Porn Games News 05/01/22


Today is May 1, the holiday of spring and labor. And I plan to work hard today. To begin with, write this news.

The Solomon Convent News

Work on this game is nearing completion. The game scenario is completely ready. This week, the screenwriter completed the path of the last sin — Lust. At the end of it there will be a group sex scene with all the girls. Well, or it won’t be if you don’t fulfill a certain condition in the game. I spent most of the week completing the path of the sin of Pride. I finished her sex scene and mini-game. And I added new videos on creating these scenes to the “Behind the Scenes” section.

As a result, the flowchart looks like this.

There will be 14 achievements in the game. You can’t get them in one pass. You will need to play a couple of times.

Now I have the following tasks in front of me:

1 — finish the path with Lust (encoding minigames, creating pictures)

2 — make pictures of achievements

3 — translate the whole game into Russian

4 — add sounds to the game

5 — make a final picture with a list of the best people in the world

6 — insert a translation into Portuguese and Russian into the game

7 — compile the game and check for errors

This week I made 236 pictures. And now there are more than 1700 images in the game.

Bungler News

There is no news in this game.

That’s what the news turned out to be. Many thanks to everyone who supports us on Patreon. Your support is very important to us. You are the coolest!

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