The story begins
Our servants work so hard. We don’t even have to whip them.
What’s going on? Sir knight? How did you get here?
Hello everyone! Why quest in distant lands when I can do it right here?
You mean it’s strange that I’m still here?
I’m just exhausted from my latest quest.
I saved you all from a fierce and monstrous ghost. I battled it all night.
I defeated it with just a stick and my wits.
I used only a stick and my wits to perform a mighty feat!
That’s what I’m saying! I had only a stick and my wits and achieved victory!
What happened to you?
What contest? I hope it’s not a snowman building contest. That’s a real challenge in the summer.
What an honor.
Definitely not.
This worries me.
And what about magic? It could be a serious advantage, right?
As you wish.
What is it?
You look upset.
That’s horrible! From the castle itself?
Of course not!
Me… Why? I can’t do that.
Why must I? How does that serve you? Do you think I’m the thief?
To get a Stab in the Back Achievement
It probably rolled under the bed or fell in some crack.
Or you took it with you and lost it somewhere.
Maybe a dog ate it? They eat diamonds all the time.
Really, I look terrible, I need to tidy up.
To continue the game
And who did you expect to see? A ghost?
Silence was my first oath. The helmet is my second.
You could hire people to look for it.
Oh, this will be tough. And I broke my stick. Now I can’t get into the secret passages.
As you wish, milady…
Wait, where are you going? I need to inspect your room.
I hate to leave all this food, but duty calls. Let’s go right away.
I’ve only seen it from the other side of the mirror.
Something must be done about these passages.
I’d like to ask a few questions…
No problem.
Big Horn.

This has nothing to do with the case.
I’m not morose. I’m quite spunky.
You wanted to ask me some questions.
So, my turn?
Did anyone else have access to this room?
Who do you suspect of being the thief most of all?
Fine, I think I can solve this riddle.
Not so fast. I don’t know yet.
I’ll do my best.
I was questing!
I understand…
Now I’m stuck. I should have listened to my gut and got out of here last night.
It smells familiar, like the tavern storeroom. Debauchery! But the duke and duchess weren’t here yesterday.
Piece of cake! I have more than enough time!
Find a stocking, a note, a hairpin, a button
Wow, this isn’t so easy after all. I don’t think I’ve learned anything.
So, who should I question first in my investigation?
The Head Butler’s Quarters – 1
Hey, anyone home? (knock)
Thanks, I have a couple questions…
No, just some simple questions.
Ah, that. Yes, get used to the new me.
The duchess gave me a reason to be talkative, I’m afraid.
Do you have any interesting information for me?
Why not?
We could get to know each other.
Friends help each other, right?
Maybe you’ll help me first? And the duchess?
What happened yesterday evening?
Got any ideas at all?
Do they do that a lot? Why?
Yes, she tries to look progressive.
Anything else?
Anyone else?
And I never take my helmet off?
But what if an imposter has been in this armor the whole time?
I can just call her Sally?
Has anyone tried?
Ouch. I bet she hits hard.
I’m listening.
Of course not.
Yes, of course, please continue.
To get the Homophobia Achievement
No, no, no. I’m not like that (run away)
To continue the game
I know the feeling. It’s normal.
Awesome. Should I help you get together?
Then what’s with all the fuss? That’s a pretty simple request.
Gross, why do you want that? Try being friends first!
I’m not up to it. Sorry, buddy, but I can’t help you there.
She will definitely notice if I try to take her panties off. A scandal will be unavoidable.
Why not? I only need one pair.
Fine. I’ll do it, but if they catch me red-handed…!
Sally’s Room
(open the door and go inside)
An emergency.
And can you help me?
How long have you been friends?
No one wants to help me out.
I’m trying to.
You’re toying with me like a cat with a mouse.
It’s to show off. But the duchess is your friend. Don’t you feel sorry for her?
Whoa. What was that?

