mark.

Good morning Marco. Good morning sleepyhead it’s 10AM. Did you eat anything for breakfast yet. Yes, I had a bowl of cereal and OJ as he lifts up his glass. Good job buddy as I walk to the kitchen for some OJ as I waited a good 10 minutes before walking back into the room. As I walked to the bathroom the door was locked so I walked back to the kitchen to prep to cook some eggs. Marco you want some eggs? Sure I will have some as Maria comes out in a black silk robe. Good morning Marco as she walks over to him for a hug. Cooking eggs I are reading my mind because I was going to do that when I came out. Well take over so I can brush my teeth as I walked to the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth I got my clothes as I placed them on the sink. I came out as I see her big suitcase on the flood next to the bed. I walked out as I tell Maria I see you starting to pack. Yes, I want to get it done before we go to the pool. Good idea…do you need my help…no because it will not get done with you touching me. Do you want me to see if your mother is up and want breakfast if you want too. Ok, maybe Marco & I will go over. Marco do you want to come with me to see if your Grandma wants breakfast? No, you can go. Ok, buddy.

I knocked on Rose’s door and she opened the door in a robe. Hi Mark come in for a minute..Ok as she closed the door. First I want to say sorry for last night and anything I might have done wrong to you. I don’t want to hurt your relationship you have with Maria. Rose everything is ok and fine about last night. You didn’t do anything wrong in my eyes. Really? Yes. Did I rub your penis and show you my whole body at the door? Yes, but I am not complaining or saying anything to Maria. Thank you! She smiles thanks. The wine and you made me hot. I am glad I can do that to you and Maria. She is one lucky girl to have you and I will be over shortly for some coffee. Ok, see you soon as she hugs me she squeezed my butt so I grabbed her ass with both hands. She looks at me to tell me thank you for not fucking me last night because I would want to hurt Maria. Me either as I walked back in to see her spooning the eggs in on the plates and I said Rose will be over for coffee shortly. We finished the eggs and toast when I told Maria go ahead and pack as I get the dishes. You sure, yes because Marco and I want to spend time with you at the pool. Right Marco? Yes..go pack mom. Ok, Ok, going now. After I cleaned up the dishes Rose came over as I gave her a cup of coffee. Is Maria in the bedroom? Yes packing. Rose walked into the bedroom and closed the door. Marco let’s play a game. Ok, loading it now. We played 2 games and both of them still in bedroom with the door closed. Let play another but give me a minute. I walker over to the door and knocked as I slowly opened the door. No one was in the bedroom so I walked to the bathroom with the door closed with running water from the sink. I knocked on the door and Maria said yes. Everything ok? She opened the door and said yes just helping my my shave for the bikini. Do you need any extra hands? Rose spoke up you are to late because Maria is almost done. Ok, did you get all your packing done? Mostly done just a couple small things I will do later. Ok, I will play another game with Marco.

I went back playing soccer with Marco even if he won all the game so far. I looked at the clock and it was 12N now and asked Marco want time do you want to hit the pool? Can we go now? Sure, you go get changed and I will tell your mom we are going up. I walked back in the room seeing the bathroom door open and Maria was washing her hands standing in the white bikini. Damm you look hot baby as I see the string thong between the check. Rose was putting her robe back on and walking out of the bathroom door. Mom the swimsuit is on my dresser for you as she grabbed it opening the package. She dropped the robe as she put the bottom on as she was bending over giving me a great back view? Maria moved over to my ear whispering “would you”? I looked at her with a puzzled look are you asking me to in a whisper tone to her. Maria went back to work with her hair. I told Maria that Marco and I are heading the pool now. Ok, I will see you shortly as she gave me a quick kiss. I walked to my bag for the swim shorts and soft ass slap on Rose. I went to grab my swim shorts that I had in my bag and put them on in front of both of them. Ok, Marco you ready? Mark I will bring up the towels and get 4 chairs. Ok, will do.

Marco show me the way as we got in the elevator to the top floor. Wow..what a view of Miami from up here. I looked around and no one was up her as Marco was about to run and I said no running around the pool area. Ok, Mark. Let’s read the pool rules Marco so we understand what we can do and not do. We walked to the Pool rules and the normal guidelines but they added no loud sounds. I felt that was a little weird for pool rules but rules are rules. We put our shirts and shoes under the other 2 chairs for the ladies. Marco I am getting in the water first as I walked to the shallow in steps but Marco jumped right in from the side of the pool. I sat on the steps watching Marco swim side to side in the 20 X 60 pool. It was nice and the water was warm mid 70’s I guess. I heard the pool door open and the 2 surprises walked to the pool Maria and Rose in white matching bikinis. I whistled at them as Rose said something to Maria and as they got closer I got excited. Maria says do you like the twins. WOW was all I could say at first… you both look great! Thank you Mark from Rose. You both look good in anything you wear. I hear Marco asking Grandma come in the water and swim with me. 2 minutes Marco as she puts down 2 towels and Maria lays 1 out on the chair. I got up and picked up Maria and said I want you with me in the water as she played hard to get…No, Mark, No Mark…Marco yelled throw mommy in the water…Maria said Marco why me why not Grandma. I walked her in the water holding her as she held my neck with her arms. The water was at both of are necks now and Rose was just about to walk in the water to Marco.

Maria told me I am going to miss you this week. Yes, me too but you will still call me. Yes, I will call you and Marco everyday. Promise? Yes, promise. I gave her a strong deep kiss as I holding her in my arms like I was carrying her still. After we broke the kiss Rose was throwing a ball in the pool with Marco and I looked back at Maria to say they are having fun. Ok. I moved my hand to her tit and rubbed the nipple..Mark not her in front of Marco and my mother. Really? Yes, really..ok don’t want to make my Portugal Princess mad at me. We both walked to the pool chairs as we came out of the water. Marco was playing with the ball as Rose started coming out of the water. Wow..I noticed the camel toe with her bikini and it was a littlest through as I looked at Maria. Maria’s top was a little see-through as I can see the outline of her nipples. I called Maria as I moved over to her you bikinis are a little see-through as she looked at her top. Then she looked at her mother walked out of the water to her chair as she noticed her bikini was see-through. She said something to Rose in Portuguese as Rose looked at herself. O well after last night I think we are all good with each other bodies. I agree Rose.

We laid out under the sun as Marco started playing pool basketball in the low in of the pool. After hour Maria said she was going to the condo for drinks and snacks. I asked do you need any help? No thank you as she said something to her mother in Portuguese. They both looked at me for a quick second and I said what? They laughed as she walked away. Rose said the water feels real good and I do like this bikini. Yes, the water is nice and you both look good in the bikinis. I watched her playing with her bottom piece as she says Maria did a good job as I watched her move her hand inside rubbing herself. I bet it’s smooth like a baby’s bottom. Yes it is. I had to get in the water because Jr was growing watching her rub herself. I walked into the pool and played basketball with Marco as Maria walks back to the chair with a small cooler. I watched her bend over to place the cooler down as she gave me a pretty view of her bare ass with a string between the cheeks. Rose said something to Maria in Portuguese as she turned her head to bending over with a smile. She calls Marco to get something to drink as we both came out of the pool. I sat down on the side of Maria’s chair as she was laying out and Marco sat on the side of Rose’s chair. We all ate some crackers and some water. Marco went back in the water playing basketball as I rubbed Maria right leg. What time is your flight tomorrow? It’s departs a 10AM. Ok, so we should leave by 8AM? Yes that should be fine because I shouldn’t have a long wait time to check in travel first class. That is sweet! We only travel First or Business when it’s for business at the firm. Maria gets up and heads to the pool to play with Marco.

Rose and I watched them playing and I told Rose let’s play them? Ok, as we both got up walking into the water I said Rose & I are going to play you both. Marco says no…boys against girls. Maria says ok Mom let’s show them. So Maria had the ball and passed it to Maria as she scored on Marco. I got the ball passed it to Marco and he passed it back to me as Maria grabbed my body trying to hold me from scoring but no luck. Rose started with ball as I went to help Marco she passed it to Maria and I grabbed her with my right arm squeezing her butt. She dropped the ball as Rose grabbed it now. I reached with my left arm grabbed them both holding their sweet asses. Marco got the ball and I told him to score as I got them both. Maria tells me that I am cheating because you are holding us from the basket. I let them down as I rubbed both asses Rose said something to Maria as the both reached for my nipples for a tity twister on me. I dropped them both as they laughed. You win ladies because I broke the rules. Marco says what rule? I held them from scoring…Maria said no Marco you won because I did it first to Mark. Marco jumped up and down in the water we won Mark. I joked around don’t we get winner hugs? Marco says yes come on Grandma and Mommy. Rose gives him a hug as Maria gives me a hug and kiss. Rose comes over to me as Maria goes to give Marco a hug. She opens her arms as I do the same and she gives me a quick cheek kiss. Maria says I am going to the condo to use the bathroom does anyone need it? Yes, I guess I should go because we don’t want it in the pool…right Marco? No way no peeing in the pool is one of the rules.

I dry off a little as Maria and we walk to the condo. We get in the elevator and Maria attacks me with passionate kisses as I never pushed any buttons. I told her to push the button as she reaches over for her floor. We got to her room as she pulls my shorts down and pushes me on the bed. She moves over me moving her suit to the side and rode my cock as I was hard as a rock with her kisses in the elevator. She didn’t last long because she coated my cock with her sweet white cream in minutes. She collapsed on my chest breathing heavy saying I needed that so badly because you are so hot to me in that pool. Plus I am going to miss you so much starting tomorrow as she got teary eyes. Maria don’t worry it will be a fast trip and we have each other tonight. I flipped her over as I started fucking her hard and fast. O Mark fuck me as hard and fast as you want…I love you! She wrapped her legs around me and after about 2 minutes I told I want you from behind. I pulled out and told her to lean over the bed as I pulled her suit down to the floor. I moved my head between her lips and pushed myself in her completely in one quick stroke. I turned up the speed as I pounded her pussy from behind and she was loving as much as me. Mark you feel so deep in me. Maria you feel so fucking good as I felt my balls ready to pop. I am going cum soon so where do you want it? On my back baby and keep fucking like this because I am getting close again myself. I held her hips and slammed myself in her sweet pussy as she moaned. I was feeling her tightness as she moaned O Yes as she cums on my cock and I couldn’t hold it as I just pulled out in time shooting my self on her back. I slowly helped her up as she turns around to me as we kiss wrapped my arms around her. I didn’t care if my got cum on my arms because I am falling for this girl.

I grabbed a towel and wiped my arms and her back off. We went to the bathroom and walked back to the pool. As we sat down in her pool chair and Marco was in the water. Rose says Marie what is in your hair as she reaches over and wipes it with her fingers. She brings it to her noise smelling it and then placed it on her tongue. Rose said you lucky girl and not a bad taste. I must have went bright red in the face as Maria and Rose looked at me. Marco came out of the water and asked if he could go back to the condo? Rose says I will take him back and you two can stay here a little more. Thank you mom. Rose you look good in that bikini..Thank you Mark as she moves her butt around for me. Maria tell me Mark don’t tease my mom. I am not teasing she looks good like you look delicious in that bikini. Come with me baby in the water as I reached out for her hand. We walked in the water together and held her close me in the water. Mark I wish you were coming with me to Brazil tomorrow but I know you have a business. Yes, that would be nice but we both have are careers to do. You will be back before you know it. Also don’t worry about coming because I will drain you tonight. Promise? Yes, as I grab my suit lower and grab Maria against my free cock as her eyes open wide. Mark are you crazy not here. I will not here but you will as I move hand to move her suit to the side as I rest my cock against her lips. I push my head between her lips as she moved her mouth on my neck O Mark I love how you feel in me. I moved my hips up as I held her shoulders pulling her down on me. O Mark, O Mark you feel like you are hitting my inside much deeper for some reason. She sucked my neck hard as I got her to cum fucking this way. Wow Mark that was so good but you need to cum. No, I will cum later in your bad. I can’t wait when I can take you in my ass because I think we will both like it. I gave her a strong deep kiss with my cock still in her. Maria tells me let’s go back to the condo and I can finish up packing. Ok, lead the way sexy because I will follow your body anywhere as I slapped her butt.

We got back to the condo as Rose was spread out on the couch. I told Maria I was going to hit the shower unless she wants it first. Mark may I go first? Sure. I grabbed a table chair and sat next to the couch watching Marco play a game. When I looked at Rose on the couch gave me a great view of her ass. Mark you going to miss Maria next week? Yes, but I can still talk to over the phone. Marco looks back and asked if I would still come over to play some games with me? I don’t think I will have the time with my full work schedule. That stinks. Sorry buddy. Mark what if I cook you a dinner 1 day this week so you can play games with Marco? Please Mark? Ok, maybe I can work 1 night out for you buddy. Maria you like chicken? Yes, I like everything. Maria comes out to us not looking happy for some reason. She leans over to my ear and tells me she just got her period. It’s ok it’s normal. She hugs me and tells me Thank you. Maria asked what do you all want for dinner? I spoke up quick No Pizza Marco…as we all laugh even Marco. Rose says how about some Latin food? Maria says is that ok men? We both said that is good.

Maria went to get the food as I was in the shower and when I came out she was back. We all sat down and enjoyed the good food and Marco was eating all the fried bananas. Maria tells Marco leave some for us as he was eating his last one. Rose tells Maria that I invited Mark over for a dinner and he can play a game with Marco. Maria looks over at me really? Yes, if you are ok with it? Yes, I am fine if they are ok with it. Marco said I wanted him to come over and game some games with me and Grandma said she would cook dinner. Maria says I am going to miss you all next week as she gets a little teary eyes. You will be back before you know it Maria. We are 2 weeks from Mexico as she smiles. I am going to start to pack on Friday so I am not rushing or forget something. I told the lady’s that I am cleanup as I grabbed the plates. Marco went to his room reading a book. As I was cleaning the plates Rose was ready to leave and called for Marco to give her a hug. Mark…Mark..I turned around as Rose had her arms out for a hug from me. As I was drying my hands and walking to her I noticed Maria showing me grab or slap her butt when I hug her. When I bent down to hug her she reached around me I grabbed her butt as I heard softly “yes” then say O Mark you bad boy as she grabbed my butt. I was looking at Maria as I did it and she smiled at me with approval. Rose leaves see you on Thursday night? Ok, I will make it work.

Why did you ask me to grab her butt? It makes her happy that you think she is pretty and she has no man. Ok, remember I wouldn’t do anything to her because you are number 1 to me. She walks to me as she gives me a kiss on the lips and tells meet me on the couch in 5 minutes. She when to her room and I finished up the cleaning up then walked to the couch watching Marco play a game. I sat on the couch relaxing when Maria walked out and asked us if we wanted anything. We both replied nope we are good as she walked over to sit next to me as she rested her head on my lap watching the TV. I was rubbing my hand in her hair feeling how soft and silky it was to the touch. I must have done that for 30 minutes watching Marco play the game. He finished the game and turned around to his mother to tell me she is sleeping. Ok, Marco go get something to eat if you want something. I looked at the clock and it was almost 8PM so I told Marco after the snack get ready for bed buddy. I moved her head up off my lap and rested it on a pillow so I could to he other side to carry her to bed. I slide my hands and arms under her as I carry her to the bedroom and placed her on her side as the head rested on her pillow. I cleaned up the kitchen and his ice cream bowl as he brushed his teeth for bed. I helped him to bed and I went to brush my teeth before I entered the bed.

The Medieval Marine Part Four 0 (0)

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Marion grows as a leader but only after some serious pain.


It was early the next morning when Luke and Marion woke the group up. The sun was just starting to light up the Eastern sky but everyone in the group was used to getting up this early. They made sure to cook up an extra hardy breakfast for they didn’t know when they would be able to eat again. Over the previous month the scared young women that had traveled out of York with Luke had been replaced with strong, young women that thought like soldiers and fought like lions. They now all carried swords and knives and knew how to use them. Every one of them also wore a leather overcoat that they could wrap around themselves to protect against swords or even long-range arrows. Under that they wore a green shirt and pants. Sown inside each shirt was light steel and leather armor that Luke had designed to deflect blows. They each also carried a helmet that was radically different than anything else currently in use. It looked a cross between a World War two German helmet and a modern US military helmet. He had designed it this way to be able to give maximum protection with the materials available. Gabriel also carried a bow that she had gotten to be very good with. She was good enough to put an arrow into someone’s eye from fifty paces.

Luke was extremely proud of the ladies and of Tom. Tom had helped train everyone in sword use and had grown to love each of the ladies like sisters except Stella. No, her he loved romantically. What’s more she was also falling in love with him. Tom was armed like all the women and he loved this new gear. It was lighter than his previous gear and protected him far better.

It was a warm morning when they set out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. They made quite a sight the seven of them, Marion, Luke, Tom, and the four women that were “suppose” to be Luke’s whores. In that group there was from oldest to youngest: Stella, Pollyanna, Alice, and Gabriel. Stella was the leader of the group being the oldest amount them. Pollyanna was showing signs of wanting to become an engineer like Luke. Alice was showing an interest in medicine, while Gabriel was the sharpshooter and Luke thought that she might make one hell of a sniper. One of the other things that Luke had started teaching them was how to read and write for soldiers needed to know how to read orders and make out reports.

It took the group almost half a day to reach York. During their trip they had to hide once to avoid a large patrol that Richard had sent out. Yes, they could have taken the patrol out but it was now far more important for the group to get to York. When they got to the gates Luke had to talk fast to get through. Once through, the group was deeply disturbed by what they found. The town had gone further downhill. The people were now walking skeletons and the streets were full of filth. The soldiers walking around took whatever they pleased including having their way with anything they pleased. Marion actually vomited at the horror that was before her. Still, they had a mission to accomplish. All the ladies were well aware that every soldier had their eyes on them. Many of the soldiers whipped out their cocks and waved them at the women. Marion actually snickered at some at the tiny cocks that were being waved at her, for Luke’s was far bigger. At least she was still feeling good enough to snicker. Finally, the group reached the castle. Luke told the guard who he was and they let him in. They easily remembered him. Once in the group was in for another surprise, especially Tom, for Richard was in the middle of an orgy and Tom’s daughters were in it. Luke had to act fast to keep the group under control for Tom was furious and Luke’s “whores” were about to gut Richard where he was. Problem was that there were too many of Richard’s loyal men in the room and they wouldn’t have made it out, even with their skills. They had to release the men loyal to Marion first, that is if any of them were left.

First thing that Luke had to do was to make his report. Richard wasn’t happy that he was being interrupted mid orgy but he did stop long enough to listen.

“I am sorry Milord, but we traveled all the way to London and did not find a trace of William. We heard some rumors of him but we could not find him.”

“Well, you may go now, but I shall want to talk to you more later about this matter.”

“Yes Milord.” Luke turned around and got the hell out of there and made his way back to his chamber.

Once there, he found Tom puking his guts out, Stella was trying to comfort him. The ladies were white as ghost, seeing the fate that so far, they had avoided. Marion was the worst one, of the group, for not only was she puking but she was crying her eyes out. She had known some of the women that she had seen in the orgy. That is even if you could call the women people anymore. Luke knew that they had to move fast for he figured that it wouldn’t be long before Richard came for “his” women as well.

Within an hour Luke got a message that Richard wanted to see him immediately so Luke put the rest of the group on alert and he left to meet with Richard.

“Ah Hildyard, Good to see you.”

“It is good to be seen, sir.”

“So, you found no sign of my son or his men?”

“No Milord and we traveled all the way to London. If they had been there, we found no signs of them. We came back a different route and still found no signs of them.”

“Now tell me about the whores that came in with you.”

“Well, traveling fast does tend to make any fat disappear and they travel faster when they are healthy.”

“By my count, you left with four, but I could have sworn that I see you come back with five.”

“The fifth one is my intended, sir. I also must report the loss of one of my men. We were ambushed on the road. Tom and I had to fight hard to get out. By the time we did, there was no sign of Michael. We think that the bandits took him for we searched afterwards and found only some of his gear.”

“So you couldn’t find my son and you lost one of my men in the process; Hildyard, if you disappoint me anymore then I will take back the whores and might even have to take your intended. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Milord.”

“Good, now get the fuck out of my sight.”

Luke was glad to get out of there. Richard smelled terrible. Not only was he super obese and he smelled from that, but he had bad body odor and smelled of stale sex. He went to make his way back to his chambers, but he stopped before he got there. He had to do some recon. He explored the castle from top to bottom and stopped to have friendly chats with the guards that he came across. Luke was quickly gaining a reputation for being polite and considerate. Any maids that he crossed paths with didn’t fear being attacked by him. Instead, they all stopped to have a quick chat. Through all this Luke learned that Richard was very unpopular with the men and women of the castle and only stayed in charge because he had the support of about a dozen key men. Luke also learned that the last of the men that had been openly loyal to Charles or Marion had been killed, but the general opinion was that it was for the best for they had long ago resigned from the human race and had become animals just to survive.

Finally, after some hours, Luke returned to his quarters. There he found the others very tense and it didn’t take long for Luke to find out why. Richard was planning on leaving within a week and was demanding that Luke’s women accompany him back to his regular home.

“Well, that decides it. We have to act tonight.”

“Tonight? Luke are you sure?” squeaked Marion.

“Yes sweetheart, I’m sure. Because if we don’t act, they will find out who you really are.” Marion nodded her final agreement.

The group went through all their gear and Luke shared all the intel that he had gathered. This was the first time that any of them other than Marion had seen Luke’s handgun and they were all amazed.

“I promise that after all this is over and if I am still alive then I shall explain everything to all of you. Marion knows most of the things about me but not all.”


It was almost midnight when Marion’s group started their attack. Luke had instructed them that if they heard him firing then they should leave as soon as possible and not to look back; Luke wouldn’t accept any arguments. Their first target was Richard’s key supporters. Slip up, kill the guards quickly, then kill the key supporters. Gabriel would start off each attack with her bow. She would hide in a dark corner and shoot the guards throats out. This way they couldn’t scream. Luke would then usually pick the lock and they would slip in. When they found their target, they would slit his throat and usually would have to cover the mouths of the women with them so that no one screamed. Usually, Stella would calm down the whore that was in the bed. Stella was well known in the castle and had the respect of all the woman. After everything was taken care with one target, they would move on to the next. They worked like this through all the key supporters. Eventually, they only had one target left, Richard. Problem was that he was under heavy guard by loyal men, not the run of the mill castle guards like the rest of them had been.

It took almost three hours to get through all the key personal. This had the benefit that by the time they struck at Richard, most of his guards would be drowsy. Luke stopped the attack for a couple of minutes to regroup and plan out their final assault. After looking things over Luke decided that it just might be time to get the trump card out and ready. He put his sword away and pulled out his sig. Quietly he checked to make sure that there was a round in the chamber.

Just as the group was starting their assault, there was a blood curdling scream from where they had just been. Their latest target had just been found. Luke moved in as soon as Gabriel had shot the door guards. Luke shot the lock out of the door after finding the door was locked. He burst into the room and this being Charles’s old rooms Marion had drawn very exacting sketches so Luke knew exactly where to go. Marion and him moved fast through the rooms, clearing them as they went, while the others guarded the door. Luke and Marion killed anyone that opposed them. By the time they got to Richard, they had killed fifteen men and two women.

“Who the hell are you? What do you mean by barging in here?”

“Why Richard” said Marion taking off her helmet “I am insulted that you do not recognize the rightful owner of these lands.”

When Richard realized just who was standing in front of him, he smiled. “Ah I see that you have returned; Marion of York. Problem is that the rightful owner already has signed over the lands.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cecilia, you want to come out and meet our guest for this evening?”

Marion and Luke started when they caught sight of Cecilia coming out of an adjacent room “Good morning, Marion. Ever the night owl I see. Nice to see you again Luke. It will be so nice to finally have your giant cock buried inside me; but do not worry about Marion for she will have to watch while tied she’s to her old bed.”

“You traitor. You betray father and every person living in these lands for what? Empty promises from this tub of lard.”

This pissed Cecilia off and she started to move toward Marion but Luke pointed his gun at her.

“Ah so that is the “gun” that Cecilia has told me so much about. And before you ask and waste more time, I know that it was you, Luke, who killed my son and his men. And now I think that it is time for all of your people to die.” Richard then whistled and his men started coming out of hiding.

Luke was faster through. As soon as he heard Richard whistle, he shot Richard dead by double tapping him in the heart. Now he had to get Marion and the rest of the team out of this ambush. Luke shot any soldier that he seen while Marion was busy cutting down more. They worked their way back to the door, only to find a battle royal going on.

The team was in serious trouble. They were heavily outnumbered and Gabriel was out of arrows. Luke had to act and act fast. He slapped another clip in and started to walk and shoot. Richard’s men unfamiliar with such a device got nervous and broke. The team took full advantage of this and made their break for it. They had left hidden ropes so that they could make their escape. All they had to do was get to them.

As they were running, Gabriel caught an arrow in her leg. She wanted the rest of the team to leave her and get out, but Luke wouldn’t hear of it.

“You never leave a team member behind, Gabriel. Now come on, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Luke picked Gabriel up and threw her over his massive shoulder in a fireman’s carry. This way Luke could still fight and Gabriel could shoot her bow as she got the arrows. As the team was getting through one of the doors, Tom was taken down. He had just helped Pollyanna get out for she had turned her ankle and was limping when a swordman came out of nowhere and ran Tom threw. Pollyanna turned as quickly as she could and killed the swordsman. Stella came out then and seeing Tom lying dead started cursing. She turned to go back in and kill as many bastards as she could find but Marion got to her first and pulled her towards the ropes.

Alice got them first and got everything ready for the rest. Marion came up with Stella and Pollyanna. Stella went down first, followed by Pollyanna and Alice. Marion in the meantime waited for Luke and Gabriel. She didn’t have long to wait either. Luke came up and Marion was horrified. Luke had numerous cuts across his armor and placed that were not armored were bleeding badly, but Luke was so full of adrenaline that he didn’t even notice. He went over with Gabriel hanging on to his back, for dear life, for they had to go down almost forty feet. Marion was the last over and made it down safely but almost didn’t. When she was only ten feet from the ground, someone cut her rope and when she landed, she got herself a bad ankle sprain. Thankfully for all their sakes their horses were nearby and they were able to get out of town without too much hassle. Granted this meant that they had to kill the guard at the gate they used and had to lower the drawbridge themselves, still all things considered not bad.


The team had a long ride ahead of them to get back to their campsite, and they were all exhausted. As the team put distance between themselves and the town, their injuries began to make themselves known. Not one of them had managed to escape unscathed. Luke had numerous cuts, especially on his legs and near his hands. Pollyanna had a twisted ankle and was now missing two fingers on her left hand. Gabriel still had the arrow sticking out of her leg and had numerous other cuts. Marion was cut up bad and had a strained ankle. Stella was missing a finger on her right hand and was an emotional wreck after losing Tom. Alice was now missing part of an ear and had a very dramatic cut running down her jawline. Just before daybreak the group finally had to stop. They picked the thickest woods that they could find so that they would at least have some cover until they recovered a bit.

Since Alice was the most talented medic in the group, she took charge of tended the wounds while Luke was her adviser. It took Alice almost two hours to tend to the team’s wounds while Luke tended to hers. As soon as Marion was taken care of, she started cooking some food for everyone. It wasn’t much, just a little bit of stew that Marion made up with the food that was in their saddlebags.

“Well Marion, what is going to be our next move for we cannot go anywhere near York now?” asked Stella.

“I don’t know, Stella. I don’t know.” Luke could see and feel the mood of the group get even darker now. He knew that he would have to step in but he had to be careful for he wanted Marion to grow into the leader that he knew she was capable of being. But right now, he had to keep the group together long enough for Marion to learn how to led.

“Excuse me ladies but I think that we need to get back to our campsite and hunker down until things calm down a bit. After all, if Cecilia’s forces catch us it’s pretty much a sure thing that we will all be killed as painfully as possible.”

When the rest of the group was far enough away, Luke pulled Marion to him and talked quietly;

“Marion, never ever say that you “I don’t know” when asked what to do ever again. Do you hear me?” she just stared at Luke for he was frigid. “Those three words will destroy a unit faster then any kind of enemy action. As the leader it’s your job to know what to do even when you don’t. If you truly want to be a leader then you need to take this advice to heart.” With that Luke helped Marion onto her horse and then mounted his.

With the thought of Cecilia chasing them, to keep them company, the group set out again. Luke was worried about Gabriel’s leg but right now he had more important worries for Cecilia’s troops were starting to get out this far to look for them. The team slipped away as quietly as possible and keep moving though the day. As one member would sleep another one would guide that person’s horse. Finally, they got back to their camp from which they had set off from just a couple of days before.

Back at camp, the mood was somber for they had lost their friend and comrade, Tom. Emotions ran from just sad for Luke to furious from Stella. This wasn’t the first time Luke had lost people in combat and he knew that it wouldn’t be the last. Stella in the meanwhile was dealing with a bad case of survivor guilt. Everyone else in camp was between these two extremes. Since it was late in the afternoon, Luke started cooking supper. Yes, it was time to mourn but things still needed to be done, like cleaning his weapons and mending his clothes. As he was cleaning his Sig, Alice came up to him and asked:

“Luke, are you going to tell us about that thing and about yourself now?” Luke looked at the others and seen that they wanted the answers.

“Can we eat first and then after dinner I will show you all everything?”

“I guess.” Alice replied melodramatically.

“Thank you.”

Dinner that evening was quiet to say the least. The only talking was to ask for food and to say thanks. Luke had managed a hearty venison stew for supper and there was enough left over for breakfast the following morning. After the dishes had been cleaned Luke pulled all of his gear out of hiding. This was going to be the first time that even Marion had seen all his gear. Sure, she had seen the cases, but she had never seen Luke open them.

“Ladies, before I show you what I have to show and before I tell what all I have to tell; I must demand that you swear an oath of silence for if the wrong people, like Cecilia, get ahold of the information that I know, the world as you know it could come to an end. If you cannot do this then you need to leave now.” All of the women nodded their heads, agreeing to his terms.

Luke started with his rifle. It was one of his most prized weapons, even before getting thrown back into the middle ages. It was a .338 caliber with a Leupold scope on it. With this rifle and the Lapua ammo that he was packing, he could shoot someone between the eyes at almost 1500 meters. Gabriel was amazed with this and Luke could see that she really wanted to try shooting it.

“Gabriel” Luke continued once she looked him in the eye “I promise that I will teach you how to use this weapon, as soon as I can start making ammo for it. You will understand why in a little bit.”

Luke then pulled out his computer and powered it up. During the last few months, he had taken it out periodically to make sure that the battery stayed charged. He had charged it with his solar powered charging station. When his laptop finished booting up, he started explaining:

“Now this devise is called a computer. This one in particular probably holds more information than if you combined all the current knowledge on this planet. Stored in here are text on medicine, engineering, math, geography, economics, general science, and physics. I also have a large ***********ion of music and many pictures of my past life.”

“How can all that be stored in that little thing?” asked Marion.

“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain but let me see if I can massively simplify it so that you all can hopefully understand. The information is stored in a form called bytes. That’s the basic building block of all computer languages. A byte is kind of like a letter. Computers like mine can store trillions upon trillions of bytes. Does that make any sense? Computer science was never my strong suit.”

“Somewhat” the women responded.

“Ok. Now it’s time I tell you all my biggest secret. Now before I tell the rest of you; I will tell you that Marion already knows. Ok here it goes.” Luke took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “You know this to be the year 1065 AD. Where I am from it was the year 2021 AD.” All the women, except Marion, had the same stunned look. “Yes, I am from almost a thousand years in the future and as such I not only carry huge amounts of scientific information but I also know the general outline of European history for the next almost thousand years.”

When the ladies heard this: Alice passed out, Stella and Pollyanna gasped, and Gabriel looked thoughtful. Only Marion didn’t react.

“So that’s why you have been so quiet about yourself!” exclaimed Gabriel “And I agree with you as it happens. If the information that you possess gets into the wrong hands then the world would change in every way possible and most likely not for the better. Every king and petty noble would want to get their hands on you to learn about their future and then try to change that future to suit them. Problem would be that if you start changing the events then you change the history too.”

Luke just nodded at her; he was thankful that Gabriel understood. When Luke looked at Marion, he expected to see anger. Instead, he seen complete love for she now understood why Luke had been so quiet about himself.

“Now gather round ladies” Luke said after everyone recovered “I want to show you all my previous life.”

Over the next two hours, Luke showed everyone pictures of his pervious life. Everything from his time in the marines, to growing up with his family, to Mackenzie’s family, to pictures of his company and some of the projects that he had worked on, all over the world. He also showed them pictures of the places that he had been to and the people that he had seen. Then after promising that she would take upmost care of it, Luke loaned his computer to Alice and Pollyanna. To Alice so that she could study his medical books, and Pollyanna so that she could study the engineering text that was stored with the provision that they only study of about an hour a day so that they wouldn’t suffer eye strain.

“Ok ladies, time for a brief history lesson, well my history. There is a storm coming. It will start next year when King Edward dies. He will name Herold Godwinson as his successor. Two problems with this through. Herold’s brother believed that he should have been named king and gets the king of Norway to support him. The Vikings would invade England, but would be almost animated by Herold’s forces. The other problem came from Normandy, and his name was… well is William, Duke of Normandy. Apparently, Edward had also promised him the throne before he gave it to Herold. William would also invade England, but he would beat Herold’s troops at the Battle of Hastings. During the battle Herold will die from an arrow to his eye, and William would be forever be known as William the Conqueror. This would be the last time that England would be successfully invaded. During the 1200’s, England would control almost all of France but would be eventually driven out completely. England would then turn their attention North and after almost five hundred years of intermittent struggle would conquer Scotland. Eventually they would conquer Ireland as well and would be known as Great Britain. There will be at least two civil wars that I can remember fought over the English crown. The first one was in the 1400’s, and was called the War of the Roses and was fought between the houses of Lancaster and York. Eventually the house of York would win but it was a very long and bloody struggle. The second civil war would be in the mid to late 1600’s and this one would cement the power of Parliament over the King, for the winner of that war was the forces of Parliament, under the command of a man named Oliver Cromwell and the King would end up losing his head. Eventually the monarchy would be restored but they would remain at best equal with Parliament. After this civil war Britain would eventually go on to rule over one quarter of the globe, and would be one of the most influential empires the world has ever seen.

