Hi everyone. This week I’ve been making code and pictures for a new adventure with Triss. After you and she completed the rectoress’ assignment, you didn’t get what you wanted. It turned out that the rectoress herself needed the ingredients that Triss asked for. In the end, to solve the problem of the academy and the city, you received a scepter. With this item, you went to Triss’s room and began to think about what to do next. Suddenly, the red-haired magician pushed you out the door to perform the ritual without you. Peeking through the keyhole, you saw that she used the ritual to summon a ghost. ( Nice job to those who voted on the ghost’s appearance.) The ghostly girl told you about the terrible trouble that was looming over the town. To get rid of this problem you went to the elven ruins.

I made 71 images in total during the week. The flowchart hasn’t changed much and I won’t show it today.
Game of Wishes News
The second project for which I make pictures is “Game of Wishes” based on “Game of Thrones”. Now all the pictures and script are done and the team is finalizing the program code. Right now the game is available in early access. There is a link to it on the main page of the site.
That’s the news for today. Everyone have a great mood!