Porn game news 08. 27. 21


Hi everybody.

I had some news and I decided that I should tell you about them.

I didn’t communicate with the screenwriter Dworkin, with whom we did clumsy and cybergenic, all summer. He didn’t write any script. It looks like he decided to stop creating games. Therefore, do not expect new games from him in the near future.

In this regard, I decided to look for a new screenwriter. And I found it. Now he is making a trial script for the game. Something is done, almost half of the script. I’ll start making pictures this weekend. Perhaps we will work together with him and make new porn games.

In my other project, Sexilion, there is also a lull. The screenwriter also does not write anything. There, too, do not expect new episodes in the near future.

The main work is now in the Sexville Games project. There was a break due to the fact that the screenwriter had health problems. Now he has recovered and is working on several scenarios at the same time.

Here are the news for today. I hope that after the summer holidays, it will be time for work and new games will appear on this site. See you!

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