Now by my time the idea of the divine rights of Kings would be dead and the people ruled over themselves. Most of the time this was a better thing then having a king and at other times; well let me say that anyone, no matter at what level they were born at can be just as cruel, for instead of kings or dukes, we had dictators or juntas. Both of these usually came to power through the military and for the most part, as long as they had military support then they would stay in power. Now where I am from, we were once part of the British empire, but fought a war with them and kicked them out in the late 1700’s. Over the next 200+ years we would be ruled be the same type of government with only one civil war. That type of government was a constitutional republic that was set up with three separate branches of government that were designed to fight with each other so that none of the three could gain too much power. Also it was what is known as a federal type government, meaning that the national government shared power with the provincial, state was the term that we used, governments and local governments. Another provision in the way our government was set up was the minority would also get to have a say in government and not get rode over by the majority. As if that wasn’t enough, the men that set up our government made sure that the people would be able to have their say in government. They even made sure to protect the peoples to firearms so that if somehow the government did become too strong the people could rise up against it. Was our government prefect? Of course not. But was the most stable form of government, over the long term, that humans have ever came up with.”

When Luke was done, he was exhausted and all the women sat stunned. They could hardly believe what all Luke had told them, but once they thought it through, they could see the merits of the people wielding power and protections being put in place to protect the minority as well as the majority. Eventually Marion was able to speak up:

“Wow, no wonder why you are so afraid to tell people what you know.” Luke just looked at her with sad eyes and nodded. Marion was thrilled and terrified at the same time. She was thrilled because she finally knew everything there was to know about Luke and she was terrified for the same reason.

“So, with all those advances were there still diseases and famines?” asked Alice

“Yes, although most diseases would be curable in my time and smallpox would be eradicated. Famines still stuck with amazing fluency, especially in Africa and parts of Asia. Most of the time the cause was human related, usually wars or the mismanagement of natural resources at the hands of a corrupt government. Sometimes through the weather patterns would change and an area would have a series of bad harvest and that would set off famines. And before you ask yes, we still had wars a plenty and they were usually fought the same petty reasons as they are fought for in this time. Only in my time, wars could have casualties in the millions of people and we had weapons that could obliterate the largest cities on Earth. We had enough of these weapons that we could eliminate all the humans on Earth.”

“Oh” Alice looked very sad and she even shed a tear hearing Luke. Eventually Marion stood up and stretched.

“Well now, I do believe that it is time for us all to lay down and try to get some sleep for tomorrow we need to get focused on surviving and figuring out our next move.” No one moved but Luke. He was the only one that moved towards getting ready for bed.

“Marion, I’m scared” confessed Gabriel “your sister will never stop hunting us and unlike you, none of us have skills that are useful out in the world.”

“You all have skills” responded Marion “You Gabriel are an amazing fighter and a lot of fun to be around. Alice, you have an interest in real medicine. One of the only people in our world that can say that. Pollyanna, your skills lay in engineering and science. Stella, you Milady are one hell of a leader and I suspect that one day you may be quite famous. We all have our own talents and skills; the trick is knowing how to harness them.”

“Still, I’m not only scared for next year but also tomorrow and next week.” Marion gave her a warm smile.

“I know the feeling and I get over it by curling up in Luke’s arms” They all looked to Luke now.

“But…” Marion cut her off with a finger over Gabriel’s lips.

“Come with me.”

Marion and Gabriel went over to where Luke was laying down. Marion then slowly stripped Gabriel’s clothes off and Gabriel returned the favor for Marion. Once they were both naked, they laid down with Luke. Marion made sure that Gabriel took the spot right next to Luke so that she could feel all of Luke’s body. Luke looked up at Marion with alarm, but Marion just gave him a warm smile and mouthed to him to be gentle.

What followed was a whirlwind for Gabriel. She had never been naked with any man and here she was now with a gentle giant. Not only that but Marion was also pressed up against her, encouraging her to be herself and have fun. Luke went slow with Gabriel. He started off be slowly rubbing his hands all over her body feeling her muscles, her breast, her stomach, the pubes, her legs. At first Gabriel was so nervous that she thought that she might be sick. That disappeared when Marion gave her a tender kiss that she had poured all her passion into. Gabriel could feel the love in it and her tension melted away. Finally, her hands started coming to life as well. She started off rubbing Marion because that was the way the Gabriel was facing. Gabriel was amazed at how soft and smooth Marion was, and yet she could feel the power that Marion possessed just under her skin. Eventually through, Gabriel’s attention was pulled to the monster that was poking her in her ass.

She was amazed when she first felt it. It felt like the size of a horse and it was hot. She could also feel the ridges caused by Luke’s veins and she was amazed that something could be so hard and yet so soft feeling at the same time. Gabriel had started to get wet while she had been rubbing Marion, but in feeling Luke, she started to get soaked between her legs. Soon she felt a hand trying to get between her legs, so Gabriel opened up. What came next was the best thing that she had ever felt. It felt like there was an inferno burning between her legs, but Gabriel wanted it to continue. Before long she started to wonder just who’s hand was causing her to feel so good and it didn’t take long for her to find out for when she looked at Luke, one of his hands was rubbing her breast and his other one was propping his head up so that he could get a better view. That meant that the hand that was making her so hot belonged to Marion. Gabriel had never given a thought as to what it might be like, being with another woman, but she figured what the hell. Within minutes, Gabriel’s hips were humping Marion’s hand by themselves and Gabriel was having a hard time making noise never mind actually speaking. Finally, she started to shake like a leaf and she seen bright flashes in her eyes. When she finished, she felt like a wet rag for she had a very hard time moving. She tried to open her eyes, but even the dim light from the fire was too much for her to handle at the moment. Marion was giggling as Gabriel struggled to come back to her senses. Once she had come back to her senses enough to be able to function again, Gabriel looked over and into Luke’s eyes. She gave him a silent promise that she would never, ever abandon either him or Marion. With that she gently pushed Luke onto his back and with a bit of final encouragement from Marion; Gabriel mounted Luke. At first, she had some problems getting lined up, but a little help from Marion holding Luke’s cock; Gabriel figured it out. She slowly made her way down Luke’s shaft thoroughly enjoying every bit of it. Finally, Gabriel felt Luke’s cock run into her hymen and with a deep breath forced Luke through and he was inside her. Marion gently kissed the tears from Gabriel’s face while Gabriel sat perfectly still. It felt like she was being split open by Luke, but she had no desire to remove Luke from inside her. Eventually, the heat from Luke’s cock combined with her own heat encouraged Gabriel to start moving. What came next was like seeing another beautiful world for the first time. She slowly built-up speed as her pussy figured out what it liked the best. As she had been moving, Luke had been matching her. Thrust for thrust, move for move. Together they travelled toward a massive orgasm. As Gabriel rode Luke, Marion was busy kissing Marion’s nipples and rubbing her clit. Gabriel had simply never imagined that she could ever feel this good. As he got close, Luke tried to pull out of her cunt, but Gabriel wasn’t having any of it. She knew why Luke was almost desperate to pull out of her, but she didn’t care and more to the point, kind of hoped that she would get knocked up. Once Gabriel had made her command known, Luke began to unleash his little swimmers. He first six large shots up inside her and the pulsing of his organ set Gabriel off with an orgasm that might have caused her injury if Marion hadn’t been there to hold her and keep her safe.

Gently Marion helped Gabriel lay down between Luke and herself. Gabriel couldn’t have fought back even if she had wanted to for she had passed out form her orgasm. Luke and Marion formed a human sandwich with Gabriel holding the place of honor between them and within minutes all three had passed out.


Two months earlier

Lucy and Cecilia had just set off after it was decided that Luke and Marion would stay and try to kill Richard. Cecilia through had plans of her own. On the way to Lincoln, she and Lucy talked and Lucy filled Cecilia in on everything Richard had been doing. This was important to Cecilia’s plans, plus she wanted Lucy to feel safe. Once the two got to Lincoln, Cecilia led Lucy to a different inn then she had stayed at when she was with Marion and Luke. This inn was one that Cecilia actually owned under an alias. The inn was one of the fronts that Cecilia used to force woman and girls into the sex trade. Cecilia figured that Lucy was good enough looking that she might just be worth a fair amount of money. The inn keeper had strict orders to never acknowledge Cecilia in public. Cecilia was to be treated the same as anyone else. Cecilia would always initiate the contact, usually after most everyone had got to bed for Cecilia had her secrets too.

Cecilia’s biggest secret was that she was actually extremely intelligent. She had figured out through, at a very young age, that if she played the clumsy fool then no one would expect anything of her and would generally leave her alone. Another one of Cecilia’s secrets was that she had killed so many people that she had actually lost count. She either had killed them herself or had ordered their death. By this point in her life, she had built the most powerful crime network in the British islands, and one of the largest in Europe. She dealt in everything from stolen church artifacts to slaves. From commanding pirates on the open seas to highway men on land, she was into everything. Basically, if she could make money from someone else’s suffering she did it. She even extorted church officials for land, forgiveness, and money.

Once Lucy had gone to sleep, which didn’t take long for Lucy was exhausted, Cecilia made contact with her henchmen. In this world she was known by the name Elizabeth and she was not a person that any sane person would ever cross.

“That other woman in my room, get her. Just make sure that you idiots don’t damage the goods too badly this time. I lost good money with the last bitch you idiots captured.”

“Yes ma’am” they barked and were off. Cecilia sat, by herself in a corner, enjoying a good pint when she heard Lucy get captured and a cold smile came across her face. She then heard the soft thud of her men knocking Lucy out. Lucy’s life was now for all real purposes over for she was now just one of Cecilia’s sex slaves and would be taken to a coastal brothel take specialized in catering to sailors. After Cecilia had finished her pint and food, she went up to bed where the first thing she did was to collect all of Lucy’s former possessions. Among them was the money that Luke and Marion had given her. When Cecilia counted it out, she was amazed at how stupid Marion and Luke were for they had given Lucy almost fifty pounds. Lucy quickly pocketed this and went to bed where she slept just as peacefully as she always did.

The next morning, after breakfast, she sent a message to Richard telling him that William was dead and that Marion was still alive. She went on to explain briefly about the stranger that had interfered and ruined all their plans. When she was done dictating, the scribe read it back to her and she approved by using her ring to seal the letter. After the message was off, Cecilia spent the rest of the day on business. She had been away for a while and had a lot to catch up on. By that evening she was finally done and was feeling extra horny; so, she went to her special brothel where she could get some well-hung guy either fuck her senseless or rock her gently all night long, depending on her mood. Tonight, she was in the mood to get pounded senseless all night long. She would have to switch out men for they were always so weak but that was just one of the facts of life.

When she got there, she got a surprise for there was a large black man that had just came in and she just had to get a piece of that. Cecilia took him up to her room where she ordered him to strip so that she could inspect the goods. She so enjoyed making big, strong men feel powerless. When he finally got naked, Cecilia carefully inspected the man. He had well developed muscles, a large almost pitch-black cock, and he was tall at about six foot. He actually kind of reminded Cecilia of Luke in demeaner but Luke was white, was taller, a little larger cock, and bigger muscles. This man through was far, far better than anything else that was available so Cecilia was happy. She made the man go down on her and eat her to her first orgasm of the evening. She never sucked cock for she wanted the men to last longer inside her. Before Cecilia started fucking herself on his cock, she made sure that he understood the penalty for him cumming too soon. If he cum before Cecilia had cum at least once, then she would castrate him, fry his balls in front of him, and force him to slowly eat them.

He was bigger than anyone she had ever had inside her and she was thoroughly stretched out. Cecilia absolutely loved the color contrast between her body and the man she was with. She was snow white while he was dark brown. Needless to say, that Cecilia had no problems with this guy for he fucked her until she had to actually beg for him to fill her cunt with cum, before he pumped her full of juice. Before Cecilia began the night, she figured that she would end up going through several men, but now she could barely move, never mind go look for another guy, so she passed out for the night, after telling the guy to get out. So was Cecilia’s life for the next week or so. Wake up whenever she felt like it, take care of business until supper. After supper, she went to get her brains screwed out by her now favorite gigolo. She was a bit worried that she might get pregnant but the sex was far too good to stop and with her stress levels getting fucked senseless every night by a dark piece of forbidden fruit was just what she needed.

After eight days, she got a response from Richard. In it he thanked her for the news of his son and also offered to marry her, seeing as he had his own wife killed after suspecting her of cheating on him even through, he kept a harem for himself. Cecilia agreed but with the stipulation that she be made his sole heir and that their marriage be kept an absolute secret. After almost three weeks of back and forth, Cecilia and Richard had come to an agreement. Cecilia would get most everything that she wanted, Richard would keep his harem and Cecilia would pay Richard 2000 pounds. While this was a significant amount of money for Cecilia, it meant that she would by her own calculation be in control of most of Northern England. For she knew something that Richard didn’t. Luke, Marion’s boytoy, was still out there, he was extremely dangerous, and that he actually cared about the filthy masses. Cecilia figured that sooner or later he would make a move to get rid of Richard and she also figured that Luke would succeed with that.

Richard kept his end of the bargain so Cecilia kept hers. She privately figured that she would have all her money back within a month or two especially once she had figured out that Luke had already been in the castle and had met Richard once. Not only that but Richard’s men were being attacked by mysterious forces in the areas outside of town, and some of the dead were left where they could be easily spotted from the castle walls. Privately Cecilia figured that Richard had only a month left and she wasn’t far off. Within two weeks of the extremely private wedding Luke and Marion struck. As soon as the attack had been driven off Cecilia commanded her most trusted lieutenant:

“Go and seal Luke’s chambers. Kill anyone that tries to get in or out and wait for me to get there before going in.”

“Yes ma’am.” And off he went.

When Cecilia examined the armor on the one dead intruder, she was completely amazed at how well it was made and how well it had worked for it was a very lucky strike that took him down. Some of the soldiers identified the man as Tom. It seems that he was one of the soldiers that Luke had chosen to accompany him when he went to look for Richard’s son. The other man hadn’t been seen at all. The other women were all identified as fresh whores that Richard’s men had captured and Richard hadn’t had an opportunity to fuck before Luke took them. The thing was that when they had come back, they were all much stronger both mentally and physically then when they had left with Luke. When Cecilia went to investigate Luke’s chambers, she was discouraged to find that none of his gear was there. In fact, it didn’t look like anyone had been in there for days.

Publicly Cecilia spoke about taking strong action against her rebellious little sister and her minions. Privately however, Cecilia was terrified. Marion had almost succeeded and if it hadn’t been for the measures that Cecilia had just barely got put in place, Marion most likely would have succeeded. Cecilia knew that she might not be so lucky the next time for she had tipped her hand when Richard called her into the room with him, just before he was killed. Plus, Marion and especially Luke had a knack for winning over the lower classes; while Cecilia hated and was hated by the lower classes. One more thing to turn her world over was that she got word that her favorite gigolo had escaped. It had apparently been quite a bloody thing with five of her best people being killed in the process. He had then got a spot on a ship and had left England for parts unknown.

She had made her decision with the rising sun on the morning after the attack; she ordered her armorers to do their best to duplicate the armor that was captured with Tom. Tom’s body was beheaded and his head was put on a pikestaff in the town square and his body was burned to ash. Cecilia then made it known that there was a 500-pound reward for the capture of Luke and Marion. The only stipulation was that they had to be taken alive. Cecilia then put a 250-pound reward on the other team member’s heads. She also made it known that aiding them in any way was punishable by a very slow and painful death. That done, she then worked on putting a better training program in place for her troops. For they would have to be very well trained and motivated to even stand a chance against Marion.


The next morning, Gabriel woke up more rested than she had felt in years, granted her leg was still throbbing and her pussy was sore, but that was to be expected. At first, she was confused as to why she had slept so well, then she remembered and started to feel guilty because she felt that she had taken advantage of Luke and made herself a promise right there that would never happen again. The next thing she noticed was that it was light out and she was alone. As she looked around, she could hear Luke and Marion talking quietly. Finally, she forced herself to stand and wrapped the blanket around her body. She limped to where everyone else was at. She was hit with the smell of breakfast; the sound of blades being sharpened, and the music that was coming from Luke’s computer.

“Well look at what the cat drug in.” chirped Alice and to Gabriel’s embarrassment everyone including Luke laughed. Her embarrassment deepened when Stella pointed out Gabriel’s rapidly reddening checks and the dried cum on her legs and the group laughed harder. Marion actually fell off the stump that she was sitting on she was laughing so hard. Gabriel couldn’t run away so eventually she started laughing with the group. As she laughed, she felt her guilt melt away. Afterall Marion had insisted on sharing Luke with her and Gabriel was very thankful that her first time was with a man that knew how to take proper care of her. She then noticed just how hungry she was as Pollyanna handed her a bowl of left-over stew and a piece of bread.

“So, Marion, what’s our game plan now?” Gabriel asked.

“Well, you are restricted to camp until your leg heals and don’t even think about arguing. You can still make arrows and other gear without leaving camp. The rest of us will be taking turns posting lookouts around the camp. When not on lookout duty or hunting, we will be training hard and working on developing better arms and armor. After your leg heals, then we will start collecting fresh intel on Cecilia. She might be better than Richard, but I highly doubt it. I figure that her harsh policies will start to drive people out of their homes and when that happens, we will encourage them to join us. Once we are strong enough then we will strike again. This time we will have even more advanced weapons, much better intel, and most importantly won’t be underestimating Cecilia.

“So, what happens if we are discovered before I heal?”

“Well then we fight. There are booby traps hidden all around camp that enemy troops are sure to fall into. By the time they get through, we should be able to have our horses saddled and get out of here with all of our gear. If we fail, well then we fight and die here.”

Gabriel looked like she had turned into a ghost she was so pale. Marion had changed and until that moment, no one had realized just how much Marion had changed. Marion was starting to show the makings of becoming a great Queen. The rest of the women also caught Marion’s change and quickly came to the same conclusion as Gabriel. Not only that, they all privately had come to the realization that they would follow Marion into the pits of hell itself.

Gabriel then limped over and picked up her sword. She took it out and walking up to Marion kneeled in front of her and offered her the sword and swore an oath of absolute loyally until Gabriel’s dying breath. The rest of the group following, including Luke much to everyone’s surprise. Everyone had figured that Luke’s loyalty was already a given. Through this Marion’s cheeks were red with embarrassment. After Luke had finished, Marion swore her loyalty to the group to her dying day. She would gladly die to defend them. This all this done, Marion started giving the team their individual assignments and their watch rotation. Marion made sure that she spent at least as much time on watch during the difficult times of day as the rest of them. She also made sure that everyone had at least a couple of hours a day to relax a bit.

The next month was busy for the team. An infection had set into Gabriel’s leg and she almost died. Only Alice’s dedication and Luke’s knowledge had saved her. Marion had gotten over her morning sickness, finally. The rest of the team had fully recovered although Stella still had bouts of survivor’s guilt. She kept this at bay by working her ass off and reminding herself that she would get her revenge. Eventually the group started to extend the area that they patrolled. Included in that area was one of the main roads to York. At first, they just watched the traffic and looked for patterns. They noticed that a lot of the traffic was iron ore, food, horses, and textiles and it was all headed for York. Traffic coming from York was very light to say the least and mostly consisted of empty carts that had transported in supplies. At first Marion wondered if Cecilia had come to her senses and had started to care for the people. This idea was forever chased out when she and Alice came across a young man one day by the side of the road. He was barely alive and he wasn’t much more than a skeleton with skin. Between the two of them, they easily picked the man up and carried him to their camp. Of course, they blindfolded him after explaining that it was for their safety. The man was so weak that he couldn’t have resisted anyway. Once back in camp, Alice went to work on tending to the man’s wounds while Marion questioned him. At first Marion would keep her name a secret. She could see no need to give away any more information then was necessary.

“So, what is your name, lad?”


“Where are you from and where are you going?”

“Where I was from was burnt to the ground a week ago and no longer exist. As to where I was going, well I hope that it is heaven for I am not long for this world.”

“Now there is no need to think like that. This woman here is an amazing doctor. Now what can you tell me of Cecilia?”

“She is pure evil and I bet that the devil himself would be kinder. At first everyone hoped that she would be better than Richard, but hopes of that were dashed within days of Marion’s brave, but unsuccessful attack. First Cecilia put out a reward of 500 pounds for Marion and her friend Luke, but they have to be brought in alive. The rest of the group has a 250 pound reward on their heads. I highly doubt though that anyone is fooled by her anymore; for if they did bring in one of the outlaws, Cecilia would have them killed before they could even count out the reward money. Then she raised everyone’s taxes even more. Not only that but rumors are that she is extorting the churches in the district into handing over most of their money and artifacts so that she can pay for her soldiers. She is building a massive army but no one really knows why. I mean, after all Marion and her group are most likely dead for nobody has seen or heard them since the attack.” With that Robin bowed his head and started to softly cry.

Marion stood up and went over to Luke, who was out of the visitor’s line of sight.

“You heard?”

“Yep. What do you want to do?” Marion looked at Robin for a second.

“We will keep him with us as long as Alice can heal him. We will also start attacking Cecilia’s troops, but only if we catch them mistreating civilians. When we do attack, we will make sure to do so only in areas away from here. We will also let it be known through the land that we are in fact not dead and are looking for volunteers willing to fight for justice and liberty.”

“I agree. When are you planning on telling Robin who you are?”

“Soon honey. Soon.” Marion said patting Luke’s cheek.

Marion returned to Robin and helped Alice by putting cool, damp rags on Robin’s forehead to help keep him cool. After he had passed out and was sleeping soundly, Marion quietly called a meeting to announce the new plans. She strictly forbid the use of any of their names around Robin until they were sure of him. She figured about a week or so before they could revile just who they were. The rest of the group nodded their heads in agreement with her.

The Medieval Marine Part two 0 (0)

[URIS id=2678]


Luke had been off gathering food and firewood while waiting on Cecilia to get her lazy ass out of bed. It was getting to the point where he was going to break his promise and leave her sorry ass. She was lazy, incompetent, and greedy. Basically, all the traits that any American would think of when they heard the word; aristocracy. Marion on the other hand didn’t share any of those traits and she was very intelligent to boot, but she had cracked and ran off when Luke had told her his darkest secret. This had saddened him deeply but then again; he was use to that in his life. Anytime something good happened to him, that good thing would then be ripped away again.

Looking up while he was working on breaking up a branch, he seen a young man on a horse approach the camp carefully. As Luke watched the young man, he carefully looked through the camp as though he knew what he was looking for. Then apparently not finding it, the man retreated and took up a good hiding spot from which he could watch the camp without being seen. Luke was now on full alert. He started working his way around the stranger’s hiding spot until Luke had got behind him. Luke might be a big man but he could still move through the woods like a ghost. As he came up behind the stranger, something about his clothes looked vaguely familiar to Luke, but Luke didn’t have much time left because Cecilia was now starting to stir. Luke got up right behind the stranger and clamped his hand over the stranger’s mouth. The stranger instantly began to fight back hard. It was all Luke could do to keep the stranger under control. During the struggle, the stranger’s hat fell off, revealing long golden blond hair. Whoever this stranger was, they were strong and determined. Eventually the stranger was able to get turned around to where they were facing Luke, then all of the sudden they both stopped struggling. The stranger looked up at Luke’s face revealing a pair of beautiful sapphire blue eyes. The stranger, Luke realized was none other than Marion and he let go. She then smacked him hard across his face. He was surprised that it actually stung pretty bad. What happened next stunned him even more. Marion jumped up, wrapped her legs around his waist, knocked him on his back, and kissed him just as fiercely as she had fought.

Marion felt like her heart was about to burst, she had her lips on her man’s lips again and this time around she wasn’t going to let go. To make it better, she had knocked him over, so she was on top of him. Her hips began to move on their own as she started to grind her pussy against Luke. Between the kissing and the humping, Luke was now getting really fucking horny. After all, why not. Here was the most beautiful woman, that he had ever laid eyes on, on top of him and grinding her tight pussy against his stomach. Luke’s eight-inch cock was now fully and painfully erect. Marion had moved one of her hands down and was starting to fiddle with the strings that held his pants up. Normally Luke would have been able to stop her, but between her delicious kisses and her beautiful body moving around on top of him; not very much blood was getting to his brain. Eventually, Marion got her hand into Luke’s pants, where she got the surprise of her lifetime. LUKE WAS HUGE! Marion felt like she had just grabbed hold of a horse. But of course, the feel of Luke’s huge, hot cock in her hand stopped most of the blood from getting to her brain as well and her body felt like it was on full autopilot. The heat she felt increased drastically when Luke started moving his hands over her breast. When she touched her breast it had been pleasurable, but when Luke did it however, Marion lost all ability to reason. While his hands were big enough to completely cover her entire breast, he was extremely gentle with them. This went against everything she had ever been told by other women; in that when a man got ahold of breast, he almost always got very aggressive and that she should expect bruises afterwards.

Marion now felt hotter than she had ever been before and started to rip her shirt off. Luke carefully helped her pull her shirt over her head. With her breast now exposed, Luke raised his head and started to kiss Marion’s breast. He carefully circled each one with kisses while purposely avoiding her nipples. This was driving Marion mad for she really wanted Luke to suck on her nipples. Finally, she had enough of Luke’s tease and grabbing his head put one of her nipples in his mouth. He got the hint and began to suckle on her. Marion started to feel extremely light headed as Luke continued his sucking. While he was sucking on one nipple, his giant hand was caressing and gently pinching the other one. Marion was now entering a state of ecstasy that she didn’t know existed. When she had first started, she had expected Luke to quickly work at getting her pants off, but that’s not even close to what Luke did. He didn’t even try to push her, he just let her continue forward at her own pace. Luke had never liked to push the women that he slept with. He much preferred to let the woman set the pace. This actually annoyed many of the woman that he had been with, in his old life. Somehow, they all viewed this as weak on his part while never understanding the great amount of restraint that was required of him not to just stove his thick cock deep inside them. Luke had found that being well endowed was as much curse as blessing. Other guys were jealous of him while the gals seemed to fear him. That was always why he let the gal take the lead. He didn’t want to hurt them. Here finally through was a woman that didn’t mind taking the lead. Kind of ironic really that Luke had to travel almost a thousand years into the past to find her.

As Marion started to work her pants off, cursing them the whole time because if she had been wearing her dress, she would have already had Luke inside of her, she heard Cecilia calling for Luke.

“Damn her anyway” scowled Marion “I swear every time things get interesting; she has to show up.” Looking at Luke, she could tell that he felt the same way.

Luke was quietly laughing to himself, “So I’m guessing that I’ve been forgiven?”

“How can a man from the future still be so dense, of course I’ve forgiven you. Now if I can only forgive myself be behaving like a bloody idiot.”

“Nice contraction use, by the way.”

“What can I say? Any time I get around you, your way of speaking speaks to me. On a different thought about being around me, you might want to hide for a minute or two until our friend here calms down a bit.” Luke smiled at her:

“What can I say? There’s something about having a goddess grinding her body against me that gets me all excited.”

Marion lightly swatted him and giggled quietly. She had to be quiet because Cecilia wasn’t more than ten paces away. Fortunately for the lovebirds, there was enough of a breeze to cover up their sounds. The two smiled at each other. Eventually, Cecilia moved back to the campsite. After she had moved away, Marion got up and having a naughty idea, turned her butt toward Luke’s face, bent over at her waist, and reached down to retie his pants. The site of Marion bent over like that was driving Luke nuts, and his friend was showing that he didn’t want to be contained. Marion leaned other over and whispered to Luke’s cock:

“Don’t you worry, friend; I’ll make sure to take very good care of you later.” Marion then retied Luke’s pants and stood back up, making sure to flip her hair as she did. When she looked back at Luke, the look on his face was priceless. Marion knew that she now had Luke and nothing the Cecilia could do, short of killing her, could change that. This thought caused Marion to smile warmly at Luke as she moved to get her shirt that Luke had thrown off. After Marion had made herself presentable, she looked back at Luke and his cock was now behaving for the most part. This was good news for neither Marion or Luke were ready to reveal her return to Cecilia just yet. Finally, Luke stood up, gave Marion a quick kiss, moved back around to where he had left the firewood that he was gathering, picked it up, and returned to camp.


When Luke finally returned to camp, Cecilia gave him an earful about being late. The problem for Cecilia now was that Luke didn’t give a shit about her.

“What the hell are you bitching about this time, Cecilia. I am not the one who sleeps half the morning away. After all it has been light for three hours and you are just now waking up.”

Cecilia was taken back. This was the first time that Luke had forcefully stood up to her. She would now have to take drastic action. She walked up to him and slapped him as hard as she could.

“Don’t you ever talk back to me; peasant!” she snapped. She then moved to slap him again. As her hand started to come up, something stopped her hand. Now very pissed, Cecilia turned to see what had stopped her. She was stunned to see Marion standing there.

“Lay another hand on my man again and I will kill you” Marion stated calmly. “I don’t care that you are my sister or that you have more support among the guards back home.”

“YOUR man? Ha. You must be joking?” However, looking into Marion’s face told Cecilia that she wasn’t joking at all. “Like he would actually want to be with someone as dumb as you.” Marion’s expression still hadn’t changed so Cecilia spun around to look at Luke and caught him smiling. “What are you so happy about.”

“Oh, just enjoying the sight of my girlfriend ripping you a new one.”

“WHAT!!!” Cecilia shrieked “How could you? Why would you? I am the one who you need to be with. After all she ran away.”

“I will make this easy for you to understand, Cecilia. Marion is a delight to be around, while you are a pain in my ass. Marion always asks intelligent questions and provides stimulating conversation; while with you, well let’s just say that I have had better conversations with corpses. She is very willing to learn and equally willing to admit when she made a mistake; you on the other hand seem to have no interest in learning and are not willing to admit that you could make a mistake never mind that you did. And finally, while I do admit that you are a beautiful woman, Marion is a goddess. Also, your beauty is only skin deep while hers goes all the way to her bones. Do not think for an instant that I have no idea of what you were planning to do once I got you home. I have known since you started trying to seduce me that you would do everything possible to force me into telling you everything that you wanted to know even through you are not capable of handling the information that I have access to” Said Luke with a smug grin.

Cecilia just stood there stunned. Nobody had ever talked back to her before and now here were two people that not only talked back to her, but one of them was her younger sister and the other one Cecilia just classified as a large but dumb peasant. Apparently, he wasn’t as dumb as Cecilia thought, but that didn’t matter. What neither Luke or Marion knew was that Cecilia was actually very good with a knife and that she had helped set up the ambush with William. She had wanted her father, John, and especially Marion killed so that she could rule alone over her family’s land. Granted she would have to marry William, but she had planned to arrange for William’s father to die of an accident shortly after the wedding. Then within a year, kill William in some way so that she would control both family’s lands. Now the entire plan had come completely unraveled. William was dead and Marion was alive. Furthermore, Marion had managed to gain the favor of the man that had “rescued” them from the ambush and now she had even won him over completely. Cecilia knew that it was too early to try and kill them for they would be expecting her to try something so she just backed down from the argument that they had been having. Just to rub salt into Cecilia’s wounds, Marion went over and stood next to Luke who then put his arm around Marion. Cecilia would know have to be very careful indeed. Cecilia stomped back to the carriage and sat down. Luke went to tend the fire, and Marion went to get her horse. After Marion got back, she went up to Luke and kissed him. This made Cecilia fume even more, for her life long campaign to keep Marion subdued and meek was also coming undone. Marion was quickly gaining self-confidence and strength and if Cecilia didn’t do something quickly, she wouldn’t have any change at all of getting Luke to cooperate even under torture.

After Marion got done making out with Luke, she whispered to him “We need to talk alone and quickly.” Luke nodded his agreement for he figured what Marion needed to talk about after all a blind idiot could have figured it out just from feeling the tension between Marion and Cecilia. After Luke had finished making breakfast and everyone had eaten, the three of them got back on the road. Cecilia drove the carriage while Luke and Marion rode their own mounts. Luke had also put all his gear on one of the spare horses. He covered it with some cloth to hide it, and while it was weird looking at least nobody would see his modern gear. By late afternoon the group was at the gates of Nottingham. Luke intended to stop here and sell all the extra stuff. Marion fully agreed with this for it would be much easier traveling without the carriage. To their surprise, Cecilia also agreed for she had enough of ridding in that damn thing and the roads would get worse the closer they got to York. She still had to get home before she could make her move. When they first got into town, Luke insisted that before they sell anything that the three of them explore the town to find out what all goods and services were available. Doing that took the rest of the day. Finally, they agreed on an inn that was reasonably priced and had decent food. They had rented two rooms, and after eating, decided to retire for the evening. It had been a very long day. Included in the room price was a small bundle of firewood and a set of blankets.

Luke took all his gear up into his room after all this stuff was irreplaceable and held immeasurable amounts of knowledge. He started a fire and then checked out the room looking for listening holes or false walls before revealing his modern gear. After a bad experience with a high school girlfriend, Luke always thoroughly checked out every new room that he slept in. Looking at the bed, Luke decided that he would more likely be more comfortable on the floor so he set up his mattress pad and sleeping beg. Before he laid down, he stripped. This was the first time that he had been completely naked since before he had left home on his hunting trip and it felt so good to finally be without clothes, especially those itchy medieval things. To wind down, Luke fired up his computer to listen to some music and look at some pictures of his family. He made sure that he had his earbuds secure so that no one else would hear the music. Finally, he started getting tired and put his computer away. Just as he was shutting his eyes, there was a soft knock at the door.

