Porn Games News 01/08/12 0 (0)

Hi everybody. I haven’t written anything since last year) So it’s time to tell you something.

But first I want to congratulate you on all the past holidays. May everything be wonderful for you. May all your endeavors be successfully realized!

Solomon Convent News

It’s been exactly a month since the last time I added new lines to the game code. And a lot of lines have been added today. The screenwriter continues to write the script. The plot of the game begins to take shape. To date, the flowchart looks like this.

As I understand it, the screenwriter wants to introduce the player to the Seven Deadly Sins. I like. These will be girls who represent sins. These will be unusual, interesting and necessarily sexy characters. What do you think Gluttony will look like?)))

Cybergenic News

Soon, very soon, the next part of this adult game will be released. Almost everything is done, it remains only to get the text in English from the translator and insert it into the game. I won’t promise a release date for the game yet, but it will definitely be in January of this year.

In the meantime, here are some erotic pictures.

Lust for Power. Episodes 1-6 1 (2)

The next episodes of the erotic game “Lust for Power”, based on the Witcher world. Your journey with Ciri continues. Both day and night.

PLAY ONLINE EP1-6 (Patreon)


Porn Games News 12/25/21 0 (0)

Hi everybody. I haven’t written news for a long time. This is because I rested for almost a week and a half and didn’t do much. And now it’s time to write something.

Solomon Convent News

In this game, the screenwriter is also resting. He will continue to write the script only next year. In the meantime, the flowchart looks like this.

I haven’t made a single picture in just a month. Therefore, there is not much to tell about.

Cybergenic News

Unlike the previous game, this game is doing very well. The script is completely ready! It remains to check the variables. The flowchart turned out like this.

This is the biggest scheme we’ve done. And, of course, the work took a very long time. But the matter is moving towards the end and I think that in January we will publish this game. Now I need to make the remaining pictures for the game, add code, add music. Then it will be necessary to check the game for errors. I have already given the text for translation to an American translator.

During this month I made 374 images.

About other projects

Our other projects, such as “Lust for Power” and Sexville games are still without movement. The screenwriters don’t write me anything, there’s no news from them. Therefore, do not wait for the continuation in those topics yet.

Huge thanks to everyone who supports us! Your help inspires us to work further!

Porn News 11/26/21 0 (0)

Hello. A new batch of news is ready for you, my dear patron.

Solomon Convent News

The flowchart looks like this. The entire block of dialogue with the guardian who guards you has been written. During the dialogue with her, you always have to choose the right lines. Otherwise, you can pass by the sex scene.

There were 403 pictures. While the dialogue is going on, the pictures are monotonous.

Cybergenic News

The flowchart in this game looks like this. During the week I made enough pictures, 971 images in total. Pictures of dialogues with Nadia, Emma, Uni were made.

And this is how Juni will look in a sexier outfit, which is available for $ 15 patrons.

They will also have access to a new section on the file sharing site. In this section I will post a video of the animation creation process. And there are already the first videos there!

And thanks to everyone who supports us. You are the best!

Porn News 11/20/21 0 (0)

Hi everybody. It’s time to tell you about what I’ve been doing these two weeks. First of all, I will say that I went to another city for a week and did not create games. And in total , for half a month , this is what was done:

Solomon Convent News

This is how a fresh flowchart looks like.

While there is a dialogue with the girl guard. The pictures are about the same. But soon sex with her will begin.

The total number of pictures made is 125 pieces. Before that, there were 55 pieces.

Cybergenic News

Basically, I was engaged in the game described above. Therefore, there is still little progress in Cybergenics. Now 906 images have been made. Most of the new images are animations of sex scenes.

Porn news 11/06/2011 0 (0)

Another batch of weekly news about how we make porn games.

First of all, thank you to everyone who supports us! I say welcome to the new patrons, I greet those who have been with us for a long time.

Solomon Convent News

This week we started making the next series of the game “The Solomon Ring”. This time you’re going straight to a hot fire-breathing hell. What challenges and adventures await you there is unknown. Be ready for everything, including sex.

To date, the scenario looks like this.

As you can see, the plot is straightforward. And I want to ask you – which version of the script do you like best? Is it straightforward like in “The Solomon Ring” or more branched, like in “Cybergenic?”

Here is a diagram of the first 40 images in Cybergenics.

And a total of 55 pictures have been made now.

Cybergenic News

This week I was doing animations of sex scenes. This is a psychotherapy session from Adriana. And what kind of mental problems does the main character have? He worries that his ship was stolen and his assistant was in a conspiracy with cyborgs. And the best means of psychotherapy is a bed.

The flowchart now looks like this.

Which version of the script do you like best?

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Porn Games News 10/30/21 0 (0)

Hi everybody.

Solomon Convent News

As you have noticed, the first game in “The Solomon Ring” series has been released. You can play it on this page. By tradition, for the first two weeks it is available only for $7 patrons. Then it will be available to $5 patrons. When the second game in the series is published, I will make it free.

As a result, we got 1053 pictures and quite a lot of animations.

Next week, the screenwriter will start writing the script for the next game.

Cybergenic News

Everything goes on as usual here. The screenwriter writes the script, I make pictures. To date, 683 images have been made. And here is a picture of a flowchart.

At the moment I’m working on creating pictures for a conversation with Adriana. The conversation with her turned out to be the longest. And it’s not over yet. As I understand it, there is no conversation with Emma yet.

The Solomon Ring 1: The Cumvent 4 (5)

You just became the janitor of the Salomon Convent of nuns, and while you’re happy to be surrounded by cuties in nun dresses, you know that if you get “too close” to them, you will end up hanging by the neck. So, you’re careful and diligent… And precisely because you’re so damn good, you always end up stumbling upon trouble!

But, well, maybe to lend a hand to the nuns who need your help is also part of your duty of taking care of the convent?

Yes! And, when they lift up their nun dresses and offer their bodies to you as a thank you, who are you to reject the kindness of these holy women?



For patreon supporters, you can download our games HERE for pc and mobile devices

The game for adults is almost finished. News 10/23/21 0 (0)

Hi everybody.

Solomon Convent News

The first game in “The Solomon Ring” series called “Cumvent” is almost finished. All the main pictures are made, they turned out to be 1114. This is taking into account the version with a sexier outfit for one of the nuns. It remains only to wait for the screenwriter to add achievements to the game and make pictures for them. I think there will be 8, 9 or 12 achievements in total.

Here is almost the final version of the scheme.

I am sure that next week we will publish the game.

Cybergenic News

I haven’t worked on this game this week. The screenwriter wrote new blocks, but I didn’t make pictures for them. But I will definitely take up this game.

Porn Games News 10/16/21 0 (0)

Hi everybody.

Solomon Convent News

The whole week was spent in work, quite a lot was done. As always, I post a screenshot of a fresh flowchart.

Now there are 782 pictures in the game. This is a big increase in the number. It occurred due to the fact that new animations from the sex scene were added.

The screenwriter is almost finishing work on the flowchart. I think he has about 30-40 blocks left to make. Well, I have to make many more images, including animations of the sex scene.

I really hope that by the end of this month the game will be published.

Cybergenic News

A lot has been done in this game too. I am publishing a flowchart of this game.

As you can see, it is very large. Each column is a conversation with one of the team members. Turquoise color marks sex scenes. During this week, I made a lot of pictures, as a result, today there are 520 images. If the work continues at the same pace, then perhaps we will finish the game in late November or early December.

Thank you so much for your patience and faith in us.