Hello everyone. This week I continued to create pictures of Triss’s adventures.
After finishing the ritual at the brothel, you went to the next place the secretary pointed out to you. It was the barracks. While searching there, you met Glenna. She was very interested in the detector and wanted to help in your search. Eventually you found the right place, but I’ll tell you about that next time.

Back this week, I started creating pictures for Oliver’s final task. You will have to steal the chancellor’s panties. So far I’ve only managed to make the interior of the chancellor’s office and the appearance of the character.

I ended up making 57 images in a week. A lot of time was spent on creating the interior of several locations. And I remade some previously made pictures.
The screenwriter continues to create. The flowchart has enlarged and looks like this.

I’ve also started working with another team to create a Game of Thrones-themed game. If we are able to release the game, I’ll let you know.
Thank you all for your support. Have a great day!