Cecilia and Marion had taken the larger of the two rooms since there were two separate beds in it. The atmosphere in the room was colder than the artic in midwinter. Neither woman wanted anything to do with the other one. Cecilia made sure to try both beds and took the most comfortable one. ‘Let that bitch figure out her proper place in the world’ was Cecilia’s thinking. Marion laid down on the other bed and tried to go to sleep but she was restless. She didn’t trust Cecilia at all and wouldn’t put it past her to take a knife across her throat during the night. Marion finally noticed that Cecilia was asleep. As quietly as she could, she climbed out of bed and left the room, closing the door softly. She quickly went to Luke’s door and after breathing in a deep breath and saying a quick prayer that he was still awake knocked on the door.


Luke hurried up and threw his pants back on to get the door. Quietly opening the door, he carefully stuck his head out around the door. Standing there was Marion. Luke quickly finished opening the door for her and she came in.

“What’s the matter sweetheart, can’t you sleep?”

“Not in the same room as my sister. She is really starting to make me nervous. I’m actually worried that she would stick me, with a knife, while I slept. I was kind of hoping that there would be some room with you.” With that she gave Luke some of the saddest puppy eyes imaginable.

Luke just smiled and put his arms around her. He gently led her to where he was sleeping.

“Why are you sleeping on the floor, Luke?”

“An old injury that I got years ago makes it hard for me to sleep on soft beds. By having a harder surface to lay on, it takes the pressure off and I can sleep.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“That’s ok. After all you didn’t know.”

“Wow, contractions really do make speaking faster and easier.”

“Yep” With that, Luke dropped his pants again. There was just enough light coming from the dying fire for Marion to see that Luke was now naked. She suddenly wasn’t tired at all but now had a fire burning, in her loins that was hotter than a smithy’s furnace. She quickly stripped off the gown that she had on and got under the covers with Luke. Feeling her skin, Luke figured out that Marion was naked too and what she had in mind. “Are you…” was as far as he got before a pair of plump lips sealed off his mouth. He certainly wasn’t going to argue any further after all; as the saying goes “His mama didn’t raise no fool.” Marion used one of her hands to reach down and grab Luke’s cock. This time at least she wasn’t surprised by its size. Luke broke her kiss and using both of his hands, held her face.

“Sweetheart, is this your first time?”

“Yes” Marion squeaked fearfully.

“Then why are you rushing. Let’s slow down a bit so you can savoir your first time. Plus, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Marion shed a tear and Luke kissed it off her face. At that point she knew that Luke was truly in love with her and that she had nothing to fear from him. What followed was the most intense time of her life. Luke started by kissing her neck. Just his kisses on her neck caused her to have mini orgasms. He then moved slowly down to her breast. He moved in circles around each one smothering them in kisses, but not touching her nipples and when she tried to move a nipple into his mouth, he just pinned her down. Finally, mercifully Luke started moving further south; still without touching her nipples. He kissed his way down her stomach and when he got to her navel she started giggling. She had never been ticklish but Luke’s kissing her belly button really got to her and she couldn’t hold still to save her life. This brought much joy to Luke, who hadn’t been with a woman in years. ‘Yep, I still got it’ he thought. Luke then moved down each of her legs, avoiding her pussy. By the time he had finished her second leg, Marion wasn’t really on Earth anymore. At least not mentally. Luke then spread her legs. ‘Oh god, I’m finally going to become a woman and the man that’s going to make me a woman, I couldn’t love more’ thought Marion. Luke had other plans through. Instead of his cock he started out with his tongue. This completely surprised Marion for she had heard nothing like this ever discussed by the other women in the castle. What Marion then discovered was that there were more layers of pleasure then she ever realized. She could feel Luke’s hot breath on her moist skin and could feel the stubble on his face brushing against her. Most of all she could feel his tongue working its way into her slit. When it hit her clit, she took a deep breath and froze. Luke worked his way up and down her slit causing Marion to start involuntarily thrusting her hips. Luke gently held her down and this really drove Marion wild. “you might want to cover your face, with a pillow or something sweetheart, so you don’t wake up the whole inn.” Luke said giggling. Luke then continued working Marion’s pussy like a fine musical instrument. Up and down her slit he moved. Marion wasn’t just leaking nectar anymore; her pussy was now a flash flood zone. Finally, Luke sucked her clit in between his teeth and Marion would have completely jumped off the floor if Luke hadn’t been holding her down. She screamed at the top of her lungs, into the pillow, for almost thirty seconds before collapsing. Luke had taken pity on her and stopped tonguing her. He waited until her breathing had become more regular before he started kissing his way back up her body. This time he worked both nipples before moving up to her lips.

“What did you do to me? I’ve never felt anything that good in my life.”

“And just think, that wasn’t even the main course.”

Marion’s eyes now shot open as she felt the tip of Luke’s cock on her slit and she started moaning softly. He moved the tip up and down her slit a few times to make sure that it had sufficient lubrication on it. The last thing he wanted was to hurt his lover. Being happy with the amount of lube; Luke put the tip right at her entrance and stopped. Marion looked up at him, nodded and smiled. Luke began to gently push into her most delicate and personal area. She was thankful that Luke was going slow because she felt like she was being split open as Luke pushed up into her. Luke stopped again, when he felt her hymen. He gently kissed Marion as he whispered in her ear: “You sure sweetheart?” Marion just nodded again; her throat wouldn’t let her speak at the moment.

Luke thrust all the rest of the way into her in one stroke and stopped when he had bottomed out. Marion was now crying and Luke was kissing her tears as fast as they formed. Eventually Marion opened her eyes, “I am now all yours to do what you want with.” She would never know why she muttered that line, not for all her years would she ever be able to figure it out. She could have then sworn that she seen Luke’s eyes flash fire red, and he got very angry with her. He grabbed her face roughly and held it so that her eyes were locked onto his. What she seen at that moment absolutely terrified her for she had never seen someone so angry.

“Now, you listen Marion and you listen to me good” started Luke in a deep growl that sounded more like it was made by a wild animal then a person “You are not mine to do with what I want. You are you. Your body is YOUR’S to share as YOU please. If we do proceed with a relationship it will be as equals, as partners. NOT as master and servant. If we ever do anything you don’t like all you have to say is stop and we’ll stop.”

“But why?” Marion was now more confused than she ever had been before. “Why am I not yours’s to do with as you please.”

She seen Luke close his eyes, take a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, she seen there was nothing but love in them. “Because Marion of York I love you more the life itself. You are not inferior in my mind. The only way I want this relationship to happen is if it’s between equals.” Marion started sobbing as she wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck. Finally, she was able to mutter the most important words in the world, into his ear.

“I love you too, Luke!”

With this Marion’s pussy took back over, after all Luke’s cock was still inside her. Before long Luke was slowly thrusting in and out of her. The sensations that Luke’s cock caused made Marion lose her mind. Within a minute she had another orgasm. This one blew away the one that Luke had given her with his tongue and the only thing that kept Marion from screaming her head off was Luke’s lips locked onto hers. What followed was one orgasm after another, for Marion. From everything she had ever heard, sex was something that lasted maybe five minutes from start to finish. Of course, everything else that she thought that she knew had already been shattered by this man, why not the amount of time spent engaged in sex as well. Most of the time Luke stayed on top, but he did roll over and swing her on top toward the end. He did this so that he could last longer for Marion. Marion’s body quickly figured out what it liked. It not only went up and down, but it went side to side and even moved about in circles while searching for the perfect spot. By this time Marion’s brain was barely functioning. Luke then rolled back on top and began thrusting faster and faster. Marion was barely keeping her moaning under control as Luke neared the finish. Then Marion felt Luke’s cock swell up even more and she was hit with an earthshattering orgasm that didn’t stop until after Luke had shot what felt like gallons of hot sticky cum deep into her. This last orgasm caused Marion to black out completely. Luke fell over on his back next to her, completely drained. Marion’s body somehow crawled up and her head rested on Luke’s shoulder. Luke managed to get a blanket over them and pass out.

Luke woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door.

“Yes, what is it?” he managed to get out.

“The cook would like to know what you want for breakfast?” said one of the inn’s staff.

“Umm, can you give me a little bit so I can finish waking up, then I can take to the cook about breakfast?”

“Yes sir.”

“Ok then. I will be down in a bit.” Luke gently shook Marion awake. The look on her face was beyond priceless for Luke. She still looked like she was in orbit from last night and her hair was a mess.

“Good morning, sweetheart” he said cheerfully.

“What a rotten thing to say to someone who doesn’t know where they are at.” Groaned Marion

Now Luke couldn’t resist “Well last time I checked you were, in a room, at an inn in Nottingham, having one mind altering orgasm after another.”

This time Marion gave him the stink eye “Gee thanks for that update…Smartass”

“Hey it’s far better to be a smartass then a dumbass.” Said Luke with a shit eating grin.

Now it was Marion’s turn to smile.

“Come on Marion. It’s time for breakfast and I’m starving. Plus, we have a lot to do today.

“Fine” said Marion trying her best to sound cross but she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. Before long they were both laughing like idiots as they worked towards getting dressed. Luke took a bucket of water and a rag to clean Marion’s pussy up a bit, and then she took the rag and cleaned Luke’s cock off. When they were both happy, they got dressed and went down to eat. On the way out of the room, Luke made sure that it was locked and then he put one of his hairs carefully in the lock to tell him if anyone tried to get into his room while they were gone.

Breakfast was simple, consisting of some bread and veggies. Luke then asked the cook if he could get some eggs made up. The cook looked at him like he was weird but made them anyway after all when the customer is bigger than a horse, it’s not a good idea to argue. Luke shared his eggs with Marion and she shared some of her stew with Luke. They both had an ale to wash everything down with. As they were finishing up, Cecilia came down the stairs. When Cecilia seen them, she went to sit at a table in the corner. If looks could kill then Marion would have been dead with the looks that she was getting from her sister, but by this time Marion didn’t give a shit about her anymore. Luke paid for their meal and he paid for Cecilia’s as well. He wanted to make sure that the innkeeper got the money due them because he knew that Cecilia had a habit of throwing her rank around to get out of paying for things.

Marion and Luke went back upstairs and collected their gear. They both looked around both rooms to make sure that they didn’t miss anything. Then they locked the doors back up and returned downstairs where they paid for the rooms and returned the keys. Marion walked over to Cecilia and gave her the bag with her stuff in it.

“Whenever you finish, Luke and I will be selling the extra stuff. You can come and find us.” With that Marion walked off without giving Cecilia a chance to say anything. The innkeeper of course knew what was going on because Marion had told him. Luke and Marion went outside and got the horses and carriage from the stable. The first stop was an armorer down the street. There after much bargaining, Luke managed to sell all the extra swords and knives they had. He also sold all the armor. None of it fit either of them so why keep it. The next stop was a cloth maker to sell the extra clothing that they had. This time Luke bought a new outfit for himself, one that actually fit somewhat comfortably, and so they went through the town. After they hit a dead end with the carriage, Luke had an idea. They broke the carriage down into its pieces and sold the pieces. They actually made much more money doing this then they would have made by selling it in one piece.

“What made you think of that Luke?” Marion asked him after they had finished.

“Back in my time, a lot of vehicles were sold that way. You would sell all the usable parts off then scrap everything else. Here we didn’t have to scrap anything, lucky for us” Luke whispered back.

The last stop was to sell the extra horses. They only really needed three, but decided to keep an extra two just in case and as pack animals. As Marion and Luke were coming out of the stables, Cecilia finally caught up with them. To say that she was pissed was an understatement. It was now late afternoon and she had been going all over town looking for Luke and Marion. She couldn’t wait until she could get rid of Marion and get revenge on Luke. One plus side of her wondering the town was that she had met some old friends. After some short negotiations, Cecilia had another ambush set up. This time she made sure to warn them about Luke. The ambush would take place outside of town so that it looked random.

As Cecilia came up to them, Marion told her that they would be leaving immediately since they had gotten everything sold. This threw a wrench into Cecilia’s plans however. She had figured that they wouldn’t leave until tomorrow. She had to delay them.

“Are you sure, I mean there are reports of bandits out there?”

“What, you scared sis?” teased Marion. Cecilia noticed that Marion was now carrying herself taller and she now wore a short sword and knife at her waist.

“Where did you get those?” asked Cecilia pointing at Marion’s sword and knife.

“Luke got them for me, from the armorer. He actually knows a lot about swords and knives.” Cecilia just looked at Luke.

“Yep, guilty as charged. I use to make swords and knives when I was younger and I still make an occasional knife when I can get the chance.”

From the looks that Marion was giving Luke, Cecilia was sure that they had sex the night before. “So, I guess that you finally started whoring yourself out, Marion. It was only a matter…” SMACK That was as far as Cecilia got before Marion knocked her to the ground.

“You call Marion a whore again and you will be eating all your teeth” growled Luke with fire in his eyes. Cecilia sat on the ground more afraid than she had ever been because at the moment Luke didn’t look like a human, no, he looked like one of the Titans from Greek mythology that had come to life. Luke hunched back on his heals slightly and Cecilia actually peed herself because she was so scared. Many predators hunched back slightly before attacking and Cecilia was truly terrified of Luke attacking her with the anger that was still in his eyes. Marion patted Luke on his arm and the fire disappeared, from his eyes, and he relaxed.

“Come on Luke, we need to get going.”


The three of them left town that afternoon. Marion was no longer afraid of bandits. Not with her new sidearms and boyfriend. Now it was Cecilia who was terrified. She was still unarmed and worse still she had managed to thoroughly piss off Luke. After all this was a man that she had seen snap another man’s neck and elbow without breaking a sweat. To make matters worse for Cecilia, she had to watch as Luke picked Marion up and gently put her on her horse. He did this without struggling a bit. This was something that Cecilia had never seen before. She had never seen someone so strong and yet so caring and she was extremely jealous of Marion’s relationship with Luke. The whole way Cecilia was hanging behind, trying to slow Luke and Marion down, but they barely slowed down at all. Cecilia could see them talking and laughing, but she couldn’t hear from where she was at, and if she caught up so that she could hear then she wouldn’t be able to slow them down.

After almost five miles, the trio came across a stream with a meadow next to it and with the sun setting Luke decided that this was a good spot to stop for the night. Cecilia was glad for she was exhausted. It really irritated her to see Marion still full of energy. Luke of course never seemed to run out. Marion started on the camp site while Luke caught some fish for supper after gathering firewood. Cecilia managed to take care of the horses. She didn’t tie the knots as good as they should have been, for she hoped that the horses would bolt during the night. She sat near the fire as Luke and Marion prepared dinner. Along with dinner, Marion was boiling the water for their canteens. After dinner, which was actually really good Cecilia had to admit to herself; she would never admit it publicly. Marion walked over to the horses. She had seen Cecilia tie the bad knots while she was setting up camp and wanted to fix them before bed. When she got back, she and Luke gave Cecilia an evil look which sent chills up and down Cecilia’s spine. She now knew that she wouldn’t be able to do anything else to slow them down. She got another surprise at bedtime; they were not going to be sleeping in the tent. Instead, all the gear went into the tent and Marion had the bedrolls set up outside. The final surprise came when Marion and Luke settled down under the same blanket. Luke was behind her with his arms around her. She was using one of his arms as a pillow and Marion passed out quickly. Cecilia watched for a chance to kill Marion, but Luke stayed alert all night. All he ever did was doze off and the slightest sound would cause him to wake up. To make matters worse for Cecilia, Luke had his handgun under one of his hands ready for him to grab at all times. Cecilia didn’t know what that devil device was but she did know what it could do. Eventually she gave up and fell asleep.

The next morning, Luke was up with the sunrise as usual and Marion got up with him. They got the fire going and tore the tent down and hide it away. By now they had the routine down pat. This morning through was already a warm one and both of them had been sweating all night. Luke took Marion down to a pool in the stream and they stripped down. At first Marion thought that she was going to get laid again. Then when they were both naked, Luke picked her up and threw her in the stream.

“Damn it, you bastard! It’s fucking cold in here” Marion cried out standing up. The water was up to the bottom of her breast. Luke just laughed as he jumped in and further drenched Marion with water. The two of them cleaned each other making sure that every nook and cranny was clean. They splashed each other and had a lot of fun. Luke made sure that Marion’s hair was washed out and that her pussy was thoroughly cleaned. Marion made sure that Luke’s cock and balls were clean enough to eat off of. Eventually they got out of the water and dried themselves off on a blanket that Luke had brought along, just for that purpose. They then put clean clothes on and went back to camp.

There Cecilia was still sleeping so Marion walked over to her and woke her up with water to the face.

“Hey time to get up!” barked Marion. Luke just stood back and laughed. Marion was starting to sound like some of his drill instructors. This time Luke fixed breakfast for everyone. Cecilia had bags under her eyes; she really hated mornings. By the time breakfast had been eaten, Cecilia was beginning to function and she had some questions for Marion as they were finishing packing.

“Hey Marion, I got a question for you. When you woke me up, why were all wet?”

“Oh, Luke and I took a bath in the stream.”

“Why people will think that you’re a Jew or something?”

“Luke said that he felt really grimy and that he couldn’t stand his smell anymore. I thought that we were going down by the stream for of loving but when I was naked, he picked me up and threw me in. He jumped in after me and we made sure that each other was really clean.”

“If Luke said that he needed a bath then why were you surprised to be thrown in the water?”

“Because he didn’t tell me that until after he had thrown me in.”

Cecilia actually had to laugh. She couldn’t help it for it was too damn funny. It served Marion right for stealing Luke from her. Marion was beat red from embarrassment. This wasn’t helped when Luke came up behind her and gave her a big sloppy kiss. Marion started to laugh as she leaned back into Luke and wrapped his arms around her. She had never been this happy before. This display of affection wiped the smile right of Cecilia’s face. Finally, Luke announced that it was time to go. The three mounted up and resumed their travels.

As they went along, Cecilia kept her eyes peeled. She was looking for the prearranged signs that the ambush was ahead. To her dismay she didn’t see one, however about noon, Luke stiffened up, suddenly stopped, and pulled his horse off to the side of the road. He just made it look like he had to take a leak. After he was done, he motioned for Marion and Cecilia to join him.

“There’s an ambush about fifty paces ahead.”

“How could you possibly know that?” asked Cecilia. This probably wasn’t her ambush but one ambush was as good as another as far as she was concerned.

“Because I seen a glint in the brush near the road. The same place that I would set an ambush.”

“You sound like you have experience with ambushes” Marion said.

“I do” stated Luke in a hard flat tone that said the discussion was over.

“So, what are we going to do?” asked Marion.

“Simple, I’m going to ambush the ambushers.”

“How?” Marion was almost crying now.

“Just stay here and watch.” And with that, Luke pulled his handgun and knife out and disappeared into the forest. Within minutes, shots rang out up ahead and the ladies heard several screams. Marion looked like a ghost and even Cecilia had lost some color. Then everything was quiet. Both ladies were nervous; Marion for her lover and Cecilia because she wanted his knowledge.

“Miss me?” Luke said causing both ladies to almost jump out of their clothes.

“Damn it Luke” screamed Marion “Don’t do that to me ever again!”

“What’s that?” now Luke was feeling mischievous.

“I was so scared that you would be killed.” Said Marion so quietly that Cecilia could barely hear her. Luke just snorted.

“Me killed by those idiots.” Snorted Luke “Not likely. Come on ladies, we got some bodies to loot.”

Luke and Marion grabbed the horses and lead them to where the ambush had been. There was fifteen men laying on the ground.

“We’re not going to worry about burying them. There’s a nice dip in the ground back there” Luke pointed behind him “That we can dump the bodies into.” The three of them quicky gathered all the gear that they could use. Luke of course policed his brass. They even found some more horses to carry the loot. Part of the loot was a large bag of money and some really nice swords. Marion recognized the crest on one of the swords as one that belonged to a very wealthy family that lived a couple of days ride from her own home.

It was only the work of an hour or so to get all the new loot and get it stored for travel. As they were getting to leave, Marion heard more horses coming, and the three of them hide in the brush. Cecilia immediately recognized the men that went by, for they were the ones that she had hired. After they had went by Luke stood up.

“Come on ladies, let’s get the fuck out of here.” The three of them mounted back up and continued on their journey. It was obvious that Luke was now on high alert for anymore ambushes. Fortunately, they didn’t see anything the rest of the day. Problem was that they hadn’t come across any good places to stay for the night. To Luke this wasn’t a problem; they would push on through the night. They had light cloud cover and a particle moon.

“Hey Marion, how close are we, do you figure?”

Marion purged her lips as she figured, “probably four or five days. Why?”

“Ok, here is what we are going to do. I didn’t like the look of those guys that past by us earlier, and it’s too easy to ambush people in the forest so we are going to push on through the night.”

“But how about our sleep?” whined Cecilia

“Tired is just temporary, dead is permanent. We push on through the night, but if you want to stop for the night go ahead but I’m going to keep going.”

“Marion are you going to stop?” asked Cecilia

“Nope. I’m staying with Luke. I almost lost him once and I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.”

Now Cecilia was worried. They would probably go right past her ambush during the night and her guys wouldn’t see them because no one ever traveled at night.

Come on Over . . . and My Mom Will Teach Us 5 (1)

[URIS id=2678]


Amanda begins our tale with the most erotic dream sequence that takes place at school. Things increase in intensity, as Mike arrives at their home, having been drenched by a quick rain storm, and then Amanda’s Mom begins to give them lessons.

The Night before His Visit

Amanda jumped into bed . . . the pink hair brush on her nightstand dropped to the carpet. She had heard of girls using a brush handle to excite themselves and maybe that would be how she could fall asleep tonight . . . while thinking of Mike who was coming over after school the next day. A half-hour later, her pink brush still glistened with her juices as she began to dream. She was suddenly in the boy’s high school bathroom at her school . . .and there were ten boys standing around her. Instead of being afraid, she was curious why their pants were all lumpy and sticking out in the front. And then she heard herself saying to them:

“Would you boys show me what’s inside your pants . . . if I take off my blouse?” The boys in her class began to smile at her offer, but then Mike (who was older and should not even be in the dream) . . . and the boy she secretly liked said:

“Ok . . .but take off EVERYTHING but your underpants and show us your cute titties Amanda, and we’ll show you our cocks.”

“Alright . . . but I call them panties Mike,” and as she corrected him, she began to unbutton her white blouse. The boys moved into a circle around the young girl, as they saw her pull the white blouse out from her skirt. She loved the attention she was getting at that moment. As the blouse hit the floor, the boys were already enjoying the sight of her white cotton bra that covered her breasts. She unzipped her skirt and pulled it down her legs, and stepped out of it. At that point, almost simultaneously she heard each boy’s zipper being pulled down.

She slowly turned and watched as their hands unsnapped the buttons at the top of their school dress pants and soon white and other colored underwear suddenly came into view. She stopped turning when she faced Mike, whose cock she desperately wanted to see the most. His pants fell to the floor and his white briefs were sticking out in the front. She knew his naked cock was hidden underneath, and she stopped undressing herself in hopes of seeing it. He looked up and saw her watching.

“Hey Amanda, let’s be fair about this. If all of us are going to show you our COCKS, we need to look at your titties too . . .so take off your bra for us,” he said rubbing his hand over the long extension poking out the front of his briefs. Amanda daringly reached behind her back and unsnapped the clasp of her bra. As she watched . . . Mike begin to move his hand up and down his still covered cock, she leaned forward slightly and allowed the tiny garment to fall forward, catching it before it fell to the floor.

Her long erect nipples had now puckered up and were stiff to the young boy’s stares. She pulled her shoulders back and proudly showed off her breasts. She placed her hands on her hips and began to get excited as two, three . . .and eventually ten different varying sized pink to purple colored cocks were displayed to her as she turned around, as a circle was forming around her.

“Go ahead and show us what girls do to get themselves off, Amanda,” said Mike, “and we’ll do the same . . .but when we began to shoot cum out of our COCKS, I want you to bring your bra over to each of us . . . and turn it so that we can shoot our cum into each those cups . . .and then you get to do one more thing for us . . .” Despite being asleep, Amanda had her hand inside her pussy as she was witnessing this naughty event.

Each of the boys were now jacking off their stiff cocks as fast as they could as they looked at her near naked body. Their faces had turned red with excitement. In her dream, she had slipped her fingers into her panties and was rubbing her damp pussy as the boys got closer to ejaculating. Amanda wasn’t sure where these thoughts were coming from . . . but suddenly she heard one of the boys’ scream . . . “I’m gonna cum . . . bring it over here . . .” This caused her to hold her bra in such a way that the pulsating cock could shoot its load into her bra cups.

Not believing what was happening, the boy came up close and began to empty a series of cumshots into the shiny pink bra cups. And then another began to shoot and she rushed over to him and then suddenly . . . all ten of the boys were shooting at the same time.

Almost like magic, in every direction strong streams of sticky cum were intersecting from each of the boy’s cocks and landing in her bra cups and on her hand. Quickly both of the bra cups were filling to capacity. But not all the cum was headed in that direction. She felt hot splashes hitting her sides and back and once or twice on her face, as she attempted to collect their juices. She looked down and suddenly a stream of hot cum saturated both of her breasts, arms, shoulders and legs. Her bra was completely full and she looked up for some direction. She caught Mike’s glance and he understood what she wanted.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shit Amanda . . . this is so awesome . . . cumming all over you like this, but now . . . it’s time to put back on your bra and feel our hot cum all over your titties.” The girl couldn’t believe what he wanted her to do . . .but since she liked him, she carefully bent over, positioned her firm tits over the cups, laid her bare nipples inside the gooey hot slime, and reached behind and snapped her bra back on.

Instantly their cum began to heat up her young breasts and the feel was the most erotic sensation she had ever felt. She stood up to find that all of the boys . . . now NAKED were very close to her, watching their cum ooze out of her bra. She squared her shoulders, waiting for their approval but suddenly she felt several hands quickly yanking her panties down her legs.

Her bare hairless virgin pussy was now on display and each of the boys were preparing for round two. Her breasts were so wet and saucy. She loved the sensation as she squeezed their cum in between her fingers and over her still pink buds. She felt someone pushing her down onto her knees as she watched the floor getting closer. She looked around to see who it was and Mike was smiling as he continued to fondle and manipulate his growing cock with one hand as he continued to pull her down with his other.

She should have been scared, but she loved the predicament she was in . . . as ten growing cocks began to move closer and closer to her naked body. Amanda was now laying on her back onto the floor as the other boys stood around her . . . pulling on their cocks. She looked down on her chest and realized her bra was now GONE and her breasts were covered with a thick layer of grey slimy cum. Mike stood over her with a grin on his face.

“It’s time to learn how to SUCK COCK Amanda. I want to be the first to stick my cock in your mouth, so open up those pretty pink lips.” He straddled her sticky chest with his knees and legs open and soon she was facing his 5″ long pink cock up close. Not knowing exactly what to do, she grasped the base of Mike’s rod and began to feed herself his pulsating cock. The second her lips surrounded his organ, she felt him erupt and she began to suck in rope after rope of his hot cum.

At the same time her entire body was being sprayed by each of the boys as they laughed in merriment. She suddenly woke up from her dream and realized her nightgown was soaking wet with perspiration and her young body was panting with heat and anticipation. She began to giggle wondering if tomorrow after school might bring to her similar activities.

Mike Arrives, and the fun begins . . .

Debbie was Amanda’s mother and knew her high school aged daughter had begun to notice boys. Being single she thought it might be fun to get one into their apartment and manipulate the situation so Amanda could learn exactly how to excite boys and for her to quite frankly . . . get off during their foreplay. Selfish . . . yes. Exciting . . . absolutely! To fantasize about this taking place is one thing but to see it unfold almost to perfection would be almost amazing. She had made Amanda’s lunch for school and would just have to be patient until she arrived home.

As soon as her daughter got home from school, Debbie peppered her daughter with questions regarding inviting him over.

“So is Mike going to come over? Can he stay for dinner? Shouldn’t you take a shower before he gets here?” She rapidly shot questions to her daughter.

“He said yes and he thinks he can stay for dinner and yup, I am going to take a nice hot shower. Were you able to find those tight jeans I was looking for?”

“Sure did . . . and I got you a pretty top to wear. . . and one of the shoulders is bare . . . so a bra is out of the question this time. Don’t worry . . . I think he will love it that way.”

“It’s supposed to rain big time in a few minutes. I hope he can get a ride,” she said her voice trailing off as she scampered into her bedroom. For the next half hour or so, Debbie lit candles, put out some candy and got things set. She also changed into a sexy top and a short skirt. She was only 32 years old, and her daughter was the surprising result . . . of a weeklong sex-fest she had with a boy in high school, where at 15-years-old, she perfected her cock sucking skills to where every boy in the building wanted to yank out his cock and have her fully satisfy him.

While her daughter was in the shower, Debbie found a few sex toys that she thought might be useful, depending upon where things might go. Almost a half hour later, the front door bell rang and Debbie went to answer it. There was a boy standing outside that was literally drenched beyond belief.

“Hi. This is Amanda’s house isn’t it?” he asked.

“It sure is and you look like a drowned rat! Take off your shoes and I insist on you taking a quick shower, or you will catch a cold.” She heard her daughter behind her and when she turned around she watched her face light up.

“I am sooooo sorry you had to walk through this storm. I just got out of the shower and mom is right . . . go ahead and take yours. I’ll wait for you. Mom can you do something with his clothes and get them dry?”

“Absolutely honey. I will drop off a robe for him to wear and when his clothes are dry . . . he can put them back on.” Mike did not argue as water literally came out of his shoes when he took them off. Amanda probably didn’t notice but the boys’ jeans did little to hide the obvious indication that he was VERY happy to see her daughter. The hidden image of a pretty decent size COCK was poking up the front of his pants, much to Debbie’s delight. She followed the boy into the bathroom, asking Amanda to get out more of the snacks she had purchased.

“I have a pretty good sized robe Mike. While you are in the shower, I will leave it here on the sink for you to wear for a while. Why don’t you take off all of your clothes and give them to me so that I can put them in the dryer.” The boy looked at her dumbfounded . . . for almost a full minute.

“Uhhhhhhh, with you standing right here?” he asked shyly.

“Don’t worry Mike. I have seen many NAKED boys in my day. Let’s just get those wet clothes off you. Here I can help. Let me sit here on the toilet.” The boy was so surprised at what she was suggesting . . . that without thinking he moved over in front of her.

“You will feel a lot better when we get these things off. Go ahead and get your shirt and I will take off these wet pants.” Debbie was very aroused realizing that she had placed the boy into a no win situation. She immediately undid his belt and then found the brass snap at the top of his jeans. She watched Mike begin to pull his shirt up over his shoulder and knew there would be a short time when he would be somewhat blindfolded.

Next she found the top of the zipper and pulled it down. As Mike was navigating his shirt over his head, she slipped her fingers into the sides of his jeans AND boxers and literally yanked them all the way to his feet. A smile broadened across her face. Even though it was no longer stiff . . . the boys’ penis flopped in front of her face and she began to quiver with excitement. How she wanted to move forward and slurp up that shaft into her mouth and suck the boy for all he was worth.

“There, that MUST feel MUCH better. Just step out of your jeans Mike, and hop into the shower.” The boy was now almost beat red as he realized the very attractive young woman was closely inspecting his cock and balls that were right in front of her. As he stepped from side to side ridding his legs of the pants, his shaft waved back and forth. Debbie had neglected to wear any underwear so she knew at this angle, the boy was looking straight down her V-necked top at most of her bare breasts. She waited a few seconds and then looked up and was not disappointed, as Mike’s eyes grew wide as he did his own inspection of her tits.

Rather than saying anything, she elected to just watch the boy soon become a horny voyeur while looking at her body. Her reward was the measured growth of an erection that was rising right in front of her eyes. The more he was mesmerized by her bare tits, (hoping to catch a glimpse of a bare nipple like all guys), the greater the angle his cock continued to rise.

Almost without thinking, Debbie said:

“Amanda is going to LOVE getting to know this BIG COCK of yours Mike,” as she wrapped her fingers around the shaft. “Hurry up with your shower so that we can get started,” and with that, she leaned forward, slipped the mushroom tipped pink shaft into her lips for a few seconds, wiggling her tongue all around the purple crown and then left the bathroom.

As she was working her way down the hallway, her hand immediately went to her damp pussy and she soon rubbed her clit as she entered her room. She opened up her closet and took out her summer white chiffon robe and knew this was what she was going to leave for the innocent boy to wear. Debbie heard the shower start and carrying the robe with her; she carefully opened the door, placed the robe on the sink and scooped up all of the boys’ wet clothes. She could not wait to see him in it!

“Don’t take too long Mike; I have left the robe here on the sink. Amanda and I will be waiting for you in the kitchen when you are all squeaky clean for us.” She was tempted to pull the shower curtain back to catch another glimpse of his naked body, hopefully catching him jacking off . . . but did not want to freak the boy out any more than she already had. She went downstairs to the basement and put the wet clothes into the dryer . . .and then thought for a moment. Why hurry? So instead of starting the dryer, she went back upstairs to join her daughter.

Amanda was anxious and horny to see the boy and after about 15 minutes he did not disappoint her. Interrupting a brief conversation, she was having with her mom, Mike leaned his head across the doorway hoping to see someone.

“Do either of you have anything else I could wear? This robe is like . . . almost see-through.” Debbie had to place her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing as her daughter said:

“It can’t be that bad, come on in and join us!” Placing his hands over the crotch of the robe, he timidly came over to the table and slipped into a chair across from Amanda.

“Mom . . . what about your dark blue robe?” she asked . . . but did not pursue things any further, as she caught her mom quickly shake her head.

