Link to the game
Only the phrases of your answers are written here.
Well, now there’s no going back!
Thank goodness there are no insects here! I wouldn’t be able to handle a spider in my pants! (shiver)
Who’s there? (peer into the darkness)
Agreed, talking to yourself is not healthy behavior. Especially when you don’t immediately realize that you’re talking to yourself.
Fine, fine! I get it! (go further, holding your hands in front of you)
It’s not that early, I think I better go faster! (go faster)
You should be friends with your Cuckoo. Go ahead, what do you have for me?
Hmm. This looks like a secret entrance. I haven’t been walking for that long, but I’ve made some progress. Is this all the local duke’s?
This place isn’t too bad! I could live here!
I wonder what this could be. (look closer)
I think the duke will be very happy to learn about these passages!
This knight is a master of his art. So much armor, but he moves like a cat!
Hey! I’m here! Let me in!
Hmm, interesting, I wonder what they’re talking about.
Oh! You again! Yes, my performance in the role of Parsley completely transformed the audience’s perception of that character…
Good morning, m’lady. Not for me. I am burdened by thoughts.
About food!
I am always wondering how much oil to add to…
But how many grams is that? How can I explain this expense to the king???
I have no subordinates. I handle things myself…
Yeah, look at the calluses I’ve built up!
And look at this! It’s already turning red!
Imagine how much oil this takes!
Of course not, woman! Only oil! Without it my tools will quickly rust!
You women don’t understand weapons very well! Leave me alone with my sorrow!
I don’t even know how to respond. I’ve never heard that word before.
Yeah, it was some kind of goblin translation.
I think I know… (take it)
This thing is cool. Too bad I didn’t notice it earlier!
Maybe he was born with it.
His voice is booming, like he’s talking into a bucket! Well, that’s it, sir knight is leaving and it’s time for me to go as well. I’m getting hungry!
How can the voice inside my head know more words than me?
Whoa, it’s a lever too! Now I can get out of these secret passages! Awesome!
There is even armor here, just like sir knight was wearing…
Yes, I should dress up as the knight and have a look around…
But I never had a chance to peep at her!
You’re right… (Put on the armor)
As long as they don’t expose us. Another meeting with Zenny will be lights out!
And the doors! There are doors ahead!
It’s a good thing somebody numbered them. That way I won’t get lost!
Door # 1
I always loved the number one! I think it’s my lucky number!
So, what do we have here? Another mirror? Let’s look and listen!
I’ll just have to use my imagination again. At least I can guess the general meaning.
Okay, I’ll take the skinny one!
Well, Lassy? What do you think of your new mistress?

I don’t really like her.
Maybe you’re right. There is some secret there. Maybe…
At least it’s not the duke!
Are you listening? About Becky?
They say Becky is an illegitimate princess! She lived in the forest, which is why she is so rustic!
Knight schmight, he’s probably covered in acne. I’ve never seen him without a helmet on!
Actually, why are we here so early?
Maybe you should?
Sex scene