Click on the panties
Sounds menacing.
I’m amazed you have friends.
This business requires urgency.
To get the Impatience achievement
Yes! You’re the one drawing it out!
To continue the game
Fine. I apologize.
What is it?
And what? Maybe the duke summoned him.
Is that all?
He doesn’t look like someone who plans that far ahead. And he’s still here.
A bribe? Why has no one bribed me yet? I’m also a judge.
I still need to survive that long.
I need to think about the gardener’s role in all this. Thanks anyway.
I understand, and I feel weird about it already. (leave the room)
The Head Butler’s Quarters – 2
Everything is ready. Tell me your secret.
Tell me what you know first.
That’s fair. Look, they are definitely hers, knight’s honor.
What about your end of the bargain?
I’m listening. I hope this is worth it.
If I forget something, I’ll just ask.
Sex scene
Wow, you told that story with such enthusiasm. I think you like the duchess even more than you like Sally.
Anyway, everything ended with that kiss. Thanks for the info.
I didn’t expect to hear that. It gets me thinking.
I would never have thought of that.
Got it, I’m leaving. (leave the room)
Go to the
The Head Butler’s Quarters – 3
I don’t think I want to see what’s happening inside.
Achievement unlocked: “Hockey”
The Garden
Quite right.
Depends how you look at it.
Wait, I have an important question for you!
What if I want to ask you about plants, flowers, or pruning?
I need to know what you were doing last night.
A little birdie told me about your relations with the duchess.
I wasn’t talking about that.
But something did happen between you?
But we know what that means, right?
Yes, such a progressive girl is hard to find. So what happened?
And how long ago was it?
Quite a while.
I understand. But I’m looking for any lead. Anything strange.
Something must be done about the doors in this castle.
Don’t get distracted. What did you hear?
Give me the details.

Sex scene
And how big was it?
That even beats yours.
I can’t remember what that all reminds me of…
That was wise. And what do think was going on?
I’ll have to check that out.
Why? Did you tell me everything?
I wasn’t planning on doing that. And she would never let me.
I’m a straightforward person. Cut to the chase.
That’s the plan. Bye.
Becky’s Room
Hi, Becky. Were you expecting me?
Part of that business includes talking to you.
I am asking for your help.
I did leave, but I came back early.
Through a secret entrance. The townspeople were complaining about some noise in a cave. I helped them and found a secret entrance back inside.
Have you noticed anything strange lately?
But you’re so observant. Are you sure?
What’s wrong?
Do you think I will accuse an innocent person because of your information?
Okay, then.
What if I told you I heard a little something about you?
I know you never remove that scarf from your face…
The gardener told me something – something you were doing when you thought you were alone…
Would you like everyone to find out about it? Arrange a live viewing?
I think I already know…
I’m all ears.
Sex scene
This isn’t a castle. It’s a brothel.
Thank you for the hospitality. (leave the room)
The Servants’ Quarters
Yes, Assy. But where is Lassy?
So, I’ll speak with each of you alone.
Do you know what?
The duke is quick to punish…
Did you notice anything strange last night?
I mean, was anyone behaving oddly, or did you notice any strangers?
What do you mean?
He’s the head butler. It’s his duty to monitor things.
If I knew that I’d stop by a lot as well.
But what else could be the reason for his visits?
What could be of interest in the laundry room besides you and Lassy?
Quite right. I’ll go chat with Lassy while she’s cleaning up.
Great, I have a couple questions for you.
Who else is competing?
Want to gain some favor with a judge?
Did you notice anything strange yesterday?
That’s too bad. You’re not much help…
What’s wrong with drinking?
Was that the only strange thing?
Is that strange?
I’m sure there’s a simple explanation for that.
That is strange, I admit. But I don’t think it helps me.
But no one has been interested in the duke and duchess’s room?
Who’s in charge of the keys right now?
There is strange business afoot, but I can’t connect any of it.
Or he’ll get me off track.
Okay, I should really continue the investigation. (leave the room)
You can take another look at the servants’ room.
The Duke
I have some suspects already.
It’s definitely the gardener.
Report all known evidence
To get the Doctor Watson achievement
Yes, I’m sure.
To continue the game
No, I’m not. I have other suspects.
I suspect the head butler.
Report all known evidence
To get the Sherlock Holmes achievement
We found the thief.
To continue the game
I doubt he could do it alone.
I need to go to town before the contest begins. I have a contact there.
I won’t waste it. (go to town)
To get the Azkaban achievemen, do not tell the Duke about the evidence and make a good joke about the Dukes’ words.
The Town
Yes, I’m here, Lassy. Why do you look so surprised?
Thanks for trusting me. Why did Assy doubt me?
But what are you doing here? And where is Assy?
And you?
I don’t know them all, but I do know about one.
It’s me.
Are you preparing any dances or tricks?
But is that against the rules? Commiserating with contestants before the contest?
I’ll think about it. Maybe I’ll come by if I take care of my business.
Well, I got out of the castle. Now where do I go? I don’t know where I am.
I don’t have many options. Either run away or go to the local tavern. Maybe Sunny will help me, even if she doesn’t recognize me.
If she doesn’t want to help, I’ll tell her I know she’s a witch. (go to the tavern)
The Tavern
Greetings! I’m Sir Cocks. And you are?
I think we would remember one another.
Thank you. I hear there’s a contest today.
I better not. I have an important mission, and nothing will distract me!
I need to know which of your rooms are occupied.
I’m conducting an investigation on the duke’s orders.
Unfortunately, I don’t.
Right. I might accidentally damage some doors.
Thanks. I hope they have big keyholes.
Go to the second floor
I better look through the keyholes first. Just in case it’s a trap.
We advise you to save the game and explore each of the rooms!
The fifth room
Why am I here? Sunny is downstairs. I doubt she’s hiding anyone in her room.
(break down the door)
Achievement unlocked: “There you go again.”
The fourth room
Wow! I wonder what will happen if I enter unannounced…
Should I knock or just go inside? Maybe the door is unlocked…
I could just give it a little push. If it doesn’t budge, I’ll go do the duke’s bidding.
The door was unlocked. I was passing by and accidentally bumped it.
Since I’m here, is everything okay? Do you have any questions? About the contest, that is…
Well, it’s quite simple…
Yes, the contest is very important.
Of course. I even have a good name for a judge.
Well, let me take a closer look at you to see if I can spot any weak points.