“It will only be for a short time while your clothes get dried. How about some chips and salsa?” For the next several minutes the three of them visited back and forth and munched on chips. Getting somewhat impatient, Debbie decided to take the lead and move things in a more intimate direction.

“So Mike . . . Amanda said maybe you guys would like to learn more about each other and kissing and touching and fun stuff like that.”

“Mom . . . I did not!” said Amanda surprised. Mike smiled at the interplay between Amanda and her mother as he continued to feed his face. Ignoring her daughter, Debbie continued to move things along in a very suggestive way.

“Have you had much experience with girls, Mike?”

“Not a whole lot, and I wouldn’t mind knowing more. Are you gonna like give us lessons or something?” he asked humorously. Amanda was now beet red with embarrassment . . . not believing her mother’s approach.

“Sure, if you are UP (pause) . . . for it,” she said suggestively.

“I’m game . . . (and then looking at Amanda) if you are?” Amanda was surprised at his question . . . but nodded her head a couple of times.

“Then let’s get started. We are going to start off with some kissing lessons. Mike . . . pull out your chair a bit more, but remain seated.” Mike bashfully followed her instructions, but tried to keep his hands over his crotch.

“Amanda, I want you to sit on his lap and face him,” she said, getting secretly aroused at her suggestion, knowing that the boy’s rigid cock would probably be up against her daughters . . . tight little ass or better yet right under her young pussy. Shaking her head, Amanda got up and went over but stopped in front of him.

“Like I am going to straddle his legs or something?” she asked, looking at her mom.

“That’s right. Let me demonstrate,” she said gently moving her daughter aside and spreading her legs and then sitting on his lap. She immediately felt the boy’s stiff cock snuggled against her warm crotch.

“Just sit just like this and face him.” She began to gently rock over his cock, knowing he was getting more and more aroused. “Go ahead . . . now you try.” She got up and pushed her daughter in front of him. Her daughter looked down and immediately saw the boys cock . . . somewhat transparently hidden by the chiffon, but not by much.

She knew he was aroused, and that actually reminded her of the dream she had the night before. Without any further waiting, she placed all of her weight on her right foot, lifted her left leg over the boy and gently placed her tight little ass on his lap. She was wearing very tight jeans so she immediately felt the touch of his stiff erection on her young crotch.

Amanda looked straight down and was instantly aroused because although slightly covered by the transparent robe, the tip of his cock was still quite visible. This could be awesome fun she thought. Debbie looked over her shoulder at the same sight and winked at the boy, indicating things were about to start.

“Place one hand behind her head Mike . . . and the other down here by her cute little ass.”


“Sorry but it’s true because I have seen it . . . now go ahead.” She watched the two get into the position she had described. “Perfect! Now lean across and look into her eyes and move forward and press those lips of your against hers.” Debbie was getting aroused watching the two begin to kiss. Mike placed his hands as she suggested . . . but his right hand just kind of hung by her ass. He obviously needed some extra help she thought.

“OK you two . . . I know we just started, but let’s break for a second for a few more instructions. Mike take your free hand and place it in the middle of her ass and kind of pull her towards you. Girls like to feel the hand of boys . . . being in control and not all droopy.” Mike did as she suggested . . . and realized he could pull Amanda forward towards his stiff cock and drive her pussy right into it. If Amanda didn’t feel his shaft before, when he pulled forward . . . the thickness of his cock would move up against her damp pussy . . . and oh so close to her clit, that she needed to have touched. They practiced for a few minutes, causing both of their loins to reach a near nirvana pitch.

“Kissing always feels great, but the next step is to open your mouth and let the other person wiggle their tongue against yours. Go ahead and try that for a few minutes.”

Debbie pulled up a chair and watched the two embrace, noticing that both of their faces were turning bright red with excitement. At the same time, his hand was all over her ass as he kept pulling her towards him and she began to buck her hips to generate the most amount of arousal for both of them. Debbie also noticed that her daughter’s breasts were perking up and her nipples were stiff buds up against her top. She knew Mike was probably fantasizing about seeing her breasts . . . so it was time to move in that direction.

“Let’s take a little break you two. Honey . . . I want you to change into your cute little red skirt upstairs and then come back down so that we can continue.” Amanda stared at her mother’s suggestion, knowing her skirt was super short, and angry she had to stop feeling his big cock . . . up against her wet pussy.

“Fine,” she said and ran off to her bedroom to change. Once she got there as she slipped off her jeans, she noticed that her panties were now literally soaked with excitement. She decided to slip them off and change them . . . but was interrupted by her mom.

“No panties honey. I want you to feel him right up close to your little cunny.” As aroused as she was, she just smiled back at her mom. Amanda placed the panties she had picked out . . . back in the drawer and quickly zipped up her skirt and came back downstairs . . . again fantasizing about what might happen next.

“How about THAT outfit Mike? Almost like a little cheerleader, isn’t she? Maybe we should have her do some cartwheels for you. (pause) On second thought, let’s get back to where we were. Let’s mount this BIG horsey Amanda . . . and continue our lessons.

Here I can help you honey,” she said. Amanda was a bit bashful now about raising her leg up and over . . . especially since her hairless pussy was now all uncovered underneath. Her mom sensed that and actually placed her hands under her arm pits and lifted the girl back up onto Mike’s lap.

“Let’s get a bit closer honey, let me lift up the front of your skirt here . . . so that it doesn’t get all bunched up underneath you.” On purpose she held up the pleated material, but not at an angle to spoil the surprise and moved her daughter’s crotch right next to his still stiff cock that was sticking up. “Pull her close like before,” she said, and as instructed, his hand pulled her right next to her wet crotch. He immediately realized that the girl was not wearing ANY panties and that his fully aroused cock was literally right next to her moist slit.

“Kissing and touching are two great things. But this time while you kiss, I want you to begin to let your hands explore each other’s bodies. I know you were thinking about Amanda’s titties Mike . . . and honey I am certain you are anxious to get your hand wrapped around Mike’s BIG COCK sweetie so let’s give it a try.” The two lovebirds could not believe what just came out of Debbie’s mouth, but they also could not believe what she had just said . . . WAS what they had been thinking.

Mike was not bashful . . . as he slowly slipped his hand under Amanda’s top and began to make the short journey upwards . . . towards her naked titties. Amanda shivered as she felt his hot moist hands move closer and closer to her nipples, that she fantasized about him touching. She was embarrassed that her breasts weren’t bigger, but at the same time loved how her nipples were probably longer and more sensitive than most girls.

As his hand touched the base of her breast, she began to moan in anticipation. Hearing her passion, Mike captured both of her apple sized titties in his hands and felt her stiff nipples on his palms. He had never gone this far with any girl before, and his heart was pounding. At the same time, Amanda bashfully moved her hands down the front of her skirt, lifted it up so that she could get to his cock and moved further to between her legs where his shaft was up and standing at attention . . . still covered with the chiffon of her mom’s robe.

A devilish grin came across her face, as she found the gap between the two sides of the chiffon robe and slowly began to pull it apart. More and more of the silky fabric was pulled aside, baring his chest, and then his stomach. She continued to work her way down towards his stiff cock . . . wanting to touch it without anything being in the way. Meanwhile Debbie was watching both of them manipulate each other’s body, but was frustrated at not being able to see what their fingers were actually doing.

“Hey Mike, I’ll bet your having some real fun rubbing and touching her titties aren’t you? . . . but it’s always much better to see a girl’s breasts while you are excited. Honey let me help you with this top,” and without any notice, she found the sides of the top that were tucked into her short skirt, pulled them out and then instantly yanked the new top over her head . . . making her daughter suddenly topless. But that was not all she uncovered. There in clear sight was her daughter’s fingers . . . wrapped around Mike’s fully erect COCK.

“Good Girl! He has a BIG ONE doesn’t he? Let’s go back and continue where we were, with one last change. Mike, let’s pull up the bottom of Amanda’s skirt and tuck it up here against her tummy.” (She demonstrated).

“She has something she wants to show you!”

“MOM!” screamed Amanda. Mike was hesitant after her quick outburst, but looking into her eyes, he took his hands off her bare titties, and moved them down to her stomach. Amanda turned even more red with embarrassment, as Mike slowly pulled up the fabric and was rewarded by the sight of the girl’s bare pussy . . . the first he had ever seen.

“You guys are doing great!” said Debbie. “When you are learning how to turn on the other person, it’s so much easier if you don’t have clothes in the way. In fact, let’s have you both stand up, for the next lesson, and just start by each of you taking off the rest of each other’s clothes.” Mike and Amanda just looked at each other for a few seconds, rather than immediately following her Mom’s instructions.

“This is going so fast,” said Mike, “but I am sure having fun being with you.” Stepping over his waist, and for the moment having her skirt cover her pussy, she looked at him with a grin on her face and stood up. Her tits were fully aroused with both nipples as stiff as they had ever been.

“Me too. But . . . I’m looking forward to some private time with you.” Mike got off the chair he was sitting on and stood up next to Amanda.

“Honey . . . reach over and take off my silly robe from his shoulders,” said Debbie. Amanda turned sideways, looked down and noticed the fully erect cock, pushing against the thin fabric of the chiffon robe.

“Let’s get rid of this,” she said with a smile on her face, as she pulled the garment open, and then slipped her fingers into the upper sides of the robe. With his help, she glided the housecoat off his shoulders and then let it fall to the floor. As turned on as Mike was, being totally naked in front of the two women was even more arousing.

“My turn,” he said, as he knelt down in front of the topless girl, located the latch and the short zipper, and within seconds, was pulling the skirt down to her feet. Not wearing anything else, the girl was now just as naked as he was. Part 2 is being written and will be published shortly.

Bad Professor. BDSM story 0 (0)

[URIS id=2678]


A Professor rejects a young student’s affections, and deals with the consequences.

I reached into my pocket, pulled out a handkerchief, and offered it to the quietly sobbing girl. She took it gingerly and dabbed the tears at the corners of her sky blue eyes. She made to return it to me, but I declined. Without protest, she balled up the damp cloth and held it in her palm on her lap. After peaking at her cleavage for just a moment, I forced myself to look in her eyes.

“I’m really sorry, Hunter. You’re a beautiful girl, you really are. And you’ll find someone much better – and younger – than me. You shouldn’t be with a man in his mid-forties; you should be hanging out with the other young 20-somethings.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

I looked at her for a moment. It was difficult to deny this girl.

“Well. In any case, I can’t risk my job.”

She used the handkerchief again and stood up to leave. Her bared, flat white tummy – and a delicate belly button – caught my eyes.

“See you in class”, she said, wiping her eyes, “Professor.”

And with that, she walked away. Despite the guilt of turning her down, I couldn’t help but stare at her pert bottom, wrapped in a tight pair of jeans.


“Everything will be… discrete, won’t it?”, I asked, nervously.

“You have nothing to worry about, sir”, came the practised reply from a young female voice, “we’ve been in this business for a long time. Our clients choose us for our discretion, and of course the quality of our cars.”

I sighed with some relief.

“That’s nice.. so, I wasn’t able to see a picture of the car online…”

“You don’t need to be concerned. You filled in your preferences, and we will make sure we find the perfect car for you. Our car will meet all of your needs.”

“…right, and I just want to make sure that you guys got the special request? I mean, I just don’t want your usual… car.”

“Yes, we have them right here. You might be surprised to learn how usual this request is. Listen, I can tell this is your first time using our service. Don’t worry. You’re going to have the night of your life. I promise you.”

That call was four hours ago. Four nervous hours. Fours hours of cleaning up and wondering if this was the right thing to do. I mean, I had never used an escort service before. Should I just suck it up and keep trying the online thing? Or ask to be set up? And just as I was entering the fifth hour of thinking, I heard a knock on the door. She was here. I took a big gulp, checked myself in the mirror and walked up to the door.


“Hi!”, came the confident voice from the other side, “I have a package for you. Can I come in?”

“Yup”, I muttered as I swung the door open. And I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing. I just stood there, dumbfounded. She too was shocked, but had the courage to speak first.

“Professor”, she said, her full pink lips turning up in a smile, “fancy seeing you here.”

I still couldn’t say anything.

“Maybe you should let me in before someone sees me here like this?”

I stepped aside and let her walk in, locking the door behind me.

“Hunter? Why are you here?”, I asked, although I already knew the answer.

“We both know why I’ve come here, Professor”, she said, standing opposite me, “the question is what are going to do now.”

“Hunter, we’ve been through this. You and I cannot be a thing. You’re my student, it’s weird. And I can’t risk my job. And you have better options – whatever, this is not happening. So you can watch a movie or something if you like, I’ll still pay for your time.”

She didn’t respond to my little speech. She just stood there, smiling. Her long, straight golden blonde hair was drawn to one side. She had little makeup on her face – she didn’t really need it, the girl was blessed with supermodel features. She was wearing a black coat, which I’m certain was covering something much more risque.

“You know, Professor”, she started, taking a step towards me, “when my agency assigns me to a client, they are some things they tell me and some things they don’t. For instance, they don’t tell me your real name. It doesn’t matter to me, and it helps protect the client’s privacy. What they do tell me, however, is what the client wants. What he needs. What he desires. And this includes any requests of a… special nature (she was a mere couple of inches in front of me by now). So, for instance, (her voice dropped to a whisper) I know that although you’re a big Professor out there, in here you just want to be… a toy. You want to be teased. Played with. Punished, if necessary. So now when you tell me that we can’t be a thing because of your excuses, I simply do not care. Do you understand?”

I was determinedly not meeting her gaze. I could feel her breath on my face. Although she was just 22 and I was 43, she was as tall as I. Suddenly, I felt her hands on either side of my face. She made me look into her eyes.

“Do you understand?”

I nodded weakly.

“Good. Now on your knees.”

Her hands pushed me down so I was kneeling in front of her. And she took off her coat and threw it aside. I was directly facing a pair of flimsy red lace panties barely covering her shaved pussy. I looked up at her – her large breasts were perfectly encased in a matching bra.

“And you can’t honestly tell me that you didn’t want any of this. God knows how many times you’ve wanked off thinking about me.”

I didn’t respond. She stepped closer to me – pushing me against the wall.

“I think you know what you have to do.”

I looked in front of me and leaned in to kiss her pussy. But she pushed me back, laughing.

“That’s not what I meant”, she laughed, raising her foot to me. “I read your preferences – I know you want this.”

I took her foot in my hands and pulled her shoe off. Her feet were admittedly beautiful – slender and well taken care of. I kissed the ball of her foot and heard her stifle a moan. My dick also twitched in my pants. I kissed her foot all over – the heel, the arch, the ball. Then I took her tiny toes in my mouth and sucked on them. I started kissing up her leg. Her beautiful, toned calf muscle. Then her knees. And her delightfully muscular thighs. Not an ounce of fat that didn’t belong there. Not a single hair. And the taste of strawberry body butter. I grabbed on to her legs and licked her thighs wet. And she turned around, presenting her gorgeous bottom to me. Despite having a tiny waist, her ass was thick and juicy. And, as of now, inches away from my face covered in the flimsiest of materials.

I immediately leaned in and buried my face in her buns.As my hands squeezed her ass cheeks, I went to down on her asshole, pulling her panties aside. She too took a step back and pushed my head against the wall, smothering me and sitting on my face. I was hungrily eating and licking this girl perfect ass, and could hear her moaning more loudly now. I think she was fingering herself while I rimmed her. Part of my brain needed some air but I was too occupied. Too hungry. Eventually, I heard (and felt) her orgasm. She pushed back all the way – my tongue deep in her asshole, moaned loudly, and squirted all on the floor. It was powerful. When she was done, she stepped away from me. I took a deep breath and came to my senses. And she turned around, grinning ear to ear.

“Looks like someone was hungry for some ass.”

I just looked away. I couldn’t believe that I had just given one of my students – a girl 21 years my junior – a rimjob. How could I ever go to university again?

“Look, get up”, she said, pulling me to my feet and walking me over to the couch. We sat down next to each other.

“I don’t want to make you miserable – that’s not my plan here”, she said, her hand rubbing my thigh, “I just want us to be together. Especially now that I know what you really like. And I know you want it to. It’s obvious.”

Her hand was on my erection. She unzipped me and pulled out my cock, stroking it gently.

“You’re just too scared to admit it. I understand. That’s why I’m going to admit it for you. Just repeat after me. You love being my toy.”

“I l-love being your toy”, I said, my eyes fixed on her chest.

“You love worshipping my body”, she said, spitting on my cock and stroking me faster.

“I love worshipping your body.”

“I’m your queen”, she said, swigging one leg across my lap so she was now straddling me, my dick in front of her pussy.

“You’re my queen.”

“You will never (she raised her other hand and grabbed my face with it) be mean to me ever again”, she said, rubbing my dick against her pussy.

“I will never be mean to you ever again.”

“I own you.”

“You own me.”

“Are you ready?”


“Beg me for it”

“Please, Hunter, I’m fucking begging you, let me in.”

No response.

“Please! I’ll do anything you say, anything! Just let me in”

And she finally, finally pushed my dick between her pussy lips and inside her. We both moaned in ecstasy as it happened.

“Go on”, she said, rolling her hips, “fuck me!”

I grabbed her hips, lifted her up, and started fucking her from below.

“Fuck me you bastard! Fuck your queen!”

Her large tits were spilling in my face. Her heady scent filled my nostrils. And her tight, warm, wet pussy was heaven. I felt her hands wrap around my neck.

“You want to cum?”

“Yes”, I replied. And she slapped me.

“Say yes queen!”

“Yes, Queen”

“Good boy – now cum when I tell you to. In five…. four…. three…. “

As soon as she said “Cum!”, she slid forward in my lap so my dick slipped out of her, and I ejaculated – copiously – all over her ass and my legs. And with that, I was spent.

Small Town Life 0 (0)

[URIS id=2678]


Adam has a side job working for the Carlson’s. Husband Roger travels a lot for his job. His wife Jackie is a constant fantasy for Adam. Then her teenage cousins Amy and Samantha visit.

It was a typical hot summer in a typical small midwestern town. Dust hung over the fields, stirred up by farm equipment, and drifted over the downtown area. Downtown consisting of a general store, a diner, the town hall/police station and Green’s Hardware and Feed Store where I worked. There were a handful of other small businesses filling the two blocks of Reed Street in downtown Doylesville. Continuing along Reed past the railroad tracks you reach the residential district of Doylesville, a handful of small homes and three larger properties at the west end of town. My name is Adam McKay; my family had a farm north of Reed Street. Most of the properties surrounding the town were family farms.

At 17 I was happy to be done with high school for the year. Farm life wasn’t for me, so my father had helped me find a job with Mr. Green. After years helping on the farm I was fairly strong and able to handle the heavy lifting at Green’s. I was 5-10, muscular, sandy blonde hair and gray eyes. Life in a small town has its advantages, but then there was the downside. By luck of the draw Doylesville didn’t have many teen girls in my age range. Our small local school was mostly farm boys. So, yes, I was lacking in experiences. This brings me back to the summer of 1978. Mr. Green would let me drive the store’s truck to make deliveries to farms knowing I could load and unload as necessary. Towards the end of the second week in June he asked me to load up the truck with bags of dirt and seed and bring it to the Carlson’s out past the tracks.

The Carlsons had one of the bigger homes in town with a large mostly undeveloped lot behind them. Mr. Carlson was a salesman who often traveled, leaving his wife Jackie at home. To occupy her time he’d agreed to develop part of the property into a garden. Mr. Carlson had been in Green’s ordering supplies for the garden and materials to build a fence around a portion of the backyard. I drove up to the Carlson’s home. Classic wrap around porch, well maintained front yard, late model sedan in the driveway. Mr. Carlson showed me where to store everything and explained where the fence would go. He was friendly enough; although just about ten years older than me he tried to project himself as much older. As I transported the heavy bags to the backyard I noticed Jackie Carlson for the first time. Working in the heat my t-shirt was plastered to my chest and my bare arms glistened with sweat. She waved to me from the back deck.

“Adam, would you like something cold to drink? I have lemonade.”

“I’m almost finished, that would be great Mrs. Carlson.” When I’d finished I went to the porch where she had set a tall cold glass of lemonade. She stood watching in a lightweight summer dress. Jackie was maybe 25 or so, but no doubt the prettiest woman I’d ever seen. Not that I’d seen too many pretty young women in boring old Doylesville. I tried not to stare, but I stole a few glances. About 5-5, slim, nice legs showing beneath the hem of her dress, she was a breath of fresh air on a dusty summer afternoon. I finished my drink.

“Thank you Mrs. Carlson.”

“You may call me Jackie. Mrs. Carlson makes me sound OLD.” Then she laughed. Ah what a laugh. Light, sweet, friendly. “Will you be making the other deliveries? This is a big project. We may need some help too.” She cocked an eyebrow when I didn’t answer immediately. She must have known the effect she had on me, probably on most men. I caught myself.

“Oh, um, yes I guess. Mr. Green has me make most deliveries now. It’s easier on his back.”

“Do you do extra work? My husband travels so much this fence and garden will take forever. I like to plant the flowers, but there’s so much dirt to move. I can ask him if he’d hire you.”

“I can always use extra money. I’m saving for a car. Then I can get out of Doylesville sometimes. Mr. Green won’t mind as long as I get my work done at the store.”

“Oh good! I’ll talk to Roger. And it would be nice to have someone to talk to around here.”

Roger seemed satisfied with where everything was stored and said he would speak to Mr. Green. When I got home I headed back towards my room and grabbed a change of clothes for a shower. It had been a long sweaty day and I looked forward rinsing off the dust. As the water cascaded over me I found my thoughts going back to Jackie Carlson. Her lightweight clothes loose and flowing around her. The smile. The bit of her bare lower leg. At 17 it didn’t take much. My cock lengthened and thickened. I looked down. From what I’d seen in the high school showers I had nothing to be ashamed of. I reached down and took hold of my cock, lightly stroking at first as I tried to imagine what was hiding under Jackie’s dress. No luck. I didn’t have enough experience to imagine a real woman. Instead I remembered the time Patty Kent had met me behind the bleachers. She was a grade behind me and we were fumbling and making it up. She let me feel her small breasts through her shirt. She rubbed my cock through my jeans. I increased the pace, the memory of one of my few sexual experiences got me there and I spurted multiple times onto the shower wall. Somewhat satisfied, I cleaned up and joined the family for dinner. Later that night, alone in my room, the windows open to catch any breeze, I again stroked my cock and thought of Jackie. Hey, I was 17.

For the next week I mostly dropped off supplies. Then in late June everything was in place and I started working for the Carlson’s some evenings and on weekends. Roger directed me in how he wanted the fence and gardens laid out and we ran string to mark the boundaries. I mostly saw Jackie from afar, except when she’d offer me a drink. I imagined that she was admiring my strong physique under my sweat soaked t-shirt and gym shorts. I was certainly admiring her as I tried not to be too obvious stealing glances at her legs in shorts or her tanned arms showing from her soft cotton shirts. Then of course there was the magical swell of her breasts in those same shirts. She didn’t appear to have large boobs, but the hint and little jiggle of her modest breasts were enough to cause a swell in my shorts. I think she enjoyed my minor discomfort. She didn’t flirt exactly. More, she was friendly and approachable, not snobby, not treating me like hired help.

The last week of June Mr. Carlson was away. My tasks for the week were to finish spreading the dirt for the garden areas then dig holes for the fence posts. Since this required long hours in the summer sun I arrived at the Carlson house at about 8 am to take advantage of the relatively cooler hours. I was well into my work when Jackie appeared on the back deck in shorts and a light cotton shirt. She asked if I’d like a drink, but I said I’d wait until I’d finished the section I was raking. When I was done I sat on the deck with her to get some shade and cool down. We talked about growing up in Doylesville. Jackie’s experience was coincidentally almost a complete opposite of mine. During her teen years there happened to be mostly girls in town. Then a few years ago when Roger Carlson moved to Doylesville he seemed a perfect catch. Intelligent, hardworking, driven to succeed, he quickly opened a business and was off, travelling to increase business and move up in the world. When he asked Jackie what she wanted, she told him she’d always wanted to live in one of the big homes out the end of Reed Street. When they were married, he drove her to their new home, right where we were sitting. It was fun, but also lonely at times. Some of the girls she knew from high school now considered her snobby. When Jackie reached for my cup her hand touched mine. The electric shock ran through my body. She quickly recovered and picked up the glass. I took a quick sip and got back to my work. When I’d finished another section I went back to the house to get the hose to water over the area so it wouldn’t turn to dust. The hose wasn’t really long enough, another item to add to the future purchases list at Green’s, so I had to turn it all the way up. I was waving it back and forth spraying the garden areas when Jackie walked up behind me. When she spoke it startled me and I jumped, losing control of the hose. It began snaking around drenching both of us.

“I’m sorry Jackie, oh wow, I didn’t”

“No, no it’s my fault walking up behind. Come to the deck and dry off.” I followed her to the deck. The white outfit she was wearing was now skin tight and partially see through. When she turned I could see her breasts. Two perfect upturned breasts topped with hard nipples pressing against the fabric.

“Adam, take your shirt off to dry.”

I did it without thinking. Then caught myself staring at her breasts. When I looked up I saw she was staring at me. With a sharp intake of breath she looked down from my muscular chest.

“You may want to take these off too.” Jackie went down on one knee. She slid my shorts down and looked up at me as her hand felt the obvious erection in my underwear. Now I sucked in a mouthful of air then let a moan escape. Jackie stood and looked me in the eye. Then she removed her sodden shirt and pulled my head down to her shoulder. She whispered in my ear, “You must never tell anyone, ever.”

I could only moan, “MM, hmm” She reached behind and released her bra. When it fell I was now with the first pair of real live naked breasts ever offered to me. I tentatively reached up and held one in my hand. It was heavenly. Soft, firm, light, but heavy, pale, with the dark nipple on the upturned tip.

“Go ahead, touch me. Hold me tight.” I wrapped my arms around her. She sighed as she felt me gripping her tight. I say back on a chair and she sat on my lap. Her beautiful bare breasts were now before me and I sucked at one nipple, kissed around her breast, then the other. Jackie seemed to need to feel me holding her, she ran her hands along my arms, down my chest. “So, strong. Mmm, I like your arms, and chest.” I felt her body, her back, her thin arms, the swell of her hips. She held my face in her hands and brought her lips to mine.

I’d kissed a few girls, but nothing like this. Jackie opened her mouth to mine. I fumbled my way through catching clues from her as she offered her tongue all the while caressing my arms and back. I could feel the warmth from between her legs as my hard cock pressed against her. She moved her hips ever so slightly caressing me with her parts. Parts I’d never seen outside of a magazine or two. My cock was throbbing against her begging for release. Jackie kissed me hard then leaned back.

“Take off your shorts.” I obeyed. She slid off of me onto her knees to get a good look at my cock. She lifted it in her hand. Smiled.

“Just as I expected. It’s big and strong just like you.” She wrapped her hand around it stroking slowly, feeling the veins running down the side and under. She hefted my balls in her hand. Then looked up at me. I was nervous. Nude with a woman. A real woman. Uncertain what to do, afraid to mess up. “Relax. Have you been with a girl before?” I kind of shrugged a shoulder. “One who has done this?” She began stroking harder. I shrugged again. “How about this?” She flicked out her tongue. I shook no. “Then certainly not this.” She sucked the head into her mouth and squeezed my balls. I vigorously shook no. “So you’re a virgin?” I hung my head and nodded. “A stud like you shouldn’t stay that way long.” I closed my eyes and put my head back, then opened them quickly as she took more of me into her mouth. I watched her bobbing her head and felt the expected surge rising.

“Jackie, I’m gonna.” She sucked and licked one more then sat back as I came hard, on her neck and breasts, then down her stomach. Great loads of cum. “I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t.”

“Shh, shh. Nothing to worry about. You were a gentleman and warned me. You did great. And so much.”

She wiped herself clean with her shirt, then casually slid down her shorts. Her hair was darker then that on her head, covering her whole area between her legs. She moved my now soft cock aside and sat on my lap. She took my hand and positioned it between her legs. “Now I’ll explain what’s going on here. Just do as I say.” She explained the parts, let me feel the moisture, dip my finger in her pussy and slide it up to her clitoris. She held my fingers there and encouraged me to rub and stroke around there. After a bit she removed her hand and let me keep going. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes, moaning as I continued rubbing her. “Oh keep going Adam. Don’t stop no matter how much I beg.” I listened and really never wanting to leave the promised land, I pinched and rubbed and tweaked and massaged, listening as her breath changed, moaning and gasping until finally she was “Uhh, uunghh, oooh, don’t stop, more, ooooooh, ooh fuck, fuuuck, UHHH.” Then she collapsed against me. Then turned and kneeled on me, kissing me and scratching at my chest. “Pardon the language, but that was so good. Thank you.” She kissed me again. Then looked down. My cock was rising again. I looked at her. Questioningly. She looked back, knowing of course what was on my mind. “I’m sorry. I can’t. Really Adam there’s nothing I want more than to feel you inside me. But we’ve already done too much. I can’t do that.”

“Of course, I understand. Not that it wouldn’t be the greatest thing ever to happen to me, but ok. I’ll wait for someone else.”

“I hope you don’t think I’ve led you on? You’re a handsome young man and so sexy. I got carried away.” I nodded in understanding. “I will do this for you.” Again she got between my legs. This time she looked up and said, “Don’t stop.” She began licking all around my hard cock, tracing the veins, licking around the head, sucking a good part of me into her, then letting it come out slowly. She teased and coaxed. Fondling and caressing and stroking. Letting me build, then backing off, then going harder until again I said,

“Close Jackie…”

“MM Hmm.” And she latched onto my cock, stroking firmly, the head between her lips until I exploded, filling her mouth with my hot cum. The cum I wished I was shooting into her vagina, but instead pulsed and throbbed in her mouth. She sucked until I was dry, then sat back to see if I was satisfied. She tilted her head to the side and pouted.

“That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt.” She smiled. By now our clothes were dry. We dressed and Jackie held me to her. She looked me in the eye.

“Can we go back to being friends? You can’t be looking at me around here like, yeah I’ve seen it all.”

“I’m ok. It was just one time. A memory for myself.”

“Oh jeez, you’re going home tonight and jack off thinking of me naked?”

“Just once?” She laughed and gave a playful slap.

“Anyway, I may have a temporary solution for your lack of female companionship. My cousins from upstate are coming to visit for awhile. Their parents think some time out of the city would be good for them. Amy is a little older than you and her sister Sam is a year younger. Maybe you could show them around your farm, maybe take them horseback riding? And you’d have someone more your age to talk to here.”

I looked at her. I had all kinds of mixed thoughts running through my head. “OK, yeah that would be fun.”

“Hey now, I’m not promising they’ll put out or anything! I know how boys think.”

“No, I, well, no ok.” She smirked at me.

“Now you better get back to work. I don’t pay for sex. Even if you did do a good job down there…”

I got back to work with seemingly more energy. This was a day I’d remember for a long time. Over the next few days I worked at digging post holes. Jackie was friendly as usual but there was no hint of what had happened Saturday. When Roger returned on Wednesday all was back to normal. Jackie would bring out drinks on the deck, we’d talk about things in town, not that there was a whole lot to discuss. She mentioned that Roger had a longer trip coming up and that her cousins would be visiting to keep her company. The next Saturday I was carrying bags of cement mix out to the holes I’d been digging. Jackie’s car pulled into the driveway and she got out followed by two teen girls. I was covered by dust from the cement bags when Jackie called me over to make introductions. The older looking girl seemed to look me over, sweating, dust covered, but my arm muscles tight from carrying several bags.

“Amy, Sam…”

“It’s Samantha, Jackie. Sam is a boy’s name.”

“OK Samantha. I forget how grown up you are now.” Amy gave a small snicker while watching me from the corner over her eye. “Amy, Samantha this is Adam. He’s been doing work for us here in the back. He lives in town. His family has a farm not far from here.”

I managed a quick hello. Feeling shy and unsure of myself. Here I was, a kid from the boonies and Amy was older, from the city, beautiful. Not as tall as her cousin, she had reddish hair, green eyes, light freckles, and, well, her breasts were sure bigger than Jackie’s. Not huge, but wow. When she smiled and said hello I nearly melted. Then she spoke,

“Wow, you must be quite strong to carry all those bags.” Her cousin added,

“Oh, you have no idea. He’s moved loads of dirt and carried in the fencing and dug holes. We’d never have gotten anywhere with this project without him. And he works all week in the hardware store.” Amy smiled again. Samantha looked me over. Then,

“Let me see your muscles.” She seemed a bit more like a kid, but blossoming in her own way. Similar in height to her sister, she had long dark hair, a slimmer figure, but the same cheerful smile. I rolled up a sleeve and flexed my arm. “Wow.” Amy just bit her lower lip.

Jackie, “Sam, Samantha, don’t be rude. He’s working for us, not on show. Maybe he’ll show you around his family farm one day. They have some animals. And horses to ride.” Samantha got excited,

“Oh could we ride a horse!”

“Sure Samantha. I’ll check with my Dad.” I looked at Amy, “Would you like to come riding too?”

“Sure, sounds like fun.” Jackie broke up the conversation,

“Let’s get you girls settled. Adam has more work to get done.” I waved and walked back to the bags of cement at the side of the house. There were two left so, well let’s face it, I was showing off a bit, I got one up on each shoulder and carried them out to the fence line. When I’d finished up the heavy work I set everything up for my next day. Then with the extended hose I got to the side of the yard out where the garden would be, removed my shirt and washed the dust from my hair, arms and chest. Feeling better I picked up my dirty shirt and walked out front to make my way home. Amy was sitting on the front porch. I gave her a wave. She smiled and waved back. I saw her looking me over. It felt good to feel attractive to the opposite sex. It felt good to just have members of the opposite sex around. When I got home, Mom told me I’d had a call. She told me Mrs. Carlson had invited me to have dinner with her and her cousins. I explained about the cousins and asked my father about giving them a tour of the farm. They seemed happy that I had girls my age to hang out with and readily agreed.

