Witcher Hunt
Hello everyone. This week I’ve been writing code for a new adventure with a nun and a vampire. As usual, the game will be available on Ren’Py engine and HTML. The story will be set in five locations: church, sewers, blacksmith shop, player’s house and Merten’s house.
Sexville Portal
This game has little development progress so far. The programmer is writing the game code, battling with the problems that arise. In the meantime, I’ve added new possible girls for you to fight against in card battles.

Lyra will lick you, increasing your card cost by 1.
Hell Princess will throw fire charges at you, adding a Burn card to your deck.
Shield Maiden will have a strong defense that you will have a hard time breaking.
Here’s a video demonstrating the card battle screen. It’s a draft for now.
The next girl you will develop a relationship with is Morrigan from Dragon Age. You can get to her by going through the Meadow level. Being an unsociable girl, she will live in the forest. She doesn’t have the best character and likes to dominate everyone and humiliate them. With her you will learn a lot about BDSM entertainment.

That’s the news for today. Have a great spring mood, everyone, who’s got spring. And to all of you in a great fall mood who have fall.