Don’t forget to get dressed!
Okay! I hope the duke doesn’t get mad!
Of course. After all, we’re the same person.
The lever engages but the mirror stays in place
Dang, I guess I’ll stay hungry!
Time to see what’s behind the other doors?
Door # 2
I bet this eventually leads to another mirror!
As I expected, another mirror. Let’s get closer!
Hmm, what an interesting potion, and I clearly need it! I don’t want to be exposed.
(Drink the potion)
Oooooo! Time to look in the mirror!
I’ve never had so much fun with mirrors!
This gardener fellow knows what he’s doing! Of course, that target is hard to miss…
In the future, maybe everyone will have viewing mirrors like this!
Judging by the gardener, this will all be over soon!
I was right! I wonder if they’ve been here long. (Listen to their conversation)
Eavesdropping is even better than making up their conversation!
I need to find out what orders she is talking about.
The gardener is such an optimist! And Assy is clearly hiding something. But what?
Hoss is a simple guy! Why would he ask questions?
How can I speak with her and not expose the secret passage? What if… I say something through the tube? For example: “Ooooooo!”
Of coooourse, who else wooould it beeee?
I have a bucket on my head. It’s more interesting and scarier this way.
Fulfill my wishes and I will leave you for today!
To get the achievement Robin Bobin
Bring an offering of food to the basement and light a candle!
No. I love a good roast. I don’t need any blood!
We can change our voices.
I just got here.
Don’t forget about my request!
Wow. There’s an opening here. I wonder what it’s for. Well, I better try to get out of here.
I’m free! But the gardener is outside, and I doubt he will understand this sudden appearance of a knight from the shed.
I better go back to the secret passage or the mirror will close, and I’ll be exposed
I’ll see what’s behind the other doors!
To get a blowjob.
Tell me, can you play the flute?
What about the leather flute?
Of course! Here it is! (stick your dick through the hole in the mirror)
This is a navigation device! They’re quite rare. Did you really think ghosts have real dicks?
Listen to your heart!
Woo woo woooo
Trooloo trooloo trooloooo
Paraparapaaaaaa Trooloooo trulululoooooo
Trulululoooo rulalooo!
It’s time for the final chord!
Ta daaaaaaaaa!
Of course not! It’s magical gratitude! And quite tasty!
You don’t believe me?
I had fun with you!
Well, that was the best room so far! But what about the others?
Door # 3
I don’t really like it.
I have a serious question for you!
If I’m a man, shouldn’t the voice in my head be a man’s voice?
No way!
So, you got into my head and are speaking with me from there?
So, you’re not even close to me?
I’m not even afraid of orcs!

Were you the spirit?
Thanks for that. She is great and deserves to be happy.
Why am I not surprised? Every girl I meet wants something from me.
You don’t look ninety.
But why are you here?
Do you want me to help you?
You’re standing right in front of me!
I’ll try to help you. Shall we go back to the secret passages? There are more unexplored doors!
That would be cool!
Door # 5
Oooo! It’s the shortest path and ends with food!
I can’t stand this! I need to do something!
We’re finally eating! I’ve waited for so long! (try to raise your visor)
Umm. Yes, I decided to have a bite to eat.
We think alike!
It’s obvious!
What are you talking about?
Yeah, no problem… I…
Yes! I just wanted to say…
What can’t you do?

Sex scene
Two Bunnies
You don’t usually have your cake and eat it too!
Becky was just…
Okay. (whisper back)
Exactly! We’re wrestling!
Time to get out of here before anyone else shows up like Sally did!
If it wasn’t for that stress, I would never have guessed that the mirror opens into a secret entrance from the other side too.
Oh, Cuckoo, you’re back? I’m still hungry.
If Assy did not play the flute.
You’re my savior!
And now we get to try it!
What are you talking about? (ravenously attack the food)
Robin Bobin
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!
It’s getting late. Where else should I go?
Of course! I just don’t know where to start.
But you can look through any wall and find all the secret passages.
Magic is so complicated.
You will find a picklock when you destroy the wall – in the lower right part of the screen.
No big deal. I love puzzles.
We’ll look together.
Yes, it’s been a tumultuous day, and you’ve been with me for a long time.
See you soon!
Let’s see what awaits us! (enter)
Two chests. I wonder what could be inside.
It looks like this lock pick can only be used once. It’s falling apart.
I choose the left chest (Telescope).
I choose the right chest (Beautiful fabric).
This thing is cool. Whoever gets it is lucky.
It might be a good idea to stop in and leave a little gift for a pretty girl!
To meet the maids and get the achievement “Supermarket”
It’s decided! I’ll go to the throne room! Let everything else wait!
Well, so far so good. I hope no one sees me!
Time to go out into the light!
This is too dangerous, I overestimated myself.
I better look in the middle door.
The door is ornate, but the man looks simple enough. Maybe this is the commander of the fortress.
I better look in the simpler door.
Right on!
The girls are here! I knew it!
Another tough choice. I don’t even know who would like my gift more.
A huge selection!
The telescope is for the maid on the right.
The cloth is for the maid on the left.