I took my time cleaning off all the dust and grime, then released the need I felt thinking about Amy. Jackie’s breasts had been amazing to hold and feel, but Amy’s seemed so full I wondered how they’d feel. Running my hand through Jackie’s bush had been exciting and enlightening; I wondered if Amy’s was maybe red down there. The thoughts and possibilities caused my knees to go weak as jets of cum were released. I got myself together and borrowed my Dad’s car to drive down to the Carlson house. We were all dressed casually, laughing and telling stories as we enjoyed the meal. Samantha in particular was very outgoing and chatted endlessly. We let her go on, bouncing from topic to topic. Amy, while more reserved, wasn’t exactly shy. It seemed she was trying to be more grown up around her older married cousin, and possibly for me.

Samantha, “So do you play football? You should. You’re very strong. Lots of muscles. And with your shirt off, Amy said…”

“SAM! I said nothing. I said Adam was nice and waved good-bye.” Then she gave her sister a death stare to end that line of discussion.

I decided to break the tension. “We don’t have football at our local school. Not enough students. You have to go to the regional high school for football. I had farm chores and later worked at Mr. Green’s. Besides, I wasn’t very big until I did all that work.”

After dinner we sat out on the porch. After awhile Jackie asked Samantha to help her with something inside. Amy and I sat together on the porch swing. As we’d gently rock forward she’d stretch out her legs. Very nice legs. I could smell whatever she was wearing. Light, not overpowering. We rocked a bit.

“So, you must have a girlfriend.”

“No. No one. Not many girls my age in town.”

“Oh that’s a shame. You seem nice.” We rocked. “Don’t mind my sister. She’s still a bit of a kid.” We rocked. “I told her that with your shirt off you were hot.”

“Oh thanks. You’re very pretty. No girls like you around here.” We rocked. She turned to look at me. When I met her gaze she kissed me. Lightly. Right on the lips. “Oh.” She pulled back.

“I’m sorry. Was that ok?”

“That was better than ok.” This time I kissed her. Gently. She smiled. Then leaned in for more. She wasn’t quite as gentle. At first a thousand thoughts were running though my mind. Then I banished them and lost myself in her soft lips, her green eyes, her tongue touching my lips, then meeting mine tip to tip and further. We didn’t stop until we heard footsteps inside the front door. Jackie kindly making just enough noise opening the door to let us get ourselves in order. Then she and Samantha joined us talking about their family, the city where the girls lived. Samantha was looking from her sister to me. She seemed determined to say something but held back. Amy and I said nothing in reply to her accusing stare. We rocked. We sat out in the cooler air until about ten. I would be up early enough to help with some farm chores. Monday I planned to ask Mr. Green for a few days off. I’d been working hard and was hoping to spend some time with Jackie’s cousins. There was the farm, and the pond for swimming. Plus I had told Roger I’d have the posts in the ground by the time he was home. I said goodbye to everyone, then lingered a moment to let Jackie and Samantha go inside. My good night kiss from Amy lasted more than a moment. She caressed my arm as we kissed deeply.

“Good night Adam. I think it’s going to be a fun week.”

“I’m sure it will. Doylesville isn’t so exciting but it will be more fun with you here.” I hardly noticed the ride home.

The next day I was up early taking care of the animals so my Dad could have a day of rest. In the afternoon I walked down to the Carlson’s to begin work on the fence posts. Mixing cement and spraying water had me a mess in no time. Still much of the time was spent standing with a post getting it balanced until the mix set enough. Curious, Samantha walked out to see what I was doing. She wore a halter top and shorts. I could see where she might soon be filling out more like her sister.

“Hi Adam. You look kinda funny with gray hair, and gray skin. Messy job.”

“Yeah, but once the posts are all in line I can do the fence. It’ll be nice back here when it’s all done.”

“It’s soooo hot out here, how do you do it all day?”

“I guess I’m used to it from the farm. It’s not so bad.”

“Jackie says you have a lake on your property for swimming?”

“Yeah, did you bring a suit? We can all swim one day.”

“I hear people skinny dip at private lakes.”

“Oh, well, I guess some might somewhere.”

“Have you?”

“No. Maybe by myself after working on the farm to clean up and cool off. But not with people.”

“Aw too bad. If I don’t have a suit can I still swim?” She smiled. I wasn’t sure what to say. Here was another girl flirting with me.

“I, uh, don’t know.” She looked at the house, walked next to me, leaned against me looking at the woods.

“I’m closer to your age. All the guys check her out, but I’m not a little girl.” She took my hand, slid it into the opening of her shirt. Oh jeez. Her breast was nearly the size of Jackie’s. I cupped it in my hand, felt the nipple, then realized where I was. I pulled back.

“What’s the matter? Not big enough like Amy’s?”

“No, it’s nice. Real nice. But I, we, shouldn’t out here. Your cousin’s house.”

“Oh come on. You don’t think Amy wasn’t bragging to me last night about making out with you?”

“So, that was between us.”

“So, this is between you and me. Would you want to make out with me? Or do more?”

“Sure, of course. You’re great. I like you. Would it be the right thing to do?” She stood right up against me, held my shirt.

“Adam, get me alone and I might just let you do anything you want. Anything.” I was stunned. She was standing so close she had to feel me rising against her. She turned away. Reached back and quickly felt my swollen cock. Look over her shoulder. “Anything.” Then bounced along up to the house. I picked up the hose, rinsed my hands then moved on to the next pole. I tried to distract myself until the tent in my shorts relaxed. This was going to be quite a week. When I finished I walked up to the house to let Jackie know I was done.

“Why don’t you stay for lunch?”

“I’m kind of a mess. I guess, if I sit out here.”

“Take a shower. I’ll run your clothes through the washer.” I was caught off guard. With the way her cousins were behaving, being naked, even in the shower….

“That should work.”

“Great! Just leave your clothes outside the bathroom door. Use the one at the top of the stairs.”

I found the bathroom, stripped down and put the clothes outside the door. There was a shower stall with a glass door. The warm water felt great as it washed off the cement dust. I heard the door open, then Jackie’s voice.

“Just bringing you towels. The clothes will be a little bit. Join us when you’re ready.” Her voice stopped, but she hadn’t moved. I realized she could easily see me, nude, in profile. I was washing my hair, arms stretched upwards. “I’m sorry for staring. I’ll go.” I heard the door close. When I’d finished I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist. I looked outside the door, but no clothes. Shrugging I walked downstairs, meeting Jackie and her cousins in the dining room. When I walked in Samantha noticed me and said,

“Lunch is served.” I laughed, but noted the way her eyes were taking in every bit of me. Amy walked over and took me by the arm to sit next to her.

“Don’t listen to my sister. Make yourself comfortable.” Jackie brought in sandwiches and I noticed that she held her gaze on me a bit too. I was having mixed emotions, feeling that I was on display for their pleasure, but also totally enjoying having three women looking at me with desire. That of course was causing my cock to tent the towel, which Amy must have noticed sitting next to me. Jackie also got a look when she came around behind us to put dishes on the table. Samantha just stared at me from across the table. She didn’t need to say anything. He last word outside was burned into my memory – ‘Anything’.

As we ate Amy held my hand, touched my arm. Samantha pouted just a bit as Jackie kept conversation going. We decided that after I spoke to Mr. Green on Monday and completed any tasks he had for me, I’d finish the fence posts out back so that I was free on Tuesday to have the girls up to the farm for the day. As we talked I could feel Amy’s fingers move to my leg. Although the towel was there I could feel her nails moving back and forth. Then as Samantha was asking about the animals I choked on a bit of sandwich. Mainly because Amy’s nails had moved from my leg to my cock. I tried concentrating and answering her sister’s questions as Amy traced the outline of my now hard cock through the towel. Up, down, up, down, barely touching, but making me feel harder than ever. Perhaps noticing my flushed skin and guessing what was going on Jackie asked Amy to get the cake from the kitchen. This allowed me to settle a bit and regain my composure.

With lunch completed Jackie got my clean clothes and directed me down the hall to a small bathroom. It seemed I might be able to get up without making a scene. Still my not completely flaccid cock was apparent under the towel. I heard Samantha barely whisper, “wow”. As I entered the bathroom, the door didn’t close behind me. I turned to see Amy pushing her way in. She put her finger to her mouth to shush me. She stepped up against me and pulled my head to her for a deep full mouth kiss. Her hand reached down between us to release the towel and free my now hard cock. Breaking our kiss she looked down to see my cock for the first time. She smiled.

“Sorry for the tease. Let me take care of this.” She began stroking my cock while kissing and nibbling at my chest, her free hand clutching my ass, moaning as if she was the one being pleasured. With the nonstop teasing and femininity all day I felt my cock throbbing and getting even harder.

“I’m close Amy.” She bent to get the towel and stroked me hard until I flooded the towel with cum.

“Hey look at all that. I like your cock. It looks strong and powerful like the rest of you.” Holding the towel to collect any last bits she kissed me again. “Is that better?”

“Yeah, wow.”

“It’s a long week. Maybe we’ll find more time together. I’m not a virgin, so who knows?” With that she slipped out of the bathroom. Damn, now that’s both sisters saying they wanted to have sex with me. Hopefully it wasn’t just a tease. I dressed. Now with some relief I joined them all on the deck for lemonade, enjoying the warm afternoon with no more work planned. Awhile later I followed Jackie in when she carried the pitcher into the kitchen. At the sink I was right next to her rinsing my glass. I could feel the warmth coming from her skin. She turned to me.

“Don’t. Please. I know I shouldn’t have watched you in the shower. Believe me, there’s nothing more I’d like to do than to take you to my bed and have you make love to me all afternoon. I really must control my needs.” I backed away just a bit. My urges, my desires, were firing on all cylinders.

“OK, it’s just, the past few days. I went from no women to having three around me all day. All pretty and….”

“I know they’re interested. They’ve told me as much.” She put her hand to my face. “I’m not sure if I should say this, but…I doubt you’ll be a virgin at the end of this week.” I started to say something, she moved her hand to my lips. “I know.” Then she kissed me on the forehead and continued cleaning up. I needed to leave to take care of the evening chores at home. I let them know that I’d be over to do some fence work after confirming my time off at the store.

Monday morning at the hardware story Mr. Green readily agreed to let me take a bit of a holiday. “With all the extra business from the Carlson’s you’ve earned it.” I helped stock some items then made my way down to the Carlson’s. I was moving sections of fence, lining them up by each pair of posts when Samantha found me at the far end of the property. With the fence section leaning against the posts we were blocked from view of the house.

“Hi Adam.”

“Hi Samantha. What brings you all the way out here?”


“Oh um, I’ve got a few more things to finish out here then I’ll be in by the house.”

“I though we could have a few minutes with just us.” Then she pulled at the end of her shirt where it was tied across her midriff. Her shirt fell open and she pulled it back to let me see her perky breasts. “Like them?”

“Yeah, but should we be…” She stepped forward and took my hands, placing them on her breasts. Once again I could feel the nipples poking at my hand as each hand fully engulfed a breast.

“Kiss me.” It was more question than demand. Still holding a breast in each hand I bent my head to her and we kissed. She wasn’t as experienced at this as her sister, but then I wasn’t exactly a pro. I caressed and squeezed at her breasts as we did our best to share our tongues. I removed one hand and cupped her tight little ass, holding her to me as I pinched her nipple. I put my second hand on her ass, lifting her up while kissing down her neck until I could take her tits, first her left, then the right in turn into my mouth. My tongue tasted her soft skin, her firm nipples. She worked herself free, then got to her knees, quickly pulling down my shorts, exposing my rigid cock. “Oh wow, this is better than I imagined. It’s so big and thick.” She held it. her fingers just able to wrap around it, looking it over then tentatively licking the underside with her tongue. “Can I?”

I looked around. “If you want.” She was able to get the head in her mouth but not much more. She sucked at it like a lollipop, mostly licking then popping the head in and out of her mouth. She ran her hand up and down my length feeling it throb under her touch. When I told her I was about to cum, I’m not sure she realized exactly what that all would involve because she kind of held it looking at it, squeezing it a bit, then her face was soon covered from multiple spurts of cum.

“Oh shit. So much. Oh. It’s kind of salty. I’m covered in your stuff!”

“I..I told you.”

“Yeah I just never.” She looked down. “I’ve never had a guy. Like that.”

“Are you ok?”

“Uh huh. It was cool. I liked it. When can I get more?”

“It may take a few minutes, but if you sit here with me I can do something for you.” Her shirt was already gone. “But you’ll have to take off your shorts and underwear.

“You want me naked, with you?” I nodded. “What are you gonna do?” I sat on the ground, waved her down to me. She kicked off her shorts and underwear. First I saw her pale naked ass. It was cute, small rounded, firm. She turned to let me see her. The hair between her legs was fairly dark, hiding her most intimate parts. I guided her down to sit on my leg. “So, am I ok? You probably go with older girls.”

“I haven’t been with many to be honest. And you’re as nice looking as any of them. Your body is very sexy. You have a cute butt.”

She giggled and settled in on me, letting my right arm cradle her as my left hand touched her from breasts, then working on down to mound, then lower.

“Oh you’re…” I kissed her and worked my fingers in between her lips, separating them and letting me find her wetness, down to her tight opening… “Careful, I haven’t.” I circled her opening then moved my fingers up to her clit. I kissed her hard as two fingers pinched her clit then circled it, moving down for moisture, then up, around, down and up. She moaned into my mouth her hands scratching at my back and my chest. As I felt the tension build I remembered Jackie’s demand – ‘don’t stop’. I kept going as the small body in my arms began bucking and thrashing, letting out screeches and a few curses I wasn’t sure girls her age knew. She began punching at my chest then in a moment collapsed onto me, spent. “Oh for fuck’s sake. If sex is better than that I can’t wait. Look at you, so hard again, I’m tempted to fuck you now.” I was ready to. I had half a mind to lay her on the ground and plunge my cock balls deep into her. Of course I couldn’t. Wouldn’t.

“When you’re really ready, I’d be honored.” She kissed me with a smile.

“I guess I did say, anything. You’re a great guy Adam.” Then she was up and dressed. She used my shirt to clean herself off. I was left with a hardon and a few more fence sections to align. When I’d finished aligning the fence and had checked my measurements I walked back to the house, carrying my cum stained shirt. Jackie met me on the deck, glanced down at the shirt, then at my bare chest, maybe pausing along the way to take in the bulge in my shorts, then up to my eyes.

“All done? Not that I mind but what happened to your shirt?”

“It got messy out there. Can I ask you something in private?”

“Yes, certainly.”

“Um, both your cousins seem….interested in me. Will it be a problem if something happens?”

“Has something happened?”

“Not THAT something, but yes.”

“They’re old enough compared to you. If they want to do anything, that’s their decision. So they’re not just teasing you?”

“It’s gone beyond teasing, some.”

“Lucky guy. And very lucky girls, if you ask me. Both of them?”

“Yes. But I don’t, haven’t…”

“Don’t worry. It comes naturally. Just be more gentle with Sam. I think you know what I mean. Oh and definitely use a condom.”

“Oh yeah I hadn’t thought, where, oh jeez I need to see Mr. Jackson at the pharmacy.”

“I can see where that might be awkward. Wait here.” Jackie returned in a few minutes with a handful of wrapped condoms. “Here, we keep these around, well we do. I can get more when I drive up to Pendleton.”

“Thanks. So you don’t mind?” She held my hand.

“I only wish it was me.” That caused a tingle in my shorts.

“I kind of do too.” She smiled, touched my chest, then stepped away. We turned as the girls came out of the house. I quickly put the condoms in my pocket. Samantha was looking at me with a satisfied smile. Amy sat next to me. Close enough to whisper.

“Sam told me. I want that too.” Then in an even lower voice, “Then you’re going to fuck me.” Now trying to appear more confident than I felt I turned to her and replied,

“Just once?”

Jackie was taking in this exchange from across the deck. Maybe deciding that the inevitable was obvious she announced, “I’m taking a ride up to Pendleton to get some groceries. Why don’t you come with me Samantha?”

Samantha pouted a bit, maybe jealous that her sister was getting time with me, “If I have to.”

Jackie, “Yes please. We can have some time alone to talk.” When they went into the house to get their bags, Amy squeezed my hand, held my arm, looked me in the eyes and licked her lip. I felt like a rare steak happily ready to be devoured. When we heard the car start in the driveway Amy turned and met my lips as I turned to her.

“Oh god, finally I have you to myself. Please, touch me everywhere, I’m so hot for you.” Amy had already begun lifting off her shirt. Before I even had a chance to fully take in the amazing breasts contained in her bra the bra was released and the two most magnificent tits ever were my for the taking. Full, round, soft, firm, the size of grapefruits, pink nipples facing forward. I took one, larger than a handful into my hand, lifting it, admiring it, then the other, just as perfect. I kissed one, then the other, working my way around; so much to cover, then finally to her comparatively smallish nipples, licking, teasing, sucking. Then holding, kneading one I rejoined Amy for a kiss,

“You have the nicest I’ve ever seen.” I kissed at her neck, her shoulders, then down again to her breasts.

“Oh, oh, keep going, uh thanks, just, more.” I spent more time, then worked my way to her flat stomach, kissing, flicking my tongue, my hands sliding down then up her legs. He head was back, the sun on her face, my face moving down, then reaching her shorts, I hesitated, just a moment, but that was too long for Amy. She lifted her butt and slid her shorts and panties down in one move, “Don’t stop.” I continued kissing, now reaching her dark red hair, now doing something I’d never done before. I kissed down lower, into her hair, lower, then reaching her slit. I parted her with my fingers and licked between her lips. Now doing with my tongue what I’d only done with fingers before I probed lower, around, then tentatively inside. “Oh fuck yes, oh my god, more.” More, I was willing to do. While continuing with my probing tongue I used a free hand to tease her clit, pushing it back and forth, rubbing over it. Amy began moving her hips, pushing into me, then with a hand she grabbed a handful of my hair and held me in place. I was obviously doing what she wanted so on I went, my tongue touching her inside, my fingers working on her bud, breathing on her, tasting her, lapping her juices, feeling her grinding, moaning, verbally insisting I do “more, don’t stop, I’m gonna… oooooh, oooooh, fuck fuck fuck, oooh aaaaah, eh, eh, fuuuuuuuk.” I thought she was done, but she hadn’t let go of her death grip, so I moved my mouth up to her clit and sucked at it, licking at it as she screamed aloud, very loud, and finally relaxed. I looked up at her, panting, glistening in the warm sun. She finally looked down at me. “You can fuck me as many times as you want.” She stood and took my hand leading me into the house. I followed along, up the stairs to the bedroom she was using. When we were in the bedroom she turned to me. Then she removed my shirt and shorts. Looking down at my hard cock, “Sam said she sucked it a little.” I nodded. “I bet I’m better.”

Amy pushed me back on to the bed, then got on her knees between my legs. She took my cock in her hands and stroked it, then licked its length. She took me in her mouth and sank her head lower onto it than her sister had. Going a little deeper, then back up she looked at me, “I’d finish it, but I have other uses for this.” She stood above me, “scoot back on the bed.” Then she knelt, straddling me, rubbing my cock along her slit, “do you have condoms?”

“Yes, in my…”

“Good, save them for when you take Sam’s cherry.” Then she placed me at her opening, sat down a bit, and I was no longer a virgin. I was now sinking into the most blissful feeling ever. Amy’s tight young pussy fit snugly over my cock, gripping and holding me as she let more and more in until she was stretched far enough and I’d reached the depths of her. She sighed with satisfaction. “This is nice, let me…” And she rocked forward, then sat back, every time as good as the first. Now ready she began a regular rocking, her hands on my chest, my hands on her tight ass. Hers was a bit larger than her thin sister, but still round and firm. Amy looked down at me, her auburn hair framing her face as she rode me. He breasts hung and rocked in time, her eyes closed, her mouth forming a small O as she sighed and moaned in satisfaction. I seemed to be along for the ride and I couldn’t be happier. It was natural, then all too soon for my liking, but hopefully not too fast I felt the familiar tingling, tensing, throbbing. Amy felt it too and increased her pace, riding me harder, coaxing me to…

“I’m…” And then I was. My toes curling, body shaking I delivered what felt like an unending stream of cum up into Amy. She sat as far down on me as she could and let me fill her. Then she lay down on me as my cock continued pulsing, not wanting it to end. “Was that, ok?”

She propped herself on her elbow, smiled at me, kissed my nose, my lips, “You haven’t done this much.” A statement of fact. “Or you’d know you just had a great fuck. Now let me snuggle on you.” She held me as my cock fell from her. I could feel the come escaping her and pooling on me. I’d finally done it. With a hot girl, older than me. And she liked what I’d done. And we’d probably do it again. And my cock was already tingling. Amy may have been satisfied to lay like this all day, but after a short while she felt the stirring below her. Sitting up she reached back and felt my hardening cock. “It feels like my stud is ready for more.” She got up cupping her hand under her and ran for the bathroom. I had to admire her body as she left. When she returned with a wet washcloth I got to admire her again. Seeing me staring at her she stopped and posed, “Like what you see? It’s all yours Adam.” Oh god, the shape, the bountiful breasts, the red hair, above and below, the legs. My cock was now firm and pointing to the ceiling. “I like what I see too. Tight muscles, handsome face and a big ol’ cock ready to rock my world again. She wiped us clean, spend some time playing with my cock, then lay alongside me. “So, how do you want to do it?”

“Whatever you want.”

“Hmm, well what I want is for you to use that big strong body and fuck me senseless. Hold me in those arms and go and don’t stop.” I knelt on the bed, lifted Amy and moved her to the center. She separated her legs to make room for me. I lifted Amy by her ass as she lined my cock up, then I pushed into her. I sat back on my legs and held Amy as I pumped my cock into her. Her back arched and her tits lifted, her mouth opened wider as I slid as much of my cock as would fit up into her pussy, deep into her. Then kept up at a firm driven pace, watching her tits rock, her body tense and relax, her head rock from side to side. Then shifting back I lifted her legs onto my shoulders and leaned into her pumping my cock into her over and over. Her short sharp, “oh,oh,oh” with each push, her tits shaking and bouncing, her hands, nails rubbing and scratching at me. I was letting years of want and weeks of teasing and frustration out. With a loud, “aaaaa fuck”, Amy came for the first time. I let her legs down and leaned forward one arm on either side propping me up as I fed my cock into her again and again. The bed was squeaking and Amy was moaning, and yelling wanting, “more, more, oh fuck, fuuuuuck.” I’d heard the door open downstairs. I don’t think Amy noticed, or maybe didn’t care. In some ways I didn’t mind either, making sure the bed rocked and squeaked, and Amy squealed and cursed, and I fucked and fucked. It was amazing, all consuming. She came again and screamed loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Then I tensed, pushed in and gave her my cum, reveling in the feeling as my cock throbbed inside her tight pussy, milking me, drawing it all from me. When, panting, I was done, I leaned lightly on to Amy, kissed her in thanks, breathing heavily with my exertion,

“I think they heard us.” She looked up at me.

“Fuck ’em. Better yet, fuck me, again.” I wasn’t sure I’d be ready for awhile but I lay alongside Amy, touching her, squeezing her now sensitive nipples, kissing her long and hard, touching and playing around her now messy pussy. Testing, prodding, until she started writhing under me. “Oooh, you, oooohh you’re going to…yes….again, oooh, oooooh, ah fuck, don’t, oooooh, AHH AHH, uhhhh.”

“I could do that all day.”

“I might bring you home with me.”

“Why wouldn’t I want to give pleasure to this body, to you. Do yo think we should go downstairs?”

“Let’s make believe we don’t know they’re home.” So we lay together and kissed and caressed and being 17, in 20 minutes I was hard again. So Amy climbed on top and rode me slowly. More for the comfort of being attached to each other. Kissing, touching, holding hands, as we made love slowly. When finally I’d managed to cum again, we were sated. We cleaned up, dressed and walked downstairs. Jackie looked at us with a smile. She raised an eyebrow to Amy, who tried to discretely show her three fingers. Then Jackie looked at me and nodded. That’s when Samantha came running inside,

“We heard you upstairs! You guys were SO doing it. That’s why Jackie took me to the store so you guys could…”

“SAMANTHA!” Jackie and Amy said in unison.

Samantha cut off her sentence, then looked at me, “How was it?” Amy wrapped her arms around my arm and put her head on my shoulder,

“Nice girls, and guys don’t tell.”

“But you tell me everything.” Amy put her finger to her lips. “Oh ok.”

Jackie suggested a late lunch and asked the girls to bring the plates and such to the porch. I joined her in the kitchen to help carry the fried chicken she’d picked up. She looked me over, “My cousin looks very pleased. Good job lover boy.”

“If she’s half as pleased as I am….”

“I HEARD her up there. Damn boy.” I was almost embarrassed, but also kind of happy that this sexy adult woman had a good impression of me. We ate lunch. There was little conversation. There was a certain amount of not necessarily bad tension in the air. Jackie was wise to that and suggested a board game. I think they conspired against me. I got my butt kicked, but there was much laughing and fun. As we cleaned up after the game Samantha blurted out,

“Let’s play another game. Truth or Dare!”

Amy shrugged, “Sure, I’m in.” I’d heard of it but never played, so I kind of mumbled,

“Yeah, I guess.”

Jackie was standing holding the board game, trying to say, “No, maybe not a good idea.” Then “Shit, out voted in my own house.” There was a light rumble of thunder in the distance. “Let’s take this inside.”

“But it’s so nice out here,” Samantha complained.

Jackie said, “No, it might rain soon, plus if we’re playing this I need fortification.” We followed her inside.

“Get comfortable on the living room floor.” She looked around. “Amy, you’re old enough. Adam, close enough.” Then she looked at Samantha, took a deep breath. “OK, I’m SUPPOSED to be the responsible adult here. Adam you didn’t drive, so from here on out NOTHING that happens is mentioned to anyone outside us four.” We nodded. “I’m pouring four glasses of wine, you ok Samantha?”

“Yeah!” She was more than pleased to be included in adult activities. Jackie looked at Amy, “This won’t be a problem. And just a little for your sister.”

“She’s ok. But yes, maybe just small glasses. Sip Samantha.”

Jackie returned with four glasses. A large for herself, half pours for Amy and me and a bit less for Samantha. She sat across from me as her cousins were either side of me. She looked around and offered a toast. We all sipped. Samantha made a little face then sipped some more.

Jackie asked, “Who goes first?”

Samantha, “I’ll go. I pick Amy.”

Amy, “Truth.”

“So how was it with Adam today, we’re playing a game now so nice girl rules don’t apply!”

Amy glanced over at me, “Best ever.” I blushed, Samantha clapped, Jackie gave me a crooked grin. “OK now my turn, I pick Samantha.”


“So just what did Jackie discuss with you today?” Samantha had a bit of a shocked look on her face. She likely thought she had no big secrets to reveal. She looked at Jackie for assurance.

Jackie shrugged at her, “This is your game.” Sometimes I forget Jackie’s not that much older than us. Samantha thought is over then decided she wanted to keep playing,

“Well she told me, that she figured I knew what you guys were going to do and she thought I was thinking about it too. She said to only do it if I really wanted to not because I thought I had to.”

Jackie, “And?”

“And, if I decided I wanted to, Adam is a good choice.” Well, that got the game going. Samantha went in for the kill now.

“Jackie” “Truth” “How many guys did you do it with before Roger.”

“Oh, um, 5, 6.”

Amy, “You SLUT!” and gales of laughter.

“Hey, I’m older than you guys. And I went to college.”

“I’m teasing.”

“OK Amy, my turn, how many have you done, prude.”

“I guess I got truth without choosing? OK, it’s now four.” With it now being her chance Amy looked over at me. “Adam, Truth or Dare?”

“Uh, Truth?” Amy thought a moment.

“I guess we’ll stay on theme here, what number was I?” I looked at each girl, decided to have some fun,

“Let’s see, this may take some advanced math….” Then shyly I held up one finger, “First.”

Amy, “Oh my god! I was your first? But you were so good! Wow, a virgin.” Then she got on her knees and kissed me. Long enough that Jackie cleared her throat.

“Back to the game you two.”

Amy sat back, I was flushed. Samantha looked at us, then at me, then down to my crotch. “So when I, when you, you hadn’t yet?” I shook my head.

I took my turn, “Samantha?” “Truth.”

“Was mine the first you saw?”


Amy, “No? Who else’s did you see?”

“Timmy Shelton, it was way smaller.”

Amy laughed, “Yeah but he was younger than Adam, give him a break.”

We went on a bit longer, learned that each girl had sucked a cock. Jackie had to admit she had before Roger to count. I could confirm that I had now licked a pussy too. When we ran out of sex topics Samantha asked Jackie, “Truth or Dare.” Surprisingly Jackie asked for a Dare. Now Samantha was caught off guard. What to Dare?

“OOH I’ve got one. Take off your top, show your boobs. Adam’s already seen ours.” Jackie was a bit surprised and of course didn’t mention that I’d already seen hers too. Still she put on a show of,

“I don’t know. Should I? Well OK, but remember, no one knows!” She lifter off her shirt, then bra. Once again I could see her nicely shaped breasts, upturned, dark nipples. I’d seen them before, but who doesn’t like tits. Jackie let her breasts stand out proudly, “OK Samantha, now you too!”

“Maybe I wanted a truth?”

“Sis, I think we’re done with truths.”

Samantha looked at us, shrugged and undid her halter top. She wasn’t wearing a bra so her perky little tits, very much a slightly smaller version of her cousin’s, were fully on display.

“Oh wow, cuz, yours are already almost as big as mine. I’ll be the little titty girl in this family soon.”

Samantha enjoyed the compliment and seemed not to be self conscious at all.

“So Samantha, should I just whip off mine now too or do you want to check out Adam’s pecs?”

“Why don’t you save time and just both?” So we did. And now on my left were Amy’s much bigger pair. Amy now had a new suggestion.

“Let’s stop the game and get naked and drink wine.” I looked around the room. This was going to be me with a painful boner and three attractive women.

Jackie, “One at a time. Hootin’ and Hollerin’ allowed. Adam first. Stand in the middle.” Oh jeez, but I’d be seeing all of them soon and really they’d seen me.

Amy, “Oh look at cuz, wanting to finally get a look at the stud. Go for it Adam show her what you got.”

I stood not sure which way to face, so since she’d picked me I faced Jackie, slid down my shorts, my cock bending down, then bouncing up towards her. From behind me, probably Samantha,

“Nice ass, so solid” A hand grabbed one cheek, then a different sized hand, longer nails, Amy, grabbed the other. They pushed me forward a bit, my cock now right in Jackie’s face. Jackie looked up at me. She was biting on her lower lip. I could see her breasts lifting from the deep breaths.

Samantha, “Go ahead cuz. It’s so hard. Remember just between us.” Jackie hesitated, as her hand lifted,

“I shouldn’t.” She grasped my cock.

Amy, “Show us how it’s done.” Jackie opened her mouth, extended her tongue, licked the underside of my head. My cock jumped. Samantha and Amy were now close on either side. Waiting, watching. Jackie leaned forward, the first couple inches disappeared into her mouth. Samantha noted that’s all she could fit. Amy told her it takes practice. Jackie had my cock good and moist. And further into her mouth. Beyond what Amy had done. Amy said, “Lots of practice.” Jackie had me at the entrance to her throat, she backed off for air, then easily slid me deep inside again, working it back and forth. Rain had started blowing against the house, but we were all interested only in the connection between Jackie and me. She cupped my balls, rolling them gently, then pushing herself against me into her throat. I groaned, my knees got wobbly. Amy and Samantha gladly held me up by my ass. Jackie let them see her nose against me, then backed all the way off.

“Anyone else want to try?” Samantha quickly shook no. Amy turned me towards her and gave her best effort. Better than earlier, but still gagging. Jackie took my cock from her. “No worries, not everyone can, or wants to.” Then she began sucking and licking at me until I shot my load into her mouth. She swallowed it all and complimented me on the taste. Then she stood and quickly pushed down her shorts. “Isn’t it supposed to be everyone?” Sit there Adam and enjoy the show. Jackie stood and turned for us, letting us see her in full. Samantha quickly followed stripping down and showing her nude form. Thin, but with a nicely developing butt, perky tits and a patch of dark hair. When Amy stripped it was a completely different look. More full bodied than her cousin or sister. Heavier full tits, larger but firm butt, red hair between her legs. It was quite a contrast. They all sat again. Jackie asked,

“Does anyone have any questions? Nothing to be ashamed of. All I see are beautiful young bodies.” We looked around unsure what to do. My cock was laying fairly soft on my upper thigh. Samantha looked at me,

“So they get small when you’re not?”

I looked at Jackie, but then answered myself, “Yeah they get kind of small to stay out of the way. When we see a nice girl sometimes it grows without thinking about it.”

Samantha again, “How come it’s not hard now, aren’t we nice?”

“Yes, of course you are, but after we, cum, it can take awhile to be ready again.”

Samantha, “How long?”

Amy cut in, “NOT long with Adam. We did it THREE times while you were out!” Then she realized what she said and covered her mouth.

Now my turn again. “Well I was very stimulated.”

Jackie, “And he’s young.” Samantha lifted my flaccid cock. A little disappointed maybe.

“Will it get hard again tonight?” I shrugged. Now Amy moved in close to me. Then there was a flash of lightning, then more rumbles of thunder, rain was driven against the windows. Then the lights went out. Not two minutes later the phone rang. Jackie carefully got up to answer.

“Hello? Yes he’s still here. Yes, our lights too. OK, yessir. I will. Do you want to speak to him? OK, we will.”

