Hey, everybody. This week I’ve been doing pictures for a little sex scene with Glenna. You and her were waiting for Triss to finish the ritual in the barracks. But Glenna didn’t want to wait six hours and offered to speed up the process. She suggested that you warm up Triss with your naked bodies. You agreed with her and you had sex right on top of Triss’ meditating body.

Having finished the ritual at the place of the last magical sign, you and Triss returned to the Oxenfurt Academy. The secretary escorted you to the rector. But that was not the end of your adventure with Triss. The Rectoress gave you a new task which you will tackle in future updates.

The images for this update are almost all done. I have a few images left to do for the sex scene with Glenna. The screenwriter didn’t come up with any poses where Glenna uses a vibrator. I made the screenwriter come up with those poses.
The final flowchart looks like this.

I think the update will be released in the first decade of June. I am already checking the game for bugs, adding music and sounds to the game. The thing that will take me the most time is translating the game into other languages.
I’m also helping to create a Game of Thrones-themed game. It will be a separate project, for which I only make pictures. And we are already preparing this game for publication. In this game, all the pictures are already done. Now we are testing the game, design the appearance of a new account on Boosty.

That’s all the news for this week. Have a great mood everyone!