Sex scene
To help Cuckoo
I better help Cuckoo and leave the rest for later.
Perhaps I should light a torch. It’s getting dark.
This looks like the entrance to some cave. I hope it isn’t the one I came from.
But what if she is to the right?
I don’t think she’s here. I should have gone the other way.
I wonder what’s ahead.
She wouldn’t last long with neighbors like this. I need to find another way!
Is that Cuckoo calling me?
No, that’s definitely not Cuckoo’s voice. I’ll go back and find another way forward!
I can’t move this stone. I need to try another time!
To get achievement It Could be Worse
I can’t move these stones. I’ll have to come back another time!
I should check the duke and duchess’s room. If no one is there, I’ll sleep in their luxury bed!
And if someone is there, we’ll just see what happens!
I wonder what’s going on. Are the duke and duchess back? I should listen!
Hmmm, it sounds like two voices and they’re both female. Who could that be?
I need to hurry and close the secret entrance!
What are you doing here?
Becky? What are you trying to say?

Oh yeah, I’ll put this back and you take the gag out. After all, she’s trying to talk to us!
Y-yes I can, Sally. Whatever you say!
Hey! There wasn’t a ring in there!
What’s going on?
I think I’m starting to understand the rules in this castle!
Sex scene
Fighting caliber!
I doubt she’ll answer you. Her mouth is busy!
Hey, girls! I’m here too!
No thanks, I think I better go in case someone comes and sees us here, and…
Hey, I’m not asking you to take your mask off!
Everyone can wear what they want!
Let’s just leave and forget it, okay?
It Could be Worse
The shorter the member, the shorter the fun.
To help Cuckoo
The listening tube is almost like an iron rod, but if it bends, I’ll never get out of here…
But I didn’t come here to give up! I need to risk it and move this stone!
I feel like I’m getting close. I’m coming for you, Cuckoo!
For those who explore every nook and cranny!
She is dressed so strangely. I’ve never seen anything like it.

What should I do now? She didn’t tell me! I thought I’d march around on the stone floor in my armored boots and she would wake up.
Maybe she’s faking it? I’ll tickle her!
Maybe I should tickle her side?
Well, well. So, you don’t want to get up? Just you wait!
Let’s bring in the heavy artillery!
Maybe I should just kiss her, like in fairy tales?
It was a real pain in the ass!
The main thing is to have a happy ending!
Everything is fine and just as it should be. You look great!
Relax, Cuckoo, what’s wrong with you?
You’ve been lying here for so long, they just rotted away! Maybe you’re just cold?
Are we going somewhere?
get the hint!
I’m sick of wearing it myself. I’ll take a
little break (remove armor)
Watch out, I’m new at this!
Rub her shoulders
Rub her back
Start with the hips
Massage her feet
Squeeze her breasts
So, are you relaxed and calm now?
Massage Therapist
It’s just a massage! No happy endings.
Someone else would have come along and saved you.
A disappearing trick?
But where are your tools?
They don’t show tricks like that at county fairs!
I’m so happy for you, but also a bit sad that I won’t get to hear your voice again.
I know, but my heart doesn’t always listen to reason…
Thanks! I’m tired of worrying about being found out. Is it magic?
Long goodbyes are just more tears.
How do we do that?
I thought the bead…
That’s a happy note, right?
I only play the drums.
I just wanted to clarify, you never know, maybe I misunderstood you…
Got it! It’s just that in my experience with witches, it’s always better to get consent. (For sex scene)
How much patience do you have? (For Blueballzilla. Destroyer of Pleasant Moments)
Was that the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?
It’s time to settle in for the night, and head back to the castle tomorrow.
Good, Cuckoo left her clothes here with me, I’ll use them as a pillow…
Good night, Cuckoo…