I assumed she was speaking to my father. But I was more distracted as each flash of lightning brightened the window behind Jackie and showed her in silhouette. What a sight. My cock stirred in Samantha’s hand.

“My Dad?”

“Yes. With the weather he suggested you stay here tonight. Better than him driving to get you and he thought we’d be safer with you here.”

Samantha, “Pajama party, with no PJs!”

Jackie, “So, more wine anyone?” We raised our glasses. Jackie refilled us, then we settled in again. It was dark, we were naked. Hands were roaming. But there was one cock and three women. I wrapped my arm around one on each side. I could tell by fondling their tits which was Amy and which was Samantha. I felt their hands on my chest. I adjusted them so could reach their,

“Oooh, yes please” “Uh huh, yeah, do that.” They were disembodied voices. Then they were moaning and gyrating under my touch. With Amy I dipped two fingers into her and fucked her with my fingers, Samantha I touched more lightly around and around, then moved up on both and circled their clits. I was surprised when I felts lips on my chest, kisses, licking, sucking at my nipples. This encouraged me to increase pressure on the younger pussies. Rubbing until both were lifting their hips pushing themselves into my hand. Amy was loud, Samantha was louder. When they’d finished they turned to kiss me and met their cousin, busy still working over my chest. Then I heard kissing, realizing Jackie had turned Amy’s head towards her.

Samantha asked, “What’s going on..” I turned her to me and kissed her with my mouth open. She quickly sat on my leg and happily shared her tongue with me. On my right I could hear them break for a breath.

Amy gasped,

“I never, I’m…”

“Ssh I don’t either, but back in college, for fun sometimes.” Then I heard more kissing. When we broke Samantha asked if she could try. Jackie leaned across me and engaged her. With Jackie’s body across me, I took Amy’s hand. I put both out hands on Jackie’s ass, we caressed her, Amy following my lead. Then when I slipped my hand between Jackie’s legs and found her wet pussy Amy followed. I kissed her as we pushed a finger each into her cousin. I put Amy’s hand on Jackie’s clit then went back to fucking her pussy with my fingers. Our double pressure on her pussy had Jackie kissing her younger cousin with more passion. When we had her ready she separated from Samantha and slapped the floor as she came, clamping on my fingers, then relaxing, laying across me, my cock rising between her legs.

“Damn you two that was intense. You had me everywhere at once. How did you like that Samantha?”

“Kind of like with Adam but different. What were they doing to you?”

“Both of them on my pussy, wow.” Jackie seemed in no hurry to move and I was enjoying having my hard cock pressed against her wet pussy.

Jackie, “Hey girls, what about Adam, he’s been doing all the work.” I assured them I didn’t mind, besides,

“I don’t really mind where you are at the moment.” Jackie lifted her hips then settled down, letting her pussy massage my cock. She replied,

“I bet you don’t. Feels pretty good to me too.” Then unfortunately she sat up. “So?”

“I’m a guy. Boobs. Bring all those luscious boobs in here. I want to play with boobs, lots of them.” The girls all crowded in. Smothering me with flesh. Their bodies against me, their breasts in my face. I began touching and licking and sucking. Three sets of different breasts, six nipples, a dream come true. Amy’s bigger tits on my right, heavy in comparison, so much to handle, to cover. Then Jackie’s smaller but firm, nipples harder, larger, so nice to suck. Samantha, firm, sitting high, prominent nipples, giggling as I licked at her. I could have done this for hours. Maybe I did. They didn’t complain. Amy and Samantha fell back resting. Jackie sat back and my cock nearly pushed inside, she adjusted her position, I slid in. She kissed me as she sat on my cock. Then whispered in my ear,

“Say nothing. I need to feel this. Just let me.” I could feel her muscles contract and relax, contract and relax. Then the most subtle movement of her hips, contract and relax. She sat forward, back. Then with a sigh she sat up and let me fall away. “Thanks.”

Oh, but how I’d like to have filled her. To have really been able to go harder, but still. The way she fucked me, barely moving. Samantha said she was tired. She got up and went to her bedroom. Jackie sat with me and Amy. She asked,

“Do you guys need privacy?” Amy shook her head, which we could barely see, so she said,

“No, stay here with us.” Over the next hour or so I ate both pussies, they made out some more, they both licked my cock. Then finally Amy got up and took my hand. “Now I need him for myself.” She led me to her bedroom where we fucked some more. A bit more quietly. Then I slept with a woman for the first time. I woke with the sun coming through the window. I soon realized I had ended up sleeping with two girls. At some point in the night Samantha had joined us. I was laying facing Amy who had her back to me, my morning wood tucked between us. Samantha had snuggled up against my back. She reached over me, found my hard cock.

“Mmm, nice. Like it’s waiting for us.” Hearing us Amy turned. Like me she hadn’t bothered with clothes. She rolled onto her back.

“Hey Sam, when did you get here?”

“It was dark and lightning and all so I came in here to feel safe. And it’s Samantha.”

“Sorry, I forget. And yeah he is kind of like a big strong bear. But not as hairy.”

I broke in, “I think Sam is kind if cute. Easier to say all day than Samantha. It’s not like anyone could mistake you for a guy.”

“Hmm. OK, if you like Sam, it’s ok.”

“OK ladies, if you don’t mind, I need to pee. That’s one of the main reasons for the morning hardon.”

“Oh you two aren’t going to do it again? I wanted to watch.”

“Watch!”, Amy exclaimed, “we’re not a porno.”

“Sounded like one in here.” I laughed at that and went to use the bathroom. The were still going back and forth when I returned, my cock now softer but still bouncing in front of me. I lay down between them on my stomach. Amy ran her hand along my back,

“Look at these muscles. Something to be said for a hard working guy.”

“And this butt!.” Samantha smacked my ass. I clenched my cheeks. “So hard.” She smacked me again. Then Amy smacked the other.

“Hey ladies, easy on the merchandise. I think we better get up if we’re going to spend the day up at the farm.”

We washed up and dressed. I just had yesterday’s clothes, but then I hadn’t worn them much. Jackie greeted us with breakfast. She looked at me, unsure maybe. I smiled at her as naturally as I could. I knew what was unsaid at the moment. I asked,

“Are you coming up to the farm?”

She tried not to look right at me, “No, I think I better stay here, clean up a bit. You kids have fun. But you all remember your promise? Nothing about yesterday. I could get in a lot of trouble.” We all agreed that we remembered the promise. Nothing to anyone. After breakfast I asked how we wanted to get there. I could walk home then come get them in the pickup, or we could all walk and I’d drive them back later. It was decided that I’d pick them up. The girls would help Jackie organize things at the house. The walk home gave me time to think about how much had happened. I’d gone from nothing to a lot in one day. And despite the fact Amy and I had done it, for my first and a few more times, I kept coming back to the feeling of Jackie lowering herself onto me. I’d almost walked past the gate to our property. When I went in they asked me how the day was, if the power was back on, what the plans were for today. I answered quickly then ran up to shower. I was sure I must smell like what I’d been doing. When I was cleaned up I went downstairs and answered more questions, putting their minds at ease. Mom said she’d pack a lunch for us and put it in a backpack I could carry. We’d be doing quite a bit of walking to see the farm, then ride horses up to the lake. When I took the backpack out to the truck I opened a side compartment and dropped in the condom packets. Then I drove the pickup down to the Carlson’s.

Samantha jumped in the middle and Amy got in beside her. They seemed pretty interested in seeing animals and going swimming. As we were driving Samantha asked,

“Do you like my cousin Jackie?”

“Yeah, she’s real friendly and is nice to me when I’m working.”

“No, I mean LIKE her.”

“Uh well in that way yes she’s pretty and sexy too.”

“But you won’t have sex with her? It’s like she’s left out.” Amy cut in here,

“Silly, he’d probably do her twice as much as us, but she’s married.”

“Oh. I think she’s lonely.”

“Only when Roger’s away. She was only acting up a bit yesterday to show us stuff. Right Adam.” I was lost in thoughts of Jackie. “Right Adam?”

“Oh yeah of course. Right.” We pulled in to the property. Mom and Dad came out to say hello. Dad reminded me to rub down the horses when we were done. I put the backpack on and off we went. To me the farm is an everyday thing. Half the people I know are farm families. But for the two teens from the city it was an adventure. Pigs and cows and chickens and sheep. I told them how we handle them, feed them, when the babies come. When we’d seen the farm animals we walked up to the barn. “Have either of you ridden before?”

Amy said, “Well just like ponies at a fair.”

“OK then, I’ll get the big guy here, this is Hansel. Hansel was tall and dark black with a white diamond on his forehead. Then over here the brown mare is Gretel, of course. And the smaller beige one is Daisy.” I saddled them and helped each girl up, then pulled myself onto Hansel. “We’ll go around the corral a couple times. It’s pretty easy. They’ll follow my lead. Don’t do anything sudden and call me if you have any trouble. Just don’t panic. Even if your ride runs off a bit, it’s fairly flat around here so I can get to you. We followed the trails. I pointed out landmarks and circled back to be sure they’d kept up. When we got deeper into the woods I got down and helped Amy and Sam. I suggested walking and leading the animals for a bit. “We’re almost there.” The woods soon opened up to flat beach area, then the lake.

“It’s beautiful”, Samantha said in wonder.

Amy, “So romantic. Doesn’t anyone else come out here?”

“It’s on our property. Dad sometimes lets families rent it as a campsite. But it’s ours today. Ready to swim?”

Samantha began undressing. Amy looked at her,

“Sam, you have no modesty!”

“What? We saw it all yesterday, let’s skinny dip!” I looked at Amy, shrugged my shoulders and dropped my shorts. The sun felt amazing on my bare skin. I got some blankets from where we’d tied the horses. I laid them out and dropped the backpack on them. I turned to see Amy’s sexy body now nude also. We all ran down to the water and waded in. It was cold.

“Aaah, you didn’t say it was cooooold”, Samantha complained.

“It’s a natural pond. It’s not really that cold, your skin is just hot from the sun, you’ll get used to it.”

Amy looked down, “It’s making my nipples hard.”

“An added benefit.” She splashed me. Samantha had given in to it. She floated on her back her nipples pointed to the air, the tuft of hair showing below. Amy came to me to hold her and warm her. She looked down again.

“Ha, what’s this? Your cock’s almost gone.”

“An added non-benefit. They do that in the cold. Don’t worry it’ll come back.” Samantha came over to look. Then,

“Now he looks like Timmy.” We laughed and splashed, then decided to warm up and have lunch. After sandwiches we laid out in the sun. The warmth felt great and did wonders for the state of my cock. Amy reached over,

“It’s back.”

Samantha was stretched out on her back, up on her elbows looking out over the lake. “I’ve decided.”

“Decided what?” Amy and I said almost in unison.

“I want my first time to be with this view, with my sister by my side, with a great guy like Adam being my first man.”

I looked at Amy, then more closely at Samantha. “Are you sure Sam? I mean I’d love to. With you.”

“Oh Sam, I might cry. Yes it’s a beautiful site. What a view. Better than in some darkened room somewhere. IF you’re ready then this is the guy. But Adam did you bring.”

“Yes I have them in my back pack.”

“I have some.” We turned and looked at Sam. Amy asked,

“You brought condoms Sam?”

“Jackie got them for me. She said these will be better for Adam.”

“He is kinda thick.” Samantha crawled over to me.

“So, do we just, DO it?”

“No. First I hug you and kiss you and put you at ease. Then I touch you and caress you to put you further at ease. Then I whisper nice and encouraging things to you and kiss you some more. Then when you’re ready, and only when you’re ready, then we do it.

“That sounds so nice. Amy, will you hold my hand when we start, in case it hurts. I heard it hurts.”

“Just a little, it passes. Adam will be gentle.”

We knelt facing each other, I kissed her and caressed her back, her arms, let her feel me hugging her, kissing at her neck, a hand holding a breast, playing with a nipple, kissing her face, her mouth, open to me. Tongues entwined, my hand grasping her butt cheek, her hands feeling the muscles of my back moving as I moved my arms, my hands dancing over her slim body, already beginning to blossom, the swell of her breasts, filling out, now filling my hand. Her erect nipples, sensitive to the touch, firm and hard. The soft skin of her back, her thin hips, the curve of her ass, my hands cupping under her cheeks, then sliding up her body. Taking her face in my hands holding her looking into her eyes, kissing her, then her neck and up to her ear.

“Sam, you’re so beautiful, so sexy. You fill me with desire. I’m honored that you’d have me. Are you ready Sam?”

She looked at me, a tear in her eye, “Am I really? Do you really desire me?” I took her hand, placed it on my rock hard cock.

“That’s just one sign. My body wants you, that’s obvious. But I want you. Look at me, look in my eyes. I desire you.”

I shifted my position so that Samantha would be facing the lake. I had her straddle me. Then I opened the packet and rolled the Trojan XL onto my cock. When I was ready I positioned Sam over me and told her to aim my cock at her opening. When she seemed unsure, Amy leaned in and got me in position. Amy instructed her sister, “Go easy, give yourself time to stretch. You’ll stretch. When he hits your barrier decide when to press down. It may hurt, squeeze my hand. That’s the worst. Then go as far as you can. Samantha let the head in pressing, she gasped, cried out a little, squeezed, then wiped away a couple of tears.

“OK Amy, thanks. I think I have it.” I guess she did. She slowly, oh slowly lowered herself. She was incredibly tight, but somehow I was disappearing into her, bit by bit. She’d stop, then a little more. A little more. “I think that’s it. Let me rest.”

“Wow Sam, you fit more than me. Now lean forward on him and rock back and forth.” Samantha began a slow back and forth. You couldn’t call it rocking, more a shifting of weight. Her every movement squeezed me like a vise. Her insides working over my cock, clutching it holding on tight. I kissed her cheeks where the tears had left a line, kissed her lips, encouraged her that she was doing great, felt great. How good she was making me feel. Then the walls of her vagina had done their magic. I could feel the tingling, the tightening. I held her to me.

“Wow, it feels like it’s getting bigger.” I held tight, thrust just a bit up into her and held her in place as I filled the condom with my cum. When I finished, I lifted her from me then hugged her more. She sat up and turned to look at my softening cock, the cream filled tip of the condom, then down at me. Then she looked out at the lake, the trees around us, then over to her sister. “I’m not a girl anymore.”

Amy took her hand. “Welcome to the club.”

“How long until I can do it again? And again?”

“Hold on now sis. How about sharing?”

“OK, but I want to watch you two really fuck hard. Like I will when I’m not sore.”

I looked from one to the other, “Do I get a say in this?” Amy laughed.

“Like you won’t fuck either or both of us all day.” We rinsed off then rested. When I was read to go again I surprised Amy, lifting her off the ground and carrying her over my shoulder.

“Sam wants to see caveman style so get ready cave woman. I carried Amy to my blanket and placed her on her hands and knees. With my right hand I began massaging her pussy which was soon wet. I aimed my cock and slid it deep into her waiting pussy.

“Oh damn Adam. Fuck but that’s good.” Now rocking my own hips I drove my cock into her again and again. Sam was sitting up watching closely.

“Oh Amy, your tits rock and shake so nice. I hope mine grow more.” Amy’s head was down her hair flying around as I continued pounding at her bouncing myself against her ass, reaching deep into her. Amy caught up in the moment forgot her sister, “Fuck me Adam, pound that cock into me. FUCK me HARD, HARD into my cunt. HARD, OOh fuck yes, oh fuck, oh, oooooh, oh more more, more cock, AAAAAAAAAAAAAh, AAAAAH FUCK, ohh, oooooo.” She rested her head as I ravaged her giving her the hard fucking she wanted. Then without the condom blocking me I send a load freely up into her. I leaned forward, kissed her back. She rolled over on her back as my cock fell from her. I kissed her. Kissed her face, and her tits and her stomach.

“You wouldn’t.” I looked up at her, scooting lower. “I don’t know if I could take it.” I smiled. Kissed lower. Reached her bush, then lower. I wanted all of her body. I wanted to bring her endless pleasure. I owed her for introducing me to the wonders of sex. Lower. I licked at her clit. She shivered. I sucked it between my lips, she arched her back. I let my tongue trace a line between her lips, picking up a salty, tangy taste along the way. This was both of us, together. I teased the opening I had been stretching moments before. She clasped her legs behind my back. I wriggled my tongue around and flicked it inside. She called my name. Then continuing to lick and flick my tongue I worked my way back up to her clit. Flicked my tongue over it. Around it. She was moaning and whimpering and scratching her nails through my hair. Harder and faster I worked it. Sucking, licking, faster, then slower, then fast, then she shrieked, “OOOOOOOOH Fuck yes.” Holding me against her as she rode me, rode me hard. My face pressed against her, squeezing me with her legs. Then releasing me. Laying there like a rag doll. Sam looked at her sister, lying naked, flush, spent, cum leaking from her. She looked at me.

“Now that’s well fucked. When do I get to that grade level?” Amy looked at her, panting,

“More practice.”

After a bit of rest, we swam to clean ourselves then dried in the sun. Finally we dressed and rode the horses back to the barn. Sam complained about being a bit sore. We had dinner with my parents then hopped in the truck. I told my Dad I may be home late.

“Can’t say I blame you son. To bad they don’t live closer, they seem like nice girls. Pretty too.”

“Yeah they are.”

On the ride back Sam asked if she could tell Jackie about today.

“I don’t see why not. We didn’t make any rules, right Amy.” I smiled and winked at her. Amy smiled back.

“Cool. I want to tell Jackie all about it. I’ve never felt so special.”

When we got to the house Samantha ran inside. Amy and I sat on the front porch swing.

“You really were amazing with my sister. Thank you.”

“And I was just so so with you?”

“No silly, you were extraordinary with me. But I really appreciate how you made her feel incredible. A memorable experience for her.”

“I meant every word, she’s a great young lady. And I do feel honored to be her first.”

“And I’m honored to have been your first.” We sat and rocked on the swing. Trying to ignore the fact that they would be going home in a couple days. I was also thinking about Roger coming home the end of the week. This unreal, ideal can’t go on forever. Amy took my hand. We rocked. Then Jackie called us inside..

“Why don’t you girls go wash up and change. Then we’ll have a snack before Adam has to leave.” When they’d gone upstairs, Jackie turned to me. “Jeez, she told me everything. A million things in 30 seconds. But what I got out of it is that you are simply the best guy ever. She feels on top of the world. Most of us don’t get that for a first time. If half of what she blurted out is correct, I owe you big time.

“Honestly, you don’t owe me anything. You already showed me a few thing and that gave me confidence to..” She put her finger on my lips.

“I showed you a few things, but what you did with that.” She looked up, we heard the shower running. Jackie pushed me back onto a chair. She pulled at my shorts, so I lifted. My cock sprang free. She slid her shorts down, straddled me and once again let me all the way into her. She put her hands around me neck, pressed her lips to mine and began bouncing on my cock. Then sitting on me and rocking her hips, her ass resting on my thighs. Then I could feel her muscles contracting, squeezing and again. She put her mouth to my ear.

“I want to feel you inside. Fill me with your cum. Rocking, squeezing, gripping, release. The warmth, holding me, clutching at me, then the feeling coming over me. Cum spurting into Jackie. Flooding her. We turn and look. Samantha at the bottom of the stairs. She smiles,

“I’m happy he gave you some too.”

The next day, our final full day, Jackie suggested a ride into Pendleton. I’ll admit, I may have contributed to the pouting of the under 20 crowd. I think we’d anticipated another day of free sex. We piled into Jackie’s car, I rode in front, the sisters in back, listened to the radio and were soon laughing and having fun again. Pendleton had a busy main shopping street with many shops and places to eat. It really made Doylesville seem the backwater it was. Taking the hint after watching Samantha and Amy window shopping I slipped in and made a couple of small purchases. Charms for their bracelets to remember me by. As they were showing them off to each other Jackie held me back a couple steps.

“Now that’s a gentlemanly thing to do.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t get anything for you.”

“You’ve given me more than you could imagine. Best leave it at that.”

We had pizza for lunch, ice cream later in the afternoon, sat in the park to enjoy the warm clear day and ended the afternoon certain that we liked each other as people and not just as objects for sex. I had to admit that Jackie’s idea was perfect. Back at the Carlson’s, Jackie prepared dinner and I took the girls for a walk out to show them the nearly completed fence and to explain how the gardens would be laid out. I held hands, one girl on each side as we strolled the property. Amy looked at the line of fence posts and expressed surprise,

“I can’t believe you carried and set all of those by yourself. She was now clutching my upper arm.”

“It’s just time and patience. You can’t rush a job or it gets sloppy and you end up redoing it. That’s what my Dad taught me.”

Samantha chimed in, “Your parents seem nice.”

“They’re ok. Like most parents. They liked the both of you.”

We got back in time for dinner. Now after a full day together there was a bit more sexual energy in the air. After we cleaned up Jackie suggested she would sit outside for awhile and we could entertain ourselves. That was accompanied with a wink. This was our last night. The girls led me upstairs to Amy’s room. Clothes were lost with abandon and we tumbled onto the bed in a tangle of arms legs, cock, tits, and other good parts. Some quick fondling and I was hard and ready. I said I had an idea. If Amy would take care of me I’d like Sam to sit herself up above me and let me taste her sweet pussy. She giggled, but quickly straddled my head. Amy, knowing she’d have a turn soon enough settled in to licking and sucking my cock. I pulled Sam to me and poked around with my tongue. This was new for her and she squealed as I touched her with my my probing, licking, flicking, moist tongue. Not having to worry any longer I thrust it up into her and she gasped. I gasped too as Amy managed to sink my cock further into her mouth than I though possible. I nibbled on Sam, moving up to her bush and down again to her clit. She started grinding on my face, rocking her little butt back and forth as I teased her non-virgin pussy. I was now also bucking my hips as Amy worked me harder, stroking faster as she teased my head, popping it in and out of her mouth. Samantha began cumming in increasingly faster moans and shrieks, her moist pussy covering my face as she rubbed herself against me. With her release, I let her sit on me as I tensed and shot loads of cum I knew not where. When Sam climbed off me we looked down to see Amy smiling and showing that she’s swallowed every bit. Proudly she boasted,

“I took it almost all the way down, almost as far as Jackie, but I swallowed it all and it was a lot.” I pulled her up to me. I went to kiss her. She hesitated, “You got my sister’s stuff all over your face.” Then let me kiss her anyway.

“How do I taste?”

“Delicious,” I said.

“Hmm, not sure,” was Amy’s opinion.

“Let me see,” But without thinking Samantha kissed her sister rather than me. Or maybe she was thinking, because she soon was fondling Amy’s bigger breasts and pinching her nipples. Amy’s eyes opened wide, but she went along with her younger sister, returning the fondling and pulling at Sam’s nipples. I sat back and watched getting turned on by their play. When Amy pushed Sam back on the bed and lay over her to suck at her breasts I got behind Amy and took hold of her upturned ass, holding it in place as I began tonguing her exposed pussy. My attentions caused Amy to increase her kissing on her sister’s body. Sam was moaning from having her nipples pulled and pinched. Amy was moaning from my tongue fucking her pussy. Sam was scooting further up the bed until Amy was kissing down into her bush and then latched on to her younger sister’s pussy. Seeing this now had me fully hard again, so I held Amy’s hips and slid my cock into her waiting pussy. As I rocked forward into Amy her face was pushed into Sam, who was bucking her ass off the bed as her sister sucked at her clit and fingered along her slit. I was able to drive deep into Amy with each thrust and watch Sam’s face scrunch and mouth open as her little tits rocked and she held handfuls of Amy’s hair as she came multiple times on her sister’s face. When Sam had had enough she backed away and watch as I rocked Amy over and over, her tits swaying as she begged for more. I reached underneath and rubbed her clit as I gave her my cock again and again. When I felt Amy panting and getting near release I increased my efforts and came shortly after she did, collapsing atop her then rolling off. We were tired but satisfied. Still I knew I had one more effort required this night.

“I can’t go until Sam and I…”

“Yes please. Amy, do you mind if it’s just the two of us?”

“No, of course not. I’ll go hang out with Jackie.” Amy kissed us and left the room. I noted that she hadn’t dressed. I got up alongside Samantha. I cuddled her in my arm, teased her body with my free hand and kissed lightly at the side of her face.

“I wasn’t sure you wanted to do it with me again. It’s probably more fun without the condom.”

“No Sam, I just wanted time to be alone with you.” And we took a good long time. Laughing and kissing and tickling and touching, feeling. It was the best time ever. “How do you want to do it this time Sam?”

“I want to feel your big strong body over me. I want to feel you on me, holding me. But be gentle still.” Sam was laying back on the bed. I sat back kneeling between her, looking at her as I fished for a condom and got myself ready. She looked back, a closed mouth smile. Her hair spread around her head, her arms raised above her head, lifting her small pert breasts, stretching her already flat stomach, thin hips. Her legs bent either side of me. Her patch of hair hiding my ultimate goal. I shifted myself over her, supporting myself on one hand while positioning my cock at her opening. When I was just inside, I held myself up as I pushed in, slowly, letting her stretch. I bent down and kissed her as I made my way inside. She grimaced once or twice, then relaxed. I held her two hands in one of mine, over her head as I entered her. Sam smiled when she realized I was all the way in. “OK, that’s good Adam. Now, make love to me.”

Using my legs and butt I made love, pushing in, pulling out, all while kissing and nuzzling at her pretty face. Nibbling and kissing her neck while I entered and left, entered and held in place, faster, slower. She linked her ankles behind me, holding me as I rocked in and out, her tight, oh so tight body, gripping and holding me, squeezing me and drawing me in. Our tongues danced, she bit my lip, there were tears in her eyes. Then the soft exclamations, as my cock inevitable touched her everywhere inside. “Oh, oooh Adam, uh, uh, like that…oh uh uuuuh, mmmm” And on I went. I’d have gone on as long as Samantha needed. As she got closer I put my arms under her and lifted her to me, continuing, in, in. More. Then she shrieked, a high pitched sound that told us all she had arrived. Her nails clutched at my back, she banged her head against me, gripped me tight enough to possibly draw blood, then fell back as I pushed hard, once, twice, several more times, then came myself. Letting her feel my throbbing cock. I withdrew and rested beside her. “Oh Adam, sex is so great I want to do it with you every day.” I let that go, because this was our last day.

“Sam, I couldn’t think of anything better to do every day.”

“Really? You wouldn’t rather do it with Amy or Jackie everyday?”

“Can you keep a secret? Just between the two of us?” She nodded. “I like doing it with you best.” That got me a big hug and many kisses. Knowing it was getting late we dressed and walked downstairs, Sam never letting go of my hand. What we saw was Amy and Jackie, laying on side by side lounge chairs, holding hands, nude. It was quite a sight. The look on Sam’s face told them all they needed to know.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. I walked down the next day to say good bye. I’d told Jackie I would work on attaching the fence sections to the posts while she took the girls home. This would have the fence further along than expected when Roger got home. Both girls wanted a little alone time with me, so we took a walk around the property and kept our good byes to some very intense kissing. I was going to miss them greatly. Watching Jackie’s car pull away was one of the saddest moments I’d experienced. I had most of the fence done by the time Jackie returned. She asked me to join her on the deck. We had lemonade and talked. About future plans, about what I’d learned this week. She again wanted to be sure we could return to just friends when Roger got home.

“We’re almost done with the work here. I guess if it’s a problem I could avoid coming out this way too much. But I think I’ll be ok.”

“That’s good. I’ve enjoyed your visits. You’re a nice young man and you’re going to make someone very happy. Now, since I’ve broken my vows once this week. Would you make me happy once more before we go back to normal?” Jackie stood and walk around the table to me, unbuttoning her blouse along the way. I stood and scooped her up carrying her inside, sucking at her nipples along the way. “Upstairs please.” I took her to the bedroom Amy had used. I placed her down on the bed and removed my clothes. She’d discarded her shorts by then. I made her happy twice more that night. Then the week of discovery was over. Roger returned the next night, pleased with the progress on the fence. As far as I know he never learned of my tryst with Jackie.

After high school I attended a technical college up near the city where Amy and Sam lived. We saw each other a few times. Amy and I would have wanton, physical sex for our mutual enjoyment. Sam and I tended to go for slow and passionate. In the summers I’d work at Green’s Hardware. I’d see the Carlsons around town and when I might make a delivery at their house. Jackie was always friendly, Roger business-like. In the summer after college I drove up to the city and asked Samantha to marry me. She made me the happiest man around by accepting. Amy would be her maid of honor.

We found a small place in Pendleton where we live to this day.

Boating Fun 3 5 (1)

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Tim and Vicky meet up with her boss and boyfriend

I hope you have liked the other 2 stories. I have tried to recall all of the details from my encounter with Tracy and Vicky. I know Tracy wanted to have a 3 way with Vicky and I, but that never happened in the time Vicky and I dated.

It was now August and Vick and I were your normal dating couple. We saw each other as much as possible during the week and every weekend for sure. The sex between us was amazing. I never dated a woman who loved sex the way she did. Luckily, be 21 at the time, I was always ready for it too, and could go many times with her in a single day. Wish that was the case now, but age catches up with you in all departments.

The week before her friend, Carrie, was throwing her party, I surprised Vicky around 5pm, one evening while she was at work. I brought Chinese for dinner. She was so happy I came up there and did that.Before we ate, she introduced me to her cohorts that she worked with. Most were young, like we are, except for Carrie, who was 35 and this other lady Donna, who looked about the same age as Carrie. Donna is married and a little on the plump side, big tits, and bleaches her hair. Vicky said she would be at the party too, along with one of the younger girl’s, Patty.

I didn’t find Patty all that attractive, at least, not to me. Carrie introduced herself and told me how happy she was to meet the guy making Vicky so happy.Carrie, is 5’6, or so, and skinny. If she weighed 110 lbs, it was soaking wet with a wet towel on her. Her breasts, I would say were 34C. She was pretty though, and had a raspy voice, probably from smoking.

When I was getting ready to leave, Vicky gave me a deep kiss and asked me to stop by when she got home later. Then carrie came up and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said, “Great meeting you and can’t wait to see you next weekend, and I mean all of you sexy” and then winked at me. That made me slightly blush, which she laughed, as she walked away.

In bed, later that night, I was deep inside Vicky, but we were talking and she said, “Carrie wants to fuck you next week.”

“Oh really. And how do you feel about that?” She giggles, “Well right now, with your cock so deep inside me, it has me really turned on Baby. But, if you do, I want to be there too watching.”

“Ok. but I am not promising that will happen. You, for sure, we will fuck with them watching. But if we do, what will you be doing?”

“Playing with myself, unless Rich is there. I may just blow him until you two are done. Then I want to eat your cum from her”

We started fucking hard then. We were both turned on at those thoughts. I was surprised her bed didn’t collapse from the pounding it got. We made love shorty after that, then I had to get going, since I had work the next day.

That weekend, I spent with her all night, then actually went to my mom’s for dinner. Mom liked Vicky a lot, but she really did not approve of us sleeping together. I had to sit through that conversation a few weeks back. Parents are from the old school. No sleeping together until you are at least engaged, but prefer married.

That evening I told Vick I needed to get a haircut and she said to come up thursday night. I’ll give you the full treatment.

“What’s the full treatment?” I asked. She giggled and said, “Well, wash the hair, cut it, style it, then a massage and after the massage, use the Sauna. You’d be surprised how many of the women come in for just that.”

“I didn’t know you had a masseuse, or even a Sauna.”

“Yeah. You saw that one door back by the office, it is in there. I’ll give you the massage though, since our lady who does that will be gone by then, and then I’ll join you in the Sauna. God I love that room.”

“What time should I be there for this treatment?” She thought for a minute, “Say around 8pm or so. Were usually pretty dead and maybe I can talk Carrie into closing then.”

“Sounds good to me. You don’t think Carrie will mind do you?” “Oh hell no. Carrie and Rich use it all the time and I know they fuck in there at least once a week. So does Donna and her hubby on occasion. Just park out back though, because if we do close up, the lights will be off up front. We are the last door on the left back there.”

That Thursday, I arrived just before 8, and went to the door and knocked. Vicky answered within seconds, kissed me passionately and then motioned me inside and to the office they have back there.

“Ok. strip down and then put this robe on. While you do that, I’ll will finish getting my stuff to cut your hair.”

I felt a little weird getting undressed but figured, what the hell and just go with it. The robe was one of those terry cloth types you see in hotels. In fact there was a bunch of them hanging up and all were white. I came out of the office and saw Vicky over by a chair that had a sink behind it, and walked over to her.

“Hey sexy, I like the look” she said. Then she told me to take a seat and she’d be right back, and I saw her head to the office. A minute later, she came out, wearing a white robe as well.

“You always wear a robe when you cut hair Babe?” Vicky chuckled and said, “Only when I have a sexy man to do, especially if he is going to do me later.” then smiled wickedly at me.

She then went to washing my hair, kissing me on several occasions. Never had my hair done like this before. Then she proceeded to cut my hair and style it a little. I was trusting her in doing this. Then she blew dry my hair.

Next she took out a pair of clippers and came in front of me, untied the sash to my robe and peeled the robe back, exposing me. Thank God there was no one there and that the area was blocked by a wall to the front of the salon.

Whatcha doing Babe? I asked. “Well. Look I like you a lot and I love sucking you, but I hate getting hair in my mouth. So I am going to just trim this down some. Luckily, you don’t have a lot down there, but if it is short, and I clean your balls of its hair, then I won’t get so many hairs in my mouth. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Sweetie. You do what you think is best. I don’t mind at all. Just don’t shave it off. When I had that hernia surgery, they shaved me and it itched for days when it started growing back in.”

“Not to worry Hun, I’ll just make it shorter, and then take care of it weekly for you. Promise.”

Just then a door open and Carrie came into the room. Damn, I thought. I thought we were alone. I looked right at Vicky and she just smiled, and mouthed to me, “Relax.” Carrie was wearing a robe too.