Sex scene
Sunny? Why are you shouting? Everything is fine.
And where is he?
But everything worked out…
Time to run again.
Achievement unlocked: “Run, Forest, run!”
The second room
Tough choice. What should I do if the thief is behind this door? I can’t fight.
I don’t even want to peep through the keyhole. I’ll knock.
(Oh, it’s a girl, thank goodness) Food delivery.
Sure thing, I’ll be back in a minute. (go downstairs)
I need some tea, Sunny. Did she order food from you?
Thanks. They should offer complimentary tea with their deliveries. It would boost sales.
(go upstairs)
(Knock and let yourself in)
I’m a knight, Sir Cocks. I have some questions for you.
To get the achievement I forgive you
I’ll be direct: did you break into the duchess’s bedroom?
To continue the game
I’m just conducting a small survey for our shop.
It’s behind the door. I took it off ’cause it’s heavy. Your door was open, so I popped in.
A free hot dog. Can you help me with my bag?
Okay. If you only knew how tired I am of running all over town.
I’m not a courier.
Oh! Not my fault! You came at me!
I’m onto you! Did you and the keymaster steel a jewel from the duchess’s bedroom?
Sex scene
Achievement unlocked: “Hardheaded.”
The third room
I’m sure the thief is behind this door.
Did the thief already flee through the window? I should look through the keyhole before I bust down the door.
I can’t see anything. I’ll just have to go in blind.
I guess the thief knocked me out with the door and ran away. I’m really sorry.
How long have I been here? I’m glad I have a hard head…
What are we going to do?
Fine, that’s fair. But we shouldn’t break down the door. That will cause too much alarm.
Guys, we’re in luck!
You know why we’re here.
By accident, really. I know the tavernkeeper. She’s also a witch, so don’t try to run away.
What kind of game? And why should we?
And what is it called?
Catch her!

Sex scene
Achievement unlocked: “Power Rangers”
The end
Link to the game