Double blowjob. News 06.07.24.


Hey, everybody. It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update. I had a lot going on in my personal life that distracted me from working on the game. I spent two days on the train, rested in nature, went to the hospital for treatment. And in general, while it’s summer, you should enjoy it, not sit at the computer all day long.

In those three weeks, I made 277 pictures. You and Triss traveled to the elven ruins to create a barrier to protect the city from an impending huge wave. Simple magic didn’t work and the ghost girl, Oliviera, said you needed a man’s seed. And since there was only one man around, the girls gave you a double blowjob.

The flowchart now looks like this.

The screenwriter continues his work and plans to finish writing the script next week. At the end of the adventure with Triss there will be a full sex scene with her and Oliviera.

After that, we’ll be working on the game texts. The English text corrector has made corrections to the script and I need to make those corrections to the game. Because of this, both the Russian and German versions of the text will change. I have also decided to add Portuguese to the game. This translation will also take a lot of time. After finalizing all the work on the game texts, I will be preparing a new update. I think, in the beginning or middle of August the update will be published.

That’s the news for today. Have a great mood everyone.

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