“Just needed to get another bottle of wine kids. Bring two glasses when you join us in the sauna.”

She left then and Vicky giggled a bit. “Relax Hun. They are taking a sauna too and want to just be with us tonight. Nothing sexual between us 4, but want to see how we are with another couple naked. Like we will be Saturday night.”

I just shrugged my shoulders and winked at her. To be honest, I’d love to see Carried naked. I’m only a man, and Vicky and I are dating, but by no means, married, nor dead.

As she trimmed me, she kept moving my cock out of the way, and would lightly stroke it. This had the desired effect she was looking for, since it starting growing. She leaned in a couple of times and would kiss the head of my cock, which was now oozing pre-cum.

Vicky finished up and put the clippers away. She then said to come follow her. She opened the door that Carrie had used a short time back. When we entered the room, I saw the massage table on the one side, and then ahead of us, a cedar wood door, with a light above it. A sign below it said, “occupied when lit”.

Vicky picked up 2 wine glasses and headed towards the door. “Let’s go for a sauna Babe” The removed her robe, exposing her naked ass to me. She hung the robe up on a hook next to the door, where 2 other robes resided now. I took mine off and hung it up and pressed my body into Vicky. My semi hard cock was nestled between her ass cheeks and my hands came around her front, and I massaged her tits.

“MMMMMMMM, I love when you play with my tits Baby” I was then kissing her neck and lightly pinching her nipples. Her body shivered a little when I did this. My cock was now fully erect and she wiggled her butt into it.

“Oh God, I love that hard cock. Baby? No matter what happens inside her, my feelings for you will not change, well maybe for the better. I have no reason why I am so turned on by others watching us together, but I am. They also want to see how we are in a setting with another couple that are engaged in sexual fun.”

“Baby, no matter what happens, my feelings aren’t going to change. We’ll just go with the flow. Who knows, it may creep us out. But then again, you may feel an urge to be with one of them, and I am cool with that. I’d love to see you eat Carrie.”

“OH Geezus Baby. I am so wet, and we haven’t even made it into the room. Let’s grab some towels to sit on. The wood can get a bit warm.”

I kissed her one more time, on the side of her neck and she cooed. We entered the room and saw Carrie and Rich on this big bench. The seat was quite wide. The room itself was about 12 foot square. All wood, cedar to be exact. There was can lights in the ceiling, that were turned down to cast a soft slow.

As we entered, carried was laying on her side, with her head in Rich’s lap, and I do believe she was giving him a blow job, They both stood as we entered the room.

Carrie was smiling and greeted us. “Hi guys. Oh Tim, this is Rich. He is the co-owner, with me, of the salon. He is also my significant other, lover and best friend. “

Rich and I shook hands. It was kind of weird feeling, shaking hands with a naked guy, sporting a hard on, and I have to admit, it was big too. Bigger than mine, so Vicky wasn’t lying. Not real thick, but long, that’s for sure. Rich is about my height, but about 15 pounds heavier than me, and has a slight gut, and an all over tan, just like Carrie does, so they must lay out nude somewhere.

Vicky took our towels and laid them out next to Carrie’s and Rich’s. Rich said, “Towels are a good idea. The wood can get pretty warm on the skin.”

Vicky gave Rich a warm lingering kiss, then kissed carrie, fairly passionately. Then Vicky turned towards me, and for the first time, I saw she had done some woman scaping. All that was left of her bush, was a small strip, just above her mound.

“Wow Babe. When did you do that?” “Do you like? She asked. “Oh hell yeah. That is so sexy.” Vicky smiled and then kissed me. “About as sexy as your trim job Honey. About 2 hours ago, Carrie trimmed me up, and I trimmed her.”

I hadn’t noticed before, only because I didn’t want to be rude by staring at her naked body, which I had to admit, was pretty nice. I noticed that Rich was completely shaven of his hair.

Carried reached out with her hand and ran it over my short hair and said, “Nicely done Vick. I hate a hairy guy, but this will do nicely.” Her hand then encircled my cock and stroked it lightly. Vicky just smiled at me, and I could see she was really turned on now.

Carrie then got the wine bottle and filled all of the glasses and raised hers in a toast. “To our new friends, who get to see more than normal friends would ever dream of.” We all clinked glasses, then, Carrie said, “Let’s sit and talk”

She directed Vicky to sit next to Rich, then she sat next to Vick, and I sat next to Carrie. “You ok with this Tim?” Carrie asked. “Yes I am.” Carrie laughed and said, “Good. I don’t bite either. Nibble some, leave some light teeth marks, but never bite.” We all laughed then, which helped lighten the mood.

I have to admit. She was a skinny thing, but naked, she was sexy. Her brown hair was in a ponytail, as was Vicky’s. Her nipples were hard and sticking out. Her nipples and areolas were a dark brown, as was her landing strip just above her clit hood.

Carrie then took her hand, which was closest to me, and wrapped her fingers around my cock, and started lightly stroking it. I looked over at Vick, and she smiled at me as her hand found Rich’s long cock and was doing the same.

Carrie then said, “Look, tonight is a time for us 4 to get to know one another. Both physically and personally too. We know Vicky pretty good already and love her to death. But Rich and I figured that we should know you better, before the party this Saturday.”

Both Vicky and I nodded in agreement. “Some couples have a hard time getting past this point when it come to swapping and such. One thing we do not tolerate is drama. So if just this bothers you 2 in any way, then we stop, no harm, no foul.”

We both, again, nodded in agreement and she continued. “We love Vicky, and since you two are dating, and she wants to try this lifestyle, we figured it best to go slow and be alone tonight with you two. What you may witness Saturday is pretty much a full out orgy, with who know who will be hooking up and fucking in the open. I’m not saying that we’ll even fuck each other tonight. I know Vick wants to watch us fuck, and we too, want to watch you guys because it is very erotic and stimulating.”

Rich then said, “I’ll be upfront with you Tim, I am bi-sexual. Really, the 3 of us are bi-sexual. But, I won’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable with that. But if you ever want to give it a go, then I would lead you into it, just you and I, and of course these two lovely ladies, whom I am sure, will be quite turned on and also busy with one another.”

I looked over at Rich and said, “I’m cool with that. Not sure if I want to give it a go, but I will not freak out or get homophobic about it. I have to admit, you have a nice looking cock. One I am sure, that could pleasure these two fine, sexy ladies.”

Carrie giggled and said, “Ohhhhhhhhh I like him Honey, and this piece of dick I have in my hand is quite nice. Vicky choose well. Oh yeah, I have heard that you can make her squirt with that talented tongue of yours.”

I chuckled a little, looked at Vicky then said, “Talking in class again I see.” She slightly smiled and said, “Sorry. But you do have a great tongue.” I leaned way across Carrie, and Vicky met me and I kissed her softly on the lips. Then, I don’t know why I said it then, I softly said to her, “I love you”

Vicky’s eyes got real big then and then she beamed a big smile, and kissed me again. Carrie giggled and said, “Should we leave you two alone?” Vicky said, “Oh hell no. You are the first people, including me, to hear that from him.” At that time, I knew I liked her a lot but wasn’t sure it was love yet, but I needed her to know all is fine with us, no matter what.

“Good to know. You have to have love, trust and respect to do this. We may end up fucking each other, but I will only make love to that man there, and you better only make love to her Tim.”

“I got a good idea. Tonight, we make love to our respective partners, with some oral on others. Then Saturday night, you guys come over say around 10:30. By then the party will probably be over and most all gone, and the 4 of us will play the rest of the time. What do you say?”

Vicky looked at me, and I nodded, and she said, “Sounds wonderful to us.” “Good” Carrie said, “Now that’s settled. Bring some clothes though, and spend the night with us. We could be up really late. Now if you don’t mind Vick, can I suck this nice cock for a bit?”

Vicky kissed Carrie on the lips and said, “Sure thing, if I can suck this beautiful cock here.” “By all means, enjoy it, then we’ll play some together to give the boys a break.”

The girls then positioned themselves so they were laying on their sides, and their heads in our laps. Both of the ass cheeks were touching together. Both girls started their work on Rich and I. Carrie had soft lips and knew how to suck a man, as did Vicky.

Rich and I both moaned a great deal. I was also stroking Carrie’s back and ass, and then would rub on her breast, and a very hard nipple. I did comment to Vicky that she looked really sexy sucking Rich, which made her moan.

My hand was now sliding between the girls asses and I was playing with Carrie’s pussy lips, which were soaking wet. This elicited a moan from her that reverberated around my cock. Both girls were now starting to pump our cocks while sucking us, which was bringing me close to cumming.

“Oh Shit Carrie. I am going to cum soon.” She lifted her head and told me, “In my mouth Sweetie. I love cum” She sped up her hand movement and started running her tongue on the sensitive area around the head, and within a minute I yelled out, “Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” and started shooting ropes of cum in her mouth.

This set Rich off and all I heard was ‘Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk” and I could tell that Vicky was swallowing his cum too. Both girls milked us dry and then turned to each other, embraced and started kissing and sharing our cum between them. Now that was super hot.

They broke their kiss and Carried looked at me, leaned in, and I could see cum all around her lips and on her chin. I kissed her passionately then, and licked her chin up. When I broke the kiss, I noticed Vicky and Rich doing the same. Carrie then giggled and said, “Fuck Vick, he is truly a keeper. Not many men will kiss after a blowjob or clean you up like that.”

“Ok guys, moved down a little so Vicky and I can play a bit. Come here Baby, lay down and let’s eat” Vicky did move down some, lay lengthwise on the bench, with her head close to me. Carried straddled her head and lowered her pussy on top of Vicky’s waiting mouth, and then bent down and place her louth in between Vicky’s spread legs.

Rich and I just sat back in took in the sight. “So” Rich said, “Is this the first time you have witnessed 2 girls together?” I closed my eyes and thought back to Deb and Rhonda doing the exact same thing one evening, 69ing twice, and Bill and I fucking the hell out of them a few times.

I told him no and explained how my high school girlfriend and I hooked up with a married couple that she babysat for.We were both then stroking our cocks and I could feel Rich’s eyes on it, but I didn’t care now. The girls were really getting into their love session. Rich got up and went to the other side of the girls, lay down on his stomach and stuck his head between Vicky’s thighs and started licking her too.

“OH Christ Yessssssssssssssssss” Vicky moaned out. I leaned into Carrie and put my tongue right on her brown hole and started licking. Carrie lifted her head and said, :Fuck Yeah Baby, lick that ass” It was just a few minutes more and the girls started cumming. I could see Carrie’s body start to shake, and I could tell Vicky was cumming too.

As they lay there, coming down from the orgasms they just gave each other, Carrie got up, and then Vicky followed. Vicky took my hand and asked me to lay down on the bench. Carrie had Rich lay down too, with his head a few inches from mine. Both of our beautiful lady’s straddled us and impaled themselves with our cocks.

Vicky sat there a second, and then started rocking back and forth on my cock. She was also watching Carrie start to fuck Rich. She leaned down to me and kissed me, then said, “Thank you. This means a lot to me.”

We kissed and fucked for a good 15 minutes, Carrie even commented on our staying power right now and that Vick and I looked really sexy together. At one point, Vicky leaned by my head and I could hear her kissing Carrie, as we fucked.

I was getting close now and grabbed hold of her ass and started pumping my cock up and into her. “Oh yesssssssssssss Babe, fuck me good. Cum with me” Carrie and Rich were already starting to cum themselves, which Sent Vicky over the edge again. Her pussy clamped down me, as her arms went around my neck and was almost choking me. “Fuckkkkkkkkkkk Yessssssssssss Cummmmmmmmmmmm. Cummmmmmmm in me Baby”

I was shocked at how many times my cock shot inside her, since I had unloaded earlier in Carrie’s mouth. “Fuck Baby, your cum feels so good inside me.” Vicky said as she lay on top of me, then kissed me. She started to get up and I told her to just kneel, and then I scooted down so my head was between her legs and I ate her, collecting our juices.

“Oh yeah. I like him even more now Sweetie. Any man that will eat his own cum is a guy I want to be with” I could hear Carrie say. When I finished and sat up, I looked over and Rich was on his knees doing the same to Carrie.

We all then sat next to each other, drank the rest of our wine, which was pretty warm and we were all sweating. Carrie held up her glass and said, “Toast. Two our new lovers and friends. I hope you enjoyed as much as we did tonight.” We Vicky and I both said we did.

We then gathered up our towels and Carrie suggested we go shower first, then she came up and hugged me and kissed me on the lips. As she did, she grabbed my cock and whispered in my ear, “Saturday night, I get some of this too”

Vicky and Rich were embracing then too, and kissing. His hand was holding her ass as they kissed. Then the girls kissed, but theirs was a bit more passionate.

We exited the room, and the cool air felt so good. Vicky and I showered quickly, so we could head home. As we were dressing, carrie came in and said she would see Vicky tomorrow at work and me this Saturday and winked. She turned and went to shower with Rich.

I followed Vicky home then and once we were in the door, she turned and kissed me hard. “That was fantastic tonight. I am so turned on right now. But, I have to get some sleep. I open tomorrow and then Tracy is dropping the kids off for me to watch.”

“That’s Ok. I mean, I’d love to take you to bed right now and make love to you, but I am cool with it. I had a great time tonight. I really like them. They seem so laid back and you did look sexy as hell with them both.”

“Oh Yeah? That turned you on watching me with them? Fuckkkkkkkk. I really want to get naked right now and have you, but, I know we’ll be at it for hours then.”

We kissed some more and then said our good nights. She did invite me over tomorrow, if I wanted too, but I reminded her that I had to work until 9 and then be up up at 6am saturday. I promised my cousin I would take him fishing. I did suggest that if all went fine Saturday, we invite those two the following sunday on the boat, which Vicky thought was a great idea.

That Friday, I did call Vicky and she was excited for the next night. “Damn Baby, I awoke this morning so horny and then, at work, Carrie and I made out in her office for a short while. Just some kissing and fondling, until Ashley interrupted us. She’ll be there tomorrow night too, alone. She broke up with her boyfriend a couple of weeks ago when she found out he was actually married. Ash is so down now, so hopefully this helps pick up her spirits.”

Ashley, I found out after I met her a few weeks ago, is a year older than I. She is part Chinese, part American. Her mom being the Chinese. She has that short bob hair, which is black, and a tight little body. She is only 5’ or 5’ 1 and if she weighs 100 lbs., it would be a miracle. From what Vick told me, she is Bi as well. Her job there is manicures and such.

Vicky and I then discussed what time I should be over. I suggested dinner, which she said yes too. So we made plans to go around 8pm and after dinner, go hang out down by the boat, until we needed to leave around 10, or a little after.

“So Babe, Carrie is really looking forward to just being with us tomorrow night. She likes that you didn’t force anything with her sexually last night, but, she did say she plans on fucking you a few good times.”

“Really? And how do you feel about that?” She giggled a little, then said, “Look. This is for fun. It is just sex with friends. It’s not like she is going to leave Rich for you, or vice a versa. I’m not running off with Rich either. Plus, I am dying to see you two fuck and know she is enjoying it as much as I do.”

I said ok, then said, “Good. I am dying to watch you two as well. You looked so damn sexy with him last night and I knew you were enjoying it.”

“Oh Baby, I was and I loved when you tongued her ass when I was licking her. I want us to eat her together too. But, I will be honest here. If I found you were out fucking others now, well that would hurt me. I have strong feelings for you and would feel betrayed by that, and please know, I wouldn’t do that to you either.”

“Vick, it is all about trust, even if we weren’t going to try out this lifestyle. I do trust you and respect you and have deep feelings for you, so rest assured, I would not do that to you.”

She did not bring up the fact that I said I love you to her, last night. That was fine. Like I said, that was more for reassuring her that all was fine last night. I do have feelings, but I am uncertain that it is love yet. We said our goodbye’s and then hung up.

My cousin and I had a great day out on the boat. It was hot too, seeing it was August, but being on the water, helped cool things down. We did catch a few walleye, which is what we were after. I got us back in about 2:30, and I was home by 3. I went and took a nap then and got up about 7, shaved and showered, dressed in khaki shorts and a nice light green golf shirt and was at Vicky’s by 8pm.

Vicky met me at the door and she looked gorgeous. She had on a white, with a floral print, sun dress that stopped about mid thigh. I noticed she was not wearing a bra, and it showed quite a bit of cleavage. Her blond hair was done up nicely too, not in a ponytail and she was wearing lipstick, which was a first for me to see.

We kissed for a good minute, and my cock was starting to rise. I then kissed down her neck, to her cleavage and slip down one of the spaghetti straps and let my lips latch onto a hard nipple.

“Oh shit Tim. You keep that up, we won’t make dinner, let alone the party. I love when you suck my tits Baby.”

“I love your tits. Hell, I love your whole body. But, I’ll quit for now.” She kissed me again and then said, “Trust me, you will have them later. Promise me you’ll save some lovin for me later, after being with them.”

“I have every intention of doing that, and in the morning too”

I had brought my travel bag in, so she took it and put some clothes and toiletries in it, for tomorrow morning, since we were spending the night there.

We went to dinner at the restaurant that is on the river, and enjoyed a good meal. During the meal, she told me that Carried had called about 7, saying that she was going to have everyone gone by 10 that night. The party started around 3, from what Vicky said. Vicky said that only 6 couples came this time, and 2 single girls, Ashley being one of them, and Patty, and Carrie’s cousin John.

We then headed over to the boat and found Mitch, Vicky’s cousin, and his girlfriend Pam, along with Ron and Mitch’s sister Jeanie sitting on the boat drinking beer and just hanging out. They were surprised to see us. Jeanie asked what we were up too and Vicky said that a friend from work invited us over later to go swimming in their pool. She sure the hell wasn’t going to tell them we were going to go fuck over there.

We passed the time talking and laughing. I had a beer and Vick had 2 wine coolers. Not sure where they got the refreshments, because I was the only legal aged one there. Pam lit up a joint, and was passed around, but I declined, since I was driving. I figured I’d have some later with Vicky, if she brought any.

We left about 10, and headed the 25 minutes to Carrie’s house, which was out east of where we were, in the town of Madison. Nice area, where houses are spaced far apart, like country living, yet close enough to the city life, so you didn’t have to make it a day to get there and do things.

On the way there, Vicky took my right hand in her’s and then asked, “Are you sure about this tonight?” I looked over at her and smiled, “Yes Baby, I am, and I hope you are too. If not, say the word and I will turn around”

“No. No. I want to go with you. I know you would turn around if I asked you too. Had this been Bill, he would have ignored me and been hell bent on fucking anything that moved there. I just hope you know my feeling for you are so strong and feel so good with you. It does scare me. I know we said just buddy’s, but I think this may be more and I don’t want to get hurt.”

“Sweetie, I am not going to do anything to hurt you, and at anytime tonight, you want to stop, say so, and we will and come back home, no questions asked. This is about us as a couple. Hell, we may not even like it, or then again, we may love it. No harm in trying. But my feelings will not change for you because of it. Look how Carrie and Rich are. That could be us one day.” Vicky leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, then squeezed my hand tight, and held it the whole drive there.

Carrie and Rich’s house was a split level, standard size for that time of year, and very nice. Vicky said we were to enter through the garage, which led into the kitchen area. When I pulled in, there was only one car there, with the hosts car’s in the garage.

“Shit” Vicky said. “What?” “Donna is still here. I was hoping she would be gone by now. Her husband is an ass, and worse when he is drunk.”

“Well. We’ll just play things by ear and you should just ignore him, if you can.”

We stepped into the kitchen and saw Carrie, who was wearing a blue silk robe, and Donna, who was dressed, doing up some dishes. Donna saw us first and asked Vicky where the hell we had been, the party’s over now.

“Oh Darn” Vicky said, then said, “Tim had some folks in from out of town and had them out on the boat and didn’t get back until 8 or so.” Good recovery I thought. I just let her do the explaining.

“Well shit. I was hoping to hook up with your lover boy there. Maybe next time. I have to round up Phil and get home. Have a babysitter for the kids tonight. Nice seeing you again Tim” I nodded and said nice seeing you too.

Carrie went to the front room with Donna and we could hear Phil and Donna saying good night, and the door shut. Carrie came back with Rich, who was holding a garbage bag and was cleaning up. I lent him a hand, which he protested at first, but I didn’t listen. The girls were straightening up the kitchen.

Carrie then asked Rich to take us to the bedroom we’d be using tonight, so we could stow away our bag and then Carrie said, “Get undressed and put on the robes I have on the bed for you two”

After Vicky and I stripped down, I took her in my arms and kissed her. Her naked skin felt so good against mine. Her hand made its way to my growing cock, and my hand went to her ass cheeks.

“Mmmmmmmmmm, I know I need some of this soon.” We then donned our robes, grabbed our smokes and she grabbed her baggie. I knew she would bring some pot. We got back out to the kitchen and Rich suggested we go out by the pool, and asked what we wanted to drink. Rich and I had beers, while the girls opted for wine.

The pool area was lit with torches and had a nice glow to it. Just before we exited the kitchen to the deck, Carrie suggested we get rid of the robes, so we all were naked then. Rich and I followed our lady’s out to the deck, watching their fine asses swing back and forth. Carrie turned her head back towards us and asked, “Like the view boys?” We all just laughed.

I think since we’d been with them the other night, naked and fucking, there was no tension now. We took seats and carrie was telling us how the party went. She said that Rish and her, basically hosted the party and really did not partake in the activities because they wanted to save it for us. She laughed and did say, “Well, I did get to lick Ashley for a bit, but that was it.”

Then she told us about the little drama that happened earlier. Her cousin John had been keeping Patty company most of the day, and then he hooked up with Ashley, and Patty didn’t care for that. Those two aren’t really friends, so Patty stormed off and left. Ashley and John then got back together and left about 8, so I am sure he has her at his place fucking her brains out.

“But otherwise, people just hung out, talked, laughed, had some sex and most left by 9:30 or so, well, except for Donna and Phil.” Phil was pretty drunk by the end. Not sure what Donna saw in him when they married. I think he’s an ass.”

Rich excused himself and went inside. Vicky took out a joint and asked if it was cool. She knew that Carrie liked to smoke too. Carrie looked at her and said, “Hold off on that until Rich gets back”, which Vicky did.

About a minute later, Rich came back out to the table, carrying a wooden box. He set on the table and looked at Carrie, who nodded in agreement. He took out a small pill bottle, a razor, then a mirror. Vicky eyes got wide and asked, “Is that what I think it is?”

Carrie smiled and said, “Yeah. Not sure if you 2 want to try it, but we hope you don’t mind.”

Vicky giggled, then looked at me. I shrugged and then said, “You can Babe, I’ll stick with weed. We’re staying anyways tonight, but I haven’t ever done it” Vicky said, “Me either, but have wanted too. I’ve heard it a great high and turns you on sexually and you guys can go hours with us.”

Carried laughed and said, “Oh yeah. We will be busy tonight and into the morning with this stuff, and it’s good. Might give you a headache in the morning. Probably both heads will be aching”, then laughed, as did Rich.

Rich said, “Any inhibitions you may have had before now, will go away in a few minutes. Are you sure you don’t want to Tim?”

I siad I was sure and Vicky said she would. This was way out of my normal comfort zone, but what the hell. Plus, I don’t have the money for this stuff. I said to Rich, “At least let me pay for some of this. I know it is expensive.”

“Bullshit” he said. “You two are our guests tonight, so don’t worry about it. But thanks for offering. Most of the others that were here tonight, wouldn’t have offered at all, just use.” They then did a line each. I lit up a joint and smoked and even shared some with Vicky.

Carrie suggested we retire to the bedroom now. So we went inside. Rich was locking up and turning off lights as we went. Once in the bedroom Carrie and Vicky crawled up on the bed, which was a big kingsize, and did not look like it was used today for the party.

Carrie and Vicky were kneeling on the bed, facing one another and started kissing. These were deep, passionate kisses, like lovers do. Both were caressing each other as they kissed. Rich suggested that we just take a seat on the bed. “They’re going to be a while Bud, so sit back and enjoy the show.”

After a few minutes, Vicky pushed Carrie back, so she was against the headboard, and Vicky started licking down her neck, then sucked her nipples for a bit, which got Carrie moaning. At this time, my cock was hard as a rock, and it felt like my senses were in overdrive. I looked over at Rich, who was sitting next to me, and he was slowly stroking his cock, watching the girls. He caught me looking at him and just winked.

Vicky was now between Carrie’s legs, which were bent at the knee and spread wide. With two lamps on each side of the bed on, the lighting was good for watching.

“Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk Yessssssssss. Suck that pussy Sweetie. I’ve have been looking forward to this all day.”

Vicky went to town on Carrie. Licking and sucking. Carrie moaning a great deal too. Vicky had her ass up, in the air now, and she looked so inviting.

Carrie looked at us and asked, “Do you two talk about fantasies?” directing the question to me.

I nodded yes, then said, “We have, but just a couple.” What are they?” Carrie asked.

“Vicky wants to be eating a woman, and one of us guys fucking her from behind. Then being watched as she fucks someone. Preferably me watching her fuck the guy. Mine is to watch her with another man, and see her with a woman.”

“Any others? Because those are coming true tonight. Be honest”

I got real quiet a second, then said, “I’d like to feel Rich’s cock and maybe have him suck me”

Vicky raised her head, “Oh fuck Baby. Do it. I am so fucking turned on now.”

Both girls watched as I reached over and took hold of Rich’s hard cock. It felt so smooth, and extremely hard right now. I stroke it a few times. I kept on stroking him as both girls moaned while watching it happen.

Carrie was all smiles and then said, “Feels good, don’t it. Go ahead, give it a lick. It’s all about fun and enjoying sex with your friends.”

So I did. I licked the head a few times, then went back to stroking him, as Vicky now was eating carrie hard. Carried yelled out, “Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I am going to cummmmmmmmmmmm you bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

I got behind Vicky, and slipped my cock inside her and pumped it in her a few times. As I did, she moaned out “Yessssssssssssssssss Fuck my Pussyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” and then roated her hips as I fucked her.

Then Vicky moved off of carrie and said, “My turn Lady” and sat next to Carrie, up against the headboard. She now spread her legs and bent her knees. Carrie wasted no time in going down on her. Vicky patted the bed, next to her, signalling me to join her there.

I sat next to her and we started kissing. She then whispered in my ear, “I Love you for this.” Then I felt Rich grab my cock and started stroking it. Vicky eyes got wide when she saw Rich was going to suck me. “Oh Fuck baby, this is so Hottttttttt”

Our host were now sucking us both, and I could care less that is was a dude doing it. It felt great, to be honest. Vicky and I continued kissing as they took care of us and our moans filled each other’s mouths.

Not sure what carrie was doing then, but I felt Vicky grab my head hard and pull me closer, and her breathing got real hard, and she bit my bottom lip. Not real hard to draw blood, but bit it some, then screamed out.

“Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Cummingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg”

She squirted just then. Rich even looked at Carrie getting a faceful of Vicky’s love juices. It was all over her face and chest and on the bed too.

As Vicky calmed down, she hung her head a little and apologized for getting the bed wet. Carrie crawled up to her and kissed her softly and said, “Oh Sweetie, That was magnificent. I have never made you squirt before. Lucky for you, I love you, and you can squirt on me any day.”

Carrie then came over by me and kissed me. “Lick your lover’s juices from me Sexy.” So I did. As we licked and kissed, she climb into my lap and her hand went to my raging hard cock and began to stroke it. Rich had moved over to Vicky and they were starting to make out too. I thought to myself, “guess we’ll find out how tight we are as a couple now.”

I scooted towards the middle of the bed. Rich and Vicky got into a 69 position and were pleasuring each other orally. I pushed back on Carrie’s shoulders, indicating to her I wanted her on her back. Once she did, I started tracing my tongue down her neck, then to her breasts. Her nipples were very hard now, and my mouth sucked and licked each one.

Now I wanted to return the favor from the other night, from when she gave me a blowjob but I didn’t get the chance to eat her. I glanced over once and saw Vicky sucking the hell out of Rich’s cock, and her ass was moving big time, from the tongue lashing Rich was giving her pussy. Those two were moaning big time and really into each other, and my only hope was that I could perform as well for Carrie.

When I reached her beautiful pussy, I started kissing and licking her inner thighs first, then would blow on her engorged labia. I heard moan “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. I kept teasing her some until she finally said “Oh fuck Tim, eat my fucking cunt. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee”

I buried my tongue between her lips and started licking.”Yessssssssssssssss that’s it. Tongue fuck me Baby”

I basically licked all over, but stayed away from her clit. I even got to lick her ass, which I could tell she liked having done. When I inserted a finger and started fingering her too, she came.

“Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” and her body went stiff, and her legs closed around my head. I didn’t stop though, and once her body relaxed, she opened her legs again. I went back to her ass and tongued that for a few minutes.

As I did that, I could hear Vicky yell out, “Oh Shit Baby, I am cummmmmmmmingggggggggggg”

I heard Carrie say to Vicky, “Rich is an excellent tongue man, isn’t he Sweetie? But this man between my legs is just as good. You made a great choice in him.”

Vicky was panting and answered back. “Oh Christ, it’s so good to have men that can please us like this.” then she said, “Hey Baby, you like eating her pussy don’t you? I love how she taste”

I just nodded in response. I was to wrapped up in her pussy now and started sucking her clit and rubbing her g-spot, which was very easy to find. Carrie started moaning loud now, and let me know she was close to cumming again.

“Fuck Yeahhhhhhh, Fuck Fuck Fuck” and started cumming. I lapped up every drop I could of her delicious juices. She tasted sweeter than Vicky actually, and I love Vicky’s taste. I sat back up on my haunches now and was watching Vicky ride Rich’s big cock. Damn she looked really sexy then, and I held no ill feelings watching her enjoy it.

As Carrie was starting to relax from her orgasm, I leaned in behind Vicky and licked her asshole, which was winking at me. I only did it for a few seconds then straightened up and she pulled me to her to kiss her. We kissed as Rich methodically pumped her pussy from the bottom.

“You like his cock in you, don’t you Baby? Is this what you were hoping on tonight?”

“Oh fuck Babe, his cock is so long, feels so goooooooooooood. I love everything we are doing. I love all of you guys.” Vicky said, then said, “Baby, Fuck Carrie, she needs to feel your big cock now, that I have been bragging about. I’m dying to see that piece of meat buried in her hot cunt.”

I moved back over to Carrie then and lay down. She moved so she could straddle me. She looked down on me smiling, then grabbed my cock, and directed it to her wet opening and slowly slid down my shaft. Once she was seated all the way down, she smiled down at me.

“Damn Baby, your cock feels real nice in me. Vicky. You lucky bitch. I hope you enjoy this as much as you can.”

“As much as we can. I love him in me. Usually 3 times during the week and countless times on the weekend.”

I was chuckling to myself as I listened to these two beauty’s talk about fucking. Then Carrie leaned down on top of me, kissed me deeply, pulled her lips away and softly said, “enough talk Babe. Let’s fuck, and fuck good.

She sat back up and placed her hands on my chest and started rocking back and forth on me. Her pussy was so tight too. “Damn, your pussy is so tight.” She giggled and said “That’s from exercising it daily. Your Sweetie there doesn’t need to do that yet. But us old broads need to do that, so we keep our men happy” then laughed.

“Rich laughed and said, “Honey, your pussy is the best and I know that. No offense Vick, because your’s is great too, but I love that woman’s more than anything in the world.”

“No offense taken Hun. Now fuck me with your big cock. I wanna cum again”

We all stopped talking and started getting into it. All of us were moaning and grunting. What surprised me was that I was hanging in there after 15 minutes of pumping her hard, and hadn’t cummed yet. Both carrie and Vicky came once each.

Carried leaned back down and said in my ear. “Fuck me Tim. Cim in me. I want your hot load inside me”. I grabbed her ass cheeks, bent my knees some and started pumping up into her and we could hear or skin slapping together.

Vicky and Rich were doing the same and I could hear Vick yell out, “Harder. Fuckkkkkkkkkk I’m cummmmmmmminnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg.” Rich grunted loud too and was cumming deep inside her. He was holding Vicky tight because her body was thrashing all over as she came. I could see too, Rich’s cock pumping inside her and saw the frothy mixture of their cum as he did.

That did me in then. I looked at Carrie and tried to say I was cumming, but could only say.”Shitttttttttttttttttttttt” as I started to shoot streams of cum in her.

“Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” she yelled out as she came too, then collapsed onto my chest. After some heavy breathing by all of us, the girls rolled off of us. Carrie was surprised when I went between her legs and licked her pussy, staying away from her clit.

“MMMMMMMM. Love a man that cleans up after himself.” Vicky giggled and said, “Yeah. He does that damn near every time.” Rich was just laying there. So I turned my attention to Vicky then. Her eyes got big and asked “Really?” “Fuck Yeah” I responded. When I was done after a minute or so, I went up and kissed Vicky, sharing their cum with her.

Then I sat up and was catching my breath. Rich then moved off the bed and said, “anyone want something to drink, or are we done here?”

Vicky and I looked at each other and she said, “God I hope we are not done yet. This is fun and I am still super horny.” I laughed and said, I’ll take anything cold you have, non alcoholic though.”

He laughed and said, “Pepsi or Coke?” “Either will do” Carrie said she would share mine. He got off the bed and Vicky said she would go help him. That left me and Carrie alone, which I was quite comfortable with. Any guy would. She is very attractive and fun and could fuck like no tomorrow.

She grabbed 2 cigs and lit them. I glanced at the clock and saw it was already 12:30. I was amazed that we have been playing since just after 11pm.

“So?” she asked, “Is this what you thought it would be, but most importantly, are you enjoying it?”

“Honestly. At first I wasn’t too sure how it would go and I was afraid that one of us would get some jealousy going, but I can tell, neither of us feel like that. I was so turned on watching you 2 together, then even more when they started playing. Then there is you. All I can say is wow. You are an amazing lover.”

She chuckled and said, “Good. We were hoping you would feel that way and I know we are glad we decided against you guys coming earlier. This makes it so much more intimate for all of us. Plus, this way, you guys could go bareback with us, otherwise you’d be using a condom, which I hate.”

I asked, “How come you guys didn’t have fun with your guest before?” She laughed and said, “We just felt it would be better to save it for you guys. I don’t know about you, but I surely want to fuck you again and again. Plus, we have been with those people many a time and it is so nice to find new friends to explore with.”

Then she got a serious look on her face. “What did you think of the coke? We usually don’t so that much, but thought it may relax you, but also it really heightens the sexual experience.”

My turn to chuckle, “Well. I never did it before, but it makes you feel so good and it felt like you and I could fuck all night. I’m still hard. I know that shit is expensive, so I wish you’d let me help pay for it. But all in all, I wouldn’t mind doing it on occasion, just like I hope we can party with you 2 again.”

“Oh do you now. So you like eating my little pussy and then filling it with your big cock? Good. Because I want to party again after tonight and to be honest here, you are a very selfless lover and I can tell your partners needs come before yours. Some of those guys we play with, only think of themselves. But you are more like Rich, a very giving lover and I hope the best for you and Vicky. You do know she is head over heels for you?”

“Yeah I can tell, and so am I for her, but it may take awhile for us to reach the love and respect you and Rich have for each other.”

“Just treat her good Tim, and all will work out. I like you a great deal and hope we all form a strong bond between us. I do know I want you again and very soon. In fact where the fuck are those two anyways. Glad we’re not dying of thirst.”

Carrie got off the bed and said she’d be right back. About 2 minutes later, she came back with a glass of coke and the mirror, with a line on it. She set them both down on the nightstand and crawled back on the bed.

“They might be a while. Rich and Vicky are fucking like crazy on the couch. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”

“Actually. No. Maybe it is good she has some alone time with him. She wasn’t sure how she would react to seeing me fuck. I know for me, it turned me on watching her.”

“Good. I like a little alone time with my partner, as does Rich, so if you are good with it, then let’s do our lines, then get into some hot fucking, cuz mamma here needs some hard cock right about now. Hope my potty mouth doesn’t bother you.”

“God no. I love talking like that during sex.” She then took the straw and the mirror and I did a line. We each took a big gulp of the pop, which she then set down on the nightstand.

As she put the mirror back we could hear Vicky downstairs, “Oh Fuck Yeeeeessssssssss Fuck me Hard.”

I asked, “I take it they already did a line?” and chuckled. “Uh Huh” she answered, then lay on the bed and spread her legs. “Now Come fill mamma up with that big cock of yours and fuck me hard too. I mean it Tim. Fuck me really hard. I love it that way.”

I got between her legs and rubbed the head of my dick against her pussy lips, which were still really wet, then slipped it in. “Uhhhhhgggggggg. Yeah Baby, Fuck Mamma”

We started fucking like crazy. She was talking so dirty too, and I was saying it back to hear as well. “God your cock is so nice in me. I could fuck you the rest of the night.” I had her legs up on my shoulders for a while, pile driving her. She came like that, but told me to keep going.

We then switched positions that I was behind her, laying on our sides, driving it in. I was surprised by my stamina, not only not cumming, but just in general. We frantically kissed when we fucked like that.her tongue was deep in my mouth and felt like she was touching my tonsils.

“Fuck me doggie Tim. Pound me hard, I need to cum again and I want your cum too”

She was on he knees now and her ass way up in the air, and her shoulders and head in a pillow. We could still hear those two downstairs going at it. I wished she was up here so I could watch, but oh well. I had this sex goddess in front of me to take care of.

We fucked for almost ten minutes when I heard her say she was getting close. I was too and I licked my thumb and inserted in her ass, and started fucking her ass too as I pounded her pussy.

“That’s it Baby. Fill both my holes you motherfucker. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk”

Carrie started cumming again, and this time, her whole body was shaking. I then unloaded inside her, holding on tight as I shot rope after rope of creamy cum deep inside her womb. Then we both collapsed onto the bed.

We were both panting heavy, like we ran a marathon. I got back up to my knees and looked down at her. Her hair was flayed over the pillow, her legs spread apart and I could see my cum oozing out of her. I leaned down and started licking it, which got her to moan again.

She turned over and asked me to quit because her pussy was sensitive right now. But she wanted me on top of her. So I laid between her legs and joined her for a passionate kiss. She is an excellent kisser and could make any man feel like he was on top of the world.

“God Tim. You are great. You really know how to make me cum, and cum hard.” I smiled ather and said, “I think it takes 2 to pull this off.You are so amazing.” As we kissed more, my cock, which was only slightly going soft, was at the entrance to her sex. She wiggled a little and back inside it went.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm. That’s better. My pussy likes your cock there. To be really honest and you can’t say a word to anyone. But you have the perfect size for me. I can’t do doggie with Rich. He is too long and it hurts to do that and I so love doggie, as you could tell.” as she giggled then.

As we fucked slow, and her arms around my neck, and her hands caressing my shoulders, she said, “Look. Rich and I do play alone too and I’d love a one on one session with you at times. I don’t know what your true relationship is with Vicky, but what she said was you guys date but are most sex buddy’s too. If that’s the case, then maybe we could hook up one day for some fun.”

“Wouldn’t that bother Rich?” “Oh heck no. He plays alone too. He’s been fucking Patty for months now. We even have her over for 3somes, then after we all play, I leave them be.”

“Well, I don’t know how Vick would feel about it. I know she loves and adores you, and I would never do anything to hurt that. But if she didn’t care, oh hell yeah. I got to admit, you are something else.”

“Something to look forward too then. Maybe you me and Rich could have our own 3some then. I have to tell you, when you started jacking him off, then sucking him, I got real turned on. I mean real turn on. Like now. Fuck me a little faster.”

Her legs were around my waist now, as we fucked a little faster. We quit talking and started kissing again. As we were getting into it again, the bed moved and we both looked over and saw our mates crawling back onto the bed.

“God, you 2 are a sexy sight to watch”, I heard Vicky say. I saw that Rich’s dick was pretty limp now, but Vicky was playing with it and they were kissing again. I pumped a little faster to help Carrie cum, which she did, but not with the intensity as we had before. I did not cum this time, as I rolled off of her and pulled her close to me.

We all then had a cig and just relaxed. “So Guys.” Carrie started, “Is this what you expected?”

“Yes. Very much so, and more.” said Vicky. I nodded along with Vicky’s statement. It was good. And no one was felt any jealousy or had drama.

“Good. Because we had fun with you two as well and I am glad we waited for you two tonight and not party with the others. I think I can speak for Rich and say we’d love to be with you two again, if you do too.”

I looked at Vicky and saw the big smile on her face, and I smiled too. “God yes. We’d love to do this again with you. But. I’ll be honest. I don’t know if I could handle the whole group scene. This was far more intimate and just felt natural. I can’t speak for Tim, but I love you both and would love experiencing this again with you guys.”

“I too, want to be with you guys as well. I can’t believe it’s already 2am. It seemed like we just got going.” We all laughed at that. “Well I hope you two sleep well tonight. I know I will. If you happen to wake before Rich or I, just turn on the coffee maker. I already had it filled and ready to go in the morning. Proper morning dress is, naked.” and she laughed.

We all got off the bed then and the girls hugged and kissed. Then I kissed Carrie good night, as Vicky did the same with Rich. Rich then surprised me and kissed me on the lips, quickly. “Hey bud, if you can suck my dick, you can handle a quick kiss.” The girls broke out laughing at that.

Vicky and I retreated to the bedroom we would share, after using the bathroom. Once in bed, I turned off the light. We had left the door open some. We were lying in bed and she came into my arms, and then kissed me softly, yet passionately.

Her head now was on my shoulder. Her one leg lay over my legs and her hand was stroking my cock gently. “Baby?” she asked, “Do you still like me as much as you did before?”

“Of course I do. I told you nothing would change between us. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering. I mean, I was alone with Rich for over an hour and not in the room with you.”

“Sweetie. Did you enjoy your time with him?” “Oh god Yes.” I kissed her forehead, “Then that’s all that matters.

“Do you want to know what we did?” “Only if you want to share”

“Well when we got in the kitchen, he set up 4 lines, and then told me to do one, and then he did. Then he showed me where the glasses were, while he got out the pop. I was facing the counter when he reached around me to grab a glass, and his cock was poking me in the ass.”

I was starting to get hard as she was talking. “Then he reached around me and started playing with my tits. So I turn around and started kissing him. He led me to the couch and we sat down and started getting into it then. I even asked him if Carrie would be cool with this and he said yes. They play alone at times.”

“Yeah. I know. Carrie told me that.” “Then we just started fucking. I lost count of how many times I came and we did about 5 different ways. The best was when he bent me over the arm of the couch and fucked me that way. It hurt at first, then it just went away and felt great. Guess I am not used to that length. I’m sure you heard us, just like we could hear you guys up here.”

“I have to admit though, when Carrie came down and saw us, I was so afraid she was going to yell, or something. But when she came over and kissed us both passionately, I knew she was cool with it.. That’s when I really started getting into it.”

I was stroking her back as she continued to talked. My cock was at full attention so I knew we’d be fucking soon. “Truthfully Hun, I was so turned on by listening to you 2 down there. I really was, just like I am now.”

She giggled, “I can feel that. We even snuck upstairs and watched you two for like 5 minutes, but you guys were so into each other and I got turned on again and led him back down. That’s when he bent me over the couch and fucked me hard. I’m not sore now, but I bet am I in the morning, or afternoon. Whenever we wake up.”

I took my other hand and put it under her chin and lifted it to meet my lips and we kissed. “She then softly spoke, “Make Love to me Honey, I need to reclaim my cock and know it belongs to me.”

I rolled on top of her and my cock found her wet slit and slowly slid inside.”Oh God Baby. It’s where it belongs. Promise me that if we do this again and anytime, we end the night like this. You have no idea how much you mean to me.”

For the next 20 or so minutes, we made slow, passionate love. Only a few times did our lips disconnect, and that was to softly moan out to each other. Towards the end, her legs wrapped around me and then came, and I came soon after.

I rolled off and she curled into my arms, and she drifted off to sleep. I lay there a few minutes just think about what happened. I knew she cared for me, but not enough for the love word. I think I love her, but I am not even sure, but, I was quite happy with her and this did open up new horizons for us.

I woke up with a start and for some reason, could feel eyes on me. I looked up at the doorway, and there was Carrie, leaning against the door jamb. She was smiling as she looked at me. I wasn’t covered by the sheet. Vicky stole that sometime in the night. My cock was hard, but I knew that was a piss hard. Carrie, mouth to me to come on.

I got out of bed and went and pee’d and Carried went downstairs to the kitchen. Luckily, I had placed my toothbrush and stuff in the bathroom. I had to brush my teeth. They felt like they were growing hair.

After a morning kiss from Carrie, we enjoyed coffee for the next 20 minutes or so and did nothing but talk. We were finding out things about each other, and our likes and dislikes in life, in general. Vicky was the next up and she was dying for some coffee. Carrie then cooked some french toast and bacon, which must have awoken Rich, because he made it down in time to eat.

We invited them out for the next Sunday to go boating, and they were super excited about that. Rich stated that he’d been water skiing before, but Carrie never has. So we solidified our plans for the following Sunday. Vicky and I then went and showered, dressed and then said our goodbye’s to them.

As we were standing in their foyer, Carrie gave Vicky a passionate kiss then said, “I really hope you two come back, so we can try this again. It was a great time for Rich and I, and you two fit in well with us.” Rich echoed what carrie had said then, and he embraced Vicky and they kissed for a long time too.

As they were kissing, Carrie came up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. When she broke the kiss, she whispered in my ear, “ Let’s make plans for a little one on one sometime soon.”

My mind went back to the night before and how wild she is in bed, but all I could do is nod to her. I did not want to jeopardize what Vicky and I had going right now. I did not want to actually cheat on her, even though we said in the beginning, we may date others. It just didn’t feel right, especially if sex was involved.

On the way home, Vicky said she had a big time headache and really wanted to just go and lay down for a few hours, but did not talk much after that. I was thinking, as we rode home, she might be having second thoughts about what we did last night. I Left her off at her place, then went down by the boat, but no one was there, so I headed home too, where I pretty much crashed the rest of the evening.

The rest of the week was pretty much back to normal. I stayed over at Vicky’s Tuesday and Thursday night, and she was very loving for some reason. She did finally speak about our time at Carrie’s on Tuesday. As we lay in bed, before we even started playing around she asked,

“Did you really enjoy what we did Saturday at Carrie’s?”

“Yes I did, and I hope you did too. It seemed at the time you did, but if you have second thoughts about it now, then we never have to do that again.”

“No No, I really did enjoy it. I was afraid you may not have liked Rich and I alone like that. I have to admit, I really like fucking him. He is just like you. Attentive and wants to make sure my pleasures come first.”

I chuckled a little and said, “From the sounds you were making, he was doing a good job. At first, I was a little apprehensive about being alone with Carrie, not knowing how you would feel about that. But after I heard you two enjoying yourself, I was cool with it and then when Carrie and I started getting into it, it was fun.”

“Good” she said, as she was stroking my hard cock. “I know we are boyfriend and girlfriend, but I also like us to be open with them. I really don’t want to be in that group setting. I’d prefer just us four, for now. Carrie really liked how you acted with her. Not demanding or anything, just rolled with it and had fun.”

I smiled and said, “Yeah, she was fun and made me feel like this was how it is supposed to be, when playing with another couple. I won’t lie to you. She wants to meet sometime for a one on one session, and also a 3way with her and Rich.”

Vicky laughed and said, “No way, a 3way? She said something to me about you and her hooking up and asked if I would be cool with it. I told her yeah, as long as Rich and I can too. Carrie laughed when I said that and told me of course you can.”

I looked at her and asked, “So you would be cool with that?” “Sure Baby, why not? It’s not like you and Carrie are going to run off and get married or anything. It’s just sex between friends.”

My mind thought for a bit, then came to the conclusion that Vicky wasn’t into me like I thought she was, and all I am is her dating partner and lover. I could live with that, because I really did not want to get tied down yet. After that, we did fuck for about an hour and I know she was turned on by just the thought of playing again with those two and possibly alone with Rich.

That Saturday night, we met up with Patty and Ashley at a bar that was near the salon, and hung out with them for a few hours. It was hard to believe that those two girls did not have steady boyfriends, because both of them are quite pretty. Patty I learned was 22 and Ashley was 20, but Ashley also had a fake ID, so she was getting served. One thing I did notice was that Ashley did hit on Vicky a couple of times, and even me once, but I blew it off, due to the fact she had a few drinks in her.

On the ride home, Vicky stated the Ashley wanted to come home with us and have a 3way. Now that would have been fun. Vicky told her no for tonight, maybe some other time. Vicky asked if I was ok with that. I told her she was the boss when it came to stuff like that. Vicky said, she would not have minded, but Patty was with her and Patty has a big mouth and tells everything.

We met up with Carrie and Rich the next morning, around 11am, and took them down to the boat. Carrie was super excited, as was Rich. We did bring food and drinks, which consisted of beer, wine coolers and some soda, since I do not drink and drive the boat.

We headed out into the lake and went about 4 miles out, where no one was around. Both girls wore one piece suits, since we were going to go tubing and skiing, so I suggested that they would be better off. We played around with the tubing and Rich tried skiing for a bit. He was pretty good at it. Carrie and Vicky both had a hard time, and decided tubing was more fun for them.

Where we were at, no a soul was near us, so after eating, the girls suggested losing our swimwear and we all got naked. Within ten minutes, we were all enjoying sex with each other. Vicky and Rich paired off, while Carrie and I fucked a few times. At one point, Vicky and Rich went below to fuck, leaving me and Carrie up topside alone.

She was sitting in my lap and asked, “How come you haven’t called me to set up a day for us to play?”

“I honestly thought you were kidding about that, and I did not want to piss either of them off by doing that.”

She giggled, as she wiggled her ass on me, as my cock was buried deep inside her. “I told you last week, Rich and I are cool with it, and, after talking with Vicky the other day, so is she.I only do this with someone I like and trust.”

“Ok then. Before you guys leave today, give me your phone number and I’ll call and set something up. Maybe you and I could go boating one day, just you and I, and do this most of the day.”

“Now that sounds like a plan to me. I really like it out here. And I like it even more with a nice hard cock in me too. Now let’s fuck”

The rest of the afternoon was a variation of us fucking. Vicky and I would fuck, then the girls would play, then it was me and Carrie again. We got back to the dock about 7pm that evening, with all of us pretty tired. After they left, Vicky and I showered but she asked if it was ok with me, if we didn’t spend the night together. I was cool with that because I had work early in the morning.

The following weekend was Labor day weekend and we spent the whole time together, but I could tell something just didn’t feel right. I asked a few time if anything was wrong, and she said not a thing. She did invite me to a party at Carrie’s that she throws every year for the Salon. It was a big BBQ and swimming, but no swinging at this thing. It was to be in two weeks, like an end of the summer bash.

The Thursday before the party, I came up and visited with Vicky at the Salon. It was something she liked me doing at times. This night I asked her if she wanted to try the Sauna out, and she said yes, but the way she said it, made me feel like she really wasn’t interested in it. When we were about to enter, Ashley saw us and asked if there was room for one more, but Vicky gave a terse no thanks.

I asked if there was something wrong, but she just begged off saying she had a slight headache. I asked why she gave Ashley such a terse reply and she told me that Ash has been wanting to get with her for the last couple of weeks and she keeps putting her off. We then pretty much stayed in there only 15 minutes and I suggested we head home.

We didn’t see each that Friday, but did talk on the phone for a bit that evening. I went hung out with Ron and Mitch that night. I did tell Vicky I’d pick her up at 6 for the party, which I did. She was all excited to go, but still not her usual self. It seemed like we were getting farther apart. I guess the newness wore off on this.

At the party we both mingled with people, but Vicky was drinking pretty heavy this evening, which was unusual for her. On three different occasions, I found her chatting away with John, who is Carrie’s cousin.

He is a nice looking guy, and the type that knows it too. 6’, 180 lbs, with long blond hair. I remember him from the last party that Carrie threw. He caused some drama by being with Patty most of the time, then hooking up with Ashley. From what I heard, Ashley just gave him a blow job. But, Patty did not like that and left. Bad thing was, that Patty brought Ashley to the party. So I guess john took Ashley home that night. When we got there, Vicky did point out John’s car. A ‘67 cherry red Mustang, which was in mint condition.

While Vicky was socializing with others and John, I would be talking with Carrie, or Rich most of the time. The last time I saw Vicky talking with John, she had her hand on his arm, and was caressing it, like she would when she was letting me know she wanted sex.

I was standing in the kitchen viewing Vicky and John, and Ash walked up to me. Ash was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a white halter top. Since she did not have a lot of boob to fill it out, she still looked pretty hot, and her ass is something to die for.

She patted my hand, which got my attention and said, “Doesn’t that bother you that those two are pretty cozy over there?”

I just shrugged my shoulders and told her, “Hey. Nothing I can do about it. If that’s who she wants to spend time with, then who am I to say anything. I don’t own her, or married to her, and she’s shit if I ever told her to knock it off.”

“Well that’s pretty lame of her to do, with you right here. And John, well he is just a user. He wants nothing more than a fuck, and then it is goodbye. No strings, just sex.” Ashley said.

Then she asked, “How come you never took me on the boat?” I looked at her and said, “I didn’t know you even knew I existed, let alone wanted to go out on it. Maybe we can in the next week or two, before I have to take it out for the season. I’ll see when Vicky can go too, and we’ll all go together.”

She just smiled and said, “Nah. that’s ok. Your girlfriend has changed of late and we don’t see eye to eye for some reason.”

I chuckled to myself, knowing she had hit on Vicky a couple of times, then told her to give me her number and I would call her and see if she was busy and her and I could just go. She did write her number down, but I had no intention of calling her. I was just trying to be nice. I had to admit though, she probably would be a firecracker in bed.

By 10pm, the party was winding down and Vicky was pretty shitfaced. She was sitting on the couch, sort of like staring off into space. I had helped Rich with a lot of the cleanup, but now thought I better get Vicky home. Just getting her in the car was a feat, in itself.

On the ride home, Vicky said, “I’m pretty fucked up tonight Babe. But I still want you to fuck me good.”

I wanted to asked, who would you be thinking about as we fucked, but thought better of it. By the time we got back to her place, she was passed out. It took me a good five minutes to get up and in the house. I got her to the bed and removed her pants and top, then laid her on the bed, close to the side and set a trash can next to the bed.

When I kissed her forehead, she grabbed my arm and said, “I don’t feel so good. Please don’t leave me tonight.” I told her I wouldn’t. I covered her and then turned off the light and I went to the couch and fell asleep.

I know around 2am she got up and was throwing up, then went back to bed. I got up around 8am and checked on her. I crawled in beside her and watched her sleep. I doze off, myself then, until 10, when she woke up.

“Did you sleep in here all night?” “No. I stayed out on the couch. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Thanks for staying. I remember at 2 or so, I had to puke and you weren’t in here. I’m sorry for getting so drunk. God I feel like shit.”

I asked if she wanted anything, but she said no, except for aspirin and water. I got that and told her to call me later when she got up, if she felt up to it. But, I never heard from her the rest of the day, nor on Monday or Tuesday. I didn’t call either, just giving her space. My thought was that she was embarrassed about the party.

On Wednesday, I went up to see her, just before the Salon was to close. I parked out back and saw her car, along with Ashley’s and the Mustang. I knew from carrie, that John was doing some remodeling for her in the shop. When I knocked on the back door, Ashley answered.

“Oh Hi Tim. Vicky didn’t say you were coming up.” I looked down at her and said, “I just wanted to surprise her is all. She’s been kind of distant from me at late.”

Ashley had a look like, oh what do I say now. “Tim. I’ll let her know you were here. She’s finishing up a customer right now.”

I just raised my eyebrow at her comment and she shut the door. I was kind of ticked off, but I am not one to make a scene, so I got back in my car and left. I went over to Ron’s and just chilled out there. Mitch was there too and I told them what happened. Mitch said, “Man, what a bitch.”

I had to work late the next night, but when I was at work, I was getting kind of pissed off. Mostly because Vicky had been avoiding me, and I didn’t understand why. When I left at 9, that night, I drove straight from work to Vicky’s, so we could hash this out.

When I came down her road, I was shocked when I saw John’s Mustang sitting out front of her place. I don’t know why I didn’t just keep on going, but I stopped a few houses down and walked back to her place. All her lights were off, except for her bedroom. As I walked up to the door, I could hear her yell out, “Fuck Me John, Fuck Me”

I was so tempted to bang on the door and have it out with her and ruin their time, but I just turned and drove off. I went down by the boat and sat there for a few hours, just thinking. It really hurt that she would do that to me. I’m usually not the jealous type, but I felt it that night. This whole time I thought she was really mature and had strong feelings for me, at least, that’s what she kept saying.

I went home then and just went to bed. I vowed I would not call her. If she wanted to talk, she needed to call me or come see me. That Friday evening, I took out the card Ashley gave me and I called her. I think I was doing it to spite Vicky. If she could fuck around, then I could too. I asked Ash if she was still interested in going on the boat, which she said yes too. It was towards the end of September, but still fairly nice out too. We made plans for Sunday, around noon. I had no intentions of having sex with her, just going out to get my mind off of Vicky.

Vicky finally called Saturday and asked if I was busy on Sunday. We needed to talk. I told her I was busy, but now would be good. She said she had plans with her sister. Of course I knew that had to be bullshit, but said, maybe we could Sunday evening, then ended the call.

That Sunday, I went to Ashley’s and picked her up. She lived about 5 miles away, in an apartment with her older sister, who was leaving that day with her boyfriend, for a vacation in the Cayman Islands.

One good thing, it was about 80 degrees out and Ash was dressed in a pair of cut-off jeans and a pink polo shirt, but I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were poking through the material. Ashley is of Oriental descent, and like I said earlier, is a pixie of a girl, at 5’, and maybe 100 lbs, but cute as hell.

We spent a good portion of the afternoon just riding around and talking. I made no pass at her, although she did like standing with me, holding my arm when we were riding along and would always grab tight when a wave hit.

We got back to her place and she asked if I wanted to order pizza for dinner. I said, sure to that. It was nice spending some time with her. As we ate, she finally asked what was up with Vicky and I.

“To tell you the truth, I have no idea. But I am pretty sure it is over between us.” She asked why is that. I told her about me stopping to see her Thursday night and John’s car was there.

“That fucking slime ball. He is so fucking arrogant and thinks he is god’s gift to us women.”

“Yeah. When I went to the door, I could hear them in the back and Vicky yelling out. Fuck Me”

“Awe Tim. I am so sorry. To be honest, I think they were hoping Wednesday that I would leave, but I was the lock up person that night. Vicky said she would do it. But I said no, it was my responsibility, and I did not want to get fired for something I didn’t so”

“Oh well. If that is what she wants, then so be it. Like I told you before. I don’t own her and she is a big girl and can make her own decisions.”

“I am sorry she is treating you this way. I’ve heard only really great things about you. I have to ask, and I hope you don’t get pissed.”

“You can ask anything you want to Ash. I’m not the type that hides things, unless asked too.”

“I knew you guys were coming to the party at Carrie’s, last month or so.” I nodded in response. “Did you guys hook up with them that night?”

I chuckled a little then responded, “To be honest, yeah we did. We had a great time too. Maybe that is why Vicky is acting like she is now, I really don’t know. I heard you were there too, but left after Patty’s little blow up.”

She looked down, like she was ashamed. “Yeah. She got all pissy because I gave John a blowjob. We were all feeling pretty good by then and everyone was having sex. Hell, John fucked two other women, but Patty was getting pissed because he hung with her most of the time and I know they fucked at least twice. I don’t know why she got like that. It’s what that party was all about.”

I looked at her and said, “Look. I am not judging and if someone goes to a party like that, then they should know people are going to have multiple partners. Kind of glad we did it the way we did for our first time.”

“You are so right. You know, I didn’t screw anyone that night. I was mostly playing with 2 other girls. I’m Bi, as you may have guessed.”

I laughed and said, “Yeah, I knew and I guess I am now too” Ashley smacked my arm and said, “No way. You and Rich? Cool. I like an open minded guy”

I laughed at that remark, then got back to her story, “ But I thought someone said you went home with John.”

“I did, but only because Patty took off and I rode there with her. He wanted to come in, but I said no thanks. He left in sort of a huff. Guess a blowjob wasn’t good enough for him”, then chuckled.

I looked at my watch and saw it was going on 7pm, and figured it was time to put this to rest one way or another. I told Ashley that I better get going and go see Vicky. I said I don’t think this is going to end well either.

Ashley grabbed my hand and told me, “Look, if you want to come back later and talk, I’ll be here. If you just want to come back, come on back. I really liked hanging with you today.”

“Maybe I will Ash. But I doubt that I will. I’ll probably just head home. You don’t need some debbie downer bringing you down. But, maybe later this week I could call you and see if we want to hang out again.”

She smiled and said sure, that would be great. She gave me a kiss on the cheek when I was leaving. I did look back at her and said to myself, “man, what a fool. Gorgeous little thing like that.”

On the short ride over to Vicky’s, my stomach was in a knot. I knew this was the end of it, and may be that was for the best. Could I see myself married to her in a few years, no. A few weeks ago, I probably would have said yes, but these last few weeks opened my eyes, and neither of us are ready for that step in life.

By the time I got to Vicky’s, I was nervous as hell. After knocking on the door, she opened it and let me in. She was wearing an Indians Jersey that I bought her at one of the games we went too. That’s all she had on and it looked really sexy on her. I didn’t mention a thing to her about it. She offered me a drink, which I declined, and then went and sat on her couch.

“So” I said. “What is going on. What have I done that you have totally shut me out of your life?”

“It’s not you Tim, It’s me, it really is. I got scared. We were going down a path I don’t want to at this time in my life. I have deep feelings for you, and all I ever wanted was a friend and a sex buddy. But I think if we keep going, it will lead to something else.”

I just looked at her. I have to admit, I too, had strong feelings for her. “Yeah, you are right. I did have strong feelings for you, but after this week, that was completely destroyed.”

“What do you mean, this week?” she asked.

“Come on Vicky, really?” she did not answer, but did have a tear in her eye. “Did Ashley tell you I stopped up Wednesday night, just before closing?”

“No she didn’t, why did you come up?”

“I was hoping we could talk after work. But she said you were busy with a customer. But I did notice John’s car there, so I bet he was the customer.”

“Yeah he was, so what? I trimmed his hair.”

“That’s cool. So I guess thursday night, you were trimming his hair too at your place.”

“I didn’t see him Thursday.”

I just laughed and said, “Oh Ok. So his car parked out in front of your place, was just a mirage. Just like when I got out and came to the door and heard you yell out, Fuck me John, Fuck me, was a mirage too.”

Tears were now running down your her face, and mine too. I was totally hurt.

“It’s not any of your business who I fuck or even see. I think you need to leave now, and never come back.”

“You’re right Vick. It isn’t my business now. I can’t believe I actually believed you that one night in bed, when you said you’d be so hurt, if I had sex with someone else and you did not know about it. That was a lot of bullshit. In fact, I was stupid for even coming here tonight. Did you fuck him last night too?”

“Asshole. No I didn’t. I told you I was with my sister.”

“Ok right. You know, I was with Ashley today. We went out on the boat. I should have just stayed over there with her. But no. I felt like I was cheating, even though not a damn thing went on.”

She had a pissed look on her face. “You were with that whore? I’m sure you two fucked all day then. I know her and I know she has wanted to fuck you for a time now.”

“Well, believe what you want, but I have no reason to lie. I didn’t even have to tell you, but I believe in full disclosure, unlike you.”

I got up then and looked at her. Her face was drenched with tears. I started for the door, and she ran up and grabbed me.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen between John and I. I got high with him and one thing led to another.”

“I don’t really care Vicky. I really thought we had a good thing going between us. But hey, I’m sure you will get over me pretty quick, and now you got the ultimate fuck buddy. From what I hear, he’ll drop you in no time and move on to someone else.”

“Fuck You. Get out now.”

So I left. I went home and just crashed in my bed. The next day my mo asked what was wrong and I told her that Vicky and I broke up. She said it was probably for the best. I was too young to be tied down, and I had to agree with that.

Later that week, I did stop at Mitch’s and he said he heard all about it. I said, yeah, too bad. Then I told him my side. His eyes got wide and said, what lying bitch she is. She said you were fucking around on her. I asked him if he truly believed that and he said no. It did not sound like me. He knew I was really into her.

Ron and Mitch were good friends to me. They made sure I didn’t sit around and mope about it. After a good month, I was pretty much back to my normal self.

One night, I was over at Mitch’s and Tacy showed up. She said she was sorry for what Vicky did to me. Then let me know that John dropped her after two weeks and was going out with some broad Patty. I had to chuckle at that.

I did talk with Ashley a couple of time, and we even went out twice. The second time, we came back to her place and she wanted to have sex, but I declined saying I didn’t feel it was right, since she worked with Vicky. I really didn’t want her going in and saying, “Oh yeah Vick, Tim and I fucked this weekend.” I may have been mad, but I am not out for revenge.

Over Christmas time, I was over at Mitch’s and Vicky showed up. I was surprised, because my car was there, in the driveway, so she knew I was there. I was civil towards her, but carried no conversation. Thankfully, she did not stay long. That was the last time we ran into each other like that.

Tracy had tried to persuade me to coming over a few times for some fun time, but I declined. It wasn’t her fault that her sister couldn’t keep her legs shut, but, I also did not want any drama from that family.

It was for the best, for the very next year, I met my future wife and lived a very nice life. To some, it probably was not the lifestyle that they would live, but we loved each other and trusted each other. Carol was my life. We had many an adventure too, which I will always treasure. It still hurts that God took her from me so soon.

About 10 years ago, Carol and I were at the mall shopping and I ran into Vicky. We chatted for a few minutes and I did introduce her to Carol. She said she was divorced, her second, and had 2 kids, which were grown and living out of state. I told her I Carol and I have been together since ‘78. I have to say that Vicky really looked haggard and gained a good 20 pounds.

As we walked away, it reminded me of a song by Garth Brooks, Unanswered Prayers. “Some of God’s greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers.”

That was also the first time that I had really mentioned Vicky to Carol and all that had transpired. She laughed and said she should go back and thank her, because if she hadn’t done what she did, who knows, we may never have gotten together.


Just an update. This past Thanksgiving I spent an enjoyable time with Kim and her kids and grandkids. As the day wore on, her daughter Karen, said how come you two don’t live together and quit this coming over. You both are good for one another and we all know you have sex. So just start living again. Aunt Carol would be very happy if you two were a couple now.

So we did move in the very next week. She is going to sell her place. As I have been writing this story, she has been reading it. She had no idea I went through this. She is a great woman though and we do love one another, and, I have to admit, it feels really good to wake up daily with her.

We are going to be taking a cruise later this year with Karen and Pete, and also Ann and Sam, so that should be fun, and if anything happens, we’ll write about it.

And to the anonymous folks that leave messages. Most of you are very supportive and I am grateful. But the one’s that just find something wrong in what I wrote, I am sure you have never written a story in your life, but have this need to put others down that truly enjoy doing this. One guy bitched because I said in the first part, my 8”inch cock, then in the next 7 ½”. Only reason that happened is because Kim measured it one night, and it stuck in my head. I was flabbergasted that I actually lost almost a ½ inch. Guess everything shrinks with age.

And one other thing too. I used real names this time for my friends. In the past, I did not. But I figured I hadn’t seen them in years, and they would never know who it was writing this. I doubt they even read stuff like this.